Every Terraria Summoner Playthrough Ever

Oh hey it’s ER funny seeing you here now today I’m going to give you the no [ __ ] guide on how to play Summoner in Terraria so to begin this is a pretty well-known step but if you’re a total Noob you probably haven’t already done this you’re going to want to go into

Your game files and find the copy of the Constitution of the United States of America yeah and just start scrolling through this it should be in like your times 87 folder or whatever it’s called so what we’re really looking for is this 13th Amendment here and we’re just we’re

Just going to we’re just going to remove we just get get rid of this you know it’s uh kind of kind of breaks the whole class if you leave this in creating my character here going to give give my Summoner an appropriate name new world there’s something just so nice

About loading into a new world with Endless Possibilities you know no no expectations or requirements or things we have to do just just live in the moment of the new world that being said if I don’t instantly find a living tree with a finch staff I’m deleting it oh

Let’s go here we go here we go come on Big Money big money big money come on [ __ ] come on please this game sucks dude I should have just played melee that would have made my life so much more enjoyable but I know what I got to do now c a R where the [ __ ] is her flower well I might as well go Rush the jungle while I wait now one of the key things to understand while you’re playing Summoner is that the progression system makes absolutely no sense [ __ ] for half the game you can Rush weapons you probably

Shouldn’t have access to and be an absolute unkillable demigod who doesn’t even have to move while during the other half you’re a peasant who can’t even defend yourself now the key to being a good Summoner player is raving about how awesome and unique the class is when

Things are going well for you but when the broken progression system doesn’t favor you you just have to talk about how melee is a brain dead class to play [ __ ] dude if I was melee I I would have live that like that’s such a brain dead class I’m the only person who plays

This game with any skill now points in the game when Summoner is really weak cuz you can’t just abuse the progression system you’re just going to want to complain about the other classes really focus on how melee is a brain dead class to play but uh we won’t be doing that

Anytime soon cuz we rest the snap form baby am I going to mine ores so I can make better armor I I I don’t know how to mine ores I think that’s I I’m playing the vanilla game I don’t have mods installed this is high skill

Gameplay none of that none of that melee [ __ ] oh no every class doesn’t revolve around just running around the boss and clicking on him okay this is this is a high skill sealing game freaking too good what’s my favorite Minecraft server probably 2b2 T why uh for the first time ever in 2b2

History slave labor you know I just like the history of it to be honest yeah oh let’s go too easy for a gamer like me it’s time for my beloved I’m coming my sweet prince I should have got enough still yes my sweet prince how I missed you Best yeah I don’t want to play with you anymore yes so that pretty much summarizes uh prehard mode Summoner gameplay you just want to do all you can to rush the Imp staff as fast as possible just just because he is the most overpowered sexy beast of all time

Watch as he just absolutely decimates Skeletron with me a complete waste of me and imp’s time now I know for lower skill classes this is like a really important dungeon to explore but I I just want the bewitching table right after you get the bewitching table and you can double imp is pretty

Much when Summoner Peaks but yeah make sure to enjoy it cuz it you it doesn’t doesn’t really last you know I should really build a spider biome and I probably should go farm queen bee for the summon armor nah let’s just go YOLO the wall of flash God I love the brief

Portions of the game where this class is actually good oh yes personally I just think Summoner armor is the coolest in the entire game spider armor and whips is just so much cooler than like Melee Flying Swords and magical weapons and all that no it’s not

A weird fetish stop saying that just uh just going to wait here for a Blood Moon spawn so I can farm for the sanguin staff three weeks later any day I’m going to get a blood moon spawn it’s it’s I’m due for one many months later

Any day now I’m going to get a blood moon it’s I can feel it in my bones I’m going to will the sanguin staff into existence so much later that the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one oh my God it’s a

Christmas miracle I I don’t have any fishing stuff ah well optic staff it is oh my God I’m not even joking this is oh my God this is actually so difficult Summoner is actually so as early hard mode I’m that’s not even a joke this this class sucks all right

Just beat planta and Golem all that’s really left to do is beat the Empress of light during the daytime without getting hit once do really want the terror prism but I I can’t do that I’m not good at this game um how well whoa Chad you wouldn’t

Believe how well I’m doing against the ESS of light during daytime oh I’m not recording I can’t stop now this is such a good run I just just going to go back over over here cut this part out of the video no it dropped [ __ ] it it became it

It became night I don’t I don’t know how that happens I don’t know what Clara put on my computer to be fair though this is probably still a more honorable way to play than playing melee it just don’t even have to play the game anymore it just does everything for

Me I don’t even know what I don’t even know where the enemies are the number just keeps getting smaller my whole life has prepared me for this fight where I will occasionally click and just run around bro if I was playing melee I would have beat that [ __ ] first try dude I’m Done

This video will tell you all you need to know to play Summoner in Terraria. It is a complete Terraria summoner guide.

(This video is a joke please don’t take it seriously)

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