Everything We Know About Stardew Valley 1.6

Hey guys AJ here so in today’s video let’s talk about everything we know for a fact coming in the stardew valley 1.6 update currently the release date is not announced so I’m assuming it will be like a pretty fast release date reveal then release currently unknown we’re not

Going to worry about that we’re just going to focus on everything that we know is coming to the game whenever the update does drop so I made a video on this image a while back this is the main content teaser that we saw on concerned ap’s Twitter account there’s going to be a

New major festival and two mini festivals so I think the major Festival is probably something big like the fair Night Market something rather major like that and two new Mini festivals which is going to be probably something smaller where it’s just chatting with people than the cut scene such as like the

Flower dance uh ice fishing stuff like that something not too major but still fun I’m I’m always down for new events late game content which expands on the skill areas we don’t really know anything about that at the moment maybe it’s something to do with the idium hoe

That was teased a while ago I don’t know new items and crafting recipes you can see a whole bunch of new items on the screen unlike that little the teaser image I should have that up on the video right now joa alternatives to some endgame quests so this is going to tie

Into like they’ve also posted a while ago like this evil looking JoJo bird I say evil because like only monsters go the JoJo route don’t don’t go don’t go the JoJo Route 100 plus new lines of dialogue more dialogue is awesome makes the world feel more alive not like

Repeating dialogue you know when I stream and stuff I find myself reading the same line that the villagers say over and over that’ll be nice winner outfits you can see two of the winner outfits down below for Jass and Sebastian so I don’t know does that mean we’ll get

Other seasonal outfits maybe probably not I don’t know new type reward for billboard requests I I have no idea what this could be maybe it’s like those little tickets for that mystery box that’s sitting above or I don’t know maybe even the little frog or something um PC support for eight player

Multiplayer that’s awesome cuz I got friends we’ll play Minecraft together and stuff on like a big server and just when we want to play start Valley we can’t we’ll have to like divide the group or something like that eight player multiplayer is going to be super fun lots of small editions and

Adjustments new Farm type I’m assuming the new Farm type is probably going to be for the eight player multiplayer which I mean it would be fun to make a single player world on the eight player Farm cuz I’d imagine it’s absolutely massive if that’s what it is cuz other

People saying it might be like a swamp or a desert Farm who knows I’m down for anything new Secret and more don’t know what the secrets are but I’m excited to find out we also got in this tweet here we got big chests which is going to be

Really nice so it looks like can store almost twice as much as a regular chest that’ll be handy cuz kind of like late game I have my chests like color sorted I’ll have like the gray one for the mining equipment the green one for like wood and stuff and forgea bles and I’ll

Usually have to make two of each it just takes up a lot of space so big chest super nice we got this big Chi fruit I mean it’s for like the chi quests on like super late game on like ginger Island and stuff I mean I don’t know I don’t

Know what he’s doing just big big CH fruit that’s about it we also got hats on cats as well as dogs that’s going to be really nice just customizing your little pet a little more super fun I know that aridium sidethe was was also something tweeted a while back this

Was like quite a while before we even do like 1.6 was going to be like a rather decently large update so hopefully that comes out this update it’ll be really nice to make all the tools a ridum at the super late game just for consistency sake so this is everything that we know

Still no release date oh um one other thing I might I think I’m stupid I’m probably stupid but there’s this tweet from on Christmas Day orer said merry Christmas and happy feast of the winter star and it’s like there’s the Christmas tree it looks like there’s a little box that’s like a

Present like that you get from the start of the game you know they you get your parsnip seeds in and then so I don’t know if that’s like maybe you can wrap something up place it down I don’t know but what I’m pointing out is there’s like those drawers on the sides that

Have like the milk and cookies which are for Santa but like can you place items on drawers like that I don’t know I don’t think you can am I stupid though and this this something you’ve always been able to do cuz if it is I’ll feel incredibly stupid cuz it can make

Decorating your house just look so much better it probably is like please correct me down in the comments I’m asking a genuine question too lazy to go to Google just let me know okay that’s about it all we know about stardo 1.6 if there’s anything I missed please let me know in the

Comments down below thank you for watching this video been getting a lot of support on the recent videos and stuff like 1,000 views for like the past three four videos absolutely crazy way more than I deserve thank you guys so much see you in the next video also

Sorry for not posting since last year haha get it cuz today’s the first of the please don’t have subscribe I’m sorry okay bye

Credit to ConcernedApe for basically all images, music, and gameplay I use in this video. Thanks for watching y’all! What feature are you most excited for? Any feature you would love to see added to the game that isn’t official? Let me know down below!


  1. Und der Haifisch, der hat Tränen, und die laufen vom Gesicht.  
    Doch der Haifisch lebt im Wasser, so die Tränen sieht man nicht.  
    In der Tiefe ist es einsam, und so manche Zähre fliesst.  
    Und so kommt es, dass das Wasser in den Meeren salzig ist.

  2. New farm type BETTER be swamp. I also want to option to do a plantation, "hire" "employees". I also want Cannabis as an option for farming and for neighbors to complain about my farms smell during the autumn.

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