100 Days in Minecraft Pixelmon

I spent 100 days in Pixelmon first thing I did was choose this little blue frog as my starter and was given the option to make him shiny this other dude showed off his starter as well and it was pretty obvious what we did next I feel

Bad that he just joined but I’m gonna have to kill his little buddy in front of his own eyes I tried telling this other guy not to mess with my frog but they just don’t seem to listen once people found out I was on the server

They came to spawn a show of their Pokemon it seems that a lot of people pick Froakie as their starter and I’m not surprised since Greninja has one of the coolest shiny forms speaking of cool shinies I can’t forget about shiny charizard especially Mega Charizard Y I also saw Mega Tyranitar which wasn’t

Shiny but looked awesome anyway if you guys like what you see you can join the server by following the steps down below and if you have the mod just use the IP on the screen I encourage you guys to join with your friends and if you don’t

Have any I guarantee you’ll make quite a few of them here now that I’ve picked my starter it’s time to explain what exact I’ll be doing in these 100 days my goals for this video is to create an all-water type team defeat 10 Trainers and to defeat the volcanic gym I’ll keep those

Goals on the back of my head but right now I’m more concerned about getting started the first thing I’ll need to do is find a place to call home I can slash RTP and find a nice area to build my home or I can ask people if I can just

Live in their Town luckily for me there was this nice guy named welds that allowed me to join his developing Town it was nice to see that the homes were fairly simple here so I won’t feel bad when I build my dirt Shack now as the

Sun began to rise I found this big blue dragon flying in the sky I obviously can’t catch it now but maybe someday I will for now though I’m just going to grab some wood so that I can build my first home as I was making my way back

To the Village I encountered my first boss Pokemon I can’t do anything to him but thankfully my boy was here to take care of it and was kind enough to give me his drops this item looks pretty good so I’ll definitely use it later on now

When I came back I’m managed to find an open space to build on but I can’t exactly do that when I have a giant rock monster in the way I asked him numerous times to leave but this guy just wouldn’t listen I’ll just have to deal with it for now but hopefully someone

Takes care of that for me now it might have taken me all night but I eventually finished my beautiful home okay there were a few people that called it trash but I ignored them because I’m proud of what I built anyway I got a couple of

Tokens from this Rogan Rolla and if I collect a lot of them I can eventually purchase some cool stuff from the token shop I can get tokens from fighting certain Pokemon and once I get 250 I’m going to buy some candy the best thing about the Mesa is that their Rogan role

Is everywhere and it’s a pretty easy place for frokie to train the bad thing about is that you’ll find a couple of weirdos here that do absolutely nothing but just stare at you what do you want man do you want my money do you want to fight me like what’s going on maybe

These people just want to show off their skins and honestly this is probably the best one after they left I continued training and my froakies started to evolve D I really can’t tell the difference between this and his non-shiny form but maybe other people can see it and I’m

Just blind now I’d love to stay in the Mesa for a bit longer but I’ve got a new Mission my frog is a bit stronger so I figure it’s time to start catching Pokemon and forming my team the first Pokemon I want to catch is a shallows

And by doing slash P Wiki shallows I can bring up his Wiki that provides me a lot of info about him I checked his spawn info and it looks like he spawns on the sea floor of oceans and beaches he’s also an extremely common Pokemon so I

Expect to find him soon I’ll have to wait till Nightfall for him to spawn but in the meantime I found some pretty cool Pokemon I also kept myself busy and mined some water stone shards since I’ll need them for a couple of Evolutions once it became Nightfall I eventually

Found the shallows and caught my first Pokemon with a great ball the next water type on the list was Staryu who pretty much spawns the same way as shallows as I waited for him to spawn I continued mining shards until I eventually found him on the sea floor after catching him

He gave me enough experience to level up and I got a rank up key I get experience from Catching and leveling up Pokemon and for every level I get a key to open up this crate if I’m lucky I can get a basic or rare Crate Key but most of the

Time it’s just a vote key vote keys are still great though since I can easily get them with Slash vote and I can also get some money and some tokens with it there are 7 websites to vote on so I’d normally get seven keys but since it was

Double rewards weekend I ended up getting 14. 14 spins and zero rare candy so I think the game hates me or something while I was voting someone in chat was asking people to come to this casino using slash P warps I typed in slash P warps which allows me to see all

The player warps on the server the guy’s warp was called The Valor casino and it looks popular since it has almost 700 visits I warped to the casino and within seconds I could already tell this place would be sick I saw pictures of legendaries all over the walls and under

Those frames was the name of the legendary and the cost to gamble for them this guy has such an insane collection and I’d love to try this out but I’m currently broke I am growing more and more fond of this casino idea though instead of spending hours waiting

For a legendary to spawn or buying a key from the store people can now try to win them here with in-game money this casino is very expensive though so I might have to go to a cheaper one but I do want to figure out the rules first the rules

Seem very simple but I’ll explain them once I get to a casino I can actually play in The Valor casino is cool though and even had an upper level to it which made this warp even better if you guys want to make a player warp you can do so

With Slash P warps create and then the name of the warp you can have a Max of three warps so try to make each one of them count I went through the player warps again and I thought I might as well give one of the newer ones a shot I

Warped to the miners casino and after seeing these prices I immediately thought this place was perfect for me it was a much smaller collection and there weren’t any legendaries but these Pokemon were still hard to find I decided to go for a loppers for a

Thousand bucks but I did not win on my first turn so the way this works is that there are six grass blocks and the owner has three bone meal and after using the bone meal there’s a chance for flowers to grow on them if you get three flowers

You win the Pokemon two flowers will be a bonus roll and if you just get one you don’t get anything at first I thought it was a total of three flowers but you need to get three flowers on the same roll I rolled so many times to a point

Where the guy was running out of bone meal this Lapras would be perfect for my team and I only kept trying because it was so hard to find in the wild I lost all of my money and the owner felt so bad that he even gave me a free roll but

Sadly I did not win from that role the owner was a really nice guy though so I decided to approve his warp which brought a lot of customers to him if you guys have a cool warp that you spend a lot of time building I’d be happy to

Approve it and I might even show it off in a video now I decided to check out some of the warps that were on the top of the list I visited Riot’s Arena and looks like this guy’s 173 out of 76 battles which is honestly insane I was

Even more impressed with this giant Eevee builds he had up in the sky and I can’t even imagine how long it took him to build those after that I visited the alpha casino and this casino was a little different from the others there were four casinos here so I guess it was

Four friends who built their casinos under one warp which is a pretty awesome idea I was a little tired of seeing casinos though so I decided to check out this cool base instead I visited this guy’s base and within seconds of just being here I knew this was exactly what

I wanted to see I’ve actually visited this place before and I’m glad to see he’s made some improvements and some new statues this Mew statue is probably my favorite out of all of them now the last warp I’ll check out for now is one that’s called Luna I teleported to the

Warp and found myself coming out of the ship I guess I made it to some sort of Island which makes this a lot more different than the other warps I would love for this to become some kind of Village but I guess as a Private Island

For now I do want to encourage you guys to make your own Villages and towns so that you can build your own Community it’s a lot of work to maintain but it’s also very fun once it’s established after checking out those warps I came back to spawn to open a basic crate and

I got an exp share for every 200 votes the server gives out a basic trait key to everyone online and unlike the vote crate it actually gives you good stuff an exp share is nice but I want something better than that I can get one from fighting bosses or I can get one

From the global tradestation using slash GTS any xbl is pretty expensive here though so I’ll need to save my money and not gamble it at casinos now how exactly am I going to start making cash well I actually plan to sell stuff on the GTS

Which is by far the fastest way to make money I’ll try to find cool Pokemon in the wild and sell them for a low price not sure if that’s the best Strat but I want to sell them for cheap so that people actually buy them now before I

Found any Pokemon I actually made Canyon on the way this guy came out of nowhere on the back of izuka bite and I think he wanted to help me out we traveled across the desert and found a cockturn but I’m not entirely sure people are looking to

Buy this he was hard to fight too considering he’s almost twice my Frog’s level but after 19 turns and many Ultra Balls later we finally caught the cactus I put him on the GTS for five thousand dollars and created my first listing we also found a sickle if who would have

Been a great catch but I wasn’t careful enough and I accidentally killed him I know that you’re disappointed in me but you don’t have to give me that look I did make up for it by finding this pink venonat and I think I’m going to put him

Up for 3 000. I feel like the best method to pricing is to see how much people are selling it for and then sell it for cheaper I also feel like it builds up your reputation and a good reputation will lead to more sales now

As for my team the next Pokemon on the list was Poliwag I used the P Wiki again and was happy to find out he spawns in the swamp the P Wiki is by far the the most useful feature on the server and I can also access it by shift right

Clicking on a Pokemon not sure how I did it but I somehow killed this rhino with my level 16 Staryu moments later I found a Scyther who I know is going to sell for a lot he’s definitely worth more but I think I’m fine with putting him up for

10K after leaving the Savannah I headed over to the desert and found a master ball loot as well as a guard chompton this is a 5 Star raid end though so I’m going to need some help from the boys it was at that moment when I told people

About the den that my chat started flooding with TP requests this was an extremely rare Den but most people don’t actually care about the Garchomp the best thing about these dens is that they can give you some rare drops as well as some exp candies I’ll be making a lot of

Money from selling the rare stuff and I’ll get my team a bunch of levels the Garchomp gave me two XL candy which is more than enough to evolve my Pokemon I tried catching him though which was a bit of a disappointment since I look forward to selling them too while I was

Evolving Frogadier one of the guys from The Raid ends actually gave me both of his exp candies which I guess was a thank you for letting him join the den I also think he didn’t really need it considering he had a Greninja already level 100 anyway now that I’ve evolved

My starter it’s time to evolve the rest of my team next up was shallows who evolved into gastrodon I’m happy to have him on the team since water and ground is a pretty nasty Duo after that came Poliwhirl who I think is the cutest Pokemon in the game the guy who gave me

The candies tried to outmatch him in cuteness but his Pokemon’s just not on the same level anyway after crafting the water stones I gave one to Poliwhirl and he evolved into Poliwrath personally I think polyrth is the laziest Evolution design ever but that could just be me he

Really is just an angrier version of Poliwhirl but Starmie on the other hand looks pretty cool to me anyway the squad is almost complete and it looks like I just need two more water Pokemon I already know I’m going to get that Lapras no matter what but I’m not sure

About the other one for a second I thought they released a water form for Raichu and I was more than ready to go and get one sadly it was just a special texture but if they do make a water type Raichu I really hope it doesn’t look

Like that now I dived into the ocean and decided I wanted to get a fossil Pokemon but it turns out that fossils are extremely rare the reason for that is because the server has a world border meaning there’s a limited number of fossils on the map I decided to give up

On searching and instead just bought a helix fossil for 3K with the slash warps command I then headed on over to the Poke lab and threw my fossil into one of the machines as I waited for the machine to finish another guy came in to just

Stand here and stare at me I’m not liking the way this guy’s looking at me and honestly I don’t trust him at all it’s a good thing I have the door shut otherwise this guy could have came in and robbed my Omanyte now omanyte’s cool and all but I actually wanted Kabutops

Instead I’ll keep him for now until I find a Kabutops but in the meantime I’m just looking to make more money NPC trainers give a lot of money and I can double that money by using an amulet coin I typically get a thousand from this NPC but with the amulet coin I

Ended up getting 2K I made a lot of money that way and because I’m bad at spending money I decided to come to another casino I can’t believe someone actually made VA International from the boys and turned it into a warp I’m super excited to check out this place but

Right now let’s take a look at this casino as soon as I entered in I read a sign that said 90 of gamblers quit before they hit it big well that doesn’t sound fishy at all I checked out their collection and they had a polyroth up for 25k I guess we’re

Also paying for the experience here which is why it’s so expensive this place had its own nightclub experience and even had a whole DJ setup I actually came to this place before when it had nothing so it’s cool to see all the changes I came up to the second floor

Where they kept all the good Pokemon and after looking at these prices I didn’t think I could even afford to stay here I left the casino to check out the other buildings and in front of the main building was the vat job board I don’t think I’ll find another five star raid

But if I do I’ll make sure to let the owner of this place know now it’s time for me to check out this gorgeous building and I’m not entirely sure but I believe these are the headquarters it might be based off the show but it also

Might just be his own version of it which is awesome now I’m very impressed with what I’ve seen so far but I feel like there’s a lot more to this there was a giant Hill just a few feet away from here and I feel like we’ll find

Something there it looks like there was and it seems to be some top secret base right above it was a giant statue of Greninja and I’ve seen many of them before but not to this scale seeing that made me even more excited to see what exactly was down here I ran through the

Wall of water and after a few seconds I began to realize why this place will stop secret this place looks like a gigantic gym and I really hope they make it into one we do plan on making player gems in the future and I definitely plan on fighting them in my videos I’ve

Already seen a lot of people make their gyms most of which are just battle arenas like this one I’ll have to prepare for that but right now I came back to the miners casino because I wanted that Lapras I was tired of gambling so I straight up asked him how

Much he would sell it for all he asked for was 10K and with that he gave me the Lapras I was surprised that it was that easy but I’ve honestly been a great customer to him and I think I almost spent 20K in the Lapras so I guess I

Kind of deserve it my water type team is just about complete but I’m still looking for a Kabutops I’ve been keeping an eye on the GTS but I haven’t seen a single listing now as I was fighting the three star Den I actually got an invitation from someone in chat it was

The mayor of a large town called shroomville who invited me to come to the small stadium where I think he’s going to host an event it turns out this guy was hosting an election to find a new mirror and he wanted me to come not sure how that’s going to turn out since

He’s muted but it should be interesting after making a stop at shroomville I then went ahead to Silver City where I found a Pokemon I’ve never seen before it has its arms crossed and a snake around his torso so I’m guessing it’s a Pokemon you don’t want to mess with now

I’d love to show off the rest of the city but it turned out to be much bigger than I expected this place was awesome though and I highly recommend to come see it for yourself now the next stop was a place called Coco town and after

Just a few seconds of being here it was obvious why it was called that this place was a lot different than the others considering the homes had more of a modern style if I had to guess I would assume that this was the owner’s home

Since it had the most work done on it and the biggest out of all of them now the building that caught everyone’s attention was definitely this one and it looks to be some kind of gym it was a ghost type gym and I can say without a

Doubt that this will be the best gym I ever see on the server okay it might not be that amazing for the average Builder but from a guy that builds dirt tracks this is a masterpiece honestly this guy deserves to be a gym leader just from this build alone okay now that I’ve

Shown you the best gym it’s time to show you the best casino I made it to Hell casino and the sign told me to please jump down the hole to be judged I wasn’t sure how I felt about this and was kind of scared I might die but I jumped down

The hole anyway and did not regret it at all very cool concept and I can’t imagine the pain he went through to build this I invited some people over and everyone else seemed to be loving it as well by the way if you want to rate a

Player warp you can do so with Slash P warps rate the name and then your rating it’s a nice thing to do even if you end up losing all your money like these guys will however I’d risk all my money if it led to me winning this guy people sell

All sorts of cool Pokemon at casinos some of which are even harder to get than legendaries I was wondering if I could find any alter forms on the GTS but I ended up finding a Kabutops instead if I’m gonna be honest the only reason I swapped out ammonite for this

Guy was because I thought he was so much cooler there’s no doubt that he is and now that I have him I can proudly say that I finally have my all-water type team now as I was running around spawn I voted for the server again and remembered that I wanted to check out

The slash boat streaks by voting each day I can increase my streak and get some awesome rewards I can even get a legendary key from it but that will take a very very long time legendaries are the least of my worries though since I’m more focused on getting an expo the one

On the GTS was too expensive but I ended up getting one from this monkey for only 30k now now I can train all my Pokemon at once with just one Pokemon I then took out this level 124 puccino with a few Hydro pumps and got a golden lens

From it it allows you to see the IVs of your Pokemon which is pretty useless on the server if I want to check all the info about my Pokemon I can do so with Slash pokebuilder or slash PD the pokebuilder allows me to edit every single aspect of my Pokemon with the

Cost of tokens other than breeding it’s the only way to change your Pokemon’s IVs which you’ll need to do if you want to have the strongest team I won’t be able to change my IVs in this video but I will be able to change my EVS I can

Visit the Eevee training area for that which I’ll be going to in a few moments I’ll also need to teach my Pokemon new moves as well they’re expensive in the shop but thankfully I can get some good TRS from raidens after teaching Lapras Thunderbolt it was now time to train for

EVS I think I’ll just train Greninja for now since I’m using him the most I’m going to raise his special attack and speed and decreases other sets using berries they’re quite expensive though so it’s a good thing I saved some money for them after maxing out his EVS it was

Time to buy mtms once I buy his moves I think I’ll start fighting some trainers I browse through the server shop to buy ice beam and Dark Pulse for 20K I think this is a pretty solid move set but let me know what you guys think anyway

There’s a lot of people around me that want to fight and I’m curious to see how this goes it was a good thing I just got ice beams since this guy had quite a few dragon types I pretty much beat him with just Greninja and got my first official

Win I’ll be keeping track of these battles now and I need 9 more wins to complete my goal I thought this battle would be harder since I set the level cap but it turns out that Greninja counters all of them I took down his last Pokemon and got my second win I

Want to work for these wins though so hopefully the next battle will be harder Greninja took down the first two Pokemon but his health was extremely low it looks like this guy has some really good Pokemon so I guess I got the challenge I asked for he took out Greninja as well

As two more of my Pokemon so things were getting scary I was able to get him down to his last Pokemon but he also got me down in my last Pokemon Kabutops did the job though and I got my third win I was on a roll but my streak finally ended

After fighting this guy all he did was use one grass move that completely obliterated my team and got me my first loss it didn’t really matter though since I had zero chance of defeating the rest of his team losing the battle was kind of nice though since it makes

Things more interesting now my next opponent was a star rank so I knew this wouldn’t end well star ranks have 80 percent of the decks complete so I already know this guy has a lot of good Pokemon I couldn’t see the rest of them though since his regileki wiped out my

Team I stopped fighting for now and decided to continue training at a rock gym I found earlier it’ll be easy to take on with my water team and I’ll also get a lot of levels The Rock Gym is also by far the best gym since it has like a

Hundred trainers in here if you guys have trouble finding gems I would just ask people and chat if they could take you to one since they’ll most likely have a home there now I made it all the way to the top but for some reason I

Didn’t find a gym leader up here I wouldn’t be satisfied if I didn’t get the gym badge so I thought I might as well go to another one I asked in Chad if someone knew where a rock gym was and thankfully they let me teleport to them

I also decided to go through the gym again to get even more levels now for the gym leader battle I had no choice but to swap out my Greninja for ammonite my Greninja was Level 94 so if I kept him on the team I’d be fighting a bunch

Of level 90s which wouldn’t be pretty my second highest was level 69 which wasn’t too bad Kabutops took out his last Pokemon and I was able to finally get my first gym badge after that I came back to spawn to try and win more battles some of the battles were really easy and

Took almost no effort while other battles were downright impossible thanks to my water type team now this next battle was quite interesting since the sky had a few legendaries after wiping out Donkey Kong he then brought out Ryan Phillips who I ended up countering anyway after taking down the Giratina

With another Dark Pulse he then brought out a Lugia Dark Pulse countered him as well so Greninja is kind of a beast here he then took out his own Greninja who unfortunately took down mine but I still had a ton of Pokemon left and was not

Going to lose this battle now this next guy had an all Dragon type team and even though he didn’t stand a chance I still respect him for that team this will be my sixth win which means I need four more wins to complete my goal now after

Those battles I decided to take on a Fire Gem which makes sense because I have a water scene also I don’t think I’ve seen a gem this beat up before so please excuse this monstrosity this place might look like a dumpster but at least I can still find the NPCs some of

Them are just burning in lava but that’s okay because having a fire type team makes you invulnerable to fire too that’s not at all true but that would be really cool though like if I was able to breathe underwater because of my water team perhaps be able to fly with a

Flying team or have the the haste effect if you have a ground team so you can mine really fast I’m not sure if I know what I’m saying but you know what I’m saying right anyway I took out all the grunts but I had no idea what the gym

Leader was I did find a sign though that said final boss down here so I guess someone moved him over here not sure why someone would do this but I really did find him down here I had to swap out Greninja again since he was too high

Leveled and even then the battle was tough it took me like five tries to beat this gym which is crazy since its water versus fire the even crazier thing is that the server’s fire gym is five times harder than that so I’ll have to be super prepared before taking it on now

While I was back home I ended up finding another Salamence in the sky I can’t believe I actually found another one and I was able to catch it with just a few Ultra Balls however that excitement quickly washed away when someone told me that they’re not that rare but I still

Think he’ll sell for a lot on the GTS I’m not sure what I’ll put him up for but I’m thinking around 40 to 50K I’ll need a lot of money for TMS so I might need to up the prices on these listings I know I said to go for low prices but

Things are getting desperate over here I’ll worry about that later though because right now I have all these people around me and I just came up with a brilliant idea what if we went on our Pokemon’s backs and had a race around the map everyone was down for it and I

Was more than prepared for this to go horribly wrong people were flying around taking shortcuts and just did not listen but you know what it’s fine we’ll just do better next time anyway I got into a battle with this one guy and I was doing

Well for the most part but then he sent out his Arceus I forgot to set the level cap this time but as soon as he one shot Greninja I just knew it was over I pretty much never do this but I might just need to come up with a battle

Strategy I heard that the volcanic gym leader has multiple legendaries and even starts out with a Primal Groudon I know that Primal Groudon is only weak to ground so I have to come up with a way to kill him with gastrodon before I teach him any moves I do want to get him

To level 100 which I can do so by buying the rare candy from the token shop I gave gastrodon a third of them and Kabutops the rest since I’ll meet him to take on the flying gym I came inside the giant bird cage and was greeted by a man

Who told me to be careful when jumping on the branches I appreciate that thanks for looking out for me anyway I decided to take on this gym so that I could continue maxing out my team I also plan on taking on the battle tower pretty

Soon and I want that to be as easy as possible the battle tower can be extremely hard if you don’t have the levels so I just want to be prepared now the battle was going well for the most part but things started to slip up once Greninja died my poly wrath and Starmie

Were still too weak but thankfully my Lapras was able to pick up their slack all I had left was Kabutops so I can definitely say this battle was too close for comfort after defeating the gym I decided it was now time to teach my Pokemon some moves I can go to the move

Relearner or I can go to the move tutor and buy moves with four diamonds buying diamonds from the shop costs 10K which is the same price for TMS as for his battle item I decided to power up his rock moves for 900. for gastrodon I bought him the move protect and I’ll be

Saving up my tokens to buy him the move yawn which I can’t right now because it’s an egg move now for my polywrath I actually ended up changing all of his moves I also got him a black belt since he is a master of all the martial arts

For Starmie I taught him Thunderbolt which I think will be useful and I also gave him a life orb last but not least Lapras moves remain unchanged for now but I did buy him some leftovers after teaching my Pokemon their moves someone in chat told me that there was an

Election today which I totally did not forget about there were two candidates running in the shroomville election and I believe they were both running for mayor it seems like everyone was hyped for this and I was too since I’ve never seen this before now the sad part was

That the old mare was still muted so he couldn’t really host the election it was a bit of a bust but the candidates still gave their speeches everyone voted and this guy named human Aid won so congrats to him it was very short-lived but still very fun and I’m honestly down to join

These types of events if you guys choose to host any but enough with all this fun it’s now time to take on the battle tower since my Pokemon were all high leveled I got through the bottom floor super quickly and so the top floor was the only challenge each trainer gives

Money and rare candy but on the top floor each trainer gives rare candy and a hundred tokens after defeating two of the top trainers I finally had enough tokens to purchase yawn for gastrodon after that I then took out the last trainer and had officially beaten the

Battle tower all that’s left to do now is to defeat four more trainers and to defeat the volcanic gym now I don’t plan on defeating this Rayquaza but I do plan on showing you something else after using yawn to make him drowsy I’ll then use protect a shield from his attack

He’ll fall asleep next turn and then I can use surf two times that barely did anything but that was just to show you what I plan to do to the gym Leader’s Groudon and hopefully it works now I got into another match and this time it was

The guy who gave me the XL candies earlier I had a feeling this guy would pull some tricks on me and it turns out he did after getting this low punny low he switched out for darmanitan and then switched back to lopunny with full HP I

Was so confused here until I realized it was a Zoroark disguised as low Penny this whole time I seriously should have known from the start considering I could literally hear the Pokemon’s voice but it really didn’t matter since I ended up winning anyway I actually won just in

Time before the server restarted so I’m very grateful for that as we waited for the server to come back up I was wondering who here had the best skin and honestly they’re all kind of fire I did choose one though which made a lot of people angry and start chasing me

Honestly as I’m Looking Back Now the guy right behind me definitely has the best skin now as we circled around the map we somehow found a polar bear and started violently attacking him apparently this polar bear was telling people to unsubscribe so I had to get rid of them

Now back to the server I got into a fight with this damn guy and as soon as he brought out a toxipex I knew it was over I’m not sure why but if I see someone with a toxipex I just assume that they’re really really good our

Battle ended up glitching but I gave him the win since he had more Pokemon now this next guy was a lot easier than the previous trainers I only use my Greninja to take him down and was able to get my eighth win right off the bat I thought

This next guy would be harder with his Mega Alakazam but it wasn’t that bad he was able to take down three of my Pokemon but I ended up prevailing now this last guy didn’t seem so scary so I thought I’d make things interesting and only use my Lapras he pulled out an

Ampharos which got me a little scared but I still got him I also feared that he might get burned but thankfully he didn’t the guy even had a Lapras himself but didn’t have the Right Moves after finishing off his last two Pokemon I finally completed my second goal of

Defeating 10 Trainers now all that was left was to warp to the gyms and take on the volcanic gym now the reason I chose a water type team was so that I could counter this very gym people have other ways of countering this gem but I feel

Like this is the most fun now at the start of the battle this guy brought out his Primal Groudon but as soon as I use yawn he swapped out for Heatran I still did some damage to his Heatran and was able to do some damage to his Charizard

I used one last serve to take down the Charizard and then use yawn when he brought the Primal Groudon back next I used protect and then used earth power to do some massive damage gastrodon’s going to die here but he took down two Pokemon and I couldn’t be more satisfied

For the Moltres I brought out Kabutops who did a number on his health my Greninja cleaned up and then came out daranitan we both swapped out our Pokemon and it was my Lapras against the Volcanion Lapras died but stormy was able to avenge him stormy died too but

Thankfully Poliwrath Avenged him as well all that was left was a sleeping Heatran and with one last earthquake I had finally completed my third goal of defeating the Volcanion gym everyone did their part of Poliwrath and gastrodon clutched up big time now that I finished

The gym I think it’s time to look at some of the other ones I already love the way this looks and I can’t wait to see what Pokemon the gym leader has I don’t want to reveal too much but this gym does have a lot of cool Pokemon I

Feel like taking on this gym will be a lot of fun but training the mono team will be one heck of a ride if you guys want to join in on the fun just follow the simple directions below or just use the IP on the screen if you run into any

Trouble feel free to join the Discord to make a ticket or ask the chat for help as always thanks for watching I appreciate the love and support and I will see you next time

⬇️ Download the Technic Launcher to join! ⬇️
➡️IP: play.enchantmc.com

Here’s a 30-second tutorial video:

Discord: https://discord.gg/enchantmc

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Pixelmon 100 days videos have returned! Minecraft Pixelmon, aka, the Minecraft Pokemon mod, is the most popular mod out there and for good reason too. It combines the 2 best games together to make pixelmon, which is the main mod I use for this channel. Hopefully you enjoy me spending 100 Days in Minecraft Pixelmon!

#Minecraft #Pixelmon #100Days


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