I Played 100 Days of Stardew Valley | ULTIMATE COMPILATION | | 12HRS of 100 Day Videos

Hello everybody this is gamer gar welcome to a 100 day Stu Valle Marathon for the purpose of this massive video I am going to Showcase 24 hours of my best 100 day Stu Val challenges all of these 100 challenges have not been shown in the previous Marathon so this is a brand

New 100 day compilation for you to sit down relax and just watch and fall asleep to if you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet please hit that subscribe button I would love to become a full-time YouTuber again you can make that happen by just pressing that button

It is free of charge and helps me out an absolute ton I wish you all a Happy New Year and I will see you in the very near future with more 100 day star challenges so let let’s get straight into this marathon and let’s have some

Fun I played 100 days of stue Valley but as a honeybee farmer hello everybody this is gmer gar welcome back to another 100 day staru valley challenge we are going to play through 100 in-game days of Stu Valley with one primary goal in mind and that is to construct as many

Bee houses as possible let’s see how many Bee houses we can make let’s see how much honey we can Harvest and let’s see what we can do with that honey without further Ado let’s jump straight into the video and let’s have some fun it is day number one on our lovely

Honeybee Farm we start by planting the parps running around the map and picking up as many Forest b as possible if we want a huge honeybee Empire we’re going to need some money to back that claim up we are going to go straight to gundor with an artifact we picked up from the

Ground which is a cool statue of a chicken that’s going to complete a quest that will get us a nice 250 gold bringing us up to 750 gold we will then use that money to purchase some lovely potatoes and put them right back on the farm for an even bigger profit the next

Day we get the fishing rod from Willie so we are going to spend today pulling up loads and loads of fish what better way to make money on day number two after a while I do head up to the lake area as the fish up here especially the

Lar bass are a lot more profitable day number three is of course the rainy day so we will do what we usually do on day number three get a fiberglass Rod get some trout soup get some bait and pull up as many catfish as possible today

Will be a real good money maker for us with all this money that we are going to make we more or less have two options we could go all in and get tons of strawberries or we could do an early skull Cavern run let’s see and find out

What happens then number four starts by watering all the crops I have a few crops planted there now at the moment moment I will make a decision later on if I should multiply this patch by three or four times the size or if I should keep it small keep it simple and focus

On other aspects of the game but before we do that it is time to prepare for the mines with a bagpack upgrade in pi if we see the lovely villagers of staru Valley we will of course stop and say hi to try to complete the introductions side quest

That would give us even more money I decided to purchase more potatoes today as I need to increase my farming level as quickly as possible so I can unlock the recipe for the bee houses in this game so you can’t go wrong with potatoes in Spring that’s of course before you

Get the Lovely overpowered strawberries day number five we’re going straight down into the mines and if we see copper we will of course stop and prioritize that as we are going to need tons of tappers to make tons of bee houses bee houses are actually quite expensive to

Make they require coal iron Maple cup and of course wood which is something that we seem to be lacking in all of the time but I am going to show show you some really nice tactics in this video and how you can accumulate huge amounts of wood and how you can accumulate huge

Amounts of coal without spending a fortune the next day Clint of course gives us a lovely cozy visit he will give us the schematics for a furnace which we need to make copper and iron bars today is Saturday the best is to go to the beach and collect all of the

Lovely fables we do need to increase our forgeable level as quickly as possible so we can get tree fertilizers so we can start those tree farms put on the tappers and and start getting some syrups Oak resins and map syrups are on the priority list for us in this video

Rest of the day is spent cutting down trees cuz we are going to need hundreds of thousands of wood so we’re in cindersap Forest at the moment and the best tip I can give you about this place is that when you’re cutting down trees make sure you also take away the stump

So that the trees will regrow over time Super Lucky at the end of day number six we got a fery to boost our crops up for a few days that’s going to save us lots of time and lots of energy and resources so it is time to harvest our first batch

Of lovely potatoes and thanks to the fairy we also get to harvest a second batch of potatoes as well this is going to get our farming level up past two which is really nice but we will need a few more levels before we can learn the

Be house recipe the best way to increase farming level especially early on in the game is to just put all your money into crops and pull those up out of the ground so I spent all my money today on a huge amount of Paris Snips

227 in total it was going to take the whole day to H up the ground plant these and water them up but it will pay off greatly a few days from now because of the amount of XP and profit I will make from utilizing this tactic if we want to

Make the ultimate honeybee Farm we will have to make some serious sacrifices early on in the game which is what we’re doing right now so at 6:00 the moment I’m doing pretty well I have the whole ground H up I have all the crops planted now it’s just a matter of watering up

The crops as quickly as possible I’m hoping this will get me to level six farming so I can invest in sprinklers which will automate this task for me in the future that is the true goal of Springs just get set up properly with the fine so then going into summer we

Can primarily just focus on building hundreds and hundreds of bee houses how many Bee houses could we make by the end of this video we’re going to find out very soon so it is day number eight we’re back into the mines making our way down getting the star drop on floor 100

Is always a massive bonus because of the fact that it increases is your maximum energy by the end of day number eight I decided to sell loads of mining resources I’m not going to really use I could give this into Gunter but I was better off to selling them and getting

Money as lots and lots of money will be needed for strawberries and for other resources especially wood from Robin later on when we have exhausted staru Valley of all its trees but on day number nine we do get a rainy day which is a huge relief for me that means I

Don’t have to spend the whole day watering up these crops I do pull up the first batch of forgees from the farm and I will replace that batch with newly fresh forgees because we are of course going to go for the tea saplings as we

Are going to need tons of money to get our lovely bee house business up and running the rest of the day is spent cutting down the rest of the trees that are inside this Farm an axe upgrade is also due so we can get at those stumps

As well for additional faring XP day number 10 was another rainy day I was blessed with luck and I’m going to spend the whole day now pulling up all of these potatoes I’m going to get lots of XP from this that’s level four farming right there we’re also going to go to

Clint today too and we’re going to upgrade a tool we’re going to go with the pickaxe just so we can make faster progress in the mines the rest of the day is spent cutting down more trees so the main goal of spring is to accumulate as much wood and money as possible the

More trees we cut down of course the more faring XP we are going to get I do need level 7 foraging to get tree fertilizer level three farming unlocks the bee house but we can’t make the bee house at the moment because we need maple syrup that is the primary resource

To make bee houses so we need to get the tree farms up and running as quickly as possible level five foraging comes into play we’re going to go with Forester trees drop 25% more wood is an absolute no Briner there because of the amount of

Wood we are going to need for those bee houses we’re going to go straight back to Pierre sell them all of the parps I have collected that brings me up to almost 14 and half th000 gold we’re also working on Caroline giving her ta to get

Her to two hearts so she will give the tea sapling recipe which is extremely overpowered Demetrius also visits the farm we’re going to go with the mushroom cave because that is the most profitable setup for this video as we can get those mushrooms every single day not only can

We use them for energy but we can also sell them to make a fairly decent profit as well level five farming at the end of today we’re going to go with till crops or 10% more we’re also going to check the mushroom cave every day going

Forward to see what kind of mushrooms we can get if we’re Super Lucky it can give us purple mushrooms and not only are they a fabulous resource for energy and health but they also sell for a pretty nice Penny too we got to Clint as well

To upgrade our axe to a copper axe because we’re cutting down so many trees we need to upgrade the axe to save time and energy so we can Farm wood more proficiently we’re back down into the mines now we’re making some steady progress got down to floor 50 today got

To Tundra boots we also made it down to floor 60 for the crystal tiger and we met it down to floor 70 for the master slingshot that we’ll need later on if we get the ginger island of course to get some valuable golden walnuts so it is day number 13 and we

Are preparing the land for strawberries we’re going to start by hauling up the ground and watering as much of it as possible before we go into the event to save us time I spent all my money on strawberry seeds I got 135 in total and

I decided to do the easter event as well where I face off against some of the toughest kids staru Valley has to offer but there are no match for me as I have done this event approximately 50 times now so I know where all the eggs are no

Problem the price of course was the straw hat and for the rest of that evening I spend the time just putting down the strawberry seeds getting them ready for the next day so there’s quite a number of strawberry seeds there I also have a lot of spring wild frables

Planted in the ground so it does take a while to water those up every single day but it will pay off dramatically in a couple of days I get the copper ax off Clint and we’re back down into the mines this time we made it to floor 80 I get

The firew Walker boots when I come Cass diamonds like this it’s always so satisfying not only do diamonds sell for 750 gold they also give a lot of mining XP when you get a diamond node emeralds are really nice too and rubies of course as you can trade those in for spicy eels

Later another Diamond today I was so happy with that that’s 1,500 gold in total from selling those so today was raining praise y didn’t have the water any crops today I also have a little tree farm going up there once I get tree fertilizer I can speed that progress up

Dramatically so I’m back down into the mines today floor 100 that is our first of many Star drops that we’re going to get on this run we’re also going to go down as quickly as we can to get the floor 120 to get the skull key so we can

Start doing skull Caron runs once we get floor 120 in the mines we do get the skull key which is really nice so we just have the access the desert now to do skull Cavern runs we get level five mining we’re going to go with plus one

Or perinee day 16 look at all our lovely Forge bles we are going to pick all these up convert these back into spring wild seedss and then we are going to rinse and repeat we’re going to put the spring wild seeds back into the ground that’s going to give us a lot more

Forageable back and the reason for this isn’t actually to make tons of tea saplings it’s just a great way to get foraging XP up as quickly as possible is to just invest in hundreds and hundreds of spring summer fall and winter wild seeds and just put them into the ground

Because you get a lot more back from that than you would from cutting down trees even if you go into the secret woods every day and cut down the big tree stumps you’re still only getting 25 XP for each stump but the far is because you can accumulate so many is a

No-brainer when it comes to increasing your forging skill as quickly as possible the rest of the day is spent running around the map trying to get as many extra fables as possible because I have the copper ax I cannot get rid of all of the regular Tree stoms on the

Farm not only does this free up space and give me hardwood but it also gives me valuable faring XP 25 XP a piece which is really nice I now have the forging skills to make tree fertilizer so we are going to use that straight away we do need unfortunately fiber to

Make tree fertilizer so because of this we’re probably not going to be able to make a whole lot of tea saplings when Caroline does give us the recipe but it is more important to get the ball rolling with bee houses as quickly as possible and the fastest way to get the

Ball rolling with that is to assemble the tree farms and put tappers on those as quickly as possible the next day is spent in the mines we are farming C because we are going to need tons and tons of tappers for all those trees so we can start getting those lovely

Valuable resins and syrups we also spend a great deal of time in the midsection of the mines getting iron as we need lots of iron bars to make the bee houses we also need lots of Co if we come across dust Sprites that’s also a huge

Bonus for us it is now day number 20 and we are getting there with the bee houses what you’re going to see is a huge surge in be houses in the next week or so for now it’s just more prep for these bee houses because there’s so many mats

Needed to make them that’s why you haven’t seen them yet but don’t worry by the end of this video you are going to see hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of bee houses I guarantee you you will never see as many Bee houses that you’re going to see in this video absolutely

Guarantee it so today is the 21st we are harvesting the strawberries our trees have grown we are setting them up with tappers look at all these trees ready to be tapped for maple syrup we’ll worry about the cakes later on right now I just want to get as much maple syrup as

Possible so I can make tons of bee houses it will take a few days for these tappers to generate Maple syrups but it will be worth the weight and the profits we’re going to get from the honey is going to be staggering so I decided to

Speed up the process here of bee houses and I spent all my money on Copper ores from Clint I also go back into the mines to get even more copper ore not too worried right now in terms of General game progression especially if I’m going to Georgia route the bundles can wait

Right now I need to get as much ores as I can to start making these bee houses so Clint is actually a great resource to go to if you’re really struggling on time to get those ores together to make bars so I put more furnaces down in the

Farm here now it’s also raining today which is really nice I made more tappers from all the copper I got so I have another huge tree farm here I’m going to put tappers on all these trees I’m also going to put down Pats as well so it’ll

Be super easy to get the map syrups off these tappers a few days to come so we’re going to go to Robin we’re going to purchase a few recipes from her so we can get some nice pets we’re going to go with the stone walkway and the brick

Floor they’re one of my favorite floor recipes to put down on the farm so this is what the farm looks like right now with the stone walkway pads and it’s going to make it super easy now to harvest all those tappers in a few days because nothing will spawn on the

Ground with those pets set up so I won’t have to use the axe or the pickaxe you know to clear the way to get those resources so we’re going to visit the lovely Mars today we’re going to give him 5,000 gold for the lovely Georgia membership we are going to go to George

In this video because I want to get to Ginger Island early because when it comes to Winter we’re going to have to do a massive conversion with the bee houses and move them over to Ginger Island to make the most of the bee house setup so we got a really nice Quest here

Today from Shane he wanted a jade to rub on his nose but he was offering a lot of money for the Jade so so I said why not went into the saloon here gave him the Jade and the reward was a nice 600 gold and that’s not too bad for the quest as

Easy as that the next day let’s just take a look at all these lovely fbls what a sight to behold we are going to harvest all these foras we won’t put any more back down into ground cuz I don’t think we have enough time to harvest

Another batch plus I was at the end of my tether when it comes to watering those anyway but I did manage to make 640 spring wild seeds which is a huge amount I could have made more but it ran out of wild horse radishes so if I find

More horse radishes in the next week I’ll be able to make a lot more spring wild seeds that way I also got Caroline up to two hearts finally so I got to enter her lovely sun room where she will teach me the art of tea saplings I will

Make a few tea saplings of course just to get the ball rolling with the Georgia upgrades I also purchased the last backpack upgrade for pier to increase my capacity to 36 slots was time to go to Clint here now give him some iron bars and my axe he will upgrade that to a

Steel ax in a couple of days I also went to the flower dance event here not to dance with anyone cuz I’m not working on anyone in this video I just wanted to buy more Taff and dandelions so I could make more spring wild seeds it’s it’s

Much better to buy them here rather than spend the day and try to find them in the wild cuz that’s 20 extra forage was right there for a very cheap cost so I get my steel axe off Clint it’s back down into the mines I’m on floor 81

Going to flarm this floor for today to get fiber so I can make tea saplings and tree fertilizers and those require fiber so it’s going to be a very fiber intensive grind in this video as well because to make the most out of the bee

Houses we are going to need the fiber to grow the trees to get the syrups to make the bee houses so there is a process for everything that I do but it is going to pay off in a few days when you see the amount of beeh houses that I’m going to

Start to make it’s going to be hilarious 25,000 gold from selling the te saplings not bad at all day 26 we are going to get the last batch of strawberries we’re going to sell all those to Clint bringing us up to 70,000 gold we were loaded with cash at

The moment what are we going to do with that cash we are going to invest it into the lovely Georgia Community we’re going to start of course with the boss upgrade so we can access the skull caverns and get the Lovely resources within skull Cavern is a great place to not only Farm

A rmes but to farm coal copper iron and gold do as well plus other goodies that you can get down there because I have the steel axe I can now get rid of the large tree stumps on the farm creating more space adding more structure to the

Farm I am going to use up most of the slots on the farm for bee houses and for other bits and Bobs to make the farm look really nice but you’ll get to see that later on in the video so we are almost finished Spring right now and

We’re actually going to enter summer with a very strong setup to mass produce bee houses we’re also going to prep first got C run so we’re going to go to the lovely Gus here and we’re going to purchase loads of salads off him and we’re also going to go into the secret

Woods as well and we are going to cut down all of these tree stumps to get more hardwood which we would need later on and to get more lovely forgeable XP another great way to get XP I find is to get the spring onions here they don’t

Give a whole lot of XP you know per each spring onion but because so many can spawn at once it’s actually a really nice tactic to get bursts of faring XP if you’re around cindersap Forest so if it is spring and you’re around cocap Forest my advice

Just go down to that area and have a look to see if there spring onions there it was time for a skull Cavern run and we start off by getting a prismatic Shard on floor 15 I was super happy with that I also had a triple shot espresso

And a spicy eel in my inventory so my character was moving that faster than usual which is another nice bonus so I am farming diamonds today aridium ores and all of the mining minerals I can get my hands on cuz they’re going to come in handy for those bee houses later on I

Also get the white turb in here I’m going to going to swap out my straw hat with that cuz the white turban is actually a really cool hat to have apparently it’s meant to be a very rare drop but for some reason I always seem

To get tons of white turbin when I do a playr so before the day ended I made a super Sprint over to the pyland here in the desert with the Prismatic Shard to get myself a lovely weapon upgrade the Galaxy sword that will be the strongest

Weapon that you’re going to see me use in this play through and it’s a very nice weapon indeed it can be upgraded of course using the ginger Island DLC but we’re not going to go on that route in this video we are going to put more focus on the bee houses speaking of

Which it was time to get some poppy seeds and spangle seeds because if these are paired up with the bee houses we will get different kinds of honey so there’s loads of different combinations you can do with flowers and beeh houses these are the best combinations we can

Use now in summer at the moment when it comes to fall we can of course get the fairy roses and that is going to give us the most profitable honey in the game and that is when we are going to start making the big bock but for now this

Setup we have to do I made almost 25,000 gold today primarily from selling aridian bars and other bits and Bobs I got from the skull Cavern so that was a nice profit there and that will allow us to do even more upgrades I also got 10,000 gold from Mr key from getting

Past floor 25 in the skull Cavern so we are going to smelt more bars today I’m smelting up gold bears at the moment they will come in handy for making sprinkers later on and for doing tool upgrades we’re also going to get our first batch of map syrups and there’s

Tons of map of syrups here to get the batch over there to the left should be ready either later on or the next day and I I now will be able to make loads of bee houses but first I had to buy more resources off Clint I decided to

Spend all my money and purchase coal because you need lots and lots of coal to make lots and lots of bee houses so I had the iron bars I had the mepp syrup I had the wood and I had the coal it was time to make our first batch of be

Houses 21 in total not too bad you will be seeing a lot more to come up this is just a first batch just to get it started with the beeh house challenge now it did take a whole season to actually get this set up but what you’re

Going to see now over the next few days is what I like to call explosive growth because we now have the setups the best way to get coold in my opinion early on is to make charcoal Kindles and just burn all the wood you have into coal it

Is cheaper than buying coal off Clint you’re actually saving 50 gold per coal if you do it this way if you purchase the wood off Robin and then convert it into coal it’s cheaper than just purchasing coal directly off Clint so day number 30 we’re getting there that

Evening all of the Toppers on the left hand side of the farm are ready to be collected that’s moreit s for us this is what the farm looks like at the moment so it’s coming along really nice I have on a little tree farm down there I’m

Actually going to put more Toppers on those trees for Oak resins for cegs later on because we can actually convert honey into meat and meat is more more profitable than wild regular honey I spend a great deal of time today converting all of this wood into coal

Cuz I need loads more coal to make a lot more beeh houses and the best way to get the ball rolling on this is to break down every single tree s Val has to offer I also needed more fiber to make more tree fertilizers because the more

Tree farms I make the more wood I’m going to get the more coal I can get the more bee houses I can make so like I said a few minutes ago everything has a process if you can follow those processes just dig deep you will be able

To amass hundreds of bee houses within the first 100 days of your playr so we’re getting copper now as well today because I want to make more tappers copper also comes in super handy for making cakes too so there’s no harm in trying to accumulate hundreds and

Hundreds of copper bars early on in the game so I just made a new batch tappers here now I’m going to put these on our lovely oak trees to get back Oak resins I decided to give and her last axe could have given that to her ages ago but I

Forgot about it but I’m not going to shy away from 250 gold especially if the axe is just lying around in my inventory so I have 10,000 gold I’m going to spend most of this on wood wood is very cheap from Robin in year one so if you have

The go to spare my advice especially if you’re going for very specific goals which require tons of wood just buy off Robin and save yourself tons and tons of time most of that wood will be converted into coal so we’re back turn into the mines and we’re going to do lots of mine

Runs in this video because especially the start levels of the mines it gives us Stone it gives us fiber it gives us copper it gives us loads of materials we need to make the ultimate bee house farm so we’re getting our first batch of Honey today and this is just regular

Wild Honey because our poppies and our Spangles haven’t fully grown yet I also get access to the bat house area and I am going to use every single resource this area has to offer so I’m going to get all of the fiber that’s in this Zone

All of the stone all of the wood this area is going to be empty by the time I am finished with it so when it comes to maximizing your 100 day challenges always make the most out of each day that’s the best advice I can give you in

The bat house area is actually a really nice place to get lots and lots of fiber and you can actually make really nice tree farms in the bat house area too if you have the tree fertilizer to spare so was back down to the beach to get even

More fores to increase my foraging level and I also made more tea saplings today too because my money was really low and I decided to sell more tea saplings just to get a boost in money so I can get a lot more resources off Robin and I get a

Lot more upgrades via Clint and true morus it was time to add a little bit more structure to the farm so I decided to use up some Stone I had to make stone walkway floors I had tons of stone on me at the moment from doing skull Cavern

Runs and going to the mines in general I wanted to put all of the bee houses on these tiles so that when it comes to farming for honey later on I be able to do it swiftly and efficiently because nothing would grow between the bee houses and nothing would grow between

The charcoal kennels for example you know bits of wood or you know debris or things like that that you don’t want on the farm so when it comes to making the most out of your day putting down pths is actually a really nice way to go about collecting resources efficiently

Was back to Rin and I’m just going to blow all my money and wood again some of this wood would be used to go towards constructing be houses some of it would go into the shack Kels to make more coal so I was down to 2,778 Gold but look at the farm right

Now all the poppies have grown so now when I put bee houses beside these poppies I would get special honey which will sell for a lot more than the regular type of honey so over the next week or two you’re going to start seeing huge surges in money and profit because

Those beeh houses just go by themselves all the time it’s such a nice automated way to make loads of money in this game you just can’t go wrong with the be house Fair enough they don’t work in winter but because you have for example the desert and because you have ginger

Island you can use those areas to make sure that your bee houses work all year round so speaking of the desert we do pay a visit today but not to do a SK Cavern run we just want to get all of the wood the desert has to offer but

Then back into the mines and we are smelting ores into bars I spend the rest of my money on bombs cuz I want to do another skull Cavern run because I needed a lot more minerals and skull Cavern is really good to stock up on loads of minerals not just copper but

Especially iron too cuz loads of iron bars are needed to make the bee houses but for today it’s just going to be spent in the mines again getting copper Stone and fiber and anything else that might pop up for me so it was time to restructure the beeh houses I had to

Pickaxe up these ones because if I tried to harvest the ones out in front instead I would end up picking up the poppies and that would ruin the setup I have because then I wouldn’t be getting the special you know spangle honey or poppy honey and I wouldn’t be able to make

Crazy profits so a quick restructure was needed to make the most out of the bee house setup that I hide it was back to the desert got some warp totems got some powerups it was time for another lovely skull Cavern run and I was on the lookout for everything I suppose I was

More interested in Copper and iron than I was with aridium but if I got aridium it was nice I could use it to upgrade tools in the future and I can also sell the bars to make some decent money as well but there will come a time where I

Won’t really need a rium to make money RT saplings cuz I’m going to be getting so much honey every couple of days I’m going to end up making millions and millions of gold speaking of which let’s make more bee houses and put those down on the

Farm as you can see slowly but surely the bee houses are becoming more plentiful but the end of this video you will not believe how many Bee houses we end up making having the UI infosu mod is really handy too for be house placement I thought I could put some

Honey into the L but it didn’t let me so I ended up going to luo with natin and this is the first time that’s happened to me so it was curi to see what kind of scene I would get but not putting anything in it and it just get some

Dialogue here from the governor saying he feels like it’s missing someone’s unique voice you know which is basically means that without me the luo isn’t going to be anything special so I just thought it should at seene cuz it was something i’ never seen before it was back to Robin I had loads

Of money and we were going to use all that money to get more wood to make more bee houses and of course to burn it down into coal so as you can see here now there is a bit of a trend starting to form if we do get loads of money we will

Use that to purchase wood I’m also going to make some cegs because I do have a lot of regular Wild Honey and it is more profitable to convert that into me so later on you’re going to see a really cool setup where you’re going to have

Loads of honey and also loads of meat now it’s only worth as far as I know to convert the regular honey into meat most of the other kind of flower honey you get is more profitable but we’ll see anyway as we play along I made more

Charcoal kles to today just so I can increase the uh the coal output that I’m getting it doesn’t take too long for the Cho kles to convert the wood into coal so you don’t need too many just enough where you can kind of go around in a

Loop constantly and get as much coal as you need so I got 100 melon seeds now today to plant these down in the farm cuz I wanted to increase my farming level if I can get Farm to l 10 I can get Artisan that would increase the

Profit I make on meat and Honey by 40% which is staggering so the next goal was to get my farming level to 10 but I’ll still sell the meat and I’ll still sell the honey as I get it because I still need lots and lots of money to make more

Bee houses speaking of which a lot of our bee houses have now produced more honey for us so we’re getting summer spangle honey here which is really nice so I’m going to sell all that and I make a huge profit today of 47,3 19 gold the poppy honey is much

More profitable than the summer spangle honey but I decided to get board crops just for a bit of diversity it was back to Clint today we are going to get the gold ax upgrade from him so we can cut down trees even faster and then we were

Going to pay Mar a lovely visit and get another upgrade today we’re going to go for the mine carts just to get the fast travel around seru Valley it was then back into the mines and we were going to smelt ores into bars we needed tons and

Tons of iron bars for more bee houses so you’ve probably noticed by now that there’s a trend here and we kind of stick to this trend throughout the whole video where we constantly need to make iron bars we can’t constantly need to buy wood and we constantly need to get

Coal and map a syrup to make more and more bee houses this is what the farm looked like at the moment so as you can see it’s coming along pretty nicely so I decided to visit a traveling cart Merchant today just to get that rare

Seed so we can get another star drop and fall off of the statue inside the secret Woods that will comeing Super handy in a few days and this is just a cool cut scene here of marus working super hard on fixing up the mine carts the next day

We’re back in the mines and and we are getting more iron bars we’re going to visit Mars again because we can afford it so we have a choice here between the bridge the greenhouse and the panning I decided to go with the panning because it’s the cheapest one there and I wanted

Some money left over to get wood and other supplies off Robin so it was back to the shop and I was going to spend all of my money on more wood and I only ended up getting 856 pieces there but that’s okay we can convert that back

Down into coal or we can use it just to pick more bee houses as well speaking of which 21 more bee houses ready to go so at the moment we’re kind of getting small increments every few days of more bee houses more be houses but eventually

I should be able to make a lot more in one goal I got the gold ax off Clint which is great I can go ahead now and cut down a lot more trees for wood I’m going to clear away a section here now on the farm I’m going to put down lots

And lots of trees I have lots and lots of tree fertilizer here too so I’ll be able to make a nice tree farm down here in the corner and I can put tappers on these trees if I wish or I can just cut cut down the trees if I want to get more

Wood I will eventually come back later on and I’ll put down a stone walkway path so if I do want to cut down the trees it’ll be super easy to put down seeds it was then back to C that forest for some reason the wizard is G for a

Stroll there I don’t know if he does that normally or if it’s something to do one of the mods I have installed but I don’t actually have a whole lot of mods set up for this challenge video so if anybody knows why He’s going for Weir strolls please let me know in the

Comments I’d love to know what mud is the culprit for that or maybe it’s just his normal programming who knows so it is day number 45 we’re almost halfway to the challenge and look at all of the bee houses that we have set up and look at

All of the honey we are getting we also have a nice little cluster of trees down here in the bottom right hand side of the farm and it’s going to give us lots and lots of wood back and I’m also getting the faring skill up too which is

Great so I’m back the floor 81 today I’m farming fiber but if I see enemies or if I see diamonds or crates or barrels I would of course hit them open as well cuz you never know what you might get this in my opinion is one of the best

Methods in the game when it comes to farming fiber of course the better method would be to get fiber seeds but we don’t have the community quests yet and sometimes it can be very hit and miss in terms of when you’re going to get the community cleanup Quest from

Lonus to give you the F seeds so it’s time for another upgrade here with marus we’re going to go with the bridge this time this will activate the Quarry for us so we can use all of the space in the Quarry for projects we can also get into

The Quarry cave and we can do some fing inside there too if we need to it was back to the regular Min today and we were just going to smell some aridium ores into aridium bars I can sell those to make extra money if I wish and we

Also have a nice tree farm over here with Oak resins that I’m actually stucking up on now because I want to make more cakes in the near future the time will come where I will need loads of cakes to convert regular honey into Mead so it’s back to Clint with the

Pickaxe upgrade today I’m going to get a gold pickaxe just to make life a little bit easier for myself if I want to do any future SC Cavern runs and we are smelting more aridium Ores into bars so the bars are super handy for making

Quick money or if I want bursts of money I can just set a few aridium bars here and there but I also need aridium bars if I want to upgrade tools to idium tier tools or if I want to repair the ship you know for Willie so I go over to

Ginger Island so there’s a few uses for the bars at the moment so today I’m going to get lots of map syrup and I’m getting summer Spangled Honeys as well I also make more tree fertilizer just so all of these lovely seeds can grow super fast and we’re back down into cindersap forest

And the great thing about cerap Forest is the trees actually grow back pry quick down here there’s actually a lot of trees to cut down but even if you end up wiping out the whole Forest you’d be surprised if you give it a week or two how many trees actually bounce back for

You to cut down again it does save a little bit of money especially if you’re going to Robin all the time buying wood like myself so it was time to visit the Quarry and what I was going to do here is basically take up everything and just

Have it as a whole C layer ground and eventually then I’d move stuff over here so all of the trees here all of the ores were going to be mined up and the trees were going to be cut down and once this was done I then go into the Quarry cave

And I just get the golden sight don’t really need the golden sight but I might as well grab it since the cave was open and there’s always a chance I can get a magic rock candy off these haunted skulls now it is extremely rare but you

Can also get rings like this it just got an aquamarine ring there that’s 10% critical rate increased chance which is nice you can also get really nice clothes from in the haunted skulls too and that cave can be farmed every single day which is Handy if you look for

Something else to do with your time so this is what our farm looks like on day 49 as we can see there’s lots of Honey to be harvested I’m hoping when those melons fully grow it will be enough to get me to farm level 10 so I can get

More money for selling all the honey and for selling the meat that’s going to come in the future so I decided to sell all of the honey to Pier today just to get some extra cash so I could go back to Ms get the last upgrade which is the

Greenhouse now I don’t actually use the greenhouse in this play through because there wasn’t much point cuz the sole Focus was on the bee houses but as far as I know unless you use a mod the bee houses don’t actually work inside the greenhouse so I got it just because I

Needed access to Ginger Island so all of these trees are fully grown I’ve put on a pth here going to cut all these trees down but putting seeds down will be super easy because I can just run along and just hold down right click to put down the seeds cuz the pathways are

There so it’ll be super easy to set that up going forward it was time to make more bee houses and I turn 6 more be houses there now at the moment so I’m going to put those down along here just in front of these poppies now it is the

22nd of summer so I’m not going to get a whole lot of poppy honey anymore but those bee houses will come in super handy when fall comes in when they get fairy roses that is when we’re going to see the big money so I get a lovely cut scene here

Maris and Co celebrate the lovely restoration of the Georgia Community Center look at it in all its Splendor and Glory it is back to Clint we are going to get him to break open tons of geot in the hopes to get the key off Gunther so we can access the sores and

Meet lovely kobas and purchase his exotic Wares like the star jop for example we’re back to cut down more trees in cerap Forest Wood is something that is always needed and we’re going to be cutting down trees until day 100 back into the mines to get more iron ores if

I see dust Sprites though I will absolutely fight them as well because they can drop coal the one thing I would have done differently if I had to do this challenge all over again would be to farm the dust Sprites much earlier to get the burglar ring so they drop double

Coal uh but it’s a bit too late now to kind of you know do that cuz I’m at a stage now where I’m getting loads and loads of money I can just buy lots of wood off robber and just convert it into coal but if I had more time I probably

Would have went for that monster eradication goal so I’m on level eight Farmer at the moment pulled up all of the melons is that enough to get me to level 10 farmer mean we’ll soon find out if it isn’t the pumpkins will definitely get me there it

Was the backed Quarry and I have lots of stone walkway PS I’m going to put all these down I’m going to set up a really nice charcoal kle area here and this is going to be the place where I am going to get hundreds and thousands of coal

Look at all these charcoal Kitts ready to go I have 51,6 180 gold that gold is going to be put to Wood and that wood is going to be converted into coal so basically we’re not going to have any more problems when it comes to wood or coal speaking of wood that’s another

Tree Farm we’re going to knock down so I’ve got loads of money here now to spend with Robin and I’m going to spend a lot of this money to get tons of wood look at all the stacks I just got there thousands upon thousands of wood ready

To go ready to be put into these trackco Kitts to get back coal it’s much cheaper to do it this way than it would be to buy coal directly from Clint you’re actually saving 50 gold uh per Co by doing it this way so I ended up getting

Almost a full stack of coal by converting all that wood into coal which is amazing all I have to do now is buy more wood up Robin and I’ll be able to make tons more bee houses which is amazing speaking of which it is day number 54 and we are making 52 bee

Houses ready to go and this is going to be a magnificent setup for fall especially when we get the fairy roses so I’m going to put these bee houses down here and there’s still a lot more space for a lot more bee houses I suppose the big goal is how many Bee

Houses can we make can we fill up the whole farm with bee houses so I got another Prismatic Shard today super happy with that I give that one into gun um I got a couple of more Treasures today as well so I got bombs here I also

Got an autoed but I forgot to record it it’s not a big deal though because we don’t even use the autoed end up just T it away because I wasn’t going to purchase any animals for this challenge cuz it was just a pure be house

Challenge so I got on really well in the skull Cavern today I got lots of rudor lots of coal lots of copper lots of iron as we can see there clusters like this is always really nice to get I wasn’t too keen on getting Prismatic charge or

Anything like that finally got level 10 mining I almost selected the prospector chance to find Co doubled you know that that did make sense to me but I went with the blacksmith because I can just sell the bars buy more wood off Robin I convert it into coal so blacksmith all

The way look at all the honey I’m going to get today I’m going to sell all this honey I’m going to make an absolute Fortune I have 22,000 gold at the moment but when I sell all that honey I’m going to have probably up and above 50 or

60,000 gold easily I’m going to make a lot more iron bars and I’m going to fix up the boat for Willie so we can get access to Ginger Island so I just needed five battery packs five aridium bars and 200 hardwood and I had all those

Materials on hand so we were good to go I made almost 83,000 Gold by the end of the 55 there by selling poppy honey and summer spangle honey I I have 105,000 gold at the moment what are we going to do with that well we are going

To invest it in our lovely beekeeping business of course but before we could do so it was back down to flor 81 we had to farm more fiber because we needed to make more tree fertilizer to make more tree farms now you could argue that you

Could have just not done this and just bought more wood off Robin anyway instead of cutting down trees but I also wanted to increase my far number as quickly as possible and the best way to do that was to make huge giant tree firearm at this stage of the game so day

57 the first day of fall we are in peers we are purchasing fairy seeds so I need a good view to spread around the farm so that I can make fairy Rose honey which is the most profitable honey in the game I also purchased a 100 pumpkin seeds as

Well to grow those in the hopes to get my farm level up to level 10 so I can get 40% more profit for selling my honey and for sing future meat that we’re going to make as well so I’m going to plant all of these lovely pumpkin seeds

The sprinklers are set up so I only have to water them once if I want to harvest them one day earlier I’m going to do that right now I’m also going to go ahead eventually and I’m going to get Deluxe speed grow just to increase the

Grow rate by 25% just to make all that grow even faster cuz the fair roses do take quite some time to grow and the sooner they grow the sooner I get lots of money I’m going to get Robin’s project Community Quest there to get hardwood Aly enough to do as well and

I’m going to give Willie 1,000 gold so he will give me a ride on over to Ginger Island so we can set up the farm over there for more bee houses so the great thing about Ginger island is that the bee houses will work all the year around

As you don’t get a winter over in ginger Island which is great so I’m just going to spend today getting the usual golden walls now this isn’t going to be a golden wallnut guide if you do need a gold Walnut guide I will have a link in

The description of this video that will showcase my golden Walnut guide to get all of the golden walnuts in this game quickly and efficiently so I gathered just enough golden walnuts to get the farm activated today this was The Farmhouse so I could sleep here now tonight and when tomorrow rolls around I

Would start over onland and that’s St ju Valley and I could use this land for more bee houses so very exciting times indeed I decided to go for a watering can upgrade with Clint just to make the lav cave a little bit easier which is the cave over in ginger Island and day

Number 59 here just look at all this glorious honey now it’s just all Wild Honey at the moment because the fairy roses are still growing but I can put all that honey into the cegs and I can get back me which is a little bit more

Profitable so I’m going to spend a great deal of money here now on more wood from Robin and we’re back into the mines again to gather more iron ore more coal and other resources that will show up along the way so this is something that we’re doing a lot but the reason being

Is this is probably one of the best ways to get our hands on iron is is just go in here all the time and just Farm it we could buy it off Clint too but is extremely expensive to buy ores off Clint maybe if I get a little a bit more

Money together I could just buy Stacks and stacks of ORS after to speed up progression speaking of progression we’re going to visit Sandy today I’m going to get some Deluxe spe grow just to speed up the progress with the fair roses and the pumpkins back on the farm

I’m also going to spend a grude of time today just clearing all the trees in the desert because it’s extra wood for me and because I have the gold axe it won’t take too long at all so I’m going to make more bee houses today 42 in total

Ready to go I’m going to plant them right down here and as we can see the farm is starting to look like a proper be House Farm now it’s got hundreds of be houses on it I get my copper watering can off Clint super happy with that it

Is time for another tool upgrade I was going to go with the idium axe but I decided to do the pickaxe instead because the pickaxe is so handy when you go into SK Cavern cuz it can just wipe out nodes in one shot I had to buy more

Fer roses off Pi here now because I needed to put these over in ginger Island just to get the ball rolling over there with the fair Rose honey the great thing about Ginger island is that the fair roses will remain active over there all year round in making ginger Island a

Very profitable place so I went to Willie I had to sell him some bits and Bobs FR on the beach to afford a ticket to get over to Ginger Island cuz I spent all my money on Fair roses not to worry though we did get over in one piece I

Put down the fair roses and spent the rest of the day just cutting down the trees specifically the hardwood trees just to complete Robin’s Community quest which we done right here that’s 100 hardwood for Robin that’s a quest complete 2,000 gold in the bag and Robin

Will surely send us on a really cool recipe the next day for that Quest also so I decided to visit Pier again today I’m going to sell him all of my lovely honey that puts me up to 45,000 gold and I’m going to buy even more fair

Seeds to put over on Ginger Island so I’m going to spend all my money on more fairy seeds here because I’ve got big plans for ginger Island and you will see those plans in the next week or two in Game of course not in real

Life so we are back on our lovely Ser Valley Farm look at all the meat look look at all of the honey if you take it to yourself now wo that’s lot of bee houses I would just like to say you’ve seen nothing yet things are going to

Really start ramping up from here on out because the money now is starting to flow this means I can get upgrades a lot faster for example the ax upgrade there could be afforded no problem at all I’ll be able to get lots more wood off Robin

The only thing holding us back at the moment is mapa syrup and iron bars if we can get around that we’d be able to make hundreds and thousands of bee houses it’s time for another special orders Quest we’re going to go with crop order because we’re already grown the pumpkins

So it was no brener to take that one we then decided to go into the volcano dungeon today just to get some more golden wallers and to get some more bips and Bobs I got a dwarf hammer out of a chest and the dwarf weapons are actually

Really good not as good as the dragon tooth weapons but they’re still pretty decent I also got a prismatic Shard as well from the summit so I got my aridium axe back off Clint it only needed three swing now to fully break down a tree which was great I can now clear these

Forest Farms very quickly indeed that’s going to be hundreds and thousands of more wood in my inventory to make even more bee houses so that night more meup has spawned on the tappers so I’m going to harvest all this and I should be in a good place now to make more bee houses

That’s 46 more bee houses ready to go where are we going to put these bee houses that’s the question fortunately the farm did have a lot more space on it but I wanted to put them closer of fairy roses to maximize profits so I decided to put them Just beside the string of

Bee houses right here on the left and I also do the same on the right as well the big challenge is going to be bringing all these bee houses over to Ginger Island the ginger Island Farm isn’t as big as a staru Valley Farm so it’s going to be quite a challenge you

Know setting all these up for maximum profit but when it comes to Winter we will tackle that so I got all the pumpkins today I’m going to make huge profits from that I also picked up the the burry basket for L cuz I was feeling you know a little bit sorry for him

Because he’ no way to forge his lovely berries they also give him a berry on top of that too just to make him super happy so there you go lonus have a good fall for yourself we finally got level 10 farming of course we’re going to go

With Artisan Artis and goods are worth 40% more this is going to really really bring in the money speaking of money 17,600 gold from the governor for completing the crop order request not too shabby at all so it was time to get get more lovely fairy Rose honey today

As the fairy roses were fully grown we are now going to start seeing some serious profits coming into the farm what are we going to do with all those profits you guessed it we are going to buy some wood off Rob and converted into coal and farm some iron to make even

More bee houses but before we do that it was time to cycle through all of the lovely buildings here and build ourselves a nice Stables what kind of amount did we get for this video you’re going to see in just a few days it’s a

Very unique Mount and it did take me a while to pull it down off Nexus mods so I hope you like it it was back to Clint but this time it wasn’t for any tool upgrades it was to process some geod because I still hadn’t got the key from

Gunther to get into the sours let’s see how much money I made today 275,000 gold from selling the overpowered Fair Rose honey it sells at 952 gold per honey which is absolutely insane it was then back to Clint with 407,000 gold what are you going to do

With that why we’re going to buy some iron ores off Clint why not what else are we going to do with our money so I purchased a full stack of iron ORS here with that that is going to save me an incredible amount of time in terms of

Making bee houses all that was holding me back now was Maple syrups and in all fairness I had enough trees on the farm to make a good few bee houses every couple of days I actually had a huge amount of maple syrups stockpiled so I’m going to smelt all of

These iron ores into iron bars and then I’m going to let loose on the bee houses let’s see how many Bee houses we can make but before that it was time to go back to Robin and purchase even more wood I had over 250,000 gold to spend on

Wood and you could bet your uncle that I was going to spend more or less all of it on wood just look at all the wood I bought there what are we going to do with that wood we are going to use it to make lovely bee houses let’s see how

Many Bee houses we can make let’s see can we get over 100 oh we did so as you can see I made an absolute ton of be houses 141 bee houses in total ready to be deployed to the lovely Stu Valley Farm where are we going to put

These be houses down to the bottom left here would be a perfect spot just in range of the fair roses as well any excess B hous that were left over I just moved them on over to Ginger Island as was fair roses over there as well so

This is our new Mount what are we going to call it the pencil because it looked like a pencil with wings so let’s just have a quick tour of the farm Ronda 71 and we’re going going really strong here now with the bee houses as we can see we have hundreds of

Bee houses set up all ready to be harvested I’m going to make approximately I would say 400,000 or 500,000 gold from this setup that I have at the moment and that will only increase as de progress because we’re going to be making even more bee houses

So was time for our special artist Quest Robins resource Rush 1,000 pieces of wood no problem at all we had plenty of trees on the farm to go around so I wasn’t farming that much fiber anymore so the trees weren’t growing as fast but that was okay I had enough bee houses

Anyway to you know to sort me out I did go to the star Jan fair and I ended up coming second place not too shabby at all 500 star tokens I just gambled those I always gamble on green green seems to win most of the time and I got enough

Star tokens in to get a star drop the next day it was back to C farus I was just cutting down some trees didn’t really need to cut down the trees but the reason why it did is because it just didn’t take off at a time and I had the

Aridium ax so it literally just took three swings to cut them all down so I said why not I also wanted to complete Robin’s resource Rush as quickly as possible for another 2500 gold in the bag so for the rest of the day I just went around with the lovely pencil Mount

Just cutting down trees picking up for visit Robin again and Robin Must Be A Millionaire by now cuz we were going to invest a lot more money in Wood some of this would be converted into coal the rest of it would be used to make more

Bee houses look at all the wood I have on me at the moment with the rest of my money I decided to purchase another full stack of iron ores at this moment in time nothing was stopping me to mass produce bee houses went back to the Quarry area here and I

Was going to convert all of this lovely wood into coal so that was the coal sorted the wood was sorted the iron bars were sorted and I had loads of map syrup back on the farm to mass produce more bee houses what were we going to do with

All those bee houses why we’re going to try our best to place no unstar Valley we didn’t have to space or to set up for it we’ move on over to Ginger Island the big challenge of course as I mentioned a few days ago was moving all these over

To Ginger Island was going to be quite a task indeed so let’s make more bee houses right now as we can see I’ve at well over 100 here I at 143 beeh houses in total it’s just so satisfying to make so many Bee houses so as we can see it’s really

Starting to ramp up right now I had to find a place to put these bee houses and try to keep them in range of the fairy roses so they can get Fair Rose honey so I put a stack of them down there but I

Still had a lot left so after I put them all down this is what the new setup looks like as you can see we have hundreds and hundreds of bee houses we end up at approximately over a, beeh houses by the time we’re finished with the challenge just so you know an

Absolute absurd amount of be houses and all the money I spent I get it back straight away just almost half a million gold right there by just selling honey money just wasn’t a problem anymore if I I needed ores there wasn’t much Point going back into the mines unless it was

Just out of bordom cuz nothing else to do I could just buy ores off Clint if I needed wood I could just buy wood off Rin speaking of which it was back to Rin I was going to buy more wood sure it’s only 10 gold for one piece of wood

Now it does become a lot more expensive in Year too so the best advice I can give is that if you need wood for massive projects buy it off Robin in year one while it is super cheap because once you finish Year One Robin you know isn’t very nice to you

Anymore so I decided to make lots of cakes today the be houses because winter was coming in and I wasn’t going to have enough space over on Ginger Island you know for tons and tons of bee houses connected to fairy roses so I would be converting lot of Honey into me so it

Was time to cut down all these trees and I was going to put the kegs down here instead cuz I didn’t really I didn’t really need the tree farms down here anymore so what we’re going to have down here is a huge area for processing meat which which is a really nice Artisan

Good and it’s also very profitable so I went to secret woods today my sweet jimber was finally ready to be uh traded in for a star drop that’s another star drop in the bag it was time for another special orders Quest I had a choice between fighting enemies and fishing I

Decided to go with juicy bugs wanted cuz my fishing skill wasn’t too great and I didn’t really want to pick back up the fishing rod at this stage of the game and trying to fish again so I went back down to the regular version of the mines

Here now and I was primarily killing bugs but if I saw copper ore and stone I’d get those as well and if I saw the fiber I’d picked that up too if I wanted to make tree fertilizers going forward so it was now the 23d day number 79 look

At all of our lovely bee houses have you ever seen so much honey in your life from PL staru Valley this is what a proper Honey Farm looks like in my opinion of course my personal opinion as we can see there was lots of Honey to be

Had and it would take quite some time to harvest all of those bee houses to Harvest all of the honey I had a lot of wild honey on hand so I just put that into the cakes just to make an extra profit the next day I managed to get all

Of the bug meat assembled put that into with his chest there for 3,000 gold in the bag so I was very happy with that so at the end of the day I at 463,000 Gold from selling fairy Rose honey 487 pieces in total an absolute crazy amount of

Money the next day all of the meat was ready it only takes 10 hours for meat to fully produce inside a cake it was also George’s birthday and I actually had a leak inside my chest so I decided to make George’s day and give him a leak because everyone deserves happiness even

George George may come across cranky Andross sometimes but you know what deep down he is a lovely person a train visited Sergio Valley today take my advice and do not go in front of the train or try to attack the train because the train is invincible and it will win

In the end I got the leprechaun shoes I was super Hy happy with that they are one of the coolest shoes in the game in my opinion not as good as the space boots but we could find a very quick remedy to that by transferring the stats

From the space boots over to leprechaun Shoes by using Emily’s lovely sowing machine so we now had a custom tailored leprechaun shoes with four defense and four immunity it was then time to embrace the honey so I decided to combine honey with Claude to make a unique piece of clothing from honey I

Got a simple dress but because it was made from honey I decided to put it on and look at the part I was now the ultimate big farmer not only did I have the cool snazzy leprechaun shoes I also had a really cool simple dress made from

Honey it was time to go back over to Ginger Island and we were going to put down even more bee houses over here it’s going to be very interesting to see how many Bee houses we can fit over here by the end of the video especially when we

Start transferring all of the bee houses from Sergio Valley this is what the ginger Island Farm look like at the moment I had golden walnuts to spare so I decided to add a nice mailbox to the ginger Island Farm once this was completed it was time to go for the nice

Stroll on the beach and look for the secrets that Ginger Island had to offer right over here to the right hand side is another nice golden wallnut along with a pearl and over here we get a quality bobber with a golden Walnut if I want to make more brick walkways the

Best way to get clay is to come over here every couple of days to the dig site and just lay Siege to all of the lovely clay Nords within this is one of the best ways in the game to farm clay quickly and efficiently not only that but you’re also getting bone fragments

As well that you can put into bone Mills to get back all sorts of goodies I got the mummified frog the fossilized spine and I got super lucky today as well to managed to H up a snake vertebrae which is super rare you do need two of those

However to complete the snake fossil but getting one so early is still really good I went to Professor Snell himself and I donated a few things to him to get some more golden walnuts just so I get a few more upgrades done to Ginger Island

I went back over to Stu Valley and I’m just going to speed up the game a little bit here just to show you what it now looks like with all of the bee houses and the Honey ready to be harvested as you can see it just looks glorious fer

Rose honey and mea syrup all ready to be harvested but the great task of today was the transfering of all the bee houses hundreds and hundreds of them over the ginger Island I actually couldn’t get it done today I passed out in the attempts but I managed to do it

The next day and I came over to Ginger island with almost 600 be houses ready to be deployed for lovely honey farming this is what the ginger Island Farm now looks like with all of the bee houses fully deployed as we can see a great majority of them won’t be able to

Benefit from the fair roses and because it was on to 85 I didn’t really feel the need to go ahead and plant new batches of fair roses down below I already had enough money as it was so as we can see the ginger Island Farm did look really

Nice back on the Stu Valley Farm it did look extremely Barren at the moment but not to worry we will be filling up this farm with as many kegs as possible speaking of which I got loads of Oak resins there it was now time to process our lovely copper ores into copper bars

Cuz we need copper and iron and Oak resin with wood to make kegs it was back to Clint and I was going to buy some more copper ORS off Clint just so I could speed up my cake production I also had enough money too to buy seral St

Of iron ore and coal and whatever I liked to be honest because I just had so much money at the moment I had over 1 million gold assembled from the fair Rose honey so I went over to the desert today and I decided to move all of the

Furnaces to the desert just to make it a lot easier to mass produce bars so what you see here now is my new setup in the desert where I can very quickly and efficiently get you all of the iron and copper ores that I have it does take the

Majority of the day to process these material but it is worth it because I’ll be able to make tons of cegs from this and I’ll be able to convert all of that lovely Wild Honey back into cegs no problem at all speaking of kegs let’s

See how many cegs we can make right now as we can see I’ve got tons of resources available to me to make tons of kegs so I managed to make about 173 kegs there which is really nice and you might think to yourself that you need a whole lot more especially to

Convert all of the honey that we’re going to get but the great thing about me is only takes 10 hours in a cake so you can actually get through two batches every single day and with all of the Cs I have at the moment it won’t actually take that long to convert all

Of the regular honey into meat on a daily basis so we’re back to Ginger Island here now at the moment and as you can see there’s lots of Honey to be harvested most of it is fair Rose honey but all of the bee houses down at the

Bottom will just be regular honey even so I still managed to make 320,000 gold today from selling F Rose honey I had so much money I I decided to do stue Valley a little bit of a favor pay 500,000 gold and get a lovely theater installed in pelicant town I

Also stumbled across the lovely kobis here behind the bush he was playing some hide-and-seek he dropped a magnifying glass for me which opens up all of The Secret Letters you can find throughout the game this reminded me that I still haven’t gotten access to the sours

That’s something I had to do as quickly as possible before the challenge finished because I really wanted to get down to Crow say hello to him and get his lovely star drop so I got Clint to break open more army geot for me and I was hoping by the

End of today that would be enough to activate a scene where gun visits my farm which he did and I got the key off him so was straight down to the source of his acris so I purchased the star drop off kobus not too shabby at all

That was another star drop in the bag I then decided to go into the mutant bog here and get the dark Talisman just so I could get the magical ink can access that lovely magical terminal because the obelisks were something that we could actually afford so I wanted to see how

Many obelisks I could get before the challenge ended so I just gave the henchman there some V mayonnaise he was super happy with that you can’t fish that up right beside the henchman but you can only fish up one I gave the magical ink here to the Wizard and I was

Now able to use his lovely magical terminal so the go clock was a little bit Out Of Reach however I could go for a desert oblisk I could also go for the mountain oblisk and the beach oblisk couldn’t unfortunately get to Ginger Island oblisk because I didn’t have any

Bananas but if I did plant a banana sapling much earlier on that would have been in the realm of possibilities it was back to Robin today and we’re on 10 90 now so we’re almost there and I bought loads of wood off her I also went

Back to my farm and staru Valley and I cut down some more trees to get even more wood so I can make more cegs cuz I think at this stage I’m finished making bee houses cuz I had so many so this is what my Ser Valley Farm looked like as

We can see it didn’t look too great but I did decide to move all of the cakes from the bottom left hand side of my farm right up to the top of the farm just to give it more structure plus I didn’t have to make the trik all the way

Down to the bottom left every time I wanted to put some honey into the cakes to make some meat so I got more map syrups today went back to the ginger Island farm and look at all this lovely honey it never gets old you might think

To yourself oh you must be bored of harvesting these bee houses all the time I have to say I never got bored not once every time I had to harvest all this money because it just meant so much money that I was going to get from doing

This I had well over 700 beeh houses on Ginger Island at the moment and that’s another 389,000 gold made there just from the fer Rose honey I was going to make a lot more from the meat as well so I decided to do some ice fishing today

By going to this lovely event I also got a few decorations for the farm I wonder if the fishing event and I got some cool fishing tackles along with a sailor’s cap I decided it was time to swap out my hats and put on the sailor’s cap I had a

Look at the special arst Quest and the community cleanup Quest was available I did go for it I did decide to do it I didn’t really need fiber at the moment but there wasn’t too much else to do with the days that were left in this challenge because it was just primarily

Waiting for honey to be collected and then putting the other honey into the cakes for me so I decided to do the quest 500 gold as a reward but I said in all the videos the real reward is what you get the next day off lus he will

Give you the overpowered fiber seed I did purchase two cinema tickets here I give one to Sebastian cuz it was his birthday I also purchased his favorite snack which was the Jasmine T unfortunately the film that we’re going to go see is something that he doesn’t actually like and he found it quite

Boring but because he actually had a snack that he loved it did kind of mitigate that damage so I ended up getting a few friendship points with them anyway day number 95 look at all of the lovely honey on our Ginger Island Farm I am going to harvest all of this

Honey this Wild Honey will of course be converted into me and the fair Rose honey will be sold for huge amounts of money back over on Ginger Island let’s take a look at our cake setup as you can see we have got lots of cake set up with

Lots of meat and I’m going to sell all this me for super profits I also had almost 2 million gold on hand what are we going to do with that we’re going to treat ourselves to some lovely obelisks we were going to start with the desert Obelisk of course I had the cactus

Fruits and I had the Coconuts to get that done so I decided to put the desert Obelisk right beside my farm there just put me down to just under 1 million gold if I can make a few 100,000 gold in the next day or two to put me up to 1

Million gold that’ be enough to get the other two abis I just needed coral and clams I believe to make the beach aisk and that’s what I was doing right now I picking up Carls there just to get the mats together to make that cuz I had the

Money to make it no problem and I had the rud embarass to make it as well once that Obelisk had been made the next one to make would have been the Earth Obelisk which is not a really good obisk to have on the farm to make the Earth

Obelisk I needed Earth crystals and I actually had those from going to the mines all the time farming copper but I’d have to hold off on that for the moment because I didn’t have enough gold to make it just yet so I went back to Ginger Island completed the gem bird

Puzzle also give in a few more bits and Bobs to Professor snail here completing another artifact for him I got more golden walnuts from that fixed up the beach area because I could gathered a few more golden walnuts from this Zone went into the Pirates c as well I got

The secret golden Walnut inside there so that was a lot more golden walnuts added to my lovely weire and I did that because there was nothing else to do I was just waiting for the bee houses to generate honey speaking of which it was the last day that we get to harvest all

Of this noely honey the good thing about this is what this is going to send us straight over the threshold in order to get that lovely Earth Obelisk we’re going to have a lot more than 500,000 gold I had 873,000 gold all I needed for the Earth oblisk was 10 Earth crystals

10 rum bars and 500,000 gold which wasn’t too bad at all so I put the Earth oblisk right down there at the bottom of the farm we are finally on day 100 what a challenge this was thoroughly enjoyed myself never realized how much money you could actually make by mass producing be

Houses I made Millions upon millions of gold so that ends the video for us today I really hope you enjoyed this one if you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet make sure you hit that subscribe button it really helps me out leave a like on

The video if you thought it was fun it does really help me out too I really appreciate it and I’m sure I will see you in many more videos to come I’m sure I will see you in the future streams if you want to watch more St content check

Out my videos here they’re a whole lot of fun I hope you all have a great week bye for now and see you in the next video I played 100 days of statue Valley but as a Dairy Farmer hello everybody this is gamer gar welcome back to another staru Valley video for the

Purposes of this video we are going to play through 100 in-game days of Stu Valley primarily as a Dairy Farmer this means there’s going to be lots of goat lots of cows lots of milk and of course lots of cheese let’s get into the goals of the video

The first goal is to make over 1 million gold from selling dairy products the second goal is to complete the community center the T goal is to marry a staru valley NPC that has a great appreciation for cows and finally the last goal for this video is to create the ultimate dairy

Farm so let’s get straight into it and let’s have some fun day number one begins with cutting down some trees we’re going to make a chest put that right in front of our cozy house and that’s going to be filled up to the top with valuable resources we

Are then going to Scurry around the map and the Quest for fiber and forgees we also hand in an artifact to good old Gunter here and we will receive a reward for that of 250 gold which isn’t a bad start at all for today with all that

Money we are going to visit pier in his lovely shop and purchase lots of kale to grow on our farm date number two two begins with planting some spring seeds we’re going to water those up and visit Willie to get a training fishing rod this will make getting XP with fishing a

Lot easier we’re going to spend the rest of the day pulling us some fish because we’re going to need lots of money to make the ultimate dairy farm I do eventually move up to the lake area to get some large mou baths because they’re quite profitable in terms of spring fish

On the third day of course we get the Lovely rain so we’re going to go straight back to Willies get the fiberglass rod this means we can now use bit to increase the fish bite rate and we are going to try to get as many catfish as possible I do get super lucky

Here and get a dinosaur egg I could sell that but it’s only worth 350 gold so I’ll just donate it to Gunther instead I do get level five fishing at the end of the day and I’m going to get the Fisher Park fish for 25% more Ross going to

Give Caroline some daffles to get her hearts up to two so she would give us the tea sapling recipe day number four is another day of fishing the primary goal for now is to get as much money as possible so I can start getting Barns

And cows and let R even some goats I get the Neptune’s glaive and a diamond out of a treasure chest there I’m super lucky with that day number five look at all these lovely parps are going to harvest all those that come in super handy for the mines later it’s time to

Get our first burn with Robin but we don’t have the wood or stone requirement fortunately wood and stone at the moment is super cheap so I’ll buy what I need and then I will go for the first Barn Building that we are going to see we are

Going to see lots and lots of barns in this video just so you know so once I plant the first Barn I’m then going to get a backpack upgrade this will coming super handy in the mines so I’m not showing away valuable resources down into the mines now we are

Killing slimes getting some minerals making our way down as quickly as possible if we get to floor 100 we do get that faul star drop copper ores are super important because we would need copper bars to make cheese presses later on in the game so we do farm a lot of

Copper in this challenge the Neptune’s glaive is super handy early on as as it packs in most enemies in just a few swings the slimes s absolutely no chance against me day number six we go to Clint it’s time for the pickaxe upgrade Clint will give us the copper pickaxe in a

Couple of days that will make progression in the mines much better today is Saturday which means if I can fix the bridge and Beach Air I will get access to all all of the accumulated fors that have been accumulating over the past 7 days and look at all these

Lovely fors I get to pick up not only can I sell these for lots of money but I get loads of faring experience at the same time which makes this a magnificent place to go every Saturday to get some goodies and some experience day number seven starts with me siding up some kale

Getting some potatoes down into the community center and that is our first bundle completed the spring faring bundle 30 wild spring seeds ready to go for our lovely Farm I’m also going to donate all of these accumulated artifacts into Gunther just to get the ball rolling in there with the key to

The source cuz we will need that later on to change up our professions we’re doing more fishing here on day number seven and I’m getting Super Lucky just got another Diamond there which will sell for 750 gold and we are continuing to give Caroline more lovely Daval to

Get access to her secret sun room so she would give us the tea sapling recipe so we’re going to go to Mar today we’re we’re going to purchase some cows I’m also going to get a milk pil cuz we need to milk these cows almost every single

Day and that does become quite tedious until we get autog Grabbers later on we do get the copper pickaxe off Clint and we are on our way back to Robin it’s time for yes a silo this time silos are super cheap the hardest thing to make a

Silo in my opinion is getting the clay Demetrius pay as a visit we’re going to go with the bat cave because we’re going the community center route it’s much easier to make progression through the cave than it would be using mushrooms so we get to pick up all of our lovely

Spring wild vbl today and we’re going to take our copper pickaxe and go back into the mines let’s see how far down we can get we make it to floor 50 we get the tundra boots which is a pretty nice boot upgrade look at our lovely pink and

White cows they are very disgruntled today because they’re starving not to worry though we are going to get them some food we’re going to make them the happiest cows in the land it is back to cutting down more trees and eventually we will have have all the trees on this

Farm actually cut down when that happens we will venture out into seru Valley and do a massive deforestation we will need thousands and thousands of wood to make all the barns that we want to in this challenge speaking of which it’s back to Robin with another barn for our lovely

Cozy farm that is the second Barn that we’re going to place there that means we can get four more cows in just a couple of days it’s also back to Clint we’re going to upgrade our axe to a copper axe to save time and energy when it comes to

Cutting down trees and we’re back into the mines R Floor 66 now at the moment and the Neptune’s GLA is making quite the work of all these enemies indeed coming across the odd Diamond vein here and there is super helpful asz that means a lot more money for us if I see

Huge iron clusters just like that one it’s always nice to put a bomb down and blow all up at once to save some energy I make it down to floor 80 I get the firew Walker boots but we’re not finished just yet we do encounter a

Black Elite slime here which has a ton of HP and hits like a truck not to worry though we will eventually defeat that slime let’s see what kind of prize we can get upon Victory as you can see it takes quite a number of hits but

Normally it is worth the time to kill these particular slimes cuz it always drop some pretty decent gear we just got the yeti to there which is an actual weapon upgrade for us and another Diamond which is magnificent down to floor 100 and then number 12 here not

Only does the star drop increase her maximum energy it also fills her energy catch right up to the top it is now after the lovely easter event we purchase some lovely strawberries and we also do the straw hat event and of course we win because we’ve done it so

Many times by now we are absolute Pros the kids didn’t stand a chance against us de number 14 look at all our lovely spring fbls but more importantly look at our lovely cows they are ready to be milked it is time to get the dairy farm up and running this is the first

Batch of milk we will more than likely sell this because we just don’t have the resources just yet to make cheese presses and we need all the money we can get we do however complete another bundle we get some speed gr we’re also going to complete all of the minecart

Bundles as well which is super easy to do that will unlock fast traveling for us around the map of staru valley that is the first room completed inside the community center once we get enough funds together we can then go ahead and unlock the desert so it is back to Clint

He gives us the copper axe thank you very much Clint we are now doing more fishing today because we really need more money we only have four gold on us at the moment so we’re pulling up chubs we’re pulling up large basses we’re pulling up bullheads and anything we get

In between is welcome it will be sold back to the farm we’re cutting down yes even more trees we need more wood cuz Robin is more or less done now with that Barn so we need to get the wood together to buy another barn of Robin the spring

Forge bills are coming on great but what we need right now is the tea sapling recipe all of these wild seeds will be put back into the ground of course because we have enough time left in the season to make even more spring wild seeds we finally got Caroline two hearts

So we are going to venture on into her lovely sun room where Caroline will have a nice chat with us and mail us and the te sapping recipe the next day we then go back into the mines we make it down to floor 120 and we get the Lovely skull

Key we can now do skull Cavern runs if we so wish we also level five combat we’re going to go up the fighter Park the next day is a rainy day but to brighten up the day we get to T recipe of Caroline 111 T saplings made we’re

Going to sell those straight away and that will more or less unlock the desert for us so we are going to visit Marie today and it is time to purchase more animals we are going to get more dairy cows we wouldn’t have it any other way

Of course if we want to have the ultimate dairy farm we are going to need tons and tons of cows for the rest of the day we are going to do more fishing because we are broke yet again the cows do cost 1500 gold to pop so our money

Does deplete very quickly between barn and cows we don’t really have a whole lot of money to throw around the next day though starts with watering the lovely spring seeds we are going to make huge profits from this eventually it’s only going to take a few days to water

All these up with our 65,000 gold we will now complete all of the Vault bundles not only will this unlock the desert but it will also give us lovely RS such as the crystarium the lightning rod and we even get some chocolate cake to boost the junos are super happy that is the

Second room in the community center fully complete it is now after Clint it is time to upgrade our copper pickaxe to a steel pickaxe that would be the minimum requirement PR CERN runs he’s also selling cold seeds but we’re not going to get anything like that in this

Video that just comes with some of the mods that are are installed when it comes to the dairy stuff it is day number 19 the cows are super happy which means I’m super happy so we’re going to milk all these cows water up the crops and get on with the lovely dairy farm

Adventure it does take a while to milk all the cows and it will take even longer down the road when we get even more so we’re going to purchase a duck egg off the traveling Merchant today this means we don’t have to get a coupe

We don’t have to get Ducks when it comes to those pesky Community Center bundles R going to go to go and we’re going to purchase some salads for future skull cavn runs so we can survive it is then back to Clint to get our lovely steel

Pickaxe what are we going to do with this why we’re going to go straight into the SK Cavern and we’re going to get some lovely ores diamonds copper everything is on the table for us today but what we’re really looking for is to get through floor 25 to get 10,000 gold

From Mr key we do Crush that record however we also get some really nice Treasures today we get some energy tonics we also get lots of or as well and to make life much better the strawberries have come to fruition it is time to harvest our lovely 91

Strawberries that are in the ground this will give us lovely farming level ups but more importantly we can sell these strawberries to get even more money to get more Barns and to get more fabulous dairy cows so we’re going to do more fishing today because you guessed it we

Need more money running down to 2,200 gold getting diamonds in the like from the treasure chests is always great level five farming we’re going to go with Rancher and products worth 20% more this will actually be more beneficial in the long run Mr key also gives us 10,000

Gold for getting passort 25 in the skull Cavern we also have some lovely aridium bars ready to go as well we will primarily sell most of those to get even more money to make more barns we have a couple of barns down at the moment but

We’re going to be putting down a lot more so we’re going to finish off the construction bundle today we have some hardwood regular wood and stone and we’re also going to finish off the ex exotic faring bundle as we got access to the desert so we could get the cactus

Fruit some other bits of Bobs more rewards for us speaking of which I decided to treat myself to another bag pack upgrade that was the 36 Slot Deluxe pack Now set up on the character so we are going to get all of the stone on the

Farm today and we’re going to get the rest of the trees that are left too so we’re going to have this big huge empty Farm but it will be filled up eventually with cows and barns dead 23 look at all our lovely spr frables that will be the last huge batch

Of spring fora we’re going to put down today we’re also going to go to Pi and we are going to purchase a huge amount of parsnip seeds 60 total because we need five gold star parsnips for the quality bundle in the community center and we’re going to put up more fish we

Also get level s Farine we can now make the tree fertilizer which is super important for us because wood is needed so in terms of who we’re going to marry in this video yes we are going to marry Haley Haley secretly loves cows so she is going to be our flower dance partner

We have been working on her over the past couple of weeks in game by giving her gifts eventually she will become the wife of a Dairy Farmer what a luxurious life we are going to have together so it is day number 25 and this is the last

Batch of the strawberries that we are going to harvest we’re getting lots of XP we’re getting lots of strawberries yes we are going to get lots of money so I’m going to make another barn today I need more wood though story in my life not to worry Robin sells an unlimited

Supply of wood only 10 gold a piece I purchased tons of wood off Robin just for the second progression otherwise i’ have to go back to the farm run around Sergio Valley Waste lots of time to cut down some trees it’s just easier if I purchase what I need off Robin

Especially if it’s just small amounts of wood here and there it’s then back to Marines we’re going to get more dairy cows of course eventually we will be able to get goats but we have to make a couple of upgrades level six farming quality sprink and level 10 fishing

We’re going to get fish worth 50% more back to Clint he is going to upgrade our axe to a steel axe which means cutting down trees will be a lot easier it is time to make some tree fertilizer and plant some regular trees on the ground

Here just so we can get more wood and we are down to floor 81 here and we are farming fiber what are we going to do with all this fiber well we’re going to make a lot more te saplings of course the next day we are going to harvest our

Lovely parsnips we’re hoping for five go parns here so we can contribute towards the quality crops bundle and we get that no problem at all as you can see we get more than five ghost pups we also get lots of arming XP and we can sell the

Rest of the pups for some extra money so I come across a help wanted Quest here will he want a gold barar to put under his pillow he’s H 750 gold how could I refuse I will run down to wiie give him the gold barar 750 gold in the bag I

Also purchased an aridium Rod a trap bobber trout soup and some bait it is time for a legendary fish battle we are going to fight the hardest fish in the game The Legend up in the lake area it’s the 27th of spring we have level 10

Fishing and it is raining we meet all of the requirements to take on the legendary beast himself but before that we are going to pick up all these lovely fores on the beach cuz there’s so many down there so it took me a few goals to catch the legend but on the third

Attempt I managed to read it up and that is going to sell for a nice amount of gold indeed it’s going to sell for 11,250 gold it’s always such a nice boost before you get into summer I also get my steel axe back off Clint I’ve got

Almost 27,000 gold to spend I’m also going to sell him some aridian bars putting me up to 47,000 gold and we’re going to upgrade our pickaxe to a gold pickaxe just to make life that little bit easier for future Scot Cavern runs which is Thea I can now get rid of all

The large tree stumps meaning I can get into the secret woods and get all the hardwood inside there I also checked out traveling cart Merchant she was selling a juice for 600 gold I I leave it for now I did pick up the Apple though as

Apples can be super rare into the secret Woods I can now Harvest all of these stumps on a daily basis to accumulate tons of hardwood hardwood comes in super handy later on for cheese presses and of course if you want to get to Ginger Island so I gave Robin her last axe

Today that’s 250 gold in the bag and I decided to get some more wood off because if I want to make more barns I need a lot more wood with all that newly acquired wood it’s time to make another structure yes it’s going to be another

Barn I also went into the Batcave here and look at all these lovely fores I got super lucky here too I managed to get an orange lots of peaches lots of apples lots of items I needed to complete a lot of bundles or almost complete a lot of

Bundles in the community center speaking of which let’s look at the The Artisan bundle today we had most of the items needed to complete it we’re just missing a few things but those items should be easy enough to get for example the cloth or even the cheese which we will have

Tons of later on in the video that bundle was as good as done I was thinking about making a cheeky preserve jar and putting some sort of a fruit into it but I decided to wait until I was start converting all of this milk into Cheese look at all the cows we have

On our farm right now and this is just the tip of the iceberg the these cows will absolutely multiply and there’s going to be tons of them by the end of the video it’s actually going to be hilarious to watch so I’m going to purchase around 200 melon seeds today it

Is the start of summer and I also made quality sprinklers so I don’t have to water the crops anymore praise the Lord farming is not something that I enjoy 31,200 gold from tea saplings and we are into the second day of summer we are going for all of the summer fbl so we

You can complete the summer forging bundle but there’s only three items in it for this one and the reward 30 summer seeds so happy with that we also get a gold pickaxe back off Clint happy days it is time to forge ah head into the secret Woods where we are going to cut

Down more tree Stomps to get even more hardwood cuz we are going to need tons of it for later on in the video especially when it comes to making all those cheese presses so we are going to milk all of our lovely cows today we’re also going to pet them make sure that

They’re super happy when we reach farming level 10 we will be able to purchase an auto Grabber off Mary it does cost 25,000 gold but it will be super worth it later on when we end up getting tons of cows so I get more cows

Off Marie and we’re going to get a big barn off Robin this time meaning we’ll be able to get goats which is going to be super exciting so the trees I planted earlier on were actually mahogany trees I’m going to cut all these down now to

Get some more hardwood cuz I really need to start making cheese presses soon I am going to smell some gold ORS into gold bars I’ll be able to sell those for money later on look at all the cheese presses I made today I’m going to get

Back lots of cheese from these and I’ll be able to sell all this cheese for lots of money so we can get even more Barns and more Coes I also got access to the bat house area lots of resources up here lots of stone wood and fiber haly

Unfortunate L her bra on the beach I however helped her out so she was super happy with that I also caught the Crimson fish which is the legendary summer fish I’ll get loads of money for that too so I’m going to get another big barn today off Robin that’s going to be

The second Barn upgrade for us that means more goats if I wish I’m also going to pick up a large egg off the traveling cart lady now this means I won’t have to buy chickens and I’m also going to get the wool also which is going to be the re bundle complete so

The more of these items that I get the less specific animals I have to buy from Marie meaning I can put more lovely cows and goats on the farm so all I need now to complete the the animal bundle is a large goats milk or a large brown egg I

Should get the large goats milk eventually putting the cheese into the Artisan bundle completes that the reward is a cake super happy with that I’ll be able to make wine and that will go towards the enchanters bundle later on in the video as you can see some of the

Cheese looks different this is a mod that overhauls the way the dairy farming works in the game so if I put in a high quality milk I will get back what’s called a large cheese you can break that down into two regular cheeses the same applies for the goats milk of course if

You get a high quality goats milk later on you get a large goat’s cheese and that can be broken down into regular goat’s cheese so it’s a really nice mechanic not too overpowered of course it just balances the dairy mechanics of star Val making it a bit more

Profitable so I put some grapes into the cake today make some grave wine that will go towards the enchanters bundle and I’m going to plant all these seeds seeds they’re going to grow up into lovely trees going to put down all my tree fertilizer this will ensure that I

Have enough wood for burn upgrades for the foreseeable future so we’re going to pull up more fish out of the lake today the more fishing we do the more money we get the more cows we can buy look at all the money we get today from selling primarily cheese over 55,000 gold for

Selling over 200 pieces of cheese we were now loaded with money with 72,000 gold in hand what we going to do with that why we were going to get more Barns and buy More Cows of Mary Mary is going to be loaded after this where does Mary

Get all the cows from I do not know she must have a huge farm that we don’t know about it’s time to get another big barn off Robin so we’re going to upgrade our last regular barn now to a big barn that will be three big barns we have on the

Farm that can house eight animals each we’re now going to purchase some gats these are a tad bit more expensive 4,000 gold a piece but goats are really cool as goats milk is highly profitable we’re now going to go to Clint and we’re going to get the final pickaxe upgrade the

Aridium pickaxe that does cost a whopping 25,000 gold but we will make our money back with that for f just got Cavern runs we’re doing more fishing today we’re looking primarily for fish for the fishing bundles look at all our lovely cows and goats right now the

Goats of course are purple goats thanks to a lovely mod I installed I think they go well with the pink and white cows it’s also for noting too that I couldn’t find a mod to change the skins of the brown cows so most of the cows I

Do get are white cows just for the aesthetic of the farm so look at all our lovely Summer fores today I’m going to pick up all the fores make some tea saplings and we are going to sell these for an absolute ton of money the problem now is actually

Wood we have a little bit of fiber left but we keep running out of wood because the Barons are so expensive when it comes to the wood resourcing we’re going to upgrade more stuff with with Clint but first we’re going to sell up some bars put ourselves up to 20,000 gold and

It’s going to be a gold ax upgrade for 10,000 that’s going to make cut down trees a lot easier for us day number 37 we are going to fill up all these cheese presses with lovely milk we’re going to go straight up to Robin on the 38 and we

Are going to get a lot more wood off Robin just enough of course to get another Baron or a baron upgrade so we are going to get another big barn today that’s 4501 every time we want a big bar upgrade we’re going to go to the L out

Today as well I did manage to pull up a ghost our sergeon that will give us the best effects with the governor and that will give us the most friendship points for all of the serg valy NPCs that are affected via the outcome of that event I

Now have the graph wine I can put that towards the enchanters bundle which is great I will put my ancient fruit into the cake now to get some ancient fruit wine back I can sell it around for a nice profit as well so today is raining

All the cows and goats are are inside keeping warm we are going to pet them and we are going to M them to make sure that they remain super happy look at all the barns we have now on the farm each Barn has at least four cows inside it

The big barns have cows and goats we’re going to go back to Clint today get our gold axe that’s going to make cutting down trees of Breeze now so we won’t have to use a whole lot of resources on energy look at all the trees we have on

Our farm right now so many regular trees so many mahogany trees and of course a ton of melons to harvest life was looking really good for the dairy farman at the moment we’re going to go straight back to R and now it’s going to be another big barn upgrade of course that

Means we can get more goats off Mary and More Cows what are we going to get today it’s going to be more goats they do cost 4,000 gold to pop but they are so worth it cows and goats in this game are actually extremely profitable it is time

To complete some of the fishing bundles today we’re going to start with the ocean fish bundle and we’re going to finish off the crap pop bundle as well and the lake fish bundle too so we’re almost there with all of the fishing bundles we also make 58,000 gold today from primarily selling

Melons and cheese so we are going to pet our lovely goats and cows today we do have to watch out for the hair requirements though because the more animals we get the more hair we have to harvest off the land because I have created so much space though I don’t

Need to buy too much hair at the moment because the cows when it’s not raining will all go outside I need the grass that spawns on a daily basis cuz there’s so much grass out there so to try to get my farm level up to 10 I purchase a ton

Of hot peppers today these would take 5 days to grow and they would regrow for the entirety of the summer making the crap extremely profitable to get even more money I do go down into the skull Cavern but this time I come prepared and

I make it down lots and lots of floors I even get a prismatic Shard today super happy with that I’ll now be able to trade that in for the Galaxy sword in the the next few days look at all the cows and goats we have on our farm at

The moment the farm is now really taking shape and we actually do look like proper dirty Farmers now at the moment but why stop there but you might as well go all the way and put as many Barns and get as many cows and goats that the 100

Days will permit it is time to complete more bundles the summer crops bundle has been done a reward a quality sprinkler which is actually pretty nice I also have the requirements to complete the F bundle which can be difficult if you don’t have the apples but another bundle

Done and as a reward we get the heater we will need lots of heaters that are on in the video to keep our animals warm during the winter so I do have lots of ridum ORS we’re going to turn those into ridium bars and we will upgrade our

Prismatic Shard to a Galaxy sword by bringing it to the special location here in the desert this will be the strongest weapon that we will have in this playr it is time to get another building done from Robin another big barn for the win we’re also going to go to Marin and

We’re going to sell him all of the weapons that we don’t need anymore because it’s better to get money for these items rather than just have them sit in a chest for the entirety of the challenge level 10 farming we will go with Shepherd befriend barn animals

Quicker this means we can get higher quality animal products a lot faster it is time to finally complete the animal bundle we finally got our large goat’s milk the reward at cheese press couldn’t have asked for anything better than that to be honest it’s then back to Marie we

Are going to get more supplies off Marley we’re going to get Auto Grabbers because we finally have level 10 farming so we are going to purchase an auto grabber for each bar that means we won’t have to make the cows or the goats anymore the autog Grabber will do it for

Us which is fantastic so I managed to get one star fruit from giving gter some artifacts that’s going to go straight into the cake for some star fruit wine why not I also have tons of geod here accumulated from Scott Cavern runs to give to Clint he’s going to break open

All those and we’re going to give those back to gun to hopefully get the key to the stord so we can access kobus and sure will you look at the next day gun gives us a visit he gives us the key and we’re going to harvest our lovely hot

Peppers so we don’t really need to harvest those anymore we do have farming level 10 but we will still Harvest them because they will give us money it is time to get more farm animals this time we’re going to go for cows cuz I feel like we have enough goats at the moment

And the big difference between cows and goats is that a cow will give you milk every single day where a goat will give you milk every 2 days the goat’s milk is more profitable but in the long haul cows are actually more profitable than goats so we’re going to get another

Barup Robin today and we’re going to spend the rest of the day going through Stu Valley cutting down all of the trees so we are going to make a yogurt chair it is quite expensive a really embarrassed large milk and stone but because yogurt is a dairy product we are

Going to give it a try just to see see how profitable it is it would take a full day for these yogurt jars to convert milk to Yogurt but it’s going to be interesting to see what the profits will be in the meantime we are going to get more Auto Grabbers from Marie

Because we have more barns on the farm and we’re going to farm floor 81 in the mines to get more fiber to make more tea sappin because our funds are getting very low but if we do get diamonds along the way and super rare mushroom floors

We will absolutely take it so we get on to the source today visit kobus and we purchased the star drop of him which is definitely worth it we also pull up the legendary mutant Carp from the Sor water that is another legendary fish added to the roster we will sell that to make

Even more money to expand our lovely dairy farm so I decided to give Haley some flowers today to make it official she will of course accepts who wouldn’t want to live with a luxurious Dairy Farmer such as myself so I’m getting yogurt and goat yogurts today let’s open

Up the menu and see how much they’re actually worth let’s see how profitable they really are so for the regular yogurt it’s 175 and for the goat yogurt it’s 300 gold to pop not super profitable after this I decided to scrap the whole yogurt making business and

Just stick to the cheese presses because it would be more profitable for me to just keep making cheese rather than making yogurt so the reason why we’re going to keep making cheese is because more most of the cheesee we get now will be high quality cheese that will give us large

Cheese and large goats cheese that’s going to give us back two regular cheese a go that’s going to be huge profits for us got the O statue today which was really lucky I also have more tree fertilizer we’re going to make another Tree Farm these are just regular trees

But when these grow in a few days we’re going to cut them all down and get thousands of wood for future Barns and burn upgrades from Robin speaking of which it was time for another big barn off Robin so that is the last yogurt I’m going to get from those yogurt jars are

Probably end up taken away now over the next few days I’m also going to break down all of the big cheese and big goats cheese down to regular cheeses and I’m going to sell all those eventually too to make huge profits the auto Grabbers are super handy I just have to go into

Each Barn click on the autog Grabber and I can just get all the milk back no problem at all it is saving me a ton of time because I have the shepherd profession I’m now getting aridium milk which is really cool it’s still worth to convert it though I’m also pulling up a

Ghost fish here cuz I needed for the fishing bundle and we’re back to Rob they are gone so fast now we are going to get another barn look at all the barns we have on the farm at the moment we’ve got tons of Barns and we’re going

To have even more by the time we get to the end of the video we’re just over half ways now and we already have a huge amount of farm animals speaking of which it’s back to Mary to get more cows cows are only 1,500 gold compared to goats

Which are 4,000 so it makes makes more sense to just keep getting the cows as in the long run they are actually more profitable so we’re going to cut down wood today we’re going to go to the desert cut down all the trees in the

Desert as well and I also need to get a sandfish from the waters here too for the specialty fishing bundle I also get a starfruit wine today from a keg I’m going to sell that to make loads of money and the hot peppers are ready to

Go again I actually have a quest in my journal George is actually looking for the hot pepper for his knee so if I have time I’m sure I can spare a hot pepper for poor old George and his knee look at all the cows and the farm it’s actually

Taking quite some time now to run around and to pet all the animals on a daily basis but it is super important to get the Friendship points up to get the higher quality foods so I got a magic rock candy today from Trading tree Prismatic shards and I’m also going to

Complete this specialty fish bundle which is one step closer to completing the fish tank I get a dish of the sea recipe there plus tree fishing the big challenge for this year is going to be the red cabbage the traveling carot has not produce a red cabbage seed or a red

Cabbage yet so I do check the traveling cart every time she comes around just to make sure that I don’t miss it eventually we will have so many cows and goats more cheese presses will be needed to keep up with daily rotas it is back into cindersap Forest we are cutting

Down more trees and we are smelting more Ores into bars to make more sprinklers if we need them in the future it is back to Rin and yes it is going to be another big barn upgrade for us look at all the lovely trees we have now on the farm

What we see here now is a forest filed up to the top with lovely trees we’re going to cut down all those trees and we’re going to harvest all of these hot peppers again hot peppers regrow so quickly we now finally made it to the

End of summer where we get to enjoy a lovely visual event so we’re now in the first day of fall it is time to get some pumpkin seeds off of Pierre we’re going to get 50 just so we more or less guarantee ourselves to get Five Ghost St

Pumpkins so we can finish off that quality crops bundle Ro going to purchase a few other bits and Bobs too to finish off the rest of the community center bundles so as we can see here now I don’t have a whole lot of crops compared to the amount of quality

Sprinklers I have and land that’s been ho up to put down more crops I’ll pickaxe all that way eventually and just put down some bar there instead I’ve now reached the stage where I have tons and tons of money so I don’t really need to

Go crazy on crops anymore or to do a whole L of fishing what I have to do right now is focus down and make sure that the animals are happy and the best way to keep an animal happy is of course to keep an animal Fed so I had to get

Even more hair but thankfully there was loads of grass around my farm that I could pick up so it was time for special archers quests community cleanup is probably one of the best special archers quests you can do in the game so I picked that Quest straight away

Completed the fall faring bundles my reward 30 fall seeds I was going to put those straight into the farm because I could still make more tea saplings and because I’m doing the community cleanup Quest now getting lots and lots of fiber was going to be super easy the only

Thing that would hold me back in terms of making tea saplings would be wood now lonus doesn’t have a whole lot of money on him so he just gives 500 gold for the completion of this Quest but the real reward is what lonus will send us on in

The mail the next day which should be the recipe to make a fiber seed we also pull up the legendary angler fish there as well we can s that for some money and we get some as and fruit wine from our lovely keg so we’re going to go down to

The sores now today and it’s time to swap up the professions this time we’re going to change around the farming profession and go with Artisan so we can get 40% more money for our lovely cheese products so I just got the fiber seed recipe off Linus there I’m going to make

Lots and lots of fiber seeds plant that in the farm the great thing about fiber seeds is that they don’t have to be watered so you don’t even need to worry about sprinklers but you do have to make sure they are protected with scarecrows so the crows don’t swoop down and eat

Them so I made more cheese presses I put them up there at the top of the farm beside my back cave that means I can make a lot more money on a daily basis most of the milk I get now is a high quality milk so I can get back large

Amounts of cheese I can convert that all down into regular cheese to make tons of money so it was time to complete the river fish bundle that is one more bundle done and the the night fish bundle can be completed as well so that is all of the bundles done as a reward

To get some bait and ignoring but the real reward is the fact that the junimos are super happy that another room has been completed so we just have a few rooms left to go we’re still waiting for a red cabbage let’s see if we can get that from the Trav cart lady anytime

Soon now it’s time to get some more barns put on the farm and to convert even more milk into Cheese look at all the cheese we’re getting back now we’re getting back large goat’s cheese large cow’s cheese we have so much cheese we’re going to make so much money we’re

Going to go back to Marie yes we are going to get even more animals for our farm Why Stop Now when there’s still plenty days left in the challenge first all we need an auto Grabber once that has been purchased we’re going to get more fabulous dairy cows to milk we’re

Going to go back to Pierre also and what we’re looking for here now is rice so we can make a Macky roll we need that for one of the community center bundles we already have the seaweed and the fish so I met a cookout kit today because I

Didn’t have any upgrades on to the house and I needed to cook this item so that is one great benefit for the cooko kit I know I said in previous videos it wasn’t great but it actually saved me a ton of resources here I also made the fried egg

As well so that was the maal and the fried egg ready to go for the chef’s bundle so I had to purchase a pig today because the traveling cart Merchant was just not giving me any truffles so we got a pig for the Old Farm I’m pretty

Sure the pig will fit in nicely with all of the other cows and goats so it’s time to process more milk and turn it into cheese let the profits continue so it does take quite amount of ingame hours on to get that done we also get Haley to

Max friendship that means we can get married but first we have to upgrade our house we have to make it bigger so Haley will move in with us it is time for another special arest Quest fragments of the past while selected this time we just have to get 100 born fragments best

Place to get that if you don’t have access to Ginger island is to go down here into floor 70 to 79 and you can Farm These skeletons for lots of bone fragments if you have a monster MK it will make life a lot easier if you have

A burglaring it will make life even easier again again for you as they will drop more items every time they are killed so it is day number 65 we’re getting through the challenge look at all our lovely fall fables ready to be harvested we are going to convert all

These back into wild seeds and we’re going to put these straight back into the farm so we can make even more tea saplings at the end of fall despite the fact that we do have loads of gold that can actually get used up very quickly depending on Deluxe Barns and of course

More and more ha that we have to constantly get day number 65 we are killing more skeletons getting more Bor fragments we’re almost there now with the quest we should have the quest done at the end of today and the reward for that will be a bone Mill which is

Actually really nice when it comes to getting speed grows and fertilizers so we have all of the bone fragments all we have to do now is just put them at the drop box inside G place and that is another Quest complete for that we get 3500 gold which isn’t too shabby at all

We’re going to go straight back to Rin but this time it is going to be a house upgrade we do have to sacrifice 450 pieces of wood but it will be worth it because we get to marry the love of Our Lives haly it’s also time to go back to

Mary and get more lovely Dairy CS look at all of the milk that we get from these autog Grabbers now the great thing about the autog Grabbers is that continually accumulate and store milk for you as long as your cows are happy so you could just leave these autog

Grabbers off for a few days and then collect them all in one F swoop and put them through all of the cheese presses so we just get the bone Mill there from gun we don’t actually use that because we’re more focused on the whole Dairy and animal aspect of the game this time

But the bone Mill is still a really nice item to have if you’re struggling for tree fertilizers or Deluxe speed grow or anything like that the Bon is the way to go look at all of the goats and cows we have now and it’s just so satisfying to

Run around the farm and just Spam pet all of these lovely cozy animals I also made more cheese presses as you can see but wood is always always needed now I do have loads of money I could potentially buy thousands and thousands of wood off Robin but I wanted to get my

Forging skill maxed out so that is why I still run around cutting down all of the trees and it gave me something to do as well as if I couldn’t cut down trees there wasn’t much more I could do in any given day because you could pet all the

Cows in a few in-game hours so look at all the cheese presses I have now I mov them all down here to the bottom left hand side of the farm so it’s now really easy for me to go down with all of the milk from the autog Grabbers and just

Put them inside of the cheese presses I’m getting back so much large cheese now that are doubling up into regular cheese and I’m just getting tons of money from it because today is raining and because I have the house upgrade I can buy the mermaid pendant from the

Strange NPC there and I can now give that to Haley but before before I get to give the pendant we get a really cool scene here where Haley will show us her dck room where she does all her photography activities so it’s a really cool scene here with Haley and it’s one

Of the great things I like about Haley where when you first meet her you don’t think much of her it does show her with a camera so you do know very early on that she does like taking pictures of things so we try to kiss her hair and of

Course she accepts who would turn down a request from a luxurious dirty farmer such as myself once the scene has been completed we can then go ahead and we can give Haley the mermaid pendant and that is going to get us married in the next couple of days Haley can move into the

Farm which is going to be fantastic so Haley is going to set that up in a few days for us normally you have to wait three in-game days for a wedding but if a special event is on in between those days it will push it out by one more day

So we actually have to wait four days to get married to the lovely Haley in the meantime we will pull up all the pumpkins on our farm and and we will convert all of our lovely hard-earned autog Grabber milk into cheese where we can sell it it is time to complete the

Quality crops bundle we now have all of the gar pumpkins to do that and we can also complete the fall crops bundle as well that completes the pantry awarding us with a preserve jar and a bee house we do have to all try our best to protect as many bees as possible bees

Are absolutely precious so it is back to Robin we are going to construct another building this time we are going to go for the coupe because I need a duck for a duck feather the traveling cart is refusing to give me one of those but we’re going to do robin’s project here

She needs 80 hardwood which is another special orders Quest so it is back into the secret Woods to cut down all of the hardwood stumps but to ensure that we complete that Quest we are going to plant some mahogany seeds down on the farm and put down some tree fertilizer

As well the junimos do repair our lovely greenhouse and we get first first place in the Sergio Valley Fair with a rating of 101 that’s 1,000 star tokens that we will gamble on the color green of course we wouldn’t have it any other way it is extremely rare that that red arrow will

Land on the orange block with all of our lovely star tokens we do treat oursel to another star drop I also purchased 100 pieces of hay for 500 star tokens which is a really good deal because hair is quite expensive Marie of course likes to rip everyone off with the prices

But to Cher me up even more I get married to Haley what a great day it has been Haley will now move into the farm and also become a Dairy Farmer life is going to be different from now on but the future looks bright and why wouldn’t

It weddings are always a great thing to look forward to so we are now back in the desert and we are cutting down all the trees picking up all the fbls we have level 9 of faring at the moment I would like to Max that out before the

Challenge is finished so that is the chef bundle completed I just handed in the Mauro there and the fried eggs as a reward there I got a pink cake which is really nice now we’re up in the bat house area cutting down trees we’re basically scrummaging around the map and

If we can find any trees at all we simply cut them down any seeds we get we’ll put them back on the farm make some more tree fertilizers rinse and repeat so there’s lots of trees down here in the bottom Westend side of cocap forest cut all those down we’re going to

Continue to work on Haley if we can boost her up a few more times with the Friendship she would give us a sar drop so I’m going to put another ancient fruit into my cake here let’s get another ancient fruit wine that sell for a few thousand gold and we are going to

Pet all of our lovely cows and goats today look at our lovely dairy farm just look how Majestic it looks all of our lovely cows all of our lovely goats super happy super cozy we wouldn’t have it any other way it is time to get another barn off Robin today and we

Finally get level 10 fary we’re going to of course go with the bonus Park all far was we pick up will be of aridium quality so we have a few mahogany trees that growing today we’re going to cut those down in the hopes to complete Robin’s resource Rush Quest and this

Should just about do it once that Quest has been completed we’ll then run back up to Robins put that into her deposit box and we will be rewarded with 2,000 gold thank you very much Robin so it is back down to the beach here now it is

Saturday so we’re going to pick up all of the forgees on the beach all of these forgees will be of iridium quality so they will sell for maximum profit and because it’s Saturday we get to harvest a week’s worth of fares that spawn on the lovely Beach that’s why it’s so

Important to come down here every Saturday if you haven’t been to the beach all week so you can just maximize your time and maximize your profits when it comes to beach fares so Clinton is going to give us uh ridium axe over the next few days we finally get a red

Cabbage and a tuck feather from the traveling cart so we don’t really need the coup anymore and that completes another bundle for us all we need now is one more faring item that we can get in Winter to complete the whole of the community center so look at all the milk

That we’re going to get from all these autog Grabbers and all of the different barns as you can see there is now quite a lot to collect it will now take a huge amount of time to process all of this into cheese but the money we’re going to

Get back from this is going to be extraordinary look at all of the cheese presses we have here now now the cheese press quantity hasn’t really changed but as we can see we have just way too much milk so I might have to make more cheese

Presses just to same as have some time all of these large cheeses will be converted down into two regular cheeses a piece I also got my lovely sweet gem Berry so I’m going to give that to the lovely statue here in the secret Woods that’s going to give me another star

Drop it is time for another special ERS Quest we’re going to to cure the substance because we don’t have chickens unfortunately for G we’re a Dairy Farmer not a chicken farmer so we are on the hunt for an ectoplasm and a great place to try to

Get this is to go to the middle section of the mines and just fight regular ghosts they can drop it is quite rare you can also go to the skull Cavern as well and fight the cariban ghosts they also have a chance to drop the item that

We need now we do spend the whole day in the mines today in the attempts to get an ectoplasm but unfortunately we do not get one because it is quite the rare item if we had the burglaring it might increase the odds of getting it so the

Next day we go down into the skull Cavern and I just wanted to show footage here of me getting a rare dinosaur floor and just look at all these pepper rexes and it’s always nice to kill all these because there’s a very high chance they will drop dinosaur eggs so if you ever

Want to become a dinosaur farmer that’s the place to go it’s the skull Cavern so we finally get level 10 mining we’re going to get the blacksmith Park bars worth 50% more and we also got our ectoplasm as well we’re going to give that to the wizard for 2500 gold and

More importantly he will reward us the next day with mini obelisks it is time to get more big barns so look at all our mahogany trees we’re going to cut all these down we get more hardwood we will need over 200 hardwood if we’re going to fix up the

Boat for Willie if we want to go to Ginger Island I also get an ancient fruit wine we’re going to give that to Haley because she is a great wife and she deserves the best I also had the gold to spare so Haley don’t drink it all in one

Go so we just got the mini Obelisk there from The Wizard that comes in super handy for getting around the farm very fast and because it’s Thursday we are going to go to the desert trailer and get another magic rock candy for a future Scot Cavern runs it is now time

To get all of our lovely milk out of all the autog Grabbers so it’s going to be hundreds more milk that we’re going to have had to process into cheese that’s going to give us back hundreds more cheese and that’s going to get us back hundreds of thousands of gold I wonder

How much money we’re going to make at the end of this video you’ve probably noticed by now I haven’t really been selling the cheese I’m going to leave it accumulate and we’re going to see how much we get at the end and I can tell

You right now it’s going to be a lot so Haley our fabulous wife gives us a star drop that will more than likely be the last star drop we’re going to get in this challenge because we didn’t really catch all of the fish I could have went

First because I caught the legend in Spring but my mind was so focused on Dairy fine I more or less just forgot about the other fish you could catch in Spring and fall so that will be the last star drop we’re going to get but it’s

Okay because we did get quite the number of star drops in this 100 day challenge is it possible to get all of the Star drops in 100 days yes it is check out my other 100 day videos to see it done for yourselves so I purchased lots of

Heaters off Marie today and some hay just to keep the GS happy and fed cuz we’re coming into winter now in a couple of days they’re all going to be inside their bars cuz it’s going to get really cold and we need to make sure the cows

Are happy that they’re warm and that they’re fed otherwise they’re not going to generate milk we’re not going to get money and our life as a Dairy Farmer will cease so I got a golden pumpkin at the end of the uh Halloween event today I’m going to sell that for some money I

Also decided to mine open the meteor that landed on my farm there a few days ago didn’t get anything greater out of though just a few iridium ores and it was back to converting all of our lovely milk back into cheese which is what we

Do most days now because we have so many cows and goats there’s just so much milk to get you to maximize profits for the end of the 100 days so it is winter and the farm looks extremely Barren but inside of these Barn were the comfiest coziest animals that you have ever seen

It was back to Rob and it was time for more structures we were going to go over Delux Barn this time which means we can get more cows or goats we could even get pigs if you wanted but one pig is enough it was time for Robin’s resource Rush

She wanted a th pieces of wood in a week no problem at all Robin there is a little bit of cheat we can actually do for that that I’ll show you in a couple of days so it was time to complete the winter Ving bundle one of the final

Bundles we had to complete to finish out the Hall of the community center we were rewarded with winter seeds for that but I don’t really bother planting those because I didn’t need to didn’t really need the money I had tons of money I had tons of milk tons of cheese we were

Sorted for Life the dairy farm is now successful the big question is though how much money are we going to make at the end of The 100 days there is only a handful of days left to go I do however plant some Fiber seeds if I want to use

The fire blit on I also get access to the quari here so I put down some Mega bombs and I’m going to get rid of all of these resources the more Stone I get the better because you also need Stone to get Robin to make the barns I also cut

Down all up the trees and mine up the rest of the resources that survived the mega boms so no resource will go and turned into St Valley map so we are inside the quar cave now and we’re fighting our way to these haunted skulls there’s actually a chance those skulls

Can drop a magic Rock handy which is really nice when they do drop them but it’s super rare we get the golden sight teleport out and we’re back down in the on floor 81 farming more fiber to make more tea saplings because despite the fact that we do have 195,000 gold Delux

Barns are expensive and I do have to buy a lot of hay on a daily basis it’s well to keep the animals fit cuz I just have one Silo at the moment and I don’t want to waste three days and get Robin to make another Silo because I could use

Those three days to get four more animals so I’m just going to keep purchasing hay off Marie if I need it so today is going to be a day of processing milk into cheese these look at all these lovely Auto Grabbers they’ve got so much milk inside them so much large milk as

Well there very small amounts of regular milk because most of the animals I have now had them for a while and they’re all super happy so all of these large milks will turn into large cheeses convert them down into regular cheeses for tons of money we’re going back to Robin as

Well and we’re going to go with the big Baron didn’t have enough resources for a deluxe bar now I could have bought resources but at this stage in the game a big barn is just just as effective as a deluxe Barn when it comes to animal quantity so I’m going to purchase more

Hair off Mar now today and I decided to just get a full stack of hair 999 pieces that should sort me out until the end of the challenge hopefully and Ross going to get some more catfer as well so we are going to get more dairy cows I

Wonder how many animals we will have by the end of the 100 days I finally got the nutless shell today that is the last item I needed for the Community Center completion so that is going to go straight into the bullettin board into the field research bundle and that is

The Community Center completed as a reward I get a recycling machine which is really handy actually recycling machines are actually pretty profitable but more importantly that is the junimos super satisfied they’re all saying goodbye their grammar isn’t great but who cares the junimos are happy the cows

Are happy I’m happy everyone is happy including our lovely wife Haley who is going to get yes another ancient fruit wine just for you so when I went back into Pelican town I was met with a really nice scene here of everyone shering the completion of the community

Center we then went straight back to Robin to put her to work again poor Robin this time we’re going to get a stables where will you see the mount that we have gotten for this 100 day challenge it is the coolest Mount around and it’s going to fit in so well with

All of the animals that we currently have on the farm so in the meantime we are going to do some quests we’re just going to go down here and we’re going to give this henchman some V mayonnaise we’re going to get access to the magical ink so we can use the wizard magical

Terminals if we want to get some Advanced structures that are on in the video that’s if we get some but more importantly the magical terminal can be used to move structures all around the farm and it’s much easier to access that terminal than it is to access Robin on a

Daily basis so there was 2 days left for Robin’s resource rush I needed a, pieces of wood there wasn’t a whole lot of trees around and I didn’t know if the other trees I had pled to using fertilizer we’re going to grow on time

For it so for the rest of the day I ran around cutting down all of the trees that I could find date number 91 look at our lovely Mount what are we going to call it we are going to call it Goat Mount honestly I couldn’t think of any

Other name because it’s more or less a goat it’s a mount goat Mount look at it go we were super happy best friends for life me and goat mount running around the farm doing whatever it is a Dairy Farmer and a go Mount does we were

Styling so it’s back to Robin this time we’re going to the shop we are going to purchase wood chippers because we had so much hardwood accumulated over the past 90 days of just grinding out stuff I decided to purchase 50 wood shippers and this was going to annihilate Robin’s

Resource Rush Quest because when you put hardwood into the wood chip it also counts towards her Quest just going to put down all these lovely wood chippers now on the farm going to put hardwood inside them and this is going to give me back regular pieces of wood on the rare

Occasion it will give me back like an oak resin or a mil of syrup or something like that but for the most part it will just be regular pieces of wood and that is Robin’s resource Rush completed 2500 gold in the bag than very much as now

Back up at 63,000 Gold then 92 I decided to take a break from the dairy farm and I decided to do some fishing I did win the ice fishing event which is really nice as a reward Mar Lewis gives me some really nice fishing accessories including a sailor’s cap which I don’t

Use I just wanted to spend a day doing anything else besides putting milk inside the cheese press so day 93 look at all our lovely fiber seeds we’re going to harvest all of this lovely fiber we’re also going to cut down all of those trees as well we’re going to

Get tons of wood back we still had time to put one or two more barns to get a few more cows or goats before the challenge ended it’ll be very interesting to see what the farm looks like with all of the animals roaming around the place I also decided to take

On another legendary fish today this was the glacier fish an extremely hard battle with that one not as hard as the legend in my opinion but still extremely hard so Willie showed me his broken down Bo he needed materials to fix that up he needed hardwood aridian bars and battery

Packs thankfully I had all those resources on hand but just to make sure I wasn’t depleting my current stock I did smel some more aridium ORS into aridium bars and go into secret Woods to get a few more pieces of hardwood the next day I donated five rum bars to the

Anchor 200 hardwood to the hull and five battery packs to the ticket machine because W likes to rip everyone off and charges 1,000 gold every time he wants to take someone over to Ginger Island it was it’s time to pet all of our lovely cows and goats today only 5

Days left before the challenge is completed so we’re going to pet all the animals we’re going to loot all of the autog Grabbers and we are going to convert all of our lovely milk into cheese it’s going to be really interesting to see how much money we’re

Going to make now in the next couple of days so the cows will generate milk on a daily basis but the gats will generate milk every 2 days so I had to check the autog graphers each day to make sure that I was going to get all the milk

That I could possibly get to see how much I could make in terms of a total profit back to Robin of course there was time to make another building so we’re going to go with a big burn we’re going to put that down in the farm and we’re

Going to go straight back to it look at all of this lovely cheese that we’re getting it was just so satisfying to just run all the way through these cheese presses put in all the milk get back all the cheese rinse and repeat convert all of the large cheeses down

Into regular cheeses and store it in the chest but eventually we’ll be putting that into a shipping bin 1097 didn’t do much I decided to go for a stroll with lovely goat Mount we’re a magnificent team together I also decided to give my magic rock candy to Abigail because I

Wasn’t going to do any other skull Cavern runs and Abigail looked all alone and sad so I wanted to brighten up her day because I could if you can brighten up someone’s day go for it there’s not to lose day number 98 and we’re going to spend the whole day just converting our

Lovely milk back into cheese to store away way to sell on day number 99 which is coming up in the next few seconds so as you can see it’s taking the majority of the day to get through all of the milk that has accumulated day number 99 let’s just zoom in here and

Show you all of the coat cheese and regular cheese that I have accumulated as you can see there’s a lot more regular cheese because cows you know make milk on a daily basis where ghost is every two days I made 1.5 million gold from selling da products and that’s literally one

Seasons’s worth of cheese which is an extraordinary amount of money so is dairy farming profitable it absolutely is of course it’s not going to beat starfruit wine or anent fruit Wayne when it comes to cegs but if you ever wanted to try this challenge for yourself it’s quite doable because the animals will

Pay for themselves and then some so I decided to fast forward into spring here just to show you what the farm looks like with all of the animals outside as you can see there are tons of animals out and about the farm looks really nice this is a beautiful dairy farm ready to

Go for a year two so I hope you enjoyed this video If you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet hit that subscribe button I’m very close to 10,000 subscribers it’s going to be a huge achievement for me I hope you have a great week and I’ll see you in the next

Video bye for now I played 100 days of staru Valley but on a junimo farm hello everybody this is gamer gar welcome back to another 100 day staru valley challenge for the purposes of this challenge we are going to play through 100 days of Stu Valley but we

Are going to use the power of the junos to help us accomplish some pretty hardcore goals let’s get into the goals and rules of this video rule number one we can only use the power of the junos to harvest regrow crops and foraged items this means means we cannot plaster our lovely beautiful

Juna farm with starf fruit or other overpowered crops such as pumpkins rule number two the junimos can only be used on the Sergi Valley Farm we cannot use them over on Ginger Island and that’s of course if we get to Ginger Island let’s talk about the goals now

For the first goal we want to obtain the Infinity Blade this means we have to unlock Ginger Island get into key Secret Walnut Room and obtain three Galaxy Souls this quite a challenge indeed let’s talk about the next goal obtain the gold clock this is a 10 million gold

Item be very hard to get but it’s going to be worth it I have about 8,000 subscribers at the moment so hit that subscribe button if you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet if I can get 10,000 subscribers in the next few months will be a great milestone for me

And I might even do a special video for you day number one begins with cutting down some trees breaking up some rocks and Gathering some some Fiber once enough wood has been collected I make a chest run around the map pick up some fares to make some tea saplings that

Around and of course we’re going to give an artifact to Gunter to get that nice 250 gold from a quest complete the next thing we’re going to do then is going to go appear with all our new earned money and we’re going to get some potato seeds

15 in total that’ll make a good start for the farming we’re also going to give Caroline daffle here to try to get that tea sapling recipe off ear later on in the game and the rest of the day spent water and crops and cutting down trees straight into the next day we’re

Watering more crops and once this is finished we’re going to go straight down to Willie now I’m going to get a training right after him it’s only 25 gold this will help me boost my fishing skill up as fast as possible today will be a whole day of fishing followed by a

Whole day fishing on number three because as we all know by now if it’s raining we’re fishing we wouldn’t be doing anything else we’re also going to speak to the NPC’s around Stu Valley to beat the introductions Quest cuz that’s going to get us some gold as well I’m

I’m also going to give Abigail a catfish here too just to complete a quest that she had on the not’s board she’s going to give me a whopping 600 gold for a quest complete which is really nice level five fishing we’ll go with Fisher fish were 25% more we got really lucky

Here now the next day 600 gold for another catfish and I actually had a few chilling out in the chest so I went straight down to Marie G that catfish and she was super happy with that that was another 600 gold for me and this was

So nice this put me up to 2,200 gold went back to the farm then and just spent the rest of the day cutting down trees because I was going to need thousands on thousands of wood if I wanted to get that cold clock by the end

Of this video it’s going to need tons of wood so it was actually rainy day in day five here now so start by pulling up all the parsnips cuz they’re all finished there’s still a few days left to go with the potatoes I decided to treat myself

To a bagpack upgrade I wanted to get this early so I wasn’t throwing away stuff all the time when I was fishing or going down into the mines gave Caroline another dff as well and she was happy with that and I also completed the house to Win Friends Quest that was under 100

Gold so I purchased 80 Bean starters now these are trous crops don’t have a whole lot of experience with these and you will see later on that I put them down a bit wonky and I couldn’t actually water some of them on non-rainy days speaking of rainy days it was raining so we’re

Back to pull it up catfish down into the mines though day number six here now and the main goal here is to just get down as fast as possible so I can start grinding up all the copper iron and gold later on got out of floor 20 got a steel

Small sword happy enough with that we went a little bit further though the next day Clint gives us a visit he’s going to give us the recipe to make a furnace and we are going to make lots of those as you can see here now I could

Only water on some of the trellises because of the mistakes I have made by planting these trellises not to worry though the junimos will come to our AE soon enough because junos can very easily walk through chuses we’re also going to put down some Juni crows which

Are more like scarecrows it’s just a scarecrow mod all mods will of course be in the description back down into the mines here now I got a wooden Club super happy with that I finally got access to the Wizard’s Tower it was finally time to put some junah huts on the farm and

You’ll notice that the junima Hut is free to use which is what I’m allowing myself to do with this challenge all junima Huts are free and these junimos are just your typical ordinary junos oh no these are super Advanced junimos these junimos have been to the Future

Back they have learned the ways of farming not only will these junimos collect crops for me they will also water crops and they will also clear away crops that have died when you go into a new season these are super junimos so no watering for me I’m never

Going to miss a green bean again speaking of green beans I decided to buy another 163 of them just to give the junos a little bit more work to do and look at our beautiful Juna farm right now we’re only on Day N and we already have a huge Bean Farm ready to

Go look at our hardworking junos and because it was raining of course we’re going to pull up more catfish because the more money we got the more crops we could buy so I finished a bundle here now just to get some more spring wild seeds and that was

Tkey spring W seeds right there so I’m going to plant those so I needed a bean and I needed a cauliflower to finish the spring crops bundle however the junimos will help me finish these bundles if I give them money because they are super junimos once the junimos are paid they

Will find the items for me which means completing these bundles through the community center route will be super easy using the power of the junos the me just gave me a visit he wanted to upgrade my cave there with either a mushroom cave or the bat cave I went

With the mushrooms because they’re more profitable and to give nice energy and health went down to Clint it was time to upgrade some tools we’re going to go with the pickaxe of course so I can make steader progression in the mines so I met some more spring wild seeds on a

Plant these the junal will actually water these for me as well and they’ll Harvest them when the time comes I just got to be careful when they get gathered later on because junimos won’t get double Harvest so I was back to fishing again now today cuz there wasn’t really

Anything else to do cuz my pickaxe has been upgraded I got another rainy day on day 12 I’m just blessed with rainy days when it comes to these Challenge videos strawberries are of course a regrow crop so I purchased 133 of those I wanted to get more but I just didn’t have the

Funds on me right now to get more of those but 133 should suffice I did wipe the kids out of course in the Easter egg hunt and I won the lovely straw hat which is the primary hat you will see me wear for the majority of the video until

We get the super secret hat later on these junos primarily work for free as long as there is one forged item in each of the Huts these junos will work every single day for me no problem they won’t ask for days off they won’t ask for any additional payments they don’t get sick

They don’t complain they are the super junimo back to into the minds of course making steady progress got the crystal dagger I love finding rooms like this where you get to hit open all the crates sometimes you can get some really nice stuff from these crates including

Hardwood which I will need plenty of later on in the game met it down to the floor 7s here I wiped out a skeleton there he dropped a bone sword that was a pretty nice weapon upgrade for me got down to the latter floor then I got the

Firew Walker boots which is a really nice boot upgrade as well you can’t really see it there now because of the graphic but they were just firew Walker boots give carine more daff is now today she’s one heart out of 10 at the moment once you gets the two hearts I can make

Some tea saplings gold clusters like this are always super welcome gold bars will be needed for later on in the challenge made it down to floor 100 got my first star drop of the game so progression was pretty good got level five mining too we’re going to go with

The Minor Park plus one or perine put some more furnaces down in the farm going to smell some gold bars and I also got the space Boots the next day in the mines as well from get another floor 110 so I was getting very close to the skull

Key know just getting more more gold here now and when I get down to floor 120 I do get a skull key this means I can now go to skull Cavern but first I had to unlock the bus and to do this I needed money tons of money I did have a

Pretty decent fishing skill so I was getting some decent money for fish it was time to harvest these lovely forgees look at all the green beans as well I was going to make tons of money from those went down to the boiler room in the community center going to finish all

The bundles here now this would unlock traveling carts for me didn’t need junos to get any it that bundle I had all the items from just going into the mines that’s one of the easier bundles to complete of course once that room was done junimos were super happy they’ll

Fix up the cart for me give Caroline another dle finally got her two hearts she will reward us with the recipe for the tea sapling tomorrow to the mail so I was looking forward to that that was going to be quite the money maker it was

Time to cut down more trees around our farm because if we wanted to make preserve jars and cakes and things like that we’re going to need lots of money money going to picked the tiller professional here for barming crops were 10% more that would be an absolute

No-brainer of course so I needed money to get some extra upgrades done on the farm so I sold Clint here some gold bars just to get myself up 10,000 gold when I had the 10,000 gold then went into Pier just to get the last backpack upgrade

Cuz I was struggling really bad in the mines which just the second backpack upgrade this one though will make life way easier I then went back to Clint and I got him the process on geod cuz I wanted to make my way down to kobus as

Quickly as possible so it was time to donate and stuff to gun I had lots of stuff to give him from all of the things gun was able to process for me when the business was set and done it was then back to fishing because it was a rainy

Day catfish Refresh on the menu day number 20 we’re actually getting through the challenge now believe it or not we’re back down into the mines we’re 1/5th of the way through it and we’re focusing on Stone we’re focusing on copper ores the reason why I needed so

Much copper is because I’m going to have to make loads of Toppers later on Juno is hard at work today on the 21st look at all these lovely green beans that they get to harvest it was an absolute Wonder to watch them work so hard I also

Got the copper axe back off Clint which is really nice it was time to give him another tool to upgrade this time we were going to go with the copper pickaxe to a steel pickaxe that’ll make life a lot easier for us in the mines more

Cutting down trees at the end of the day and I also got level five Arin going to go Forester trees drop 25% more wood I chose that over gather because wood is just more important it was time to R all the Juna Huts I was getting strawberries

Green beans the art vable here and there and I was going to sell all these crops to make an absolute ton of money so I’m going to go to prier directly with these crops because he’s going to give me money straight away and I wanted to get the desert unlocked as quickly as

Possible because we’re now coming into the the later end of spring and I still hadn’t been to skull Cavern so with the money that I had acquired it’s time to un un lock all of the Vault bundles Not only would this give me access to the

Desert to skull Cavern but it would also give me a crystall Arium and other really useful items I also used the power of the junos to complete other bundles too to get the bridge repair up as quickly as possible so I got them to fill up all of the other bundles where

Items I didn’t have which was most of the bundles that were actually there all of the other foring bundles I just didn’t want to wait you know for spring to end for summer to happen for fall to come in and then for winter to get all these done most of these bundles are

Very cheap so I said why not I had the money let’s just get to junos to find the items for us and unlock the bridge as well as the desert on the same day that is the power of super junal I at 65 T saplings today super happy with that

Going to sell those to make even more money cuz I was totally broke after getting all the upgrades for the vault and to fix the bridge I got my steel pickaxe back off PL I did have 39,000 gold go to be around with though so I

Got him to upgrade my axe to a steel axe to make cutting down trees a bit simpler went into the Quarry cave got myself the golden sight and I teleported out of there it was then off to Gus was going to buy some salads off him just for

Healing food for skull Cav runs later on salad is a great way to go and the rest of the day was spent fishing cuz I just wanted to get more money there wasn’t much else to do at this rate because I was waiting for a super lucky day to go

To this called Cavern day 25 and we are pulling up for from the ground now the junimos can do this as well and I do get XP but I just wanted to speed up time a little bit and just forge myself I’m at 86 more tea saplings going to sell those

For lots more money I got my steel ax off Clint it’s amazing how quickly these days go and it was time for another upgrade we were going to go with the goal ax this time so that was going to be a decent upgrade there with my steel

Pickaxe I was able to get rid of all the big rocks around the farm because I was going to need a lot more space coming into summer I was going to buy an absolute mountain of crops I got level 10 farming it’s going to go with agriculturist crops grow 10% faster the

26 we’re going to the desert get some spicy eels triple shot espressos made some bombs using iron ores and cold that had line around and it was time for a skull Cav run got super lucky with holes here got down six levels on the first hole got down seven levels on the second

Hole and I got a room here with crates got some nice warp totems rubies cave carrots Anthony geod not complaining at all I also got a spicy EA killing a serpent there which is really nice but what I wanted Just For Today Was to get past 425 just to get that nice 10,000

Gold off Mr key and I have accomplished that feat easy enough that’ll be extra money for me come summer so I had my steel ax it was time to break open the log here and go into the secrets I did mention earlier on that I was thinking

About getting the goax upgrade I decided not to though because CU needed to collect more wood I did however bring my Prismatic Sher to the desert here and I upgraded it to a Galaxy sword and eventually we would try to upgrade this galaxy sword to an Infinity Blade but in

Order to do that we first have to get access to Ginger Island and obtain three Galaxy Souls so I got my 10,000 gold off Mr key for making the pass 4 25 in the SC Cavern the 28 was just Gathering fiber to make more tea saplings I also

Needed fiber to make tree fertilizers as well because one of make a tree farm here in quari it was the first day of summer I bought two full stacks of blueberry seeds that was almost 2,000 blueberries it took me the whole day to plant those I did have to use

Mega bombs and regular bombs to hold the ground a lot faster because there was no way I was going to ho all this with just a regular ho in one day but I did have lots of B from Skull Cavern so it wasn’t the problem at all I also got more junah

Huts and I placed them out evenly so that they cover everything that they could I also got Clint to break up more jwi cuz I really wanted to get down to kobus because one of the special goals of set this challenge is to get kobus to

Move in with me I wanted to be best buddies with crus it was time for some fishing upgrades got the aridium rad off Willie today also going to get the Trap bber off as well just so I can pull up the harder fish and I went fishing for

The whole day then because the summer fish here actually sell for really nice money especially the super cucumbers not the snuff at at all they 31 I pulled up a sturgeon that going to be coming real Handy for the L out later on in the

Video the rest of the day was just spend primarily fishing just to get more money I had 23,000 gold on me at the moment but I needed a lot more money if I wanted to get that gold clock I also got the red snapper as well and the tuna

Which are both needed for fishing bundles I also pulled up the sandfish too which is needed for the special fish bundle and the puffer fish which is also needed as well any fish that I couldn’t get my hands on right now I could always just pay the Jun mode was to use your

Magical powers and find that fish for me 2500 gold here for the wood skip I said why not I had the money to burn so I burnt it the river fish bundle I was just missing the tiger trout so I paid 370 gold and I got the junos to to get

The tiger trout for me five dish off the Seas that was pretty nice so I needed a wall light to complete the night fishing bundle I paid the junal to beat that bundle as well and a sardine for the ocean fish bundle I could have got the

Sardine in Spring but to be honest I totally forgot about it that was okay though I had the junimos backing me up that was another bundle completed so that wouldn’t loock panning for us now we can pan around the map maybe we can get lucky ring from panning who knows

Level 10 fishing going to go with angler fish worth 50% more went to Robin as well a better 10,000 gold at 450 pieces of wood to upgrade my house to make it a little bit bigger I went to Clint it was time to upgrade some tools this time we

Were going to go with the gold pickaxe so that cost 10,000 gold gold but it you worked it later on it was back to the desert Trader this time I traded in one Emerald for a piece of cheese for the Aram bundle cuz that’s a very expensive

Bundle even if I was to get to junal to help me with that one it cost quite a lot of money to actually beat that bundle it it actually would have been cheaper to go to georia rout uh you know rather than pay the junos to beat these

Bundles separately but because we are Juno Farmers the junimos would not forgive us if we went Georgia out so this is but we had to resort to so at the end of day T Tre I got really lucky here I got a fairy and she would speed

Up some of the crops there I also met some Reserve bins the next day just to put in some blueberries to make blueberry jelly that will triple in value for me now when they’re finished I fish for the rest of the day just to make some more

Money cuz my funds were a bit low day 35 went to Clint got the gold pickaxe off him super happy with that I spent the rest of my money on coal tons of coal and the reason reason why I spent it all on coal is because I wanted to make more

Preserve jars and coal was just really hard to get at the moment went to the Quarry today cut down all the trees that grew using the tree fertilizer to get more wood cuz I wanted to make more preserved jars and cegs later on the blueberries were coming along pretty

Well so it was just with a thing of beauty at the moment on the farm spent the rest of the day now fishing or catfishing the secret Woods the 37 starts with getting that lovely blueberry jelly from those preserve jars that’ll a nice profit now for me I also

Put down more preserve jars as well to increase my blueberry production it was time to upgrade more tools going to go with the copper watering can this time at this right now is just preparing myself for ginger Island so I had the cloth cheese and a jelly for the Artisan

Bundle but I Curly didn’t have the funds to pay the junimos to find the other items for me I needed 22,000 gold to actually beat that bundle using the power of the junimos so we’d have to go back to that later on I did have however

PID the junos 3,800 gold to complete the animal bundle for me so hopefully they won’t raid Mary too much I got a cheese press for completing that which is pretty nice and it was sent back to Gunther I gave him some artifacts here I got from Treasure Chest

Including a dinosaur egg which was super lucky I also went into the mines today day 37 it was time to get some gold I was getting Stone I was getting fiber there was a lot of things that I needed the 38 was actually just called Cavern

Run but this time I came down prep heed I had lots of bombs I had ladders I was well equipped and I came out of here with a ton of aridium ores and Prismatic shards I was super happy with this run I got done really far even got to floor

100 here I got a red slime egg that would actually sell for a nice few th000 gold so the next day I went to the desert Trader and I traded in three Prismatic shards for a magic rock candy which is the best consumable in the game

I also went to the Lu out today as well totally forgot to bring the sergeon with me so I just turned into some some grapes and the governor said it was just average soup well you know what governor average is better than no soup so let’s

Have some so day 40 and this is just a thing of beauty look at our giant Juno Farm all these blueberries will be harvested by the junimos so they’ve got their work cut out for them for today they’ll also water all those blueberries as well Pam was offering 2,250 gold for

The diamond how could we say no it was also time to upgrade my clothes to prism itic clothes using cloth in Prismatic shards I was able to get the pants and the top but to get the magical hat I was going to need 333 om geod so it was time

To start saving for that it was now back to Clint I got the copper water in can I was super happy with that I then got Clint to break open a ton of omni JS that I had from the SK Cavern run 51 in total and I actually get really lucky

Here and I ended up getting the Prismatic Shard from one of them which is really good as well because that’s one of the rarest things you can get from bre can open a geod which is a prismatic Shard so I did some smelting today and I also put more blueberries

Into these preserve jars just to get a little bit extra money on the side why not at the end of today I made a total of 375,000 gold this is primarily from selling all the blueberries that these junos collected look at all the blueberries that they collected it’s

Just so much after making so much money and we’re we’re literally just hitting the tip of the iceberg here you know we’re not even halfway to this challenge yet so I had 371,000 gold to play around with I used the power of junimos to unlock all of these bundles to get my

Hands on the lovely Greenhouse but I wasn’t really after the greenhouse what I really wanted was access to Ginger Island as quickly as possible just to get the ball rolling there once the pantry was completed it was time to do the bulletin board and I go straight

Onto the bulletin board after this and all the bundles here aren’t too expensive the most expensive one is probably the Dy bundle there for 10,000 gold the field research bundle was only almost 7,000 for example the enchanters bundle was 8,500 and with the F bundle was 8,700 but because we had so much

Money we could just pay the junimos to get all these items for us and they gladly do it it just goes to short that even junimos need money junimos were now super happy that all of the requirements have been met they said goodbye and it

Was only a matter of time now before I get access to Ginger Island but before I went to Ginger Island was time to set up some decent routes in staru Valley so I just found a tree farm there I’ll put tappers on those trees in the Quarry in

A couple of days I also got a nice scene here too day 42 which just shows the community center back to its full potential so I purchased a rare seed today for 1,000 gold that’ll get me a star drop later on in the game I also started Gathering some hardwood cuz I

Needed I believe 200 pieces in total to fix up the hull to get Ginger Island I had all the other items that I needed it was just a hardwood now that was holding me back so that night lightning struck the abandoned Georgia Mart unlocking the hidden bundle I also went to Clint the

Next day got my aridium pickaxe super happy with that I know I say super happy lot but I honestly I am super happy getting these lovely tools so early in the game so to complete the hidden bundle was 8,350 gold much better than the rates of

Course so I paid junimos to go and fetch all the items needed to complete that bundle and they also happily obliged once that bundle has been completed I can now access the theater which is amazing this means getting friendship up with kowas and other NPCs in the game

Will be super easy cuz the theater is a great way to get friend points with the NPCs day 44 and we’re getting through summer look at all these lovely blueberries that these junos are harvesting it will take them the whole day but they are super hardw workking

Jimos down into the broken board we’re going to fix up the hull the idium anchor and we’re going to fix up the machine as well so all materials were found that means Willie and Robin will fix up the boat that night so I just wanted to show you the Pam’s picture

Here with the HD porches I thought it looked really nice speaking of Pam it was time to get her to give us a lift to the desert we were going to go visit Sandy here and we were going to purchase as many starfruit seeds as POS possible

456 in total these will go into the greenhouse well we’ll put as many of them as we can into the greenhouse but first we had to H up the ground put down some sprinklers so I’m going to put down a ridium sprinklers here inside the greenhouse fill it up with star fruit

And I had 340 starf fruit seeds left I’ll put those over on Ginger Island I got level 10 mining went with the blacksmith pork bars wereth 50% more and I’m also getting clined to break open more Geo here for me because I really wanted to key to the sword

To go down and meet kobus I’ve PA 1,000 gold today going to get Willie to bring me over to Ginger Island where our new adventure begins Ginger island is a great Money Maker because the farm acts as a giant Greenhouse you can grow anything you want on Ginger Island and

You don’t even have to worry about the crows but before we get access to the farm we had to hunt down golden walnuts thankfully because I’ve done this so many times I know the location of all the golden walnuts without looking at any sort of guides Ginger island is a pretty cool

Whimsical place you can befriend the parrots they can beat up Turtles for you which are blocking your pth to certain areas there’s puzzles located all over the map of course if you need a guide that will show you where to get all these golden walnuts check out my golden

Walnut guide which will be in the description of this video that will show you the location of every single golden Walnut so you can unlock the secrets of Ginger Island for yourself for the rest of the evening I just got rid of all the

Debris on the farm here so come day 46 I could put down all these star fruit seeds I also go back to the desert speak to Sandy get some Deluxe speed grow I combine this with my farming park that’s a 35% increased growth we for those star

Fruit which means they grow a lot faster G finally paid me a visit he will give me the key to the S so I can now meet the lovely kobus and befriend him so I sold a lot more blueberries appear because I need a lot more money to get a

Lot more seeds also went to kobis and I said hello to him kobis loves Wild Horse radishes he also loves void eggs cool tip here is that you can purchase a void egg off kobis and then gift it to him and that’s a very easy loved gift for

Kobus provided of course you have the funds all the time I also purchased a star drop off him for 20,000 gold it’s also more noting too that he sells a ridium sprinklers every Friday but I didn’t really need any of those it was back to Ginger Island this time I was

Going to spend it the efficient get up that’s called the walnuts and I also completed the Pyon puzzle as well which took me the whole day to do but I finally beat it the 48 look at all our lovely blue bries our super junon are going to harvest up all those we’re

Going to make a ton of money when we sell those at the end of the season I also put some tappers on the trees here too in the Quarry cave and then on day 49 it was back to Ginger Island to do a volcano dungeon run I also purchased the

Ginger ale recipe as this gives you a luck increase and I also purchased the warp totem Ginger Island which would come in super handy as well if I ever have to access Ginger Island later on I don’t want to wait around for Willie so in the elite treasure chest on floor

Number eight I picked up some dragon skill boots I was super happy with that for some reason it was really dark in the volcano dungeon it might be because of the daisy nco’s arly recolor mod so I Enchanted my Galaxy sword I got the Crusader enchant super happy with that

The next day it was finally time to free Professor snail and start his archaeology Quest the professor will send us on a quest to obtain loads of different fossils and the more fossils we give him the more rewards he gives us we needed to give him all of the fossils

Of course to get all of the golden walnuts that he had on him fortunately you can get all of the fossils in the first year no problem at all nothing would hold you back except for luck of course you also had some Island server reports here so it was 22 for the purple

Flowers and then for the purple starfish you just had to answer 18 and that was another two handy dandy golden walnuts in the bag the parrots weren’t just great at combat they’re also great at construction and they built up the resort area which allowed me get access

To this lovely Beach where I got another golden W from the stash Pond there was also a spot here too where you could hold another golden Walnut up just like that I then went inside the Pirates Cove here Pirates appearing here sometimes if it’s not raining which is really cool

But more importantly there was another golden Walnut I have kobus a theater ticket and he was really excited he said he normally doesn’t show himself outside in front of humans but he had an idea so I went up to the theater area and I got kobis one of his favorite snacks the

Black liquorish kobus was in a really cool kind of purple suit thought it was really cute and he says hello I’m very excited to be at the visual entertainment center and to consume the popped corn just like you how am I doing you know what kobus you are doing

Magnificently well so we saw a journey of the pirate king kobas actually didn’t like this movie but he did like the trait I gave him so I think I come out with more friendship points than than zero are in the negative category it was back to cut no more trees because

Eventually I am going to make an absolute ton I mean a ton of cegs I sold loads upon on loads of blueberries appear here got 145,000 gold ready to play around with that it’s time to start making some sheds so I’m going to going to put all the shads down here at the

Bottom of our lovely blueberry farm as we can see the junos are still hard at work bless their souls all these sheds will be filled up to the top with cakes and we will be making starfruit wine that’s where that big money is going to come from it was

Back to Clint again used all my money well almost all my money and bought a full stack of coal 999 pieces I was now covered for coal for the rest of the challenge the reason why I bought so much is because I needed to smell so

Many ores in bars I needed tons of copper bars to make tappers for the Quarry cuz I was going to make a lot more trees which going to have a lot more tappers which means more Oak resin for me that means I could make more cakes I also went back to Ginger Island

I started breaking open all these trees to get up my Farge and skill to get wood I even went for the hardwood as well because hardwood could be broken down by the wood chippers into regular wood later on in the game as well back to

Robin I got a big shed this time which was a nice upgrade I got Clint to break open some golden coconuts here and I managed to get an artifact in fact I need it for Professor snail I also fished up the fossilized spine on Ginger Island

Too and I managed to use some panning here and I was lucky enough to get some aridium or I was actually hoping to get the fossilized tail but aridium or is not the snuff it so I had a good bit of artifacts already discovered I actually was lucky

Enough to get one of the snake vertebres there but I still needed one more so I was hoping I was going to get that soon enough so we are on the 54 look at all these lovely Oak resins there’s well over 50 Oak resins here now in total so

That’s going to be at least 50 kegs I also discovered that because the Juno was close to the greenhouse the junos went inside and started harvesting my star rout so I actually couldn’t really help that but you know what I said I’d leave him off I know I met a rude to

Start where that the Juno going to do the regrow crops but there’s not I could do about the greenhouse the junimos just absolutely love to work the farm and who am I to say no no you can’t do that you can’t have fun you can’t pull up those

Lovely star fruits look at all the blueberries I’m going to sell today I had thousands upon thousands of blueberries that are going to be sold I wonder how much money I’m going to make from selling all these lovely blueberries I’m finishing off Summer by going to a lovely visual event here

Which is the Moonlight jellies combined with the lovely fishing mod where you can see fish in the water I met over 1 million gold at the end of Summer by selling blueberries isn’t that just insane look at all the blueberries that I sold it’s the first day of fall and

The junos are watering the ground they’re clearing away all the dead crops so while they’re doing this I’m going to go to Pier with my millions of gold and we are going to get tons of cranberry seeds we are going to get huge huge amounts of cranberry seeds well over

2,000 cranberry seeds to boot and we are going to set up the whole farm with cranberries so that’s going to be the theme for this fall it is going to be cranberries cranberries are actually pretty good in terms of profit yield you know like to do cast out of money but

You do make it back 10-fold and because we have so many cranberries planted we are going to get back Millions from this it took me the whole day of course to plant those uh cranberries I also had access to the special orders quests now and the second F gold Prismatic jelly

Here for the uh the wizard um I also had a few crops grow back in ginger Island so I had the melon the wheat and the garlic that I was lucky enough to get in skull Cavern that was 15 golden walnuts in total from the Frog five each for

Each Uh crap grown all the star fruit is fully grown too so Not only was I going to get a ton of starf fruit but I was going to also get five golden walnuts to farming so I purchased another full stack of star fruit seeds there after

Lovely Sandy and they will go back into the greenhouse and they’ll also go back into Ginger Island as well and the great thing about Ginger Island as well as the green hous is that the speed grow I put down remains so I don’t have to go away

And purchase extra speed grow that will last throughout the whole challenge so I went to the shop this time and I purchased wood of Ravin just to get the ball rolling properly with the cakes cuz I needed thousands and thousands of wood you know to make all the kegs that I

Needed when I purchased all that wood from Robin I then run around sergu Valley cut down some trees went up to the bat house area here there was tons of fiber up here which was nice cuz I hadn’t been up here yet so I got all the

Fiber from here and then I cut all the trees from here as well then the quest was on the Prismatic jelly to get that I had to kill a prismatic slime and it’s super rare floor eight was an ambushed floor but I unfortunately enough didn’t

Get it the next day however I did come across just before the day ended and this Prismatic slime hits like a truck it also has a lot of HP but I beat it I got the Prismatic jelly and that was a good day of grinding done the next day I

Again give that to the wizard he was super happy about that I didn’t do it for the money I did it to get the monster musk recipe which comes in real Handy later on Monster musk also makes it super easy to get some of the monster eradication gos done I wasn’t going for

Monster eradication goals in this video but it’s nice to have it anyway so the first batch of starford wine was done I just got it there at the greenhouse then it was back to Quarry to get more Oak resins and then I filled up my shed with

Kegs and all these kegs were going to have star fruit to make starfruit wine which is just super profitable the next day I got the monster musk recipe of the wizard for doing his Prismatic jelly Quest and I took kobas to the theater again this time because it was fall and

New movie was going to be played it’s called mysterium kobus actually liked that one which is pretty cool so that was more friendship points with him was time to expand our lovely Tree Farm in the Quarry so I did just that and now here we go folks the 63 look at all

These fabulous cranberries and the Juno’s hard at work you probably know to the junic cros which is basically the Scarecrow changes throughout the seasons so they look different depending on if it’s spring summer fall or winter back to Robin we’re going to get another shed of course because it was just easier to

Manage the kaks if you just keep sticking them in sheds and put the sheds beside each other went into the mutant buler got the D Talis man went to the swamp area here and I gave this henchman I normally call him a gabet but he’s a henchman I gave him a void mayonnaise

That I fished up just from the waters around him now I can get access to the magical ink that I give to wizard the reason why I needed this was to build the other buildings cuz I could just make the Jun mots from the mod but if I

Wanted to make the gold clock that around I had to get that so might as well just get it now get it done so I got the tropical fish special orders Quest there from the special lers board and that just means I had to get five Lon fish five flu discus which took

Basically the whole of today which is a64 and then tomorrow it was going to be the stingray I also got the filiz tail there too from panning so I was super happy with that and the next day then it was just a full day of fishing the stingr unfortunately wasn’t very common

For me so it took me the majority of the day to get it the next day though Willie gave me a deluxe fish tank his tanks to get them all those fish so I was super happy with that and the star fruit was fully grown again on Ginger Island so it

Took me the majority of the day to harvest all that star fruit and plant more star fruit seeds and of course I ran out again so I had to buy another full batch of star fruits I can only afford 58 this time I was running out of

Money so it was time to sell some cranberries to Pi and go back to Sandy and get more star fruits so that put me up to 56,000 gold there I went to Robin though and this time it was going to be a big shed upgrade just so I could fill

Out place with more cakes also back to the mines I was smelting copper bars as per usual cuz wanted to make more cakes and more importantly more tappers so with this set up now every few days I was going to be able to collect more than over 100 Oak resins which means I

Could easily make tons and tons of cakes cuz if I need it would I could just bite it off Robin so today was just a day of processing putting all the star fruit into the cakes to make starfruit wine I wonder how much money I open in this

Challenge it’ll be very interesting to see The Cranberries have regrown the junimos will of course Harvest all these lovely Cranberries for me while they’re doing that I’m going to cut down some trees like a pro with my lovely gold ax the more wood I get the more profits I

Am going to make because the more cakes I can make I also went to the traveling cart and I noticed an unusual item I’ve never seen before an industrial pipe never came across such an item so I purchased it and I stuck it inside the house it was actually decoration but I

Thought it was really cool so I said you know what I’ll show it in this video because it was something a bit different and in sometimes different as good so we were back to smelting more bars this time though I was smelting a really ores into ridium bars and I

Purchased 61 bombs off the dwarf there because I wanted to go back into skull Cavern to do a decent run but before that I was back in regular mines farming copper the next day I went to the desert Merchant I purchased some staircases and it was time to go back into Scott Cavern

For another Mega Run I mean it was so successful I came out with tons of rore and I came out with absolute tons of Prismatic shards again not to mention tons of other items such as Omni GEOS and Stone and things like that the next day I took the rock Rejuvenation quest

For Emily and I also completed a puzle in ginger Island by getting all G birds I also found the last snake vertebrae and finished off the artifacts for Professor snail completing his miname the award of course was a mango and a banana sapling and a ton of golden

Walnuts with the golden walnuts that I got I finally completed the warp Obelisk inside the ginger Island farm so I could warp back to Serio Valley and I got access to Key’s Secret Walnut Room unfortunately there was a choice of jun mcart and Key’s kindness so I went with

Jun mcart thinking you know what I’ve played it long enough now surely I can beat mer L’s record this was my best attempt so I’m just going to show this uh this once for this Challenge and I got to the fourth level there but I failed miserably I was only a few

Thousand points off beating Mar Lewis but I couldn’t to get Mar Lewis back I decided to prank him and I put his shs into my grin display he gave me some star tokens taught me to clear out my trunk as quickly as possible I took the star tokens gambled them a few times

Tread myself to a lovely star drop and you know what I left the Shar where they were so everyone can see what kind of a manare loses so we’re more than halfway to fall now the 73 and look at all the lovely cranberries it was just so much I did

Give Emily all of the gems she requested and she was super happy with that she says can you feel that the ocean has a profound heal healing energy it absolutely does what also has a healing energy is the 1,000 gold coins that she gave me uh which I don’t think added up

To the actual gems that I gave her but the reward will be worth it the next day speaking of rewards look at all these lovely aridium bars that I get to sell each one will go for, 1500 gold which is not snu it I met over 1 million gold today from selling

Cranberries I mean it’s just because there’s so many cranberries there there’s over two thousand of them set up on the farm so I treated myself to a desert warp totem recipe and another Magik R candy that was magic R candy number two and I went to Sandy and I

Purchased another full stack of starfruit seeds to put in the greenhouse and back on Ginger Island it was then back to the Quarry so you’ll probably see like a a little um kind of an event Farm here you know where I kind of do kind of the same things every week to

Maximize profits where I’m going to the Quarry to get the resins making the cegs buying stuff processing that into whne trying to make as much money as possible to get the gold clock this is what it’s all about though if you want to get that

Gold clock in your one you have to go down the STA Root Road there’s no ifs or buts about it so I went to Robin the 75 made another shed that’s going to be upgraded and then filled up with cegs give kobas another theater ticket we went to see mysterium again because we

Loved it the first time and kobas likes it which is the maining as well that’s more friendship points with him back over at Ginger Island we’re cutting down all the trees this island has to offer to get even more wood then it’s back to Robin of course and you guessed it it is

Another Big Shed upgrade so I tried junam Mard one more time after about 10 or 20 attempts finally Med it to the four level again and I died miserably yet again could not beat Mar lewis’ score of 50,000 Mar Lewis is an absolute beast at Jun

Mokart to make myself feel better I did combine an aridian band with the ruby ring twice giving me a total of a 40% increase in attack power as well as magnetism and glow so I’ve not have shown this a few times already but I just had to show it every time it

Happened literally a farm filled up the top of cranberries and junimo is just working hard to make me that money so I went for a curious substance special orders Quest today I had a whole week to do that that’d be easy enough to do and

I also got the danger in the Deep key quest which Awards me with 50 ke gems and it also gives me access to a hardened version of the mines and radioactive ore it’s also noting too that a radioactive bar just won with the blacksmithing Park sells for 4500 gold I

Decided to use magic rock candies today to get down as quickly as I could inside the dangerous version of the mines and also in the hopes that more radioactive ores would appear so I could turn that look into serious profit I did get the occasional radioactive veins here and

There but they’re still very very rare still though the best way to farm ore is just go in and out of floor one when you have the dangerous version of the minines activated those green ghosts are lethal if they hit you with the debuff

It means you can need food to heal for a good few minutes so it could be life-threatening so it’s also worth noting that if you take a ginger ale you can heal that debuff so I spent a few days in the hardened version of the

Mines and the reason why I did this is because I wanted to complete this Quest as quickly as possible to get the key gems so I can get those G galy souls to get my weapon upgrade cuz one of the goals was to get the Infinity Blade that

Required three Galaxy Souls made it down to the bottom of the mines that was the end of day number 81 or I should say the beginning because it was only 2:00 and I had radioactive ores to smelt into radioactive bars I also went to the shed

Too today to get all of the lovely starf fruit wine I was going to make so much money from this obviously I wasn’t selling it right now because I didn’t have the Artisan pork you know with the farming profession but I would swap professions later on in the game and

Then sell it to maximize profits I got Robin to make yes another shed and it was also back to Sandy to buy more starfruit seeds so once these starfruit seeds were purchased we’re going to go back over to Ginger Island but the great thing here isn’t the amount of starf

That we get to harvest it’s the fact that the banana tree finally bore a banana so we can give that to lovely gorilla here and get more golden walnuts as a reward we also got our sweet J berry as well it took almost a whole

Month to get that cuz I forgot to plant it and I brought that down to the secret Woods to get another star drop later on that day I went to the Halloween event here and I picked up a golden pumpkin which will coming super handy for a Kus

Birthday that’s coming up soon the next day I gave the wizard he’s ectoplasm and he awarded me with 2500 gold but more importantly he’ll give me a really cool recipe for mini warp oblisk the next day so I brought kobus to the cinema yet again this was the third time we’re

Going to see mysterium cuz it was such a good movie and I also went back to the desert Trader I now had enough Omni geod saved up to get the magic turban which now completes my full set of Prismatic clothes so I was super happy with that

Just look at me go I am styling went to Robin time to construct another Farm building it was a big shed upgrade as per usual so we’re now in the first of winter and we ended up in hide-and-seek kobus today gives me a magnifying Blass it’s also kris’s birthday today so to

Make it up to him we’re going to going to give him that golden pumpkin we got in the Halloween event and he’s super happy there we now have him on eight out of 10 Hearts we’re going to try really hard to get him up to 10 Hearts so you

Can move in with us time for another Quest we’re going to go with fragment off the past 100 pieces of bone super simple cuz we have monster MK we also have access to the dig site as well which is great for bone shirs I paid 10,000 gold time to respect the farming

Profession to Artisan and we’re going to resp foraging to for gatherer so I get more forgers and pick them up off the ground it was then back into the greenhouse and we’re getting even more starfruit wine putting more star fruit back into the cegs that will have to stop eventually though because we’re

Finish up on the 16th to winter and it does take a good few days for those cakes to produce starfruit wine we’re going to go with four precious stones here for the key Quest that was very simple to do because I just had so many Prismatic shards I almost had enough key

Gems now to get three Galaxy Souls I was just missing a few but one more Quest would seal a deal for me once this was done it was back in the regular version of the mines with a monster musk and I was just killing skeletons to do the

Fragments of the past special orders Quest I didn’t realized it was a much faster way to do it if I just went to the dig site with a couple of bombs I could very easily get the bone fragments here to complete the quest cuz you just get so many bone fragments from blown

Open all these veins so once I got all the B fragments here that was the quest done was straight back to gun in anded them in the bone fragments and I would be rewarded with a bone Mill and some money as well 3500 gold not bad in the

Grand scheme of things it is very small but every little bit helps it’s time to construct another Farm building but this time it wasn’t going to be a shade this time it’s going to be a stable and where will you see what kind of amount I got

For this video you’re not going to believe what kind of amount it is but it is a very unique and fun Mount so the junimos are still working hard in Winter no season was have them from working there just sorting out my winter seeds there for the fables and at the same

Time time I was getting even more winter fores to make more winter wild seeds I had a lot of Judah huts on the farm I didn’t want them to go cold so I felt really bad that they were just inside their huts with nothing to do so I was

Committed to getting more seeds so I finally got access to a new Mount I’m going to call it Juno it is basically a giant junimo that you can write around on look at it go it changes color every time it takes a step which is really

Cool it has different modes though so it does it doesn’t have to do that you know you could just give it a set color as well if you don’t want to it uh alternating between different colors like that when you’re writing it around so it’s a really cool uh mod there for

The horse Transfiguration I didn’t want the junal to collect the winter forers because they didn’t have to gather a park and they were only getting one at a time where I had a chance to get two so I tried to collect as many as I could before the junimos claimed them all I

Did however get to make an extra 300 plus winter wild seeds from the ones that I gathered and I just turned them back into well seeds again so that was pretty cool that would keep the junos busy for a while back down to kobus purchased the v egg off him gifted him

The Vite egg straight away to see if I could max out the Friendship hope we weren’t there just yet so went back to Robin to the shop and I purchased all the recipes she had on offer I just wanted all the different types of page

You put on the farm and I also got to upgrade my house as well to make it a little bit bigger so and C kopus does eventually move in he’ll have a nice streamy spacious house much better than the sours so it was time to go to the winter event

Here now the winter fishing event and I purchased some decorations there as well for the traveling cart Merchant and I also won the fishing event too and as a reward I got some pretty cool fishing tackles and I also got a fishing hat it didn’t however come close to the magical

Turban that I had so I just kept the magical turban on because it just went so well with the Prismatic pants and top that I had so we’re now on day 93 and it’s just the usual processing of starfruit into starfruit wine this would more than likely be the last time I put

Starfruit into the kegs I also purchased a void ghost pendant I needed a few H hundred V Essences for that but I had that from doing the old dungeon runs over and over again and kobus decided that he would move in with me which was great it was time for another key Quest

I’m going to go with four precious stones because it was just easier to complete and I wanted those key gems as quickly as possible so I put in the four Prismatic shards got the key gems and I purchased the last Galaxy soul that I needed to upgrade my Galaxy sword to the

Infinity Blade so before I went up there to do that I just did a regular volcano run just to get my hands on more shards and stuff like that got the Infinity Blade I also put three rubies into it to increase its raw attack power and it

Also had the Crusader enchant so it was quite the formidable weapon when it was finished I now had one of the strongest weapons in the game The Infinity Blade a level 22 sword 104 to 130 damage four speed two defense and a crusader enchant it was now time to make the farm look

Pretty I fished up the aridium kobus here needed a fishing skill of 15 that was easy enough to get with the fishing master enchant I also got the stone junimo statue behind the community center and crob has finally moved into the house but he wasn’t very talkative

On the first day but not to worry I’m sure he’ll come around in time so it was time to start cleaning up the farm and was just pickaxing away all these hold spot so I could put down some Pats and make the farm look really good the next

Day crob has come around and he gave me a really nice hug was really happy about that I also got all the winter forgees here as well and I finally reached Max skill on the forging that was now all skills fully maxed out super happy with

That I decided to give Juno Mard one more attempt just to see if I could beat Merl’s record and I was going to speed this attempt up I got so close with this attempt and I just dieded due to was City fall I must have been off by about

1,000 points there to beat Mar lewis’ score but in the end I couldn’t beat Mar Lewis but I got really close to beating him I also forgot to give Robin her last ax as she lost in Spring but there you go Robin I know it took almost a whole

Year but there is your last ax that’s 250 gold in the bag it’s better late than never as they say back to Ginger Island this was going to be the last star fruit Harvest we were going to get all of these star fruits would just be salt they wouldn’t

Be processed into star fruit wine but it will be very interesting to see how much money we make here and boom look at that we made over 10 million gold primarily from sending starfruit wine let’s look into the farming tab to see how the profits are broken down as you can see

Moy starfruit wine and we just have the regular starfruit down there as well so it was a good it was a good day a good money-making day what are we going to do with all this money we are going to get the gold clock of course which is not a

Challenge complete we did of course need the help of the junal to get the go clock but we actually had money left over so we got the desert and the ginger Island warp obelisks and now what we have here is a lovely tour of our Juno

Farm so as you can see I put up some iron fences I put down some benches put down some flowers put down some seeds I made the farm look really nice all challenges have been completed we got the go clock we met over 10 million gold

We maxed out all our skills and we even got the Infinity Blade upgrade so it was a really successful run if you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe and like as that really helps me out got about 8,000 subscribers at the moment if I can hit 10,000 it’ll be a great mind

Stall for me I hope you have a great week and I’ll see you in the next video bye for now I played 100 days of starj Valley but on hardcore survival mode hello everybody this is gamer gar welcome back to another 100 day staru valley challenge for the purposes of

This challenge we are going to try to complete as much of the game as possible within the 100 days but there are going to be some serious restrictions that are going to make this run a hardcore survival run let’s get straight into the rules every single day will be played

Using the worst luck attainable thanks to a lovely luck mod that I have downloaded monsters will now scale with luck their attack defense and speed has now been greatly enhanced monsters will also spawn on the farm so we’re going to have to keep our wits about us especially in the evening time stue

Valley is experiencing a drought no sprinklers can be used ever no tool upgrades are allowed this also includes fishing rods so we will have to use our regular fishing rod to catch every fish in the game we cannot sell tea saplings or fish the community center will now have

Regular and remix bundles active at once no backpack upgrades shall be allowed we will be playing through this whole game using the regular backpack that we start with only one chest will be allowed in this run so we’re going to have to try really hard not to over accumulate on

Items that we don’t need hunger and dehydration statuses have been added to staru Valley if my character gets gets dehydrated or goes hungry I can very quickly lose health and stamina resulting in my character passing out and last but certainly not least no buff food of any kind will be

Allowed thanks so much everyone for subscribing to my channel this is the special 10,000 subscriber video I really hope you enjoy this one it took a lot of work a lot of effort and a lot of patience so let’s jump straight into this video and let’s have some fun

It is day number one on our lovely hardcore survival Farm we start by just clearing up some of the rubble around the farm to make space for some lovely crops we’re going to start with our free 15 parip seeds any mixed seeds we get we will of course plant those as well we’re

Going to cut down some trees and make the one and only chest that we can use in the entire run so we’re going to have to be super careful when making decisions on what goes into this chest what can be stored what can be used straight away as a result you will see

Frequent visits to the community center it was time to pick up the spring onions any other fares we saw along the way were also picked up because we wanted to increase our foring skill as quickly as possible as you can see there in the bottom right dehydration and hunger have

Already gone down substantially so we have to eat food to keep those stats up thankfully spring onions come in super handy rest of the day was spent just socializing with the lovely residents of staru Valley just to get to know everyone day number two starts with

Water up the crops and there’s going to be plenty of water in this challenge because we cannot use sprinklers ever we also get a lovely mail from wi to say that we can get a fishing rod off him this will be the only fishing rod we can

Use in the challenge this will make it an absolute nightmare to catch certain fish in the game including most of the legendary fish and of course the cursed octopus but for now let’s just start with the easy fish and work our way up let’s see how well we can get on by

Using this regular fishing rod it’s also Notting too that all of the fish I catch sh I canot sell these fish will primarily be used to eat to recover hydration and hunger in order to get perfection in this game we will have to sell at least one of every crop in the

Game there’s also a lot of community center bundles that are going to be active so purchasing one of each crop from beer is a good way to start spring as you can see I’ve got a nice assortment of items here on the farm planted in the ground later on that

Night I get attacked by bats I was a bit confident here but then I realized that after getting one hit off a bat my health was drastically reduced to stay alive I ran into my house and went to bed for the night I wasn’t going to chance my arm fighting those bats

Anymore I did need some serious defenses in order to tackle the monsters of this game as well as a decent Weapon It’s also W noting too that the chest rewards in the mines are also remixed so I’m not too sure in what order I’m going to get

Items day number three is of course our rainy day and we do spend it fishing getting up the Fisher skill as quickly as possible will benefit us because the higher quality fish we get the more that can do for hunger and dehydration for us as well as giving us lots of health and

Energy so fish is still the way to go in order to survive in this game I fished up the catfish and the eel today but needed for Perfection they’re also needed for Community Center bundles so we’re on number four we’re going to start with watering the crops and most

Days will start this way unless of course we got a rainy day which will be super rare of course you also notice on the top right hand side of the screen you will see a Dy this icon will always be gray indicating that every single day

Will be the worst look you can actually get so I was doing more fishing today and the reason why I was doing so much fishing was because every time I try to do anything else dehydration and hunger would quickly fall so I had to constantly eat fish to keep my character

Taken over so in terms of fishing level five I went with the Crab Pot perk because I figured that if I can get lots and lots of cra crab pots put down it would increase my survival rates big time as it would just be an easier way

To accumulate fish and to eat those for health and energy there’s no point increasing the value of fish because I couldn’t sell them in the first place anyway so the monsters in the mines were much tougher but the hardest part was actually getting down two levels it took

So long to get a ladder because the look was so bad I had to mine open almost every single if not all of the rocks on the level just to get a ladder to descend down to the next level so that was just floor number two and as we can

See here I got the floor number 10 but it took almost the whole day just to descend 10 levels I did get a wooden blade in the first chest and it’s a small bit better than the rusty sword but not by a whole lot I was hoping for

Much better boots much better defense but for now the wooden blade would have to do in order to get Perfection we were going to have to max out all of the relationship statuses with the NPC’s staru Valley doing help one to Quest like this lonus was looking for an eel

Is a great way to get the Friendship points up it’s also more noing too that if we accumulate enough hearts with lonus he will teach us a recipe called Sashimi that will make it a lot easier to store up fish as we can only have the first backpack active can’t upgrade the

Backpack to the second or t tears so turning fish into Sashimi is a great way to save up inventory space So if we do seek quests from lus we will absolutely prioritize those to get the hearts up with him to learn Simi recipe so that

Was one of the big tasks I wanted to get done with as quickly as possible so I’m going to pay gun a visit here and we are going to have to donate to him every single mineral and artifact in the game in order to get Perfection Perfection of

Course will span over a couple of videos as you cannot get perfection in just 100 in game days especially if you start from year one so I spent the rest of the day just pulling up more fish just to keep my character taking over we don’t want my character getting dehydrated or

Super hungry I also completed my first First Community Center bundle that was the spring seeds in the bag 30 spring seeds ready to go we’re going to plant those straight down in the farm this is just an overview of the other bundles as you can see there’s a ton of bundles

There we have both regular and remixed bundles all stacked on top of each other some bunds are pretty easy others would be very difficult especially with the restrictions imposed it was going to be very hard to complete some of these bundles but we’ll get more into that as

The video goes on so it was Mar his birthday today I gave him a daffodil it’s a light gift it was extra friendship points with him I spent a good portion of today watering crops as you can see my dehydration bar and hunger bear are now at an alltime low

When this happens you got to be super careful and make sure to eat lots of food the last thing you want is your character passing out especially at the start in the middle of the day so once all of these crops were harvested it was

Time to go back into the mines as we can see here now my health is slowly but surely just going down because my character was dehydrated I didn’t have anything on me at the moment that could get my hydration up so my character eventually just passes out because I was

Taking Health damage from dehydration and the great thing about this game is that because I have the worst luck possible passing out more likely than not would result in me losing every single item I have including my only means of self-defense the wooden blade so I had to pay Marin

Visit here and I had to use his item Recovery Service pay him a small fee and he would recover that wooden blade form because at the moment I didn’t really have anything else I could use to go down into the mines to fight the monsters sure I could use the sight but

The regular sight isn’t that great in the long run so we’re at day number nine and we start by getting all of these lovely spring barbles now we can’t use our usual tea sapling tactic but we can still sell the regular spring seeds by accumulating all the fbl we pick up off

The ground I got a glow ring here now floor 20 in the mines I was actually pretty happy with that because that will make the later floors much easier especially the dark floors when you get the floor 30 day number 10 was a rainy day this was the second rainy day now

That has happened appared from day number three it just meant I didn’t have the water to cop that day which was a god end so I went straight back to the mines and I tried to make as much progress as possible as we can see the

Enemies are much faster they do hit much harder as well so we have to be super careful that we don’t get one or two shoted by these enemies we don’t get any prizes for getting the floor tkey but at least we met some progression so I spent

The rest of the day pulling up more fish because I didn’t have a whole lot of stuff to eat in order to get my hunger and hydration back up so it was fishing and it was putting up spring onions spring onions saved the day so many times reason for this is normally when

You come down here to cindersap fars and collect them you normally get a good few and they do wonders for your hunger and hydration I gave Rabin a last axe today that was a nice 250 gold in the pocket and it was more friendship points with

Robin I also picked up an anent anent seed from the mines as well give that into Gunther to get the ancient seed recipe and an actual ancient seed that I could plant in the farm was really nice to actually get that early I could use

Those in seed makers later on to fill up the greenhouse with ancient fruit which would be really nice for the profits to roll in later on the next day Marie paid us a visit and this time we were going to use a mod that converted the cat into

A crow but the mod didn’t change the way the crow sounded so when you pet the crow it actually me out so I called it Crow cat cuz it was in my opinion half Crow half cat so I pulled up a green bean on the farm I needed that for a community

Center bundle so I was super happy with that once all the crops were watered it was back to the community center to fill up as many bundles as we could now I couldn’t complete most of the bundles as I was still waiting on a few items but I

Had to come up here anyway to get rid of these items because I just didn’t have the storage space to keep them so that makes the backpack challenge really hard is cuz you have to make make frequent visits to places to just drop items off

So the crab pop bundle was an easy one to do I got most of those items if not all on the beach tree free Crab Pot ready to go I was going to put them down just outside jordy’s house there and hopefully I’ll get a few snails and a

Few other bits and Bobs in those it was time to smelt some bars we were going to smelt some lovely copper ores in the copper bars we’re going to need all the copper that we can get to make tappers later on for our lovely tree farms we’re

Watering the crops again and it was time for the lovely Easter event so I didn’t have a whole lot of money but with the money I did have I purchased a couple of strawberry seeds I got 23 in total they’ll make for a nice profit and I

Also won the event of course I’ve done it about 100 times now and for this I get a lovely Straw Hat D 14 was an absolutely magnificent day it was time to get all of the lovely spring barbles even though I couldn’t make tea saplings I could still sell the spring wild seeds

If I wanted to but for now I was focusing on my faring skills so most of those will go back down into the ground it was Haley’s birthday today I gave her a daffodil she was super happy with that lots of friendship points with Haley I also gave Caroline dael too because she

Was in the same vicinity and I had a spare daffle so why not I would have to make a tea sapling eventually and sell just one to get Perfection but we can do that later on in the challenge another bundle complete by bringing in a cauliflower the reward 20 speed grows I

Was going to use those on the strawberries just to get an extra Harvest for those if I saw fiber like this I would of course take it as I can use Fiber for lots of recipes in the future look at all these lovely spring onions these spring onions were just

Saving the day constantly because I was getting back so much hydration and hunger from eating them I also managed to pick up a ton of salmon berries and I put that into the farger bundle the salmon berries that I had left also came in really handy to keep my character

Taking over as well in terms of hunger and hydration so it was time to visit Marne now today and I gave Marne a quartz because she can actually give a really handy recipe later on the recipe is called pale BR and all you need is

White algae to make it it’s also good to get differential points up with hor so that when you get the quest in summer to go in and get Mar Le the sh you can just head on straight in complete the quest and get a nice amount of gold for

Completing it as well so it’s back going into the mines I was on floor 302 now at the moment and I still had the wooden sword and it actually wasn’t doing too badly when I get down to floor 40 I did get the slingshot now I’m just going to

Throw this one away because I get the master slingshot eventually Which is far superior a regular sting shot because I’m also on the 40s it was going to be much harder to progress cuz I still had the regular pickaxe and I couldn’t upgrade it so it’s just going to take

More swings to get you the floors I at 65 almost 6600 gold today primarily from selling to Spring seeds that I had accumulated 180 in total so that wasn’t too bad the rest of the seeds I just put back down on the farm I couldn’t put too

Much things down because I couldn’t use sprinklers so I had to take into consideration how much energy and how much time was needed to water all those cops every single day so it was time to go to Robin and I was going to get a cou

It was time to get some animals animals would make my life blood easier because for the most part you just have to pet the animals make sure they’re fed and they will autogenerate products for you every single day a fairy visited my farm that night and I got really lucky she

Actually gave the strawberries a nice buff so I was able to get a good few harvests today that also give me a farm and level up as well so back down into the mines I got down before 50 got some tmal boots they’re actually not bad for

Starter boots they give some defense he also gives some immunity but I was going to need much much better gear for the later dungeons especially this SK Cavern when I got down to 4or 60 I got the iron Edge I was actually really happy with this it’s a beautiful weapon but it

Wasn’t as good as the lead Rod that I had 18 to 27 damage plus the fact that it was a maze type weapon I could slam it off the ground and I could hit multiple enemies at once so it’s back down into the community center and the challenge here now with the

Construction bundle believe it or not was going to be the hardwood cuz I couldn’t upgrade tools hardwood was going to be extremely hard to come by you can occasionally though get hardwood from chests and crates inside of the mines when you break them open children’s bundle would be an easy one

Too just needed an ice cream to finish that I get the ice cream in summer off Alex cuz he sells it for the adventures bundle that was going to be easy enough too I already had the mats for that one and as a reward I got a small magnet

Ring not bad it was sent back to Gunther to hand in some of the artifacts that I found it was very important to give Gunther as many artifacts as possible because if I can get access to the sours and I get access to kobis later on I can

Buy a star drop off him which would increase my maximum energy which would be really nice traveling cart is also another very important NPC here to interact with as she would sell a lot of items needed for some of the community center bundles I got level five Farin I

Was going to go with farer but I said for now I’d go with gatherer so I can pick up more Farge to increase my survivability I can always change them around later on anyway once I get access to the sords so I made some recycling machines today

Because I had a lot of trash accumulated from fishing and instead of selling the trash it would be more beneficial to put them into the recycling machines so I went to Maryland today just to sell some stuff I didn’t need had a quick look at

Some of the weapons he had I was tempted to get templar’s Blade but I decided not to cuz it was 4,000 gold and I could really use that money to get other stuff he did have combat boots though plus Tre defense sounded really nice I decided to

Think about this because I wasn’t doing too badly in the mines so I decided to come back to him later on if I needed better defense so I was back to Gunther and I got clined to break open some Geo te going down into the mines that was

More minerals given into Gunther there the sooner I get access to the SS now the better it was also Shane’s birthday today so I bought a bear off Gus gave that to Shen he was super happy attempted to have a conversation with him after that and he wasn’t interested

Interested at all he just wanted to drink his beer in peace so because it was his birthday I let him have it another help want the quest from Marney she just wanted a seaweed 60 Gold but I wasn’t after the Gold I was after the friendship points so I spent the

Rest of the day fishing increasing my fishing skill was of course super important if I picked up a seaweed Happy Days day number 21 was a beautiful day look at all these lovely spring forgees I get to pick up I was going to get lots

Of forging XP for this also I was going to make lots of money from selling all of these spring wild seeds I didn’t bother planting any of these back down into the ground cuz it was the 21st of spring now we’re almost in summer so all of these would be converted into spring

Wild seeds and they would be sold it’s time to go to Marney and get some chickens we are going to get four chickens in total they only cost 800 gold to pop we’re going to call them link Zelda G and dwarf and last but not least Link’s trusty navigational friend

Navi can you guess the theme I’m sure most most of you be able to guess where those names are from but we will be doing lovely themed names in this video with all of the future animals that we’re going to pick up so I went a bit

Over the top today I purchased 175 parip seeds in the hopes to drastically increase my farming skills so I can get access to more powerful perks because I couldn’t upgrade my tools I was relying more on the perks I could get from these skills I gave Jordy a cauliflower today

As part of quest and the reward it was actually a pretty nice reward I got a total of 350 gold given in the cauliflower there that was a pretty nice profit spent the rest of the day pulling up fish as I was running out of resources to keep my character from

Either starving to death or going thirsty I did make 21,000 gold at the end of today primarily from selling spring seeds of course tea saplings would have made me a lot more money but we can’t sell tea saplings Demetrius smelled the money he visited us the next

Day no weather condition would stop him he gave us a choice what kind of cave we wanted we said nothing because this is a hardcore survival run and what you see there is also a bonus restriction that I didn’t mention to start of the video we won’t be using demetrius’s ability to

Set up a cave for us with this challenge it will be an empty cave we can of course decorate it in the future though so we’re going to visit Robin today it is time to construct another building I’m going to get her to construct a silo

Now because I need a structure that can hold here to feed these lovely chickens I also spent a great portion of today clearing away all these rocks to make a little tree farm here and eventually when those trees do grow up I was going to put tappers on those to get back lots

And lots of syrups and Oak resins and pine TOs and everything else the eggs that these chickens will create on a daily basis will come in really handy to get a steady base of income coming in the eggs will also serve as a last resort if we don’t have any other items

To eat to keep up my hunger and hydration stats so it was back down getting more spring onions to Spring onions were an absolute Lifesaver not only did I get faring XP but they were also really handy to have on hand too just for the hunger and dehydration I

Got a coffee bean off of a dust Sprite today I’m super happy with that I also got a crystal fruit but I decided to eat the crystal fruit to make room for the Coffee Bean because I knew for the fact I was going to get more Crystal fruits

In the future the Coffee Bean was a lot harder to come across you know if I could plant the Coffee Bean today I’ll be setting myself up for hundreds and thousands of coffee beans before we get into fall got the master slingshot today I had to try to decide what it’s about

For that I decided to throw away the Slime I didn’t really need the Slime at the moment day 24 it was time for an event and I got the top of flowers recipe here now and I also purchased 10 dandelions and 10 daffodil along with the rarecrow the reason why I purchased

Daffodil and dandelions was because I had other fables stored away in the chest and I didn’t have a whole lot of daff dendelion so I could just make more spring wild seeds that way I didn’t have enough friendship points accumulated with any of the NPCs yet to dance with

Them but that was okay I got all of the items I needed at the event look at all these lovely parsnips I get the Harvest today it was time to make tons of money and of course I was going to get lots of farming XP as well from picking up all

These lovely parsnips you also get XP for petting the animals too and for picking up the animal products every morning so for the quality crops bundle I had the five goldar par Snips happy enough with that I also get five XP per egg so the more chickens I get now the

Better unfortunately I had to manually feed these chickens every single day but when I do upgrade the cou later on to the final tiar it’ll autof feed the chickens for me which will be super handy I at five mayonnaise machines today because I wanted to make bigger

Profits when it comes to the eggs selling the eggs on their own isn’t too bad but if you can turn the eggs into mayonnaise you can make a much higher profit mix that up with the Artisan perk we get later on and we can make loads of

Money from chickens it was time to upgrade the C today with Robin 10,000 gold 400 wood and 150 Stone would get us a big Coupe it would also unlock ducks for duck eggs and duck mayonnaise that we need for Community Center bundles as well so I was down into the 70s now

Fighting these skeletons and these skeletons were scary some skeletons were super fast some had regular speed it all depended cuz the stats on these monsters skill with luck so sometimes the skeletons could hit you and it could take half your health barar away way other times it’s getting to be much

Faster than you and you just had to run and leave the floor or you’re just going to die so it was really hard to progress in the mines level five farming I decided to go with Rancher because I was going more for animals than I was with

Crops and the animal products would be plentiful as the seasons come on so it was Pierre’s birthday today give aaal super happy with that extra friendship points for pier I also checked out the traveling cart Merchant to see what she had and she had an apple which was

Amazing I needed an Apple for the community center bundle but that was just one apple I still needed three more for the father bundle I believe it was I also needed 500 sap for the sticky bundle after cutting down tons and tons of trees I finally saved up enough sap

To get that done the reward was amazing 10 tree fertilizers so I was able to power grow 10 regular trees on the Old Farm so I decided to go for three to four different trees in each area this means I could quickly produce Pinter orak resin and map a syrup within the

Next couple of days I also made some lightning rods because I needed battery packs sooner or later I decided to get the battery packs sooner rather than later I also visited Gunther today it was time to donate more items to him the diamond the Frozen tear would be donated

I was going to keep the Jade cuz I needed that for a birthday that was coming up so I went back to Clint now today and I got him to break up in more geod I was really hope for the Prismatic Shard but water the odds I was going to

Get one of those with the odds stacked against me so it was stting to go back into the mines and this time I was on the starter floors primarily I was just looking for copper as lots and lots of tappers would need to be constructed in

The next couple of days for all of the trees that were going to fully grow up despite the fact that I had horrendous luck I got pretty lucky today with copper deposits and I was able to get lots of copper ORS to make lots of

Copper bars to make lots of tappers so I visited Clint today and I gave him all the copper ores that he wanted I said I might as well hit two birds with the one stone in terms of gathering up copper ORS for Clint he gave me 280 gold but I

Also got friendship points plus I needed the copper anyway to make tappers it’s Emily’s birthday give her that Jade I almost give Jade the gun through but I said you know what Emily loves Jades I had one on me friendship with her was more important especially birthday friendships as you get massive

Multiplayers I visited traveling cart again today and she actually had a c here for 800 gold now coconuts are very common in the desert but I wasn’t going to the desert anytime soon so I decided to get the coconut now just so I could put that into one of the community

Center bundles I was going to get the honey but I said no I would have MEAP syrup soon enough i’ be able to make beeh house is easy enough I did go to Marin though and I decided to buy some ducks four ducks in total because I

Already had four chickens and the bigger Vari of animals I had the better and here we go with the names unibo the next name up we’re going to go is tent can you guess the theme here for the next name we’re going to go with Ru or maybe

It’s Ru but I pronounce it as Ru and finally last but not least we’re going to go with seidon so can you guess what all those names are a part of let me know in the comments if you know what the theme is just to add a little bit of

More fun to this video so I decided to get some free crops off Gunther for giving them all those lovely artifacts and minerals I took the melon seeds I didn’t bother taking the cauliflower seeds because we’re at the end of spring now and you can’t sell those seeds seeds

So I would only end up throwing them away or they would have just taken up a precious inventory slot so I decided to use Gunther as a little bit of an external storage and he can keep those seeds until next year so it was time to fill out more Community Center bundles

And the D bundle was going to be pretty hard because it was all going to come down to that red cabbage and the only way to get that for the moment was after traveling C when she spawned and she only spawns if you know one or two days

Each week so when she does spawn is very important the Checker all the time so I decided to farm some dust Sprites today because I needed a bit more coal I also had a quest to kill some dust Sprites too so was hitting two birds with the

One stor I then went down into the 70s to fight those skeletons again and there was two reasons for this one I wanted iron ores and two there’s a chance these skeletons could drop a bone sword which would be a really nice weapon upgrade for me the bone sword is a magnificent

Weapon to get especially when you’re kind of halfway to the game as we can see there despite the fact that I was hitting these skeletons whatever ahe they still managed to close the gap on me and hit me a few times these skeletons also had range attacks such as

That and as we can see there he TR to Bone at me two consecutive times which done a lot of damage so I was very close to getting killed here and I had nothing on me to heal myself the skeleton turned another projector at me which more or

Less finished me off and those bones hit really hard more so because the enemies are overpowered with the mod I am using as a result I lost of the items I had including my valuable lead rod and Diamond so it was back to Maryland to use his item recovery service to get

Back my lead Rod there was no point spending money for him to get back the diamond because the diamond says for 750 gold and I didn’t really need it for any bundle or anything like that so I just left it off so I looked at weapons again

Looking at the templar’s blade I was going to buy it I said no I don’t need it the leado is fine I did take the combat boots though because they give plus three defense and the boots I had at the moment only give plus one defense

So I needed the extra defense cuz the monsters were hitting so hard and I thought the combat boots might make life a little bit easier for me I sold the tal boots for 150 gold to Maryland and that’s the great thing about Maryland you know you can sell them stuff I

Thought this was hilarious I picked up spring onions and they were all in the shape of a h h for help cuz the monsters were so hard and I don’t know how many times I was close to getting killed so I thought that was hilarious day number 29 we’re getting through the

Challenge and I was going to get all that lovely mayonnaise before I get the mayonnaise I had to do a little bit of inventory management here with the few inventory SL that I had available to me so because I was still using the first backpack upgrade and because I couldn’t

Upgrade the backpack run multiple runs were needed all the time to get stuff done especially picking up animal products you know processing them putting them into a chest or just selling them they all took multiple runs and it gets worse than R in the video

When to end up having like 12 or 24 animals all roaming around the place picking up their animal Goods so I paid the wizard a visit today and just a handing a quest there for killing the dust Sprites I also gave him a solar Essence to just get the rure points up

With him as well because he’s kind of out of the way all the bit on there in the corner so I don’t actually get to see him that often so we were in summertime now it’s time to get that ice cream off Alex 250 gold well spent this

Means I could complete another Community Center bundle before I went to the Community Center our good friend lonus was looking for a green algae I of course will oblig because I wanted to get more friendship points up with him so it was back into the community center

To the children’s bundle I submitted the ice cream there and as a reward I got three battery packs I was actually super happy with this cuz I could use one of the battery packs that I got to complete another bundle in the boiler room so I went into the engineer’s bundle here giv

The battery pack and that was one other bundle out of the way the reward for that was was a lightning rod so the rewards were actually really nice and the one good thing about having both regular and remix bundles in the community center was that I was getting

All the rewards back so it was like a double-edged sword really so I gave lonus to Green Aly I was super happy with that that was more friendship points from lonus I also gifted him a grape as well and this actually got him up a friendship level which is really

Nice so as you can see there on his portrait he has a green ball now around him which means I’ve got at least two hearts with him I was hoping that would be enough for him to give me the Sashimi recipe it was s back to Pierre’s to

Purchase some craps I did purchase a good few melon seeds cuz I needed five gold star melons for one of the community center bundles I also purchased one of every other crop that he had it did take uh two visits in total to get all of the crops but it was

Worth it cuz we needed it for Perfection I caught this super rare doraa fish this fish is actually really hard to catch because it’s so rare I couldn’t sell it of course so instead I just ate it just to get the h her dehydration up did feel

Like a waste but the rules are the rules so another Community Center bundle completed as a reward 30y summer seeds ready to be planted of course because we were in new season it was time to get all of the fish this season had to offer one fish in particular the sturgeon was

Needed for a couple of bundles the L Fish bundle of course was one of the bundles needed for the sturgeon so I just dropped that one in there the reward was a dress spinner which we couldn’t actually use but I could of course sell it because it was just a

Tackle give Marin her quartz today because she likes quartz I was able to access her bedroom picked up the lucky purple shorts because I have to give those mer L to complete a quest and that would be a nice 750 gold in the bag once that Quest was completed I decided to

Get this Quest done and over with as quickly as possible because the more quests I complete the more friendship points I get and the more gold I get as well so 750 gold wasn’t too bad and all I had to do to complete that Quest was

To get a few friendship points with mie so it was back to cutting down trees in the farm I just had to make a little bit more space using the regular ax was very painful because it took 10 hits to cut a tree down and it took a few more hits to

Get rid of the stump I did go for the house upgrade today because I wanted to access my cooker so I could cook up some foods that around which should be super handy for hunger and dehydration it was back to fishing again I did attempt the octopus a few times it just wasn’t

Happening way too hard with the regular fishing rod I got level seven far je I could finally make the tree fertilizer this means I could now grow all of these trees in super record time and I can start putting tappers in all these trees to get L of service back it was back

Down into the mines I was on floor 77 I wanted to make it down to floor 100 to get this Z job also to get some nice rewards in the chests if I can get a better weapon i’ been so happy the lead Rod is a fine weapon but there’s much

Stronger weapons you can get the skeletons were giving me a hard time but eventually I met got the fireworker boots these boots are actually better than the combat boots because not only do they give plus three defense they also give plus three immunity and I could just sell the combat boots back to

Maryland for 150 gold I needed a gold barar to complete the berer room so I decided the chance for 81 here to see if I can just get five gold ores in total to make one gold bear and I end up doing that no problem at all I had to be super

Careful of these enemies though because the metal head and the red slime would hit me for a huge amount of damage so I had to be pretty careful here fighting them thankfully the lead Rod that I had had a nice area of effect attack so I could use semi- ranged attacks to hit

That metal head back after a few strikes he did get defeated and I was able to go down here to get the utter gold node after breaking open this node though I only got back one gold ore of course because my Lu was so bad but I do get

The five ores eventually and I was able to make the gold bear which was good so day number 33 we are back on the farm and we are petting our an look at all the eggs we have now we’ve got chicken eggs we’ve got dock eggs and we have

Lots of hair in The Silo the things were looking really good for us in terms of the animal aspect of the game I got my Fire Quartz and my gold barar I was able to finally complete all of the bundles in the biler room this would open up

Fast traveling for me around various parts of staru Valley so this was the first room fully completed as a prise I got five Omni geod and a furnace and I was super happy with that the junimos were also super happy as well so that was one room done good couple of

Rooms left to go it was back to fishing now today and it was just more flounders I was trying for the puffer fish I was also trying to get for the octopus just could not get that octopus at all it was way too hard but on the bright side the

Junal will use their supern nature magic to fix up the traveling cards for us so we can get around Stu Valley level six farming we can make qu aity sprinklers for a few seconds I did get really excited then I realized the restrictions I have imposed on myself so so I

Couldn’t actually use the sprinklers so I had to motor run with what I had I did get Robin to make a fish pond though and get the ball rolling with the row and with the caviar later on for those Advanced Community Center bundles it was a Saturday I

Decided to go down to the beach get all the fores there that I had to offer was back into the mines then diamonds were so handy not only did they award 150 mining XP but I could sell the diamond for 750 gold it was all about progress

In the mines at the moment I was very close to floorida 100 I did get level five mining at the end of today I decided to go with the miner Park plus one or per that was an no-brainer the shadow brutes were now a terrifying enemy and the shadow shamans were way

Harder to actually defeat not only did they have increased defense but when they hit me with that debuff minus8 defense any enemy in this game would be able to oneshot me no problem at all so when I got that debuff I had to be super careful not to take an enemy attack also

When comes to fighting the shamans you had to hit them with everything you had early on so they don’t heal themselves back up the tempered broadsword was a godsend this was a huge upgrade from the lead Rod of course I didn’t have the ground slam but I did have a weapon that

Hit much harder meaning I had now a fighting chance against most of the enemies in these regular mines it was back to gther the next day to donate more items to his lovely Museum so it was the aquamarine I also had some other minerals like emeralds and rubies and

Topazes amethyst and of course the Fire Quartz so that was most of the easy minerals now you can pick up in the mines it was Gus’s birthday today I give that diamond I found in the mines he was super happy lots of friendship points with Gus it is definitely worth getting

The Friendship points up with the NPCs as quickly as it can because they do send you sometimes really nice items in the mail that could help you out so I was making lots of copper bars today because I had to make tappers as quickly as possible I just TR a super cucumber

Into the fishing pond there because there’s a chance you can get back a ridium ORS from those I finally got level 10 fishing I’m going to go with L Master crab pots no longer require bait one less thing I had to worry about sure

It did mean I was going to get lots of trash items but I could just recycle those to make a profit that way as well it was time to pick up the coffee beans and all of the summer fables faring XP was still welcome the sooner I get that

To level 10 the better I was going to convert all of these summer frables back into summer wild seeds plant them back down in the ground any excess would be sold because I had very limited space inside that chest I donated a summer spangle to the Garden bus all it was

Left was either a fairy Rose or a sunflower which I would have either or very soon I gave Maru a battery pack today for her birthday she was super impressed with that lots of friendship points from her we didn’t stop there though we then went on to Rob and it was

Time to construct another building we’re going to go with the deluxe cop this time this would enable rabbits and the reason why I wanted rabbit rbit earlier rather than later was because of the rabbit’s foot that you can get which is a universal loved gift for most of the

NPCs in the game I also had the Sashimi recipe here so just to save on inventory slots I processed all of the fish I had into Sashimi sure some fish did give back more health and energy than what the Simi gave but I converted them all nonetheless because inventory space was

More important so the next day I managed to get some coffee beans and I pulled up my first ancient fruit I was super happy with that I could now donate that to the community center I also went to luau today and I was going to draw a sturgeon

Into luau this was the best thing you can put into Lu gold star surgeon was the way to go Pierre also sells a star fruit for 3,000 gold if you ever get stock when it comes to putting something into the luo to get those friendship

Points the luo is a really nice event to attend and should be attended every year if you’re looking to get Perfection because of the amount of friendship points you can accumulate depending on what you to L the col flower is another great item you can BR to L out as well

So I was back to the traveling C Merchant now today and I decided to get the rare seed for th000 Gold because that is needed for Perfection and was back to cutting down trees with my regular axe which is just so destroying eventually I could just make bombs and

Blow all the trees away but I would not get the faring XP for it back down in the mines we were SL monsters with our lovely tempered broadsword I did feel it that safer with this I was on floor 95 almost floor 100 and it was only 2:00

Today let’s see how far we could get I had to be super careful with that squid kid his projectile attacks are now absolutely lethal one shot of that projectile could put me in an early grave when I got down to floor 100 I got my first star drop of the run I was

Super happy with this not only does it fill up my energy it also increases my maximum energy which means I can do a lot more tasks around the farm unfortunately it doesn’t increase my Hunger or dehydration bars so the effects just weren’t the same as previous runs with level five combat

Fighter was the way to go with 10% extra attack power day number 42 was time to harvest all these lovely melons I just needed five gold star melons with the quality crops bundle I also made a lot more crab pots because they were cheap to make and they didn’t require bait it

Was time to fill up the beach with crab pots cuz I could turn all of the fish related items that I get into sashimi and that would mean surviving would be a lot easier it was time to process more GE here with Clint I had some Omni geod

And I had some regular geod that Clint could break open was back into the pantry here for the summer crops bundle I donated the blueberry and the melon I also gave in five Goldstar melons as well with the quality crops bundle all I needed now was just five gar pumpkins or

Five goldar corns to get that done a reward was a quality sprinkler couldn’t use it though but I could sell it make money that way I also got a garden pot for completing the rear crops bundle and I de decided to put the sweet jberry into that instead of waiting for fall to

Grow it with level seven farming I can make quality retaining soil which is a very interesting concept indeed and I could also make the loom so if I wanted to invest in sheep later on the loom is a pretty cool way to go I made lots of

Money too from selling various crops and items around the farm so I got lots of pine tows today and I decided to mostly sell these to make a pretty nice profit tree farms are actually pretty nice way to make money if you have lots and lots

Taper set up so I wanted to make a bar it didn’t have enough Stone but Robin sells stone super cheap in year one I decided to take advantage of this purchase the stone I needed and then it was on to make the barn I was running

Really low an Simi so it was time to run down to the beach chair collect all crab pots and all of the fish R items that I got I could turn into sushimi no problem to prevent debris from growing between my lovely tappers walkways were the way

To go so I had low Stone here to make stone walkway floors and had had some clay left over as well to make a few fancy floors as well and I decided to put those between all my trees to make harvesting all the syrups going forward

Much easier the next day it was raining thank God didn’t have the water or anything rainy days were so rare now I also got a Macy roll here off L is which is needed for the community center bundle so it’s one last item I had to

Make to progress in this game I was actually super happy with that I also had a huge amount of sumero seeds and I planted a lot of them back down on the farm but I didn’t plant too many because I had to take into consideration the fact that I couldn’t use Sprinklers and

Also if you water too much you can lose a lot of hunger and hydration and you’re going to have to go to a lot of resources to keep your character taking over so I kind of kept it to 100 and I just left it there it was time to

Complete some of these Vault bundles the 2500 gold was easy enough the 10,000 gold was affordable and the 5,000 gold was affordable the 25,000 gold bundle would have to wait in the meantime though I took the quality fertilizer the lightning rod and and the tree chocolate

Cakes as a reward so it was time to put down more floors here now on my tree farm because I still needed a few more floors to make it 100% secure the next day it was back into our lovely Coupe and we had our ducks and our chickens

Was just picking up all of the eggs again business as per usual so we’re just going to convert all of these eggs back into mayonnaise it was a great Money Maker look at all the oak resins I’m going to get here most of these orak resins will be sold we can always go

Back and use them to make HS at run once we have a little bit more resources available to us it’s time to spend some money to out Mar get some rabbits I was going to finish off the Vault but I decided purchasing for rabbits i’ be

Better off in the long run and it’s got Cavern wasn’t going anywhere so with the names we going with impa Pur josha and last but not least the deu tree because why not if a rabbit wants to be a deu tree it can be a deu

Tree back to the beach today it’s time to get all of our lovely Crab Pot related items because I needed more sushima to keep my character the Flor but the Simi was paying off so well visited ghost today just to see what he had on him I purchased the pizza from

Him and I also checked to see what his bonus food of the day was it was pepper poppers didn’t really need those so I just left it be it was Sam’s birthday today and Sam loves a pizza so given the pizza lots of friendship points there

With Sam thank you very much the more friendship points I can accumulate now the better it just means the more stuff I’m going to get you the mail from these NPCs it’s back toed minds of course I was going for more copper now again this time because I wanted to make more items

I did found an infestation floor at number 12 this is actually a great way to accumulate kills with slimes and with rock crabs and bugs just to get those monster eradication goals completed I got another ancient fruit today and it was time to pet all of our lovely C

Animals so we had four chickens four ducks and four rabbits of course they’re all part of one theme I’m sure you can guess by now what theme that is after all the names that I’ve given them I made 11 more crab pots put those down by

The the beach there the more crap PS I put down the more fish I’m going to get back the more sushimi I can make the easier my character can survive speaking of survival it was time to get the ball rolling with more animals from the lovely Marie the more animals we had the

More animal products we were going to get the easier life was going to be for us so we’re going to start with cows can you guess the theme here we’re going to go with Woody Buzz Potato Head and Slinky can you guess where there from so

It was time to get some stuff out of the the machines I got some cloth here now I was super happy with that I needed cloth for the community center bundle for the Artisan bundle and I was also clearing off more debris from the farm all of

These little rocks I was just going to mine away because I needed Stone but also getting the one mining XP per Rock comes in super handy so I getting map syrups now today which means I can make beeh houses from doing my previous Challenge 100 days as a honey farmer I

Understand the potency of what these bee houses are capable of especially if they’re paired up with fairy roses you can make quite the profit so I completed the exoticar B till I got back five Autumn’s bounties couldn’t actually use it as a buff food because I’m not

Allowed to use buff food because of you guessed it a restriction I could of course sell this food though and make some extra money on the side so I went to Demetrius today give him an ice cream because he actually loves ice cream and it was his

Birthday he was super happy with that it was time to do a little bit more fishing specifically cave fishing so I needed the ghost fish here I needed the stone fish I also needed the ice pip and the lava eel all for Perfection because you

Have to catch all these fish in order to get the star drop off will he the stonefish actually sells for a nice amount of money unfortunately I couldn’t sell it because of the restrictions I have imposed I could however turn all of these fishies into sushimi and eat them

No problem at all the ice pip was a difficult catch but it does not compare to the difficulty of the lava eel it was time to catch a lava eel using a regular rod actually got pretty pretty lucky and didn’t move around that much making for a nice catch indeed sometimes the lav

Can be extremely difficult the next day on our beautiful Farm we start off by collecting loads of pine tows then we’re going to go back to Robin it’s time to upgrade our barn to a big barn this one unlock goats which means we can get goat’s milk and that’s actually pretty

Decent cuz we can turn it into goat’s cheese and goat’s cheese is actually a really nice item to have especially if you’re doing caves if you’re in the skull Caverns it heals really well so we were back into the mines I needed to make a down floor 120 to get the skull

Key so I could attempt a skull Cavern runs when I met it down to 4or 110 I got a weapon here called the steel Falon it’s actually a magnificent weapon not only does it hit hard but it is very fast meaning it’s got really nice DPS a

Second fish pond was put on the farm because the fish ponds can actually be pretty profitable especially if you accumulate lots and lots of raw and you put it into The Preserve bins for the age so I got lots of Honey today which is really nice I need the honey for

Community Center bundles and it was time to pick up all of our lovely summer frables look at all of the wild seeds I get to make today 380 in total it’s also time to harvest out of a lovely coffee but I had to watch out my character was

Dehydrated and starving so I had to eat some sushimi as quickly as possible or my character would just end up passing out so I got a rabbit’s foot today super happy with that I also got some wool after the rabbit too if I make some looms I can turn that wool into cloth

Which sells for a pretty nice Penny indeed the challenge to complete the enchanters bundle would be the pomegranate so because I didn’t invest in any sort of fruit trees I was at the traveling carts of Mercy I completed a help wanted Quest today our lovely lonus

Here wanted a sweet pee so I obliged because I had loads of those and I needed the extra Venture points from him I got level eight fing I can now make eggs oil makers and Deluxe Sparro if I so wished so I put a lava eel into this

Fishing pond because lava e raw is extremely profitable especially if it’s aged I went to Mar today I purchased a milk pill because we need that to milk the cows to get the milk to make the cheese speaking of cheese it was time to purchase more animals we’re going to go

With goats because they can make lovely goats cheese which is the finest cheese in the valley of course so I had enough money here to purchase four goat in total so we’re going to call these B peep Rex Jesse and finally Bullseye can you guess the theme it’s pretty easy in my

Opinion but it might not be for yourselves depending on what you have’t haven’t watched and tell you so it was time for another structure upgrade we’re going to go with Deluxe burn I also decided to make some cakes today and the reason why I made a few cakes is because

I wanted to get the ball rolling on wines which I needed for the community center I also decided to go to Wily now today as well I’m going to give him a sturgeon cuz it was his birthday and he actually loves a good sturgeon so it was

Lots of friendship points with him so I have him now at four hearts out of 10 so we’re getting there with Willie still a ways to go though next up I decided to put my coffee beans into these cakes so I can get back coffee now obviously I

Can’t use the coffee because it is above food but I could use these items that are run for quests especially Keys special walnart room quests because we were now on the 25th of Summer there wasn’t much Point going back to beers to purchase more crops to profit that way

Instead it was time to do some more quests George’s knee was given out he was looking for a hot pepper we obliged of course for the Friendship points and for the money 200 gold in the bag it wasn’t a whole lot of money but the Friendship points was much more valuable

I finally made it down to floor 120 it did take almost two whole Seasons but it was worth it we now have the skull key I also picked up a pale ale today we actually needed that for a quest for Pam and it’s a nice quest to do because it

Gets out of friendship points with Pam when you complete that Quest we now have a barn filled up with cows and goats four cows and four goats in total and eventually we can put some pigs in there as well so we can make some money off truffles we also needed truffles too for

The community center bundles we also had a cou filled up to the top with rabbits ducks and chickens and they were generating animal products almost on a daily basis for us so it was now the 26 day number 54 we were collecting lots of Oak resins so for the first pale L we’re

Going to use after the Brewers bundle it’s actually difficult enough bundle to do especially if you’re not focusing in on making Artisan goods from all your processing machines a great way to get green tea of course is to get the green tea leaf inside Caroline’s secret sun room at the end of

A season the last week there you can get one leaf every single day it was also time to do more fishing now today as well so I pulling up all sorts of fish I also got the puffer fish which I needed for Perfection unfortunately I just

Could not get the octopus so I was going to have to try for that next year it was just far too difficult but the tilapia and the puffer fish were both needed for Community Center bundles I also got the red snapper as well so we were definitely getting there with the fish

Tank inside the community center the beach totems were nice but I end up selling those because I just didn’t have enough inventory slots to store that item away so I had to be really choosy when it comes to what items to keep and what items to get rid of back to the

Traveling C today to see what she had now she had a wall right there I was looking at that for a while I decided would I get it or not I decided not to because I was going to get it in fall and that was going to happen literally

The next day went back to Mar’s had a look at what she had I decided to purchase a pig 16,000 gold but I needed the pig to ensure I was going to get the Truffle to complete the community center this year that’s if I could complete it

This year I was going to call the pig oot now it’s not really theme related I just couldn’t think of a theme at the time and I said you know what pigs do oink aot so I was going to call it o a lot so so more things here for the Brew

Bundle that was the meat I also got the green tea as well all it was missing there now was wine or juice and that bundle was good to go put the sunflower into the garden bundle as a result I got back at bee house I was actually super

Happy with the bee house because just so expensive to make all I needed for the wild medicine bundle was either five purple mushrooms or five fiddlehead ferns both different items to get because of the restrictions I have imposed gave Pam her pill ill she was super happy about that Pam comes in

Really handy when you get friendship points up with her because she can send you some really nice things in the mail such as battery packs and she can also send you some really potent healing items as well so it was time to work on our fish ponds now today we got some

Super cucumber rad there and the lav eels wanted some Fire Quartz which I had line around the place it was then just petting all of the chickens as per usual I made one tea sapling today not to sell of course just a plant on the ground so

I can use that to get tea leaves going forward so it was time to complete more bundles I finally got the large cow’s milk and the reward was a cheese press which was really handy cuz I could now make cheese so we were now in Fall getting through

The challenge I decided to get some pumpkin seeds today about 100 in total the reason why I bought so many was because I wanted to get my farming level up to level 10 as quickly as possible I also purchased one of each other crop that Pier had just for the sakes of

Perfection so it was time to water up these crops it did take the day of course between H up the ground putting down the seeds and watering the crops the next day it was back to fishing put up the salmon there needed for Perfection of course there was also lots

More fish to be had I also could access the special orders quests now we had Robin’s project or ghost’s famous omelet Robert’s project was out of the question cuz we’d no way get in hardwood but we had chickens and Ducks so the omelet Quest was the way to go Abigail wanted a

Super cucumber she was offered 750 gold more importantly it makes Abigail happy so we said why not it’s Penny’s birthday today I gave her an emerald she was super happy with that more friendship points for us it was also time to complete the fall forging bundle and had

All the items needed from walking around Serio Valley the reward it was 30 fall seeds was going to plant those straight back down on the farm how to watch out for those bats though because enemies spawn every single night and sometimes enemies can hit for a lot now I didn’t

Have any weapons on me at the moment so I decided to run it home and call it a day level faran the reward was a rain totem and a cookout kit didn’t need the cookout kit of course because I have the upgraded house the rain totem though

Might be an interesting choice to use later on if I can Mass accumulate mats to make those so I got the anent fruit wine I might use that for an enchantress bundle also putting in some animal products here to get back some cheese I needed cheese for the Artisan bundle so

These items will come hand in hand when it comes to getting Perfection so it was time to donate the cheese to the Aran bundle all I needed now was just a goat’s cheese or a jelly or one of those pieces of fruit to complete that bundle

And we were good to go I did complete the Brewers bundle though by handing in some wine and as a reward I got back a cake I was super happy with that you can never have enough kegs in my opinion so it was time to finally complete the fish

Farmers bundle I needed 15 pieces of raw that took a while because of the high tier fish I put in got a Warren bin back as a reward the Warren bin is actually a pretty nice item because it can’t use bed it was kind of useless to me so time

To pick up all of our lovely eggs now today we had duck eggs and we had chicken eggs and because our animals were much happier now I was getting large eggs and these were a little bit more profitable than the regular ones I also got back some go cheis here now as

Well so I was good to go to finish off The Artisan bundle so we were straight back now to cutting down trees and it was Sol strin using a regular ax but I needed wood and I also needed Farin XP to get from level 9 to level 10 fargin

It’s actually extremely difficult I checked out the traveling car to see what she had and lo and behold she had an octopus which I needed for a CH Center bundle so I just purchased the octopus because I just could not catch one in summer now purchasing a fish

Doesn’t actually mean you caught it so I still had to catch one normally in order to get the St drop off Willie all I needed now was a lav eel to complete that bundle and eventually the lava eel Pond that I have in the farm will

Produce another lav eel that I can just pull out and use that to complete the bundle was Elliot’s birthday today so I give him a duck feather he loves duck feathers the higher quality the better of course that was lot of friendship points with our good friend Elliot it’s

Time to water crops now this morning and it was the usual daily activities of watering crops petting animals and processing animal Goods into more advanced Artisan items to make even larger amounts of money so I got to see cucumber today super happy with that didn’t catch that one before and I also

Caught the angler legendary fish this is the first legendary fish we caught using the regular rod to be fair it is a very easy fish to catch the other legendary fishes are much tougher what do I do with the angler why I turn it into Sashimi because I can’t sell it for

Money so I might as well just save up an inventory space and convert it into shimi it was so destroying but there was not else I could do with it to be fair so I was back to G now today and I had all the accumulated for him in order to

Complete his special orders Quest so there were 24 eggs there in total and as a reward I got back 3,000 gold so I was super happy with that you also get really nice friendship points with those NPCs when you do those quests as well I had enough money to finally get the

25,000 gold uh Vault bundle done as a reward I got back a crystall Ario which was really nice I could just put a jade now we’re a diamond inside there and that will generate minerals every couple of days for me the junos used their lovely Juno magic today to fix up the

Bus which gives Pam a job gets out of the old Caravan so it’s a win-win for everybody it was finally Blackberry season I just needed 50 of these now to complete the community center bundle for the blackberries which is the faring bundle it was time for another special

Artist Quest it was a choice between cave Patrol and Prismatic jelly I went for the Prismatic jelly because Ras Mor’s hair actually gives some pretty decent rewards for completing his quests he gives uh mini oblisk he also gives monster muskers really nice food so I

Pulled up a lava eel from my fish pond today because I had a total of two inside it and that was the master Fisher bundle completed as a reward I got a lovely curiosity lore which we couldn’t use but we could indeed sell it I also had the 50 blackberries needed to finish

Off the forgers bundle and I got three tappers back as a reward for that which was actually pretty nice cuz tappers are always needed on the Old Farm so I was farming slimes today I was looking for the Prismatic slime now it does require a lot of luck to get the Prismatic slime

To get the Prismatic jelly because I had the worst luck possible the chances of spawning were minuscule so I spent days trying to get it the next day was getting some map syrup in the farm and once I had all this done I decided to purchase a 100 wheat flow from PI now

There is a much cheaper way to get this using a mill but I didn’t have one and I did get a little bit impatient so I said you know what I have the money I just purchased the wheat flour to complete another bundle here so I started with

The chef’s bundle print the M of syrup then it went down to the home Cooks bundle and needed 10 milk of any kind 10 eggs of any kind and 100 weat flour that was another bundle completed there and the reward for that was five complete breakfasts Alex actually loves those but

Because I had rabbits on the farm I could just sell those instead so I finally got access to the desert I was picking up coconut cactus fruit went into the skull Cavern just to see how I’d get on then I realized I just had a

Regular pickaxe I had no bombs and I had the worst luck possible I was not going to get far in his SC CERN today the enemies inside here would also hit like absolute beasts I had to be super careful when fighting these enemies the slimes had a lot of HP let’s just see

How many hits these slimes actually took to kill some slimes have more HP than others but sometimes they can scale ridiculously off of the luck mod that I have installed and sometimes their health would just go on forever and they would take so many hits to kill the next

Day it was just backf forge items didn’t get F SK Cavern at all I met have past one floor didn’t have any resources left to continue so it just left so back in the farm now day number 66 we’re getting there I was looking for the Prismatic

Slime again an ambush floor was on floor number eight here I decided to take full advantage of this I farmed this SC for the whole day accumulating kills for slimes rock crabs and the occasional bug or two this is a great way to get kill counts up for Monster eradication goals

The next day look at all our beautiful animals I got my first truffle now off the pig so I could use that now to complete yet another bundle the more rabbits feet that I got here now the better duck feathers were also welcome I could sell all these items for lots and

Lots of money I was keeping the majority of the rabbit’s feet because they’re a universally loved item when it comes with for the birthdays it’s no Brin to use those I picked up line this is berry basket cuz that’s a handy quest to do I gave Vincent a Blackberry by accident he

Actually loves grapes not blackberries so I made a little bit of a mistake there I did give Jordy a rabbit’s foot for her birthday though and she was super happy with that left the house without any huge implications I’m sure Vincent will get over the fact that I

Gave him the wrong fruit handy enough give lonus his burry basket he was super happy with that it was then back into the adventures Guild to get the hard hat the insect head and and the crab shell ring for completing the doggies the insects and the rock crab monster

Eradication gos the crabshell ring was totally overpowered plus five defense was a no-brainer I wasn’t just happy with one I decided to buy another one to get plus 10 defense in total to increase my survivability because the monsters hit so hard I figured if I can stack

Defense on my character I would have a much easier time in the minds fighting enemies the hard hat of course didn’t give me any extra protection it just made me feel mentally safer knowing that I was going into these dangerous dungeons with a heart hat instead of a straw

Hat so I was fighting more slimes today I was going in and out of floor five in the hopes to spawn this Prismatic slime it just wasn’t happening at all on the on the good side though I was getting lots of kills on slimes so I decided to

Give Marie an amarand today she needed that for a quest that rewards me with 500 Gold Plus extra friendship points with Marie so happy days was also time to get some more supplies off Marie so we were actually kind of get close to Winter I decided to purchase two heaters

Now rather than purchase them later just so the animals don’t get cold when the winter months come in I went back to Robin as well I was going to get another Silo just so I could store more hair for the winter so I had a fierce battle

Today with a scorpion carp and I was so close to catching it and then it just went downhill after that the car just started sput all over the place and I failed it I did get um a sandfish though which I needed for the Kimu Center bundle so that was handy enough more

Ancient fruits was brilliant I was actually saving all these ancient fruits and I was going to put these into seat makers eventually and I could start a little bit of a an ancient Fruit Farm inside the greenhouse which should be very profitable so it was Abigail’s birthday today give her an amethyst she

Was super happy with that more friendship points from Abigail which is really nice today was a rainy day so I took advantage of this by attempting to fish up some Wall Ice handy enough to catch I needed two in total one for the night fishing bundle and I needed

Another one for the quality fish bundle there’s two more bundles done the big challenge for the fish tank believe it or not was the wood skip because I needed to get access to the secret Woods to get that wood Skip and because I couldn’t upgrade my axe I couldn’t

Access the secret woods and I know I could have used the chair cheat to get in there but I felt that was cheating so I decided to leave my fade in the hands of the traveling cart to get the w skip so I put down some more bee houses there

Now and I was getting back fer Rose honey which is the most profitable honey in the game this honey sells for an extraordinary amount of money the more bee houses you make of course the more money you’re going to receive so I sold my tempered Broad Sword I decided to

Purchase the Lavana for two reasons number one Higher base damage number two it has plus three defense that would stack very nicely with my crabshell ring combination giving me even more defense in total it’s time to try to get this Prismatic slime and I was praying maybe

Today is the day to get it it was the last day that I could attempt it on and it just didn’t turn up so no Prismatic slime this week the next day was a nice day though all the pumpkins fully grew on the farm so I was going to harvest

All those pet all the animals and I was going to make some serious cash by the end of today because all those pumpkins were going to get sold I would keep a few pumpkins though convert those into pumpkin juice just to make the extra profits as well well I also had enough

Crops on out to finally complete the fall crops bundle and the quality crops bundle was good to go as well that was another bundle done the rewards are pretty nice a preserve chair and another beeh house really nice rewards there for the Artisan bundle I just needed a

Truffle oil or a jelly and I was good to go there so it’s probably going to go with a jelly because I had The Preserve jar now and I could just throw something into that I put the sandfish into the special fish bundle it was just a wood

Skip now that I needed to complete the fish tank I also put the Truffle into the chef’s bundle the fiddlehead fern though was going to be the challenge there because normally you can get those in skull Cavern and you can also get him in the secret woods but if Faith was on

My side if luck was on my side hopefully one day soon enough the traveling C would have that item ready to go it was time for another special ORD Quest we had crap order juicy bgs wanted it I was going to go with the crop order but I

Said you know what I’ll just get the bugs quest for now get that done with Willie 100 pieces should do there was an infestation floor here at number 22 so I used this to my full advantage and I farmed this floor for the whole day killing slimes and I also got the kill

Bugs to making my way down I was actually getting pretty close to the Slime chamine because I spent so long just farming slimes from the Prismatic slime oink a lot surprised me gave birth to a baby pig I was super happy I called it oink Lily I mean I was I didn’t even

Know IAT was pregnant so it was a big surprise it was a very happy happy surprise it was also time for the Ser Valley Fair I put in a huge assorment of items there I got first place 1,000 star tokens as a reward gambled those on

Green as per usual to get enough star tokens to purchase my lovely star drop that was the second star drop now in the bag so once this star drop was consumed I then went down and I bought the rare Crow from this event as well cuz I

Needed that for Perfection cuz you have to get all the rare crows in order to get the recipe to make the um the final rare Crow which is a really nice one to have because it doubles up on space that it covers in the farm so I got 3,000

Gold there for completing Willie’s Quest I also got Clint here to break open all of these GEOS that I accumulated from trying to get the Prismatic SL I did get a lot of new items from breaking open his geod but still not enough in order to activate the source a lot more

Farming was needed in order to get down there and meet the lovely kobis so I got some jellies today cranberry jellies and I also got the sweet gem Berry from my lovely garden pot now I couldn’t actually use the sweet Jem Berry to get the stge off from the secret woods so I

Decided to hold on to it for now give Mary rabbit’s foot today cuz it was her birthday and I got a lot of friendship points back for that Marne was now in seven out of 10 Hearts I also decided to purchase one of each sapling because I

Had a lot of money on me at the moment I said why not I’ll put all these into the greenhouse just to ensure that if I don’t complete the community center this year I would hopefully complete it next year provided of course a traveling cart

Cops up a fiddlehead F and a wood skip so the junimos used their lovely Juno magic and fix up the greenhouse today for me and I was going to put all of the saplings and the ancient fruit seeds inside that I got back five pumpkin juices now today and I could sell those

Now to make a pretty decent profit I petted our lovely Crow cat it’s very important to get the Friendship points up with that as well as it affects your grandfather’s evaluation at the end of I think year number two or it could be year number three so so I filled up the

Greenhouse here now with the lovely saplings and it was time to pet all of our lovely animals and milk them so one of the great things about getting F level 10 is that you can get an auto pet and I wanted to prioritize that now so I wouldn’t have the milk be animals

Anymore the autop pet isn’t really considered a chest so I allowed myself to have at least two of those just put one into each animal building so I went back to the traveling cart today and she had the red cabbage seed which I needed for Perfection so I purchased that

Straight away still need needed the FID head fern though and the wood skip but getting the seed this early was pretty nice so in terms of the garden pot I put the red cabbage seed in there just as a reminder to not forget it every single

Morning I woke up it was also time to look at the help one the quests Clint wanted a catfish he was offering 600 gold though and it would make him happy so I said why not I did some fishing for the day eventually I did get a catfish

Even with the regular rod with level 10 fishing catfish are easy enough to get so I gave Clint his catfish he was super happy got 600 gold there easy enough so it was day number 76 was time to get all of this lovely whe I was also getting

Hair as well which was nice this was all going into the silos and the reason why I wanted the whe was because I needed it for the community center bundle any excess wheat that was left over I just sold that to make some extra money on

The side so it’s down to the beach as well it was a Saturday which is the best day to go to the beach and get all of the fares because it accumulate over the whole week Saturday is the day to go if you haven’t been to the beach all week

It was time to cut down more trees get more Forge and XP get more wood and I finally got level 10 farming went with the CP master of course so I could befriend those rabbits a lot faster I was going to go with Shepherd but I said

You know what the rabbit’s feet are much more valuable so I decided to go with the cop Master instead I got my Asian fruit today and I also got my lovely lava eel rope as well as all of that beautiful fairy Rose honey just look at

At it and there was so much of it of course I could have capitalized on that I made a lot more bee houses but I was going for Perfection it wasn’t a specific challenge I purchased two autog Grabbers off Marie they were going to save me so much time and resources Not

Only would the autog Grabbers automatically collect items from the animals but they would store the items for me as well which I needed badly so it was time to access Robin and her lovely Wares it was time to get another Cooper put on the farm I asked to give

Pier a m b because he just wanted that as a help on the quest so I said why not I put my tea leaf into the Reser jar there that will get me back a pickled Tea Leaf and I needed that for Perfection to sell it so it’s back down

Into the mines and I got really lucky here I got an ambush floor here on floor number 11 so I could very easily just come out and back into this bir for the whole day and accumulate slime kills very quickly very efficiently this was a

Great way to get the Ki counter up to get the monster eradicated gold done I just got it done there that was 1,000 slimes in total defeated so I could now get the Slime charmer ring which means damage from slimes will always be nullified this was a huge Boon for me

Especially with the ferocity that these monsters now come with slimes wouldn’t do any damage to me now G forward so it’s going to be super handy so swap out a crab shell ring for that but I will keep that other crap shell in close K I’m doing specific monster challenges

But there’s not a whole lot of slams around and I need the extra defense I was using charry bombs that I have accumulated from K dogies to blow open ores cuz it just took too many strikes with the axe to break them open I also put all of my ancient fruit into seed

Makers to get back ancient seeds I got back nine in total which was a fine start just put those in the greenhouse and water those every single day it’s time for the quest here from Demetrius biom balance are aquatic overpopulation I decided to go for biom balance because it would be easier to

Just get o ocean fish as opposed to getting specific midnight carpfish so I spent the rest of the day just trying to pull up ocean fish here as we can see because my luck was so bad it took a while to get a bite and sometimes you

Wouldn’t even get a fish you’d get back like a seaweed or You’ get back a piece of trash so actually really timeconsuming to get this Quest done but I had to do it because I had to get the farm computer recipe off Demetrius I had to make that in order to get Perfection

So it was a very long and arduous quest to get done all of the fish I did catch though I didn’t have to give those to Demetrius I could convert all of those fish into sushimi which helped me out a ton was George’s birthday today it was

Time to cheer him up give him a nice lucky rabbit’s foot more friendship points from George day number 80 was spent pulling up more fish out of the water I needed 20 in total so we had a long way to go once the quest was done I

Only got, 1500 gold from The Matrix which I thought was a bit unfair but I only had to do that Quest once God you just need one Farm computer got my pickled tea leaves today along with my aged super cucumber R and I got the farm computer off metrius 2

Which is the recipe it’s actually a handy computer to have if you have a really big farm with lock going on it can quickly tell you what’s up it was time to upgrade my coupe with Robin for the big Coupe and it was back down into

The mines I was farming dust Sprites to get a burglar ring early on would actually be very advantageous especially when it comes to accumulating specific monster drops farming dust bres for coal was also important I got three more aridium Ores off our lovely super cucumbers and it was time to start

Focusing down on hardwood so saw crates like this I would destroy them in the hopes to get hardwood so I could complete that construction bundle so it was time for the Halloween event and I purchased a recipe there now for the Jack Lantern I also got the rare CW as

Well and I decided to pick up the golden pumpkin as well from The Maze which will come in really handy for the birthday down the road for one of the NPCs because it was the last day of fall I spent the whole day just sighting up all

Of the hair to fill up the silos with because this would all be gone come winter so I spent all to day running around with the site to get as much hair as possible to fill up the silos I had two silos there so hopefully that would

Be enough ha to do me for the entirety of the winter season it was also time to upgrade our Coupe to a deluxe Coupe but peep give birth today to another goat that was really cool we had to give the goat a name decided to call it Go

Sid so it was the first day of winter it was time to get the magnifying glass and this was kobas here that jumps out of the uh the bushes it’s called shadow guy because we actually haven’t met the NPC but once we get access to the sords

We’re going to make great friends with the lovely kobus so Mary wented to Georgia Cola we of course will oblige it was also time for another special orders Quest we had fragments of the past and Cave Patrol I decided to go with fragments of the past because the board

Pill is actually a really nice item to have especially when it comes to getting back tree fertilizers and speed grows and things like that was also time to do another bundle so I just put in all of the winter fiables there as a result I got back 30 winter seeds which I put

Straight down on my farm the only thing we could grow in winter was fores so I might as well capitalize on this with my lav Katana in hand and my crab shell Rings these skeletons weren’t as fearsome as they once were so for the

Next few days we were going to go on a skeleton hunting spree we also needed skeletons for the monster eradication goals and upon completing this special ‘s Quest the reward will be the bone mil which we also need for Perfection so two birds with the one stone made total

Sense I finally got my red cabbage today it was time to put that into the community center to complete another bundle and that was the D bundle now fully completed and the reward was a seed maker not too bad indeed but the next day or two now we were back down in

The mines farming skeleton this was good also cuz I was getting lots of combat XP and the more combat XP I got the more HP I was going to accumulate through the level UPS so it was super important to get my combat skill to 10 so I could survive much more

Efficiently when it came to the skull Cavern despite the fact that I had really good gear now in terms of a defensive setup I still had to be careful that these enemies didn’t overwhelm me because they still HD for a decent amount of damage as we can see

There the Bates hit me for 30 damage skeleton hit me for 17 damage depending on and how some of those skeletons scale up with the luck mod they can still hit for a lot more than that the next day we were petting our lovely animals we had a

Fine bar now filled up with pigs goats and cows all of the items I got back from the autog Grabber I just sold just to make some quick money just didn’t have the time to try to process all that I needed 500 Stone to make a slime Hut

And that’s what I did I purchased 500 Stone off Robin I had the funds to do so and once I had the 500 Stone accumulated I went ahead down and I met to S much just for the sole purpose of unlocking the chance that slimes can drop Sim X

Which is a really nice Money Maker so I got some secret notes one of the secret notes directed me to a nice Treasure Chest there which was sell for 5,000 gold and a strange doll needed for Gunther’s collection it was time to give Gunther these 100 Bor fragments and as a

Reward I got 3500 gold which wasn’t too bad at all I also give lonus a rabbit’s foot now and he birthday and that almost got him to Max friendship which was really nice Ras there with good old lonus for the rest of the day we were

Fishing I got the squid there now I needed that for Perfection but I also needed to complete a quest for Wily here which tasked me with fishing up a squid as a result I got back lots of friendship points with Willie I also spoke to him as well just to get the

Extra few friendship points as well it’s important to try and speak with all of the NPCs on a daily basis to get the extra few friendship points it does make a huge difference towards the end game so I got the bone m recipe today off gun for getting them all his lovely bone

Fragments I paid a visit to Mary today and purchased an extra heater for that Coupe that I set up and it was also time to purchase some rabbits 12 rabbits in total now I couldn’t afford 12 I could just get 10 but let’s have a look at the

Themes Bugs Bunny Lola Bunny Easter Bunny we also have Judy hops there as well Peter Rabbit of course Oswald buy oare Energizer Bunny we also have Roger Rabbit next up we have Y and that is all of the names can you guess the theme I’m pretty sure that’s

An easy theme now in all fairness so we’re going to pet all these rabbits and having the level 10 farming pork Coupe Master will actually make these rabbits tear off their limbs a lot faster for us so we can gift all of the lovely residents of seru Valley so I got a

Porch today and it was time to do a bit more fishing now the big bad fish of winter is the glacier fish and I can tell you right now I attempted it a few times it was just wasn’t happening it was was way too hard without the um the

Tackles you know it was just way too hard but I will attempt it again eventually and see if I can catch it so I gave Jordy the L Mast as she wanted there she been asking for that for a long time I just finally decided to pay

Her the visit and give her that fish for more friendship points I also decided to put a slime egg that I got off Marlin for free into the Slime incubator that hatch in a couple of days we get our nice slime farm going so I gave Mary a

Cave card today just exp the cut scene just means more friendship points with Marney this is my attempt of the glacier fish as we can see because I don’t have the Trap bobber it is extremely hard to keep fishing progress up to catch that

It is such a hard fish to catch I tried a few more times to catch it but it was just night impossible and because I had really bad luck I didn’t get any more attempts that day on the glacier fish I did go back to Marin to get the final

Two rabbits I needed to fill out the CPE so we’re going to go with mega Rabbit and Mr Happy and that finishes our second Coupe build up to the top with rabbits today of course was a Saturday so we were going to spend today getting all of these lovely fables in the hopes

To one day get level 10 Forin so it was time to complete another bundle in the craft room I finally had the five purple mushrooms gathered to complete that bundle I got two cookout kits as reward just going to sell those cuz I already have the house upgrade I

Also got the 10 hard as well for the construction bundle so I got the charcoal kle as a reward for that so that was another room completed and as a reward the bridge will be repaired so I can go into the Quarry cave so it was

Time to go to the bulletin board got n shell that was another bundle completed as a reward to got back a recycling machine so I was actually getting there with all the bundles so what was stopping me now from completing most these bundles were one or two items that

I just could not get because of the restrictions so I needed traveling cart Merchant to kind of do me a favor with the Quarry fixed I could now do Quarry care runs was carine’s birthday give her a rabbit’s foot she was super happy with that more friendship points there with

Caroline I also give Emily an amethyst and I tried to tell her was Clint but she got confused and said oh you got it to Clint well I don’t care where you got it from but it’s beautiful and she gave me a kiss on the cheek poor

Clint so I made some regular bombs now today and I decided to blow up all of the nodes here in the Quarry got back lots of stone I got some secret nodes got some minerals I didn’t have any mystery nodes so the ch of getting the Prismatic Shard was Zero I did chance

The Quarry C today it was going really well the slimes couldn’t do any damage to me because I had the Slime charmer ring on the other hand these haunted skulls I totally underestimated these and they hit like absolute trucks just two hits was all it took for these

Skulls to send me packing I walk up inside the regular cave I lost, 1600 gold and 11 items including my super valuable lav Katana and my 29 sashimi so I had to go back to Maryland yet again and use his item recovery service to get back my Lavana fortunately he only

Wanted 500 gold to get back my Latana so I paid that money no problem at all I didn’t have any Sashimi on me in order to restore my hydration or my Hunger so I had to eat the eggs that my rabbits and my ducks were producing so thank God

For having animals on the farm I did have crab pots back on the beach though So eventually I do go back down there you know what I loot those crab pts and make more sushimi but for now I had to eat the eggs to keep my character taking over so even with my

Super setup I still died horribly to the haunted skulls it just hit so hard a new approach would be needed if I was going to get that golden sight even though I said I couldn’t upgrade tools I could obtain the golden sight no problem I just couldn’t use it it was time for

Another event here and I purchased the uh winter rarecrow and I also did the event to see how much fish I could pull up I did manage to pull up just enough fish six in total to win the event and take home the prize which sailor’s cap

And all of the lovely fishing tackle couldn’t use the fishing tackle of course so I just sold it the next day I was able to get all of the lovely Pine to it was time for another special orders Quest cave Patrol we were going to do there’s no there was no point

Doing Robins resour rush because I didn’t have a decent ax on me so I went for C Patrol instead Clint just wanted me to kill 50 skeletons so it was back down into the mines killing the skeletons I didn’t mind going back down killing the skeletons because as a

Reward Clint would give me the geod crusher which is needed for Perfection and I was getting decent combat XP from killing the skeletons anyway so it was all good having a slime farm was really nice because I had the Slime charm ring didn’t have to worry about breeding

Slimes or getting close to the slimes so I just didn’t bother with a fence inside that slim Hutch this time in terms of TAC in the Quarry cave I was going to take on these skulls one by one sometimes I might pull two but that was

Fine as long as they were coming at me from One Direction it was okay to deal with them the last thing you wanted though was something like this where I got swarmed by the skulls I actually almost died here but I managed to come out of it okay one more hit from that

Skull and I was dead but I managed to do a Parry here and it managed to kill the skull no problem at all as a reward I got my lovely golden sight I wasn’t going to use that though I just got it just because it was there and it could

Be obtained and that skeleton also served as a really nice warp point out of the cave so that golden sight would be stored away so it was Sebastian’s birthday today give him a Sashimi he actually loves Sashimi so that’s the Friendship points with him all of our

Lovely rabbits were now fully grown up and they were all generating wool eventually they will start dropping rabbit’s feet for me to pick up as well that’ll make life super handy for me especially when I have all those Rabb rapid feet I’ll be able to gift them to

The villagers on a daily basis maxing out all of the friendships as quickly as possible with all of this wool I was picking up I was just going to sell it eventually I will consider making looms to convert that wool into cloth it was backed down into the mines R day 95 now

We’re making decent progress just have to kill 50 these skeletons to complete Clint’s special ERS Quest they were dropping secret notes too which was handy some of the secret notes come in super handy in terms of getting some decent passive abili in the game one quest in particular that I won’t be able

To do for a while was given the bear map the secret Woods cuz I couldn’t get access to the secret woods so Bullseye had a baby goat congratulation Bullseye we ended up calling that goat because I was just at a stage now with this challenge where I just couldn’t think of

A name cuz I was just totally worn out just just being brutally honest with you this challenge took a lot out of me cuz it was so hard give the wizard aoid Essence today got back 1,000 gold that was decent enough I also gave him another void Essence just to get the

Extra friendship points as well so that was dark region Quest done there I also got a rabbits foter now I give it to the Georgia driver and he’s going to give me back a special charm which gives me a permanent look increase so that will actually make life a little bit easier

For me who knows maybe the next time I get the Prismatic slime Quest it might actually appear so I was harvesting more Oak resins out from the farm and then it happened a huge mistake I thought I had the watering kind equipped it but I had the pickaxe equipped it and I pickaxed

An ancient fruit so I reset today and I can say with confidence that that is the only time I actually did a day reset I was tempted to do resets previously especially when I died and last all the items but I didn’t so I just wanted to

Show that just to kind of show that even players like me that do a lot of 100 day challenges still make newbie mistakes like that it could have been worse though it could have been a bomb that I put down instead and I could have wiped out tons of stuff inside of the

Greenhouse So speaking of bombs I did use a cherry bomb today and I got rid of the debris here blocking off a path to an NPC which we need to embrace which is the lovely dwarf in order to get Perfection we would need Max friendship

With dwarf a so I started off by giving him the lovely golden pumpkin that I got at the Halloween event I also purchased the rare craw off him as well and a floor recipe which we also need for Perfection so it was Harvey’s birthday today I give him a coffee Harvey loves

Coffee he was super happy with that more friendship points from Harvey when we were finished with Harvey it was time to do a couple more Quests for some of the other NPCs Willie here wanted a snowm he was offering 300 gold but more importantly friendship points for the

Win I checked out the traveling Merchant today to see what she had she didn’t really have anything I needed I was really hoping for the fiddlehead fern or the wood skip but she didn’t have those so I just had to proceed without those items I did give Willie though he snow

He was super happy with that more friendship points there with Willie and 300 gold in the bag Willie was telling me all about bait and tackles and the rods I could get but because of the restrictions I imposed by myself I couldn’t actually get those rods off

Wily I did pay Robin a visit but not to construct any new buildings it was just to reorganize the farm and just put buildings in different places so I made a fried egg put that into the chef’s bundle I just needed the fiddlehead fern to complete that bundle got Clint to

Break up on some more geod here in the hopes of getting maybe a prismatic Shard so I can get a much better weapon but no joy time to donate more items to the museum here now I got a few new items of Clint but not enough to get into the

Sours so that would have to be in our next 200 Day video let me know of course in the comments if you want to see a continuation of this run using the hardcore rules that I have implemented so I purchased the painting there after the famous lupini and I also did the

Mermaid puzzle which rewards me with a pearl and the part is actually a universal loved item so I can use that now I decided to give it to Clint just because I didn’t want to line around the place so I got the exclusive event fish

Here now today I got the spook fish the midnight squid and the next day I went back to the market event I got the painting of a mermaid and I managed to get the blob fish as well I couldn’t get that fish the previous night so that was

All 100 days done we now at the end of The Challenge I really hope you enjoyed this challenge it was really hard to do these 100 days without using sprinklers without upgrading the backpack without upgrading tools it restricted me so much I only made something like 600,000 gold

And to didn’t make a whole lot of gold because I was restricted so badly but it it’s going to be very interesting to see if I can get Perfection using these RADS especially pulling up those legendary fish so subscribe to the channel if you haven’t thanks again for watching and I

Will see you in the next video have a wonderful week bye for now I played 234 days of staru Valley but I used the maragon mod and have attained Perfection hello everybody this is gamer gar welcome back to another Stu Valley video for this video I bring to you the 100

Days 200 days and the finale to make the mega Margo movie Margo stands for imin gameplay overhaul and it is a complete and comprehensive rework of star ju Val gameplay mechanics if you like 100 day style video videos check out my previous works I have tons of 100 Style videos on

My channel make sure to like And subscribe if help me out a ton let’s jump straight into the action it is day number one on our four carers farm and we start by whacking some weeds cutting down some trees and we’re going to make our usual chest to store all items in

That we don’t need at the moment once the chest has been placed we’re going to run around the entirety of the map and try to collect as many forgeable as possible but before before we do that we’re going to hold the ground up and plant our free 15 parsnip seeds before

We proceed once all of the forers have been collected we more or less spend the rest of the day just Mining and cutting down trees on the farm we’re also going to visit the beach to see if we can get any sort of artifacts that we can give

Into Gunther for Handy 250 gold you might remember in the last video challenge that we did there was one artifact that I could not get for the life of me to complete all of the artifacts found in the game and that was you guessed it the trill bite well guess

What the first artifact we found in this challenge was in fact the trill bite I feel like the game just likes to tease me sometimes but we handed that in that was 250 gold that’s extra money to buy some more craps off pier and we’re going

To start with buying some kale kale is great crap for growing and for selling it’s also very nice for energy as well but we’re not going to be using it for energy we just want money at the moment so I got some skillups today Mining and

Faring I can now make wild seeds for spring which is really nice so I’m going to plant those on the ground we are going for tea saplings after all we got the fishing rod off Willie we’re going to pull up some fish the whole day spent

Fishing and look what we got super lucky a broken traent because of the maragon mod it has been reworked it is now a much more powerful weapon does come with a drawback though minus 10% resistance that means we’re more than likely to get debuffs from enemies if we are attacked

The next day I’m going to get the fiberglass Rod off wiie going to get some trout soup and we are going catfish hunting the more catfish we can get the more money we’re going to get level five fishing the Margo mod has reworked all professions in the game Trapper now is

Crap pots are cheaper to craft but also can trap higher quality fish but we’re going to take Fisher bait is double the effectiveness as what it used to be that means using regular bait and wild bait we’re going to be able to get fish much faster so I’m going to sell all this

Fish to Willie now instead of putting it in the shipping bin later reason for this I just want to get a much larger backpack so I’m not throwing items away I’m going to try to get this as early as possible and getting on day number four

Was game changer for me day number five it is time to collect all of our lovely parsnips I’m going to sell those of course along with the pinkcake and the cookies because I want to make as much money as possible once all these items have been sold I am going to purchase

More seeds of Pier including a bean starter because you guessed it we’re going the community center route in this video we’re not going to be going Georg route I’m going to challenge myself and go the community center route it is going to be much harder for me but it’s

Always good to mix it up every couple of videos I put down loads of potatoes they’re going to sell for lots of money the great thing about potatoes is that sometimes you can pull up an extra potato that’s extra money I also fixed a bridge got over to the tide pools more

For for me more money I’m going to complete the spring foraging bundle the reward 30 free spring seeds ready to go ready to be planted we’re now going to make make some progress in the mines I do have the broken Trident the weapon is an absolute Beast it’s secondary attack

The multi-hit will oneshot more or less any enemy in the game including most of the skull Cavern enemies that is how strong the broken Trident actually is as you can see the S slimes are no match for the weapon so the great thing about the Margo mod is it reworks all of the

Chest rewards also so I was expecting nether boots when I got floor 10 but instead I got 15 bombs I was actually very happy with that to get that amount of bombs early on was Game Changer it was Mary Le’s birthday today I gave him a daffle because he likes those that’s

Extra Venture points for him we are going for Perfection after all I got rubber boots from killing the enemy it’s just plus one immunity but it’s better than nothing because of the Margo mod a lot more crates now have spawned in most of the levels in the mines crates are

Now very common and when I see crates I do destroy them they’re really good for hardwood also floor 30 I got some surv rival Burgers they’re really good for forging but floor 40 I got two rain totems to get those this early is a game

Changer I can make it rain the next day no problem for a double rainy day because tomorrow is a natural rainy day turn for 48 as we can see the mid tier enemies are no match with bro Trident when I got to floor 50 I got two quad

Sprinklers I was over the moon with that the sooner I can set my farm up with sprinklers the better it just means I don’t have to do the god awful task of watering crops every morning and the more sprinkers I get the more crops I can buy the faster I can progress the

Game so it was raining today we’re on number nine now I activated my rain totem so tomorrow it would also rain so I don’t have to water crops for the next two days which is great I sighted up all of my lovely rice shoots going to sell

All that unmilled rice if I had a mill I could have turned that into regular rice and at profit but I didn’t have to Mill right now so I’m just going to sell the unmilled rice as it is is I got cleaned to upgrade my pickaxe so I can’t go to

The mines today instead I’m just going to fish and because it was raining we might as well pull up as many catfish as possible I also run around and collect more fables so I can make more spring wild seeds I also pulled up the eel because I need that for the fishing

Collection I also need it for the community center bundle for the fish tank the next day it was time to pull up lovely potatoes I also got a few items here from ping up the ground I’m going to donate all these to Gunter the great thing about the bone flute there is that

The reward given back to you is a flute block and you only need one flute block to complete the mermaid puzzle over on Ginger Island the rest of the money was spent on parm seeds it’s a lot of parip seeds but that means a lot of farming XP

For me and a nice profit I also got my pickaxe back off Clint and we’re back to fishing again we’re getting more catfish I also got an ancient seed from a fishing Treasure Chest that was very lucky to get so early Demetrius paid us a visit the next day we have a choice

Between the mushroom cave in the backat cave we’re going to go with the bat cave because I find it a much easier cave to use when you’re going to complete Community Center bundles primarily for the pomeg grits and the apples Clint is upgrade more tools for us again today I

Want to get that steel pickaxe as quickly as possible and rest of the day was a bit fishing so we’re now on the 13th lucky for some unlucky for others but it was a very lucky day for me cuz I was able to buy so many lovely strawberry seeds 243 in total that’s

Going to be a lot of money in the next couple of days I also won the event of course I think eventually Mar Lewis will just ban me from the event otherwise nobody will just turn up if I keep winning it was running again today which

Was great and the next day was also a rainy day so I was just blessed with rainy days but this challenge it happens sometimes you just get a huge consecutive chain of rainy days we’re gifting Caroline daffles in hopes to get her up to two hearts as quickly as

Possible once she gets two hearts she would give us the TAA sapping recipe and then we’re going to see some serious cash rolling into the old Farm I got the master slingshot on floor 60 I will only use that once to get a golden Walnut if

I can reach Ginger Island later on it is much more difficult for me to reach Ginger Island early when I go at the community center route if I went to Georgia route I’d more than likely be in there at the start of summer but for now

We’re going to go back into the mines make some progression level 70 I got five warp totems to the farm I wasn’t too happy with that I never really use warp totems to the farm because I normally just pass out the trick is to just have no money on

You if you have loads of money you should spend it invest it straight away you shouldn’t keep huge amounts of money on you and all my money was in the ground grown at this moment in time so I could just push the caves until it

Passed out W up the next day with a very very small penalty it was time to complete more bundles this time we’re going to complete the spring CRPS bundle the reward was 20 speak gr I’ll use those later on I won’t bother with the strawberries because it’s too late now

To get a t Harvest we we got a far flooor 81 here now and it’s a great floor for fiber I also got dark boots plus four defense plus two immunity a fantastic upgrade for us much better than that the termal boots we’re making

Our way down want to get to floor 100 so I can get that lovely star drop it’s always nice to increase the maximum energy that your character can hold just means I can do more on a daily basis when I got to floor 90 I wasn’t

Expecting it 14 gold bars I was actually really happy with that cuz you need gold bars to make qual Sprinklers and small bits and Bobs as well down the road I got to level 100 got a star drop nice one all it was left primarily was just a

Skulky on level 120 level five farming we could take raner be for Animals twice as quickly or Harvester 10% chance to get an extra crap when we pull it up out of the ground it went with Harvester for mining I’m going to go with Blaster craft twice as many explosives and

Exploded rocks he double the coal that is absolutely amazing and this is the the great thing about the marago mod I went into the mod totally blind so I just didn’t know what to expect when it comes to the perks or any of the gameplay Mechanics for the combat I’m

Going to go with fighter damage plus 10% and plus 15 HP Rascal was pretty cool but I don’t really use a slingshot so it was a bit of a waste for me fighter all the way the next day it was time to collect my iron bars and pick up all of

The forers on my farm I then decided to complete all of the berer room bundles I had all of the items needed doing the mines all the time so that was an easy first room completion done that unlocks traveling carts I also completed the Crab Pot bundle because I managed to get

All of the items on the beach and I got the crabs from slend monsters in the mines so I went to Marland today and I had loads of items that I couldn’t sell by the shipping bit so I just sold to Maryland directly to get some extra cash

So I’m using a codul here just to try it out cuz it was a club weapon but I didn’t like the move set that the Maro mod set on this weapon so I end up swapping back to the broken trit later on when I got to floor 110 I got 12 more

Gold bars I was over the moon with that it just meant that once I got level six farming I could just focus on iron bars and refined quartz to make tons of quality sprinklers without wasting resources it was raining today so we’re pulling up more fish I want to get to

Fishing level 10 before spring is finished so I can have a go at the legend fish if I want to collect all the fish in the game by year one I need to get the legend in Spring if I don’t get the legend in Spring then I have to wait

Until year 2 so Caroline just taught me tea sapping recipe there but she will officially send it to me in the mail the next day I also give Robin her last ax and the rest of the day spent cutting down trees to increase my foraging skill

I got it to five there so I get to choose new perks we had Lumberjack 25% more wood our forager at 20% chance for double yield of foraged items we’re going to go with forager because I’m focusing on tea saplings at the moment moment speak of devil just got the tea

Sapling recipe there and I’m going to use up all my resources now to make as many tea saplings as possible 71 in total that’s more or less 35,000 gold in the bag I’m going to get the deluxe bag pack that means all my inventory slots are now unlocked a salty saplings that’s

Up to 49,000 gold we’re going to go straight into the Vault here and unlock all these bundles so we can now get the bus over to the desert and start doing skull Cavern runs the sooner we can get start with skull Cavern the sooner we

Can get our hands on a ridium and make loads of money and upgrade the tools the big pricee there with the vault is the crystall Arium you just get one but it’s better than nothing that I can put a jade into that to start accumulating staircases we’re also going to get a

Pickaxe upgrade I couldn’t afford it so I had to sell some gold bars not to worry I had plenty I sold enough to get 10,000 gold then I got cleaned to upgrade my pickaxe to a gold one that would take a couple of days I got a

Quest off Marin for an emerald oh you obliged because it was a profit for me and it was extra vure points I also give her a quartz because she likes those as well it didn’t have really have any loved gifts she loves diamonds but I didn’t want to give her a diamond

Because I needed those for triple shot espressos the rest of the day I spent fishing I got to Sunfish there and I actually needed that for the fishing collection not L Shell’s handy but look what I got here when I pulled up a larg mount bass I got a treasure chest this

Is extremely rare it’s as rare as getting a prismatic Shard or a dinosaur egg or an ancient seed it’s worth 5 th000 gold if you sell it the funny thing about a treasure chest is that if you try to gift it to someone they absolutely hate it so if you ever get a

Treasure chest down the road do not gift it just sell it do yourself a favor I finally got level 10 fishing the perks are very interesting here angler fish are .5% more valuable for every unique species cat fully extending a tackle causes it effects the Linger on the

Fishing rod that’s really cool then we had a quarius fish P Max Capacity plus two that means more rewards catching bar decrease slower for every unique fish species rais in a fish pond so if you want to get those perfect catches on a super hard fish just make a fish pond

For every single fish in the game and you’ll have no problem doing that really cool porks there is very happy with those um the marago mod is just so cool the strawberries have finally grown we could get all those also going to get the idium r and I’m going to get a trap

Bber and some bait could go for the legend out today cuz it was raining you can only get the legend on rainy days that is the legend cut it took me three attempts it was quite the battle now extremely hard fish to catch one of the

Hardest fish in the game I got the gold pickaxe off CP it’s time to upgrade more tools this time we’re going to go with the axe we’re going to upgrade that to a copper axe we’re going to go back into the mines now I got a diamond there from

A mystery note that’s really nice I’m going to make some quality sprinklers today they’re going to make my life way easier I’m going to sell more items to Marin just to make more money there’s no point having those in my chest cuz I using up space I’m going to make a fish

Pond there now and I’m going to put a fish inside that in the next couple of days I’m doing a SK Cav run today but it’s not a full skull Cavern run I didn’t come in here until 4:00 in the afternoon I just went in to wet my feet

A bit and get some minerals I come out then later on and I trade in some items for CH shot espressos and spicy eels but the next day we’re going to do a full run for real I picked up an aridium band but it doesn’t have any stats on it it’s

Worth was gold the marago mod changed the way the aridian band worked and at that moment in time I did not have a clue of the mechanics of it so I end up selling it later and I regret that so much so so much because it turns out

That it was one of the best rings in the game but I’ll talk more about it later I went to the flower Dance Festival today I picked up the RAR Crow and I also picked up the to of flowers recipe I need those to get perfection I didn’t have enough friendship points

Accumulated with any of the lovely straws to dance with them so I just watched in the background I was probably better off anyway because if I got really drunk there would have been a good chance that I would have attempted to use one of the straws as a tool to SL

Down a drink moving on I got 10,000 gold off Mr key for making a p for 25 in the mines thank you very much Mr key I also got my lovely copper ax and we have iron bars smelting back in the farm too at the moment so we’re doing really well I

Got Clint to upgrade my pickaxe to an aridium pickaxe that’s going to make a skull Cavern life much easier as you can see here now I have tons of weapons to sell templar’s blades and wicked chrises are very common because there was so many crates in gotot Cavern and those

Weapons were just popping out of the crates left right and Center I went to disco Cavern with a prismatic Shard it didn’t work so I Googled to find out why and then I read that you have to have a prismatic Shard plus 10 or really embarrassed to get a Galaxy weapon I was

Hoping for a Galaxy sword or a Galaxy hammer but instead I got a Galaxy dagger I was very disappointed with this I was going to reset the day and try again but I didn’t bother I said you know what I’m pretty good with most weapon types I

Might as well just keep the dagger and see how we get on and I regret that later I went to Marland to see if he had the other Galaxy weapons for sale because I got the dagger he didn’t I was stuck with the dagger so I went to check out the

Traveling cart Merchant picked up a jelly for the community center bundles also picked up a rear SE as well not too bad I went back to the desert with 20 ridium bars and a prismatic shard in the hopes that the Pyon ha would activate Eng grace me with another galaxy weapon but

No they were finished with me I was absolutely stuck with this galaxy tiger there’s nothing I could do I had to use it as my main combat weapon I tried to put the legend into the fishing pond because the Maro mod stated you could do

So but it didn’t work so I put it back into the chest and I would investigate later to see if I could find a work around for that it was Pierre’s birth there so I give him a DA to get some friendship points with him I went into

My Batcave lots of foras ready to be picked up so going to pick all these up now and some can be used for Community Center bundles that was going to save me some time later on the rest of the day was spent fishing and I just fish

Primarily to get money because I was going into summer I wanted to buy lots of star fruit I got coal here it’s nice to get support of the fishing Treasure Chest Co is always a nice reward Co is something that I always run out of cuz I

Smell so many bears I got back my aridium pickaxe super happy I’m now going to give Clint my copper axe he’s going to upgrade that to a steel axe so I can hit the secret Woods I’m giving Gunter more artifacts here and minerals in the hopes to get access to the sorce

So I can get access to kobus as quickly as possible there’s also a statue down there that allows you to Respec and the marago mod has changed that dramatically but we’ll talk more about that later on when we get down into the source so we were back to completing more Community

Center bundles the Exotic far bundle it was easy enough cuz I had the coconut and the cactus fruit the other items were simple to get I picked up the Autumn’s bounties I don’t use the Autumn’s Bounty I just sell it to make money I’m back down to floor 81 I’m

Farming this floor for the whole day for fiber to make more tea saplings I made over 41,000 gold today primarily from selling rum bars and other bits and Pops I got from the mines we’re checking out the traveling cart Merchant again today I’m going to pick up a rare seed but the

Big pricee today was an ancient seed gone for 400 gold and a red cabbage going for the ground I got those straight away it was a magnificent day with the traveling carts so we’re going to visit Sandy today is the last day of spring I’m going to get

293 starfruit seeds then I’m going to visit the regular mines and I’m going to get all of the exclusive fish in the mines such as the ghost fish the stone fish the ice pip on floor 60 and the super hard lava eel on floor 100 this

Fish is really rare so it does take quite a number of attempts to actually catch this and even if you do get a bite it’s very hard to pull it up if you’re not prepared I strongly recommend using a trap hoer to pull that fish up it is

Quite challenge especially if you don’t see it coming and it takes you by surprise so it’s the first day of summer I got my steel ax off Clint that means we can get into the secret Woods I’m going to purchase a few crops off pier for some of the community center bundles

We’re also going to go to Sandy and I’m going to spend loads of money on more starford seeds 32 in total the more star fruits I can grow the more I can convert into star fruit wine the more money I can make because I have the steel ax I

Can get rid of all these large stumps all around my farm like I start accumulating hardwood now and Lads of hardwood will be needed later on I fished up the wood skip today that was needed for the fishing collection and I’m also going to do the summer forging

Bundle you only need three summer fables for that bundle you also only need three summer fores to make summer wild seeds it’s also really good so it’s a lot easier to make tea saplings in summer it’s definitely the best month in the whole game to make tea saplings I pulled

Up an octopus today was a very hard catch definitely one of the hardest if not the hardest not legendary fish in the game I then got the Crimson fish and then in the evening time we’re fishing up super cucumbers they sell for really nice money we’re going to visit Robin

And she is going to make us a silo because I want to get some animals on the farm we’re then going to get cleaned to break up some geod for us so we can give Gunther more minerals and artifacts so we can try to get down into the

Source as quickly as possible I made some crab pots and I’m using these to get more fish with the fishing collection if we catch all the fish in the game Willie will give us a star drop and we need that for Perfection so I completed the leg fish bundle by getting

A surgeon there that was really nice the reward was a dressed spinner I’m just going to sell it for 500 gold I also completed the artisa bundle the reward there was a cake that’s a very nice reward indeed you can’t have enough eggs in my opinion I went back into the

Secret woods today cuz I want to get more hardwood but it’s also a great place to get Farin XP I finally got Farin level seven that means I can make three fertilizers I can now make three farms and I also give a Fire Quartz into

The lav eels here to make them feel more at home they will also multiply the more lav eels I get in that fish pond the better rewards I get amazing items here to be had from the traveling cart I picked up the Truffle which means I

Don’t have to get pigs anymore I also picked up the duck egg I still need a duck though with the duck feather I also met some lightning rods because I was going to get the tunder and lightning very soon cuz it was summer so the lightning rod is a great way to get

Battery packs they come in super handy later especially to get access to Ginger Island because it was raining today I fished up the red snapper that’s needed for the ocean fish bundle and I just completed that there the reward was five warp totems to the beach the next day I

Was able to get some battery packs super happy with that we’re going to visit Robin now she is going to make us a coupe or we’re going to get a barn the next day and I’m probably going to get one of each animal just to cover all of

The items in the game I fished up a sturgeon then it was after the desert pick up some more faras I also fished up the Scorpion carb and the sandfish while it was in the desert I needed to sand fish for another fish bundle that was

Another one out of the way very close now to completing the the fishing Community Center bundles back into the mines I’m farming copper because I need to make tons of tappers for the tree seats that I planted down at the farm I want to get loads of Oak resons to make

Kegs later on so I can make starre wine I’m clearing up space now on the farm is the Four Corners farm so there’s four big areas on the farm that I can clear out to put crops down or to put other stuff down 51 tappers made I put those

In all my trees the rest of there was spent farming up wood it was gs’s birthday today so I gave him a diamond I did have loads of those got C run that put him up to two hearts Robin usually does not work on a Tuesday but if you

Talk to her just at the right moment you can actually access her interface you can get her to upgrade your house buy supplies or even get her to make a building on your farm even on Tuesdays you just got to do it at the right time

Just before she leaves the house so I’m going to put all my tappers on my trees and all of my lovely spring fores are now ready so going to collect all these I’m going to make more going to replant them and any excess summer seeds I have

Used to make tea saplings just like this look at all the T sa it’s going to make right now 99 in total that’s almost 50,000 gold I’m going to get back from those it’s a huge amount of money I got the lobster out of a crap pot today I

Was super happy with that one step closer to catching all the fish in the game it was Mario’s birthday so I gave her the battery pack cuz she loves batteries so more friendship points for me speaking of friendship points I put a gold star sergeon into luo that gets the

Best response governor cuz he loves the soup and I get tons of friendship points back to Robin I’m going to get the brick floor recipe from horor and I’m also going to get a barn as well so she’ll have that bed in a couple of days I’m

Going to put the floor all around my tappers it just makes it way easier to collect the resins going forward so that pops up in between the trees doing a skull Cav run today and I’m making loads of bombs here now because I have to park

Where I can make you know two bombs for just the resources of one bomb it’s really easy to make tons of bombs using the or the coal at the end of the day I got level 10 mining because of the maragon mod the perks drastically changed the first one was the demo perk

Bomb radius plus one but exploded rocks yield 20% more resources that was really nice other one was the gemologist progressively identify minerals of higher quality that means I can get like aridium or gold star diamonds for example Crystal arms were faster I went with the demo pork because I wanted to

See how effective bomb farming could be I also got a dinosaur egg and I put that into the incubator in the coupe that get me back a dinosaur and any future eggs that dinosaur lays I can just give it to Gunther turn the rest into mayonnaise I’m going to buy more starfruit seeds

Now today 208 in total and I’m going to smelt all of my lovely aridium ores into aridium bars and set us for even more money I’m very close now to getting access to the SS so it’s just one or two last big pushes we’re going to get Clint

To break up and geod we’re going to give him into G I’m also sing more weapons here I got let go C run into the Maryland Marin must be having a field to here with all these weapons I also checking out the traveling car today the

Fried egg was very nice indeed but it doesn’t stop there we got super lucky we scrolled down a few pages and the large goat milk was also there it just meant they didn’t have to invest in a go but didn’t want to I also got the mai roll

Recipe of course that is needed for another Community Center bundle and it’s very easy to make the ma roll I also purchased the other recipes that he had to Bar the sh shot espresso because I didn’t want to waste the rest of my money on and that just now with the

Resources I had I met 10 crystalarium I put those down in the farm and I finally got level 10 farming Artisan was now overhauled to all Artisan machines work 10% faster machine output quality can be as good as input ingredient quality that’s interesting I’m going to go with

Agriculturist crops go 10% faster and there’s a chance we can pull up AUM quality crops from the ground without using fertilizer that’s a game changer right there gun P’s a visit the next day he finally gave me the key to the SS I just pulled up a batch of melons here

But what’s really interesting about this is that I got an aridium equality melon and because it’s higher than the gold star I can also use that for Quality crops bundle for example if I want so I went to Robin and I got to get her to

Upgrade my house again I’m also going to go to Clint and I’m going to upgrade a tool I’m going to get the gold Axe and that eventually will go all the way to the idium axe we cut down trees very quickly it was time to go back to the

Statue of prestige we are going to rework another skill so this statue will allow us to reset our skill but we keep some of the perks from the skill originally so I have a choice here between farming fishing and Mining now I didn’t have enough gold on me at the

Moment so I was going to have to wait and come back to that but while I was down here I did manage to pull up the mutant G which is another a legendary fish added to the roster I’m going to make a little tree farm here now and all

Of this will just be wood for saplings and building upgrades things like that down the Road the great thing about the tree fertilizer is that I can make tree farms whenever I please as long as I have the basic resources to do it just means trees will grow within a few days

It’ll even work on trees in Winter which is amazing as you can see here now I’m collecting all my resins I’m getting two XP per resin collected thanks to the Margo mod that’s really handy for getting up forging skill I’m also getting lots of star fruit wines here as

Well I’m going to fill up all these cegs now with star fruit and when I get back to Wine I’m going to make an absolute ton of money I also also got shades on my crystarium so come Sunday I can swap those in for staircases got my gold ax

Back off cleaned out today but we’re not finished there we’re going to give him the axe straight back in and he will upgrade that to an aridium quality axe that’s what we’re looking for it’s very handy that you can sell bars directly to Clint especially if you need to upgrade

Tools which you can’t afford it having aridium bars or gold bars or things like that save a lot of time and energy so I’m making more tea saplings now today and we’re back planting spring fores on the ground I’m going to sell all the tea

Saplings to make a ton of money it was also Sam’s birthday so I gave him a pizza I bought that from Gus and Sam was super happy with that pizza is one of Sam’s loved gifts we’re back in the mines F floor 81 for the rest of the day

I made over 52,000 gold today primarily from selling aridium bars and tea saplings so I’m going to use a carp some rice and seaweed to make a macuro I needed that for a community center bundle we’re going to go back to Statue of prestige and we are going to reset

Our our mining skill because I want to accumulate more perks for mining I heard the sound of the train so I went straight up to the bad house area in the hopes that I would get a really good item from the Train sometimes you can drop very rare items and in this

Occasion it did it dropped the leprechaun shoes they are probably one of the coolest shoes in the game Leprechauns are also linked to good luck in Ireland so we do have a myther on Ireland where if you reach the bottom of a rainbow you may find a leprechaun with

A pot of gold leprechauns also jump up out of halls in Ireland so if you’re walking on the road or walking through a field you got to watch out that you don’t accidentally step on a leprechaun so just be careful if you ever visit Ireland if you come across any of the

Leprechaun homes try not to step on them the leprechauns can get quite angry it was demetrius’s birthday gave him an ice cream he was super happy with that we’re collecting more jads and now we are processing ancient fruit to try to get more I got back mixed seeds today that

Was very unpleasant extremely unlucky but we can’t have good luck all of the time so I just rolled with it went to the desert cutting down some trees here as well I needed lots and lots of wood to make more tea saplings and I also wanted building upgrades so once all

These trees have been cut down I’ll be able to go back to Robin and I to start upgrading Cs and barns getting house upgrades and things like that I treaded in my jads for staircases so I’m preing myself now for another SK Cavern run it’s always the start of a great day

When you wake up the battery packs gold ridium and jids went back to Clint got the copper hole I’m going to hand that back in now for a steel hole upgrade that’s going to come in super handy for fall when we start putting down pumpkins I met some aridium sprinklers today I’m

Now getting the farm prepped for pumpkins cuz we’re going to get hundreds and hundreds of those just in a few days got Robin to make the Delux scop right there and now we’re going to talk to kobus and we’re just going to get the star drop off him for 20,000 gold that’s

One more star drop in the bag for us so I went to the desert now today and I’m going to get some CHP shot espressos some spicy eels we are going to do a skull Cavern run today was a great day in a skull Cavern when I got to floor 20

I got two aridium sprinklers they would go straight on the farm when the day was finished I got level five mining again this time I selected plus one or per Vin and it was even more battery packs the next day on the farm the more battery packs I got the more crystarium and

Idium sprinklers I could make I got my steel hle off Clint I stopped upgrades there was time to collect all of the lovely starfruit wine I also completed the summer crops bundle the reward for that was a quality sprinkler and I still had use for Quality sprinklers it was

Wily’s birthday so I give him a catfish Willie just loves catfish I could have given him a diamond but I had a few catfish L around from all the fishing I’ve been doing so it was just a bit more sense to give one of those because

I could still Trad in diamonds for trip shot espressos and things like that I purchased a full stack of wheat ofp today that will be used for a placeholder so when fall comes I won’t have to or water to ground and putting down the pumpkins I can just

Sight up the wheat because the wheat also grows in Fall as well as summer I made 46 more cakes today that’s more State wine for us and our dinosaur was finally born that means any future eggs of dinosaur lays we can just give them

To Gunter I went to Marie it was time to buy some supplies so I bought some hair because I had no real grass on the farm so I couldn’t site it for hair at all I also got an autog Grabber so I wouldn’t have to worry about checking the

Dinosaur every day to see if it laid an egg and I also bought some rabbits and Ducks as well I got a large milk after traveling cart along with nless shell I was extremely happy with those and then I went back to my Coupe after purchasing

All of the animals I decided to pet them all I didn’t have an auto Petter yet but I do eventually get one by a the skull Cavern I made loads of grass stter planted that on the farm and it was time to collect the last batch of star fruit

All of that would go into the cakes I then replanted wheat on the ground so it wouldn’t have have to worry about rehor or rewatering the ground for when it comes to the pumpkins and there was just a second batch of star fruit on the top

Left hand side of the farm as well collecting aidi embarassed now today they were going to sell for lots of money then it was back to Robin and this time I’m going to get her to make a mill because when I collect all of the wheat

I can turn that into wheat flour and I can turn that into bread to make a decent profit I traded in more jets for staircases I we’re finishing out summer in style with the lovely jelly event here it’s probably one of the greatest visual effect events in the game so

We’re now in the first of fall sighted up all of the wheat and I’m just purchasing crops off here for Community Center bundles so I got the eggplant the Y and I was getting pumpkins there as well and the pumpkins will be the primary Money Maker for this season that

Will be converted into pumpkin juice I finished the fall foraging bundle the reward 30 fall seeds thank you very much it was then back into the back cave got a pomegranate there that was very lucky I just needed a couple of apples there now and that would be another Community

Center bundle completed so I was at the mercy of RNG with this game apples are quite rare but there is a chance if I pick up an apple I might get two and that would be great for me back down to the secret Woods we’re collecting petables breaking open trees and it’s

Time to take on the community quests we had the famous omelet and we had juicy bgs wanted we went with Juicy bgs wanted because it’s easy to get B meat I gave penny a sandfish for her birthday because she loves those and that pushed her straight up into the yellow for

Friendship which was great it was then time to refill all of our lovely star fruit kegs I also put all of the weed into the mill here to get back wheed flow and that would just take one day to process which is really nice the mill is actually a really really nice structure

To have in the game this time I was going for the big barn and after that we’re going to go for the deluxe Barn just so we can get one of each animal in the game which would cover more or less everything I got my watering can

Upgraded and then it was back to fishing so we were getting fish that we didn’t get before such as the SE cucumber the salmon the midnight carb all needed for the fishing collection the next day it was time to get the Lovely weed flour from the mill I converted that into

Bread straight away 323 pieces of bread that would be sold for a very nice profit indeed it was then time to check the autog Grabber and lo and behold there was lots of wool here that I needed for a community center bundle I also needed the rabbit’s foot for the

Enchants bundle so it was a really nice haul today we’re then collecting all of our lovely Oak resins that means I can make more kegs if I want to it was time to finish off the enchanter’s bundle I had the oak resin and the rabbit’s foot that was another bundle completed there

For the bullish and board the reward was five gold bears not too bad for the field research bundle just needed not shell for that the reward there was a recycling machine that wasn’t too shabby either and for the D bundle I just needed a duck feather and a sea archant

I’ll get those eventually cuz I did get a duck of mie and I also completed the chef’s bundle by just giving in a maple syrup the reward there was a nice pink cake so the Big Challenge here now is to get one more Apple so I’d have three

Apples in total for the F bundle for the animal bundle I give in the milk and the wool but I needed a chicken egg I didn’t actually have any chickens at the moment so I had to sacrifice one animal in my Coupe and purchase a chicken off Marie

Later on quality crops bundle I had Five Ghost our corn that was easy enough to do because I had the corn grown from Summer it was rainy today pulled up the walleye so I’m getting much closer now to all of the fishing collections it was finally time to finish off the lovely

Fishing bundles by giving in the tiger trout and giving in the Walley that was all of the bundles completed a small glowing ring and some Bay the prizes weren’t great but we needed to complete all of the bundles if you want to get to Ginger Island so it was a necessary

Sacrifice the plan was to get to Ginger Island by the end of fall or the start of winter and then we could spend the whole season going through the island getting the rewards that lie within trying to access key Secret Walnut Room and just seeing how far the Margo mod has extended but

For now we were back in the regular mines and we’re just going for bugs here for bug meat we needed 100 in total for Wily’s Quest we had a whole week to complete it the great thing about Wily’s Quest is that it also ties in with the monster eradication goals and there’s

Always a chance the bugs can drop ancient seeds it is a small chance but it will happen to you more often than not when you start farming those bugs i g some Mega bombs to LVS I had to be super careful with those we all know how

I get with bombs sometimes I would was really worried that I would misplace the bomb and blow half the farm up because it was a mega bomb because it was Sunday we’re going back to the desert Trader we’re trading in more jads for staircases now we’re going back to

Maryland and we’re just getting rid of stuff here that we don’t need I got lots of rubber boots lots of glor rings items from the stter levels of the mines I didn’t need I also got the insect head and because of the maragon mod it was actually upgraded a little bit but the

Great thing about that was now worth 4,900 gold so I sell it the Marland for a really nice profit I went to the traveling cart today picked up the Snowman rarecrow rest of the day was spent cutting down trees cuz I needed a lot more wood to get a lot more upgrades

Done to the farm I still hadn’t reached level 10 faring but I was getting there and this huge Hall of lovely fall fables will certainly help with that especially if I get a double pull get 14 XP instead of seven with 340 fall wild seeds I’ll

Plant some of those back down in the ground and then with the rest I’ll make tea saplings we’re just going to sell all those lovely tea saplings met over 100 tea saplings today and the figures just keep going 150 tea saplings in total that’s 75,000 gold it was time for

The legendary fall fish the angler it’s a very easy catch probably one of the easiest legendary fish to catch in the game maybe besides the mutant car I never have any issues putting that angler fish out of the water I then spent the rest of the day just getting

Berries off bushes at 185,000 gold today primarily from tea saplings and crops and things like that so I’m going to grab the duck feather and the Egg we’re going to give one into the community center and the other into Gunther so that was one more artifact to gther one

Step closer to perfection got my copper watering can today off Clint but we’re not finished there we’re going to give the can straight back in upgrade that to the steel watering can that would come in super handy for ginger Island for the D bundle I had to Du feather and I had

To Sea archant that was the D bundle complete and the reward was a seed maker that’s not too bad we will be using lots of seed makers later for ancient fruit it was then time to get our lovely star fruit wine all over again and for the

Rest of the day we were cutting down trees I was really close to getting Farin level 10 and I just popped right there it’s going to be very interesting to see what the perks are also got creat by a fairy so for the first perk we got ecologist wild berries restore 50% more

Health and energy progressively identify forage in higher quality and then we scavenger and that just gives you the markers but it has an additional perk occasionally detect Buried Treasure and this really surprised me it excited me so I clicked on it to see what it was

Like so I went back to Marin today and I almost purchased the RAB but then I said no I need a chicken I need chicken eggs to complete the animal bundle it was also jordy’s birthday give her a diamond Jordi was happy I’m also going to get another Community Quest this time we’re

Going to go with rock Rejuvenation because I had so much minerals from the skull C runs it was then back to the lovely Clint got my still water in can but we weren’t finished there we might as well go all the way so we’re going to upgrade that to the gold watering can

That would take a couple of days we’re then back into the pantry was time to complete the fall crops bundle that was one more bundle done one to go the reward was a bee house not too bad I gave Emily all of the minerals she wanted for rock Rejuvenation that was

1,000 C in the bag and she sent me on a sewing machine the next day it was time for the first batch of pumpkins look at the lovely giant mutated pumpkin they were huge I was thinking about destroying them but I said no I’m going to leave them the way they are because

They looked big and beautiful and they even last throughout all of the seasons so they look really cool in Winter as well so I’m going to leave the mutated pumpkins and just pick up the rest for a good portion of today it was just replanting the pumpkin seeds so this was

The first buried treasure this was a level 10 foraging pork and I got four pieces of stone and I got one wild seed for the fall it was it was so disappointing I give Abigail an amethyst cuz it was her part more friendship points with her so we’re actually doing pretty well with

The friendship in this game I don’t know if I’ll be able to maximize everyone’s friendship by the end of the year though we’ll find out soon enough so it was back to Robin Delux Barn all the way then it was back to Clint to get the

Gold watering can now I had a lot of money on me and a lot of resources so I said you know what let’s just upgrade it to the ridium watering can it was raining today and the lovely fables were ready to be collected I going to pick up

All those plant some back down on the ground turn the rest into te saplings the usual story it was Sunday that means staircases it was sent back to the traveling carts and she was selling pale ale for 1,000 gold to pop I purchased one just so I can complete the quest for

Pam pam was looking for the pale L give me that slurp Ah that’s the stuff Pam is just so funny and of course she’s going to drive the bus after it so for the next set of community quests we’re going to go with a curious substance need to get an ectoplasm so we

Need to destroy ghosts for that I spent the whole day locating ghosts and killing them in the hopes to get an ectoplasm it’s quite rare it was time for the starv fair I got first place of course I had a huge array of really nice items gambled all my star tokens on

Green and once I had enough star tokens accumulated I decided then to just use them all up and get the star drop and to get the rare crow in this event they’re the two most important items you need when you’re going for Perfection so the

Rare Crow is 800 the reason why you need all the rare scarecrows is because when you get them all you will be mailed a recipe called Deluxe scarecrow and you need to make that in order to achieve Perfection the starfruit wine was ready again and it’s so nice just picking up

All this lovely starfruit wine I mean the money was going to be amazing I was killing doggies today and rock crabs and anything in between I was just trying to complete more Monster eradication goals for Perfection on floor 16 it was an ambush floor this was amazing because I

Could just elevat her down to floor 15 pop a staircase or my open a few rocks get down to floor 16 and rinse and repeat for the day was Mar’s birthday cover a diamond that got enough friendship points with har me to go in and get Mar lewis’ lucky purple shs and

I was just going to give these back to Mar Lewis for friendship points cuz I want to accumulate as many friendship points as possible be Lewis had no idea how his shs could have got there maybe Marney stole them maybe Marne gets a Trill out of robbing people’s underwear bringing

Her back to her bedroom who knows it was time to complete another Quest gave the wizard the ectoplasm he was very happy with that he gave me 2500 gold I feel like you should get a lot more gold for that Quest because the ectoplasm is so

Rare I got the idium water and can of Clint get back into the hole to upgrade that to a gold hole we’re back down on floor 81 farming it for the day the next day the wizard as a reward for completing his quest gave me the recipe

To make mini obelisks they’re very handy for big farms because they allow you to warp around the farm at your pace so it’s very nice item to make it’s time to make more tea saplings let’s see how many I can make today 160 tea saplings that’s a lot of tea saplings that’s a

Lot of money it was time to sell all of the weapons armor and Rings I didn’t need to Mar for extra money I also finally got my sweet gem Berry to take fruition gave it into the statue here in the secret woods and the reward was

Another star job for me so I sold my sweet gem berries what’s interesting here is the rium quality one sells for the whopping 6,000 gold that is a very nice profit for sweet jamb berries back to Clint got my gold hoe I’m going to give that strap back into him and I’m

Just going to upgrade that to the idium PO and that means all my tools are now of idium quality except the trash can of course but I don’t really use the trash can anyway might upgrade it down the road so I’m going to buy a spaghetti off

G today I also got the triple shot espresso recipe and it’s Robin’s birthday she loves spaghetti so I’m going to give Robin a spaghetti Robin also loves peaches but I didn’t have any Peaches on me at the moment so Robin would just have to settle with a

Spaghetti but I would have got the same friendship points regardless unless the peach of course was a silver gold or ridium quality so that was another monster Slayer goal done for the doggies one step closer to perfection the lavs wanted an aridium bar so it Tred into

The fishing pool and that fishing pool is actually coming along very well now at the moment it’s time for another Community Quest we had community cleanup are fragments of the past I went with community cleanup straight away those fiber seeds are just overpowered as hell

Way too good to pass up so I went up to the bat house area I spent a whole day fishing up there for trash once I accumulated 20 pieces I put them all into the bin the next day to complete dinosaur’s Quest the 500 gold is a small

Amount of money but the real reward will come the next day when he gives me the recipe for the fiber seed I got my aridium ho back off Clint it was then time to harvest all of the lovely starf fruit wine that’s going to mean a lot

More money for us we’re now running a little bit longer starfruit it did have over 300 but that’s going to go very quickly and eventually it’s going to be back to processing pumpkins they not half as good as starfruit wine but they’re better than nothing it was now

The 24th of fall and this was going to be the last batch of pumpkins that we were going to pick up so we’re now headed into winter I did get a few more mutated pumpkins though tank City aridium quality sprinklers so I’m going to leave all those pumpkins on the farm

It’s also George’s birthday and I actually had a leak l around the place from spring so I gave him that because I knew he loves leaks so I kept one for him I then decided to make lots and lots of fiber seeds now these don’t actually

Need to be watered but I was just too lazy to pickaxe up all of the sprinklers so I just put them on the ground as is I had the space for it you do have to protect them though because the crows will swoop down and try to eat them it

Was Thursday so I treaded in some Prismatic shards for a magic rock candy probably one of the best if not the best consumable in the game for the rest of the day then I was fing skeletons because I wanted to kill enough of these to get a monster eradication go done and

After one day I managed to do just that I was getting quite used to using the dagger weapon I still would have much preferred a sword or the club but I was getting used to it I was getting a bit better with it I purchased another ancient seed after the traveling cart

Also picked up Queen of the gem C since it was very rare painting why not I had the money for it and it was finally time to finish off the F bundle by putting in the the last Apple there as a reward I got back a heater not too bad at all I

Also put in the chicken egg finished off the animal bundle and that was the pantry fully completed I could now access the Quarry cave and what fun are we going to have inside the Quarry was time to get Clint to process some geodes now today so that’s more minerals we’re

Given to Gunther but I almost have all of the minerals done I just needed a few more bits of Bobs it was time for another skull Cavern run so I took the mag Ro candy took a tripot espresso and it was time to break open some crates

Could I get another lucky ring today let’s find out because we all know how lucky I get when it comes to getting lucky rings out of barrels and there we go it was another lucky ring they say lucky rings are insanely rare they are rare but they’re not insanely rare

Because I managed to get at least one every time I do a challenge you know if you keep gr SK C over and over again and you keep prioritizing the barrels in the crates you are going to get one eventually level 10 mining let’s look at the prospector locations of ladders and

Mining nodes revealed occasionally detect rocks with valuable minerals then we had SPI lunker this is one we’re going to take chance to find ladders and shafts increase every Mine level speed increases every five levels that is absolutely insane if we use that in combination with staircases in a SC

Cavern we’re going to have a super fast super lucky character we’ll be able to get down to the bottom of skull Cavern with ease so I was very excited to try to do as quickly as possible so it was now the first of winter look at all the

Fiber we’re going to get here from the fiber seeds the mutated pumpkins also look amazing in winter when we’re finished with farming all of the lovely fiber we’re going to go up here now and play hideand-seek with kobis he’s going to give us the magnifying glass and that

Means we can now find secret notes from doing various activities around the the game and some of those noes are very powerful what I was really hoping for was a secret node that would allow me to go to level 100 this SC Cavern and get that lovely idium juice that gives me

More HP so I’m going to take Robin’s project today going to find some hardwood I’m also going to complete the winter Varin bundle I finally got the crocus there and the snowm the reward was Winter seeds and that was the Community Center completed I could now access Ginger Island but before I could

Access drland I needed just a few more pieces of hardwood because I wasn’t farming the hardwood as much as I normally do and I wasn’t really getting that a hard under the crates in the mines which is unfortunate I also went for the glacier fish today probably one

Of the hardest fish to catch in the game it took me a few attempts I finally caught it it was then time to get the Lovely hero trophy from completing the community center does not compare to the reward you get when you go to Georgia

Route but it was still nice to get some recognition it was now time to go into the Quarry as well cuz I wanted to get that lovely gold Insight all these flirty skull enemies have a chance of dropping magic rock candies of course it is very low and it’s been a long long

Time since I actually got one to drop a magic rock candy but when I went up to the Statue I got the golden sight but because we’re using the Margo mod something happened afterwards when I clicked on the Statue to teleport out it said there’s something behind the statue

You feel a Sinister chill run down your spine whatever it is you should probably leave it alone I of course decided not to leave it alone and grabbed it I picked up a weapon here called the blade of Ruin you reach out and discover an all looking sword as you grab it the

Blade begins to Glow a sickly green color suddenly you feel as if all the peace and everything else drained from your body similar to like a dementor from Harry Potter you know it just drains the life out of everything so I equiped it straight away I was very

Curious about this weapon little did I know at the time that every time I swung this weapon it consumed some of my HP and this weapon becomes an extreme hindrance later on in the video it really is a double-edged sword so it was time to fix up the boat to get to Ginger

Island just needed some battery packs Orum bars and some hardwood I can now go to Ginger Island the next day it was Linus’s birthday give him a cactus fruit even people like lonus can’t stay in the tent all the year round sometimes you do

Have to qu for a bit heat thank God for the bad house the blade of Ruin was was a very nice weapon indeed its secondary function a dash attack could fly through enemies and it could kill a lot of enemies in one hit every time you slay

Five enemies with this Blade the stats on the weapon will increase it will get stronger and stronger and eventually it’ll get to a point where it’ll start one-shotting enemies the only drawback is that while this weapon is equipped it I felt that my defense stat didn’t really matter enemies were hitting me

For maximum damage every time I swung the blade and sometimes even if I just had the blade in my hand I would lose HP and this would get worse as the weapon gets stronger so it really is a double-edged sword What ginger Island though and it was time to collect some

Golden walnuts I just wanted enough to unlock the house so I can start putting some craps down in the farm and stuff like that I really wanted to get at the forge though start upgrading my equipment and I really wanted to get access to Keys Secret Walnut Room to see

What kind of quests he had now I was in the last season it was winter so it’s going to be difficult to see how much progress I can actually make so I got the house built I now had access to the farm here I could also sleep over when I

Went into the volcano for the first chest reward you always get the golden Walnut and you always get a free Prismatic Shard too when you get to the top I Enchanted my lovely blade of ruin the enchant was called waper Jack this enchant is hilarious basically when you hit an

Enemy with this weapon there’s a chance you could outright kill them you could turn them into an animal you you could turn them into a different enemy it had so many different hilarious effects there was also a chance that when you killed an enemy with weaper Jack they

Would drop a totally random item and wait until you see the randomness of the items I get in the next few days was a total Game Changer a really fun enchant to have I was very impressed with this and I’m actually very impressed with the maragon mod fair play to the developers

That made such a magnificent mud so it was back to grinding out the golden walls Ginger Island I just done the Pilon puzzle there as you can saw that took me almost a whole day got a clam there for killing a slime and I turned two others into chickens one regular

Chicken and another AO chicken and I think that one was a Golden Chicken so the only one I didn’t have was the brown and the blue chicken and this is just the start of it this enchant is absolutely insane was time to pull up the fish I needed for the fishing

Collection got the L Fish there today and the first batch of winter fores were now ready so I’m going to pick all them up make more put them back down in the ground this method will just rinse and repeat itself I got a green tea gave it

To Caroline she was very happy with that and you can get tea leaves from carine sun room at the end of each season so I managed to pick up a few free ones I also finished off Robin’s project by putting in some hardwood that was on Quest completed and it was time to

Collect our lovely starfruit from the Cs the next day we had the winter event here the fishing event so I purchased another snowman rarecrow I forgot I already purchased one so I now have two of those instead of one I won the fishing event and Lewis gave me the

Usual prize of the magnet Barbed hook dress spinner and sailor cap I sell out the tackles and I put the cap into a chest I’m not a huge fan of the sailor’s cap made over 200,000 gold on items primarily starfruit wine it was then

Time to take on a quest I’m going to go with Gus’s famous omelet because I had lots of duck eggs now and chicken eggs at this stage so this was a super easy quest to complete so that was done in a matter of iname G hours the reward was

3,000 gold take very much Gus it was then time to give lonus his birie basket not much good to him in winter but I just wanted to get more friendship points up with people give Emily an amethyst said it was from Clint she took

It up the wrong way and I got a nice kiss off Emily I also gave Willie a squid because he wanted me to fish one up and I gave carine a pumpkin she wanted one back in fall but she can always use it next year because crops in

Seru Valley are magical they don’t expire went into the sords and I got the D Talisman here because I wanted to get the ball rolling with the Wizard’s terminal fished up of VO salmon needed for the fishing collection for Willie and I also got the void mayonnaise we’re

Going to give that to the henchman here and he looks so cute in his straw form let’s look at his cute spiky helmet he’s such a cute lovely henchman this got me access to the witch’s house and I was able to get the magical ink that I can now give to the

Wizard which activates his magic terminal when I went to the wizard I got a new scene tanks to Amer goad the wizard taught me about the strange sword that I wielded and he gave me the background and the sword and he taught me at once belonged to a legendary hero

But that Hero’s heart was broken and the sword turned evil but he taught me that there is a chance I can turn the sword holy Again by doing a huge string of quests so the NPC that had to sword his name was vgo and to be honest with you I

Had to actually Google how to progress the quest cuz I didn’t really know what to do before I Googled it though I did go into a lot of places to see if I could progress but nothing was happening eventually end up going the statue of

Yoba like I do right here I also gave Sebastian there as aimi for his birthday so all the quests I had to do were Prim primarily based on choices you get during the NPC cutcenes so I needed to accumulate more friendship points with a lot of the NPCs to complete a lot of

These quests it was also a quest here to give freely and show your abundance with your fellow towns Folk 500,000 gold I suppose the best way to do that maybe is to get Robin to upgrade Pam’s house which costs 500,000 gold I’m hoping that’s the case so I had a lot

More staircases today had a lot of bombs had some Mega bombs and as you can see my character is now super fast cuz I’m on floor 206 now my character is like a bullet the bombs have a much bigger radius I mean it’s just really fun I

Turned the dinosaur into a cow there I got a banana off that dinosaur like can now complete a quest over on Ginger Island I would having to grow and wait for the banana tree that was absolutely amazing and I mean if you think that’s the Pinnacle of what happens it’s not I

Got a lucky ring now I didn’t have footage of the Ring popping out of a crate because it wasn’t recording at the time but I can assure you it was in a crate I destroyed it and it popped out that was double lucky rings for me now

That I had double lucky Rings combined with a magic rock candy I almost had maxed out look the only thing that was stopping me was ginger ale and that’s something we can look at later on in the video I gave lonus gold Bear for the help wanted Quest I don’t know why he

Wants gold bars I thought he gave up his ways of richness but who am I to judge anyone else in this game give Demetrius a melon too he was looking for one of those for ages so Demetrius is very happy about that he gave me some money more friendship points as well for

Demetrius look at all the lovely winter forers we have on the farm at the moment it took me a good portion up to dat to pick up all these once they ra harvested I made more winter wild seeds and I made a lot more look at the amount of them I can make

Here 930 W seeds so I was going to put as many of those as possible into the ground with the leftovers we can make more tea saplings that’s 112 in total made right there and sell us for more money went into jordy’s house met the

Family try to fish on the ground we got on great went to George give him a hot pepper he was looking for that for ages George was a happy man and I traded in more J for staircases for future Scot C runs it was also hary’s birthday so give

Him a coffee it was time to make more CS 80 kaks in total ready to go I was now processing the last pieces of the starf fruit we’re going to be moving on to pumpkins very soon it was also time to treat myself to a desert oblisk I had

The resources to make it I had the money I even had almost a million gold left over it was now time to take on the submarine mini game and I got the blob fish the spook fish and the midnight squid all exclusive submarine fish you can only get those three days of the

Whole year so my advice when that event does become accessible go into it straight away prioritize it because you won’t get those fish anywhere else so we’re going to go with fragments of the past for the next Community quest for the week I also grew some crops in the

Farm here I was lucky enough to get garlic from the skull Cavern run so that was going to be 15 golden wallnuts from the frog in total five for the melon five for the wheat and five for the garlic I also given the banana here to

The the monkey he’s going to give me a few more golden walnuts for that so I was well on the way to get lots and lots of golden walnuts also got the parrots to finish off the resort here this gives me access to the beach put down some

Flute blocks here that was the mermaid puzzle complete five more golden walnuts fished up the stingray that was all the fish done in the whole game all fish had been fished up let’s have a look at the collection the fish with Max underneath them were fish I got Perfection on so I

Have a long way to go to get infection on all the fish the next day Willie sends me a star drop for collecting all the fish it’s actually very sad cuz Willie say he doesn’t have any kids to give a star drop onto so he just gives

It to me I really hope in the near future will he finds love cuz he deserves it everyone deserves love it was back to the dig site today we were looking for fossils to give into Professor snail because I wanted to get more golden wallnuts from him I also got

Clint to break open a few golden coconuts here you always get a golden water from the first one and I got very lucky and I managed to get one of the fastest Le for Professor snail from the second one now I got a lot of bone

Fragments already from the dig site so I just needed to kill a few skeletons to complete Gunther’s Quest that was easy enough to do that was fragments of the past completed 3500 gold in the bag so Clint was looking for bars he got an iron bar he was happy that was a favor

For Clint done 500 gold in the bag it was back to the desert trailer for another magic rock candy we were then back to the volcano dungeon I picked up the dragon skill boots I was delighted with those a plus seven defense is what I needed so badly I now had a really

Nice setup two lucky rings and the dragon skill boots I got something I never got before from a chest I found an old blueprint some sort of dwarvish blueprint it must be related to the Maro mod so we’re going to hand that into Clint eventually and we’re going to

Start some sort of dwarf Quest I also picked up a golden egg from killing an enemy inside of volcano that is going to get me a Golden Chicken and the game breaking thing here is you can only get a golden egg once you have attained perfection in the game so to get golden

Chickens before Perfection is going to be a very interesting mechanic went back to the Statue of prestige reset my forging skills to accumulate more forging perks in the future G was on the resort today so I purchased the Tropic curry recipe straight away because you could go a whole year without G actually

Visiting in the resort so my advice if you see GS at the resort get that recipe up straight away it’s one of the hardest recipes to obtain because it’s not guaranteed to be gotten at any time in the game you can only get it when you

Visits the resort and it’s pure RNG you might not ever visit the resort just so you know so if you see him just use up that 5,000 gold and grab the recipe I got a cut scene here for George and this activates when you accumulate enough friendship points with him and because I

Chose the right option I got one point here for the hero’s journey which was to offer Sage advice to a towns folk it was also Evelyn’s birthday so I gave her a diamond and we were back slend void enemies from Monster eradication calls I just got a red modet there from killing

One of the Void monsters I also turned another one into a Golden Chicken the waper jack is such a fun chant to use it just makes the game so funny I used the rain totem and I managed to blow a hole in the old Georgia Mart to get out the

Hidden bundles level five forging again this time we’re taking Lumber Jack F trees yield 25% more wood I already took the forager before so I should already have that pork accessible to me it’s time to collect more aridium bars today and here is another classic scene from stuk Valley how would you classify

Tomato it is of course a vegetable anybody who says otherwise are just straight up wrong let me know in the comments what you think was time to get Robin to upgrade my house again cuz I needed to get some sort of Silver Star wine for the secret bundles and as as we

Can see I have lots of lavs in my fishing pond I had to let them go because I needed caviar so I Tred to Serge it in there instead it was then time to go back to the traveling cart this time trading in on the geod for

Artifact drove is because I now needed artifacts over minerals and once I have all the artifacts accumulated I would then be one step closer to perfection because you have to give in all the minerals and artifacts to gun in order to achieve Perfection it’s one of the

Steps necessary was back to the dig site blown open more nodes to get more artifacts Professor snails quests were coming along quite well I got a banana sapling but there was no point for that now really because I already got the golden Waters from the monkey I suppose

I do need bananas in the future if I wanted to make the Obelisk to warp to Ginger Island so I do plant it regardless so I got loads of ancient fruit today from the greenhouse and they will all be transferred back into ancient fruit seeds so I can fill up the

Greenhouse with ancient fruit so we’re well on the way to getting a greenhouse filled up to the top with lovely ancient fruit that can be turned into ancient fruit wine eventually it was time to get more Oak resins and then all of my lovely mahogany chees were fully grown

So I was going to cut all those down to get more hardwood I made over 350,000 gold today primarily from selling not to bits and Bobs but the big Heavy Hitters in terms of money were already on bars and wine was Leah’s birthday today give her a salad she was impressed that was

Back down to the mines killing VI monsters and everything in between I was having a great time using this blade of ruin it was getting much stronger I wanted to see how strong it could become but because it was getting stronger it was draining more and more HP every time

I started to use it if you look at my health there as you can see it’s dropping very very quickly upon each swing but the wer Jack enchant is just too funny to pass up level 10 combat we had brute taking damage builds rage improving combat press plus 25 HP also

Then we had bushwhacker crit chance 50% increase strikes have a chance to porge items from enemies that is very interesting but for now I went with Bru cuz I wanted to see how this limit gauge worked very interesting indeed so it it’s time to upgrade my house even

Further 100,000 gold for the seller thank you very much Robin it was then onwards to the next Community Quest we had KF Patrol and Aquatic overpopulation we’re going to go with care Patrol he just wants 50 bats slain easy enough for Clint this was the week of Clint because

We had his community Quest it was also his birthday this week and we also got him as a Secret Santa so we were easily going to max out Clint’s friendship this week between those three events I decided to do another Quarry run today in the hopes of getting a magicar candy

From the floaty skulls that wasn’t meant to be for Clint’s Secret gift I gave him a gold star rabbit’s foot that was going to be a massive friendship boost with him Vincent gave me a rainbow shell that was actually quite nice and a Rainbow Shell is needed for a key Quest down the

Road we’re now processing pumpkins into pumpkin juice and Clint said he’s going to get started on that dwarvish blueprint that I gave him I just have to give him a couple of days to sort it out unfortunately we’re at the end of The Challenge we don’t get to see how that

Quest unfolds but if you want the 200 Day video let me know in the comments if you enjoy this Maro mod so far I switched back to the Galaxy dagger the blade of ruin it was just way too hard to handle now was taking up too much health unfortunately I couldn’t get rid

Of the blade of Ruin couldn’t even put it in a chest it was stuck to my inventory the Golden Chicken hatched so that was going to be golden eggs in the next few days I was super excited with that the horrible thing about the blade

Of Ruin is that if I attempt to swap out tools there is a chance it will automatically bring me to the blade of Ruin which reduces my HP so it was becoming quite the problematic weapon stge mother the diamond I obliged of course because I want caviar as quickly

As possible it was time for the cut scene between Haley and having an argument I said Haley can this just be your only job come on no don’t do that to your sister you have to contribute and I was given more points for that for the hero’s journey Quest it was then

Time to slay some bats for Clint’s Quest and I had a few days to do that when that was finished I got 6,000 gold off Clint I was super happy I also put a crystal fruit wine into one of the cakes here and once that becomes a SilverStar

Wine I’ll be able to put that into one of the Hidden bundles we’re now on day number one year two and we just meet Kent a new NPC so we need to maximize his friendship also in order to achieve Perfection we’re now running around the farm we’re going to get our lovely Oak

Risin we also have a greenhouse almost filled up to the top of ancient fruit we’re going to visit Sandy in the desert we are going to purchase a full stack of rhubarb seeds rhubarb is an amazing crop and it yields huge amounts of profit we’re also going to get to strong stuff

Quest for Pam and to complete that we’re going to purchase some potato seeds off the lovely Pierre we’re also going to pick up a dinosaur mayonnaise cuz we need that for the last Community Center bundle and as we can see we have a lovely golden egg inside of our Auto

Grabber we’re going to incubate that and we’re going to have a huge giant farm of golden chickens now because it is the first day of spring lots of stuff has reformed on the farm so we’re going to use all of our lovely ridium tools and clear that up as quickly as possible

We’re also collecting more golden walnuts to see if we can get access the keys Secret Walnut Room we’re going to visit Sandy again now today we’re going to purchase lots and lots of star fruit seeds we are going to fill up our Ginger Island farm with a ton of star fruits

Starfruit wine is extremely profitable if we want to get all of the warp obelisks and the go clock we are going to need thousands of starfruit wine the rest of the day we spent watering up the crops and we finally got access to Key’s Secret Walnut Room we can now take on

The lovely key quests get our hands on the lovely key currency the key gems which we need to purchase recipes and very powerful items the game has to offer the first Quest we’re going to take on is Key’s Prismatic Grange we need to find a hundred of lots of

Different colored items I’m also going to finish off gber puzzle here that’s going to be more golden walnuts for me there’s just a few walnuts left now to collect I had a lovely gold star rabbit’s foot ready to go for Kent that got him up to three hearts out of 10 so

Really good progress with Kent early on we’re then going to finish off the keys Prismatic rrange Quest I had all of the items already assembled beforehand so it was a nice easy quest to do 35 key gems straight off the bat we’re now going to go back to Sandy I’m going to purchase

Deluxe speed grows and I’m going to put these on the ginger Island Farm because they will never expire and it just means that the star fruit going forward will grow much faster so we had a few dialogues here that we could choose for Ken’s Quest I’m going to choose I know

You’re hurting but he needs to give Jordie a break he needs to give her a chance she doesn’t know what he would went through overseas with the war and the reason why I’m showing you all these dialogue scenarios is because I need to select the right options for the quest

That we’re doing in order to get rid of the horrible blood of ruin that we have equipped it and get a new weapon instead so friendship of all of the NPCs must be prioritized so I can get these cutscenes so I can select the right options and I

Can complete all of the various Pats as you can see it just said there that gamar has proven their honor that has been done three times along with other bits and bobs it’s a very big quest to do it’s a very difficult Quest but I am very confident that we will get there

Very soon and we’re going to get a nice new shiny weapon as a reward so I’m giving Abigail the ornate necklace that I got that’s more friendship points for me we’re also going to visit Robin now we’re going to get Robin to make a coupe

We do have a Golden Chicken so we are going to have a giant Golden Chicken Farm over the next couple of weeks and Seasons I’m also going to start the chain Quest here this woman is going to give me a momento that has to be hand

Handed into Kent and he’s going to give us an item and it’s going to be past along until eventually we get back to the woman and we’re going to get lots of gold and walnuts as a reward so Kent is going to give us Gourmet tomato salt as

A reward there Gus was right beside him that was very fortunate I’m going to give Gus the salt he is going to give me the staru valley Rose what do we do with the rose we’re going to visit the desert of course we’re going to give the rose

To Sandy and as a reward she is going to give us a TV remote that is going to be given to George but before we get to talk to George we get another cut scene here with Alex that says he’s worthless but I’m going to pick the middle option

I’m going to say we all have our strengths and weaknesses so I have now proven my wisdom yet again so we’re one step closer to get that lovely weapon upgrade so we’re just giv to jarge the remote here now and he’s going to give us another reward he’s going to give us

An Arctic Shard that is going to go to the wizard and he is going to give us a wiggling worm we’re going to bring the worm straight down then to Willie And Willie is finally going to give us the item we need to collect the lovely

Reward he is going to give us the Pirates locket so we’re going to go back to Ginger island with this now on my way back I noticed that a crow was on my Ginger Island farm this is because of the marago mod overhaul wasn’t expecting

That at all so I was kind of cut off guard there so I will have to put scarecrows and rare CR on my Ginger Island Farm to protect my crops biry was not fishing today because it was raining so we’re going to have to come back to

Ginger Island and a sunny day to give her that pirates locket in the meantime we were still working on friendship it was Mar Le’s birday he gets another rabbit’s foot I had rabbit’s feet to burn I had so many rabbits in my barn he

Goes up to 8 out of 10 Hearts Let’s have a look at our heroes’s journey quest line as we can see we have the path of Honor done we have empathy and compassion done we have advice done all we needed to do now was give freely and share our abundance getting Pam’s house

Upgraded would sort that out and I just had to kill a few more monsters and we would finally be rid of the blade of Ruin and I would get hopefully a much stronger weapon in return so I’m going to give birie now the Pirates locket she

Is going to award me with five golden wallnuts and the fairy dust recipe which comes in super handy for speeding up certain progressions in this game especially when it comes to the missing bundle so we’re going to put that fairy dust to use it was time for another key

Quest danger in the deep is the one we’re going to go with so that means we’re now going to get access to Radioactive ore and bars and we need that in order to get Perfection so this is a necessary quest to do it was time

To get more gold to walnuts I played the dark game a total of three times it gets a bit harder each time you play because you have less and less darts to use to get your score down to zero but I’ve played the game so many times now it

Wasn’t much of a challenge to me d man gave me Tre gold a walnut it was now time to finally get rid of our galaxy dagger and we’re going to get a Galaxy sword instead thanks very much for everyone that commented on the last video to give be great advice on how to

Swap out that Galaxy tiger because of the Margo mod I could go back with Prismatic shards and rium bars as much times as I wanted and I could get more Galaxy tools so I just used staircases got down to 4120 here it was a very easy

Quest to do because I had staircases I can now enter the hardened versions of the mines whenever I wanted to to farm radioactive ores I used the fairy dust here now to get a quick cavier and I also used it on a cask so I could get a

Silver star wine I needed those with the junimo missing bundle because I wanted to open up the theater as quickly as possible the theater is a great place to get friendship points up with all of the NPCs of starj Valley so we now had the Miss Bund complete we were awarded

With the theater we also get a really cool cut scene here of the last junimo making his way back to the junimo world it was also time to pick up all our lovely potatoes these were going to be all turned into alcohol which we’re going to give to Pam for her terrible

Habit but we we needed to do so because we wanted to complete all of the community quests it was time to pick up more quests we had biome balance and we had the crop order I’m going to go with bio balance because I wanted to do a bit

Of fishing and I wanted Demetrius to send me on the recipe for the farm computer it’s Vincent’s birthday today he get to rabbit’s foot and that was at a friendship points with him up to eight hearts out 10 for the rest of today I’m just doing some fishing I had to get a

Ton of fish together in order to complete the quest for Demetrius one of the hardest challenges to complete in order to achieve Perfection is to craft every item in the game so I needed to get every recipe in the game and Robin actually has a lot of Flor recipes but

The trick about Robin is that you have to come in and out of your inventory multiple times to get all of our recipes especially if you want to get all of the Blazers so we actually had to do this a good few times up until we got the

Marble Glazier when I was finished I got Rob to upgrade my coue to a big Coupe because I wanted to get as many golden chickens as possible I got a a super rare event the next day the strange capsule landed on my farm an alien does break out of that eventually nobody

Knows where it goes though as we can see it was time to reforge professions I could choose between combat farming fishing and Mining we going to go with farming because I had so much rhubarb now to pull up on the farm and ancient fruit it would be super simple to max

Out farming again and again and again that’s the great thing about the barago mod we can max out professions over and over again retaining all of the parks previously selected farming was back to zero but it wasn’t going to stay on zero for too long we’re going to run straight

Back out to the farm collect all of the lovely rhubarb other bits of Bobs that we have we’re going to get that back up to 10 almost instantly look at all the XP we’re getting here we’re picking up this rhubarb we’re also going to sell all the rhubarb as well and make an

Absolute Fortune of a profit it does take a good few in-game hours to pull a b of this rubar because I did plant l all over the farm because I have a rum sprinklers I have lots of space on the farm to plant thousands of crops the

Strawberry event had come around and I purchased the full stack of strawberries to use level 10 farming I already had agriculturist activated so now I’m going to select Artisan Artisan machines work much faster 10% faster which is really good that means the kegs will now produce wines at a much faster level I’m

Going to reforge farming again this time for 50,000 gold it will get more expensive every time I reforge it but it will be worth it because eventually I will be able to harness the power of all of the farming Parks I completed the Quest for Pam the strong stuff 3,000

Gold as a reward thank you very much Pam it was finally time to go to the forge I was going to upgrade my Galaxy sword I was going to put a prismatic Shard into it here I got the wack enchant again which was amazing the wer Jack such a

Fun enchant to use I’m Mar going to put two rubies into the weapon as well to increase it attack power all that was left was to put three Galaxy Souls into this weapon and transform it into an Infinity weapon so it was finally time to collect all of the lovely star fruit

On our Ginger Island Farm as we can see our farming XP is just flying up again to the top we’re going to have that maxed out in nor time at all again which means we can sck more farming porks it was also time for another key Quest we

Had key Cuisine I was thinking about that but I said no we do a danger in the Deep again to get 50 more key gems it also means we’re going back into the so we’re getting valuable resources that we need in order to progress the game faster for the community quests we’re

Going to go Robin’s resource rush it was then back into the mines and we were going down levels now this time I wasn’t just spamming floors if I saw ores even copper ores iron ORS gold especially radioactive ores I would prioritize those straight away level five farming

This time we’re going the animal route raner we can be for animal twice as fast we then had a choice between breeder and producer for for breeder incubation was twice as fast and natural pregnancy occurred three times more likely but then we had producer happy animals produced twice as frequently but then it

Was the game changer project wor 5% more for every full bar on the map I went with the first one breeder CU wanted the chickens to hatch much faster I wanted hundreds of golden chickens on the farm it was time to build Pam a house I didn’t have the wood though I just

Thought it was 500,000 gold so I had to farm 9 50 pieces of wood in order to make that happen I also got a legend fish off of an enemy because of the WJ in chant it was just another crazy thing that happened with the Maro mod I was

Actually super excited about that went back to Robin this time with wood in Hand p to 500,000 gold and that was another part of our lovely hero’s journey Quest completed as we can see all I needed now was to slay approximately 300 more monsters and I I could get rid of the

Blade of Ruin and upgrade it to a new legendary weapon I was super excited at this stage of the game met it down to 4 120 again in the mines I was rewarded with 50 more key gems it was then time to go back to the forge and we were

Going to put more rubies into our lovely Galaxy sword there was just one more Ruby I could put into it to increase its attack power even more was Pam’s birthday give her some alcohol cuz we all know Pam just loves a good drink even if she’s working that it I was then

Back into the regular mines what I was doing here was I was just slaying enemies trying to do Monster eradication goals it was actually quite fun because of the wer Jack enchant you just don’t know what these enemies are going to draw when you kill them because of the

Waper Jack enchant they could drop literally anything and I mean anything anything was off for crabs with this enchant so I spent a whole day then bugs once I was finished with the bugs I started moving on to the slimes and then the dust Sprites because in order to get

Perfection we needed the monster Slayer hero achievement which means that we had to slay a good portion of every monster in the game so here is a lovely cut scene here Robin finally upgraded Pam’s horrible Caravan to a lovely fabulous house maybe now Pam will change her bad

Habits and she will turn into the woman that she was always destined to be it was time to reforge farming yet again this would be the last time we get to reforge farming there was one more farming perk that we could grab it was then back to the mines and I was

Desperately trying to get this F Quest done as quickly as possible it’s always nice of course to get Prismatic shards off regular enemies even though we were very far now into the game and I had tons of Prismatic shards it’s still nice to get one The Valor Quest was finally

Achieved I had all of the requirements done the only thing that confused me was that the other pths that I did were red and not green so there was actually an issue with the marago mod so I had to turn the quest down to easy mode from

Medium mode to actually get the reward but just so everyone knows I did actually complete the quest on the medium difficulty it just wouldn’t register once the quest was handed in the blade of Ruin was converted into a new weapon called the blade of Dawn and this was a very powerful weapon indeed

It even came with some hidden perks one of them being Crusader it could destroy Undead enemies such as mummies without having to blow them up to finish them off it also had really nice attack stats 100 20 to 160 damage and it kept the enchant from the blade of Ruin so it

Also had the W Jack enchant on it which means for more diverse gameplay it was now time to do some side quests I just walked into the secret Woods here with a M syrup just to get the Bear’s knowledge I also handed in a rabbit’s foot to get

The special charm which is a permanent luck increase for me that means more successful skull Cavern runs in the future I spoke to Clint today and he finally finished translating the blueprint he would have finished much much earlier but there was bugs with the maragon mod and I had to download and

Install a previous version of the Margo mod to get around with s glitch once I got past this dialogue I could then download the latest version of the Margo mod I continue on from where I left off because Clint had transcribed this new blueprint a new Option became available

The forge option Clint could now produce a dragon tooth glob provided I gave him the items that were just on the description there are 10 dragon teeth in total so multiple visits to the volcano dungeon would be needed in order to get Clint to forge up this item for us what

Was also very interesting is that more blueprints could be gotten and Clint can actually Forge a huge array of dragon and dwarvish and other different types of Weaponry but we’ll get more into that later on in this video so we’re back to smelting copper bars we’re also getting

Tons of Sur wine here now we have lots of cakes put down I don’t really make any more cakes I feel like I had enough cakes to get to 10 million gold after one or two seasons level 10 farming we’re now going to get the last perk

Needed producer this is going to be a huge Money Maker for us the more cops we get and the more cops we can fill up with lovely golden chickens I also got an option there to say that the farming skill could now be further progressed that means it can go beyond level

10 it was time to reforge yet another profession we’re going to select mining this timee I felt that mining would be easy enough to max out because I had so many bombs and because I could do lots of SC Cavern runs so I’m going to buy

Lots of sugar off here today reason for this I want to make some gold star ginger ale to maximize my luck when I go into the leges over the SK Cavern the more luck I go into the skull Cavern with the more aridium nois spawn for me

Now I was doing the Harden version of skull Cavern this meant that I was also going to get radioactive ore along with the regular idium ore so it just meant much better profits for me I got turn to 4 100 and because I had the secret n

That stated from Mr down to 4 100 I got the aridium milk from him which gives me a permanent Health increase of 25 thank you very much Mr key I also got a Galaxy soul from a SL enemy which was really nice these Galaxy souls are super

Expensive to buy using key gem currency so it’s always nice to pick up a few when you’re killing enemies so it was backed down into the SK Cavern today farming lots and lots of R mes as you can see my character is super fast that’s because of a money perk that I

Have where every time I get down a few levels my character speed will increase level five mining again this time we’re going to get Miner plus one or perinee we’re also going to get Leah to dance with us poor Elliot he will have to sit back relax and watch me dance with Leah

Join the flower festival the reason why I chose Leah was because I needed to get extra friendship points with her to max out her friendship and to learn all of our lovely hidden recipe secrets the next day it was time to farm all of our lovely strawberries as you can see my

Farming level now increased to 11 this was very nice for us because the more our farming level increased the higher the chance there is that we’re going to get gold and aridium quality crops that means more money for us we’re going to visit Robin today we’re going to get her

To make another Coupe so we can put more golden chickens inside because it was Thursday I traded in three Prismatic shards for a magic Rock Candy level 12 farming today not only do I get more proficient with items which means I use less energy to use these items all the

Time but our farming skill also goes up so that the quality of crops that we Harvest will also go up because I got level 15 farming I could select one existing Park and upgrade it Rancher meant animals could bef friend a lot faster but I selected Harvester 20%

Chance for extra yield from harvested crops that was just too good to pass up especially for the likes of starfruit and ancient fruit it was Pierre’s birthday he gets a rabbin part Pierre’s super happy that is almost Pier max out just one or two hearts to go with him

Back on Ginger Island look at our lovely star fruit and our farming skill still increases I imagine at this stage of the game that it went up to 20 but I didn’t know if it went beyond 20 I finally got the Prismatic jelly Community Quest I needed this to learn the monster musk

When I found the pris IC slime it transformed into an ostrich because of the wapack enchant so I didn’t actually kill the Slime which means I did not get the Prismatic jelly I was very disgruntled by this because I had to find the slime all over again level 20

Farm and we could upgrade another Park agriculturist crops grow 20% faster or Artisan all Artisan machines work 25% faster of course I’m going to go with Artisan that means kegs will process my Lo windes 25% faster there was an absolute no Riner to select that perk for upgrade it’s Emily’s birthday

Today finally maxed her out eight out of eight hearts for her so we’re doing really well with the friendship I finally found another Prismatic slime I did not fight it using the WAP Jack enchant just in case we took out my old friend my Galaxy dagger slay it picked

Up the Prismatic jelly GED the wizard The Wizard was actually doing a Sprint here I didn’t know why but he was glitching true everything I don’t know if it’s because it’s a Maro mod or some other mod I have installed because I actually have a huge array of mods

Installed on this game but I actually had to use a little bit of wit here to carner the wizard to give him the Prismatic jelly that he wanted so bad as a reward the wizard will give me a couple of thousand gold but the big reward will come in the mail the next

Day when he teaches me the monster mus recipe monster musk makes monster rication goals extremely easy to complete it was back to to Robin for a big Coupe upgrade now we’re going to visit the good old dwarf so I purchased a rare C off the dwarf I need that in

Order to learn the deluxe rarecrow recipe I also picked up a Flor recipe from him as well I had 1.8 million gold so I decided to get a couple of w oblisk here for the farm because I was using a mod they looked like doors not oblisk

But I thought they look super cool on the list so I now have three obl on the farm I’ve got the desert I’ve got the mountains and I’ve got the beach all I needed was just Ginger Island warp oblisk but I needed a lot more money for

That I also needed bananas and mango fruit I was also processing more Goods today and then before we know it it got into summertime so I had to sight away all these crops as you can see the range on the golden sight is absolutely huge

Because of the marago mod this is one of the great things about the marago mod I love the range and the sights that are given so so I purchased a few of every single summer crop Pierre had to offer when I was finished with Pierre I also

Visited the desert and I had a quick chat with Sandy to purchase the summer crops that she had as well Pier also had red cabbages because it was year number two I needed those as well for Perfection I also got some grass starter just so I wasn’t spending huge amounts

Of money with Mary all the time buying hair he was also selling some bouquets so I’m going to get lots of bouquets I’m also going to get one of each sapling that Pier had I was going to put all these into the greenhouse because eventually will come a time where I will

Need to craft every single cooking recipe in the game and to make that very easy it’s best to have all the crops and all of the saplings ready to go on the farm the great thing about summer is that we can use star fruit on our main

Farm so I’m going to purchase thousands of star fruit that means we are going to make hundreds of thousands probably millions of gold from all the star fruit we’re going to get I’m also going to purchase artifact Tres off of desert trailer today because I need to find all

Of the artifacts in order to get a star drop and we need all the star drops we want to get Perfection so we’re going to get Clint to break open all of these over troves now in the hopes to get the rest of the artifacts that we need I did

Get a lot of artifacts that were required but to get the rest of the artifacts I actually have to hold them up out of the ground in specific areas so there actually isn’t anything else I can get out of the troves so I need the Pam faster the skeleton hand and I think

That last item there is some sort of a skeletal tail so hopefully if RNG is in our favor we can mine ho our slay enemies and get these items no problem at all in the next season or two it was time for another key Quest this time

We’re going to go with keys kindness give 50 love gifts in one week this is going to hit two birds at one stor because we still need to max out all of the Stu Valley NPC’s relationships I also had 178 key gems to play around with so I purchased two gu Galaxy Souls

So I can upgrade my weapon to an Infinity weapon with the rest I just bought some recipes I will have to make all those items eventually to get closer to perfection so the rest of the key gems I get recipes will be prioritized so we’re back in the Volcan dungeon

Today we’re just getting Cinder shards picked up an ostrich egg there that’s very nice indeed ostriches are actually really nice I experimented with the blade of dawn it wouldn’t take any of the Galaxy Souls so instead I decided to put them into to my Galaxy sword to

Upgrade that to an Infinity Blade once it took the three Galaxy swords it didn’t actually transform but it had a buff on it called soul I was rightly stomped at this stage of the game so I had to go on the GitHub and look up the

Notes on the Maro man to find out how on Earth I upgrade this weapon from a Galaxy weapon to an Infinity weapon it turns out I had to dismantle my lovely blade of dawn in order to upgrade my Galaxy weapon to an Infinity weapon after everything I’ve been true I was

Very hesitant about this I really didn’t want to dismantle the weapon because it was so hard to get it was so time consuming but curiosity got the better of me and I thought to myself maybe the infinity weapon because of the Margo mod is far superior to that of the original

Infinity weapon so I dismantled the weapon turned my blade into an Infinity Blade and it was extremely powerful indeed 182 to 234 damage it was a beast of a weapon it also had a 4 gem slot on it which means I could upgrade it again with a ruby further increasing its

Attack power potential the weapon was now a Godly weapon with 196 to 252 damage this weapon would oneshot a lot of enemies in the game with the exception of course to the enemies from the hardened versions of the mines and the SC Caverns the last few artifacts I

Needed were going to be from the digite area here of the bone nodes and of course the artifact dig spots so I came here every couple of days with bombs in the hopes that I would get the items required to get that lovely star drop of Gunter I also finished off Professor

Snail’s artifact Quest this means I get a lot more golden walnuts and I also get the ostrich incubator along with a mango sapling mangoes are of course needed in order to get that lovely warp oblisk to Ginger Island I selected Pierre’s Prime produce 25 goar vegetables would now be

Trivial look look at all of the lovely eggs that I have assembled today I also have four aridium rabbits feet ready to go for maximum friendship potential so it’s now time to run around the map and give all of these lovely NPCs loved gifts in order to complete the key Quest

I have for this week this is great because I’m also getting friendship points up with all of the NPCs that means I’m getting closer to perfection I harvested some meridium bars today and I’m also working on dwarf his friendship level is only zero at the moment cuz I

Keep forgetting that he actually exists I keep forgetting that I can actually get relationship points up with him so a lot more effort will be needed with the dwarf over the next couple of weeks to push him up to 10 Hearts so it was time to make the aridium band after reading

The notes on GitHub I finally understood the true value of this ring this ring is extremely overpowered the first thing you have to do is prep it by giving it a Galaxy Soul this turns theid band into an Infinity band The Infinity band has four ring slots attached to it but

You can only use rings that powered up stats such as the ruby ring for example to increase attack power or a magnet ring to increase magism range I couldn’t use for example a burglar ring or a phoenix ring or a slime charmer ring there had to be just regular stat

Increasing rings so I put four ruby rings into this Infinity band giving it a total of a 40% increased damage output this was absolutely massive to have 40% increased damage on one ring slot was just so overpowered if I wanted to I could have done it on the second ring

Slide increasing my overall attack power by 80% but there wasn’t really a whole lot of Point doing that because I already had a very powerful weapon most enemies won’t stand an absolute chance when it comes to combat it was finally time to clear out the Quarry and turn it into a tree farm

The reason why I want wood was because any future Coupe upgrades or Coupe expenses would be notified by all the wood I would have from the Quarry it was now time to reforge combat and I also made tons of worm bins today the reason

Why I make worm bins is cuz I’m going to need thousands of bed for the tactic that I’m going to utilize now to constantly increase my fishing skill because I would have to reforge fishing over and over and over again if I wanted to Max that out at level 20 and grab

Grab all of the lovely juicy fishing porks crab pots of course are the way to go it was time then to go back to Robin we’re going to get another Coupe that means more lovely chickens for us today was Gus’s birthday so we’re going to give him a rabbit’s foot Gus is

Super happy and Gus is now maxed out 10 out of 10 Hearts thank you very much so I am now collecting tons of crap pot for today this is going to make leveling up fishing super simple I can now also buy crab pots off wly if I so wish I could

Spend millions of gold on crab pots and it’s just a much easier and faster way to get fishing skill up instead of spending all my money on crab pots I just purchase a few hundred for now just to see how things will unfold with this

Amount of crab pots in the actual game I was worried that too many crab pots could crash the actual game itself so I just went with a few hundred instead of purchasing thousands of them because I had so many crab pots laid out it did actually take a very long time to fill

Them up with bit it was then back to the Statue of prestige and it was time to reforge our fishing skill fishing would go back to zero not to worry though but all of the crap pots we have put down will be very easy to get fishing back up

To 10 it was time for the island ingredients Quest the reward from this one would yield the recipe for the solar panels which we needed for Perfection but I need to make room on the ginger Island Farm to grow pineapples I had to ship a 100 pineapples in total

Thankfully I had lots of pineapp seeds in a chest ready to go for an occasion such as this Mario’s birthday today she is now eight out of eight hearts very nice deed we’re getting there with the relationships the rest of the day is spent just getting all of the lovely

Fish and trash out of the crab pots the next day was the luau a magnificent event to get multiple Hearts open at multiple NPCs I put in a ghost our cauliflower this yields the best result from the governor I got an achievement there the Beloved farmer that means that

A lot of NPCs now have very High relationships with me which is really nice went back to Sandy in the desert another full stack of star fruit ready to go for our lovely star juat Farm we’re now incubating more golden eggs they will turn into golden chickens

Golden chickens will lay a golden egg every single day Cen chickens are just so overpowered our lovely Greenhouse is now filled up to the top with ancient fruit we’re going to harvest all of this level five fishing this time we’re going to go to trap her out crab pots are

Cheaper we’re also going to give Alex a gift today cuz it’s his birthday Alex is now maxed out8 out of eight hearts we also finished Pierre’s Prime produce 2500 gold in the bag so I went to the Quarry cave today to slay some floating skulls in the hopes they would drop the

Skeletal hand artifact that I need in order to get to G was then outside of the Quarry cutting down trees it was then time to upgrade our Coupe to a Delux cop you’re going to see that screen a lot we do end up with a lot of cops because I just absolutely love

Golden the chickens was then time to sell all of the lovely crabs and other fish and bits of BBS that I got from the crab pots I’m going to make lots of money from that it was then time to pick up another key Quest we’re going to go

With Key’s Prismatic range again that’ll be simple enough to do I met a simple mistake here now where I thought that regular bait would suffice as the purple colored item but it didn’t the game would ex bug meat but it would not accept bait which kind of sucked in my

Opinion went back the next day with a rore because they literally have thousands of rore from doing all skull cover ones that I have been doing so I purchased Pierre’s missing stock list this makes grabbing items to craft recipes that are run super simple especially all of the cooking

Recipes I then made some tree fertilizers and we’re just going to regrow up our lovely Quarry Farm again I’m also going to put down PS so that any sort of huge tree farms that I want to make will be made swiftly and efficiently look at all of the money I

Made today primarily from selling starfruit wines I even had some aridium starfruit wines there too which is really nice I’m going to select the tropical fish quests today that means I get nice big fish tank off willly as a reward for Keys quests I was going to go

To extend family because there was absolutely no way on this Earth I was going to do Keys crap it’s just not worth it in my opinion I know you get a lot of key gems from it but the effort that is needed to complete that Quest is

Just not worth the time or the energy after spending the rest of that day fishing I completed with his quest the reward a deluxe fish tank thank you very much it was also time to give Sam a birthday gift that put him up to8 out of eight hearts nice one Sam now the

Friendship level with Kent was pretty low at the moment so I needed to put in the extra effort here so I completed a quest to give Kent a star fruit I also gave him a Lov gift as well and I pushed his hearts up to six out of 10 his heart

Was originally four that wasn’t too shabby at all level 10 fishing we had a choice now between L Master Lore Master enables crab pots to trap fish twice per day that means if I loot a crab pot then it will recatch a fish that same day so

Basically you can loot the same Crab Pot twice per day conversationist did look good but because I wanted to level up fishing as quickly as possible I decided to take the Crab Pot pork it was then time to fish all of the legendary fish up again so we got the gler fish The

Legend 2 followed by the lovely Miss angler I actually almost got a perfect catch on Miss Ang I was so close the son of the Crimson fish and the radioactive carp that was all of the legendary fish recut was then time to collect all of my

Lovely cavier this was going to sell for quite a lot of money the reason why I’m making cavier is because I have a max out stge and fishing pond they generate tons of sturge and row every single day demetrius’s birthday he was finally maxed out 10 out of 10 were getting

There with the NPCs was in time to collect all of the lovely pineapples this would yield just just over 50 I needed 50 more though to complete the quest for Caroline I now had enough materials for the island Obelisk this was the final Obelisk needed I now had

All of the warp obelisks in the game I could now fast travel to any of the main portions of the game from my farm instantly before the day was out I visited the greenhouse and picked up all the ancient fruit back down into the mines we are aiming for Monster

Eradication goals I did of course take a monster m i just look at the Mayhem here with the WAP Jack enchant combined with a monster moner it’s just so funny watching half these monsters transform into weird animals or drop weird items level five combat we’re going with

Fighter again damage plus 10% HP + 15 it’s always a great start to the day when you get the Harvest lovely star fruit I can just picture all of that starf fruit wine right now coming back hundreds of thousands of gold I purchased more staircases today and I’m

Also going to to get the warp totem to the desert it was then back to cut down trees attempting to increase my forging skill back to 10 so I can unlock more Farin perks and make my Farine profession much stronger overall I made just almost 730,000 gold there just from

Selling starfruit wine and other bits and Bobs I asked the dwarf if he wanted to come to the cinema with me of course he obliged it was going to be a lovely date in the cinema with the dwarf I purchased his favorite food just so he’ get extra Venture points which was a

Rock candy it’s only 90 gold so it’s definitely worth getting to get those extra few friendship points when you go to the theater with an NPC we watched journey of the pirate king and the dwarf gave more or less a neutral response for this but I did accumulate extra Venture

Points with the dwarf dwarf was on now five out of 10 Hearts so we’re definitely getting there with that it was time for another key Quest how fast these weeks come and go was just amazing it’s because I was having so much fun with the marago mod I just kept losing

Track back of time we’re going to go with danger in the Deep again for the simple fact that I wanted 50 key gems to get the rest of recipes and to get other bits and Bobs as well maru’s birthday give her a gift and it was back to

Pulling up starf fruit today was Tuesday normally you can’t get rubbing on a Tuesday but if you click on her till just the right time when she passes it you can activate her lovely options and you can get her to build or even buy stuff from her Wares I picked up a

Weapon today the obsidium age the Margo mod has overhauled all weapons and it’s made the obsidian Edge a super rare weapon it had a 100% crit chance on it now that doesn’t mean you’re going to crit every single time you attack an enemy it just means that you have a very

Good chance of Landing a critical hit it was Will’s birthday today he’s going to get a prismatic Shard Willie is now 10 out of 10 Hearts thank you very much Willie it was then back into the volcano dungeon I was desperately looking for more blueprints that I could give to

Clint because I really wanted to get him to make a lot more of those lovely cool Co weapons I got level 10 mining today it’s time we’re going to go with prospector locations of ladders and Mining noes revealed occasionally detect rocks with valuable minerals it’s just an awesome profession all together it

Was Leo’s birthday today give him rabbit’s foot 9 out of 10 hearts with Leo so it’s was almost there with him now just one more heart and Leo would be maxed out rest of the day was SP just cut no more trees I was very close to

Get my farges good to 10 and there we go far back up to 10 I finally very hard to increase forging skill the farming skill is by far the easiest to do because there’s just so many crops so the parrots just gave Leah a home there on Stu Valley that was really

Nice level 10 Farin I’m going to go with the arborist all trees grow faster noral trees can drop hardwood that is just amazing I might get to taper next time around if we can get faring back up to 10 it was time to collect the last few remaining pineapples to complete the

Island ingredients Community Quest it was also time to fill up our lovely cakes with more starfruit wines 15,000 gold for the completion of Island ingredients but the big prize are the solar panels that we get in the mail from Caroline solar panels are absolutely amazing items just put them

Out in the desert and they’ll generate battery packs for you every couple of days it was time to reforge mining yet again just a few more skav runs that would be maxed out no problem I then spent the great portion of today giving all of the bachelors and bachelorettes

Bo K because I wanted to get them all to 10 Hearts I didn’t need to get them to 10 Hearts I just wanted to because I’m a completionist it was time to get the deluxe Coupe upgrade more golden chickens for us we got the lovely friendships in here with Shane we can

Now incubate eggs and there’s a chance we will get blue chickens once those chickens hatched blue chickens are really cool of course they operate the exact same as regular chickens they’re just blue we were now into fall today is going to be spent haing up the farm

Getting it ready for an absolute ton of crops so we’re going to get pumpkins eggplants we’re going to get all of the crops available to us in Fall just for the sake of getting Perfection we’re also going to visit Sandy and we’re going to get the beat seeds because we

Also need those to get Perfection we have to ship one of each item it’s also time for more Community quests I had a look at the crop order and it looks like mer Lewis wants me to generate 100 AR trucks for him I obliged of course being

The super helpful farmer that I am it was time for another Quest we had danger in the Deep or let’s play a game you know what on this occasion I decided to give to Jun mcart another goal I’ve never in my life of all the thousands of

Hours I pred this game I’ve never not once beaten Mar Le’s record but this challenge was different I had finally accumulated enough skills to get up to 74,000 points on Jud mcart I beat mer Lewis I finally beat the let’s play game key Quest it took me a couple of years

To do it in real life but I got there in the end it was time to plant all of these lovely artichokes and it was time to reforge another profession this time we were going to reforge Farine yet again speaking of Farine I have tons of fall

Seeds here ready to be planted it took me the bones of almost a full day to put all those seeds down and we’re incubating more golden chickens back to Robin she’s going to build us another Coupe and we’re now continuing in Mr key quest to get into the casino the next

Thing we have to do is place 10 beats inside mer lewis’ fridge that’s going to take a couple of days because the beats are growing at the moment so my scavenger senses were tingling and this has just shown some footage of what you can actually get inside some of the

Scavenger chests not too bad the wapa Jack enchant has yet again almost broken the game by awarding me with an additional golden Walnut for slain an enemy that is just absolutely insane that means with the WAP Jack enchant you could potentially get perfection without finding all of the golden walnuts over

On giner Island and if you think that’s not wait until you see what else lies in store with this W in it has now got to the stage in the game where Perfection is actually very close all we’re waiting for primarily is just the rest of the cooking recipes and

We could more or less Force our way true to Perfection but I don’t want to get Perfection just yet I want to max out all of the professions I want to experience everything that matter has to offer there’s still a good few things to do though before we can

Confirm Perfection that includes getting hearts up with all of our lovely Serge Val NPCs we’re working on Sandy now at the moment she’s six hearts out of 10 when she gets a birthday hopefully in the next few weeks her days and we give her a really nice gift that could push

Her up to 10 Hearts we’re back down do Scot Cavern runs trying to get our mining SPI back up again to 10 just to get all of those lovely additional mining Parks so the miner Park on the left is gr out cuz we have all of the

Tears selected from that side this time we’re going to go with gemologist progressively identify minerals at higher quality and crystalarium produce 25% faster that is absolutely overpowered and of just like farming we can now progress our mining skill up to 20 as well so things are going to get

Very exciting indeed got the archaeologist enchant for my idium H in the hopes to pull up the last few remaining artifacts I need so I can get that lovely star drop off Gunther I got every artifact that the beach has to offer except the Pam fossil but I need

So badly right now is the pan fossil and there’s a chance you can get that in cop Forest you can get it on the beaches you can also get it in the desert it is just extremely rare it might be common for other people playing the game but on

This play through it just is not popping up at all so I do spend quite a lot of time every single day running around looking for artifacts spot the hope I was also able to enchant this site to my surprise and the enchant that it got

Believe it or not was hay maker this means that if I whack fiber bushes to sight I can’t get hay out of it to feed my lovely golden chickens I was delighted with this new overhaul from the Margo mod it was our time to collect all of the lovely caviar because the

Sturgeons are just outputting extremes amount of surgeon Raw on a daily basis I’m going to purchase a lot more starfruit today that would be converted into starfruit wine I’m also going to treat myself here now I have 81 key gems so I’m going to get the last few

Remaining recipes we’re going to get the hopper recipe that’s 50 key gems that’s all of the recipes now obtained from Key’s Secret Walnut Room so any future key gems I get my hands on I can do what I like with those our Ginger Island Farm

Is now filled up to the top with more starf fruit and look at all of our lovely fall vbls I’m going to spend half the day pulling up all these forgees increasing my forging skill we’re going to go with Robin’s resource Rush again just 1 th000

Pieces of stone no problem at all Robin we’re then going to make an absolute truckload of fall wild seeds they will be put back on the farm because we’re still on the early stages of fall so we will rinse and repeat this method and try to get as many forging levels as

Possible the artichokes were also ready beside to harvest all those and we also got the Beats as well so we’re going to put those into ear fridge which continues the casino quest line for us the next thing we had to do was give the sand dragon his final meal and that just

Means going to the desert and putting a solar Ence into this lovely SK Dragon remains mouth we can now enter the casino and the reason why we need to get to the casino is because we need to get the alien rarecrow which is needed for Perfection I also got the casino license

Here the club card so I can now go in and gamble money no problem at all 8,000 gold for the crop order Quest not bad bad I suppose at this te game it is pennies that we’re talking about as we can see I just keep doing double or

Nothing until I have enough key points to purchase the rarecrow the alien rarecrow wasn’t actually the last rarecrow I needed the one I was missing was actually from the Halloween event that I forgot to purchase in the previous video so I make sure I’m going

To purchase that now when we get to the end of fall another key Quest completed that was just a four precious stones quest for key gems for me I’m also F the volcano dungeon for two reasons the first is that I really really want to get more schematics to give into Clint

Secondly I need to get a kill count up on magma sprit and magma sparkers for Monster radication goals so I gave Jordie a gift today to get her friendship points up and I also got the foran decoration for my farm by putting the strange BN into Vincent’s chest it

Was then back to Ginger Island and I was farming these bone not every couple of days in the hopes to get a Pam fossil it was just not dropping for me at all then it was back into the volcano dungeon to see if I can get more goodies

I managed to get a burglar ring and a hot jav ring inside of the volcano dungeon today it was because of the Whopper Jack enchant that an enemy managed to drop the burglar ring that is actually amazing look the burglaring is so handy back to Robin we are going to

Get another Coupe upgraded that means more golded chickens for us we’re now going back into the mines to do robin’s resource Rush best way to do this is to just break open the large Stone chunks get lots of stone that way that’s 2500 gold in the bag and of course that also

Means a happy Robin I’m collecting more already embarrass today it’s now time to start assembling all of the lovely resources and materials to craft every item in the game I was running low on healable Foods so I went to Gus purchased a couple of salads out of him

Then was back into my lovely cops and we are going to incubate more chickens at the moment it looks like I don’t have a whole lot of golden chickens but I actually do I got a really rare event today the witch come along and she’s going to convert one of my lovely golden

Eggs into a void egg if I so wish I can have a white chicken farm but we’re not going to go the white chicken route in this challenge we’re sticking with the lovely overpowered golden chickens level 10 fishing again we’re going to go with Aquarius fish pond Max Capacity plus two

So overpowered we can also now put legendary fish into fish ponds which is absolutely amazing so I managed to finally ship off one of every item in the game here is just a list of all of the items that I had to ship in order to

Achieve that we are now one step closer to obtaining Perfection using the Margo mod it’s time to convert more sturgeon R back into cavier and we’re going back to the Statue of prestige to reforge fishing yet again it’s going to be back to the crab PS now for a couple of days

It was sy’s birthday I gaed the best rabbit foot I could find that maxed her out straight away it’s back to pulling up fall barbles and we’re making more B wild seeds going to plant those straight back into the ground and that’s going to

Be a lot more farus for us in a couple of days was back this Ser valy fair I had extremely good items there was absolutely no way I wasn’t getting in first place and of course M Lewis towards me with a rating of 108 that’s first place for me I gambled loads of

Coins on green and I had enough money then to purchase everything that the Ser valy Fair Merchant had including the rare clo the glowstone ring the rug and everything in between it was then time to go back to Robin and it was another Coupe upgrade another Delux Coupe added

To the farm that means more golden chickens he was back to Ginger Island the hopes to get this Pam fossil so it was just blown up the dick site yet again but unfortunately no pan fossil was back to cut down some trees getting the far skill up as quickly as possible

Level 10 Farine this time we’re going to go with ecologist while berries restore 50% more health and energy and progressively identify vage of higher quality this means we can start pulling up iridium quality cables back to the dig site in the hopes to get this corset

Pam fossil it just wasn’t popping up for me at all time to harvest all of the starf and Dred Farm it will of course be processed back into star fruit wine it’s now Saturday the best set to go to the beach if you haven’t been there all week

As fares would accumulate but they will reset once Saturday ends we’re then going to loot all of the crab pots we have hundreds of crab pots now so it does take quite a number of in- game hours to get you all of the crab pots level 10 fishing we’re now going to

Select conversationist this means crab pots without bed can trap junk and clean the Valley’s Waters can earn Village favor and even get us tax deductions now tax does come with the Margo mod but I disabled that function because I didn’t want to have a super stressful playr but

Tax is something I might incorporate into future challenges let me know in the comments it was time to pick up all of the lovely fall fares again and it was back to the Statue of prestige and we were going to rework far all over again not to worry though because we had

Tons of faras to pick up to get that sorted as quickly as possible it was time to do more junim Mo art and this time I actually made it to the final level but I failed miserably this level is actually quite hard because you have to time your jumps constantly and

There’s so many different jumping PL Farms I just failed at the level miserably in my defense though it was my first time at that level I just wanted to show everyone my my progress when it comes to how what I’m doing at junard at

The moment one day I am sure I will be able to clear junard on both progress mode and endless mode in the meantime I purchased the Horse flute and the Juno chests for my lovely Farm I’m also going to get a lot more staircases because

We’re going to be doing a lot more skull Cavern runs to get our combat skills up our mining skills up and everything else in between it was back to the dig site but to no avail no P fossil it’s time to get all these lovely fall fares this was

Going to be a huge increase in my foring skill and it was back to Robin to get as Stables this time it was now time for another key Quest this time we’re going to go with key Cuisine instead of skull Cav Invasion the reason why I chose

Key’s Cuisine is because I had so much stuff gotten from the crab Parts this Quest would just be trivial to do went back to the Forge here for Clint and I finally had enough dragon teeth to get Clint to forge the dragon tooth Club it

Would take Clint a few days to get that done but once I have the club it will be a ferociously strong weapon because it has been reworked via the Maro mind it was time to make sashimi for the lovely key Quest and I had so many crabs and

Just everything between from the crab Parts I could make thousands upon thousands of sshi have you ever seen seen so much sushimi in your life this would all be sold of course for huge profit allog together so that is the great te of Crab Pot in huge numbers

Crap pots are actually very profitable indeed look at all the money I made from the sushimi I made well over 150,000 gold it was back to Ginger Island and then it was back to the dig site trying to get this Pam faster it just was not

Coming up at all I’ve been trying this almost every single day because I really wanted to get the star drop before the challenge ends to make some serious progression it just wasn’t happening I got the master enchant for my fishing rod though and I spent the rest of the

Day pulling up lav eels to further increase my fishing skill lava eels are actually pretty easy to catch now considering that I have the Trap bobber and I have the enchant Master on my fishing rod which gives me a fishing skill it was time to get yet another

Fish pond because I wanted a fish pond for each legendary fish that I had it was then time to give George a lovely rabbit’s foot for his birthday and he was super happy with with that more nutless fossils but no pan fossils luck was not at my side when it was coming to

The probability of getting the artifacts I needed to complete the gight quest I finally had enough money to get the gold clock 10 million gold for this item it wasn’t need for Perfection so I was now finished with all of the huge money hungry challenges I got my dragon to Club I

Wanted to enchant it to experience its amazing potential so I did a few Volcan runs just to get some C shs to get some r these utter bits and Bobs to fully max out this new dragon Su cup that I got it was skull Cavern the next day and as we

Can see I was one- shotting these circuits most of the time because I just had so much offensive capabilities now the skull Cavern enemies did stand a chance the wapa Jack has done it again awarding me with the trimmed lucky purple shards from killing a giant slime

I was now wiping out Serpent’s Left Right Center just to get the Monster Hunter rication go complete and that was the serpents done and dusted all that was left now was the magma Sprites and the magma sparkers from the volcano dungeon level 10 combat we’re getting the Bushwacker finally and what’s really

Cool about Bushwacker is that there’s a chance when we kill an enemy we can PGE an item from it I also picked up the last few recipes I needed from the ginger Island Trader in order to craft and get Perfection it is now time to upgrade our lovely Dragon tooth Club 156

To 468 damage this thing was an absolute Beast I Enchanted it with a new enchant called blasting and I still don’t know to this day what that actually does I will have to look it up for the next video because guess what there will be another Margo video because the m is

Just so big it’s so comprehensive it would take a third video to cover all of the Glorious aspects of this Margo mod so I put the legend fish into a fishing pond that is the first of many legendary fish that we are going to be breeding on

Our lovely seran Margo Farm back to the beach to try to get this pan fossil it was a noo at the ginger Island to try to get the pan fossil it was a noo I did get the Delux scarecrow though from getting the last rarecrow I needed from

That lovely Halloween event we were now in winter and it was time to H up every single artifact spot that we saw in the hopes to get the Pam fossil but it just wasn’t happening we getting everything else of course golden coconut snake skulls Nautilus fossils but work the one

We needed the Pam fossil I also did some volcano dungeon runs as well in the hopes to get some new goodies but not major happened it was time to reforge combat yet again 50,000 gold well spent we’re now moving on to ancient fruit we’re going to be making ancient fruit

Wine skull Cavern invasion is the perfect quest to accumulate combat skillups look at all of our lovely golden chickens as we can see all of my auto Grabbers now are filled up to the top with hundreds of golden eggs I thought I could use golden eggs to

Complete gs’s omelet Quest but no he’ll take any eggs except golden eggs I finally maxed out Sam 10 out of 10 every single St Valley NPC in this game was now maxed out 10 out of 10 Hearts I didn’t have to gift NPCs anymore I could

Be the introvert farmer that I was born to be it was back to the desert in the hopes to get the Pam fossil after looking up some information on this Pam fossil I learned that the best place to get it is in the desert so I do visit

The desert almost every single day in the hobes of H up out of the ground it was time to do skull Cavern Invasion Super Lucky here a giant slime had a Galaxy Soul it’s so rare to get that but God is it’s so satisfying to get Galaxy

Souls up slay enemies I’m getting lots of combat XP here from all these enemies because my weapon is so strong these enemies don’t sign much to a chance I don’t even have to blow up the mummies when they die because the infinity weapon has a built in ability to fa

These mummies without fail level five combat we’re going with Rascal but for the level 10 Park we’re going to take the Slime to Piper attract allly slimes when they’re enemies chance to gain a random Buff when a slime is defeated that’s absolutely amazing sled Piper all

The way I was very excited to try this out as quickly as possible to see how many Allied slimes I could accumulate so I finally decided to get married or more specifically for kobus to move in with me because kobus is the man kobus can also marf out of straw Farm to his

Original farm and back into straw farm at will so it was great to have him around I put this Crimson fish into the second fish pond today but I will be making more fish ponds in the future to put the rest of the legendary fish into

Back down to the beach in the hopes to get this P fossil it was a nogo on the beach and it was the usual story here back to Ginger Island the hopes to get up one of the B nod but it wasn’t happening back to the dungeon to see if

I can get more schematics I got dragon skill boots but I already had those so they were no good I were pulling up more crab pots in the hopes to get more fishing skills I spent the rest of the day pulling up lava eels 1,574 gold per lab eeld I was now

Getting gold star diamonds from these crystarium These are worth a ton of money 1,125 gold for each Diamond that means Crystal Arium are now extremely overpowered fished off the idium kobus steak I wanted to give that to my good buddy kobus to make him feel more at

Home and we’re cutting down more trees in the desert and we’re looking for artifact spots at the same time crob is finally moved into the house we’re going to accumulate friendship points with him in the hopes to get a star drop golden relics are super common in the desert I

Never knew that but I know it now they are so common but I needed the Pam fossil it was time to do the volcano dungeon all over again in the hopes to get more schematics and I finally got one a schematic finally popped up I can

Give the into Clint straight away to see what kind of weapon would unlock that I could make so we’re collecting winter fores now in the hopes to get lots of forging skillups again I really wanted to get Farin up to the skill of 20 and

Max it out did the fishing event as well today now because I won the prizes last year I just get 2,000 gold for the event this year I don’t get the prizes that I got from last year level 10 fory this time we’re going with Tapper tappers are

Cheaper to craft and they will generate syrups 25% faster not too shabby cobus tried to make human food today and Bo did he do a great job he made me a lucky lunch thanks a million kobus buddies for life let’s give a good bro hook let’s

Have a quick look at our G farm right now it’s filled up to the top with ancient fruit also we have a green house window with ancient fruit so primarily now we’re looking at ancient fruit wies to make money we don’t really need a whole lot of

Money at the moment but it would be nice to purchase a few more items just before we get Perfection there’s still a lot of expensive items left in the game that we can get our hands on I made more crystalarium so I can get more lovely

Diamonds to sell to make even more money and I’m also going to go to Robin here now I’m going to get another fish pond to put another legendary fish into we’re going to go to Clint and we are going to get him to make a Dwarven

Dagger to make the dagger I needed tree Dwarven Metals fortunately I have tons of these from Dune volcano runs over the past year and a half the dagger itself didn’t look too impressive but it did have a very unique effect not unique but weird it had a knockback of 100% so this

Dagger could potentially send enemies flying I finally had all of the Monster Hunter eradication done so I clicked on Gil there got all my lovely rewards including the crabshell ring the vampire ring the Slime charmer ring and the Savage ring they’re all magnificent rings and there’s so many great combinations you

Can do with those because I had over 2 million gold I decided to treat myself to a return scepter this means I can teleport back to my farm anytime I want it this combined with my four warp oblisk I can now get the most Parts in the game within

Seconds I’m just going to speed up some time here now just to show all of the lovely fruit trees that I got to harvest and all that fruit will coming super high lat around when it comes to making recipes back to the desert we’re horn up

More golden relics and it was now time to get all of our lovely accumulated golden eggs there was must have been well over a thousand golden eggs I’m going to set all this along with other bits and Bobs that our lovely bar animals had accumulated including the

Rabbit boots because we didn’t need to be friend villagers anymore I met an absolute ton of money today I also got the Lavana from an enemy inside the volcano dungeon this is not a super rare weapon because of marago mod the Lavana has a special effect where it can burn

Enemies upon strike I got the dwarf and Dagger back off GD today I decided not to use it though but I would keep it around just to kind of add it to my weapons collection I did have a really cool weapons collection at the moment filled up to the top with rare unique

And powerful weapons it was time to do another key Quest I just selected the one that needed four Prismatic shards cuz that’s the easiest one for me right now cuz I have so many Prismatic shards rest of the day was spent just cutting down trees to get my fores skill up look at

All of the lovely fores now these are all winter fores of course and I’m hoping it would be enough to max out my lovely faring before spring comes into play I spent the rest of the day putting down new wild vaging seeds and then we’re back up to Ginger Island to get

The rest of the asan fruit wine to sell to make huge profits I’m going to select Keys hungry challenge the reward is 25 key gems and I’m attempting to get this pan it’s just not dropping I keep getting golden relics the night market was available so I decided to pick up a

Few paintings because these are actually quite rare you can only get them really at this event the rest of day was spent just getting more wines so this is the last day of the challenge and we’re going to spend it by doing a Cav run as we can

See I’m getting great luck here with the wejack all sorts of stuff are dropping for me I also got some really nice Treasures here to to the chest the red slime egg will sell for lots and lots of money and because I made a FL 4 100 that

Was more key gems for me I kept going until the night market became available when it did I quickly ran down to get another painting cuz I didn’t want to miss out on the paintings so I got 1,000 years from now painting and I H it up inside the

House at the end of The Challenge I finally got level 15 mining I mean it was a no Brer to select Miner not plus one but plus two ores per vein that was a game changer it is back to the desert trying to get this last artifact I got

The golden mask there but I already had that one but it was pretty cool to get the golden mask again because it can be quite rare also got the Elish jewelry but I also had that one as well I picked up the Three Trees there’s a tongue

Twister for you off the famous Newen himself and the next day crus gives us one of the final star drops we need one step closer to perfection just need it one more star drop it finally happened on the 18th of winter year number two we finally at the pan fossil that completes

Gunther’s big side quest all of the minerals have been found and all of the artifacts have been found it was time to donate the last few pieces into Gunther to get those lovely rewards with all of the artifacts donated we could now pick up the very last star drop that we

Needed in order to obtain Perfection there was also a magic rock candy he had inside there as well I don’t know how long he had that for but I picked it up straight away just always a use for the magic Rock Andy it was then straight back down into

Skull Cavern but we didn’t come here to get Precious Minerals in rums we came here to slay monsters for the sole purpose of increasing the combat skill up to level 20 as quickly as possible we got it to level 10 again so we’re going to select Desperado now we’re not going

To really use that though because I just don’t use slingshots period when it comes to playing this game I just put the glacier fish into a fishing pond there and it was time to get the workbench off Robin this means I can craft all items now with ease cuz I can

Attach loads of chests to this workbench I had all recipes gathered so I could craft every item now in the game I also had an absolute mountain of minerals and resources from all of the mine runs I’ve been doing and the adventuring that I’ve B around staru Valley I could craft all

Of the items in the game no problem at all once all the items are crafted I got the craft Master achievement I was one step closer to obtaining Perfection there was just a few things left to do but before that I wanted to try to max out all of my professions get every

Single one up to level 20 just to make the most out of the marago mod so with that in mind it was time to plant tons of winter wild seeds I also purchased a statue of endless Fortune here for a million gold and I got it because I

Could simply afford it I didn’t really need to buy anything else with all the money I had I was just waiting now to learn the rest of the cooking recipes and to max out my professions it was time to go back to robbit again and get another fish pond because cuz I wanted

To put another legendary fish into that one the rest of the day was just SP fishing try to get my fishing skill up to 20 I really wanted to FASTT track my fishing skills so I spent the rest of my money on crab HTS I purchased over 670

Crab pots off Willie I’m after making Wily’s day Willie is now an extremely rich fisherman I spent the whole day putting down these crab boxs it took literally the whole day to do it but it’s going to pay off cuz I can loot these every single day day to get tons

Of fishing XP without actually fishing the statue of endless Fortune is a magnificent tool in this game to very easily accumulate friendship points because it will generate a loved gift for whoever its birthday is on the day but today is Leo’s birthday so we get a

Salud I got level 15 fishing and of course I’m going to choose Fisher bit is three times more effective when fishing this means that when I cast into the water just like this I get a bite within seconds and because I’m playing solar board the game time freezes during the

Fishing mini game this means I can pull up a huge amount of fish every single day I can now make a fortune from fishing unfortunately it is the end of the challenge so there isn’t much points the whole day fishing but I was just curious to see how much fish I could

Pull up today if I keep cting into water and I do get literally hundreds of fish by doing it it just absolutely amazing Park it was almost like using cheats I got a dinosaur egg as well I did have plenty dinosaur eggs but it’s always nice to show that because the dinosaur

Egg is super rare it was Christmas I gave lonus a winter route and I also got some eggs here off Mary I was actually really happy with those 12 eggs because I actually needed those for a lot of the cooking recipes it was now time to pick

Up more fables on our lovely Margo Farm I got level 15 Farine I had a choice now from Lumberjack upgraded 40% more would but I went with forager 40% chance for double yield of for items that is absolutely overpowered I got level 20 fishing now I had a choice here Aquarius I could

Increase the capacity of fish FS by four but it went with angler fish are again note that keyw again .5% more valuable for every unique Max siiz species cat and I had a lot of perfect catch fish in my fishing collection so I was now going

To get a lot of money from selling my fish it was also incredibly easy to P up hundreds of fish as well on a daily basis I was now the ultimate fisherman I spent the rest of the day just going to Caverns working up monsters trying to get my combat go off

There’s no other way around it I did take a monster musk to dramatically increase the spawn rate of Monsters the more monsters that spawned the B I was going to never my combat I got loads of cool items off these monsters as well such as PS thej was just creating chaos inside of

This SK C transforming monsters into different things all together two years have now passed in Stu Valley and the lovely grandpa has visited me and he is so proud of my achievements he is now going to give me a lovely statue of perfection and that statue is going to

Generate aridium ORS every single day which is really nice but then going straight back into rabbit we’re getting another fish fish P now because the more of these fish PS I have the more legendary fish I can put into them and it would be really nice to get a farm

Fil up the top of fish PS with loads of different legendary fish so it was time to reforge our lovely Ginger Island farm and I was putting fares down here just so I could fast track my far get up 20 these ra winter faring seeds then we

Straight back down into the skull Cavern St monsters try to max out my combat skill at the end of the day I got level 50 in combat it was time to power up some perks I wasn’t going to go with Ras cuz I wasn’t using the slingshot the

Fighter was a no-brainer from 10% to 15% damage output I selected that straight away I also got level 20 mining the spu was pretty cool restores some health and energy with every mind level but I went with prospector that was totally overpowered gamebreaking perk time freezes during prospector hunts that

Means any floor I get and the prospector skill activates time goes still that means I could get every single resource on those floors without spending a single in game second totally overpowered perk all together the next day it was just spent primarily foraging picking up fores getting up my foraging

Skill the next day to my great surprise these diamonds weren’t gold star diamonds anymore they were aridium star diamonds each one sold for500 gold that is just absolutely amazing it was also time to draw more legendary fish into these lovely fish ponds so I now have all the fish ponds

Filled up with all the legendary fish five of them in total I was really happy about that I then went to the volcano dungeon I was trying so hard to get another Dwarven blueprint to give to Clint but Lu just wasn’t on my side all of the forgees were fin ready to be

Collected on our Ginger Island farm so I’m going to pick up all these now in the hopes to max out my mar skill I didn’t max it out today but I got very close so I’m just going to make more which W seeds put those back on a g farm

And rinse and repeat until my forging skill is maxed out so this is probably the best way to go about it back into the volcano I got the deluxe pirate hat that is actually a very rare item to get but I just really wanted another dwarf and schematic didn’t look like I was

Going to get one though unfortunately the next day it was back in SK Cav to try to finish off my combat so just more sles today and anything in between but I also got some really cool items too from the enemies I got things like Prismatic shards Diamond but I also

Got weird items as well such as weeds and blocks and things that you normally can’t get in the game because of the WAP Jack inchant but I also got another item here called an elderwood now I imagine this item somewhat relates to the forge ability that Clint has so I’m wondering

Now is that item needed to make some sort of a A dwarvish or a dragon or some sort of another weapon that we just haven’t come across yet in staru Valley I find at level 20 combat happy days I had a choice now between brute bushwhacker upgrades I was going to go

With brute rage also grants attack speed that was an absolute no-brainer right there so going to pick the brute enchant this will dramatically increase my offensive capabilities God bless any sort of monster I come up against in the future that won’t stand a chance I also

Got rid of all of the agent fruit of my greenhouse and I replaced it with winter fores what all the forus having it was enough to putut down all of the trees that got fully grown it was in back into the volcano for another go chest to see

If we get some sort of a blueprint but it was a noo it was another ostrich egg I had about 10 of those now at the moment it was finally time to craft all the cooking recipes in the game and I have actually crafted most of them all

It was left was the lucky lunch and I got The Gourmet Chef achievement there so I now technically had Perfection achieved in the game which was really nice and here is just a few screens here of all of the recipes that I made and SE

Just to show you why some of the recipes actually go for pizza surprisingly enough this for 300 gold to pop which is pretty cool cheese cauliflower this for 300 gold to pop as well which is nice the Fiddle Head Rosato very nice recipe 350 gold the fruit salad 450 gold the

Tropical Curry 500 gold so they are some really nice recipes that you can get your hands on in this game and that you can sell to make some pretty nice profits so I just maxed out my far skill today I was really happy about that all

My skills are now level 20 it did take an Absolut huge amount of grinding because these skills had to be reforged so many times each skill had to be reforged four times so I could unlock all of the perks in each profession but it was definitely worth it it was now

Time to ascend up to the summer to look at the lovely achievement of perfection we’ve gotten on this game it was an absolute magnificent Journey playing through the marago mod it overhauled so many in game mechanics it felt like playing a whole new game and I got really excited join certain aspects of

The game especially with the professions it did take me a while to figure out some of the things with the marago m and I won’t lie to you occasionally I did have to go into GitHub and I had to look at the notes to find out what to do with

Some of the new mechanics the game especially when it comes to getting some of the aridium Galaxy weapons or when it comes to completing some of the quests I had to go and find help so a lot of people have been wondering are the straw portraits part

Of the margon mod they are not they are a separate mod and all mods are in the description of this video now we’re coming to the end of this video but we’re not totally finished just yet there are a few more things I want to do

Before I actually wrap this video up so I’m just going to show a little bit of the edide here when you get Perfection basically it just goes to a huge film like this where it shows you more or less every single thing inside Ser Valley from the fish to the artifacts

And everything in between so when I got level 24 I had a choice between scavenger and ecologist scavenger was an operator time freezes during scavenger hunts that is absolutely insane that means if you go into any sort of location in staru Valley and there’s scavenger at time W move so we picked up

Our lovely statue of True Perfection and there is the Perfection tracker 100% everything shipped all the oblet gold clock monster slay hero good friends with everyone max out baring level all the golden walnuts all the recipes crafted all the cooking recipes made what an achievement indeed I also spoke

To a monkey here at the summit of the volcano and he gave me a special mask it’s such a funny mask the concerned ape mask and it’s not really a mask I wear but you know what because of the occasion I said let’s just throw it on

And have a bit of fun so we’re finally at the end of our video if you’ve enjoyed this movie I would really appreciate if you could like the video really helps me out because the algorithm will recommend this video to more people based on likes I hope you

All have a great day and make sure to watch my other 100 day stard valley challenges and also my stard Valley movies my channel is packed up to the top with those so if you like long for Content you’ll absolutely love my channel thanks again for watching and I

Hope you all have a magnificent day and a magnificent week I will see you in the next video bye for now I played 100 days of stue Valley and made Millions hello everybody this is gamer gar welcome back to another 100 day St challenge the challenge for this

Video is simple to make as much money as possible let’s check out the goals we would like to achieve in this video the first goal is to obtain the gold clock and the second goal is to obtain all four warp up blisks so let’s jump straight into this video and let’s have

Some fun I’d love to become a full-time YouTuber and release big videos like this every week you can help by subscribing to my channel and liking my videos thanks huge thanks to my channel members thanks so much for supporting me everyone day number one stripe yourselves in and prepare to be amazed

By some of the best money-making tactics you will ever see let’s see how much money we can make by the end of the first year despite the fact that this video is a 100 day Style video I’ll be playing through one whole year of this game so the first day starts as per

Usual with cutting down trees making a chest searching the grounds for fores and of course giving an artifact a gun for that extra 250 gold we’re then going to spend all our money on par some seeds here from Pier and we’re going to plant those straight back into the farm for

The rest of the day once everything is planted we’re going to cut down some trees in the hopes to increase our forging skill as quickly as possible level one foraging means we can now make wild spring seeds they’re going to come in super handy later on for tea saplings

We will be absolutely abusing those in spring so I’m going to make 20 more well seeds today going to H up the ground plant those and we’re going to try to befriend Caroline now as quickly as possible to get her to two hearts Rose going to go to Willie but we’re going to

Get the training Rod today we’re going to use this to increase the odds of getting perfect catches on fish to dramatically increase our fishing skill as quickly as possible what we want here is a fishing skill of two so we can purchase a fiberglass Rod of Willie

Which yields much better loot when it comes to the treasure chests that you can get from fishing the lake a area is a fantastic spot to fish so we’re going to spend the rest of the day up here pulling up as much fish as we can the

Next day is a rainy day of course so we are going to be prioritizing catfish the catfish is a very difficult catch especially with a low fishing level but there are things you can do to make it a bit easier trout soup off wiie is a good

Strategy to use as well speaking of which we’re now going to buy a trout soup off Willie along with a fiberglass Rod I just have about enough money to get bought items the rest of the money will be spent and bed to increase fishing bite rate the more fish we can

Get the more money we’re going to make the current strategy of spring is to get enough money to buy strawberries We R going to go to Georgia route because we want to fill up a greenhouse with strawberries in Spring level five fishing of course we’re going to get the

Fisher Park fish worth more money I’m also going to go to Pier today and purchase kale it’s a magnificent crop that has really good profit Merchants I got very lucky today and now I did some more fishing I picked up a diamond and a jade ring crickle strike power increased

By 10% the next day we have another rainy day so the first thing we’re going to do is pull up all of these par Snips we’re going to sell those then back to fishing again for catfish I got super lucky today and I managed to pull up an

Aridium band this is one of the best Rings you can get in the game especially early to mid tier there are rings in my opinion better than this but it all comes down to what kind of combat build are going for in terms of General utility Rings the aridian band is a

Lovely piece of jewelry indeed so for the rest of the day we are going to be pulling up catfish and anything in between comes our way we’ll nap that too and sell it so at the end of the day we get level one farming what’s great here now is to proficiencies the more

Proficient we get with the tool the less energy we use while using that tool I also got level two Farm I can make regular sprinklers we’re not going to bother with those we’re going to save the resources for Quality sprinklers later so we’re gifting Caroline here

Daval now we can gift her twice per week but we can talk to her her every single day and we get some extra bonus friendship points for talking to her every single day and those extra points will add up especially when it comes to pushing her to two hearts as quickly as

Possible now sometimes I might wait until the end of the week to give her the second daffodil in the hopes to get a silver or gold St quality da so I get more friendship points I also picked up a backpack upgrade today cuz I had some money that means more inventory slots

For me with the money I had left over I decided to purchase more crops so we’re going to get more kale now today going to get a total of 133 pieces of kale that does mean a lot of watering for me but that will pay off significantly in a

Couple of days when I get to sell all that kale for huge profits and this is going to be the general tactic in Spring we’re going to be doing a lot of fishing a lot of farming and the Dodger crawl here and there just to get down to the

Lower sections so we can get that lovely iron and gold ores to make quality sprinklers but the big resource that’s going to really really Chang to G up for zon believe it or not will be copper but we’ll come back to that later on in the

Video level one mining we can now make cherry bombs they will come in very handy later on we’re also going to start donating items to gun there I was lucky enough to pick up an ancient seed here to get one this early in Spring is extremely lucky this ancient seed will

Grow into an ancient fruit and we can use seed makers later on to replicate those to make giant ancient Fruit Farms level 10 in the mines we get the leather boots are we going to put them on this time cuz we’re not doing the vegan challenge make sure to check out my 100

Day vegan video If you haven’t watched it yet it is quite the blast to watch level one combat at the end of the day the next day my first batch of vbls have fully grown I’m going to parvest all these vbls and I’m going to turn them

All into the community center to get back 30 free spring seeds I’m going to plant those back in the farm and we’re going to rinse and repeat that method until we have hundreds and hundreds of spring for at the end of the season I managed to get a wood club today inside

Of crate this is a magnificent weapon to start the cave crawling with it is an AOE weapon it can make quick work of most of the enemies in the regular mines including the enemies on the lower levels the next day it was time to harvest our first batch of kale not only

Does kale sell for lots of money it also yields tons of farming XP and we wanted to push our Farm is ski to six as quickly as possible back into the mines we’re now on the dark floors because we have the aridium band we have that lovely glow making this floor much

Easier than what it normally is it was time to craft a bug stick because my energy was really low and I was on floor 33 but I got really lucky I killed a fly that unlocked the ladder I was able to get down to floor 35 and get that lovely

Checkpoint before the day came to an end the next day we were visited by none other than Demetrius he gives us an option here between a bat and a mushroom cave we’re going to go with the mushrooms cuz we can Harvest these mushrooms every single day and these

Mushrooms can be really good for health and energy we can also sell them too if we need extra bits of money for the rest of the day I spent it fishing because today was the 11th and the strawberry event was coming up very soon so I

Wanted to get a lot more money together to purchase on strawberries I got very lucky with some of the chests got an emerald ring and a diamond that diamond will be sold because it’s 50 gold that I can actually use later on I can donate it Gunther and even trade them in for

Triple shat espressos but for now anything like that will be sold for money so we’re harvesting kale and it’s a rainy day which is great I can spend the entirety of today fishing up more catfish I got level five farming at the end of the day T that lovely kale

Harvest going to go with tiller crops were 10% more that’s a no-brainer right there I also got level six fan I can now make quality sprinklers but in order to craft them I need iron and gold bars so I had to make more progress in the mines

I at almost 22,000 gold today primarily from selling the kale and I got some fish and minerals in there as well so it was a very good day in terms of money making the next day I purchased 108 strawberries off beer I could have purchased more the reason why I only

Purchased this amount is because I’m going to get a greenhouse and fill it up with those strawberry seeds I also won the straw hat of course so that’s going to be a whole new look for my Farmer the next day we’re going to start with our daily ritual of going into our mushroom

Cave to click all our lovely mushrooms we’re then going to spam the entirety of the map looking for fiber and other bits and Bobs on the ground such as vbls I also got a salmon dinner out of a bin here just outside gusses now that is a

Loved gift for Alex but I’m going to sell that because I need the money I also got Georgia membership today off Mars it cost 5,000 gold but the Georgia route is the way to go if you want to make millions of gold in your first year

I also give Robin her last ax 250 gold in the bag I also visited Maryland today and I sought him rings and weapons that I didn’t need just to get that extra bit of money there’s no point having weapons and rings in your chest if never going

To use them you might as well to sell them to Maryland the rest of the day was spend fishing I was got bullheads carp chubs and the occasional lar M bass which is actually a pretty nice profitable fish so I finally met into Caroline’s sun room it doesn’t really

Matter what response you give her there she’ll still give you the recipe for the tea sapling so the rest of the day I spent literally going through the whole Farm trying to get as much fiber as possible cuz one of the main resources you need to make tea saplings is fiber

So the next day I finally get the tea sapping recipe now it is time to bring on the money but first i’m going to harvest all of these Oly spring fores so I’m going to turn some of these spring fbls back into spring wild seeds I’m

Going to plant those back in the ground others will be converted into tea saplings I at 85 tea saplings in total I’m going to sell all those to Pierre bringing me up to 74,000 gold with all that money I decided to take the final backpack upgrade right here and now so I

Wouldn’t have to worry about that later and then going to visit moris and I am going to get the greenhouse 35,000 gold for the unlock it is absolutely worth it we can fill this beautiful building up with strawberries we’re going to visit Clint it’s time to upgrade some tools

We’re going to start with the pickaxe of course getting a copper pickaxe will mean that I can make it down to the floor 120 without too much hassle it was then back to Pier I could have bought hundreds of kale but I had to factor in

Time and energy so I just bought a 100 of him right now we don’t want to spend the whole day just watering crops the rest of the day we spend fishing and the reason why I’m fishing so much right now is because I’m trying to get level 10

Before spring ends so if I’m lucky enough might get a crack off the legend and catch that that is worth a huge amount of money so this is our Greenhouse filled up with strawberry seeds I left spots there for sprinklers later it was another rainy day today I’m

Getting very lucky with rainy days actually and I spent the whole day pulling up as much catfish as possible I also visited mors today it was time for another upgrade now I had 23,000 gold so the only real Choice there was the mine carts and I went for the mine carts

Straight away the bridge or the bus would have been nice but I needed more money but the mine carts mean fast traveling and that means I can get around the map much faster that’s great time saer so because I unlocked the greenhouse Evelyn gives me the garden

Pot that’s a game changer right there we got our lovely copper pickaxe off Clint it’s time to upgrade another to this time we’re going to go with the axe upgrade the more we upgrade our axe the less swings it’s going to take to cut down trees we also need to now focus in

On hardwood collection so getting that axe upgraded to a steel ax quickly as possible is definitely the way to go in terms of generalate progression on this farm so I was back on into the mines and I got really Lu here with a huge cluster of iron ores I’m going to harvest all

These make my way down to the next floor trying to get down to the Gold Doors now as quickly as I can all of these dust brights were a miracle in Disguise as they all have a chance of dropping coffee beans but they also drop coal and

Hundreds and thousands of coal will be needed if we’re going to make millions and millions of gold by the end of this challenge so we’re still using the wood clobe we haven’t got a better weapon yet but the wood Club is holding its own these are mid tear blue slimes that have

A lot of HP but the wood Club does demain in just a few swings easy enough got it down to a spiral floor here floor 59 I do manage to make it to floor 60 but it did take a great amount of time I also got a diamond today which was great

And we met it down to floor 80 and picked up the fir Walker boots now I’m skipping most of the floors that I go down because nothing really great happened I will show floor 81 here though as this is going to be a farming

Floor that we will be using for a lot of days in this challenge level five mining Miner is always the way to go with these challenges the plus one or per Vin is a game changer that means we can smel more bars to make more items it was now time

To make quality sprinklers just needed more refined quartz but I had lots of Fire Quartz there in the chest so we’ get processing on those pretty quickly it was time to have a look at the traveling cart Merchant’s wees the merchant sold a rare seed I bought that

Now cuz I could use it now cuz I had the garden pot now you can’t put ancient seeds in there but you can put rare seeds in there and that means an earlier star job for me later on so I got my copper axe off Clint today but it

Weren’t finished with Clint I had the money it was time to upgrade another tool I’m going to go with the steel axe upgrade straight away that means I’ll be able to get into the secret Woods as quickly as possible possible got the obsidian Edge on floor 90 that is

Actually a magnificent weapon and it’s probably one of the best weapons you can get before you get your hands on the Galaxy weapons when I met it down to floor 100 here I got the star job that’s my first one of many and that increases my maximum energy which comes in real

Handy later on when it comes to watering tons and tons of crops and doing other energy draining activities look at all this lovely K got the Harvest today I’m going to make 16 qu the sprinklers put those down in the greenhouse our Greenhouse is now more or less fully

Automated all we have to do is come in here every 4 days and collect our huge Harvest of strawberries we’re now on floor 110 we got to space boots now these are the best boots you can get before you get into Scott caverns and before you get over to Ginger Island but

We will get much better boots later on in the video this is just the start of our lovely armor Adventures so we’re now done Flor 118 we’re going to get down to 4 120 today we’re going to get the skull key we can now do skull Cavern runs with

This but the first thing we have to do is unlock the bus and that means we need money now we get level five combat here going go with fighter aut taxing 10% more damage combine that with our aridium band and our attacks now deal a bonus 20% extra damage so this now is

Going to be one of the last harvests we’re going to do with spring for cuz 23rd now of spring we’re getting into summer quite soon so I’m at 170 spring wild seeds right there more will follow of course so I’m going to purchase just 100 parsnips today cuz they only take

Four days to grow and I want one last batch of crops before summer hit just to make some extra profit I got to Steel ax off Clint super happy with that I’m always super happy with Clint aren’t I we’re going to go for the steel axe

Upgrade right now that would be in my opinion the minimum requirement for Scott Cavern as a steel ax takes the same amount of swings as a gold ax when you go to the skull Cavern nodes two swings and you clear a node so we’re now going to get rid of all these tree

Stumps all of this hardwood is super welcome we need 200 hardwood to fix the whole and willly ship to get to Ginger Island so it’s definitely worth collecting it now the great thing about the secret Woods is that these stumps respawn every single day level five for

Gene we will take gatherer chance for the double Harvest on a Farish item that’s a no-brainer for us when it comes to making money we went to the flower Dance Festival today and we only went there to primarily get the dandel Lions the Daval and the rarecrow it’s always

Worth picking those UPS because you can make a lot more spring W seeds all you need are two other fables and you can just go to town and more tea saplings it is now time for a new flower dance Queen I was going to take H’s crown and become

The new Ultimate flower dancer just look at my character go nobody could keep up with my mad farmer skills look at our lovely batch of strawberries this will be the first of many harvests and the great thing about this batch is that if we ever need some change every couple of

Days we can always rely on the strawberries especially when it comes to Tool upgrades or when it comes to purchasing burst of crops here and there they also help with Community Development projects so we’re going to go with the bus today 40,000 gold but the sooner we get that unlocked the

Better cuz we can do SC C runs the rest of the day we spent fishing because I needed money to get some Prepon the first thing I needed was healable food from Gus so I could survive in the skull Cavern now I only went with 30 salads

Today that would be enough for the first run we weren’t going to get super deep with limited resources it was impact efficient again emeralds geod things like that would now be saved I would have to start giving things to gun and need to start thinking about getting

Access to the sores now as quickly as possible so I get my hands in that statue of uncertainty so it was time to go to the desert trailer today to get some tripad espressos and spicy e it was ENT time for skull Cavern runs gold ores

Iron ores or radium ores were all on the table for us all ores would be smelted and used for the purpose of making money if they weren’t sold directly they’d be used to make resources and machines and they would make more money so I received a lucky ring today and I could not

Believe it when it happened this is the rarest ring in the game it gives a permanent plus one to look as long as you have that ring equipped it it is one of the most overpowered rings in the game the luck factor in seru Valley can greatly determine the success of a run

Getting a lucky ring this early will be an absolute Game Changer and the luck has started that is our very first Prismatic Shard that can be swapped in for a Galaxy sword and that is one of the strongest weapons in the game until of course you get to Ginger Island but

For now we will absolutely take it the final day of spring and what a season it was it’s time to collect the last huge batch of spring fores all of these will be turned into spring wild seeds and they will be turned into tea saplings

And sold to make even more money I made a total of 450 spring wild seeds today what a hul it was all I needed was wood and fiber to turn those into tea saplings it was now time to battle the legend fish today so we’re going to come fully prepared

For this we’re going to get the aridium rod we get that so we can hook up trap buers to it this makes fishing much easier in my opinion without the Trap bobber some fish are just impossible to catch I’m also going to get trout soup and bait trout soup to increase my

Fishing skill from 10 to 11 which makes my fishing barar that little much bigger and we need all the help we can get when it comes to fighting the legend the legend is one of the hardest if not the hardest fish to catch in the game some

People say the glacier fish is harder I say they’re of equal difficulty this is the second boat we had with the legend today and it was easy enough to catch this time RNG was on our side maybe it was the effects of the lucky ring that

Was a legend fish in the bag gold star with the fishing perks comes in at 11,250 Gold so we can sell that today we’ll have that inner wallet tomorrow the rest of the day was spent farming floor 81 for fiber and for the general resources if I saw gold ORS normally I

Take those as well if I saw enemies like this I would SL them you never know what you might get so after farming this floor for the whole day was time to make some tea saplings let’s see how much we can make as you can see I made over 70 T

Saplings 71 in total sold all those also got 10,000 gold from Mr key for making it past for 25 go Cavern so we had 78,000 gold ready to go for starfruit we also had the yield from our lovely Greenhouse so we’re going to sell all those strawberries now to here because

We want the gold today that brings us up up to 95,000 Gold we’re then going to go to the desert we’re going to swap in our Prismatic Shard for the Galaxy sword which is a magnificent weapon and it is a weapon we will be using for the rest

Of the challenge it does trivialize a lot of enemies in the game we’re then going to visit Sandy and we’re going to spend all of our money on starfruit seeds if we want to make millions of gold in this challenge if we want the gold clock and all four warp o blisks we

Need thousands upon thousands of star fruit the tactic for summer was simple to make as much money as possible and to buy as much star fruit as possible secondary goals we making processing Machines of course if we can’t process the star fruit we’re not going to make the big money so we also

Had to think about setting up tree farms setting up tappers making tons and tons of cakes I’m also going back to the secret woods every single day to get hardwood I need 200 in total so that when the time comes comes to fix Woody ship and have the resources available

Straight away I finally got level seven fary that’s a game changer that means I can make tree fertilizer level 9 Farine is an interesting level cuz you can make aridium sprinklers and that is something we will consider later on in the challenge but the big gain today was the

Tree fertilizer this item is an absolute Game Changer and it is needed in order to make millions of gold because when it comes to making cakes when comes to making the big money it all boils down to the basic resources such as copper iron gold and wood of course so we’re

Farming for 81 again today because the fiber gain that you get from this floor is just amazing and I wanted to make more tree fertilizers and I wanted to make more tea saplings to get more money so today we’re going to use all the fiber to make tree fertilizers and I’m

Going to make a little tree farm here beside the house and all of these trees are going to be orak trees they will be equipped it with tappers for Oak resins I’m I going to fix the bridge today just 300 pieces of wood because I wanted access to the summer legendary fish the

Crimson fish this fish will sell for a few thousand gold and we need all the gold we can muster the rest of the day we spent just primarily fishing as well puffer fish do sell for really nice money I also fish up with sturgeon too that’ll be great for the Lu later on

That’s one of the best things you can put into the soup and that was also a gold star surgeon as well 15,000 gold made by the end of today primary from fishing which wasn’t too shabby at all fishing can get a lot more lucrative later on if specific builds are used in

Specific locations it was back down to FL 81 today we’re farming for fiber again fiber was needed badly for tree fertilizers and for tea saplings right now tea saplings were probably the best way to make quick bursts of money and I wanted to unlock all of the Georgia

Bundles as quickly as possible so I can get into Ginger Island and make use of that second farm that second Farm is more or less a giant Greenhouse selling 95t saplings is definitely the way to go to accelerate progression and unlock those Georgia bundles I also sold other

Items too that I found on the floor such as minerals and mushrooms things like that over 60,000 gold was made that day and here we go again the strawberries were ready to go and they will be ready every 4 days that’s why it’s so important to try your best to get the

Greenhouse set up in Spring and to fill it up with crop that just regrows all the time so you’re just going to make infinite profits we sign for another Community unlock we’re going go with the bridge this means we can access to Quarry and the resources that lie within

A gold pickaxe upgrade thank you very much Clint we’ll have that in just a couple of days and was back into the secret Woods to farm more hardwood and get that foring skill up so I visited Maryland today to sell them weapons they didn’t need anymore they were just using

Up space inside of my chest so while I was up in this area I said you know what let’s just sell up some weapons and make some extra money while we’re here I’m also making a little summer forage patch over there that will become much bigger as the days and weeks

Progress it was time to unlock the last George bundle we’re going to go with panning that’s all the bundles now unlocked we can now get access to Wily’s ship once we fully repair it of course so today we are exploring the Quarry cave we get the Lovely golden sight at

The end of this cave which is a really nice upgrade from that of the regular site that has a much greater range on it it does more damage and it has a much greater yield when it comes to collecting resources so I had some mahogany seeds today I’m going to plant

Those I’m also going to put tree fertilizer on those two so they grow up very quickly because I needed a lot more hardwood to get that hole fixed for Willie I also got a really nice event here from Georgia they’re going to give me a Georgia machine which generates a

Free Georgia Coler every single day for a complete leting all the georia bundles I picked up an ancient seed off the traveling cart that was very nice indeed I’m also going to purchase five rare seeds off the traveling cart Merchant as well because I can put those over in

Ginger Island and you can get really nice profits from those I collected my gold pickaxe off CLE today we’re now going to give him another tool to upgrade and this time it’s going to be an axe upgrade we’re going to give him the steel ax to be upgraded to a gold ax

I made 47 tappers today they will be the first of many batches of tappers made going to put those in all of these trees to start making Oak resins so we can start our lovely production on kegs starfruit wine is the way to go for making money the Crimson fish isn’t the

Hardest fish in summer the octopus is the big bdy that you have to watch out for it is by far one of the hardest fish to catch in the game it is insanely hard to catch the super cucumber is difficult but it’s not that hard if you have trap

Poers a gold star super cucumber sells for over 550 gold a great Money Maker when it comes to fishing in summer Unfortunately they don’t pop up until the evening time but when they do pop up it’s worth fishing them about of the water and selling them the next day it

Was time for the first batch of Summer fares you only need three summer fbl to make summer wild seeds grapes spice berries and sweet peas just three items needed so we end up with thousands I mean thousands of Summer wild seeds by the end of the season this was crazy

When you see the amount that we’re going to eventually start making the strawberries have come back again and when you’re playing a challenge like this it’s amazing how quickly the four days comes around and before you know it the shies are back you’ve got between 20

To 35,000 gold in your pocket ready to spend them whenever you want whether it be tool upgrades like the copper watering can that we’re going to get there or if we need to unlock Future bundles for example or if we just need money in general en to get crops or to

Buy other resources after many vendors around staru Valley so we’re clearing the quity of resources today we’re setting up a massive Tree Farm we won’t be putting tappers on these trees this is just going to be a wood Farm now we could buy wood off Robin but at the

Moment I needed all the money I could get for starfruit didn’t want to waste money on wood we’re doing a Scot Cavern run today the deeper we can get now the better and what we want here now are battery packs for a radi sprinklers we also want aridium ORS for ridium bars

And we can sell those bars for lots of money any bonus Prismatic shards we get for now will be sold cuz they sell for 2,000 gold a piece which is really nice so I got level 9 M that can make crystalarium I don’t end up making crystarium instead resources are put

Towards aridium Sprinklers and cakes so we go to Duo the next day a gold star sturgeon is probably one of the best things you can put in the soup we get the best reaction from the governor and that is going to yield the most friendship points you can get from all

Of the Ser Valley NPCs that drink the soup the next day we are smelting ores into bars so we need iron bars and we also need copper bars and Oak resins and wood for cakes so those resources become very important especially later on in the video we get the copper watering can

Of Clint now I got the watering can because I need it for ginger Island it’s just handy having an upgraded watering can when it comes to transversing the volcano dungeon you know it’s much handier than that of a regular watering can I fixed the boat by giving a really

Embarrassed battery packs and hardwood we then going to go to Clint we’re going to get him to break open all these geod because I wanted to get the key to the sores so I could get access to kobus and get access to hewes and so that I could

Also get access to the Statue of uncertainty we also needed a sore key in order to get the magical ink so we could access the Wizards terminal so we can actually get the go clock that’s if we get the go clock by the end of this

Video it is going to be very hard to accumulate 10 million gold to buy a gold clock and to do that in year one sounds impossible but we have got some very good strategies so that’s just a cool scene there of Willie and Robin fixing up the boat that means we can have

Access Ginger Island before we go anywhere though we’re going to harvest our strawberries spell radium Ms into bars and we’re going to upgrade our hole to a copper hole now that ho is been upgraded for a very specific reason and you’ll find out very soon why we’re

Upgrading the H this challenge would be now impossible to do without an upgraded H 1,000 gold for a ticket to Ginger island is quite expensive but it’s worth it and it is necessary if we want to get the most out of this oneyear challenge we need to use the farm on Ginger Island

The great thing about the ginger Island Farm is that you can plant any crop on the farm regardless of what season it is think of it as a giant Greenhouse Farm to make progression in ginger Island we need to find golden walnuts these are used to unlock areas Ginger Island the

More walnuts we find the more areas we can unlock the more of the island we can explore the more resources we can get our hands on the volcano dungeon is a dungeon you can do every single day in staru Valley it resets every day and it has new chests new prizes the enemies

Respawn it’s a great place to farm when it comes to farming for resources such as Stone copper gold pieces of aridium and of course Cinder shards which we need to enchant gear and weapons so the big turtle has been faed by The Vicious vicious parrots I don’t care what people

Say those parrots are vicious but that’s just my opinion it was time to clear all of the resources now on that Ginger Island Farm to get it prepped for crops level 10 farming we’re going to go with agriculturist crops grow 10% faster we can always swap over to Artisan when

It’s time to sell Artisan Goods the 10% growth rate is too good to pass up now especially this early in the challenge so we’re going to get our first batch of starf today none of that will be sold directly that will all be processed with cakes time to make our first batch of

Cakes as well 40 cakes in total so if I keep up with the resources I can now make 40 cakes every every few days once those oak resins become available that is not enough to make over 10 million gold and to get those lovely items we will need thousands of cakes for this

Challenge to actually be completed so I’m buying more starf fruit now I’ve sent it today with the money that have accumulated that’s going to go right back into Star Valley Farm but I’m also going to get star fruit and put it over on the ginger Island Farm also and the

Great thing about the ginger Island Farm is that we can cross St fruit on that for the whole year so the earlier you unlock that farm the better fishing around the sea area here in summer is actually very profitable when it comes to fishing in summer the sea area is by

Far the most profitable area I also buy more starf fruit seeds of Sandy today but they’re going over the ginger Island this is the South gem bird because it’s located at the South part of Ginger Island so it goes on the south pedestal and that’s how you beat the puzzle you

Have to find a total of four gem Birds they only pop up on rainy days so if you do get her any day it’s always worth just transversing Ginger Island the map isn’t actually that big there’s just a few screens in the island because I got

My ho back I could now ho up all of the golden wallets I missed the first time I got here I needed 20 golden wallets in total to unlock the house so I could stay on Ginger Island every single day if I don’t get that house upgraded

Passing out will start you over back on Stu Valley so you have to pay 1,000 gold against to Willie to get back over to Ginger Island I didn’t really need the house at the moment I could still grow crops on the farm I just couldn’t sleep over on the

Island but we’ll fix that now in the next few days it was time to do some more work on our primary farm so I planted more summer faras made some tea saplings sold those and I finally had enough golden walnuts to fix up the House on Ginger Island it was now time

For another dungeon volcano run and you can get a total of five golden walnuts from mining in the volcano you can get five from combat you can get five from the chests and there’s a few other bits and pieces of ones hanging out the trees and whatnot you also get a free

Prismatic Shard when you make it up to floor 10 for the very first time which is nice we’re going to use that now to enchant our weapon here what we get here now is hay maker and this is a blessing in disguise cuz when it comes to farming

Fiber hay maker will see to it that our fiber gains are increased so using hay maker on a weapon and farming Flo 81 in the regular mines is a great way to get us have hundreds and hundreds of fiber we also freed Professor snail so we could have a G’s

Archaeology quests and we needed to do those in order to get over 100 golden walnuts to get into Key’s Secret Walnut Room so there’s two freebie quests he gives you here and it’s just the island survey report and it’s the same answer every single time he start up a save

File so if you’re not too sure on how many flowers or starfish they are just give it a Google and you’ll find out straight away so we’re hunting for more golden walnuts now today and I managed to get enough to unlock the ginger Island Trader and this Trader sells some

Very important items indeed including a banana and mango sapling now we really needed the banana sapling especially if we wanted to make the warp obelis glater on but we also needed a banana to get our hands on more golden walnuts later so we wanted to unlock that as quickly

As possible the strawberries were ready again and I decided to move all of my furnaces now from the farm into the main Hub area here of the mines there just a lot more space when it comes to smelting stuff I’m now farming floor 8 one of the mines again but this

Time I have the hay maker enchant so I’m getting a lot more fiber now per floor than I used to get before I also get hay which is useless to me and the hay doesn’t sell for anything so I just discard the hay every day no worries

There I made more tree fertilizer I’m going to fertilize all these trees now in the Quarry so they all fully grow up in the next few days then I get to cut all those down to get thousands of wood we’re back down into the regular mines today I’m looking for copper because I

Need to make more KS I need at least 50 copper bars to keep up with the production of the ks I’m also killing dust braids if I see because I also need coal to smelt the bars I find myself struggling with coal now at the moment because I’m smelting

So many bars to make cakes it’s constantly smelted bars gold bars for sprinklers copper and iron bars for cakes I did get my sweet chimp bury today and I also got battery packs because we had lightning the day before I can make more aridium sprinklers now with those battery packs I’m going to

Cut down all these mahogany trees I don’t need the hardwood anymore for the hull fix but I can use the hardwood for maybe a stabes later on I brought the sweet G Berry to the secret Woods got my second star drop there quite happy with that it’s time to upgrade our hole now

To a steel hole we need an upgraded hole in order to facilitate the planting of thousands and thousands of pumpkins get to fall and it is going to be quite insane to see how many pumpkins we buy and that’s just a few days away so we

Got more iron ores today it’s time to process our starfruit into starfruit wine so as you can see I put all my cakes just outside of the farm there no NPC goes there so it’s the safe Zone we’re doing another skull Cavern run today because I needed a lot more

Resources skull Cavern is a great place for all of the minerals so for the copper the coal the iron the gold the idium skull Cavern is the place to go we’re going going to go with blacksmith bars are worth more aridian bars now sell for 1,500 gold a pop which is

Amazing 40 more cegs made today so I’m quite happy with the progression on cakes but we will have to increase that production line very soon the strawberries have come back to life it’s time to harvest those and we’re putting more CS down in the tunnel area here the

Tunnel area is on a great place for cakes because no NPCs come here so you don’t have to worry about the NPCs destroying your lovely Pro accessing equipment we’re smelting more Ores into bars and we got our lovely steel hole off cleint but we’re not finished there he’s getting that hole straight back

We’re going to upgrade it to a gold hole so it was time to blow away all the trees in the party this is going to get us hundreds upon hundreds of wood which we need to make cakes so it’s very important to stay on top of these

Resources Because by the time comes when the tappers are ready to give the O Risin you want to be able to have the resources on hand to make the cakes straight away so most of these aridium bars now will be turned into aridium sprinklers cuz we still have a lot of

Farm space left over in the seru Valley Farm and aridium sprinklers are the secret to success when it comes to making millions of gold because the more of these sprinkers you put down the more space you have on your farm to plant crops and we want to use up all of the

Space that this Farm has to offer so we’re starting our preparations now this is the final week of summer we need to start now to prep the farm properly for pumpkins because we’re literally going to be filling up this farm with pumpkins I at 610 wild seeds today that is going

To make for an absolute huge amount of tea saplings provided of course I have the resources to make it so again it’s down to Wood and fiber to make those so I’m going to purchase thousands of wheat off beer today and the reason why I’m getting it today is cuz I want

Placeholder land come to start of fall so I’m going to plant the wheat today in patches that isn’t growing star fruit just to get the land ready so I don’t have to Ho it up and water it come to start the fall I can just buy the

Pumpkin seeds plant them and it’ll be a lovely easy first day so now is the time for Preparation now is also the time to make more tea saplings 80 tea saplings in total that’s going to be an extra 40,000 gold right there we do need a few hundred th000 gold to purchase thousands

Of pumpkins I also got my gold hole so I’m on the right track now to make the most upfall it’s also time to donate a lot more artifacts to gun because now is the time we kind of want to be getting access to the sores so we can get our

Hands on that lovely statue of uncertainty and of course kobus so I spent the rest of the day just planting wheat seeds now it’s only the 23rd but I won’t be citing this away until the first of fall I’m just getting this patch set up for fall so I don’t

Have to ho and water this patch I’m doing the same with the patches over here I don’t have Starr grown on them I’m just going to fill the whole thing up with wheat get this whole thing set up it’s a lot of work but it’s going to

Pay off we will also profit from the wheat so we’re still going to make a lot of money out of it and the more wheat we put down the more money we’re going to get back today we spend putting down a lot more quality sprinklers on the farm

If I had the resources to make a R sprinklers of course I would have put those down but for now I didn’t have enough battery packs to make those so quality sprinklers was the way to go the rest of the day was spent just putting down wheat seeds filling up the farm

With tons and tons of wheat the next day was another skull cabon run and the reason why you’re seeing so many skull cabon runs is because I constantly needed resources especially to keep on top of the cake production and that would only get harder as time progresses

Because more tree farms will be made more Oak resins would be produced the next day we spent processing our lovely starf fruit in Star wine more cakes were put down in the tunnel here and this tunnel will eventually be filled up to the top with cakes more aridium

Sprinklers were made thanks to getting battery packs off those lovely bats in the SK Cavern more coffee beans were harvested today and a lot of the wheat was ready to be harvested but we won’t be touching that until the first of fall so it’s now time to go to Clint he is

Processing more geot that we got in the skull Cavern hopefully the more artifacts we get the chances will increase of us getting the Sor key I’ve gun there it’s now time to get Robin to make a stable for us and the reason why I’m building a stable now is so I can

Get around the map faster to make much better use of my time it’s back to the Quarry today we are going to get rid of all of these notes then we’re going to fill up the Quarry again with trees and we’re going to blow them all down to get

Wood a few days from now so the usual tactics here with the Quarry now I could turn this into a resin Farm but I decided wood was more valuable at the moment we’re going to finish up somewh with the lovely jellyfish event just look at the lovely visuals the next day our prayers

Were answered it is now the first of fall we get the key of Gunther we can now access the swords we can get to the lovely statue of uncertainty but first we had to clear away the wheat from the farm we also had to buy pumpkin seeds

And get those planted today was going to be a very busy day once all the wheat was cleared up we’re going to harvest our strawberries sell the strawberries to pier and we’re going to just thousands upon thousands of pumpkins because we want to fill up the whole farm with pumpkins now the pumpkins

Aren’t half as good as star fruit but they are one of the best crops you can get when it comes to fall when it comes to converting them into a processed good and Artisan good pumpkin juice it’s a very nice item to sell now it takes us

The whole day to actually plant these pumpkin seeds and we almost got caught for time but we just about did it and we managed to plant all of the seeds by fall the second look at all of the pumpkin sees now planted on the farm there’s a patch here that isn’t ready

Just yet but when that patch becomes available we can put more pumpkins down there as well no problem it’s now time for the lovely Community quests so we had a curious substance and we had Go’s famous omet we’re going to go with the Curious substance we just got the

Ectoplasm there took us the whole day of killing ghosts to get that it is a rare drop we can now go to the wizard the next day give the ectoplasm friendship points for him but more importantly he is going to give us money for completing that Quest

So that was basically farming for iron and getting ectoplasm at the same time we also go back to Ginger Island and the Frog here comes out to inspect our melon he will also inspect our wheat giving us 10 golden walnuts in total now he can

Give up to 15 golden wallnuts but we do not have any garlic for him to inspect so for now we can just get the 10 golden wallnuts off him we do get an extra five G walnuts from Farming Farming up crops here and it’s now time to to go to the

Statue of uncertainty pay 10,000 gold change out our farming profession so we’re got to turn off agriculturist we’re going to get arite cuz we need to sell some wines cuz we need to make some money so we can get some more lovely Goods we’re also going to do the quest

Here for Magical L just to get the wizard terminal ready cuz we’re now halfway to the challenge so it’s now time to start making some preparations when it comes to the wizard so that is the dark tus man that would allow us into a new area in the game that go in a

Few days before we leave the sords we try our hand at the mutant carp another legendary fish one of the easier legendary fish to catch when we catch the mutant car though we don’t stop there we are in Fall there is another legendary fish we can catch and that one

Is the angular fish and that is also another easy fish to catch as well so that’s the mutant carp in the bag that sell for 1,000 or two gold the angular will also sell for 1,000 or two gold as well so bring on the money because we

Have the idium robber trap bber level 10 fishing most of these fish are quite easy the Big Challenge though with the GLA your fish when we get into winter that is going to be a challenge so we’re now respecing our farming profession we’re going to take Tor again crops for

10% more but this time instead of taking agriculturist we’re going to take Artisan all Artisan goods worth 40% more this is an absolute must if you want to make millions of gold in your first year especially if you’re second Artisan products we’re also going to purchase a

Mill of Robbin cuz I want to turn all the wheat that I have into a processed good so I can make more money from it so I purchased 501 starf fruit seeds UPS today I’m also going to get Deluxe spe gr now that’s going to go on over to

Ginger Island and because the ginger Island Farm never really changes the speak R will never go away unless I pickaxe it away which I won’t be doing this means all future star FRS that I plant on Ginger Island would grow much faster because of the speed grow and the

Faster that star fruit grows the more wine we can produce so it’s time for us got Cavern run today I actually got four quality sprinklers inside the chest now you can get peridium sprinklers but you know what I won’t say no to the Quality sprinkers the more sprinkers I can get

The better at this moment in time what I wanted the most was a rium sprinkler so when I saw the backs I used to take the time and kill them in the hope that they would drop battery packs now it is quite a rare drop but it’s always worth giving

It a go because if you’re not in it you can’t win it folks we’re processing more aridium ORS into aridium bars most of those bars now will be sold unless I get battery packs of course so I’m getting more lovely Oak resins today this means I can make more

Cegs 40 more cegs good to go where are we going to put these we’re going to put them in the tunnel of course it is now time to get more strawberries these strawberries are just a game changer the guaranteed money every few days it makes life so much more easier

546,000 gold in the bag what are we going to do with that we are going to buy some pumpkins the rest of the gold can be saved for star fruit for when the ginger Island Farm needs to be replenished so we’re going to sight away all of this wheat here now and

Eventually when the mill is built which it is we’re going to convert all this wheat into wheat flour and we can even turn that into bread which will yield even more profits for us so wheat actually isn’t too bad when it comes to making money it’s back to signing now again today

999 pieces of starf fruit seeds a full stack of star fruit seeds I mean it’s just so nice to buy a full stack of star fruit like that especially in the first year of fall you know to have the kind of resources to do that that’s St is

Just so overpowered starfruit wine is just in a league of Z you know there isn’t really any other Artis in good that can beat it so so I blew up all the trees in the Quarry the next day I’m going to get back all the wheat flour

That wheat flour will be turned into bread I could sell it now I make a big profit but I’ll make an even greater profit if I cook it into bread so I need a cooker I got Robin here to upgrade my house then I realized that was a total

Waste because the ginger Island house already has a cooker in it not to worry though I can use the extra space in the house for processing machines so wasn’t all that bad CL didn’t work for us then it was just over drland to make braid and I made basically a full stack of

Bread here 999 pieces I’m going to set all that now to make loads of money so I needed one more mineral to complete the gem bir puzzle I just guessed it and I got my golden walnuts so I’m actually like closer now to getting 100 golden walnuts I was also farming these lava

Dragons here for Dragon tootes because I needed five of those to get a banana sapling and I needed the banana sapling now if I wanted to get the to warp abelisk to Ginger Island thankfully I had enough Dragon Teeth to make that happen I also got the mango sapling as

Well because I didn’t have one I didn’t really need the mango but I had the resources to get it so I said why not I also went over to the dick site here I’m going to blow all these nodes up in the hopes to get more bone fragments B

Fragments would be need later on for Taro Roots but I also blew up all no in the hopes to get some artifacts for Professor snail’s artifact Quest I just fished up the fossil spine there I just needed a few more bits and pieces to get lots of golden walnuts off for Fest just

Nail the sweet gem berries were ready to be harvested today I got five in total as we can see there now some are worth 3,000 some are worth 3750 and some are worth 4500 and an aridium star one sells for 6,000 but you need really good

Fertilizer to get those I panned up a lucky ring today who needs panning with pxil when you can just one shot it with gamer gar that is the second lucky ring added to my collection two lucky rings in total one from the skull Cavern crates and one from panning over on Ginger

Island what great look I did a volcano dungeon run today got the mermaid boots one of the best boots you can get in the game plus five defense plus four immunity fantastic boots indeed I just needed a few more golden wallnuts now to get access to key Secret Walnut Room and

Those golden wallnuts could still be gotten from mining combat and opening up the various chests and dwarfing crates around the volcano dungeon I did some ring combinations today combine the lucky ring with my idium band and I also Enchanted my gold pickaxe I was hoping for Swift or power flow but I got

Efficient which is probably the least one that I needed I was hoping for bottomless with watering C but I also got efficient not very happy with that to be honest but not to worry eff fish just means that I won’t use up any energy when using the tools so how bad

Could it be was time for the Prismatic jelly Quest here now and I spent a whole day trying to find this corset slime it eventually popped up but this slime is not to be underestimated it packs quite the punch and it has a lot of HP so if

You see it even on the early floors do not underestimate the Slime it could actually kill you wasting your whole attempt on trying to find it it was time to pull up more lovely strawberries then we’re going to visit the wizard we’re going to give him the Prismatic jelly

And he is going to give us 5,000 gold plus a lovely recipe the next day to say thanks we get our aridium axe off Clint today thank you very much Clint it’s time to upgrade more tools though we’re going to go with the idium pickaxe this

Time so I prioritized the axe over the pickaxe because wood is just more valuable to me than that of the ores cuz I can just primarily use bombs for the ores in little Cavern but I needed the idium ax so I could basically two shot trees to farm wood much

Faster so that’s why I decided it to upgrade the axe to its maximum potential before the pickaxe it was time to process more starf fruit into star fruit wine and you’re going to see a lot more process you know especially come winter when we have hundreds of cakes to work

With so I spent the rest of the day running around cindersap Forest cutting down all the trees because I had my idium ax it didn’t take me that long to cut down all the trees in the forest the next day I made some more tappers going

To set these up now on all of the trees that I have on the farm R going to go to Pierre I’m going to set him this batch of starfruit wines and the reason why I did that is because I need that 650,000 gold to buy more starfruit to fill up

Ginger Islands it was time to change up our professions again with statue of uncertainty I also purchased a star job off kobus and processing some ancient fruit into ancient fruit seeds just so I could put more down on the ginger it more ancient fruits I get out a better

More gem Birds mean more minerals that’s more gold for me but I spent the whole day cutting down trees cuz I needed more wood from more cakes story of my life more cakes level 10 faran we’re going to take bnst all far was picked up will be

Over a ridium quality it was now time to harvest all of the pumpkins today it was going to be an extremely challenging task to harvest all these in just one day I had to start straight away and it took me the whole day to do it I

Actually had to take a speed buff in order for it to you know become possible so I had to take a spicy eel there I was considering a triple shot espresso but I managed to do it just fine with the spicy eel halfway through my attempt I

Had to go to Pier’s and pick up more pumpkin seeds and this is why I needed all the money as well this is why I sold that batch of star fruit wine cuz I needed to put more pumpkins on the farm and I needed approximately 2 and 1

12,000 pumpkins to fill up the farm with this time I had to take the spicy eel and the cherot espresso to get this done with the time that I had left otherwise it just wouldn’t have been possible this was very stressful I had to say but it’s

Going to be worth it and it is going to pay off at the end of The Challenge so I got my aridian pickaxe off Clint today I then decided to purchase some resources off of him I decided to purchase coal now coal is very expensive but I was

Really struggling when it comes to Coal I didn’t want to waste days just farming dust Sprites so I decided to just spend some money and by half a stack of Co after that would keep me going for the rest of the challenge definitely it was then time to process more bars so

I can make more cakes off the ginger Island we’re going to pull up all this lovely star fruit this will of course be converted into starfruit wine and then we have to replant the whole ofer island Farm as well now when I replanted the farm I decided to take up all of the

Quality Sprinklers and replace them with aridium sprinklers since I had some on me this meant I could now maximize starfruit output on the ginger Island farm and this makes most challenges trivial especially when it comes to money challenges because having a huge star for Greenhouse like this all year

Round you know making money becomes trivial the only thing that we had to do now is keep up with the starf FR so we had to keep up with the cakes keep up with the processing machines so I got the last artifact needed to complete one of Professor snail’s big fossils that

Was going to give me a lot of gold in walnuts there thanks to Clint for breaking it open out of a golden coconut so that was six seven golden Walnut in total plus an extra banana sapling which was great I got the rare mushroom floor in the volcano dungeon

Super happy with this and you have to watch out when you’re in this floor because sometimes some of those mushrooms can be enemies and they can try to attack you it was time to combine more rings I had a phoenix ring here and had a lucky ring so that was not a nice

Ring combination done so I was Now set up in terms of ring combinations I also decided to put three rubies into my Galaxy sword dramatically increasing its attack power now to 78 to 100 4 damage so it was quite the weapon that I had all I needed now was Galaxy souls to

Turn it into an Infinity Blade I wasn’t too sure at this stage of the challenge though if I if I was going to invest in Galaxy Souls it would all come down to what a kind of quests I’d get key Secret Walnut Room I did fix up the resort area

Here now in ginger Island I could now access the right hand side of the map which yielded more golden walnuts for me so you can fish one up here from this pattern here that looks like a star you can H one up just to the top right hand

Side of that stair and you can also get another golden wallet inside here at the bottom right hand of the cor there’s little dirt patch where you can get a t golden Walnut there it was time now to get some tarot tubers in order for us to

Complete that Quest that carine give us if we can complete that Quest now for Caroline she would give us a recipe for a solar panel and that means we can Mass produce battery packs if we so wish if we want to literally fill up our Stu Valley Farm with rium sprinklers sodar

Panels are way to go we can also sell battery packs too for nice money I had 99 out of 100 golden walnet I just needed one more to get in to Mr Key’s Secret Walnut Room so we’re going to be in there now very soon St to process

More starfruit into starf fruit wine so that took a while now each day to do because the more cegs that I made the more time it took to process star fruit I also got first place in the serg Valley Fair I took all the items away

From the stand I then gambled all of my S tokens on green I got Super Lucky One each time of course and all of these star tokens then can be used to purchase some exclusive rewards at Star Fair vendor including a star drop which is

One more in the bag for us I also purchased the fedora hat which I don’t actually wear I got the rear Crow the tried sunflowers and the light green rug now the hair is actually quite handy to get if you have animals you know and if

You have the start tokens to spare it’s actually a nice Boon to have there it was time now to take on Mr Key’s quests so there’s just some cool dialogue here from Mr key and well done for collecting over 100 golden walnuts we had a choice between the Prismatic Grange and the

Scot Cavern Invasion I went with Scot Cavern Invasion for one reason radioactive ores you can turn those into radioactive bars that means you can make ingame items you can also sell the bars for 4,500 gold pop so skull Cavern invasion was a no-brainer for us and

Because we had a nice strong weapon and because we had loads of gold to spend on consumables such as salads Etc the skull Cavern Invasion wouldn’t be too difficult as long as you going somewhat prepared it’s actually a very great place to farm our resources look at all

Of the Gold Doors here I mean I didn’t really need a whole lot of gold bars now anymore because I just needed them primarily to make quality sprinklers but I could sell the gold bars for money no problem the radioactive ores though were a top priority if I saw a radioactive

Node I would get it no problem at all I did get a dark cowboy hat here in one of the treasure floors which was cool I swapped out my straw hat for that there can of course be only one straw Hat Luffy after all who am I to imitate such

A Legendary Pirate anyways back to Serio Valley so when I got to level 10 combat I had a choice between brute and Defender we’re going to take brute 15% more damage as an no-brainer combine that with the 10% from the first perk and the 10% from the aridium band we can

Now dish out substantially damage to most enemies in the game today started with the collection of lovely Oak resins followed up by using our lovely axe to break open these giant pumpkins these are mutated crops and this can happen on any Tree by tree tiles so the more Tree

By tree tiles you have of pumpkins the greater chance you have of them becoming a mutated pumpkin and mutated giant pumpkins not only survive through each season but they also yield a lot more than nine crops so mutated crops are pretty cool it’s a rare site in seru

Valley but it’s always nice when you get it so the next day we’re going to go back to Ginger Island going to put more cakes down in our Ginger Island house all of these will be processing primarily star fruit into star fruit wine if we run out of star fruit we’ll

Switch over to pumpkins but starfruit will always take priority because the profit margins are just far greater I also went into the The Witch’s secret lay and I fished up a v man as when I give that to the henchman here I always call him the goblin but the NPC is

Actually pronounced hen I hope in the new update concerned a will give more dialogue that henchmen and maybe we can befriend the henchmen and marry the henchmen and have kids with henchmen but we’ll see sure what happens so you’re probably noticing a trend now where a lot more processing is

Happening that’s because we have a lot more cegs so especially come winter we’re going to see a lot more processing because that’s just what we have to do to make millions of gold it is simply Farm process make more processing machines rinse and repeat that’s all

We’re going to be doing from here on out we’re going to be pulling up all these crops now we’re going to sell the tower Roots cuz that’s part of the Quest for Caroline to get the solar panels not only will we get lots of money for the

Tower Roots Caroline will also give us lots of reward money as well so I’m spending all my money in starfruit seeds today five 956 starf fruit seeds right there they’re all going to go back into Ginger Island make copper bars today for more cakes and it’s back of course to

The secret Woods to get more hardwood why are we getting more hardwood we need it for some of the end game items that we’re going to make later on so I got the solar panel off Caroline there along with some 5,500 gold thank you very much

Caroline now I don’t end up making solar panels because I’ve reached the stage of the game now where Ginger island is filled up to the top with aridium sprinklers we’re almost at the end of fall there’s no point making more arum sprinks cuz you can’t grow that many

Crops in Winter you only kind of grow the the forageable and there’s no point you know wasting resources on origal sprinklers for winter fora in my opinion so we’re going to put more CS down in the greenhouse and now we are going to get our last batch of pumpkins before

Fall comes to an end look at all these pumpkins that we get to collect let’s just drive around here in our speeder vehicle and take a nice look at all of these lovely pumpkin crops ready to be harvested we also got very lucky and we

Got a lot of mutated crops as well that we could to break up with the axe I was considering leaving the mutated pumpkins there just to make the winter Farm look a bit nicer but I said you know what this is a money challenge so we’re going

To cut him down with the axe and we’re going to set them if we can’t process all of the pumpkins by the end of the year we just sell the pumpkins and make money that way as well the great thing about the mutated pumpkins is that they’re impervious to crows they cannot

Be destroyed they are an invincible crop not will ever destroy your mutated crop absolutely nothing it’s time to make more wheat seeds and the reason why I’m making wheat seeds is because I don’t have time to grow pumpkins and I could just turn the wheat back into wheat

Flour I can turn that back into bread I can sell that for a huge profit because I had so many slots available on the farm was actually worth my time to plant the wheat and sell it because I get a lot of gold back now I had to take a

Spicy e and a sh espresso to move away faster to actually get all of this wheat planted in the time that was left in the day the next day we have a lovely Tree Farm ready to go tappers will be equipped to those trees we’re going to collect our

Lovely strawberries today and it’s time for another key Quest we had with the Prismatic range again and skull Cavern Invasion again so we’re going to go with skull Cavern Invasion so we get our hands on more radioactive ores I’m also going to purchase the heavy Tapper

Recipe now it is very expensive to make hardwood and radioactive bars however it is a game changer for us because it will generate Oak resents twice as fast f as a regular Tapper so the more heavy tappers we can make the more kegs we can

Make the more money we can make by the end of the year all of those extra radioactive ores means more heavy tappers for us now eventually there will come a stage where I might decide to just sell the radioactive bars because they’re worth so much money but we’ll see what happens in the

Next few days of the challenge I got some pretty good rewards in the skull Caverns today 10 bombs is actually very nice cuz I use Bombs all the time to blow the or open the next day we’re back to the regular mines we’re just smelting ores and bars now today but we’re

Getting radioactive bars so bring on the money we’re going to go to Clint now sell him the aridium bars that’s 93,000 gold and I’m going to buy iron ore and the reason why I’m buying iron or is because I don’t have a whole lot of iron

Left I have lots of copper lots of gold but very little iron and I needed iron to make more cakes because if I didn’t get a certain amount of cegs made you know by the time it comes to Winter I simply just wouldn’t have enough items

Processed to make the 10 million gold to get the gold clock and to get the obelisks so I needed to spend money and resources to keep up with cake production that was extremely important all of these wines I’m collecting now will just be stored away and they’ll be

Sold at the end of The Challenge it’s going to be very interesting to see how much we get for all of these Artisan Goods when they’re all sold in huge bul it’s going to make for a very nice and impressive number when we come to the

End of this challenge we are getting to the end this challenge we’re now almost at the end of fall so we’re going to be in Winter very soon so we’re now going to process all of this wheat back into weed flowers so as we can see now our

Money-making tactics have more or less been refined into just a few little techniques of just planting tons of star fruit planting tons of pumpkins processing those and selling those and if was only a few days left in the season we’ll just buy crops that we know

Will grow in time for us to harvest before before the next season comes in before those crops are redundant so we’re get more radioactive bars today get iron bars things are looking pretty good for us now at the moment we now have a lot of iron bars and copper bars

And wood to make more cakes I’m going to get the community cleanup Quest today there was only one day to do it though because I totally forgot about it a few days ago cuz I was so fixated on doing the key quests and doing other things so

I spent a whole day fishing up at the bad house because you’re guaranteed to only get tra TR from this uh water that night I managed to fish up 20 pieces of trash in total completing the quest community cleanup this rewards me with 500 gold what a game

Changer the real reward will be what lonus gives us the next day I accidentally sold the wheat flow I totally forgot to convert that into bread not to worry though we still have lots more stuff to sell to complete the challenge the bread will not be a make

It or breaket for us I can guarantee you that I get the magnifying glass of cras today I also decided to take the cave Patrol Quest we’re CL here we’re going to kill some skeletons for him it’s just because I needed to farm more iron ores

So it would really make sense to kill skeletons when I’m farming ORS just to hit two birds with one stone back down into Ginger Island we’re pulling up more star fruit now today this is going to be another full star fruit batch to be processed it’s going to take a lot more

Kaks to get through it I do have a lot of star fruit in reserve so I can fill up the farm again straight away to keep the star fruit flowing we’re going to pick up another key Quest we have keys crop or Prismatic range there’s no way I

Was doing Keys crop I just didn’t have the space for it so I’m going to take the Prismatic range 100 of the red orange yellow green and blue items and purple of course and I’m going to show you a very easy trick now to get that Quest complete in the next few seconds

But first we’re going to process more iron ores into iron bars cuz we need a lot more iron bars to make a lot more cegs the usual story so for red we’re going to go with cherry bombs I didn’t really have anything else for red and I had lots of money for blue

We’re going with Georgia cers now if you don’t have the Georgia Mt unlocked want to Community Center Route you can just get Georgia cers from the col machine in the stard drop Saloon I’m collecting Oak resins now today uh but I’m not going to use those for green I’m going to use

Fiber instead for those we use sap for yellow it’s now time to process more starfruit into starfruit wines I was PR processing pumpkins to Pumpkin juices but because I had so much starf saved up from Ginger Island I decided to not use the pumpkins right now and just use the

Starf fruit instead the pumpkins can wait and we will only use the pumpkins once we have no starf fruit left it just means we can make more money that way so the rest of the day I spent just killing skeletons killing dust bries for coal

And if we see iron or we grab that as well it’s just an extra bonus for us so it was another a day of grinding out resources in St Val regular mines I was hoping to get the key quest to get the hardened version of the mines let’s see

What the next few weeks have in store for us in relation to key quests 6,000 gold isn’t bad for St 50 skeletons the GE Crusher is actually a really nice item if you make it in huge quantities and it’s great to spamming all of the

Omni GEOS or magma GEOS to see what kind of artifacts you can get from them you know so it’s actually makes for a very nice strategy when it comes to making huge profits with artifacts geoc Crusher is a must have for that so we’re slaying bugs today farming

Copper do I’m collecting bug meat because I’m going to use that for the key Quest so the items I’m putting in here now are fiber bug meat sap Georgia colas and cherry bombs and that’s an easy Quest complet it right there so with the rewards now I’m going to get

Pressure nozzles you get four pressure nozzles for 20 key gem so I’m going to get a couple of stacks of those and that will increase the range of my iridium sprinklers over on Ginger Island that means I can plant more starf fruit and make more money the heavy tappers are

Doing great they generate resin out just every couple of days I had to buy wood from Robin today because I was lacking on wood and I’ve kind of been neglecting the Quarry when it comes to blowing down trees wood is very cheap in year one anyway so I just spent a few hundred

Th000 gold got some stacks of wood off Robin and I built a shed as well to store more cakes into cuz I had lots of space now on the farm come winter and I wasn’t going to fill it up with crops or anything like that I also filled up the

Quarry with seeds so I didn’t have to buy more wood off Robin these trees will grow in winter as long as they’re fertilized I met almost 100,000 gold today primarily from selling aridium bars, 1500 gold pop the gold bars aren’t even that bad 375 gold and it’s so many

Gold ores it just made sense to smelt them and sell them because I wasn’t making any more quity sprinkers with gold bears and I didn’t really need gold bears for anything else at the moment so I just sold them for extra money the next day it was back to collecting Oak

Presents and that meant just one thing that’s right folks we’re making more cakes so all these cakes now are going to be placed in the newly built shade the Robin is building for us the desert is a nice place to go to get fores but also

To get some wood if you’re stuck for it and I was stuck for wood at the moment now I could buy more wood off Robin but I need to start to save now because we’re now in Winter and I needed to build up huge amounts of money if I was

Going to get the golden clock and all four warp alasks I decided to start a little winter forging Farm now just for something else to do while I was waiting for the ks to process all of the lovely Goods it was now time to enchant my

Fishing rod I got master that gives me an extra fishing skill which is great I also had the wild bait there’s a chance I can put up two fish instead of one and I’m going to spend the whole day pulling up lavs this is by far the best area in

The game for fishing if you come here with the wild bit with a trap bobber with an aridium Rod Enchanted up to the top you’re going to get tons of lava eels you could make easily over 150,000 gold a day from fishing so fishing end game is quite important when it comes to

Money making so I collected all the pumpkin juice in my greenhouse and need the fishing event today I lost this event because I was too focused on watching anime on crunchy roll and actually fishing but it doesn’t really matter because Willie only gives you a few little pieces that you can attach to

Your fishing rod so you know it doesn’t make a whole lot of difference in terms of how this challenge is going to turn out I did go to Sandy today though another huge batch of seeds right there 831 it was time for another Community Quest tropical fish so we have to catch

Five of each of the ginger Island specific fish that was the lion fish to Blue discus and the stingray but first we’re going to pull up all the lovely starf on Ginger Island and then plant a new healthy batch right back into the ground then was back to the Quarry I’m

Going to blow up all of these trees collect all the wood that means we’re now good to go for the next few batches of cakes that they become available the heavy tap ERS are doing their thing I also decided to pickaxe up all of these Sprinklers and I’m going to sell them to

Make money cuz I don’t need them anymore today we spent doing a tropical fish Quest now this Quest doesn’t give you a whole lot of gold but at the moment primarily I was just waiting for stuff to finish so I was just waiting on the cakes waiting on the tappers so I would

Just do all these extra chores just to kind of pass time I mean I could have just done a few tasks here and there and went to bed went into the next day but I wanted to make the most out of each day even if that meant just getting a few

Extra thousand gold it was still extra gold in my pocket and I really wanted to complete the challenge this time because I did attempt to get the go clock within 100 days in a previous 100 day challenge video but because I’ve done a lot more challenges I felt that my skills have

Been greatly enhanced and I felt that if I did a full year not only going to get the gold clock but I could get all four warp obelisks as well and we’re going to know now how well we did in the next few days because we’re now halfway through

Winter almost halfway through winter today was another day of fishing up lava eels 108,000 go lava eels are just trivial when it comes to fishing them up if you have all the fishing Parks the next day was time to pick up all of our lovely winter fares these would be

Converted back into winter wild seeds and they’d be put back into the ground and of course like the previous tree Seasons this method will be repeated over and over again until we end up with a giant farm of winter fables and because it was Winter it dawned me that

I actually didn’t catch the legendary fish of this season which was the glacier fish I caught it their first attempt it wasn’t that difficult but I have tried to catch this fish in the past and it can be depending on how RNG goes extremely difficult to catch it is as

Hard as the legend fish I also finished off the tropical fish Quest by getting the five Stingray today once they were caught I got 2500 gold off Willie he’ll also send me a fish tank the next day which makes for a really cool decoration all that was left now to

Finish off winter was to just get all of these items processed all of the star fruit all of the pumpkins make as many kegs as possible collect as much resources as I could to make as much kegs as possible I had Tre Farms set up

To make Oak resins I had lots of ores from there called Cavern runs it was time for the key Quest I wasn’t doing Keys craft there was let’s play a game which I’ve never been able to complete before you had to beat mer loser score to 50,000 I’m just going to show footage

Of one attempt um I’m going to speed it up here just to show me doing a few levels before I fail miserably so when it comes to beating Mar Lewis you only have one life if you die that’s it you have to start from the start if you

Collect all the fruit on each level you do get a massive bonus score at the end which is what you want you have to beat 50,000 so if you can get all the fruit on the first three levels you actually can get up to a good kind of between 35

And 40,000 when you get to level 4 four so you could potentially Beat It by just clearing four levels so I purchased spicy e after G today we’re preparing for the skull Cavern run and I got really lucky today and it this never happened before I got

Four holes in close proximity so I got down eight levels there it doesn’t matter what hole you take they’re all the exact same it’s time to get more resources aridium ores were definitely on the table today cuz aridium barrassed at for, 1500 gold to pop so the more

Aridium I got now the more money I can make and because we are now just past halfway through winter I just wanted to make as much money as possible now I just got one level there on that hole because it was on floor 99 and the game

Will always hard cap you on floor 100 before it kind of opens up the holes again for you the more Prismatic shards I got now the better they sell for really nice money and the next day of course the strawberries were back now I could have very easily swapped out these

Strawberries for starfruit and made even more money but the reason why I kept strawberries was because they only regrew every 4 days and there were times where I needed maybe 5,000 gold or 10,000 gold for a tool upgrade if I had star fruit inside the greenhouse inside the strawberries I’d be waiting maybe

You know 10 or 11 days for that starfruit to grow so I wouldn’t have the same access to money so my advice is to just keep the strawberries in the greenhouse for the whole year if you end up with millions of gold and you want to

Make a lot more you could then consider swapping out the strawberry for star fruit but it’s totally up to yourself you know everyone has their own different play Styles when it comes to making money in this game speaking of making money I had to take a speed buff

Now tonight to finish off planting all of the starfood before the day came to an end and we just managed to do that today the next day the tappers were ready again and all of the cakes on our lovely Ser Farm were ready to be collected I also went into the regular

Mines to smelt more ores in bars I was still making more cakes so this was pre going to be the last batch of cakes I was going to make because we’re almost finished winter and starfruit does take a very long time to make that’s 86 more

Cakes now I did buy more wood off Robin and at the time I was considering making more cakes but all I wanted to do for now was to just fill out the ginger Island farm with as much processing machines as possible and the beach here

At the bottom of your farm is a great place for processing machines because nobody comes down here so you can just fill it up with cakes you can’t grow crops down there so you might as well process machines down there in my opinion I went with four precious stones

Today for the keys quests 40 key gems for completing that and I had tons of Prismatic shards I at 420,000 gold today primarily just from selling aridium of bars 278 in total from doing all those called Cavern runs today it was harvesting lovely winter fables and I

Pick those all up turn them all into winter wild seeds and I’m going to plant them stra back down in the farm I had quality sprinklers to burn so I just took some out of chest and put it back down in the ground now at this stage in

The game I wasn’t really thinking about making any more cakes but I did create a backup plan just in case and I said you know what I’m going to make one more Tree Farm in the Quarry just in case I needed more wood very quickly and I

Didn’t want to go to Robin and buy wood we needed wood in a pinch so I gave Mr key for prismatic shards got some key gems off him it was time to treat myself to some Hoppers I purchased fire Hoppers now I didn’t purchase them to use them I

Purchased them to deconstruct them because you get back a radioactive bar every time you deconstruct a hopper and if you have the the blacksmith perk you get 4,500 gold for each radioactive bar so basically one hopper is worth 4,500 gold if you have a deconstructor and that’s really nice money especially if

You had tons of key gems if you tons of deconstructors and if you have tons of Hoppers you can make loads of money very quickly the rest of day was been processing then it was back up to the volcano dungeon fishing at the summit pulling up lav

Yields for even more money and as you can see our money is growing slowly but surely of 800,000 gold are now at the moment time for another key Quest Keys hungry Challenge and this is a tough one because you have to get down 100 floors without taking any consumables the trick

Here is to take Buffs before you go into the skull Cavern and if you need health in the skull Cavern you can actually get it from Ken SL the big slimes but I’ll show footage of that now in a second I bought bombs here after dwarf just so I

Could blow some ores up and I went down to farm iron ores in the regular mines today just to prep so I can make more bombs for Keys hungry challenge that we’re going to do the next day so today was just day of farming iron ores the next day we’re doing Keys

Hungry challenge I got a lovely hat there now this is a large slime with a heart inside it that gives you back 10 Health that’s how you accumulate health Health when you’re doing Keys huner challenge you just kill those big slimes because I got the secret letter that

Says come down to floor 100 I got um aridium juice there that increases my health by 25 that was really nice so that’s a really nice prize when he gets a floor 100 and other time now when you get to floor 100 you just get a treasure

Chest instead so today was a great day I got loads of rores loads of Prismatic shards loads of gold loads of iron loads of copper didn’t need iron or Copper any any more I just wanted the rium ores now I want the Prismatic shards to sell for

Gold so I’m going to process all these ores now into bars sell these going to convert all of these pumpkins out into pumpkin juices because I run out of starfruit believe it or not I finally caught up all the star fruit is gone now I do have some grown on Ginger Island

But for now we just have pumpkins and that’s what we’re going to process into pumpkin juice we’re going to go to the lovely statue of uncertainty switch up to farming profession again get Artisan cuz you want to start selling our wines out to see how much money we’re going to

Get we’re also going to attend the um the winter start event going to give Alex a prismatic Shard he’s super happy giving NPCs loved gifts at this event gives you a huge friendship multiplayer absolutely huge so I got Penny um Penny was my secret Center she can be a ruby

Not too bad got Alex up to 2 and a half heart just giving him one gift that’s how good the winter start event actually is this is going to be a very last star fruit Harvest on Ginger Island so I wasn’t going to process all these star

Fruits in time because there’s only two days left in the challenge so all of those star fruits will be sold all of these aridium bars will be sold it’s now time to start selling stuff cuz we’re almost finished all of these thousands upon thousands of pumpkins you know I

Didn’t get to process these cuz I was so busy processing the starford over on Ginger Island so I’m just going to sell all the pumpkins the way they are now I I do have the farming Park where crops are wor 10% more that is a must have especially if you’re selling thousands

Of crops I do deconstruct my warp totems I get honey back for that all of these orak resins that I’m collecting now will also be sold there’s no point making more cegs now you know cuz we’re so close to finishing so we’re going to blow all the trees out in the Quarry

We’re going to sell all the wood we’re going to sell everything we have cuz I want to see how much money I can make in year one that’s the whole essence of this Challenge and because we’re now so close to completing the challenge it’s a very exciting time for me especially

When I was playing through it myself cuz at this moment in time I didn’t know how much money I was going to make I made 2.1 million gold today just from selling raw materials pumpkins star fruit but look at the star fruit unprocessed a gold star star fruit 1,237 gold that’s

Crazy money all together and that’s why starfruit is unrivaled when it comes to crops in this game the starf fruit Isa probably one of if not the best Money Maker crop in the game today we’re collecting items from kegs we’re not filling up the kegs though M’s going to

Pickaxe up all of these Sprinklers and sell them I’m going to sell everything today was going to be spent just selling stuff look at all these things here these are going to be used to make warp obis I have a little chest over here now filled up with items needed to make the

Four warp oblisk I 3 million gold on me that’s enough to complete one of the golds set out in this video which was to make four warp oblisk so these warp obis look a little bit different to the ones you see because of a mod that we’re

Using and I think the mod is the Japanese buildings mod correct me if I’m wrong in the comments but I think that is the mod that is responsible for making those two of the four ois look a bit different but that is the first goal completed four warp oblisk have been

Purchased what we have to do now is accumulate over 10 million million gold to make the gold clock and at this stage in the game I just don’t think I have enough resources to actually make it but we will know for sure at the end of this

Day when we sell all of these wines that we have accumulated we also have to remember that we now have the Artisan Park we have stacks of staford wine and pumpkin juice was time to send them all to Pierre to see what we’re going to

Get and there we have it folks we did it we met over 11 million gold we could get the gold clock what and achievement to play one year of this game and unlock the gold clock plus four warp obelisks what a flex if you know I’m not trying to flex but in all

Fairness it is quite the achievement and I don’t think many content creators could pull off such a feat of course it’s not a challenge to any content creators out there but still 17 M 328,000 gold made on the ultimate Farm in year one thanks everyone for watching

My video if you’ve stuck with it this far thanks a million for watching I really appreciate it and I really appreciate you for taking the time to watch my content so stick around subscribe to the channel if you like content like this cuz there’s going to

Be a lot more in the future I hope you have a great day I hope you have a great week and I’ll see you in the next video bye for now I played 100 days of staru valy but I used the randomizer mod hello everybody this is gamer gar welcome back

To another 100 day St Valley challenge the goal for this video is simple to complete as much of the game as possible however the randomizer mod won’t make it that simple for us as the mod changes an absolute ton of in-game mechanics some of the changes include a lot of the

Recipes in the game now need entirely different materials to craft professions have been slightly randomized where you are not guaranteed to learn specific recipes upon reaching certain profession levels the cost of a lot of the crops you can purchase in staru Valley have now been dramatically randomized as well

As the resources needed for construction with Robin NPC Sprites have also been swapped around and this will make for a much more interesting gameplay especially when it comes to locating and interacting with a lot of the Stu Valley NPCs there are just some of the changes that this randomization mod includ

Cludes there is however a huge array of changes that we just don’t have time to cover in the intro but we will find out exactly what these changes are as we delve into the video and get on with the challenge don’t forget to like And subscribe to the channel if you enjoy

100 day style content such as this I really do appreciate your effort and thanks so much to all my channel members for your continued support I really do appreciate it it is day number one and we start by cutting down some trees planted some crops and we we attempt to

Make our first chest of the challenge only to find out that the chest requires Stone and slime this is a huge problem for us as we can only get Slime by day number five when we get access to the mines this means it’s going to be very

Challenging in order to keep items and also purchase new items when it comes to making game progression upon entering the shop we noticed that may Lewis has now taken over from Pierre who knows maybe Mar Lewis will do a much better job but tulip’s here are going for six

Gold prices of all DRS have been randomized because the chips were so cheap I spent all my gold on Chups getting a grand total of 94 ready to be planted we noticed Leah here on the beach her Sprite has swapped with Elliot which is actually hilarious and we also

Locate haly taking pictures she swapped with Pam oh look Haley now your personality matches your looks because it was day number one it was time to explore staru Valley and what I’ve noticed here was there was wild plums on the ground the problem here is that I wasn’t getting spring

Fares I was getting fall of fbls and that’s going to be a massive problem when it comes to using te saplings L if you want to make tons of money the next day is spent just primarily fishing though because of the randomizer mod the difficulty of certain fish has been

Randomized so extremely deadly fish to catch could be extremely easy fish vice versa on the third day it was raining skulls thankfully it was just a visual effect the skulls didn’t actually have any sort of physical effect on my character because it was raining we could still get the catfish which was

Great the difficulty of the catfish didn’t seem to waver that much it was back to pulling up vbl now I was actually getting a lot of fall fables but I needed a very high forging skill to turn fall fbl into fall wild seeds so it looks like at this rate tea saplings

Were not going to be on the table for us we would have to use other in-game methods to make money I dropped off a few artifacts at the Museum and then it was on to pick up the first batch of parsnips that we got from for free on

The first day this gave me a level up in farming which was nice was then time to water up the crops and get on with the rest of the day because it was day number five the mines were now open and the priority were slimes the first enemy

To encounter was actually a rock crab which is fairly uncommon I just needed some slime to make a chest and I wanted that chest made as quickly as possible once I could put some chests down on the farm I can start properly sorting items and freeing up my very limited inventory slash

It was time to go back to the farm put down some chests and make some progression but before that I hit level 10 in the mindes and I picked up the leather boots it looked like at this moment in time that the chest rewards were not randomized I noticed the wizard

Wasn’t in his Tower instead Sebastian has taken over the place I never knew Sebastian to be a seeker of the Arcane truths but nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to this randomizer mod I managed to pick up two of the four spring fores but there was no sign of

Dandelion or leaks to be found anywhere back into the mines we are making some pretty good progression we still had our Rusty sword but I wasn’t too worried about that we would get better weapons eventually any copper I come across I would stop and prioritize that as I was

Pretty sure later on copper would be needed especially for cegs to level 20 we get to steal small Sword and the next day it is time to get our first massive batch of tulips now I wasn’t getting huge money gains or XP from these tulips because there was so many tups I should

Get just about enough money where I can make some decent progression Early In Spring by day seven I had almost 13,000 gold which is pretty good some of that money went towards a backpack upgrade so I can get more free inventory slots I was considering spending the rest of my

Money on just julip then I realized I wouldn’t have enough time or energy or any sort of resources to plant them all in one day level three farming finally rewarded me with the Scarecrow that I needed so desperately as the crows were having a field day and and all my lovely

Tulips some wood and mixed seeds were required to make a scarecrow that wasn’t too bad at all it was time to get a coupe and the reason why I wanted to go down the route of a coupe so early is because I just couldn’t rely on crops or

Te saplings a sure free way to make decent money especially early in the game is to stock up on chickens and use mayonnaise was then back to mines making some good progression got down to the dark floors here and it was raining skulls the next day we were smelting

Bears to make a furnace I needed copper clay and wood the challenge here was actually getting clay and Clay isn’t something that you can get in huge abundance when it comes to early farming unless you use clay farming but we didn’t want to cheat in this challenge

It’s time to get Clint to break up with some geod you never know there’s always a chance you might get some clay off geod if not we would get some decent Museum rewards regardless was then back to pulling up some catfish I got a dress spinner here and that was sell for a

Pretty nice 500 gold because we had some money left over I decided to get some early upgrades done Clint will upgrade my axe to a copper axe it was then back to the community center and you guessed it we won’t be going the Georgia Road in this run instead we’re going to

Challenge ourselves and go the community center route we actually managed to complete the fall foraging bundle as the first forging bundle for this challenge because of the randomizer mod and that was actually quite interesting I also purchased some chickens off Mary they were still on 800 gold to pop so we

Could get loads of chickens no problem back to Clint picked up my copper ax but we’re not finished there we’re going to go to Robin and we are going to construct another building this time we’re going to go with the silo so if we get rainy days it won’t be the end of

The world for our fabulous chickens it was end back to pulling up more fables from around the map if I could make more fall seeds I could potentially make a lot of tea saplings I also picked up Robin’s last Axe and I found where the wizard was hiding it was in Sebastian’s

Bedroom the wizard was our new social Quest we were going to to try and marry the wizard in this Challenge and have tons of little wizard kids back into the mines I picked up the slingshot on floor 40 I also got down to flor 50 today and

I got tund boots so as far as the randomizer mod goes it didn’t actually to my current knowledge randomize any of the chest rewards Demetrius smelled the money and he visits us the next day we’re going to go with the Batcave because we’re going the community center

Route in the Batcave does make life a little bit easier if we get lucky with pomeg gamits at and things like that it was back to pulling up our tulips and then it was off to the lovely Easter event and we were going to get some lovely strawberry seeds so I had an

Offered 120 strawberry seeds I was hoping to sell the Chups but then I remembered you can sell items to event Benders which was unfortunate I then spent a gred of time today hoing up some of the grass to get hay for my chickens and then we were going to pay the

General Store another visit just to get the last few items that we needed to complete some of the spring bundles such as parps beans and potatoes once those items were purchased it was after Clint to get more tool upgrades done we were going to push the pickaxe this time to a

Copper pickaxe so we can make smoother progression in the mines it was then up to Lake area where we were doing more fishing the next day it was raining skulls again it was time to check on our newly acquired chickens and our chickens had now all fully grown up and they were

Laying eggs which was great these chickens would lay eggs every single day and these eggs could be converted into mayonnaise for the pretty nice profit indeed once the chickens were attended to it was then time to purchase some mayonnaise machines now in order to make these we needed Stone slime and

Amethysts thankfully I had enough amethysts to make four mayonnaise machines but in order to make more we would have to delve back down into the mines and hopefully with the luck of Yoba we’d be able to get more amethysts to make more lovely mayonnaise as a rule

Of Dum and because we didn’t have our pickaxe it just made sense to do more fishing today and get more catfish because catfish are probably one one of the most if not the most profitable fish apart from the legend that you can get in spring so if it was rain and skulls

We were pulling up catfish we then went back to the blacksmith Clint we got our lovely copper pickaxe but why stopped there we had the funds and we had the resources to upgrade our copper pickaxe to a steel pickaxe we were working on Caroline for the tea saplings now we

Didn’t have a whole lot of daffodil to give her so I was just given her other bits and Bobs instead it would mean that it would take much longer to get Carin up to two hearts to get to te saplings but I’m a very patient farmer and I knew

We would get there eventually because I had the BRZ ax I could now take care of all of the small tree stumps on my farm accumulating hardwood which gives lots of forging XP and the more forging XP we can get early on the faster we can make tree fertilizers and grow giant tree

Farms for all sorts of future projects it was time to give Penny a catfish because she asked for one in the bulletin board as a reward we were going to get a whopping 600 gold and that was a really nice quest to get there off Penny I then got my steel pickaxe back

Off Clint was time to make some good mind progression with that it was hi’s birthday today and I decided to give her the par snip and she was super happy with that she had great time for me at the moment spoke to Haley again told me

To go away she way too many caramel Porters at the saloon last night oh how far you falling Haley it was back into the mines I managed to kill an elite black slime and I got a magnet ring that was actually a very nice upgrade at that

Moment in time we were then into the middle section of the mines we were getting some iron ores I came across a mystery note here but it only yielded a topz down to floor 70 we get the master slingshot that will come in handy later

On in the challenge and because I had so much money on me at the moment I decided to get the last bpack upgrade the deluxe pack it was then after Robin to get a coupe upgrade this time we’re going to go with the big CPE it needed wood Stone

And iron bars thankfully I had plenty to Speare it was then finally time to get the tea saplings off carine we finally pushed her two hearts but because of the way far was worked now with the randomizer mod we couldn’t really Bank on the tea saplings to make tons of

Money because we couldn’t have giant foraging Farms I did fix the bridge to the tide pools though and finished off the crap hot bundle resulting in three lovely free crap Hots having a look at the te saplings the recipe cast didn’t change two of any wild seed five fiber

And five wood the challenge there is the mass accumulation of wild seeds randomizer makes that incredibly difficult not to worry though if we get bits and Bobs of wild seeds that are on in the video we can always make tea saplings then if we need quick bursts of

Cash for now we would have to play the game without utilizing the overpowered tea saplings our first big batch of strawberries were ready to go because we didn’t have tea saplings the strawberries were going to save today we were going to get tons of money I’m selling all these lovely strawberries I

Also got my first harvest of cauliflower as well which was nice it was then after the pantry and it was time to almost finish off the spring crops bundle I was just waiting on that lovely green bean that we’ll have ready to go in a few

Days back down into the mines and we got very lucky there with a diamond on floor 73 I was graced with a huge amount of iron which was good to have on floor 80 I picked up the fireworker boots and on floor 82 we got super lucky with a

Mushroom floor lots of red mushrooms to be picked up that’s born as fares for us and we could also sell the red mushrooms to make extra money on floor 90 we picked up the obsidian Edge that was a massive weapon upgrade that we badly needed at this stage of the game level

Six Farine awarded me with lots of cool recipes but it did not give me the quality sprinkler so I started to panic a little bit not to worry though the next day I checked out my crafting recipes and I actually had the quty sprinkler there to make it though I need

40 wood and one regular sprinkler so to make a regular sprinkler I needed wood and I also needed slime all I can say for now is May Yoba bless those slimes cuz I certainly wasn’t it was time for a slime Massacre to make tons of sprinklers it was back to Clint we were

Going to get more tool upgrades we’re going for the steel axe so we can get access to lots more hardwood early on it was then time to finish up all of the berer room bundles I had all of the mats Acquired and this would unlock the fast

Traing for us around statue Valley which is going to save us a ton of time we also get some pretty nice rewards including a furnace and I really appreciated the furnace because they’re much more difficult to make because of the randomizer mod down to floor 100 in

The mindes I got my first star drop of the challenge I was very happy about that a floor 102 it was a Double Diamond floor that was the first diamond and just North was the second Diamond 150 XP for each one plus 750 for each Diamond

Bring on the XP bring on the money I noticed Vince was in Jess’s room today found that quite strange but you know what maybe they just decided to swap kids because they were sick of them you know how it goes with parenting right back down into the mines and I was

On floor 112 and the goal here was just to get to skull key so we can start doing some nice skull Cavern runs on floor 20 I sure enough got the skull key not and fishy there with the randomizer M we were now on the 24th and we were

Getting there with spring got some gold Bears today decid to water up all these crops I had a few sprinklers planted on the ground and I do plan on making a lot more once I get more slime so it was time to go to the lovely flower dance

Today now I managed to get some daffodils and dandelions today just to have some spring forers cuz you never know I might get lots next season I could make lot of tea saplings then also picked up the rarecrow along with the top of flow’s recipe and then we had

This hilarious scene we had Elliot trying to dance but you know he was doing his best pulling it off Leah was having a great time totally in the Rong queue we had line and he was looking absolutely awesome there with Penny and then we finally had a lovely father and

Daughter relationship the wizard and Abigail just look at them go I also noticed Pierre with Mary and I thought something felt a bit suspicious there with that as well so I went back to Clinton today picked up my steel axe I can now get into the secret Woods to

Start farming some hardwood which was great went up to Mar to get some supplies but R going to get some animals this time because we had the coupe upgraded I was going to get some ducks instead of chicken duck mayz is quite profitable and it also means that I have a lot more

Variety when it comes to completing Community Center bundles and other challenges into the secret Woods I was getting Chantels and other goodies I was also getting the lovely hardwood stumps which will give me 25 XP a pop and lots of hardwood it was then time to pick up

The next and last batch of strawberries along with a huge amount of chicken eggs and all these will be converted into mayonnaise that’s going to be a nice money booster right there it was an after the pantry and we’re going to donate that that green bean getting us

20 speaker in the process I had just about enough money to unlock all of the Vault bundles this means I can now access the desert and do skull Cavern runs and I can even get into Sandy shop as well get all the goodies she has to offer the crystarium there as a reward

Is always worth it that can be generate Jades for staircases for future skull Cavern runs it was then back to fishing because I wanted to get money so I could have a good start of the summer I wanted lots of money to purchase lots of drops that night the junimos did their magic

And fixed up the bus the next day it was straight back to fishing again to get even more money and when we were done with all the fishing it was then time to prepare for a skull Cavern run before we hit summer so I spent a good deal of

Time pulling up tons of fish today I got 105 XP for that bream because I got a perfect catch plus a treasure chest I also purchased an aridium Rod off willly hair along with a trap bobber because we were going to go for the legend I did so

Much fishing in spring I actually managed to get level 10 in fishing so I could take a crack at the legend the legend actually wasn’t that difficult at all nowh near the difficulty of the glacier fish in my opinion and for that I was going to get

11,250 gold it was then back into Alex’s hair instead of Gus they did a Switcheroo and it was time to buy some salads those salads were coming super handy in the skull Cavern now I attempted a skull Cavern run today it did not go well I literally only made it

Down three or four levels and then I had to call it because luck was just not on my side I didn’t have bombs and I just didn’t have the resources to do a decent run at all but we will go back into skull Cavern soon enough so I started

Getting dandes today in summer which wasn’t very favorable for us and I was also getting David as well thank you very much randomizer M so if this season is anything like spring what it just means is that we can’t Mass produce tea saplings I could however purchase one of

Each of the summer crops no problem and we’re going to go with hops for summer cuz there were 62 gold a pop and once the Hops fully grow we can Harvest them every single day and pale ale is absolutely nothing to be snuffed at it

Is an amazing Money Maker not as good as starfruit but I wanted to change things up in this challenge instead of going the usual starfruit route all the time so we are going to be going the Hops route in this Challenge and we are going to be making thousand

Of pale alses now in order for us to make pale alses we needed hundreds and hundreds of kegs it was time to make some tree farms it was also time to clear out the farm get rid of all the debris collect all the resources and plant some acorns once I hit faring

Skill level S I will learn the tree fertilizer and that will exponentially increase the grow rate of all our trees I was also picking up wild the horse radishes too and all I needed now were leaks and I could actually make some te saplings no problem at all it was in

Back two of the secret woods and we were farming hardwood stumps all of the hardwood will comeing Super hand around especially if you want to get to Ginger Island I also had a crack at the legendary Crimson fish today he wasn’t too hard and for the rest of the day we

Spent Just Fishing up super cucumbers and another bits and Bobs super cucumbers are absolutely amazing when it comes to selling and also eating it was then time to get the first harvest of eggs they’ll come in super handy for mes for profits and also the duck egg for

The animal bundle I then decided to move my Coupe down to an area here where there was tons of grass reason for this was that the chickens weren’t going that far to eat the grass and that was costing me money and it was also making the chickens disgruntled so sometimes

They wouldn’t lay eggs I also got robing to build a barn cuz we were going to get some cows and the more variety of animals ah had I felt the more advantages I would have especially if the randomizer decides to turn around next season and do some something really

Weird that could jeopardize how well I could do on this challenge so it was no harm getting the huge different types of animals that would generate all different kinds of items for me in order to make bombs I needed gold ores and sap that is actually very difficult because

Even if you go to Scot Cavern I find that iron ores are much more common than gold ores so it might turn out that we just have to buy bombs off the dwarf instead of trying to make the bombs I finally got the recipe for tree fertilizers and then just needed Stone

And fiber which was the same as per usual so that was really good it was in time to fertilize all of our lovely acorns and it was straight back to skull caved for a rematch and this run we did so much better than the last because we

Came down slightly more prepared we had a lot more healables we had a lot more bombs and we had a lot more luck on our side we got nice rewards lots of rores and other goodies that we can sell to make even more money so this time it was

Time to look at how to make tappers and the cast of tappers was slightly different we needed wood and refined quartz thankfully I had tons of Fire Quartz there to turn into refined quartz and then it finally happened I picked up my first leak of the challenge and I was

So excited because now I could complete another Community Center bundle a taste you relative of the onion the leak it was time to go into the craft room complete the spring forging bundle and as a reward I would get dir free spring wild seeds so because we were summer I

Couldn’t plant these in the ground and exploit them but I could turn them into tea saplings and sell those for the couple K in the pocket I also completed the construction bundle as well got a charal kle so I had enough resources there to make 15 te saplings and that

Wasn’t too bad that’s 7 and 1 12,000 gold ready to go for tomorrow so I was super happy with that was then back to pulling up more fish super cucumbers all the way they’re just so profitable I also got 10,000 gold for Mr key the next

Day for making a pass floor 25 in Cavern I also collected some aridium bars and it was off to Marie to purchase some cows for our newly built Barn so things were looking up it was also time to complete the Exotic forging bundle because I managed to grab the coconut

And the cactus fruit while I was out in the desert it was then time to finish off the Aran bundle thanks to our lovely bat cave and also thanks to the mummies for dropping cloth for me inside skull Cavern the reward was a cake I was super

Happy there it was then back to Robin and this time we were going to get a deluxe Coupe the requirements were slightly more expensive almost 22,000 gold wood Stone and five iron bars we had those resources easy enough though so that wasn’t a huge challenge at all

It was back down into the regular mines and I was farming gold ores for bombs cuz I really wanted to do an car and run I was also a f and fiber and other bits and pieces as well I made 60 tappers today enough to tap up all of our lovely

Oak trees so we can start getting some nice Oak resins so when the time comes to transfer the Hops into lovely Pals we would have the resources to do so it was time to upgrade our pickaxe to a gold pickaxe and I decided to incubate a dinosaur egg because I managed to pick

One up in the skull Cavern just so we have that dinosaur mayonnaise ready to go if we get far later on in the challenge I fished up at doraa today that is by far the rarest fish in summer it took me so long to get it so so long

I also got to sturgeon the next day I need that for the L out to get the best results I fished up a few of those too cuz I will need caviar later on for the challenge as well I also pulled up the wood skip because I am aming to capture

Every fish in the game so I can get that nice star drop off wheelie later on got my gold pickaxe back off Clint but we weren’t finished there this time we’re going to give him our axe to upgrade to a gold axe it was then time to go to the

Luau and I added the sergeon to the soup that yielded the best result from the governor and that’s going to get me lots of friendship points with a lot of the staru valley NPCs it was finally time to harvest the first batch of crops and there was so many crops to harvest I

Know there’s probably way better ways that I can set up these trellises but when it comes to trellises I am a total Noob trellises are my weakness so this is the best I could do in terms of a first or second attempt of using trellises but all these hops are super

Profitable the pale a that you get from hops is just absolutely amazing we are going to make hundreds of thousands of gold from converting those hops into p and then in the paleale went down to the mines to collect the fish that I needed for the fishing collection started with

The ghost fish then I managed to get the ice pip slightly more challenging but not impossible it was then down to floor 100 to get the difficult lava eel the great thing about gold star lava eels with the right fishing perks sell for over 1,500 gold lava eel fishing is

Actually a very nice way to make money it was then time to make cegs and I was slapped in the face by the randomizer mod these CS PS required wood sap and fish no Oak resins to be seen hence the tree farm I made was a total waste of time and

Energy so when I wanted to make hundreds of cakes I would need hundreds of fish to make a crab pot I needed a gold bar and 10 void Essence I mean it just wasn’t happening I could not mass produce crab pots there’s no way I could Farm hundreds of void Essence every

Single day unless I had a very unique setup which I did not have I was forced to purchase crap pot off Willie so I could make cakes so I get those lovely PES there was no other choice I’m afraid eventually we can go the road of monster

Musk with a really good offensive Bill and try to get white Essences that way but for now we would just have to stick to Willie we’re also working on the wizard here trying to get his friendship points up because we wanted to marry the wizard and have lovely magical kids it

Was in time to finish off the summer crops bundle the reward a quality sprinkler thank you very much it was back to Robin cons constructing more structures this time though I wanted to get a shade because I just wanted some nice order to my farm somewhere I could

Store my lovely cakes I got my gold axe off Clint I was super happy there I had 23,000 gold ready to go I decided to upgrade the watering can just to make life a little bit easier for me when we get into fall it was back down to the

Beach and Vincent was having a great time pointing up and down I accidentally gave Jess some bit she wasn’t depressed but I thought to myself you know what maybe lonus wouldn’t mind if I give him bit he would surely use it or maybe eat it himself he wasn’t impressed either he

Said he just don’t get it but you know what I don’t get people going to trash cans every night ID Linus or maybe I do it was then time to get all that Oak risen I would end up just selling that Oak resin because I couldn’t really use

It for anything else I did very well in the back cave though got some oranges they make for a nice gift for someone I also got the last Apple I needed to complete the F bundle resulting in a lovely new reward the heater that will come in handy in Winter to keep our

Animals nice and warm I finally had enough resources to make 36 cakes it wasn’t enough by a long shot to keep on top of the amount of hops that we were going to get on a daily basis but it was a start level 10 farming of course we

Would select Artisan then it was back to Robin and it was time to get some wood I needed hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of wood to make a lot more cakes once all of the cakes have been placed it was time to just sit and wait

For the money to roll in now hops aren’t anything like star fruit hops require much less time in a cake to give you back an artisan good now of course starfruit is much more profitable starfruit is very very difficult to beat but you know what pale L is absolutely

Nothing to be snuffed at the next day I got the ow statue super lucky there going to put that up for good luck and it was time to get our first batch of pale alses on average we can get a full batch of pale L’s every day and a half

And one pale ale would sell for 420 gold one hop sells for only 27 gold that is a huge huge profit margin right there because I made so many cakes I didn’t have enough space in my small shade so I put some more cegs just left at a bus stop

72,2 40 gold ready to go we now had 85,000 gold I also checked out the traveling cart Merchant today I got super lucky the red cabbage seed was ready to go it took 9 days to grow I had just about enough time to grow it

But just to make sure I would get that red cabbage before summer was out I put down a Delux speo with it as well was time for more upgrades with Clint this time we’re going to go with the steel watering can then it was back to Robin to get another structure upgrade we’re

Going to go with the big this time and it was just 550 wood 300 Stone the usual story there it was then back to cocap Forest and our mission was wood so we could make more cegs so just cutting down all of the trees that we saw having

Exhausted most of the trees on our farm it was then back to converting hops into pale and you will see a lot of this because it doesn’t take that long for hops to turn into pale l so the oak resins weren’t doing me much good so I

Decided to just get rid of my lovely Tree Farm here and take the wood instead to turn into cakes it was then after to Mary I was going to purchase some rabbits now I want rabbits for two reasons the first was the rabbit’s feet that they drop and amazing loved gifts

And the second they can drop wool I could turn that and clot later on if I wanted to make some special clothes so my dinosaur finally hatched that would be future dinosaur mayonnaise off him no problem then we were converting aridium ores into aridium bars now I did a

Little bit of a mistake here whatever way I put down my shed I was blocking off some of my furnaces so I would have to move those furnaces eventually maybe into the mines to give myself more space to smelt ores I made 22 more CS today I

Had lots of fish from the the crab pots so I could make a lot more cakes put them into my large shade the more cakes I could make the more money I would make because I was getting so many hops every single day I had thousands and thousands

Of hops ready to be converted into lovely alcohol it was then back to Rob to purchase more wood and I also upgrade my barn to a big barn so I can get a much bigger variety of animals it was then back to my shade and I was

Converting hops into paleale then it was back to Clint to get my steel watering can but it wasn’t finished there because I had so many idium bears and because I had the money I decided to take the idium pickaxe that means I can one-hot the noord in future Scot car runs my

Pale L was the Talk of the Town Alex here/ gust saying hey so I picked up a pale L at the store last night Grandma met her special casserole a Quest from Sebastian the wizard he wanted an iron bar I of course will oblige because this lovely wizard here will be thankful and

The more friendship points I can accumulate the faster I can get married the faster I can have magical wizard kids five hearts out of eight we were making good progress and even the wizard was talking about my lovely pale L that I sold to the General Store it was sent

Back to the desert fished up a scorpion carb and a sandfish with the fishing collection I also needed the sandfish though for the speciality fishing bundle so that was a must I was taking a nice warm cozy stroll to sarus today I noticed Vincent acting a bit weird he

Kept pointing upwards and I thought to myself maybe just maybe there’s a secret behind the trees but no he was just counting I then met Sebastian the wizard SL wizard number two and it seemed that he was enjoying the lovely Arcane energies All Around The Wizarding Tower

Was then back to cutting down trees getting more wood to make more cakes we also back to Clint today for the usual aridium pickaxe that was on the best pickaxe we could get in the game why sto there though we had the bars we had the

Money it’s time to upgrade our axe to an aridium axe it was CU then after rubbing to construct more buildings this time though we were going to go with the Delux Barn that means we can get pigs so the barn was very expensive especially the 65 hardwood that hurt but not to

Worry we’re going to plant loads of mahogany seeds down here now and the hard will coming super handy off these later on but that’s not the only reason we’re planting mahogany seeds you’ll find out in a few days why I’m planting so many back down to the skull Cavern it

Was an absolutely magnificent run got a crystal got some Prismatic shards got some great progress down all together and I got so much idium ore that it’ll probably do me for the rest of the challenge when it comes to Tool upgrades speaking of upgrades it was finally time to upgrade

Our weapon to one of the best weapons you can get pre Ginger Iden of course and that was the Galaxy sword and because we now had the Galaxy sword we could easily beat most of the enemies the game had to offer back into the mines today just to smell some aridium

Ores into bars and then it was the processing of yet more hops into pale alss bring on the money it was then time to purchase an absolute ton of wheat seeds because you guessed it come fall our primary money-making crop will be wheat it was time to purchase a wizard

Couch I wanted to sprice up my house a little because soon enough I was going to get married and when the wizard moved into my house I wanted it to feel very Arcane for the wizard in the hopes that he would be inclined to have kids with

Myself it was then time to do more fishing I got the octopus finally I needed that before fall just so I could complete all of the fishing collection I was very happy to get that I had the puffer fish as well that completed the speciality fishing bundle there was just

A few fish left to actually complete there was the eel that I needed to get and there was also the Walley it was the last day of summer and this was going to be the very last Harvest of hops that we were going to get once all of the Hops

Were harvested it took me the whole day to get rid of all the trellises and to replace them with wheat cuz I didn’t want to have to rehold the ground come fall having the steal watering can did help out in terms of getting everything watered before the day came to an end

And I got it done just by the skin of my teeth our house was now upgraded it was slightly larger so I had a lot more room to do stuff it also had a cooker so I could cook some items as well for Community Center bundles it was then

Time to visit the general store and I was going to sell on the PES to start with and I got the achievement there millionaire so we’re the first to fall now and we’ve already made over 1 million gold so we’re not doing too bad especially if you look at the fact that

We didn’t use star fruit m going to purchase some corn here some pumpkins and I’m also going to get eggplant and a yam for the community center bundles as well the reason why I got 50 pumpkins is because I needed at least five gold star pumpkins to complete the quality crops

Bundle also got my idium ax off Clint thank you very much Clint for the rest of the day it was just spent planting crafts on the farm prepping it for a very interesting in season indeed I also made the mai roll that was quite easy to

Make along with the fried egg I had tons of eggs ony from the chickens so the fried egg posed no challenge either and they were also for Community Center bundles because we were now invol we could now take on the lovely Community quests the first one we’re going to go

With is Robin’s resource rush we just needed to acquire 1,000 pieces of stone now it was very easy ways you can do this if you have a deconstructor you can just deconstruct staircases we didn’t have the L of deconstructors so we would have to do it the oldfashioned way but

First it was time to make more mayonnaise and complete more Community Center bundles I had the pomeg gramit and I also had the rabbit’s foot that was the enchants bundle complete five gold bars as a reward look at all of this lovely mayonnaise we get to collect

Today this was going to sell for tons of money I also got the tiger trout super happy there and I also picked up the C cucumber because I needed that for the fishing collection tiger trout was needed for a fishing bundle once the tiger CH was submitted that was the

River fish bundle done 30 bit as a reward all it was left was the night fishing bundle just needed an eat in a Walley for that one so I needed a Terrain to get those fish I also completed the animal bundle the reward was a cheese press very nice indeed

Because we will be making lots of cheese in this Challenge and all I needed now for the quality crops bundle was just the Goldstar corn and the gold star pumpkins which we will have in time it was time to work on the wizard a bit

More this time we had him on six out of be hearts and on the fourth of fall it was time to get our first batch of Wheat and all of this wheat will be converted into beer we are going to be beer farmers in fall and we are going to make

Tons of money from setting beer down the road it’s time to go back to Robin and this time we wanted to make another shade because we needed a lot more cakes because beer is something that gets processed very quickly in this game just over the day it would take for a wheat

To turn into a beer so we are going to have to come come into these sheds almost every single day and harvest the hundreds if not thousands of bear that we will be making it was now time to put tappers on these mahogany trees and what

They’re going to give back believe it or not is sap and the reason why I needed so much sap is because I needed to make a lot more cakes and the material requirement in this challenge for cakes was sap unfortunately it was then time to get the ball rolling with Robin’s

Resource Rush the best way to do this in my opinion is to just go down through the mines as you normally would but if you see the Big Stone chunks break them open because they give 10 Stone per chunk also if you see the gray rocks you

Get a good few Stone from those as well so as we can see I am getting lots of sap off these lovely mahogany tappers and they generate sap every single day and you get loads of sap this way and we needed thousands of sap to keep up with

The cake production we also went to Rin got the shut upgraded and it was time to convert even more hops into pale ale but these hops that we had wouldn’t last forever because the conversion had happened so fast we would be running out of hops in just a few short days and

Then it would be onto wheat processing into bear I also purchased a few pigs today because I didn’t want a bank on the traveling cart Merchant to bring up a truffle I wanted to guarantee my chances of completing the community center so I just purchased a few pigs

Because I could afford it I was extremely rich at the moment with over 625,000 gold getting to sap every day after mahogany tappers was just so nice I was also given the wizard ha/ Sebastian rabbit’s feet every time my rabbits were kind enough to sever their limbs so I finally learned the stone

Chest recipe thankfully it was just Stone needed to make that so making chests was now slightly easier because I had the wizard friendship maxed out I’m going to get the bouquet so we could get the ball rolling with marriage eventually The Wizard Of course will accept it was now becoming a reality

Where we get get to finally move in with a wizzard every 4 days we would have to do the life draining task of harvesting all this wheat and replanting them back down it was just so so tedious but you know what it is a fantastic money maker

And here we have a nice scene with the wizard Sebastian just looking out over the dark Horizon I also fished up in eel today which I needed for the fishing collection and also for the community center bundle so we’re going to take Robin’s project today 80 hardwood is

Needed that’ll be easy enough to get and we also fish up the walleye as well we now had all the fish needed to finally complete the fish tank so after donating the Walley and the eel the reward is a small gloring but the big reward for the

Fish tank will be the pan so we can now pan up stuff if we so wish the next day it was time to have a crack at the legendary fallfish the angler probably one of the easiest fish to catch in the game it was sent back to Clint but this

Time not to upgrade tools but to process geod and the reason why we wanted to process these geod is because I wanted to get down into the sores to make some game progression I also got Robin to upgrade my house yet again cuz I wanted

To make my house a little bit bigger so when the wizard moved in he’d feel right at home it was then back to farming all of the tree stumps into secret Woods to get hardwood for Robin’s Quest we also needed tons of hardwood for future projects as well the next day Gunther

Visited me and he was very happy with all the minerals and artifacts I was donating he gave me the key to the sords we could now go down and visit kobis and access these rare and exotic Goods we have officially run out of hops to put into these cakes we were now putting

Wheat into these cakes getting back bear and as you can see the profit margins are still quite good where we’re getting 280 gold for every single bear that we sell and it’s super easy to make bear in this game speaking of bears the pigs that I purchased weren’t actually Pig

Pigs they were bears as long as I could find truffles I didn’t care what they were they could be three-headed ponies for all I care speaking of which if you made it this far into the video just put into the comments treehead Pony and ask

Me any question you like I will try my best to reply and if you have gotten this far thanks so much for being invested in my videos I really do appreciate it if you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet just to remind you to hit that subscribe button it really

Helps me out back to the game I just fished up the mutant carp that is another legendary fish added to our fishing collection and it is back to sighten away all of the wheat on our farm you know the great thing about sting away all this wheat is the sheer

Amount of hay that we’re getting along the way we don’t even have to think about purchasing hair off Mary to keep our animals fed we had huge amounts of hair ready to go it was then back to our lovely Big Shed look at all the bear we

Were getting we also got our gold watering can of Clint why stopped there though it was time to finalize the upgrades and upgrade that watering can to an aridium watering can speaking of aridium we’re going to smelt more Ores into aridium bars and we can sell those

For a decent profit as well we’re also going to get the last house upgrade off Robin which will give us access to the casks that we need in order to complete the missing bundle later on in the challenge today it was raining so I petted all my animals and I was still

Working on the wizard here giving them more gifts to get them up to 10 Hearts so we can get married and I’ll say it again have lovely magical wizard kids it was back to harvesting even more bear now I purchased a wine off the chavel cart Merchant today because now I

Didn’t even have to think about getting wine any other way from the C cuz they were all being used up when it comes to bear and I could just put that wine into a cask to get a silver star wine for the missing bundle later on it was back to

The secret woods and we were cutting down more tree dumps to get even more hardwood for Robin’s Quest the next day it was time for the first batch of pumpkins I just needed one regular pumpkin and five gold star pumpkins and we got that no problem at all that was

Another bundle almost completed just needed the five Goldstar corn which we should have soon enough I did complete the fall crops bundle though as a reward I got the bee house that was back down to the wizard give him another rabbit’s foot God bless my poor rabbits and The

Wizard still wasn’t fully satisfied he was still 9 out of 10 Hearts we are processing milk now into cheese and we’re also processing eggs into mayonnaise and the day finally came where we could get all of the Corn I just needed Five Ghost AR corns and that

More or less done it right there I also put the wine into a cask the house was now fully upgraded we’re also going to put some cheese into The Cask here as well because aridium cheese not only sells for a great profit but it’s also

Amazing to eat cuz it gives you tons of health and energy we got first place at the Star Valley Fair I gambled my star tokens again but luck was that on my side because I had tons of money I just purchased the star tokens instead to get

The star drop the rear CW and other bits and Bobs that the star Val Fair Merchant had an offer today I just didn’t want to spend time pulling up fish to get more star tokens and then gambling those was back to Robin to construct this time a

Fish pond because I needed to get cavier and the only way to get that without using the traveling cart is to make a fish pond and put a sturgeon inside Pierre was having a nervous breakdown at the moment I think it finally got to him Caroline was in fact in love with Mar

Lewis sorry Pierre it was back to do another Community Center Quest this time we’re going to pick up fragments of the past I tried to get 100 pieces of bone for gun himself it was then back to the farm and we were sting up more wheat ready to be turned into lovely bear

Speaking of which these Bears have finally found some Choppers for me I was so happy that is not a community center bundle we could now complete the chef’s bundle was now done the reward was some pink cakes and R’s going to complete the quality crops bundle as well the reward

Was a preserve jar which will come in super handy for that caviar later on that was two rooms now completed with just one room remaining inside the community center we’re also going to unlock the greenhouse which is going to be super interesting as well we also picked up our aridium watering can from

Clint that was most of our tools now fully upgraded except of course for the trash can and the hall which we’re going to upgrade right now and that’s going to be a copper hole in the next few days so it was Mar’s birthday today G A rabbits

Foot but I wasn’t just being a nice farmer I was being a nosy farmer I wanted to find out what exactly was going on between Marney and Pier what did to Mar’s bedroom I noticed some lucky purple shs it says return it to Lewis but I wasn’t going to return it to

LS instead I was going to give it to Pierre and look what happened you found them where hey I have no idea how they could have got there so there’s definitely something going on here between Pierre and Mary the same way that there’s something going on between Caroline

And may Lewis what is just going on in Sergio Valley at the moment so because the greenhouse is fully upgraded the starf fruit seeds were only six gold more than what the normally are that wasn’t too bad especially considering the profit margins you get for starfruit

Wine so I went ahead and purchased a full stack of star fruit and that will be used with the greenhouse all of the time now I didn’t have my trusty Hae on me to ha up the ground not to worry though I had bombs that I could use to

Get the job done instead so I had Mega bombs just to H out the huge segments and then into the smaller bombs to get the little squares that the bigger bombs didn’t pick up then I put down the sprinklers followed by the starfruit seeds and then I had my idium watering

Can to water up all the crops then I put down Deluxe speed grow and that’s going to dramatically increase the grow rate over these ugly star fruit so that I can pick them up every couple of days it was sent back to my big shade to get even

More beers and all of this lovely alcohol is going to make me tons of money it was then time to get the last pieces of sap after that I decided that I had enough sap enough kegs were made it was time to cut on all the mahogany

Trees I finally had the wizard 10 out of 10 Hearts we can now get married and the next day was also a rainy day hrah for me put the stent into the fishing pond that will generate a ston r eventually and that can be preserved into a cavier

Went back to Clint got my copper hole I was going to give the hor straight back in and upgrade that to a steel hole it was then time to get the Lovely mermaid’s pendant off of the old Mariner here it was finally time to ask the

Wizard to marry us we could move in together and have magical kids yes but before that we had to site the away all of our wheat yet again and we had to farm even more beer to sell also back into the barn here too we’re converting

Milk back into cheese and it’s back to Clint again to get our steel hole and that’ll be put straight back in and upgrade it to a gold hole now the reason why I’m upgrading all the tools now is that if we get to Ginger Island around in the challenge with all the upgraded

Tools it’ll be much easier to transverse I’m also getting Robin to build another Silo and I’m also going to purchase all of the flooring recipes as well just to add more customization to my farm I also purchased the furniture catalog and the plasma TV I also purchased the regular

Catalog from the General Store as well along with one of each sapling now I didn’t actually need to purchase the plasma TV because that comes included in the big furniture catalog that I got off Robin but it’s good to know for future runs I then purchased the monster fireplace

Of kobas along with the sign of the vessel just to make my house a bit more arcany and here we have it this is what me and The Wizard are going to live in and hopefully our future magical wizard kids each room had lots of really cool decorations and accessories to make any

Wizard feel like home it was in time for another Community Quest I picked up the Curious substance whereas Mor’s here wanted an ectoplasm I took a magic r candy because I had horrible luck today and I needed all the luck I could get in order for one of these ghosts to drop an

Ectoplasm lo and behold after a couple of ghost kills I got lucky enough for one of the ghosts didn’t manage to drop one it did take quite some time but it was worth it because this is going to get me a really cool reward which is going to be the little mini obelisks

That can transport you from one end of the farm to the other once I gave that to Sebastian here the new magical wizard he gave me 2,500 gold old but more importantly he’ll give me a cool recipe later on it was also time to get ready

For the wedding I made two suits one using a bouquet and the other using a rare disc both suits were slightly different one was a navy suit the other one was a top suit so I decided to go for just a regular suit top and it finally happened I got married to a

Magical wizard it was now time to focus on this wizard with everything I hide I tried to get some magical babies it was then back to Robin we were going to construct even more structures to make our farm look nice and pretty and of course functional we’re going to go with

Yet another Silo because fall was coming to an end and I wanted to accumulate as much hair as possible before we got into winter I gave Clint my hoe again to upgrade that to an aridium hoe and I give our lovely wizard husband a good kiss and a prismatic share to get his

Friendship levels up the next day it was finally time for the last Harvest of all our wheat I also picked up the sweet jberry that we were growing all season and that could be tread in for a star drop just inside the secret Woods here at the shrine that was another star drop

Added to the collection there was still a few more star drops to get though we were now ending fall and before winter kicked in I wanted to harvest as much grass as possible to accumulate tons of hair so I wouldn’t have to buy any for

Winter I got my idium hle back off Clint that’s all of the tools now except the trash can fully upgraded I had three silos ready to go so I fill that Silo right up to the top to I had 720 pieces of hay I was now fully sorted in terms

Of food for my lovely animals come the winter season I also picked up the sturon roll and that can be put into a preserve jar now to get caviar which we need for the upcoming missing bundle so we can get access to the theater and the

Theater is a great way to get friendship points with all of the Stu Valley NPCs I then went into the tunnel here to collect even more beer and it finally happened the star fruit could be collected this would all be turned into lovely star fruit wine I also tried to

Plant as I collected the starfruit to save myself some time it was now time for the lovely Halloween event I purchased the rare craw I also got some recipes and the Funky rug that I think will make for a great addition over back at home I also picked up the golden

Pumpkin and we will give that to my lovely husband as well to increase pren points even further the next day was the usual harvesting of beer and was back to Robin then to make some house renovations I got her to expand the house and the great thing about this is

That she expands the house for free you can add two rooms on the house no charge whatsoever I also got her to make a stables she needed two aridium bars normally you don’t need aridium to make to Stables but I had a already embarrassed to burn we were now in the

First of winter and I wanted to complete the community center as quickly as possible so I started hoing up the beach here to get the snow yam that I needed I also needed the crocus as well and we do end up picking that up so in terms of

Fares it’s it looks like that come winter the randomizer didn’t do anything weird we were getting all the usual winter fores we also got the magnifying glass of crob stairs we can now find hidden notes all over staru Valley and Beyond so that was the final bundle completed the winter faring bundle that

Was the Quarry unlocked and the community center finished speaking of unlocking the Quarry we can now go into the Quarry cave and and get the goodies within before we did that though we had to keep on top of our lovely bear production it was time to collect all of

Our bear and start pulling up more of the winter fish so we almost had all of the fishing collection done we just had to get the squid the link cut and a few other bits and Bobs that you can only get in Winter to get that collection

Finished here is a cool cut scene hair of the community center fully complete Vincent is having a great time up there in the top right pointing his finger up and down well done Vincent was then time to get the hardest fish in the game in

My opinion I took a dish off the sea to increase my fishing skill it was then time to fight the glacier fish now I’m going to show the full attempt with this one I spread it up 3x just to show you how long this fight actually dragged on

For this Glacier fish just literally spun from one end of the meter to the other it was just so hard so hard to catch but we got through eventually and that was another fish added to the collection I also got the dark Talisman hair in the mutant Bo

Fished up the V salmon as well as a v mayonnaise I’m going to give the V mayonnaise to the henchmen just so I can get access to the magical ink so I can access the Wizard’s magical terminal and we need that magical terminal if we want to make advanced structures such as the

Warp oblisk and the junah huts and other bits and Bobs I also got access to the shrine that allows me to change my character’s features that’s also a very interesting piece so I had my Silver Star Wine I had my cavier and because a minut rain I can now access the hidden

Bundle inside the georia Mart and the bundle can be quite challenging if you haven’t prepared for it thankfully we have prepared for it and we had all mats on us to complete that bundle no problem at all including the dinosaur mayonnaise the V fish and all the other bits and

Bobs that we collected throughout our journey it was finally time to fix up Wily’s boat to get access to Ginger Island and the map requirements were the same it was five battery packs five Arium bars and 200 hardwood to fix up Wily’s boat we then got a star drop of our lovely

Magical wizard husband that was one more star drop in the bag I decided to purchase some movie tickets today and I wanted to cheer my husband up so we are going to give the wizard ha one ticket another ticket for me and we’re going to go see a movie together the best thing

To get the wizard here now/ Sebastian is a Jasmine te he absolutely loves that he doesn’t however love the Miracle at course our Ranchi hated that so it kind of evened itself out I pulled up the slime today that was needed for the fishing collection and before we went to

Bed we get a cool scene here of Willie and Robin working together to fix up the boat for ginger Island the next day I visited the Quarry cave and I managed to round up all of the skulls in one F swoop and kill them all there is a

Chance they can drop magic rock candies but it is extremely rare I did however get the golden sight once that was obtained I could then warp on out of here I continue on with our lovely randomized Quest over on Jing Island it was time to get some golden walnuts I

Needed to get enough golden walnuts to access the beach area so I could fish up some Stingray they were needed for the fishing collection if I wanted to get the star drop off really for catching every fish in the game I did however upgrade my house here on Ginger Island

So I could use it as a checkpoint and I puted up a line fish here as well I also got the blue discus earlier all of was e it now over on Ginger Island was the stingray the next day I went and did a volcano run I purchased a couple of

Recipes here from from the dwarf especially the ginger ale that is so overpowered cuz it gives you a luck increase it can replace the coffee buff got some more golden walnuts inside the volcano I got one from each chest which was really nice you also get golden wallnuts from killing enemies mining

Open ores and other bits and Bobs around the volcano I Enchanted my sword with the least favorite enchant that I wanted which was hay maker I just didn’t need hay maker at all it was then time to do the winter fishing event and it was some very strange Shenanigans going on here

We had double haly with one Haley plan in the water another Haley chering on the Haley plane in the water and then we had two leas and we had one dancing in the water and the other one dancing beside her I thought this was just absolutely hilarious just watching Leah

Go but you know what sometimes it is great fun to just jump in pons of water and dance your heart out I of course won the fishing event got the sailor’s cap in the GRE then it was time to get all of our love winter fores and we would

Make more witer wide seeds and put them back into the ground it was then time to convert some starfruit into starfruit wine that was going to sell for an absolute ton of money I then went back to the theater and I decided to take on the lovely theater mini game the crane

Game to get loads of little junal plushies I put these inside the baby room just to kind of send some signals to my husband that I wanted kids and I wanted them now I wanted magical wizard kids 340,000 gold from starfruit wine I had enough money to get one big Obelisk

So I could have got the desert Obelisk or two regular obelisks I went with two regular obelisks I went with the Earth abelisk and I went with the beach abelisk I also went to the shrine of Illusions here paid 500 gold and I changed my character from a male to a

Female in the hopes that my partner might be more encouraged to have kids with me because as far as I was concerned he wasn’t going to adopt them it was then back to Ginger Island to get more golden wallnuts and there was golden walnuts hidden all

Over the place here and because I found a few secret journals I was able to get a few secret golden walnuts as well just about enough to upgrade the beach area and get access to the last Ginger Island area I needed to pull up the stingray after a couple of fishing attempts I

Managed to get a stingr bite and it wasn’t too hard to pull that up out of the water the Pearl I got was converted into a bridal veil I now had the full bridal dress ready to go could I entice my partner to have kids with me let’s

Find out but it wasn’t gone back to the farm just yet I decided to go into the bat house and give myself a nice bath so I could smell nice and fresh for my partner when I got back to the farm I sat down at the lovely seat here just

Outside of the bat house to put on some makeup I was now ready to go I felt fresh I felt good I felt confident let’s see what happens absolutely nothing the next day I got a comet hairon I was mumbling my sleep the wizard said I seem

Scared but I have to admit it was kind of cute I tried to kiss the wizard but he turned away from me it just wasn’t working out I decided to take out my frustration and some helpless slimes here in the volcano dungeon the Oba blessed their souls I was fuming with

Anger at the moment that my husband would not have kids with me so we were going to spend a whole day in the volcano dungeon massacring enemies I did however want to enchant my rde with the master enchant to get plus one get on fishing cuz I really wanted to get the

Idium kobis but unfortunately I just didn’t get lucky enough I managed to get Auto hook and efficient but I wanted Master didn’t have enough resources to go for another attempt it was then time to cut down some trees to try to increase my far and skill I wanted to

See if I could get that to 10 before the challenge was finished there was only a few days left in the challenge though so I also spent some time with meab bombs here just blowing away all the resources in the Quarry to get stone copper and

Other bits and bobs I was thinking about doing a project in the Quarry but because it was a 100 day challenge there just wasn’t enough time to do that I went with bio balance here now and I just needed to get some ocean fish 20 in

Total so I spent a whole day pulling up ocean fish to make Demetrius happy maybe Demitri is can give me some nice kids they won’t be magical kids but you can be sure they’d be super smart scientist kids like gu ni Wars from killing the Floy skulls including an aquamarine ring

Critical Strike chance plus 10% that night I went for the game of darts and you can actually play darts up to three times each time the mini game gets harder because you get less darts to score 301 points but you do get three golden walnuts from doing the game it

Was then time to collect more starfruit wine and this going to get me a ton of money then it was on to the submarine event to get the last three fish I needed so I needed the blob fish the spook fish and the midnight squid and that was the entirety of the fishing

Collection completed before I went back to the farm I decided to pess of painting after famous lupini the Red Eagle Painting and I also changed a bit in the hopes that my partner might want me to have kids but alas it just wasn’t going to happen instead a meteor hit my

Farm broke it up for the rud mors got a star fruit off Willie for catching all the fish because Willie doesn’t have any kids so he passed the star fruit onto me then something clicked what if I married Willie he would surely have kids with me

And there you have it folks that is 100 days using the randomizer mod thanks again for watching I do really appreciate you make sure to like And subscribe to the channel it really helps me out and I hope you all have a wonderful day make sure to check out my

Other 100 day videos I have tons of 100 day videos on this channel so just visit my channel page click on videos and you will see a huge array of different type of 100 day videos you to watch and enjoy I played 100 days of staru Valley but as

A vegan hello everybody this is gamer gar welcome back to another 100 day St Val challenge veganism is a lifestyle that avoids all animal foods such as meat Dairy eggs and honey also animal derived products like leather so taking this into consideration let’s look at

The rules we have set up for this video rule number one we cannot use any animals in Stu Val or take advantage of any animal products rule number two we cannot kill any monsters in the game we must respect the natural life cycle of all monsters

In staru Valley and for the final rule we will not be allowing ourselves to fish in staru Valley all fish must be respected taking those rules into consideration let’s have a look at two of the primary goals that we have set up for this challenge the first is to make

As much money as possible how much money can we make in a full year using the rules that we have imposed upon ourselves the second goal is to complete the community center this will now be possible using a vegan mod that replaces some of the bundles in the community

Center with vegan approved bundles all mods are in the description of the video let’s get straight into the challenge and let’s have some fun day one of the challenge commences on our lovely cozy vegan Farm we start by cutting down a couple of trees so we

Can get just enough wood to craft our very first chest this will be used to store everything we pick up over the next few days it was then time to move on to the farming aspect of the game and we start by Hing up the ground we plant

Our free 15 PP seeds we also plant some mix seeds as well there as as a chance they can eat potatoes and cauliflowers once that’s done we’re going to spend the rest of the day running around the map collecting as many fores as possible in the hopes to increase our skill to

Farge level one so we can make spring well seeds in the near future I also run down to the beach and I picked up a muscle hair I also picked up an oyster but because of the rules that I have imposed by myself I couldn’t actually sell these items because they were fish

So I just turned them back into the sea I did however find some lovely spring onions which are going to come in super handy that are on for cutting down more trees and making the most out of day one these are probably one of the best

Things you can get in their one for quick reserves of energy I got super lucky at the end of today and I got a fairy which is going to boost my Crop Production by huge amounts so I was able to harvest seven parps and a cauliflower today thanks to our lovely fairy friend

I then spent a good portion of today just ha up the ground and planting some spring well seats that I made was then time to check out some of the Help Wanted quests and we had Haley here looking for a green algae so Haley was a prime candidate for the flower dance I

Decided to give her to green algae just to get some points and some extra money with her she also comments saying nice shoes it those made out of plastic and I took that as a great compliment because we can’t use any clothing Med from leather was then time to speak to Pierre

I solded my parsnips my cauliflowers my cookies and bread and these are all vegan friendly variants of course and I spent all my money on Kale the reason why I bought so much kale is because it only takes six days for it to grow and

It’s a really nice Money Maker so I got my fishing rod off Willie I quickly turn that into the water because we w won’t be doing any fishing in this challenge I also visited Gunter today as well and I managed to get a chicken statue from the

Farm handed that in for a nice reward of 250 gold and that 250 gold will Super handy later on as I can purchase more crops with that for the rest of the day I actually was mining rocks on the farm because they give mining XP mining level

One not only gives me the ability to make a cherry bomb but it gives me pickaxe proficiency which means less energy when I use my pickaxe so day number tree was a rainy day I normally fish on dinim tree but because we are a vegan we couldn’t

Actually fish today instead I spent a day just doing foraging I also picked up a Sashimi inside of a trash can but because of my strict veganism way of life I could not eat or sell this toshimi I figured the best thing to do was to just ch into the water and be

Done with it despite the fact that it was raining today it was still plenty to do around staru Valley including sighting up all of the fiber game has to offer fiber will come in super hand later on in the video especially when it comes to making things like tree

Fertilizers tea saplings and other bits of Bobs down the road there was also lots and lots of fiber on the farm that we could sight up as well so we spent the great majority of day doing just that day number four starts with watering up the crops and many days will

Start this way until we unlock the sprinklers of course I had to look at the help hunted Quest shame was looking for an eel that was a no go for us so we decided to push on and get on with the rest of our day I found Caroline in the

Square here cover a aidel Caroline was super happy with that we would attempt to push Caroline to two hearts so she would tell us the secrets of the te sapling which will make us tons of profits I got another level in Farin today which was great that pushes me up

To level two Farin and it just means more proficiencies for me the less energy is used every time I swing my Axe and we’re going to be doing a lot of axx swinging in this video the more proficient we get in foraging the less energy we use while using the axe so we

Got a cat off Marin today we’re going to call the cat veggie it is going to be the first vegetarian cat to ever exist in Stu Valley as far as I’m concerned of course I also managed to pick up some parms today which was great I’ll end up

Selling those for some extra profit I also went into the mines today but I had to be super careful in the mines I could not destroy any enemies whatsoever so the main tactic was to avoid enemies at all costs mine up all of the nose that I

See hope to get the ladder as quickly as possible and descend down into the next floor rinse and repeat until I get to floor 120 when I got to floor 6 I got an ambushed room and I got stuck here because I couldn’t kill any enemies and

The only way to clear this room is by either a killing all the enemies which unlocks the lad or building a staircase yourself and using that but I needed 100 Stone to make one of those I didn’t have enough Stone to make a ladder the next

Day it was time to look at the community center so I start with a spring foraging bundle that just required one of each spring forage which was easy enough the reward 30 spring wild seeds they were going to be planted right on the farm I also purchased one of almost every

Spring crop from Pierre as I needed those for Community Center bundles so it was time to get all those set up on the farm it was then back down to the mines and the goal was level 10 for now when I got to level 10 I picked up leather

Boots and the first thing that struck me here was the fact that These boots were leather so I couldn’t actually use them so I had to throw the boots away unfortunately hopefully the next set of boots will have a description in them that won’t indicate they are made from

Leather the next day our lovely kale was ready to be harvested so we’re going to site all this up get level up in fine and we’re going to sell all the scale to make even more money and put that back into crops this tactic will rinse and

Repeat itself until we have tons of crops on the farm which equals tons of lovely money Demetrius was looking for a red mushroom we will oblige of course because we needed to get friendship points with Demetrius to learn certain recipes for the new vegan Community Center bundles that we’ll touch off

Later on in the video but for now we were going to settle for a backpack upgrade which means our cave ding runs will be that much more profitable as we can store more items in our bags so we’re throwing away less today we’re going with parip seeds in Nill because I

Wanted that extra bit of money so I can purchase lots of strawberries come the 13th come the Easter event so when I got to floor number 16 here it was an ambush floor I did come prepared however and I met a staircase which let me get down to

Floor 17 and I could motor on then no problem at all and try to make it to floor 20 before the day was out the biggest problem with not sing enemies for this challenge was that I couldn’t increase my combat level hence I could not increase the HP my character had

When it comes to taking hits off enemies the starter enemies aren’t so bad but there will come a time where enemies will almost One-Shot my character because my combat level will always be zero for the whole run when I got to floor 20 I got to steal small sword now

I swapped this out for the rusty Sword and the only reason I did this was because the steel small sword looked a little bit cooler I couldn’t kill enemies so it didn’t really make a difference what weapon I had the next day look at all these lovely spring fora

Bles ready to be harvested I made 70 spring wild seeds from that Harvest I’m going to plant those straight back into the farm and this method will be rinsed and repeated over and over again until we have hundreds if not thousands of Lely spring fares to me GS gave me 225

Gold today for giving him the red mushroom I also got level three Farin I can now make tappers and I do end up making lots of tappers later on in the challenge I picked up another Help Wanted Quest today from Leah she was just looking for the Georgia Cola I was

Lucky enough to get one out of trash can here I didn’t really need to accumulate a whole lot of friendship points with Leah but 75 gold was not to snow at especially we’re coming up so close to the Easter event where we can get those strawberries so I completed a recycling

Bundle today as a reward I got a recycling machine very handy item indeed especially we’re tearing open trash cans every day G Le at George Cola she was happy with that that was more money in my pocket back down to Minds we were now on the dark floors when I got to floor

39 I had the usual problem here of almost zero energy so instead of making the sacrifice n was passing out I just made a staircase cuz I had a stone to do it got down to floor 40 I got the slingshot here I don’t end up using that

Because it’s a bit too risky especially when it comes to the enemies in the game it could potentially one shot one of those flying Critters the next day I got cookies from the lovely mother thank you so much Mom and I can say for sure that these were vegan friendly cookies milk

Was not used to make these as far as I’m concerned there was one day left on the parsnips which meant I could sell those on the 12th and I would have lots of Mone for strawberries on the 13th I picked up the last axe that belonged to

Robin so that’ll be a handy too 250 gold when we turned that into Robin there friendship points with Robin but more importantly 250 gold in our pocket it was then back down to the mines and the great thing about dust Sprites is that they would mine open some of the ores

For you so I consider them to be a friend until they started attacking me on floor 44 things got very dicey indeed this is just a sped up version of what I actually went through in the mines I was trying to get a staircase cuz on floor

44 didn’t want toay back on floor 40 if I left the choice was made clear after a few minutes of running around die or leave the mines I decided to leave and reset progression just a little bit the next day cheered me up quite a bit I was

Able to harvest tons of craps on the Farm sell those and then it was stra back down into the mines to make some more progress got done the 50 I got the tundra boots checked out the description of these and I read the fuzzy lining keeps your ankles so warm nothing there

About leather or anything that vegans can use so I put the boots on straight away plus two defense was hugely welcome to my character it was a great day in the mines before I knew I was down to floor 60 I picked up the crystal dagger

This was no good of course as the secondary function of the dagger was a high DPS multi-hit attack I decided to keep the steel small sword because of its secondary function allowed me to defend myself against monster attacks floor 61 was of course an ambush floor I

Didn’t have enough Stone to make stair case so I left and decided to farm the previous floors the next day I purchased 54 strawberries not too bad for a run that involves no fishing I’m going to plant those on the farm but before I do

That it was time to win the lovely straw hat which I win in every challenge video cuz I’ve done it so many times now I last count of course the winner was gamer gar and as a reward the lovely Straw Hat the next day it was the 14th

And we begin picking up all of the lovely fares on the farm leaks zaal horse radishes and dandelion all ready to be picked up I made over 100 wild spring seeds going to plant those strep back on the farm and that cycle will of course rinse and repeat itself I also

Had strawberries planted on the farm as well so we were off to a really strong Midsummer approach it was then time to give Haley some gifts cuz it was her birthday and I wanted to get her to four hearts for the flower dance just so I’d

Have somewh dance with I felt like haly understood my veganism ways especially when she C in my plastic shoes earlier on in the video so it’s back down in the mines and I love showing footage like this where you come across rooms with tons and tons of crates you never know

What goods you might get out of those crates when I got down into the 70s I found the skeleton type enemies to be very difficult to deal with because they just would not lose aggro despite the fact that they weren’t very fast I only had a regular pickaxe and sometimes I

Found myself cornered and they would throw projectiles at me so getting to those floors was very difficult the next day was a magnificent day we finally got access to Caroline’s Secret sun room she would give us recipe for the tea sapling I also met it onto floor 80 in the mines

On day 15 here got the firew Walker boots a massive increase in defense plus three defense plus three immunity also the description of these boots said nothing about leather so I figured it was okay to use these boots on a daily basis when I got down into 82 here now

It got very dicey indeed not only did the red slimes pack a massive wall up but if it debuffed me and my character got really slow it was more or less impending Doom for me the bats were a nuisance as they were very fast the nodes didn’t restrict them like they

Restricted other enemies so I had to get out of here very quickly indeed it was going to take a lot of luck a lot of RNG to get down to floor 100 without getting killed it would all come down to what spawned on each floor if I got spawns

Like this I wasn’t going to get very far unless I had lots of staircases the next day I’m going to spend a whole day cutting down trees cuz I needed wood to make tea saplings cuz needed to make lots and lots of money if I wanted some

Really good progress in Spring the main tactic here was to get enough money together to get starf fruit in summer so we start by pulling up all of the fables the farm has to offer I can then turn all these fables into spring wild seeds now because Ronda 17th I could still

Plant lot of these spring well seeds back into the farm but I would also convert a lot into tea saplings just to get my hands on some big money early on I managed to make 85 tea saplings in total that’s over 40,000 gold in the bag

It was then time to complete some of the community center bundles the spring crops bundle was an easy one to do as a reward I got 20 speed grows I decided to keep those for now I might use them later on in the challenge I managed to

Finish off all of the minor bundles as well the geologist bundle The Miner bundle we also had an explorers bundle here instead of slime and bat wings and solar Essences and V Essences it gave us artifacts to find thankfully I managed to get those artifacts no problem at all

Completing all the BND in the Boer room this will unlock fast traveling for us around staru Valley the mine carts are always super handy to get early on in the game it was also samberry day today so I spent a good portion of today running around rumaging through all the

Bushes showing less who the king of Farin really is level five Farin we’re going to go with the gatherer Park a chance to pick up two far instead of one 42655 gold at the end of day number 17 this of course triggers Demetrius to our farm we’re going to go with the Batcave

I find this to be the best choice when it comes to completing the community center as the bats can sometimes find items such as oranges and peaches that can speed up ingame progression it was time to visit Clint here and upgrade our tool we’re going to start with the

Pickaxe I find that the regular pickaxe was really slowing me down in the later levels of the mines a copper pickaxe should make life a little bit more manageable for us the next day it was just back to good old Farine I also went down to the beach to was lots of stuff

To pick up on the beach now I could pick up the clams and sell those no problem because it’s not living in the clams I do decide to pick up the other items that were labeled as fish but I end up throwing all those into the water I just

Wanted to forge an XP I spend a great deal of day today just clearing more space on the farm because these Farm patches were going to get way bigger over the next few days especially when we go into summer and especially when we go into fall so it’s best to clear the

Farm of all resources as quickly as possible to make the most out of your farm space so the next day we’re going to visit Clint again we’re going to get our copper pickaxe back from him this is going to make mining much easier it’s time to upgrade more tools we’re going

To go with a copper pickaxe upgrade so we can cut down those trees much faster I’m also going to spend a lot of money today on Kale seeds I’m going to purchase 200 in total plant those down in the farm now that will take a considerable amount of time to water on

A daily basis but that will pay off when it comes to harvesting those KES 6 days from now so we’re going to spend a great deal of time today hauling up the ground getting it ready for all these lovely kale seeds this massive farming Endeavor will require lots of energy thankfully

We had lots of seeds from chopping on trees to make field snacks and these are absolutely magnificent for restoring energy allowing me to continue on with cutting down trees and watering crops every single day on the 21st of spring look at all these lovely fores we get to

Collect using all these fores I was able to make 200 70 wpr seeds and they will all be converted into tea saplings eventually so I purchased a summer spangle today I also grabbed the fairy Rose and I also grabbed chulip as well because I needed all those for Community

Center bundles all of the original fish tank bundles have been replaced with vegan approved bundles the flower bundles is just one example to my surprise I was not expecting five warp totems to the desert for completing that bundle this meant I could bypass spending all my money to unlock lock the

Bus to get starf fruit at the end of spring and just use a warp totem instead so I could get a lot more starfruit than usual so it was a really nice tactic I could Implement there by getting that desert warp totem when I got to floor 87

In the mines was an ambushed floor I didn’t have enough Stone on me to make a staircase so unfortunately I had to leave but at the end of the day I did make almost 42,000 gold with all that money at my disposal I decided to purchase the last of the backpack

Upgrades increasing my inventory to 36 slots I also got my copper axe off CID this would make cuton down trees a lot more efficient for me it was also time to get Clint to break open all of these geod as there was a bundle in the community center called the sparkly

Bundle and I needed items that you can only get from geod to complete that bundle four rare mineral items were required this would prove to be one of the more challenging bundles to complete in the game as I was at the mercy of RNG I did however get an ocean stone that

Was one of the the four items needed the rest of the minerals I got I could donate to Gunther so let’s have a look at the fish tag bundle here the sparkly bundle we needed an ocean Stone a geminite an ironite and an alamite so there were four minerals you could only

Get from geod to get that bundle done I decided to not take chances with RNG and purchased some saplings which would guarantee me an apple a pomeg gammit a peach and an orange come summer and fall as I needed those for the Artisan bundle and a few other BS poobs back on the

Farm it was time to use my copper ax to its full effect and get rid of all these tree STS not only did they give me a great amount of XP but I was also clearing space on the farm so on floor 97 here very close to floor 100 I got a

Little bit greedy and I tried to get a ladder down into the next level before these enemies could catch up and spell My Demise now I had two bats currently on me at the moment I was able to evade them mostly but when they swarmed like this damage was was inevitable the

Problem here was the debuff I got off one of the slimes they slowed me down so my maneuver ability literally went from 100 to zero and then I was picked off quite easily as a result I lost 5,000 gold and lots of valuable items the biggest pain was the 35 gold order at

Last as I really needed that to make gold bars to make sprinklers level five mining though I’m going to go with the miner perk plus one or peran that’s a no-brainer upgrade for me as I need to make l and lot of sprinklers over the

Next few days if I can automate the farm come Summertime with the sprinklers I’ll be off to a great start so I went to the flower Dance Festival today I picked up the 10 dandelions and the 10 daffodil because I needed those to make more spring wild seeds I also picked up the

RAR Crow as well because it looked really cool there was only one NPC that would be my dance partner at this event and that was of course Haley as I was working on Haley over the past couple of weeks in terms of doing quests and giving her gifts so that we can make

This flower dance happen the reason why I worked with Haley is because she’s one of the easiest to get up to four Hearts before the event cuz her birthday happens before the event and given her a daal is always an easy way to get friendship points level s far was a

Great way to end that day with getting the tree fertilizer it also got the copper watering can off Clint but we weren’t finished there it was time to get another tool upgraded it was time to upgrade our pickaxe to a steel pickaxe which would make life lot easier for us

Back down in the mines we spent the rest of the day cutting down trees as I needed to make even more Farm space and I also needed lots and lots of wood to make more tea saplings and to make other bits and bubs that we need later the

Next day it was time to harvest the last batch of strawberries there was also just one day left on The KES we were going to get a Mega harvest the day after this it’s also worth noting that I visit a traveling cart every single time she becomes available because I needed

Items from her that you couldn’t get in year one a lot of the community center bundles that replaced the fish tank bundles were recipes you can only learn in year two so it was up to the travine cart and Gus to see if I could complete

Those bundles in year one for the rest of the day we were cutting on even more trees I also planted some seeds in the ground here and we’re going to use tree fertilizers to grow those trees up very quickly and we’ll attach tappers to those trees as well to get some early

Resins the next day it was time to harvest all of the kale not only where we going to get huge farming XP from this we’re also going to get huge amounts of money I kep the steel pickaxe off Clint the ball was now rolling for a good successful year it was time to

Upgrade our copper ax to a steel ax also I got a mushroom floor in for 96 I was really happy with this the purple mushrooms are by far one of the best foras you can pick up in this game especially if you get a ridium quality purple mushrooms they are absolutely

Amazing we also had to remember that our combat level was still and will always be zero so we had to make sure that none of these enemies would land attacks on us as we could die very quickly I decided to go all the way down to the

Bottom of this spiral floor in the hopes to get something really good out of the crates think 19 in great but also I couldn’t find any staircases it was hard enough finding a staircase in the spiral floor but having enemies like this follow you around and take bit to your

He up every few seconds was extra challenging I would like nothing more to take out my obsidian Edge and end this enemy within a few swings but I had to stick to the rules and eventually I just decided to make a staircase and get down to floor 100 because just luck wasn’t on

My side today but when I did get the floor 100 I was able to pick up the lovely star drop and this is our first star drop of the run and this not only replenishes our energy to Max but it also increases our maximum energy

Meaning we can do a lot more in the day that is given to us without the need for taking food to replenish energy level six farming rewards us with the quality sprinkler that’s an absolute game changer for us and we will be making hundreds and hundreds of quality

Sprinklers in this challenge I also got 30,000 gold there under the 27th of spring for selling all of that kale that we planted on the farm the next day was all about farm management on our lovely vegan farm and we start by getting rid of all of these giant Stone nodes now we

Didn’t get any mining experience for getting rid of these nodes but what we did get was 15 Stone a pop which was really good for making future staircases and completing bundles such as this the construction bundle was now completed the reward was a track Kel a very nice

Item indeed if we needed call later on it was time to make another staircase as floor 109 was an ambush floor this cut us down to floor 110 and the reward were fabulous space boots and these would more than likely be the best boots that were going to get in the challenge plus

Four defense and plus four immunity they were a welcome addition to our character the more defense we had the more punishment we could take from enemies before a character meets his demise we finally met it down to floor 11 20 we got the skull key this meant we

Could now do skull Cavern runs but we needed to prepare properly for skull Cavern runs because we couldn’t slay enemies we had to rely on staircase spamming in the skull Cavern for successful runs and to farm levels in the skull Cavern that don’t have any High Mobility enemies such as the

Serpents for example or the aridium bats so I got my steel axe up today super happy with that I can now access secret Woods because it was the first day of summer it was time to use one of the five warp totems to the desert and we’re

Going to visit Sandy here and we’re going to use all our money to buy starfruit seeds now a starfruit seed costs 400 gold a pop these seeds however are the key to reaching millions of gold by the end of year one it’s one of the most profitable crops in the game

Especially if you convert into starfruit wine which we will be doing of course in this challenge so we’re going to spend a great deal of time today planting all of our starf fruit seeds on the farm we also set up our sprinklers and because we have the watering can here now the

Copper one it doesn’t take a whole lot of time to actually water up all the farm the steel ax means that we can get a lot more forging XP on a daily basis because we can start with the logs on the farm now these won’t respawn but we

Can get into the secret Woods later on and we can Farm the tree stumps in there every single day each tree stump yields 25 Forin XP and that’s actually a fair bit of XP every single day if you cut down all of the tree stumps in the

Secret Woods you can actually you get level 10 Farine a lot sooner rather than later if you come in here every single day and just cut these down later on in the day we visit the community center and we’re going to donate a grape a sweet pea and a spice Berry to be

Rewarded with t summer seeds that we can plant straight back into the farm and we can then Harvest those rinse and repeat for tons of Summer frables later on in the video I was smelting copper bars today because I needed to make tappers to put on trees to get back resins I

Also needed copper bars to make cegs and they end up making no the cegs thater on in the video the bat cave produced some really nice viables they were smart at the game changers the baham gramit being one of course I also made some tappers

That I could put on my fully grown trees I had two of each tree type which would generate two map syrups Two Pine tows and two Oak resins every couple of days it was time to go into the craft room the Exotic fary bundle could now be

Completed thanks to the few bits and Bobs I also got in the desert the coconut and the cactus come in super handy for that five Autumn bounties as a reward I could sell those no problem back to the Help Wanted Quest we got a quest of Demetrius to get a sweet PE we

Of course obliged because we needed to get Demetrius to tree Hearts to learn the fried mushroom recipe because one of the community center bundles required a fried mushroom to complete so we had to get friendly with me he was on two hearts out of 10 at the moment we also

Went to Clint it was time to upgrade more tools we’re going to go with the copper H this time the ho will come in super handy later on especially when it gets fully upgraded back down into the mines and we were farming copper we’re also farming Stone we’re also farming

Fiber so every resource that the lower section of the mines has on hand we need it for various projects that were happening on the farm especially stone for staircases later on also needed stone for tree fertilizers the success of this challenge will largely come down to how much of the basic resources can

Be accumulated that’s why it’s super important to upgrade your tools as early as possible so you can make the most of your day you can make the most of the time you are given for each day if you treat each day like a separate project generally you would do very well by the

End of the year when it comes to making millions of gold instead of making thousands are just m hundreds of thousands of gold so we’re on floor 81 now today and we’re going to farm this floor for the whole day and we’re farming it for fiber but if we do see

Other valuable minerals we’ll grab those as well the next day I managed to to make over 31 tappers and I also made some tree fertilizers as well 66 tree fertilizers in total I do end up making a lot more because I want to make massive tree farms where I’m going to

Get tons and tons of Oak resins every couple of days and then I’d be able to make loads of cakes provided I have the copper and the wood to make that happen today was also traveling cart Merchant day so like most days when the merchant turns up we go and check the inventory

This time we got super lucky the traveling cart had a poy seed muffin we needed this for one of the community center bundles so I purchased that without hesitation it was then time to make another huge tree farm now this tree farm would be set up with some

Tappers but I do end up just using it primarily for wood generation I got an orange today it was super lucky it was also Gus’s birthday he loves oranges so I was going to get lots of friendship points with Gus I also got my copper hole today as well I was super happy

With that the main reason we’re accumulating friendship points with Gus is because we need to get him to seven hearts to learn the cranberry sauce recipe which we need for the community center G had fried mushrooms on him today this was marvelous this meant we didn’t have to get to meetus the tree

Hearts we could just buy the fried mushroom off Gus and put that into the community center so this is the snacks bundle I had two items in there now at the moment the hash browns and I had the fried eggs just needed the Rusted hazelnuts and the tortilla so it was

Back to the mines now today and I was farming iron ores today because you need iron and copper to make cegs you also need iron and gold to make quality sprinklers so there’s always a need for metal bars when it comes to Serious progression in this game to maximize

Each season and to make tons of money so we were off to Pierre we just picked up a lot of fares there as well and I had to buy a hop starter and had to buy blueberries I needed those for Community Center bundles so the great challenge

Here now was trying to adjust to the new veg bundles especially the fish tank because all of the fish bundles were gone and it was replaced with new bundles and most of those bundles were actually very challenging so I had to constantly remind myself of the items I

Needed and the goals I had to achieve in order to make those bundles complete it was back to Clinton now today he was breaking up in more geod in the hopes to get those Rare Minerals for the sparkly bundle and we’re also getting more frables off the farm the great thing

About summer is that you only need three specific summer frables to make some wild seeds that means more tea saplings for you that’s more money in your pocket so we went back down to the mines today to farm more copper I was also getting Stone as well the great thing about the

Start levels of the mines is that the enemies primarily are very slow so it’s very easy to farm copper without killing anything by accident I made 10,000 gold just from selling a couple of tea saplings today that money boost would come in real Handy later on it was back

Into the bat cave I was getting more forageable here and I would check the cave every couple of days to see if it had any items needed for any of the community bundles and I managed to pick up two apples I was super happy with that I also made a preserve jar because

I needed a jelly for one of the community center bundles as well so I put a cauliflower into the Lu here governor was super happy with that main reason I went to L was because it’s a great event to increase friendship points with a lot of the NPCs in the

Game and the 12th of summer look at my fabulous Tree Farm it was huge now I would use tappers for some of these trees but the rest I would just cut down this would Yi lots of Farge and XP but also yield lots of wood got a tortilla

Today after traveling cart super happy with that just needed the roasted hazelnuts to complete one more bundle in the community center so it was all down to RNG if those roasted hazelnuts would turn up for me or not back down into the mines of course we’re farming the usual

Resources also avoiding all of the enemies that spawn in there’s a lot of enemies on this floor so I just left and rinson repeated until I had enough resources then to make lots of copper bars so I can make even more tappers 22 tappers today I did need a lot more

However but then I thought about it and I decided to just tap a handful of trees I cut down the rest later on I didn’t need hundreds and hundreds of pine Towers every couple of days we’re back to cutting down more trees increasing our faring skill the sooner we get that

To level 10 the better give g a diamond today got him up to four Hearts now out of 10 need to get him to seven though to get that cranberry sauce there’s always a chance I can get the cranberry sauce elsewhere if that happens I don’t have

To work on him anymore in terms of friendship Clint was breaking open more GS for us today we were fortunate enough to get one more item we needed for the sparkly bundle two items to go I also got level eight farming I could finally make the

Keg so it was time to farm for that so I got a jelly today too that was needed for the Artisan bundle look at all our lovely star fruit today that was ready to be harvested along with lots of Oak resins so things were finally starting

To look up for us and the money was going to pour in soon enough I also picked up melons today too but I needed five gold star melons so I made a decision instead of selling all this star fruit and purchasing even more star fruit to turn that into starfruit wine I

Decided to keep this star fruit convert these starfruits into starfruit wine and just use the money I have to purchase lots and lots of melons so what I done here now is I purchased 178 melons and that would ensure that I would get at least five gold star melons so I could

Finish off the quality bundle inside of the community center when it comes to the props so the bad house area opened up there was lots of resources to be had up here including fiber Stone and wood so I drained the area of resources today I also went to Robin and I decided to

Purchase tons of wood off Robin just to speed up my cake production there’s no harm in spending money on basic resources if you’re going to end up with tons of profits in the near future so I used up all my money on wood I’m going to put all these kegs down around the

Farm I do get a shed eventually but for now I just put the kegs going all over the the place I made 18t saplings today because I needed a burst of cash to get more progression Golds done I also sold the rest of my summer seeds as well

Because I’m going to get way more summer seeds in the next couple of days and I was going to get an extra few thousand gold for those so the next day it was time to harvest all of these lovely fores look at all of the fors getting

This was going to bring me up to faring level 9 but it was going to take a lot of faring to get that faring level 10er a huge difference between getting far in 1 to 9 to going from 9 to 10 massive XP was required so I just needed two more

Items here now for the sply bundle geminite and the aeronite so hopefully Clint will produce those for me eventually I just needed the roasted hazelnuts for the snacks bundle as well so hopefully that would turn up sooner rather than later and we could get that bundle completed the next bundle up was

The chef’s bundle that bundle was easy enough if I couldn’t get a tortilla off any of the merchants I could just make one using corn all I had to do was grow some corn and upgrade the house and I was good to go with that one the next

Bundle was the enchanters bundle that was another easy one the Big Challenge would have been the pomeg gramit but I did purchase a pomeg gammit tree so I would be guaranteed pomeg grits in the next couple of weeks no problem the next day yielded tons of sunflowers the best

Thing about sunflowers is that you can get them from the Georgia M super cheap but also when you har a sunflower there’s a good chance it drop a sunflower seed and you can plant that straight back into the ground so I purchased tons of salads off course

Today we are now preparing for a skull Cavern run lots of healables will be needed for that was also time to upgrade our pickaxe to a gold pickaxe just to make the skull Cavern a little bit more forgiving we also spent the rest of the day cutting down trees getting more wood

Because we needed to make more cakes and potentially more tappers if we wanted to go down the Tapper rout so we were smelting gold ores into gold bars today I wanted to make a lot more sprinklers especially come fall when we’re going to end up with thousands of crops level 10

Farming we’re going to go with Artisan so we can get a lot more money for selling Artisan products such as wine so we’re going to start haing up the ground today we’re going to prep it for even more crops I decided to go with 113 poppies today because the poppies look

Really nice that was more or less it there wasn’t any other kind of tactical reasoning as to why I went with poppies I just wanted poppies we went back to Clinton now today I got my gold pickaxe we were finished with Clinton for the moment because only had 2,600 gold so I didn’t

Have a whole lot of money to upgrade any more tools so I gave ghost another Diamond today I put him up to five Hearts I also spoke to him every day as well because you get extra friendship points for speaking to the NPCs every single day so I decided to cut down a

Lot of these trees cuz I figured I wasn’t going to set them all up with tappers instead I really needed the wood to make more cakes so I’m going to cut down an absolute enormous am of trees today I also sold some of the star fruits appear because I really needed

Money to get more items needed for the good skull Cavern run so it was back to Robin but this time it was to buy Stone because I needed to make tons of staircases to have a really good go at skull Cavern because I couldn’t kill enemies because of the rules I have

Imposed by myself skull Cavern would be extremely hard especially if you gets swarmed by serpents or by aridian bats you know those enemies are very hard to shake off especially if you can’t actually kill them so I managed to make a good few staircase today but we were

Still a good ways off doing this car run because I wanted to go in with around 100 staircases just to give myself a very good chance to get lots of rium ores and lots of other goodies so my first batch of starfruit wines today would be sold straight away because I

Wanted to get extra money to buy more Stone off Rin so I could make more staircases for the good SC Cavern run I collected all of my Oak resins today from the tappers as well they would all go towards future cakes I also checked out the traveling car today she had a M

Needed that for the bundle so I purchased that offer she also had a cranberry sauce I was over the moon with this I now didn’t have to generate 7even hearts with Gus cuz I could just buy the cranberry sauce there and then so I was sorted for another Community Center

Bundle so I sought all of the starf fruit wines to peer there now to 56,000 gold good to go went back to Robin and I bought even more Stone off Robin I’d love to know Robin’s secret for accumulating infinite amounts of stone maybe she uses deconstructors with Jades

And she just tell us about it today was day was the big skull Cavern challenge it was a great luck day we also had lots of staircases so the skull Cavern was a ferociously hard place because we couldn’t kill enemies the serpent hair was just mad to swing

Out of our necks and ruin our day but we weren’t going to let that happen because I had so much salad I could just Spam eat that defend myself against the serpent but I had to be careful because if if I defended myself too much the serpent could potentially die so if push

Came to shove I would just plug a staircase on the ground and just go to the next floor and hope for the best so when I got down to floor 51 here now I managed to get some Meridian bars I was super happy with that these treasure

Floors always seem to have some extra luck that the other floors don’t have so it’s always worth mining open the nodes around the treasure chest to see if you’re look enough to get a hole so I got an ambush room here dropped the staircase straight away met it down to

FL 72 I got three more aridium bars that’s six aridium bars in total now I came across a huge cluster of gold ores here took good to pass up gold was needed for sprinklers so all the gold I could get the better I picked up an auto

Grabber as well on floor 100 now because we’re not using animals in this run the autog Grabber was completely useless I just turned that into the bin at the end of our skull Cavern run we come out with a huge Hall two Prismatic shards 150 iridium ores we also got six aridium

Bars four Four Diamonds we got lots of geod lots of copper lots of iron lots of extra Stone it was a really good run for the first run so I was super happy with that attempt the next day it was time to convert all of our lovely starfruit into

Starfruit wine this is going to bring in huge amounts of money our fruit trees were now fully set up so we had a tree generating oranges and another tree generating peaches so we could Harvest those every single day to make extra money I also got lots of Summer fores

There as well and it was time to go back to the community center so I actually had five gold star corns and they slowly accumulated over the course of the summer season which was great putting the peach into the final Artisan slot completes the Artisan bundle rewarding us with a cake I also

Had some stuff for the fall crops bundle I had a yam that I got off the traveling card so I TR that in there now I didn’t have a corn on me right now but I come back with corn later on I also finished off the summer crops bundle which

Rewarded me with a quality sprinkler so we were getting there with the bundles for the desert bundle I submitted the CR Berry sauce so I needed a plum pudding a maple barar and a blackberry cobbler to finish off that bundle quite the challenging bundle indeed I just needed

A green tea for the beverages bundle and I could easily get that from Caroline sun room by nabbing one tea leaf and putting that into a cake which will yield a green tea it was time to convert our lovely idium ores into aridium bars they’ll sell for 1,000 gold to pop and

It was also time to get cleint to break open all of these GEOS that we got from Duna Scot CN run we needed two more Rare Minerals to complete the sparkly bundle now I was fortunate enough to get one more of the minerals I just needed the

Aite and I was good to go with that so out of the Prismatic shards that I got from the Scot cavn run I gave one into gun because I had two on me I also managed to get a huge aridium meteor fall on the farm and I mined it open

Just for a few extra resources so I was collecting aridium bars now tonight and I would sell all those for more money I made almost 58,000 gold today I’m selling bits and Bobs I ALS also I got 10,000 gold off Mr key the next day for

Making a pass for 25 on my first attempt at the school Cavern so things were looking up for me at the moment I got more already embarrassed today and it was back to Clint to get our axe upgraded to a gold axe which would make cut down trees that much simpler because

I had so much money on me at the moment I decided to complete all of the Vault bundles the prizes that I get for somebody these would be really nice so the vegetable medley was a good addition the fertilizer the crystal are I could not however use the lightning rod

Because bat wings were used in the creation of this item and as a vegan we don’t support products where animal parts were used to create so I end up throwing away the lightning rod I would have to find an alternative source to get my hands on battery packs if I

Wanted to make more crystarium later on I made almost 31,000 Gold by the end of today this primarily came from the starfruit wine which was selling at 3,150 Gold I got a pair today from one of our cigs I decided to give that to Pam because it was an easy quest to do

And i’ get some extra money on the side my poppies were now ready to be harvested so I’m going to harvest all of these poppies and sell these to Pier for even more money on my weighted Minds I noticed Pam beside the bus chilling out

So I gave her the pale L had a quick chat about drinking and driving and it was then a mine cart off down to the mines to fire more resources so we can make even more staircases and more cakes to make even more money down the road so

When I come across these mystery nose I always mine them all there’s always a chance you can get a diamond from one that would give you 150 mining XP it’s a great way to level up mining early on in the game the next day we were greeted

With tons of melons just begging to be picked up and get sent off to the gra Beyond so I spent a great portion of this morning harvesting all these melons I also got five ghost are melons as well so I can put those into the quality Community Center bundle completing that

Bundle I also purchased tons of wheat as well just so I don’t have to reha huge portions of the land come fall so I got a preserve jar for completing that bundle not a bad prize indeed I also got my gold axe back off Clint but we

Weren’t finished there it was time to upgrade our ho to a steel hole which we needed for the start of fall because we were going to end up buying thousands and thousands of pumpkins to fill up the farm with spent the rest of the day just putting down the wheat and doing some

Farm management getting prepared for fall that’s going to come in soon enough I at almost 60,000 gold at the end of today this money primarily came from all of the melons that I picked up the next day the blueberries were ready to be harvested so I picked up all those

Grabbed the Hops and I was on my way to cind Forest to cut down even more trees to get more wood to make more cakes to make more money the cycle continues everybody we also needed a lot more sprinklers for fall so I was smelting gold ores into gold bars I also checked

Out the traveling car today she had a plum pudding I was super happy with this I needed the plum pudding for one of the dessert bundles in the community center today was an event day which is why you see balloons there hanging out of the trees not too sure which mod actually

Does that but it’s one of the many mods you see in my description I got a steel hole off Clint today super happy with that it was the last day of summer and the event today was Moonlight jellies which is a great finish of Summer it’s a

Nice visual effect there before we get into fall we are now in the first day of fall this was probably one of the most challenging days in the entire of the 100 day challenge because I had to haul up huge amounts of land to plant the thousands of pumpkins that I purchased

Off peer now I couldn’t actually water all of the pumpkins said it was just way too many the best I could do was to H up the ground put down the sprinklers and just plant the pumpkins before the day finished despite the fact that I had a

Steel hole it just wasn’t enough to get the range that I needed to plant these pumpkins so I ended up using bombs the second day of fall was a rainy day so we start with making some quality sprinklers the main aim of today is to make enough quality sprinklers to fully

Automate our pumpkin growing process over the entirety of the season so we needed to make a lot more Squad sprinkles in 7even but we do get there eventually with all of the reserve bars we had in our chest from doing the Scot Cavern run and other regular mining

Endeavors once this was completed we had a look at the lovely community board so we had a choice of biom balance and Aquatic overpopulation because these quests required fishing even despite the fact that some fish went to unsustainable levels because of our vonis and ways we decided not to fish at

All just leave everything off to the natural cycle of nature speaking of natural cycles I purchased 300 more pumpkin seeds today we were going to fill up the farm with pumpkins you can’t beat a good pumpkin farm with thousands and thousands of pumpkins when it comes

To fall pumpkins are by far the most profitable crop you can get your hands on we could even even convert these pumpkins into pumpkin juice sell those for tons of money let’s take a quick look at our farm now at the moment as you can see we have tons of quality

Sprinklers put down in the farm we also have thousands of pumpkin seeds growing so we went back into the mines today we’re looking for stone we were looking for gold we looking for iron we were looking for copper we were looking for everything but we started with the gold

Cuz needed to make more sprinklers the next day was all about using the resources we got in the mines to make more quality sprinklers as to were still large patches of the farm that didn’t have quality Sprinklers and I wanted to automate this process as quickly as

Possible so I would have to water all these up today but I did have a decent watering can so it wouldn’t take too long to water up the missing patches I also made a mistake here with this patch it was set up incorrectly for the proper placement of qualty sprinklers so I

Decided to sacrifice just a few pumpkins so I could fix that issue a few pumpkins in the grand scheme of things wouldn’t make much of a difference in terms of total profits earned by the end of the year I also noticed too later on that the bottom layer was also incorrect I do

Come back and fix that eventually so we’re back to Clint it was time to upgrade our ax to in ridium ax this meant just tree swings for the full tree breakdown I haven’t checked the back G in a while so I went into there to have

A gander and I picked up all the for inside getting more forageable XP that way I also ran around the map today looking for more fores that I could pick up cuz I was actually really close to level 10 Farin and I wanted to get level

10 as quickly as possible just to get those lovely aridium of fores for even more profits I finished the fall forging bundle I got 33 fall seeds ready to go ready to be planted on a lovely farm so I made a little patch up here just left

And I’m going to put all of the forest seeds here now I didn’t set it up with the quality sprinklers properly so I do actually address that later on when these F seeds increase in capacity so for the next couple of days I’m just going to use my copper watering can and

Water those up there’s only a small out there so it didn’t take too much time I also got a green tea put that into the beverages bundle that awarded me with a cake I was super happy with that I put a tea leaf into the dye bundle just needed

A red cabbage to finish that bundle off but the red cabbage was all down to RNG hopefully RNG would be on my side in this Challenge and the traveling cart would have either a red cabbage or a red cabbage seed over the next couple of

Weeks in the game so I went back to Clint today got my audium axe off Clint I was super happy with this was time to upgrade more tools we’re going to go an ridium pickaxe this time this meant I could one shot all of the NOS in the

Skull Cavern so I visited the desert today to get the fores to do some hoing but also to cut down all of the trees that the desert had to offer cuz I really needed a lot more wood I could have bought wood off Robin but I wanted

To save my money to make even greater profits I would only buy basic resources if I was desperately stuck I also wanted to get my far to level 10 so cutting down all these trees would contribute to that as well went to the secret Woods as

Well today just to get all those lovely tree stumps the more hardwood I could accumulate now the better look at all of this lovely starfruit wine doesn’t seem like a lot but we are going to get tons of money from selling this 93,000 almost 100,000 gold 27 starfruit wines there

That came to 85,000 gold I was just super happy with that I had 160,000 gold at the moment it was time to get Robin to put a shed into the farm and I fill up the shed that with cakes to increase my profit every couple of days

Thereafter so I went down to the beach today primarily just to pick up all of the forgeable items to increase my forgeable XP if I picked up any item that stated it was a livable creature or a fish I just turn it back into the water because of my veganism ways went

Back to Clint I got my idium pickaxe I was almost finished with the tool upgrades so I was doing really well in terms of upgrading tools I had lots of geod now to get the Clint to break open in the hopes to get that last mineral I needed for the sparkly bundle

Unfortunately I did not get the mineral that I so desired I did however get minerals that I could give to Gunter you know and get progression done that way so I had a choice today of cave Patrol art Pier Prime produce because I had lots of pumpkins growing on the farm and

Because I couldn’t actually slay 50 grubs for Clint Pierre’s Prime produce was the perfect quest for me that would be an easy money once I pick up all of those lovely pumpkins that will be ready in a couple of days was also Blackberry season so I SP a good portion of today

Running around looting all the bushes making Linus’s life very hard I also went up to the bat house area as well to get all of the fiber and to cut down all of the trees up here too I was very close now to level 10 fary I was just a

Few trees away so I prioritized that today to see if I could max out faring skill on the a of fall so just a few trees left and that was going to get level 10 Farine and the best park in my opinion to take with level 10 foring

It’s a park that makes all your forageable items of iridium quality this is great for two reasons number one because the Iridium quality they self for a lot more and they give you a lot more health and energy and number two when it comes to inventory management is just so much more

Simplified so today was the nth of fall we start by watering up our lovely frables I also gathered enough amarand here to complete the sight bundle I got an oil maker as a reward for this super happy with that now I didn’t actually have a need for the oil maker at the

Moment I know you can put truffles into it but because we’re a vegan we can’t use pigs we can’t use truffles back down into the minds today iron ore was on our list of priorities needed iron ores to make iron bars to make kegs so I could

Put more star fruit into the cakes to get more star fruit wine to get more money story of our lives right back to Clint for breaking up and more geod here now in the hopes to get that aite to complete the sparkly bundle it was a no-o today though I picked up a

Berry basket today because I was just running around getting berry bushes and I came across the basket and said you know what we’ll give that to lonus and be a good neighbor visited Robin today it was time for a shed upgrade we could to go with the Big Shed 550 wood 300

Stone and 20,000 gold it was a good investment because it would save space on our farm give lonus the Bri basket today he was super happy I checked my quest log but he doesn’t actually give you anything for it instead you just get friendship points with lonus okay French

Points up at line is early on is actually very good because of the wild bit recipe he can give you but because we’re the vegan that wouldn’t do much for us so the next day all of our lovely fall vbls were ready to be harvested so we’re going to get blackberries we’re

Going to get hazelnuts we’re going to get wild plums and we were going to get mushrooms because we were still in the early days of fall I decided to redo the patch that I had here for frables put down quantity Sprinklers and put down more fall seeds

All I needed now to complete the fish tank desert bundle was the blackberry cobbler and the maple bar now they are year 2 recipes but hopefully R will be on my side just needed the aeronite for the sparkly bundle and for the underrated bundle I just needed the

Holly which you can get in Winter no problem at all the last bundle then was a snacks bundle and I just needed the roasted hazelnuts for that one that’s another year two recipe but we might get one from the Ching card or Gus if we’re

Lucky back to mind me today was gold to make even more sprinklers the reason why I wanted more sprinklers is because I wanted to have a lot more fall fares before the season came to an end I also wanted a lot more sprinklers for winter because we could go the winter faring

Road as well and I would like to end up with thousands of winter fables before the challenge actually ends so today we got Clint to break open even more geod in the hopes to get that airite it just wasn’t popping up so we went off to

Gunther and gun was having an Ute field there with our quest to complete the sparkly bundle we’re also getting closer to getting the Sor key off Gunter though so we get down into kobus and he actually has some very nice things that we can purchase on him as well we are

Back down into the mines today and the reason why we’re going to the mines so much is because we absolutely need all of the basic and the advanced resources the mines has to offer to make the most out of this challenge so we need a more gold Bears to make more sprinklers we

Also needed Stone to make more staircases for future SC Caron runs so we got a fery there that night that was super lucky didn’t make a huge difference though because in the grand scheme Ts that would just be 9 or 10 pumpkins so I spent an absolute ton of

Money in Robins today on Stone and you can guess why I wanted to do another skull Cavern run so I made 69 staircases there and I had a few staircases left over from the previous run so once I got 100 staircases or close to 100 I’d go in

For the go to see how well I would do I also purchased some SS with the rest of my money that put me down to just 1,500 gold and I spent the rest of the day then just doing some f management I also pickaxed up all of the kegs I was going

To put these inside the big shade that Robin had now fully made for me this was going to make farming all of the lovely star for wine every couple of days much easier because it would just be in one place would just be inside the shed so I

Made 85,000 gold today from seven star fruit wine such a huge Money Maker so I got some triple shot espressos off of the merchant today and those triple shot espressos I’m sure don’t have milk inside them because I’m a vegan I made sure of that back in the skull Cavern things

Were going as planned I had food I had staircases so despite the fact that I had multiple serpents taking away huge portions of my health I was in good hands because I could very quickly heal up if I needed to I just had to make sure that I didn’t leave my health go

Down too fast too quickly I got a battery pack out of a barrel today that actually never happened to me before I’ve got no ring out of those barrels I’ve got all sorts of minerals out of those barrels never got a battery pack so I don’t know how rare that actually

Is but because I got the battery pack I could make a crystarium for example every time I saw crates or barrs I would always destroy them in the hopes of getting a lucky ring because the lucky ring at this stage of the game would be a huge game changer the more luck that

You accumulate coming down into the skull Cavern the better items you can actually get the more treasure rooms you could potentially find finding holes like this is also great to get down quickly now I only got three levels there but those holes can give up to 15

Levels of deep diving which is amazing gold ore was under the priority list got a prismatic Shard out of a treasure chest here I was super happy with that I actually hadn’t traded in any Prismatic shards yet for the Galaxy weapon and the reason being that it wouldn’t make much

Of a difference in terms of combat because I had to avoid enemies not attack enemies I got another Auto Grabber I had to destroy that cuz we weren’t going to use any animals in this challenge so it was just using up a valuable inventory slot when I got down

Past the floor 100s I started getting lots of aridium ores but at the same time there was a huge increase in aridium Bat activity and because my combat level was Zero I had to be ever so careful to not get hit by those idium bats because those aridium bats are one

Of the hardest hitting enemies in the game I got a hole there put me down 15 levels they’re super rare but it’s always so nice when you get hes like that just saved me 15 staircases potentially I was now at a point in got Cavern where I would only

Activate a staircase to descend the floor if I needed to if I was been swarmed by enemies there wasn’t much Point spamming staircases anymore because each level now would yield quite a lot of minerals quite a lot of idium iron copper gold you name it the floors

Would now spawn those in great number when I got out of Flor 128 I managed to get a crystarium I was super happy with this floor 136 yielded a prismatic Shard and floor 157 yielded an autog Grabber which I had to destroy because we all know by now we can’t use those because

Of our veganism ways it was now 140 in Scot Cavern I was going to pass out soon this floor was absolutely marvelous though for aridium ores unfortunately it had not one or two but three iridium bats chasing me down so I was under a lot of pressure and I

Had to make a decision thankfully the clock made the decision for me and it passed me out level 10 mining going to go blacksmith metal bars worth 50% more as an absolute no- Brer for us it was the 15th to fall look at this pumpkin patch of beauty I took a triple shot

Espresso for the speed buff just to quickly show you how big it actually was I also finished Pierre’s Prime produce that led me 2500 gold and I also sold the rest of the pumpkins to pier in the meantime it was time to buy another full batch of pumpkins ahead half a million

Gold to spend but I didn’t have the resources on me right now to get more than 1,300 pumpkins it took the majority up there to plant all these pumpkins but it is going to be worth it these pumpkins will be ready to go on the 28th

Of fall which is the very last day of fall and that is going to make me a lot of money those pumpkins will be put into cake so they won’t be sold directly to Pier it was finally time for the staru Valley Fair and I felt very lucky today

So the first thing to do was to put a great assortment of items into my display there going to get LS to check those out he should potentially give me first place for that display and that would give me half of what I need to get

A star drop which is 1,000 star tokens I need 2,000 to get the star drop so I gambled all on green and I lost because it landed on orange which is very unlucky because normally it lands on green for me all the time I couldn’t do the fishing mini game because of my

Veganism ways but there was another mini game I could do I could do the stin shot mini game now this mini game is a game that I never ever do so I wasn’t too great at it I gave it one goal to see how much I would get 60 star tokens for

The fair attempt I gambled those doubled my profits 120 star tokens and lost them all on the next go so I said you know what I’m just going to buy the star tokens using money you can buy 999 in a single go so I purchased 2,000 star

Tokens in total now it did cost me the bones of like 100,000 gold but it was worth it because I was going to get a star drop and I didn’t want to spend hours of my life literally hours of my life doing the stin shot mini game and

Hoping for the best when it comes to Camping the star tokens so it was time to look at the community quests we had Robin’s resource Rush Prismatic jelly I went with Robin’s resource rush because I could absolutely cut down trees and accumulate 1,000 pieces of wood without

Any issues with my lovely shiny aridium axe it only took three swings to fully take down the tree and collect all of the wood within I also got a train visit which is quite rare I decided to see watch this train head for grabs for some

Reason I thought that if I get to the other side of the train I’d be in a safe spot but no the train hit me I got stuck and I kept having to eat food to stay alive so what I done here was a bit of a

Hack I clicked on the option to eat food but I didn’t select yes or no and my head stopped going down so if you ever get stuck with the train and if you have food on you this is a great way to survive the Train’s Onslaught the train

Is an invincible entity don’t try what I did and mess around with the train cuz you’re going to get hurt after what seemed to be an eternity because I swear it was one of the longest trains I’ve ever encountered I got two Stone and two cold for my efforts I wasn’t very

Impressed with that to be honest but not to worry things were now looking up look at all of these lovely fall fares ready to be collected this is the first thing I do on the 18th it’s half 6 in the morning and I am ready to go so we’re

Going to get all of the lovely fall vbls make more fall boil seeds I made 240 in total and it’s only the 18th to fall so we’re going to replant all these I decided not to make this patch bigger I was happy enough with the amount of

Sprinklers I had on the farm and I was happy enough with the size of that foraging patch I decided to pay a visit to the beach today to see if there was any fora bles I could pick up and sell to make a profit most of the fores were

Fish related items because I had the bought this park all of these items that were picked up went to ridium Quality so you could say I was doing the fish a favor where they washed up regular fish but they went back into the sea idium quality fish far superior than their

Previous stes so I was doing nature a huge Advantage by upgrading all of the fish that fell out into the Wilderness of land I went back to the desert today there’s a lot more trees that respawn on the desert so it cut down all the trees

The pands were just calling for me I just couldn’t resist it anymore I knew getting the Galaxy sword wouldn’t make my life easier in the SK Cavern but I just felt safe for All the Same by having it in my inventory because I had the gorgeous weapons mod installed into

The game it also looked way cooler than that of the original in my humble opinion of course so I got rid of the obsidian Edge and I now had the lovely cool Galaxy sword later on that evening I decided to process all of my hard earned aridium ores into aridium bars

And because I had the blacksmith perk I could sell all these to make huge profits each bar would sell for, 1500 gold to pop I was going to make an absolute mountain of money by selling all of these aridium bars I also went back to G with lots of geot trims open

Up praying for the one mineral that I so badly needed and I got it finally it popped up the aeronite the last item needed to finish off the sparkly bundle inside the community center I went straight up to the community center popped into the sparkly bundle and the

Reward that I got was a crystarium I was so happy with with this reward Crystal ARS are something I really needed because staircases were super important for successful skull Cavern runs so I got Clint to upgrade my ho again this time to a gold hole because I wanted to

Get it ready for winter when it comes to do some serious ho farming and I’m going to show you some really cool ho farming techniques now come winter bear in mind this isn’t the clay farming hack that you might see people do this is something different entirely so we were

Back in cindersap Forest just cutting down more trees trying to get Robin’s resource Rush done and we just done that today 2500 gold in the bag and we also get more friendship points with Robin not that we needed friendship points of course so with all of the wood and

Resources that I had accumulated I decided to make 50 cakes in total I also finished off the fall crops bundle as well by putting the pumpkin and an eggplant in there this completes the pantry that rewards us with the greenhouse unlock and the greenhouse is an amazing building that you should get

As early as possible you can put anything you want into a greenhouse you can put starf fruit in there you can put pumpkins in there you can put faras in there you can put trees in there you name it you can grow it in the

Greenhouse so I got my gold hole off CL today but we’re not finished there we’re going to give him back the hole and he’s going to upgrade it to an ridum ho this is going to come in super handy later on for uh some tactics that I have in order

To get more completion done with the game so what appears today got some pumpkin seed I’m going to put those inside the greenhouse which means they’ll grow in winter for me no problem at all I had a look at the community Quest board today now we had guses

Famous omelet that was a no no cuz we needed eggs for that but Robin’s project was good to go she just needed 80 hardwood that was an no-brainer of course so we sted that Quest and we can always make some hardwood trees if we need using mahogany seats so when I went

Into the greenhouse now today I didn’t have my hoe to actually plant the crop so instead I just used the bombs instead and this is a great use of bombs especially if you need to haul huge patches of land within a strict time limit bombs are definitely the way to go

I would have had Mega bombs but you need solar Essences to make Mega bombs and I couldn’t use solar Essences because they came from ghosts and I can’t kill monsters to get those so I met some more qu sprinklers from resources that I got from Scott Cavern and from new regular

Mine runs and I filled up the greenhouse with lovely pumpkin seeds so it was time to make more tree fertilizers today and the reason why I met some was to plant mahogany seeds for hardwood trees to ensure that I complete Robin’s hardwood resource Rush within the time limit that

I was given I got a mini shipping an off Pierre for completing his prime produce request for shipping off 25 ghost our pumpkins so that was a handy danding item to put into the greenhouse there so we are smelting more copper bars today the reason why we’re smelting copper

Bars is because I want to make more cegs the more kegs I make the more money I’m going to make with this challenge back to here I got my idium ho and we are going to have fantastic fun with this I didn’t have enough artifacts gathered to

Get the Sor key to get down kobas so we’re going to use use the H to go artifact farming so we’re going to take the mine cart to the mines right now and all of these dirt patches we see in the mines we’re going to hold those up to

See if we can get some artifacts the rusty Cog is one item you can get we can also get lots of dwarf items we can get dwarf Scrolls we can also get the dwarf helmet we can get the dwarf computer we can also get items such as the strange

Dolls There’s Lads of things you can get from ho up in the ground including hundreds and hundreds of cave carrots I end up with hundreds if not thousands of cave carrots when it comes to the amount of ha that up doing today the only thing

We have to watch out for are the bugs with the one HP you can actually kill them with the hole if you hit them so we had to be really careful with that so after donating those extra artifacts into Gunther I was hoping that would be

Enough to get the key to the sords so we can go down talk to kobas and get the star drop so I went down into the midsection now today I got the dwarf Gadget I actually called the dwarf computer it’s actually called the dwarf Gadget but that was the last item I actually

Needed in order to get access to the sours the dust Sprites were not let up I couldn’t actually hold properly in this area cuz there was so many dust bries so after a few attempts I decided to just leave it because either I would have ended up getting killed or dust Sprite

Would have ended up getting killed from the hall I sold 98 cave cards today 25 gold Pop I made 2,450 gold G to visit me the next day he was going to give me the key to the swords so we could now go down make friends with kobus and get a lovely star

Job off him I also made a lot more fall wild seeds today 260 in total I was going to turn those into sea saplings and sell those for extra profit I also went to the secret woods today with my sweet shamb Berry and I’m going to get a

Star drop from this lovely statue so I’m going to get two star drops today one from the statue here and we’re also going to get one from kobus when we go down and visit him in the source speaking of which let’s start lovely kobus right now kobus also has other

High luxury items that we can get too such as the return scepter he also sells aridium sprinklers every single Friday he also sells solar and white Essences but I didn’t actually purchase those because they come from Monsters because they come from technically animals and because we’re a vegan I

Deemed that it wouldn’t be appropriate to purchase items like that for this specific challenge so it was time to cut down all of the hardwood trees today and I was going to get over 80 hardwood easily from doing this give that to Robin that was another Quest complete

2,000 gold in the bag more friendship points at Robin and she give us a really good recipe as well going forward I also went to the Halloween event picked up the golden pumpkin I don’t actually end up using this to be honest I put it in

The chest and I forget about it it’s now the last day of fall and look at our lovely pumpkin patches it is a thing of beauty 1300 pumpkins is watch you see before you it’s going to take us to hold it to harvest those what are we going to do with the pumpkins

Why we’re going to put them all into cakes we’re going to get back pumpkin juice and that’s going to sell for loads of money it doesn’t sell as good as the Starr but it’s still quite profitable so today I walk up to lovely Jed’s pop the crystalarium it’s now the first of

Winter so we’re definitely getting there with the challenge the first thing on our list was to get items to complete bundles as quickly as possible and the Holly with see to it that another bundle will be completed the crocus also helps when it comes to the winter foraging

Bundle it was Crow’s birthday today kobus actually loves Wild Horse radishes but it didn’t keep any from spring so I just give it a really embarrassed dat today I had a choice of aquatic overpopulation and a curious substance I couldn’t do either quests because it would be against our veganism ways so we

Just left the community board all together went back to Clint got the steel watering can because we’re going for all the tool upgrades we might as well just go all the way with it cuz we had the money to do so and we’ll just upgrade that to the gold watering can

Went down to the beach today because it was Winter if we use our aridium hole we won’t get a whole lot of clay there’s actually a really good chance we get lots of snow Ys and winter Roots using this technique now there is a very specific technique you can use it’s

Called the clay farming technique to actually get a lot more out of it but we don’t use any hacks when it comes to our 100 videos so we just hold up huge portions of the ground instead hoping for the best results so that was the underrated bundle finished the reward

Was an aridium sprinkler because we were in the winter season I didn’t have a huge use for that sprinkler so I just end up selling it I also finished off the winter foraging bundle and that completed another room in the community center this would unlock the Quarry for

Us so we could now get all of the resources that the Quarry had and we could also go into the Quarry cave and get the goodies inside there as well but before I could do anything else I had to make use of the winter foraging seeds

That I got so I ended up haing up some of the ground there on the farm to plant those the next day I went down to the Quarry and I ended up mining every single node the Quarry has to offer and I also end up cutting on all the trees

In here eventually as well because it was free wood for the taking so it was quite a challenge to get you the Quarry cave here without killing any of the Haunted skulls I was being swarmed at the moment thankfully I had an aridium pickaxe so it only took one swing to get

Rid of some of those nodes to get up into the prize area where I could finally get this golden sight I just had to click on the Statue one more time and it would teleport me back to the entrance of the mines where I was safe

And sound went back to Clinton out today I got my gold watering can of him but we weren’t finished with Clint just yet it’s time to upgrade to the idium watering can once I left Clint I decided to check on the Batcave just to see how much for had accumulated and to my

Surprise there was actually quite the number of far to collect the great thing about the botnus park is that each of these fares I picked up were of iridium quality so I totally forgot to get the magnifying glass on the first day of winter so I ended up getting it now by

Just clicking on the bush there kobus was hiding behind the bush so he gives us the magnifying glass we can now get secret notes I checked out the traveling cart today she had a battery pack for 1,500 gold I purchased it straight away because that would allow me to make

Another crystarium to increase my jads I also went to Gunther today just handed in some more artifacts that I had lay around the farm some of the rewards that you get from gun are totally overpowered including a magic Rock Cy was back the CP now today we got the aridium watering

Can we weren’t finished there though because we had all the other tools upgraded we might as well upgrade our trash can as well and upgrade that to a RI quality trash can back to our big shed today we were going to harvest all of these lovely pumpkin juices sell

Those for loads of money then it was back to Robin to construct another structure the structure this time we were going for was another shed I wanted two big sheds on the farm fill up to the top of cakes just so I can get through all of those pumpkins that I harvested

At the end of the Fall turn them all into pumpkin juices and maximize profits for the end of the challenge speaking of profits I was Farine floor 81 in the mines today to get tons and tons of fiber if I saw minerals like jads diamonds rubies for example I grabbed

Those as well because you could trade those some decent stuff inside the desert especially the jads for staircases speaking of staircases are crystalarium inside our regular home we’re doing quite well in every few days I was getting four new jads which meant I can get four fresh staircases after

There’s a Trader on a Sunday it was back to Clint to upgrade more trash cans but before I upgraded that next trash can here I purchased a full stack of coal because I was struggling with coal for quite some time and because I couldn’t kill dust Sprites in farm coal I was

Finding it really hard to accumulate lots of coal but because I had so much money I said you know what no harm in purchasing a full stack of coal because for the rest of the challenge I would be able to process all of the minerals I had from doing SK Cavern regular mine

Runs into bars I can then use those bars then to make other items that were greatly needed for example cakes so today was the Festival of ice and I decided to go to the event today just to have a look to see what the merchants had on offer there was a

Cranberry sauce a stuffing and a pumpkin soup none of these items would help me with the community center bundles I decided not to pull up any fish during the event because of my veganism ways so Willie won instead with five fish that he cut not to worry though because the

Next day heed great results when I was able to get my first batch of winter far sub get snow yams Crystal fruit coces and winter Roots all ready to be converted straight back into winter wild seeds then be planted right back at the farm again the goal in Winter was to fill up

The farm with as many winter white seeds it’s possible to make it look really nice at the end of the year but also to make huge profits before our challenge ends we also processing a lot more pumpkins into pumpkin juices and those pumpkin juices were currently being accumulated in the chest and eventually

I end up sing out of the pumpkin juices at the end of The Challenge to see how much money we can make from it so for now don’t expect to see any sort of great gains when it comes to money so I got a quest offline as community cleanup

And I decided to do this Quest because I just had to fish up trash from the water if I got a fish catch I could just cancel it and try again until I got trash so I had to get a fishing rod off Willie and I felt a bit silly to sh away

The first one but I just spent 25 gold for a training Rod this would easily do the job when it comes to getting trash from the waters unfortunately I had to do the fishing tutorial before I could fish for real so when I pulled up the

Sunfish I turn it back into the water straight away and I’m pretty sure that fish survived now I could just fish up trash if I got any sort of a fish pull I could just cancel that request put the rod into the water again and hope to get

Trash in that fish so it took me the whole day to get that done the next day I managed to complete the quest 500 gold in the bag absolutely amazing but that’s not the real price the real price is the recipe Linus will give us the next day

Back to Robin get the Big Shed upgrade and we’re going to fill that shed up with cs but it’s fully built I also decided to get rid of all the tappers down here that would generate Pine tows and just get the wood instead so I can

Make more cakes that way I got the fiber seeds off Linus the next day I was super happy with those because I could now plant fiber seeds this was going to get me back thousands of fiber I could use this to make tons of tea saplings and

Sell those to make tons of money great thing about fiber seeds they don’t require watering they’re just so overpowered so I at 47 more cakes today that’s going to go inside the shade that means more profits for us I also made a huge tree farm at the bottom left side

Of the farm here this was going to bring in thousands of wood when all those trees fully grow tree fertilizer will of course work in Winter which is why it’s also so overpowered so we’re processing our pumpkins again today we’re getting back more pumpkin juice so I paid a

Visitor the robins today but not to purchase a shade or a big shade it was to get his Stables when I put that into the farm and it’s going to be very interesting to see what kind of amount we’re going to get from that a few days

From now so we were processing more bars ran back to Clint got the steel trash can we’re going to upgrade that to the gold trash can and eventually in a couple of days from now we’ll upgrade that to the idium trash can I also visited the desert Merchant today and

We’re going to get a lot more staircases we’re also going to attempt a skull Cavern run very soon I’d like to do one more run before the challenge ends to see how well we can do especially with all of our newly required resources I

Have a lot more money I can buy a lot more Stone I can make a lot more staircases our pumpkins in the greenhouse are now ready so we’re going to harvest all these pumpkins and we’re going to try our best to process all of these into pumpkin juices as well before

We get to the 28 of winter so it was time to name our horse SL wolf today we’re going to go with veggie wolf and he is going to be the very first vegetarian wolf to to walk the earth in my opinion of course I don’t know if

Other people have tried it but this wolf is going to live on vegetables let’s go veggie wolf so because I now have a mount I can now travel around seru Valley a lot faster this makes it a lot easier to go and collect fares now do I reflect upon the mount

Normally I get the mount at the very end of a challenge but for future challenges I might decide to get the mount a lot earlier if possible just so I can get around faster and do more things so purchased a painting of the famous lupini today also had a look at the um

Traveling carart Merchant to see if she had any items that I needed for the community center she hadn’t I also visited the mermaid show and I had a great time and then I headed off home it was time for day number 16th of winter this is day 100 but we’re not going to

End the challenge here I’m actually going to play through the whole year of this game and the reason why I’m doing this is because I’ve received a lot of comments a lot of feedback from my subscriber base requesting that I played through the whole year so from now on

All of these 100 day challenges will be an actual full year of gameplay there will still be called 100 day challenges just for the YouTube algorithm so I watered up tons of winter fables today and I also visited the famous painter lupini again and I got the portrait of a

Mermaid we also checked traveling C Merchant to see if she had anything we needed for the community center and my fingers were crossed for something anything that would allow me to complete a bundle but she had nothing on her at the moment so we headed off home and the

Next day we were processing more pumpkins into pumpkin juices so we had one more night of the Night Market fingers crossed we will get an item that we need for the community center I had a look at the community quests today didn’t choose any of them because they

Were against our veganism ways I did go back to Night Market got the solar Kingdom painting after missini and I had a look at the merchants to see if they had anything that I needed they actually hadn’t I did purch a rare Crow for 5,000 cuz I just wanted to purchase something

You know just for showing up at the event I also got rapped to upgrade my house to the second air house main reason for this was I had a lot of items accumulated over the past three seasons and I needed a bigger house to store those items in especially the paintings

So I got claim to do another trash gun upgrade there and on the Ed of winter because I didn’t want to cut a allot of trees cuz there was so many I just used my bombs ah hi and I blew half the forest away and I would end up using my

Axent to cut down the rest of tree saving me a ton of time and resources so all of the fiber seeds had fully grown today into fully fledged fiber crops I got 1,45 fiber from those crops plus tons of big seeds as well which would allow me to make even more fiber seeds

So I can replant those down and get even more fiber a few days from now I’m at 130 tea saplings cuz I had so much fiber accumulated that was going to get me a huge amount of money so to make the fiber seeds I needed mixed seeds sap and

Clay I had tons of clay from using my idium hole down the mines and on the beach I had tons of sap from cutting down trees the only thing that was holding me back was the mixed seeds as far as I know there isn’t any great way

To mass accumulate mixed seeds in this game so it’s was Evelyn’s birthday today and I was feeling very gifty so I give her a diamond because in all fearness Evelyn deserves it she’s an awesome woman then me and veggie wolf went roaming around Ser already looking for

Forageable to pick up so we can increase our foraging space on our farm so it was time to organize our house today because it was now the second TI house was a little bit bigger so was moving around a few bits of furniture put the cakes just

Opposite the bed there just making use of the space because it was Sunday I visited a desert and I managed to get some more staircases I also purchased some bombs using quartz that I had and I also went to goon and purchased some salads it was time for a new skull

Cavern run let’s see how well we do when I got to floor 37 I got a red slim egg the slim eggs sell for really nice cash especially early on but when I got to floor 69 I got 15 red cabbage seeds and because it was the 22nd I knew if I

Planted the seed today using the Delux be gr I could Harvest it on the 28 of winter finishing off the D bundle before this year was out before the challenge concluded so that was an no-brainer so I decided to spam my staircases just to see what other treasure floors I could

Get before leaving the plant in that seed I got a crystarium energy tonics I got aridium sprinklers I then left planted the red cabbage I had some Deluxe spe around the place so I just planted one six days for to fully grow which was perfect that would be done by

The 28 of winter that was the D bundle more or less in the bag so today is now the 23rd of winter we’re almost finished the challenge and this is what our farm looks like at the moment as you can see we have got had hundreds of winter

Forage PS ready to be collected so I ended up making over 1,000 winter wild seeds from collecting all of those crops that is the power of faring in this game and it’s just so profitable now you’re never going to beat the farming profession you know when it comes to

Star fruit and pumpkins but Farine is a great profession to get you those quick bursts of cash if you need it so I made more tea saplings after that sell those free for more money and we’re back to processing are pumpkins into pumpkin juices I have two sheds f up the top of

Cakes I’ve got pumpkin juice coming out my ears it’s going to be very interesed to see what we make on the last or second last day we sell those juices I did make a lot of money for tea saplings that they put me back up to 430,000 gold

Today was another day where we couldn’t do any Community quests because of our veganism ways it was a choice between the omelets and killing monsters with the Wizards so we couldn’t do any of that I did however go to Robin get another house upgrade because why not I

Had the resources I had the money let’s give Robin some work went down to for 81 in the mines today I wanted to farm more fiber to make more tea saplings so today it was the event of the winter star Evelyn was the person I had to gift give

Her a chulip I was trying to get a diamond for her but I couldn’t find one thankfully I had a chew up hanging around in a chest and she loves those Alex was my secret Gift Giver he gave me some wine I was actually really happy

With that I can sell the wine using the Aron perk to get some money that way as well was time to harvest all of the lovely fiber today I got over a thousand again tons of fiber went into the Batcave cleared it out picked up all of

The fores it had made more tea saplings because I had just so much fiber line around the place and I managed to process almost all of the pumpkins into pumpkin juice and there was about 100 to 200 pumpkins left over if I had more cakes I could have got through them but

I processed the great majority of pumpkin so I was kind of happy with that it was no time to sell literally everything that I had this see how much money I could end this challenge with so I ended up selling all of the sprinklers

On the farm all of the items in my chest literally anything that could be sold for money I sold it at the end of the day I made a huge 1,282 570 gold I was rich most of that money of course came from the pumpkin juice which sold for 1,8 gold pop that’s

Why pumpkins are just so awesome to sell for huge amounts of money it was the last day of the challenge and what a run it was this is the 100 days as a vegan plus an extra few days to make it a year so the red cabbage was ready we’re going to grab

That go to the community center and we’re going to trow that in to complete the D bundle unfortunately we couldn’t complete the community center because we just couldn’t get the other items needed now I could have got the tortilla and I could have completed the chef’s bundle

If I saved the corn and just made one because I had the recipe for it or I could have bought the recipe off ghost to make it easily enough I could not for the life of me get my hands on a moral for the field research bundle it just

Did not pop up out of all the vendors that I checked out of all the traveling I did didn’t come across one couldn’t get the maple bear or the blackberry cobbler from the merchants their year 2 recipes so not much I could do about

That so that was just RNG not on my side then if we take a look at the snacks bundle the roasted Haz not another year to recipe so that wasn’t popping up for me at all to the merchants and I was check the traveling cart every time she

Appeared but it just wasn’t happening so if I got a 200 Day Challenge from this I would easily complete the community center so at the end of this Challenge on hand I had 1,838 140 gold and the total earnings I made was 3,246 398 gold not bad considering the

Fact that I couldn’t actually fish wasn’t a bad figure to end up with so I’m going to leave the video there I really hope you enjoyed this one thanks again to all my channel members for supporting me thus far I really appreciate it I hope you all have a

Great day everyone and I’m sure I will see you in the next video bye for now I played 100 days of staru Valley but as a minor hello everybody this is gamer gar welcome back to another 100 today Ser Val challenge let’s get straight into the goals the first goal

Is to make as much money as possible as a miner the second goal is to complete all monster reducation goals and the final goal is to complete the museum that means located every mineral and artifact in the game so without further Ado let’s jump straight into this video and let’s have some

Fun if you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet hit that subscribe button and help the gamerg channel grow i’ greatly appreciate it a huge thanks to all my channel members thanks so much everyone for supporting me thus far I really appreciate it day number one on our lovely zenet

Farm all mods of course are in description so we’re going to start by planting our lovely free 15 parsnip seeds we won’t be selling these of course because we’re doing a minor challenge instead we’re going to eat those for health and energy we’re just going to cut down a couple of trees here

And make our usual chest and we’re just going to fill this up with items that we don’t want to bring around with us on a daily basis the next thing we’re going to do is run around the map as per usual and try to get as much fores as possible

We want to get our for get up as quickly as possible so we can learn the lightning rod recipe because we’re going to need lots of battery packs that run in the challenge the next day is just going to be spent fishing now what we

Want to do today is get as much copper ore as possible and this is achieved by getting to Clint to break open lots of geod here you can also get them from fishing treasure chests as well what we want to do is make the copper pickaxe

Before our on date number five and to pull this off we need lots of money and lots of copper ore so giving Gunter an artifact here is a good way to start 250 gold in the bag getting items like top passes I can sell those for money and I

Can get cleaned to break open next to geod as well I got really lucky here and I got copper ores twice in a row from geod 5 each time that was 10 copper ORS I needed to buy the rest though and I needed to get Clint in to upgrade it by

Giving him 2,000 gold so the challenge was on I also had to use up a lot of copper ore to make the furnace here in day number three all of today is going to be spend fishing because I need to get more copper ore and this is the best

Way to get it if you start with the farm other than the hilltop farm so I’m going to sell some coal here now as a Clint normally I don’t sell coal but I’m making an exception today because I needed to get over that 2,000 threshold so Clint would upgrade my regular

Pickaxe into a copper pickaxe that will be ready on day number five when the mine’s open so straight away we’re off to a really good start in terms of farming the mines for everything it’s worth to make millions of gold in this game I’m cutting down lots of trees

Today to try to increase my forging skill making field slacks like this is a great way to ensure that you can spend a whole day cutting down trees so today is finally the day it’s day number five we’re going to collect our passive seeds we’re going to fix the bridge here so we

Can access a larger portion of the beach so we can get access to more fables and we’re going to get our car pickaxe off Clint I’m also going to get a backpack upgrade off pier as well all we need now is a really good weapon and we can dominate The Mines unfortunately we

Didn’t get the Neptune’s glaive or any other weapons from the fishing so we will have to use the rusty sword for now so we are prioritizing minerals if we see them because we can sell those to make money if we see copper ores like this we will also prioritize those cuz

We need tons of copper especially if want to upgrade the huge rate of tools that we have we got level 20 today which is really nice I passed out just when I got access to the floor so I managed to get that checkpoint the next day however

I went straight back down into the mines and picked up to steal a small sword you’ll also notice that some of the enemies look a little bit different to what you’re used to looking at that’s just because of a mod it just reskins the enemies their attack patterns and

Stats of course are the exact same so I got an ambush floor here normally these Ambush floors are a blessing in disguise cuz it’s a great way to get kill counts up on slimes especially if we’re going for Monster red goals but because we had a weak weapon I wasn’t going to spend

The whole day farming this floor instead I just went down into the next floor and progressed so the steel small sword isn’t too bad but there’s much better weapons we can get a great example here now is the forest sword that we just picked up there we got super lucky this

Is a level three weapon and it does more or less double the damage of that of the steel small sword so it’s a really nice upgrade to get early on in the mines we’re also going to visit Marlin and we’re going to sell him items that we

Can’t sell primarily the weap weapons in the Rings now we can sell of course the bug meat and the bat wings Etc via the shipping bin at our farm but it’s handy just given the Marland for Quick Cash there and then so we’re processing quartz into refine quarts and I’m not

Doing this to stock up on qualtity sprinklers or anything like that I’m doing this to make extra money so we’re now down into the darkened versions of the mines and instead of fighting Golems we’re fighting what looks like fairies but they have the same status Golems because we have the forest sword it’s

Actually quite easy to dispatch these enemies normally when you come down here have to steal small sword and it takes quite a number of strikes to kill these Golem enemies but the forest sword just makes Shar work of them and that’s good for us that means faster combat XP and

The higher our combat skill goes the more HP we get and we’re going to need all the HP we can get especially later on in the challenge when new mods are introduced and the mines becomes very very interesting for now I will leave that up to your imagination in terms of how

Interesting the mines is going to get thanks to a lovely Ray of mods that I put put on this video for now the money that we’re bringing in is really small because copper bars and iron bars don’t sell for a whole lot the gold bars in huge quantities aren’t too bad and it

Will open up various Pats of opportunity for us later on in the video but for now the priority is progression in the mines getting down to the later floors getting access to go LS and eventually getting access to skull Cavern once we can start farming a ridum the real money will

Start pouring in we also want to try to increase our mining skill up to level 10 as quickly as possible POS so we can get that blacksmith park I got the crystal dagger now today we’re getting there floor 60 I got an ambush floor on floor

62 but we still had the forest sword so it wasn’t ideal for farming slimes on this level I picked up the wood Mallet there that’s a game changer that’s 15 to 24 damage it’s an awesome weapon it also has the ground pound so it can hit enemies multiple times everybody has

Their own combat preference in this game but my own personal opinion Club weapons are much more effective in combat than that of sword weapons because of the ground pound ability now I picked up some combat boots there plus three defense is a really nice upgrade for me

I’m going to get Clint to break open all these geod now I could give these items to Gunther and I could progress the game quickly that way in terms of minerals but I decided to sell them because I really need money we’re going the Georgia route of course because it’s a

Minor run there’s no real Point farming at all in this playr and farming is something you’re not really going to see primarily most days will be spent in the mines or preparing for some sort of a mining run so we’re going to go to Marin now today we’re going to sell him items

We don’t need this includes boots Rings weapons and monster pieces Marlin is super handy to have cuz he’s just outside of the mines and it just means you can get money today rather than wait for the next day especially if you really want to get something on the day

If you don’t want to have to wait for the clock to take over into the next day level 80 now in the mines we can now Farm gold which is really good the enemies down here also give really good combat EXP XP so it’s a great place to

Farm to get the combat XP up to get the mining XP up and of course to get lots of gold ores and diamonds and rubies to get lots of money now those diamonds could be kept for triple shot espressos later on but I’m going to sell these

Ones for now because the priority is money I got the obsidian Edge now in floor 90 but I’m not going to swap out my current weapon my current weapon is the tempered Broad Sword and it’s a very nice weapon indeed so we’re just going to sell the obsidian Edge instead

Another Elite slime here what is it going to drop I always get excited when I fight these slimes it dropped a Yeti toot and that is an actual upgrade for us 26 to 42 damage but it gives a plus4 defense which is really nice and especially if we’re going to dis skull

Cavern in the early days that plus4 defense is a game changer level 100 gives us a star drop which is nice but energy is something that we won’t really need a whole lot of in this challenge it seem nice to get a star drop all the

Same when it comes to Rooms like this getting these crates is always a good way to go the hardwood will come in super handy later level five combat we’re going to pick fighter all attacks deal 10% more damage that’s an orer for us getting diamonds this regularly is

Really nice not only does it give a lot of mining XP they also sell for 750 gold to pop and that’s going to come in super handy especially in the early days of the challenge so we’re now on day number 12 and we managed to get down to for 120

We pick up the skull key we can now do skull Cavern runs we just have to unlock the bus the best way we can go about doing that in this challenge is to make as many gold bars as possible and sell those along with anything we pick up in

The mines these mushrooms for example are a forageable item but because you pick them up in the mines I’m allowing myself to sell these so today I made 11,529 gold not too bad that includes 32 gold bars 250 gold each it is a small amount of gold but because gold ore is

So common in the latter version of the mines we can set quite a lot of gold bars to get some money we now have 30,000 gold so we can start getting some upgrades now for ourselves so I went with the mushroom cave VI Demetrius because mushrooms spawn in every single

Day and I could sell those if I wish I’m smelting more Ores into bars here now and that’s something you’re going to see a lot is me smelting ORS into bars cuz it is a mining challenge more diamonds today and we’re just farming more gold there’s also a mystery note in this room

And I got super lucky with this managed to pick up another Diamond it’s always nice to get double diamonds in the same room Georgia membership 5,000 gold no problem at all Maris we’re going to get that and now we’re going to save up to 40,000 gold and unlock the bus that

Means we can start doing skull Cavern runs and that’s where the real fun is going to start cuz you get some very nice things in the skull Cavern so we’re getting Clint to break open more geod today and we’re going to sell Clint all of the minerals eventually we will start

Giving these to Gunther but for now money is still the priority that brings us up to 41,000 gold now we’re going to spend 5,000 ,000 gold upgrade the pickaxe to the steel we could have unlocked the bus today but it’s more important to upgrade the pickaxe before

You go into skull Cav and in my personal opinion a steel pickaxe would be the minimum requirement because both a steel and a gold pickaxe just requires two swings to break open a regular node if you run out of bombs two swings isn’t the end of the world so what we’re doing

Here now today is we’re in the middle section we’re farming iron ores the reason why we’re farming iron is because I want to make bumps such as the one I just put down there while my pickaxe is been upgraded I will use a bomb if it’s

Two or more iron or noes on the floor because I will get back more iron ores than what it took to make the bomb so it just makes sense to put bombs down for those so the next day we’re going to go with the BS upgrade 40,000 gold well

Spent Mars is very happy I’m very happy and of course Pam is also happy cuz we just got Pam a job thanks to Georgia and myself you’re welcome Pam we’re going to go to ghost buy some salads salads is probably one of the best foods you can

Get get when the com cab runs because you can get as many as you want off course and it’s only 220 gold a piece so it’s not too expensive but if you’re are lacking on money you’re not doing a specific minor challenge you can always go tea saplings of course we won’t be

Going tea saplings in this challenge because it’s a mining challenge so for the rest of the day we’re back down in the middle section again farming iron ORS the next day we get our steel pickaxe off Clint we can now do skull Carn runs we have some bombs we have

Some salads we’ve got a good weapon there to steal f and we have our seal pickaxe we’re going to trade in some diamonds and rubies for chot espressos and spicy eels you’ll also notice that the skull Caverns similar to the mines looks a bit different that’s thanks to a

Mod the butterflies are serpents the fire breed and chickens are dinosaurs so a a watch out for those they may look nice they may look cute but they’re well able to dish out some serious damage and send you packing so do not underestimate the fire breathing chickens there is a

Chance however when we kill these chickens they will drop dinosaur eggs and if we do get a dinosaur egg we can of course start a dinosaur Farm because we got it inside the mines so let’s see if Lu will be on our side over the next

Few days so I at a past floor 25 that’s going to be 10,000 gold off Mr key the scarecrows are mummies so they’re more or less the same you have to kill them then blow them up we will get much better tools that around in the video to dispatch them much

Faster so the next day I got 10,000 gold left Mr it was really nice that was just for Mak the past 25 floors in the skull Cavern which isn’t too difficult if you go in in the morning time somewhat prepared now I had 15,000 gold on me I

Decided to get the final backpack upgrade now rather than later because having the second tier backpack was severely impacting me in disc Cavern and I ended up showing away a lot of items that I could have sold to make extra money so it was a big investment there

For me getting Clint to break open more geod here and I’m still selling off the minerals to Clint because I still need a lot more money to get some upgrades the plan now is to just get to 20,000 gold which is what I’m doing here and upgrade my pickaxe even further to a

Gold pickaxe I do want to get that all the way to an aridium pickaxe so I can one shot the nodes in this whole Cavern and that’ll be done in the next few days once we start bringing in much bigger money our mining skill still wasn’t

Maxed out so we were only getting 1,000 gold per aridium bear instead of 1,500 gold and that extra 500 gold makes a massive difference especially when you start selling hundreds of aridium bears so I’m going to buy some warp totems to the desert today this means I can start

My skull Cavern runs first thing in the morning instead of waiting for Pam at 10:00 I also picked up a prismatic Shard as well and we’re going to tread it in now for the Galaxy weapon this is the Galaxy sword and because we have the Galaxy sword now this opens up an array

Of Galaxy weapons we can purchase off Marland including the dagger and of course the hammer but the hammer is very expensive does cost 75,000 gold so it’s something that we might look at later on in the video but for now we’ll stick with the Galaxy sword it’s still an

Awesome weapon and it will make short work of all of the enemies in the regular mines and most of the enemies in the skull Cavern we can also upgrade these guys weapons to infinity weapons and that’s something we might do later on in the video depending on how

Progression goes so we’re killing dust Sprites today for a very specific reason we want to get the kill count up to 500 so we can get a burglar ring off of the adventurers Guild as a reward I also picked up my gold pickaxe today so I

Just have one more open upgade to go for the idium pickaxe it’s time for another upgrade we’re going to go with the Minecarts for 15,000 gold this unlocks fast travel around Star Valley meaning we can save a lot more time so we’re back in the skull Cavern now today and

We’re fighting fire Brea and chickens and the reason why I’m prioritizing those floors and the reason why I’m killing all these monsters is because I want to complete all monster eradication goals and if I want to pull that off in the first one year of this challenge we

Really need to start farming these enemies as early as possible it’s not something you want to leave when you’re halfway through the challenge or something you kind of want to start now so if we do get infested floors and it’s filled up to the top with Dinosaurs

That’s actually a blessing for us and not a hindrance so we’re farming crates if we see them and we did it again a lucky ring inside one of the crates I cannot believe my luck when it comes to making these 100 day videos I the game just

Knows I’m doing a 100 day video and it just gives me a lucky ring and I’m going to say it again cuz I said most my videos but why would you pan with poxel when you can oneshot it with gamer gar I get a lucky ring out of a crate no problem at

All because I got a dinosaur egg I’m going to make a coupe and that Coupe is going to hold dinosaurs so yes we are going to become dinosaur Farmers it’s back to Clint it’s time to get an upgrade but we’re not going to go with the pickaxe cuz we can’t afford it we’re

Just going to upgrade the regular axe I need to get a steel axe now as quickly as possible to start farming hardwood because sooner or later the time is going to come where we’re going to have to fix up the boat to get to Ginger Island and that requires a whopping 200

Pieces of hardwood we’re smelting ORS back into bars now again today and we got some meridium bars which is really nice and of course we’re going to sell those cuz we need tons of money we only have 390 gold at the moment we’re also back down in the middle section we’re

Killing slimes and if we see dust Sprites of course we prioritize those but it’s just doing regular monster eradication Golds again today now it’s not a total time waste killing these enemies that sometimes they can drop very nice items I made 33,000 gold today primarily from selling aridium AB bars

To sell for 1,000 gold a piece and that will get better because I had so much money we’re going to go back to the lovely morus and get a new upgrade we’re going to go with the bridge and the main reason we’re taking the bridge is

Because it unlocks a new cave that we can do on a daily basis and there’s a chance we can get magic Rock cies off the floaty skull enemies in that cave now it’s a very small chance but there is still a chance for it to happen getting those dwarfs scolls is also

Super important we want to befriend the dwarf as quickly as possible as he might have special weapons for us in the near future this is just a nice scene here of marus working super hard fixing up the bridge Mars is such a hard worker isn’t

He I got my copper axe back off cleint the copper axe isn’t too bad I can break open regular tree stumps with that but we want the steelx to break open the much much tougher tree stumps that we have on the farm and of course to get

Access into the secret Woods to farm the hardwood inside there I got a Dark Sword today it’s a level 9 weapon it’s actually a very nice weapon pre skull Cavern before you get the Galaxy weapons but because we have a Galaxy sword we’re just going to sell that to Marin for

Some extra money so we see here now our birdlike enemies these are just the flirty skulls disguised as birds and they have a 9.1% chance to drop magic rock candies so com in here on a daily basis is worth it they can also drop really nice Rings such as ruby rings

That increase your attack power by 10% can also drop aquamarine rings as well that increase Critical Strike chance we also picked up the golden sight and we teleport out their in style back to Maryland it is time to set items you don’t need anymore so we got some bone

Swords here from farmer the skeletons We Got The Slammer the Dark Sword and some other bits and Bobs that’s some extra coins in our pocket we finally completed the monster rication goal for the dust spres that’s a total of 500 dust Sprites wiped out we can now go claim our prize

Which is the burglar ring and that doubles the drop rates of items that fall from Monsters it’s a very nice ring to have especially if we’re doing lots of dungeon crawls like we be doing in this challenge so getting double the items off enemies is going to be a huge

Game Changer in terms of how much money we’re going to make at the end of The Challenge So today we’re just going to do our usual farming method inside the Quarry cave got an aquamarine ring there that was nice not going to use that ring

But we can sell it for some money today we’re farming insects and we’re farming doggies just to complete more Monster eradication goals you don’t get any great prizes for these monsters but if we want to complete the challenges we set out we got to put in the time we got

To put in the work finally level 10 mining we’re going to pick blacksmith bars are now at 50% more that’s a game changer even gold bars now are quite lucrative to sell those we’re also going to get rid of this tree stump enter the secret woods and farm the hardwood

Within we need to get as much hardwood as possible cuz in the next few days or in the next week or two we will be getting access to Ginger Island and it is a place we want to get to as early as possible so we can start doing the

Harden version of the mines to get even more rewards that’s of course if luck is on our side there’s always a chance that the key quests just won’t have those activities and we won’t be able to go into any of the Harden version of the mines so fingers crossed we would be

Successful it was a really nice run in this skull Cavern today we got lots of Prismatic shards we managed to kill lots of fire breed and chickens and we managed to get lots of really nice items including lots of rudor as well aridium bars are now worth, 1500 gold so getting

Those aridium ORS is now super important if I see bars like this I will always prioritize them of course you never know you might get another lucky ring there’s always a chance you can get one out of a bar inside this SK Cavern will I get two

Lucky rings on this challenge I’m sure we’ll find out in the next couple of minutes so this is just what I got after it’s got Cavern run as you can see I got a huge array of different types of items most of these items will be sold

Directly into the shipping bin some will will be kept for future use later on I do keep a few Prismatic shards of course because I might want to enchant some stuff later on and having a couple of Prismatic shards in around place is always handy but on the other side

Prismatic shards do sell for 2,000 gold a piece so if I’m really struggling with money I might just sell those I also picked up my nice ring rewards today from Gil that was the vampire ring and the burglar ring I do sell the vampire ring but I will absolutely keep the

Burglar ring and that will be equipped it straight away later on I can start combining rings so my character can have a total of four rings instead of two which should be really nice as well when I get to Ginger Island because we now have the burglaring going into this

Called Cavern and going into the other caves would be quite lucrative as double rewards means double money so we’re going back to Clint today and we’re just going to sell him some Meridian bars cuz we want to get the money up we got up to 57,000 gold right there that’s really

Nice and because we have so much money we’re going to go back to mors and buy another upgrade we’re just going to get the penion upgrade now and that just leaves the greenhouse which we can get tomorrow and then we can start cracking on the ginger Island once we come up

With all the mats of course needed to fix up the old boat we also need battery packs to fix up the boat as well so making lightning rods now will be very beneficial for us and if we’re lucky come summer we’ll get a few nights where

We get the thunder and lightning and we can get battery packs the next day so primarily just flaming 481 today I find this floor to be one of the best floors in the game not only for farming fiber but for farming crates enemies and minerals you know to get diamonds Etc

It’s a magnificent floor because it’s such a small floor everything is just clumped up into one small little area and you can make a lot of money from farming it in one day I also got super lucky today and I came across not one but two mushroom floors so I got lots of

Red mushrooms a few purple mushrooms and I’ll sell on them as well to make a pretty nice profit breaking open the barrel it’s can always surprise you The Slammer there is a fantastic weapon and it’s probably one of the best if not the best pre skull Cavern weapon that you

Can get your hands on before you go into the skull Cavern and start getting Prismatic shards but we’ll be selling that to Marin for some extra money because we don’t need it we’re also going to send him Yeti toots steel fion and we got a bone sword there as well

And all those weapons by the bone sword can come straight out of crates so going in and out of floor 81 constantly be very surprised just on how many of those weapons you can stock up on and sell for money so we finally got the last upgrade

There off marus we’re going back into the secret woods now today we’re farming these these tree stumps just got level five far there which is really nice that will unlock a faring pork we also done the monster Slayer go for insects today that will award us with an insect head

We’ll sell that of course and it’s one less monst eradication goal to worry about so we’re going to go with Forester trees give us 25% more wood and the reason why we chose that over gather is because we’re not really going to be gathering a whole lot of vbls and we

Will need lots of wood later on for various activities so I got my first dinosaur egg I’m going to put it into the incubator there inside the Coupee and after about 10 or 11 days that will hatch into a dinosaur for us so I’m going to spend most of today cutting

Down trees and the reason why I need so much regular wood is because I want to upgrade the CPE even further and automate my dinosaur Farm I picked up Robin’s last axe totally forgot about it in Spring cuz I was so focused on getting money and making progression in

The mines but whenever we do meet Robin we can hand that AIT to her for some extra friendship points level six foring means we can make lightning rods and we need those to get battery packs I also got my aridium pickaxe off Clint I can

Now one shot the no it’s in the skull Cavern so today I’m actually farming doggies and I find floor 15 to be the best floor for this activity I can come in and out of this floor as many times as I want and I kill the doggies and

Once I kill enough doggies the reward there will be a hard hat and one less monster rication goal to worry about so I collected lots of refined quarts today not to sell but to make lightning rods I at 25 in total just needed iron bars back wings and refined quartz going to

Set these up now on the zened farm the next day is going to be a thunder and lightning day which is really good so hopefully most of these lightning rods will activate I’ll end up with tons of battery packs I just need five to upgrade the ship to get to Ginger Island

So I’m going to get Clint to break up on geod today we won’t be selling any more minerals to Clint instead we’re going to start making some progress now with Gunther and the museum and we’re going to be giving him all of the artifacts and minerals that we have collected so

Far we’re also going back into the Quarry cave we do farm this a lot in the hopes we get a magic rock candy haven’t got one yet though we’re also going back to SK Cavern today as well and we’re not really trying to make huge progression

Today go Cavern we’re just want to kill as many enemies as possible just for Monster rication goals so if we come across slimes serpents mummies they’re all up for grabs in terms of killing at the end of the day I finally achieved level 10 combat we’re going to pick

Brute 15% more damage definitely do way to go I also gathered enough materials to fix up the boat here five battery packs five aridium bars and 200 pieces of hardwood Clint’s boat was now fully repaired and it would only take him one night with the help of Robin to get that

Boat set up to travel over to Ginger Island I’m also going to get my axe upgraded to a gold axe just so I can cut down trees a lot faster it’s just to save time and because I had all this Loose Change on me now I had all the

Georgia achievements done I could start upgrading tools at my own Leisure I didn’t really need huge amounts of money anymore unless I want to go for an obelisk or two later on in the video so we’re back to farming regular ores today now in the regular mines copper ores

Were killing slimes we’re also killing vo monsters when we see those because we need the vo monsters for another monster eradication goal coming across huge gold clusters like this is always super exciting and of course super profitable but an Ambush floor today but unfortunately it was on floor 97 so

There was no super quick way to get down into this floor if it was floor 96 it would have been golden but I did take full advantage of it and slay every single Monster in the floor to get the kill counts up I sold a huge array of

Items today just to make some extra money including sap slimes all picked up in the caves of course and this is just a nice scene here of Robert and Willie working together to fix up the board so we can now get to Ginger Island and the

Next day gun even visited us and give us the key to the sores so we can now go down and have a chat with kobus and have a look at he’s wears so I purchased one melon and one wheat off Pierre and this is for the sole purpose of getting

Golden walnuts over on Ginger Island I also purchased a fiberglass ride because I need to do some fishing over on Ginger Island as well to get even more golden walnuts and I purchased some bait to increase the bite rate of the fish so it’s 1,000 gold for a ticket over the

Ginger Island it is quite expensive expensive but the more progress you make in ginger Island the more items you can get where you can bypass that 1,000 gold one example would be the warp Obelisk over and back to Ginger Island from your farm so the strategy was simple get as

Many golden walnuts as quickly as possible and luckily for me I know where every single golden Walnut is because I’ve done this so many times so it was quite easy for me to get the house upgrade today just needed 20 golden walnuts in total in this area for

That lovely parot to fix up the house which means I can sleep here like as start doing up this farm so I’m just going to water the wheat and the melon seed I can’t get the garlic you order to get the the last five golden wallets off

The Frog cuz that’s a year two crop but I might get lucky and I might get it in this skull Cavern so we’re going to do a volcano run today and there’s 10 floors in this dungeon and you can do this dungeon every single day it resets and

You always get an elite chest on floor 9 and you can get some really nice items in that Elite chest including Dragon tooth weapons really nice boot armors really nice hats for your character and so on and so forth so there’s a total of five golden walnuts to be gotten from

Mining and combat and from the Dwarven caches in this volcano dungeon and you can get a few more golden walnuts from other bits and Bobs as well including the final area here there two stuck at the trees you also get a free Prismatic Shard when you get up to level 10 now

That’s a onea that doesn’t happen again I Enchanted My Sword I got the Crusader enchant super happy with that I’m going to put two rubies into it as well rubies would increase the sword’s attack power so it was a almost fully upgraded Galaxy weapon with the Crusader inchant I was

Off to a great start now in terms of enchants with weapons it’s time to upgrade more tools with Clint that’ll take a few days of course so what we’re doing now is collecting artifacts for Professor snail’s archaeology side quest and you can free Professor snail just up

There as a Block in the way and is are the bomb will release him and once we have all of the artifacts found we will get a huge amount of golden wets from Professor snail the reason why we’re prioritizing the golden wallnuts is because if we gather a total of 100 we

Will get access to Keys’s Secret Walnut Room from there if we get really lucky we can get quests that would unlock hardened versions of the mines that means a lot more rewards for us so that is the current tactic that we UTI izing at the moment if you want to see a guide

On how to obtain all golden walnuts just click on the link up above there and that’ll bring you into a video that I created which will show you the location of all golden walnuts now I’m clearing the farm of everything but I’m not going to be putting craps on I’m just going to

Leave it blank and the reason for this is to increase the spawn rate of artifact points that will increase my chances of getting all the artifacts for Professor snail so I just unlocked a new area here down by the beach this is the Pirates Cove area and there’s a few

Golden wallets to be had around here as well there’s also a chance you can get golden wallets from those muscles you can get a total of five but the drop rate is quite low now I hold up a snake skull there just need two vertebraes and

We’re good to go with the snake I’m going to purchase some spaghetti off Gus we’re going to try to get Robin six hearts so she will give us the drum block and the flute block that we need to complete a puzzle over on Ginger Island which will reward us with five

More golden walnuts now we have been working on Rin for a while so we’re not not too far off getting her up to six Heartz I had some money lying around so I trated myself to Serge off mobus then I decided to go into the Newt bug lay

Get my hands on the dark Talisman this means I’ll be able to get the magic link later on so if want to use the Wizard’s terminal to get those lovely warp oblisk let’s see how many warp oblisk we can get by the end of this video so the

Lightning rods are ready again I’m going to collect more battery packs now I’m going to keep all these battery packs so I might be able to make crystarium with those later on and it would be nice to get a farm filed up to the top of Crystal Arium we’re going to get Clint

Now to process some golden coconuts you always get a golden water from the first one and there’s a chance then that you can get an artifact need of Professor snail from the rest of them along with banana saplings and mango saplings the really nice saplings to have so I’m

Combining Rings there the lucky ring with the burglar ring I now have a free ring slot so I can put two more rings together when I receive those so we’re going to donate some stuff here now into Professor snail and as we can see see all I’m missing now is just the snake

And the snake can be quite tedious depending on your luck when it comes to hoing up stuff from the ground I also finished off the gber puzzle by guessing the last two minerals needed and it was just a TSS up between an amethyst and aquamarine and a topz so it was going to

Be one of them to get the last uh couple of golden wallets there from that puzzle I also fished up a sturgeon today and the reason why I specifically sought out that fish was just for the Lu out coming up in a few days so I got a go St

Sergeon they’re going to put into the soup that gives you the best response from the governor and that is going to excel our friendship with Robin so she will now give us the flute block and the drum block thank you very much Robin super lucky today I got the final snake

Vertebrae needed to finish Professor snails side quest that’s going to reward us not only with an ostrich incubator but lots of golden walnuts so we were getting quite close entering Key’s Secret Walnut Room the mango sapling isn’t needed for anything but we did need a banana sapling to get more golden

Walnuts later on I did have enough golden walnuts to get an upgrade there for the oisk on the farm and I also put down the flute blocks as well and completed the mermaid puzzle which awarded me with five more golden walnuts now a new baby lizard has giant farm I’m

Going to call it drun cuz I couldn’t think of any other name and that is the first of many dinosaurs that we’re going to have on our lovely Farm let’s see how many dinosaurs we can collect on our journey to become the ultimate 100 day minor despite the fact that this is 100

Challenge just so you all know I’ll be playing through one whole year of the game I suppose I should have said that at the start of the video but you’d find out eventually anyway if you watch the whole video true so today we’re back in the regular

Mines we’re fing 4 81 but we’re also on the lookout for slimes and for the void Spirits as well to get those monster eradication goals complete more battery packs than next that was really nice and I also got Robin and ni a silo just so

If we get rainy days it’s not the end of the world and we’ll be able to keep our lovely dinosaur happy got some staircases off the desert Traer and the Pirates were hanging out in the Cove it was time to play the Pirates dark game

You can play this a total of three times it gets harder each time because you get less throws but you can get a total of three golden walnuts from playing that game because I had to Crusader inchant I didn’t need to detonate those scarecrows anymore or the mummies I could just kill

Them out right with the Crusader inchant and the weapon I got tons of Prismatic shards today and an absolute mountain of ridum ORS that means a lot more money for plus look at all the audium ores I have I have hundreds of it I’m going to

Convert all these into bars set up for loads of money I’m also going to make a slime Hutch as well so we’re going to start up a bit of a slime farm because I suppose it is a mining activity you can only get the Slime hutch from mining

Technically you can also get it from fishing but because it is primarily a mining activity and a combat activity when it comes to raising the slimes I will allow it for this challenge so that is another monster redes go complete for the skeletons so we’re once step closer

To completing all of the challenges back to floor 81 and we’re just farming the usual enemies here getting fiber we’re also getting lots of minerals to make crystal Arium I made 27 Crystal Arium in total today I’m going to fill these up with jads and it only takes one day 13

Hours for the J to spawn that means once I accumulate loads of those I can trade them in every Sunday for staircases the frog is going to give me a total of 10 golden wallers today one for the melon and one for the wheat he will give me

Five more if I managed to grow a garlic but for now the 10 will have to do I did get access to key Secret Walnut Room unfortunately I didn’t get any of the mining quests that makes the difficulty of any of the caves harder so we’re just

Going to have to go with keys Prismatic gr for now because there’s absolutely no way I was doing Keys crap on a challenge like this so for the gr for blue items I find that purchasing 100 georia colas is the way to go they are cheaper methods

Like filling up chrst arms Rocka Marines and things like that for red I’m going with cherry bombs and because I had so many copper ores it was easy just to make a 100 of those and for orange I could just use the copper ores themselves so it’s an easy enough quest

To do you know for green I had fiber for yellow I had sap and for purple I had bug meat so I suppose the most expensive item there was just the Georgia colas that you can buy from the Georgia Mart if you go with the Georgia route of

Course so do yourselves a favor and go the Georgia route so the top item on the list for priority in relation to key coins was the Galaxy swords I want to trade those to get an Infinity weapon they also upgraded my pickaxe got the Swift enchant that will make life a

Little bit easier now when I do regular mining runs I’m going to put a purple slime egg into that slime incubation machine and we’re going to start a nice little slime farm going to put more Jades into these crystarium eventually I will have hundreds and hundreds of Jades

I will have hundreds of staircases so today we are going to combine some resources and make an aridium band because I had a free ring slot available and the idium band is a fine ring if you don’t have anything better 10% increased attack damage and it even has the

Magnetism as well and it glows up in the dark what more could you ask for we’ll go back into the quy cave today now these enemies that we’re killing they’re not on the monster eradication list but it’s still worth coming in every day and farming them in the hopes that one of

Them might drop a magic rock candy magic rock candies are probably the best consumables you can get in the game the luck buff alone that they provide is just absolutely insane and if you go in to any sort of dungeon with the magic Rock handy you’re going to have so much

Luck especially if you combine it with a super lucky day you’re going to end up getting great rewards 29 aridium bars right there 1,500 gold a piece we were well on the way to getting millions of gold we had 79,000 gold at the moment but we didn’t really have anything to

Spend it on so for now we’re just going to save it up and we might get a few weapon up upgrades or tool upgrades down the road with it so I got an ambush floor today was floor number seven and I do end up using staircases to try to get

All of these monster eradication goals done today I know I just got the goal completed there for killing rock crabs and I also got the goal for slimes as well so we’re well on the way now to completing all those gos I suppose the slimes would have been the most tedious

One but in my opinion the serpents to kill 250 of those is a little bit harder so I got my first dinosaur egg today after draon tank very much and we are of course going to hatch that up we’re then going to visit Robin and we’re going to

Get Robin to make the deluxe CP cuz we had the gold we had the stone and the wood so why not we might as well increase the capacity for our lovely Dinosaurs the next day we’re going to jump straight back into the Scot Cavern and we’re going to try to complete now

Monster eradication goals for the mummies we’re very close to getting that done and because we have the Crusader enchant these mummies are now so easy to kill they’re also a magnificent enemy to farm as they drop cloth on a regular basis is look at all the rewards we’re

Going to get today the big rewards that we wanted of course was the crabshell ring a plus five defense is nothing to Snuff at and a slime charmer ring which negates damage from all types of slimes all it’s have to do is the mummies the pepper xes the serpents and magma

Sprites over in ginger Island there in the volcano dungeon we also had a huge array of weapons to sell that we didn’t need including Wicked Chris’s Yeti tudes bone swords Etc so it was a nice extra bit of money there in the pocket it I managed to get the deluxe Pirates hat

Today that is actually a super rare hat it’s always nice to pick up something like that I also combined the lucky ring with my aridian band and I’m also going to combine the crabshell ring with the Slime charmer ring so that’s going to be a very nice defensive ring setup there

As well the plus five defense combined with the boots that I have it just means getting killed is going to be a lot harder enemies would hit me for a lot less so we finally got super lucky today we got danger in the Deep 21 days to get

It done the reward 50 key gems but more importantly we could now access the hardened version of the regular mines this means we could Farm radioactive ore the enemies are much stronger in the hardened versions of the mines but the rewards are much greater if you know how

To farm this place properly and I will show you how to farm this place over the next few days I’m going to show you some magnificent tips I’m going to show you ways and how miners can make hundreds of thousands of gold is it as good as farming no nothing beats farming really

Especially with the starfruit wines but if you’re doing a mining challenge then this is what you’re going to do to make millions of gold once we complete this mines I will show you the ultimate farming floor so keep watching and stay tuned the hardened version of the mines

Has a few enemies that are actually big trats the putur ghost is one it can give us a debuff where we can’t take any consumables or healing items and that can actually break our run if you can’t heal now I could have made tons of staircases

And went down to the floors very quickly but I wanted to make the most out of my first descent into the mines because you can get some really nice stuff out of the barrels including pressure nozzles if we want to use some crops later on put the pressure nozzle and a sprinkler

Does increase its range by one tide in all directions which is very overpowered indeed especially if you put it on aridium sprinklers so I just completed the monster rication go there for V Spirits I was super happy with that getting mushroom floors like this is always a blessing not only do you get

Tons of forging XP but the purple mushrooms are really good for heating and for energy and they can also sell for really nice money as well so we’re now down at the far 119 there one FL go and we have the challenge complete that’s 50 key gems in the pocket I just

Have the ladder right there now and that is the first big key challenge done that’s 88 key gems in total that’s enough for one Galaxy Soul we just need 12 more to get a second second and we can always buy the last Galaxy Soul on the last day of a season using the

Ginger Island Trader so today this is the ultimate farming technique for radioactive ore just go in and out of floor one as many times as possible the higher your Lu the more chance there is of these Nords to spawn you will end up with hundreds of radioactive ore one

Radioactive barar with the blacksmith perk will sell for 4500 gold now I have 11 bars there that’s total to 49,500 gold that is why the radioactive bars that’s why getting access to this hard version of the mines is a game changer and we’re only halfway through the challenge and

Look at all the money we’re going to make we are going to come out with this challenge with millions of gold I also picked up the dragon skill boots today in the volcano they are the best boots in the game in terms of raw physical defense I also got an ambush floor here

With more fire breeding chickens this was actually a blessing because I needed these for the kill count and I was very close to actually getting the goal here and I just unlocked it there m just their goal complete for the dinosaurs or should I say fire breeding chickens so

There was only a handful of enemies left to farm but the biggest challenge was actually going to be the serpents because the serpents don’t really attack in huge swarms you might get two or three if you’re unlucky but most of the time it’s kind of one here and one there

Lots more skull Cavern runs will be needed to get the kill counts up and the serpents or should I say giant blue butterflies as we can see now today the crystall Arium are doing their job they’re working really well with our current strategy we’re getting lots of

Jades we can now visit the desert Trader CU it’s Sunday we can trade those in for staircases because it’s the last day of the Season we can trade in 10 radioactive bars for the Galaxy soul and I can buy the rest of the Galaxy Souls using the key gems so that’s two right

There cuz they’re 40 gems a piece so that’s 80 in total so I now have three Galaxy Souls that I can put in into my Galaxy sword to make it an Infinity Blade it doesn’t look as sparkly as the Galaxy sword because the mod that I’m using just doesn’t have the infinity

Weapons in it but it’s still a very strong weapon indeed so we’re going to do some progression here now with the goblin I just want to get the magical ink now I want to get access to the magical terminal for the obelisks and for things like that because you never

Know I might get enough money to get one or two or even four obelisks later on in challenge so we’re getting gold bars today now the reason for these gold bars I’m not going to sell them all I want to make more crystarium cuz I want more

Jads I want more staircases that means I can do much more effective skull Cavern runs that means more money for us more Jades today from the crystall Arium so as you can see now there’s kind of a trend that’s starting to form where we’re going to collect Jades trade them

In on Sundays and do a massive skull Cavern run so we’re going to go with a curious substance today and we’re going to get very lucky with that now in the next Air too I also got a banana here from my banana tree over on Ginger

Island I’m going to give that to the monkey and he’s going to give us a couple of golden walnuts as a reward now we don’t really need any more golden walnuts at the moment because we got into key Secret Walnut Room but we can trade in those golden walnuts for key

Gems if you want to buy more goodies so we’re going to do Keys hungry challenge next Let’s Get Down 100 floors in the skull Cavern without using any consumables and the staircases just trivializes that challenge I also got the glap here as well off the PED ghost

That was super lucky we’re going to give that to the wizard that is another Quest complete more money in the bag for us so that’s going to give us a total of 2,500 gold it gets much better though I made a total of 58,000 826 gold primarily from

Selling radioactive bars and are bits and Bobs it was another skull Cavern run today I got a lot of autog Grabbers today and auto pets now I just needed one of each to just do up the dinosaur farm that I was going to have gone there

So that was going to make life really easy for us the next day the jads have reappeared and what’s great about the jads is that they come in so quickly literally day and a half and you can Harvest those Jets all over again so we got one dinosaur at the moment and it

Has a life of luxury our sweet sh Berry is ready we po into a garden pop their AES go we going to give that into the statue here now the secret Woods that is going to get us another star drop which is really nice maximum energy increase

Right there we’re now going to purchase our first Magic mag rock candy for three Prismatic shards we had Prismatic shards to burn we have so many of them so every Thursday we know probably go to the desert Trader and get a magic Rock handy

And if we can get a total of two that means we can go down into the mines and have that buff for the whole day which is going to be amazing we’re smelting more Ores now into bars today what we see here now is our first boss now it

Was very simple just two strikes and it died but those bosses will get progressively harder and it drops a huge array of loot doesn’t drop any amazing loot in particular but it’s all RNG so here’s another boss here now it’s a giant snowman and that’s meant to be a

Giant skeleton that throws bones at you and he died in a few hits over the next few days we would encounter more bosses that would get much harder so we have to prepare by upgrading to a better weapon what we have here now is the summit shaper The unforged Vortex vanquisher

And the wolf’s gravestone I had enough money to buy one I had 63,000 gold so I’m going to go with the wolf’s gravestone it’s an absolutely magnificent weapon and you’ll see it here now in a few seconds it is a crazy strong weapon not only does the

Weapon have a huge High base DPS it also has a right click special move where it fires loads of Fireball projectiles and it even has life steel basically I am now extremely hard to kill with this weapon and if you’re curious on how to get these weapons the mods are in the

Description this is an actual mod can’t get these weapons normally in the game but I figured I’d use the weapons mod in this video because of the boss that I’m going to implement the bosses are going to get much harder so we just done another monster Slayer goal there and

That was the magma Sprites and the magma sparkers got a dwarf Warhammer but that doesn’t compare to our new sword we will make our sword stronger by putting Tre rubies into it there’s no point re-enchanting it because the enchant it has is amazing the Fireball and life

Steel is just really good we’re going to use this for the rest of the run it is a ridiculously strong weapon now here is another boss and this one has a lot of HP and it does take quite a few hits to actually beat this boss we have to be

Very careful because the boss freezes Us in place and it shoots many different projectiles at us and it can actually W us down very quickly so we need to make sure that we have our hels at hand if we need to heal up but not to worry the

Sword does see us through today and that passes de back onto the farm we have more jads and this never gets old for me I absolutely love getting the jads out of the crystal arum another Quest we’re going to go with rocket Rejuvenation and we’re going to give Emily some nice

Gemstones over the next few days we got danger in the Deep again which was really good because it’s a mining challenge you couldn’t have really asked for a better Quest maybe this called Cavern Invasion but the engine the deep is nice and with the bosses now implemented it’ll be a lot more

Interesting now the big danger in this floor wasn’t the actual Bast it’s those squid enemies they can hit for a truck ton here was another very challenging room for me because it it’s so many spiders and they’re all jumping around the place so I couldn’t kill them all and one Fell Swoop unfortunately

Eventually I just put down a staircase and got to the next level because it takes so long to fight all those spiders cuz they keep jumping around and while they’re in the air you can’t actually hit them they’re invincible so I met it down to the

Bottom floors here now I got ambushed it didn’t really matter though because the weapon I have is so powerful these enemies they just don’t really stand a chance unless I just stood there and did not Den i’ be in trouble I picked up an idium needle of an enemy now this is a

Magnificent weapon if you spec into it so there’s a couple of perks you can choose from the combat tree you can spec into that weapon uh you can enchant it with some gems that increases critical hit chance and it’s actually probably the best single DPS weapon in the game

The orid needle hands them it is quite good for Boss builds but this game doesn’t really have any bosses so we’re going to go Robins today we’re going to upgrade our house and we will try to upgrade our house all the way we’re also going to go to Clint we’ve

Got a ton of geod here so I want to get all the minerals done now as quickly as possible because we are in fall and winter is around the corner and I want to have all the minerals done at least before we get into winter so I can start

Focusing on artifacts in so just completed Rock Rejuvenation there that’s more money for us and Emily would send us so machine the next day for that as well these Archer enemies can be quite dangerous if they hit you with the arrow your screen does get darkened quite a

Bit it’s it’s very hard to see things met it down to the bottom got some key gems it was time to visit Marin look at all these weapons we get to sell a lot of these weapons I picked up inside the volcano dungeon got a few aridium needles there too just from killing

Enemies in the Harden versions of the mines and Gil is going to give us a special reward here now for killing 150 magma Sprites and sparkers so give us a phone number so instead of coming in here to use the item recovery service we can just call in if we get a telephone

Off Robin which is really nice so I’m going to use the night’s helmet now for the rest of the game it’s probably one of my favorite helmets in the game the kns helmet and as we can see here now we have almost all of the go complete all

That’s left is the serpents 214 out of 250 so bosses can also spawn outside with the mod I have implemented and this is the first time I saw this slime bus with all this weird kind of slime balls coming off it so it didn’t do much

Damage which was good so I just went hell for leather rushed in strike the boss a few times with my big bad weapon and that was the end of that I’m going to get another magic R candy today it’s crazy how fast the weeks come around but this challenge did

Take an extremely long time to make because time goes slower while you’re in the skull Cavern and there is a huge amount of skull C runs in this video so I just completed the monster eradication there for the serpents that was one of our main challenges done all monster

Eradication goals have been completed the reward was in napan ring it’s a very nice ring indeed what’s great about it is that when you kill an enemy it explodes any sort of ores around that enemy will also dissolve so it’s a great Ring especially if you want to farm some

Ores so I’m going to combine it now with my lucky ring and we take away the idium bad I don’t really need the attack power boost cuz the weapon I have is so powerful over 245 staircases purchased today today this is just a very quick

Attempt of Jud moart just to show you my progress that I’m getting a lot better with it one day I’m pretty sure I will clear endless mode I’ll be able to beat all the levels so I got pretty far that attempt so it’s back to Clint going to

Get him to break open all of the treasure Tres that I have I got quite a lot of artifacts and I’m actually at a stage down game where I only need a small handful of artifacts to complete the museum but getting those artifacts requires a lot of luck with the RNG gods

Of this game and we have no control over RNG unless you’re the haboo or blade and you can just do something with steps to manipulate the game but I’m nowhere near that level it was time for our special orders Quest we’re going to go with Prismatic jelly because that does

Involve us going into the mines we might as well hit two birds with one stone now I did plant a lot of tarot tubers down here and pineapples and I got those from killing enemies in the volcano dungeon just to get some more golden w Walnut we’re going to go with skull Cavern

Invasion today this is a very nice Quest indeed but before we go down to the skull Cavern we’re going to kill this Prismatic jelly it actually popped up the very first time I went down to 4or five which was really nice so didn’t take up a huge amount of time at all in

Order to get that quest with the wizard so we’re going to give the wizard to jelly he’s a happy wizard he gives us 5,000 gold we’re a happy farmer or should I say a miner it was then time for the Stu Val fair I 1 second I was

Actually surprised by this because I had two magic rock candies in there three Prismatic shards a radioactive bear but um obviously it wasn’t that impressive to Mary Lewis so I gambled all the star tokens as per usual saved up to 2,000 got the star drop and we’re straight

Into the skull Cavern the next day now this is the hardened version of the skull Cavern so we have to be a little bit careful now here the bosses are much harder lots of fire breed chickens and we have to watch out with a super long

Serpent that can hit quite hard hard as well the aridium bats also still Pack-a-Punch because my weapon was so strong I could have very easily used the ladder multiple times to get to the Ambush floors but I just wanted to experiment with this crazy weapon and

Every time I had a boss encounter I just fought the boss to see what kind of items it would drop from experience so far the bosses didn’t drop really good items it just dropped a huge array of mediocre items you might get one or two diamonds but that would be the extent of

It they didn’t drop any special items our items were hundreds thousands of gold so today is Thursday again another magic R Cy for us and now we’re going to go down to the Quarry here we got a mystery node we’re going to break that open and we got a prismatic Shard that

Was really lucky I was super happy with that we’re farming the Quarry cave again today to see if we get any extra magic rock candies from these enemies but it was a nogo I got an event out tonight where the witch came along to CSE one of

My eggs to turn it into a v egg I didn’t actually realize that event would activate if I had just dinosaurs in the cop but it appears that the event Works regardless of what you have in the CPE if it can produce an egg the witch will

Come along and give you a voiding or maybe the witch will come along if you have a coup but if someone knows the answer to that let me know in the comments I greatly appreciate it so our slime Hutch is ready to go and there’s a

Lot of slime balls now to collect all of the Slime could be turned into slime eggs and the eggs could be sold for loads of money so I got Robin to build me a horse here I’m going to call it magic cuz the horse has no legs and it

Uses obviously uses magic to get around instant name magic I also bought a Horse flute with my key gems cuz it wasn’t really anything else I needed and that means I can use the horse over on Ginger Island I’m also going to get some key seasoning this means that when I make an

Item using key seasoning such as ginger ale it will be enhanced so it’ll actually give me a lot more luck than attended and this is going to come in super handy for Scot Cav runs later on I also purchased the deluxe bed so my character can sleep in much more comfort

I suppose at the end of the day the most important things for any person are their shoes and their bed anything other than that is up to yourself but you need to have a good bed and a good pair of shoes to have a good comfortable life in

Gamer car’s opinion so I’m going to make some ginger ale today and this is gold star ginger ale because we use key seasoning as we can see it gives plus two luck if we didn’t use the key seasoning it would have just given plus one luck that extra look is absolutely

Amazing it’s a game changer and you’re going to see the results in the next good C run when we use it so today I sold ridium bars iron copper gold and radioactive bars I made a ton of money I also got 183 more staircases today off the desert Trader we’re going back into

The volcano dungeon just to farm some items I’m looking for Dragon Teeth and the reason why I need those is because I want to try to make the abelisk that will warp me off the ginger Island for that I need 10 Dragon tooth I also need

10 bananas that means a couple of extra runs in the volcano to make that happened I also need 1 million gold and the Magical terminal to spawn in the oblisk so it’s a very expensive oblisk indeed I got super lucky again skull Cavern Invasion I’m also getting the

Community cleanup Quest because I just love the fiber seeds so much I didn’t not have a whole use for fiber in this challenge but it would be very handy to have fiber if a prismatic range Quest came back up again so I’m going to spend the whole day pulling up trash here just

Down by the bad house area is probably the best area in the game for putting up trash and the next day I completed the Quest community clean up I get 500 gold and I’ll get the fiber seeds off Linus the next day as well then it’s back to

Ginger Island just to get more Dragon tee and I got a good funo today which was great just a small handful to go and that’ll be 10 in total and I’ll be able to get that OB once I get a million gold so I was doing a skull Cavern run today

But this was the hardened version of skull Cavern and I had all the luck Buffs I had the magic rock candy I had the ginger Els I had a luck ring the only thing I could have asked for which would have increased my luck would be a

Second luck ring and I haven’t gotten that yet will I get it before this challenge is finished we’ll find out so that was the Slime boss and the great thing about the Slime boss was because I had the na P ring they all just exploded when they died it was just

So satisfying watching them all just explode in front of me I got lots of rudor today and the reason why I got so much is because I spam the staircases so much primarily looking for radioactiv ORS I spent all day today farming radio active ores just spaming Flor one over

And over again before the day was out I did make a quick trip to the desert and purchased another magic rock candy cuz it was Thursday at 190,000 gold today 90 aridian bears and nine radioactive Bears back to the Quarry cave and decided to

Chance my arm to see if I get a magic rock candy but it was a noo they didn’t drop it today if I can get one before the challenge is out i’ be so happy I know it’s a very rare chance but we still have a chance to get it back this

Time much more slime balls that means more slime for us and we’re going to put this now to the lovely slime press machines and within about 19 or 20 hours they are going to produce slim xgs for us and we’re going to sell all those slimex to make tons of money we’re going

To go with robing again here now she’s going to upgrade her house even further to make it a bit bigger and I’m also going to go to the Halloween event here and get the golden pumpkin that’s a universal loved gift it might come in handy later on depending on what kind of

Quests I get so I got two blue slime eggs now today and seven green ones now the green ones are worth 1,000 gold each that’s still really good for putting all that slime in you get back a great return I had enough money to finally make the ginger Island warp obelisks I

Put that straight down in the farm that’s the first of four obelisks created now we’re getting cleaned to break open some treasure troves to get some artifacts so I’m going to purchase a ton of staircase now again today 127 in total this is the last day of fall so

We’re almost finished with the challenge it was kris’s birthday today the first day of winter we’re going to give him a horse Rish he loves those I also had a quick look at his inventory he had a weapon here called deathmatch and the black sword but they can be forged

Further but we needed the legend of fish to transcend those into their Superior versions because we weren’t really doing a whole lot of fish in this challenge we didn’t get an opportunity to pull the legend up out of the water now I could have gotten my fishing skill up to 10

And I could have used magic bit and gotten the legend but it was in the last season now and I wanted to go help for leather with mining so I decided not to pursue those weapons I went with Key’s Prismatic range again and then I got a

Rare event and a train come along it was one of the longest trains ever but it didn’t drop any items at all so it was a huge waste of time on the second of winter I did make more Crystal Arium though and I’m going to put these inside

My house cuz I have a lot of extra space now I’m going to fill those up to the top with diamonds sell those for extra money I also found kobas in the game of hideand-seek he rewarded me with a magnifying glass thank you very much Kus

So I have the Savage ring here now and it gives you a speed buff whenever you kill an enemy I’m going to use it to farm bugs because I need to get 100 bug meat just for the purple item for Keys Prismatic range so I spend a great deal

Of time today just running around with an airam ring and a Savage ring just wiping out bugs and slimes and I actually got a lot of really nice items from doing this including a lot of minerals some pressure another bits and Bobs from the barrels so it was actually quite the fun day

Just running around with that setup wiping out insects I purchased 100 georia colas and then it was back into Key’s secret wallnut room to get another couple of key gems 79 in total I also spent a great deal of time just cutting down trees getting hardwood needed hardwood for Robin’s Quest need 80

Pieces of hardwood to make her happy I also went back to Desert shed cuz guess what it was Thursday again time to purchase another magic rock candy I took that straight away and it was time to do a skull Cavern R I also took the gold

Star ginger ale so I was maxed out again with luck it was going to be another whole day inside a skull Cavern fighting bosses getting the RoR and getting rich so that was the big floaty head bass there that we just fought it was easy enough but sometimes that boss can do

Substantial damage if he hits you with the lightning strikes you got to watch out for those the next said it was just spend to processing ores into bars I was going to sell all those I wanted to get another Obelisk I had so many Auto Peds

I couldn’t sell them I just put them down into the coupe maybe the dinosaurs might feel a little bit happier if there’s more Auto pets to go around they can all get automated pets 199,000 gold made almost 200,000 gold made from selling all the items there

Now what I’m doing is I’m getting rid of my jads and I’m putting diamonds into these Crystal items cuz I have so many staircases don’t really need to Jade anymore I spent the rest of the day farming radioactive ore and then it was ant desert the next day to get even more

Staircases 21 in total we’re then going to get all of our lovely radioactive bars sell those for 4500 gold a piece and we’re going to farm even more radioactive ores let’s have a look at the special orders Quest we had juicy bugs want it and Robin’s resource Rush

We’re going to go with juicy bugs want it um because I love killing insects cuz I have a nice big mean weapon keys presmatic range lined up nicely cuz we have to kill bugs anyway so why not hit two birds with the one stone or two insects with the one big giant bad

Weapon that flinks Fireballs at people I also did the fishing event today but I can’t use those items I did it just because I needed a break from the mines cuz I was getting burnt out a bit so it was time to make cherry bombs today for

Key’s Prismatic grage I made 51 there and I had the rest in a chest it was then time to cut down trees to get sap cuz I needed sap for the yellow item and sap was the only thing that came to mind I know there’s other items you can get

To you know to fill the spot of yellow but sap seems to be the easiest and because I had the Forester Park I was getting more wood per tree as well as the wood might come in handy later too then it was down into the mines once I

Had obtained 100 sap and we were massacring insects again it was said time to go back into Key’s Secret Walnut Room and we’re going to print our usual items and we’re going to get back some key gems 115 key gems in total what I was going to do already these L the key

Gems I was going to buy two deconstruct rors and then the rest was going to be spent on Hoppers and I was going to deconstruct The Hoppers to get radioactive bars so I could sell those to get even more money it’s a great money-making tactic if you need Fast

Cash radioactive barers are just so overpowered they’re just in A League of Their Own so we’re back on the farm look at all our lovely diamonds ready to be collected each one ss for 750 gold and Tura has come around yet again so we’re going to to purchase another magic Rock

Cy it was then time to process all of her lovely slime into slime balls I also picked up a secret note here so I gave a rabbit’s foot that I got from killing a serpent into the truck driver and he gave me back a special charm that is a

Permanent increase to our luck it was then time to run around with the whole pickup artifacts that I was missing with the museum and I got two strange dolls needed to hand it to Gunter to almost finish off the artifact set I was still missing a few bits in pieces so I traded

In ton of anti GEOS for Treasure Trolls I got Clint to break those open if I got pearls or if I got golden pumpkins they were kind of useless the pirat treasure was nice but at this stage of the game 5,000 gold wasn’t a whole lot of money I

Had 492,000 gold at the moment it would be nice if I can just increase that to a million and purchase the desert warp Obelisk I made it down to flor 100 Scot Cavern but this time it activated a nice scene here where I took some aridium

Milk and it increased my HP by 25 because I got the quest from the secret Noe I also got a second lucky ring Super Lucky that’s two lucky Rings now within 100 days you can’t really ask for better than that the rest of the day was very fortunate day indeed there was just

Loads of aridium loads of minerals loads of money and of course we’re going to spend the next day processing all of these lovely ores into bars and we’re going to purchase some more staircases with the JS that we had left that’s 96 more staircases right there so we’re

Going to go up to the forge here now and we’re going to combine our lucky ring with our sub charmer ring so we’re swapping out the crabshell ring for the lucky ring so we’re sacrificing the fence but we are obtaining look we’re also going to get fragments of the past

100 pieces of bow needed that’ll be very easy to do once we set up ourselves with a monster musk there be enemies literally all over the place we also have the night market here as well so we’re going to go to the night market every night we grab the painting off pie

Because just so rare and I’m also going to do the mermaid vent here too and get myself a pearl which is absolutely useless but it is cool just doing the event to get that special item nonetheless the next day we now have a farm fil up to the top with diamond

Crystalarium we’re going to go down into the hardened version of the mines and we’re going to kill these skeleton Lords for loads of B shards once we get 100 give to Gunter that’s a nice reward for us that’s going to give us a total of 3,500 gold which isn’t too bad and we’re

Also going to get a bone Mill the next day as well a baby lizard hatched we’re going to call it ring Goku because I’m watching Demon Slayer at the moment and I just watched the mugan Tren Arc and rang Goku was absolutely amazing so he

Is stuck in my mind for the moment so there you go then Goku our new baby lizard may his fire breeding techniques surpass that of the best dinosaurs we back to Night Market of course we’re going to get our painting off lupini here now winter has almost come to an

End there is one artifact that we need to complete the museum and that is the trill bit and it is going to be quite a fight to get that because you have to hold up from the ground you can’t get it from Treasure troves so it’s down to RNG

To decid if we’re going to get that or not so every few days we’re going to go over to Ginger Island we’re going to blow up all the nodes on the dig site and cross our fingers in the hopes that we’re going to get to trit so we’re

Selling more weapons here to Maryland back down into Scot Cavern what we have now is maximum look we have a magic rock candy we have an enhanced ginger ale which gives plus two luck and we have two lucky because it’s also a super lucky day so you cannot get more luck

Than what we have right now this luck is just maxed out for us and it’s showing because we’re getting tons of Prismatic shards we’re getting tons of ridium ORS we’re going to get tons of money from this we’re going to go back to the digite here now over on Ginger Island

Detonate all these nodes in the hopes that we’re going to get a Trill bite unfortunately that’s not the case you can also get one down at the beach here so we’re going to go to the beach every day we’re going to go to CP Forest every day and just start Hing up everything

That we see in the hope that this trilite would pop up before winter has come to an end 224,000 gold made at the end of today and we also have a huge array of diamonds to sell as well cuz our Crystal items are now ready we’re

Also going to get all the Slime turn that into lovely slime balls and we’re going to harvest all of our lovely aridium bars and farm radioactive ore for the rest of the day what a great productive day it was the next day we managed to get one red slim egg that

Sells for a lot of money which is really nice we also have enough money now to get the desert Obelisk so we’re going to put that straight down in our farm that’s a desert Obelisk and the ginger Island aisk before the challenge has been done so it’s really nice like got

Finally I got farming level five from Pep the lovely dinosaurs it was time for another key Quest and look at that we had danger in the Deep again for 50 key gems so we’re to take that Quest and we actually do that in just one day I just

End up spamming staircases because I didn’t have a whole lot of time to go through it legitimately because I really wanted to get the trill I can’t remember what I picked for level five farming there it didn’t really matter because the challenge was almost finished I got a Pam fossil today

I T for a split second that was a chill about I got very excited then I realized no it was a pan fossil we already have that so I was very disappointed there so today it was Christmas I wasn’t in the greatest of moods so I gave Haley some

Clay and I thought I might get off on her reaction but she was very calm about it and she said clay thanks and that was kind of it I was hoping for a much more explosive reaction from Haley cuz we all know how she can get but no she took it very

Well I got a ruby off Pam hrah back to the dickite can we get this Trill B no it’s not happening today or will it let’s detonate the rest of these noes and find out so we’re getting lots of bone shards we’re getting lots of Nautilus fossils and they’re very common

And we’re getting everything in between including all different manner of cogs we’re even getting Prismatic shards here we’re getting everything except the CH getting ancient swords bone flutes chewing sticks you name it we’ve dug it up out of the ground but the triller bite is just not popping up for us we do

Have three days left I also got the ancient fruit here from the greenhouse which I thought was a bit hilarious because there’s Hot Nails in there I could only grow the engine from sell it because I got it from the mines they were the rules that I set they’re the

Rules we’re going to stick with so I’m going to sell all of these leftover ores to Clint cuz we’re nearing the end of our Challenge and I just didn’t have time to process them into bars so that’s going to make Clint day because he’s always PO on about ores I got a chipped

Mug there off the ground I thought for a split second that was a trilobyte but it wasn’t now I do get a magic rock candy as a reward here for finding all the minerals I got a crystal Ario too didn’t really bother grabbing the other rewards

Cuz I just didn’t have time to decorate the farm I just really wanted this trilite I desperately wanted it I really wanted to complete the challenge another Pam fossil that was a huge disappointment cuz it looked like the trill bite but no it was another Pam fossil but our search continues to arm

More artifact spots all around the map I got another ancient seed if only this was a few months ago it would have been a great addition to the greenhouse there was an artifact spot up here beside Grandpa’s Shrine will Grandpa have mercy no clear and born fragments probably my grandpa’s born

Fragments between last books and everything else it looked like this Chiller bite was not going to pop up now I am a very optimistic and determined individual and I wasn’t just going to give up because it was the 28th I was going to scr the entirety of this map I

Was going to get every single artifact spot before I went to bed to make the most of today and believe you me there was not one artifact SP that I did not come across I found them all hold them all up but this chill bite did not want

To come out of the ground and be added to a lovely Museum where people could look at it for the rest of its life in awe and wonder and that is the challenge completed we did manage to complete all monster rication goals which is really nice we couldn’t complete the museum

However cuz we were missing the trilite and we made 3 million 455,000 gold which wasn’t too bad for a mining focused challenge if you’ve met at this vanted video do me a favor and hit that subscribe button if my channel grows to a certain extent I can become a

Full-time YouTuber again and Rel videos like this every week if you enjoy 100 day style videos like this check out the huge array of 100 the videos I have on my channel thanks a million for watching and I’ll see you in the next video bye

For now and I hope you have a great week

#I Played 100 Days of Stardew Valley #Stardew Valley Compilation

I Played 100 Days of Stardew Valley the Ultimate Compilation.

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Hello Everybody!! This is GamerGar and welcome to the 100 Day Stardew Valley Marathon! which is a 12 hours compilation of all my Stardew 100 day videos of 2023.
Make yourself a cup of tea, sit back, relax and allow this video put your mind at ease.

My current goal is to make a huge cosy community where anyone can join and relax regardless of race, gender our political/religious views.
Lets aim for 100k subscribers and share the love all around the world!
You can help by Liking and subscribing!

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:05 100 Days Honey Farmer
01:08:00 100 Days Dairy Farmer
02:13:14 100 Days Junimo farmer
03:08:05 100 Days Hardcore Survivor
04:40:35 234 Days Margo Mod Movie
07:10:11 100 Days & made Millions
08:37:40 100 Days Randomized
09:40:40 100 Days Vegan
11:11:21 100 Days Miner


  1. I truly adore this video. It’s the perfect type of video to put on before a nap or when you’re going to bed and every time you put it on I’ve been meaning to comment but I keep falling asleep. Thank you so much for this wonderful wholesome content.

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