You Are Using The Forge Wrong In Stardew Valley

You might be using the forge wrong but you need not worry let me show you how to maximize everything what is the forge well it’s simple the forge is this magical Anvil thing that can enchant both your weapons and your tools it can also enhance your weapons and combine

Your rings together to form bigger better rings to get to the forge you just need to progress to the volcano on Ginger Island and reach floor 10 you will need to do this in a single day but it’s not hard if you use coffee spicy eel and not explore the entire room just

Focus on reaching the next floor and you will do it really easily after reaching floor 10 don’t forget to use this exit first and click on this button this is important if you do this then you can immediately skip to floor 10 in the future and do not have to progress with

The entire volcano each and every time before I show you everything you need to know about the forge the first thing you need to know is that the forge has a currency everything you do here will cost you Cinder shards and they are only

A few ways to get in the shards in this game first you can find the cinder Shard no words within the volcano always mine these whenever you see them these magma Sprites and magma Sparkles can also drops in the shots when you defeat them if you are after even most in the shards

Wear a burger ring and defeat all of them after a couple runs in the volcano you should have all of this on the shots you will ever need however if you are looking to passively gains in the shots then you can’t catch some stingrays in

The Pirate Cove drop them in a fish pond and collect some free Center shots every now and then okay let’s talk about your tools each one of your tools can be enchanted at the forge it will cost a single Prismatic Shard as well as 20 Cinder shards the assignment of the

Enchantment is random but it will not change if you reset the day it’s a little bit complicated but the enchantments will change once you have applied any enchantment to any tool keep that in mind if you are low on Prismatic shards there are many different types of enchantments first we have the efficient

Enchantment every type of tool can have this enchantment and it’s really simple it just causes your tools use absolutely no energy it’s not a bad one but they are definitely better enchantments next we have the powerful enchantment this can be applied to your wood chopping ax

As well as your pickaxe this is better on the pickaxes it will allow you to destroy rocks in the volcano with a single hit instead of two hits otherwise this enchantment is not that helpful the Shaving enchantment is unique to the wood chopping ax this will increase the

Amount of wood that you will gain from chopping down trees not bad at all this Swift enchantment is most definitely one of my favorites in this game this can be placed on every single tool except for the fishing rod and the watering can and it will increase the speed that your

Tools can operate by 33 percent I promise you that once you use a swift enchantment you will never want to go back just look at how fast this is the fishing rod has a couple unique enchantments just for it first we have the auto hook enchantment this will

Simply cause your character to hook in fish immediately without requiring you to click when you hear the sound good for lazy plays is like myself then we have the master enchantment this will increase the fishing skill level by one this will allow you to naturally be over

The maximum level of 10 and with the use of seafoam pudding you could even go all the way to level 16 fishing you will have a massive fishing bar if you do this next we have the preserving enchantment this will give you a small chance that your bait or fishing tackle

Will not be consumed on the next catch the reaching enchantment is a very interesting one it will add another layer to your Tool’s maximum charged range instead of holding down to a 3×6 you can hold further for a massive 5×5 to be honest I am very conflicted with

This one it’s slower but it’s slightly bigger I don’t know if it’s any good but let me know what you think the watering can has one unique enchantment the bottomless enchantment this will make your watering can magical meaning you will never have to refill it very nice your hoe has two unique enchantments

First there’s an archaeologist enchantment that can double the chance of finding artifacts when hoeing artifact black spots and the generous enchantment that gives you a 50 chance that double the loot will be dropped when hoeing this is actually pretty good for clay farming the scythe and a slingshot cannot be enchanted which is

Very sad but it is what it is now onto weapons this is where it gets extra interesting as you know you can bring a prismatic shot to these three pillars to get a Galaxy sword but you can turn this galaxy sword into an Infinity Blade at

The forge all you need is three Galaxy souls to get Galaxy Souls just do a bunch of key special order requests and then buy them from him or buy them using radioactive bars on the last day of any season at the island Trader once you have three of them use them with any

Galaxy weapon it will cost three Soul shards and 60 Cinder shards you can do this with a Galaxy sword dagger and even a hammer now that you have an amazing weapon let’s just you know make it even better weapons can also be enchanted there are five enchantments that any

Weapon can have first we have The Artful enchantment this will reduce the cooldown of the weapons special move this is absolutely amazing on a hammer where you always use a special move especially if you pair this with the acrobat profession next we have the bug killer enchantment this will increase

Your damage to bugs by a massive amount and it will allow you to defeat those unkillable bugs in the skull Cavern I would avoid this one to be honest the Crusader entitlement is pretty good it will increase the damage to both mummies and ghosts by 50 additionally it will

Allow you to defeat mummies without using a bomb on their corpse this will save you time as they are always mummies in the skull Cavern and you will seriously stockpile cloth if you use this enchantment the vampire contritement is perfect if you love tanking the enemies head on whenever you

Defeat any enemy in the game there’s a nine percent chance that you will regain Health equal to nine percent of their maximum health this is surprisingly reliable and I often pick it when I’m doing some very challenging key quests now we have the Haymaker enchantment this is a strange one this will cause

Weeds to drop more fiber when you harvest them and it can allow you to harvest grass using your weapon this is not a combat enchantment this is for utility if you are often hitting weeds for Fiverr then use this enchantment on a secondary weapon like your old lava

Katana for example now onto weapon enhancements there are seven different types of enhancements that you can add to your weapon you can add up to three enhancements per weapon and you can mix and match the different enhancements if you want to to apply an enhancement to a

Weapon simply place a weapon in and place the corresponding gem the topaz will increase the defense of stat of your weapon by one per level the Ruby will increase the base damage of your weapon by 10 percent per level the Jade will increase the critical damage by 10

Percent per level the emerald will increase the speed of your weapon by two for the first and the third level and three for the second level and aquamarine will increase your Critical Strike trance by 4.6 percent per level and lastly an amethyst will increase a knockback by one per level each upgrade

Will cost in the shots but if you are very low on Center shards you could use a diamond for now a diamond will apply three random enchantments to your weapon thus saving you gems as well as Center shards but you can remove them all by clicking this button over here you can

Combine two rings together to get the bonuses from both Rings while only taking up a single ring slot you cannot combine two of the same rings and you cannot combine combined Rings the combination will cost you 20 similar shots but if you have made a big mistake

You can also undo the combination by clicking this button over here I don’t know why you would ever do this but you can change the look of your weapon if you wanted to just place the weapon with the good stats here and the weapon with the look that you like over here and

Just like that your Infinity Blade now looks like a rusty sword very impressive this isn’t for the forge but you can also change how your boots look using the sewing machine with the good looking boots here and the powerful boots here always Roman style you now know

Everything there is to know about the forge but do you know which professions is right for you check out this video to learn more thanks for watching but for now I will see you in the next video

With the addition of the latest Stardew valley 1.5 Update, we now have access to a magical Dwarvish forge! The forge can literally do everything, and that is exactly why I made this video. Enjoy this ultimate Stardew valley forge guide. Hope it helps.

Watch These!
Profession Guide:
1.5 Spoiler Free Preperation Guide :
How to Build more Greenhouses :
1000 Iridium Ore Per Day:
💜Twitch💜 :
📸 Instagram 📸 :
0:00 Intro
0:06 What is the Forge
0:18 How To Unlock The Forge
0:46 How To Farm Cinder Shards
1:27 How Does The Forge Work
1:50 All Tools Enchantments
4:15 How To Get Infinity Weapons
4:52 Weapon Enchantments
6:12 Weapon Enhancements
7:08 Combining Rings
7:26 Cosmetics with the Forge
7:49 Thanks For Watching


  1. 4:30 You can also find Galaxy Souls by slaying enemies in the Dangerous Mines and Dangerous Skull Cave (During Qi's Challenges or after activating the shrine you find after completing the "reach the bottom of Dangerous Mines" Challenge)

  2. I love Stardew Valley, but I absolutely hate everything to do with with Ginger Island.
    Everything about it is so annoying. I don't even bother unlocking it anymore as it isn't worth the trouble of dealing with it.

  3. There's a mod on Nexus to enable choosing your enchantment- rather than having to scum save.
    I don't enjoy the randomness of it, i mean, you go through the whole gauntlet of wrecking skull caverns for shards, and then you're expected to just ''hope'' you get a good enchant? Fuck no baAaaby

  4. Shaving enchantment let you get more wood and more crops from giant crops.
    If you don't like the enchanted just reset the days and enchant something else first and then enchantment the first item. Personally save up 3 enchantment and you can cycle though combinations

  5. I'd forgotten to hit the button to unlock the shortcut, and it was still open for me when I went back the next day! So if you forget and pass out or leave with a totem, don't panic

  6. I prefer the efficient enchantment on my hoe for planting day (especially Spring 1st) and the bottomless enchantment on my watering can. Together, you can till and water your field a LOT faster. Axe I would go with either shaving for the extra wood or efficient to keep from spending energy (great when harvesting a bunch of wood all at once). I usually go master on the fishing rod for the boost in fishing skill. Weapon, I usually go for crusader making the skull cavern much easier. Favorite ring combos are iridium band mixed with burglar's ring, slime charmer ring, and napalm ring (that's 3 separate combos with iridium band, not trying to mix all 4 together) though I've seen some really great builds with different combos. Iridium band is just so versatile since it's essentially 3 rings in one allowing you to add a 4th ability (or enhance magnetism and light if you combine it with a glowstone ring).

  7. One thing I’d love from these is if you were to give a rough estimate of how many runs in say the volcano you’d need to enchant the tools worth enchanting

    Obvs it would be super rough but would give me an idea of how many resources to gather for the runs.

    Love your vids!

  8. ……. ive been to the forge at least a dozen times ….. and never knew about the shortcut to get back 🤦‍♂️ i noticed that door at the beginning of the volcano but never knew what it was until now 😭

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