Minecraft, But You Combine Any Item…

This video i can combine any item in minecraft like this diamond sword and this firework to make a firework sword so my aim is to beat the game with custom combined items also we are getting so close to five million subscribers so if you do enjoy this video then please consider subscribing

It is completely free and you can always unsubscribe later and now enjoy the video all right we’re in and first things first i need to craft one of these because without it none of this is gonna work but it also means i’ve gotta find a chicken so i’ll quickly grab the stone

There’s something wrong with me we’ve got the furnace the crafting table and i’ve got the planks so where are you chicken oh right here perfect boom and that is done we have got the combiner i told you i needed this look how crazy this thing is oh and it said try

Combining a stone hoe and sapling okay well that’s fine i just have to chop down a load of trees so that i can get a sapling yes there we are and with the ho i’m guessing now if i right click the combiner yes stonehold plus sapling

Gives us what is that a tree destroyer right click this near some trees oh and it said the next one which is try combining potato and carrot okay right clicking near a tree oh oh my you’re kidding me this is just free real estate thank you click it on wood and we just

Get the whole tree just like that i have already got over a stack of wood perfect and this has barely lost any durability that is brilliant i can make tons of crafting tables and now i have to somehow find a potato on a carrot which

I can only really do in a village so it’s a good thing that there’s nothing but planes in front you’re kidding me hello village please tell me you’re yes you are a useful village because you’ve got carrots and potatoes oh you’re kidding me how many is that well i’m

Guessing i only need one of each actually it doesn’t even matter get out of here buddy i’m taking all of these and now i can combine a potato and a cat what to make a cara tato this food hybrid heals 10 hunger bars and we can

Make absolutely we’ve got 54. wait so am i set for food yep you’re kidding me oh come on buddy get over it you ain’t got nothing on me yeah and five iron i am absolutely killing this oh wait there’s another farm just here with more carrots and potatoes this is perfect thank you

I’m just gonna take all of these again and i might as well make myself a full stack and 17. i don’t even need the 17. that’s just useless but something i’ve started to realize every time you craft a new item like the carotato it puts the

Next item in chat so i’ve got to get a stone sword and a stone pickaxe so it’s time to go mining and i think there’s a cave right here oh there’s iron here good you know i can just go for it because i’ve got food that heals 10

Hunger bars and now we got plenty of iron perfect and i’m not even doing the thing i need to do if i just get stoned because i can just make a new stone sword and a stone pickaxe and i can combine it to make what a stone pick

Sword and you can upgrade this item so i’m guessing i can i can mine with it and it has good attack damage oh oh i didn’t even mean to do that i just right click by accident oh wait is this like a semi-circle no it’s a full circle oh

That’s brilliant let’s mine that oh yeah you know what we can just head straight down this is perfect i can get rid of my pickaxe and my axe i don’t even need them and i can just mine down like this oh yes so much stuff thank you oh and

What was the next item a torch plus an iron ingot okay i can make the torch right now and i’ve got iron i probably shouldn’t use all of it i’m gonna smell some up right now because i can literally just go boom boom like that

Thank you and stick it on for smelting i love this look how stupid my sword looks i’m gonna make a bit of armor first i don’t want to be a fool but you know what it’s time i’m combining it torch iron ingot to make a steel torch okay

This looks like a regular torch um oh what i think it just replaced my oh oh i thought i’d replace my combiner you’re kidding me i can just mine it all straight like this i’ve got so many iron blocks what i’ve got 14 which is two stacks of iron this is absolutely

Ridiculous i don’t need any of this iron that i’ve just smelted that’s quite annoying you’re kidding me i still have the torch i can reuse it okay yeah you know what we’re gonna keep that for a rainy day that’s brilliant and the next item is iron boots plus a spider eye

Which is gonna be a bit more difficult because i don’t know where to find a spider eye the good news is we’re in the depths of a cave and i can kill all of these nope oh i should probably make some armor this isn’t very smart i’ve

Got enough iron for it now so that’s perfect boom this is actually mad this cave’s massive but no mobs i never thought i’d be complaining about two little mobs also this inventory is disgusting but with the power of editing it’s fixed oh a mineshaft yes this is

Huge oh yeah there’s a spider right here hello buddy i’m gonna smack you with my pick sword even though you’re gonna kill me all right no spider either that’s fine oh what how did i not notice that three had just spawned oh that was a spider eye oh yeah another one get out

Of here you freak okay i am breaking you you’re done oh all right i can do my iron boots and a spider eye to give what spider boots you are now the spider-man what does that even mean hello oh i can climb up balls are you kidding me oh

This is gonna be so helpful in the end yes oh i’m living the dream oh no there’s all this stuff in the way i’m gonna have to just climb over it this is gonna make stuff so much quicker well actually i should probably make a bow because i’ve got arrows and you

Never know when you’re gonna need it also boop actually speaking of iron i was told that i can upgrade this so i’m guessing yes iron pixeled oh i can still upgrade it okay that’s good to know so i’m guessing now it just mines faster yes and it does more damage yes and oh

It’s just a wider vicinity now okay well what was the next thing it was a shield plus netherrack i don’t even have a shield all right there we are now i do i think i should just dig down and try and find a lava pool oh this is insane i’m

Just going everywhere oh and diamonds a load of diamonds okay that’s pretty cool oh even more this is ridiculous yep i’ve got 13 diamonds make that 14 apparently okay diamond chest plate why not oh and this thing’s almost broken okay wait it said we can upgrade it again can we do

Yes we can do a diamond pick sword but it’s fully upgraded oh okay we’ve not got to use the mining ability too much because it absolutely destroys it but that’s fine because i need to find a lava pool oh it was actually right around the corner i keep forgetting that

My sword is also my pickaxe but it’s fine because i’ve got a portal and boom we’re ready to go please good spawn please no it’s awful wait actually can i oh that is brilliant thank you i’ll just take my portal with me oh and this circle it creates is massive all right

That’s good to know and this spawn isn’t even too bad okay all right well first things first i’ve got to merge my shield and my netherrack to get a lava shield protect yourself and burn others okay that’s nice and then the next item is an iron sword and a blaze rod that sounds

Pretty doable oh wait can i catch myself oh i can catch myself on edges and not take full damage this is brilliant oh wait a second i should probably test oh yeah it sets him on fire that’s brilliant and he didn’t teleport okay i like this shield oh and there’s a

Fortress are you kidding me but i can just climb up this thing i love it but that’s what i’m looking for baby i’m gonna run i’m gonna spider-man oh i’m gonna spider-man no don’t you hit me no ouch that hurts i’ve just got to kill

You no no blaze rod of course i just want to find one of these come on no blaze what are you serious i actually think because i just keep using this pixar to break everything i’m gonna make the iron sword i need for it right

Now and then i just kill blazes come on yes there’s a blazer we actually got it it’s time for the important part iron sword plus what the blaze blade shift right click to activate fire light what is fire light shift right click boom oh wait what it didn’t hurt any oh i can

Fly um okay let’s smack you get you out of here i can just fly with them this is brilliant oh wait no the flight stopped oh and there’s a cool down on the sword okay all right so i just have to be really careful especially when i’m

Flying because i could just fall and die so easily but we’re getting blaze rods so i can’t complain okay we’ve got nine oh this sword must have looting please tell me you do buddy how many are you giving me i had nine and i i got five

Yep it’s got looting all right grab my combiner boom oh no okay you know what i’m just out of here this is stressful and the next thing i need to get is an iron chest plate plus an ender pole which is perfect because we’re in a

Warped forest and i have looting so come here buddy you’re done right here and we got five ender pulse oh my goodness the cool down is almost over on this blaze blade so i think if i just shift and right click yep there we are i can oh oh

I thought i couldn’t fly for a second but i can and i just need to find enderman where are you please flight don’t stop all of a sudden oh there’s an enderman thank you buddy i need your pearls boom and yeah i can’t fly anymore so i

Just need more of them okay that puts us at 11 14 and 18. okay that’s enough i’ve got my combiner i’ve got my iron chest plate boom and boom whoa an ender chest plate press c to teleport it’s the same as the diamond chest plate so that’s fine we

Can chuck out the diamond chest plate and then i’ve pressed c oh i can teleport wherever i’m looking oh this is brilliant i can fly i can climb and i can teleport oh i can teleport anywhere i want this is amazing okay well now i

Can go boom and i can fly towards 150 150. our portal should be pretty much exactly here all right so we build our portal boom boom boom and as you saw in chat earlier the next thing we get is an ire vendor and a diamond which i’ve

Already got so i can literally go straight through i literally just have to head up to surface which is easy peasy oh also because i can use this and then i can just fly upwards i can destroy my item oh i’m lagging my game so much okay it’s fine and i’ve run out

Of flight but it’s okay oh we’re at surface well that was quick well first things first we make a load of iron vendors boom and then secondly we do a diamond and an irender to make the end teleport wait no way does this take us straight to the end oh that’s ridiculous

But it says try combining a bow and a firework but for a firework i need gunpowder okay so i can’t go to the end just yet because i need to find a creeper before i go and this is such an awkward biome so boom fly time come on

Creepies this isn’t the right biome to find you but i don’t care surely you’re somewhere oh creeper yes okay buddy i’m gonna shoot you twice and then i’m gonna hit you with this and please drop gunpowder oh yes absolute beauty and then i just need sugarcane for paper so

I can get the firework oh and that’s right here come right here we go boom boom boom firework rocket and you know what i’m gonna save this for the end so hopefully if i right click this i should just be there please wait i heard an explosion don’t be dead yes oh it

Actually worked oh wait boom i can fly yes yes yes come on oh yeah this is good we can break a few of these and i have got to do the bow the firework to make a rocket launcher what does that even mean if i right click you you oh no way you

Do a lot of damage oh you hurt me that’s bad okay okay okay i’m just gonna break all of these things how much do you do to the dragon so much damage can i break all of these as well oh i can you’re kidding me this is great i can just

Destroy all of them boom and on top of that i can climb straight up this when i can’t fly just to make my life 10 times quicker and i can shoot this boy oh i think i almost hit myself boom you’re done and you are done too there is one

All the way over there you know what i can press c and i can teleport all the way over yep you know what i’m gonna move away because otherwise this thing’s gonna explode me boom oh okay we’re fine ah oh okay i’m good you know what i’m

Gonna fly right now come on bertha you are getting exploded yes rocket launched baby you don’t stand a chance combined items are absolutely ridiculous oh my goodness if i hit her in the head it does more damage as well okay oh i want one heart this is bad no no no

Teleporting teleporting get away okay okay okay they’re right there i’m gonna shoot them yes we killed one of them i’m teleporting again and i’m just gonna shoot them from afar this is good all right oh and she’s finally perching okay let’s get some shots in right here boom

Oh my goodness i can actually do this right now oh my no no don’t you fly away i’m gonna shoot her right in the face yes come on right here yes oh baby oh yes and that is why you never mess with comb oh

Minecraft, But You Can Combine Any Item… (Challenge)

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  1. 25% funny 1,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% Youtuber, to be exact.

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