Hardcore is one of the coolest and most fun ways to experience Minecraft but it’s also a little bit dangerous if you eat your seat just right it’ll be a breeze how you doing everybody it’s me Waddles and today we’re going to take a look at some of the very best scenes

That I’ve found for Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 let’s do this no that’s what it is if you’re not sitting down quite yet you’re gonna need to take a seat because we begin with a bag there’s only one seed that I can show you straight up off the Baton

Let’s be honest have you ever seen a mountain so beautiful breathtaking suddenly gorgeous that world spawn ah I’ll answer it for you no no no you never have if you pick the first seed we’re taking a look at today as your next hardcore world seed your Journey Begins a little bit dangerously you’ll

Kick things off inside of a Grove bomb careful there’s Potter snow right over there right next to the Potter snow though you got Spruce Wood is beautiful Oakwood Birchwood and even right over here one of the most romantic wood types of all time there’s a giant huge cherry

Blossom to spawn you also got these two pretty uh big relatively small mountains compared to that one but it’s like a nice Valley you could build there or maybe over in that Plains bomb that’s right next to even more cherry blossoms but maybe you’re a little bit more of a

Get right to it type of lad you want to jump into the world and get down deep really really quick well not a problem you get this huge mountain right here that also Cuts all the way down to the bottom of the world maybe jump into this cave land cleanly inside of that

Waterfall and then all of a sudden you find yourself surrounded by glow squid creepers oh and the most dangerous biome in all of Minecraft the deep dark biome right from the start back up up at World’s one here let’s say maybe instead of going deep we want to go high we

Climb the mountain go into the cave find a bunch of iron after climbing the top of the mountain we move along the top of the mountain until we see the Outpost Right Out World spawn but you know what they say there is one thing better than what Outpost and of course that’s gotta

Be two outposts right by world’s Fawn now when exploring through this world or really any of the other scenes today I’m sure you’ll find even more cool things if you do please tell me all about what you find down below but finally for today we know that there’s a deep dark

Biome in World spawn well deep dark pile there’s only one thing that could mean so not on me do we have one of the biggest deep dark biomes that I’ve seen in a long time right at World spawn that also reaches pretty high in the world

But we also have one of the most beautiful ancient cities I’ve ever seen head to the coordinates you can see on screen right now and you’ll find maybe your first diamond but absolutely your very first ancient city of this world and oh boy when I say ancient city I

Mean ancient New York City this is one of the biggest ancient cities I’ve ever seen you got the center and then you got so many big buildings just sprawling you got altars and everything but oh wait what’s that you also got skyscrapers in the form of a giant mine shaft that that

Actually completely caused the demise of this building right there is terrible but moving through this thing you get a huge massive giant game diamonds all over and then you get a second mine shaft with the smashes into the city again I don’t know how this is only one

Ancient city I guess these things are just huge but two mine shafts one ancient city spawners here diamonds huge cave please you try and find me a more beautiful ancient city seed because I don’t think you can whether you’re checking these seeds out today on Minecraft Java or Bedrock seed

Number two is a whole lot more humble than Beginnings when you kick things off inside of this world you spawn inside of a savannah bile it’s kind of terrifying if you caught my other recent Seed video then you remembered a blank canvas seat this is kind of like the equivalent of that seat

Except inside of this world at World spawn near you you’re gonna have basically every single wood type in the game I wasn’t able to find Cherry super close but there’s like everything else from World spawn inside of this Scene goes straight down this river right here

And you’ll land yourself at one of the most interesting looking land Generations that I’ve ever seen we got a river Aqua for a thing that seems to just suddenly drop off into a giant cave move closer and sure enough it absolutely does inside of this cave you

Got a lush cave but you got the drift Zone cave biome and then if you get deep enough inside of this same cave right down there you have a deep cave um what do you call that thing again giving ourselves night vision so we can see a

Little bit more and as you can see it’s open to the sky you move right in you get a mine shaft right there huge giant tall pillars all over the place oh yeah and that’s right not one geode but actually two geodes sitting right inside

Of the cave too if you’re into like the cave biomes living under the ground but maybe having a skylight in your home or something this sea is beautiful also hey you’ll have to excuse me I haven’t taken the time to scan every single block in here but absolutely with such a big game

100 gonna be diamonds right in here easy too next up in preparation for this next seed that is one of the best seats of this entire video today I need you to tap that like button You’re Gonna Want to tap that like button while we’re still inside of this

Wonderful world because as soon as you see this next one oh as soon as you see the second one you’re gonna forget Dale but uh really quick one final thing you spawn somewhere over there you move down to this big cave right here after you’re done checking out the cave go over the

Hill to a bad lens bomb for the Terracotta or right next door to a wonderful desert village and speaking of Village devoid the Hardcore Minecraft is usually the challenge the stays are a little bit High what if we just like took away all of the challenge well if you want to

Take away all of the challenge you land on seed number three today and so this is the onesie that might be a little bit different on Java and Bedrock structures aren’t imperfect parody If you’re playing seed number three on Minecraft Java though you spawn literally right

Next to a ruined Portal from the start and side of this world you run over to the ruined portal you remember that you’re in Survival Minecraft so you go back to survival and you start digging down you pick the right block to dig down on and right from the start you

Find tools and that pickaxe is not bad head over to your local room portal get geared up a little bit maybe come back to it later fix it up head to the nether but right after that it’s off to your local Village and oh yeah yeah speaking

Of a local Village just literally right at World spawn yeah that’s right Hardcore Minecraft players dream beatford seeds right from day one oh it’s wonderful now but anyways the village of the village you’re gonna have a camel here because it’s the desert one and you’re probably gonna have some

Armor inside of this blacksmith’s chest as well now from this mod you got options if you’re into ocean things head out into the ocean and by heading out into this beautiful warm ocean that’s right at World spawn you’re gonna find a shipwreck and then somewhere nearby like right over there or something you’re

Gonna find an ocean room structure it’s actually pretty big too they remember how it goes in 1.20 you do sharding inside of the warm ocean bomb and you might come out of the thing with a sniff after you’re done checking out the ocean a little bit do me a favor go back to

World spawn and start following the shoreline you’re gonna find a beautifully gorgeous looking coral reef bile you’ll find a strange tree that has a copycat wood type but then eventually you will find another shipwreck and spoiler alert double tap the screen a couple times but now if you don’t want

To know what’s in this chest but but oh my gosh I don’t know if you all had that but that’s wonderful oh and if one Village wasn’t enough not a big problem at all I got a second desert village for you my friend camel farm right off the

Bat also a beautiful looking bad lens bottle and a plane smile oh and there’s even more shipwrecks too this is insane look me and you we’re we’re good friends which means I could be honest with you for me when I play Minecraft it’s about the journey I don’t really have a lot of

Fun and like rushing into things doing a ton of stuff insane by like day 10. for this scene it’s all about the journey I’ll probably call it something like that you’re gonna spawn in this world right in that small Beach right next to the beach a beautiful warm lukewarm

Ocean is giant I guarantee 100 there’s gonna be ocean ruins and shipwrecks in here check them out maybe find a little bit of sniff or a little bit of sharding you know how it goes that’s fun if you want to take your time and relax a little bit from World spawn head over

This way and you’re gonna find a ravine that’s gonna cut down into some caves maybe you could write to business mining or something by the way every single C is down in the description today so you can copy and paste it I didn’t really use any short words or anything like

That it’s a jumble of numbers every single time anyways from our beach quarter World spawn head out to this land mass right here you’re gonna find more caves but you’ll also find a room in portal with loot there from the room portal you’re gonna find a desert village Savannah Village sorry after you

See what’s going on in this world you’ll see why I mixed it up I’m sorry I can’t help it it’s a it’s a little distracting also right by this Village you got an outpost right next door maybe you set up like an outpost Farm or right Farm or something

Like that it’s cool and finally today it’s all about the journey in this scene from Worlds one I want you to chop down one of these trees make yourself a boat and set out sailing you’re gonna basically follow this Shoreline for admittedly kind of like a long time with

Your boat sail down the shore this way into a beautiful coral reef pile then cut across you see that Island at the distance keep going that way continue sailing right along the shoreline here for a long time then eventually you’ll reach these coordinates right here add these coordinates is one of the coolest

Cave Generations I’ve ever seen if you want to build a lagoon base or something like that well this is the one for you tear out these mountains right here and all of a sudden the ocean moves into the game system actually and then it moves into a mine shaft you got a spawner

Right there too that’s great for experience I mean this is such a cool thing you could terraform the side of the mouth to make like faces on the side or something and then have a base literally in the ocean or if you wanted to you could move and land a little bit

Over this Hill and find even more beautifully gorgeous mountains oh and whatever you call this too uh like a crater hole I don’t know anyways beautifully gorgeous mountains of course you see the pink wood but look at these things right here maybe you want to

Build in this forest and have that as a backdrop oh that is beautiful and there’s just tons of mountains in this area in general when I saw the seed I was kind of sad that I didn’t pick this or the new guide season because this is just gorgeous next up you actually got

My runner up we’re A Beautiful World spawn seed we’re gonna take a look at this one really really quick you’re gonna spawn literally inside of this Village in this world you know how that goes there’s gonna be a camel here too the portal won’t be here I was testing

Stuff don’t make a portal at spawn the nether is absolutely terrible from your warm and populated World spawn if you wanted to get to a little bit of looting right away and you got a desert pyramid right down the shoreline right there but maybe even more beautifully from Worlds

One this Village right here we’re just gonna go ahead and walk over here get really high up into the world and looks right down oh yeah by the way alpo’s right there but we’re just gonna go ahead and move really really high up in the air straight above this thing and

Look at the ground then I need you to tell me if you see anything funny how about that shape right there anyways moving on I’m not maturing up for that seat so inside of our next scene seed number five of the day oh with beautiful inside of the Overworld

Right at World’s one which is gonna be this beach Corner this seed is wonderful right at World’s one you got a small horse over there you got a tall for it you got a big planes you got a big Village you got an outpost right over

There and you got that thing too but we’ll come back to the Overworld you see Hardcore Minecraft is above the difficulty eventually get yourself a netherball then go back to World spawn and make a portal when you do that you’ll be dropped inside of the nether right here now depending at the point

You are in the game you might have a setup go to this ocean and find a stripe if you can’t find a saddle though no big deal follow the land This Way carefully through the Crimson Boris biome until it sort of starts to turn or whatever kind

Of like this right here then you’re gonna need to get down low and keep going in this world once you hit this dead end right here it’s time to mine you’re gonna dig straight dig straight for a little while and you’ll end up straight into well you dig straight for a little while

And you’re back inside of the warp Forest problem in fact maybe you don’t even have to dig if you go up high but even better well well my my we got one of the most dangerous structures in the entire game that was Hardcore Minecraft you got to be careful the only reason

I’m showing you this one right off the bat is because you are guaranteed 120 of the time at the bottom a netherride upgrade template right from the beginning now it’s Sebastian I’m sure there’s gonna be a lot of other beautiful loot there is also going to be

A lot of roots though so maybe gear up a little bit more first but that is wonderful easy Bastion with netherrite the nether is beautiful but back over to the Overworld here I’d love to go check out this Village really quick so look I don’t know about you but I feel like

This water right over here is particularly beautiful you got a really nice looking Hill with the cave in the middle and a whole tube you also have that big Village and an outpost nearby they’re far enough away that it shouldn’t really be a problem that is as

Long as you don’t leave the pillagers over this Village also has two blacksmiths inside of it if you’re newer to Minecraft 2 blacksmiths is beautiful because the blacksmith is the one with the arm Hardcore Minecraft is dangerous because you only got one try if one bad thing happens like say a creep responds

To your base walks over to you and goes boom well then the world is gone forever but that could only happen if a mob actually spawns if you were able to say stop mob spawning somehow maybe with the biome that is 100 safe yeah say a 100

Safe biome right at World’s one that is also 100 a certified gigantic like way bigger than you could ever need it’s a continent well well honestly if you’ve never tried Hardcore Minecraft this this might be the seed for you this is by far one of the biggest mushroom Island biomes that

I’ve ever seen and even better it’s got caves and it’s right at World’s Pawn 2. this thing is huge and so last year we are we made it all the way to the end of the video there is one final seed that I have for you if you’ve enjoyed the sea

Joe caves video today and you’d like to see me do more then leave a like that’ll let me know subscribe for more videos too World spawn in this world is right on that beach over there from this Beachbody we got tons of options you got a wonderful Meadow and plains biome over

This way that you could go and build you got a village right at World’s one that you could go over and maybe like get geared up get some food get loot you know that kind of thing you got some really cool looking Cliffs over there

With iron all over the side of him and a big swamp biome too maybe there’s a Witch Hunt I don’t know but one of the most important things in Hardcore Minecraft is the totem of undone now I gotta be honest getting one of these things it’s not really a day one type of

Thing it’s a little bit dangerous but getting your hands on totems as quickly as possible well that would be beautiful from World’s ball to this world head over to the local Village you get geared up a little bit and then maybe backtrack go over to the ocean and sell across

Right across the ocean you’re gonna find a woodland Mansion right at World’s Ball even better this Woodland Mansion is like fully Iceland if you want to skip the Mansion like save it for later well that’s not a problem you could just maybe avoid this whole small island all together butthole small island

Alternatively you go into the Mansion check get out clear it out and then it’s like not that big of an island you could easily run around light it all up and turn your base into this entire Island I mean it’s literally an Island Getaway here with great real estate too no

Matter what you do with this world then please remember that it is insanely dangerous here absolutely 100 no matter what gear up first and so some of the absolute best seeds that I’ve found were Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 you got options if you yourself do a little bit of seed

Hunting and find something cool tell me all about it down below or even on the subreddit rslash wattles but both a screenshot with the coordinates and what’s actually cool there thank you all so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it until next time it’s been

Me whoops I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye Thank you

Minecraft 1.20 was a pretty cool update with lots of nice generation changes! Today we take a look at some of the best seeds for Minecraft Survival 1.20 and beyond! These seeds are showcased on Minecraft Java but should work just as well for Minecraft Bedrock! From a mushroom island spawn to a woodland mansion spawn to the best mountain seed, it’s all here!

0:00 – best minecraft 1.20 seeds
0:20 – beautiful mountain
3:13 – blank canvas
4:35 – op spawn
7:09 – the lagoon
9:38 – peter
10:21 – mushroom kingdom
13:00 – free real estate

ancient city: 5900463098865311980
blank canvas: 7879078325596510712
desert village spawn: -7823222706077900768
lagoon: 9023920949786076229
peter: -5512458918805577639
mushroom: -5724483837128974106
mansion: 5682417398365060427

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if you read this comment “crafty”


  1. I got my first smithing template last week in bedrock on hard and made netherite armor for my first time ever and still no deaths its good cause if i do die i delete the world and start over my kinda hard core for bedrock

  2. Happy newyears Wattles! I can't wait to see whats next for 2024! I enjoy every video you've made. Could you maybe perhaps sometime make Minecraft Survival Season 2?

  3. If you want expansive Ancient Cities, try 5085405352177541826 (Java only) You spawn on top of a max height (255) powder snow-filled mountain and if you walk over to X 546 Y 93 Z360 you'll find a cave opening that leads into a multilevel Deep Dark cave. Get to the bottom and you'll find 3 Ancient Cities, two of which are connected and the third a stone's throw away. Also the Deep Dark is more like the Shallow Dark as it goes all the way up to Y 128 in places due to the extreme mountains. There's a bunch more Ancient Cities nearby but they're not all in one place like these three.

  4. The best Ancient City seed I have ever found for Bedrock Edition is 2111864331711732909 . It features a massive Deep Dark biome right below spawn with 9 Ancient Cities within 1,000 blocks of spawn (including the one nearest spawn that has a Zombie Spawner in the Redstone Room under the Portal which also produces some floating Redstone Dust due to the structure collision). This is the best seed I've ever seen for the sheer number of easily accessible Ancient Cities.

    The Ancient City with the spawner is at -240, -34, 65 (which is the center of the Ancient Portal which is what I typically use to identify Ancient City locations).

    The other Ancient Cities are at:

    -640, -34, 49

    -753, -34, -192

    -752, -34, -608

    -256, -34, -656

    -244, -34, -336

    96, -34, -720

    160, -34, -1040

    -704, -34, -1040

  5. My current seed ive been playing on….for the last 3+ years….is the Hernitcraft season 7 seed….simply for the big mushroom island just off of spawn…. subsequent updates have changed to the point that the seeds nearest mushroom island is over 15k blocks away lol….

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