Stardew Valley….but everything is RANDOM!

Hello everyone welcome back to a new video firstly happy New Year everyone 2024 what the butts so this video will be the first part of our brand new series we are going to be doing the randomizer challenge as I kind of hinted at in our previous series of the no buy

Challenge which you should totally check out by the way I put tons of work into that series but yeah this is going to be a randomizer challenge I’ve got the randomizer mod installed and I’m going to be trying to complete the community center year 1 with the randomizer mod I

Have no idea how much harder the randomizer mod is going to make this challenge but to be honest year one Community Center is already kind of difficult so I don’t think it’s going to make it easier you know but anyways we are going to jump straight into it I’m

Going to make my character I won’t make you sit through all that I’ll just jump in let’s begin okay here we are we’ve got our par Snips oh no hang on we have kiwi p seeds instead is that like papaya and kiwi mixed together okay thanks Mar

Lis Okay so so we still have the normal stuff in the journal except now we have to cultivate and harvest a kiwi p instead of a parsnip do they take the same amount of time they take 10 days so they’re way harder than a par snip great

I’m going to start the runoff by lighting the fire this is very important to me I always start my runs off this way it’s a good luck thing for me okay and I guess we’re going to plant down these kiwi p seeds we have no idea what

We’re going to need for the community center so I’m probably going to spend the first few days of this episode at least just collecting anything and everything we can because we have no idea what we need I’m not going to sell anything or get rid of anything to start

Off with because that might mess us up later on I also chose the forest farm for this because it’s my favorite Farm type I haven’t played on it in a little while now so I’m excited to use it again it’s the prettiest farm and you get

Hardwood and mushrooms as well so if we need them for the community center we’re sorted okay let’s plant down these kiwi p seeds 10 days to mature how cheeky is that so these aren’t even in the regular game so I wonder how many new crops there’s going to be included in this mod

I actually have no idea can I get a sneak peek if I look on our collections tab wait there’s so many new things like half of these things I don’t recognize like what is that what is that is that a shrimp I don’t know what these things

Are there’s so much new stuff look at these oh my God that looks cool okay so there’s going to be a lot of new things I’m guessing great good to know I wonder if it just affects crops it might do I’ve watered all of those I’m now going

To make myself a chest cuz that’s very important day one of these challenges is kind of always the same just got to plant things then make a chest and then forage with whatever remaining energy we have I do also have two mix seeds I might try and gather some more so I can

Plant those they might give us something other than the Kiwi Piers so let’s chop all um was that stripey frog it looked like the trans flag oh my God I love that there’s even randomized frogs hello that’s so cool I’m just going to chop all this fiber and get as many mix seeds

As we can to plant as well so one good part of this challenge is I am allowed to buy whatever I want I am free from the constraints of no buy and I can buy anything I want now which makes me very happy at the same time we do have a

Challenge of completing the community center so I’m not just going to go buy furniture or anything don’t worry I’ve learned my lesson I can definitely restrain myself a little bit when it comes to buying things I think I think the previous series definitely taught me

That much I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season I don’t know if you noticed but I did take a little bit of a break towards the end of last year I just needed some time to fully relax away from YouTube for a bit because I

Didn’t know where I was going with it and I wanted to have time to like plan new ideas and stuff for this year but I am really excited for this year I hope I can be a lot more active and productive when it comes to YouTube that is my plan

At least but I feel like I keep promising that so I’m going to try not to put too much pressure on myself I’m going to aim for weekly uploads this year and if I can manage any more then that will be amazing oh my God so I collected a butt ton of wood

Thinking I could make a chest but uh it uses a torch and the torch uses green algae so it looks like there’s going to be no chest today 50 wood and two pieces of green algae for a torch and then I can make a chest with it great we’re

Going to have to wait till comes tomorrow and we’ll have to fish up some green algae I guess I forgot that randomizer changes literally everything like why would a gate cost three copper ore please tell me why a stone sign costs a geode a wood sign is a grass

Starter like what this doesn’t make sense okay well we can’t really gather any more things then but I did at least get some seeds another kiwi p a Muk fruit okay I’m loving it and another kiwi p okay great we got so much variety have we not had a single vanilla crop

Yet are they hard to come by I wonder hopefully some of these things are needed for the community center I’m going to clear the rest of my fiber I think cuz I want to get as many mix seeds as possible so this first episode I think we’re going to focus mostly on

Just getting to day five cuz obviously the community center doesn’t start until day 5 technically day 6 because we need to go to the wizard After we receive his letter so we’re going to be trying to do that so we can unlock our first bundle so yeah we’re going to be kind of

Rushing through these days a little bit it’s not like we can do a lot with our energy being so low anyways early game like we’re already exhausted what can I do now okay I guess I’ll go and check out Pierre’s stock I’m kind of intrigued what other seeds there are so let’s go

And do that real quick since we have no energy left and I’ll also forage as well if we come across anything oh my God squirrels are purple I just saw a purple squirrel also we have a red mushroom already that’s kind of cool I guess the forage is going to be randomized because

That is a summer forage sweet peas shouldn’t be in Spring should they or am I like losing my mind maybe I maybe I’m remembering wrong I’m pretty sure that’s summer though this is going to have me questioning all sorts of things I’m not going to trust in my knowledge at all am

I okay Pierre open up show us what you got um Pierre Pierre why is Leah here are the villagers randomized too please Okay so we’ve got MC fruit we’ve got kiwi pie and Stam seeds on the farm we’ve never seen water corn starters yet they’re

Kind of like green beans I guess wait is there no vanilla crops they’re all new lime pair night lilac that looks so cool vietto what they look so cool what is this pomet trout why is this called pomet trout what does that mean like the fish is it like a pomegranate fish I

Don’t understand oh my God look at this little frog seed Stone sapling H law sapling what ancient D sapling is that going to produce ancient dos stop okay we need to get one of each of those that’s amazing this one’s really expensive though Al Lun Cuda sapling

That’s pricey I’m going to start by selling my sap and maybe I’ll sell the red mushroom as well I want to have some money available just in case who are you okay so Robin is Leah good to know this is going to make gift giving really

Difficult if we have to do that which I guess we kind of don’t have to do to the community center why is Kent already here who are you oh of course you’re Caroline that makes total sense wait but Evelyn came out of Evelyn’s house oh because she’s Alex I’m going to be so

Confused are you Alex are you are you sure about that oh sorry Alex hey sorry Alex I can’t who’s this um I mean what um hm visual bug potentially Maru is Morris but also a black rectangle it makes sense I get it I won’t question it oh here’s Pierre who

Is actually Louis well that makes sense they’re both hated characters right okay I’m going to skip all these villagers and I’m just going to go and get stuff from the beach cuz that will be normal right except no not at all cuz that’s a crystal fruit yep yep makes sense it’s

Not winter it’s also on the beach I wonder what mining is going to be like and fishing as well like will I fish up crops like what’s going to happen I am very intrigued by this mod um why you dinging through the trash sorry Sam who’s also Haley this is so weird and

That is a snow yam I guess I’ll grab that okay there’s really not a lot more that I can do today it’s only 7:00 p.m. but our energy is fully out so I think I’m going to head to bed it’s not like I can go and collect more stuff anyway

Because we don’t have a chest to dump things in so let’s just head off to bed tomorrow we should get our fishing rod and we will be able to get some algae to make a torch to make a chest which makes total sense in this bunkers upside down

World okay the best thing I can do today is to like fill up my inventory with pieces of fiber so I can dump all this stuff here and then sort my inventory outside like this and I’ll still have some inventory space this is the best I

Can do without having a chest for now let’s water all of these then we can check our mail and hopefully Willie will still come and provide us our Rod I don’t know it probably won’t be Willie it’ll be someone else but hopefully someone will provide us with a fishing

Rod cuz clearly we need it we need the algae I wonder if algae is still going to be catchable in the water though like what if you have to harvest it or find it in the mines I don’t know I’m questioning everything okay that’s Pierre’s advertisement and there’s

Willie he’s come back from a fishing trip and he’s got us a rod let’s go and collect our Rod the rod has never been so important day two I need a chest okay give us the cut scene it’s Pam no way is it Pam okay thanks Pam for the bamboo

Pole love you babes Willie you’ve changed a little have you done something different with your hair I don’t know oh my God is that a pomegranate what I’m taking that I wonder if the villagers likes have all changed as well probably have okay well this fish seems a little difficult what

Is it going to be I guess it could probably be any fish maybe let’s have it be a sturgeon or something that would be amazing uh well it’s not a sturgeon it’s a hup a hup what what available from 6:00 a.m. till 12:00 a.m. found during spring full winter habitat Town Forest

Woods witch swamp only when it’s rainy see I think that might be lying to us cuz it’s currently not raining something’s not adding up here level one fishing sucks I just want my algae I hate level one fishing with a passion oh my God stop moving

No no I was so close no no I hate it I I hate it so much okay I’m going to my farm I’m going to fish in that tiny little Pond and hope there’s algae in it because that would make sense right what if algae is impossible to get because

Literally there’s no way to know how you get it like what if you get it from the sea now it’s random everything’s random every piece of knowledge that I know about staru has been thrown out the window okay one down one to go it seems

Like this is the spot oh my God a Luda wasn’t one of those trees a Luda tree a Luda sapling or something ooh we leveled up with a broken CD still just one piece of algae though please game please give me another piece I’m just getting trash

At this point I’m literally starting to feel exhausted I’ve only found one piece of algae I’ve been fishing all day for this finally oh my God we can make this dang torch I’m so relieved let’s go and collect our wood real quick I can throw

These fish on the floor and we can now make a torch which means we can make make a chest it’s beautiful it’s actually beautiful let’s put it down here and put everything into it I can’t believe how long that took us we finally have a real life chest I’m so happy but

Unfortunately we have used up all of our energy again so I’m going to head off to bed it was a long old day of fishing for that piece of algae and we leveled up here fishing so we now have crab pots I wonder what they’ll give us though I

Have no idea what they will give us and honestly I don’t even know how we’ll make those they’ll probably be really difficult to craft yo the Luda sell for quite a bit though we now have 510 does that mean we’ve hit 1,000 I think we might have yeah easy 1,000 gold let’s go

Oh and obviously day three is a rain day still that didn’t get randomized thankfully I think I might try and Cy through all of our fiber and why is it raining skulls that is so cursed what well that’s kind of freaky but we’re going to ignore it we’re going to scth

As much fiber as we can and get mixed seeds and I’ll plant whatever I get and then I think I’m going to do a spot of foraging as well cuz I want to make sure I get all the spring forageable so that we can complete that bundle as soon as

Possible and unlock a new bundle I hate these skulls they look so weird okay let’s plant all of these down we got more Muk fruit star yams okay we’ve just got the same free again they must be all we can get from the mix seeds

Maybe ooh we got geod so we can make a stone sign now okay I cleared some of the stuff on the farm just wanted to make it a bit cleaner you know but now I think I’m going to head off and do a little foraging loop around the map and

See what we can find oh my God there’s an apple sat on the floor like that’s so valuable what the heck mine okay there’s a horseradish so that’s normal so there’s some sense of normaly and order but then there’s a snow yam okay can still get spring onions which is good

I’m going to grab all of these there seems to be loads holy heck this is a good day for foraging oh and we leveled up in foraging already let’s go um Shane why were you in Linus’s tent you want not lonus I am not okay with that lonus

Is a sweetie you can’t be lonus my day is ruined now not a Shane being Linus that’s actually heartbreaking I want to uninstall the mod just for that honestly oh a clam is forage I see well that makes sense right okay with my leftover energy I’m just going to chop down these

Trees we’ve gotten so much forage though so I will dump this all at home and again we’ve kind of used up all of our energy so maybe it’ll be another early night but yeah energy means an early night to bed I guess and we leveled up in foraging okay we’re still getting the

Normal stuff that we get from leveling up like the normal recipes but I guess it’s just going to like use different things to craft them I don’t know I wonder what Tapper we’ll use we should craft one of those as soon as possible really two white algae and three quartz

Like why would it use that oh my God okay what about Crab Pot oh yes 39 oil that makes total sense 39 oil to make a crab pot m mhm yes I can get on board with that I guess also do you notice that we’ve only had bad luck days so far

Is that just like implying this run is doomed maybe I’m going to start by watering and then I don’t know we’re kind of just waiting for tomorrow so that we can go mining I guess it would be wise to kind of stock up on food cuz

We’re not going to have par Snips from our crops being done cuz they all take too long so I guess any forage we get like the spring onions will be used for food in the mines which is really helpful I’m probably just going to spend today clearing my farm then and then

Maybe finishing with some foraging this is definitely going to be a slow start I think oh we got a chicken statue though who knows that might be needed for the community center we’ll keep hold of it for now I should look at how we make field snacks oh two cave carrots well

They are officially useless to us then because cave carrots definitely give us more energy than one field snack would okay and it’s not even 9:00 a.m. and all of our energy is gone it’s a great start to the day this is how I feel most Thursday mornings to be fair so this

Part is very realistic what could I do with my extra time I guess I’m going to forage even though I just did foraging yesterday so there probably won’t be too much I don’t want to eat my spring onions cuz I’m going to need them for mining tomorrow ooh our first Trash

Bread of the series that’s always exciting oh and a field snack let’s go okay we’re getting quite some resources to take to the mines of us tomorrow this is what today was all about to be fair prep for the mines I hope tomorrow will

Be a good luck day as well that will be very handy oh my God seeing rasmodius walking around town is so weird Emily is rasmodius it’s so weird to see him walking around town hey at least this makes sense jod and Kent hanging out together that’s kind of cute I’m just

Going to store everything away and literally we can’t do much more today I think we’re going to have to call it another early night oh my God this feels so bad but I only have three energy there’s really not a lot more I can do I

Guess I could go and meet people maybe I’ll do that actually I don’t think we really need to do that for Community Center but it won’t hurt us to get things sent in the mail I guess if we have made friendship oh there is also a request board too Willie wants two

Hadley well I wouldn’t even know where to start with that I’ll accept it but I’m not going to do it only 100 gold for two fish that does not seem worth it not a Shane being Vincent that’s so funny look at his happy face while she’s

Telling me to leave him alone like it just the JS to position here is beautiful that is Art so is Elliot Penny then yes I guess it makes sense they’ve both got glorious hair um what is going on here uh Gus what is happening that’s so scary V

Should not be allowed in the saloon this should not be happening that’s wild actually Shane being an alcoholic but it’s got the visuals of a child H I don’t know how I feel about that okay okay it’s 7:00 p.m. which is basically our bedtime so I’m going to head off to

Bed but tomorrow will be an important day cuz we actually get to go mining and we also get to open the community center so big day for us so unfortunately I am going to have to water all of the crops which is going to use a bunch of my

Energy but I think it will be fine we’ve got loads of spring onions I could also take a couple snow yams too maybe some apples as well I just got to make sure I’m leaving one of everything I guess o hi Clint Clinton is himself nobody want wanted to Freaky Friday switch bodies

With Clint I get it I wouldn’t want to either uh hi there good morning I noticed that you’ve been breaking some rocks open and finding ore that’s good oh this is cuz we got a bit of copper from the bend okay that’s nice we get our furnace recipe already without even

Entering the mines it’s kind of cool but it’s not like we can craft it unless maybe we can I don’t know what it uses pomet TR and void Essence okay great cuz that’s amazing cuz we need to get down to floor 80 in order to get void Essence

Right so we can’t have a furnace until till floor 80 are you joking me that’s terrible I hate that okay let’s not focus on the negatives let’s just get watering maybe void Essence will be attainable on level five who knows okay that didn’t use too much of our energy

Really we still got a bunch left so I do believe we have to leave our farm at is it 8 in order to get the cut scene so I’m just going to like hang around a little bit until 8 and then we can enter to get the cut scene for the community

Center okay here we go yay hi Pierre so we know what this is all about we can definitely skip it we have to go in and check the community center and get this whole thing started let’s get this show on the road okay let’s read the writing and tomorrow we

Should get the letter from The Wizard and we’ll finally see the first bundle I am a little bit nervous I wonder if this will even be possible there might be things that are really hard to get so we’re going to have to see but let’s just go mining Let’s Pretend nothing bad

Is happening let’s lose ourselves in the mind um Kai is Maron please what make it make sense wait does that mean that the actual Qi is going to be Maron cuz he’s like not going to seem magical at all he’s just some old geizer uh what is that a potato pencil

Does stabbing damage that sounds awful okay we’re going to die a lot I can just feel it in my bones we’re going to die so much in here let’s just try and get to like level five and not die oh it’s a dagger no we’re doing one damage with a dagger this is

Horrible but we got void Essence Hang on we’re not going to have to make it to level 80 and a Cherry Bomb I’m going to use that right away a void Essence is amazing to get cuz we really need that for a furnace oh and a quartz we need

That for was it a Tapper I think we needed it for a Tapper this is so hard to kill something with a dagger ooh an amethyst that’s cool let me eat this bread oh we have no inventory space this sucks and a topaz what do I leave I don’t know what is more

Valuable okay we made it to level five I can at least go and drop some stuff off up the top and I’m just going to use this same trick that I’ve been using when I have small inventory this is the best tip I could recommend if you don’t

Have chests yet you just need to remember to come back and collect your stuff later because I think it will reset when you back out to the main menu but until then it should stay even if you sleep a day and stuff also apparently it’s another bad luck day but

I feel like it’s not too bad I do hate killing with a dagger though I hope we get a new weapon soon I might have to buy one otherwise going to try and make it to level 10 I guess oh my God we got squid in That’s So Random and the bugs

Fly in multiple directions now ew I hate that we got shiny tedor high heels the balloons are easy to tie what what does that even all mean I’m going to put them on but I literally don’t know what that means red shoes oh we looks so styling

Like this it’s giving dorfy for real I love our new look oh I’m going to have to take on two slimes at once this is not good oh I’ve been slimed oh we leveled up in mining let’s go okay we’re level 9 we’re so close to get to level

10 and then I feel like we could leave for the day honestly this m strip has been pretty good ooh if I knock this torch I could actually have another chest and I could have that upstairs at the top of the mines that’s really useful it’s kind of nice I can just come

And loot the mines for torches and turn them into chests that’s kind of cool actually I’m also sort of getting used to using the dagger I don’t enjoy it but it’s okay as long as there’s not multiple enemies on you at once I feel

Okay we made it to level 10 let’s go and dump this chest upstairs so we can at least clean up up here we can put all of this stuff away and what do we get a level 10 please a better weapon a hyper Crystal screwdriver of Ravenclaw what does that even mean

Please is it another dagger it is is yes at least it’s slightly better I guess it’s level three it does a tiny bit more damage I hate dagger so much okay we got such random stuff again but I’m going to bring it all home in order to make a

Furnace I think we just need two white algae now I don’t know the best place to get white algae I know you can get it from fishing in lakes and rivers and stuff but I think it would be worth waiting to get to is it floor 40 or 45

Or something the ice fishing level in the mines I think you get a lot of white algae from there so it might be worthwhile to wait until we get to that point but if anyone knows any tips to get white algae that would be super helpful let me know in the comments I

Don’t know if the randomizer will have a say over it though maybe things have changed maybe white algae will not be in the normal places you get white algae from you know I already need another chest this is great okay tomorrow I should wake up and be able to go and

Visit the wizard and finally know what our first bundle is we’ve also leveled up in mining which is pretty cool we haven’t got any recipes though hm that’s kind of odd isn’t it do you usually get recipes with level one mining I feel like you do let me grab my watering can

And we’ll start with our watering and then we’ll go and check out the wizard ooh look at the Muk fruit that looks so weird it kind of reminds me of the QI beans a little bit so far we haven’t had any Crow incidents and I don’t even have

A scarecrow so we’ve been a little lucky with that I guess unless the game just doesn’t register this as normal crops maybe that’s why okay here we go rasmodius wants to see us and oh Maron wants us to slay 10 slime okay we can do that and Robin wants to advertise to us

Okay bye Robin we’ll definitely try and get into the adventurers Guild so that we can maybe buy a better weapon I think that’ll be worthwhile but first let’s go and see the wizard shall we I’m really worried to find out what this first bundle is going to be hopefully it’ll be

Easy but something tells me it won’t be no jazz is not the wizard stop that’s so silly why is jazz the wizard okay we can skip this we’re not getting high with jazz hi Jazz we may as well meet them ah yes I predicted your arrival a long time

Ago young Lil there’s something really wild about being called young Lil by Jazz I don’t like this but all that weirdness aside we can now see the first bundle happy crops bundle resource bundle orange bundle winter foraging summer foraging and spring okay let’s start with spring okay we’ve got most of

This stuff already we can go and donate a bunch of it we haven’t got the fiddlehead f yet I think we’re going to have to get that from the woods right so we’re going to need to make a furnace and smell stuff so we can upgrade our

Axe as soon as possible cuz I feel like we’re going to need to get that from the secret Woods what about the resource bundle okay we can do a bunch of this already as well what weird numbers though 47 clay 109 stone why summer foraging o look at this it’s eyes is

Licking good um I don’t think that’s the saying that is weird and also Holly being in the summer bundle feels so odd to me but that’s all quite straightforward orange bundle oh my God this looks difficult okay ooh there’s some food we’re going to have to upgrade our house pretty

Early on we get an orange okay crab cakes pale okay there’s a lot going on there winter foraging okay that’s all quite straightforward okay great amazing so we got some fertilizers some sprinklers huh and an unmilled pommy trap out this skin has a high concentration of butter is that a peanut

Like huh okay some really weird odd items but we have a lot to start off with I think this might be our easiest bundle to complete which does worry me slightly cuz even this one has some hard stuff on it but we’ve got this we’ve got

This in the bag I Believe in Us let’s go and do our first donation of stuff to wrap up this episode with oh and I meant to say at the beginning but this series is going to be split into 20 episodes I think we’re going to have sort of five

To six days per episode and yeah there’ll be like five parts per season and 20 episodes in total so I hope that sounds good to y’all I’ll try and get them out like every other week sort of time if that sounds good right first drop off then let’s take everything we

Can got the clay we needed four of those got the fiber I don’t remember how much we needed we need the clam for the spring foraging luckily the UI mod is helping me here okay that’s everything we have for now I do need to be on the

Lookout for other stuff as well then cuz I don’t think we’ve been able to complete any of the bundles right now unfortunately which means we can’t unlock another room yet we need that Fiddle Head I wonder where I get that from okay let’s donate all these things this is so

Weird oh we did complete it we didn’t need the Fiddle Head let’s go oh we got 100 basic retaining soil and that’s needed for the crap not the crappy crops that’s needed for the happy crops bundle oops little a accidental misreading let’s donate the basic retaining soil right away and then

We’ve got the stuff for the resource bundle as well oh wait why why did I only bring four clay we definitely need more than that we need 47 I think I was thinking hardwood maybe we need more clay though but at least we open another room let’s

Go okay I’m scared for this one oh and the fish we opened too oh god oh no I’m scared let’s go and see what’s in there this is going to be bad isn’t it okay let’s start at the top full crops bundle okay I guess this is all going to be in

Stock at Pier’s at some point during fall so I’m not going to worry about that too much flower bundle oh okay we need to buy one of the vonal from PI and also the night lilacs we’ll have to get from PI during spring desert bundle oh my God okay a lot of random

Stuff summer crops bundle there’s a lot here I hope we can get all this stuff quality crops no okay we’ll just have to use fertilizer for this then that’s fine and then cooked bundle that’s going to be so difficult wait banana pudding hang on a second how do I get that I swear

That’s from the island and you don’t get the island unlocked until you finish the community center um how do I get banana pudding please let me know in the comments if you know there’s another way to get banana pudding um I’m scared about that one what about the fish tank

Purple bundle this isn’t fishing what excuse me this is not fishing that’s just a random assortment of purple things desert fishing shad and mag I don’t like the sounds of that rain fishing oh my God these are all different new fish I hate it okay we’re going to have

To do a lot of fishing during the rain then legendary bundle are these actually Legend fish stop no this fish is legendary I’m going to cry I don’t want to get Legends I don’t want to do it please don’t make me do it we’re going

To have to get level 10 fishing by the end of spring before the end of spring even and it has to rain oh my God we’re going to have to start a fishing grind I think in the next episode summer fish bundle oh my God I don’t want to get

These fish and then the night fishing bundle great I’m so excited for the fishing bundle I really really am I’m overwhelmed I’m not going to lie this might not be completable in 1 year I’m realizing now I’m not going to do mining I’m instead going to go and do some

Fishing unrelated to what we just found out totally let’s go and fish shall we oh my God I’m scared if y’all have any tips please let me know I don’t suppose people are going to have tips with this because it’s such a niche kind of challenge like the randomizer stuff even

If you played with the randomizer mod you probably had different stuff right so I’m going to guess there’s not going to be many tips to be had which scares me slightly but if you do have any tips let me know and please let me know tips about the banana pudding because I don’t

Know how I can get that I’m so confused I’m going to go fish at the mountain lake I think cuz that’s pretty good for fishing oh my goodness fishing level one sucks I hate it ooh we just got some Lemo Plum seeds that’s kind of cool oh

That reminds me I should go and buy those flower seeds that we need for the community center as well I should do that really quick before Pier shuts cuz we need to get those planted we have gotten a few interesting fish as well we managed to get a bath which honestly

Looks so terrifying if I saw that in real life I’d be absolutely freaked out let’s quickly buy ourselves a vonal seed and also the night lilac seeds too don’t know if any of the other things were needed like the lime pair was that needed I don’t think it was I think we

Will have to get our hands on the Arty Barb seed sapling because I’m pretty sure Arty bar seeds were needed for the community center so we’ll have to buy one of these at some point so that is a lot of money we’ve got to save somehow basically 10,000

Let’s take a little fishing break and go and plant these seeds real quick and then I’ll finish fishing on the beach maybe oh we’re also going to have to do the museum as well because we need to get the legendary fish from the sewers which means we have to do the museum

Which sucks okay I’ve planted those seeds I’m going to go fish at the ocean now and hope we get some cool and interesting fish to donate I’ve also bought with me the fish that we do need to donate as well cuz we can run back

And donate that on the way home from the ocean I think I wonder how the mod is going to affect cutcenes when we get them eventually like will the characters be their original Self or will they be their modded self cuz that’s going to make the cuts scene so cursed I’m aiming

To level up in fishing today I think that’ll be a really nice end to the episode ooh a flathead Dragon ey that’s not needed unfortunately still looks cool though I think we’ll be able to level up we only need one more fish for that oh my god there it is level two

Level one fishing has sucked o and we got a puff Earth which is needed for the night fishing in bundle perfect okay this will be our last fish cuz it’s getting pretty late and we also have no energy either but I do want to go and

Donate all the fish that we did manage to get which I think is only two fish unfortunately so we’ve got our first night bundle fish and our first summer fish bundle fish as well we’ve donated at least like 10 items this episode so that’s a pretty good start and let’s

Head to bed for the night and we leveled up in fishing we are now level two our fishing rod proficiency has gone up so fishing is going to be a little easier now thank good goodness and we made am measly 643 that’s not too bad actually these fish sell for quite decent amounts

I feel it’s not terrible fishing is definitely very profitable early game even with the randomizer mod but with that thank you all so much for watching this brand new episode of our brand new series of community center year 1 randomized Edition let me know what you thought in the comments below please

Give me any tips and tricks that you know of that will help me because I’m clearly going to need it but yeah thank you all so much for watching have happy New Year once again and I will see you in the next video goodbye Everyone

aaaaahhhh happy new year folks! we’re back!!!! with a brand new series…let me know what you think in the comments below, i’d love to hear your feedback hehe.

thankyou for watching ♥

where to find me: (second channel)


  1. Happy new year Lil! ♥ for the banana pudding, I think you don't need it – as you only need 3 or 4 items for that bundle to be complete, so you can avoid the banana pudding. Also, I'd plant a lil bit of everything, just because you never know what you may need lol

  2. Happy new year to you and everyone else! I want to say that I recently found your channel and been binge watching it. You've become my comfort YouTuber! Thank you for the nice videos 💕 Also love you doing the randomizer mod, I cannot wait to see how it goes!

  3. Happy new year! I would try to grind for chests because you will want to keep everything. Als don't forget to check the prices of buildings and backpacks in case that is randomized ❤

  4. Remember not all bundles need every item to complete them like your first bundle you completed. Just look for the easiest bundle items. You don't need lv 10 fishing if you ignore that fish for the bundle.

  5. please tell us which mod you are using. I checked on nexus and all of them haven't been updated in several months/years, so I am curious as to which one you chose. this looks like so much fun and I want to try as well 🙂

  6. Happy New Year, Lil. i hope you have an amazing year this year, and i can't wait to see what videos you have planned for us 😊😊

  7. Buy the training rod and fish like crazy! It limits the type of fish you can get BUT is super useful to increase your fishing level quicker as you have a higher chance of getting perfect fish

  8. Her: "I wanna get as many mixed seeds as possible"
    Also her: proceeds to cut all the weeds before the forest farm magic turns them into seed weeds

    Don't worry, I don't think it's a well known fact that the forest farm does that but yeah. You ever see those swirly weeds with a big dot in the middle? Those have a 100% chance to drop mixed seeds and the forest farm turns about three to five existing weeds into these every night. So letting the weeds chill and be transformed is the optimal course of action if you want a lot of mixed seeds.

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