Terraria, but- IT’S HUNTING ME HELP

That’s nothin’ that’s nothin’ that’s nothin’. That’s nothin’ okay well this playthrough just got 10- OH whoawhoawhoa whoa YOYOYOYO it was a prank it was a prank it was a prank! *Yardis Dying* NO NO NO NO God this is real toxic love y’know SEPULCHER-CHAN SAVE ME AAH AAAAH Beautiful creature

AHH SHE’S ANGRY I’M SORRY Spare me… NOO AHP Oh she’s angry Take me just take me, take me! Ohp Sepulcher-chan really thinks I’m cute She really thinks I’m cute She’s like yeah, bring that booty Oh shoot NOOO MY SPAWN… Sepulcher-chan you’re not as OP as I thought- NO-

SHE HEARD ME TALKIN’ I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY So pretty much the premise of this is uh  I’ll be using the Metastasis and what it   does is it spawns the Sepulcher minion and uh  it can get angry and eat you up so yeah and of  

Course it is indeed a Post-Calamitas weapon  so while this is an interesting challenge   uh I doubt it will be difficult or that  difficult at least I will not be allowed   to use any weapon except for this unless I get  stuck and I can’t despawn it once I summon it. 

Oh it’s a piggy can I like oh I can’t I can’t  target the piggy NOOO I can’t get free bacon- When you summon Sepulcher-chan some  hearts float around us and the more   hearts that there are on the screen the more  likely she is to eat us up so it would be  

Broken if I just desummoned her before she  attacked me like I’ll show you real quick I’ll wait for her to enrage and then um I will  desummon her there it is okay see when she glows  

Red like that she will eat me up. I will not  be allowed to desummon her except for that   single time just to show you. Otherwise this would  just be a trivial challenge it’d be like oh yeah, now I have an endgame Calamity weapon. Wow.

And starter bag y’know maybe it  shouldn’t be in this area what   am I doing here do I dare just go in there blind? Oh whoops Oh lord okay well first job for Sepulcher-chan. Uh-let’s cut this so you know what’s about to  happen to me I was too busy talking I wasn’t  

Thinking straight I just jumped into a crimson  pit. Like an absolute idiot. I think the last   time I did a full Terraria playthrough was maybe  in May. And I want to avoid as many monsters and   mobs or whatever as possible because I have  no way of killing them without dying myself.

Chest-oh a stool. Um and I won’t really count tool  damage cuz that’d be too tedious-of   course I’m not going to purposely  swing my pickaxe to kill people. Oh nice. Oh nice again. Okay well I can’t use that  

Ima auto trash every weapon pretty much rip Finch  Staff and as you can see I am not very skilled in   the art of commentary. Talking is super difficult  I swear especially for nerds like you and I.

Hey but being a nerd Is not a bad thing, despite  many people using it as a y’know insult and uh   that was accidental I did not mean to do that to  that poor slime. Yeah I’m not going to count any  

Collateral damage like ramming this guy with the  minecart okay well I dodged him anyways uh oh. Because y’know it’d be too tedious just not worth   the effort. Oh that’s a relatively  big fall. It’s a platinum world.

Hopefully I can get a hook early that’ be very  useful and another part of this challenge is I’m   gonna ban wings because I believe in my dodging  capabilities if you’re familiar with my channel   you know I do some crazy stuff sometimes and  if I have wings I might make the challenge  

A little too trivial because I would probably  just dodge Sepulcher-chan when she’s mad at me   so yeah just some extra added challenge it’s  kind of hard to play this game without them.   Y’know people have done it before though many  many many many many times. It’s actually going  

To be my first time maybe ever going wingless  in my uh I don’t know 10 years of Terraria.   It’s kind of weird. My early game knowledge is  absolutely terrible right now. I am-I haven’t  

Played the early game in so long. So uh bear with  me. I’m sorry I’m terrible at it so it’s going to   be nice contrast from what you usually see from  me. Pretty much entirely highlight based channel  

Right now so it might be kind of cool to see all  the ins and outs and uh some of my faults. Dang   it 13 topaz that’s uh just a little short. It’s a  bat um just trap him real quick heheheh and trap  

Myself kind of grateful for these candy cane  blocks right now. How many of you celebrate   Christmas? Um I know I do and you know it’s  coming right around the corner so hopefully I   can upload this before Christmas hits. But  knowing the Yardis upload schedule uh…

I’ve been promising more uploads way too  often and failing to uh do so it’s been   kind of awkward. I feel like playthrough  videos are far easier to make than what   I do currently. I can play for weeks  and weeks and never hit a clip uh but  

You know in this case I can just record for  two hours and I’ll have stuff to work with. So yeah we’re going to be renovating the channel a   little bit and that’s oh yeah  where’s the life crystal at

Where is it I can’t see it I’m blind okay  I’m actually blind where is it HUH. Okay   how hard am I tripping balls right now?  Well I didn’t even pick it up I’m freaking   I’m-I’m on some good stuff right now oh my  god I just wasted so much of my potions. 

Surprised no worm has show up yet to eat me up. Good thing is I have enough gems  for an amethyst hook. Worst hook in   the game but a hook is a hook so can’t  complain there really. Oh bat yo relax  

Buddy. Oh there’s two life crystals yeah  my early game is terribly rusty, oh man. Oh what’d I hit oh no oh no oh no NO NOT LIKE THIS okay I’m trollin’. You know since I’m in the base or I’m at spawn  I mean I might just summon Sepulcher-chan  

Off cooldown already got my first couple of  deaths so yeah whatever. Protect me please. Death is inevitable. Or are any-any exhumed  items besides the Shattered Community good? Let me know in the comments oh ow. I should  probably use these silly me. I don’t want to  

Deal with that guy I’ll just let Sepulcher-chan  eat me out over and over well I couldn’t get   my my what’s it called my emerald hook or  topaz hook so I’ll just make an amethyst   one it’s fine I think it’s overrated to  worry about hook range anyways. Ouch. 

Every time I see an owl I get  a flashback to Nameless Deity.  And about Nameless Deity I’ve been  seeing- oh Infernum Mode isn’t on. There seems to be people saying they’re  trying to defeat GFB Nameless Deity and uh  

As a man who has endlessly tested that beast  of a boss not too sure about that one boys.  I don’t really have any faith in it honestly  but I would gladly be proven wrong because   it would be quite the quite the video they  could make. Assuming they’re uploading it  

And you know showing proof of the defeat  but you know you know how it do be a lot   of people just just talk and talk. And uh  yeah I got jump scared there oh spooky. Okay but yeah now we got a  hook or the game just got  

10 times easier. Okay well uh take  me take me Sepulcher-chan take me. I’m right here take me. Right now you know  it’s not spooky to get chased by her because   there’s no real imminent threat besides  just random mobs. Oh ow. But eventually  

I’m be fighting bosses and it’s going to  be a disaster dodging her and the boss.  Okay so what did you even do in the early game  I forget good whoa whoa whoa buddy whoa what do  

You think you’re doing what do you think you’re  doing oh dang it the knockback got me or maybe   not okay I need your help Sepulcher-chan save  me okay I’m on a timer remember that oh boy  

Here we go time to get owned. I can feel  it oh I can feel she’s about to eat me up   oh try to get her-op. Okay I need Sepulcher-chan asap uh oh I hate the early crimson or corruption. It sucks. Okay luckily there’s only one eater on  

Me what are these called oh  Crimera’s aiyah aiyah aiyahh I’m trolling how do I optimize the movement here?  Not like that. My hook traveling is terrible now   I used to be able to fly across the map even  with a bad hook whatever it’s okay I haven’t  

Used my hook skills in a long time so I’m not  a very good hooker right now. Yeah I can’t   expect to be good when you don’t practice right? Okay there’s a lot of dudes on me do I summon her? Sepulcher-chan! Okay I got to stop doing that  I’m slightly stupid. Man. Okay  

Well it’s-it’s over for me I’m going  she’s going to eat me out it’s over.  Okay I’m sorry Sepulcher-chan sorry  I’m sorry I’m sorry. *YARDIS NOISE* Spoider. How do you guys feel about  spiders? I actually love spiders   and I feel like spiders are homies. You  don’t bother them they don’t bother you,  

Y’know? I really like structures in Terraria  I think they might be the most underdeveloped   and underrated places for improvement in modding.  Should I live in the snow biome this playthrough,   since you know it’s winter and all where I live? Yeah why not screw it sounds like fun plus the  

Banger ooo the banger music. Oh chill  out man don’t make me summon her. Oh. Screw it? Okay okay chill chill chill  chill chill chill chill chill   chill chill chill oh I’m trolling I’m  trolling I’m trolling come on come on

If I set up a platform first I could have  got my first boss. But yeah Perforator has   no what’s it called summoner so,  required for it so I can just uh die from fall damage. And yeah it’s uh welcome to the first  Yardis playthrough. As I said before  

Bear with me please I am uh trying my best  but talking is kind of hard for me because   when I play video games uh I always full  focus and I’m sure many of you can relate. No no no no no no no relax relax buddy  relax relax okay well I could have blocked  

Him in maybe figured a different way besides  spawning Sepulcher-chan but I did not see that. She is murking it at all right now oh my god  ow. Did she kill me by hitting the cactus or   am I tripping? Okay I need your help again  I guess we dying all night today boys it’s  

Time to make the sexiest armor in the game  oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah ouch ow ouch. Oh please be gentle Sepulcher-chan  please be gentle please be gentle how   many hearts do you have after me? God this  is real toxic love you know *YARDIS NOISE*

Oh, can my cactus armor just kill  them? Yeah bring it on awe yeah I   don’t have to summon her anymore. Ow. Gnome. So I’m-I’m allowing the cactus armor okay. Feels so weird playing early game again  after fighting endgame bosses all the time. SEPULCHER-CHAN SAVE ME AAH AAAAH

Flare gun Sepulcher-chan be gentle be gentle  let me grab that first please oh thank you thank you what a generous beautiful creature on  the bright side we got a lot of HP now yeah the   commentary is going to need some work boys  but who is good at anything at first right  

So it’s fine to uh be bad at commentary well  talking is not my forte um it’s uh elsewhere   like I’m quite proud of my fingering  skills for example oh wait how do you   craft the Crabulon spawner we can fight  Crabulon oh it’s just 50 shrooms sick oh  

Hey these guys are kind of don’t they do  a lot of damage oh not really oh yeah um NO Ow. Oh do I want a blood moon right now? Ow. Blood moon would be useful oh you just favorite  it okay tonight will be a blood moon. Grab the  

Zombie arm shameful true it’ be shameful to  use it trash that get out of here no weapons   allowed only Sepulcher-chan making spawners  there we go oh I can’t mine it seems like I   am accepting my fate in this pit. Why am  I even making an effort to get out it’s  

Probably AFK okay well first boss here we go  it is the King Slime it is not the King Slime. LET’S FARM HIM. DIE FASTER. Come on. Oh yeah infinite money glitch  boys you know it’s nice-nice break for  

Me cuz I’m not going to have to worry about  dodging really I’m going to sit back relax.   Spam spawn have Sepulcher-chan murk me  infinite gel oh my gosh hey buddy ow. Don’t make me do it to you  yeah take that take that MMM

Oh yeah open my treasure bags OH that’s  my baby oh yeah the power spike. Okay oh   yeah ninja armor is probably better but  I don’t have thorns anymore oh wait 20%   increased movement speed it’s kinda op isn’t  it oh yeah slime hook isn’t it better it’s  

Faster okay let’s go fight that dude. Hey  no weapons allowed. Oh yeah here we go. Sepulcher-chan it’s feasting time. Ouch. Ow. Oh there is my Money Trough. Ow. Oh wedding dress oh yeah  snazzy looking beautiful ow. Yeah we’re ready  to get married  now save me Sepulcher-chan  oh we’re fighting Perforators I guess.

I can’t see anything oh shoot whoops. AHH SHE’S ANGRY I’M SORRY. Man Sepulcher-chan you got to up your   AI you know you’re not very good at protecting me. Maybe I just suck. Yardis without wings is uh it’s  

Not very op fun fact oh yeah there you have  it you have a raw Yardis well that’s awkward OW Oh man that was quite the difficult  boss fight wait Sepulcher-chan where   are you save me what are you doing  God she’s so bad at her job I mean  

Considering she kills me. Might  as well just farm Eye of Cthulhu. Okay well that was a blood moon of all time.  Oh it’s going to be fun-ow. Okay Sepulcher-chan   take me one final time, ow. And uh I’m going  to forget to say a lot of stuff so make sure  

You leave any questions you got down below like  mods mod settings and whatnot because I am quite   forgetful how’s it feel to have raw Yardis content  by the way I know some of you guys like my voice  

So that’s a good thing right you got to finally  be with me for longer than 30 seconds that sounded   quite strange coming out of my mouth. When is  she coming for me I can feel it she wants my- Am I allowed to say that on YouTube? Uh ow chain okay.

Man screw you get out of here I hate these Wulfrum  dudes Sepulcher-chan take me I’m ready for your   cold embrace do you think she’s warm or cold  or hot or whatever has to be hot right she’s   moving so fast she got to be like her body  heat got to be pretty good pretty high what  

Am I saying right now what is this Yardis  commentary just saying whatever comes to   mind huh. Alright let’s start the move you  know I’m not trying to die to Sepulcher-chan   over and over so maybe I’ll set up like a quick  platform contraption and with that we’re good.

We’re not good. Okay there we go we  have storage now oh nice lantern night. How peaceful let’s ruin it by having  Sepulcher-chan kill me ouch oh this a banger   soundtrack I haven’t heard this in-I don’t  think I’ve ever heard this before I have  

All the Calamity music mods enabled by the way  also I keep walking into explosives like HUH. AYE- Man I just summoned Sepulcher-chan can I make it  fast enough? Uh oh, this is a terrible mistake.

I should have spawned her when I needed her the  most. Uh oh, she’s going to kill me well I’m dead yep. Oh feels so good to have it all organized for  me. Man Terraria is so fun. Especially with weird  

Meme challenges like this. I’m going to make some  NPC prison cells ow let’s replace everything here   too I’m going to dread editing this editing  is hard guys but that’s okay um I do want to   get decent at editing so you guys can actually  watch my videos without throwing up and cringing  

Or whatever and there we have it. Let’s uh make  these prison cells for the NPCs something like   10 blocks go like this like that make my chairs  okay prison cells are almost complete all right   and then tell me if I should actually make houses  for these NPCs-do they deserve houses uh I’m not  

Very good at building either so if you want me to  actually build houses for them uh be prepared for   your eyes to be destroyed and then bare minimum  walls and I think skip one or something and then   place torch oh yeah it’s suitable it’s prison  time except they’re not locked behind walls  

So there you have it okay well jump cut um ima go on with my day run some errands and I’ll be   back to record tomorrow. Hopefully I can get this  video out for Christmas oh editing takes too long. 

Okay can’t really remember what I was doing last  time all right it’s been like a day okay I have   to rebind my keys to defaults because I think  I hurt my middle finger again a little bit oh  

Well space to jump is more fitting anyways  when you don’t have wings so it’s all right   it’s all good and it looks like all my NPCs  are moving into the dungeon now oh yeah.

Candy cane hook wait this looks op 25 tile reach  is it worth it to lose speed yeah yeah it is fits   the Christmas theme too but unfortunately  I’m not sure if I can upload this in time  

By the time I upload this video it’s going to be  past Christmas so let me know how your Christmas   went if you celebrate it oh yeah we’re going to  open up presents got 57 it’s unboxing time boys  

Just open all of them and hope I get some-some  of the good stuff oh whoops well coal “You’ve   been naughty this year” that’s not true come  on man. Snow hat. I think we’ll keep the the  

Wedding gown for now oh there’s so many NPC  these now oh yeah I got two platinum yo I’m   kind of rich. So I have uh infinite potions  on if I have more than 30 so it’s time to  

Abuse that. Calcium potion. Let’s uh get rid  of the Torches I don’t want to use torches   anymore Sunshine potion time oh much better I can  actually see stuff now get rid of these torches. Fall damage yeah screw fall damage oh wait I  can’t buy wait they’re expensive take that back  

Let’s go check out regular potions and with that  we should be oh yeah let’s get some night owls so   I can see better oh yeah the lighting is saved I  think this would be useful as well actually yeah  

I’m-I’m going to be living in the ice biome,  I might as well get enough right now all right   I think that should be good for now. A life  crystal over there nice okay I shouldn’t have to call Sepulcher-chan for a  while I think we’ll be good. Also please like and subscribe.

Hehe, get trapped, there’s another one Hehehe Oh flurry boots nice whoa whoa whoa whoa  whoa whoa wait yo yo I wasn’t looking at   my screen-I heard a door open no I don’t  think I need the Rover Drive no more. Oh   life crystal think we’ll get uh maximum  health pretty soon oh it’s Draedon’s 

House oh I didn’t mean to use a grav oh  it’s okay I can I have infinite money so   yeah I keep forget I can just spawn bosses  and just Farm them infinitely cuz I have uh   this cute babe with me Sepulcher-chan oh yes the  ultimate Calamity waifu I used to be a Calamitas  

Fan myself but Sepulcher-chan has been winning my heart as of   late I mean like think about it was  Calamitas done for us Sepulcher-chan  protects me but then uh I mean she kills me after  but isn’t that just a bonus sweet release or is  

That a weird hot take yeah I see that dynamite I’m  not falling for that again oh I have featherfall.  Feather fall is such an underrated  potion maybe should try to give it   a shot this playthrough cuz a lot of people  like it for movement. So much more precise.

Yeah I see you there man mining is relaxing  isn’t it. Oh spider biome. Spoiders. Oh it’s   the skeleton merchant oh man he’s selling a  lot of stuff oh wow he sells this for cheap   well that’s another permanent buff I can  have grab-some buy-some milk okay thank  

You for your business. Ice skates. That’s  a huge spider biome over there. We’re going   to commit a heist we’re going to dig right  under the chest and go snag it, heheheh. I   don’t remember the reach being that high  did they buff it? Spider-Man time? Sure  

Let’s use it oh what the heck oh wait  don’t I-I need to kill these for- so uh. Oh no he got destroyed by the bombs.  I didn’t mean to do that. I was just   trying to mine. It was it was an accident  trust me Bon the Black Market Dealer um.

That don’t sound like a good  guy to have in my house.  Draedon’s other house oh more  more more crystals oh shoot   okay trap that guy trap this guy as well. Useless. Oh life force potions whoa. Okay oh sorry penguin.  

Honestly I’m already pretty used to her  gimmicks just take me. She stole both my kidneys?! Oh we can become a tree oh  yeah looking snazzy. Ow. That’s more   antlion mandibles think it’s the last  one I need but let’s hope Sepulcher-chan  doesn’t murk me before I get there Sepulcher-chan

Please spare me-NO. It’s the golfer, hey. Yeah  I have more than enough we’re good. Oh ah wait   oh I can live one hit from her now. Heheh, she  can she can be rougher on me now. Wait what. Come on come back Sepulcher-chan eat this-CYST  

Come on that sounds gross  but this is doomed oh wait. I think think I might spawned him too late. Oh this an awkward position-wait Um I’m so confused so I guess I beat  it, huh… Gosh that was truly uh a  

Perforator fight of all time wait so  where did he get defeated is it down   there huh where’s the bag is that the  bag I didn’t get the bag yeah I don’t   see a treasure bag think I might have got  robbed okay well let’s quickly spawn Brain

Wait am I actually am I-I might  get owned come on oh we’re good   we’re good-we’re not good Aight  where’s that bag other side oh   I’ll just blow it up that’s not the  eye-that’s not eater-eater of worlds

Okay I got everything okay we got new armor  actually do I want to lose that 20% movement   speed is there a difference okay well it’s not  substantial enough I’ll just take the regen   whatever. Deer Thing-I need three? Awe man oh wait this guy sells movement accessories.

Don’t think I care about Royal  Gel anymore and or that really.  Actually we’ll keep Royal Gel on-it’s too useful. There we got the double jump, nice. Double  jump is op. Okay let’s go look for some   flinx fur where my flinxes is at yo you’re not  flinx. Oh chest… useless. Aye screw off man  

Oh what’s down there could that be a flinx?  No it’s a miner dude. Where’s the flinxes at?  Looking for flinx. Man screw  off man I’m not trying to   kill you you’re just in my way get out of here. Where’s the flinxes at? Where are the flinxes at?

Why are they so rare? You’re not a flinx either my   dude. Oh it’s so-oh block  this dude off real quick. Oh yeah so where you get the  mount. There’s so many bats,  what the heck. Where my flinxes at? Oh there’s one I see it.  Okay it’s time. He dropped  

It-he dropped three? Okay so now let’s go home. NO I didn’t set my spawn. I didn’t even know I was   Max HP. Okay Sepulcher-chan  please spare me NO NO NO NO Well it looks like I can kind of live  now. I blame the uh jump on Space. If  

My jump was still on W maybe I could  have done it. Middle finger diff. Whoa   that’s a fast dude what the what the  okay whoa my goodness he’s so speedy.   Wait why do I have 13 flinx fur what the-  thing yeah you’re a thing there it is.

Okay let’s do a quick boss rush.  Start with this guy whoa relax. Oh   yeah the boss fight kay cya Wait he’s  like kind of tanky though isn’t he?  Oh I forgot about the-this  boss fight it’s been a while. Wait why did everyone die-oh yeah  they’re in the darkness. Dang I’m  

Sorry. Well that’s that he takes forever  to despawn so I can’t really farm him. We got Chester-I don’t need the money   trough anymore I can save  inventory space later-oh. I got spooked I forgot-NO MY SPAWN forgot  about Sepulcher-chan she caught me she  

Was like “Hey you cheating on me? Who is  this new guy? Who the heck is Chester?”   Man the these guys are fast what the  heck. Okay I’m sorry Sepulcher-chan I’ll put away Chester. Yeah she’s the only  one for me I guess. Well let’s set our spawn,  

There we go. Let’s go do Crabulon  okay we’re back in the original cave   it’s been a while. Alright Crabulon face my waifu. Where’s he going? Sepulcher-chan  help me what are you doin’? And that’s that. Sepulcher-chan you’re not as op  as I thought-NO SHE HEARD ME TALKIN- I’M SORRY

NO I’m sorry I’m sorry. Okay we’re just going to leave  that bag down there. Okay we’re not smack talking   Sepulcher-chan ever again, I shouldn’t be talking smack  anyway she’s carrying the playthrough. The Fungal Clamp can’t use em’ though because Sepulcher-chan will get very angry. I mean she’s already angry with me  

But you know when a girl’s angry at you you’re not-do all you can to make her less angry you know. Common sense. Okay whoa the earthquake is this  new? I don’t remember this. That guy is your beach. Alright Sepulcher-chan you can take me it’s fine you can take me now. Okay well I’m rich so  

Let’s grab some more infinite potions hehehe. Oh what the  what is this? I’ll test it out next sometime. Okay yeah let’s grab bounding potion I love this  potion especially since I’m not going to be  

Able to fly I’m might need that jump speed uh do I  need iron skin yeah might as well grab it everything helps. Let’s grab mining underrated okay so I got  new potions. Oh I can make the Slime God spawner.

Should I just fight him right now I might as well  I’m not going in order anyways. Okay well here we go. Oh man it’s terribly hard to see  I keep lagging I don’t know why ow.   Ow, what the. What the. Yo yo yo yo yo  Sepulcher-chan where are you? Hello wait what’s happening?

Wait what happened where’s  Sepulcher-chan wait what huh wait was she not… Wait I just resummoned her. Um okay well this  is terribly awkward. Oh it’s bugged that’s strange   okay I’m have to resummon her for this she just  disappeared. You saw that right it’s not my fault like  

Watch she kills this one and then vanishes. Welp we  found a new bug boys-not that anyone would really   care much cuz who uses Sepulcher-chan besides me. You  know I actually have time to just get out of here   three hearts that’s fine. Right? Okay let’s see if I  can dodge her. Heheheh.

Cuz I got-I know she’s not-she’s doesn’t stay aggro forever I’m pretty sure. So… *Yardis Noises* oh yeah  see easy clap what the oh shoot. Sepulcher-chan, okay we can finally coexist. Oh shoot. That’s nothin’ that’s nothin’ that’s nothin’.

That’s nothin’ okay well this playthrough just got 10- oh whoawhoawhoa whoa YOYOYOYO it was a prank it was a prank it was a prank! *Yardis Dying* Okay well all right um how about we  stop talking mad sh- she don’t like that she don’t like that at all. The armor, Statigel Armor.

Oh that was a mistake, let me set my spawn. There yo I need oh Let’s go grab my Perforator bag there we go we’re good I mean   do I need it like at all? Not really. Let me  go with the the minion one for Sepulcher-chan and  

We can finally take off the pygmy necklace  now that we have summoner armor wait summons a   mini Slime God uh oh have to take that off oh  well. Yeah I can’t be having that and I gotta

Wear a different set then. Uhh… just go with  the melee one, yeah has the most defense so. I stay loyal to Sepulcher-chan it’s night time go go to Skeletron. Oh wow that’s such a fast jump. Okay. Murk him. Oh yeah we got the Skelly Bones music. And that’s that Oh

Just playing tag with her casually  this going to be really hectic eventually   when uh she’s not quite strong enough  to destroy bosses instantly anymore   and Ima have to Ima have to  be able to dodge her smoothly. Yeah it’s really not that well it’s going to  get worse oh yeah she-she eventually  

Will perma enrage huh how many hearts can I  get on the screen let’s try to max out the hearts. AHP-hey that wasn’t fair. She wasn’t even  glowing. Wait, leading landlord you’re telling   me this guy’s happy living in this wooden prison? Let’s go make a bed Cactus bed the best bed.

This guy sells the potions for way cheaper by the way I  didn’t notice. I think this is from the quality of   life compendium mod. Not a balanced mod at all. But  I have it just for fun. Because after you play  

Terraria for long enough you enough of suffering. So we start buying no we start using quality of life mods because we’ve been through the motions  so many times. Sure many people can relate. Oh I can just buy Golden Delight from this guy? Say  less. Wow what a balanced NPC look at my buffs.

Where’s the merchant by the way I need to buy  a safe from him I think or can even buy a safe yet? Whatever just keep using the money trough. Okay set up a quick base-my alarm keeps going   off mid-recording cuz I have somewhere to be  right now this is awkward. I got two engrossed  

In Terraria. Okay I have to end this recording  session I’ll just set up a quick spawn point here. And uh I’ll be good. Oh my god that place speed  crazy. Okay it works um. Okay well um I’m back. For you guys it was an instant.

Let’s look for Queen Bee and um we’ll be good. Wait what is this? Wait I’ve never seen this before. Don’t want to ruin it. Almost dumped a whole lake in here. Wait is this the shrine area   what is this wait what this place is beautiful  wait what mod adds this?

Yeah I’m not sure what that place is. Oh Anklet of the Wind nice. Okay I can make lightning boots now. I just got to go find the   goblin force a goblin invasion. When I saw that blue  text I thought-I thought natural spawn happened I  

Was like what the speak of the devil. Just looking  for a hive. I’m looking for the mommy bee.  Oh is this the Plantera arena? Yep Plantera arena located. Am I  too deep for a hive is there a maximum depth?

Oh I found the temple. Draedon lab as well. Where’s the  larva? Is it that right here? Yeah I see it. Okay get ready. Sepulcher-chan you’re supposed to save me. Get em’ okay thank you.

Oh she’s angry. Take me just take me, take me. Okay well let’s extend our-my little NPC cage. Wow their living situation has   surely improved. Okay and with that the Yardis  Prison has expanded. Oh man this guy sells all  

The good stuff, for cheap too. Oh man this is  a really unbalanced mod. Oh yeah I forgot to   make my Magiluminescence I know I was I was uh  missing something this is my baby. Oh my god I feel so swift I was already feeling super  fast but oh my goodness.

Oh yeah we can go explore the Dungeon. Oh knock back immunity I’ll take that. Oh yeah Zerg potion will come in handy. oh. Oh no, did my dungeon generate into  the abyss? Hmmm… um this is kind of bad uh can I  

At least-can I bomb these tiles? No. Looks like  uh I havta come back another time. What was I doing again? Oh let’s go to the underworld you know  technically I could just craft an instavator right. Y’know let’s just dig it ourselves. Not sure where I want to put it maybe like right here.

I’m already abusing Quality of Life  mods enough might as well dig my own hellevator. Oh it’s this thing what do you find in here again? Oh  yeah Trinket of Chi. Uh oh Draedon’s lab is right here.

Welp, say goodbye to your lab Draedon. Feel like I  missed a block or two wait can I mine this? Ah, we needa make a Nightmare Pickaxe, or… The Deathbringer. Okay quickly mine all this good stuff and um   make some base renovations, look for the goblin tinkerer and stuff, and then we’ll uh…

Defeat Wall of Flesh and call it a day for this video next  up episode would be quite interesting I think. And uh I feel like Sepulcher-chan can’t really DPS that  hard in uh Post-Moon Lord, we’ll see.

Oh there’s a-I didn’t know there’s a gel pickaxe. What the Gelpick. Wait the Gelpick is better yeah I didn’t have   to go down there and grab hellstone at all. Oh well this how it is sometimes. Boom prison has been expanded again pretty sure the goblin scouts can spawn anywhere-

They can spawn anywhere on this side of the map right? um okay let’s drink the Zerg  potion wait it’s the Slime Rain aw man. I’m trying to collect the goblin scouts. Oh there’s a goblin  scout. There’s scouts for days I might-yeah already have enough.

Oh, giant bow. You think I look all  cute? Oh yeah. Oh Sepulcher-chan really thinks I’m cute.  She really thinks I’m cute. She’s like yeah bring  that booty. Oh shoot oogh okay. Well uh I’m taking that off then cuz Sepulcher-chan got too excited when she saw my giant- battle stand there it is.

There we go let’s uh destroy this and look for the  goblin. Wait if I just spawn King Slime will it be over? Okay it stopped nice. Oh they’ve  arrived. Oh Sepulcher-chan not me not me. Sepulcher-chan not me AH. Oh whoa chill chill oh she’s  killing everyone. Ow. Let’s go to drink that Zerg.

Okay we got it. *Yardis Noise No. ???* Ouch, ouch. Lobotomized?! Keep my eyes peeled. Hey you keep your eyes peeled too okay there’s a good chance I miss him.   Useless. Oh he’s right there what  the. Hey. Okay let’s go back. “with the pus of Gods”

Awgh what the. Has it always said that? That’s kinda  gross. Alright Sepulcher-chan your time just take me. I’m all yours come. Not like that. Uh hopefully  I don’t get demonetized. I’m not saying no bad words. Oh eat me up, baby. Okay there we go.

I need a frog leg. Oh yeah I forget I can’t what’s it called. Use wings so I might as well go with the frog  boots. Pretty sure frog boots are better, right? Can’t recall. In terms of like sheer speed and  movement. Pretty sure I’m correct. If I’m not then dang.

Just let me know in the comments below I’m  not right about everything. Two three… My Amphibian Boots. Auto jump whoooaa. Man the aerialite mining sound is so nice. Let’s patch that up real quick. Okay there it is. Aight it’s reforging time, how much money do I have? OH. Masterful, sure.

Okay probably just go full warding. You know what let’s just go full menacing why don’t we just do that instead? Screw warding. Let’s juice up Sepulcher-chan. Oh  I clicked past it nooooooo Okay I feel super jacked now, let’s go uh beat up ball flush for fun. Okay Wall of Floosh. Voodoo Demon… where are you?

Where the Voodoo Demons at? There he is okay we’re gonna have to be quick. Summon on him, throw it into the lava, and go okay. Oh I didn’t want to go this side. Oh wow wait she ate him up instantly.  Just like that okay. Ow.

Sepulcher-chan relax I’m trying to talk right now okay I’m sorry. I don’t if you guys see it but I feel like I’m lagging my cursor is all slow and stuff and oh my gosh. Okay well uh that’s that it’s hard mode now.

Yeah this was Yardis and uh see you  next time. Hopefully I can put out the video   fast enough and the sequel fast enough, we’ll  have to see. And yeah that’s that. Catch y’all later.

Join Sepulcher-chan and I on our adventures to defeat every Calamity Infernum Mode boss. Metastasis only (very loosely) is the challenge of this series. This is the Pre-HM episode.


Okay serious description wording is over now.

Hello there, it is indeed Yardis here and I am back with my first official playthrough on this channel!

Hope you enjoy my incredibly terrible and/or suspect jokes and noises I make throughout the video. Something was up with me during the recording sessions… You can really tell that I am comfortable with myself…

First attempt at editing a longer video. Hope it was an alright viewing experience. Fortunately, I already recognize a lot of the aspects I can improve for the next episode and future playthroughs. Probably won’t stay this cringe for long!


⌛ Timestamps:

00:00 Intro
00:58 Explanation Attempt
02:11 The Video
41:22 Outro


🎧 BGM:

FalKKonE’s Universal Collapse Remix – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W391mult4Vw

The rest are from the Calamity Music Mods listed below and in the outro 🙂


🔌 Comprehensive Mod List:

AlchemistNPC Lite
Calamity Mod
Calamity Mod Extra Music
Calamity Mod Infernum Mode
Calamity Mod Music
Calamity’s Vanities
Fancy Lighting
Fargo’s Mutant Mod
Lights and Shadow
Magic Storage
Quality of Life Compendium
Recipe Browser
Shop Expander
Subworld Library
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music
absoluteAquarian Utilities


#terraria #calamity #moddedterraria


  1. the staff thing said that this is d.o.g after say……."hunting for more power" (in my mind he got enough power to absorb yharon's auric soul) so the fact you put the music there is fitting

  2. Yo bro this video is so cool!! This is the new type of videos for your channel, but it already good i hope you will continue making videos like this one

  3. this is a really unique twist on what has to be the most boring video formula to ever be invented, that being the “look i start with endgame weapon haha wowww that boss died so quick x40” type video

    instead, this video actually has both benefits and consequences for the player, which makes it a fun watch
    cool video!

  4. The worm staff and the cosmic doodad are a perfect combo, because the spinning rainbow chakram of death always destroys the hearts before worm boy has a chance to be angry.

  5. This is actually such a unique idea! I doubt it would work with Gruesome Eminence, but that would be pretty interesting too. I'd love to see the rest of the playthrough!

  6. Your voice is so soothing i can listen to it for hours… And your commentary is as good as 90% youtubers out there,too much comentary can ruin stuff btw. Just keep grinding,be creative and there is a chance you will climb!

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