Minecraft, But Everything Is Random…

Minecraft but Everything You Touch is completely random this video me and my friends have to beat Minecraft but there are new randomizers added every 10 minutes from random blocks to random drops and even random CS so if you do enjoy this video then please consider subscribing because it is completely

Free and enjoy the video so the way this is going to work is that it’s just going to get gradually harder and harder because right now we everything we touch is random but if we break it it’ll still give us what we’re looking at okay so

What do we want to look for for probably wood right yeah to be honest I think we just want to get good stuff I mean we can still break trees right we just can’t step on them oh okay thank you yeah okay I think that’s how we’re going

To get most of our food is just cake and hay bales I guess oh dragon egg never mind guys we’re done we got it yeah okay wait we don’t have a torch we can’t mine it oh no wa I got this i got this check

This out oh wait you can do it with a pressure plate yeah ma’am no wait Billy yo there’s a diamond block there is a diamond block there’s Stone here okay okay if we can get an iron block Billy Oh I thought you were just breaking everything think no don’t be silly I

Take this game serious the uploads Bell oh anyways wait I’ve just realized if Billy don’t do it don’t do it or what don’t do it you turn into yeah well I would have cringed if you had done that obviously I wouldn’t have broke it you just did that yourself

Mate I’m on fire yeah you are man you go okay I have stone what do we can what can we do with stone just stone tools man that’s all I’m going for oh really I have an anvil oh okay that actually is quite good all right fair enough yeah

But we can’t step on blocks and get enchanted books what’s the point is there a chance that we can spawn the warden if we activate these shriekers that are around because should we be worried about that there is a chance I think so there might be yeah yeah well

That would be crazy I hope that doesn’t happen later on in the video phly no no no no no no no how many lives do we have uh three okay I’ll take it please please please Billy this is not what you needed to do this the all right once you lose

All lives you’re out in the video permanently oh I am block okay no that’s actually huge no okay guys we can now mine diamonds cuz I have iron I’m going to make us all an iron pickaxe here you are graser thank you here you are Billy

Poos thank you pooky o poy Pooky bear oh enchantment table nice okay that’s actually legit I found some hay we got bread diamonds emeralds and mushrooms yo we should probably also look for a village yeah we do need hay shall we run yeah let’s do it let’s go looking o more

Food nice I’m just getting hay bales as we’re going guys oh diamonds how are you getting all the good stuff is it cuz you’re trying yeah I am I’m trying really hard mine’s 32 years old and he’s try Harding Minecraft I’m not 32 I’m 30 hey guys don’t worry just getting busy

Ooh stylish I found a block of netherite okay that’s actually huge all right in exactly 3 and 1 half minutes it will be updating to the next to the next thing slightly more awkward so we really need more stuff oh boys there’s a village and a ruin portal oh there’s gold lots of

Gold you can have all this oh boys it’s time for the next twist okay great rise we found the Village um yeah that’s not good it basically means that now every block we break is going to give us a random one so there is absolutely no

Telling of what we’re going to get oh so we can’t get the hay bales then oh okay but but it is like there is Method the yeah okay but if you break block they only it’s not completely random so blocks drop certain blocks so we can figure it out yeah yeah yeah exactly

Exactly oh wait slime blocks Al loot slime blocks are Pillager chests wait really and where did you get slime blocks from uh from the floor that I stepped on oh my I actually just realized something we’re going to need to craft eyes ofender and there’s a random craft stage well we better hurry

Up then also mobs drop random stuff too oh I found a source of food raw mutton so we can cook it but it’s from shaved Oak oh this is going to be be such a long day man oh there’s the hay bals that we so desperately wanted and

They’re not going to drop hay we need to be careful with our wood supply cuz like we can’t get it easily now by the way oh my I didn’t even think of that I have got 30 planks that is it well I’m just going to start doing breakings until something

Happens I just oops I’m killing a villager I don’t care oh wait he’s going to drop something though he’ll drop oh golden carrots wait but that’s only that kind of villager probably no I’m killing all of them I don’t care please the golden carrot please golden okay solid food from Villers that’s huge

We have to just kill all the villagers yeah that’s fine you know what that’s life we don’t owe them anything graser we loaded them in this is our world die you stupid baby villager get over here Le have some aggression I see me when I’m talking to a stupid baby before

We continue I’ve got a very cool announcement I have partnered up with meta PCS and when I say partnered up I mean I mean they have built me the coolest PC that anyone has ever built I mean look at this thing it’s an absolute Beauty covered in purple spirals my

Logos everywhere so it’s just amazing not only that but they have given me a discount code wisp so if you head over to metap pcs.com you can use my code get a discount and then I earn from it as well so it’s a win win win so be sure to

Check out meta PCS because they’re absolute Legends and I’m so proud to be partnered with them they are absolutely awesome back to the video oh wait none of check this blacksmith boom ooh some bread nice some apples okay some food iron pickaxe better than nothing and some iron leggings boys I’ve got IR

Leggings remember to look for slime blocks uh yeah oh right here under you get nice yes nice Pillager drop dude this is so oh candles are Pillager drops as well oh yes kill some more villagers just cuz [ __ ] them wait I found wood spe leaves o Cleaves oh wait really okay

That’s huge yes I’m not lying okay yeah that’s so good we’re set for wood I like that just make an absolute ton of crafting tables for later I’m going to make a stack oh wait yeah cuz the crafting you said okay exactly yeah you’re right beautiful you’re so right

For me oh boys I found ender pearls let’s go ender pearls are pigs just kill pigs and you get an ender pearl come on nice okay can’t complain with that okay we’re a step closer oh wait guys I just spawned in Bedrock I’m just going to

Quickly break this you want to head over to us and give us a hand come over here we’ll do a quick Bedrock mining session oh it’s going to break it’s going to break oh never mind can’t be bothered okay let’s go wait but we need to kill

More pigs what about iron we try killing oh gra is one life is dead I need your help be care be care don’t die don’t die we need arrows man how do we get arrows play stuff oh okay nice oh a spawn egg oh my god oh oh my God I’m

Two me too okay I got one I got one I’m going to die I’m going to die I need a cake cake set your spawn set your spawn I already have I already have life you guys can die what even are these things man these are dude this

Sucks we’re just mining blocks aimlessly this is terrible man I can’t find anything okay okay okay fine you know what I say we go to the nether okay let’s go to the nether because that would just be a whole new realm of blocks for us that we can just mine will

It though we can get them all here anyways yeah but they’ll be everywhere there let’s see what kid drops oh wait no no no oh my God uh okay so are we going to go through with that nether idea what do we think let’s go I’ve got

A water bucket so lava where are you lava uh we’re going to get stuck in a cave aren’t we because of all these blooming random blocks behind us oh wait this doesn’t even go anywhere oh no it does oh goodness where are we M go go go

Go go go go go go uh okay wait this is bad this is bad oh God okay I have one life and I have half of my health we’re good we’re good do you need food yes please please can you sh another cake there’s no way out this way don’t follow

Me do not follow me I repeat just Dig Down fellas you want me to xray again cave oh okay okay finally okay so we can have we have new blocks here we have iron say do you want me to xray no okay good I just cuz that’s what

I thought I heard I’m dead do not die Billy I just got barrier block oh been there done that I got five yeah that was a while ago guys time’s up it’s next spin no I just found a don’t tell me it’s the crafting one no

It’s random amounts so that you can get random amounts of stuff from stuff is it the same stuff though that we’ve been getting I don’t know oh yeah that just means we get loads of blocks that’s actually quite good oh loads of Cobble yes I got 64 Duke boxes okay let’s go

We’re rich are we looking for lava right Let’s find let’s just find lava yeah that’s what we have to do over this way there’s lava is that okay you place barrier block oh my God don’t do that don’t do that what the heck my God where did you get

These right we have everything we need now okay guys pretty much what do we no no no not in the slightest but we do for the portal okay we now have a portal we need we need Flint though we don’t have a flint and steel wait I just realized

You guys stay here I’m going to quickly go kill pigs cuz if I kill one Pig we’ll get enough ender pearls okay yeah I’ll be right back oh way out yes okay oh we can build directly upwards and I am up please give me loads of Ender Pearls oh

My goodness how many is that okay yep four Stacks will do that’s insane back down we go boys I am back y I found the uh Flint by the way pink terra cotta dropped it I had gravel we have the flint and steel we’re going to the

Nether you Legend okay I have got four stacks of 64 ender pearls okay and I found arrows one stack for you wait wait wait I just realized what you said and is one stack for you thank you okay now we just need blaze rods however on Earth

We’re going to do that I don’t understand how this is going to work no so no just just don’t stand on any of the obsidian there we are here we go okay in we go the ne careful careful careful okay okay I’m in I’m in I’m oh

Okay and we’ve already broken the portal this is bad um are we stuck yeah we might be a little bit stuck but there we are that’s that’s the way the world works I guess oh we can spawn water in the nether did you see that oh yeah so

If we find a lava pool we can build a really easy nether portal oh yeah we found a biome what do you drop this is probably a terrible idea I don’t care Oh blazed spawn eggs wait what yeah but of course they don’t drop Blaze Spawners

Blaze rods so it’s useless oh yeah so there’s no oh this is so annoying man uh we also oh my God boys we have got 4 minutes and 8 seconds until the random crafts make all your armor and stuff now boys yeah yeah that’s true that’s true

Okay I made my armor I’m making my iron sword I am geared thank you Billy I have seven iron remaining oh my goodness honey come oh this is actually I need food I’m starving yet please and I just got a stack of beds to kill the End

Dragon that’s huge okay food here I’ll take food what about one of these bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro we got it we got it we got it we got it wait I have got blaze rods what from what I got a little bit too excited the

Blue mushroom things what warped wait is in one of these but blue yeah but we already got 64 so we don’t even need anymore cuz the stacks you got that oh of course random random drops I got hit in lava no I might die with them okay

I’m coming I’m coming I don’t know where you are Billy where are you where are you we need to help you I see you I see you stay alive stay alive stay alive I’ll survive Do not drop Do not drop them and die okay well let’s craft now

Quick okay let’s craft now and then let’s spawn water in the middle of this lava and uh build our portal okay let me make um how many how many Eyes of Ender as many as you want man just do as many as you want we need to spawn water above

The lava so we can place it entirely under water so do we just build like this and pre yeah we literally just build over lava and pre and do not fall into the lava while we’re done almost did it there it is I got it I got it I

Got it did you oh you Legend okay yep now we can actually do it wait place a block underneath it wait here I’ll do this I’m scared to touch this this is all you man we have to make it spread really far like that and then we just

Get lava oh my goodness yes we can actually do this boys hurry up mate you could we don’t have all day you almost knock Billy oh my no stop stop stop not one we this close oh my God oh my God that’s all I wanted why

Did you just lava yourself I thought I have water I thought I have water okay boom okay we have done it we just all have to be oh my God I get of swimming mode yeah I’m getting close enough to it to where I’m going to go through I’m going through I’m going

Through as well okay come on come on come on I’m I’m through I’m through yes oh my God we did it graser are we there in a sec guys yeah yeah okay do we really need him though we can just hey don’t even be toxic mate I’ll come out

There and leak your address live on the kit whisp YouTube channel uh Billy loves Billy lives okay [Laughter] hey guys I’m here by the way okay let’s go up to the surface oh my God Billy please tell me you crafted them what do you mean please tell me you crafted the ice ofender

Already I thought you did no you’re joking you’re joking I did not oh my God thank God do you say that because what the crafting twist is now on or yeah the crafting twist is now on so if I make a wooden pickaxe I get a gray concrete

This is all yeah this is all useless there’s no point in US cra anything let’s just oh we we actually need to hope there’s nothing we need to craft a wood done like what do we need though I got beds we can set our spawn at the stronghold yeah we’re chilling we just

Need to get there let’s just get out of here then let’s get out of here Billy throw one of those eyes I throw them it you have them oh yeah I do oh my God that scared me oh my days don’t do that boom okay they work normally they work

Normally it’s this way the good thing about this mod is that I can just follow the trail you’re leaving behind I don’t have to follow you actually okay I’m throwing another still this way oh it’s turned Lads it’s turned is it exposed or do we have to go digging

Oh it is exposed oh my God that’s actually so good okay where right here right right here I’m in I’m into the stronghold okay no one stand on the end portals we need to go above it and place our end of eyes in and then jump in okay

That’s what we need to do whoever finds it oh I found it what that was quick okay right we are all going to need to build up above it together so maybe follow me up here guys I’m going in the middle I’m going in the middle oh okay

Oh my God okay are we ready boys yes let’s do this okay I’m in let’s go all right well not to freak you guys out but I have three pieces of food to my name and I’ve just eaten them all so wa okay I might die okay well I lost a life

Billy are you kidding me okay I’m coming back I’m coming back boom got him okay there’s one come on come on come on okay oh my God graser’s dead okay Billy we got this we actually have to just do this now do we yeah no we do we actually

Have to how did grer just die yeah I don’t even know he blew himself up okay nice bu oh yes you’re insane there’s I think there’s two more don’t worry I’m a sniping Legend we got it no almost I’m just poking her with my arrows that I got from a CA pickle or

Something probably it all makes so much sense I love this game I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead okay I survived she’s perching I’m going in okay go go go I’ve got sharp one diamond swords this will do so much damage come on oh my God oh

My God oh my goodness okay I’m fine I’m fine okay Billy this is bad this is really bad we need to get back underneath we can’t there’s all the stuff there I’m on three hearts let’s go in yes yes so many hits no okay okay no

No no I’m on three hearts okay be careful be careful I’m on four hearts and I’ve got two carrots is there anything we can craft just break everything right now none of this is helping wait we can use beds we’re so dumb yes yes yes yes yes oh my God she’s

Ping she’s perching I’m going to do it I’m going to do it okay just be careful stay in the s will be bil Billy um I got one life that’s all my stuff gone yep all your stuff is literally gone I’ve eaten my last carrot if I die now this

Is the end this is genuinely the end I’ve come back through but I don’t know how much help I’ll be okay yeah you’ve got beds we literally just need her to perch wait a billy don’t do bed bombing I think we just get these last few hits

And we’re done she’s ping no we can’t get in okay okay try and kamakazi it kamakazi it I’m going to die anyways a I’m dead no way goodbye come on come on yes I’m on one heart oh my God and it’s done

Can You Beat Minecraft While it’s RANDOMIZED?

Twitter – @wispexe
Instagram – @wispexe

Friends: @ShadowApples & @Graser

#MinecraftBut​​​​ #MinecraftChallenge​​​ #Minecraft


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