ELEMENTAL GODDESS Vs Most Secure House In Minecraft!

Woodo I’m going to break out of this cage in 10 minutes and then I’m going to kill you both what the heck is going on dude Tina got elemental powers and now she’s become an evil Elemental goddess are you serious oh my gosh Tina pee turn back to normal please

No I’m never turning back to normal I just want to crush you two beneath my feet oh gosh this is not good woodo what in the world do we do now bro I have no idea I think we need to make a super secure defense before she breaks out of

10 minutes otherwise we’re going to be doed oh gosh but how do we build something like that wood look all we have right now is this little dirt house yeah I made this like 2 seconds does it look good I think this will be secure enough oh gosh this is definitely

Not secure enough she’s going to summon lightning and kill us both bro really yes so come on we need to build something else okay fine let’s get rid of my poop then okay but with that being gone what can we build now I don’t know maybe we need to

Build a giant Dome or something but what block do we even use what’s the most secure block out there okay you know what woodo I’ve got it we should build an ice and fire castle defense against Tina since she wants to be an elemental so bad oh okay that’s just a great idea

look let me go ahead and grab some ice blocks right over here and I’m going to take this ice and build a giant wall to be the base of our Castle okay W half of it should be fired though so I’m going to rep that with Magma blocks just

Like this and wait a second you’re making it way too big hold on a second M you have’t trust the process okay I’m just building the walls and then I’m going to turn half of it into the magma blocks okay look all I have to do is

Grab my trusty little wand okay go over here and then finally I go over here and follow this area just like this okay I think this is far enough and now what I do is I right click this and I set the walls to this block see hey yo that’s like magic w

I know and now what I can do is I can replace half of the ice with some magma blocks and now it split oh my gosh this looks amazing woodo come on let’s make two doors right there and now we have the entrance to our castle that is so

Awesome it looks so sick now yeah but voodo while you’re working on that I should probably start adding some defenses cuz tin is super duper strong right now you’re right manga what kind of defenses you want to add first dude well what I can do is search up just

Like this woodo and then I can also get some fake water bro no way that’s so sick she totally fall for it because she’s so dumb now yep the fake water is actually lava and disguise and whenever you go inside it hurts you like real lava really yeah so what I’m going

To do is build a huge moat of the fake water and also the lava woodo so it looks super duper cool make sure looks extra scary too I want Tina to poop her pants yep there you go let me just place these down over here just like this

Woodo and it’s going to look awesome but I need to build it around the entire base over here keep it going M keep it going keep it going I’m going to need your help woodo this is probably going to take a little bit and we only have

Like N9 more minutes left come on bro help me dude you got to use our trusty little wand Mong you’re being way too slow about it bro okay fine let me use this wand just like this and wait what are you doing it already yeah I think

That’s good enough oh gosh Wait I messed it up here we go and booya okay while you do that I’m going to place down all the fake water and lava woodo let me just Spam these just like this boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and wa there’s

So much of it bro okay okay I think that’s good now come on and there you go I am now done placing down all the lava Woodle check it out our Castle is starting to look really amazing is looking fire or ice depending on what side you’re on voodo I have just thought

Of the most genius defense idea right now what you know how Tina can summon in lightning yeah yeah we can summon en lightning too bro how well all I need to do is give myself a command block with this Command right here just like this

Woodo and then what I’m going to do is take some pressure plates and check it out whenever I go inside of here and put the command summon lightning and I go on top of the pressure plate it summons in the lightning woodo dude that’s like hackery stuff how in the world did

You do that well cuz I’m a genius woodo come on look I’m going to have a bunch of command blocks and they’re all going to have the same command inside bro wo that’s actually so genius so now there’s going to be so much lightning around the

Entire base and Tina is not going to be able to avoid it I love that there you go let me place down a couple around the entire base just like this so even if she goes behind the base it’ll still get her yeah make sure it’s everywhere I don’t

Want her nearest at all yeah facts wood she’s already huge as this and she has like superpowers so we need to just keep placing a few more and this should be enough right wudo I think so at least I hope so what if she gets really Ultra

Mega powerful though mango I think we need a couple more things oh we’ll definitely add some more things vooodo I’m just adding in the commands inside of these so now there’s so much lightning oh my gosh this is amazing there you go let me just keep

Putting it in just like this this is going to take a little bit woodo do you think we’re wasting time right now I have no idea can you just build a little bit faster mango you’re lowkey kind of slow dude okay I’m trying my best there you go

wait what in the world is that Tina what do you want Tina I’m getting bored stuck in this cage you only have 5 minutes left oh my gosh wo we only have 5 minutes dude I told you you’re going way too slow okay well since we have the

Lightning stuff oh let’s see what else elemental power can we have to take her down oh woodo I just had a genius idea what is your genius idea I’m going to build towers of snow golems bro so it’s like ice pow is basically attacking her

Snow golem oh my gosh yes kill her with her own elements let me just get some iron blocks just like this and then what I need to do is build up here there you go and then let me just make a little cage area

For this snow golem boom I just need to spawn it in just like this and now that I spawned it in woodo I now have the first snow golem over here what should we name it I think we should name him Billy Bob okay Billy Bob is right there

But I’m also going to spawn in another one over here wudo and his name is going to be silly Bob silly Bob and Billy Bob the goats oh yeah they’re definitely going to be able to take down Tina there you go let me just place down another

One over here just like this and now there you go woodo we have silly Bob and Billy Bob and they’re going to protect us with their ice powers dude look at these beacons I put down don’t these look so sick oh yeah those look amazing

Woodo but come on now we need to work on the interior of the castle it can’t be empty bro facts what should we build well we should build like an elemental bedroom for us to stay in just in case things get a little wild okay how about

We build two bedrooms then I’m going to build the fire one and you build the ice one okay let me just get a bed just like this I’ll get the light blue bed cuz that fits the ice color and then what I’m going to do is get some tables just

Like this as well and I’m going to place it around over here there you go and then on top of those tables are going to be some snowman woodo oh yeah I like the sun of that let’s also get a painting over here and we’re going to place this

Right on top woodo we need to hurry up remember we only have a few more minutes left F hurry okay let me get these carpets over here and then with these carpets what I’m going to do is make a huge snowflake in the middle woodo snowflake BR there you

Go all I need to do is just build out just like this boom boom and this snowflake is going to look amazing let’s go boom boom okay Wuda I think I’m basically done with the snowflake there you go we have the snowflake we have the bedroom area over

Here but woodo I have a bad feeling that our defenses are or not enough look how empty everything still looks outside facts dude can you add some more defenses she’s going to just Waltz her way in here think it’s a giant hotel we made her okay you know what I need to

Add another fire defense then wudo what I’m going to do is come over here in the front and since Tina is so tall I need to make this thing a little bit taller taller taller there you go now all I need to do is just get some dispensers

Just like this then I also need to search up Redstone and get some Redstone repeaters and of course a lever woodo do you know what I’m building yes I know what you’re building what is it then bro I’m just kidding I have no clue what you’re building okay then I’m building a

Fireball dispenser woodo is going to shoot Fireballs at her she won’t even know what’s coming her way bro that is such a last minute trap but I love it dude wait what it’s not last minute at all W what are you talking about dude we only have like a minute left bro we’ve

Been building for like 9 minutes and like 35 seconds no wood I calculated we have like another 3 minutes left why are you trying to make me Rush bro no dude now we have 9 minutes and 37 seconds come on just build faster okay I’m I’m

Building fast you don’t have to trick me though bro and now what I’m going to do is place down the lever inside of the base woodo so whenever we pull it the Fireballs get dispatched no way that is such an amazing plan manga where did you learn this Redstone nerd stuff what do

You mean it’s not nerd stuff at all woodo look the lever works the fire balls are getting thrown out here dude you are a w nerd wait well I’m not a nerd woodo what are you talking about okay just admit it bro you are an amazing nerd that’s the only reason why

We have the best defenses ever hudo you better hurry up cuz I’m getting really really angry oh my gosh W take a look what she’s doing she literally caed so many explosions around and what in the world the case changed color woodo I’m going to kill you oh gosh we need to

Continue building right now woodo I don’t think the fires are enough to take her out bro what do we do let’s see we need the help of some dangerous friends that can take her out woodo I think I have the perfect idea really yes what

I’m going to do is build some pools of water wo do you know what I’m going at what no I don’t know well basically woodo these pools of water are going to have some sharks inside of them sharks that’s right the water element is some of the strongest powers in the world and

Sharks live in the water so it’s like perfect it’s so scary dude I don’t know if I want sharks here stop crying woodo the sharks are here to help us remember oh yeah you’re right let me just make these a little bit bigger so the Sharks

Don’t die just like this and boom I’m going to spawn in two more over here and then I’m going to spawn in a bunch more at the front too bro oh I like it so whenever Tina sees these things she’s going to go back home crying woodo there

You go let me place down a couple more over here and now I think our shark defense is done wo fire but it’s still not enough sadly we’re going to need to add a couple of more things and wait what what did you add over here woodo oh nothing it’s our

Team mascot wait what why would that be our team mascot woodo is that a nerd Emoji yeah manga you know why why is that woodo because dude we’re the nerd maybe you’re the nerd woodo but I’m not I’m over here trying to build okay sorry you’re a nerd too okay woodo well

If you’re such a nerd then how about you help me come up with a defense idea a defense idea okay I can come up with a defense idea how about we make fake statues of ourselves so that we can prank Tina and make her think that it’s actually us but it’s

Not oh that’s Shey swo and we can make it look exactly like us yes it’s a genius idea I know I know I know come on Mango just get to building it let’s build it over here on this side bro okay what I need to do is get some red wool

Just like this and some black wool and then I also obviously need to get some terot for my face and then what I need to do is get some gold for my crown just like this and woodo I think I’m ready to start building it you are yep look I’m

Going to build it just like this let me just build the legs over here vooodo and now that I have the leg legs what I’m going to do is make my belt so I can make my belly perfect I’m going to start building mine too by the way do

You like my new turtle son he looks pretty cool he’s on top of my head M don’t get distracted right now come on we need to start building bro what are you doing we only have a couple of minutes oh gosh you’re right okay I will start building then come on let

Me just build these things over here I’m building the hands too right now woodo all right I’m building my body okay there you go that’s my chest and my hands and now I need to start building the face bro build it okay let me make

The face go up over here there you go oh my gosh this is going to look exactly like me no mine’s going to look way more like me wait what no it’s not woodo my statue is going to be better than yours no my statue is going to be

Better than yours what w but look I just gave myself a smiley face mango there’s a little bit of an inaccuracy with your build what do you mean what are you talking abouto it’s missing a little bit of depth to it what are you doing right now let me

Just just fix this real quick and there we go now it’s fixed okay I have to admit that does look like me so she’s definitely going to be scared wudo I know you your big Betty look at you mango you look like Santa Claus with

That big Betty okay there you go I just need to add the crown over here and boom woodo I am now done with my statue what in the world are you doing build your one bro you’re taking forever oh sorry I was just adding your belly button there

You go you look very nice manga to do say so myself okay whatever wood continue your St stue build I’m going to place down a defense that is going to help us okay look at that be well what I’m going to do is place down a

Bunch of camera so we can see her reaction to these things and also make sure that she’s not close to our base woodo that’s a good idea there you go let me place down a couple of cameras over here then a bunch more over here as

Well just like this boom boom boom and uh wo wait a second let me place down one more over here so we can actually look at the behind area and now if I go back inside out of our base and click these cameras I can look around and see

Everything wudo oh look at you go M I love that yeah but now that we have these cameras and the fake statues wudo what else can we build how about you build something that she definitely won’t be able to get through oh you’re right wo I’m going to make her do

Some Parkour oh wait hold on a second I have something even better look at my amazing statue doesn’t it look good wait what what that does not look that good my one looks way better than yours what no mine looks way better than yours no no it doesn’t W you’re

Literally missing something right now wait what am I missing you’re missing the little hair on top of your head bro look dude what do you mean I don’t have a little hair on top of my head oh my gosh why do I look like this well now

With the hair on top of your head you do look pretty accurate but I need to remove the sides of your face just like this and boom wudo this is a oneofone version of yourself what the heck now I look like a giant green apple you look

Like you’re doing an emote too but woodo I can’t get distracted what are you doing bro come on what I need to do is go over here here then go all the way over here and break down just like this there you go and now what I need to do

Is just set all this to Air and since we have that set to air woodo what I’m going to do is Select this area again and set it to Lava set to lava burn everything there you go and now with this lava woodo I’m going to make Tina

Do some Parkour jumps what are you doing over there you know I can see you right wait what wo Tina’s watching me I need to make this quick hurry up hurry up okay let me just place down some more gold BL over here that she needs to complete you don’t actually think a

Little parkour is going to stop me do you oh gosh what else is talking to me oh gosh she has coolies and stuff I don’t want to talk to you Tina leave me alone how many minutes do we have just tell me that oh about 30 seconds wait

What we only have 30 seconds wo come on I need to build this quickly let me just place down a few more blocks and she said that parkour won’t stop her so maybe I should get some ice just like this and build like some kind of boat

Course or something buo do it boo just do whatever you can okay let me make this boat of course go around over here just like this there you go and then I’m going to make it do one last final wrap right over here as well boom boom boom

And once it gets to this point she can turn around and I guess she’ll reach our base but I don’t think she’ll be able to woodo this is perfect yes M go come on there’s only like 30 seconds left yeah but woodo if there’s only 30 seconds

Left we need to get some armor and defenses for ourselves bro our base looks cool but we look totally naked right now shoot come on M placing some chest in the middle and I’ll put down some armor stands too come under the nerd Emoji okay hold on let me look for

The armor that we can get woodo I think there’s some super cool fire ones that we can get and wao this one is perfect bro it better be fire it is woodo trust me look I just need to put it on top over here and oh my gosh look at that

Fire themed armor bro oh my gosh that looks fire yeah but now we need some weapons since we have the armor vooodo what I’m thinking is I search up snowball just like this and W check it out what I’m going to do now woodo is get this

Snowball shotgun and let me also get some snowballs that I can attack with let me search up this real quick and boom moodo with that we now have a snowball launcher check it out wo I even have a machine gun wait what a snowball machine gun woodo that’s amazing I want that too

Come on let me search that up and now with this woodo I now have a machine gun too this is amazing far away but vooodo come on we need to add a weapon that’s super practical so I’m going to add a bazooka in here as

Well bro okay do it okay there you go let me just put the Bazooka in here with a bunch of missiles just like this and then I’m going to put our machine guns inside of here as well along with a bunch of ammo there you go woodo but um

Woodo let’s just say everything fails the armor fails the weapon fails the defenses fails what can we do just in case she reaches us we give up that’s what happens in this game wait what what are you doing woodo we can’t give up and what in the world is this

Sorry I have to make a quick Escape method mango wait no this is not an escape method woodo we need to take her out once and for all if things go wrong I don’t know we can have an emergency exit or something manga like something to self-destruct the base self-destruct the

Base woodo you just gave me the perfect idea hold on what I’m going to do is search up TNT but not just any TNT we have the death rate TNT bro that sounds come on I just need to go up here and place it up here just like this and

Now with this here woodo all we need to do is just ignite it and this TNT is literally going to blow up everything around us is that a nuke yes it is bro but I’m going to paste down some glass just in case cuz I don’t want it to

Explode if we don’t want it to explode guys I’m breaking out you better be ready wait who W this is bad this is bad Tia’s coming towards us right now get ready boo it’s time okay come on let’s just put on all this armor over here just like this woodo and

Wao check it out I now look like a fire lord I look okay woodo but let’s also get the stuff inside of here as well now we have all the armor and we also have all the weapons but woodo can you please give me some fireworks some

Golden apples we’re going to need those too yes manga there you go plenty of fireworks for you and then plenty of golden apples are coming right up all right thank you very much woodo come on let’s eat one of these right this second and wo look she’s making her way over here bro

Attack what do you guys think you can do against me those snowballs just tickle Tina if you want to reach us you need to go past this lava area okay what am I ever going to do oh wait I can just drown it wait what she was using her water

Power to remove the lava wudo no that is so bad M take this Tina take this PE PE PE PE PE PE the distraction distraction oh my gosh she can fly too this is not good woodo what I’m going to do is use my Fireballs against her oh

She’s trying to freeze me I’m using the Fireballs wood is it working oh you guys really think you can kill me then take this wait what she’s spawning in friends now too woodo look there’s a bunch of blazes and stuff here e kill them they’re stepping on top of the lightning

Woodo so it is killing them this is so good they’re freezing us OU oh gosh our entire build is breaking one way or another I’m going to kill you guys today no no no this is not good take it to the distraction statues what is this a fat little turtle statue

That’s so funny wodo wait what she knows it’s fake woodo this is not good it’s actually me woodo hi T yeah and I’m over here I have a big belly this is my fat friend oh hi hoodo and I hope you won’t mind if I just blast your faces off

Oh my gosh what the heck was that she bmed us our entire statues are gone no no what are we going to do oh W I’ve had enough you know what I’m going to use my bazooka on her and wait what she’s freezing me don’t worry I’ll

Just put you out of your misery so you don’t have to fight anymore quick hide in the Smoke wait what what in the world are you doing to me leave me alone come on W I help me I’ll get her in the air right now I’m shooting at her

With my machine gun oh gosh she’s spawning in a bunch more friends W I don’t think we can do this anymore dude we’re going to die voo I think it’s time we use the death ray TNT let’s do it come back in the castle quick what are you guys doing are you retreating

Finally okay wo meet me on top of the death rate come on I’m going okay let me just eat this Golden Apple woodo please give me a flint and Ste please all right I’m right over here manga let me just grab this flint and steel real quick

Type this in use it manga use it use it use it oh guys I’m in your base what are you doing okay hold on let me just break the glass just like this and woodo get ready to fly away okay I’m floting away

Like a about to fly I used it wo now I’m going to fly too wao what is going to happen what’s happening what did you guys just do oh yes she’s going to die we’re going to take her out I’ll kill you I swear I’ll kill you guys both come

On on death rate take her out what is this power wao check it out wo there’s something happening and oh my gosh the death rate just killed her and everything around is gone woodo let’s go she died oh my gosh I can’t believe we survived thank you guys so much for

Watching the video If you enjoyed then watch another video on the screen and don’t forget to subsscribe bye you

Today, Mongo and Wudo have to survive against the ELEMENTAL GODDESS! Can they do it? Watch to find out!

#Mongo #Minecraft #WudoAndMongo


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