I Spent 100 Days in Skyblock Without The Start Chest in Minecraft

Can you beat Sky Block with no start chest in 100 Minecraft days no water no Lava no cobblestone generator just dirt a singular tree and this guy me that’s me how much could you get done in 100 days if anything well this is the story

Of how I not only beat Sky Block but also got water lava and all of these blocks and items and transformed this pitiful blob of dirt into an epic floating magical Village in 100% vanilla survival Minecraft and if you go on to enjoy the video I’m trying to hit

100,000 subscribers by the end of the year and we’re getting super close so consider subscribing without further ado sit back relax and go get your snacks because this is how I spent 100 days on Sky Block with no start chest in Survival Minecraft I spawned into a world emptier than my 11th birthday

Party on the morning of day one and you may immediately have a few questions why am I not in hardcore mode why is everything so ugly why do I look less masculine than usual why hasn’t your dad come back yet and while I might not know

The answers to all of these questions I do know that I had to begin this challenge in version 1.0 for reasons I will explain further later on in the video and we’re not in hardcore because this challenge is literally impossible in hardcore which I I will explain more

Later but I am limiting ourselves to only 10 lives meaning that if I kick the bucket 10 times we have to completely restart but just so you don’t have to look at these ugly old textures I didn’t update the game I just used a texture pack to get the new textures for now

Though all we have to work with is about as many blocks as I have frame cells but nonetheless I began punching actual cubic meters of dirt with my fist and because grass is going to be essential for getting food spawning mobs and much more I made absolutely certain that I

Didn’t break every single piece of grass on the island oh well that changes my plans but I’ll just deal with that later we have four goals for these 100 days one beat the game two obtain the starting conditions of Sky Block three transform this blob of dirt into an epic floating magical

Village and finally obtain all of these blocks and items and just progress through the game as much as we can and after defiling this Majestic expression of nature I pulled the plot twist of the decade and made a crafting table I then crafted some slabs a what first of all

Why did they make that freaking noise I began expanding our dirt L and then I collected our very first sapling I continued expanding a platform under the trees leaves to catch more saplings and began the next generation of profits then I leave the rest of the fists with

My broke wait what anyways there wasn’t much left for me to do so I just sat and waited for one of our trees to grow and while I’m waiting it’s about time I let you in on the plan there’s a bunch of items we need to get but our first

Priority is going to be getting water and lava getting there relatively quickly is a complicated process and requires some wacky Shenanigans but we’ll start by focusing on phase one the end that’s right we’re going to beat the game first I explain how that’s going to

Be possible in a bit but for now it’s time for step one wood and stuff dude why does that take so long to break what that’s absurd we need to prepare by getting a ton of blocks and food for the ender dragon fight so on the morning of

Day two I planted our last remaining sapling and then it almost immediately grew so I chopped it down and continued expanding our platform I also harvested more saplings and planted them so we can speed up our rate of profit collection and with that there was once again

Nothing left for me to do but gaze into the distant Horizon and Ponder the INF inite depth and meaning of skid toilet of skibby toilet what does it mean but then I got bored of that so I bridged out to begin our mob farm which is just

Going to be a dirt platform for now Bones from skeletons can help us grow the trees faster not to mention bows and arrows will be really useful for the dragon fight if we get any and since we have no grass rotten flesh and spider eyes are unfortunately going to be our

Only food sources in the early game bro fell off what the heck and then got into a disagreement with this spider and lost the first three parts of the world I continued basically watching grass grow in the morning of day three and finally got our third tree I then began

Expanding our mob spawning platform and yeah playing this old buggy version is going to be a bit annoying but there goes two dirt and our first life and we now only have nine lives remaining what I just placed a slab under me but after not crying about it for 3 minutes

Straight like a real Steve I continued waiting for tree profits to roll in then a tree grew so I chopped it down continued expanding our base chopped another one down and expanded the base even more once it was night our mob farm began collecting our victims but then

One of them decided to fight back it’s a good thing he was more bones than brains though cuz he fell right into the void then this Enderman spawned and was immediately mad at me for some reason somehow though I managed to send him to an eternal timeout with just a wooden

Sword and on the morning of day four I watched as the sun cooked me up some breakfast and then mosed over to enjoy the meal M That’s What I Call well done we also got a bone which means bone meal which means we can finally artificially accelerate nature for more sweet profits

I used the bone meal to get more wood and then use said wood to build a platform under this dirt so I can place down more treep then I made a chest and continued expanding our mob farm with our newly found Fortune which has to be made out of full blocks because you

Can’t place slabs in the top half of blocks in this version for some reason I continued committing deforestation and expanding our base and tree farm Enterprise for the rest of the day and then it started raining so I ate some perfectly cooked meat worms and stood in

The rain to question my life choices and to feel like Vegeta for the rest of day four and through the morning of day five then some trees grew so I violently smacked them with a stick until they stopped existing then I expanded the base and mob farm more committed more

DeForest station and continued enlarging our platform for the rest of the day then I just waited through the night of day five cuz there was nothing else to do and trees can’t grow at night apparently on the morning of day six I dealt with this creep collected more perfectly cooked meat and then

Exterminated this insect actually spider was and he dropped one of his eyes so I figured I’d eat it to see life from his perspective or something but all it did was poison me then I spent like half of the day chopping down this absurdly large tree and our mob farm isn’t

Exactly earning parental approval as it is now so I decided to spend the rest of the day changing it to live up to my expectations but I want to be a dance floor shut your mouth mobus for metheus I spent the night of day six collecting more wood and expanding our platform and

Then on the morning of day seven I strolled over to a sea of Bones and arrows wow they’re really dumb in this version then I gave this spider a hug cuz he looks lonely and this Enderman some Financial advice cuz I have no enemies and now it’s time to use all

These sweet profits to get a poop ton of wood and oh bro so yeah I just lost basically all of our stuff and another life all to the same dumb glitch but in difficult times like these I remember what my father father always told me

Hogers G Riz Among Us de nuts what the dog doing 100 days skibby toilet in real life I spice Mr Beast in Ohio sunu I mean my dad but with eight lives remaining I decided to keep a completely level head and continue with what we had

Left I chopped down trees for the rest of the day and then once again waited through the night and into the morning of day 8 and after this extremely intelligent creeper attempted to assault me I was finally sick of dealing with the ugliness and bugginess of old

Minecraft and and it was now time for step two the end portal so you might be wondering how we are going to get to the end since getting there requires an end portal which doesn’t exist anywhere in this infinite void and even if it did we’d need Eyes of Ender which require

Blaze rods which would require getting to the nether which we have no way of doing either so it’s impossible right yeah pretty much just kidding Minecraft Beta 1.9 pre-release 3 in this version there is a massive oversight by the developers that is also our ticket to getting to the end

And being able to complete all of our goals in 100 days which is probably why it was taken down just a few hours after its release also I’m Darth Maul for some reason don’t question it but without further Ado and boom we now only have seven lives remaining and we have

Everything we need that’s right when you kick the bucket in this version you resawn with a stack of end portal frames End Portals enchantment tables and bookshelves this is also why we had to start in 1.0 cuz in any later versions the world gets corrupted by reverting to

This version I would keep jumping into the void to get more blocks but I want to save as many lives as possible for the dragon fight my recording software also didn’t record any sound for some reason but nonetheless I placed in our end portal and a level 30 enchantment

Setup even though I can’t use it without lapis also fun fact if you hover over the end portal item with your mouse in this version your game just crashes but with that done it dusted boom we had to upgrade through a few versions so that the world doesn’t break but we’re now in

1.20 and you no longer have to deal with the Shader lless world anymore and I’m back to my usual masculine self also it turns out we’re in a swamp biome and now our trees look ugly so boom I just used a texture pack to make the leaves look

Better and not only did all of our wooden slabs become the cursed petrified Oak slabs but some of the other cursed blocks we got survived the upgrade so now we have Stoke slabs and end portal frames obtained in 100% vanilla survival Minecraft which is pretty funny I think

But we still don’t have enough wood for the dragon fight so I went back to chopping down trees for the rest of day 8 and into the morning of day N9 then I was assaulted by this backwards spider what the freak was that and he actually dropped our first two pieces of string

Which would be cool if we had gotten more before because then we could make a b but we didn’t so I continued choing trees and then began building a fence around our mob farm so our products can’t escape their fate but little did I know I was about to be quite literally

Struck by a great Misfortune you see in order to get lava we need to get to the nether and in order to light a nether portal we need lightning to strike a lightning rod next to the portal and for that we need a lightning storm the problem is lightning storms are

Extremely rare only happening in average of every 9 hours of gameplay meaning we’ll probably only get two or three thunderstorms throughout the entire 100 days so when it started raining again I prayed to notch that it wasn’t in a thunderstorm as this would make the chances of one happening when we need

One later a lot more unlikely but Notch clearly didn’t listen because a thunderstorm did start there was unfortunately nothing I could really do about this though other than hope that we get lucky later on so I just continued chopping trees for the rest of

The night and with the dawn of day 10 it was time we’re officially 10% of the way through this Challenge and it’s time for step three the dragon fight it was time to make our final preparations for beating the game so I crafted up a ton of ladders for climbing the pillars

Bullied these slimes to cope with my Securities and then prepared my inventory for battle and on the night of day 10 I hopped into the end portal and considering I could barely beat the Ender Dragon in my hardcore series with fully Enchanted netherite armor and tools without pooping my pants it’s

Needless to say my gaming chair has a new brown spot on it but nevertheless I began mining up to the surface this is going to take a little second and here we are the end although this time the end is just the beginning the first part

Of this fight is taking out the end crystals and since I don’t have a bow I’m going to be using ladders so I began running over to a pillar that the Ender Dragon seemed furthest from and then began the climb up I smacked out the Crystal and actually didn’t take too

Much damage but the dragon did catch on to my H so I ran away to the next pillar I knocked out another one pretty smoothly and ladders also have the benefit of being very easy to get down quickly but on the way down from my third crystal I somehow angered this

Ended so I ran back to my hidey-hole to take care of him and regenerate Health then I ran back into battle and continued knocking out crystals I took care of the fourth fifth sixth and seventh crystals all while dodging the Ender Dragon stinky breath but after the

Seventh pillar on the morning of day 11 I angered another Enderman on accident I freaking looked at one again dude I suck at this game so I ran back to my hidey-hole after farming some more ender pearls I definitely didn’t accidentally look at Enderman three times in a row I

Got two apples up and then I dove back into action and began climbing the eighth pillar but when I tried to hit the crystal I couldn’t reach it for some reason so I had to get a bit closer and oh my I didn’t expect that it took a

Little more Health than I expected it to I’m On One heart ah somehow I survived though but I ran back to my hidey-hole to regain Health but I was Plum out of food which means means no more Health regeneration then I looked at three more Enderman on accident but after dealing

With them I decided to just YOLO and head for the ninth Tower I managed to survive taking it out and with that we only had a single Crystal left I watched to see which Tower the dragon was still regenerating from and then charged into my certain demise I climbed up the

Pillar you can do this SP this the last one and couldn’t reach the crystal again so I was obviously going to bite the dust I mean I only have three heart oh I survived let’s go oh bro okay yeah that was to be expected well anyways with six lives remaining we’ve now completed

Phase one of the fight and it’s time for the second phase the battle phase but when I jumped back into the portal something weird happened huh what what okay my chest isn’t here I didn’t realize that this room gets reset when you respawn so our chest from earlier

Got destroyed okay well how did I get these items then I spawned in here and I got some items that I had but also the contents of the chest or at least some of it ended up in my inventory I don’t know if this was a glitch or if this is

A feature for some reason but I need to make a sword real quick so that I can actually Style on this fool but feel free to let me know if you know why this happened in the comments below but anyways I began waiting for the dragon

To perch and when he did I ran in to give him a Smackdown so how in the world dud he’s just murking Ender but I couldn’t really get close enough without it hitting me so I tried Ender pearling and I was able to do damage but he could

Still hit me and I still don’t have any food so I can’t regenerate my health at all without losing another life and with my second Pearl I managed to get down to a heart and a half without dealing a single Pixel of damage to the Dragon but

The dragon was abusing his underlings a lot so I was getting a ton of Ender Pearls for free and then an Enderman unived me so we now only have five lives remaining and I need a new strategy so after some practicing in a creative test world I went back into the end to

Retrieve my items and once the Ender Dragon perched again I Ender pear to the center and made sure to stand right up against the Bedrock pillar and smack his body whack and I’m actually able to do some pretty decent damage with just a wooden sword I can also just stay here

And wait for him to perch again without taking any damage so I kept smacking waiting for him to perch and smacking until finally after breaking my last wooden sword oh and I lost my I lost my sword but I can still hit him oh I’m so close I managed to defeat the ener

Dragon with my fist by day 11 no actual way oh my goodness and with that we’ve completed step three and phase one let’s go oh this is absurd just beat the Ender Dragon with no armor bro is completely unclothed and it’s now time for phase two water and lava we’re now going to

Get the starting conditions of traditional Sky Block by getting water and lava oh oh my God he’s hitting me oh no also we can now use the Torches from the end portal to light up our base and I somehow glitched again into getting five torches total instead of the four

That should be on the portal so that’s cool the path to getting these two simple items is a long and complicated process but it all begins with step one end cities so I began mining endstone with my wooded pickaxe to get blocks to bridge across the void with because it’s

Somehow faster than waiting for trees to grow the end cities hold within them the most important part to progressing in this challenge the elytra no enchanted diamond armor and tools no diamonds gold emeralds and shulker shells for shulker boxes no beetroot seeds yes wait no no

Why would that iron the main thing we need is iron I then began smacking Enderman legs to get a ton of Ender Pearls and my sword broke so I had to unap this last guy with my fist BR and then I used a torch to obtain the dragon

And after placing it beautifully in our base I built a staircase up to the Ender Porter and pearled through on the night of day 12 okay here we are and after marking the coordinates of the portal I unfortunately had to turn off my shaders cuz my game won’t stop lagging past like

A four chunk render distance in the end for some reason and a maxed out render distance is the best way to find an nity so I apologize for having to assault your eyes while in the outer end Islands from now on but anyways I began the

Search for an n city on the morning of day 13 oh okay that was pretty easy so I began bridging over to the n city and after making my way to this many end Island I harvested some Co fruit so I could finally eat something and regain

My health the only downside of this food source is that it teleports you somewhere random every time you eat one but I’ll take what I can get at this point I harvested a ton more coar fruit and then continued onwards towards the end City harvesting more purple fruit

Along the way and now for why iron is going to be so important basically iron can make buckets and cauldrons and cauldrons can collect rain when it’s raining and when they collect enough rain the water can be picked up in a bucket giving us water and after making

My way over to the city I was a little confused as to how this could be called a city I mean there’s one building it should be called like an end office building but I also spotted another one with an end ship in the distance which means we’re getting an elytra but that’s

For the future in the present this purple box started spitting at me but I deflected the magical spit and began pillaring up to the chest room all right let’s run in and being the genius I am I decided running in blindly with no plan or armor was the best idea and not only

Did my plan not exactly work nope oh you’re kidding there also weren’t even any chests as far as I could tell but with only four lives remaining I decided the best approach would be to just get some more resources and Skip right past the first entity we found so as to not

Risk biting it trying to get our stuff back and go straight to the end Shi so I began chopping down trees smacking mob legs and collecting mob profits chopping more trees assaulting more zombies and stealing Enderman eyes for basically the rest of day 13 and then I headed back to

The outer end Islands on the morning of day 14 I then chopped more magic purple fruit while making my way over to the end ship and now it’s time to Heist this thing so I built up to the front of the ship broke the block behind the chest oh

Heck and grabbed our first pieces of loot a diamond sword and a silk touch iron shovel not bad but in the second chest we got Diamond Helmet tons of iron let’s oh 10 iron let’s go 10 pieces of iron and a diamond helmet basically exactly what we needed oh I got the

Elytra and then rewrote this boxman into a Zero Dimensional character after admiring my new loot adorned Axel AO B I grabbed these instant health potions and then stole the Box people’s ship’s figure head and utilizing my new power of flight I flew down to the main end office building’s chest room and began

Searching for the chests I built a shelter around them and then got a looting swords some chest plates a bunch of gold and an OP iron pickaxe with my fresh new loot I decided to head home lest I risk losing all of our new stuff as a materialistic lifestyle is what

Truly makes me happy and now we also have a renewable food source the only problem is I’m ever so slightly terrified to try it on the base on the off chance it makes me fall into the void some so I put away all my stuff and

Tested it and it seems fine so that’s cool jeez not the most ideal but it does work but more importantly I crafted our very first cauldron and bucket and placed Down The Cauldron and with that we still not done with step one of phase 2 because we didn’t get a diamond

Pickaxe which we need to mine obsidian so we can set up our nether portal frame so on the morning of day 15 I mined out a metric ton or for you European 69420 km of endstone for bridging purposes and then set back out to the outer end islands and began the trk to

Find a new end City and almost immediately angered this Enderman and barely escaped losing another life I did this because for some reason I thought that end ships and these wider tops of the end Office Buildings were the only places that loot chests can spawn so I

Assumed there was no more loot in the two we found even though there probably was and tked onward into new territory but after walking for a while with a 32 chunk render distance and running into a dead end I wasn’t seeing a single end City even though I felt like I should

Have run into one by now so after harvesting some more ender pearls I decided to head back and set out in a New Direction so on the morning of day 16 I began bridging out in a different direction got into a fight with this Enderman and barely survive oh my God

One got mad at me oh come on all right I’m doing it I’m jumping sheesh and then continued the journey I ran bridged through ender pearls and then finally ran into another end City and as I approached it I noticed that there was another one nearby as well and because I thought

These wide rooms were the only ones with chests in them I ignored the first one I found and headed straight for this newly discovered one and after mining a bit of endstone to bridge with and bridging out over the void I made it to the new end

Office building and after toing up to the top I looted the chest and managed to get more iron some diamonds Diamond boots and a diamond pickaxe so with that after fighting this angry purple box and turning him two dimensional I decided I had to get another shulker shell so I

Could make a shulker box so on day 17 I tried taking on some more shulkers to get their shells but after giving the slightest bit of effort I gave up cuz it was too hard yeah so I built a massive pillar into the sky and then glided ran

Threw more ender pearls more often than I probably should have mined a bunch more endstone and pillared up again and then glided back to the Ender Portal once I returned to the Overworld I immediately went right back to the end to get the obsidian we need for our

Nether portal so I mined 14 pieces of obsidian and then placed in our nether portal frame and the chances of this actually lighting without a lightning rod are slim to none but we have it now so yeah and with that we finally completed step one of phase two and now

It’s time for step two the mob font so I went into the end and began using our fancy new tools to mine endone but why do we need a mob farm you may ask well not only for XP bones for bone Mill bows and arrows gunpowder for fireworks

String for a bed or carrots potatoes and iron dropped from zombies but mostly because we can convert zombies into drown using the water we collect in our cauldron and drowned have a chance of dropping copper bucket okay I filled up my entire inventory but uh it’s unsatisfying to leave

This oh yeah I have a chest oh there’s some here okay let’s put it in there copper mies lightning rods which can redirect lightning during a lightning storm to our nether portal lighting it and giving us access to the nether so I continued hacking in stone for the rest

Of day 17 and for the entirety of day 18 also this Farm is going to be built a bit differently than a typical mob farm because we don’t have any water to funnel the Mobs with but we still need a ton of blocks and Mining endstone is

Just a fastest way to get blocks so that’s why I’m doing that okay there we go we mined out a giant area and we now have hopefully enough endstone to work on this project and with like a billion endstone or something I headed back to the Overworld to Begin work on the mob

Farm on the morning of day 19 and then I headed to the end and yeah course fruit is going to be mildly annoying but the reason I headed back was to get some endstone I forgot in this chest and then it started raining which is perfect cuz

Now this cauldron will fill up but that’s probably going to take a bit so in the meantime I began building out from the end portal to where the mob farm is going to be I have a really cool floating island base planned out and the

End portal is going to be like a magic pond in front of a giant custom red mushroom thing it’ll be cool I promise just trust me but anyways that’s why I’m raising this up cuz I want the island to have some terrain and the mob farm to be

Sitting slightly higher up than the pond after a bit of finicking with the length and height to get it looking how I wanted it to and building this platform underneath so I don’t accidentally fall into the void on the morning of day 20 I checked out our cauldron and we

Officially did not get even a single Notch of water which is a bit problematic because we need The Cauldron to fill up three notches before it can be picked up with the bucket and rainstorms don’t exactly come around every day so it looks like we’re going

To need to search for more in cities for more iron at some point so we can make more cauldrons but anyways I began work on the mob farm and managed to make some pretty decent progress by the end of the day this Farm takes advantage of some

Complicated mob AI stuff them over to the Folly down shoot thing and I’m using stairs for the walls because that’s how it is in the video I’m following I continued Into the Night of day 21 and then it started raining epic but I also got introduced to a little something

Called a phantom which is probably the least hated and least annoying mob of all time and really just makes the game better in every way for sure anyways I didn’t want to risk falling into the void so I boxed myself into this little box and waited until morning but it was

Still raining in the morning of day 22 so I made a dash for the end portal for some reason did it spawn me into the I bet it did then once I returned to the Overworld I checked the cauldron again and it still hadn’t even filled up one

Notch after nearly two full rainstorms oh my god you’re kidding a whole night of this and not even a single so basically we’re going to need more cauldrons but anyways I went back to work on the mob farm walls until I was attacked by another gang of bad jokes

But I managed to take care of them and go back to work on the walls until I got attacked by more Phantoms took care of them and then finish the Walls by the morning of day 23 then I added in all the floors with slabs added these slabs

To the floor to prevent spider spawns and these trap doors here for some reason and then I added the roof and got attacked by more f after I dealt with them though I began work on the final part of the farm and as far as I understand it the mob’s AI will see

These full blocks I’m placing here and try to pathfind over to them but will fall into this shoot when trying to walk over these trap doors sending them down to be uned by me so after I finished placing in all the solid blocks I broke

Out the ladder I was using to get up and down and with that the farm should be complete and sure enough after a little bit of patience oh oh yes yes yes yes yes a skeleton’s more and I definitely hear okay yep yes yes it worked the

Profets started rolling in and they were rolling in pretty fast at that a lot faster than I expected to be honest but anyways on the morning of day 24 I expanded the area around the farm a bit more so it’s harder to fall off i’ also

Put trap doors over the end portal to make it harder to fall in and then a witch and a chicken jockey fell down the mop Sho also a zombie dropped a potato which means we not only got chicken feathers and glowstone dust and I got a potato which is actually freaking epic

Wait wait let me show you guys why getting a potato is epic okay watch watch watch watch watch watch you won’t even believe this boom boom boom boom boom boom potatoes we now finally have a renewable source of food that doesn’t poison us give us hunger or teleport us

To random places so I bone Meed a ton of potatoes and with that we’ve completed step two and it’s now time for step 2.5 get more cauldrons so yeah we’re going to have to backtrack a little bit and get more iron to make more cauldrons W

But I actually already had six iron left over from before so I just needed one more to make another cauldron which you can get Al beat rarely from zombies so I kept swinging at the mob farm for the rest of day 24 managed to get a carrot

Which I bone Meed as well and then I decided to waste our gold making golden carrots with them for some reason we’re officially a quarter of the way through the challenge and we’ve made a decent bit of progress so far but there’s still a whole lot left to do so I continued

Grinding at the mob farm to get a piece of iron collected some of this dirt replac in earlier and this dirt from the original Island continued smacking mob legs and then realized it was going to take too long to get that single piece of iron so I headed back into the end

Farmed up some ender pearls and then headed through the Ender Porter to the outer end islands and then began the journey to find end cities by heading back to where we were earlier I wanted to have about 6 to 9 cauldrons total which is about 40 to 60 pieces of iron

Minus The Cauldron we already have plus the six iron we already have which is about 30 to 50 iron and since you’ll find about 9 or 10 iron per in City on average we’re going to need to find around 3 to five new end cities and on

The morning of Day 26 I hit this super yikes ender pearl throw yeah I got to stop doing that so much but anyways I continued venturing back to the end cities we found earlier and finally continued onwards because I was still too ignorant to realize that these n

Cities still had loot in them then I got in a fight with another Enderman and then continued the journey into the unknown after wandering for the rest of the day I found this other Ender Porter and marked the coordinates and then finally spotted another end City and

Another end ship so on the morning of day 27 I made my way over and pillared up to the big purple boat and we got some more iron gold iron armor another elytra the soul of this angry box and then some more diamond stuff and things

Then I made our very first shulker box to hold all of our new material possessions grabbed the potions and then flew over to the main office building the generation was a little broken but I managed to grab some more diamond stuff and more gold iron and our first

Emeralds which are going to be super useful for trading with any wandering traders that spawn or with villagers which we can obtain via curing zombie villagers from our mob farm and now I can finally put on some pants and I was starting to realize that I hadn’t seen a

Single Ender Chest yet which you’d think would make me realize I’ve been skipping over chest rooms but I just thought my world got corrupted in the upgrade or something but on top of the city I spotted two more cities so I flew to the first one and cuz I thought there was no

Chest room I just towered up and flew to the second one I quickly grabbed the loot which included more iron gold beetroot seeds and armor and then proceeded to build another giant Tower and begin flying into new territory I spotted another city by the end of the

Day so I began bridging over I wish I could see these what the heck end on day 28 yeah they’re so fast Oh shoot what do I do what do I do nope wow I unlocked the power to levitate while defending myself from this Ender oh my God I did

It oh but then I made my way over to the end City looted it and then decided we have enough iron so I headed back to the Ender Porter we found earlier and headed home I used our iron to make three more cauldrons which isn’t exactly the amount

I wanted but it just still be enough if not I’ll just go get more later on also it’s getting slightly infuriating to have all these efficiency diamond tools but still have to use a wooden axe to mine wood like anyways I went back to smacking the absorbed amount of mobs

That I collected while we were gone no iron this just say it then I farmed more carrots and wasted more gold on golden carrots cuz I forgot that we need gold to make golden apples to cure zombie villagers later on and it’s safe to say that this mob farm is a lot more

Efficient than I anticipated I guess it’s cuz there’s nowhere else for mobs to spawn so they all just spawn here but it’s actually getting kind of annoying how I feel like I have to come over here constantly to thin it out anyways with that done it’s now time to work on phase

Three the base so on the morning of day 29 I wasted more gold making axes so I could clear out our old tree farm to make way for the base above now we haven’t completed Phase 2 yet but Phase 2 is going to require a lot of waiting

Waiting for rain to fill up the cauldrons and later on waiting for a lightning storm to light the nether portal so in the meantime we need to work on our third goal of the challenge transforming this mess into an epic magic Village on a floating island so

With the tree farm cleared out and our platform leveled out a bit more I expanded our storage system a bit and then it started raining then I began building a bridge out to where our house is going to be so we can get to work on

Step one of phase three build an epic house which is basically going to be a wizard tower then I executed these jokes and then went back to smacking mob legs and managed to finally get an iron ingot from a zombie oh my God yes there’s a

Piece of iron let’s go and then I immediately got another one as well so I used the iron we had left over from before to make another cauldron and then added it to our cauld grid and then finally one of our cauldrons filled up a single Notch with water oh my God

Finally so now all we need is two more and then we’ll be in business just in case I don’t think you can but yeah you cannot it needs to be fully full fully full on the morning of day 30 I used our extra piece of iron to finally make a

Shield then I continued on the bridge to our Wizard Tower and I really needed to go to the end to get more blocks but I was afraid that would unload these chunks and the cauldrons would stop filling up with water so I began deciding where I wanted the tower to go

With wood instead then the rain stopped and we managed to get two cauldrons filled up a notch so we just need one more to get a full cauld but wait don’t all three notches need to be in the same cauldron for it to be filled up well yes

But actually no I’ll explain more in a second so I headed into the end and hacked endstone for the rest of the day then on the morning of day 31 I began work on the tower and then it hit me if I drink this instant health potion we

Got from the N cities earlier will be left with an empty bottle and with this empty bottle we can pick up the water out of this cauldron and put it into this one filling it up to two notches we still can’t pick it up yet but with that

We likely only need one more rainstorm to get an infinite water source but then how can you get an infinite water source with only one water bucket I don’t know no I’m just kidding I’ll explain that later I began trying to Envision how big and what shape I wanted the tower to be

And then I exterminated all of our mob friends and got another piece of iron so I don’t know why it was taking so long before then this baby zombie got out somehow then I expanded our main platform a bit to make it harder to fall into the void and then moved our nether

Portal cuz it was in the way of where I wanted to build a tower then I moved the base of the tower to the new place I wanted it fought more Phantoms and then finally started on the actual tower on the morning of day 32 I started by

Outlining how I wanted the tower to curve as it goes up and then began building up the walls then I added this ladder and expanded the path up to it but I was running out of endstone so I headed into the end and went back to

Hacking instant oh my god jeezz dude get on my oh my god get once I felt like I had enough I went back to work on the tower and I felt like this top part should look different so I broke it down and on the morning of day 33 continued

Building up the walls then I took a look and decided it looks a bit too unnatural so I crafted some stairs and walls and began adding them in to make it look more natural then a zombie village spawned our mob and these guys are going to be super important eventually so I

Obviously made sure to be really careful not to anyways I went back to adding in the details to the exterior of the Tower and I did that along with fighting off Phantoms and smacking mob legs for the rest of the day man look at that Sunrise oh look more Phantoms and I continued

Working in the tower on the morning of day 34 holy macaroni I don’t know what my plan was there but it was not that was that was not my plan and Into the Night of day 34 and I managed to get it looking half decent then this creeper

Blew up the mob but it actually was wasn’t a big deal cuz endstone has a really high blast resistance then I decided to rebuild this top portion of the tower to make the tower look more slanted to the left and then I continued working on the top portion of the tower

On the morning of day 35 I continued taking a look from afar making small changes and then taking a look from afar again and then it finally started raining again which is perfect now we can get an infinite water source and as long as this isn’t a thunderstorm we’ll

Have plenty of time to it’s a thunderstorm no you’re kidding me you’re kidding me no so that’s not exactly good ooh okay remember when I said we’d probably only get two or three thunderstorms throughout the entire 100 days well this is the second half which

Means it will likely be much later on in the challenge before the next one comes around and we might not even get another one meaning I’d have to restart the challenge but I guess if you’re watching this then one does eventually happen so that’s cool but nonetheless I

Accidentally threw an ender pearl into the void and when another cauldron filled up with water I transferred it with a bottle to the other cauldron and with that we finally completed the first half of phase 2 and gotten ourselves a bucket of water and there there still a

Small chance we could get copper and craft a lightning rod before the thunderstorm ends we just have to be really quick so I quit the game immediately and began crafting up a plan in a backup it’s now time for step three the lightning R now that we have access

To water we need to quickly make an infinite source and then create a chamber filled with water to convert the zombies and our mob farm into drown so that we can get copper for our lightning so when I spawned back into our world I immediately built a container for our

Infinite water source while of course fighting off a freaking Phantom but I managed to place in the water and all we have to do now is fill up another cauldron and with that oh my God bro who invented Phantoms fire them now that we now have an infinite source of water so

After dealing with the herd of 6,000 Phantoms in the sky which decided to spawn at the perfect moment I quickly began Gathering the resources we needed to convert our mob farm into a drowned farm and then began work on the farm I didn’t follow a tutorial for this or

Anything I just designed it and practice building it in a creative test World basically once I break the blocks Behind These trap doors the mobs will flow into this container and all of the zombies will with enough time be converted into drown so I broke out the blocks and all

The mobs began to flow into the water chamber and it was working so yeah that’s a lot but the rain stopped and it was no longer a thunderstorm oh well we already failed okay a man that really sucks I guess we failed that sucks we hadn’t done it in time and unfortunately

I don’t think there was any way we could have done it in time but nonetheless I smacked the wet zombie legs I’m not even using the right one a stupid Ben until I got our very first copper Ingot oh I got one yes all hope is not lost however

There’s still a ton of work to do in the base and I have a backup plan if it ends up taking too long for another thunderstorm to roll around which I’ll talk more about later for now though I went back to work on step one of phase

Three by continuing to play around with the details on the exterior of the Tower and then went back to smacking wet zombies and in case you are wondering we cannot get a trident from these guys unfortunately oh there’s one and another one let’s go we did it but with that we

Managed to finally get enough Copper from these guys to craft a lightning rod and place it next to this unlit nether portal completing step three of phase 2 so once another thunderstorm rolls around we should finally get access to the nether I’m just go Ahad I’m going to

Go and make an axxe all right you know what sue me Sue me for using our iron to make an axe all right U don’t don’t actually sue me that was a joke but anyways it’s now time to work on the roof of the Wizard Tower which I want to

Build out of perple blocks so I headed into the end and after grabbing some more endstone I headed over to the nearest end City and began fighting my way up to the top oh my God this to me and then I saw the first Ender Chest I

Had seen thus far oh wait there’s a chest room here causing me to realize that all the end cities I had found had more looting them than I thought they did wait wait wait I’ve been not looting these chests these rooms fully and I’ve been wasting a ton of time but after

Looting the chest I continued up to the top Hope was stopped by a ton more shulker boxes spitting at me hey oh my God jeez there’s so many no no no no no no okay there’s so many out there so I went lower down to shoot all of them

With a bow oh yeah I got bows and arrows from the off but I managed to snipe all of them and then made my way up to the top to begin breaking the whole thing down all right I’m going to now break down this whole n city for a metric ton

Or for you Americans 368.81 and for about half of day 38 until I had completely removed this entire building from the city then I went back home and began using the end rods I got to light up my base and then after smacking a ton

Of mob legs on the morning of day 39 I began work on the roof of the Tower and I continued trying to build it in the most natural looking way possible while still making it look like the roof of a Wizard’s tower all the way into the

Night of day 39 but after taking a look in replay mod I decided I didn’t like it so I tore the whole thing down and began rebuilding it taller pointier and with a better upwards curve ooh that’s pretty mystical and magical W with the moon right there that looks epic heck yeah

Dude nice I like that I finished the Reconstruction on the morning of day 40 and then hopped down to take a look and in hindsight it doesn’t really look that bad but in the moment I thought it looked terrible so I I decided to add

Some more details with wood to see if it would improve how it looks haha funny joke laugh now and I was running out of wood anyway so I expanded the main platform out to make room for a tree farm and then Farm some trees for like

Almost the rest of the day and then it started raining which is cool but it wasn’t a thunderstorm so it’s useless to us anyways I began adding these slabs and stairs to the underside of the roof to make it a bit thicker which will hopefully make it look better and after

Flying down to take a look on the morning of day 41 I do think it looks a little better but now I want to add some texture and wooden support beams to the tower for more detail and I ran out of normal endstone so I headed into the end

To grab some more then I went around breaking endstone bricks randomly and replacing them with regular endstone to add some texture then I added in these two wooden support beams horizontally also I’ve been smacking drowned at this Farm every once in a while and I already got enough copper to make like three

More lightning rods so just thought I’d mentioned that I stepped back to take a look on the morning of day 42 and it looks terrible it looks really bad but I thought I could fix it so I went back up and tried to make it look

More tilted to match the curve of the Tower and make it pop out less then I added in these vertical support beams between them and yeah no it still looks terrible the colors just aren’t going to work together unfortunately and I could strip them but the main reason I wanted

Support beams was for contrast so I just went back and took all of them out oh my God wish you can make copper tools jeez all right I tried to add more things to the tower but couldn’t really find anything that looked good so I’m going

To take a break working on the tower for now I finished that by the end of day 42 okay there a creeper up there nice shoot him down watch this I am the best aimer well he despawned right when he ever got there so let’s just pretend I and with

The tower nearly completed it was time to begin work on step two of phase three the island we don’t have access to Stone yet and we don’t have enough dirt yet to actually work on the final Island but we can get an idea of the shape so on the

Morning of day 43 I began making an outline for our future Island out of slabs and then began filling in bits of it to make walking around the base easier I don’t really need to fill this in but I’m just doing it so I don’t like

Fall to my actual unlife at any moment all right we’ll stick with that now we’re going to go get an obsurd amount of obsidian to build this massive nether portal and now it’s time to work on step three of phase three the nether portal and I know we’re jumping around a lot

But there’s unfortunately not a ton we can do until we get access to the nether so we’re going to put in the frame for the giant nether portal that I want to have behind the wizard tower and giant custom mushroom later on so I began

Mining out a ton of obsidian from one of the pillars in the end and I did that until I had collected about a stack and a half of obsidian there you go stack in a half let’s see how far that gets us then I began removing the drown part of

Our mob farm to make room for the nether portal since we already have plenty of lightning rods anyways and I continued that process in the morning of day 44 and managed to fully remove it then I began envisioning where I wanted the custom nether portal to be placed and

How big I wanted it to be and then I began placing it in neglecting the fact that Nether Portals can’t be in any shape just in any size oh I forgot that you can’t actually do portals like that okay I just placed a bunch of obsidian

But once I realized that I switched to using endstone and replaced all the obsidian with endstone as well basically I want the nether portal to be inside the opening to a cave with vines and Moss and stuff growing down from the top of the opening so once I got the shape I

Wanted for the opening looking right I put in the actual nether portal frame behind it okay ah what the oh my God then I decided I wanted to move the whole thing back to two blocks so I put in a new portal two blocks back and then broke down the original portal frame

Then I sniped this small child oh my God a child which I guess spawned on the roof of the Tower so I should probably light that up but anyways with that we’ve pretty much done all we can do to work on step three oh I got an iron

Let’s go so on the morning of day 45 after adding a lightning rod to our new portal I went back to work on step two of phase three of Phase 6 to step five of Step 8’s third phase part two the third Cube to the power of pi divided

We’re going to turn this end portal into a pond basically so I began placing in the dirt around the portal I raised up the walls a bit put in the water and boom there you go a magic pond in the most unnatural Place possible then I began moving all of our chests and

Workstations into our new magical home then I decided the bigger the better so I made the pond a bit bigger and you might be wondering how I’m going to make this less ugly in the future if we have no way of getting grass well I do have a

Way of getting grass but I’ll talk about that more later on in the video and in the morning of day 46 I Min out the rest of the dirt that I used to build up the old mob farm with and then used it to make a little crop Farm in front of our

Tower and then it started raining again but I checked our lightning rods to see if there were any spark particles which would mean it’s a thunderstorm and there weren’t any so I took my anger out in these funny looking pigeons and then bone M our crops then in the morning of

Day 47 I began removing the old mob farm cuz all it’s doing now is making our base look even uglier than it already is so I spent like half of the day doing that which is really annoying with a wooden axe and then I went to the end to

Grab a ton more endstone why you may ask well I want to build a spawning platform for wandering traders to spawn on so we can use our emeralds to get stuff like fine Moss or tree saplings from them so why did you spend all day destroying the

Mob farm if you were just going to immediately build another platform in it’s Place uh so anyways I spent like the rest of the day and like half of day 48 doing that and then spent the rest of the day placing in the 24x 24 spawning

Platform then I decided I want to add two more parts to our wizard tower an entrance building out front and a sort of wizard study building hanging out to the side and our crop Farm as it is now is in the way of these plans so I

Destroyed it and then began work on the entrance building I put in the walls and the roof but it didn’t exactly look right so I destroyed the whole thing and built it again but this time a bit bigger and then it started raining again raining Phantoms that is but it was also

Raining water I played around with the look a bit and by the morning of day 50 we were officially halfway through the challenge already and we’ve made a decent bit of progress so far but we still have to finish the base get lava to complete Phase 2 and get grass so on

The morning of day 50 I managed to finish the entrance to the Tower and I think it actually looks pretty good so I added some doors and then began cleaning up the inside of the tower I smoothed out the walls made this chest wall and then got attacked by this flaming child

Then I broke down this enchantment setup I set up earlier and did nothing with it cuz we can’t use it without lapis anyway then I added some floors into the tower so it looks less bad and I finished doing that in the morning of day 51 also

It was Halloween when I was recording this so some of the mobs have Jackal laners but they don’t drop them so this is so sad then I removed our old nether portal and moved up to the new base so we can continue expanding out the new

Platform then I added in the new crop farm and this is where I ran into a little problem I was getting a bit impatient so I decided to test the thunderstorm in a backup world to see if our plan was even going to work and it didn’t that’s right even if a

Thunderstorm did start right now even if a dozen thunderstorms happened back to back none of our lightning rods would even get struck once and I actually spent multiple days testing this in different worlds to try and figure out what the problem was but I just could

Not figure out what the problem was so I contacted jokey pokei a fellow Creator who knows way more about Minecraft’s code than I do and I know that for a fact because I don’t know anything about Minecraft’s code but seriously this guy knows his stuff so I sent him a message

On Discord not knowing if he’d ever respond but then a few hours later he responded but not only that he dug into the game’s code for me and put simply apparently all we have to do is build the nether portal at y64 and it should

Work so I logged back into our world and began step four of phase 2 the bottom of the world I put all of our valuables into a chest in case we made an oopsie and then prepared our inventory then I realized I didn’t even have enough

Blocks to build the pillar down to y64 so I went into the end and Min endstone for the rest of day 51 and into the morning of day 52 then I went home broke down our old nether portal and grabbed all of our lightning rods then I placed

In the water and began the nerve-wracking descent to the bottom of the world I was definitely pooping my pants again but after a little bit of time I managed to get to y64 set up a little platform and then place placed the ladders all the way back up the

Pillar so we’ll have a way up and down then I got jump scared by this creeper yeah I should really light up the top of our house at some point then I went back down expanded the platform some and finally placed in our nether portal and

Lightning rods on the morning of day 53 and with step four completed now all we have to do is continue waiting for a thunderstorm and once one starts we’ll just come down here and wait for lightning to strike but for now I went to work on the second protruding

Building I want to add to the tower I worked on trying out different placement and sizing for the rest of the day and then began work on the walls in the morning of day 54 then I began on the spiky Underside and I actually think it looks really good but I changed the

Walls to perple instead of endstone and I think that looks better so after sniping this creep off my roof I went to work on the roof and then it started raining I fought off these Phantoms and then it happened oh my God no way it was a thunderstorm we’d gotten lucky just

Like I hoped so I made my way down to the nether portal as quickly as I could okay the moment is finally here built myself a little shelter so a phantom doesn’t knock me off into the void and began waiting but I didn’t have to wait long before the first lightning strike

And the second and then finally with the third strike oh oh my God oh my God oh my God there we go we did it we finally have access to the Nether and can complete Phase 2 with step five the nether so on the morning of day 55 I prepared my

Inventory and then headed into The Nether and we spawned in a nether clock so I began mining in a straight line to find the open Nether and after a little bit of mining we were out and with that yes yes we have lava we now have the

Starting conditions of Sky Block and we can finally make a cobblestone generator but I wouldn’t have been able to do this without Joy poi’s help so leave a link to their Channel Down Below I also headed over to this patch of gravel and grabbed our first piece of flint so now

We can just make a flint and steel and light this big portal up here and now we won’t have to travel up and down this massive ladder every time we need to go to the Nether and we can also make our very first Cobblestone dude this was

Supposed to be a Monumental moment you interrupted it cobblestone generator and get the Stone Age advancement on day 55 we’ve now completed all of phase 2 and can officially move on to phase three the base but first I grabbed a ton of cobblestone made our first furnace and

Then began smelting wood with wood to get our first pieces of burnt wood I mean charcoal and on the morning of day 56 I used the gravel we got to turn two pieces of dirt into four coar dirt which I then placed turned into path blocks and mines to get four regular dirt

Basically turning two dirt into four duplicating dirt and that is essentially how we’re going to get enough dirt to make the ground of our floating island so I continue the duplication process to get more dirt and then used our freshly acquired dirt profits to make our crop

Field look a bit better then I bone meal and harvested a ton of potatoes and now it’s time for step two of base three again the island now that we can get infinite dirt I want to work on the ground for the island so I continue

Duplicating our dirt until we ran out of gravel then I headed into The Nether to get more gravel I went to the same gravel patch we saw earlier and began mining it out but our efficiency shovel broke so I had to mine the whole thing out with a normal unenchanted diamond

Shovel this is so sad once I finished mutilating all the gravel in sight okay I thought I was going to get some of that I headed back to the base and continued duplicating dirt for the rest of the day and into the morning of day 57 mining dirt but I double it every

Episode day five or whatever oh my God it filled it perfectly that’s epic then with our newly amassed wealth I began replacing our endstone platform with dirt and filling in the empty parts of the frame we made earlier with dirt until I ran out of dirt is that it was

All the dirt I didn’t get that far and I know I know this still looks really ugly dude getting bullied but I do have a plan to get grass along with spruce trees and other foliage and Decor later on in the video and no it does not involve wandering Traders or villagers

But basically this will all be grass eventually so don’t worry once I ran out of dirt I went back to mining cobblestone this is going to be essential for the underside of the island and for the custom nether portal Cave since you can smelt Cobblestone into stone but we’re going to need more

Fuel to smelt that way so I spent the rest of day 57 and the morning of day 58 chopping down trees to make charcoal then I decided to put in some work on step three of phase three the nether portal by making an outline of the Cave

Opening with some Stone I smelted up then I headed back into the nether in search of more gravel for duplicating purposes and gold for zombie villager curing and piglin trading purposes and I happened to stumble into some mushrooms since I want to build a giant custom Mushroom around the mob farm these are

Going to be essential to complete the base I have planned I found this little patch but other than that I wasn’t having too much luck but after mining out a few random small patches I managed to find this much larger one buried in the nether walls so I mined the whole

Thing out and then headed back home in the morning of day 59 Once I arrived back at the base I went back to Dirt Farm then I pretty much did that for the rest of the day and I continued doing that for like half of day 60 and my

Diamond shovel broke so I had to use Stone shovels to mine all the dirt but once I used up all the gravel we had collected I went back to replacing endstone with dirt and filling in the frame of the item we made earlier and I managed to get mostly everything filled

In but we still didn’t quite have enough to finish so I went back to mining cobblestone for the rest of the day then on the morning of day 61 I went back to farming wood to smelt said Cobblestone with and then went back to mining cobblestone then I went back to work on

Building the cave for our nether portal to I did that for the rest of the day and continued doing that on the morning of day 62 I worked on it until I ran out of stone and then I began placing dirt over the top but I ran out but even

Though we don’t have any grass yet I still think our base is looking a lot better than it did a little bit ago then I noticed there was a witch in our mob farm there had been witches before but I realized I could use a villager to make

An iron farm to trade for enchanted books so we can do things like enchant our elytra or repair our damage tools with an anvil have infinite iron tools and a ton more so I think it’s time we get a villager and a wit will allow us

To cure a zombie villager once we get one of those to fall down here too because witches can throw potions of weakness which is required to cure zombie villagers so after a bit of effort I I got the witch trapped in a boat and a box the Witch Is In The Box

And inside the box is the boat which the witch is inside of got bro in the boat let’s go then I crafted a golden apple using an apple and skull which I guess is pretty obvious from the name which is also required to cure a zombie villager

And then on the morning of day 63 There was already a zombie villager so I blocked off the mob shoot and began slowly smacking all of the other mobs out of existence with an axe and then I got the zombie villager in a boat a box

Just like the Witch and now it’s time to cure this fool and like the pro Minecrafter I am knowing how to do everything in this game all the time because this is my job so how would I not I uh I looked up how to do it and I

Began by getting the Villager into position I couldn’t get him to stand on the exact block I needed him to but it was good enough so I moved on to the witch on the morning of day 64 I built a little hallway for our witch and then

Got it into place also the audio for this part is super distorted for some reason so sorry about that but now all we have to do is stand here and wait for the witch to throw a weakness potion at us which will Splash on the zombie

Allowing us to right click him with this Golden Apple starting the curing process also the zombie doesn’t take poison damage cuz Undead mobs are immune to poison and the witch will just drink regeneration potions to heal when taking damage the only problem is we take damage from Poison so my health got down

Pretty low a couple of times before the witch finally threw a weakness potion and we could feed our zombie villager to a golden apple beginning the curing process wait what I dealt with our witch because we can no longer use it to our benefit but with that all we have to do

Is wait about 5 minutes and we’ll have our very first villager so I cleaned up everything around the villager’s enclosure and then went back to mining cobblestone then I headed back into the NE to hopefully get the last bit of gravel we needed to finish the island

And then I got attacked by a phantom yeah somehow a freaking Phantom got into The Nether so that’s one of the downsides of having a giant nether portal I guess but anyways I decided to try my luck with piglin trading for gravel with the rest of the gold we have

But I mostly wanted some string to make wool so we could finally get a bed and I got some string so I went back to the Overworld grabbed the four string we already had and with that I made our very first bed of the world on the

Morning of day 65 and our slave I mean villager friend had finally cured and was ready to be overworked and unpaid for the rest of his natural lifespan yo we got a swamp villager hey you’re not hitting me you’re a villager St that’s so funny that’s so funny we have a

Villager and he’s a swamp villager cuz if you remember we’re actually in a swamp biome so yeah that’s why he looks so stupid but then I went back to the nether fought this giant flying marshmallow and mined a ton of nether gold to trade with the pig that we

Captur and we managed to get a singular grapple trade which is cool but not enough so I headed out to find more chicken in the nether it took a while and I actually found a Bastion before I found a patch of gravel but I did eventually find some and then spent the

Rest of the day digging them out and I continued mining gravel in the Nether on the morning of day 66 and then headed home with a metric ton or if you’re Australian about the weight of three Australian spiders of gravel I also gathered up some quartz on the way home

For later and upon my return I began duplicating our dirt using all the gravel we had collected and then slept for the first time in the world which means we can finally get a break from dealing with Phantoms for a few nights and I kept getting attacked by baby

Zombies escaping our enclosure somehow so I made some fences to keep them trapped and then I went back to duplicating dirt did that for the rest of the day oh my God great and continued doing that for almost the entirety of day 68 then I started placing in dirt around the edge

Of the island to give the island some more height and terrain I did that for the rest of the day and then it was officially Day funny number so if you’ve made it this far into the video make sure to comment skib toilet Among Us

Good to pop to right 343 Lura 3B up you what the dog doing and I made it to day 69 cuz I’m cool but anyways I continued placing in dirt in around the island and then went around filling in all the remaining gaps in the island surface

With dirt oh my that was closed dude and I managed to finally finish by the end of the day and with that we’ve gotten the top half of the island done all that’s left to do is to place in some grass and other decorations later on but

Anyways then I went to work on finishing the nether portal Cave I put more dirt on top and then began building up the back with stone on the morning of Day 70 but I ran out of stone so I went back to mining cobblestone and did that for like

Half of the day before going back to building the back of the cave and then once I finished I used the rest of the dirt I had to cover up the whole thing with grass so it looks more natural rain or shine the block game grind never

Stops so I went around the base and began pathing in a path connecting up all our different builds so far and I had some Stone left so I decided to get to work on building the underside of the island and I did that for the rest of

The day and on the morning of day 71 but now it’s finally Time to Begin work on step four of phase three the giant custom mushroom so I built myself a little enclosure out of cobblestone to farm some mushroom blocks in as mushrooms can’t be placed unless it’s

Completely dark or unless there’s a block above them or something I don’t really know but I continued doing that using a silk touch pickaxe had gotten earlier from an n city but the problem was this was my last tool with silk touch on it and I wasn’t sure I’d be

Able to get enough blocks to build the giant custom mushroom with before it broke but nonetheless I continued farming mushroom blocks for the rest of the day and continued doing that on the morning of Day 72 then I started on the giant mushroom by making an outline of

The base of the mushroom with Cobblestone and then replace said Cobblestone with mushroom stem blocks and then I began building it up slowly curving the stem inwards as I went up I worked on that for basically the rest of the day and then took a step back to see

How it looked and I think it looks good then I went back in and used quartz slabs to smooth out the Curve of the stem and to make it look more natural then in the morning of day 73 I had ran out of mushroom stem blocks so I built

Up to the top of the mob farm to work on the red part of the giant mushroom I began creating an outline for the base of the red part with red mushroom blocks keeping in mind that I want the whole mushroom to lean a bit to the right so

It looks more natural then once I finished the first Circle I began building up the walls a bit trying to curve it out and then up for a more rounded look then I flew down to see how everything was looking and decided I want the left side to curve up a bit

More so I went back up and didn’t work on that I worked on the vertical frame to get an idea of the shape I want the mushroom to have again keeping in mind that I wanted to be leaning slightly to the right I continued doing that fixing

The left side and filling up the walls a bit for about half of day 74 until I fully ran out of mushroom blocks then I wandering Trader finally spawned into our base no way the only useful thing he had was Vines and wheat seeds but nonetheless I bought the vines and seeds

With the emeralds I got from the N cities earlier and placed the vines on our nether portal Cave to grow out and now since I ran out of mushroom blocks and I have no durability left on any of my silk touch tools I need another silk touch tool to harvest more mushroom

Blocks so we can finish our base so I went back to the outer end islands and set out to find more nend cities in the morning of day 75 okay I first checked this in city that we found first and lo and behold there was another chest room right here that I

Had never looted it wasn’t anything good in the first chest and I got attacked before I could get to the second chest but after rushing in to get to the second chest there still weren’t any silk touch tools so I set out to loot more n cities we found earlier and then

This happen and that’s why you shouldn’t get used to having an elytra on I tried to throw some ender pearls but they didn’t land before I bit the dust kidding I didn’t put on my Elytra at least fine GW that was all of my all of my diamond stuff I don’t even think I put anything in the Ender Chest that would have been smart if I did but with only three lives remaining and a quarter of the challenge left I had lost my only elytra cuz I

Combined both of our elytras earlier on to repair them a shulker box and all of my best gear but I still managed to push forward I grabbed some random extra gear got some more blocks for bridging and then headed back into the end in the

Morning of day 76 and since I don’t want to load in the chunks we were in before unless our ender pearl loads in and hits the bottom of an end island or something sending us into the infinite Abyss again and considering we could use a new

Elytra anyways I figured I’d set out in a completely new direction to look for a new in City this direction was slightly annoying considering there were a lot more gaps so I had to do a lot more bridging but I had already gone left and straight so it was like the only

Direction left but after bridging for the rest of the day I managed to find a new end City that also had an end Shi so on the morning of day 77 I got a ton more endstone for towering and bridging purposes and then headed over to the end

City and then towered up to the end boat assaulted this box and then immediately got a silk touch shovel yeah silk touch okay let’s go then I grabbed the elytra the other chest’s loot headed over to the main building and toed up and looted the chest inside then I saw more chests

In the building directly across from me so I tried to infiltrate it but got brutally attacked by a swarm of spitballs eventually though I got to the chest and looted it and then decided to head out and towards this Ender Porter I found on the way here I headed home and

Then counted our profits then I finally got back to harvesting mushroom blocks and did that for the rest of the day then I did that for the entirety of day 78 as well and I was determined to fill an entire shulker box with mushroom blocks so I continued harvesting

Mushroom blocks and fighting Phantoms for the entirety of day 79 as well and finally on the morning of day 80 I went back to work on the giant mushroom I started by continuing to build up the stem making sure to curve it Inward and then outwards as I got to the top while

Also making sure to curve it slightly to the right and once I ran out of mushroom stem blocks I went back to work on the red part of the mushroom I first continued work on the frame by building a ring at the halfway point to make sure

I don’t mess up the shape when filling it in and then went to work on filling it in keeping the shape and curvature I want in mind as I went I did that for the rest of the day and contined doing that through the morning of day 81 then

I flew down to take a look at the whole thing and I was pretty happy with it but I did want to make the stemach a bit thinner but also I forgot to mention that I’ve been shearing The Vines whenever they grow and spreading them

Out while I work on the mushroom so now they’re covering a lot more of the cake anyways I got more of the mushroom blocks we harvested and went back to filling in the red part of the mushroom I did that for basically the rest of the

Day and managed to finally finish so I went back to work on the stem using bone blocks which I crafted from bone meal to fill in these top Parts cuz I ran out of mushroom stem blocks and you’re not going to be able to see it anyways and I

Also filled in the base of the red part of the mushroom but after taking a step back it looks pretty weird so I decided to make the stem go further into the top part before flattening out so I did that and then took another look and it looks

Better but now the mob farm itself is exposed so I worked on covering it up for the rest of the day and it’s not going to perfectly hide the mob farm but I still think it looks pretty good just pretend this is like the underside of

The uh mushroom so with step four nearly completed I figured it was time to finally finish the side building of the wizard tower I was working on earlier so I headed up to the roof and continued working on it and after a little bit more effort I managed to finish and add

Some more miscellaneous details to the rest of the tower then I began playing around with different designs for a window and I ultimately just didn’t really like any of them yeah I’ll deal with it later but with that we’ve pretty much completed the wizard tower completing step one of phase three then

I went back to tree chopping in the morning of day 84 so we can smelt up more charcoal for fuel and then I healed up my silk shovel at our mob farm cuz it has bending on and I guess I still needed more dirt cuz I spent the rest of

Day 85 traveling through the nether to find more gravel mining said gravel once I found it and then heading back home then on the morning of day 85 I began using that gravel to duplicate us a ton more dirt under the island I did that

For most of the day and then used some of it to fill in the bottom of Lake end portal with more dirt and now it’s time to work on the bottom of the island so I spent the morning of day 86 mining a ton of cobblestone at the old Generator then

I threw it all in our furnaces and while that smelts up I want to add a second custom mushroom to this side of the island so our giant custom mushroom isn’t as lonely and after a little bit of finicking I managed to get it looking

How I wanted it to then I went back to farming trees partly to make more charcoal with but also to harvest some leaves cuz I want to use leaves on the giant mushroom to look like giant vines or something to make it look more natural then once I finished that headed

Down to beneath the island to continue building the underside of the island making sure to transition the dirt smoothly into stone along the way and in the morning of day 87 I began removing some of our old platform that was stick out from under the island but I kept

This bridge so we can still get over to the wandering Trader spawning platform in back then I went back to placing in stone under the island and I continued doing that for almost the rest of the day until I ran out of stone which is when I went back to mining cobblestone

And I continued gobbling Cobble on the morning of day 88 and then went back to placing in the underside of the island which I did for almost the rest of the day before going back to Goblin Cobble again at the end of the day continued working on the underside of the island

On the morning of day 89 and then stepped back to see life from a different perspective and it looks pretty good but I did decide to RH these edges out a bit then I gave our nether portal a haircut and then went up to the top of the giant mushroom to begin

Adding in the giant white circles and I used bone blocks cuz I was out of mushroom stem blocks and I didn’t feel like getting more so I continued doing that for the rest of the day and on day 90 with 10 days left in the challenge I

Stepped back to take a look and it looks pretty good so far so I went to work on putting in the rest of the white spots and once I finished all the ones in the front I went around adding in a bunch of leaves trying to make them look like

Giant Vines wrapped around the giant mushroom then I added some more leaves hanging from the bottom to look like hanging Vines this isn’t really necessary but I think it makes the whole thing look more organic and natural but with that we’ve aici completed the giant custom Mushroom in step four phase three

Then I placed a ton of tiny mushrooms all over the place to fill this area up with a bit more foliage then I removed our cobblestone generator to make way for a second friend for our giant mushroom and I finished that by the end of day 90 then I removed our mushroom

Block farm and continued our bases path down to the second entrance to our Tower and the crop field then I broke out all of our potatoes and began replacing them with wheat cuz it looks better then I harvested some more Vines and went around the base adding them to different

Areas to add some more Greenery to our Island and since we still need a cobblestone generator I decided to build one in our custom cave behind our giant nether portal and I tried to make it out of natural blocks so it looks more natural then I used it to collect up

Some more Cobblestone oh my God how did you get here so I could head over to our magic Pond and turn it into a magic waterfall cuz I think it’ll look cool then I wentle and continue doing that on the morning of day 92 oh my God the

Pigman just went to the that nice little waterfall nice and now it’s finally time for phase four grass that’s right the process of getting grass is going to be so complicated I made a whole phase for it but we’re not just going to get grass we’re also going to get Spruce Wood

Bamboo and sugar and again this method does not involve villagers or wandering Traders it is admittedly a little wacky but it involves zero cheats external programs mods or data pack and is done in 100% vanilla survival but first I need to prepare my inventory for the journey making sure to bring ourselves

To shovel which is the most important part to this plan working and once I was ready I slept again it’s now the morning of day 93 and in order to get the last few items we need to complete our base we’re going to break our world more specifically we’re going to revert this

World to version 1.2 holy freak that skeleton has full diamond arm that’s so rare that’s so freaking rare okay I’m going to deal with you when I come back we got to I don’t know do something with that that’s epic which will completely corrupt our world but we should keep our

Inventory or at least most of it then a creeper blew up our mob farm I’ll fix that later so I took one last look at the infinite void surrounding us and boom here we are and it may not look like it but I assure you this is the

Exact same world we’ve spent the last 93 days in and there’s no shaders spawn right next to a witch hut which is cool and yeah we spawned in the air and fell into the water which is nice it’s just been corrupted due to the downgrade nothing’s Enchanted but that should get

Fixed when we upgrade and reset to 1.2 World Generation we will return to our beautiful floating island shortly but for now I upgraded the world back to 1.20 which is sure to cause a little more corruption oh my gosh all the mobs from my mob farm the game seems to have

Read the updated NBT data and spawned in all the mobs that were in our mob farm along with our poor villager into their last recorded coordinates for some reason it deletes the wood I don’t know why I deleted the wood I had but the updated NBT data also restored our

Enchantments to our tools meaning we can now use use our silk cut shovel to finally reclaim our right to grass but with that crossed off the list we still have a few more items to collect so I headed into the most ominous looking Direction and then stumbled upon this

This is epic holy macaroni look at this dude this is beautiful this is actually turns out corrupting your world can have some pretty epic results but I managed to fly across the most insane Ravine I’ve ever seen in my life and make it safely to the other side I made a boat

And then spotted some spruce trees this is insane dude I don’t know why these spruce trees spawned here but they did there were only like two for some reason but yeah we can cross that item off the list a lot sooner than I expected to but

Anyways I sailed into the ocean to find land and it’s a jungle let’s see if it’s we destined to be together or not well that’s another item crossed off our list a lot faster than I expected I also grabbed some sugarcane off this tiny Island and with that we only have one

Item left to go Moss which we should be able to find in shipwrecks or Lush caves if we can spot an aelia tree somewhere once I hit Shore I also grabbed some of these melons and then in the morning of Day 94 I collected some more sugarcane made some rockets and then finally

Realized my power of flight to look for shipwrecks more quickly I flew around for basically the rest of the day looking for shipwrecks or an aelia tree but I couldn’t find either anywhere for some reason I did get more sugarcane and found some more cool displays of world

Corruption once my elytra was about to break I decided finding Moss just wasn’t worth the effort and we had already gotten most of the important things we needed so I set up camp on this Mushroom Island bro what the heck I thought these were red but with most of the items

Checked off our list it’s time to get these back to our base so I used the obsidian and flint and steel I brought to build ourselves another portal and light it and then went into the Nether and upon arriving you might notice something interesting about the nether

It’s all the same as before we reverted and this is how we’re going to get our items back to the base there is the portal to our base right there which is just another reason why the nether was so important oh my gosh how did you get through so after assaulting the zombie

That got into The Nether somehow and then getting assaulted by this angry Pigman okay I placed down a chest put all the items we’ve gotten inside and labeled it so that we know what it is later that part was definitely necessary but anyways now now we just head through our

Nether portal and we are back at our base and now when we go back through there should be a little present waiting for us and inside is all the stuff we got when the world was corrupted and no I do not know what would happen if we

Went through this portal now but I’m not going to find out so right here should be the guy that I trapped but with that we’ve completed phase 4 and we can finally Place some grass into our base but basically what I just did there is copied the nether of the world we

Corrupted into the world files of a backup I made of our world right before we corrupted it but you might be saying why didn’t you just do this right from the start well this method requires access to the nether but there would have been no way to do this up until we

Got access to the Nether and there’s just no other way to get grass in legit vanilla survival Sky Block at least as far as I’m aware but anyways there’s still work left to do in our base so we can complete phase three before the end of the challenge starting with step five

The little details so I placed in our sugarcane around our magic Pond and then went around the base placing in our grass blocks then I fixed up our mob farm and I just used bone blocks to fix the mushroom cuz I’m out of mushroom stem block then I placed a bunch of

Bamboo all over the place and then on the morning of day 95 I went back to mining cobblestone at our cobblestone generator to get blocks to continue building the underside of the island and then farmed some spruce trees I then made some lanterns with the iron we got

From raiding n cities earlier and began sprucing up our bases lighting then in the morning of day 96 I continued spreading grass around the base and then replaced these doors with Spruce cuz it looks better since a lot of you guys were telling me in the comments that I

Could have just used bamboo to make sticks in my last video um there we go I made a made sticks from the bamboo nice good job Ben then I went back to trying out different window designs on the wizard tower but after a few different designs the best thing I could come up

With was just replacing the glass with Spruce fences and having a singular stair underneath then I gave our nether portal another haircut and collected some sugarcane for one last little bonus step I have planned for day 100 then I decided I might as well just release our

Villagers since I’m not really going to have time to do anything with him before the 100 days around then I began mining cobblestone to finish the bottom of the island with and did that for the rest of the day then on the morning of day 97 I

Went back to placing Stone into the unders side of the island for like 2 seconds and then I went around the base bming grass to add in some more foliage cuz our grass had finally spread across most of the base then I made some stone slabs to add some more detail to our

Nether portal Cave and then I crafted some Stone buttons which I placed all around the base to look like little Stones then I crafted up some secret stuff that you can’t know yet cuz it’s a secret but I got the red dye from beetroot which I got from the beetroot

Seeds we found in the end cities earlier then I flew around our base with our newly crafted Rockets wait what I wasn’t crafting Rockets who told you that nice we can even dip below our base W it’s fine because we have fireworks I got our

Base looks so good then I heard a sheep so I looked around for him but I couldn’t find him so I guess he fell into the void on the morning of day 98 I went back to Goblin Cobble for the underside of our Island then I went

Under the island to continue placing it in but I ran out pretty quickly so while more Cobblestone smelts into stone I decided to work on removing this wandering Trader spawning platform since it’s almost the end of The Challenge and all it’s doing now is making our base look uglier problem is my diamond

Pickaxe broke almost immediately so I had to mine out this entire endstone platform and this bridge leading up to it with stone tools which is why it took me the rest of the day and most of day 99 to completely destroy and then I finally found the Sheep I heard earlier

And some pigs too Pig but anyways I went down below the island to continue placing in stone and I did that for the rest of the day and it’s now day 100 unfortunately I don’t think I’m going to have time to finish the underside of the island and there are

Some other things I want to do before the end of the challenge so I decided to give up on that I started the day by replacing the floor of this room with end portal frames cuz I thought it’d looked cool and I think it does then I

Did some more flying around to get a good look at the base we managed to create in these last 100 days uh just ignore that around the back dude you’re really stupid aren’t you then I made a workstation for a villager so he can finally enter the workforce and then I

Found a frog that had spawned which I guess it’s cuz we’re in a swamp bar a frog I will name you dumb butt that’s your name dumb butt oh there’s our vill server is stuck again but with that we’ve mostly completed phase three and we’ve officially spent 100 days in Sky

Block with no star chest in Survival Minecraft that was the surprise by the way pretty epic right we’re closing in on 100,000 subscribers so if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more content like this please consider leaving a like and subscribeing if you’re looking for another way to

Support the channel want a shout out at the end of each of my videos or want the world downloads for this world or any of my other 100 days videos consider becoming a patron it’s a dollar a month for the lowest tier and helps me bring higher quality content to you more

Frequently a special thanks to smelly Brit Donna Harper Eli Elijah Martinez exotic J Leland Kelly Mr cookie pack RBX Pros ree pet the bed 234 and Zachary W for being Diamond patrons and thank you to everyone who’s become a patron so far we’ve gained over 880,000 subscribers

This year which is just insane so thank you to everyone who subscribed to the channel your support seriously means the world to me but anyways thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one

I Spent 100 Days in Skyblock With No Start Chest in Minecraft Survival

Become a Patron ➤ https://www.patreon.com/user?u=81881380
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JokeyPokey’s Channel ➤ @Jokeypokey

I spent 100 days on Skyblock without the start chest in survival Minecraft. In this Minecraft survival challenge, I transform blob of dirt into and epic floating magical village.

subscribe for more videos 🙂

Hardcore Logo Creator ➤ u/rdyEmber (Reddit)
Video Concept Inspiration From ➤ @martincitopants
Vegeta in Rain Clip ➤ @AndreasSSG

This video is similar to martincitopants’ “Can you beat Skyblock WITHOUT…?,” Aust’s “I Survived…in Minecraft Hardcore,” YeahJaron’s “…on Just Bedrock…” and JokeyPokey’s “How to play through most of minecraft from one grass block.” If you like channels like sandiction, ezy, WelcominTV, or aCookieGod, then you will likely like this video as well. This challenge is also similar to the “one block skyblock” challenge.

current sub-count: 95,949


  1. „Skibidi toilet amongus ghjhkldp0p2>gsj343luer
    g3b^u*iag%f#ik @$jisd What The dog doin
    and made in to das 69 cuz im cool“😂😂😂❤❤❤😭😭😭😢😢🥺🥺 it is soooooooooo taierd 😢😢😢

  2. tbh I’d prob just build a wooden hut and call it a day thinking I’ve completed the sky block bcuz I’m too lazy to search up funny glitches and things you can do to actually beat this.

    btw I’m gonna make a custom one of these and make my friend on bedrock try to beat it lol.

    and yes I liked my own comment. later on in the video I realize idk how to get him the end portal frames and stuff so I guess I’ll just make an island to the side w it

  3. skibidi toilet amongus ghjkldp0p2>gwj343luerf g3b^u*ĩ̷̢̧̗̩͓̗̇̏̑a̷̦͕͙̤̙̜̿̓͘ǵ̷̖͎̱̠̮͊̌̋͠%̷̧̘͈̌̾̃͠͝͝f̶̹̺͖͖̺̈́̾̐͌͠ͅ#̵̡̦̜̤͙͐͊̓i̷̥͓̯̳͛̐̇ḱ̴̩̗̼̊͒͒̽ ̵̻̫͚̙̈̍̒̑̐͝@̸̳͍̪̙̲̪̇̈́̏͌͊͝$̵̡̦̩̼̗̣͒̆̃͠j̴̹͔͕̫͔̐̇̅̎i̵͖̮̙̼̥̥͛̿͋ş̸̛̘͙̞̍̉̕d̶̮̻̒̅̊͆̆̕ what the dog doin j̸̥̩͖̭͔̈́̐͂͘͝ͅk̴͓̳̟̎̂͆͌g̴̢͎͉̲̾̓̉̔͘i̴̧̧̤̱̱͂̂ͅ!̶̛̜̲̹̒̐͛̃́8̸̲̤̪͋̐/̷̡̱̱̜̣̤̅̀͆͝h̷̲̦̹̄̾͝g̸̯̮̞̬͖͌́̀̈́̓i̴̭̯͉͈̒̈́̈́̕k̶̺̪͇̬̳͆̊͆͠#̷͓̦̜͂̀̒́̇̊$̵̱̪̺̱͚̲͂̀̈̈ķ̷̻͖͉̱͑̇̇͝j̶͉͙͍͔̘̾̐̐ğ̶̹̺̤̰̔̿ͅj̷̟͇͍͎̥̱̈̾̋͠ķ̶̨̠͙̪͚̊̉̄̃9̷̧̜͚̙͑̽̏̋̕8̸̞̜̅̽͘l̸̡̤̗͈̿̍̑͛͒̚g̸͉̫̪̗̿̈́̿̓j̷̨͖͗̋͂͘̚k̵̠̖̤̹̋́̓͘͠g̸̢̠͓̯̓̈́̆j̸̥̯̻͇̈́̔̊͆ğ̴̼̯͔͋͐ and i made it to day 69 cuz im cool

  4. was shocked to hear the "trying to hit 100k subs this year" because I casually binge watch videos like these and the quality made me thought you already had like 1m subs or somewhere close to that 💀. It looks beautiful tho! The quality and the editing is very nice aswell. Lesgo for 100k and more this year! As Im a new sub now 🏃‍♀

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