What does 2024 look like for Stardew Valley?

Hello everyone happy New Year welcome to my first video of 2024 that sounds strange it feels so calming and exciting though to be stepping into another year a fresh start for us all but today I want to talk about stardy Valley what does 2024 look like for this wonderful Farm RPG what

Does this new year have installed for us players and I will also be talking about haunted chocolate here and my plans for the channel this year so first of all let’s talk about stardew we all know there is currently a fresh new update in the works the 1.6 update an update that

Was supposedly meant to be small and made solely for moders to bring quality of life changes to make modding the game much more easy but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore because as last year unfolded we learned more and more about this new upcoming update we saw sneak

Peeks and we heard updates from the dev himself and now 1.6 looks to be a huge update with tons of new content similar to the current 1.5 we are going to get new festivals new expanded skills new dialogues cutcenes NPC winter outfits new crafting items new joa alternative

Endgame quests and not to mention probably so much more that concerned AE likes to keep secret for us to find ourselves this is actually going to be a massive update and there will be a lot to explore and discover we also know that this 1.6 update is very close to

Being finished concern ape and his small team have been working on this for some time now and the last update we had was him saying that a ton of progress has been made and they are in crunch mode with their noses to the grind and I personally am expecting this update to

Release in spring or summer this year but that’s just my prediction let me know what you think Down Below in the comments when with 1.6 update release a few more sneak peeks we had since my last update was a few screenshots such as cats and dogs now being able to wear

Hats just like the pet horse A Simple Touch but something we definitely need right also wild horseradish can now be Juiced using the kegs I have no idea what it tastes like or I didn’t even know it was a thing so yeah let me know have you tried horseradish juice and

What’s it like we also have brand new big chests that can hold twice the amount of a standard and this also still Works alongside the workbenches so all of you guys who like to collect and hoarder and store things away oh my God we’re going to have a fi day with this

And lastly and literally this has just been shared today of me recording this on New Year’s Day this is a new screenshot of what seems to be a New Year’s Eve winter festival which is located at the beach now this was one of the festivals I predicted I thought

Possibly we would get another winter one or maybe a spring and it would be tied in with New Year’s because we’ve got nothing like it and as you can see on the screenshot we seem to have fireworks lanterns you know getting ready to start a fresh new year spring the 1st and it

Also looks like we can now make a wish or some kind and get a fortune buff which gives us extra luck I have no idea how this works and also we can see all the NPCs here wearing their new winter outfits which is just adorable maybe we’ll get to see some other seasonal

Outfits as well in this update so that is basically stardew Valley this update is going to be big the there’s a lot to it and there’s going to be even more than what we know it’s definitely going to be getting released this year Nob brainer and the reason for that is

Because concern ape is also working on a brand new game his second game haunted chocolate here so I don’t think he wants that pressure of having two big projects like this you know the sooner he gets 1.6 finished and over and done with he can then put all of his work back into

Haunted chocola because as of now haunted Chocolatea is on pause guys the development is on hold whilst he’s putting all the the effort into 1.6 and that’s something he doesn’t want to be doing for too long right so I think we’re going to see 1.6 very soon

Literally he could come tomorrow we have no idea Eric Barone likes to just drop these updates out of the blue with no information or heads up which is very very stressful for me as a content creator but so exciting as well now we will talk about haunted chocolate here

As well because my initial prediction was we are going to get haunted chocolate here for 2024 this year I do think it’s going to be released now I still think it’s going to be winter this year you know the game seems to all be around snow and chocolate a bit christmy

A bit festive and cold that’s when we might see it so we could possibly get a double whammy guys sty Valley 1.6 update and then a few months later or towards the end of the year a brand new game what a year this will be I’m still

Clinging On and hoping that that is possible but maybe Ed choca here could Rel release in 2025 but I’m crossing my fingers and still going with my prediction now I think this will be very clever and tactical of concern ape if he was to release both of these this year

We already know 1.6 update is definitely coming this year now why would it be clever and tactical well let’s think about it guys stardy Valley it’s been out for quite some time it’s still very popular still loved by lots of people played by millions when haunted Chocolatea releases this could go either

Way for stard valley right depending on how good haunted Chocolatea is as a game this could bring lots of new players to haunted Chocolatea you know it’s new it’s a fresh game everyone’s excited it’s basically stard Valley 2 even though it’s not a farm RPG but it’s very

Similar setting the same universe the same developer the graphics and visuals look the same it’s still a cozy game so many people are going to be going towards this game which means stardy Valley is going to get pushed to the side a little of bit right stard Valley

Could lose a lot of players and of course concern D doesn’t want this he still wants stard valy to be up there with the best and I personally think it always will be because it’s just that kind of game but naturally you know some players will leave stardew Valley and go

Towards this new shiny game could haunted choca kind of hurt stard Valley a little bit but that’s why I think it’s very clever and tactical of Eric Bron to do a new update in the same year because having a brand new update for stard Valley brings players back in it’s

Exciting there’s new content it’s fresh you know it’s it’s going to bring a lot of new players and old players back into the game and even with a Chocolatea there stard Valley’s got something new for people to play so this is very clever because haed chocolate is going

To get a lot of new players and it’s going to be exciting and stard Valley would still feel fresh and new for people and it would work both ways both games are going to be up there getting played by millions of people right so I think seeing both of these in 2024 could

Be a possibility and I think it would be the best possible outcome for both games and look if to Chocolatea gets released and it’s not all what it’s meant to be you know it’s not as exciting and it’s not as good as we thought or hoped then

Of course people are going to go back to stard Valley right but we’ll just hope and we’ll wait and see I think it’s going to be incredible if we get to see haunted chocolate here this year alongside the stardy valley update I think it’s going to be great for

Everybody now finally I’m going to end the video by talking about my plans for stardew Valley on my channel what can you guys expect to see so of course if well actually not if when the 1.6 update gets released there’s going to be a lot

Of new content on the channel I am going to be starting a brand new 1.6 playthrough a fresh save playing the new update and I’m going to be trying to get it to 100% it’s going to be a completion series that’s going to play through the whole year and probably more whenever we

Get to 100% yeah it’s going to be awesome guys brand new playthrough of course I’ll be covering and showing off all the new content as well we’ll go and do separate videos for the f festivals all the new items the endgame Quest you know we’ll show it off individually for

The people who want to see it but alongside that there’s going to be a brand new playthrough and I can confirm there is going to be a season 3 a finale Trilogy to me and poxel another stard Valley YouTuber if you aren’t aware but we have done two series now competitive

Multiplayer where me and him go head-to-head in stardy Valley and currently spoiler alert it is 1 one so we’re going to end it with a finale the trilogy so we’re going to be doing a brand new stardy Valley competitive multiplayer Series this year I’m not sure when but it’s going to happen it’s

In the making right now so that is something else to look forward to it’s going to be different it’s in Po’s hands he is currently planning it so it’s going to be exciting guys and of course if haunted Chocolatea does get released of course I expect to see lots of

Content on that game on the channel a brand new playthrough starting it off from the beginning and actually finding out how good this game is a brand new let’s play that’s going to be huge and I cannot wait for it got so much more as well but I’m just kind of talking about

Stard Valley today and on to choca so if you want to stay tuned for the new content the new update please smash that like button subscribe to stay tuned and let me know in the comments what you are most looking forward to is it the 1.6

Update for stardy Valley or are you now focused and more excited for haunted Chocolatea can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this guys I wish you all a Happy New Year I thought I’d start it off by releasing a video today for the new year talking about how stardy Valley

And haed truck is going to look and my channel just it’s just nice to start off the year with a clean mind and a plan make sure you’ll take it easy thank you so much for watching the video today and listening to me blabber on make sure you

All take it easy stay safe and stay Cozy

➤ A brand new year, means brand new opportunities! We have so much to look forward to when it comes to Stardew Valley, firstly the upcoming huge 1.6 content update. And then, a possible release for Stardew Valley’s next chapter, Haunted Chocolatier! Here my thoughts on what I think 2024 has in stall for us.

Stardew Valley! 👇🏻
➤ https://store.steampowered.com/app/413150

Haunted Chocolatier! 👇🏻
➤ https://www.hauntedchocolatier.net


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