The Powerful Minecraft EXPLOIT Mojang Didn’t Want to Fix…

In Minecraft if you put a command block in a dispenser and activate it nothing happens a dispenser will not place a command block or any other blocks besides shulkers and powdered snow mind you however if we go back to February the 14th 2014 almost 10 years ago now a

Minecraft 1.8 snapshot 14 w7a would release and in that very same snapshot now entirely forgotten dispensers were given a unique and powerful ability loved and regularly utilized by the biggest map makers in the game that led to one of the most major Minecraft security exploits at the time ultimately

This resulted in Mojang being forced to remove the feature from the game just over a year later and it never being added to Minecraft again so what am I even talking about well as I mentioned in Minecraft 1.8 snapshot 14 w7a dispensers were given the ability to dispense and actually

Place command blocks as blocks but what made this so notable was the fact that you could also dispense command blocks with stored NBT data in them so for example if I place this command block and then add in a command that sets the time of day two night like so I can hold

Control and then middle click to get a version of that command block with that command stored in it as NBT data then I can put it in a dispenser which will place the command block with the time set night command already in it now you can obviously do much more with command

Blocks than just basic commands and immediately map makers love this change you could be pretty creative when it came to this ability for example you could use a command block which sets the coordinates of the location is placed as another block effectively allowing a dispenser to place any kind of block

Furthermore you could get more advanced and use one of the dispenser command blocks most useful features randomizes so for example here’s a dispenser with a bunch of command blocks in them each which has a command say 1 through to nine when you activate it one of the nine command blocks are randomly

Dispensed and executed saying a random number and thus giving players the ability to create extremely compact randomizers this is obviously a very basic use of this function and map makers were able to utilize it substantially more for example you could create a system that would execute a selection of random commands including

Commands to generate certain structures or do certain things within the game I am no command block expert in fact I don’t know much about them at all but clearly they were extremely useful at the time as you can see a variety of comments from map makers all claim to

Use them regularly for their maps and it was obvious that dispenser command blocks were a beloved feature a beloved feature with a powerful hidden exploit now normally in Minecraft if you somehow manage to get a command block on a server where you don’t have op or any other additional permissions you can’t

Do anything with it this is because you need cre creative mode in order to even access the command block GUI and then even if you do have creative mode you can’t input commands into a command block without op however if you somehow managed to acquire a command block which

Was already loaded with NBT data you could in fact place the command block in Creative or survival and activate it with no op required but obviously there’s an issue here you won’t be able to obtain a command block on a random server let alone one with dangerous NBT

Data already in it unless you are in creative mode and have op or can you force op exploits are exploits whereby a player is able to forcibly give themselves op or administrator permissions on a server Force op exploits are a lot like ultra rare versions of Jupe exploits they are often

Oversights and development that hack clients or game modifications can exploit and don’t come around often they are pretty rare to find one such exploit that happened to exist around the same time as command block dis dispensing was the sign Force op method you see in 1.8 around the same update command block

Dispensing was added signs were given the ability to execute commands so for example I can use this website to give myself a sign which when right clicked will execute a specific command I’ve set it to now there was a gigantic oversight with this implementation specifically hacked clients were able to abuse this

I’m going to log on to a vanilla 1.8 server here I don’t have op or any other other special permissions I’m going to use this module of the client called op sign to set my sign command to op me then I’m going to chop down a tree and

Craft a sign upon placing the sign and right clicking it boom I now have op in under a minute from joining the server I gained up almost as quickly and effortlessly as it takes all of you watching this video to click that subscribe button don’t believe me give

It a try no pressure anyways basically what’s happened here is the way these custom signs were implemented is that they were meant to be used by server operators to give players ways of executing commands set by them around their server so for example a sign that teleports players who rightclick them as

Such the commands are run at the same permission level as the console or a command block but the issue is that Mojang didn’t Implement a method of validating if a player had permission to place a sign with specific data on it or not and as such game modifications and

Hacked clients can create data which allows them to execute commands they should not be able to big problem as you can imagine when any player can casually hop onto a vanilla server which were much more common at the time back in 2014 by the way spend 30 seconds getting

Three logs to make a sign and gain instant access to operator status now you see the issue with the sign exploit was that it could only be used on vanilla servers and larger more notable servers weren’t running vanilla they were running a modified server software called spigot and this is where the

Command blocks come back into to play one very popular type of Minecraft game mode that used to exist back in 2014 and 2015 were what’s known as creative plot World type servers these were basically servers where players have access to creative mode and have a limited area or

Plot where they can build and share their builds with other players furthermore many servers would give their players creative in their hubs and if you managed to get creative mode on servers at the time you were able to use clients and modifications to get up to some very naughty shenan

So back on my 1.8 server now which I’ve upgraded to spigot I’m going to use this module called command block to give myself a command block with NBT data now I am in Creative but don’t have op which remember normally wouldn’t let you type commands in a command block but since

The command block already has the npt and thus command in it whenever I place the command block and activate it voila it works the reason I’m able to basically give myself a command block out of thin air is not actually an exploit though rather a side of effect

Of being able to copy the NBT data of blocks and items like you can with chess in creative mode when in Creative the game lets you get away with basically many forms of NBT editing even when you don’t have op technically this would be possible in vanilla Minecraft as well

But there’s just no way to feasibly do it regardless the sign and command block exploit would become very popular at the time with a variety of griefing groups and individuals exploiting it to cause major damage to Minecraft servers the popularity of plot servers as as well as vanilla servers in 2014 only made

Griefing easier however on May the 22nd 2015 1 year and 3 months after the force op exploit snuck its way into the game Minecraft 1.8.5 would be released patching the exploit the original bug report where the exploit was reported is private there’s no way to view it intentionally done by Mojang of course

Non opt players could not Place command blocks and signs with NBT data in them anymore and as such the forceop exploits met its end or did it whilst the sign method and spawning in an NBT command block method were in fact patched Mojang missed one big thing in Minecraft 1.8.5

Dispensers were still able to place command blocks and while non opt players couldn’t Place signs or command blocks with NBT data dispensers could byp passing the 1.8.5 patch and still allowing players to forceop themselves 3 days after the release of 1.8.5 1.8.6 would release removing the ability for dispensers to place command blocks

Forever as stated by Serge the Mojang developer most involved in patching this exploit it was necessary to remove this feature permanently and it wasn’t an easy decision this did not go over well in the map maker community and now even to this day is considered one of the most controversial things Mojang has

Done a very large percentage of maps at the time use command block dispensing for randomizers and these mappers weren’t happy their hard work had been broken overnight Q magnet the lead creator of the diversity map series one of the most popular and advanced adventure maps ever made would complain

In a bug report about this change mentioning how it had effectively broken many maps with the only other alternative armor stand randomizers being significantly worse in fact in Diversity 2 which released around this time that at one stage did seem to utilize command block dispensing I came

Across this dispenser with a sign which says original version non- armor stand likely the original contraption that did something for one of the mini games now like I said I don’t know anything about command blocks but it seems like the alternative method Cube magnet and the

Diversity two map makers had to use when command block dispensing was removed was significantly more complicated and inefficient some map creators even threatened to pack up and leave over this change what I’m trying to make clear is that this update was a very big deal at the time and clearly Mojang

Weren’t happy about having to do it either regardless the whole ordeal has been mostly forgot gotten now years later interestingly four months after the exploit was patched many servers would not even update Beyond 1.8 meaning that through most of 2015 if you found the right server you could still wreak

Havoc Minecraft was very different back then that’s for sure I hope you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe thank you all so much for watching

Almost 10 years ago now, a one of a kind minecraft feature would be introduced into the game. Beloved by mapmakers and players alike, that contained a powerful hidden exploit…

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0:00 – Intro
0:52 – Command Block Dispensing
2:49 – Sign ForceOP Exploit
5:45 – Command Block Exploits
8:00 – A Massive Unfortunate Oversight

Music Used:
1. Scott Buckley – Dragons Lullaby 2023
2. Scott Buckley – Sanctuary
3. Scott Buckley – Catalyst
4. DBadge – Artica (
5. Feels – Patrick Patrikios

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.

#minecraft #minecraftexploit #minecraftbugs


  1. I mean I'm surely no expert but what if they added a specific value to dispensers that when set to "true" cannot be placed by players with no op but can be by players with op. It would make ir so that map creators and ops could use it like normal but regular players, even with access to an op dispenser and and an op commanblock, they couldn't use it because they'd need permission to place the dispenser, the same way as they would when placing a command block or a command sign.

  2. add a gamerule, or add a command dispenser, if a chunk with a dispenser with command blocks is loaded, turn that block into a command dispenser, i'd assume theres many solutions lol

  3. "In minecraft, if you place a command block inside of a dispenser, and activate it, nothing will happen" – True wise words said from master epic

  4. So instead of just not allowing certain commands to be dispensed, or implementing a system that checks the permissions of a player activating a dispenser, OR making dispensable command blocks a gamerule, OR having a basic anti cheat available for servers, Mojang decided they just HAD to scrap the entire feature? Mojang never ceases to amaze me with how stupid they are.

  5. I'm 52 seconds into the video I feel like it's finna be a exploit to do with nbt data they cheater is going to give themselves a command block and change the nbt data to make it destroy a sever then put it into the dispenser so it dispenses it doing all the commands that will destroy the sever

  6. 6:45 you didn`t even need the hacked client in this case. go to an creative world,make the comandblock, middleclick it so u get the nbtdata,save it to your toolbar,go on the creative server,take the comand block from your toolbar,place it in a dispenser,and that`s it

  7. Clients can create NBT signs?
    I mean, I guess it would be pointless if you already have OP, but that could be used to give yourself sharpness 1,000 swords, or thorns 1,000.. oak planks

  8. I used to play on an svanilla server when this exploit was at its height, and one of the more notorious abusers of this exploit had basically held the server hostage until he was given a permanent staff position. We became good friends, chances are you learned his name during the research of this video. It’s fun seeing this revisited!

  9. As someone who doesn't make maps, I probably can't fully understand the pain and frustration that mapmakers went through when this incredible idea went to the trash. However, I think it was for the better. Had it not been for the fact that Mojang patched it, servers would be extremely unbearable and awful because people (specifically hackers and whatnot) suck. It's a pain sure, but a necessary one.

  10. Why not just make a "Command Dispenser" block? Make an Op-only version of the Dispenser Block which could only accept command blocks and couldn't be placed by non-Opped players. There were a million ways to fix this without removing the feature. The only reason for them to actually just delete the feature forever is if there was an internally-discovered exploit which was worse (maybe something involving account security) that they never publicly discussed.

  11. They literally could have just Copied the Dispenser Block in to a DEV Only Version. One you can only obtain when youre already opped which CAN place Command Blocks and such and then a Version which cant.
    Easy Fix.
    But i Guess sometime people think to hard about it?

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