I Cheated With //SCARE In Build Battle…

I’m in a build battle against my friends but what they don’t know is I’ll be cheating with sl/ scare which will turn anything I build completely scary just so I can scare my friends scary good luck guys good luck and now that I’m here if I do SL scare I get this book

That’s called a scarbo be careful what you turn scary now a normal pumpkin there’s no way I can make you more scarier right just by right clicking it’s completely covered in blood and what’s wrong with your eyes and you know what I’m scared of most in this world

Spiders I think I already know how this is going to work we got to build a giant cave for our spider so to first start my build I need to make a table just like that works so far and that’s because above it it’s going to be a TV so far so

Good I’m going to add some Redstone around here but I wonder what happens if I turn it with a scary book it’s turned into actual blood oh this is crazy okay seriously this is looking very cursed but now need to make the TV look completely broken and this is honestly see a good

Job now if you have no idea what I’m making with the scary book I’m going to be recreating the ring the girl that comes outside the TV but before I do that if I check Kip please out yeah I’m really liking this little look seems like she’s covered a main build now we

Can fit a bunch of creepy creepy little spiders in here so another feature of this book is I can turn into a ghost okay this those look kind of creepy you know what sourceless that uh that haunted house is looking pretty good there buddy I’m going to summon so many

Chickens up here and he won’t even know because they’ll all slowly float down but not only can I turn into a ghost I can actually possess players and they can’t even see me so by right clicking let’s give this uh let’s start making some spiders in here shall we I’m now

Inside kly hello okay this is awesome I’m not moving what why if I play some TNT uh what am I doing no no no no no no no what is going on I my hands aren’t even on the keyboard okay I’m going leave I’ve escaped your body why would I

Just blow up my own build oh my God I can control myself again what on Earth uh well good look at explaining that either way maybe adding some scary pumpkins here might actually look good ooh yeah okay this is awesome so far no way now before I build the actual

Girl I need to First build the sofa okay I can’t lie this kind of looks weird so far but I promise you this will actually look great in the end so I need to kind of finish off this build okay the couch is kind of done I

Think I’ll need to fix us at the end all right our spider’s looking pretty scary so far are giving them little legs I wonder what the others are up to at the moment but that’s just I know how big to make the Gill in the meantime I’m going

To make some very interesting which is going to be a simple Plum pow and by making a cool little tree I’m just going to add a bunch of leaves just like so it’s a cool little Plum po but using the scary book po a right click it create a

Creepy face inside of the leaves can I do this with all of them I think I made the creepiest plant part of all time okay I can leave that for now can we just send one of these to just go Target kipley is that like a thing can we just

Go send this guy to haunt kipley ah ah ah get off of me in the meantime I’ve kind of levitated the sofa just so it’s more inclined with the TV why are you chasing me stop that’s awesome and now what I’m going to do is in this corner

If I just place an armor stand down with a random player head and I was to punch it okay that is creepy like seriously what is wrong with this guy how are you all right let’s get back to work now I’m not going to right click him because I

Want my friend to do it instead instead what I will do is make him slightly bigger yeah he definitely looks creepy than that corner and now the main attraction for this I need to use white concrete and I know she has a dress so I first need to make a circle of

Dress like so get it off of me what are you talking about it was totally you wasn’t it no I have nothing oh my God no you don’t understand it was chasing me I think that’s kind of solid now I really don’t know how good I am at making

Dresses but I know my building skills are kind of good and so far this looks kind of cool it looks like she’s coming down so by filling this in honestly it looks kind of cool is there probably more eyes than they have yes but you know what it’s

Fine but the reason I’m making her come out the TV kind of crawling is using the scary book I’m going to make her turn alive I wonder if her arms look way too long here I don’t I don’t think so cuz now I’m going to need black concrete and

This is kind of where her head comes in that will come down over here and I think ultimately this will make her arms look not as long I’m not sure if I’m going to have enough time to finish all of this it doesn’t actually look that

Bad but I might want to change up our arms where instead they’re going to kind of go this way ooh yo that actually looks so much better one arms like that and one arms like this there we go that looks much better than stone look at

That in the meantime I mov the scary guy for now cuz he was a little too big and if kipley tried to peek over she’d know I’d be using something scary but this is why I have so far so if I was to pop into ghost mode let me go possess

Someone else thermite making a haunted house all right it’s coming out sort of nice and sources is also making a haunted house now which Pro Builder do I want to possess dite I think think it’s going to be you what’s going on what what why am I placing pink concrete I’m

Not even doing this I’m inside theer my body no I’m going to stop placing pink concrete everywhere um I’m very confused right now this is what you get this is what you deserve no Pro Builder is beating me when am I going to be able to build again okay I’m going to quickly

Leave I finally have control again let’s get rid of this pink concrete and that was a lot Damage Done honestly possessing might be the best thing about this but if I head back into normal mode and this time if I use armor stand instead of a player what if I use a

Carved pumkin is it going to do anything or oh wait a second I don’t like clowns at all I’m kind of scared to try oh my yo guys I’ve got blindness and nausea okay how did that affect me well I know what this does I even got a defl balloon

Got to add a bunch of dripstone everywhere in the meantime what I need to make now is someone simple I just need to make a person now un like that his legs are kind of done since he’s at home I’m I’m just going to give him

Actual feet cuz who wears shoes at home now I need to do his actual body let me make him not so blocky so that kind of works ooh yeah this is looking awesome there we go it’s starting to look cooler we just need a lot more of it must add more teeth he’s

Going to have such a beautiful smile kind of just need to make his head which might be the hardest thing let’s just say his face is going to be somewhat like this and honestly so far this looks great for him setting that weird skeleton command block to mess with me

What can we do to his house here huh I’ll give him some brown eyes and maybe some yellow hair ah what the beautiful it’s like a little birthday cake run away honestly this looks great so far it’s time to rain pink concrete down on everyone in the game ain’t no

Way there we go everyone gets pink concrete he’s really picking a fight with everyone okay I don’t know who sabotaged everyone in the bill Ball but what is this this isn’t scary at all I think someone’s trying to get back at me but they don’t no it’s me well that’s

Fine cuz now we have our actual room now I’ve just got to make some windows okay now it’s looking like an actual house I’ll make the floor light blue concrete and I’ll copy this over on this side and using the scary book I’ll just read add a bunch of the scary faces

We got to get the roof done here we can add the final touches on my build which I think will just be Vines Now do I want to create this girl now or should I wait till the actual voting round in the meantime I’m just going to add some

Blood all over his actual body just like that turn it more into blood okay this looks great so far it’s like he’s actually getting scared if I put the creepy Steve over here and instead leave him in that corner yeah this gets creepy it’s perfect this is the perfect scary

Build look how scary those spiders look oh I hate spiders but it looks so awesome cuz without the lights it looks like this tell me you wouldn’t be scared and instead I’ll put a clown right there honestly this is crazy is he watching me that’s definitely kind of weird I can’t

Lie this is a pretty good Mansion not going to lie and right here I’ll make a coffee mug and inside I’ll just put some Redstone so it’s like his coffee has been corrupted with blood put some more around here too and convert them more into blood okay that’s perfect I don’t

Know what other touches I can add this spider is pretty much perfect now think about it the clown over here the creepy Steve right there I can make her alive and the same with the doll but it’s been a little too quiet so if I was to go

Into ghost mode and fly all the way over to kipy now with these trees it’s done this time I’m not going to possess you oh wait this is creepy no not my spider I I didn’t even see too much of a build but that is already creepy that

Was uncom for very rud with a click of the book I turn this entire room dark and I make her come alive I can turn the lights back on and now I think I’m pretty much done meaning we had to meet in the middle to vote for the best build

All right gentlemen come this way to the scariest build you’ll see all day wao what is this first as you can see the cave is a monster in and of itself it’s got eyes it’s got teeth it will eat you wait will it actually like close this

Mouth and eat me well no I’m not a magician and if you come inside we got a little spider family in here things are scary oh these look kind of creepy and cool they’re babies all right I’ll give this a 8 out of 10 I’m going to go with

A nine the cave is super terrifying looking this spers look really custom so I’m going to give you a good seven kly got 24hour 30 welcome to the haunted house ooh okay first of all what is this yo this is a spooky Courtyard there are many warning signs with the skulls wait

What what is this where’d you guys go wait you can go down oh oh wait how do we get stuck down here oh wait a second uh what just happened yo I like the house you know and the house looks cool and it’s and of itself but it literally just ate us I’m

Going to go with an eight yeah the house actually looks sick and honestly just everything about this it was nice interactive I’m going to give this a 9 out of 10 I’m going to give it a 9 too that was awesome sorer got a 26 out of

30 all right if you come on over here I’ve constructed a spooky spooky Mansion ooh there’s a lot of stuff here if you look right there you’re haunted constantly by a skull how is that it’s chasing me it’s chasing me how is that happening it’s inhabited by a ghost

Skull honestly the house itself is crazy but the ghost too this is a nine this is a nine I’m I’m going to have to give this an an an eight they might got 26 out 30 so if we go down here ooh okay you get met with a few things yo this is

Massive so we have a clown in the closet oh my gosh look in the corner and we have a creepy Steve wait I want to look at him I want to look at him oh hello there Mr oh my God and then if you check over

Here we also have a clown so uh it’s kind of cool tell might you want to get close to it not after seeing what happened to kipley we’ve also got blood wait what yeah wait this isn’t Redstone my guy has always been watched if you check inside the leaves what it’s so

Creepy why is it watching us okay and now time for the the main event oh God what is it yeah so if I go behind you and click a lever I just like that just like what it’s moving yo wait what oh she’s come out this is this is a 10 man

I’ve never screamed so loud in my life yeah uh 11 guaranteed 11 definite 10 meaning SL scare worked and they were freaked out and it was just starting theme is haunted forest okay good look meaning all I do is slash scare again and I get the book in I have idea what I

Want to do for haunted forest and first of all it instantly involves making Alex and so far I think it look it’s looking kind of good all right we’ve grown our massive tree time to change it all right this is no longer a jungle tree this is

Going to be a giant spruce tree I need to make it as detailed as possible for this to actually work and that’s because I’m going to scarify Alex okay okay I don’t know why I built her like a creeper but I think it should work cuz

If I was to use a scare book now oh my okay this is creepy she’s actually floating and oh my what are you doing where are you heading I have no idea what what in the world you’re doing all right there we go one giant Tall Tree

But I can’t need to make a forest for you to actually survive I think what I’m going to do now is make a sort of path that will lead into where scary Alex is I’ve kind of lost where scary Alex is I’ll I could T here but I don’t think I

Like the tongue let’s get rid of the tongue we’ll have a blue campfire there we go we have 110 over here and I’ll honestly make this one and then I’m going to use the same thing I did last time by just adding some Redstone all around here and by converting it into

Blood this has turned normal campsite into something rather creepy all right is it my best looking tree no is it still a tree yes and you know what it’ll be fine in the meantime over on this side all I’m going to do is I’m going to make a small truck that’s been broken

Down first I need to add the wheels so it’s been here for a while from the first people who came it actually doesn’t even look that bad it’s a bit weird all right this is not supposed to be a pretty Forest okay it’s supposed to

Be a haunted forest so don’t judge me on my tree people that’s been left there for ages and I can even tell that again what I’m going to do is I’m just going to shovel this this is going to be sort of even like an adventure map so we have

A campsite over here over on this side we have scary pumpkins and some more blood cuz this is where the survivors of the camp were now we really need to turn this into a forest so let’s start planting a bunch of spruce trees I think I’m going to head over this side cuz

There’s some open space over here I’m just going to add a bit of a ruin okay this is looking crazy I just get a sign rip Alex all right there we go now we’re starting to have a forest huh wait what if I just break this so it look looks

Like she’s escaped okay we made a bit of a coffin I’m just to show it’s been a while since she’s left let me change the entire floor so it’s somewhat like this that shows that she’s left over here and they could kind of work out what’s going

On I guess I make a pathway leading this way so they know exactly what to his tree is way better than mine that is just not okay no no it’s too beautiful thermite it’s too beautiful oh why is that more terrifying what just happened no tree equals no Forest equals no scary

Force equals no points all right let’s go so if I just make this path over here and once they follow it they’ll come over here and I’ll say rest in peace Alex and they’ll see that there maybe I have a bit more blood over here perfect

That was so kly and I saw her too cows are going to constantly be setting glass all right let’s go back let’s get back safely why are there cows and why are they placing glass no if it gets within two blocks of kiple it’ll explode Y what

Is wrong with these cows hey yo I didn’t sign what KY look behind you was that a flying cow I just saw it’s coming for you ah exploding cow I see him staring right at me oh I see you I see you I don’t know if I accidentally did this

Myself or what is going on okay what else isn’t a scary Forest we have the campsite we have the abandoned vehicle okay we’ve now destroyed fruit trees what I’m going to make is a small little Shack doesn’t need to be a crazy house just a house where we’ll find our scary

Alex just sleeping I don’t know how to use all these fancy command blocks but I can do something real Annoying the floor what would the floor be cracked Stone generally perfect so it’s sort of like a story right now I think my haunted forest is almost done I think another

Thing I could do is just add the scary faces back in here so they’re always watching thermites making some sort of scary tree we’re getting too excited with the sabotaging and kiple is going with a very similar vibe to me all right I don’t know how to use fancy command

Blocks like thermite does but I have a plan that’s real Annoying I I just play with invisible cows where where are where have you gone where did these cows come from I’m so confused invisible chickens he’ll never see it I think I’m pretty much done smoke over here here it

Also gives me a very good idea to do over here hello what’s up guys there we go cause damaged some small little details like that keep out and I’m fully done meaning we now have to meet in the middle all right if you come on down to

My haunted forest you can see there is the centerpiece that takes the stage and that is the scary alive tree in the middle oh yo it’s got a mouth don’t get too close kly don’t get too close wait what just help me oh my God the tree

Just killed me wait what in a weird way it kind of reminds me of a squid what just happened yo yeah I can’t say I’ve been murdered by a tree before uh yeah I’m going to go with the nine all right I’m not going to get any much closer

Than this this is easily a 10 my tree isn’t as Grand and evil as thermite’s tree but there’s something very scary going on here okay okay what is this oh my as you can see there is a villager trapped in there he is about to be sacrificed to appeal to the god trapped

In the tree oh my poor guy oh the God is very very appeased but it’s not a god at all nope it is a scammer oh my it’s a it’s a one ring villager oh my and look at those trades okay yeah you know what

Let me let me end his existence with a gold sword to he’s been tricking all the villagers by using these dope blocks to seem scary like a god trapped in a tree yeah honestly this this is a nine out of 10 yeah nine this is great so you’re

First off by coming to this path ooh okay nice I remember these blood splatters and these pumpkins so once you go go down here you got greeted destroy truck right here okay I remember these blood splatters and these pumpkins you can see there’s there’s no survivors it’s broken down and you’re like wait

What’s going on but then you see another path and you follow it all the way here got some lore and you’re wondering wait is that is that is that grave wait a second why is it why is the coffin empty yes so so at this point you you’d run

Away so let’s just escape this entire area uhhuh but then over in the distance you see some smoke oh God wait I see it yeah there’s another building and you want to check it out so you go over here you check inside you’re like oh everything looks friendly and you go and

Enter I’m not scared ah I’m scared ah get it off of me get off of me ah no what is this go away on I’s dead this scared me way too much this is a 10 yeah 10 that was very haunted meaning SL I scare work and my friends

Never want to play again

►I Cheated With //SCARE In Build Battle…
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I Cheated With //SCARE In Build Battle… Cheated With PRO BUILD HACKS In A Build Battle… Why I Cheated With Build Hack In A Build Battle… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


  1. Your the one inspired me to play Minecraft now i beat my friends every single day i just wanted to say thanks alot quiff for working hard on your videos

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