Journey in the mine – First ever JOJA Run !! – Stardew Valley Expanded [Part 2]

Hello welcome to my stream um I’m going to play stardew um this is part two I actually streamed the first one a week ago I’m going to try to make it like every Thursday I think it’s Thursday today yeah every Thursday um just to do it a stard stream uh I’m doing the

Expended modded version the mod the expend it start expanded it’s a mod um yeah I’m going to do a JoJo one never done one before I have played it before um I do want to address something into the room and I will put it in the chat

As well um but I understand when you’re excited about a game um but please don’t do back seed gaming um I don’t mind like little tips and stuff but um please don’t do backseat gaming please um you know I just wanted to have everyone have

A good time and just enjoy the game um and I will you know I just want to see it how I how it plays out I haven’t I don’t really know any dialogues from a JoJo run so I want to just experience that for myself um it’s always hard to

Address these things cuz you want everyone to have a good time um but yeah like uh yeah so that’s just the rule just be sweet and yeah I just want to have fun all together um but yeah yeah I’m going to hop in I’m at day six from

My first year um I don’t usually do really long streams I just do two hours at Max so it’s usually an hour and a half 2 hours um so that will be um today I usually try to do a hit goal of like okay I’m now at 600 so maybe we can get

To day 12 um but just all depends on what I’m doing of course as well um so yeah let hop in oh works yeah cool I’ll me me a bit to here yeah that looks all good yeah U I’m going to play with controller though so I do like that

Butter okay let’s see oh it’s not to do my mouse first okay got it and I hope this sound is isn’t too bad I keep thinking I can Sprint in this game and I can’t it’s so annoying okay so yeah I know I have to look out for cooking recipes as well I

Have my doggo um we can go to the mines Robin here I know there are lots of stones scattered around around your farm if you have a surplus you might consider having me built a well for you Wells can be placed all over your farm and serve as convenience place to refill your

Watering can just by my shop with 75 stones and th000 gold uh when you’re ready for it and then I see you’ve been exploring the old mine you’ve got the adventur pr much I can tell 10 slimes if we can slay you’ve eared your placing my adventurous

Guilt okay we can do that that shouldn’t be bad hi po hi oh such a sweetie okay um what am I doing here so I have that oh I have this thing and I have that okay I’m going to see hi lady oh

Hello I want to see if when I can do the JoJo um subscription kind of forgot what it was ooh I think I’m going to do that one I hope this sound is not too loud okay it should be okay yeah I know this game can be a bit loud sometimes so Yeah okay let’s see I have this one um I was going to do something else first yeah oh my God I’m getting so distracted by this game all the time okay let’s go oh it’s not open yet oh frustrating oh I mean I see him outside standing there okay I can donate this

Thing going to do all the Scrolls Here okay and I have to wait is checking the machine nothing there I cannot wait to have this Sprinter those shoes that can like make you run faster my God this taking forever no I didn’t want that um I don’t think I have enough of that nice

Awesome so I have to go donate again this is so exciting I’m so excited for this JoJo run JoJo run I’m it’s going to break my heart Though o nice cauliflower yeah it’s I I have such double feelings about it like I know like you can get things quicker um but I’m just curious how the dialogue option is going to go like how they how they how the village is going to react when I

Do that they’re not going to be happy oh it’s open from 10 okay that’s like 10 minutes I can wait Georgia Okay it’s open let’s see if we can buy it joj has a superior Choice over Pi welcome to join our house your weekend going we’re currently in the process of setting up okay so not yet unfortunately look at them all go weekend is no different than Any we’ll try to read as much as the of the dialogue um oh I also just realized something on a second yeah it’s not showing Up do That there it is okay cool awesome and then I to move myself here for a minute okay oh okay let’s do the mines okay uh I have my sword wonder how much a better one is I don’t know if they I forgot if they sold it or

Not oh I forgot it’s still close um I’m just going to go I think yeah should be okay maybe I can do five more levels and find some slimies can’t wait for any better uh equipment okay oh I got slimed O Come here you oh I didn’t grab those things there

I was so focused on the slimes awesome okay I need these um I want to grab those things awesome ooh this a big one there you are how much did I do four of eight not bad getting there hear you okay sad there’s no other one

Here oh wow I’m getting lucky with these stairs uh right away okay that’s not really no I need that though I do remember that I one is pretty pretty good I think you can donate that one as well if I believe Like okay I haven’t seen the slimies maybe I just go back to the beginning they were there a Lot so much stuff nice yay oh my God I’m so happy letter boots yay it’s not the fast ones though let me see if I can find some slimies here yeah here you are okay they got the Oh yay I think I got it then ooh there’s so Many Nice I think I got it Oh talk to Louis oh I need like one more I want to see what this is Though one more slimy I need there he is okay let’s get him Quick Cool okay now we go back to him let’s go leave the mine Louis is the uh mayor I believe why do I have to talk I have to talk to him oh damn it okay I have to find where they are yay that thousand I missed the dry heat of the

Desert it’s too humid here ooh wooden blade though that’s not good wait what do I actually have now oh okay oh I want all of These I’m just going to do this Okay better okay where is Louis I I love to have the all that I can see them on the map I love it Louis is there he is he’s in his house okay let’s check that I wish I could run faster oh there you are a you’re so sweet what am I

Doing oh I can’t talk to her okay let’s see There’s always too much work to be done around the house I may hire a butler soon they Rich so Rich okay he’s still there yay Aron he helped us with our slime problem thank you I hope you didn’t go through too much trouble I know it can be really hard to get that sticky slime out of your clothes definitely ruined a few good pairs of fence trying to catch those

Little wigglers I can remember M throwing a fit after I got the blue slime all over my brand new dress bants well anyways enjoy your reward nice yay got It okay let’s go I’m going to plant some Stuff I haven’t really been focused on friendship yet I’m like I need money first I love how the different ways you can play this game it’s so fun um do I have F scarecrow call fiber and wood okay I can eat easily get that though okay um did I kept On yes I did okay so I’m going to get There oh I need to donate one that one too that one too and then that one as well okay okay oh I forgot I need coal do I not have that I do uh um I need wood and fiber that noise is so funny to

Me I don’t know how much I needed 50 as well okay let me see yeah oh only 20 whoops okay um that would be nice to just do here and then a well might be nice I might just go to her I think it’s like 75 I need it

75 but I need money oh I do have it though okay just do this more never hurts nice okay got one y can I do another one yeah goes for five yeah got it okay perfect yay I cannot wait to do do all the maybe I should do some

Torches how much do I need to S okay going I do four yeah like one here here and at the moment I will do one here oh I have another one let’s see YY might do another one yeah like here or something like in between perfect yay I like

That okay I’m going to go to bed I’m out of energy anyway oh you’re inside already you’re you’re fast doggo my God Okay let’s do my crops Oh I missed smart me pet my doggo yeah come here yeah s a potato keep the potato Okay o I’m going to grab that one quick oh I should have gone the other way um no I’m going to do the it’s always how it goes I’m going to do the um Museum thing first and um Clint I’m going to do as Well Clint need of a carp sure let’s try it oh it’s locked of course keep forgetting how early it is oh hey I’m going to make friends I’m going to make friends with him uh hello Okay Nice I have to check where the carp is actually at maybe the ocean I don’t really know what kind of it is I can look it up actually okay this is taking me too long hey we come on let’s go let’s go let’s Go okay let’s do you first can I upgrade already oh I don’t have enough money oh it’s 2,000 wow okay nice I have Clay now okay Oh oh it’s with the doggo a what is sweetie Dusty I love that the dog is a part of it pet Dusty of Course a he’s so happy that was cute best moment is just with Dusty Yay wow another reward huh I see how it Is I something to take the bus here to check out books from the library it’s nice nice good for you okay let’s see if I can forge here oh and how much wood did I need it for this thing 300 pieces okay should be Okay and jopy I how am I looking this up Collections and then fish I swear I had a carp before I haven’t Oh I thought I did I guess not Oh I can sell my fish actually right now and then I can do the copper ax pickaxe I it okay let me do that so I think that’s nice ooh still don’t have enough God damn it okay let’s see oh nice Oh o I like that W someone is like slaming the door here let’s talk to Elliot hello I hope your new farming life is spanning out as you hoped I haven’t even looked at my friendships Okay I had something for Robin too but I don’t know if I want that now what I want first okay let me donate these Things I just need more money I already did that one okay Donate yay what did I Got oo oh this is for summer nice Okay some nice things to sell too nice Can I pull that off no ah she did see it okay this is good I didn’t get that carp though I’m going try a couple times Here Abigail so pretty cute oh man I’ve been pushing off my homework all weekend looks like I’ll be put all nighter I cannot do that when she’s surrounds she will not like it you see how much a CP is as well I wonder if she’s still open she is um

Uh oh yeah I need to build that first never mind I haven’t really been here oh yeah that lady I love that lady she has always said such cool things okay o o I don’t need any of it I just need money at this point

Okay me empty the road a little bit my God nice um and this way too it’s completely okay nice and empty woohoo I like I can see the bus from here so cool okay not keep those things Good I don’t really need a well though like I have my pond right there so it’s just like kind of useless for me oh I’m almost like tired I’m just going to end the day I need my money and I can’t really do too

Much and I just want to I want to save my money yay oh I can make bait oh 485 so tiny amounts okay going to put this there this thing this thing this thing and this thing okay now I can do my um’s do my farm

First I can do my pickaxe finally it’s annoying you can miss miss it for a couple days um so maybe I just socialize or something let’s I’m going to see what’s on the calendar like I cannot buy anything else okay let’s do that can sell a potato buo is so happy Okay I can’t find this Dam carb it’s okay though it’s locked Still not yet oh Nice going to go that way anyway Way okay oh he’s not open yet my Dad let’s see if I can get something before he Opens oh I didn’t check the Ker wow nothing is happening huh oh there it is oh nice thank you Yay nine you’re open at Nine come on I was going to see how you make baits oh Buck meat Okay no I’m good I’m just going to wait in front the door it’s like 10 minutes no that’s fine first I want to do this nice oo I want to upgrade my pickaxe wait I don’t oh it’s five bars oh my God oh my God jeez

Okay why did I thought it was two I thought it was two no okay I’m going back to the mine then I’m going to do the uh that Quest then as well for slimy so I can get more money hopefully that works a little Bit okay was there something on the calendar no I missed Morris’s birthday okay ink Festival Festival okay green slime okay gotcha well let’s get going o I want to do grab this Though see how far we can get love how much money you can get there or like but just the stuff you can get I I really like the mines it’s really fun um like definitely if I go further then I definitely have to bring some food and

Stuff oh I forgot to look at the cooking recipes oh no I forgot about that Oh oh I didn’t want to go in there not my there okay let’s go let’s go to 10 oo nice anything I need Here oh no Oh no oh no oh no oh no I forgot about this run run run run run run run run run run oh I forgot about that part I need to kill you hit him why are you not hitting him jeez hit the Slime oh okay nice oh

Boy oh I got it though not doing the best with health but it’s okay I guess ow ow ow no don’t oh my God I’m not doing great here good yay okay nice it’s level 14 huh thr one more I got it six okay I have another one here oh nice o elevator

[Applause] nice oh and then I have this thing yay like you’re mad but you can do it uh I can do that one okay I have to talk to Louis again I’m going to do these two as well so get close to my thousand goal H do I want

It I can I can maybe swing it I don’t know if I can make it all the way we’ll See okay oh no nope I’m done Bye I see that little thing in the background I’m like oh okay oh yeah let me see what I can do with her though hey far oh my God I need so much more money I’m almost there though oh I don’t have them here it is I don’t want to well coup shipping Bin okay yeah definitely not there yet Mm something I could donate No oh Pier welcome if you’re looking for seat you can come you come to the right place the trees looks nice today don’t they so why did you be a farmer um follow in Grandpa’s footsteps that’s very sweet to honor your grandfa like That talk to Harvey for a minute we sell a few over counter medicines at the clinic feel free to survive if you’re feeling exhausted I know that being a farmer is pretty tiing work don’t don’t overdo it okay so weird that this screen like just becomes like very Square

Okay I can make my or just need to grab Some um I need two of these this one can go back this two I think that was it okay and to safeties want to keep that one I know that one is kind of hard to get like it just doesn’t doesn’t appear as much for me or lately

Um no I didn’t want to do that I want to craft I think ten is okay yeah um oh you have to oh you can’t do that yet right how I ca it must first be touched to a fishing rod yeah I don’t have that fishing rod I thought I had a Coal okay what are you doing poo well I’m going to just do my farm then in Between ooh nice okay okay this one I want to make free as well okay oh it’s eight already my God the time goes fast in this game okay I’m exhausted now I’m going to sell these two things and then I’m good okay okay sleep yay plus 5 HP sturdy ring buck steak ooh Close okay now I can do my thing but it means I can’t do the cave yet for or the mines for a couple days what is okay but it’s okay I’ve got some new items and socks theux fishing pool and some bait that you can you can attach to it you can use

Bait to make fish bite faster hope to see you soon a okay let me get some water water Water okay there’s like a patch right There Yeah just sell it okay now I can finally do my pickaxe oh my God I’m so happy I barely barely have enough oh no I didn’t talk to Louis let me do that too God I didn’t even do that okay what’s new oh and I have this too I have a one left

Over is Alex in here yeah it’s this house I will just wait for half an hour hey stop that yuck oh damn it Whoops give Dusty many Pets want to buy that JoJo pass it’s seriously maybe if I go in the um store oh Hey hello Roman you brought me the item I asked for it looks perfect ‘s a little something for your trouble what did I got yes money no mind my husband George he isn’t friend very friendly to strangers yay I got one heart with him a hey okay let’s Go oh talking to Louis oh my God keep forgetting keep forgetting it opens at 9 God that’s so Frustrating okay okay I mean it’s the Same dialogue as before okay and now he’s open so that works God I can almost build a coupe though it’s almost like what should I do first should be ready in a couple days okay sounds good me do You I’m going to go into the pier store seeing if like that dialogue I know there’s a dialogue there that JoJo comes in or Jo Morris comes in I still can’t buy the Pass H do I want anything like that six days to look be 6 days 6 days 12 Days keeps producing this one I actually like that one going I do five of those yeah okay I like they went to Pier actually I’m still doing a Jo run but I’m still keep buying the seeds at his place I was like I shouldn’t have I should not have done

That um see if I can fish here this Well it’s annoying I can’t do my pickaxe I miss it but it will be worth It oh I could have done the bridge I should have done that that would have been an easy thing too I keep forgetting these things oh you’re not here dude ooh oh I got a herring I’m cheating so much with this mod but I really don’t like the fishing style in this

Why are you not here stories from famous a famous fisherman it’s locked that’s so annoying that he is not here oh of course when I want to go he’s not there a great idea can pass through your head when you least expected but your mind is too busy for you to miss it A oh Romana it’s just you want to be shy sorry I got startled Easily oh hey you’re kind of new to farming so uh I want to give you devices my way of walking to the valley follow me to my storage chest I don’t remember this here it’s a sprinkler oh yes I it will automatically water Jason crops every day oh thank

God uh I have an ordered lery in my cosplay room if you need more you can purchase sprinklers from me oh that’s so nice but they’re going to be really expensive I feel like it’s going to be so much I’m going to check how much there are cuz that

I don’t have too many at the moment um so it doesn’t really matter now but I definitely want them later here they are or not isn’t this the catalog it’s a sewing machine but I’m not sure how to use it large collection of fabrics cosplay working on an

Outfit this is settler Sur bur girl set up for three players the game pieces are dusty oh that’s so sad oh there’s a leak there I want to steal horse reddish okay I haven’t really talked to this guy either just kind of been ignoring him

Oh okay uh yeah just I need 300 I think nice got an acorn nice uh oh I don’t have my pickaxe of course I was like where is it I was like oh no I of course oh so smart of me oh here’s the the green houses here of

Course they move that up the road have 31 no I can’t it’s not strong enough okay I have 36 nice um going I do that here ah I just wanted them there okay oh I could have done this sprinkler one second uh I might just put it here I guess

Can’t really do anything at the moment it was kind of dumb of me to put it all the things there oh I can do it like that okay God I’m almost exhausted already okay I’m at 50 I’m definitely getting there but not really fast enough yeah let’s just go to

Bed I’m definitely getting there uh let’s do that there um I don’t really know I might just keep my Stones never know oh I made a screenshot whoops weather report I don’t really need to know okay going to day 10 okay one Second Okay Cool oh this one can go there greeting say I queen of sauce here to teach you new mou P from a secret well s dish is Stir Fry you going to learn how to cook stir fry nice I like that de have you settled into your little life yet I cannot believe you’re

Well grown up now time sure flies now that you’re going to now you are gone have all this extra money laying around so I included a little gift love de oh I got 500 that’s nice I like that Hey Oh I went oh yeah I went to the bus where am I going what shall I do today um okay I still need to build a coup but I don’t have enough money for that oh I was going to do more um H workk I need

300 buy a joj minur today and save big one on your next purchase Oh yes I can finally buy it okay cool I want that but you’re not in your store can I buy at the cast register I think I’m going to see still not open of course it’s

Not are there some trees I can cut in the other on this side um let’s see I mean there’s definitely some things here o nice where FSH I’m just going to do that Here God it’s taking forever no oh no okay well it’s something okay let’s do this side I’m going to do it this way that was Dumb oh my God stop okay I’ll do one more oh there’s a thing in the way we’ll do this Way 191 nice see if I can pull another one Off I’m so close I need like um 92 more oh I got a cut scene so tired can’t keep my eyes open a oh apologies uh welcome to jojamart how may I help you please don’t tell my manager I was doing off on my shift okay okay let’s see if we can buy it

Now welcome to jojamart how are you doing today we’re currently on please back you said you just said that you had it I’m so confused okay I guess not yet and Pier is close 6 it’s Wednesdays um okay let’s see what we got oh it’s vce’s birthday I don’t have any of these

Things so I’m going to try to get more wood for the Bridge yeah that’s what I’m going to do God it’s I need a better nice I don’t know if I can make it right now kind of want to save my money 241 oh I forgot one um tough one CU it’s pretty early in the day and I’m already exhausted so I’m

Doing the Big Trees of Course um I just do this for a Minute so close though I will keep it for the next [Applause] one I want to see actually how much the Uh how much the fishing rod would Be actually I’m going to keep that one Okay Let’s See hello welcome to the stream okay uh yeah fishing rods I’m so closed with that bridge I hate like 50 more but I don’t have energy and I I I’m too cheap to buy meals so I just want my money um oh I can buy it

Though oh God shall I do that or no I might I’m just doing it cuz I can sell my other Rod now right I can’t oh I forgot you cannot it’s so annoying no no okay good oh I forgot I was exhausted yeah I hope you’re doing well thank you

For watching really appreciate it I’m doing a JoJo run for stardew uh and it’s my first one oh you’re here need to pick me up some food today question is do I look for forage in a forest or buy something at joa okay okay okay oh oh oh I’m exhausted never mind

Never mind I keep doing that I’m like one more one more thing to do um I don’t have a lot of money either so I just bought this Thing uh this one you can go away okay it’s kind of early to go to bed I might just go into the saloon just to see what’s there maybe just chill with people for a little bit um see how that goes hey there do you have everything you need for the farm

Can’t wait for my pickaxe Though just go I haven’t been here at all how much are things wow I am broke god um I can buy bread n I’m good oh I want to talk to Emily though I’ve heard rumors of powerful magic rings fored Long Ago by forgotten civilizations I’m not sure if it’s true

Or just a fairy tale good even can I get you Anything okay what did you say it’s 550 already my goodness there nothing there I’m just going to go to bed I’m I’m don’t have anything else to do do or can do and I don’t want to buy money you can use a scythe to cut for grass yes I knew that thank

You I wonder how I trigger that Membership okay let’s go o oo level yay I got my crap pot nice okay it’s not much but it’s something I’m getting there I hope my thing is ready now yay it’s ready okay good uh I lost my favorite X if you find it please return ASAP I’m having a tough time without

It 250 gam in it gold gam whoever finds the thing okay uh you might need some more space someday that’s where I can help if you bring me some raw material you also pay a fee I can expand your house the first expansion offer includes a kitchen with

A K with a kitchen you able to cook any recipes you’ve learned anyway hope you start star to feel home sted valy your loyal Carpenter Robin that’s very sweet okay I am so happy I got my pickaxe my god um this one is done I forgot where her thing was

Honestly um we’ll figure it out thought it was like somewhere in the Woods okay let’s Go Ah there it is yeah I had a feel it was somewhere around here nice okay and I’m going to do the trees cuz I’m so close to getting It yay okay I’m going to return it to her so close to the bridge come on 275 okay I got it yay okay so I’m going to do that first cuz that will like on my way to get to do um yeah I’m just going to make a circle like yeah so they can pick do the bridge pickaxe pick up and then to Robin and then maybe mine

But I don’t know I a lot of energy though maybe I buy something yay got a common mushroom oh well technically let to go down but that’s okay ooh nice okay I can do this now oh it would be so nice oh yay okay Awesome now I can do this a lot of coral okay oh let me sit okay Um yeah getting my Pickaxe Yay I got it oh I’m so happy oh this is going to be so much better oh my God so let me see if I can get it now nope I still can buy it though well I haven’t really tried him but I’m assuming it’s not I’m just assuming right

Now oh no I think my dad’s going to to cook a dinner tonight um let’s see if I go in Pier maybe we find quart no I’m sorry I don’t have It Hello welcome to my stream doing a JoJo one at St do uh it’s my first one you’re from Indonesia that’s cool I’m actually have Indonesia myself my grandparents were from there but I have never been able to visit myself but it’s still on my it’s one of

The countries I it’s on my list to go uh I have your thing here you go hey you found my axe what a relief I almost chopped my toe off with the other one I was using thank you did I got money yes nice

Um I don’t know what I want to do in this Day okay I’m going to try all I’m going to see if I can buy something from this guy Oh you’ve proven yourself you’ve ventured into the minds with utmost courage ra uh we can use someone with your skills do you want to join the adventurer guills Romana do you swear under oath to protect Humanity from monsters and to do everything in your power to uphold the

Traditions values and ideology of The Adventurous skills On behalf of stardy Valley in the order of the Knights of pagurus I officially accept you as the 23rd Adventure guild member awesome as a member of the adventure Guild you’ll be allowed to purchase rare weapons we commission and discover there are also bounties and quests you can access from the notice

Board behind me uh welcome to the guild R I expect great things from you ooh yeah this is stard valy expended it’s um fun I did a regular run with the community center in my own time before but it’s been years maybe year no not years year ago or so

Um and I’ve never done a star a joa run in general so I’m going to see how it is on uh unexpended I’ve been really liking the expended so far oh I was going to look what he had in store and I just left H ooh oh there’s a dagger though I don’t like the daggers these are Expensive yeah it’s all about the money so I’ve heard so I’ve heard things about it I don’t know but it’s a fun New Experience right for everyone um but I think I’ve so what I’ve heard is that you get more money you get money quicker uh you just can’t you can just

Get things quicker with the money uh but it will comes with consequences uh and with the expended there’s new dialogues and stuff um I will not know the differences um but I can also be friends with expend you can be be friends with Morris I don’t I don’t remember if

That’s in the normal one so yeah it will be fun fun to see um I always like to do a new run it’s 2:40 oh yeah I H I have that EG Fest to fall soon don’t look okay good you didn’t Look uh I have so many things my God okay let me do This oh that’s it that’s kind of disappointing my God H I hope you’re farming in a sustainable way the Valley’s ecosystem is rile well bad for you cuz this joa is going to all take over sorry it’s going to break my heart ooh it smells oh I got another cut scene that’s exciting why is it locked I want to explore the

Sewers I think Marlin has the key Marlon the man who hunts monsters why do you think he has it I saw a Big R old key fall out of his pocket one time a creepy sewer door like this has just got to be a match for a big rusty old key Oh there’s something moving around here in there sorry my God A well thank you really appreciate that I’m still a very new small streamer so I really always appreciate the encouragement support and everything okay I still have energy to Go let me just empty all of this I need to figure out how I might getting this JoJo membership thought you could just buy it with him I it’s maybe not long Enough a thank you so much that’s very sweet I am trying to be consistent um I am doing like YouTube videos myself with just jrpgs doing a final fantasy marathon on that one and then I want to try to keep doing this one once a week uh every Thursday and then maybe an

Extra one just to keep it up cuz it’s a pretty they’re all pretty big games but they’re all fun though so doggo oh I forgot I can sell those I need money so bad But yeah definitely her consistency is key I’ve been trying to keep that up for sure wait there’s an oh oh I missed that one a well thank you appreciate that thank you for watching what is that Rice shoot what do I do with that oh planties in

Spring grows faster if planted near a body of water oh I don’t know why nightbot is saying that don’t you think me Miss I’m like okay sorry I have my night butt for the first time so if it’s saying like something I’m like I didn’t say anything it’s like rice seed it’s

Nothing special about that maybe yeah it says it grow faster next to water so maybe I’ll just do it next to the sprinkler oh I forgot one oh No nighta calm down um I don’t have oh oh oh oh oh I didn’t want to do that um I really need to figure out how to get that um membership oh it’s 5,000 gold so the thing is I can’t get it yet though like it’s not even up for

Sale um like it’s just like every time I go to Mor he’s like we’re still in developing modes on it so I was thinking I mean date 12 so I was like maybe it comes later in the month like maybe it’s like much later sounds like those raccoons are back again filthy

Fints ah you turned up at the right moment Miss could you do an old man a favor could you go around the corner and scare off those raccoons for me they’ve been causing a real mess thanks make sure you give them a good scare so they never come back

A poor thing it was me I’m Sorry I find a lot of hot um I find a lot of hot fresh food in these cans stuff that will go to waste if I don’t take it do you think there’s something wrong with what I’m doing yes it’s disgusting um I’m going to be nice it’s a shame for

Food to go to waste thanks Ron I knew you were an open-minded person I feel good what about what I’m doing I’m not harming anyone after warning the plants we should go fishing and collect a lot of fish and sell them yeah that’s like that’s the key of doing it right like

Fishing a lot you can go on home I promise I won’t rumage in George uh can anymore oh George can’t anymore you can tell him you scared of the raccoons for good okay yeah the beginning it’s always tough to get money um but I’m getting there I have like I’m getting bigger and

Bigger wait I know what you were doing lonus if you need food just ask I don’t want anyone in Pelican town to go hungry here I have got a basket of zucchini fritters for you just make sure you dip them in my spicy marinara go on take it oh I’m getting hungry

Now M what was I doing here oh yeah I was going to see if I can purchase the I know I don’t have enough money but I want to see if I can get it cuz they’re not even s he’s not even selling it it’s still in the

Process okay we just wait until you have that ready maybe it’s like after the first month or so I guess okay so I’m going to do 11 and 12 and then when the egg hunts there I will stop and then next week I will pick it up and we start with the EG

Festival cuz I’m getting hungry and I need food oh hello uh hello There I’ve been looking forward to dis BFF all afternoon so it’s just nice to chat with the people too ooh oh it was just trush whoops oh I got a stone I didn’t know I forgot one let me do the trash okay and then this one this leak then I’m going

To go to bed I might do one more mine tomorrow yay ooh a survival Burger nice oh I got so much money yay I got a thousand oh my God I need 4,000 to get the CW tomorrow we’re holding the egg Festival in the Town Square should

Arrive between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. if you would like to tun you wouldn’t want to miss the annual egg hunt major Lewis God I didn’t know the membership was 5,000 in my head it was 50 I’m like oh and now I’m like this is awkward I thought it was 50 Oh wrong wrong button okay poo come here yeah so Sweet okay I’m going to do a m day um before I leave I have my new pickaxe so I want to experience it so it’s mine time I love doing the Mine what else do I have deeper in the mine only need to reach level 40 oh another cut scene good day R Morris promised joj would clear away this rock slide by now Susan is trapped at home and cannot get out except for your train

Now he’s telling me the clean up off is delayed until early summer my hands are tied M as the mayor at felican town it’s my duty to ensure everyone is safe moris and I will reach a resolution regarding the rock light soon just relief no one was uh hurt during the rock

Light I must be on my way don’t bother using your pickaxe to try to remove these rocks it would take you months I haven’t even gotten a community center either so it might be late oh I went I I left yeah I don’t I haven’t had that option either so that might be Later maybe it comes around that Time okay let’s go some do some hunting they’re still sleep I didn’t bring any food that was actually not Wise 15 y ooh it’s so much smoother now oh my God it’s like one hit amazing can I do this one already oh wow I can oh oh nice okay oh No come on you oh no oh no oh no oh no here you all those are annoying cannot get me oh you can never mind I need a better sword got it awesome I hope I hope I can get to 20 um yeah oh I found the stairs already

That’s nice oh and I found an Acro Marina you know I don’t like these gross okay ooh I need more of these too how much do I have five God I need way more I feel like the time in the in the mines are just it just goes on so it’s going so

Fast okay well I’m shoot I kind of no I’m going to go down oh look Plenty I need a lot of These these Things nice Okay oh no I’m not doing That ooh Nice uh let’s go this way oh it’s only one way oh I found the stairs already but I kind of want to see what’s below there okay let’s go to the oh they’re so annoying oh I hate these things no no no no no no

No oh oh no I’m not going to survive This I need a stronger sword oh my God I’m so curious though oh God oh God okay so at least there’s stairs here a bit Closer I just want to see what’s there Good oh my God definitely have time still so that’s good God it stresses me out no go away they hit so hard okay I might have to leave I I’m I’m good I’m almost dead oh so Close no leave me alone oh thank God strongest sword just go out fast you can you got the strongest sword yeah I got a chest I was so curious what was in the middle though was like I can’t make it oh hey well look at that steal small for yes I want

That see what’s to fish here I have a mod for fishing ooh fisherman nice it is usually yeah like just go fastest you can I get so distracted in these mines though it’s like I want to have all of it see if I can sell my Sword this one this one yeah fishing in this game is a little bit harder yeah oh my God I was so bad at it yeah I used mod for fishing I have a lot of mods for that I mean it’s mostly that um I was just so

Bad at it like even the regular fishing I just couldn’t not get I had no grasp um on it so I know it’s a bit cheating but I usually don’t fish a lot anyway um so yeah I have a m for Fishing okay this SS a pretty good day almost dead though but that’s okay I don’t know if Gunter is still open let’s try it okay let’s go is that Clint is already closed oh glasses oh it’s locked I thought he was still open okay which one did I

Not okay I need to save these okay let’s go back to house I almost have oh I can do my other I can upgrade something might do my my X yeah I need to grab that Okay this quick oh no wait I’m going to do this quick actually nice then ghost fish can go this one can go these can go amethyst shall I keep an amethyst no then this one I need to save as well okay this one can go there nice m M yeah I think I’m

Good I can sell one of these too yeah God I barely made it though like in that cave or mine I keep saying cave Dynamic reflection invisible fish a good mod that’s my favorite mod what does it do oh I put my copper away kind of

Sad we just do some things around it I guess I almost have enough to upgrade it All okay need one more okay that’s good oh I’m stopping time of course oh I want that glow light hey you’re done nice okay one more then I I can do the other one I can upgrade my axe okay okay good nice so fortunately the eggfest fall so

I can’t do any of that uh upgrading oh I didn’t want that put it back oh God thank you uh yeah okay I’m going to end it here oh I got the staircase finally yay pickax proficiency plus one nice um yeah I’m going to stop it here

Um thank you for everyone who was chatting and for um supporting and watching and everything really appreciate that uh so yeah so next Thursday uh the time will be different I’m back to work unfortunately at that time at this time so it will be 9 8:30 p.m. UK

Time um when I will be streaming but I also put an schedule in as well so you can see it um but yeah for I don’t see who subscribed during the stream I know it’s usually I’m still small so it doesn’t happen too often um but anyway for if you’re already subscribed thank

You so much for the support really appreciate it um yeah it was a lot of fun and we’ll see you all next time um with 13 and the X day 13 and the Egg Festival So yeah thank you all and bye

Trying out my first JOJA run in Stardew Valley. This is the expanded version of the game ^^

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