Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters GRAND FINALE.

This video five of my friends try and hunt me down and stop me from beating minecraft i said we would do five hunters if the four hunters series got 1 million likes and it did in less than a day can they stop me from beating the

Ender dragon or will i survive i beat them twice they beat me twice this is it for all the marbles the final minecraft manhunt but if this video gets 2 million likes we’ll do a minecraft manhunt in real life when george comes to america which is pretty soon we even scouted an

Area for it and we might consider doing six hunters way in the future if you like the video enough and as always only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you want to help us reach 30 million please subscribe it’s free you can

Always change your mind later love you guys enjoy the grand finale That’s true yeah when we’re in love oh wait who’s here he’s right up here where’s the tree he’s on top of the tree he’s like around the trees he’s is he trying to get it yeah he did he got a piece of wood okay he’s going he’s going he’s going i got him

Go oh this biome is massive what that was the tiniest oh my god what is this come on what even is this bite it’s a it’s an oak biome Oh my god I outsmarted you dream george is smarter than dream he crafted the log into planks don’t allow him to do that he’s already done it he’s climbing he’s climbing i don’t have blocks i can’t catch him what is his problem why did he do that i he used up

All his wood advantage to get away just try and stay on him i’m trying he’s nimble oh oh he found a portal stop don’t let him get it stop it i could probably kill you right now with this shovel oh wait yeah I’m literally just walking i have nothing i’m going to the ocean to get food come here i see fish Dream come back here you are such an idiot you’re my dirt i stole a dirt i stole the dirt i’m here take the dirt take the dirt i’m here stop now dad give me food he’s hiding behind the corner he’s sneaking i saw him come on go fight him go go go

I’m gonna beat you with my fish dream oh my gosh this biome sucks oh my gosh oh there’s a tree a mirror dream oh go go i will let you get the trick i won’t let you not this time where are you going dream i’m going to get a little round okay This video i’m going to hunt you down and kill you right now this is so dumb i’m dead like there’s no there’s not even food or anything wait this is that dream you can eat the sugar dream will it allow you to die by cactus no they take the easy way out

Oh my god he’s done he’s done it oh my gosh he’s stuck here he’s stuck keep an eye on him who has a crafting bench i have nothing i have one i have one what are you doing up there have we been watching him like the only

Way he can get down is breaking his tower he’s breaking he’s ready you watch george it’s your job to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere make sure he’s going anywhere if he goes anywhere george i’m blaming you like it’s gonna take like ten years to get down from there george do not

Allow him to go anywhere he can’t get down okay but don’t let him down okay look i’m not just sitting here zoomed in on him he’s going up even higher good he’s like committing to this tower did the tower go down yeah yeah he’s gonna die take this george he’s getting ready

Okay guys guys guys right here He’s just going great i’ll keep my eyes on him over here wait what oh my god how many times There’s a little bit of a trick you can do with the clay in the rivers wait how would it there’s no way how long has it been it’s been like 10 minutes or something i’m i’m just i’m dead give me blocks give me blocks now everyone give me blocks i think this is

The most like hopeless i’ve felt in a manhood ever it’s literally okay can you go up we’ll stay down here we’ll sit down here He’s on your tower come up there up there oh wait okay don’t get on the way out this is so exciting stop be careful don’t be careful i’m just kidding i’m down there you’re just gonna hit me off oh he’s going back he’s moving wait what oh he blocked

This just come kill me knock me down if i’m literally one hit don’t just jump on him i’m not gonna jump i’m not gonna i don’t have water And then we can flood it like as long as you want sam just wait just take my bucket all the years of driving up just like old time buddy oh my god oh ruined portal get it i can’t jump no no No he left some stuff kill him down grabbing it boys Oh yeah i’m sure he’s gonna miss the water as he’s running straight into like a river oh my gosh you guys like all have diamond in the first two seconds He’s getting the weight he’s getting it off okay i’m gonna kill Oh my gosh damn that was insane that was actually crazy Don’t want to chase them in somewhere something dumb and then he gets resources and somehow beats us we need to go in now come on let’s go all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go to the doors okay where is he oh like impossible to break blocks is there

No other way out i’m trying to break the hay bale it’s oh my god it’s it’s done one pixel of breaking oh my god that was awesome no we have to we’re gonna have to break a door i’m breaking this this is going to take forever if you’re looking for the mining fatigue

Let me let me have a charge this minus mining you only have one we can switch it yeah we can come through one oh wait you should have broken this oh wait there’s a jungle oh yeah i see it it’s like uh oh my god he’s he has an iron pickaxe oh

And there’s a calp here milk it milk it wait i see him he’s right here go go go go go go go wait i can make a boat wait we’re following you guys make a bud charge well i wasn’t sure if we could go around Where is he he’s in the cave he’s like down in there how is he i’m not drowning what he’s done what’s that on the bucket this is what he’s doing oh oh that’s so smart i don’t have a bucket um don’t make a door

I need i need some air i need some air wait how do you guys even get down there so when they came into it Yeah just bring it back oh we didn’t get a bed let me let me guys there’s nowhere for him to go down there there’s no room to go just go down there and kill him slip all of you go you can kill him oh you said that last time

I’m getting it wait why i thought you said you had it get myself just get my stuff oh you memed me you named me i was gonna get it i actually stopped that’s so terrible wait good job zap what wait i just saw jim’s name i think oh my gosh yeah i see

I see his name down there oh i’m gonna get some stone here real oh it’s like an actual cave here it’s not even like water anymore yeah oh you see him he’s all the way over there yeah yeah but how did he go from here oh there’s a cave right here look yeah

Wait under earth Almost full diamond i’m get we need some iron again if you see it it was a mining expedition i thought we were killing dream well i mean he’s down here but where is he this is this way this way this way yes George go yeah i feel like we just i lost everybody yeah george are you still up there no what are you doing i want an expedition of sorts I see you over there you get over there my little goggy wait dream went through this one to the next oh there’s diamonds right here please if it has five i get a diamond helmet and get full diamond wait who’s cooking this cook rabbit for me thank you wait

How do you get diamonds oh that’s one of our own porcelain ruined portal i’m almost for lion we need like a portal though we can we should be able to make money there’s like a lot of gravel so if we just find a little bit someone please give me food

No there’s one lava piece here i’m just gonna cut it please I don’t think he came this way why do you think that why don’t i think i don’t know there’s no evidence there there has to be a portal one of these things where’s the path he might have come up i’m gonna grab this in this water there’s a lot of like lava

Falls here but i’m going to say grab oh there’s a grass he might have come through this way guys we could just see there portal there no but there’s a crash look for a portal let’s try and yeah there’s lava there’s literally lava right here Here go up and get it i’m gonna try and get this piece of lava actually wait how do we get it yeah yeah it’s like power i We can we can make a portal if it’s if it’s linked up right let’s just yeah it should be close enough that we can find it at least like there’s only one lava up there and that kind of yeah that was only one waterfall you just but there’s more waterfalls

Down the path for they’re on yeah actually i need uh shy craft guys bring the lava to where me and anthony i don’t have a bucket yeah and there’s no iron near me you’re in a cave look around for like two seconds and you’ll find it yeah i’m looking around

For more than two minutes or something like this oh let’s just take yourself thank you so much guys over here guys no this is good this is it this is it does that work 2.2 no no no no no yeah look we’ll just take the we’ll just

Take the floor down see it’s easy oh i see i see everybody ready hold on we’re gonna get walking we’re getting food now we should we should probably try and make shields we should probably try and make shields oh it’s portal’s literally right here it’s literally right okay so we

Literally came out right next to it where is he where is he look for him back him he could have gone this way the whole time i wasn’t there the entire time i wasn’t there wait we just wait how long has it been we went to the netherlands i’m taking a stacker point

Oh no a bad idea mining away like are you not supposed to use q-tips not in your ear yeah you need to flush it out yeah that’s one method all right fine let’s like kill a dream or whatever i guess where are your dream dream your reign of

Anarchy has come to an end move out let’s go he doesn’t have a boat get him done he’s in my bag screwed one two three one all right he’s dead i got him it’s all over now he ate a golden apple but it won’t matter because

Oh oh he couldn’t i couldn’t i could have like there’s everyone who’s placed a thingy what just happened i don’t oh yeah you’re not the only one that’s golden apples oh my gosh I’m going get we’re so close yes he got hung up on that he’s on the trees he’s going on up again tower on fire and it went out right as it goes oh what i didn’t like pretty close to after you do the other one ooh that might be good bye let’s go

Let’s go oh oh he’s jumping wherever boom this is it the hit that will end it all i missed oh my god go go go go don’t worry guys awesome dude arguably the worst one of us got it there first let’s go wow well there’s a there’s a outpost here He’s gotta be low so sam You got him you got him i got a nice crit i got a knife what do you want to do stay with me no drop it all here look it’s all off drop it all it’s off just kill me just hop out and kill you nice hand

You got him we got him go go go go kill him ah We already already passed oh my gosh i’m right behind him we got this how is he so fast what how is he so fast he went down a hole look at him it’s a cave he’s like going way down into this cave around the corner george watch out oh my god guys [Applause] It’d be easier to go down why because you can pull things in easier you don’t have to stack up where is oh i see him i literally see him nice do you like my speech Funny oh no what nothing come here dream last time you did that after the video you told me you saw the fortress What Oh that was clean let’s go guys did you get that on camera wait wait wait what how did that hit me easy oh We’re catching up to you guys i need food Oh dream stop dream stop we can talk Stop stop just don’t fight until we get there isn’t my stuff What are you doing here where are you running where is he oh he’s over there oh my god You got him get his feet oh my god oh my god outside he’s just leading us Ah Stop turning around i’m looking to see who’s behind me be careful george where is he where is he he fell careful george he’s running he’s done ready to go ready to go i think under is somewhere where he’s trees he’s carrying it oh my gosh god i need food

Come here i lost him he’s over there he’s digging the wall he’s getting the wall here ready go go go go You’re welcome Here come here george and drop these take those and follow me do you haven’t used a pickaxe or anything no just stay with me i have nothing he’s getting blazers he’s getting things running he’s in the house oh my gosh yes he has to be this way

That’s not a crafting table oh nice wait has dream is this green wait the compass says he’s back here i hear blaze is dying where is he he’s killing him oh it’s good did someone check up here he’s here oh he’s here i’m gonna do it careful Oh a i don’t know i don’t know oh i see him he’s towering oh yeah i see him over there see him over there this guy is shooting at you guys go go go where is he going this way he went in here give hole as follows hold this you wouldn’t do this

Gosh wait hey lee are you going to go he i think he left a fortress guys do we have george by the way no this is the spawner that we broke yeah i have stuff for sure i have stuff all right i’m looking for dream duh i know but we

Need to get george george where are you he gets here i’ll give him his stuff you can try again look it’s like a death trap trying to get back you guys don’t understand uh where is he he must have ran that way then how is the compass still pointing this way what

I mean maybe you look that way oh my god how fast can you get back here okay it takes a while it takes a while it’s hard to get back that’s fair that’s fair oh with their skeleton be careful can be deadly they are very scary I thought that was a death message of george dying in chat i was definitely so happy this is like it’s like saga i had a heart more no no no no no it’ll be interesting it’s never been done before i’m just gonna quit no no

Do you get here i have stuff for you i’m just a meme i’m a meme we know but hurry up and get back your army he’s in a bastion he’s in a bastion don’t get knocked off by the stupid pig i have more gold pants if you want them

George oh there’s another bridge oh yeah did he mine through here no he bridged literally where i am right now look and then he went down the street and he dropped like and he thought he was really good at parkour and then but he wasn’t and then he came over this way i’m

Tracking him down well because the compass is pointing this way so there’s no other way that he got across this lava the compass can deceive you that’s rule number one of being a hunter never always trust the compass never always trust my compass we’re number one sometimes an idiot about

That’s rule number two you know what rule number 14 is never leave home without a man rule number four never leave the house without a picture of scappy in your wallet what do you guys think left or right well i don’t know i’m going left because

It’s the end of this stupid biome and i’m getting out of it yeah cool story bro oh dreams okay what’s black and white and red all over is it a penguin penguin is only black and white is it a penguin that i’ve molded with a baseball bat

When are we gonna announce that rat’s gonna be the seventh hunter when are you gonna announce that died and we buried her Look i have only gold you guys can all trade me like one piece of your armor just so i’m a bit tankier you know i’m gonna be very clear with you guys you want me to give anything to george you have to kill me for it so wait what

Hey watch out guys look i hate this biome damn do you see that oh a strider with a pigment on it yeah yeah gasps working on it come on do it do it get it i’m trying Go go go let’s go i’m gonna go up here oh dream are you okay i’m following you oh look i found loot there’s flute here here wilson don’t fall in the hole i’m oh my goodness watch out for broods like trying to figure out how to get in

And just go kill him but we’re doing that at the same time he sucks Yeah yeah yeah yep god better i don’t know where he went from oh i think he went up here but we’re right here Oh my god he’s like we’re going the wrong way he’s like yeah i don’t know why are we going this way you know you lead the way then george is shooting at you take the lead you mind the bottom i mind the top zap nap is that one of you guys mining Guys look how much it moves when you move side to side we are literally right next to him listen to him Where is he he’s this way like He’s right there he’s right there george careful oh my god He’s right there he’s doing the bridge Oh i see what you’re doing sound out let’s go can someone else get up here with me right now i see you i see you uh oh he’s running he’s ready Okay right here I just have my shield up oh he’s digging into the wall oh oh my gosh what where’d he go there’s no way he was able to take many blocks i literally started digging right after him did he drop down there’s a staircase here okay the compass is pointing to the right it’s

Turning right it’s turning right did he go over this i hear him breaking blocks he’s like right here nice guys guys it’s look how fast it just moved across he’s not moving i don’t think he’s moving no wait wait I can’t tell if he’s oh yeah he’s moving a little bit did he go past us what no I don’t hear anything oh Yeah i think you should i think you should come my way oh what side are you on you on the left oh yeah Oh my goodness right behind him i was able to go back up there we’re way down behind chasing i’m chasing yeah i’m saying i see him he’s below me he’s eating oh my goodness come on wait what what he’s like blew across he’s glowing when

He was glowing what wait i don’t think i can go i don’t think you can bow boost in this version i don’t i don’t i didn’t think you could either it’s just it’s hard it’s much harder you can go boost what guys use pearls if you have to because

He’s gonna be bow boosting really far like fast he’s moving from something else again didn’t he We’re almost there come on george i’m like i’m like i’m like wasting his time oh my goodness we’re almost there he’s throwing the under eye kill him stop it he’s right ahead of me his bow is so dumb so far i don’t know where are you george where are you i’m i

Can just see him he’s a he’s like just going to be on my own distance soon he’s getting a tree okay he’s getting a tree guys he’s getting it he broke so perfectly Watch out george oh my god oh my gosh there’s a giant canyon here Where Is Oh no guys get up here he’s up here he’s only he’s there yeah right here look where are you coming with me he’s looking at a sheep yeah just swim i can’t fight everything guys he’s got enough stuff i think he could take me yeah you’re right i can and i

Will i’ll bye bye get this guys guys let’s talk about this okay i’m going i’m going he’s running he’s running he’s killing cows right now okay well stop him don’t let him go down i mean i can try fight him or like just distract him Think we got him we got him we got him oh my god oh my gosh I tried to pull water That one’s from tik-tok Was full oh my god go go go he he beamed me with the water i hate the water he’s spamming oh my god okay it’s okay No it’s not it’s the other way oh are you kidding me the water is so annoying it’s so stupid stop oh my gosh jerk oh my god dream come here we just want to kill you jeez i will say this is very nice to rain i really like how this looks oh and

No no come on catch and catch it oh I’m coming oh wait he fired an arrow be careful there he is he’s on this side he’s on this side go go go this is so frustrating like i don’t know what to do you could always die that’s always not exactly dying just stop running come on Oh oh oh i have i in my inventory Just like i drowned just like i drowned in the i Move in the eye okay he’s gonna try and catch the eye get him he’s ready Roll faster How do you get to the portal before me almost every time that that was correct it might be because there’s five of us okay so dream has a 16.66 chance we all enter at the same time of finding it before us but get all the things into account

So she’s actually higher it’s probably closer to like a 20 chance yeah the weighted percentage yeah it’s a bit higher because he’s got some experience and skills that we don’t have Does anyone have lava i have like one that’s not enough wait is that afk i’m not a okay you would yeah okay what are you doing there’s no girlfriend again on you oh my goodness you’ve been texting her all manhood i don’t like this joke cut it out he doesn’t want anyone Wait guys look i need something to do in the meantime someone on the team is completely and utterly useless but i won’t say here i wonder if i will say that begins with a b In it He’s i don’t know i don’t know oh oh my gosh hold on flying again i have a nine axe yeah okay nice nice what is he doing up there he just played again i’ll see ya i’ll stop him i’ll stop him oh yeah oh you’re going to catch me sam

You did this last time too bye bye i’m going i’m going to you’re not because you’re too slow oh my goodness i’m going someone follow me so follow me come on stop it you’re beating him up one stop now this is just keep going how close about how close am i just keep

Going come on but you actually might make it i think you’re gonna make it you’re gonna make it you’re going to get to the right of you he’s the radio now can you go now Wait what watch out watch out watch out don’t let watch out for the boat build a wall a little wall stop get back here just get back to us get back yourself get ready get ready oh my god the dragon says the dragon say watch out watch

Oh my goodness george can you go back and give him uh get help him get up he bro he broke the machine he broke the machine we got him right here here i’m not going to staircase up a little bit careful because he’s coming get ready get ready

Oh my that you’re kidding me but quickly here i put okay cover me you suck he’s building up he’s like just what’s he doing just break his finger yeah just pick it oh if it would it would not bud what what oh fudge yeah

I put wood down you just break it all so we can’t like i’m building up i’m building i’m building a building i’m building up my training armor i have an island No no no no no he’s trying to take everybody back to the island quick go up go up go up i’m up i’m over there i’m showering Oh thanks guys we’re going to watch i’m going to watch it for you i’m going to watch for you guys tell me if he looks back tell me if he starts to applaud his voice i know i know i’m ready bye bye oh my gosh white it’s right

Below us it’s literally right below us killing you guys we should probably try and get to the same height that way Is Stuff trying to get my stuff back fudge careful about it this is challenging i don’t we don’t want to get knocked we don’t want to get knocked out thanks for all the food sam um He’s making like a little shape should we go up or should we stay down what do you think he’s caught like a little rat up there just waiting for jordan george where are you i’m down here at the bottom okay bye see you where is [Applause] oh george oh We have to go quick i’m hurrying we’re trying Yes oh my god oh my gosh Get him get him get him up here go just oh my god He’s on the ground oh my god is just kill him just killing everyone together let’s go let’s go oh that’s pain so i’m the real winner

Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters THE LAST MANHUNT. You asked for it. The Grand Finale. This was absolutely insane.
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BadBoyHalo: @thesaintsofgames
George: @GeorgeNotFound
Sapnap: @Sapnap
Antfrost: @Antfrost
awesamdude: @awesamdude

We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are FIVE hunters instead of THREE hunters or just one.

This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost AND my friend awesamdude tries to prevent me from doing it. It’s a race, and it’s super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges.

If this video gets 2,000,000 likes we’ll do something extra special.

Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin



  1. i love how dream clutches in the end with like 5 mins till death but gets the ender pearl with his fishing rod. like without the fishing rod he would have died

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