I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft

What if instead of spawning on a normal minecraft world you spawned here with only one block beneath your feet and nowhere to go in this video i spent 100 days on one block minecraft if you don’t know what one block minecraft is basically you spawn on one block this

Block is unlimited and it always respawns it can also spawn chests animals and mobs there are 10 different phases and the last phase is the end portal and my goal is to defeat the enderdragon and if you’re new here please please subscribe because i’ve been working really hard on these videos

And like bruh we could do better than this guys come on alright guys that’s it for now and drop a like if you enjoyed this video i started off day one with you guessed it punching a tree no i’m just playing i’m actually getting grass this time but

I spent the entire day one just figuring out what to do because i decided not to read the instructions so i felt like i was building some ikea furniture i then got my first chest and got two saplings so this will help me plant some trees obviously then sadly i

Lost my first ever friend goodbye douglas they didn’t even give me a warning that a pig was spawning i then got my second chest and guess what i got i got a water bucket so i decided to use this so i can put a block underneath the

Unlimited block so this will make it a lot easier to mine and now i can grab some gravel it won’t just fall into the void but really who uses gravel other than getting flint i then got my third chest and it made a really weird noise at me

That noise kind of startled me a little bit but there’s a lot of hearts coming from the chest so i thought it’d be something good like diamonds but i got five pieces of wood and a sapling that basically just sums up what my girlfriend gets me as a gift it looks

Good on the outside once i open the gift it’s just complete trash i’m just kidding don’t kill me but then my blog got an upgrade i reached phase one the planes i’m guessing this is all wood and grass and maybe some animals and then my pig came back to life

What a miracle i’m so happy to have you back douglas i have no idea how i named him douglas so randomly but i guess his name is douglas now i then made him a little prison i mean a little nice house and then i politely told him to get your ass in the

House you guys definitely didn’t see any physical abuse and then once i got a minute i decided to try to drown him i totally forgot pigs are like 95 fat so they could float in water so what i’m saying is they’re basically my girlfriend i’m just kidding but then i got the pig

Back into his cage a couple blocks later my girlfriend’s sister just spawned why won’t you look at that a cow i know she watches my videos from time to time so i’m about to get a nasty text everyone pray for me and i’m obviously kidding about all the jokes but you guys might

Not see me again on day two i made my first crafting table and i finally got some tools i totally forgot this is actually minecraft and i can make tools so it took me an entire day to realize that i could make wood tools i then put all my junk into a

Chest and then i went back to mining i didn’t know my girlfriend had a third sister it’s kind of funny though because my girlfriend does have two sisters and then a chicken spawn and i decided to kill it because you know i love me some fried chicken could we all just take a

Moment and talk about how amazing fried chicken is in the comments but as i was trying to get this cow into the hole something really embarrassing happened and i don’t even really want to show you guys ah just watch yup i literally just walked off the edge with

A stack and a half of dirt that is literally all the dirt i’m gonna get this entire world you stupid cow i then decided to give him a taste of his own medicine yeah how does that feel now and then guess what he responded like a block later

And instead of getting into the hole he started flexing on them and break dancing on top of them the amount of disrespect this guy showed and then had to push him in you know just show him who’s boss around here i then spent the rest of day two just straight up mining

Bright and early on day three i decided to expand my island so i don’t just walk off the edge again because that kind of scarred me for life and hopefully i don’t die ever again on this island good thing it’s not hardcore but um i did die a lot on this island

But listen all my deaths were kind of funny i then got a chest with some seeds in it and then i got an upgrade i was very eager to figure out what this upgrade was so i could not wait i was so impatient and then the next phase was the

Underground i’m guessing this is all stone and everything underground i’m sure i didn’t have to say that i then used the cobblestone and upgraded my tools to stone tools and then i got my first iron ore one block later i got another piece of iron

Which is awesome so i can soon get an iron pickaxe and then this guy spawned and i was like who the hell are you i totally forgot mushrooms existed so then i used my wood to make some fences so i can expand my farm and here’s a little time lapse As i was mining these two zombies spawned and i thought i was gonna die i was panicking i didn’t have a sword i didn’t have a shield and i had nowhere to go i was actually so scared for some reason and of course they both spawned with

Helmets so they couldn’t burn in the sun i then jumped on top of my chest and i killed them both and then mine some trees and mine for the rest of the night all the way until day six and by the way i made a little

Chest area and a little tree farm off camera just to let you guys know and the same exact thing happened on day six two zombies spawned and had nowhere to go this time the trees were on my way i also have four hearts and i was

Panicking so i just jumped on top of my chest again and it occurred to me that it’s probably a good time to make my first sword i then spend rest of day six just making a farm so i have some food because i’m kind of starving

I then went ahead to plant some seeds for some wheat and i planted some melons and then i spent the rest of the night just watching them grow because everyone knows that plants get lonely too on day seven i finally got my first couple of melons

And i went right back to mining and as i was mining i was getting disturbed by a lot of different mobs a spider spawned and then a zombie spawned and then two more spiders spawned and just when i thought that was enough mobs for the day of course this has to happen

A creeper just spawns out of nowhere i didn’t even know that could happen after fixing up what he blew up i got another upgrade i had no idea what was coming and then i got the icy tundra i wonder what amazing and unique blocks this phase would get me

Yeah it’s basically awesome who would have guessed and then this guy spawned i got a little wolf i’m super excited to have an actual pet so i decide to trap them so i can save up enough bones so i can tame them and have my first ever friend

I then spent day eight to ten just doing some work around my base i increased my farm size plant some more melons planted some more wheat seed i then realized instead of eating melons i just remembered i have a mushroom cow i totally forgot mushrooms to give you

Mushroom stew so i made some bowls and i milked them up i then decided to expand my animal zoo because i wanted to breed all these cows until i had like 40 million so i could start eating some steak instead and expanding this farm and getting all the animals in the correct

Place took two full day and nights because it took forever to get the animals in the correct places but once it was all done and they’re all organized when on the day 11. i dedicated day 11 just to increase my tree farm because i realized that trees would be a

Much better block to build with than just mining the unlimited block because one log will give you four planks i planted down some saplings and waited all night to watch them grow once day 12 came around i spent this entire day just doing more work around the island

I broke some melons harvested my wheat forced my cows to make some love and i smelted all my iron ore and i made my first iron tools i got myself a pickaxe a axe and a shovel and i was finally looking like a pro gamer with my iron tools

I continued day 12 just mining and then this guy spawned and i have no idea what this thing was it looked like a homeless skeleton i was so scared i killed it with no problem and then not one but two of them spawned and now i was actually panicking

I had no idea where my sword was it wasn’t in my inventory so i killed one quickly grabbed my stone sword from the chest and killed the other and since they’re skeletons they drop some bones so i decided to use two bones to try to tame the wolf

And it didn’t work i then spent day 13 of 15 just straight up money for some resources and then this freaking beast spawned out of nowhere i have never seen a polar bear i didn’t know if they were going to attack me i didn’t know if they were hostile so i

Quickly sneaked away and pulled out my store just in case and then he started chasing these winter wolves or whatever that were on my island so so i pushed him into a cage this is your new home buddy i then punched him and he started jumping i didn’t know they could do that

After mining the whole night on day 16 i got a message saying you wear a monster party and i had no idea what to expect and then a whole bunch of random mobs are spawning and i was so scared i knew i was gonna die here

But i quickly built up i ran away and i hid in the trees like an actual gorilla i ate my mushroom stew to heal up and my dog came to rescue me it wasn’t my dog though just a ram dog that spawned but sadly it died protecting me but i think i

Killed it i then killed all the mobs and i swear there is one more left i have no idea where it went i had a feeling he was hiding my tree farm checked the farm it wasn’t there and i thought i was tripping so i went to the tree farm as

He was there and guess what luckily he didn’t do too much hearts on me even though he had a sword and a good thing i killed him i ended up getting eight bones from killing the monster party and i had enough to tame the wolf now i finally have a

Friend i then decide to make him a dog house so i got a whole bunch of wood and i start making him a dog house so here’s a quick fast forward to that and just like that my dog has his own house it’s kind of sad that my dog has a house

Before i do but it’s all good he is my best friend anyways i then spent the night of day 17 expatting my tree farm to get enough wood so i can start making my own house because i was kind of jealous of my dog i also realized that i’ve been using

That jump cut edit way too much so i won’t do that anymore because i know it’s getting annoying that would be my last one haha i got you guys there but i did spend day 18 to 20 just grinding my wood to get enough wood to make myself a house After two very long days of mining i finally got six stacks of wood and i think that is enough to start making my house And then spend day 26 just doing some more work around the place i harvested some stuff got some melons made some love with the cows like what i usually do every day i gave my mushroom some wheat just to feed him because he was lonely and i went right back to mining because

Everything i use to build my island comes from this one block so i gotta do a lot of mining and then to my surprise i got another upgrade and i was really happy for this because i really did not like the ice phase at all and the next phase

Guess what it is the ocean phase which isn’t much better to be honest the good thing is i got another friend a turtle spawn and he was so cute so i started pushing him to the water because i thought he would just suffocate and guess what he actually did end up suffocating but

To a melon and not to lack of water i thought that was quite funny that he was suffocating to a melon but i decided to make him a little home so i made a little swimming pool for him or i guess you could say that’s a bathtub

Because it’s pretty small but water is water so be grateful mr turtle i’mma call him george and he had enough space to swim around so that’s good enough for him then i got my first ever diamonds and i was so excited yeah if you couldn’t tell already i was

Just hopping on top of the diamond even george was excited for me then i minded my diamonds and i also got another diamond about five minutes later i then spent day 29 at 31 expanding my animal sanctuary because it was getting way too small for the amount of animals i’ve been getting and

Whenever mobs spawn they always fall into the zoo and i always end up killing my animals by accident as i kill the mobs so a bigger animal farm is well needed and this is what it looked like when it was all finished on day 32 i thought it’d be a good idea

To make a darker room or a mob spawner so i cleared up my entire farm because i didn’t really use it that much but i was also going to remake the farm somewhere else but i dedicated this area for the mob spawner i then realized i didn’t have

Enough blocks to start the mob spawner so then i spent the rest of day 32 all the way to 33 just mining blocks and the ocean bottom kept spawning in fish and they were suffocating it was kind of sad just seeing all these dolphins just suffocating and i couldn’t do anything about it

And then the turtle spawned and i had a friend for george but there were actually two so then pushed one of the turtles to george and the other one sadly got separated during birth but at least the two turtles are happy swimming in their little bathtub and then another monster party happened

And i had no idea what to expect because this was the ocean biome and then a whole bunch of drowns and squidwards and stuff started spawning out i was so scared i quickly put all my stuff away just in case i died didn’t want to lose

Anything and i went straight to battle i knocked one of the squidwards off and i fought the other and he left me at one heart and i thought i was gonna die right there i quickly ate up the heal up and i fought these drowns for some reason they weren’t attacking me which

Was really nice then i got attacked by two more drowns they both had tridents and killed them both and one luckily dropped their trident and this was my first ever tried it on minecraft i was so excited i thought i looked pretty sick with it but this is the aftermath

After the back to back intense battle once i had enough blocks to spend the rest of the night just making my mob spawning and of course it wouldn’t be a 100 days video if i didn’t get attacked by dinosaurs and also didn’t have any armor so they

Would do so much damage to me and i could not aim so it took me a pretty long time to kill these guys one of the phantoms did drop their phantom membrane though so this would be really helpful to make some slow falling potions when i killed the ender dragon

And i just realized the ender dragon is a bigger dragon a bigger version of the phantom mind blown but anyways this is the time lapse of me making the dark room it took me a couple days but i finally finished i then broke down all the torches and made a quick way down

Hoping that a creeper wouldn’t just fall on me and blow up i then got my first couple of mobs and it was working pretty good it wasn’t as fast as i thought it would be but at least it’s working after a little bit of waiting the mob

Spawned to start picking up the speed and it was pretty awesome i then expanded the platform put some chests down to collect my mob loot i’m not even sure what i’m gonna do with the mob loot but i guess i’m a hoarder and i’m gonna keep it anyways

After a day of grinding i realized it was getting a little bit slower so i built up to check what was going on and this is what i found yep that is everybody’s worst nightmare just finding a whole bunch of spiders for some reason these spiders wouldn’t go down the hole

And they just clogged up the entire thing exactly like what happens after you eat some taco bell it just doesn’t go down the hole man and for some reason these spiders would droop up in the corner of the dark room i have no idea why maybe they had a fetish or something i’m

Not a scientist but after killing all the spiders that decide to do this and i think it might fix the spider problem i then ran out of blocks and i had the mlg water bucket yeah i already know i’m sick of the game you guys don’t have to tell me in the

Comments i’m just playing but i got a whole bunch of resources again and i made my way up and i thought that putting a slab on every other block would stop the spiders from spawning because they’re two blocks yeah only an archaeologist like me would

Know that fact i then tested to see if it was working and it started off really slow but then it picked up the speed again and that was a big relief speaking of reliefs i had to go to the bathroom so i just advocate on day 40 and i was

Gone for the entire day so you can probably assume that i had some taco bell yeah my personal plunger was not happy i’ll tell you that much but anyways i’m not sure what i’m telling you about my personal life i mean my personal problems on day 41 i decided to

Finally remove the ugly cobblestone from my island and replace my tree farm with wood it looks a lot cleaner now i then found this hole in my chest room and i had no idea how it got there so i looked at my dog and he looked a

Little bit guilty i then replanted all my trees and i realized i was pretty low on materials i only had two diamonds and seven iron i only mined about 1700 blocks and so i spent five days just mining i got a chest and i got a full durability tried

It and i also got two buckets of fish which was more important i then put him in my little swimming pool and now my turtles had some company a couple of blocks later got an upgrade and i was really excited for this because the water phase

Was so bad and then i got the jungle phase which gave me a couple parrots and they were pretty awesome i tamed one and i made him to work a little bit and now my best friend had another friend a bird i’m gonna name the bird william then i went straight back

To mining and then these guys spawned and i don’t even know the names of these guys but they were not fun to deal with the way they charge at you is so scary i didn’t have any armor so i was really scared and i could not aim because there’s just so little i

Then decided to get a bow and arrow because i thought for some reason it would be easier to shoot these guys in mid-air then hit them with a sword it makes total sense i know i calculated it alright i then got ocelot or a cat i

Tried to find some fish to tame it and only had one so for some reason i thought it would work and obviously it didn’t so i had to kill the two fishes i had it was kind of sad too because they were like kind of making out

When i killed them and then i accidentally knocked off george luckily he landed in the water and he was swimming up so i tried helping him to get above ground but didn’t work so i just left him down there to swim and let’s be honest he probably likes

Swimming down there more than my little bathtub i then fed the cat two fishes and it didn’t work so i tried feeding him some tropical fish but he’s just a picky eater so he wouldn’t eat it so instead of wasting i tried feeding it to my polar bear and he started

Dancing for me look at him go I then went back to mining and i got a second polar bear oh wait that’s not a polar bear that’s a panda and i really didn’t know what to do with this big ass guy so i just threw him down here and aimed an arrow at his head i’m not sure

Why then these two witches spawned and let me tell you i’ve had the worst experiences with these witches man they are so annoying i started shooting arrows at them and went through a instant damage at me and he left me half a heart he then threw a slonus

Potion at me and luckily he missed me but like bruh why why the turtle he’s already slow enough look at him i then use my ears to shoot them off and kill them took forever because they kept healing up i then grabbed some food to

Heal up because i ran out of food and went right back to mining and guess what these guys just spawned just to annoy me man and with my godly aim i killed one of them and i ended up killing the second one with my godly it

Yeah never mind i take that back my aim is actually poo and just when i thought it was all over a monster party and having the block mode at me made me feel even more uncomfortable and at this point i had no idea what to do all these guys fly they’re all really

Small and i had nowhere to go i was just running around panicking and to make it worse like i said these witches are so annoying the witch through slowing his potion at me and then a poison and right here i was really panicking and i tried running away from everything and trying

To find a safe place to go which is pretty much nowhere i then tried killing these flying monkeys so i can try to heal up and it was not working and for some reason i tried building up and i forgot they could totally fly and i ended up dying but dying actually

Helped because these guys stopped aggroing me and now i can just shoot them out of the sky without them attacking me then i quickly killed this witch because i literally hate witches my girlfriend and then the next morning of course they spawned again but damn it

Looked like i had aimbot right there and of course the witches spawn again these guys just won’t stop spawning and annoying me i just want to mine in peace man i then got some high ground hoping that their potions won’t hit me and then of course

They do and i got left with half a heart again i’m the luckiest person alive i swear i always live by half a heart finally once i killed them both i got two diamonds and i kept hearing and whispering next to my ears so i pressed it at five and

My parrots were just sitting on my shoulder and i got attacked by two more of those flying gorillas man i started spamming my arrows hoping i can hit him and i accidentally killed my parrot poor um i think his name is william yeah i’m a great owner i then place the

Remains of william in an item frame to honor him and even the other pair knew what happened he flew to me looked at me in disgust and flew away now that is probably the saddest thing i’ve ever seen on a block a game and then these two

Witches spawned and i was so fed up and the second i dropped my shield they both threw poison potions at me and this time i was gonna show them who’s boss i was so sick of dealing with these guys he then missed his damage potion so i

Made a run for it hid in the trees and then this happened bruh like why man why i ended up punching him off the edge how was i managed to kill him with a fist but not a bow and arrow i then grabbed all my items and i thought i was

Missing something so i went to check the trees and i’m actually crying i was so upset i literally got humiliated live on youtube by big-nosed unibrow ugly looking ass villagers man and then i made a spartan hole and i was really hoping this would help

Me with the mobs i then went to make some more slabs i grabbed some wood and i made 32 buttons i was upset i then placed them all over the floor to remind me how stupid i am for the rest of this entire video i then decorated my spartan hole a little bit

And there it is and now we wait for a mob and the second i turn around guess what spawned this freaking unibrow looking ass villager i then knocked him into the hole and it worked perfectly his brother then spawned and i punched him to the hole

And wow this is probably the best idea i’ve ever had i then got one of those love chest things and it gave me two diamonds then right after breaking the chest i got an upgrade and now i’m on phase six the red desert i then got my first lapis orr and

Then a couple blocks later i got an emerald ore and i was starting to really like this phase six it can’t get any better right then i got this diamond and of course a fox spawned and he just finessed my diamond he just wouldn’t give it to me

So i had to teach him the hard way and kill him i hope that fox learned his lesson even though he’s kind of dead and as i was casually mining this guy spawned and wow i got my first villager good news is on the way boys that means i can start

Trading soon so i quickly got him in a boat and i trapped him in a fence cage and there we go now i’m just praying for a second villager and i spent the rest of day 48 just holding left click on this block i ended up getting a lot of ores and i

Didn’t really want to show you guys this but here’s a quick clip of me dying to this guy yeah i was not happy and then on day 49 to 50 i expanded my island i made this huge area for my farms i planted a butt ton of wheat and then i

Put a whole bunch of sand down so i can plant some sugar cane i then made an extra farming layer i’m not sure what i’m gonna plant here but i guess it’s good to have but it does come in handy when i plant some carrots for my villagers i then planted a whole

Bunch of bamboo and this will give me a good source of sticks therefore i can trade for emeralds now i’m just praying for my second villager so on day 51 i went right back to mining in hopes for a second villager as i was mining i got my second trident and then

Speak of the devil my boy bob bob the villager spawned and this guy was so reluctant he was starting to annoy me he kept running around my entire base i kid you not he literally touched every block on my island i finally trapped him i clear all the trees and all the dirt

To make some room for my villager breeder i then went right to work for the next three days making my slave center i mean my villager breeder i want to go make some fences and then bro why does this happen to me i fell through the smallest hole on my entire island

I was so upset i just stood there looking at my screen there was steam coming out of my ears man i was so mad and then made some more fences and went right back to work trying to ignore what just happened i then planted all my carrots and i got

Both of my villagers in captivity hopefully these two guys are compatible i mean one guy one girl or it could be ah never mind let’s not go there and i made a little waterway or a transport area to bring those baby villagers to another place

I threw the beds down and now it’s a waiting game watching these two lovebirds fall in love in the sunset while i wait for the villagers to make a baby i decide to spend the next two days mining Here are my mining highlights i got a chest full of emeralds i got another modding upgrade and it was the nether phase which means a lot of mobs and these piglets started attacking me and they chased me all around my base i managed to quickly block them off i got some high ground

And i managed to kill them off thank god i also got my first ancient debris i made my first diamond pickaxe and i mined it up i then got attacked by two hoglands and this was probably the scariest moment of my life i then ran through this little crack and i was like

Haha you can’t touch me now oh never mind and then the two hog then stopped attacking me but he yiedded my bird into the air no idea why he killed my bird but i was kind of upset and he somehow reached me i have no idea how i somehow lived with one heart

I finally got the safety and last but not least blazes i’m so happy my entire island is not made out of wood yup i’m not really liking this nether face anymore that was the most stressful two days i’ve ever experienced my villager still hasn’t

Made a baby yet so i kept mining and i got a lava bucket on day 58. i was really excited for this because i can make a cobblestone generator i quickly made a cobblestone generator and i totally forgot my entire island is made of wood like i didn’t learn from

The blazes and it started burning so i made another platform with these prismarine blocks i have no idea why the blocks were just sitting there and i decided to use a different block and a mind all the way until sunrise once my pickaxe broke i ended off with

Three stacks and a half of cobblestone then on day 60 i wanted to check on my villagers and they still haven’t made a baby yet maybe both of them were guys every time they would try to breed and make love these clouds will always pop up i

Have no idea what it means but i tried fixing everything so i replaced everything and i watched them again and i think they just weren’t compatible with each other their tinder profile just did not match so i did what any logical person would do and instead of searching out what the

Problem is i decided to completely destroy the entire thing and remake it and somehow i left for two seconds and my villager turned to a zombie villager so i made some potions i threw a weakness on them and got them a golden apple just to cure them back to life i built

Another home for them and i skipped this entire building process but i made a huge window just so i can watch them make love you know violate their privacy villagers don’t have rights right unless i’m wrong i then place down their bed so they have some place to sleep and i played the

Waiting game once again i then placed down a couple of doors thinking it would help but i’m pretty sure it didn’t it did spawn a couple of iron golems though which was pretty awesome and they were a really good source of iron because i’m just so lazy i didn’t want to mine

I then fed the villagers some carrots so they can start breeding and a mine for the rest of the day and then i got jump scared by this guy I gotta say ghasts make some beautiful noises when they’re dying but for some reason these achievements sound like so majestic that’s a big word i don’t even know why that came out of my mouth but anyways i just traded with the villagers hoping he’ll convince them to breed and to pass

The time i just did some work around the island and i’ve never wanted too pixelated objects to make a baby this bad in my life i then just started mining i minded a bunch of obsidian so i can go to the nether suit then these two blazes spawn

And the amount of fireballs they shot scared me i turned around and i saw my entire island on fire i quickly extinguished all the fires and i was praying there was not one i missed it probably wasn’t a good idea to make everything underwood and then i got a

Monster party and i already knew there was gonna be like 80 blazes i then ran as far as i can i got shot his fireball and shot it right back to him and i killed him that was kind of sick then i saw all these fireballs coming at

Me and i already knew my villager breeder was gonna be burnt to the ground i quickly extinguished all the fires i saw i tried killing these blazes as fast as i can and i turned around and i expected to see like the california wildfires but my entire island was good and i spent

Day 64 to 65 just farming again i killed all my cows because i was so sick of eating mushrooms too i killed all of their parents and i left just the babies that’s kind of cruel i then crafted the campfire to smelt up my meat because i had no source of coal

So i had to just sit by this campfire and sing this campfire song as i cooked up my meat i say the most random things man then i started to work on my tree farm because my villager breeder took up my last one and i made this huge area and

Lit it all up and i planted down some saplings i loved how organized it looked and how all my farmers are in one area now so all my sugarcane wheat tree farm and my zoo were all in the same area after patiently waiting a couple of days

Finally i saw a baby villager look at this freaking monkey just jumping on the bed with his big ass unibrow i then harvested some work here so the villagers would make another baby i then broke down all the bamboo and expanded the area so i can have

A massive supply of sticks therefore i can trade and make a whole bunch of emeralds and finally become filthy rich let’s go and then i spend the next couple of days just grinding bamboo i wanted unlimited supply of sticks so i can just start trading while i was farming i

Found this wandering trader and i was like how the hell did you get up there so i shot down his llamas and now there are two pinatas on my island i grabbed my stick and started punching them blindfolded hoping their juicy meat would drop out of them after farming for a really

Long time this is what i got i got three entire double chests full of bamboo this took so long and so many swords but i was excited to start trading and all the villagers are growing up so i can start applying them some jobs and i got my first iron golem

And i didn’t even realize but they have a fat unibrow too i then smelted some stone so i can make it blast furnace i have no idea what this blast furnace does but i knew it gave me armor armor armor i can’t know english i then

Crafted some books so i can make a bookshelf and then make a lecture and then i made another fletching table place them down and i was ready to trade on day 69 it had funny number i finally finished trading with the villagers i traded all my sticks away and i ended up

With a stack of 25 emeralds and i swear i recorded myself trading with the fletchers but i guess i didn’t i couldn’t find the clip all three of them have their gold badges or whatever it is their levels so you can see that i actually traded

With them and after a very long day of abusing the villagers trades the villagers went to bed and i harvested some more bamboo for the rest of the night and these llamas were still bouncing around they must be dizzy with the sun rising on day 70

I grabbed all my bamboo made them into sticks and i abused the villagers trades even more i think i abused their trades too hard because none of them wanted sticks so i started grabbing some random stuff like bows and arrows just so i can reset their trades and they can restock

All their sticks so i can make some emeralds after a very long time trading with them and getting a whole bunch of emeralds all of my fletchers turned into experts and they didn’t have the greatest enchantments on their bows one had a power one and one had a power two on breaking two

I can easily get better enchantments just enchanting so i decided to trade with the librarian and get some bookshelves and wow the bookshelves cost a lot i then sacrificed my fletchers because their trades were actually garbage now this guy was trading sticks for 31 but i still wanted new ones and while the

Villagers weren’t looking i secretly punched this fletcher off the cliff hopefully you can swim i mean i guess there’s no water down there so you’re just gonna die in the void sorry bro no murder traces were left and the two villagers that were left had no idea i then crafted my first enchantment

Table i then placed on all my bookshelves in this little area that i made i cleaned up the area a little bit made the floor look prettier and i was all ready to start enchanting baby my first enchantment i decided to enchant my sword because man i was so

Sick of dealing with those mobs that spawn and i got it unbreaking three sweeping edge three and a brains of arthropods four like what the hell is that why haven’t they removed that enchantment i then grabbed my diamond pickaxe and i got a fortune three efficiency for

Unbreaking three i then spent day 71 just killing all the iron golems around my island because i was low on iron and i needed my iron my third enchantment will be trying to get a god bow and this took me a really long time because i had to go back get some xp

Enchant i got a crappy enchantment and go back again and it was just a long process but i knew it would be all worth it once i get my god bow i then decide to enchant a trident that i had and i got loyalty three and i was so excited to

Have this i felt like captain america it was so cool and i’m just a big brain so i threw the trident into the void yeah not my uh smartest move during my years of living well i had a nice trident for about three seconds of my life i then grabbed my second

Trident and i got loyalty three again so i was really excited grinding for some xp i enchanted it and i got loyalty 3 channeling and impaling 4. maybe it was good that i lost my first trident now i definitely was going to make the same mistake

No i’m just kidding that was my first clip i’m not going to lose this but i started throwing it around my island man it was so cool i need to get this in my hardcore world on my next 200 days hardcore world i’m definitely gonna try my best to get a trident

Then start trading with the armorer i got a whole bunch of iron boots i was loaded and for some reason i thought you could take these boots and disassemble it for some iron ingots and i played myself i really thought you could disassemble it for iron i thought

I had an unlimited supply of iron i then searched online and i read that you can smelt it and get iron back and bruh like what is this a choke to you minecraft well looks like i’m never gonna run out of boots so on day 72 to 73 i decided to make a

Little wardrobe you know i just gotta show off my shoe collection so i gotta shoot for every single day monday tuesday wednesday thursday and fridays i’m wearing white air force ones let’s go yeah you know rich people i just got a different shoe every other day it’s pretty awesome just having unlimited supply

Boots and while i keep waiting for my villagers to breed and make three more babies i spent day 74 just grinding some xp and then chanting some random stuff like iron tools and another bow i ended up getting a fortune 3 iron pickaxe and i went right

Back to mining and why won’t you look at that i got a wither skeleton skull in a chest while i was mining that is pretty awesome then these gas spawned and they literally blew up my entire island i’m just kidding they blew up a couple blocks

But then i kept mining and i was focused on getting obsidian so i can go to the nether and explore i then got this chest and i got two netherride scraps in these chests and that is pretty good a bit later i got another chest and i

Got three more netherice scraps i got so lucky i got one more lava bucket i got some more blaze rods and blaze powder and i got another upgrade i was excited to see what will come and then i got the adele adele adil i don’t know a dill pickle i

Have no idea what this is i have no idea how to pronounce it and i thought it’d be a good idea to finally take my obsidian and go travel into the nether so i made myself a nether portal and i knew i was missing one obsidian so i had to sacrifice one

Of my lava buckets and i had my nether portal i lit it up and i was ready to go i had a couple of pickaxes i had some gold to trade with my trusty bow and i was ready to go the second i spawned my worst

Fear happened a gas came and he shot a fire bought me for some reason my boat didn’t shoot and he almost broke my nether portal that would have been so bad but luckily i was smart enough to bring my flint and steel with me i did some exploring and i couldn’t find

Any nether fortresses around i didn’t get as lucky as i did in my 100 days video i then decided to just start trading with some piglets in hopes of getting some ender pearls so i can start heading to the end and you already know what this looks

Like just like my first 100 days video just a place throwing money and a whole bunch of pulls you already know the drill once they all finessed my gold i luckily got a soul speed and i started exploring some more in hopes to find a nether fortress i

Definitely didn’t want to stay in the nether for too long because this is one block minecraft and this definitely isn’t one block if you couldn’t tell so i didn’t want to spend too much time in the nether because i felt like it was kind of cheating but i got the lava

Buckets i was looking for that was my main goal so i can start making a stone generator i spent the next two days running around looking for another fortress and unfortunately i had no luck i could not find it anywhere but it just asked for the

Challenge which is more fun i found this enderman and killed him and he gave me an ender pearl which is pretty nice and then i decided to call it and just go back to my island i then store this lava away and i went right back to the nether to

Get some more lava buckets and my plan was to make a massive stone generator so i can have an unlimited supply of stone cue the time lapse So After a little bit of building it seemed like the stone generator was working pretty good all i had to do was place some lava and i had to test it out and it should be working perfectly keyword is should and it is working i timed it perfectly with the redstone for my first

Try i was pretty damn excited to finally have a stone generator so i didn’t have to mine that stupid one block i then put some water so i can collect all the stone on mine and there we go now we’re on the way to the stone age

I dedicated day 84 to 85 just to kill iron golems because i only had two iron nuggets to my name so i spent the entire day just killing iron golems and then waiting and then killing one more and then waiting again after a super long time would just kill the iron

Golems i ended up getting 25 iron ingots i’m gonna have to make iron farm soon because that is a really good way to make some iron on day 86 i decided you know what it’s time to get some diamond armor finally so i went right to my bamboo farm and started harvesting some

Bamboo i ended up getting three entire double chests full of bamboo and made some sticks and i went right back to trading with my villagers i spent day 87 trading my sticks for emeralds with my new villagers then i traded for a whole bunch of iron armor so i can start getting the

Armorer to the expert level i also had to get some shields because the armor wasn’t getting me enough levels and soon enough i got diamond leggings and diamond boots let’s go and then i traded for some diamond boots and i was so excited now i

Don’t need to wear my 40 pairs of iron boots now i finally have diamonds and once i got enough emeralds i got myself some diamond pants and while my fletchers recover from the insane amount of abuse i’ve been with all my sticks and emerald trading i

Decided to spend the rest of the time re-enchanting my sword because i did not like the pains of arthropods after enchanting a little bit off camera i had a pretty awesome idea since when you mind your inventory gets insanely full extremely fast from all the random

Blocks you get i thought it’d be a good idea to make a water stream and have it carry out the blocks so i tested it out and it actually worked i was super happy about that so i decided to destroy this sparta hole finally and upgrade i then

Use all my 25 iron ingots to make five hoppers now i literally have zero iron to my name again i put down these chests put the hoppers on top of them and i made a little area so the water stream can flow down and the idea was

That when i mine the water stream will carry all the random blocks into these chests and now i won’t have a messy inventory and i won’t have to go to my chest room every single time to clear out my inventory once i finished constructing this i gave

It a little test and it seemed like it was working pretty good i then checked the chests and it worked exactly how i thought it would thank god this made me so happy this was probably the best idea i’ve ever had this entire video and since it was nighttime when the

Villagers were still asleep i decided to mine the entire night away i was hoping i would get more iron oars because i’m literally poor i have like two iron nuggets to my name on day 88 that is pretty sad i literally have more diamonds than i have iron but anyways

Another monster party came and it was basically all bumblebees so it wasn’t too bad with my bow and arrow it was a lot easier deal with these guys i’m just happy these guys didn’t catch my entire island on fire like the nether phase yes sir day 89 bright and early i

Grabbed all my sticks i went down to my villagers and woke their asses up military style at six am in the morning i started trading with the armorer and i got myself the chest plate and the helmet i was looking for i finally have my full suit of diamond

Armor come on guys look how baller i look right now i then decided to disenchant all of my iron armor because i knew that if i enchant them with level 30 i would definitely get better enchantments so i enchanted my helmet and i got protection for

I want to grant some more xp and chat to my chest plate i got on breaking three which isn’t that bad but i was hoping for both of those enchantments i enchanted my leggings on breaking three and i enchanted my boots and got i’m breaking three

What the hell type of luck is that i then did the same thing over and over again trying to get a better enchantment and i luckily did get a protection 3 on breaking 3 on my helmet i was hoping for protection 4 but you know beggars can’t be choosers i then

Made my first diamond tools and i got silk touch efficiency 4 i’m breaking 3 on my diamond pickaxe i then ended up getting the same enchantment for all of my tools they got the same silk touch for my shovel and my axe i then took a good

Look at my chest room and wow i am messy my chest room was getting a little bit too small so i spent day 90 to 94 making a brand new chest room And there we go i finished the chassis room it looks pretty good in my eyes not the best but pretty decent and over here with these chests i’m planning to have my blocks come over here when i’m on it you know what i mean don’t worry you’ll see what

I mean on the next day but in the middle i’m gonna have all my valuables and over here is all the blocks i’m gonna have in all these chests and you know it’s not a cookie build if i don’t put leaves everywhere i then made some item frames and i filled

Every single chest with an item frame and i spent the next two days organizing everything and here it is i didn’t want to show you guys the boring part so here’s everything all organized this is my valuable chests my weapons chest my tool chest my armor

Chest and i have a valley bull’s chest and all that random stuff i’m finally organized and on day 89 i worked on this little thing i was talking about i wanted my water stream to bring all the items over here into these chests so when i mined the unlimited

Block it will all lead to my chest room and it’ll be very easy to organize everything and sort everything out that i get from mining i thought would be a pretty awesome idea so i started constructing it and i was praying it would work it worked the first time with my item

Sorter and i’m hoping it’ll work this time i made the water pathway all the way to my chest room it looks pretty ugly just in the middle of my island but once it’s all complete it’ll serve a pretty awesome function that’s if it works so pray with me guys fingers crossed i

Play signs down to separate the water streams to carry all the blocks over to the hoppers i place down some ice as well so the blocks can move faster so it doesn’t get stuck on those signs and so far it was looking pretty good i was getting excited and

Then i made the little staircase up and i gave it a try i mined some grass and all of the blocks that i mined flowed all the way to the hoppers which is pretty amazing unfortunately i was missing three hoppers at the very end so it didn’t collect

Everything but i’ll be working on that soon then i went back to mining to get some more blocks to test it out i went back to my chest room to check it was working and it’s working exactly how i thought it was this is amazing i then spent day 99 just

Killing iron golems the entire day all i needed was 15 iron ingots to get the three hoppers and now whenever i mine that one block all the items that i mine will flow through the water into my chest room then i have easy access to all the blocks on mine and

I’ll be able to sort them out extremely fast yeah you guys don’t have to tell me i’m an engineer in the comments guys i’m just kidding but i made my three hoppers that i needed i finally placed them down and it should be all working now

I gave it another try i tested it out all night and then to my surprise i got one last upgrade or so i thought it was my last upgrade you guys will see really soon what i mean by that but i checked all the chests and everything was in there

Let’s go and my next upgrade was phase nine and once i saw phase nine i knew phase 10 was the end phase and that means the ender dragon and i knew today was day 99 and tomorrow is my last day of the video so on day 100 i was determined to get

The end portal before this video ends and i knew i didn’t have much time left so i spent the entire day focused on mining enough blocks to get to phase 10 the end phase i was determined i needed to mine enough blocks to get to the next phase

I wasn’t sure if it was even possible to finish this in one day but i tried my best i didn’t let anything distract me whenever mob spawned i killed them as fast as possible and i went straight back to mining i couldn’t lose any time time was ticking

And ticking fast and then i got it and before the sun even came up i got the upgrade i was looking for let’s go guys we did it and we got the end phase phase 10 but i didn’t realize that this wasn’t the end portal phase it was the phase after this phase

So you guys are gonna have to see what happens next on day 200 but i did end up getting a lot of items while i was mining to get to phase 10 i got 39 emeralds 19 diamonds and i even got a mending book which is the best thing i

Got mining and with the sun rising it is now day 101 we did it boys we survived 100 days on one block minecraft thank you so so much if you made it here to the end of the video please subscribe if you guys are new share the video to all your friends

Comment down below if you want day 200 like the video if you haven’t already join my discord and i’ll see you guys next video You

I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft

🔥 1000 DAYS ONE BLOCK PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTrXd32gcUEg-kNgtIc0Ufg

🐤 » Twitter: https://twitter.com/aCookieGod


》”100 Days” Inspired by @LukeTheNotable
》”One Block Skyblock” Inspired by @WadZee @Aphmau @UnspeakableReacts_
》”OneBlock” Map Download by @IJAMinecraft

#minecraft #oneblock #100days


  1. Dude I am your biggest fan!!! Im litterly having my 11th birthday themed acookiegod and my mom is macking a cake with your head on it.BTW im a girl that stole her dad's phone.😅❤❤❤

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