I Collected Every Illegal Item In Minecraft Hardcore

You can do a lot of things in Minecraft anything from building a simple house to building a literal working calculator there are just some things that you cannot do you can’t place water in the nether you can’t enchant blocks and you definitely can’t pick up Bedrock Express

Clearly here by the shake of my head I mean look at this look at this guy he’s been trying to pick up Bedrock for 365 days and he still hasn’t managed it but I did some research and I devised the plan to achieve this impossible feat and Far Far More you see throughout

Minecraft’s history there have been ways to collect the rarest items and do the things that you should not be allowed to do it’s just that with each update it gets harder and harder what if you could go back in time hopping through Minecraft’s updates collecting these items and bringing them back to your

World in 100 vanilla hardcore to find out we need to make a fully legit working time machine that definitely works and isn’t fake on any level it’s fake it’s a fake time machine but it’s going to make these transitions super smooth what was that sound was that was

That the door that’s the door sound Colony why are we in a brand new world in Minecraft Beta 1.9 pre-release three I’ll tell you after I kill those sheep but I’m not just gonna kill them I’m gonna send them flying with natural knockback that’s right in this verse

Version you have natural you just get given knockback just get given it for free we see the first item in our list is the end portal frames and in this version of Minecraft there’s a high chance that a stronghold would be a coordinate zero zero but there’s also

Another way to find the stronghold hmm I wonder what those two ginormous glass skyscrapers are yeah you see in this version of Minecraft Jeb added these glass Towers to make it easier to find the strongholds when working on the update the only issue was that well he

Didn’t take them out before releasing it to the public this is probably the only time I’m going to find the stronghold in the first three minutes of loading the world oh look it’s a stronghold I’ll just go down these steps now glass towers are strange but there’s something

That’s way stranger about this update oh hello there I don’t like how he fired instantly what’s this okay attack wait for it attack anyway as I was saying there’s something that’s far more strange about these these strongholds if you don’t leave me alone allow me to

Introduce you to the end portal what do you mean that’s not the end portal there’s nothing wrong with this well you mean yours doesn’t look like this I don’t know what to tell you man guess you’ve been playing this game wrong please leave me alone but before we

Collect these strange blocks we need to make some preparations like a temporary base for example now we can make this out of cobblestone like a normal person or we could take full advantages of the version we’re in dupe the iron we just collected and build it out of that yeah

I’m gonna go with that one you guys remember the old F4 duping method feels good to be back and no I’m not taking these duped items back with me to my main world because I want this to be as legit as possible but it does mean that we can progress faster through these

Updates and let’s face it breaking the game is more fun to watch than mining all right got enough materials to make a singular TNT now and that is all we need actually that’s not all we need we also need a button is that button yeah there’s a button all right so we’re

Going to come in here why do these blocks take so long to anyway yeah we’re going to blow it all up we’re blowing it all up blowing it up look stop stop it oh oh what’s this oh what’s this on the floor oh look it’s nothing with no name

Look silverfish it’s nothing just like you just just this item technically is the end portal frames when 1.9 pre-release three they weren’t properly rendered so as we go through the updates they’ll slowly change in appearance through to their final form okay next up we need an enchantment table we’re gonna

Make some illegal armor and tools oh hello where did that come from thanks for the books though oh this is the worst part about this update by far please go away I just want to sleep you are nothing and no one all right that should be enough how do

You know something’s Enchanted in this version well because it says so silly what it’s enchanted with I have no idea but to take this armor to the next level of broken we need to update the game but before we do that I I have to I have to

Duplicate these I can’t lose them yeah there we are my mind’s at ease okay we have fully enchanted diamond armor fully enchanted diamond tools it’s update time it’s just a shame about my uh my time machine being so far away so I could just build it I could just build it again

Yeah that was that was such a better idea here we go and here we are Minecraft Beta 1.9 pre-release 4 and hopefully there we are the end portals are in their second phase anyway don’t mind me I’m just gonna jump off a cliff but Kalani how did you survive that well

You see you see I now have fully Enchanted feather falling armor and fully Enchanted feather falling tools see the armor we just Enchanted in 1.9 pre-release 3 has now defaulted to feather forward so we are definitely putting these in the box of illegal items fully Enchanted feather falling

Tools and armor yeah and in this version there’s there’s a there’s a circle Sun for some reason I don’t know why it doesn’t look right it looks completely wrong okay next on our list is a monster spawner but to collect the monster spawner we need to build an XP farm to

Get enough XP for a silk touch pickaxe which meant a hat a monster spawner this will do well and we’ve also found a mine shaft a mine shaft in a stronghold remember when the fences were like this okie dokie got a little XP farm going now unfortunately in this version of

Minecraft XP is extremely hard to collect and the most likely level for a silk touch enchantment is level 46 and when I say extremely hard to collect this took over three hours and five diamond swords to get to level 46. oh yeah and another thing in this version

If you pick a level 46 enchantment it doesn’t just take off a few levels like today’s versions no it takes you back down to level zero I literally have one shot at this otherwise I’m doing that again for the next three hours the only good thing about this in this version is

That you can just refresh like this you don’t you don’t have to make an enchantment to refresh it you just keep clicking but I haven’t seen a level 46 enchantment anyway I think the most I’ve found is 34 so maybe I’ll add some more books and that is also not working okay

I’ve been I’ve been refreshing for like 15 minutes now um and now I can’t even find a 34 so if I see a 32 I’m going for it day two please please please and this is what depression looks like okie dokie now eight diamond swords down

And we’re at level 36 that’s on I’m taking a risk here but I’m going for it I can feel it this time this is the one I I know it oh 34 34. do I go I’m going for 34. please visible happiness okay here we go we’re gonna choose this one please break

There we are monster spawner monster spawner acquired I wonder what happens if I place it just just pigs just yeah that makes sense just pigs okay monster spawner acquired but you already know we’re gonna do this I can’t risk losing it but in this version there’s a

Different way to dupe okay so we gotta set up like this and we’re gonna light the portal and then place the water there and that’s not supposed to happen so okay so all right thanks again am I stacking water I’m stacking water okay I guess I guess you can stack water on

This update okay okay so place it there yes that works and then another one there now we light it and we put a crafting table there grab the monster spawner now has been pushed through the portal by the water we place the Spawner in the crafting table and there we are

There are two monster spawners but one of them is very interesting when we pick up this one and try and place it it just spawns more Monster spawners so we can do this forever there we go we can just do this forever and this this broken spawner will even eat other spawners so

I’d say that that spawn is worthy of keeping as well because that is that is completely broken okay so does this do these actually respawn pick okay they do they do spawn pigs okay so I can make a spawner out of this I can make a better

XP spawner okay so this this kind of worked but I’m sure I can make something better okay now no pigs are spawning maybe if I make a platform for them to spawn on no no no what about ah a okay you need you need a grass block okay okay they need

Grass blocks to spawn on okay this is working well so now they fall off come down here yeah well I mean it’s definitely working because I can’t do anything yeah so like I don’t know something like this I’ve never made a pig spawner I don’t know what I’m doing

I never know what I’m doing okay this does seem to be working though yeah no it works it definitely works this is a more efficient way of getting XP okay it’s update time again and here we go all right here we are we’re in 11w49a and I’m getting rid of all of my

Stuff into this chest because okay now now watch my hotbot okay watch my Hotbar very closely bruh but Kalani where does your heart and your hunger bars go well you see in this update you have creative mode that’s right creative mode and hardcore you just press B you just press the

Letter B on your keyboard and you’ve got creative mode all of the items that you could ever want and yes this is what creative mode used to look like what if I just just came in here and took this uh this weird looking creeper spawner I mean technically technically it’s legit

Right I mean I got given creative man I mean I mean surely I can just I can just no I can’t I can’t do it it’s cheating anyway I thought that was just a fun little thing on to the next update okay we’re now in 1.3.1 and we’re here for

One thing if you’re wondering why I’m getting ice all will be revealed and as you can see by this version end portals are looking a lot more like end portals all right update time and we’re dying we’re dying I’m in the floor why am I in

The floor okay so I said update time but really I meant downgrade time because now we’re back in 1.2.5 why well you’ll see oh good this is a lovely uh nether spawn yeah yeah nothing dangerous about this if only I had some water here then I could swim down oh look how convenient

How convenient there’s water here and apparently it doesn’t break your fall okay noted this is so wrong this is wrong on this is wrong on so many levels yeah just casually making an obsidian bridge over this Lava Lake nothing to see here I just can’t stop placing water

It’s just it just feels so wrong and it looks so wrong here’s some water oh look it’s so cooling isn’t it it feels so good and you already know I’ve got to make a water base okay I got a little staircase going but if I put lava there and let it flow down

Just like that then I can come over here break this get some water and there we are big fat staircase then we put water on either sides just for good measure and then water on the top now we’ve got a little water tunnel over to our water

Staircase look at this a water base in the nether okay time for another update and we’re in 12 w 49a and the XP farm is still supplying me with the ludicrous amount of pork and actually for the time being I’m gonna block this up now I can just stay up here enchanting okay

Sharpness tuna sharpness two thumbs three drops three in the sharpness three sharpness four and sharpness four and a sharpness four sharpness five okay you’re probably wondering why I spent so long getting a sharpness five book now you’re probably wondering why I’m back down in the old XP farm well that’s

Because these guys now drop carrots so we’re gonna try and get a carrot and you’ll see why I don’t know how you’re doing that I don’t I’m not I’m not sure I’m not sure how you’d please stop okay we got it we got a potato but a potato

And a shovel that’s not really what I want and we got another potato it’s the wrong vegetable the Hat a carrot it’s a carrot that’s the right vegetables brilliant okay now we can make a carrot on a stick and now all of these pigs are gonna flock to me

But that’s the biggest mistake that they could make why well because I’m gonna put sharpness five on it a sharpness five carat on a stick yeah you guys might want to stop following me you really might want to stop stop following me now oh I actually really underestimated how overpowered I’ve

Sharpness five carat on a stick is this thing is powerful totally worth it okay now we’re going stupid though we gotta knock back two and we’re gonna put a knockback two on a piece of dirt it’s knocked back to dirt knock back two dirt look pegged it’s not back too dirt okay

There we are we got a sharpness five carat on a stick and a knock bag two dirt actually I’m Gonna Keep the I’m Gonna Keep the sharpness five character on a stick because that’s actually I’m not kidding my my most powerful weapon I have right now and the last thing we’re

Gonna do in this version is make a nameless Diamond got no name okay there we are time to update okay I’m nowhere this game is really starting to break now oh I’m back okay we’re now in 15 w 47c and we are here to get bedrock that’s right we’re gonna attempt to get

Bedrock and this is also the combat update which means my car on a stick is no longer my most powerful weapon R.I.P carrot on the stick why why did I spawn down here I swear this world is just absolutely falling apart now and it’s also the update that introduced lapis to

The enchantment process Man Minecraft used to be so much better I just found half a door I guess it’s half a door yeah that this world is literally falling apart and uh this furnace is broken as well it’s a broken furnace and we can no longer click refresh so we’re

Gonna have to make a lot more enchantments now yeah that’ll do and we’ll also make this because we need to collect some gas tears and some blaze rods and then the pearls go away what what what do you mean what do you mean there’s a chicken attacking me why

Is there a chicken attacking me why is there a chicken attacking me no no no no no look it’s not even that there’s something riding him because I can’t hit it there’s nothing it’s just it’s just an Angry Chicken I’m I’m sorry but I can’t allow you to live yeah you know

What I’m gonna I’m gonna bury it yeah all destroy all the evidence I this this world is becoming more and more broken with each passing minute okay now we can make the end crystals and we’re getting closer and closer just need a few more a few few more resources

Okay since we have End Portal frames uh we can just put the portal wherever we like and I think it’d be pretty funny to do it in here okay brilliant fantastic okay we’re gonna get some water and collect some arrows and we’re gonna speed run the uh

The get that no we’re gonna speed run the ender dragon real quick hold up why why does he just dive like that what’s this cool so now we’re gonna try and get this uh this egg to go through the portal and of course it didn’t okay we’ll also just

Throw some things through and then that should tell us where yeah there we go okay so this is where hopefully the Bedrock is going to come through right here so we need to mark this point just like that and no I’m not trying to summon Herobrine but before we do that

We need to enchant some better armor real quick also I just realized there’s only usually one Dragon egg in each world right which means technically that’s illegal okay it’s not the best but it’s a bit of protection so that should be fine all right grab everything

We need and let’s go okay so the idea is that once we place this end crystal in the middle it will replace with the Bedrock above just like that and now place these where you usually would get the dragon back but on this last one

Just after you place it left click so it explodes and because the summon process has been interrupted it should have glitched the Bedrock that replaced with the end Crystal to drop through the portal to the world spawn maybe but the chances that worked first time very slim

This is going to be the longest run of my life please work where is it there it is it’s actually there it actually worked first time that is a block of bedrock in survival I mean I know this process worked but I didn’t think it would actually work I’m so happy that worked

First time we don’t have to we don’t have to spend ages getting more materials for more end crystals and there she is the final piece to our collection so now we’re gonna take it all and put it in the nether why future Kalani will explain you see you can

Transfer items from one world to another through the Netherworld the way to do this is you place your items that you want to move in a chest write down the coordinates then go into your Minecraft folder and copy that in other world and paste it into your other world when you

Go into The Nether it will look exactly the same as it did before but if you travel to the coordinates that you wrote down you’ll find that you’ve merged the two nether worlds into one and your chest full of items are sat there waiting for you now you just grab them

Go back home replace another world back to the original and boom you’ve transferred your items and hopefully haven’t corrupted your world but yeah I’m sure that won’t happen don’t worry okie dokie I think I’ll put my items here and I’ll cover it up to make sure it

Doesn’t get exploded by gas but before I leave this world I’m going to free the pigs I think they deserve it on account of you know all the killing that I did you may have to trample over your your dead friends to to escape but you can

Escape yeah there we go there we go he’s like so this is what it looks like yeah yeah buddy this is what it looks like up here this is your life now alrighty time to burn everything to the ground Bye pigs bye-bye I love how he’s still up there having some sort of Crisis White Towers bye I guess all right here we go we’re going back home ah home that was wild yes my items oh thank you yes come here okay time to find out if this

Works okay yes this is literally just my nether it just looks like my nether but without all my buildings so if we travel to these coordinates we should find the chest I have a feeling it’s gonna involve a lot of this all right this looks like old nether train and I’m

Lagging like crazy so I think we’re getting close uh oh the water’s still here okay that is very interesting I thought the water would disappear right I can’t believe my water base is still here and it’s all there all right we’ve grabbed our items let’s get out of here

Okay next item on our list isn’t really an item it’s a backwards nether portal otherwise known as a pether nautil but for this to work we need to build an update suppressor machine so we’re gonna need a lot of gold so it’s time to speedrun a gold Farm foreign

I think that’s I think that’s enough gold okay so now we’ve made all the rails and that should be enough I think I hope now we just need a place to build this thing but it needs to face West hmm okay facing west facing west how about

Here in the side of the mountain let’s let’s build our illegal Museum here okey-dokey let’s hollow out an area okay so let’s make like a circle just like that love a good Circle and this is where our pevenor tool is going to be right there which means that

Really we have to build a portal this big it’ll make more sense after we’ve built the machine okay we’ve got a basic area for the machine yes it’s it’s that big Okay now it’s connecting down to the portal so now we just need to make this bit okay I think that’s working I mean it’s moving This was without a doubt the biggest headache of my life and I still don’t even know if it works yet I haven’t tested it there she is so yeah if this looks complicated to you that’ll just be because it is okay so what’s hopefully gonna happen when we turn this machine

On is that we’re gonna be able to start breaking the obsidian around the portal without the portal breaking so first off the bottom layer will break that’s fine we want that to happen and then we’ll be left with this shape then we hollow out the middle replace it with obsidian and

Boom Heather northall listen I’m not very good explaining things uh you’ll see what I mean you’ll see what I mean but first let’s just double check that this actually works we’re going to place this here and a rail on top so we put the Piston down press that something happens that should

Mean it’s on now if this makes a noise it means it’s not worked okay I I think I may have found the problem you were supposed to be a sticky piston all right let’s try this again hopefully this doesn’t make a noise aha now I’m gonna break this block below

And hopefully this shouldn’t break it does hmm what okay it worked for a second and then just stopped working now it’s not no it’s not working why is it not working that’s working so hopefully hopefully this should work yep there we go and this one this one first layer done

So you see how this bottom layer was supposed to break now hopefully nothing else should break that’s that’s the idea now turn the machine off now we’re going to move this whole section behind the portal up one block and move on to the second layer easy right

Okay this should work and yep okay now we just we just repeat this okay so to hollow out the middle of the portal we use water so place it on the Block there and then it breaks do it again and then we can replace it with obsidian

And we just repeat that process that looks very wrong okay we’re on Final is the last layer we’re on the last layer now and that that torch is floating it’s a floating torch we did it we made a pether no tool and a floating torch so that’s pretty

Cool okay so now we’ll just cover this back up and there we go the pedernal okay so I think with the amount of items that we have we’re gonna actually need a bigger room than this so I’m going to extend it that way around okay I think that’s good I think that’s

Pretty good size so for the entrance I think we’ll make a redstone entrance like a secret entrance but we’ll worry about that later on for now let’s get building this place okay so I think we use this as our like item showcases yeah I think that looks

Pretty good right okay so it’s looking okay it’s looking okay but it’s looking a little bit boring and I think we can make it look less boring and buy less boring I mean more broken because that’s kind of the theme of this video so we’re

Gonna make a mirror on the floor just to add to the Brokenness of this video Okay so we’ve cleared this out and now we’re going to build a mirror in Minecraft don’t believe me just like this there we are is a mirror right it’s not a real mirror I just I copied

Everything I mean look it’s made out of purple wool I just copied everything and put it down there and then added some glass but it looks like a mirror right I mean it looks like a mirror if you don’t look too hard if you if you kind of

Squint and then slowly close your eyes and picture a mirror then it looks like a mirror okay let’s place our illegal items in our illegal Museum but before we do that we’re gonna build two other portals here okay there we are we’ve got the end portal okay now we’re going to do the

Exact same thing on the other side but with a slight twist so we’ve got a normal end portal then we’re going to come down here by three blocks then out by one we’re gonna place the dirt place a mushroom bone meal it and oh what’s this what’s this it appears my mushroom

Has deleted the portal frames yes so we’ll do this on every side now we’re going to replace the portal frames with bedrock very carefully then we’ll get the dragon egg from this world and we’re gonna place it on top and there you are an end Island end

Portal and a normal end portal normal end portal Heather nautil and an end Island end portal Okay we have all our items on display Kalani surely we can’t make this any more broken than it already is oh yes we can okay so I’m just going to come down here I’m gonna grab some pickles and then I’m gonna place these pickles on top of this machine that I made I’m

Gonna break the Redstone Block floating pickles and not just floating pickles but a floating banner and not just a floating Banner but a floating sign and nay not just a floating sign but floating I’m sorry can we just take a second to appreciate that shot I mean

Look at that shot but floating sand with a dead Bush on top and not just floating sand with a dead Bush on top but floating gravel okay Connie that’s really cool floating sand with a dead Bush on top and and floating gravel but I bet you can’t make water float

Okay you made water float but I bet you can’t make lava float okay you made the lava float but I bet you can’t make Kalani float well I mean technically I’m floating I’m on floating water right all right it’s time to speedrun a door Thank you so there we are we now have a museum of illegal items and if you want to try out some of this stuff for yourself I’ll leave a link to puffing fish’s channel it’s unobtained series pretty much made this video possible so go and subscribe

To him also go check out Sensei if you want to get really annoyed with redstone and learn about update suppression or as I like to call it update depression all links are in the description and uh yeah catch you in the next one Foreign

In this video we go back in time through Minecrafts versions to collect the most illegal items in the game in 100% hardcore! If you enjoyed this video remember to leave a like, it helps ya boy out a lot 😀

Watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/Kolanii/videos

This video wouldn’t be possible without these guys, go subscribe: @PuffingFish @sensei2657

(Also a big thanks to Surf for helping me with the machine)

Watch @PuffingFish ‘s ‘Unobtained’ series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO8ujWDupWbTJ3ULJ_GJF_7s-6wWdw7Et

And here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO8ujWDupWbQ0002LHe9SmHlYBB4ZshuO

Learn more about Minecraft’s discontinued features: https://mcdiscontinued.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

Learn about @sensei2657 ‘s Update Suppression machine here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dtke-Co5HFM

The gold farm I used @ianxofour : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBpMwXVn6iY

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/kolaniiyt​​
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/KolaniiYT​​​



  1. Structure block end portal block end gateway portal block nether portal block structure void deny command block Minecraft command block chain command block and repeating command block jigsaw light block allow and bubble block have all left the chat crying

  2. I also know a way

    First sign this contract

    There is no contract

    But I just did this for fun



















    Go into creative mode

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