This Player Obtained Minecraft’s Hardest Death Message

The Minecraft death message that should be impossible just happened and here’s how they did it after glitch Hunter shuddery pieced together a setup to combine an Overworld Ender Dragon with the world border death many thought there was no one crazy enough to attempt it in survival but speedrun record

Holder zylenox took up the challenge first by using a tutorial by jelly Meep to freeze and duplicate Ender Dragons a trick done so he could transport one of them through the filled end portal and into the Overworld but that’s the easy part as alox then had to industrialized

Gunpowder production just so he had enough fireworks to last the 30 million block track to the world border and here the two parts of the death come together as syono sets up a chunk loader and fishing rod powered ender pearl stasis chamber makes the journey back to his

Home portal in the Nether and reconvenes with the Dragon for the final act as with only one shot to get it right he gets hit by the Ender Dragon just once and immediately pulls back the fishing rod to snap to the world border dying upon impact to obtain the message

Zylenox left the confines of this world whilst fighting Ender Dragon

The advent of 1.20 came with many new additions, including one which hosts a new death message when going beyond the world border, and this one changed set the stage for @ZylenoxV to go on a 150hr quest to be the first to obtain Minecraft’s hardest death message

@ZylenoxV @ZylenoxV @ZylenoxV you must go watch @ZylenoxV

Original death sequence found by @ShudderyX24

Music: Stevia Sphere – Whiskey on the Rocks

#shorts #minecraft #speedrun


  1. youtube shorts is silly and doesn't let me link videos anymore :/ but go check out Zylenox's Youtube channel and also his Twitch where he's attempting to reclaim the random seed glitchless speedrun record!

  2. Wouldn’t you have the same death message went you get hit by the ender dragon break bedrock beneath you and fall and die after? That would be easier

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