I Played 100 THIRSTY Days in Stardew Valley

So you might have read thirsty in the title and asked yourself is she talking about a need for hydration or something else well the answer my friends is yes welcome to fizzy Farm where we’ll be playing a full in-game year not just 100 days being unapologetically thirsty

While pounding beers and going on dates with the singles of the valley to spice things up I’ve introduced a trio of mods that’ll have a sipping on delicious coffees exotic cocktails and refreshing mocktails and I’ve also decided to add the winery which is a building that

Allows you to use casks outside of your basement but the most obvious one is probably the gorgeous Farm I’ll be playing on you’ll find links to all the mods in the description below now let’s talk goals in this first year we’re aiming high I’ll try to hand out at

Least five bouquets actually participate in the year one flower dance and set up a shed filled to the brim with cegs the winery and the Island Resort are both on my checklist and I just have to see Harvest at the beach at least once for

Obvious reasons and by the way one of my real life goals has been trying to learn how to say one beer please in as many languages as possible so I’ll add the ones I’ve learned to this video if your language is missing or I totally mispronounce it please let me know in

The comments I’d love to hear it so get ready for some outrageously cheesy pickup lines and the occasional hangover and let’s get right into it while clear in a little spot for my seeds I got a first look at my cool new modded farm with this awesome view of

The mountains the rest of day one was pretty average after making a chest I headed to the General Store and said hi to one of my favorite NPCs of this playthrough the saloon owner Gus I gave Caroline a daffodil bought a green bean and took a look at Pier’s expanded stock

With new forage Ables and trees from one of the mods I’m using to be able to make more drinks then I checked out the bachelor’s and bachelorettes and could tell that we would be fast friends very soon I found one of the new forage Ables a forest chamomile and was relieved to

Realize I wouldn’t have to buy them all from Pierre got my first level up in foraging that night after watering my crops on day two I found more new fora bles Pelican mint and cherry blossom petals then met Willie who was back from his fishing trip and gifted me his old

Fishing rod I was thankful but bought the training Rod to be able to get my fishing level up more quickly since it’s easier to get perfect catches with I got the first copper ores in a treasure chest so I knew I would have to see Clint outside my door tomorrow morning

Who I had avoided up until now after selling all of my fish to Willie before 5:00 p.m. rolled around I went through town and said hi to more people ooh why yes Alex I’m sure I’ll find a bikini somewhere Shane doesn’t know it yet but we’ll be best friends I found wild

Strawberries on the bushes and fished a bit more before heading home to sell everything I owned to be able to afford the fiberglass Rod tomorrow God levels 1 and two fishing jump scare in 3 2 1 day three was of course rainy so I chopped more wood for another chest and

On my way to Willie to buy the rod I found wheat berry mushrooms and lemon thyme at the bus stop hey Shane fine be that way I found glass shards in the stick spot and when Mara refused to come out of her room to talk to me I went to chat up the

Sisters hello ladies care for a flower then it was time to fish for catfish at the river it went really poorly for quite a while but I did get lucky and fished up a chest with an ancient seed yay for me by midnight I had caught two catfish then

Left to go look for more forgea bles including a petite lemon and a forest lavender level three fishing on day four I handed in the ancient seed to Gunther and got my plantable reward but won’t put it in the ground until I get a scarecrow I took a look at who I still

Hadn’t met yet and tried to find all of them but Marne and Vincent evaded me then I fished at the lake until my pockets were full and did some more foraging once again finding something new a marshmallow I don’t know if I’ll need all these forgea bles for drinks

But I can’t wait to find out that night I got level four fishing and level two foraging Marne was standing outside my door on day five and told me this precious animal was looking for a home so I took her in and named her Cosmo like a good old

Cosmopolitan surprise you get drink recipes from me a former Barista and Bar tender IRL please remember to drink responsibly the day got even better when I saw my first parsnips were ready the traveling card lady wasn’t selling anything outstanding so I left to go find Marne and Vincent once I found them

I headed to the now accessible mines plunked down a chest and made it down to level 15 finding lots of copper and a magnet ring along the way before hurrying to the busy Saloon on this Friday evening the first Party Poopers were already leaving when I got there hey guess one beer please

There will be lots of gifting in this playthrough so I won’t mention it all the time but now I’m doing my best to woo anyone I can I couldn’t afford to drink for myself but I sat at the bar for a bit knowing I would open one of my

Own someday I said good night to Cosmo and got level one farming and level one mining it was finally time to plant the ancient seed on day six and I made a scarecrow to keep it safe and sound after watering everything I fished at the lake for most of the day Abigail was

Obviously playing hard to get when she showed off her impressive flute skills but refused to talk to me once I got bored of fishing I just walked around town rumaging through trash cans and picking up any forgea bles I could find I hit level five fishing and chose the

Fisher perk Louis got a par snip for his birthday on day seven after selling most of my crops to Pierre I bought enough parsnip seeds to have 400 G left over which just happens to be the amount you need for a beer the saloon the traveling cart disappointed me again so I just

Forged for a bit finding a petite lime and some spring onions hey Shane look what I have I spent the rest of the night chopping trees and scything fiber on the farm which netted me 12 more mixed seeds to add to my little field of crops I had

Reached level three foraging which meant I can now make Toppers Toppers are great because they give you Oak resin which you need to craft kegs to make boo it was raining on day eight so of course I had to go fish for catfish at the river my haul wasn’t too shabby and

When I used up my last piece of bait I just looked for more forage Ables I’ll admit all of these new things added by the mod are giving me an advantaged quickly at my foraging level but of course that also means there are many more things I’ll have to cook and Shi

For Perfection so I think it’s a fair trade-off plus it won’t necessarily give me a monetary gain since I don’t want to sell them just in case they’re important for any drinks in the future that night I got level six fishing and level four foraging when I was making my way

Downtown on Day N the mayor showed me the Der Community Center I’m sure we can get this fixed up Lou do you think we can build a bar in here I made sure to take a look at the scroll in the foreign language before I left to hand out some

Daffodils what’s kicking chicken what’s cooking good looking hey Penny check out my fishing skills not bad right the Mountain View on my farm does not get old and after chopping some trees on my farm I enjoyed a nice beverage overlooking the valley before heading to the lake to fish for the night hey

Sebastian check out my fishing skills not bad right the wizard sent me a letter inviting me to come see him on day 10 so after watering my crops and planting some rice shots I had gotten while fishing I paid him a visit and was three sheets to the wind on his potion

What kind of moonshine did you put in this rasmodius Vincent got a wild strawberry for his birthday then I donated all of the forage Ables to the community center I remixed the bundles but was disappointed to see I didn’t get the Brewer’s bundle oh well less drinks

I have to share with others I spent the rest of this Lucky Day in the mines and got a wood Club on level 20 since I’ve remixed the mine rewards as well a nice upgrade for my rusty sword level two Mining and level one combat all of the parsnips were ready to

Be picked on day 11 and after watering the rest of the growing crops I went straight back to the mines thanks to the very pleased Spirits there were plenty of or noes and I crafted my first furnace to start smelting some bars the dark floors were also a breeze

Considering I didn’t have a glow rain yet every gem I found was bringing me one step closer to gaining Abigail’s and Emily’s affection and in the end I passed out on level 44 level two farming and level three mining today tomorrow I’ll need lots of money

For strawberry seeds at the egg hunt so after crafting a second furnace and watering my crops I shipped most of the fish and press Snips I had brought a few knick-knacks to the community center then sold more fish to wiie and repaired the bridge on the beach to get access to

The forage Ables I also had some donations for the museum getting cauliflower seeds as a thank you from Gunther the traveling cart lady was selling Spangles and I couldn’t resist buying one for Caroline he was also selling a salmon dinner one of the very few things Alex

Loves so I bought one here’s Shane don’t be such a grouch I also bought two joa colas one for Sam and one for me I’m a Frugal Drinker at the moment I was able to harvest some potatoes and cauliflowers on day 13 then pre my farmland for strawberries making

Sure to leave some room for future sprinklers at the Egon Festival I had 7500 D to spend on 75 strawberry seeds then I made my rounds talking to everyone to get my friendships up hey Louis do you think we can incorporate eggnog into this get together next year

After winning the egg hunt and putting on my shiny new straw hat I quickly handed in a cauliflower to the community center finishing the spring crops bundle and getting 20 speed grows then then I used them to fertilize my seeds guaranteeing me a third Harvest for 20

Strawberries it was raining on day 14 I used the bug meat from the mines to craft some bait gave Caroline her favorite flower then stood creepily outside Haley’s door to give her a birthday daffodil at some point I decided to play it cool and sat down on

The couch but didn’t have to wait much longer hey girl then it was time for more catfish fishing I can’t count the amount of times I was running after the bachelor’s and bachelorettes on this save file Shane you’re always thirsty that’s why I like you got level seven

Fishing that night and earned a nice chunk of change for my fishing haul I watered my thirsty strawberries on day 15 then traded myself to a backpack upgrade found cookies an Evelyn’s trash can and asked Clint to upgrade my axe to Copper back in the mines I was trying to

Get lots of oras and get down to the gold levels as quickly as possible since you need iron gold and refined quartz to make quality sprinklers which are unlocked at level six farming there was a silver saber in the chest on level 50 which doesn’t do nearly as much damage

As the lead Rod I had gotten from a special slime a few hours ago but the slow swings were killing me so I decided to switch to it passed out on level 54 reaching level two combat and level four mining the rice was ready to be harvested on day 16 and since the

Spirits were very pleased I headed straight for the mines again s and Berry season had started yesterday so I was able to pick lots of them for energy on my way there I immediately got my first dwarf scroll as a drop from a bat and found a glow

Ring in a crate floors 54 and 58 work both infested which slowed my progress down quite a bit and on level 59 I was so mesmerized by the huge amount of crates and barrels that I didn’t realize how late it was getting and passed out right next to the ladder whoopsie level three

Combat my axe was finished upgrading on day 17 after picking it up I got Clint to open the few geod I had and donated some gems and artifacts to Gunther I had a copper iron and gold bar for the blacksmith’s bundle which unlocked the bulletin board unfortunately there were

Lots of difficult bundles including the red cabbage for the dye bundle and three apples for the fod bundle then it was back to the mines a special slime dropped a magnet ring for me and I got an iron Edge from the chest on level 60

Once I had reached floor 70 I tried to make it back to my bed but passed on on my way there got level four combat the 30 spring SE from the community center were finally planted on day 18 and when I handed Caroline a daffodil she was at two hearts of course

I raced to her tea room and watched one of the best cut scenes in the whole game I don’t even like tea it just tastes like hot water to me but this always makes it look amazing I was loaded with gems from splunking in the mines and completed the treasure hunter bundle

Unlocking The Vault hey haly I lost my phone number can I have yours what’s up peny did the sun come out or did you just smile at me Leah I think I must be in a museum because you are truly a work of art after taking advantage of this last

Day of Simon Berry season it was back to the saloon M Gus spy bipa one for the birthday girl Pam and one for Shane just because he’s a cutie Caroline had sent me her wonderful tea sapling recipe on day 19 four more cauliflowers were fully grown and after

Replacing them with mixed seeds and watering everything I decided to clean up my farm for a bit look at this cool feature of the modded Farm it comes with its own little warp Obelisk to get home quickly it was a Friday so you know I

Hit up the saloon hey gus a’t Tech this is for you Shane I even had enough gold to buy myself a nice cup of coffee and wanted to join Demetrius and Robin on the dance floor but I immediately scared them off when I broke out my dance moves

I tried to play it off and continued to dance for a bit but quickly sat down because it was honestly kind of mortifying on my way home this onion popped out of a dig spot I had reached level three farming as well as level five foraging and chose the gatherer

Perk day 20 was a lucky day so after picking my first 20 strawberries and giving all of my crops a sip of water I made a beine for the mines once I had made it to level 80 where I found a pair of firew Walker boots in a chest I took

A quick break from my or gathering to sell my old weapons and Rings to Marlin to be able to afford a birthday beer at the saloon for Shane who was starting to warm up to me I said hi to everybody but didn’t have time to stay because I

Wanted to get on the gold grind unfortunately I realized my regular pickaxe needed eight swings to break gold nodes so I decided to get the copper upgrade tomorrow but I still stayed to harvest fiber for tea saplings and found three Fire Quartz I got level five Mining and went with the minor perk

To get an extra ore per node the rest of the strawberries were ready for Harvest on day 21 which put me over the threshold to level 5 farming I made sure to keep the gold quality ones for gifts from Maru then crafted my first 10 tea saplings after another

Fruitless traveling cart visit I found this pretty mering mushroom and hinted in a Fire Quartz to the community center finishing the Boiler Room Clint cracked open my geod and agreed to upgrade my pickaxe to copper and Gunther was happy to get more donations for the museum and

Gave me some summer seeds as rewards the rest of the day was spent fishing for eels and catfish the junimos repaired the mine carts and I chose the tiller perk thanks to the strawberries and tea saplings I shipped I was basically Rich Demetrius asked if he could do a science

Experiment on my farm on day 22 of course I said yes and asked for fruit bats I was curious to see if they like to get drunk on fruit juice which was kind of what I was planning on doing with their produce but apparently they don’t at least not according to

Wikipedia but I did learn that they’re slow at reproducing and some of them are threatened by Extinction I’m doing my part free love on fizzy Farm I crafted two more furnaces to up my metal bar output then picked up this new forageable wormwood and realized that the bushes had cherry blossom pedals you

Can pick I asked Robin to build me a coupe finished the construction bundle at the community center then continued to clear off more of my farm there’s this little spot in the bottom left that has hardwood stumps that respawn every day very handy on day 23 I crafted 19 more tea

Saplings then checked the mail and realized the flower dance was tomorrow I refused to be shun this year Kier bought my goods and I reinvested the money into the final backpack upgrade my copper pickaxe was ready and I immediately asked for a steel axe upgrade then it was back to the mines I

Found a bone sword in the chest on level 90 which was definitely much better than the iron Edge I had been wielding but it’s pretty pathetic in comparison to the obsidian Edge you normally get if you don’t remix mine rewards I passed out at 2: a.m. without getting a level

Up ych that means I’ll barely have any energy tomorrow more strawberries and cauliflowers were ready on day 24 of course I didn’t finish watering everything before feeling exhausted so I had to eat a few salmon berries to get the job done then it was time to head to

The biggest social event of the year the flower dance I bought the rare Crow and tub of flowers recipe from Pierre then put out my feelers to see if the bachelors and bachelorettes were digging me butter my butt and call me a biscuit Shane agreed to dance with me I

Practiced my dance moves with Haley but I don’t think it helped but who cares I actually had a dance partner for my very first year one flower dance isn’t that amazing once I was back home I used the little time left in the day to clear off

My farm a bit more and after picking up a single daffodil I got level six foraging on day 25 loads of strawberries and fora bles were waiting to be picked I smelted oras and quartz and crafted more spring seeds which I turned into tea saplings to ship this good luck day

Day would be spent in the mines again the enemies dropped lots of whole bars even an aridium one and I found a tempered broadsword in a barrel at the center of the Spiral floor on level 99 which puts out more damage than the bone

Sword when I got to level 100 I left the chest shut for the moment since there wasn’t much time left in the day and I still had quite a bit of energy in the end I made it to level 105 before passing out I got the coveted level six

Farming as well as level six Mining and level five combat that night choosing the perk Day 26 was a great and very busy day my new Coupe was ready and much more importantly the traveling cart lady was selling a very affordable red cabbage seed just in time to plant it in summer

I went to Marne to buy chickens but unfortunately Shane needed help first oops I might have contributed to that from now on he only gets non-alcoholic beer from me but for all the responsible drinkers out there I named one chicken lady like the classic white lady chicken

Number two was called milk and chickens number three and four were named Cuba and Libre Pro tip don’t skimp on the ice it makes long drinks much more enjoyable because they stay fizzier the colder they are I went to Clint to pick up my steel Axe and paid him to upgrade my ho

To Copper then gave Pier a birthday green bean not passing up the chance to hit on anyone I could find along the way I put Robin to work again this time on a barn then tried out my new steel axe for bit getting rid of some of the big logs

On the farm I celebrated this very successful day at this Lon getting Shane a n beer Lea a salad and myself a coffee as busy as Day 26 was day 27 was much more chill I spent all day on the farm chopping trees scything weeds and

Getting rid of rocks don’t ask me why I hadn’t crafted sprinklers yet I couldn’t tell you I went to The Saloon again to hand out some gifts including a birthday aquamarine for Emily I also took a look around the secret woods and sadly there were no more LS but there was this new

Forageable called Sweet Basil got level seven foraging that night the last day of spring was spent getting ready for summer I crafted and shipped 20 more tea saplings harvested my last round of strawberries and finally crafted sprinklers after saying hello to my deliciously thirst quenching chicks I picked up my copper ho from

Clint and said hi to all the pretty boys I saw hey Elliot do you like Star Wars cuz Yoda only one for me Alex if you were a taser on Star Trek you’d be set to stun the traveling cart lady was selling a coffee bean a very important crop for my future endeavors

So I bought it and planted it right next to my ancient fruit other than that I decided to set up a small Tapper farm right here summer is a time for pinac coladas and any other drinks with little umbrellas in them to be able to afford

That someday I’d have to get rich so I said my dead crops planted my precious red cabbage right next to my scarecrow and set up another small crop area down here Pier sold me three pepper seeds three tomato seeds 24 hop starters three corn seeds a sunflower spangle and Poppy

A couple of melons and 164 blueberry seeds after planting them all I still had some open tiled spots so I put down some mixed seeds the only other thing I did was put tappers on the trees at the bus stop you can never have too much Oak

Resin on day 30 I marveled at my sprinklers then pet my now fully grown chickens and picked up their first eggs a new season brings new forageable to look for and besides the vanilla ones I also found the new fill Tea Leaf and Cinder sap cilantro the summer forgea

Bles bundle was quickly finished and rewarded me with 30 summer seeds I spent the majority of the day in the mines looking for copper oras and smelted through all of it that evening making tappers really eats away at your copper reserves while walking into town on day

31 I found a honey fungus mushroom and wild raspberries growing on the bushes Clint opened my geod and I was able to donate many new things to Gunther then I treated myself to a copper watering can upgrade I took 10 eggs to the community center and handed them into the homecook

Bundle and after commissioning a silo from Robin I decided to get to the bottom of the mines today there were some crystal shoes in the chest on level 110 and since I had drained quite a bit of my energy I went to get the star drop

On level 100 The Taste REM me of aspirin any thirsty person’s best friend made it to the Bottom by the end of the night and passed out next to my mining chest level seven mining I started day 32 by crafting a few lightning rods since I saw it would be storming tomorrow the

Fruit bats had already been hard at work and I crafted four Mayo machines for my Coupe I thought about crafting the bruise station and cocktail bar two of the new crafting recipes added by the mods I’m using but decided against it for now since I don’t really have a lot

To work with at the moment anyways as as you can see from the recipes I’ll need lots of stuff so my thirstiness will have to be limited to the bachelor’s and bachelorettes for the next few weeks and I was very happy to see that my advances were starting to pay off Emily was

Already dreaming about me JZ got a birthday sweet pee and I found this adorable milky white mushroom before buying a cow named daquiri from Marney I leveled up in combat once laying a couple of slimes in the secret woods and ended my day in the saloon where I

Flirted with Shane in the only way I know how hi guus and beer else to believe on day 33 some random wheat that had sprouted from my mix seeds was fully grown I decided to fish for some of the community center fish and started with the wood skip in the secret Woods then

Picked up my copper watering can I also found red snapper in the ocean and tried to get a sturgeon at the lake but it didn’t bite at least I pulled up this cool treasure chest with a strange doll and a diamond in it the saloon was pretty empty despite it being a Friday

But it didn’t stop me from having a drink with Harvey Leah and Emily that night I got level eight fishing my first ancient fruit and hot peppers were ready to be picked on day 34 Harvey I think there’s something wrong with my eyes I can’t take them off

Of you I bought 20 wheat seeds then took some bits and Bops to the community center completing the rare crops bundle with my ancient fruit hey Sebastian is it hot outside today or is that just you I spent the rest of the day in the mines looking for iron ore and Sprites

Progress was a bit slow but I did get another coffee bean which is always great I’ve also installed a coffee mod that we haven’t seen yet because you get the recipes in the mail from getting more hearts with various villagers after picking a few radishes that had sprouted from the mixed seeds

And replacing them with wheat I checked the traveling cart in vain that was fine though because it meant I had enough money to buy a milk pill and two more cows Chardonnay and Brandy then I spent the better part of the day fishing at

The river to try to get a Dorado but it just wouldn’t take the bait I abandoned that mission at some point to sell my stockpile of strawberries and fish and set up an oak resin farm at the railroad this is always a crucial step in making

As many cegs as possible I passed out while putting down pathing but I was as good as done after petting my new cows on Day 36 I got to do one of the best things of any playthrough going to robins and paying her to build a horse stable

Thanks to all the strawberries I sold yesterday I even had enough money left over to buy the aridium rod and a trap bobber then I fished at the ocean and caught a tilapia a puffer fish and a tuna three fish needed for the community center as well as the legendary Crimson

Fish I also got a super cucumber my go-to ingredient for the first luau I was able to finish the ocean bundle at the community center and when I went to give everyone’s favorite bartender a birthday Orange He told me this Salon wasn’t doing well financially I knew Pam

Would be just as worried as I was and she willingly paid her tab then I spent the rest of the evening chopping where trees on my farm and got level eight foraging a few more crops were ready on day 37 including a sunflower needed for the community center dakir was fully

Grown and ready to be milked for the first time I put some tree fertilizer on my mini Tree Farm seeing that the first tappers were already full of Oak resin then it was back to the mines for copper and iron where I also got a second ancient seed a third dwarf srel and

Another coffee bean I reached level seven farming and was so close to being able to make kegs day 38 the red cabbage and my first coffee plant were fully grown I planted the second ancient seed and a few coffee beans then found my new horse his name

Will be Hugo like a Hugo Spritz I picked up a new Mushroom in the Backwoods called a chicken of the woods gross here birthday girl I bet you’re twice as sweet as any birthday cake I fished at the lake until I had aoon in my pockets then went to the community center to

Finish the lak fish and exotic foraging bundles the first Maple syrups were ready at the bus stop then I spent the day smelting bars and clearing off more debris and trees on my farm it’s so funny how the color of the mountains abruptly changes level 9

Fishing day 39 was L out time this get together is always important to get your friendship up with everyone and even more so for me in this playthrough the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach I did my usual sweet talking and added the super cucumber to the soup

Which always works like a charm the Governor loved it and I got the clicks achievement you just wait soon no one will be able to resist me I got to see one of the most adorable faces outside my door on day 40 Gus taught me how to make Juke boxes and I

Received a letter from Pierre telling me I could now buy bouquets it’s time to get more serious with some of the lovely ladies and Lads of the valley Emily also sent me a bolt of cloth which is great for the Artisan bundle I was able to harvest quite a few veggies including

Tomatoes and one of the best summer crops hops I put Gus jukebox in my home and although I play with the sound off I turned on the stardrop saloon soundtrack I bought a rare seed from the traveling cart lady an ice cream from Alex and asked Clint for a steel pickaxe upgrade

Pierre sold me an Apple sapling and while I was foraging some wild raspberries I decided to go into the dark tunnel and put a battery into the lock box the saloon was packed making it a perfect opportunity to hand out gifts and drink a nice coffee with friends and Future heartbreaks

Another ancient fruit and lots of melons and more wheat were ready to be harvested on day 41 when I went to buy the path recipes from Robin I felt like Demetrius could tell I might be a bit of a player after handing in a few more random things to the community center I

Swoed over Harvey’s medical skills gave Alex that salmon dinner I had bought weeks ago for his birthday and gave him a shoulder to cry on while telling me about his daddy I hope my intrigues won’t send him spiraling in the future it’s not like I’m trying to be malicious

I I just want to have a little fun you know the beach was full of forgees including this new Fern Isle Olive but I just could not get my hands on a cockle the last thing I could get to complete the Crab Pot bundle without actually

Having to buy crab pots other than that I just fished for a bit for some extra income and crafted 10 more lightning rods for more chances up batteries it was a very satisfying start to day 42 I was able to hand in 10 milks to the home Cooks bundle since Cuba and

Libre had also started lactating and two of the blueberry were needed for the diet and summer crops bundles I impressed Abigail with my gaming skills Abby you naughty little thing then sold my blueberries to Pierre and bought a bouquet and 30 more melon seeds my pickaxe was finished upgrading and I

Bought a second rare seed from the traveling cart and got Robin to upgrade my Coupe then it was back to more copper and iron hunting for those all important tappers as that night I reached level eight farming and was finally able to make kegs Emily came to my house on day 43 to

Tell me I could use her sewing machine which brought up fond memories Shane was shooting a commercial in town and I felt some secondhand embarrassment while watching Clint fumble his lines it’s a good thing I don’t have to worry about him as competition he agreed to upgrade

My pickaxe to gold and I fished in the river until I got a Dorado obviously Shane was in the saloon when he accepted my bouquet we celebrated with a nice cold one again he only gets naughties from me then I was itching to make the new crafting recipes the mod provide I

Could only make the bruise station and mocktail bar for now since I needed more hardwood as you can see the bars work like little kitchens with their own recipes and I’ll need to make the syrups juices and Spirits with the bruise station which required lots of sugar something I can’t really afford right

Now but someday I made some cheese presses as well as my first four kegs and eight more toppers for my fully grown trees on day 44 it looks like I was so thirsty today that I chugged this joa Cola instead of sharing it with Sam maybe he’ll at least appreciate that I

Too enjoy me a nice cool drink my small crafting session this morning inspired me to go buy a workbench from Robin when she was coming home from her weekly workout I’ll be going for a rustic aesthetic on fizzy Farm you know like a cool Old Pub Vibe so I plan on using

Lots of wood and brick pathing after putting some down I set up a crafting station where I think I want it to go it took me the rest of the night to move and organize all of the chests on day 45 I caked some coffee beans took care of my farm chores and

Planted some hardwood tree seeds I’m going to need as much hardwood as I can get no that’s not a reference to my thirsty theme just a literal fact I picked up my gold pickaxe from Clint then bought a pizza from the saloon gifted it to the birthday boy Sam who

Was on his way to work and finished the Artisan bundle with a nice cheese then I went to Mary and bought a duck that I named screwdriver if you know anything about a de Anatomy you know why I was also able to get into her bedroom and picked up the May’s shorts

Here Louis he used to lie a dog surprisingly I was low on Stone of all things and needed a lot more to be able to get the next Barn upgrade so I went into the mines for the rest of the day I saw dollar signs Flash before my eyes

When I came outside to my second blueberry Harvest I was planning on getting a barn upgrade with the Stone from yesterday but Robin wasn’t home so I made the snap decision to sell the blueberries to Pierre to purchase all of the Vault bundles instead then I went

Back into the regular mines ing more Stone and ores and hoping to find the last scroll I was missing the green one to be able to buy bombs from the dwarf it didn’t drop unfortunately but I set up the crystalarium I got from the community center with a Jade and went to

Bed whilst the junimos repaired the bus got level 9 farming level seven combat and level eight mining that night my first self- RW beers were ready on day 47 how satisfying now that I was at level 9 farming I was able to craft a seed maker and turn my ancient fruits

Back into seeds to expand my crop the traveling cart lady was selling a garlic which was bought with the intention of turning it into a seed 2 for ginger Island Pam drove me to the desert for the first time where I picked up coconuts and Cactus fruits Sam and Haley

Are going to love me faster than you can say gamophobia and I found this weird looking Calico pistachio I also fished for a sandfish and met Sandy who works at the Oasis where I bought some beet seeds for fall it was a Friday which meant I spent the evening handing out

Gifts at the Saloon and enjoying a nice cup of joe Haley asked me to open this jar for her then I collected enough hardwood to be able to craft the cocktail bar soon I’ll be a real mixologist thanks to my seed maker I was able to plant three more ancient seeds

On day 48 and I could try out my new bruise station for the first time by putting two corns in which is supposed to give you whiskey then I decided to attempt my first skull Caverns run I had a few diamonds rubies and quartz to trade for espressos spicy eels and bombs

But my inventory wasn’t exactly ideal especially my weapon the tempered broadword made progress very slow since it took forever to kill any enemies and I’m not going to lie this run wasn’t anything to write home about I had barely made it to level 42 before passing out and found about two whole

Aridium nodes oh well at least I didn’t die yay my first whiskey was ready on day 49 the bachelors’s and bachelorettes just couldn’t get enough of me as you can see here Sam asked me what kind of music his band should make and dropped an egg which I

Took the blame for to make him happy Emily and Haley were fighting until I played the referee and Emily gave me a private dance and Shane showed me his chicken project meaning I would now have access to Blue chickens I took a quick break from being the center of

Everyone’s attention to sell some stuff to Pier but then I was right back at it Alex threw a football at me and was happy to hear me rooting for him in his sporty Ambitions I stumbled onto Sam and Vince at the beach who were worried about their dad fighting in the Goro

Empire and last but not least Sebastian invited me to a future motorcycle ride it’s so nice when everyone is obsessed with you then I put seven tappers on some fully grown oak trees up at the railroad and spent the rest of the day chopping trees in Cinders sap forest level 9

Foraging my only official boyfriend at the moment Shane invited me to a Tel’s game on the morning of day 50 the day got even better when I opened a letter from Mr key who had sent me 10,000 G in the mail and I was able to harvest more

Blueberries I was finally able to get a big barn upgrade from Robin then handed out gifts while on my way into town to open geod at Clint and get a steel ho upgrade I was super excited to go to the game with Shane of course not because

I’m a big grid ball fan but because this was where I would get my first smooch oh no Alex is here too hopefully there’s no kiss cam before heading to bed I I took a quick peek at my friendships normally I’m just good friends with the old dudes

At this point but look at all the bachelors and bachelorettes at the top of my list my goodness I am so lovable on day 51 I had another visitor Leah who gifted me a sculpture that showed her feelings about me I honestly wouldn’t mind always waking up to hot

Singles in my area waiting outside to give me gifts and take me on dates I also received the coffee brewer recipe in the mail from Harvey the machine I’ll need to be able to make new coffee recipes I checked and once again it requires more hardwood to make it after

Doing all of my farm tours and having Abigail tell me I’m an interesting lady is that code for salacious I went into the mines to try to get the green dwarf scroll again I even found an infested floor 61 I kept spamming but no dice looking on the bright side you could say

I made pretty good progress on my monster Slayer goals hey Lisa I made these neat cacao pods on day 52 which I think I’ll need for a coffee drink Robin had finished upgrading the barn so I immediately went to buy a goat and named her sazar here’s another Pro tip if you use

Citrus peels for garnish make sure to twist them right over your drink so the essential oils coat the top of it and you get that nice scent every time you take a sip Haley was distraught on the beach looking for her great grandma’s bracelet I was her KN in shining armor

When I found it for her and was rewarded with a little cuddle after spending 3 hours fishing for an octopus that only bit once and escaped right away I could at least call another ancient seed mine then I asked Robin for the final coup upgrade picked up my steel ho from Clint

And made the coffee brewer although I’m not quite sure how it works yet I couldn’t identify any coffee recipes but taking a look at my shipping tab I assumed that these are all coffee bags and drinks I did figure out that I can make tonic water with quartz how

Exciting Sebastian sent me some FR and tears to make cold brew on day 53 and screwdriver had laid her first duck egg after getting the next ax upgrade to Gold I caught the honorary legendary fish more commonly known as an octopus yeah I bet my fishing tackla worn out

That Beast tore it up Hal Leah if you were a vegetable you’d be a cute cumber Haley do you have a Band-Aid I just scrape my knee falling for you all right y’all guess how many green dwarf squirrels I found in the mines today that’s right

Zero right before heading to bed I found my finished tonic water looks like it can kill you that’s unfortunate on day 54 I made a Mayo machine for screwdriver eggs and eight more kegs that I filled with hops then I bought a rabbit called Hanky Panky from

My newly upgraded Coupe I mean can you think of a more fitting name for a rabbit when I went to give Leah a present I encouraged her to have an art show in town and overheard her talking to her unsupportive ex Kel I get it Leah

I’m not ready for the steady life either Alex was feeling like an idiot but I was able to cheer him up and then I sold my blueberries to Pierre I also learned something new about myself today apparently I can play the mini harp after buying some missing wood I

Commissioned the final Barn upgrade from Robin and finished off the successful day in the saloon with a nice cold beer got level 10 farming and obviously chose the artist in profession Emily sent me a letter inviting me to her clothing therapy on day 55 that must mean she’s at eight

Hearts the last round of melons were finished growing and I was able to turn another ancient fruit into three more seeds once I had finished my farm tours I bought a bouquet from Pierre and felt kind of bad for a split second since I’m normally never this promiscuous but I

Handed it to Emily making her my second significant other good gracious I am so thirsty sorry Clint you’re just no match for my irresistible charm but thanks for upgrading in my axe I spent the rest of the day fishing since I was pretty broke and chopping trees because I was out of

Wood day 56 was the last day of summer and I wanted to have as much money as possible for all of the new fall crops tomorrow of course that meant more fishing I was also low on copper so I spent the last hours of the day in the

Mines until it was time for the dance of the Moonlight jellies I was just trying to say hi to Pierre when I accidentally bought this Moonlight jelly Banner oopsie I hope Emily and Shane haven’t been talking to each other a gentleman never tells right Shane watching the glowing jellyfish

Dance across the screen I was looking forward to the next thirsty half of the Year there was an explosion that night which could only mean one thing a meteor had landed on my farm sazar was fully grown and started giving me milk and I found this adorable grampleton Walnut forgeable at the bus stop on my way to Pierre to blow all of my money on seeds

My haul included a yam an eggplant 15 pumpkins eight amaran 88 cranberries and 22 wheat seeds this wasn’t nearly enough to fill up all the sprinkler spots even after adding the pumpkin beet and rare seeds I had lying around so after marveling at the beautiful wonders of

Our galaxy with Maru i d to the mines to farm fiber for tea saplings I was able to craft and ship 11 of them and would use the gold to buy more seeds tomorrow Robin and Lewis unveiled the special orders board on day 58 I ignored

That for now to buy 84 more pumpkin seeds George was asking for an emerald on The Help Wanted board and I happened to have one in my pockets because it was Penny’s birthday spoiler alert I’ll forget to get another one for her that will make gaining friendship with her

Much more difficult I finished the Fall forgea bles bundle with a hazelnut and got 30 fall seeds ironically I had too many seeds now so I crafted four more sprinklers to be able to plant all the pumpkins quite a few oak trees had grown in at the railroad so I crafted as many

More tappers as I could and added them to my growing farm at the end of the day I took a look at the special orders board and didn’t really like either of the quests so I didn’t take them on day 59 was a very lucky rainy day I

Was torn between getting the walleye which appears on rainy days and going to the skull Caverns I decided on the desert since I really wanted a Galaxy sword and needed more Ores anyway it’ll rain again for sure before heading out I asked Clint to upgrade my watering can

To Steel then waited for Pam at the bus stop my trip was definitely worth it although it still wasn’t close to what I can normally achieve in the skull Caverns I finally found my first Prismatic Shard and at right after 1:00 a.m. I left to go get the coveted Galaxy

Sword that night chardonay gave birth to the newest fizzy farm animal a baby cow named glow te me a cocktail straight out of Disneyland level 9 Mining and level eight combat Hanky Panky lost her first foot on day 60 after getting Robin to build a

Well I fished for a tiger trout and a salmon at the river hey Sam no wonder you like jojola you’re so delicious can we talk about what is up with cockal not showing up on the beach I hadn’t found a single one and resorted to using a crap

Pot I was able to finish the riverfish bundle in the community center and added the rabbit’s foot to the enchanter’s bundle then handed out some gifts including a belated birthday Emerald to Penny there was this strange St canoli almond lying on the ground in the secret

Woods and right before heading to bed I caught a midnight carb from the lake day 61 was a Friday and Elliot’s birthday so I wanted to make sure to find him at the saloon that evening the wheat and first eggplant were fully grown and replaced with fall seeds and

After picking up my steel watering can Clint opened all of the geodes I had collected in the skull Caverns Gunther happily accepted my donations to the museum and seeing the incomplete dwarf squirrel collection motivated me to look for the green one again using the Galaxy sword was a true joy and made everything

So much quicker when it finally dropped I sped off to the saloon but Elliot was nowhere to be foundas I got hammered and sat at the bar thinking about my life choices before trying to find him at the beach of course he wasn’t there either and to add

Insult to injury there was still no stupid cockle sazar gave birth to a baby goat I called Slammer like in Alabama Slammer one of my personal favorites Gunther was so pleased with my efforts for his Museum that he gifted me the key to the sewers on day

62 my first bottle of gin made from wheat was ready and funnily enough it’s better for you than tonic water not in real life of course hey Slammer you are the most metal baby goat I’ve ever had I handed in the dwarf scroll getting the dwarfish translation guide and found a

Shrimp in the Crab Pot which meant I could finally complete the crab pop bundle in the community center thanks to some pale ale money from Pierre I was able to afford over one full stack of wood from Robin and ask her to build a shed according to Gil I only needed to

Kill about 100 more d Sprites to get the burglar’s ring so down into the mines I went getting not one not two but three green dwarf srels how insulting day 63 was another wonderful day of waking up to a pretty person outside my door this time it was Lea

Inviting me to her art show the Beats were fully grown and I planted some fall seeds in their stad the traveling cart was selling two winter for aables I needed for the community center and it might have been a bit unnecessary but I bought them then Leah asked asked me to

Help her get an Apple from the tree the forbidden fruit so to speak this precious wild carrot popped out of a dig spot and the cinder saap Sage was another new forgeable I found before heading to the art show I wish it were an option to actually buy one of the

Sculptures I would buy the Eggheads for my Speak Easy and a heartbeat I tapped eight more trees then put a rainbow shell into the box at the railroad and 10 beats into the mayor’s fridge I also handed one into the community center as well as the two winter forgea bles and a

Finishing the enchanter bundle day 64 would turn out to be one of the thirstiest days yet my first cranberries and amarant were ready for the picking I sold most of them to Pierre and reinvested the money into 100 wheat flour after completing the homecooks dye and animal bundles a train

Was passing through and dropped one of the rarer finds in the game leprechaun shoes their stats are bad but it’s neat nonetheless the complete breakfast I got from finishing the homecooks bundle inspired me to go on a gifting spree well hello Alex I see you’ve forgotten

To put on a shirt today that’s fine by me Leah Haley and Sam were all at eight hearts and accepted my bouquet I Think Jesus might need to take the wheel soon isn’t that amazing oh hi Shane long time no see also Robin had finished building the

Shed so I got to move the kegs into it Sam visited me to invite to his concert in zuu City on day 65 sounds fun I’ll see you there Robin agreed to upgrade my shed and since it was raining I got to fish for the Walley and

Completed the whole fish tank while I was at it I decided to fish for Fall’s legendary fish the angler and after picking the Wizard’s Prismatic jelly Quest it was off to the concert it was slightly awkward since half of the concert goers were under the assumption

That we were exclusive but I just stood next to Penny to avoid any controversies once back in the valley I said hi to kobas bought his recipes and fished for the mutant carp in the sewers I was super close to getting Level 10 fishing so I spent the rest of the evening

Fishing in the river that night the junimos removed the glittering Boulder and I chose the angler profession the single yam I had planted was finished growing on day 66 which means I now only need a pumpkin to finish the pantry Willie was flabbergasted about the missing Boulder

And gave me a copper pan to get the minerals out of sparkly water then I zoomed out and spent the whole day spamming floor 5 Looking for the Prismatic slime it took quite a while but I finally found it by 9:30 that evening and while I stayed for a bit to

Collect more copper I actually found an infested floor with a second one Neato after doing my farm chores on day 67 I crafted a sign and put my Prismatic jelly on it before handing the real thing to the wizard I want to have a little collection of all of these

Onetime items on signs for my speaky Z the rest of the day was spent handing out gifts Harvey Sam’s downstairs I think he might need medical attention but sure finish your true crime podcast first penny asked me to help her clean up the trailer Pam didn’t like that idea

And honestly I kind of get it I would be mortified too Maru forget hydrogen you’re my number one element hey Abigail are you an alien because you just abducted my heart today was also the day I decided to get rid of the meteor since I just didn’t think it

Would work with the aesthetic I was envisioning and where I talked to the dwarf for the first time and bought their rare Crow and weathered floor recipe I was very excited to get the monster musk recipe in the mail on day 68 and in even better news my first

Pumpkins were ready so after buying the Snowman rarecrow from the traveling cart and paying for the first house upgrade from Robin I finished the pantry with a pumpkin that means I just need a snow yam for the crafts room and three apples for the bulletin board afterwards I used

A monster musk and worked on my desperate eradication goal that evening I took a quick break to go to the Saloon I hung out with Sam Sebastian and Abigail for a bit then went back into the mines completing the dust bright and bat monster Slayer goals the junimos repaired the greenhouse overnight day 69 was a wonderfully thirsty day for a myriad of reasons reason number one The Cranberries were

Ready again and that just basically means more money to buy drinks and make improvements to my whole top bar reason number two I was able to go shorty shopping again since it was Abigail’s birthday and the amethyst tasted so good that she was at eight hearts and accepted my bouquet without question

Reason number three Gil forked over the burglar’s ring which meant I would be getting twice the amount of Loot and reason number four I went fiber farming for the rest of the day and I don’t know having a lot of fiber is always good before heading to bed I crafted a loom

For the wool Hanky Panky was producing and a glowstone ring since I couldn’t make the idum band yet check out my relationships on Day 70 bouquet is Galore but I’ve got to catch them all and there are still a few missing a lot of pumpkins were ready to be picked and

I kegged some of them straight away my apple tree had sprouted its third Apple so Hugo and I took them to the community center and completed the bulletin board hey Alex if you were a fruit you’d be a fine Apple Haley was taking pictures with cows and I’m starting to notice

That her heart events are very random in comparison to the other bachelors and bachelorettes oh well good for her to realize there’s more to life than looks I set up the greenhouse with six redeemed Sprinklers and planted some coffee beans a few ancient seeds I had

And some winter seeds I had gotten from Winter Roots I put through a seed maker I woke up in a house with a kitchen on day 71 oh Jody why don’t you just make a frittata or something I know you have eggs at home Sam dropped one a few weeks

Ago tons more pumpkins were ready and I put some more tappers on the oak trees at the railroad that were growing in nicely after opening the fug geodes I had and not getting any new items to donate I got Clint to upgrade my pickaxe to aridium I went with Robin’s resource

Rush Quest then drove to the desert where I found this cute Calico vanilla forgeable and handed Sandy a birthday sweet pee don’t tell Emily but I would date you if I could I spent the rest of the day chopping trees and reached level 10 foraging choosing the botnus

Profession which will help with my inventory management I wanted to show off some of my spirits at the stardew Valley Fair on Day 72 I didn’t have enough to fill up the whole Grange display but it was a good start just wait until next year I ate a survival Burger during the judging

As is my tradition and wasn’t surprised when Lou told me I had won first place I’m sad to report that I lost all of my star tokens when beding on green so I played the fishing Min game a couple of times to bed again this time successfully using the star tokens I got

The rare Crow pepper poppers dried sunflowers and star drop that again reminded me of aspirin the spirits were happy on day 73 so I got ready for a skull Caverns run since I had a bit of time before Pam would be at the bus I bought an auto

Grabber from Marney because I was tired of milking my barn animals and so I had just enough money to get the gold ho upgrade right when I clicked I realized I was 150g short for a bus ticket I automatically tried to sell one of my rubies to Clint but of course he won’t

Talk to you while he’s working on your tools and since it was a Wednesday Pierre was closed I’m an idiot so instead I turned some of the fully grown ancient fruits into seeds for the greenhouse then learned how to make flute blocks from Robin I found this forageable called a hardy rosemary and

Dove into the the regular Minds to start working on Robin’s quest to get 1,000 Stones more cranberries were ready for the picking on day 74 I finally crafted a few more kegs and added them to my upgraded shed I feel like I’m constantly low on copper which is why this is

Taking so long but I have to have this whole shed full by the end of the year hello Mr doctor it’s a good thing you know CPR Because You Take My Breath Away the complete breakfast I gave Alex put him at eight hearts which of course meant I ran straight Pierre to buy

Another bouquet here you go handsome by this point I really wanted to start decorating the farm and make it more bar-like but my crops are right where I plan on moving my cop and barn so I don’t really feel like I can do much at the moment but that will all change once

It’s winter and I can move everything to where I want it to be plus there’s still one essential building missing on day 75 I went straight to Robins to commission a winery a building provided by one of the mods I’ve installed you can put casks into it just

Like your basement but I haven’t quite decided if that’s the way I’ll be using it I wanted to give Sebastian a frozen tear when he invited me to play around of salarian Chronicles which I actually finished with an a rating for the first time ever right after that I was in the

Cut scene where maru’s robot electrocuted me don’t worry about it I’ll be fine also Leah decided this rainy day was the perfect time to surprise me with a picnic I punched her ex and I don’t know if she liked that then I picked up my gold ho from Clint bought as much

Copper ore as I could which honestly wasn’t a lot and spent the rest of the day in the mines Gathering more copper and stone day 76 was a boring but necessary day I Ked more pumpkins and wheat smelted through lots of copper crafted 11 more kegs to add to my keg shed and

21 tea saplings to ship and once again spent the rest of the day getting more Stone and copper yep that’s all that happened on to day 77 which was much more exciting the winter fora bles had grown in and there were loads of snow yams Robin was also finished with the

Winery it looks awesome and is the perfect addition to my thirsty Farm Hugo and I then rushed to the community center finishing the whole thing with this little white tuber I think this is the first time I’ve ever finished all bundles before winter and it feels good

Man after handing Robin a birthday goat cheese I finished her resource Rush Quest 2 Abigail was in the graveyard for some reason and after she and I hid in the bushes for a bit I found the May and Marne in their own hiding spot don’t

Worry you two I won’t tell if you won’t I wanted to celebrate this wonderful day the saloon where Elliot and I drank to our friendship salute right before going to bed I planted some melon and winter seeds I had lying around I picked the speo sweet J B on

Day 78 and immediately took it to master canoli in exchange for my third star drop the villagers were celebrating the restored Community Center in town and I decided to ask Morris and Pier to be reasonable unlike I had been with Lea X I quickly asked Clint to upgrade my

Watering can to Gold then sped off to the desert to start collecting more aridium I needed for a bunch of stuff including repairing Wily’s boat and I must say the skull Caverns are so much more enjoyable when you have a proper weapon got level 10 Mining and chose the

Prospector profession as well as level 9 combat after putting some aridium on smelt I swapped out my crystal shoes for dark boots I found during my rent on day 79 my cranberries and some beers were ready then I started putting down some pathing while waiting for the aridium

Bars to finish once they were done I provided Willie with all the materials he needed to get me to Ginger Island I went for Emily’s Rock Rejuvenation Quest then found Maru in her kitchen where I gave her a bouquet okay Demetrius is going to kill me I stopped Robin on her

Way to bed to ask her to build me a mill which might actually come in handy for all the sugar I’m going to need for cocktails I also used this opportunity to buy two stacks of wood from her I used it to craft four more tapers and

Wanted to put them on my oak trees when the wizard asked me to retrieve his Magic ink from his ex I have a feeling I’ll be in a similarly awkward situation pretty soon since it was already pretty late I decided to put that off for now instead I finished off the day by

Crafting five more furnaces and an aridium band the old jojamart was struck by lightning that night I forgot to change the day counter on day 80 after handing Emily all of the gems she had asked for I picked up my gold watering can and did a geode opening

Session although I did have a few new things to donate the Museum’s collection was still quite a ways away from being finished in the sewers I asked kobis if he had heard anything about a dark Talisman he he unlocked the bug layer for me where I found it and fished up a slime

Jack wow Alex that’s real growth for you you should be proud of yourself on my way to the witch’s swamp I found this crazy looking gin rot then fished up a void mayo and a void salmon and persuaded the henchmen to move so I could grab the Magic ink for the wizard

Don’t do that to yourself R modius he gave me access to his magical buildings which would make nice additions to fizzy Farm in the future I had enough iron bars ready to craft 34 more CS which meant my cake shed was basically half full Robin and Willie

Repaired the boat that night so I knewe exactly what my plans for day 81 would be Emily sent me a sewing machine and I picked and shipped my second sweet J berry before packing my bags for my first trip to the island my standard inventory always includes all of my

Tools one or two chests a slingshot with a few rocks a melon wheat and garlic seed and at least one sprinkler which I forgot to bring with with me today right when getting off the boat I found another new forageable a gem Isle Jasmine then did the usual Walnut Run I

Also made sure to chop down all the hardwood trees I could find since I’m constantly out of hardwood I found two whole dig spots on the island Farm but neither of them gave me a snake spine after planting my seeds I unlocked the Farmhouse and was in bed by 2:

A.m. it was nice to wake up in such a tropical place on day 82 but I still had a lot to do in the valley after finishing clearing off the farm to maximize my chances for dig spots to spawn birie handed me a photograph to help look for her late husband’s keep

Sake then I sailed back to the mainland and came home to the last pumpkins ready for Harvest I started taking down any unnecessary sprinklers before asking Robin for the next house upgrade having to Fork over 50,000 G and 100 hardwood for it using the new sewing machine and

A piece of Ginger from the island I tailored the forager’s Hat a hat I fell in love with in my last playthrough on DP Farm I was feeling snazzy so I headed to the saloon to hand out gifts and enjoy a delicious coffee then spent the

Last hours of the day putting down more pass and adding some Stone brazers to my Greenhouse Sam invited me to his house after dark on day 83 ooh that sounds like fun and it wasn’t just the affection of the villagers I was gaining Cosmo also loved

Me I was slowly but surely turning all of my pumpkins into juice for Max profits and had actually been planning on going to Clint to get the last axe upgrade and open some geod but I couldn’t go due to the spirits Eve Festival being set up so instead I

Chopped down all the trees in Cinder saap Forest then cleared out most of the Quarry before heading into the cave to get the golden Scythe at the spirits e Festival I bought the recipe and rarecrow and after getting the golden pumpkin I watched the skeletons with Sebastian and did some adult wrestling

With Harvey before heading to bed it was the last day of fall and the final cranberry Harvest was swiftly picked I officially kegged all of the pumpkins and went back to kegging Hops I wouldn’t need any of the scarers or sprinklers anymore and was looking forward to being able to move buildings

And plan the layout of the farm there were also lots of winter forage Ables in the greenhouse which meant I had room to plant 13 more ancient seeds I also planted all of the winter seeds that were left over and was wealthy enough to buy some starfruit seeds from Sandy to

Put on the open spots then I set the plans into motion that I couldn’t do yesterday Clint opened my geodes artifact troves and golden coconuts and I got super lucky with an early banana sapling after asking for the idium axe upgrade Gunther took all of my new fins

Then I went back to the island where I put down some Sprinklers and planted the starf FR seeds that hadn’t fit in my Greenhouse even though it was already pretty late in the day I decided to go on my first volcano run although I just barely didn’t make it all the way

Through before passing out It’s a good thing I woke up on the island on day 85 because the weeds were getting dangerously close to my crops after cleaning up it was back to the valley I took demetrius’s biome balance Quest then Scythe down all of the Dead crops it took me quite a while but I

Decided on a layout that would hopefully allow for a decent crop layout and where the winery overlooked the valley I also decided on this green and brown color scheme I’ll have to see if I still like it come spring when the world is less white afterwards I commissioned a shed

That I’m not quite sure what I want to do with yet but I’ll figure something out other than that I gave kobis a birthday horseradish and bought his star drop and a void egg then started fishing for some River fish for Demetrius including the legendary Glacier fish

That night I remembered Sam’s letter and went to pay him a little visit oh my goodness he’s looking at his mom the same way he looked looked at me I feel kind of yucky a shadowy figure ran away from me on my way into town on day

86 after getting back my axe I asked Clint for a copper trash can upgrade since in my last 100 days I learned that apparently a lot of people care about upgrading their trash cans I’ll try it out and see if I think it’s worth it I told Elliot that I like romance novels

Then let Willie whisk me away to the island in the volcano I got a few more walnuts and found mermaid boots in a chest then was able to enchant my sword at the forge getting vampiric which I was pretty happy with I also forged Ruby into it for more damage then rescued

Professor snail from the mushroom cave on the morning of day 87 I found this gemy cashew that looks more like a bell pepper before clearing out the dig site and had a few things to give Professor snail including a mummified frog I found in the jungle back on my

Farm I saw that the shed was finished and asked Robin to to upgrade it and when I gave lonus a birthday coconut I got the Beloved farmer achievement damn right I am at the end of the day I was able to craft 20 more cegs and Cake lots of coffee and

Hops my house was humongous on day 88 after taking care of my boozy animals I decided I wanted to go to the skull Caverns to gather as much aridium as possible thanks to all the coffee I had kaked I was able to make 17 triple shot

Espressos and I made sure to hit up the for some bombs before leaving I started getting lots of secret notes and also found my first Dino egg as well as a whole Dino floor I always feel kind of bad about killing these cuties but I’ll take good care of their

Offspring on day 89 I decided to head back to the island hey Alex do you play soccer cuz you look like a keeper I always find it a bit annoying to never be sure if you’ve collected all of the walnuts in the volcano and right when

You start to think that you haven’t seen one for a long time and you’ve probably gotten all of them another one pops out of something at the end of my run I was able to forge another Ruby into my sword day 90 was a super bad luck day

But the contents of this dig spot suggested otherwise a fairly quick volcano run gifted me with my first ostrich egg and I was able to forge my third and last Ruby into the Galaxy sword while I was at the forge I decided to fish up the lava eel the best fish to

Put in a fish pond for Max profits then I tackled the dreaded Simon Says game and with a little bit of cheating meaning I looked at the footage I finished it and was rewarded with three walnuts having enough to open the resort is that amazing the villagers are going

To love me they’ll be able to sit here and relax and drink pinina coladas of course only if I’m not at my spy to serve them my Greenhouse was full of fully grown melons and winter forgea bles on day 91 I think I made a good decision to to

Put my kiing shed right next to the greenhouse that way I won’t have to walk too far to Kake my produce I decided to trade the small collection of Jades I had masked for staircases at the desert Trader then bought a couple of starf fruit seeds from Sandy back in town

Clint handed me the copper trash can then opened up my geod I had a few things for the museum and also got a fossilized skull for Professor snil my shed had been fully upgraded for a few days now so I went to Robin to paint it

To match the other buildings and while I was there I moved a few more things around and asked her to build a second shipping bin then I just finished up the biome balance Quest bought the largemouth bass at the traveling cart because I was too lazy to go fish for it

Myself took a look at Pier’s spicy magazines and had dinner with one of my many boyfriends and his unsuspecting mom day 92 my void chicken had hatched and I named her Mimosa that meant my incubator had room for the dino egg I had gotten a few days ago it was the day

Of the Ice Festival but the spirits were in good humor so I wanted to go to the skull Caverns instead before I dove in I gave the desert Trader 10 aridian bars in exchange for the desert BP totem my run went pretty well netting me many more

Secret notes a dino floor littered with Dino eggs and lots more aridium I maxed out my last skill combat and chose the brute profession on day 993 I mayed all of the dino eggs I could then went to to Clint to open the new geodes and get the steel

Trash can upgrade I had three more things to give to Gunther and picked up his fragments of the Past Quest from the special orders board hey Haley feel my shirt it’s made of girlfriend material I officially kegged all of the Hops left over from Summer today and

Besides 19 more kegs I also crafted some lamps fence posts aridium Sprinklers and bracers this is what my progress on the animal enclosure looked like by the end of the night I’ll continue working on the rest of the farm tomorrow on the morning of Day 94 I set

Up this furnace area but I wasn’t really happy with it and the layout up here will change a few times by the end of the year I created a path up to the Backwoods right here then grabbed a frozen tear to hand to the birthday boy Sebastian boosting him up to eight

Hearts while I was there I moved my buildings around a Teensy bit more before buying one of each normal fruit tree I was missing meaning not the modded ones and a bouquet from Pier also Gus was selling salmon dinners I bought for Alex then Hugo and I snuck up on

Sebastian to surprise him with the flowers nine Partners in the bag three more to go the trees were put in the greenhouse since I’ll need them to make fruit syrups and I smelted more aridium before heading to bed day 95 was a super good luck day so

I obviously had to go to the Skool Caverns since it was also a Thursday I got to trade three Prismatic shards for a magic rock candy then I staircased down the first 56 levels I got really lucky on level 90 finding the best secret note for Mr key which meant that

10 floors later I was given the aridium snake milk by 2: a.m. I had found five Prismatic shards over 450 idium ores and another Dino floor passing out on level 156 after marveling at my satisfying Loot on day 96 I demolished the furnace area and move mov my buildings around

Again I don’t know why I’m so indecisive but even though the farm is quite big with the way I have it now I just barely have enough room for one of my standard crop layouts and don’t know if I want more plus by this point I have decided I

Want to try to make the winery the bar so I used the shed for other things I also commissioned a fish pond and bought as much wood as I could my Oak resin was ready and I realized that I would never have enough tappers for all these trees

So I decided to chop a few down although I couldn’t afford anything I decided to go to the saloon hoping I might get some inspiration for fizzy Farm then found some Cinder saop cinnamon before going on a thirsty camping trip with Emily I literally spent all of day 97 moving stuff around on my farm now the crafting and smelting station are in the middle of this upper area and the Brewing stations the mods add are in the winery where I also put down some chests to store all ingredients I might need

The crop area is a tiny bit smaller than I usually make it but I think it’ll still work obviously it’s not finished yet but I’m feeling good about my layout decisions day 98 was a Sunday and I still needed to finish the fragments of the Past Quest so first I headed to

Ginger Island to mine the bone nodes my crops were all fully grown which incentivized the gourmont Frog to give me 15 golden walnuts and after selling Pier 27 tea saplings I crafted I visited Harvey to give him a birthday coffee his enthusiasm for the plane overhead was

Such a turn on that I went straight back to Pierre to pick up a bouquet since I had taken all of the bone fragments I already had in a chest with me I had enough to add to the drop off box at the Museum but I still had to

Go into the mines to finish the collecting part of the quest with the monster musk it didn’t take long at all and when I came back out I found Abigail being swarmed by bats she must have really liked my monster stench but cuz we smooched there and

Then Elliot stay right there I’ll go get you a gift just 2 seconds Elliot at the end of the day I finished putting down pathing around my crop field leaving a little room for a junimo Huds I chose Wily’s juicy bugs wanted Quest from the special orders board on

Day 99 before asking him to take me to the island I decided to do a quick volcano run before the night market started which was very worse worth it I got seven Dragon’s Teeth and found a deluxe Pirates hat in a treasure chest then picked my crops before heading back

To the valley at the night market I made a beeline for the mermaid show which always feels slightly scandalous got the Pearl then bought the lupini painting to impress Leah I also couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a free coffee and bought some of the decorations before heading

Home there I picked and replanted star fruits and ancient seeds ked the star fruits and Shi my pale LS and melon wines for a pretty penny on day 100 I put a sturon into my new fish pond then played around with some pathing at the top of the farm for

A bit but once again I’m not really sure if it’ll stay this way my money was burning a hole in my pocket and I wanted to get another aridium tool upgrade but Clint wasn’t there so I put down some more pass before the night market started Elliot and Penny are the last

Two singles I have to woo and sadly neither of them were at the night market although Elliot was just heading through his door when I spotted him I swear he’s trying to avoid me but I will make him love me to console myself I got into the submarine and did some fishing getting

All three of the exclusive fish and before heading to bed I broke up a brawl between the dwarf and kobis then reset my mining professions to be able to sell metal bars at an increased price Clint actually decided to work on day 101 so after handing the wizard a

Birthday purple mushroom I got to pick up my steel trash can and did my usual geode opening before selling him most of my aridium bars and asking for the last hoe upgrade I found Elliot hiding in the library where I gave him a nice pomegranate I saw that both he and Penny

Were missing over one full heart so I also made sure to give her an emerald all those wooden paths were eating through my wood reserves so I used a lot of my idium money to buy four stacks of wood before going to the Night Market

Hey Elliot can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas the rest of the night was spent in the mines Gathering bug meat for Willie ooh another ancient seed don’t mind if I do on day 102 Alex invited me to The

Saloon and I found out that I got to get Elliot a secret gift for the Feast of the winter star perfect I also finally filled up the whole first shed with cs isn’t that amazing and decided on this spot for a second propop area before laying down the pathing I handed out

Some more gifts and felt slightly creepy while sitting in Penny’s trailer waiting for her to get home hey Penny I’m no photographer but I can definitely picture us two together this is what the second crop Field layout looked like at the end of the day and up here I’ll make

A little beer garden for my patrons where they’ll have a great view of the abrupt color changes of the mountains day 103 was extremely interesting first Maru showed me her sensient machine no sir no funny business going on here bye Milda Demetrius will never let Maru date

Ever again hey Sebastian how’s it going what do you mean Maru has the same shade of lipstick after I cleared out the quy and filled it with kegs I added 10 more tappers to the oak trees at the railroad so they were now finally all tapped then

Alex bought me dinner at the saloon in our own little private room and it was more than a little awkward to have one of my girlfriends serve us Gus is probably trying to talk her out of being with me um Alex you’ve got a little bit on your face

Bud then to top it all off Sebastian took me to this make out spot overlooking zuu City I tried to ignore my hurting chap lips while I ate the trash cookies I had found to get rid of the bad feeling in my stomach oh god I’ve become a sibling

Smoocher day 104 was a bit more civilized the cutest little Dino hatched and I decided to name her grasshopper my star fruits were ready and after kegging them and planting more seeds I picked up my hoe and gave Evelyn a birthday Diamond I still had to complete Wily’s bug Quest and although I

Didn’t feel like doing the collecting part today I took 100 bug Meats I already had in a chest and put them in the barrel outside his shop it was thrilling to see Gus on the island and of course I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get the gold star wine

For the missing bundle and the tropical curry recipe and a panina Cola for myself after putting on my pirate hat I played three rounds of darts with the pirate and had a celebratory meet afterwards day 105 was a rainy day on the island and since I had already

Gotten two gems from the gem Birds I was able to guess the second half of the puzzle in the jungle nutting me five more walnuts I used them to unlock the island Trader nothing much else happened that day I was a able to pick up the fully grown winter forage Ables on my

Farm which I just turned back into seeds and replanted put a lava e into my new fish pond then made a monster musk to get as much bug meat as possible finishing Wily’s Quest at midnight I crafted two more crystarium to Triple my jade production on day 106

And while doing my farm chores I saw that my very first starfruit wines were ready who doesn’t like expensive booze Gus wanted to make his famous omelet so I agreed to take on his quest then headed to the island where I found out I still needed seven walnuts to be allowed

Through the door I fished up the spine of the fossilized animal before finding a few more walnuts during a volcano run then panned up the fossilized tail now I just need to hand in the skull that I have lying in a chest on my farm at home I went through the volcano yet

Again on day 107 since I still wasn’t quite sure if I had found all the walnuts even though I didn’t find a need this time around plus I still need to find a fossilized B bat which can drop from any of the Rocks I didn’t get that

Either but at least I had enough bones and Cinder shards to get the banana pudding and Alex retaining soil recipes from the island Trader on my way back to fizzy Farm I Saw Penny and gifted her an emerald getting her up to eight hearts unfortunately Pier was closed so I’ll

Have to give her a bouquet some other day then I spent the rest of the evening adding more pathing to the farm I bought not one but two bouquets on day 100 eight of course Penny got one of them but I was also positive I would

Be able to put Elliot under my spell by the end of the year after opening geod at clints I sold in most of my valuable aridium and gold bars then bought 600 each of copper and iron ores and asked for a gold trash can upgrade I found

Penny and the kids in the forest who asked me if I had a boyfriend yeah like six actually but don’t tell Penny then Marne sold me a second Auto Grabber and heater for my poor freezing coup animals it was raining on the island and I knew

I would find the mermaid there so I set up the five flop blocks for five golden walnuts I had also remembered to bring the skull with me getting five more and another banana sapling that meant I had enough walnuts to construct the farm Obelisk and Enter key Walnut Room where

I picked the Prismatic grain Quest before heading back to the mainland on day 109 I scoured my Island farm for dig spots to no avail then used A pranic Shard I had gotten from one of my volcano runs to enchant my pickaxe getting the best one straight away the Swift

Enchantment it was the big day the Feast of the winter star the social highlight of the winter season after saying hi to everyone of course I once spiced meet Emily do you even know me I gave the apple of my eye Elliot a gold star duck

Feather Robin gave me a great gift 25 hardwood I thought about sitting down next to someone before calling into today but I realized no matter where I went I could get into prickly situation with the rest of my lovers wondering why I’m not sitting next to them I had a

Crisis of conscience should I settle down soon for the warmth of a genuine loving Embrace from a true one and only nah that night I used the hardwood Robin had given me to craft some more bar machines for my cocktails and even made my first lemon and lime

Juices the first caviar was ready on day 110 meaning I was able to complete the missing bundle at the decrepit JoJo Mart also Elliot invited me to his book reading ooh sounds intriguing after Hing in the Caviar Gold Star Wine Dino Mayo gold star void salmon and a prismatic

Shard to help the last little junimo reunite with their family I tried to find Clint to give him a birthday topaz but he was nowhere to be found I assumed he was on the island and was hopeful I would get to see Harvey there but but no

At least Elliot was there enjoying the Sun so I got to hand out my very last bouquet guess please keep this on the down low I have now officially wooed every single person I could and look forward to seeing the rest of the 10 hardcut scenes I spent the rest of the

Day in the volcano where I found the bat which means now I’m just missing the last dang snake spine that night the junimos turned the old jojamart into a movie theater on day 111 another batch of star fruit wine was ready after selling them to Pierre I

Picked up my gold trash can from Clint and bought 500 pieces of coal copper and iron before the inflation hits in year two similarly I bought two stacks of wood from Robin then asked for the final house upgrade which would add a wine seller when I arrived on the island I

Was blessed with the sight of this hunk of a man hello Harvey have a coffee isn’t that amazing it was a bit of a struggle but I was able to pull enough things together to finish the yellow orange purple and blue things for the Prismatic range but was missing 20 green

And 50 red things and was appalled to find out that Center shards and magma caps don’t count for red in which reality are these orange before heading to bed I Enchanted some of my tools getting bottomless on my watering can and shaving on my axe after three

Tries it was day 112 the last day of the year I said hi to my boozy flocks before adding 24 more kegs to the Quarry then it was time to listen to an excerpt from Elliot’s romance novel most people had left by the end which makes me think he

Skimmed on the steamy Parts I walked into what could have been a disaster on the island but thank goodness the boys all played it cool and none of them asked for a kiss in front of the others Key’s Prismatic range was completed with 20 more fiber and 50 explosive ammo and

I used the gems to get the key to the town and three mushroom tree seeds then I spent the last hours of the day on fizzy Farm trying to make it as beautiful as possible before the new year rolled around by adding more pathing and these signs that will

Display little knickknacks just like in your favorite dingy Pub well that brings us to the end of our exhilarating first year at fizzy Farm it’s been a roller coaster of emotions from heartwarming moments to a touch of overindulgence but that’s honestly what I was hoping for and fear not our

Journey is far from over of course we still have a lot of the drink making to get into and I can’t wait to see what my 12 main squeezes have in store for me when they find out what I’ve been up to if you have any suggestions for goals

For the next 200 days video definitely let me know in the comments as always thanks a ton for watching and have an amazing day bye Y’all N

Hey y’all!
I’m back with a brand new 100 days playthrough in Stardew Valley, this time on Fizzy Farm, where our main objective is to quench our thirst – both for beverages and for pretty bachelors and bachelorettes! Thanks a ton for joining me on this new adventure!!
Love ya lots, Mimi

Mods used:
Vibrant Pastoral Recolor: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6367
Atelier Wildflour Coffee Pack: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/14719
Wild Food – A Forage Expansion Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/14653
HXW Marvelous Mocktails:
HXW Craft Cocktails:
Zenith Farm:


  1. This was so much fun to watch! Loved the irl cocktail recipes.
    For a next goal idea, get both cut scenes where the boys/girls meet each other.
    Get krobus to 10 โค. Finish all cocktails or at least make one gold star wine for each wine type.

  2. "En รธl takk!" Is now I'd say it in Norwegian! Similar to Swedish, but รธl and specifically the รธ has a different mouth shape. (Tending to be more closed than the Swedes version)
    Super clever idea for a video!

  3. Yksi kalja kiitos is one beer please in Finnish. I'd love for you to try saying it. Also loved the video! Not completely through the video yet but I'm close. Edit: Finished watching the video finally and loved it! Amazing work! Maybe you should go for Krobus for 200 days, it would really fit the idea of the series at least in my opinion

  4. This was such a creative playthrough! I loved the pick ups lines and the different ways to ask for a beer! Canโ€™t wait to see what new way to play youโ€™ll think of next ๐Ÿ˜

  5. Great video! Your dutch is pretty good and very polite ๐Ÿ™‚ Please wear an actual rabbits foot on you if you want to keep the boys happy (i forgot and paid the price)

  6. 5 bouquets handed out? Simultaneously?

    Once, a long time ago, decades ago, in college, I was dating two different people at the same time. Not serious, pretty low key romance-wise. But, still.

    It was an utter disaster. First off, never date two women who know each other and interact fairly often. Second, don't go to a party that both are attending. What was I thinking?

    It was dumb. I was dumb. I am born monogamous and need to not monkey with the formula. I'm not and never will be a player.

  7. i'm not fully fluent in welsh, but one way to say one beer please is: hoffwn un gwydrad o gwrw, plis (or, for extra credit: os gwelwch yn dda instead of plis). you'd probably have to look up a pronunciation guide for it, since welsh doesn't use the same phonetics as english. it's a beautiful language and i'm proud to have learned some.

    (sorry if i spelled anything wrong, i learned mostly through speaking and listening so i'm not 100% on spelling)

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