BLOOPERS and FUNNY MOMENTS from The Stardew Valley Trials

Guys, I’m going to reveal the team that came in last place and they’re the team that has an extra vote going int- sit down. HE JUST RAN AWAY 🤣 This is the bloopers episode for the first season of the Stardew Valley Trials. Not every moment of filming makes it into the finished episode,

But there were some moments that we captured that I still wanted to share with all of you. I hope you enjoy this a little behind the scenes video. And I also wanted to quickly let you guys know that we’ll be extending the sale of the Stardew Valley Trials T-shirts by one week.

You’ll have until March 26th to get one. But with that. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. Here are some Ad-libbed lines if you need them at a certain point. OH MY GOD! I could not believe that! I cannot STAND Waligug honestly, a good idea in these challenges just do whatever Haboo’s doing. AH!

UUGH! come ON! Are you serious? Hope you enjoyed that last part. Come and get your drinks. Come and get your juice and drinks. I’m up for some juice. Here’s some old water.😂😂 Lemme lay down on the counter Hey, hey. No free water. Hey. How do I- oh, I cant, okay, there we go.

Alright. There you go. This is definitely not three days old. Don’t worry about it. Oh! ♥Oh thank you!♥ You’re like- You’re like the Emily to my Gus! Oop, I DRANK ON THE JOB. Oop, sorry. My bad. Oh. Did Somebody turn the heat on here? Oh, right. What are the answers to this again?

22, I just googled it. ~ooo~ Oop, I think that may have just revealed. We’re walking. OH!😭 I shouldn’t have done that. 😭😭😭 if we pretend we didn’t know we’re- What? Who did that? My computer was hacked. My cat took over the keyboard! So you guys are going to start, Why don’t Brookelle

And BlaDe come stand on the- Y’know, I can get you with -a lot- of technicalities right here, by the way. Well, tell me, what do you…? No, because then I can’t do it. Haboo? Okay,what happens If you pick up an item and throw it back on the ground, but it’s behind something,

You don’t have it on you- No, that’s, you’ve picked up two items that’s against. Yeah. No. What happens if you pick up an item and then throw it on the ground and then you only have…? No, it’s “Pick up one item”. 💀 That’s. That’s literally- I’m giving you garbage. alright, leave me be.

You are. The garbage of my eye. 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 I don’t know. That’s- that was… That was kind of romantic. Do you see how you’re dressed right now? 😳 The next Valentine’s day card is- Look how You’re dressed. Look at you. Look at you. I look great. I’m in my ✨bluejeans✨,

Point being just don’t pick up multiple items. You better take a step back before I kiss you.😠 Honestly. Did you… choose your character Haboo? Oh, No. I did not. I asked Z to give me it and surprise me. The boy in a blue bonnet just told me to check my drip.

I can’t believe this.💀 At least I don’t look like Sid from Toy Story. That was what I was going for. Whoever’s editing this on Z’s crew, if you don’t keep in the clip of me calling Seanie a baddie, I’m going to write you a strongly worded letter.

I’m gonna be really, really disappointed. I could join Seanie’s file. heh heh heh 😈 Just join it and just go in chat and say “P”. To be fair, he didn’t say we couldn’t work with a different team.😏 Oh, my g… Oh, my gosh! Hold on- Stressed. Stressed. I’m stressed. I’m so stressed.

I’m alone and I’m stressed. All the stress, nothing but stress. It’s just stress. Just stress, stress, stress. Huh… “Huh…” What? “Huh…” What is going on over there? Uh oh, I feel a sneeze coming. *coughs????* Put that in if you want. Don’t, though. That would be stupid. Or do. It’s your creative vision.

I don’t want to step on your toes, so I waddle over and put my extra sword in there for any unfortunate soul who’s had a hard time with loot so far. Because, you know, kindness counts. I’m just now realizing that, I try to take notes during this challenge just for confessionals.

And I’m dyslexic, so I do have a hard time with spelling sometimes. But the “you” moved all the way to the end of the word. So I wrote “kindness contus” and then an exclamation point. Sorry, I’m getting- I’m getting off track. Seanie don’t DM me pictures of Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Why’d you DM me this too Seanie? Playing Battle Royalley with high ping is an interesting experience. As soon as my game starts desyncing, I become a ghost. So, yeah. Ghost…. 👻oooOOOOooooOoooooooOOOOOoooooooo👻 I just do a few of these 👻OOOoooooooooOOOoooOooooooOOoOo👻 👻oOOOOOooOooOoooooooOOOOOooooOoooOo👻 I’ll put a chest out. yeah, I will also put your slingshots

And your fences and everything. Wait, That one’s mine. Hey, dont look at mine.😢 I thought he was putting both in one. to save tiiiiime~ Wait, I put way too many in. Hey, HEY MATT LOOKED AT MY SLINGSHOT. Cheater. Cheater. Cheater. Cheater! Eliminated. Actually, you’ve been eliminated.😤 Thanks for playing!😇

Thanks for being in the Stardew Valley Trials.😊 Noo, there’s a question for Matt, “How did it feel to be voted in by your friends?” Don’t do that to me. Oh, God, this was so sad. Matt, give a farewell to the Stardew Valley Trials. Oh, my God. Godspeed, mustache man.

I feel like human trash. I don’t even feel like human trash. There’s no human. I just feel like trash 😔 Wow, I’m tras-. I am- Hello. I am Trash. Nice to meet you. My name is, my name is Trash. Is th- Oh, my God. Is the challenge really called? “Not so Eggselent?”

That’s humiliating Z, I hope you’re embarrassed about that. I’m gonna… gonna flip a coin. Seanie is auto-safe because he’s my child. Although he is on thin ice because he called me his little brother in the first episode, which. You are like a little brother tho.😢 I know I’m younger.

Being called a little brother by you makes me upset. But it’s okay you’re safe. Only like a year diff- No, Seanie, you’re pushing it, remember? Thin ice… Okay. Haboo and Nooblit. You guys ready? Yup. alright. I’m assuming Haboo’s ready cause he’s twerking. I said to Em, I was like,

I really hope that after some time has passed and, like, they have some time to mourn, that they will be happy. I don’t want this to just be straight sad episodes what do you expect? I have to eliminate my FRIENDS! 😡 Well, there’s an alternative. Which, by the way, is a list

That *you* will soon be removed from, ZACHARY, for making me do this. Just kidding. This is great, and I love it.🥰 I was going to say, as if you ever added me on your friends list in the first place. I was even relieved after he landed his fourth dart on the-

After he landed his fourth dart- And even I was relieved after his first- And even I was relieved after… 💥💥💥💥💥 Yo I keep saying the same thing over how am I supposed to exaggerate on God damn darts? Every single dart like- Oh my God, he landed it! Oh, my God, He made it!

Gasp!! Bro. It makes no sense. I’m literally just saying like “the sixth dart made its mark. the seventh dart, Missed. Unfortunate. Sadge. Boo hoo.” Alright, cool. Hey, who? Let’s just do the order you guys sat down in, how about it? Wait, where’s Haboo? Haboo’s on the far right. Do you not see Haboo?

No, he’s n- On my screen theres no like- Oh, Well, that’s on your- on your screen. Wait, are you guys joking right now? No. Yeah, something’s wrong because Haboo’s staring you in the face right now. This is what it looks like, look at Discord. 👻I’m A GhOoOooOst~👻 His little baby bonnet.

Is right up in your mustache. It won’t change your ability to answer trivia. So it’s fine. Is this “?HMGTF?”? Say again? “?HMGTF?”. I have to check. How do you know this? Dude, that was a WAY harder question. Yeah, what the frick? That is… almost correct. But it is- Are you gonna seriously Frickin…

It’s three question marks, right? Can you just say it again? It’s HMTGF, Maybe just, maybe just, maybe we rig it just a little. This is kind of cute. What if we kissed in front of the Joja machines?😳 Just kidding. Unless… 😏 Therm let me say one thing. Okay?

I’m still going to come to your streams. Yay!💜 I can’t wait to see you. The friendship is powerful here. Beautiful. That’s okay right there. Yeah… I don’t know. That’s why ya don’t mess with team ThermieDew BAYBEEEEE back off Haboo, suck- uuuhhh theoooossse pants??? Suck on my 💨🅿💨 BUTT!

Suck on my butt uh th- Haboo! suck on these berries Haboo! I’m going to make you very blue~~ BAYBEE. That’s the- that’s the- that’s the… that’s the…. Wow. That was one of the worst things I’ve ever heard. I’m so sorry. Whoever’s editing this footage. That was like an Obama stutter.

I still think I have a decent chance of winning. I don’t think Z is going to pull out another fast one on us and ask, “how many tiles is Leah’s cabbage?” 🥬Cabbage🥬 I still think I have a decent chance of winning this one… 🥬Cabbage🥬 I’m stuck on 🥬Cabbage🥬.

Why did I say 🥬Cabbage🥬? I still think I have a decent chance of winning this one, but I’m definitely not just going to steamroll over these guys like they played Stardew, they have a lot of Stardew knowledge. As long as Z doesn’t pull a fast one on us and just ask

“How many tiles is in Leah’s 🥬Cab- How many tiles is in Leah’s 🥬Cabbage🥬. IM- 💥💥💥💥 🥬Cabbage!🥬 COTTAGE! 🥬My cabbages!🥬 Alright, these are stupid. Should we skip the warm-me-up round? No, no. They got the first two that are stupid, we get stupid ones too. Okay. Listen, I *am* stupid. I need this.

I actually, I probably should have asked which statue is this? Just not even like what is the actual name? What’s the exact name of this? Yeah, I know. Right. listen, I did these all while I was in the gym last night, so. WOAH #GAINZ!!!. Oh, yeah, baby! Big lad! Oh yeah!

I’m scared about the questions now. I had testosterone pumpin’ through my body when I wrote this one! OH HABOO IF YOU- okay. alright. I’m going to do in that order. Therm, pick a random number 2. alright, so you picked me 30. alright, so it’s 30K. You son of a b****. It’s 30K.

Oh, my God. I just so badly wanted to know something about this game that you didn’t know. I didn’t know it. That was pure randomness. You can’t be good at this game. And lucky dude. Okay, next up. Next up. Haboo, That is correct. Unbelievable. You guys want to know something

Really fun and cool? I’d love to. I have a video coming out on Tuesday called: “What Does Your Farm Type Say about You”. What does the Standard Farm say about Z? You probably played way too much of this game and you’re a minmaxer. Oh. True. I, I like the standard one

The most because it’s- there’s so much room for activities! you can make it- -And you’re boring! 😡 you can make it look so pretty!☺ That’s- okay.. nah it’s- alright. Alright. Very nice. Very cool. Alright, I hope that’s like, vague enough where people can think that I can betray him or not.

I have no idea. Also, you better not leave this part in I swear to God, They still peeing? Jesus. Therm I think died. I think he peed so hard, He died. You’re going to get some very inspirational s*** from that conversation. I just had with myself. With uh, definite regrets and sadness.

I’m going to be voting out Z from the challenge. Okay. But we’ve been over this. You can’t do that. alright, can you give me your real vote, please? But I want you gone. I understand that but. Give me Em! Haboo, Talk to me after the recording. I want Em. 😠

Come talk to me after class. MEET ME AT THE PLAYGROUND TO FIGHT! Captions by Sly 💚



14 competitors, countless challenges, and one massive cash prize. For eight weeks, Stardew Valley’s biggest content creators will need to fight for power, struggle for survival, all while making friends and enemies along the way.

A collection of bloopers and funny moments throughout the first season of the Stardew Valley Trials!

Fanart info:






Lee (atwentysomethingloser)


Matt McCleskey



Seanie Dew






Huge thanks to SoupRS for the inspiration for this series! I’m a huge fan of his Gielinor Games, you can watch them here:

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Edited by Sly

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