The Aether – Release Trailer

The original Aether mod, updated and remastered for modern Minecraft

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  1. Just wanted to pin a quick comment to clarify our stance on Mojang and the development of the vanilla game.

    Mojang is made up of friends, colleagues, and many talented acquaintances of ours, including a former member of our development team. While I think it is uncontroversial to point out that their development cycle has often not met the community's expectations, we do not approve of or appreciate our work being used to hate on Mojang. They do amazing work and none of us would be in the place we are now without it.

    You're perfectly within your rights to criticise Mojang if they aren't working to your standards, but please do not bring our work into that. I think we have achieved something wonderful with this remake release but fundamentally it took us 3+ years to remake a mod that was already designed and completed over a decade ago. It is in no way comparable to the amount of engineering, design, art, QA, and hard work that goes into vanilla Minecraft.

    Let's just try to spread positivity and constructive criticism in our community rather than blind hatred towards the very people who keep this community running, please.

    ~ Oscar Payn – Project Lead for The Aether Team

  2. I still remember making an Aether portal in vanilla Minecraft and not understanding why it didn't work.
    As I recall, I watched TobyGames/Tobuscus and he didn't actually say it was modded and it just felt like something that would/could be in the game

  3. This was certainly a trip. The Aether is the most iconic Minecraft mod and to see this after all this time, is a huge achievement. You really worked hard for it and the result is incredible. 🎭

  4. I really like the Aether… My favorite way to traverse it is to wear an Aerbunny and use other mods to try and give me upward momentum. It gives me that feeling of joy when traversing because it's slow enough to enjoy the sights and not unbelievably overpowered that I fly across gaps instantly.

  5. I am so excited to try this on the modern versions of Minecraft. I never got to try the first one but always wanted to, but never had a machine that could handle it and I wasn’t savvy enough with technology to understand how to mod it really but I’m older now and it’s been a long time, I’m looking forward to trying this.

  6. Never got the chance to play the original mod but, like so many, tried to build the portal in vanilla Minecraft (it was actually the very first thing I ever build in the game) and, like so many, saw the water flowing down instead of lighting up a portal.

    Later on played The Aether 2 which was so refreshing. Even if it never was finished, I had so many fond memories of my time on the mod.

    Seeing this, remastered and still as "simple" yet as efficient as ever is truly amazing.

    This mod not only shaped the way for modding in Minecraft but probably for modding in so many more games.

    To this day, I wish that Mojang would officially add this as an official part of the game, it just feels so natural.

    Thank you for this version!

  7. I met my best friend way back in the day when TheAtlanticCraft made a modpack around I think… the first or second full iteration of this mod. On the Void Launcher if anyone remembers it. Jumped in the server, then into a random Skype call right after middle school. Met multiple times IRL now and a decade later we still play MC and other stuff together. Seeing this remade is an indescribable joy, great work to everyone that's kept this mod going, and thank you. May your future projects be fruitful.

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