I Ranked Stardew Valley Characters In a Tier List…

What does that say about you we’re not going to get into this this isn’t therapy you’re going to fight a child okay about that all right is Grandpa even on here why is grandpa an option uh Emily I think I want to put her in B tier which I feel like is maybe

Higher than a lot of people might put her but I don’t know she’s unpro maybe this is just me personally she feels like she’s for the ladies I don’t know if anyone else feels this way but sometimes you feel like they like pair better like the male farmer I’m just

Like okay second Clint you know get out of here so yeah I’m going to put her in a healthy be tier also I made this rainbow that that is the order I did not do it for anything else so don’t get your hopes up oh Elliot Elliot my boy I

Don’t know why it’s sound like I about to cry Elliot oh my God Elliot was my not first second person I went after when I first started playing stardew I bet you can guess who is the first just based on the everything about me I like me I like me some smart men

You know I like he’s a poet or whatever so I’m going to put him in a tier however I almost want to like knock him down because he has like a really weird cut scene but yeah uh he’s like an a tier for me honestly plus he does have

The best like crazy mod out of all of them like it’s the best well written Leah I just did a video on Leah’s crazy crazy in love um Leah I have never liked Leah and I am going to be so real it’s because I think the sculpture she

Gives you is ugly and it’s always bothered me that to romance her I have to put that in my house otherwise I’m a terrible spouse and I just hate the way it looks like what is a girl to do in these conditions yeah so she’s going in

SE here which maybe it’s unfair maybe it’s cruel but I don’t care yeah I am ranking them it is is um not by number that would be rude simply by letters letters are societally accepted to be okay I actually don’t like penny that much and I feel really bad because she’s

Like the really sweet quiet shy one I’m saying this but you know there’s Shane I can fix him I just don’t want to fix her I guess or I don’t want to fix her problems you know I don’t want to have to buy her a house you know I want I

Want to buy myself a yacht and you know Sam people got really mad at me when I made his hair flat which I think is kind of funny not a fan of the hair you know it’s where’s it going it’s going places not near me though cuz the C tier he

Actually has really like sweet everything else I just his hair I can’t get past it also there’s something about Sam Sebastian and Abigail they’re all very juvenile you know Haley this is controversial okay controversial yeah I know Drew she is an S for me and maybe that’s wrong and maybe maybe they’ll boo

Me but it’s only because I’m right okay so she’s like she’s a little mean at first but you know I like them a little a little icy you know I like my I like them hard to get I love them hard to love I like it when people are toxic

Towards everyone else but not me cuz then I don’t have to like you know I don’t have to compete with it anyone cuz they just hate everyone else Harvey this is a this is a tough one honestly I’m just going to I’m just going to put it

Out there the mustache I just it feels unfair to just like to just throw okay no no no I’m I’m remembering the crimes he committed against me the mustache is inant s here no but in my last video he kept charging me every time I died even

When we were married he charged me Bills medical bills bills just I should be the exception like why did I marry a doctor if I can’t get free medical attention whatever I feel like I I deserve I deserve more even though I really like his cutcenes his crazy mod

Is pretty neat Alex okay so this Alex is rehea my bestie Alex is her favorite I’m pretty sure which automatically puts him in DET tier uh she’s got bad taste he’s sexist I don’t like sexism is that is that like weird to say I just don’t I’m not a fan

Of it you know I prefer not the r slander no I would never I would never never no one tell her I said that I’m going to leave it out of the video all right this will come as a surprise to no one uh shaded s tier I think you can see

A pattern here a little bit of s tiers being people that are really mean to me there’s something about them you know I can fix them they’re only nice nice to me what is what does that say about you we’re not going to get into this this

Isn’t therapy post oh no post marriage is a whole other thing most of them go in C or D for post-marriage honestly like they just stop trying you know once the chase is over but Abigail she’s immature I don’t I don’t like that I like people that are fully formed their

Frontal loes are really like meaty that’s a terrible word to use I don’t know her mom but I think I’m going to put her in C tier what’s the tier list based on my opinion and that’s it yeah no the the mustache but the thing

Is when I took the mustache off him he’s like it looks like he’s snuck on Earth so what am I supposed to do oh yeah I think if she ate amethysts more openly maybe I’d like bump her up to B tier you know I just think that’d be really Brave

Of her all right Sebastian actually is a tier because motorcycle I know I the thing is other people people can fix him me personally I don’t want to I I trust he’s in the hands of of good people with with beautiful hearts that is not me my

Heart is made of ice and I don’t respond well to sexism that’s just me personally Maru EST tier she is my favorite ever the only thing I don’t like is I don’t like the Demetrius is all mean to me because of my career that’s all I don’t

Like yeah Maru I just like her she’s so sweet she’s nice she’s smart you know all the things she’s basically Sebastian and Elliott put together for me like everything I like about them so then she gets bumped up so this is my tier list ooh this one’s got words Yoba tier

Ridium Quality Gold Star no strong feelings but I’m fine with you I just don’t care about you I just don’t like you joa quality this is pretty simple I do get a lot of comments on my YouTube channel regarding like what’s wrong with Pierre what’s wrong with Mar Lewis

Because I’m really really cruel to them in my videos and I feel like maybe I should explain why that is Pierre first of all he puts your crops on display at the fair which feels unfair no pun intended also he I feel like he doesn’t really treat his wife that well and

Maybe that’s just from mods that I feel that way I don’t know if there’s actually evidence of that in like vanilla but he just seems like an angry unpleasant man and he charges me money when he could be giving me seeds for free that’s crazy it’s like he’s trying

To start a business or something anyway Jo which is ironic because he’s Pierre I feel like I’d put him in I just don’t like you I don’t know if he’s joa you know after all he did apologize for insulting my grandpa’s cabin he mails me that every single time I play the game

Ever so it’s hard to completely hate the guy cuz you know he tries also I feel feel like Marne doesn’t suck as bad and maybe she makes him better you know maybe they maybe they bring out the best in each other anyway she’s also there

Why is her store never open this is not how you run a business woman yeah I’m still not good at talking yet I’m sorry since birth actually she’s a terrible store owner my my animals will die before she will possibly open that’s the main part maybe that’s me being

Irresponsible but he he can just stay there amongst the pyramid of disaster oh Jo quality who else but Morris to complete the Pyramid of awfulness he’s capitalist he’s mean and when I got the lottery mod he did not ever give me the winning ticket and I took that

Personally Emily I feel like I give her a gold star above average I appreciate her Whimsical zest for Life Penny I have no strong feelings for her she’s nice I want to give him a gold star cuz he’s really doing the work out here and I’m impressed you know I’m not easily

Impressed but I am impressed right now this lady I um you can be a no strong feelings cuz I like the Stars in Your Hair Kent I just don’t care about you Kent this bear he speaks to me I don’t know I don’t know how to explain it um

You get a gold star the other bear all right this is this is controversial I just it’s not that I don’t like children it’s that I don’t like this child who happens to be a child but also he’s not fully developed as a human so it feels

Unfair to judge him but as the person he is you got work to do little buddy like what can I say all right let’s go all the way up I’d say aridium mostly because of the mods that I have on my channel to make him awesome but I don’t

Know he’s he’s chill he’s cool he’s neat Marlin I would put him in no strong feelings but in the last video he kind of like he he was kind of he was crossing boundaries he was flirting with people like my people right in front of me and like you’re still better than

Louis cuz like look at him but still uh easy yit here easy yit here willly my beloved even though I replaced him with me for a really long time uh I did take that mod out by the way if anyone was dying that I just kept putting the Jolly

Fish as Willie mod in mostly cuz I forgot to take it out but you know that’s just part of it uh this guy let’s see he’s terrible at his job because just give him mayonnaise and then he stops doing it so that seems like a little sketchy but he doesn’t work for

Me so I give him a gold star the witch I I would say I’m just fine with I would say the wizard I don’t like which it’s kind of I don’t know if there’s big like wizard love he’s talking down to me he’s condescending like chill bro you’re a

Wizard I guess this is just a junimo so I’m going to go rum quality I love them Jun junos the J the junimos I love those guys Gus easy go gold star Gus is great the G and Gus stands for great and gold star this guy bouncer guy I’m going to

Give him gold star he’s good at his job anyway lius I don’t know I just don’t care about him maybe that makes me a bad person but Elliot I’m going put him here as far as like bachelors and bachelorettes go he is one of my more

Favorite ones but he’s also not like I I I don’t want to give him a gold star I’m like picturing like putting a gold star like a little sticker on their shirt Elliot like he’s looking at me with that smirk no no gold star for you wipe that

Smile off your face write your book kobis oh you know kobis got to be Yer kobis is incredible they just it’s everything that’s good about the world is kobus let’s see Robin okay this is going to sound bad but I don’t like that she takes so long to build my house and

That’s so unfair because 3 days is crazy but I try to like give her spaghetti as like a tip and sometimes she won’t take it and you know know I get really offended cuz I spent a really long time buying that spaghetti from Gus Gunther uh gold star we stand a king So

Committed to the Arts I just don’t like you Caroline my baby girl you get gold star you deserve better you deserve so much better than Pierre just let me sweep you off your feet and we can go off in the sunset together Shane this is going to completely contradict what I

Did in my bachelor bachelorettees rating he’s going there just because the way I’m picturing this is I don’t want to give him a gold star he’s like s tier for me but he doesn’t deserve a gold star I guess he could be aridium quality but have you seen this man’s

Post-marriage room you know once those floors are aridium quality Evelyn AKA granny she deserves that gold star um when I was doing my trash only run I found cookies in her trash all the time you know at first I was like isn’t that a little wasteful Evelyn people are

Starving Evelyn they’re starving but then I realized that the estranged farmer lives off of the trash cans and surely she knows this cuz I’m out there scrambling like a rat outside her home so she’s leaving those cookies for me oh yeah George the only reason he’s that

High up I feel like a lot of people might put him lower because he’s kind of cranky you know uh he’s a little fussy I would put him a little higher up because he doesn’t owe me anything he doesn’t owe me being nice you know I’m okay with

Old people being mean to me they have earned it and when I’m old I will be so nice yep Jazz all right this is going to make me look bad I just don’t like that she don’t like that she’s a child no it’s not because she’s a child I don’t

Like her and she happens to be a child um Demetrius I don’t like you man like I’m a farmer that is a career children no not children hating era no no no no no no no we’re not putting labels on my child related hatred for characters that

Happen to be children but yeah Demetrius why you so judgy bro let Maru make her own decisions she’s an adult get out of my face traveling cart I think we all know it’s Yoba here and here’s why first of all women she’s beautiful okay she’s gorgeous your honor secondly she has an

Eye for the Aesthetics she’s beautiful she’s perfect um every time I do my community center run she’s in there she’s clutching like she’s giving me things that I would never get otherwise year one Community Center it’s all thanks to her oh yeah also I like to drive the traveling cart it’s fun I

Don’t care about you Abigail I feel like I would say no strong feelings but I feel like I have a a slight inclination to be like girl maybe maybe you can consider for a moment that your mom should be my wife hat Mouse my beloved aridium quality because hat Mouse I love

You when I get maale and I think it’s from my family or my you know my loved ones my spouse it’s always you saying that you sell hats and you know I I can’t really blame you for that at the same time get some new stock every once

In a while bucko I want to be stylish let’s see Sandy I think gold star for Sandy she’s she’s perfect she’s beautiful she’s never done anything wrong in her life her store kind of sucks Loki um like why are you all the way out in the desert just to like sell

Mediocre Wares I wish you would like stop by more you know the kids miss you Haley um Haley you get a gold star my beautiful girl she’s gorgeous she’s perfect she’s never going to do anything wrong in her life this guy who are you to judge me you know you’re drinking my

Soup okay it’s free soup by the way show some respect if I put Mar Lewis’s underwear in there you should just pretend like everyone else like oh yeah this is great and then like pour it out in the ocean that’s the polite good thing to do that’s what good people do

Sam I don’t like that your hair is so vertical it’s like you’re you’re you’re going Super Saiyan but you like stopped halfway I just don’t care about you because on one hand he did give me his farm to inherit but he also kind of was like don’t open this litter until you

Know you want to die and then you’ll learn that you have a farm to take care of like that seems a little rude like what if I was like 80 and on my deathbed and I’m like you know what Grandpa let’s see what you had to say let’s see what

Wisdoms you gave me and then it was like here’s a farm I hope you like you know endlessly neighbor also why are you coming back from the dead as a ghost stay away from me man why are you a ghost don’t call me don’t come by my

House we’re done Jodie she deserves a gold star but she also deserves some time off girly is overworked she needs to like take a vacation and maybe that’s partly because her children are the ones that are down here that I feel so bad for her Maru you get a gold star I I

Wouldn’t say your idium quality but you do get get a gold star I’m very proud of you Alex you can rot down there no you can you can hang out in I don’t like you cuz I don’t like you you’re not JoJo quality you know you have some you got

Some traits that are positive I’m sure okay this is if I could beat them in a fight destroy them I would fight them and love it I would rather die than fight I would fight them and hate it and they would destroy me I would fight them

And love it Abigail she just has a very punchable face and I feel like she’d be like all bark no bite she’d be like Oh Come at me come at me but then once I’m swinging she’s like you know Alex I would destroy them and here’s why my

Drive to destroy sexism would be so much more powerful than any worldly muscles that could ever exist like I’m talking I’m going like tooth nail like you know he’s he’s gone I him Eric is like standing between Alex and I like this isn’t you I would fight them

And hate it I would still do it but I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be happy about it you know I’d be like can’t we just talk this out Clint this is pretty clear the same reason this Alex I really don’t care what I have to do I will win the

Fight and it will be bloody Demetrius um I would fight him and love it the dwarf they would destroy me I don’t know they live in the mindes I I trust them if they want to fight me clearly I’ve done something wrong sorry for breathing your

Air Elliot I would fight them and love it I would be like I would say who and he’d be like it’s who it’d be over lights out sorry buddy see I do like Emily but it’s same as Abigail she’s got that look about her she she looks so

Smug like why are you smiling at me like that do you want to go outside Evelyn I would rather die than fight because it would be sad I’m just so powerful and epic and strong you know George same same thing I just don’t want to fight

Him you know I just would feel bad not cuz I think they like couldn’t put up a fight against me but like I’m spry I’m spry I’m Nimble what are they going to do I feel like Gus he’s broken up some bar fights in his time he’s a nice guy

He’d be like I’m going to have to ask you to leave and I’d be like buddy I’ve just drank the entire bar and consumed seven pizzas you do not want to play with me right now and then you know I would wake up at home I would fight them

And hate it for sure I would take off his glasses and then hit him with them okay this is going to be controversial I think based on my previous deer list you know where this is going you’re going to fight a child okay about that there’s no

Option if this was like I would abscond I would like withdraw from fighting maybe maybe this is I would rather die you want me to die for a child don’t fight a kid also maybe we’re just fighting with words did you ever think about that no fine I I will I will

Appease the masses I would rather die than fight these poor innocent children oh I feel like I would not want to fight her like I’d just be like why why we doing this baby girl I wouldn’t see the point you know what what could we possibly be fighting about I’m not going

To lose the fight to her but like you know she needs to go home to her children that I died for it’s anyone’s game cuz honestly depending on what we’re fighting about you know if he’s like you know he’s like willly isn’t very hot or something like that and I’d

Be like what did you say I have my anime moment kobis I would rather die than fight kobis and that’s on God mayor Lewis I would destroy May Lewis for a multitude of reasons he’s an authority he has a mustache he looks like he would like Twirl in his fingers that’s reason

Enough she would have to like padlock her door to keep me from entering her house when her stupid store is closed to steal wheat for my starving animals it’s weird but I feel like she could beat me in a fight and I’m not sure why I feel

Maybe she would like form Voltron on she’s got my number seriously she does call me mar I would fight her and hate it because she would suck at fighting and I would just feel such pity Pierre easy I’m sorry he wouldn’t even have like a second to respond he’d be like

Let’s talk this through no I’m already throwing hands it’s over I feel like I’d enjoy fighting him maybe I could like flatten his hair and he would like see it as an act of violence against his personal character I feel like Sebastian would like crumple in on himself the

Second I touched him like he would he would collapse like a dying star I I feel like I would destroy him and it’s because the second this man tries to put his hands on me like he tries to get physical no no sir no I’d rather die

Than fight Willie for obvious reasons I would die for Willie even and someday I will very 5050 I was thinking like in terms of their magical capabilities what could they possibly do from what I’ve seen they are kind of like a stage magician like I’m really not concerned about all that

So this is how many shots this this is going to be a lot of hear me out Evelyn I’m going to go 10 shots three is too low and 20 is too high Alex um I’m going to go three I feel like I could forget

It I I could forget his his sins Harvey um 20 wait actually is kind of weird if I okay 10 10 shots Shane zero Abigail three three definitely three Haley zero zero Maru zero penny three Caroline zero all right I I feel like 20 you know I’d be a little confused to be honest so I would need a little bit of liquid courage to get me through it I feel like

Kobis I can’t even put on there like kopus is my platonic roommate Willie zero actually no I was going to say more about that but I feel like we all are fairly familiar with my love of Willie I want to know the traveling I’ll just add the traveling cart traveling

Cart is zero we all know it this guy zero he he looks like I don’t know I think he could show me a good time I feel like he could teach me like life lessons about myself maybe why is grandpa even on here why is grandpa an option no 10 we’re we

Do 10 G through 10 back to Grandpa why is he on here also I would like to mention that’s not even just Grandpa that’s his ghost his ghost I feel like it’s weird but I I shouldn’t start that with should not start with that um I’m

Going to go 20 I feel like he’s up there with the dwarf you know I I you know I’m not opposed but I am not encouraging such Scandal Marlin going to go with three it wouldn’t take a lot moris is really bad hear me out 50 is high okay I’m already dying of

Alcohol poisoning I might as well go out with a bang no pun intended

🌟 Join me as I rank Stardew Valley characters in my ultimate tier list! From beloved spouses to rare NPCs, I’ll delve into my opinions on each, including If I could beat them in a fight, or how many shots. 🚜✨ #StardewValley #TierList

👾 I streamed this on TWITCH a few days ago!
➧ https://www.twitch.tv/itsjoliefish

❤️ Edited by best girl Rhea:
➧ https://www.youtube.com/@RheaHere_

🎧 Music:
➧ Cuphead Victory Song
➧ Misc. Gaming Tunes

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  1. I agree with almost everything here, but I would bump Leah up to B, along with Penny. Both of them are wives,,, Women,,, Penny is so incredibly sweet, attentive, she does her best with the kids in the valley and wants them to have a bright future!! That is adorable and so compassionate!!

    Leah on the other hand, she's amongst the ones that actively have a social life. Like her and Elliot are THE MLM/WLW friendship and I love it. She's amazing and kicks ass and I KNOW SHE'S MUSCULAR I KNOW IT!! CA JUST LET HER BE BUILT I B E G.

  2. Alex was my first husband and still my favorite bachelor.. probably cause I’m male farmer but I’m planning to play as female farmer too see what people mean 🥲

  3. I saw Leah in C an was about to say…its the sculpture isn't it, I get it 😂 damn, Harvey got done dirty lmao this video shows concerning traits might I add 😅 agree with Pierre, even in vanilla he feels like a shit spouse tbh lol

  4. I agree with the comment about fighting children. If you have children, you have, at least once, fought a child. I have 5 young nieces and theyre always tryna square up and my 12yr old nephew is always throwin hands.

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