POPULAR FAN GIRL vs The Most Secured House In Minecraft!

Daddy take this camera I want you to record a Tik Tok for me you want me to record a Tik Tok all right Daddy hit record now oh yeah oh yeah uh I’m eating your quitty daddy I don’t know how to work this thing wait what oh I think I just

Took a picture of you Daddy here you go oh my goodness you’re so bad at making Tik toks why don’t know how to work this stupid camera you know what this Tik Tok would have came out way better if I had someone that actually knows how to use a

Camera and someone else to dance with well I could dance with you Jeff what no Daisy I need someone famous to dance with you only have 52 followers dang hey my Tik toks are funny well I’m trying to be popular you know what I think I’m

Going to get the most popular girl in the world to dance with me oh no Jeffy don’t you dare say her name what you talking about Sky oh God no but Jeffy she’s so mean to me but she’s so famous she’s literally the most famous girl in Minecraft Jeffy you don’t even know

Where she lives um daddy I think I know where she lives come outside why where she live look at that Daddy that is a big phone it’s the biggest iPhone in the world and guess who lives inside of it Sky since when did Sky move across the

Street from us well Daisy she needed a lot of space to build her giant phone house guys I think I want to move our house I can’t be staring at a phone all day but Daddy she’s famous I’m not moving well I’m picking this up but I’m

Going to move somewhere else oh yeah Daddy well how about this I’m going to go inside and tell Sky to change her background image to your dumb ugly face and then the whole town is going to know how stupid you look oh you dare Tiffy you wouldn’t oh yeah Daddy look where

I’m going you come back here just going to go in this direction right here don’t you dare go in that iPhone no come back here oh Skye are you in here it’s not a good idea can’t be barging in someone’s house but daddyy I know Sky we’re best

Friend friends yeah but she doesn’t like us yes she does she’s just joking with you guys come on yes I found her hey Sky it’s me Jeffy um hold on followers these losers just barged into my house um who are you guys what it’s me Jeffy and I

Got my daddy and my friend Daisy with me we just want to come over and see what you were doing in your giant phone house oh yeah I forgot you guys are the losers that live across the street hey we’re not losers well at least I’m not a loser

I got a lot of followers like you yeah but you’re with the losers so that makes you a loser she just called me a loser Jeffy what no Daddy she’s just joking around okay I’m not joking she’s not joking well Sky we just came over here

Because we want to be popular like you um there’s no way on planet Earth that I can turn you losers into popular girls like me why but look I could dance oh yeah you like these moves oh my gosh Queens look at this he’s so embarrassing

Him s right now hey I’m not embarrassing I’m trying to get views okay well you’re making My Views drop so if you could stop that’d be amazing come on Jeffy let’s just leave no I am not leaving until I get some followers in this house oh my gosh these losers are so annoying

They will not leave me alone oh wait I have a genius idea I’m going to run a poll in my Liv stream if you all vote Yes then I’m going to go destroy the loser’s house so they’ll never bother me again wait what she’s making a poll our

Live stream no no no everyone please vote no please oh look 100% yes well you guys know what that means no oh God she has TNT everyone run get out get out get out get out go go go go go I told you guys sky was mean she’s crazy guys she’s going to

Blow up our house this isn’t good Jeffy she’s not going to do it I don’t know morvin she’s so scary daddy she’s done it before to other people I’ve seen some of her videos she gets really violent uh-oh I think I see her now wait what

You losers have 15 minutes before I come destroy your house I need to go brush my hair what the heck 15 minutes guys I don’t think that’s enough time guys I think we need to make a bigger house so she can’t blow us up I think you’re

Right and we should also put a bunch of obstacles in the front so she can’t get to our house that’s a great idea well I don’t want to destroy this house well guess what Daddy we need to everyone destroy it we have no choice daddy this

House is not big enough and it’s not TNT proof you guys are basically doing what sky wanted to do daddy trust me it’s going to be worth it fine I’ll help you destroy it all right guys we got the whole house destroyed now time to make the outline for the new house so

Everyone get out of my way okay okay 1 2 3 four um Daddy what comes after four five 5 6 7 8 9 okay okay this looks pretty good all right guys there is the outline of the house do you guys like it this place is huge I know it’s going to

Be like a big castle why does it look weird Daddy it’s just an outline all right now everyone help me fill it in with stone bricks you got to do the whole thing um yes daddy guys I think we should use Spruce for the floor ooh

That’s a good idea Daisy that’s going to look so good all right I like the way this is starting to look all right this is looking pretty good so now let’s go up by 12 12 blocks around the whole entire thing come on Daisy help me 12

Blocks is so high well we need this build to be really big all right so we have to go really high up like this all right what do we do for the back now well I think this is going to be a staircase so let’s just go up here and

Here there we go this is looking so good Daddy what are you working on I’m working on the sides all right well don’t mess it up cuz it needs to look like the middle are you sure yes Daddy I was going to build my man cave oh my

Goodness it’s no man caves daddy why not not yet okay fine if Marvin gets to have a man cave then I get to have a princess Tower What no guys what is going on we’re building one big house to defend oursel from sky and that’s it all right

All right now it’s time to build a staircase Jeffy I’m filling this wall in for the front door all right but make it look really good all right okay I’ll try all right I’m just going to do this staircase going all the way around oh my goodness all right there we go staircase

All right now we’re just going to add some decorations like this on the sides oh yeah guys the interior is already coming together amazingly well my little section’s coming out better Daddy what no it’s not yes it is um I don’t think so it looks really pretty that it’s not

Even going to work yeah it is all right going to put some leaves in the corner like this ooh that’s looking pretty fancy let me see what you’re doing in the front Daisy wa this is looking really good yeah I’m kind of confused but I’m just trying to make it work well

Whatever you’re doing is looking really good so keep doing it wait Daisy I think right here and right here there should be some doors though like that okay that worked and then we’ll just do this do this and boom now we have some doors all right while you do that I’m going to

Start working on the roof all right okay all right something like this is looking good I think I’m actually going to make this a tower up here so we got to add these supports on all four corners just like this you know what guys I was thinking you know what Sky’s really ugly

And she’s uh she’s mean what Daddy um I wouldn’t say that why Jeffy it’s not like she could hear us or anything um daddy about that she has a camera and microphone on that phone so she hears and sees everything we do well that’s not good uh-oh um did someone just call

Me ugly um no Sky we called you actually really pretty right Daddy yeah I said she was really pretty with that blue hair well I heard everything you guys said on my giant phone so I’m knocking 2 minutes off your time to prepare wait what no good luck oh my goodness Daddy

This is all your fault why would you say all those mean hurtful things to Sky daddy it was you you’re the one that called her ugly and annoying Jeff I mean pretty and awesome all right good Jeffy shut up over there Jeff you stop it all right I’m just going to continue

Building this daddy yeah me too all right now all the foundation is done so all we need to do is fill it all in with these Spruce PL planks oh my goodness this is going to look so good when it’s completed all right just got to fill in

All of this we have to make sure to keep a little hole open for this part cuz we need to get up and down and there we go look at this all right now time to make these walls so we’re just going to go up

By five there we go we just got to go around the whole top and go up like five all right now time to fill in all of these walls now that I have the foundation I just got to use these strip logs and fill in in all the spaces oh

Yeah I’m the best builder in the world there’s no way that sky is going to be able to blow up these walls wa Daddy I like this Tower you built over here thanks I got to make another one on the other side too that looks really scary I

Like it hopefully Sky gets scared and runs away Daddy I don’t know if she’s going to run away yeah she probably make a Tik Tok about how cool it is all right all the walls are done now what should I do o I should make some windows up here

All right let me just break these break that let’s now just get some glass panes and now let’s fill in the windows with all of this glass all right now I got to make it look better all right let’s use these trap doors for the sides all right

So we’ll put some flower pots with blue flowers just like that H what should I add on this side ooh maybe I could put a little thing of flowers like this all right let’s get a little Bush so I could put it up here and boom that looks

Amazing let’s do the same thing for the other side H now what should I put for the back wall wait maybe I can make a little balcony ooh this could look really good all right let’s just place in some doors there we go and now let’s just extend this connect them like that

And let’s fill it in with some wood all right now we need some fences ooh this balcon is really looking good but now to make the roof now you might be thinking why are you using campfires they’re on fire but don’t worry cuz I just got to

Get rid of all this fire and then it’s going to look so good oh yeah check that out it’s a perfect roof all right I think this floor is now completed but it’s time to work on the best part which is the roof and then after this we can

Start adding some defenses all right so we’re just going to do some upside down staircases like this there we go let’s do the same thing on this side go back and forth back and forth all right now we’re going to add a block like this and then put another staircase on top and

Then just do exactly the same thing on both sides check this out that looks so good that roof I’m so going to building you in Minecraft all right now we have to do this exact same thing on this side all right all four corners are done so

Now it’s time to connect them while using this deep slate this is some of the most strongest material in the game so I think it’ll be perfect to use against Sky all right we’re just going to connect all of this and then we’ll use a regular block oh my goodness it’s

Going to look so good when it’s done all right back to another block the first side’s almost done and boom check that out all right now we need to do this for all the other sides oh my goodness this is going to take forever Daisy Daddy

What are you guys working on I need help up here I’m building a roof to a tower right now yeah same I’m building a roof to the whole building so how about that Jeffy do you even know we did no look what we’ve been doing wow it’s really

Coming together guys wa there’s another Tower over here exactly oh my my goodness all right well let me finish this roof and then I can help you guys over there okay move quick I’m trying stop your complaining come on this is the last row of staircases and done the

Roof is completed check this out this looks so freaking good but I think we need some extra windows like up here and maybe on the other side so let’s do that real quick and boom look at all the detail I just added to this part of the

House I even add these little candle lights they look so good all right now let’s just do the exact same thing on this side just going to add these trap doors now we’ll add these chains right here and now we just have to add the ladder like that wao guys this house

Looks insane oh my goodness this might be my favorite house yet it is pretty good Jeffy it looks like a giant house on a tower I know but guys I think it’s time to start adding some defenses now well I I want Sky to burn so we should

Add lava what lava oh my goodness all right daddy how can we add a bunch of lava in the front uh do you have your hacks on wait hacks yeah like world edit oh my goodness Daddy I don’t want to hack guy’s going to see us hacking well

Jeffy I have an idea I think you go all the way up there in front of that camera you start talking to Sky and as all that’s happening I use hacks all right daddy that’s a good idea let me just go up here all right go all the way up to

This camera now what I’m going to do is just block off this camera yes daddy she can’t see us go go go I’m going hurry oh Sky it looks like you have a little smudge on your camera let me just get that off oh yeah oh gosh a really big oh

Gosh a really big smudge looked like someone pooped on your camera Daddy can you hurry up I’m moving as f as I can I’m making it bigger it’s going to look really suspicious you’re stting to look suspicious keep talking oh uh Skye hold on uh let me just get my other hand here

Get that one out of my butt oh God let me just keep rubbing this camera down daddy is it done okay I did it all right oh there he goes Sky all better now wao daddy this pit of lava is huge you think I add more you think it’s good

No Daddy this is perfect okay Daddy we could start parkour right here and then she’ll have to complete it but Jeffy I just throw something what she can just walk around it not if we had a big wall going around our whole house yep we’re

Going to have to do that let’s see what we got ooh daddy we could use electric fence an electric fence yeah Daddy so if she touches it she’ll get hurt oh my gosh we could use this one or we could use this one I like this one which one

This one ow yeah Daddy it does a lot of damage you cannot go near it all right we’re going to make it too high so she can’t jump over it I think this is a perfect height okay I’m going to go all the way around our base all right d it

Sounds like a plan uh should we block off the other side too yeah I think we should Daisy okay I’ll go work over there all right Perfect all right guys all the electric fence is now completed and it looks so amazing she’s never going to get past this but guys I think

It would be a good idea for we added some hard parkour for her to jump on ooh Daddy good idea but where do we start we can start anywhere all right let’s start right here okay no wait over here okay we can start over here too all right

Daddy here we go this ver is going to start all right the starting point I like it you know what since your favorite color is blue let’s start with some blue blocks ooh good idea daddy something like this I’ll do the jumps as you make them Daddy just so I know

They’re hard enough oh gosh oh gosh hey Daddy I got you you did that on purpose I did do that on purpose now we’re going to make it a little bit more difficult she won’t even know oh my goodness you’re going to use ice of course we got

To make it difficult wo she’s going to slip right off of that yeah this is going to be perfect I mean oh I hope it’s not good watch out for the camera all right Dad just keep building hey I’m going to keep building okay I’m not done

Yet wait what is this daddy I’m going to do some ladder parkour what oh yeah oh my goodness daddy ladder parkour is impossible oh we can’t make it easy for her Okay jump around here Jeffy I’m going to add some more more lava waterfalls everywhere ooh that’s a good

Idea it makes it look so much scarier wao Daddy what is this all right so you got to jump oh gosh okay I did that first try that’s not good I want it to be more difficult all right then you jump over here oh God I’m in the lava oh gosh Daddy it’s

Really hot down here yeah I know it’s the whole point O Daddy I have an idea I’m going to add spider webs in between these jumps ooh yeah that’ll make it a lot more difficult oh my goodness that’s so difficult ah I can’t even do this ah

All right there we go this is looking pretty good whoa Daddy you’re doing Cactus parkour yep we got to make it difficult oh my goodness above lava is actually crazy wait now you’re adding heads Daddy yeah Jeffy it makes a lot harder to land on when there’s nothing

To land on wait what yeah you you’ll get it you’ll get it oh my goodness daddy we should have our parkour on electric fences next o it’ll shock her it’ll be funny let’s try it all right if you think it’s going to work oh my goodness

What what are you doing I don’t know Daddy does this seem a little mean oh yeah definitely mean doesn’t look mean to me all right Daisy wants us to edit so that’s what we’re going to do all right Jeff you could do it wait what if

We make it more like this where you need a balance on it while you’re getting shocked ow ow yeah I like it I like that idea all right daddy now where do we go maybe we take her into this Tower first oh we’re going to take her into a tower

Yeah Daddy okay we can do that these are going to be the towers of death Tower of Doom all right now we’re going to fence this in so she can’t escape okay I like that idea oh god daddy hold on I’m trying to make it all right there we go

Now there’s no Escape so what do we want to have in the first Tower huh or the hallway it’s like a hallway of death fights that come out of the ground oh my goodness Daisy is Super Evil I like it we’re going to use spikes it’s only fair

Because she’s mean to me ah check this out look these spikes actually have poison on them as well oh Jeffy now that’s evil yeah that’s actually pretty Evil all right you make the pth daisy and I’ll place the spikes oh my goodness this is terrifying I got hit there’s no

Way she’s going to make it through this it’s perfect wait I have something that’s going to make it more difficult what adding a fan ooh it’ll blow her into the spikes exactly all right we’ll put a fan there and then maybe we’ll put another fan right here sky is always

Flexing on us with all of her fans so now we’re going to see if her fans actually like her and these ones do not wait guys we can’t have this ladder here look she’s just going to go up here on top of this Tower so we fake her out

She’s going to think that she’s out smarting us but in here we’ll have a little surprise for her what’s the surprise I’m just going to fill this room up with a bunch of barb wire and a bunch of Razor wires does that sound evil enough yes all right good oh my

Goodness she’s literally not going to be able to move here and I’ll put some bear traps on the floor as well all right I think this is good enough all right guys what do we want to add next I think we should just make the entire floor to

This room magma blocks wa that’s a genius idea she’s never going to be able to get through this it’ll just burn her feet the whole time all right then let’s do the same thing she has the option to go to the right or she can go up here H

What should I add in this Tower though which something that’s really scary o I got it let me just get a sign put a sign here put a sign here and now I’m going to fill this room up with a bunch of toxins ew oh God get me out of here get

Me out of here oh God my screen’s getting all dizzy that’s actually terrifying uh-oh I think you’re sick oh let me get that out of my inventory don’t throw up on me ooh Jeffy what if we use this fake water and this fake lava wait Daisy what is that well the

Lava is actually water and the water is actually lava wait what so you’re saying if you go inside the water you’re going to die um yeah oh my goodness she’s never going to expect that all right so let’s do this in the middle and now let

Me get some signs wait maybe we should replace this with glass so we can actually see or go through it ooh that’s a good idea all right now we’re just going to do this and then we’re just going to place these signs at the ends

All right Daisy go go for it this is going to be really scary for her so that’s a bunch of water and that’s a bunch of lava and she has no clue she’s definitely going to go for the water yeah she’s going to be so stupid all

Right guys now that we made it to the main tower we need to block all of this off she is not allowed to escape or she’s not allowed to go upstairs yet oh I broke the door oh gosh Daisy all right I think for this one we put her in a

Bunch of water with puffer fishes in it oh yes this is going to work so good all right let’s put some signs here put some signs here and now it’s time to add a bunch of water oh my gosh is this enough water for you daddy oh that’s a lot of water

All right let’s just fill the top in with a bunch of water now too but this still seems a little too easy so we’re going to have to make our swim through different holes so she’s going to have to do something like this all right then we’ll do another one here all right

There we go now let’s just spawn in a bunch of puffer fish oh they’re so cute they look cute now until they’re really big and spiky so you’re saying they’re dangerous yes very dangerous probably the most dangerous creature in Minecraft I’m not going in there okay guys now

What do we do in this Tower I think we make her do more parkour ooh Daddy good idea yeah this ladder is way too easy all right Jeffy we got to make this parkour extremely hard for her all right Daddy I’ll follow you as you place it

We’re going to do a bunch of stairs oh my goodness daddy this seems impossible hit my head oh it’s possible I just did it okay good oh gosh I can’t even do my own parkour all right now we should make her go in a ladder like this and then

Like this we’re going to make her go in a circle so she gets really dizzy oh my goodness wait where are we going to go from here Daddy well she’s going to have to fight us right yeah I think she fights Us in the big house ooh Daddy

Good idea all right so let’s make some Parkour going over into the big house all right something like this all right daddy this looks really good but I think we need armor though right cuz if we’re going to fight her we can’t loose wait but Daddy before we get armor let’s just

Block off all these doors and all the ways out oh good idea we got to do all the windows oh you’re right she can knock it through these okay it’s pretty good okay that one’s blocked up there ooh and looked at it we could hide up

Here on top of these we can just wait and pounce on her exactly and wait I have an even better idea guys what look there’s a bunch of Nets here we can place them on the floor so she won’t be able to escape when she lands inside our

House ooh that’s genius all right guys now it’s time to our up everyone get some armor and get some swords I’m going to get netherite armor because it’s the most overpowered armor in the game me too but I’m getting a different hat me too I’m just wearing a turtle hat now

What I’m wearing a bear hat a bear hat yeah Daddy why do you have a bear hat on br oh my goodness I think I’m ready too I also have a bow and arrow so I could shoot her off the parkour hey Daddy stop it fan girl Daddy I’m not the crazy fan

Girl okay yeah you’re right you’re not popular enough daddy yes I am no you’re not oh losers where are you guys your time is up oh my God Jeffy I think that was Sky Guys quick everyone go outside hey Sky what are you doing down there coming to destroy you guys obviously

Well about that I think you’re going to have some challenges getting to us cuz look at all these obstacles we made for you you think you losers can challenge me not possible um I think we will a take that Skye uh what are you doing I’m shooting bow and arrows at you only

Losers have bow and arrows Jeffy I just came up with a good idea I think you get a camera out and you record this whole entire thing cuz it’ll be so funny ooh good idea all right Sky I’m going to be recording you so don’t mess up or the

Whole world’s going to see it you better be recording this because I’m about to go beast mode where do I start all right start the parkour all the way over here oh my gosh this parkour is so easy who made this a 5-year-old oh oh my goodness it’s not easy it’s actually very

Difficult for some people um it’s not difficult for me all right you have to Parkour in this ice better not mess it up Skye oh my gosh you guys are cheating oh no Sky it looks like someone hit you yeah a loser um you’re a big fat loser

Yeah shot you in the face listen here old men shoot me one more time and I’m exposing you Daddy hit her I did yeah that Sky about 20 million people just saw you fall and die in lava twice yeah and 20 million people also saw you losers cheating all right Daddy no more

Cheating she’s right okay fine fine fine all right just watch me do this easy parkour oh my goodness she’s actually doing it Skye wait until you get to the ladder part this is the most difficult part in the whole parkour course only losers think ladder parkour is hard all

Right now you got to jump around oh my goodness I’m so easy oh yeah we got her haha Skye now you got to start all the way from the beginning you suck I do not suck um you kind of suck all right Sky let’s see if you

Could do the parkour again told you guys this is so easy oh no Jeffy oh my goodness you’re actually doing it oh oh caught myself you almost just died again Skye yeah go Su see idiots I did it all right well that was still an easy part

Now now you have to jump onto the slime blocks good luck with this guy e you want me to touch slime oh gosh oh ew you want me to touch slime um yes that’s how you get past this parkour fine but you guys are payed for my dry

Cleaning what e I’m not paying for your dry cleaning come on Skye just hurry up and do it here I go oh wa oh gosh she’s going to die she’s going to die no made it losers all right well now you have to do parkour super

Close to the lava so don’t mess up or you’re going to burn um the only thing burning is going to be your Housey no okay so easy oh gosh well Sky you’re not going to make it on this Cactus parkour this was my idea seems like the idea of

A loser oh snap oh my goodness I am not a loser Daisy just admit it you and your 52 followers are just the biggest losers on Tik Tok hey don’t call Daisy a loser all our followers all right yeah Sky I’m one of those followers and guess what

I’m super proud of it yeah me too whatever let me just do this parkour really quick so I can blow up your house and go back to making Tik toks well you’re not going to get past this oh gosh ow uh-oh oh are you taking any damage Skye no this is like acupuncture

What oh my gosh she did it easy oh my goodness all right time for the next parkour where you need to jump on Steve heads okay SLI cheater daddy you hit her no no did you get on camera yes Daddy and I saw you go up to there and smack her on

The back of the head I did not do that that’s it if you guys are cheating I’m going to cheat too wait wait wait no no no we’re not going to cheat anymore okay Daddy you need to control yourself okay fine fine Sky will not cheat anymore I’m

Not crossing my fingers now just sit back and watch the Queen watch the queen who’s the queen I’m the queen okay oh God she’s almost there wow she did it told you easy wait what why is she not taking damage on this electric fence um because I’m better Oh no you’re not

Better than an electric fence this should be shocking you right now it’s probably her shoes you idiots didn’t even turn the fence on what daddy that was supposed to be your job that was not supposed to be my job that was your job you place these down oh whatever I guess

You just go up this ladder and come inside our house because you did it wait that was it that was so easy oh yeah you definitely did it yeah wait hold on no no no no no you can’t just Place TNT here what the heck uh why not well don’t

You hate Daisy Sky cuz her rooms all the way up on top so you got to blow that up first oh yeah I’m heading there right now all right good luck oh my gosh guys this is going to be so funny let me make

Sure to get a good shot of this uh what is this on the floor is this booby chops uh maybe just be super careful Skye um is that a fan what do you even expect that to do to me um to push you into the

Spikes like that ow ow ow uh-oh it looks like you’re poison Skye uhoh looks like your fans aren’t happy with you these aren’t even my fans these are lame fans oh my goodness you’re almost there wa she did it oh no done wait sky real quickly you should try to go all

The way way up to the top of this Tower ow what is this it’s a bunch of green sewer water that’s so disgusting oh my gosh are you guys so stupid obviously I’m going to go through the water oh yeah you should definitely go through the

Water ow ow um what did you get do that water oh my goodness you just went into fake water that’s actually lava we got her this lava isn’t even burning me ahuh who’s the idiot now Skye obviously you guys I’m too hot the lava doesn’t even burn me whatever Sky we’ll

See you on the other side oh gosh good luck with this one this is going to be the hardest section yet how I can literally just swim through oh what is that thing it’s puffer fishies anyways I got through you guys are so stupid Oh no

Guys she’s almost at the top oh Jeffy this isn’t good all right this is going to be super easy oh no guys Sky’s actually making it up this parkour what do we do how do we stop her wait Daddy what are you placing down nothing I’m unstoppable wait that she’s just

Breaking the spikes oh I got her ow uhoh oh God she fell back down you guys cannot get away with this um well we’re kind of getting away with it not for long oh to get ready to place him back down such a shame oh my goodness ah we got

Her we did it this is the most secure house ever you guys are cheating again no I’m not these were here yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about you know what guys since you’re cheating I’m going to cheat using these golden apples that my fans gave me wait what oh no

Guys this is going to be so easy for her to get through these spikes now they don’t stand a chance oh no oh no oh no she did it she made it to the top guys quick get the fighting positions told you loser what is this traps you guys thought you were

Really going to stop me wait what oh my goodness guys she jumped right over the traps oh this is not good Jeffy I’m scared oh no this isn’t good wait no Scott what are you doing I’m blowing up your house obviously wait hold on hold

On hold on stop stop stop what um I just thought that um my followers are a lot better than your followers that is not possible well before you explode our house how about we have have a One V one to see whose followers are better um you

Want to One V one me the queen um yeah of course I want I’m the king how about that um you wish you were the King this is going to be so easy Daddy I need you to hold this camera wait what get this on videotape okay mess guy up all right

I’m recording all right before we One V one let me get suited up put this on and that on and all this Stu what oh my goodness I didn’t know you had netherite armor oh God guys I don’t want to One V one anymore Jeffy you got this Jeffy

Don’t mess this up I’m recording okay Daddy you ready to fight Skye obviously all right someone count us down in three two one ah take that oh God wait what is this arrows of slowness Sky back up told you you don’t see a chance take that Sky take what you lame Arrow oh

Wait guys I’m going to die this isn’t fair this isn’t fair Jeffy e the gold apples they’re not working no bye-bye loser that’s no fair and you guys are next that’s two out three you know what Jeffy I didn’t want to fight you anyways I came here to fight Daisy so I’m here

To make a deal if I win your house goes bye-bye if Daisy wins I’ll leave you losers alone wait what Daisy do you think you could take her uh uh I think so oh gosh well you need to win this cuz we cannot have our house go boom boom

Get down here loser oh no all right guys prepare to fight in three two one go go go go come here loser what are you doing yes Daisy push her into the Trap you got this stay in the Trap Sky go go go um you’re the biggest loser ever you can’t

Defeat me yes she can and yes she will you’re in the Trap yourself you idiot dad daddy you recording this this is the best content ever I’m recording keep going Daisy keep going guys I need help I’m going to die I can help you take that Skye um you can’t cheat

Losers um I don’t care it’s my house so it’s my rules keep going keep going I’m trying she’s almost dead let keep going you loser suck okay how many arrows did can I put in her okay I’m putting so many hours in her and she’s still not

Dead I’m getting out of here come on come on There’s No Escape sky where are you going Sky get back down here oh Daisy go get her Daisy no I’m leaving a kill her kill her kill her yes yes we got her trapped guys we

Killed her let’s go good job Daisy I won woohoo can I put the camera down yes daddy you can put the camera down you Boomer okay I just didn’t know guys quickly let’s go outside and see if she’s by our phone still oh Skye it looks like you lost fair and square um

That was so not fair and square you guys cheated and used two people um no we didn’t I don’t remember when that happened uh-uh um didn’t you get it like all on camera daddy uh what do you mean on this camera yeah oh uh what daddy you

Just threw it into the lava yep we didn’t record anything I didn’t see no camera that was my proof that you guys cheated well it looks like there’s no proof that we cheated so you could just go back and living in your iPhone and

You can leave us alone I I am not going anywhere until I destroy your house wait Skye look there’s an airplane oh wa bye Skye waa Daisy you just tricked her and then you kid her into lava that was amazing yeah I never want to see her again well guys it looks

Like we got a new house it’s a new phone and it’s got a lot of buttons wait and daddy that also means we have Sky followers so we’re popular let’s go wo come on come on guys let’s go inside our house he would to be famous yeah me too

Daddy but if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye

Today, Jeffy, Marvin and Daisy come across a POPULAR FAN GIRL In Minecraft! Can they build the most secure house before the POPULAR FAN GIRL comes to wreck havoc? Watch to the end to find out!

#Jeffy #cashandnico #cash #minecraft #minecraftmod #securehouse


  1. If you know if sky beat me to you just say do you know HalleAll in that like build challenge my yard where it was versus Daisy on and smart and she kept saying your room is going to be a studio also if she says you’re going to be stuck in there so when is easy I think she doesn’t care about you so this is I have to say if I was you I would say what I was say this if you’re going and remove my room you’re not even gonna know you’re not even gonna win just say that because it’s way easier she might actually just keep your room because she wants you to stay with her soSo please please please please super please do it

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