$1 vs $1,000,000 Secret Base in Minecraft

Behind me is a $1 million secret base no how oh my god oh oh my God it’s an elevator and we’ll need to build our own secret base using $1 bro that means no Bedrock no Redstone no illegal traps but I like Spike trap dang it it’s too

Expensive this is a $1 base gamer so we’re going to have to be one with the environment because the environment is free see guys grass is easy to get okay but let’s check out our area so we got to build in this confined base there’s a

Single tree but that would be way too obvious right like I mean yeah look even this zombie is coming for this tree no bro yeah you thought keep searching this ain’t my secret base we got a lava pool here which wait if you’re just any random player you’re definitely not

Going to search a lava pool for potential secret bases so that could be a really good thing and there’s also yo water maybe we can make the water work too cuz no one would check water for a secret base I mean like if we search up

Water right here yeah we have a secret water Gateway and if I place is just like that there you go oh my uh Gamers I think that’s a little freaking obvious so yeah maybe water won’t be the best I mean yeah in that case maybe the lava

One will be even better so if we search Up lava there you go we have our secret lava Gateway who would right click lava yeah not me well maybe in a base hunt episode but this ain’t base hunt this is base versus I guess I don’t even know

But if I try and place this where can I place this let’s quickly see okay so yeah we need to make all the stone flat right here I’m just placing a bunch of stone I think I got it right there you go oh my my gosh I did dude this is sick

Let’s go okay let’s place the stone here we also got to place Stone basically everywhere okay perfect we fixed the lava I think all of this without having the lava go inside dude this is crazy cool and I’m thinking yeah we can just use one of these right here and make a

One by one yo we’re going to need to add some defenses and honestly I have a few like $1 ideas but so far cool entrance check we’re so going to beat this $1 million secret base there’s no way cuz honestly Gamers I have some pretty crazy crazy ideas that aren’t necessarily

Expensive just 200 IQ o and I just checked Gamers if you try and middle click on the lava it doesn’t even work so even in creative mode this base is hidden let’s lock things up and go down just in case they do find our lava secret entrance which I highly doubt I

Mean maybe one of you guys cuz you know you’re watching this video I have a really genius idea what we can do is make a paradise boom there we go let’s set this to air and make it a little bit bigger all right let’s set this floor to

Grass and I’m thinking over here we can maybe just have if we search Up Sand so it looks kind of like a beach let’s fill this up with water yo oh my God and yeah we can even have water flowing down like that that looks pretty good guys let’s

Grab a moss block all we got to do is Place one down bam yeah instant Beauty we got to make this look real now the only problem which you guys may realize is the cows go yo what do you guys think about my cow impression pretty good right they

Make noise which would give it away because people might be able to hear the cows sorry cows you guys were just kind of examples if we do this Command right here here the last part has an mvt tag of Silent which means summoning this cow hello mister and another one you got to

Have two so they don’t get lonely and they make baby but not now though stay away from her yeah now these guys make no sound even when running hey hey I said no baby Mak and now let’s get ourselves a bed but oh my gosh we could

Use a secret trap bed but I feel like that’s way too obvious you know I have something a lot more genius now honestly Gamers this looks pretty good it’s not too shabby and there you go I added a little bit of more detail don’t be fooled Gamers this

Ain’t the $1 secret base it looks like they found the real base and they’ll probably rate it and steal everything and so I made a few adjustments to the water but check this out it looks like normal water right there’s a secret water Gateway right here and you

Wouldn’t even know and not only that there is a secret entrance door that you could only tell if you stand right here and look forward you guys see it do do you see it no that’s because it’s razor thing it’s a cover because behind it if

You lift the Secret Door it goes ahead and destroys the cover revealing powdered snow I know I know I’m what they call a guinas now if we go through said powder door hello there oh guys I’m kind of cold leave a like to warm me all

Right sorry I’ll shut up it takes you to another room now I want to go ahead and make this room our first defense yeah the art of deceiving was our first defense but whatever let’s patch this up okay now if the person raiding our base

Is going to be down here I’m thinking we got to have something deadly guys I think polish and a SL even though it’s not a fancy Block it’s 100% super cheap to get cuz it’s everywhere I think it just makes our base look a little bit

More formidable and what we can do now is make a pit right here and while unfortunately we can’t use anything expensive like diamonds cuz I mean no this is pretty expensive I mean each blade is a couple hundred bucks at least actually in real life it’d be like

Probably like $100,000 for real diamond sword but some wooden swords on the other hand ain’t so freaking bad so dude there you go let’s just make a freaking pit that listen nobody should freaking fall into why does that just not look that menacing but I mean it it

Definitely is I actually want to go and test it real quick if I just fall in here oh my gosh dude I don’t even take that much fall damage yo I’m taking so much bleeding damage no I de it and so now that we have our very cheap wooden

Sword thingy wait yo we can even have some like over here on the walls that way it just looks even more menacing ooh I kind of like this Gamers I kind of like this cuz you literally just go through these they don’t do anything they’re kind of like a fake block all

Right yeah that looks way more menacing and so now if we search Up grass yo we got our grass slab and regular grass block now with this grass slab if you place it like that it’s pretty obvious that that’s illegal and like everybody will know if you just Place another one

Under dude it does the same effect it’s literally still breaks when you touch it we can make this parkour kind of like the squid games one and then wait what if we just make like this one side 100% the illegal one ooh you know what maybe

Even make it tougher have this one right here bro just so you guys can visual ize it the red carpets are the fake ones wait what happens if I jump on this oh what it breaks the carpet dude wait a second what if I could just play a

Mental game wait I think you guys are going to love this idea yeah lime on the ones that are safe except yo put this one like that oh my God so not only are people going to stress about like which one they use that one is a lie this is

So evil I love it if we use anything that’s deemed expensive we can get disqualified although that a million doll base is probably crazy this is still going to be better I mean I hope at least carpet’s pretty cheap so we can definitely go something like that yeah

Dude that looks so sweet there you go that looks pretty awesome oop I fell in the water and so the only way to do this parkour oh my gosh I actually almost failed it’s just the way we did it now we got to be 200 IQ what could I do here

I know it’s odd Netherrack what we get a flint and steel and light this up oh wait yeah no this is it this is actually it Gamers if you don’t know where I’m going with this you guys will see in a second let’s grab iron trap doors

Instead place this like that and if I search up fire there it is fake fire trapo we just used this and it was so effective and so if I place this here Moment of Truth oh my gosh it works oh my gosh it actually works okay maybe we

Want to use it up here but how would you get up here it’s a small detail but these open like that which is completely impossible to get to the second floor but these open a totally different way okay okay okay okay we’re up here yo and

So once you get up here you have to know to right click this one bro this is insane the only thing is I think we might have to break yeah this block right here wait but we can leave these netherite and make like a one by one Tel

Kind of like this oh bro this is awesome yeah as long as this block right here is Netherrack I think it should still look okay dude a one by one maze could go so cool I feel like a secret agent gamers but there you go I made a little maze

And so the real way is just going all the way to the end on this side boom there you go cuz now we can stand up and we can drop all the way oh hello cave don’t mind me just patching up the cave and so from The Maze you drop down into

The final secret base now I have this like weird compact design that I kind of really like and for the design I’m thinking yeah we can Place chest like this now the only problem Gamers is that this is a lot of chest and let’s be honest if you’re using x-ray it’s uh

Kind of GG let’s not use these and instead is use this chest a frame chest I know it looks pretty odd Gamers but if I place it down yeah wait no there you go and it doesn’t just look like Stone it doesn’t even open up with the animation when you right click it

Meaning it uses the real ID of stone so if anyone x-rays it’s just going to look like stone for them but when in reality it’s our hidden chest oh my goodness wait this is actually so sick we definitely don’t want any ores here though just in case I mean I don’t know

What X-ray is going to go for like iron but still you don’t want to take any chances and oh my gosh right now this is so sick and just like that you have the ultimate secret base almost completely hidden from any hackers and I mean let’s

Face it even when you’re in here you’re like you got to double tick to see if these are real chests or not and that’s what I call a $1 base Y and now that our $1 secret base was finished using the cheapest materials we could get the real

Question is is it good enough to be beat the $1 million secret base and so here we are in the $1 million Arena or whatever okay yeah so there is a world border here so now we just have to find this secret base oh no dude honestly nothing looks too obvious there’s this

Water right here okay yeah it doesn’t seem like there’s anything here dude I feel like we’re the ones playing base hunt now okay this tree is outside the border so that can’t be it dude nothing looks sus guys at all except for this is there a button is there a secret lever

No I I don’t see anything dude what there’s no way we lose because I can’t even find his base dude this professional builder actually killed it unless maybe our spawn point is set where the secret base is hold on okay I’m in survival mode I’m just going to go and fall and

Die hey yo did you guys just see that replay the video back if you didn’t there’s something sus about this right here I think the secret base is directly under us but how am I not standing on wait a second do you guys see that outline right there it’s very faint and

Only appears for a split second I think it’s a glitch whenever you look at a block there’s an outline but then like oh my God in five it loads everything this is an entirely there’s no way there’s no way this is a giant trap door right what is going on right now there

Is no freaking way Gamers this is what a million dooll base entrance looks like there’s iron spikes okay there does seem to be water down there hold on I want to quickly test it if I jump on these okay I do oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my

God oh my God oh okay thank goodness I thought maybe this could be fake water I didn’t know the spikes continuously do like toe damage ow man I’m going to have to get that replaced okay well now what no no no now what bro there has to be

Something off here come on come on is the lighting off wait a second oh my gosh yeah a lighting error is right here wait a second when I stare over here we can see the blocks but when I unshift why are they gone in F5 we can see the

Block outline of a freaking another entrance that is completely hidden what oh my goodness this it no how where how much did this door cost bro oh my goodness and how long did it take to build this is so cool bro it’s like one of those sci-fi Starship like you know

What I’m saying things oh no speaking of sci-fi and Starships what is this I don’t even know what block this is but it looks like I can fall through it so we got to like be careful wait what is this sideways stairs huh okay dude I’m genuinely confused is what I’m looking

At some sort of lasers which yeah are not breakable we’re not technically allowed to break anything either way so well I mean using a little bit of Common Sense this looks like it’s some sort of like hover crafter or whatnot and maybe because of these lasers we need to dodge

Them so that means this should move maybe if I like right click it oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness did I just do that first try oh my gosh I just did that first try let’s freaking go dude that is awesome

Okay and so what is this a a a keypad door with a secret code okay 1 2 3 4 boom a dang it come on wait wait wait maybe I’m not an idiot hold up there’s like some paintings if I go in F5 is there something secret okay dang it

We’re not really supposed to be breaking blocks so I really hope the code had nothing to do with the painting one 2 two two oh dang it I thought the painting Dimensions maybe like okay maybe we’re thinking too much into it oh my goodness it’s like a chat and inside

Of it yeah the code is definitely here oh my God okay wait $300 wow we this base is so rich they got $300 laying around well I don’t need it there’s another paper right here seems like you like Birch no I don’t like Birch just because I’m freaking checking some Birch

Drawers bro you’re a bot you little n dude what is going on wait Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh 4 38 there’s no way there’s no way why would I have looked back that was actually the code and it was there all

Along are you kidding me how am I going to get back now all right whatever no turning back 4 3 8 you think you’re so smart huh Mr Builder what am I facing well other than the wall okay what is this are these air vents this doesn’t

Even look like it’s working what a broke air vent wait it definitely is working oh my gosh okay I nearly just died we got to be careful uh I don’t know how to do this though if I shift does it shifting makes it worse okay maybe I got

To just run through it and oh my god dude it forces me to the spikes okay we got to be careful and what Diamond spikes now you’re just flexing bro oh my gosh how am I going to do this is there any invisible block or something no

There there literally isn’t there has to be a way there has to be a way I see the entrance right there to the next level so okay let’s go back oh my gosh oh my no ow dude this trap is so deadly it’s actually effective okay there’s a mine

Cart here and there’s like what is this some pixel green red blue purple wait I read that wrong I wonder if this has to do with the password yeah it looks like we need another password is this not the way to go cuz there’s two ways to go

Okay there is a mine car here and it looks like yeah no if we just ride it and let it slide through of course the powered rail will just activate the activator rails or whatever the balls and oh my gosh wait I heard Pistons I

Heard something I I saw it I saw it I saw it Oh my god oh no no okay why did the mine carart just stop no no no I’m not a bot go mine carart go okay okay go go go go I hate this stupid vent thing

Oh we got to time it gamers okay well we only have one life we only have one try this is a million doll base and I’m going to get this even if it’s a one in a million chance so it looks like the second it hits that curve right there

Yeah yeah yeah yeah Okay jump jump jump oh okay we’re good we’re good we don’t have to rush it so that curve was the first one and then it steps on there okay that is going to be easy okay okay oh my gosh I could have made that I

Could have made that it’s fine feel like I could just jump on this Spike oh my gosh damage I made it though I made it take the L baby we made it and what is this are these more spikes ow yeah they’re pretty razor thin sharp though

And oh my no I got to jump over these stupid lasers okay it looks like this is a pretty easy maze just don’t touch the spikes bunk Don’t Touch the Spikes I’m not going to lie though you guys got to comment down below at the very end to

Tell me whether or not it’s oh my gosh better or worse than our $1 base okay it’s some sort of like thing I can’t access it looks like a projector and it’s literally facing at that wall a projector a wall hey yo dare I say sussy

Baka okay you know what I’m doing this wrong wait yeah this wall doesn’t even like exist oh my gosh I can just walk through it it’s being projected are you kidding me Gamers a projector that is awesome okay what is this this is glass that I can’t even break is it reinforced

What is that a camera monitor I don’t know what this is I mean looks like there’s some sort of colors there wo wo wo wo wo we’re live there’s another camera right there and the number eight in red okay number eight in red is there anything else oh a nine right here in

Yellow hold up a second I see another number too and is there anything else there’s a one in green and then it looks like a one in blue as well eight in red and then nine in Gold that’s the code that’s the code go go go go go go go go

Go go go go so the green was one the red was oh gosh I have the memory of a freaking Burger I think it was eight and then nine in yellow and then another one there’s two ones I’m not too sure about the blue but I think it is a one please

Work what that didn’t work8 9 one boom oh there you go I did it right okay we got to watch out for any traps I don’t trust this like one by two like hallway thing and where are we now okay hold on a second let’s be smart here let’s be

Detectives there has to be some sort of like key maybe you know what I’m saying we’ve made our own like bookshelf door in the past you guys already know so yeah I feel like this easily could be the same thing but there’s so many books oh man nothing’s changing nothing is

Freaking changing if we grab all these books and put them on oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is either going to be smart or like bot burger no nothing happened nothing happened there’s another one I almost missed this one right here

Wait oh my gosh oh my gosh we did it it’s a freaking door and it just opened up yo that is so cool all right this looks like some sort of parkour and easy peasy we made it to some lasers and okay there’s no trapo here huh okay this is

Very odd this is very very odd whoo wait I hear a bat coming from this direction yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay so it must be something in this direction over here or something oh my gosh it’s a door it’s a freaking bookshelf door oh my

Gosh no no no no no are you kidding me okay wait yo where are we right now thank you bats for making the sound this looks like some sort of entrance to like the bat cave or something I don’t even know okay we’ll just dodge the lasers

This is super easy baby yo the bat almost got trapped in there and okay that looks like a trap that did get its victim I do not want to be one of those oh no another keypad door are you kidding me okay okay no no no go over

Here yo this is so scary right now is there something inside of these droppers like that’s the only thing I can think of 2 33 oh my God we got it we got it we got it yes 22 33 boom we made it oh my goodness and now we’re in another room

With a bat bro this is basically like the Batcave all right well what do I do now we have like a nice quartz floor maybe there’s another like thingy myob here like another door bat please help me oh oh oh oh oh my gosh it’s an elevator we just bro that was on

Accident too baby let’s go and uh what is it there’s a red button and there’s something that looks like an alarm it looks like some sort of Parkour that I what how am I supposed to get in here this is definitely real lava right yeah okay it’s real lava hey I was just

Checking y sorry Mr B is it ever an okay situation to press the red button oh it is it it it literally is and okay yeah it doesn’t even like deselect yo this is perfect there you go easy peasy lemon squeezy all right okay so what is this

Oh fake fake water so I’m not supposed to go down there do these levers do anything okay no they don’t oh God oh God no there’s some iron doors here where do they lead H maybe these skulls are like looking at something no they’re not I’m trying to just think of anything

Oh my gosh oh my gosh all right I almost just died if the water is fake then maybe some of the lava is do I do this right now Gamers wait what the it look like I can see through right through it meanwhile in this one wait it is fake it

Is fake oh my gosh I knew it yes yes another room one more what the heck Hello uh no no no no no what was that it seems like this door glitched oh my goodness dude I’m I would never get over how cool this is we made

It in such side of the Vault the $1 million base it’s all mine baby all these diamond blocks we have gold with gold in the Bloons oh my God even gold bars yo we did it guys pee choas what what the heck you’re telling me I got a

Rocket launcher did I just blow everything up um I think I just blew everything up in that case gamer subscribe we did it woo you better say my base is better in the comments or else

$1 vs $1,000,000 Secret Base in Minecraft

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@Danny Bionic

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