What Is This?! | Stardew Valley New Farmer Experience Ep. 3

Nice we have some charcoal and also copper ores and it’s raining today that means it’s going to be mining day unfortunately I bought this Dirk iron Dirk for 500 gold and I just don’t like it cuz every time I attack it just hits one tile just like that and I don’t like

It prefer more the sword cuz when I swing the sword it hits like oh wait we have this Wiggly should I get the ho no it’s time consuming so the sword at least in front it will hit like one two three tiles but with this dagger it only

Hits one which I really don’t like all righty guys welcome back thank you so much for hanging out by the way and uh yeah happy holidays to you and your friends and families so it’s raining in the valley and it’s a perfect day to again uh do some mining although the

Spirits are not on our side today looks like we’re just going to have to rely in our own luck okay we have these a lot these stuff here what else can we get um oh cave carrot no I’ll keep this I just got this one I just I think this is rare

Cave carrot early game so I’ll just keep it and now we’re going to level five hopefully we could get the five more levels down at least 20 and for now we just uh try and get used to this dagger all right we’ve eliminated the threat let’s just crack the stones ah we’re so

Lucky one down so I’m wondering when 1.6 is coming out I thought it’s going to be like a Christmas present but seems that it’s not out yet hopefully it will go next early next year like January okay this is very hard ah all right there you

Go I can actually left click just like that and it deals a lot of damage or right click with this dagger it deals a lot of damage but it’s not reliable again the aim is not reliable we are now at level 17 oh although we’re not lucky

Is we’re having a very easy time no no I hate this no we are so unlucky let me take that back we are in an invest infested area no there’s three of them man oh I hate this so bad at combat there’s four of them there’s five of

Them no I can’t survive this let’s just leave the mine oh well at least we got like two copper ore one coal a white Al and uh some bug meat so since the mine is not friendly to us today we’ll just go ahead and do some fishing right uh

Let me just wait hold on okay let’s put our Dugger here and get all this stuff so if you noticed I just upgraded our bag which is really convenient so it’s still 12:30 p.m let’s just head straight to Gunther and uh let him place place these minerals and some I think we have

An artifact nope just minerals okay and let’s see if we can find something in this garbage bin no nope nothing okay hello Mr Mayor want some flow it’s very nice of you thanks oh we have some cauliflower as a reward and uh it doesn’t seem like you have anything okay

So looks like we’ve given everything okay I know where these minerals going to go we’ll give it all of them to uh Abigail maybe okay let’s try that out and if Abigail don’t accept it let’s try Clint okay he’s not not interested he’s too manly for a flower welcome to Paris

Okay abigil is not here where could she be it’s raining oh well let’s just head straight back to our home and get the fishing rod 3:30 p.m. though oh we could also plant these um cauliflowers okay it’s going to grow like it will take 12

Days to grow and it seems that uh we only there’s only like 7 Days remaining before spring ends so I don’t think we’ll be able to plant this cauliflower let’s just keep it for next year all right let’s head straight to our refreshing spot all right we got like

240 gold we’ve delivered the potato to Leia which made her very happy cuz it’s also her birthday that time we really did good one on that one especially if that one Leia is actually one of my bachel rats oh we have a dried starfish and there’s a lot of clamps here we are

In this lucky Place free money also have some nice corals a lot of corals man wow time to fish I was thinking of buying a trout but they only have 2 40 gold who need that money for you know for emergency cases so all right let’s do

This so IRL I work at the office so I’m always clicking a mouse that’s why I’m actually using my middle finger to play video games cuz my my mouse finger hurts a lot cuz of using a mouse for a whole day there some random thought that I

Want to share and also um there’s a huge sale going on Steam winter sale so I bought this new game uh Travelers for rest and I’m thinking of playing it at first I actually bought like going medieval it’s like R world but uh in a medieval setting and it’s voils however

I got it refunded cuz uh I was thinking that I wanted to be a Tavern keeper so I went for traveler’s rest so I’m thinking if asking you guys if it’s good if it’s worth it can just uh tell me in the comments or we appreciate that so we

Still have like a 60% oh oh wait this is this one is quick okay we’ve lost that so we have like 60% stamina left and it’s like 8:00 p.m. hopefully we could uh use all our stamina before the time ends and we got a chest and a hering

Nice we have that’s 10 bait that’s fine H looks like we are full okay let’s just head straight to the saloon hopefully we can find some somebody else to give this daffodil pretty sure Pam would be there though um I think the saloon will close

Uh not sure we’ll find out out now oh it’s still open nice OHA is still here ah our inventory is full I want to give you I think uh Emily likes rocks okay um oh wait wait let’s give let’s just give um hold on I need to give something very

Special to Leia we got our salad and all right she’s going to love it oh this is exactly what I wanted thank you I’m also welcome I’m fine with rainy days if I can’t hike I’ll just paint or scope or read a book I’m never bored looks like

You’re fun to be with okay let’s look for Abigail so we could give her some minerals hopefully she is not here okay Oakland yes this is exactly what I’ve been looking for ha do you want more more of it nope play is going home it

Seems uh who else likes maybe uh guz no no I don’t think so I don’t want to M around with Gus cuz I like to befriend him as soon as I can cuz he knows a lot of things right he’s working in a Tavern and people working in a Tavern knows a

Lot of things okay time to home time to sort out things we have ler we have a herring here okay and chovi sardine let’s just get all these corals here the see urchins these hearings and this muscle nice and a lot of clamps and then we’ll prepare for tomorrow we need the

Watering can I think that is it right okay let’s head straight to bed all right look at that guys we have a lot of um income from corls sea urchins also have one from fishing we’re go we’re very lucky with the foraging so we got a

Total of uh 1,400 gold that is a very good income cuz we actually just upgraded our bag for 2,000 gold so at least we’re able to get back that money like almost more than half of it and what a beautiful day we are now on the

21st of spring so this is redish salad there’s nothing like a fresh peppery raddish okay again I don’t have a kitchen yet hopefully we will in the future and wow our strawberries are here oh boy nice so happy about this we can also have our green beans one potato one

Potato two potato so we have one golden strawberry going to our golden chest one going to our gift chest and the rest will be sold right I’m not sure uh maybe I’ll just keep him right I should have uh I should craft a personal chest and

We’ll put it inside our home this is personal I’ll just uh put all our strawberries here I don’t know how to what’s the use of the strawberry I will just keep it for now I don’t really need that much money for now so um like this we just uh completed one of our

Greenhouse uh bundle and I think we’re going to go ahead with the parsnip golden parip five of them hopefully we will get it before it ends we’re in the Turner for first let’s see I think we still have time to land bar snip and

Yeah let’s do go ahead do that so it’s a Sunday okay oh boy the spirits are so annoyed today so Shane need a carb to serve at his afternoon tea party okay look like Shane is or likes teas I think that’s a hint hey bird oh Penny hello I

Think I’d just like to be left alone today okay she sad you can do it and finally pairs open after waiting for quite a long time hello so I need more par steps they’re going to be growing for 4 days so let’s just uh maybe buy 20

20 I think it’s fine right at least uh five of them will be golden you know what just to make sure let’s just buy all of them I don’t care do it let’s do it that’s like lot the 73 part Snips ha okay that was crazy but got do what we

Got to do let just make sure that um the the parip these parip are well fertilized and well hydrated and let’s give it a comfortable bed so I wanted to put it at this side at least okay now let’s get the fertilizers we only have

15 we need to make a lot of them all right that’s done and one or two more here all right there we go and let’s plant oh one more and time to plant these parsnips I’m pretty sure there should be like at least five golden parsnips once we’re able to harvest that

Is we have like 60 almost 100 Parts Snips uh let’s just use this existing fertilized soil just to save on resources okay we have 30 more that’s a lot man so we still have we still have like 70% of our stamina and it’s still

Early it’s like 11 or 12 uh noon so I think we can we still have time to set up our PR Snips this is there’s actually a puddle of water here so one of the mod just to make things more immersive there’s one more here and also you can see the reflection we

15 more I think we’ve overbought too much fire steps right okay uh wait hold on what to do okay uh let’s just make sure all of them are fertilized started Valley has one of the best OST ever okay need to make more beds for our parsnips all right finally

We planted everything let’s just fertilize our remaining parsnips and then water all our plants oh gosh we need to eat cuzz I think we won’t have enough stamina to water all our plants okay now the with that we fertilized everything let’s just water them I think

We need to grab some sprinklers cuz our family of props are getting bigger need uh some kind of an automated assistance although I’m also thinking now of getting a coup but uh if I do that I need to get Silo I think right okay we’re exhausted uh just eat a little bit

Of food just get these beans in our shipping bin and eat some leak and wild hor redish there you go munch munch I think we need two more wow today’s a busy day okay one last aha nice oh man I feel so bad I’m so busy at work I forgot

About thank you hey thank you my boy come here may me uh hello you like it so much I bet he’s also thirsty although I think he already drun some drunk some water in the puddle of water here so I think it’s fine okay exactly 8:40 we

Finished watering our plants and we only have two gold that’s fine we have like 13 basic czers left okay um what else can we do let’s just uh go ahead and wait I think we need five copper ore to smell things but uh we’ll just go ahead

And get this going the charcoal and uh let’s see yeah we do need five upper for us oh well so we have um fourer bars let’s see okay I’m thinking of what’s next so we can craft more tap oh okay and we need to check our Tapper I have

Only one though it should be here okay so so two days to go I bought the sprinkler let’s see so the sprinkler requires one cuper bar and an iron we don’t have iron yet so it seems that we need to go deeper in the mine okay so we

Still have like 30% of stamina left let’s just uh get some wood chop chop chop okay we’re done and looks like we got like 115 wood from that then let’s craft more field snack okay we have like two hopefully we can get to level 20 at the mine next time cuz unfortunately

Last time we tried we encountered an invested area so I decided to just go back to the surface and uh do some fishing okay um yeah let’s call it a day so we got like level four farming okay oh finally we could craft a reserve jar I’m thinking of preserving our salmon

Berries but I’m not sure if it’s profitable though we’ll see we’ll see about that so we have like 500 gold from Green Bean not off to the next day another rainy day but the spirits are neutral today hello thank you we’re very lucky cuz we planted tons of bar Snips

And it’s raining today looks like the valley heard us and uh the valley wants our life to be easier so let’s just get this field snack what else um wild horse radish CU we’re going to go straight to the mines let’s just get this salad just

Uh and also some flowers just in case we get to bump to Leia and some beautiful Town folks hey when is this going to work the bus of kico desert is out of service maybe um one to one of the the community center is fixed I’m not sure

About that but we’ll find out since we’re here let’s just okay I’m thinking of passing by Robin’s Place but it’s like we need to wait for an hour maybe let’s hi to L say hi to lonus hey dude this is a great gift I wonder why lonus

Chose to live by himself away from civilization maybe uh he finds peace that way let’s go okay 24 we can do this you know what guys I don’t know but uh going Mining and cracking some Stones just get me in the zone like puts me in

A certain state of flow where I forget time it’s also OD dissatisfying okay we’re going down I think we need to get rid of this as soon as possible before they turn into an annoying fly just like that I hate this I don’t like you I think these guys are too time consuming

But we have no choice cuz we couldn’t run away from them really cuz I always tend to stay away from fights that will take too long CU there’s really no win we cannot really win it’s like too resource in intensive especially time is we can never turn turn back time

Although this is only a game but you know you’re also using time right so I try to stay away from unnecessary combat as much as I can but these flies make it so impossible this is what I don’t like about the dagger it’s just uh it’s one

Tile look at that mhm I’m going down 17th Floor still 1: p.m. and we have like 80% of health and uh 40% stamina no no one’s going to turn into a fly no mhm nice the only thing that’s uh good about the dager is that has a high it has a

Chance of critical hit but uh I don’t like taking chances it’s not that uh reliable for me what I need is like um a reliable AOE damage I think there’s actually a weapon that does that like a hammer that would be fun right oh we are

Now at the 19th Floor one more floor to go and there you go guys we are here at the 2th floor with a chest and oh man this is such a lifesaver we have a steel small sword goodbye dagger I bought this dagger for 500 gold and we can just sell

It for what 50 gold I don’t care this was such a bad decision for me so far in the game oh there are some fishes here okay I see I should have bought a fishing rod right so it’s going to be at level 20 we could fish okay I think

That’s enough for now let’s head straight to the surface and and hey wait I wonder how we could understand this uh creatur um language or dwarf’s language Jim wasum not tell me I don’t know please don’t spoil it spoil it guys but you can just give me give me a hint in

The comments maybe so now we got like 51 Stone from that run 51 Stone six copper one coal eight bug meat and a slime okay let’s just go ahead and sell this dark iron dark I don’t want to see this in my jail wake up we have a visitor okay oh

This this is so cool silver saber H it has 8 to 15 damage plus one defense there’s also a Snickers iron there okay so far we’ve slayed 30 slimes out of a th000 Okay now what’s next huh so it’s 5:00 p.m. I was thinking I’m going to G

But uh I think he is close we can try and find uh oh wait we actually have Leia so we could give the salad and also we have like a Clint but I’m thinking of testing of giving this quartz to Abigail maybe she’ll like it aside from the

Amethyst right oh well we’ll see about that but first let’s uh no I don’t think the mum is open and yeah it is closed so it’s only up to 6:00 p.m. looks like the only option to for us to go is head straight to the saloon say hi to

Everybody oh wait man I’m not visiting Grandma Evelyn she’s actually my favorite person in the valley so oh what I thought I found something else but it’s only the trash hey Grandma Evelyn oh hi there Alex did you know I was an Allstar quarterback in high school it’s

True okay good to know hey Grandma do you like uh this daffodil oh my it looks wonderful thank you very kind of you okay um uh do you like um grandpa do you like something like uh I don’t know what to give you I’ll just go ahead with the

Death though thanks oh he likes it okay not bad how about Alex thanks oh Alex likes it he’s the most manly guy here in the valley is he he very athletic and sporty he likes flowers that’s cool man unlike Sam and uh Sebastian they think they’re too manly about accepting

Flowers as a gift oh well everyone has their own preferences I just said I need to go to the saloon man I forgot let’s do this ah our girl Leia is here on salad for you yep you’re saying the same thing over and over again and those so

Gives and flow to Pam uh to Gus okay he likes it so much to Emily aha nice I’m so happy that you guys like like my gift um who else oh no no no no no really doesn’t like flowers wait a h chain I want to annoy him I don’t really like

This I know I’m just want to annoy you bro you’re too serious in life so the garbage are going to this garbage uh chest okay time to call it a day good night everyone I’m talking actually guys uh what I heard is that plance can actually uh not really hear but somehow

Feel you like uh in a way like a human does I just read something about that and I think it’s true cuz when I say hi to them every morning to the Clans I think they also say hi back to me CU it makes me feel happy so I think that’s uh

Good enough proof for me to believe that plants have feelings as well cuz they make me happy cuz things that don’t have feelings they don’t make you happy right imple as that we are now in the 33d of spring and we are very lucky today I

Think we’ll just go ahead and oh man so good to see the plants growing tomorrow we’re getting all together for the flower day okay uh if you can get some find a partner you might even want to participate in the dance yourself okay well my partner is only thank you and

I’m too busy with the farm to involve myself in some romantic relationships for now ah cauliflower oh wait is a golden cauliflower nice okay time to do the thing that I really hate the most in this game sorry to say that which is watering the plants I can water like uh

One bed of a plant land like this whole Square here that’s no problem for me but if I’m quartering all of it like this huge for me this is huge just it’s too much okay hold on we need to check the coverage of our scarecrow uh okay we need one more

Scarecrow I think okay that should be good enough so we have two more days to go before we get our parsnips hopefully we get at least five golden parsnips so we could offer it to the community centers Spirits or gimos oh man finally we’re done watering the plants so we are

Very lucky today I’m thinking of going to the mines again but uh you know what why not let’s do that just got a new sword and to is going to be perfect to try it out so we have a wild horse radish two field snacks oh wait I think

Uh we need to also craft a oh this is so nice preserve jar okay now let’s head straight to the mines so we got our sword let’s head straight to the mine going down to the 20th level 21st level now time to test this steel small sword

Aha it’s easier now now that we have this sword and also like is it will add like two speed will it add two speed even if it’s unequipped so now we’re equipping the pickaxe now let’s do the sword I’m not sure I’m not noticing any difference oh there’s the ladder but

Let’s just get these coppers first oh what’s this it’s a mushroom nice red mushroom I wonder what can we cook when we were able to UPG wait wait hold on oh I hate this guy the fly of Doom I hate you mhm it’s easier really it’s easier

Than using a dagger bye oh oh oopsie okay thank you little fly oh there’s a lot of him how come do I stink I haven’t taken a bath for quite a while I think ah we’ve leveled up time to eat some food our stamina is very low we still

Have three levels to go oh man so I just realized that stones are the easiest resources you can find in the game I thought initially that it’s the woods but stones are more abundant here UHA one more floor to go we have one more copper ore and finally we reach 25th

Floor nice okay um we could eat like um this Wild Horse rabbit oh man I did a mistake oh we can go back okay no the thing is it’s fine we we’ll need to visit the saloon right so let’s just uh uh leave the mine and celebrate our

Success we have like we got like godod that run 19 cuper ore wow that’s a lot is we are real lucky today okay I’m feeling happy maybe I should tell Leah about it in another cuper or can’t believe it uh Leia is not here although we’re very fortunate but if we’re not

Able to meet Leia today then uh my day will will not be complete but at least we could get to say hi to people right uh let’s see I want to test something let’s see if Emily likes toaz oh she likes it this gift is fabulous thank you

So much okay so have Happ you like it and how about gz Gus is a foodie I’m pretty sure of that um we don’t have anything exotic foraging oh wait hold on exotic foraging geologist okay there you go can we put it remotely no you really need to visit the community center okay

Let’s go straight to the community center so I just noticed that there’s actually an indicator if we can get uh if we can if the item is needed to be offered to the community center just perfect for me okay um we’ll see okay we have a red mushroom nice exotic foraging

Bundle and I assume that the the quartz is needed here yep there you go okay that is done so looks like we’re running out of wood we only have five left I guess tomorrow we’re going to chop some trees we do have tons of copper ores all

Right let’s call it a day guys good night and we leveled up our combat we have like plus 15 HP and now we can craft the live alexir okay we have a very nice progress and for more videos guys you can check out the lower left hand corner of your screen please don’t

Forget to like And subscribe appreciate your time here and uh as always be patient and kind to one another cuz this is what love is see you on the next video we have our green beans nice bye-bye

I Know Its Late But Merry Christmas! Its Jesus day on Christmas day and everyday! wohoooo! Welcome to my Stardew Valley New Player Experience 🙂

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🕊️ Verse of the day!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16

#snacku #indiegames #stardewvalley

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