100 Players Simulate Minecraft HIDE or HUNT Tournament

Ooh oh be careful this was the beginning of a deadly Hider hunt Battle Royale that was off to a perfect start when all of a sudden and actually go down but if we go down there how do we get out yeah ah no no no no no no aim for the water

Aim for the water no imagine being on a hardcore server where no matter what you do you cannot craft it doesn’t allow you until you’re given an anchor which when placed allows you to use the craft table this is your base over the next few days 100 players

Wait sorry 99 will be taking part in this unique hardcore survival experience where the goal is to survive with yourself or whoever you can rip Knight that was terrible I can craft basically in 28 minutes in 28 minutes I’m getting my anchor till then I have to survive

And I am trapped down here 100% to survive I guess we must go down if we can aim for the water I already did it once wasn’t my decision but I could do it again there’s one there deeper we go we better find something of use otherwise we’re

Definitely not getting out of here surely we’ll get some wood or something oh diamonds that’d be so nice right now I suddenly found myself on the outskirts of an ancient city and nearby was a Structure which I desperately needed a loot go on please have some good

Stuff oh yes the mload it’s armor it’s not going to help me too much but it’s something oh oh he a player has spawned the warden and it was now beining straight towards him okay he can oh my God I need to get out here I need to get out here I need to get out out here it’s going to stiff me it’s going to stiff me if I don’t be careful and get out of here fast that’s going to be me but it’s so vital that we retrieve the players’s

Loot dropped on the ground as it contains something that will be vital for getting us out of here which I’ll explain after if I survive nice and easy take it nice and easy the loot should hopefully be nearby I can see it it’s there don’t get me please don’t sniff me

We’re all good we’re all good right we’re cool all right loot acquired let’s slowly back our way out I’m not going to end up like a player who’s dead right now can I run running I had managed to avoid the warden and now we might actually have a

Way out of here when picking up the loot from the dead body I received a crafting device the item I desperately needed every time a player dies they drop one this crafting device allows you to craft anywhere and it’s a one-time use so be careful what you craft sadly when Knight

Died he dropped one too but I couldn’t craft in because I barely had any resources but now this player was after dropping three gold ingots and I had also three planks we can now use a crafting device to make ourselves and I can’t believe I’m going to say this a

Golden pickaxe allowing us to get enough blocks to get out of here I can see the surface we’re so close do I have enough blocks to get out yeah we should have enough there should be some there’s dirt there’s dirt it’s all that matters I can grab as much as I

Need it’s all good we’re out of here we’re out of here this cave has claimed two lives and look who’s came back this cave is trying to claim another life but looks a bit mine I should have died this was the player who trapped me in the cave he had

Managed to kill night my friend and he was now clearly looking for me to finish the job going slightly back in time when the game first started I spawned in the dark forest and instantly I could hear a voice hey night oh hey hey Ryan it’s you aren’t you lucky it’s

Me yeah I I certainly am are you stuck I in a pickle n you’re lucky I came across you and that started our friendship but as you know it was shortlived and we were being watched the whole entire time yeah that was a close call but I can’t

Say the same for night we’ll get revenge but it won’t be today it’s time to finally get out of here and see what else this world’s going to throw at me nice custom structure let’s hope it hasn’t been looted I’ve been in that cave for a while now probably been raided

Already oh Bow nice oh we power one as well that is hella nice TNT ran come here go away go away I’ll give you I give I give I’m so low I’m so low oh my lordy whoever added leg breaking sounds into Minecraft thank you just saved my life okay I need to get out of here I need to get out of here I need to

Keep a low profile some I needed to get out of Dodge and even though I haven’t been so lucky with them today I thought a cave would be a great place to go a random cave surely nothing will be lurking below right nice all right right anyone here every

Time I’ve looted something I’ve nearly got jumped instantly this cave was the complete opposite of the other ones I’ve been in it was blessing me and from a random structure I had gotten a diamond pickaxe efficiency one now I can take this and I can actually make a secret

Base it’s a luxury that others won’t get to make so I made my base inside the cave as if it was a good omen everything’s going well and we have around 2 minutes until the anchor is going to be given to us then we’ll be able to craft we’ve been given the

Anchor so now now we need to make sure that our BAS is actually big enough so we can actually place it down but once we place this down we can craft finally there we go can we can we do it now please yes we can finally craft I

Had a swift sneak 3 book dropped to me by the player that died by the warden and I was going to use this head back and loot the entire ancient city 12 levels we’ve just got that nice with this enchant I should be able to success y sneak into the ancient city

And loot everything without any trouble get in and get out wow two golden apples that’s rare surely the loot run was a major success I managed to get loads of books even protective armor prop four leggings but we can’t slow momentum here we have to keep Gathering materials and get our

Base ready for the whole entire event I was here in the swamps I was looking for slimes because I need Pistons specifically sticky pistons because my dream is to make a base where I can drop in and get out in a moment’s notice an entrance in and an exit out completely

Separate and independent from each other oh we’re not the only ones in the swamp I see it’s a Mill and he’s definitely seen me 100% let’s do something that he won’t be expecting let’s put the Swift sneak on and let’s loop around the back of him and be super

Quick of it I began quickly but silently looping around the back of a mill essentially I was going to be in the opposite location of where he saw me thanks to the Swift sneak enchantment and looking back in the replay it looked like it worked he had no idea where it was

If I can get the jump on a mill that would be absolutely huge he’s in water right now and I don’t want to fight someone in water yes he’s only an iron but like look it’s a mill I don’t know what he could have up his sleeve he’s a

Very good player usually knows what he’s doing very intelligent when it comes to Minecraft that’s all I’m going to say don’t know what he’s trying to get in this water and I’m really curious okay he’s definitely gone into a cave do I want to fight him in a cave

Wait his name’s gone ah a mill makes me nervous man you just don’t know what mil could be hiding where’s he gone what’s the K where is he gone no ail you have a base here oh my God or is it someone else’s base oh is he going to be a trap though

I want to respect the little Redstone door this was someone’s base and I can only assume it’s a Mills and we’re going to try sneakily get inside it we all good we all good okay if I’m going to get in this base he’s hanging around I’m going to

Have to go for it now cuz he’s obviously clearly just colle resources Oh Oh I thought it was a trap thought was a trap thought was a trap we’re in mending prop four going on no trap ooh no pressure plate this is a really big bed face but where is his Anchor I had found the room where his anchor was but a mill hi came home and now is hiding in his Anchor Room staying as quiet as I can if he comes in here it’s going to be a fight it’s going to be a fight and I forgot my arrows as

Well like an idiot Okay that was close he definitely forgot something and now it’s gone back out again he might be back any minute so we need to be fast but we can raid him finding other player’s anchors allows you to open them and by opening a player’s anchor you’re able to see that

Player’s entire inventory and you’re able to take whatever you please and there’s nothing that they can do about it unless they hunt you down and kill you that’s it now that we found a Mills anchor we can have a look inside and see what he’s got see if there’s anything

Worth of value if we rain him quietly and take maybe little things he might not notice that items are going missing allowing us to raid him for longer he’s essentially working for me now oh he’s got F falling boots that’s so op oh my God ever falling four see what

I mean you don’t know what a mill has if I fought him there is a chance he could have sliced me to bits I didn’t even have any arrows what do I take do I take something do I do do I what do I take ah once I take this he might know

Go go go go go go go go go go he might he might not notice that the missing he might notice but yeah here let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out I’m I’m not getting sliced up by that sharp

Three when I returned home it was time to do some enchanting as I had probably just made an enemy now if he ever finds out but when enchanting I managed to accidentally upgrade my anchor and this is when I learned that you can upgrade your anchor four times each with

Different perks and this first upgrade gives us secret maps basically When an Admin base is released your Anor will drop a map showing you the rough look of where the adum base is filled with custom Loot and dangerous obstacles that you have to get past so with this event

Being imminent I began quickly making my base Gathering materials from my local biome this base needed to be completely hidden because task two of upgrading the anchor required people to find other players bases so they’re going to be out searching in Force One YouTube tutorial later and I

Had managed to make my dream entrance into my secret base I love it because you quickly fall into it but if you don’t Glide down the correct way you’ll die to the spikes down below any Intruders will need to be repared but I got this all completed just in a nick of

Time because the map for the admin base had now dropped but now a new adventure awaited and I needed friends and the only person that I knew of was a m ruse hopefully I can convince him to team up with me and take on the admin Base by

Offering him the secret map so okay guys question can you find my base in this area are we near it right now yeah I cannot be bothered just show us where it is I can show you Ryan of course hi M Ryan do you want to join

Us well yeah that’s why I was going to ask you that that was fast okay right if we’re going to be a team I want to be a proper team like I want to be family I have something that I done what have you done see these boots

Do you recognize them yes wait did you take that out of my inventory earlier they accepted me in they needed a fourth teammate anyway as when it comes to the end game that’ll be important and give you the best chance to win four players

In a team is the max size I have I have no don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry I’ve got two of them you also found one I’ve got two have you got you haven’t got your base upgraded no I still need so that was my leverage I’ve got the map

So we can just use that let’s go the abmin base is going to open now soon we’re diagonal across from it just keep going up in those mountains definitely up in those mountains it’s up there is it yeah that’s it we’re close we’re really close we’re we’re in the area now

Technically no there’s other people there’s other people coming up the right hand side here literally we’re about to cross path I’m going to just over there just over there just over there it could be a team as well stay quiet stay quiet they’re going to hear us there oh hello

Fatal that was fatal okay we can’t fatal was a good friend and he wasn’t a massive fighter only fought when he had to and when he did he fought he was quite a friendly person so we instinctively allied with his team just search the area look for signs

If someone finds it they’re all like you’ll start seeing everyone Bunch up on the map so yeah ah oh this is when things start getting a little bit dangerous and we knew we were getting close to wherever this admin base was powder snow was everywhere and I fell in

Place Water Place Water Place Water Place water water water outside outside and something important I have to say is in this area you can’t place or break blocks oh my God be careful be careful fil thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you out H come on oh yeah

Making the powder snow a frozen tomb you can get stuck in every step forward was deadly and aill had gotten himself entrapped he was being swallowed by the snow and this time we couldn’t place down water because there was no area we could place a break nearby I jumped in

To show them the way get to the tree no there’s no way you’re not dying don’t you die on me it’s possible come on come on come on come on come on a you’ve got this you’re not dying oh no is that how we meant to do it we’ve got

To swim there’s a boss up here where’s fatal go I’m here oh guys there’s a b we got to go we got to go you we got to get out of here we got to get out of here I’m like Frozen in place oh I found the keep keep swimm

Keep swimming keep swimming come on ja if you need ja if you uhoh I’m frozen yo that boss looks terrifying oh wait careful no he’s coming for me wait he gives slus four he gives slus four attack him with anything we got I’ve got

St as give me a second I’ll go down ah I’m frozen I’m frozen too know where the boss are is snow right it shouldn’t be it’s not yeah it’s not be careful be careful he just got one shot got one shot no it’s low it’s low it’s coming for me

It’s coming for me I think I’m play I think just died be careful be careful be careful okay I don’t know what we can do here I think we can’t fire I don’t think did fall and die as well I I think Did ooh there’s a use your bow do you have a bow oh my God the wait R are you good I’m good I’m good ah guys be careful be careful yeah we need to move out of here I have a bow I have a bow I have a bow that boss m is

Not definitely coming I’m firing every bit of bow I’ve got right into him he’s going down we might be a to do it if we can just try and I’ve got TNT if we can bait him out we can blow him up we can take him out of the Arena let’s just jump

In no I’m so close to dying I’m so close I’m so close I need get out get away get away get on top of the ledge get on top of the ledge so little ones can’t get you and then it’s it’s the little ones it’s

Little ones you got to fight them got to tie them in it’s the little ones we got to get around the little ones so step step on the ledge oh no hch no get up here get up here get up here you’re going to die you’re going to

Die I killed it I killed it I killed it Yes I’m on half heart I’m on half heart are you I’m protecting you you good oh my God his explosion near got me I got the sword of for you I got the sword of for you the what I have just received a legendary weapon the warrior sword and

This weapon is incredible it special ability allows you to charge forward with a huge Shield that damages and stuns targets and also comes with a whole host of other abilities it’s amazing no we’re still the only ones here there’s other people still on their way right there’s chests inside of these

Glaes there’s chests inside of these glaes aren’t there H you Brave man jumping into getting the first hit off well done he was echoed on the F the amount of damage he does no a Mill and Fallen oh there chest yeah you’re right yeah protection two helmet uh Golden

Apple beever falling one protection three chest plate what do we okay take the loot we’ll figure out the plunder after yeah sharing oh my God fire aspect too oh no fatal we got to go f about to get jump Fat’s about to get jumped where over

Across the way over across the way we got to go we got to go back off leave my fatal alone leave alone to kill him we’ve come to kill him you weren’t going to kill him it looked like you were I’m going to kill them all wait come both them

They’re stuck in the powdered snow they come stuck in the pwder snow oh no I I would let them die naturally I’m too honorable are you guys friendly okay since we’ve had some very bad predicaments with like loot we were just bored and tried to explore a little

Bit Yeah I think we take team we just lost two people we just there there our replacement well we’ve got Monty on his te so we can take one oh wait no I mean we could just join fatal team do we get out of what do we

Do just dead not my problem if I got boots I would be able to get out Jay Jay J the moose here you go save your friend look remember this I’m stuck inside this no let’s go out of let’s get out of come on guys don’t follow us or I will kill you

Both someone has this is yeah this is our village yeah this is fatal and Monty’s home they’ve been living here in the village and have a secret base nearby so I got some friends we last off our friends all right give him some loot yeah we got these villagers in here

Oh that’s a prop for infinity and fire aspect too what that’s crazy and the prop four is yeah prop four is only 14 okay keep them hidden that’s how need to know oh my God I need same I want emeralds now I want prop four surely after discovering those villagers Veil

Led us to the arena nearby his base this will be where the final fight will be taking place if we survive that long but when we got inside and went into the we discover something so interesting what the katana chest is locked we learned from Spawn that there

Are four legendary weapons on the map found in admin bases the warrior sword the Archer’s bow the Samurai Katana and the rogue’s dagger all come with special abilities that you need to be careful of so with this new information I got to work I handed ihut the warrior sword as

He truly earned it he stepped in when no one else would someone Brave like that deserves the warrior sword by myself I began heading to the Rocky Mountains nearby to look for emeralds so we can trade them in for prop four books with villagers at fatal and Monty’s base and

Everything was going extremely well and I mean really good the mountains weren’t Touch Too Much and still plenty of resources to be found but that’s when I found blocks on the floor someone had been here and it was fresh and near these blocks was a man-made tunnel that

Led into another cave I kept following it and investigating and then I found some Cobblestone staircases leading up to what I presumed was the surface but curiosity kept pulling me in and when I reached the top I couldn’t believe what I found no way I had found a secret base

Our anchor has been upgraded and now it’s a generator it will randomly spit out loot some good some bad you just don’t know are these players online online these players could be dead or they’re not online yes inside one of their chests is 37 emeralds hopefully with the emeralds

That I’ve mined and these we should have enough we’re going to use my fortune pickaxe and we’re going to see how many emeralds we have and hopefully we’re going to be making prop for gear after mining all of my emeralds we now had over 64 emeralds what else they got diamonds uh

Can take take them books oh my no no way oh my God someone on the floor I can’t even my inventory is so full uh emeralds over diamonds we have enough diamonds at home now we definitely have all the emeralds need for prop four gear we sadly couldn’t raid any inventories here

Either these players are already dead or they’re just not on line at the moment I quickly returned to the villagers and began trading for the prop 4 and it was safe to say 64 emeralds was definitely enough okay right hopefully we have enough XP to fully use these books uh

Mobs are proving difficult to find face hasn’t been found that’s good all good right let’s craft as quick as we can we are home for a chest plate prop four Boots full prop 4 it’s not perfect it’s not God set but it is prop 4 that is the main thing shortly

After upgrading my gear a secret map dropped to a new admin base I began setting off and heading to familiar territory it was close to where the late a mill used to live it was in a mro forest nearby now this admin base was going to be important I needed to

Upgrade my anchor to level three and my task was was to hunt a player down and kill them want to get rid of the map so that players can’t track me but if I do that I can’t find the I can’t stay in the boundary that I know to stay in okay

I don’t see any visual structures on the surface so it might be underground okay someone is definitely on their way and fast might ditch them out map yeah we’re going to Dish the map we need to go invisible I don’t know who they are I need to move from this

Location this is going to be where they’re probably going to be beaming straight Towards yo you see him you see him right there right there that beig tree that beig tree that beig tree that beig tree player right there leave me Al oh hello Ryan hello Ryan where’s your teammates at there was two of them and one of me my team were

Nowhere in sight my plan lead them into the mongr forest where it’s thick and makes it difficult to fight might give me a slight Advantage he’s he’s over here he’s over here I got to qu my shield hold up hold up make this a fair fight make this a fair fight he’s

Got yeah I know he has fire aspect here we’ll do my Strat again we’ll do my Strat FY come back here I needed to be careful I knew at this point that I might have better gear than them but if I get trapped in those cobwebs I could be dead in seconds yo

What TR tra him in cobwebs and blow him up with TNT run I’m sorry you’re running into my own cobos I haven’t even placed yet bro my hands are shaking dude I suck at this game I don’t know why my shield was unequipped that did two hearts I hope

You know Ryan I Pro three yeah I need to Pro one I can tell cuz you’re running from a shark to sword hit my sword only got sh no my yo place place lava give me your lava give me your lava give me your lava I’m

Out of it where is it back in the base we already used it I’ll just tra him with cobs and TR him out a bunch Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ry Ryan come here buddy Ryan I didn’t want to I you picked the wrong side you could

Have left me alone I was alone all this whole time I wanted to it was my teammate no you did want to you did want to come here come here come here come here come here come here come here listen to me come here come here loyalty

Come here okay okay come stay there stop don’t move okay I’m sorry I’ll give you whatever you want from my inventory what how has this person got 11 crafting devices speak to me oh we stole from my ex teammate we went to his inventory and

He had them we got we don’t know how we got them I had a choice to make kill or let him go we had now completed our task and our anchor was level three we can now access the nether if we wish but do

I let him go yes or no I want to know what you would comment down below go on get out of here I don’t want to make more enemies okay I looted the player I killed and headed back to the admin base location in Hope finding it

Ryan Ryan R guys am I so glad to see you you H have you still got the legendary sword yes I do keep us safe right should we head down into the dungeon do we know how to get down there no no hello have you guys found the ab base so we chill

Should we should we gentlemen to do the boss listen to me gentleman code should we should we work together for the abin base and then we’ll we’ll go our separate ways yeah yeah okay gentlemen’s gentlemen’s agreed yeah all right and then afterwards we can we’re civilized gentleman and then afterwards we we we

Uh we go to war if we go to war I don’t know oh they found the entrance yeah let’s go okay be careful look listen to me be careful with those guys yeah yeah where is it it’s down a tunnel oh they just dug down and they found the entrance nice T

All right everyone go I’m not being the last I I’ll be the last all we got another team die in fire die in fire die in fire one Mr jjq back off you’ve already been in the fight back off we’re nice we’re nice yeah I heard you were in a fight a

Second ago who attacked who who did we fight with oh not in a fight they run away oh they ran away yeah all right gentleman agreement everybody gentle we have a gentleman agreement gentleman agreement we’re all we’re all different teams going into the abum base we’ll work together and then afterwards we can

Go our separate ways D we like that it’s up to that’s not fair okay I I like l i like as well okay okay on our way okay everybody in chill then I’m going last everybody in everybody in I’m not going okay yeah everyone in everyone in

JJ no you guys going first you guys going first come on guys in eventually we all manag to get down to the dungeon we’re at the entrance ready to enter all very wary of each other all right guys gentlemen agreement in here the mobs are the enemies let’s all agree share the

Loot well don’t share the loot but oh we quickly found out that this place was booby trapped everywhere poison traps on the floor and who else knows what’s lurking in the Halls ahead well actually we do there was custom mobs here as well and some of them were Heavy Hitters P

Monty come on this way our players Fallen who just died uh ch chest locked efficiency for here diamonds can anyone take them okay I think we have to kill the sorry but you can’t that here chest is locked there’s aing here and we can’t bring it we can’t hit it and there’s

Guys this is the main room the place was called the tree room amazing are you good yeah I’m good amazing dropped his poor sword oh oh you Ed the jump boost to climb the tree use the jump boost we quickly found out in the main chamber that there was a

Jump boost Monty used this jump boost to get on top of the tree he climbed all the way to the top and he found the Blazing key and hopefully that opens up the locked chest just outside Monty dropped me the key and the plan was to

Open it when no one else was looking make it look like none of the teams found the key D go in I killed another go in yourself I’m going in I’m I’m telling everyone I’m tell instructing everyone to go in I just got here I might that one that one’s not

Uh wait JJ Q you okay only you can access it with ke I have I have yeah should we just try get out of here after looting the lock chest and getting the to of a dime we decided to slip on out of here before chaos erupted

But on the way out a mysterious book slipped into my inventory a problem I’ve got a problem I’ve got a real really really really big problem I’ve been watching you for a while now I have studied your base come home alone if I see anyone the base goes boom nice Spike

Trap by the way nice Spike Trap by the way I have a spike trap in my base so it’s real someone didn’t just drop this in the dungeon trying to get a cheeky little plan going and maybe follow me home like I have a spike trap that’s

Very pafic you keep the tote of and dying and then you guys are going to be about 300 blocks out I’m going to go home if this turns into a fight who has I’ll call you In hello Ryan took you long enough nice book thanks nice trap thanks like to yeah you got a nice you got a nice secure base going on here when did you find it I’ve been watching you for a while that’s so ominous look so many things have been

Going through my mind as I’ve been running home if you were going to raid me you would have raided me already why yeah I would have taken stuff out of your tree would have gone how long when did you actually find my base how long ago did you find it

Yesterday yeah yesterday have you taken anything from my chest no no everything’s still here come on if you found it yesterday tell me something I had that no one else would probably know the warrior sword okay yeah right what’s the catch blackmail what you gonna

Do um to be honest with you you’ve got one of the most secure bases I’ve seen right I’ve seen bases on the surface middle of nowhere out in the open and I’ve decided that your base is a lot secure lot more secure than mine as mine is quite literally unhideable I’m

Assuming your anchor is extremely vulnerable in your inventory could be cleared any minute now yeah has it already happened to you luckily not yet okay well yeah if we can be if we can actually be allies goals I know you like obvious obv we know each other

Enough yeah yeah you could have took something you haven’t taken anything did you see me in the base going into the base coming out of the base how’d you find me going into going into the base I had been found and his base was apparently vulnerable that’s the reason

Why he wanted a strong Ally because my inventory is less likely to get stolen I messaged Monty and Hutch and told them to back down it’s all good but before I could fully trust gold I didn’t really have any choice I need to see where his base was make sure his story adds

Up this one long exit Okay realize something now you could be dead right now yeah you understand that yep yeah don’t yep don’t double cross me I am sick of so many series of people double cross me you’re either loyal or not mhm you be dead right

Now we need to see this terrible base so your story adds up as well but on the way there gold shared some information about a team known as the death squad they go around killing everybody and this was apparently their base and just as we were about to attempt raid them

They just came home so we were stalking we were waiting for them to hopefully leave but then a player came in behind us and they ended up spotting him and we thought that they spotted us run run run run oh that’s not him that’s Ry Brian mate there’s three that’s two separate teams

He see this time gold I can offer you guys something maybe possibly I have another I can get I’ll trade it but if you have a totem can offer I can off I can offer you something I can offer you something I can offer you something I can offer you

Some really good information stop running stop running we would you out if you yeah fair enough fair enough okay don’t get Golds don’t get Golds don’t get Golds I can offer you some I can offer you some really good information LC get away bro what’s the that person isn’t with us all right

Person that person isn’t with us he just just I swear to I can offer you solid information for safe passage we’re passing through going to gos we just came across your base yeah true we know who has the first secret weapon the Gob weapon Mr jjq I gave them

Fake information about who has the god weapon knowing that they’ want it and they seem to have taken the bait but I also think it was partly because there was a player called LFC and he kept raiding the death squad’s vulnerable base so they were more preoccupied with him thankfully

Close yeah well we could have we could have run but it was you I was concerned of Gold’s base wasn’t far away at all and after that instant we were there in a matter of minutes what I thought we were going down oh oh my God nope this is your base

Oh tell me something that’s in your inventory is bad that no one else would have before I openness a book with knockback two piercing four protection four and sharpness 4 that’s very specific okay this is definitely your base gold story definitely added up there was a broadcast that a new admin

Base was launching soon but we didn’t have a secret map and it was too late to go back to my base and gold didn’t have his upgr ated but of course death squad’s base was nearby and we could maybe steal a secret map from there as

We ran over we can see LFC the thief robbing death squad once again and their inventory had been cleared he was like a rat that they couldn’t catch wait wait run run run run run Ry where no no it’s fine we’re friendly we need a secret map

We need a secret map wait wait wait give me a map give me a map give me a map give me a secret map here take this take this here give me a secret map is this a new one right I was behind you when you

Were sneaking up on the people bro I know you gave away our position but thank you and goodbye we had gotten the map and the area was extremely close we’re in the chunk well we found that people dug down to last base but we were lucky there because there’s mobs glowing

So if we see mobs glowing again okay the last one was massive though so if it’s massive we might have to wait for back up go on have a little dig there can we dig it shouldn’t let us if it was the ab entrance it wouldn’t let us majority of

This area was ocean the hardest place to search but thankfully our team was here it’s fatal it’s fat uh fatal fatal team team team team there are Team guys hello this is gold yo he blackmailed me but he showed me his base he could have raided me he h

He knows about it he could have stole it he knows about it everybody’s just looking for it it’s so funny like there’s so many people on the map I found it I think I found it I think I found it I think I found I I see I see

Stone okay okay this looks promising unless it’s act your base which is even more cooler um all right it’s deep in there uh call our team over where are they we had finally found the admin base one problem it was underground and once inside you can’t place or break blocks

Can we can we mine this area please yes we can we were attempting to make a plan when one player which I refuse to say the name of entered the dungeon all by himself just Went but then something spooked him like big time he came shooting back out gasping for Breath you good no don’t swim to the surface get in here what he didn’t come into the air bubble collect this stuff collect the stuff collect the stuff go for the I can’t here here’s the air okay can everyone anyone who’s going to be a diver the air bubble is here why

Didn’t he go into it I can’t see it wait H I’m going in so I even have War breathing this would be so handy oh there’s air bubbles there’s air bubbes in here air bubbes in here air bubbes in here air bubbes in here yes Lota fire aspect one book guys I’m going

Back in for the barrel careful there that’s so cool I’m drowning I’m going to drown what I was after fighting in here was huge I had found the Lost Key and it oped something located in the arena in the middle of the map oh and I’d also

Found out what spooked that player there were sea Guardians in here and if hit by a trident you began to instantly drag ground with the key I got out of there fast Monty had dropped me an invisibility potion which I could use to hide my identity leaving this area which

Was lucky because there were players on the surface but my luck didn’t last for long Midway through my journey I was about to be tested ah ah ah no please I should have broke gold po go away I’ve got a key on me I’m not dying where did you get that trident is

Sick ow I’ve got a key on me my prop four is protecting me that sword is not Weak oh you low oh he must be low he must be low must be low go on go go go okay I I keep going I keep going but I want to open this chest and I don’t want to risk Fighting by myself I realize this person doesn’t even know

Who I am cuz I’m invisible what about if I fall do I have I need to save you if I fall I could hear you I could hear you I thought you were long gone you really don’t have a sword that does any damage do you oh you don’t have voice One ow Oh my God I’m so low about to eat gold Apple Okay we’re doing well but we got a slight issue my armor is going to break soon it’s going to break it doesn’t matter how many gapples I have I’m so close to just dying here ow I underestimated this guy’s got something that does damage my armor is going to break soon

Wait I recognize where I am I recognize where I am I’m close to home I’m close to home oh I can’t die here I can’t die on my home soil okay I underestimated you I’m not the best PP here I’m not the best P here this person definitely

Better than me ow how did you do so much damage a second ago what did you do what did you do that did all that damage cuz I barely just survived it I literally barely survived it do something so risky information dies with him anyway it’s a

Loner ah he’s made me have to eat a golden apple this is personal I’m saving that for endgame I need to slow him down I out my poison pot no way yes yes it worked it freaking worked no way that’s why he did so much damage that’s why I nearly died I need

To put some of the stuff in the chest I’ve got full inventory I was just trying to get back to spawn I should have brought goals with me I repaired my gear and I later found out after the event me that that was a lost key Hitman

But I continued my journey back to the arena it’s the blade of assassin this dagger was absolutely amazing it allowed its user to vanish and gain speed three for 8 seconds allowing you to get out of Dodge whatever situation but my journey here continues and with this weapon

We’re heading towards admin base the cores were provided by fatal and when I got there I noticed that they were nowhere to be seen But the death squad were inside is there no more gaps I have a not I could hear that they were struggling with something and I

Knew that I had this new weapon so if they did turn against me I could probably Escape I’ll help you guys I’ll help you guys wa what in there wait inside this Tower was a boss mob and it was doing damage we needed to

Kill it to get a key to get inside this Tower right here and hopefully inside is a legendary weapon stairs stairs look run upstairs run away oh poor Ang poor Ang okay I’ll help you I’ll help you I just notched I notched I just notched I’ve already fought one

Boss oh no mine mine mine mine no help M ow how long do it take to kill one of these Ryan I don’t know they have a lot of Health they I strength as well I had strength as on their way here guys blj I haven’t seen you all V there’s a

Boss mob here everyone just fight ow ow ow I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die no no don’t die how much how much did you give it God why is it in here R run run run run I disabled my

Shield let me Christ the prop four is saving me the prop four is kind of saving me my prop for is going to break we we fought one of these bosses at the start and it near took her alive like straight away oh oh it’s oh it’s dead is it

Dead black jack has the weapon yeah I got it yes what weapon is it it’s a arch it’s the tower key can we have it wo wo wo have black leave blackj alone he’s pure he’s pure what the hell we want the weapon we want the weapon chill we need

The weapons we all form them together okay okay but we want it bro can you open the door no like situation w w w blackj I’m on your side whatever happens I’m on your side just Kidd where’s the weapon it should be upstairs no I I just have the key to

Get in here does this does this drop the bow we quickly found out that this was only a key to get inside up in the top of the tower was a chest that was locked called the Archer’s chest it needed another key but none of us had it get

Here yeah we don’t have the who has the Archer chest key who has it uh jjq and dying Fire have it okay we need to get them they have the chest key you were just holding a key black Che no no this is the key for

The door downstairs none of us had the key apparently jjq had it but that was only rumors but what I did have was the lost key that looked identical to the other keys and I might have a plan on how to get the tower key here Blackjack take

Thiso I dropped Blackjack my Trident to clear my guilty conscience for what I was about to do there was loads of water nearby and if he used this right he’d be able to escape with no problems at all woo I have the arer key no I have the Archer chest key but

Listen to me I want to have access to this building so I want the key sure we just want the katana bro we’ll do a swap in 3 2 one you throw on that side I’ll throw on this side I mean I’m a neutral party you could swap Blackjack is neutral I’m not

With Blackjack I don’t really know so it would be a 2 one it would be a 3 one situation just throw yours over there I’ll throw mine over okay right ready yeah okay I’ll put you all right good oh God what was that this isn’t the ultra

Key this is the last weapon hear that last okay okay I just had to I’m so sorry Blackjack I’m really sorry I feel so bad but it is what it is after that event I was on my way home endgame was upon us and a migration period which will push everyone back to

Spawn for the final fight will be happening any minute but I noticed a player on top of a hill and as soon as I saw I knew exactly who this Was oh my God Doo come here oh we meet again don’t we oh we meet again you remember Knight you remember Knight remember him remember [Applause] Him I was back at my base crafting as many golden apples and preparing my armor for the final fight I had a of undying and my next task to upgrade my anchor was to sacrifice the totem into the anchor and this will upgrade my anchor to the final stage and that is

Unraidable nobody can access my inventory even if they find my base hello G hello Ryan hello so you did you did you abandon it gold was doing what he did to have to survive but he double acrossed me using my base as a bargaining ship to get into another

Team oh hello hello hello you all right how you doing I’m I’m doing fine fantastic uh gold the Absolut snake what a snake Golds is he is no snake what he do I I wouldn’t trust gos what did he do let me guess let me guess he came to you

Let me guess let me guess he came to you yeah said I I know where Ryan’s base is let me join your team he’s obviously realizing that end game hey whoa whoa whoa whoa he’s obviously realizing that endgame is coming and he doesn’t have a fourman team to be with cuz our team’s

Too full which is fair enough I would have I would have left with him I would have left with with him but he’s obviously realized so when it comes to the final fight he probably won’t have your back maybe he will cuz at the end

He’s on your team now but yeah just be warned you lost one person to my Spike trap you’re hater you’re hater you calling your team back you calling your team back you want you want to you want to kill me I’m going to save my I’m

Going to save myself to the final fight actually maybe I should try and take you out now oh no no no no I’m fine I’m fine I don’t want to smoke I don’t want I don’t want yeah yeah yeah hey Ryan hey bye oh no that’s

Good okay do we do we stop the Chase and loot we can we might be able to take stuff from his inventory he’s here oh oh yeah go take stuff from my inventory go take stuff from my inventory get over here oh God ow what where is he go you’re an absolute

Snake I’m sorry you left me I’m getting them I’m on my way it didn’t leave you by the way it didn’t leave you you already know there’s not enough space in your team for me yeah I know but you only one team can survive you have the rat my lovely

Beautiful base one of your team members died because of it though if I die at least I die a happy person I don’t he did not um understand oh who’s this who’s this who’s this someone look look look there’s someone below here there’s someone below here what there’s someone Bel there He who was that oh God I think I think it was I have a power get him get him where where they take I knew fighting them head on with just myself would be instant death my legendary dagger didn’t get me out of this sticky situation but maybe the snowy mountains up ahead would I was attempting to lead them here as I know

That this area is deadly with powdered snow everywhere I just now need to kite them all the way there it might seem like a short while away but when getting chased it feels like a million miles oh that’s going to be annoying maybe maybe I’m not sure that should I stay back um

Yes stay back I’ve got him I got Him we could right I I don’t think we’re going to catch up with them go back go back yeah let’s go back let’s go back okay I shot him I shot him okay well he’s not allow he’s not allow gos has joined JJ Q’s team he used

My information of my base location to get inside here on the replay you can even see that he was showing them how to drop in to the base successfully without dying but thankfully one of them wasn’t listening and them dying was an alarm system that alerted me giving me time to

Escape thank you so much Spike trap once again now you might have not noticed it but since I was well alerted I was able to quickly take the totem of dying out of my inventory and pop it into the anchor fully upgrading it and now no one

Can raid my inventory It’s the final upgrade so when they got back they had no other choice but to raid what was in the chest and then they blew it up like Savages after a while of hiding I emerged from my Hideout and I began heading to my closest teammates Monty

And fatal they were about 1,000 blocks away yo fat fil F fat yo we chill uh I think so okay right Golds what the hell happened to him I have no oh well I suppose I met he he’s joined JJ’s Q team and he gave like

Basically came to my base and tried to kill me and D I’m assuming destroyed my base I I was hanging on to my um I had a to of them dying and I was hanging on to it cuz I was like oh well if the migration period is coming soon now I

Won’t need it like it’ll be fine I’ll get away with it so I had to sacrifice my top and D otherwise my inventory is gone I have this so much we missed so much cuz you went for the dungeon the other dungeon I have this yeah um I I

Literally got jumped as I went to get that oh my God uh I also stole this from wo’s Team Archer Towers key I’ve got the Archer chess key no from that dungeon from which dungeon the one the me Monty and all that one too the one that I

Split up from you guys yeah I can go get it I can go get it I can go get it we can go get it what are you doing do you want to go get it together or what migration period is about to begin so we

Need to go it’s that direction give it to you you can run get it cuz I’ve still got and I’ll meet you back for migration and we’ll fight to the end loyally yeah faat had dropped me the key the Border was closing in very slowly

But still I had to hurry and of course inside the chest was the Archer bow with its special ability is unleashing a deadly fire dragon upon your Enemies dealing major damage now it’s time to get back to the group and take on the final fight as a team United together luckily Fat’s base was so close to the arena that it gave us time to prepare our armor and to craft as many things as possible I also

Noticed that there was a totem of them dying inside Fat’s inventory which I really wanted and I asked for he had a spare one and he handed it over no question asked cuz that’s what this team is all About there there’s people it’s Gold’s dying fire where jjq down Below I’m telling you right now charge run you guys destroy my base who do we want who do we want who do we want why are you going for me buddy get get that does so much damage what oh my God my God focused I you can’t hit fat make sure you don’t

Friendly fire hut oh go no go hit me days of surviving this harsh world was now coming to a boil and over time personal vendettas have been built up so let me explain this from our team’s perspective Ry up Bry versus Golds he had to pay and then we had jjq versus fatal

They had major beef in the series and then ihut versus IG and wo who now had the Samurai Katana and then we had Monty taking on the hold of Death Squad helping ihut everybody having their own mini independent Wars ah why are there so many dogs I’m I’m here I’m

Here come here oh my God leave me Alone this is don’t worry fatal go go help P this is my fight go help H he needs it come on go let’s finish this out come on come on you could you could have stole the Gob weapon all along I know obviously you have to join a team to

Help like but you didn’t have to like offer up my base I wanted it not to be Found how’s your gear huh come on how’s your terrible base doing huh how’s your gear doing pretty good did you get much out of my base I actually don’t know if I had I had a bit there think got too much blow up um maybe oh my God not the dogs come on

Doggy hey leave this fight for me right gold you like The Dramatics Eh this is the messiest fight in the world it is it’s quite messy Ah by the way I didn’t leave you by the way yeah but I knew I couldn’t win I knew I couldn’t win on your team there was no winning I’d have to die Eventually oh no the world Border’s here the Border was gaining momentum and closing in fast soon there was going to be nowhere to run this is it it’s officially end game come on Die There hey woo bye woo so go how are you doing oh someone’s dead oh hey go how’d you feel that’s going to be you next is it uhhuh I don’t think it will Chef left click is the come here buddy how’s your armor doing oh it’s do pretty good was Mine R where are you Iris Iris hey yeah you miss the chest plate there Come Back gold is over you did well buddy build a better base next time yeah and oh oh we should have died any last words any last words nah nah last words what you have what you have what you have guys you still alive he shot

Three one flip I I I’m here I’m here no no no ow ow ow oh my God you get me i k one you near got me you nearly got me we making the L we can making the L I prise you we can make an alliance your dogs are on me

R I got I’ve got I’ve got rampy I’ve got rampy we can make an alliance yeah yeah yeah come here come here come here I’ll show you my alliance I’ll show you my alliance can make an alliance yeah yeah yeah I’ll show you my alliance friend story no friend Story put there’s my alliance oh it’s over for me guy it’s over I’m alone I just gave rampy my alliance guys it’s all good it is alone it’s literally over GG it’s over for me it’s over for me it’s it’s Let’s go Team all dividually fighting Let’s go Team are we the

Last I unless someone’s hiding unless someone’s hiding someone might be hiding no way yeah there’s someone down there look at us all individually going getting our fights go get them team live till the end you live to the end well done no no no wait can I kill him with the sword

Let me the do an honorable death honorable sword ability to unlock I don’t think he’s going to make it oh hang On we won the first one let’s go woo this is it now we as a team have done it we had one together thank you so much for watching and a huge shout out to vento for letting us Host this event on their servers if you’re looking for a unique

Style of competitive S&P slf factions Then This Server might be for you it’s got a ton of custom features like supply drops and War zones but you better watch your back because it’s not safe at all and it even has a loot Lake you can fish

Custom items out of here it has a special place in my heart and this is not sponsored it’s the early days of Minecraft when there was no claiming and it was all underground secret bases so if that sounds like your thing make sure to join the IP is in the description and

On the screen now 1.20 and good luck in your adventures

100 Players Simulate Minecraft HIDE or HUNT Tournament… today 100 players take part in a deadly minecraft battle royale where you are only allowed to craft at your base. You must be careful as players are hunting so making your base secret is very important!

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Looking for a Faction server? Ventox is a modern Faction server based on Hide or Hunt that takes unique features from Minecraft SMPs, Factions, and HCF-based gamemodes to deliver a specialized modern-day Minecraft gamemode. You can join Ventox on the Java Edition and Bedrock Edition of the game. Ventox runs independently from RyanNotBriann.

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100 Players Simulate Minecraft HIDE or HUNT Tournament



  1. Awesome video! Hope to see some more awesome videos like this! Loved the Hide or Hunt videos! This was very cool to see something so similar but also a bit different from Hide or Hunt!

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