Day-BREAKING Terraria’s Moon Lord! | Terraria 1.4.4 Melee Playthrough/Guide (Ep.15)

Hey hey welcome back my friends to another episode of the master Warrior playthrough I’m down here in the dungeon doing a whole bunch of grinding but I’ve also done quite a lot of grinding since the last episode I basically just dug out a large room and then there we have

It that’s just about all we needed to do and as a result of that I just sort of hung around here swung my Terror blade quite a lot of times and as a result I now have a full inventory’s worth of Epic stuff so yeah we’re look pretty

Good for the start of today’s episode aren’t we my friends so the first thing I’m going to do is I am going to sort my inventory out and then we’re going to make ourselves the master ninja gear we’re going to finally upgrade away from the shield of cthulu so yeah black belt

Tabby and the tiger climbing gear is all what’s required so then there’s the tiger climbing gear we can now finally make the master ninja gear yeah oh it’s warding as well to start off off I wonder if that’s going to be a good omen as to how the rest of this

Episode is going to go hey guys check this out the hero Shield 10 defense grants immunity to knock back absorbs 25% of Damage Done to players on your team when above 25% life enemies are more likely to Target you I mean to be honest it’s the 10 defense in one

Accessory that is probably the highlight of this accessory I think honestly if I was to get myself a paladin Shield upgrade it would have to be the Frozen one which of course requires us to get ourselves the Frozen turtle shell which I mean it’s been a long time since I’ve

Had that bad boy could be an interesting thing to give a bit of a go but equally we’ve got quite a lot of good things going on I’ve now got armored or warding on all of my accessories so by default without any Buffs we have 102 defense

Which is just stupid we’ve got the warrior emblem and the fire Gauntlet for our melee specific accessories the ank Shield I reckon we could interchange that out with the sweetheart necklace for another source of Life regeneration I mean if we’re going to be flying around which by the way we’re going to

Be doing a lot of that in today’s episode because we’re going for the cultists and of course the pillars then yes we’re not necessarily going to be needing the ank Shield all that much but yeah we’ve got the master ninja gear we’ve got the Terra spark boots actually

Terra spark boots again same kind of deal since we’re going to be flying a lot we probably won’t need the Terra spark boots in which case we have ourselves another accessory slot to fill in what to put in there though all right is what I’m thinking oh my God we’ve

Actually got loads of stuff we could do if I was to take down skeleton Prime I could get myself some Souls of fry and that should allow me to be able to make myself an emblem accessory or Avenger emblem I was thinking of making a destroyer emblem for just more damage

Just flat out all right screw it you know what we’re going to go for the Destroyer emblem okay now all we need to do is get ourselves down to the underworld quickly speed kill the Wall of Flesh get an emblem and then make the Avenger emblem after defeating Skelly

Prime as well so yeah actually turns out there’s going to be quite a lot of Boss grinding in today’s episode so my friends if you are excited for today’s episode then do be sure to head down beneath the video spend a second to drop a like I’d really appreciate it hit the

Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content and if you do want to go one further with your support of course use code python when ordering any of my Apex gaming PCs for 5% off or

For a whopping 50 % off if you decide to go for some Terraria merch from Terraria do shop instead I mean to be honest I don’t think we necessarily need to go to the far right hand side let’s just speed kill this fell shall we uh yeah I mean

Need I say anymore I really don’t do I there we have it absolutely beautiful what emblem are we going to get it’s a warrior emblem again blood moon is rising is it well I’ll tell you what else is going to be rising Skelly Prime come on in buddy you want to try it

Let’s have ourselves some Buffs here and there he goes bada bing bada boom easy street my friends now then as a result of having a Blood Moon the sun dial has automatically reset which I think is a pretty awesome change they made even if you only skipped a day the day before if

You have a blood moon or even a solar eclipse for that matter your Sund dial will automatically replenish which is awesome so then Souls of Sight Souls of Might We Roll on over to this bad boy there it is the Avenger emblem and then

We go for the eye of the Golem give me that there we are beautiful Destroyer emblem it’s menacing already we’ve already got the best damage modifier going for it oh You’ love to see it all right what kind of damage are we rolling with now 158 on the Terra Blade with the whopping

26% crit chance so then with our frankly amazing load out we we are going to now go for the goal of taking down the cultists oh look at that the guide has just arrived back as well Beau beautiful all right over to the dungeon we go my

Friends let’s see if we can do this nice and easy with the good old teror blow Okie doie I mean too easy buddy too easy so let’s get this thing going shall we 61,000 health I mean compared to the EMP of light that’s literally half Health that’s like nothing that’s actually ridiculous

All right 57,000 I mean we can’t go getting too ahead of ourselves I mean this is at the end of the day the penultimate boss in the entire game isn’t it oh my word there is a Wyn in amongst everything here I can’t tell where anything is we’re about to have freaking dragons

Galore now oh my word what is going on we got dragons no oh that’s what you don’t want to have happen come on get out of here you son of a gun there we are 51,000 health I mean the health is going down slowly but surely it’s this

Bottom one this is the guy there we are love to see it once again beetal armor melee load out it’s just absolutely tanking this guy we have been hit multiple times but it just doesn’t matter all right about a third down let’s make sure we’re hitting the right

Guy it’s the top one beautiful maybe a little bit of Health that would be quite nice but yeah approaching the halfway point at this point my friends I can’t tell you how nice it is to have Infinite Flight By the way Infinite Flight plus the fish run Wings it’s like the

Ultimate in Mobility truly it is I love it all right just under 10,000 Health at this point my friends I mean yeah once again not even breaking a sweat if I’m honest with you this is just easy but of course I imagine we’re going to have a pretty sober experience once

We come across all of the various pillars eh so yeah we’ve got all that to look forward to but for now we can celebrate a nice little Victory oh my good grief oh don’t tell me we’re starting off with oh God it is it’s

These guys no oh my word okay uh so our base area appears to be completely engulfed by the Stardust pillar that’s not very good now is it oh jeez okay and I’m already almost dead to be honest oh my word like I say this will probably be quite a sobering

Experience E I honestly can’t wait for us to have ourselves the day break and the solar eruption finally some nice melee weapon upgrades a right I think I just dashed into that guy oh my God so we’re probably about to get spawn killed I’m literally about to spawn down in the

House on the bottom left there and I’m probably going to get ravaged by bubbles okay although with that said we seem to be sort of inadvertently farming these guys uhu all right and there we go just like that my friends our first pillar is on the verge of dying and ladies and

Gentlemen just like that first P it down all righty how many fragments are we going to get 51 that’s not a bad little start if you ask me all right before heading on to the next pillar which I imagine is going to be the solar one

What I’d like to do is finally grab myself the vampire kniv so bear with me just a sec we’ll see if we can’t get in there first only I imagine we’re going to be coming across the vortex pillar dudes quite a lot oh no oh dear me come on come on come on

Come on all we got to do is get in here don’t even have to worry about taking these guys down I just want to get out of here and just like that here we are my friends for the first time in quite a long time the vampire knives yeah baby

All righty I’m thinking a quick little reforge on the vampire knives as well we can definitely do better in terms of damage ruthless is nice but minus knockback not entirely sure I’m realizing this is quite expensive though if I could get oh hello yep that’ll do

So yeah if we do get ourselves in a bit of a tight situation we could just whip out the vampire knives and if we’re strapped for a little bit of health regen just use the vampire knives you know what else I’ve realized I still only have 425 life how the devil is that

Possible oh dear me oh good grief no I shouldn’t be in the a the air pip you numpty yeah so turns out the pillar is quite far on top of all the trees uhhuh okay I mean I’m sure I can make it work right you know what my little load out

Here actually isn’t doing too bad I can get like up close and personal with a lot of the dudes and then just sort of yeah just tank everybody else I could just completely cheese this and just stay at the top here with my beautiful little campfire buddy I mean this is

Doing the job and would you look at that another pillar has had its Shield destroyed right all we need to do is actually you know destroy this thing and then we’ll be okay we might be able to get ourselves some little solar Celestial weapon upgrades of epicness

That would be really nice actually let’s just enjoy a nice comfortable time in front of our campfire Tak it down the solar pillar like an absolute Champion all right oh good grief the cped is still here hello get out of here you sol gun there we are what have we got 56

Solar fragments I think what might be an order my friends is for us to get ourselves up to 500 health I think we owe it to our ourselves to do that maybe we’ll be able to survive just a little bit better anyway here we are sent

Eruption there we have it and the day break yeah baby all right let’s see if we can’t get ourselves some decent reforges on both of them and then we should be good to go for another pillar I think 13 gold is that it that’s actually quite cheap for a Celestial

Weapon so yeah I’m thinking we take down this third pillar which I think is going to be the Mage pillar and then we head on down into the underground jungle get ourselves up to 500 life as much as we just upgraded our weapon set quite a lot

I still quite like the teror blade so I’m going to keep on with the terror blade what I would give to have a homing weapon right about now oh it would make things so much easier with these stupid nebula floaters and there we go despite the nebula floaters being well nebula

Floaters we have managed to take down this pillar deathless I mean well if I took another hit I might not I’ve done it deathless Le but no matter we’re almost there slowly dwindling this guy’s Health down and then we’re going to pop down into the jungle get ourselves 500

Life I think if I’ve done the maps correctly it means trying to find ourselves 15 life Foods all righty what do we got there oh little bit more there we are we got ourselves 52 nebula fragments that’s decent so what do we think can we speedrun this I’m thinking

One mining potion two speed lunker potions so that’s 10 minutes in I mean honestly if we can’t do this super easy then there is seriously something wrong with me now I feel the need to mention while I’m doing this that yes I will be going for the final pillar also in

Today’s episode which of course also means heading into our first moon Lord attempt even if we do manage to take down Moon Lord today which I very much doubt if I’m being brutally honest we won’t be ending the series today don’t worry I still have the task of trying to

Create the ultimate melee load doubt so yeah there’s going to be at least one more episode to come after this one my friends so then cream soda mining potion spelunker potion let’s do this thing we only need 13 more at this point 12 more 11 more 10 remaining there we have it

Nine left only eight remaining now approaching the halfway point here my friends we have seven left to get make that six five 4 three two and only one more left to get I mean honestly when you’ve got as powerful gear as I have now there really isn’t

Any excuse for not getting yourself up to 500 health I mean other than if you’ve got as bad a memory as I do ah on the right here that’s where you are you sneaky son of a gun bada bing bada boom ladies and gentlemen we now have

Everything we need we can get ourselves up to 500 health slowly but surely for 70 75 80 85 90 95 boom beautiful of course I had to save the most annoying pillar for last for any of you folks who have been on the channel for a little

Bit you’ll know that I have a special hatred in my heart for these storm divers their insane accuracy and damage makes them probably one of the most difficult mobs to take down without having to cheese them I mean to be fair they probably hate me just as much but

You know these guys are is ridiculous dude I will always on all of my 1.4.4 series I will ask for a Nerf for the storm divers they need a Nerf whether it be their bullet damage is nerfed their accuracy maybe there’s a slightly longer delay after they’ve spotted you in terms

Of the time it takes for them to start shooting I don’t know I just know that they need a nerve oh my God look at how many alien Queens there are what well the good news is they’re kind of blocking the spawn spaces for the storm

Divers so you know what this kind of work oh good grief not they’re back oh no you know what and I know I’m probably speaking too soon when I say this I’m not actually having a great deal of difficulty taking down the storm divers Infinite Flight and therefore maximized

Agility might just have been the way to go this whole time so then here we go my friends the final pillar the final one my friends after this Moon Lord is going to come and I’m pretty nervous about that like really I am I don’t know how

This is going to go I don’t know what weapon I’m going to use usually I would opt for the Daybreak cuz it is kind of gnarly I won’t lie there we have it done and dusted my friends if I could just grab oh no no no no no no no I can’t

Grab them I can’t grab them my flight is interrupted and it’s constantly being interrupted 3 seconds 3 seconds come on come on be red be red there we are right I just want to get get out of my life man no there still a little Clump right there

So is the moon Lord still going to come or have I just ruined my attempt here we’re going to roll in with the Daybreak cuz well it’s just disgusting it gives like a stacking debuff like by default it does like 25 damage per tick but you

Can make it stack up to I think 200 or something something ridiculous like that all right here he comes oh snappy snap Snappers let’s see what we can do here shall we this is all about accuracy with the Daybreak my friends really it is so

Then how are we going to do it’s that top eye here we are oh my God doing damage like an absolute professional loving it still got 500 life love to see that as well o Master ninja skills with a zed did you see that I managed to dodge all those

Eyeballs brilliant come on then let’s see if we can’t focus down this left eye maybe we can get ourselves out of nrav I mean that would be good come on now 210,000 Total Health I mean can we do this I think we might be able to you

Know we’re doing a a lot of damage oh that Sky Island almost caused us to take some laser damage it’s not something you want to do really it isn’t oh I mean we’re just absolutely wrecking this guy’s day once we get this guy into second phase I mean my

Confidence will grow massively and I’m pretty sure I will be able to take this guy down with absolute ease I mean come on it’s the day break the stacking debuff that it does is so [Laughter] ridiculous oh I love it I absolutely love it come on above and beyond there

We are top highe is it done it is okay right and that is the other ey done right now what we need to do ouch oh hang on I’m almost dead here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let’s see if we can’t uh I don’t even know if

I’ll be able to life steal from this guy if I’m honest with you come on a second yikes another laser I can’t tell where I’m aiming oh my God that was a lot of eyeballs right there come on oh look at that Health draining though we’ve still got to be careful

Though we cannot get ahead of ourselves I mean only once this guy has like 5,000 Health that is when we can get a bit of ahead of ourselves I think but up until that point Point come on we can’t be getting we’re about to come across the

Edge of the world no oh my God oh my God oh my God my my God oh my God oh my God oh my God can I get past this I think we are I think we’re doing if we did it first time oh my God ladies and gentlemen if that doesn’t

Deserve a like I simply don’t know what does come on man that was so dumb we just did that first go just I don’t know I don’t know what to say the melee class it’s just ridiculous I absolutely love it but we’re not done yet not by any stretch of the imagination ladies

And gentlemen we still have an ultimate melee Loadout to create that involves us making ourselves the solar set of armor it involves us making the Zenith which means going back through a bunch of events and bosses to get all of the ingredient swords all right first thing

I need to do though before a lot of you guys point out that I’ve missed them I will go grab those fragments don’t worry about it I’m not about to miss out on those bad boys there it is two Vortex fragment absolutely beautiful we had 67 that we got from that final pillar

That is so crazy so ladies and gentlemen with moon Lord taken out it allows us to go absolutely berserk for the remainder of this series we are going to get a whole bunch of solar fragments we’re going to get ourselves hopefully a whole bunch of luminite as well and we’re

Going to make ourselves the solar armor whenever we can on a random side note can you imagine if this was the Mage playthrough again look at that we literally got two Mage weapons the last prism and the Luna flare it’s so nuts oh well ladies and gentlemen I

Think all that’s left to say is a huge thank you for watching if you have enjoyed today’s ponage filled episode do be sure to head down but the video and spend a second to drop a like I mean come on take it down Moon Lord first go

That’s got to deserve a like beneath the video hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future episodes could the next episode be the last one I don’t know it may just be in which case

This is about to be possibly the shortest Terraria let’s play I’ve ever done that is how ridiculous the melee class is it gives you the confidence to just push through everything but yeah for now thank you for watching do have yourselves a fantastic rest you today thanks for all of your wonderful support

And I’ll see you guys in possibly the next episode which may also be the last see you later bye-bye

Terraria Master Warrior/Melee Playthrough – After this action-packed episode where the Lunatic Cultist & Moon Lord are both battled… I’d have to say the Daybreak is top 5 melee weapons in Terraria!
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This is Episode 15 of my Terraria Master Warrior Playthrough on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Python, for the ultimate Melee Loadout (that is, if you haven't already pre-recorded the final episode yet), use the Valhalla Knight pants with the Solar helmet and breastplate and go full crit + damage. Melee speed does not affect the Zenith.

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