This Hack will make Furniture Float! | Furniture Levitation Pt 2 | Terraria 1.4.4 #khaios #terraria

An advanced building trick in Terraria is to use teleporters to make furniture levitate magically in the air without need of blocks or platforms we covered how to do this with ground Furniture in part one but did you know you could also make this work with hanging furniture

For this we need a few temporary blocks a chest a teleporter and the item that you want to hang in the air Place three temporary blocks in the spot where you would like the furniture to hang from then put a teleporter on top of them place a chest on top of the teleporter

Now break the temporary blocks the chest will prevent the teleporter from breaking place the hanging furniture on the bottom side of that teleporter finally break the chest which will automatically break the teleporter but the hanging decoration you just placed will remain floating in the air once again these are very delicate placing

Anything around them will cause it to break but now you have even more knowledge to step up your Terraria building game

This simple trick will allow you to levitate furniture in the air without blocks or platforms! Part 2! Check out Part 1 here:

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Music (in order played):

Rinse Repeat – DivKid

#Khaios #Terraria


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