I’m so tired of working! As the president of the city, I do all the work of the city. While people are out and about, laughing and having fun, I’m working like crazy here! I am bored! You are the president of this city. Why are you even working? The power is in your hands.

Yes. One second! Why am I even working? Let people work for me! You go, have a vacation. Travel, wander. Let people become slaves too. Yes! I am the president. I can do anything I want. I don’t need to work. I don’t work from now on. I will travel around! This was very easy.

I will do great evil with President Ali. Bodyguard, go. We are going! I do not work anymore. Come on son. Pass quickly. Let’s be faster! Ugh! My waist! How will I cross the street now? The car is full! Come on buddy! Pass the ball. Guys, the old man needs help.

Stop playing ball. You should help him! Friends, I’m coming to help this old uncle. Wait for me! That’s it! Well done guys. Uncle, hello. Come, let me help you. Thank you. Thank! It was held on my waist. Uncle, you’re welcome. What does it mean! My duty.

Guards, move! Let’s take a walk around the city. What are those people doing over there? Are they playing ball in the city without my permission? Ali! Can you throw the ball? We are here. What! Ali? Do they realize who they are talking to? They will say President Ali.

Are you aware of who you are talking to? You will call me your president! Otherwise I’ll cut your ball! Otherwise I’ll cut your ball! President, okay. Why are you angry? Let’s play with the ball! And as president, are you going to give them a ball? Hit that ball! Do you want a ball?

Here’s the ball! Come on! Walk now. Disperse! Go play your ball somewhere else. I won’t see you here again. Stop all the cars passing on that road! All of these cars are considered yours. Seize the cars! Yes! This city is my city. Wait a minute! What’s happening! Look ahead! Wait a minute. Stop!

Just wait and see! Look ahead, brother! Are you blind? Are you deaf? Can not you see? How do these speak to you? You are the president of this city! Beat them all! I am the president of this city. Guards, beat this guy! Yes, sir! Get in!

Who are you! You’re yelling at the president! Are you going to attempt things that are beyond your limits again? Tell me! Be smart! I’ll take your mind. OK, I’m sorry. Yes bro! Were you saying something? No, sir. I am sorry! What’s that guy behind looking at you? What’s up?

What are you looking at bro? What’s up? Are you looking at the president? Yes. Or are you the Prime Minister? No. I am not the Prime Minister! I am minister to the President. President Ali. This is the Prime Minister. What! Are you the Prime Minister? No! I am minister to the President.

Arrest him. He’s playing word games with us! Walk! You are under arrest. We’re going straight to the prison. This is it! Thanks to this kid, I will do super evil things and surpass Selena. I can’t be! Hades! I have to stop him. He caused chaos everywhere by doing evil.

Come on, guards. Follow me! Look at those couples sitting in the park. They sit hand in hand in your park without your permission. This is your city! No one can even sit holding hands without your permission. Yes. No one can even sit holding hands without my permission! Look at me!

You, what’s up here! Sorry, did you say it to us? Or did I misunderstand? My love, let go! He’s just a little kid. Nevermind! Who is the little boy! Look at yourself. You cannot hold hands without my permission! What’s up? Are we meeting with the Prince of England? Arrest this man!

How can he talk to you like that? How can you talk to me like that? Guards, arrest this man! Come here! Come! You’re under arrest, we’re leaving. No! Wait, don’t do it. I can’t live without it! Can’t you live without it? Then arrest this woman too!

Take both of these. Everyone will know their place! Know who you’re talking to. I am the president of this city! Anyway. Let me go home now! Let’s see what our people are doing? Yes, here I come. Let me see if our people are at home? Hi! I am here. Hello, son. Welcome!

Double doves, what are you doing? We’re fine, son. We were watching television. You left work early. Yes dad. I left early today! I won’t work anymore. Won’t you work? How? Enough! Who are they to hold you accountable? You either work or you don’t! Who are you! Are you holding me accountable?

Whether I work or not. I am the president of this city! Was I going to give you an account? Ali! We are your family. Do not forget it! It’s my family! Have you just remembered that you are my family? What’s happening? I don’t even have to say anything anymore.

Evil is in this child’s nature. My love, what happened to this child? Why did he treat us like this? I do not know that! If only I could understand. I did not understand anything. Slaves, carry our king properly. If something happens to him, you will pay the price. According to that!

Yes. I am your king now. Wow! From presidency to kingship! I improved myself a lot. Slaves, let me see. Put me down! I have a little business here. Walk away! I am the king of this city now! Hear my voice! What’s going on outside? What are these sounds? What! Isn’t that Ali?

What is he doing again? Ali, what are you doing? I’m not your president anymore, I’m your king! Wake up! Here are such slaves! Well done! Go over there. Let’s talk to Kerem Commissioner! Ali, what are you doing? What’s your problem? Kerem Commissioner, I became king. Can not you see?

Ali, the presidency is no joke. Come to your senses! You are not the king. You are the president of this city! So! What is happening to you! I am the president of this city. And I declare myself king. I am the president of this city and I declare myself king!

Ali, stop talking nonsense. Look, I’m warning you. Guards, catch this! You command, my king! Come here! What are you doing! Let me go! Take him to prison! Those who do not listen to the king’s words will be punished! Ali, look! I’m warning you. Stop! This is something you did wrong.

Put me down! Get my hands off me! That’s it! From now on, you are King Ali! No one can break his word! Put me down! What’s happening? What you did is a crime! Go ahead! Ah! What the hell are you doing!

I am the commissioner of this city. I command! Get me out of here quickly. Yes! Let’s get everyone together. I will have announcements for you. My dear people, listen to me carefully now! I am king from now on. Does anyone have any objections? If anyone has any objections, take a step forward!

Or keep silent forever! Those who do not listen to my orders will pay the penalty! He goes to jail! Those who do not listen to my orders will pay the penalty! He goes to jail! You will all obey me! You will all obey me! Got it?

What is this Ali doing? He also put Kerem in prison. We didn’t understand why it was so bad, mom! Hey! You! Don’t talk among yourselves! This is your king speaking. Or do you want to go to jail? My king, no! We don’t want to go to jail. Excuse me! Now listen carefully!

I explain the rules. If you don’t follow the rules… you will be executed! What is this Hades doing? He made Ali a very bad person! It’s destroying the city! If you run into me on the road, you will go to jail! Very good! Let’s put some people in jail now.

Come on! Go, my slaves. Press the gas! What? What does that grandpa think he’s doing? Hey! You! Look here. Grandpa, what do you think you’re doing? Can not you see? The great king of this city is coming. I am the emperor!

My son, are you the president too? Are you king? Are you emperor? Are you Pasha? Take this grandfather. Put him in the right jail! You will understand what I am in prison, grandfather! You heard about our king. You’re going to jail!

My friend, look, there is a mistake here. Get us out of here! What’s happening? Worker, what’s up? Why did you go to jail? My child, I am not from this world. Kerem Commissioner, we are not guilty of anything! So, they imprisoned you innocently too! Exactly. Unfortunately! Son, you seem like someone in authority.

Get us out of here. Grandfather! How do I remove it? Can not you see? They put me in jail too. Ali is normally a good person. Why does he do such evil things? I do not understand. I need to solve this somehow. Normally, Ali would not do such evil things.

Friends, we will have a special New Year’s Eve live broadcast on December 31st at 20.00! My advice to you is don’t miss it! Latest video Next video

Hades Şehre geldi ve Başkan Ali’ye kötülükler yaptırıyor. Hades yüzünden Ali, Şehirdeki suçsuz insanları hapse atıyor onlara çok kötü davranıyor..

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