Magic Allay Tower! Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play Ep.11

This is my Hardcore Minecraft world so far I’ve spent nearly 400 Days working to make it cozy and magical we are slowly transforming a village and its surrounding area at the moment and today my plan is to make it even more Whimsical with a new build and some cute

Little fairies but first um well we got to rescue them so let’s get to it hello villagers how are we doing today lovely to see you all today I would really like to continue work on our village as at the moment the surrounding area well it looks really good but the village itself

Is still in well default Village mode we have three houses right here that aren’t transformed yet as well as a bunch of houses over here yeah these these look silly and I actually think today I would like to pick one in particular to focus on and that is going to be that one

Right there you see at the moment it’s actually pretty difficult to get over to this side which is unfortunate because I just built this really cool Bridge really cool bridge that connects to absolutely nothing so I think our first task for today is going to be kind of connecting

This up and figuring out how we can transform this build into something actually useful to connect the whole area together oh terraforming I can’t believe I’m starting an episode with terraforming of course we’re going to go in with path blocks for now but I think I picture

This being like a coar dirt maybe Brown concrete mud type of mixture eventually the path is going to have to be quite wide leading up to the bridge I’ll uh I’ll fix the Cobblestone better right much cleaner much cleaner okay we carry on so I’m thinking I want to connect that path

Over to this path I’m just not exactly sure how to get around this part where it takes a nose dive off a cliff um I’m thinking maybe some terraforming can happen here to kind of expand this into a more round shape I tell you what

Though I may not know the answer to the terraforming but I definitely don’t want an empty animal pen over here this this got to go the key here is just leveling out the terrain a little bit and then just softly curving it this way I would love

To keep this structure exactly where it is basically cuz I love it overlooking the whole village and I actually want to turn it into a tower so it’ll be really fitting I think here we go first little bit of the path I actually think this is

Probably going to work out I mean we may need some fences of some form along here just to keep myself and the villagers safe but in general I think that is a really lovely path now we just have to do the hard part which is um you know

Connect it to the Village gosh I mean who designed these paths originally this is useless you know you you can’t that’s not that’s not a good path hold on give me some more dirt I think there are two things that I’d actually like to do here the first is have a direct connection

Into The Village Center itself probably via a staircase or maybe even a ladder and the second is to have like an outer ring path coming from the between the barn and the Sheep area to over here and well I think that’s going to involve some terraforming what do you think

Buddy I’m I’m going to terraform don’t you worry honestly it wouldn’t hurt to have a retaining wall here anyway because it would really help keep the villagers in inside the village and not in the forest when I picked out this Village to transform I knew that this was probably

Going to be the most difficult part the last Village that I transformed in hardcore mode had more of a flat shape so it’s a bit easier to just put a wall around it and keep the villagers all contained this Village uh doesn’t really have that benefit but it does have more

Of a bowl effect so I’m hoping I can just trap the villagers mostly on the inside of the bowl with some terrain so far I’m actually not too mad about that shape all right I mean I may be biased but I actually think that this works out

As a perfect path that goes right from the edge of our barn here where we enter the village all the way along here and leads to the bridge and The Flower Village over there I’ll take it and it already seems like the villagers are having a nice time being able to get up

Here I mean we have our cartographer For The First Time in Forever This Is So Exciting this building is the Cartographer station and I do want a cartographer to actually work here I’m going to kind of try to work that into the lure a little bit when this build is

Fully transformed I would love for it to look like a magical Tower where the cartographers and map makers maybe Wizards I don’t know where a bunch of different magical beings get together to study the whole surrounding areas I mean I want to give them a great view into

All these forests and across the water here I want him to be able to see everything don’t mind me dude just uh taking down your roof I’m going to give you a better one I promise two three four oh five one of my favorite little structures to build are those gateways

Where you have to walk kind of underneath the building as you go through the pathway I feel like it adds a lot of Dimension to the build I don’t know it it’s just really fun to be able to walk through them so that’s kind of

What I’m going to do here I’m going to do a tower here where the original structure was and also a tower here where the pen used to be so I guess you could say we’re sort of transforming both structures although the animal pen is not going to be remotely the Same by

The end of it I want you to need to walk underneath a bridge that connects the two towers together in order to get over to the flower Fields I think that’s going to be so cute and it should frame them super well underneath an archway here only the problem is in order to

Execute this plan I’m going to need so many materials since I’m building a tower one of the materials that I’m going to need to gather is Stone and and well last time I gathered stone for the bridge I dug out an area around the end portal but um well that area is already

Started and it’s also really far away so today I want to dig out something a little closer to the base if we turn on chunk borders here this chunk that I am standing in is possibly a slime chunk I think maybe I used the chunk base seed

Map thing you can find online because well that’s the easiest way to find a slime chunk that’s nearby and we got lucky and this one here is one so I think what I’m going to do is start actually clearing out this chunk oh we’re digging straight down we’re

Digging straight down it’s fine it’s fine now of course I don’t need to actually make a slime farm today I have no need for slime for this build but I might need slime in the future so you know could be a good idea to just clear

This whole thing out well and also fill it in because it’s filled with water be a neat little side mission I guess I’m guessing while I’m doing this I should probably put a trapo cuz otherwise well you know how villagers are we probably won’t make any actual

Progress on a slime farm today but it’s nice to have a place to dig out that isn’t just completely useless in the end you know anyways let’s get material Gathering shall we so I dug out some stone for a while and once I decided I probably had enough of that it was time

To move on to the other materials I needed I was going to need a variety of blocks for this such as wood and also needed a few things from the villagers so I needed emeralds and you know purp is always good as well so I collected some of

That there’s just one more thing that I think I could need and that’s going to be kelit I’ve been building a lot of the inner parts of my walls here with a nice white kelite block how did how did you get up there what the heck give me a

Break dude go on and off the roof off the roof thank you uh anyway as I was saying kelite in order to get kelite I’ve been just clearing out these two geodes that are very nearby my base here I haven’t even started clearing that one yet but this

One is nearly gone while we’re on the two birds one Stones type of mindset maybe it would be a good idea to come in and actually finally clear out both of these geod so that we can Farm amethyst a lot more efficiently after all I have left a lot of amethyst behind

Just got to be very careful not to break any of the butts oops there’s something that has always bothered me when I go to get amethyst and that is that I don’t really have anything on the surface kind of marking where the geodes are are and how to

Actually get to them I’ve decided I would really like to change that obviously there’s nothing I can really do to change the swim down here well maybe there’s a couple things but I don’t want anything that looks too ugly instead I think I’d really like to just

Build some sort of tiny little boat floating above the J hello everybody hello oh you’re holding my Kel site I need that you got a fishing you going fishing oh don’t die Jim don’t die so all I’m going to do I think is build a little line coming up from the geod

Right about here maybe we can even make it look like the small boat is anchored or something we’re going to need a bunch of slabs but just stairs probably even more slabs and some fences because I’d love to do a little Sail on this boat

Okay this is going to be tricky but I kind of want to try and freehand this little little tiny boat here how does something like that look I think a tiny little sail should probably do the trick maybe just something around this height these are not the easiest things

To freehand that definitely works though I think now the part of this it’s not going to make sense is I kind of want it to be in full sale because that’ll look cool but I also kind of want it to be an because that’ll look cool I have to choose you can’t be

Anchored at full sale I mean I don’t know very much about boats but I’m I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works in the meantime while I’m deciding on that let’s kind of just round out the bottom here oh this is painful oh don’t make any building mistakes

Jeez that is actually pretty cute and I think I’ve decided we’ll do a nice folded up sale so we just need a beam kind of coming across cross here maybe dark oak would work better for this but all I’ve got on me right now is Spruce

So we’re going to work with it and then for the coiled part of the sail just need a bunch of wool and I want to give the illusion that there’s like some ropes here to maybe support the sale when it’s full this is a tricky thing to sell but hopefully that’ll look okay

Okay I don’t completely hate it but um let’s let’s sleep on it oh I kind of forgot that we had this angler Pottery Shard or sh sh if I just had some bricks I would love to use that in the little small boat I don’t see any in my chest

But I think I have a little Mason down here that might sell some hey dude you got any bricks you doo brilliant and I’ll just store the extras in there then we just put our Pottery shirt and we got a beautiful little fishing pot cute okay let’s get back out here

And add some more details first of all we need a way to get onto this boat from the water and I’m thinking just a ladder will do it yep and it’ll kind of look like Nets over the side almost as well so you know it adds to the aesthetic now

I wanted to change this to be dark oak cuz I think it’ll match up just a little bit nicer little fishing pot let’s also go ahead and put a barrel with that raining now which is definitely not helping my cause but I feel like that’s pretty cute right it kind of gets the

Idea across and more importantly it gives me a little area where I know I can come here and go straight down and there’s my geot I’d call that mission accomplished I think you know the more I look at it from up here I kind of wish

It wasn’t a full sale instead of all curled up I I just I think it’ll look better and I don’t think the anchor would be super noticeable anyways from all the way up here and like the bridge is a really iconic place where you’re

Going to see this I’m going to go try it I’m going to go try it in full sale I just got to know if it’d be better you know all right after a lot of finicking it’s uh what definitely better than it was before I’m not going to say it’s perfect

But you know it’s got just a little bit more going on I think I like it in more sale rather than less sale hopefully that makes sense anyways um we had a uh a village transformation to do right we should probably get back to that huh starting

With the tower I think I’d love to establish a foundation before I really get into anything else and this is going to be well maybe it’s not a foundation maybe it’s like the bulk of the tower I want to do basically the whole Stone part of this and then to the stone will

Add a bunch of the wooden and kelite and pink details through it the details should be where this Tower mostly shines the bulk of this Tower is going to be pretty large and bulky and also gray which is going to be a striking difference from what we have here but

I’m hoping given that the blacksmith also uses a bunch of stone brick and given that our retaining walls use some stone brick hopefully I’ll be able to kind of tie everything together I want this to be a beautiful magical area for our cartographer I want it to look a bit

Like a wizard tower while also retaining some of that Observatory sort of charm of course we’re going to want to connect it over to the other Tower and I’m thinking I’m going to do that with a bridge right here and all we got to do

Is bring this Tower up to the height of that bridge there we go that should look pretty good I think something that’s definitely super important to me is going to be nailing this Archway here hey dude how do you like the tower so far pretty cool from over here actually

Yeah that’s a lovely Archway on the bridge and as you walk through here it kind of reveals the bridge and The Flower Village over there the boat and the sanctuary yep I could totally picture this I am noticing on this side though it doesn’t attach quite right so

I think I’m going to fill in these Corners with something wooden probably Spruce we need to start bringing in these wooden colors cuz if we just have it be entirely gray it’s going to look a bit Bland in comparison to our very pink village now I think that is just lovely

I mean it needs a lot of details yet but it’s certainly something now I am down to my last two Cobblestone and I think I could also use some scaffolding so um let’s go get those things and then carry on I feel like I’m starting to get to

The point where I just have so many random containers of stuff I really need to get a handle on it string and bamboo perfect that is exactly what I needed from over here I actually like this perspective of it obviously it’s going to need a lot of details on this side

Cuz it’s the side we’re really looking at from the village but it’s definitely not too overbear for the position it’s in which is a good sign let’s uh sleep in my house for once should we okay back to work there is lots of building to Do A Well what do we think how does it look I actually really like how the shape of this came out obviously we’re moving onto the detail phase now but I thought that I would do a little check-in as we’ve got the shape I especially love how it does frame out that flower

Village so well as you walk through it that is the main thing that I wanted a little bit a forced perspective now I have worked on this walkway up into the Tower and the next thing that we need to do is detail both the interior to make

It functional and also detail well the rest of the exterior I mean it’s it’s just got a couple of little spots that could really use a little extra love I really actually like how I’ve kind of still got the old cartographer’s base down here and you know what I might

Actually keep it would that be crazy is it crazy to put a door there and just kind of keep this I’ll I’ll Spruce it up a little bit maybe but I mean it’s the original structure of course this Tower also lends itself to being the perfect place to do a classic spiral staircase

Going up to the next level we might have to cross in front of some windows but that’s okay I think up to to the main part of the tower there I might just go ahead and do a ladder because well there’s only so many spiral staircases I could

Take before I start getting di luckily they invented ladders just for that oh I’m missing a tough whoops there we go now I think I might actually start with some glass window panes I feels like that’s probably important luckily we have lots of glass and lots of pink

Dye so let’s make some of this there we go I think pink was the perfect color choice we needed a little pop of color amongst all the gray next up I would like to balance out a bunch of the stone brick we have here by simply adding some flower boxes of

Greenery and also a bunch of pink of course I am so glad they added Cherry leaves to the game I mean that just adds so much nice we’ll do some around the base as well of course but for now let’s try our best to focus on the actual build more

Right here that definitely helped a ton okay we’re totally on the right track with this it was at this point that I realized my tower is missing something and that thing is life it’s time to go find some Ms to rescue this Village definitely reminds me of a fairy Village

I want it to be extremely magical we’ve got crystals and flowers and things everywhere and I think having little fairies living here would be perfect and the LA will suit that job amazingly only problem is the pillagers have captured them all means in order to rescue the LA

And bring them to the Village we are going to need to prepare to fight said pillagers and you know what while we’re at it might actually be time to have another go at making a sword to the Mob Grinder Moment of Truth oh gosh it appears I am destined to have a

Not so good sword it’s all right Golem it’s fine I’ll figure it out most importantly I suppose I have my netherite chest plate to put on if things get tough with my elra on I have an instant health and a golden apple and I’ve got my bow so I can just stay at

Range if I need to little did I know this was going to be the start of a very long adventure beginning and an outpost to our East here we are yes yes yes a Pillager Outpost what are the odds that they have any La trapped

Here dud it’s not too bad no alls this one’s got a poor Iron Golem trapped though it’s so sad here you go buddy be free ah get them Golem all right got to go find some Ms if they weren’t being kept at the Pillager Outpost and that means that I

Probably need to find a woodland Mansion luckily I think there’s a big dark oak forest uh just over that way here we are dark oak forest a very interesting one yep right there a Manion yes this is slightly embarrassing but I didn’t actually bring any torches

With me and I feel that we probably need some torches and and I have a silk touch pickaxe so I am here on episode 11 few hundred days into this world mining coal with a wooden pickaxe my bad okay okay okay I got armor I got torches I got a shield I

Think I’m ready to rescue some laise hello anybody home all of the different rooms in these Mansions are so cool oh a chest oh we got a lead nice I think these chests are usually empty oh but there’s a guy ouch dude oh wait you only did a

Heart oh gosh hello yes sorry to disturb you have you recently captured any Els oh Enchanted axe jeez that’s pretty crazy Enderman you’re not mad at me okay it’s fine hello Al no La is in this room definitely looks like a jail cell for something though

Oh these guys are bad these guys are bad we don’t like Vex two of them oh gosh give me the totem give me the totem give me the totem get away from me Vex the thing about Vex is um you just got to keep running you just keep

Running you you outrun them evoker oh you died nice I don’t know how that evoker died but apparently it did we just going to keep running just uh doing some circles yep mhm the first Mansion sadly did not have any alls for me to rescue but I did

Find some really cool armor trim exploring these Mansions is always so fun they might actually be one of my favorite structures in the game we also gained some totems which will definitely come in handy since this is Hardcore and after after I finished leading the place I continued my adventure until I found

Yet another Outpost which again had no elays now at this point I’m definitely wondering if there’s something I’m doing wrong but after checking the Minecraft Wiki again it’s definitely just bad luck so I decided to continue on to the next Woodland Mansion where the battles got pretty intense oh this Mansion is huge

Compared to the last one three whole layers oh gosh I’m in danger jeez hey guys there’s a lot of you there a whole party it’s nice to meet you I’m just here to rescue any La you might have and if you don’t have any I’m so sorry to

Interrupt you in your Mansion no Gemini Tas were harmed don’t worry sadly though this was yet another mansion with no alls to be found super unlucky and I’m starting to run out of options nearby my base I decided to have one more look for a Pillager Outpost to see if we could get

Lucky oh look at that another Pillager Outpost finally our chest plate on and see what these guys have got oh a cat horn nice that’s my first goat horn in this world I’ll admit probably don’t need to be carrying around these iron axes let’s leave those there and let’s see what this sounds

Like oh heck yeah I love it and look at that in that cage down there those are LS we finally found some that have been captured you kidnapped the laay you do not deserve life hello Darlings oh they’re so cute oh don’t hurt them how dare you get

Out of here these aays now that I’ve given them an emerald they should be teed to Me Maybe I need leads oh no no no no you you’re coming to me you’re coming to me right you’re coming to me come on come on come on oh gosh oh yeah

Yeah yeah they’re following me they’re following me okay perfect cuz we got to get out of here dudes you guys are surprisingly fast wow very easy to transport 10 out of 10 Minecraft most mobs in this game absolutely miserable to walk around with them these guys they’re perfect they just fly around the

Super quick I do this all day and they follow me over water oh they’re amazing anywayss welcome home to the Village these guys are so cute it’s kind of distracting me from my main mission I’ve taken the item away from them for now which you can do just to let them stop

Following me for a little while I’m going to just have them tied here until I get the interior of the tower all completed cuz there’s a lot of work to do in here first though I think I got to sort out this inventory good Lord luckily I can spend a bunch of the

Emeralds that I got down here buying bookshelves of course what else would I spend my money on okay first thing we got to work on is this entrance room and obviously bookshelves are the number one priority but I think also a big old carpet would really just add to the

Coziness factor here and let’s sink that in o yeah I like that we can have more carpets up here as well interior decorating is just so exciting to me I feel like the holiday season is actually one of the most perfect times to do this

What side is this hold on I’m sure I put a decoration on this ah yeah there the pots are definitely cute something I really want to focus in here is a lot of plants a lot of different maps and just a very Whimsical feeling so I’m also

Going to do a bunch of shelves like this and then hopefully we could just stick some pots on them yeah I feel like I want to display a bunch of things in this building I’m just not exactly sure what the best way to do that is I’m going to make a bunch

Of item frames for like my spy glass an Eye of Ender maybe a clock I don’t know just some cool things from around the world like they’re studying it or something then we’ll just have a little area here let’s put spy glass Eye of Ender and

Heart of the sea yeah that’s cute we could put a clock by the door and maybe here we’ll put a music disc I don’t know what I’m doing in reality I’m just placing stuff and hoping for the best obviously we probably should put another cartographer’s table somewhere maybe up

Here yeah there we go this room over here can just be like a private sort of office I suppose oh we’ll put a bunch of leaves in the roof here just to make it a little bit more cozy oh hey dude welcome you don’t want that job you want to be a

Cartographer yeah I knew it oh thank goodness welcome to the job you’re the first cartographer we have I don’t have any emeralds for you but um it’s nice to have you anyways this is perfect I almost forgot as well I need to make some beds here for the cartographers and

Maybe I’ll put them the bed in the actual Tower let’s go with right there cute not the most practical space but I think that it works for the vibe that I wanted and it should still be functional for the villagers now as for the Els hey come

Here buddy come on guys amethyst here yeah oh they’re so cute I just love them I’m going to go ahead and put them on a lead here just cuz I am a little bit worried that they’re going to just fly away I’m not super familiar with Al’s

I’m hoping that they’ll just want to hang out in this Tower oh I love them hello Darlings the cutest little fairies this is way better than the cage with the pillagers right way better now our cartographer Tower is almost done there’s just one thing that it’s missing

At the moment and well that thing would be Maps I want to add a bunch of map maps of the village around here of course so let’s clean up our things and go make some just need a compass and a bunch of paper there we go empty map all

Right let’s try it oh wait it’s so cute actually oh I love the diagonal building on the map that looks so good it’s kind of weird that the purple Netherrack comes up as red but otherwise very cool map let’s go ahead and place that there

And then and our spy glass there oh it’s perfect of course we’ve still got this room left in here where the cartographers originally lived and I think all I’m going to do is take out the original walls put in a little flooring instead of this dirt and just

Kind of leave it as is the villagers will probably still spend a bunch of time in here cuz it’s easier to get to than the other door is I feel like this build will not be complete without a couple of candles so we’ve got to go see

Our bees hello busy bees oh whoo we have a lot of honeycomb okay cool cool thank you everybody Tower view from over here check uh-huh I like it actually I really like it just a couple more things the other thing I think would really Elevate this is just some Mossy

Stone brick only problem is I can’t figure out where I left my Moss oh here it is mind me just grabbing some Moss okay the details are in I think this building is aay safe they might prove me wrong in a second but um other than them may be

Escaping when the villagers open the door I think this they could just roam hey guys they are so cute I just love them the little sounds they make are perfect anyways everyone thank you so much for joining me today this has been a very fun episode to record and it’s nice to

Be back to hardcore I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your year and I will see you next time zombie get away get away from my get out of here no subscribe

Another cozy hardcore episode! Today we build a tower, continuing to transform the village. Then we go rescue the allay’s from pillagers around the world.

✨Follow me!

Recorded with Replaymod and OBS
Minecraft version 1.20


  1. I need inspiration. I want to do farms in 2024. Big farms. But I don't want to end up making a farm and end up like x's mob scaffolding style farm. I want to know if it stays working. So I am waiting for S10 and your hermits and friends' advice in this area. I wish farms would stop breaking or being non functional in the future. X worked hard on that. I hope the auto crafter will help solve such issues.

  2. sometimes the story of the build and composition is the majority of the art itselfs
    No matter that being major lore or small stories
    Some small details that tell a story are things like the water rotting the deck planks (dark oak) to some holes that have been patched up (spruce trap doors). The hills might have eroded and they might have had to create supporting walls. Maybe there's an old builder who worked on this village for decades, then someday a kind person made a dedicated bench after seeing them struggling to stand there appreciating the village! So on… I just love these things that give the village life

  3. What do you think of the names ''Tourmaline (Lina for short) and Larimar (Larry for short)' for the Allay's? They're both semi precious stones that lean blue/green

  4. Pro tip: Allay path finding with surprisingly robust. You can link allays to a noteblock and have them free roam an area and so long as the area is open enough you can use allays as decorations like this and just have a noteblock constantly playing to keep them around

  5. Ahh… Gem, i just love your builds, in the last ep of hermitcraft when u showed ur base from behind from the town and did that screenshot thing (where the bar and hand disapper i dont know what its called), i just went to video quality 1080p took a few screenshots and now i have it as my Wallpaper for as long as i can… 🙂

  6. Anyone else think that if they do a Empires 3 that Gem should do an Allays empire? She loves them so much in this episode that I just see her as an fae queen of Allays fighting against the Pillagers who stole her subjects back when she was still a princess.

  7. Love Gem. Anyone else interested in seeing Gem take on more modded stuff? I'm gutted that we don't get to see her wiping the vault floor with mobs in the Hermit Vault Hunters series. Not everyone can do everything but if the opportunity presents itself, Gem, I'd love to see you take a stab at it!

  8. Hi Gem, I just wanted to ask you something, and it might lead to a new series, but only if you'd like to. So what I was going to ask is if you could try the Fantasy MC Fabric mod pack, it is an amazing mod pack, it adds so many more aspects to the game, and some of the aspects are completely new worlds, and I think you'd love it, and if you do want to try, I'd recommend testing in a creative world first.

    I hope you see this.❤

  9. If you give an allay something to hold, and then have a note block play a note every 30 seconds or less, the allays will path to the noteblock instead of the player so you should be able to keep them free in the tower without worrying about the villagers accidentally letting them out. Also, the allay dances to a playing jukebox, which is super cute. Also, try giving the allay an amethyst shard while it's dancing to the jukebox! =)

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