Minecraft Needs A HUGE Makeover… (Again)!

Did you know that I predicted the entire future of Minecraft I know this sounds absolutely crazy but let me explain in October 2018 I posted a video titled what if Minecraft had a huge makeover this video potentially shaped the entire future of the game I know I’m saying

This with confidence but in reality we all know this is a pretty outlandish claim but I did propose a handful of changes from improved landscape better caving systems improved villagers increased build height and even the in uction of crossbows all of which have now surprisingly been added to the game

Now obviously rather than just assuming I predicted the future I would instead like to believe that Mojang actually listens to its community and decided to implement the changes that we were all asking for Fast Forward 5 years later and I think it’s time to propose a new

Set of changes in the hopes that Mojang will once again listen now this time around rather than just proposing a bunch of random ideas and Concepts like the obvious end update or even the introduction of New Dimensions entirely I mainly want to focus on some much needed changes to the

Current state of the game as well as a few unresolved issues that desperately need to be addressed now guys this list of ideas is just down to my personal preference you’re more than welcome to agree or disagree with some of the changes on this list so starting at number one we

Have inventory management which is an absolute nightmare in this game even as a creative build build I’m finding it increasingly difficult to have to shuffle through hundreds of blocks continuously having to search for items not to mention that with each update it just gets worse and worse from a

Creative perspective the saved hot bars are a great addition but unfortunately it’s just not enough I use hot bars mostly to save a selection of custom banners items and player heads that are just much more complicated to create and this option of storage just saves me a lot of

Time so my very first proposal to Mojang is to make the simple addition of custom tabs this would be a lifesaver in creative mode allowing us Builders to create our very own custom selection of blocks and items saving us a tremendous amount of time usually spent searching

For that one block you forgot the name of you can even use them to keep storage of your favorite decorations your preferred plants and items and even keep large selections of custom banners and other items that are not usually obtained in survival mode I mean I love

This idea and it could also work together with survival mode with the simple addition of backpacks if you think about a game like World of Warcraft we can carry up to five backpacks and I’ve never had a problem with inventory despite the thousands of items honestly Mojang needs to make this

A top priority and they need to decide on how to implement a solution whether it’s backpacks larger inventory bigger Stacks customizable tabs something needs to be done although I will give them credit they are trying and it’s the bundles but yeah bundles are not quite the solution in my

Opinion so moving on to the second change on this list which honestly it’s a very simple change and it’s the fact that some blocks have a four pixel hitbox four pixels like why is no one complaining about this I don’t know I spend hundreds of hours building massive

Structures in Minecraft and just the thought of having to decorate an entire cave with chains is just absolutely soul crushing I just find it incredibly annoying not to mention a complete waste of time all they have to do is increase the size of their hit box while still

Allowing the player to walk past I mean I just created this in 5 minutes so it can’t be that difficult so moving on to the third and fourth position on this list which pretty much come together as one is the fact that Minecraft lacks a lot of ambient sounds as well as particle

Effects which is just another request a lot of players have been asking for we already have plenty of mysterious sounds when it comes to diving into the depths of the ocean and we also have a diverse mix of sounds when it comes to Cave exploration so my question to Mojang is

Why are there no ambient sounds when it comes specifically to biomes everywhere you go sounds are just non-existent I mean just imagine walking across the scorching hot desert while appreciating some of these new sound effects and here we are once again exploring the dense overgrown [Laughter] jungle so regardless of which biome

You’re exploring we desperately need some better Ambience it would also be a huge win if we got to see some new particle effects along with it like falling leaves water splashes and especially one of my personal favorites has to be the addition of cascading waterfalls all created by the very

Talented doctorat oh my God look at this this is so good so going back to some simple changes at number five we have another minor annoyance which is just how items take up way too much screen space it mostly comes down to the totem as well as the shield which most people

Carry around all the time and it just makes no sense The Shield is nowhere near my line of sight but as soon as I change perspective somehow The Shield ends up right in front of my face all we have to do is make a slight change to

The Shield’s perspective and it will no longer block your entire view the totems could also be made slightly smaller or if Mojang really wants to go the extra mile they could finally consider adding a necklace as an extra piece of armor which could potentially grant us with special abilities then maybe we could

Just craft a totem necklace and save ourselves from having to carry this gigantic totem maybe I’m just asking for too much I just thought I’d mention it anyway so moving on to number six which apparently is a very controversial subject but I just hate the fact that

It’s so easy to cheat in Minecraft believe it or not this is the one and only reason I stopped playing Minecraft Survival all together you might think this is crazy or stupid but I just had to mention it to see if other people feel the same way so let’s just say I

Start a new Hardcore Minecraft world you can see that cheating is pretty much impossible until I open up the menu and literally press two buttons two buttons like this is crazy just the thought of having easy access to everything from commands to creative modes completely defeats the purpose of Minecraft

Survival I just don’t feel fully immersed knowing that this button exists and I really think it needs to be fixed in some way but let me know what you think about this in the comments I really want to know if other people share that same feeling so moving on to

Lucky number seven I thought I’d throw in at least one new creative idea I’ve been thinking about this for a couple of years now and I thought that the inclusion of a new crafting block called an easel would be a great idea now I know we normally use maps to make

Paintings and this does work except it usually involves thousands of materials takes way too long and ends up destroying a large portion of the map not to mention the paintings are not reusable on other Minecraft worlds but with the introduction of an easel we could finally create our very own

Paintings almost in the same way we would create custom banners it doesn’t necessarily need to look like this but honestly I think it would be a great way of expanding the creative aspects of the game and if we had those custom tabs I talked about earlier we could easily

Store the artwork for life allowing us to reuse our Creations on multiple Minecraft so moving on to number eight if I was the dictator at Mojang Studios I would most definitely rework the performance and visuals of the game I find it kind of outrageous that a large majority of

The community is forced to have to download mods like OptiFine and sodium just to increase performance and run shaders I hate to say it but Minecraft is starting to look incredibly outdated and if I were Mojang I would at the very least to release an official texture

Pack and Shader pack that would replace the old version of Minecraft I understand the game needs to be capable of running on lower-end systems but that’s why most games have visual settings I mean right now it’s like we’re all forced to play on the lowest settings possible with no option of

Enhancing Minecraft’s appearance unless you’re willing to risk downloading multiple mods but honestly just take a look at this giant house I built a few weeks ago it looks amazing with shaders on but as soon as I switch back to default it’s a complete disaster you would think that adding light would fix

The issue but we all know that lighting can be one of the iest features in the game and this issue has been going on for who knows how many years now now that’s about everything on this list I really wanted to mention there are of course a ton of other discussions to be

Had like how easy the game has become over the years with a tremendous lack of progression but I think that would require a more dedicated in-depth video and then of course there’s the combat which I’m not going to lie I don’t know much about other than the fact that it’s

You know as basic as it can get aside from the use of potions and enchantments but it’s definitely def itely a topic of constant complaints from the community there are so many other changes they could make to Minecraft like allowing us to play Snow on more blocks or under

Fences which has always been kind of annoying or even the introduction of some beautiful Redwood forests which apparently they denied because it was deemed too similar to The Tiger Biome and to that I say Mojang what the heck is the difference between a swamp and a mangrove swamp I’m pretty sure you can

Add a redwood forest and you know make it look slightly different but anyway I just hope you guys consider pressing that subscribe button and let me know what you think about these changes in the comments thank you for watching and I’ll catch you in the next one

A list of 10 Minecraft Changes I would like to see in the future, this list focuses on changes to the current state of the game as opposed to the obvious End Update & dimensions.  
This list of Minecraft changes is just my personally preference, you are more than welcome to disagree with these changes!
⭐ EXCLUSIVE CONTENT & DOWNLOADS: https://www.jeracraft.net
Falling leaves: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/falling-leaves-forge
BiomesOplenty: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/biomes-o-plenty
Backpacks: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sophisticated-backpacks
Better Snow: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/snow-real-magic
ArtifactsMod(Necklace): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/artifacts
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#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #EpicMinecraft #minecraftupdate


  1. This could potentially be my last video of the year 🎉 So I want to take a moment to seriously thank every single one of you for allowing me to continue making these videos & wish you all a Merry Christmas / happy holidays & a Happy new year!! 💚 I appreciate every single one of you from the bottom of my heart!! please bare in mind that some of the mentions in this video are just down to my personal preference, so don't take them all too seriously! I hope you can take a moment to share your thoughts in the comments, like & of course subscribe!! 💚 There are also a few events going on in the official server, feel free to join at using the IP: MC.JERACRAFT.NET

    EDIT For those asking about mods used:
    Falling leaves: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/falling-leaves-forge

    BiomesOplenty: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/biomes-o-plenty

    Backpacks: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sophisticated-backpacks

    Better Snow: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/snow-real-magic

    ArtifactsMod(Necklace): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/artifacts

  2. The idea of cheats toggle ruining the experience of survival mode is so bizarre to me. Do you feel the same way about mods? Nothing is stopping you from modding out dangerous abilities of mobs, or giving yourself OP modded weapons? The game will also let you throw all the things you need into the lava, and there's even a button to exit the game altogether! Why would a fact that you CAN do something you don't actually WANT to do impact how you experience the game at all? And if you actually WANT to do it, why would you complain about it?

  3. Instead of adding so much content to the overworld we could really do with more content for the post game. For new players there is so much content all at once nowadays. New content should really be added to the end and new dimensions to travel to once you've defeated various bosses

  4. nah man, too much work for the poor employees

    jokes aside I have an idea of my own it being, If multiple villages are located near eachother they will focus efforts into building one BIG VILLAGE in between all the villages that take apart in this and overall see a more rich refrshed and updated villages with propper straight paths and no annoying grass everywhere

  5. Honestly, I think your way of "fixing inventory" is absolutelly useless during actual gameplay.
    they just need more and better organized cathegories, and a tag system for misc items that have some common feature with generic ones.

  6. Yeah I don’t share that feeling. Kind of silly for number 6 my dude. That logic could apply to the exit button too. That certainly breaks more immersion lol. Just don’t use the button and problem solved.

  7. Better Inventory Management and More Ambient Sounds would go a long way to improve some qualitfy of life stuff for Minecraft. These are two things I've thought about myself and I feel like these wouldn't be complicated to add to the game at all.

    Honestly I feel like all your mentioned ideas are great,. Except for the one about removing the cheat button. It seems silly to me to remove a feature because an extremely small group of the playerbase apperently don't have self-control. Like it's YOUR singeplayer world. If u don't wanna cheat, just don't. If you do wanna cheat, just do. No one's gonna care.
    I feel like removing the button only creates a hassle for the other 99% of the playerbase who do want the option readily available. Since turning on cheats without that button is still easy to do and wouldn't stop these people whining about having it removed from cheating regardless (it genuinely sounds like a personal probelm for them that they cannot stop themselves from cheating in singeplayer survival and I don't believe this should impact the rest of us)

  8. Something i hope mojang is currently doing is working on a big 2.0 update where they look at every system they have and ask what can be improved what can be added. An overhaul of such large proportions it puts us into a 2.0 version

    And they merely havent announced it yet because they understand the damage a big announcement like that, so soon can do (ala Wild update showcase + numerous examples of big games being revealed 3 years prior to be a clusterduck at launch)

    This would also explain why they are so restrictive with their recent updates, so they dont end up adding more features to overhaul. At least id hope.
    Feeling vanilla is becoming less of an excuse when bigger titles can release double the content in half the time or less. Even if crunch wasnt in the mix im 100% sure they could release more content faster.

  9. One thing with the hitbox is that can make it weird for like hitting through it etc. Should be a tool or something you can offhand that increases all hitboxes to be a full square.

  10. I like having the ability to cheat be readily available because if not, and I, say, lose all of my gear to something really dumb or something bad happens, I can easily repair the damage. If I didnt have this, I would simply quit world altogether a lot of the time.

  11. now if only I could find a proper java thing (player, was it called?) to download so I could play minecraft on my mac computer once again it's been



    god I miss minecraft.

  12. The Optimization update is 100% my wishlist right now, i really disliked on how everytime i opened Minecraft, it just tanks my PC performance while other heavier games didn't.

  13. I think when it comes to cheats, only some cheats can be accessable in survival, be it unchangable by the devs, or being able to select which cheats can be used via some special menu.

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