Testing Scary Minecraft Shorts That Are Actually Real

Ever since Minecraft was first released players have captured footage of all kinds of terrifying HS by creating seeds performing rituals and even glitching the game but with thousands of fake videos on the internet are these myths even real to answer that we’re testing Minecraft’s scariest YouTube shorts to

See if they’re true or just fake clickbait what is he typing the seed sh33 P what does that mean wait sheep how is that scary it’s a pink sheep those have a 0.2% chance of spawning that’s extremely rare and he’s killing it pause the video okay he murdered it but that’s not what

I care about did you see that in the background look right there wait wait there it is there’s another pink sheep these things are almost impossible to find for two of them I’m pretty sure the math says that is straight up impossible okay I mean it’s rare but

It’s not exactly scary maybe it was a glitch that’s pretty normal am I supposed to be looking for something else I just pause the video there’s another pink sheep no that is actually mathematically impossible now what are the odds bro unless that was the same sheep before but how did it

Travel so fast between the two Are did you see that what was wrong with his another one what’s going to be on this face there’s no face there’s no face why is that a texture glitch or is there more happening here I’ve never seen this before it’s like a faceless sheep and

Another one and they all pink sheep are these the same oh I’m certain that those were not different sheep they were the same sheep they were moving around the play but how were they doing that after death and the Sheep just kept getting closer to the player until like

Appearing behind him what did it want and why did the person recording the short not do anything about it I mean I guess they killed the Sheep but they should have just run I don’t know but we’ve just created this world you saw me

Do it there the issue is is I can’t just spawn in sheep that pink sheep was naturally spawned and if we want to accurately test this then I need to find a naturally spawning Pig shape and that could take forever so I began my search finding a pink sheep is nearly

Impossible but I had a plan if you open the debug menu and look for the letter e that stands for the total number of entities that are in that direction so over here there are 13 entities out of the 347 currently loaded in if I go over

Here there’s nine in this chunk which means I just need to go in the direction where the most entities are and there it is right about there 70 of the entities are in this direction which means in theory there should be a higher chance of finding that pink sheep plus I’m in a

Plan’s biome that’s where that sheep is most likely to spawn and after a while I finally found what I was looking for finally the pink sheep now I want to recreate everything so it is identical to the short so we can really prove if this is real or not and well they were

In survival so we’re going to just grab some Basics here and we’ll also switch into survival bit of cobblestone Ian that should be pretty good water bucket torches maybe all right I think that should be good now we’re going to switch into survival the next thing that the player did was

When he saw the pink sheep for whatever strange reason I still don’t really understand why he did it is he killed the Sheep here goes nothing wait why is the Sheep s still playing wait why why is the Sheep s still playing why can’t I see

It there is watch until the end of the video to find out what happens this short was sent to me by one of you guys at my email ey at spawnpoint media.com and it seems this player is trying to sleep because it’s turning night that’s pretty normal but why not

Just sleep in one of the many village houses they all have beds why sleep here in the middle and wait is he typing a command he’s changing the time today why bro you’re already sleeping it does that this doesn’t make sense wait did that what what what what what what pause

Pause pause pause rewind what that Enderman is holding a sword and it shot an arrow at the player look at this you hear the shoot did that come from the end I’m not sure and then the zombie explodes like a creeper and the spiders are burning to

The sun it’s like the mobs have swapped their their abilities and that Enderman definitely shot an arrow no way what is wrong with the sun that’s it’s like something’s in the front of it like the moon it’s an eclipse is that what’s breaking the world no this can’t be real

Why would this change the mobs I have a theory as to why this might actually be real because an eclipse forms at least in real life when the moon perfectly covers the sun leaving only a little sliver around the edges and that player he was trying to force the world to be

Day when it was actually Night by sleeping and using the command at the same time causing the Moon and Sun to appear at the same time but it still doesn’t explain what was going on with those mobs cuz I don’t believe that Mojang intended for that to happen so there’s definitely something really

Strange and cursed occurring but one thing at a time let’s find is this Eclipse event actually real first down goes the bed now he was in survival mode so let’s switch into survival and we got to be ready to change the time today ready jump in the bed SL time set

Day where’s the sun where’s the sun it’s normal why didn’t that work did I do something wrong or is this fake just in case I miss something so you guys don’t Grill me in the comments I’m rewatching the video where’s the bit where he went into the bed oh here we go

Is it about there all right so he was about to go on the bed here let’s watch what he does okay he’s clicking he’s still not able to sleep is it because that I was able to sleep immediately the first time it has time set date wait but he doesn’t run

The command he just leaves it there why doesn’t he hit enter oh wait he only runs the command at the very second the screen turns almost black that supports the other Theory where we need to force it to happen at the same time I maybe I did it

Too quick let’s try again time set night jump in the bed SL time set day then wait until it’s almost black and enter nothing happened not again I swear I got the timing right that time maybe I didn’t maybe it’s just really you have to get it perfectly precise I think it’s

Worth trying again uh time set wait a minute he clicked the bed a couple of times before he went to sleep don’t know why that would have anything to do with it but I mean we have set the time a little bit beforehand and then we like

Click it so you can only sleep at night then I’m in SL oh no no no no I’m stuffing up/ time set day almost black and bang did that do anything wait the eclipse it’s real wait what just happened to the world guys why did it all go black what happened to that

Mountain what happened to that mountain wait there are mobs there are mobs but I didn’t actually believe this was real I thought the fan was just messing with me I thought hey this would make a good video yet that’s that’s the E Eclipse but wait the mobs aren’t broken

Like they were in the short I mean they are broken but this did not happen in the video what does this mean please guys you test this myth out for yourselves and tell me what happened in your world I found this next short actually not on YouTube but on this

Forum site where this player claims that he’s not making it up he has evidence but his YouTube short has been deleted three times already but why why would it get taken down is Mojang having something to do with that it says here he was experimenting with a snapshot and

The one they release lightning rods and they have serious issues but what’s so creepy about lightning rods it seems the video link here still works so maybe he was lying about his video being deleted but what is that Contraption what is he trying to do with the creeper

Make a charge creeper wait whoa why is he placing red candles on the ground that’s totally not creepy at all is he trying to do a ritual okay he’s lighting up the candles what is happen what is happening I don’t understand and I don’t like it where is this

Going why is the lightning just spamming like that why does the creeper have bones is that a skeleton creeper okay I’m inversion snapshot 20w 45a the exact same in the video the short was also in survival so we’re going to do the same now this contraption I’ve got a Shear on my other

Screen they have like obsidian here at the bottom a 3X3 space how does Minecraft even change the creepers textures to a skeleton and why why lightning like we already have charged creepers and you know the skeleton creepers not an official mob Mojang has never said anything about it’s never

Been released I mean we other skeleton mobs hold up skeleton horses guys one of the rarest mobs in the game it only spawns during lightning as well are they somehow connected but what does that mean what what does it mean for them to be connected and why wouldn’t Mojang say

It’s a feature like it does with the skeleton horse I don’t know and why do you have to build this I don’t know again we’re going to spawn the crier quickly run before it explodes okay we got it there now they had rain which allowed the Thunder to strike the copper

Rod so let’s set the weather to thunder here all right it’s raining just have to wait okay the copper Rod is sparking any moment now we’re going to light that up and we’ll get ourselves the charge creeper okay we’ll break up some grass to stop any kind of fire from

Spreading I’m I so paranoid right now guys I’m actually freaking out this donkey is going to yep all right the donkey got hit somehow he survived but we’ve got ourselves the Charged Creeper wait why am I staying still the guy started placing ing down these red

Candles on the side this is where it began to feel like a ritual all right here we go going to light up the candles one by one what like this definitely feels strange why are we lighting candles as in the rain what does that have to do with anything could you just

Have a charge creeper does it have is it connected to the lightning or is it connected to the candles I don’t understand switch into creative spam it go go go go go go go all right I’m spamming lightning I’m spamming lightning spamming lightning did it

Work where’ the creeper go oh my it died it died of of course it died it has limited health I’m so dumb of course of course it died bro no way what I don’t know if you guys have any suggestions or a better idea please comment down below

I’m not going to lie when I was downloading the shorts to react for this video I don’t actually remember downloading this one so I’m not sure where it’s come from or how it got there but I don’t know this one’s a bit different to the others bro the man

Literally set up a phone to record his computer screen but I can’t judge cuz that’s that’s what I did for my first videos what what he like left the game and then he pulled out the cable and his PC just turned off is it because it was out of

Battery what what is this person trying to do they need to get a tripod man like the the camera is just shaking what okay they pluged the power back in and they’re loading into the world so it’s the survival world I saw there no cheats okay let back in this actually reminds

Me of my first videos guys where I recorded the screen with a another camera what player just joined his game but he he wasn’t on a server he was on a single player world and he didn’t open to Land wait look did you see that pause pause pause

Rewind did you see that look he’s spamming the tab button on his keyboard the tab one if you don’t know it brings up the server menu to show if there are other players on the server he’s pressed it and it’s not doing anything who is this player why did they join what do

They want what did that have to do with him taking the power out of his computer I don’t what’s that sign what it say did that say I’m watching you it’s so hard to tell cuz it’s it’s so zoomed out guys take a screenshot and zoom in and check for me

Did that say I’m watching you guys this is really freaking me out like this can’t be faked he’s literally using a separate camera maybe that’s why he he used the separate camera to prove it’s not fake F cuz he’s not screen recording he’s he’s recording with another you

Can’t fake this can you I I don’t know wait another sign what does that say peekaboo what why is the screen flashing why is the recording flash what the why is it going black no no no no no why is the footage corrupted I need to know who player 17 is and what

Do they want okay as you can see I’ve loaded Minecraft up here on my main computer I’m also recording on OBS you can see it’s currently recording and we do have the face cam recording as well check this out look I hit tab on the keyboard there it is right tab nothing

No server list is coming up this is a 100% single player world the landan is not open all right so we have the world set up and you can see my desk is a mess of cables I know please don’t judge my cable management and it’s connected all

Up here to these PowerPoints I’m going to unplug them wait no we’re not supposed to unplug them there we have to leave the world and then unplug it really quickly Sav qu to title quick come to the cables pull them out done okay the computers are off we can see

That now we just have to turn everything back on again honestly I’m beginning to think that the reason why this happened to him is because he wasn’t wearing the ey merch all right this I’m telling you this stuff protects you from scary things happening actually maybe it doesn’t my videos always have scary

Things happening either way at least you look cool while being terrified did I do it correctly did I do it wrong I guess we’re only going to know by joining the world here goes nothing and everything is the same I don’t notice anything different or unusual about this world why isn’t

Players 17 joining who is he and what does he want okay I have a theory the number 17 is an unlucky number in some cultures specifically the ancient Romans who used it to represent someone who was about to die is that just a coincidence or is play 17 trying to send a message

To us I don’t Know what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do he’s joined he joined he joined where is he where is he where is he where is he where is he you see him wait wait wait wait look I’m

Going to hit tab I’m hitting tab look at that no one’s on the server no one’s here where is this player 7 where is he where is he I don’t see if he’s this is the spawn point of the world where else could he be I don’t know wait what is this you

Already know me no I don’t I I do not know you I have never heard of player 17 before I saw this short who there’s another there’s another sign up there what does this one say I put the video there wait wait wait guys you know how I

Was saying I don’t remember downloading the short what if I didn’t actually download the short and this player 17 put it there in my downloads is it a virus what did did he want all of you to see this video but why would he want that or

Could does he access my PC wait look another sign dude are you guys seeing this what does this say no one will be able to see this what does that mean disclaimer the footage you’re about to watch had undeniable evidence about player 17 but somehow it got deleted what

You’re about to watch is the only footage I was able to save I I don’t understand am I I’m still recording that’s fine wait oh just play 17 no no no no I’m getting out of here no wait I can’t move wait where did he go he’s

Gone no no no no no no hold up let me check my recording wait why is it why does it say recording was corrupted not me too guys I am I’m literally shaking I’m freaking out right right now okay I I don’t I don’t have my

Camera on me I need to show you this right okay I don’t I’m not used to filming on my phone look the rest of my screens on my Center screen there do you see that off just just off all right my face cam it’s crashed all right I don’t

Know what happened to OBS the OBS is running fine here on my other computer but look at that it’s stop recording it’s it’s just not it’s not recording anymore and it’s just all black I don’t know what I’m going to do I’m going to have to like hard reset my PC but I

Don’t know how much of that footage saved guys please tell me what you saw if you saw anything at all now back to the faceless sheep what do we do what do we do it just disappeared it just oh my gosh this sound is so annoying bro it’s

Just getting louder and louder hold up can we turn off our sound hold uh master volume okay I don’t hear anything it’s gone thank goodness okay gives me a second to be relieved wait a minute I’ve been distracted was the faceless sheep TR trying to distract me

Where did it get closer no no no no no in the short every time the player killed the faceless sheep it got closer and closer but I didn’t kill it it was distracting I looked away for a second I like I did this and then it’s getting closer it’s getting

Closer it’s getting closer I just want to confirm my theory so I’m not completely crazy all right over I saw like you saw it come forward I saw it come forward what do we do what do we do what do we do um okay okay uh

We need to stop the ship from getting closer okay keep an eye on it as long as we keep an eye on it this entire time just going to build ourselves a nice little base to protect ourselves I don’t know what this thing wants I don’t know what it’s going to

Do what’s up with my face let’s go oh where the it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone build build build this thing is faceless and it made me faceless too I don’t I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know where’s it gone where’s it gone I

Don’t know where it’s gone I don’t know it faded my face out did you see that like before my face completely disappeared it was like half faded get in here get in here get in here okay put down a torch put down a torch okay we’ll

Be safe in here I was not warned about this in the short my the face was fine in the short no wait the guy never showed his face in the short why is it coming closer is it trying to steal my face or get rid of it okay do we go out

Do we check it

I Tried Minecraft’s Most Terrifying and Cursed Shorts That are 100% True including “Skeleton CREEPER! 🤯

Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶

👕 Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/
🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)
❤️ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem
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📧 Email: ey@spawnpointmedia.com

💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. Eli Eli streams I freaking tried the powder snow with the ender portal and it did not work through was no Andrew portal line and I am confronting you right now. I am telling you you are a phony you freaking use commands you are you are you show me a block and I am mad at you I just want you to know I’m very mad at you for you, not making this real😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬

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