Minecraft but Crafts Get Loooooonger….

This is Minecraft but crafts get longer wait too long today our crafting table is going to be going from this to this to I can’t even see how long the table is anymore from the longest sword to the longest structures to even long me so what happens if we hit the high

Goal with the crafting table and does the table start offsh stay tuned to find out this is how tall a normal crafting table is and this is how tall our first crafting table is but it’s going to be going from that all the way up to the

Sun that being said when we write click it it’s literally a one by one but to make it grow we just got to craft for example one diamond is going to give us the world’s shortest sword is this made for a mouse look at this little guy

We’re not done there yet though cuz we don’t have any bread you see but with one wheat we can make one small little breadcrumb a yep that’s where we’re at right now and finally for our last craft with 1 2 and three our nuggets we get the world’s smallest bucket let’s do a

Real quick size comparison guys look at these guys what does it even do oh and now the workbench upgraded yo it got a little bit taller and so now when we right click it we get two boxes guys this is going to become box box box all

The way over here and of course we got some brand new crafts right here where we need two main things some goo beans which I see a tree right there and there’s a pickaxe right here for a cave with some string makes me wonder can I

Mind the string with the warden sword I can hey nice can I get water with the bucket nope it’s too much water oh well and now finally can I eat the smallest I can it it’s so small for particles oh yep I think it did have a heart of

Hunger all right let me grab you real quick thank you very much and so now little bit taller crafting table we get to make two crafts starting with a Goo Bean right here uh not not brown dye and one wheat right here and what the heck is this thing oh the smallest cookie

Looks like that one from breakfast cereal oh look at this little dude hey guess we’re EA again what does this one do still just hunger thank you Mr Cow appreciate you subscribing all right and now on to the final craft so we put the stick and then we put the string oh and

There it is the smallest grappling hook warning may help you look like an action hero oh and it has limited range cuz I guess it’s kind of small all right can I grapple right there oh oh it’s so small it doesn’t go very far and now with

Those crafted does this grow oh it does in the workbench is now a tiny bit taller which now bring us to a brand new craft which is the tall slingshot on the screen it’s a very simple craft guys we don’t have the 3X3 just yet we’re almost

The normal crafting table size but tall slingshot is just three wood where it’s literally just that requires Stone to use wait how does this work do I like right cck Stone oh I grabbed it all right now the workbench is locked oh no hold up let me try the slingshot oh I

Can shoot rocks now yo that’s actually sick so I can just do this and this this and this beautiful anyways now that the workbench is locked we got to do a challenge so do I just like click oh perhaps there’s something at the old castle uh okay which one is the castle

I’m going to guess right there that looks like a castle that area right there I got my sling shop I got my grappling hook so we can go very far no not not really far at all like look at this thing oh my gosh all right to the

Castle we go oh my gosh this is a big old castle what’s going on here blast your way to the throne room oh keep out keep out keep out all right well guess I know one way to get in let’s throw in the SL shot open up all right one more

Shot there we go and we’re almost in oh my gosh what has happened here though let’s do a little bit of mining um okay yeah I still got to blast through let’s open that up real quick and there we go oh what the throne room um hello is

Anyone here looks like it’s just us do I st on the throne no the heck am I supposed to do here for the crafting table oh wait there’s a button all right don’t mind if I do let me press this button real quick oh and the doors have

Now opened okay what do we have in this Castle it’s been abandoned and oh hit all the targets oh and I guess we have a little test of Courage here all right let’s real quick shoot all the targets oh did that not work let me hit it

Properly do I just go like that nope like that oh okay so I got to hit the floor reload real quick hit right there and that’s done nice okay that is that door open and what the heck is this is this disappearing parkour oh it is oh

Gosh okay okay let me just make this jump there we go luckily the jumps aren’t too difficult oh my gosh all right and that’s done now to make my way through the Maze and there’s other keys on the way all right where would the letters be then ow okay maybe not there

Are the letters in there no letters in there can I maybe grab some arrows though yeah why not let’s grab some arrows okay let’s keep going oh wait a chest oh it’s the first letter okay we have an R we got find all the letters I

Assume and spell a word here is another chest with another letter perfect let’s Crouch through here and because we can grab some arrows in the dispenser okay another chest what letters this going to be F perfect so far we have the word far oh gosh out out out out out out there we

Go another word letter that is for T oddly enough for right now we have the word f a r t fascinating ow ow ow this is not good guys we are not at that much health luckily we already got the arrow from that oh and I think that’s the last

Letter so so I think the word is c r a ft oh it’s craft okay let’s find the next door oh hold up I think we found the exit real quick oh my gosh that could have been a little close and it says spell the keyword to open the door

All right I got it ready it is not for it is craft so c r a f and finally T hey that did it nice all right now what do we have here build a cobble someone Bridge generator huh I got to do all that for that what’s in here oh that

Makes sense okay all right well right now we have no cow Storm generator and now we have what we need so pretty much how this is going to work is with the Observer right there this should lead me all the way to the end please work please work please work oh yes it’s

Working oh gosh okay I got to stay on it stay on it oh my gosh come on oh yes and we made it oh my goodness okay and now with all that is this going to be the crafting table upgrade it is the crafting table upgrade to make the table

Taller of course and lots of diamonds and gold and you already know me I’m going to go and grab a little bit of extras cuz oh my goodness we are rich all right get me out of here and is this all the way back oh and that’s where

This led all right I guess I’ll become king of this place but we need to do some more crafting first all right let’s get back all right crafting table let’s make the crafts go longer oh and there we go it has now been upgraded and oh my

Gosh how many SLS do we have now oh okay this is getting long and so now they’re diamonds that’s a brand new crab on the screen but instead of just two iron ingots and one stick it’s going to be five iron ingots so how long is this

Going to be oh look at that thing the long sword long check yep it’s long okay who needs a stone sword when do you have the long sword oh my gosh and ni it can slice very nice oh work bank’s locked again oh I’m going to guess we have

Another challenge yep there it is all right what do we have to do now oh what what’s it doing now what is this where’s it go oh yo an arena just spawned what the heck that’s so cool all right reminder guys let’s get this thing is

About to get much longer even the cow believes it do you believe it Mr Cal thank you very much Mr Cal but now we’re on to the arena with our very long sword with our oh it’s also a long slash too okay what do we have inside all right I

Guess I can just walk in it says press to Gauntlet is it does it mean press to start the gauntlet well I will now press to Gauntlet let’s see what happens oh gosh endl Lord Invader from the end wait what is that my first opponent oh oh

There he is okay okay all right all right let’s use the long sword look at the range we have okay he’s going to stay away from me if I can keep away all the little Enderman I should be good what what if we use the world’s shortest

Sword nope nope that’s not the way I got to get close I got to get close oh gosh okay once guys okay okay okay I am running out of food guys I need to go in come on long sword we got to reach him oh we’re almost close we’re almost close

We hit him again oh we’re doing hits watch this guys we have the longest sword in the world shortest sword is at 1240 guys 840 come on and did we get him we got him yes all right let me take care of the rest of these guys and now

We get the Ender sword upgrade wait what does this do let me put away the world’s smallest sword for use on swords I that’s how right look it oh your sword canot throw ender pearls oh sick how do I do that oh oh I can shift right click

It oh that’s awesome oh there’s another boss um all right I guess let’s do another round for this I got the end pearls ready lava Leviathan oh my gosh all right I have the long sword oh oh gosh oh gosh okay let me just end PE

Around okay I can hit it oh my gosh oh wait what is it making up there I am terrified oh my gosh let me real quick end P right there and let’s just get some hits in oh gosh it’s powering up it’s powering up oh no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no it’s down to half Health oh here comes with another attack I should be safe right oh no no no no no no no no yo oh this is awkward oh wait I can ender pearl away oh that makes sense

Now the end Pearl saved me oh oh my gosh half heart half half heart and we got him oh my gosh that was way too close good game buddy here’s another boss okay now this gives me the lava sword upgrade for the log sword okay how does this

Work oh sword can now spew fire how so oh that’s sick I have a lava slash attack oh I love that nice hey before I get that next boss let me get a quick snack a few minutes later okay we’re ready now here we go nothing Tundra

Tyrant oh my gosh let’s Ender P away Ender P away oh gosh okay okay I am on top guys just so I can use the fire projectile come on fire projectile oh that does so much damage yes we’re getting him and we got him oh man and of

Course there another boss what do I have to do for this crafting table upgrade oh my goodness oh what ises this do the tendra sword upgrade do I get ice attacks your sword can now spe ice oh that’s ice all right let’s see what the

Next round is again oh gosh oh gosh The Brood mother oh I hate that okay okay gold ice and T get her oh oh wo wo wo wo ice is incredible and she dropped some string uh what’s the string for no idea but we will keep it in case we make a

Very long bow and this I think is the last boss I’m I’m I’m pretty much guessing what that says all right let’s see what it is the overgrown dryad freak of nature what is this oh my gosh why is it walking to me like that um hello

Hello oh oh oh oh that’s kind of cool okay let’s just use the good old fire attack let’s use some good old ice again and that’s how we take it down nice honestly the first boss was the hardest but with that being done we finally get the crafting table upgrade good to

Finally have this all right Arena was nice knowing you now let’s get back to our crafting table all right here goes nothing and it grew oh it’s actually getting taller now yo how much space do we have now oh and the next craft is the long fishing rod that’s the craft so

Normal fishing rod is made way different than this but holy this is going to be super long how’s this going to even work all right so let’s put the string in right here all the way to the end oh and there it is where’s the string no idea

But we get the long fishing rod I love all the O’s can catch longer fish than normal oh oh my gosh yeah look at this thing this is goopy oh and the workbench got locked again dang it oh and we get a challenge is it going to be a fishing

One go fishing find the longest fish all right so we got to go fishing straight this way oh there’s a fishing rod right there oh well you will you look at that all right okay so with the long fishing rod do we get more range oh we do I

Think oh oh oh here we go here we go oh and the first thing we caught is what is this a can of beans huh do I eat the beans all right I’m eating the beans oh that is disgusting well that is what you can get for with the long fishing rod

I’m going to keep fishing until I get something cool oh I I like the rainbow thing though very nice all right next round of things pres rotten flesh not as good oh here goes another fish what’s it going to be a one of those guys I can

Take care of him oh and he dropped a trident still not what we wanted here comes another one what’s it going to be a diamond oh enchanted book Lally it’s just an enchanted book okay it doesn’t do anything oh come on that’s a scam all right let’s keep going oh mermaid herine

What the heck is this what just happened okay all right this L is got a curse but I will keep fishing until I get this C and table walk we need do crafts oh another one oh wait what is this we got a golden fish what what what what what why did SpongeBob

Come out and do that huh we also got a grabby Patty apparently from that which will’ll be saving to the end and also the golden fish which I will also be treasuring this keep those two right there but sooner or later we should be able to get the crafting table upgrade

Right is this all get it we about to go somewhere else oh here comes another fish wait wait wait wait that that is a way bigger fish than usual hello a it ate me huh inside the long fish oh that makes sense and this is a stomach ache

Apparently all right we can’t detonate any of these fles creepers very nasty all right stay away stay away stay away I have superpowers okay let’s just make our way through here and oh gosh okay I’m going to throw one of those ice things there there and there oh and it

Gave us some growth powder now I got to clean the stomach out of all this uh I going to clean this or is it the garbage right here oh it might be the garbage this is a lot of garbage to clean oh we’re getting some glass blocks from it

At least what if we do this is this going to make it quicker nope all right one sec we will grab all we can so I just realized the glass is called microplastic so that’s kind of funny and we have so much trash in this stomach I

Guess we’ll keep breaking oh wait is that a chest huh hold on we may have found some secret treasure inside the fish oh more growth powder all right am I supposed to just find the growth powder like can I keep going oh I think I can now we got to exterminate the MIT

What the heck is that thing it’s popping out so many termites hey yo it’s the heart let me real quick take you out termites go away oh gosh oh gosh okay okay we got to stop it before it does too many come on get me out of this fish

Okay okay doing some good damage let me do some ice attacks oh come on go ice attacks how many hits does it take oh we got it yes and now that’s another piece of growth powder oh and we unlocked a brand new crack of the growth potion oh

Yes there’s a grabing table right there oh I think this is the tongue then so with the growth potion first we make a glass bottle and then then we put the growth powder around it and this should be it all right does this like grow me

Up here we go oh we’re going up yo oh gosh oh gosh it’s going to pop me out oh that worked yo and we’re finally out and that’s how we get the crab devil upgrade that was a fun one all right Mr fish have a great life but this is what we

Needed cuz now we can make this thing even taller by doing a real quick right click oh look at it go it is now taller than me crafts are going to be getting very long oh my goodness it’s like a boomerang what the heck is this thing

That’s a brand new craft we got well first off I need a chest let me put away all the stuff I don’t need and before anything we need a couple tools pretty much the next step is making a weird looking stick snake thing right here it’s going to be pretty long and then

Along the path we’re putting different Tools in Diamond variety except the sword okay the sword goes right there let’s put in that block of diamond oh there we go the super long multi-tool oh my gosh wait this thing is mega long holy oh and the workbench got locked in

And got serious edication which is kind of funny oh my gosh yeah that is so much all right so before I use this thing what is the challenge talk to the Masters go to the JoJo of the mountain up all the way there all right real

Quick can I mine with this thing oh wow wow okay it Lally just a mined Grace that’s amazing oh my gosh that was a bit of a walk but we are in oh this is insane there’s a pickaxe there’s an axxe a sword a hoe do I talk to like each one

Of them what about the guy in here hello sir I am ready for I guess Mastery of mining hello sir explore the mines bring it back a new ore okay easy enough I think I know where the mines are these are the mines B old Arrow over here and

So I never went deep in here uh looks like we have snails in here oh gosh okay let me real quick take you guys out don’t really want to deal with the snails oh is this where I find the new this might be it all right here go

Something oh gosh as long as it doesn’t disappear I should be good okay we’re popping off let’s go let’s make this jump and we did it yes celebrate with some cake nice now we got to go through this m shaft thing some more snails take you guys out real quick and looks like

It keeps going this way okay don’t want to go that way maybe I’m going to guess the snails mean going the right way to find this new ore oh water and lava part of me feels like I got to get through this lava wall what if I do this okay

That kind of works easy enough and now with our brand new super long multi tool we can just mine through it and uh make it yeah that works not the cleanest thing oh and this is it the new ore do I mind it with the super long multi tool

Oh we did it and there it is Rainbow Ingot pretty shiny all right let’s take it back all right sir here you go one rainbow inot and fascinating nice oh and he’s disappeared that is going to have the pickaxe area complete next up why don’t we do the hoe all right sir what

Do we have going on here go to the barn deal with the monster what is the monster in the barn oh buff cow oh oh my gosh okay we’re straight up fighting do I use a super long multi tool come on buddy oh my gosh I was not expecting

That you know what time for the long sword take one of these oh oh oh my gosh I think that got the job done get over here cows um okay guys I think we might have a coun station now huh well that happened hey farmer about that got the

Problem B but I kind of left a hole oh well done cool and he’s gone all right now that is the hoe done and the pickaxe done next up why not let’s do the one across with the axe guy hello Zer gather materials fix the dojo E I am now taking

Accountability for my actions I I mean it makes sense oh my gosh Cal why’d you do this that being said give me a bit guys I’m literally just going to fill this with spru planks all right hold on yeah I think that’s good enough not the pretty’s job but how that

Look fantastic nice all right that’s act complete and now this guy with the shovel all right shovel Master what do you like me to do prepare defenses fill the moat with piranhas okay wait where the heck do I get piranhas you have a chest he does have a chest with piranhas

Oh my goodness okay oh and there is a mo okay wait so do I just spawn the panas there oh look at them they’re already ready are they friendly I should probably not get in the water okay you know what let’s go back senior shovel it

Is done hey a good job I mean that was a pretty easy job we just put piranhas in the water okay that is a pretty insane defense and all that left now I save this guy for last it’s the guy with the sword um do I about this guy or

Something hello sword master defend the dojo ra is happening wait what um what do you mean ra is happening oh there they are all right hold up let me get this attack real quick on this guy oh gosh they he took that like a champ oh

We got him okay and we are the soul Defender oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay you know what let me just break this real quick so they don’t get up let me get all the way up Pras I need some defense right here what are they

Doing they’re just vibing okay let’s use some ice attacks oh my gosh that does so much damage and that took care of a lot of them oh nice and I think this might be the last last one hey we did it nice and so now that should be the r defended

Oh and that’s it one good old crafting table upgrade perfect now let’s see how tall it gets okay so so far we had a crafting table smaller than that now we have a crafting table that’s big and let’s see what crazy crafts we have from

This oh my goodness oh that is tall tall um how is this going to look what even is that we are now making this crou on the screen we need a little bit more Sandstone one sec a few moments later here we go all right so we pretty much

Got to do three of these three of these and two there oh and there it is a kind of looks weird a long Temple why is it like that what what is this maybe I should place it somewhere open this will be a good spot all right Forest here

Comes the long Temple oh my gosh um that is the world’s longest Temple offer long iron items to the pedestals oh wait do I have to give away the long sword again oh wait no this only has one O mine has multiple O’s so these are the three CS

We’re going to make real quick so we first have the long iron sword with 1 that means our better oh my gosh it is definitely very long we also have a long oddly enough I think this is an axe oh oh wait no no that’s a pickaxe huh it’s

Try asking a question amazing and finally the pickaxe oh wait okay apparently the long Axe and the long pickaxe look the exact same you know what I’m not going to question it we’re just going to go with it but now we’ll put that there this right here and this

One right there all right Temple you have your long things hold it open all right what do we have in here in oh my God this Temple really is so long is there something the very end here oh wow okay so is the treasure chest going to

Be long oh solve the puzzle uh the heck is this I like move the water thing open okay uh do I move this open too oh and something’s supposed to get to the very end what though okay wait so I got to leave those open I don’t know what I’m

Supposed to get there oh wait there’s a chest right here with a bucket of Axel lottle and a bucket of chable fish hold on wait so there’s a spot right there I guess it would make sense right here then put that guy right there and then

Oh wait is he going to go over there go go come over here buddy go on oh oh oh oh my gosh no no no no no no no let’s do that again put this guy in here cover that up now come straight this way come

On come on come on buddy come on come on come on he did it yes no no how did he even do that oh wait there’s a hole there the entire time can I just do this my goodness all right now we’re on to the next room and we got to complete the

Recipes of these items oh like put them on the wall hold on that should be easy so we just put the sticks right there flint and steel and a bow okay that should be easy enough 1 2 3 let’s get these done right there one iron and so

We’ll do that there and 1 2 3 oh door open nice now what do we have here crafting a huge ladder oh that’s kind of cool hold on so this is a giant crafting table looks like it’s grabb a huge ladder this literally just sticks right

There is that going to work oh yo okay now I should not get caught by the guards all right this Temple is so weird oh they’re crafting table guards okay here’s the plan we’re going to real quick fall and let’s just sneak around don’t see me don’t see me okay he’s

Looking away oh man I’m not in his line of sight so I can just walk this way okay okay I think I’m good all right now which way do I go to get to the very end oh my gosh okay we made pretty good progress it’s right there oh is this it

This might be it oh we did it yes what even is this come on let’s grab that and we got it wait escape the Temple’s collapsing huh you know what play be we’re going to real quick break that and let’s get out of here let’s see how tall

This thing gets oh it’s Diamond now look at this thing oh my goodness there so many of them oh oh oh what the heck is this okay that’s a brand new Craft on the screen and I think I got to take out all these guys oh wow yeah cuz we need a

Bunch of heads hold on I need to make some space time to grabb every head we can including the spider oh we got the pig head the cow head or’s head there we go skeleton skull and finally the chicken amazing and so this might be all

The ones I need cuz when we right click this oh what we’re making is going to be in a long shape yeah it’s getting pretty weird pretty much we got to do a skeleton here then the Axel then villager then zombie then the horse sheep chicken spider and finally the cow

And the pig oh there it is the L mob oh and the workbench got locked all right before we go look at that what is one oh what’s up buddy um give him the name of the comments down below but does he do anything does it follow me around oh

It does look at him go I don’t know really what he does but this is our new buddy I love him okay anyways what do we have next um I guess random challenge travel to the Coliseum uh this one that was the old Coliseum this is the new one

Holy this arena is huge talk to the gungeons to enter the competition oh sick all right so we have three competitors right here we got the dog with the bee costume and the donkey with the nice little hat amazing all right gentlemen what do I do oh oh oh they

They pushed me dress for success makeup outfit and do a dance they got to do all this well we got some brand new crafts for this with the good old crafting table where first we use leather to make the dress I think yep there it is the

Dress and then finally we use these three dyes to get the makeup all right so we put the dress right here and the makeup hey perfect and so how do I make them dance I have a dance button do they dance like this uh I’m just going to go

Ahead and press the dance button then all right everyone watch the dance oh look at it go hey the all the mobs are dancing amazing we even got the aot over there great moves great moves oh nice Five Points apparently let’s see what the other contestants brought oh oh oh

Okay just kind of shaking and that’s only one point to be be and oh my gosh it’s headbanging wait that means we got the most points now we got to advance the race area all right come with me buddy this is the race area where I

Assume we got to race all the other contestants wait buddy showed up on his thing wait am I riding it oh you I can ride it 3 2 1 oh gosh we’re going we’re going okay okay hold up hold up I have never read this thing oh I didn’t gain

Smoked wait I’m actually going to lose chill no no no it jumped ah did I just lose you got second place three points no break the tie fights to death in the arena huh wait like in here oh my goodness I mean low key I definitely

Have this one all right now we do this oh oh 3 2 1 go on buddy oh oh they’re fighting fighting all right hold up I got this attack oh oh he’s done and come on buddy you got it honestly I’m going just help him get him out of here here

Come on buddy and we got it nice and now we want a gr de upgrade I think that’s a job all done so now let’s get far away from this place and actually upgrade our table all right here we go in 3 2 1 oh

My gosh it’s huge yo and we got a brand new craft of the long heart where I think it’s just with glass right a very long heart oh but it’s empty fill by completing nine tasks of Love uh how do I do that oh workbench lunched open the

Crafting table to continue oh does it take me to the love thing okay let’s I guess just click Start The Challenge help the village to fill the heart with love where is the village oh I think it might be the little Hut right there we haven’t been this way so let’s go

Straight that way oh this is it the village and it looks like we have someone crying right here hello friend how can I help you help this villager find love do I just got to find another villager oh this person might do pretty villager I think they’re trying to find

Love so oh we picked them up and we have these two meat hey it’s little for Sight okay and the heart go a little bit more filled I like it next up we have this guy over here what’s going on romantic date help this villager set up a date

Got it all good we got the candles so we can just put down the candles all over here can’t forget the red candle and of course a cake to eat looks more like a birthday party what the heck is that Abomination over there you know what um

How does that look nice and the gets filed up yet again now this guy how can I help you get this child a pet oh I think I know who how’s it going tame this dog with some meat what about raw pork chop oh they happy and now we got

The buff dog item terrifying all right buddy here you go brand new pet the buff dog the beginning of a new friendship yeah yeah well good luck with that dog that that dog is huge and of course the heart gets filled even more now we have

A cow that needs some love help her find your lost baby oh wait are these Footprints oh okay let’s see where this leads to okay we’re going up the mountain here now what do we have in here oh wait are those sleeping dogs okay just sneak through and then we’re

Going to pick up the cow let me make some my inventory space I just right click oh there it is now let’s get out of here got to go got to go got to go let’s save the baby cow and Miss cow there you go a heart woring reunion and

The Heart gets even bigger up next we have these pigs right here oh lipstick and a little mustache or Shades I actually can’t really tell what that is but I was going Mr Piggy Miss Piggy draw their portraits oh um let me real quick ask a friend oh this is actually pretty good

All right I didn’t do it myself but here you guys go he moment to remember nice and so the heart gets filled up a little bit more all right next up we have this guy right by the date spot oh write a love letter oh gosh uh okay I don’t know

How to write a love letter roses are red this is not a letter but it should be okay no no this is an awful Love Letter honestly uh you know what Ping something in 12 seconds later all right put this into AI Love Letter all right I really

Didn’t try man but oh I feel like I got negative feeling there was it because I did have such a bad letter dang it how about we help this guy out now and actually get some progress okay fix the mural who did this to the mural all

Right let me real quick grab all these pieces real quick let’s go up and fix this up all we can one two okay these are the last two blocks I have I mean it kind of works it’s I got enough oh nice and now the heart is almost filled fully

Again all right I will not fill you what do you need me to do oh deliver this gift oh my gosh that’s so far away though four or four blocks it’s taking me straight this way maybe out the mountain wait I got to go through here

Danger loose snow ahead what is this oh my gosh okay wait this is insane oh this’s even powdered snow we cannot fall real quick oh my gosh let me just go around here don’t touch the pow No don’t touch the powder no I cannot believe we

Are doing all this for a love letter delivery oh no no no no no no oh this bad this bad this bad this bad okay okay let me get out of here no super long pickaxe okay okay we’re almost out and oh we’re good is it over here oh it’s a

Heart Village yo okay um it doesn’t seem like anyone’s home we can just place this right here oh and thank you for the delivery we did it and now we have the longest heart which uh do I just eat this oh I guess that works oh my God

Yeah that is a lot of long Hearts holy does that mean we can craft again do I just right click oh workbench upgrade one more time what what is it now and we got the craft of the longest ladder all right how big is this thing now oh my

It’s so tall holy okay that is the long crafting table that being said we’re only making one thing here the only craft I got given I don’t have even enough stuff for so I’m going to real quick change this up we need a lot of sticks cuz we are making a ladder it

Looks like um do I just do this oh it dis appeared the super long ladder looks like a normal one oh but it’s Enchanted okay how does this work I guess we can place it like right here oh my gosh so I’m supposed to climb this where is this

Going to take me oh my gosh this feels like it’s never ending time to climb for a bit guys this thing is so long we’re already passing the crafting table what the heck this thing’s never ending where did it just take me moon’s orbit I am now in space huh that’s Earth alien

Ender Dragon what what do you you mean alien Ender Dragon I don’t see an alien Ender Dragon so that’s the sun that’s the Earth and this is the moon but where’s the dragon oh there it is it’s not right quaza huh oh my gosh oh my

Gosh wait you can see the ladder from here too oh this is sick all right let’s fight this guy oh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay good thing I have a bunch of hearts come on come on let’s just do fire attacks oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh

I got to keep it away oh my gosh I’m going to fall back real quick this might be time it is time we eat the golden fish oh it literally is just a golden apple I think all right let’s keep going okay I just got to use the ice attacks

Go ice attacks oh my gosh wait that do so much damage oh my gosh okay he’s at to 23 how many ladders are there I’m being surrounded by ladders oh gosh oh gosh okay I need to get it closer come on buddy oh there he is let’s go super

Ice attack get him the greatest attack all right let me do that again I’m going to run to the other side build up a wall there we go and now we wait for him to come in oh gosh the ladders keep coming okay there he is and go on this might be

It and we got him yes that’s going to be challenge complete guys and after all that I think things got a little bit too long yep that is long with a lot of VES so hope you guys all enjoyed I have a great one and video just like this one

Go click that video right there bye guys

Minecraft but Crafts Get Longer….
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#Minecraft #But


  1. Astonishing news…I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE (JESUS). No one comes to the Father (GOD) except through Me. John 14:6 Jesus died for you. Believe and repent today!

  2. Can we all take a moment to shout out the teams that help make these videos. The developers that make all these crazy things possible in Minecraft. The designers that make all these crazy things look great. The audio team to make sounds for these made up things. The editors to make it all flow so well. And anyone else in between. But we also can't forget Nestor himself. He brings to life all these fun and crazy ideas. Such a fun channel to watch. Great job everyone.

  3. Can we all take a moment to shout out the teams that help make these videos. The developers that make all these crazy things possible in Minecraft. The designers that make all these crazy things look great. The audio team to make sounds for these made up things. The editors to make it all flow so well. And anyone else in between. But we also can't forget Nestor himself. He brings to life all these fun and crazy ideas. Such a fun channel to watch. Great job everyone.

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