I Trapped 100 Kids on BOATS.

What’s up guys in today’s video I hosted an extreme boat event in Minecraft the last player Al wins a cash prize and before we get into it make sure to like the video and subscribe for good luck and if this video gets 14 likes I will

Do this again all right I hope you enjoy this video so the first change I’m going to make is I will start adding a large hole right here and just see if anyone actually falls in is there a chance someone will actually fall and die straight away just like this okay what

Theck heck someone actually just fell what wait no how did that just happen Okay this guy is getting really close to the edge what if I push you off would that work can I literally push you off okay it’s not working I can go ahead and start breaking more blocks though as

They slowly start to back away someone actually died again and that guy just died well those are the first few eliminations all right that guy’s dead I’ve have now set this section to air all right move out of my way I’m trying to world edit to set even more air all

Right you know what I’m setting this section to blue ice and everyone has to be on the blue ice if you’re not on blue ice you will die I’m just going to go ahead and set that to Air and then set this section right here to Air and then

Another section right here to Air and then this section is going to become ice but I want them on blue ice so now it’s air oh my God gosh how are these guys still alive you’re literally living life on the edge I see a guy over here what

The heck you’re not on blue ice you’re going to die no no no goodbye out of here oh that boat just fell I’m going to make some Renovations there we go this looks very good and the way everyone has to get back to the normal ice is simply going

To be through my bridge system right here everyone go back on normal ice and that right there is their bridge to safety bro this dude is not going at all he’s blocking everyone go back to normal ice this one guy is just not do okay okay you know what I will add another

Bridge system right there in which they can getb back now we oh someone just fell I was going to say is anyone going to fall like this clearly they will okay finally they’re going bro they’re holding back traffic oh that guy just died I will make one more Bridge system

A Steepy car died PDL just died I thought this was easy oh my gosh wait that is not a boat you want to be in front what was that what was that attempt right there okay that boat just fell hey I saw that guy I

Saw this guy he got out of his boat if you’re not on normal ice in 60 seconds you will died oh my gosh I don’t know how they’re messing this up wow they’re all just being blocked off that’s evil oh my gosh okay I’m going to add another

Bridge I feel bad all right there we go oh you are going way too fast bro no okay these guys have 30 seconds oh they’re going they’re going they made it they’re chilling so many people are dying from this I think everyone is fine oh well you just died I think everyone

Is off the blue ice so it’s time for me to make a little maze area so the way this is going to work is I’m going to have everyone on orange wool there we go and basically the way this is going to work is they’re going to have to go

Through my set of obstacles they can take the short way or the long way and the last one to make it to Lime wool will be out I’m also going to add lava platforms just because I can and it’s melting the ice all right I turn that

Off and the last one to Lime wool will be out all right and they are off the last person to make it to the lime wool on their boat will be out and I just saw someone fall some people are taking the long way and some people are taking the

Shortcut over here but there’s literally traffic and two people just died you really don’t want to hit that lava over there or over there oh my gosh and the last one to reach the lime wool is going to be someone from over here right now it’s these two but they’re being blocked

Off oh my gosh wait that means it was this guy it was Fable deucer you were oh okay all right they just jumped into the point all right we’re having everyone spread out now PVP is going to turn on I’m going to give everyone a wooden shovel and PVP is officially on which

Means oh my gosh look at this you can just get slapped around with a shovel I feel bad for these guys so I’m going to set it to ice but they’re still going though it is what it is at this point over here no one’s really fighting it’s

Kind of wholesome over here some people are on the orange wool I respect that that guy just died but not that many people have died via the shovels okay someone just fell out of the world I’m going to give everyone a golden apple and a stone shovel this will do some

More actual damage yo that guy just got slapped with a shovel and then fell off we got the Alex squad over here oh this guy’s going to die surely he has to be low oh my gosh he’s zooming he’s going way too fast is he good he’s good wait

They just swap boats why did they swap what is going on here what the heck I don’t know if this is a fight you want to be in yeah run away all I guess boat away I’m going to also add a bridge that leads to the blue ice in case anyone

Actually wants to do that AKA this guy right here be careful you’re going really fast be careful oh my gosh yo they’re insane how did that guy just do that oh that’s a lot of damage I’m going to start adding some random various holes boom set lava what is this this

Group over here what is happening we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven boats and no one is doing anything uh okay what if I just uh yeah that’s right that’s right now what what are you going to do oh they’re just chilling they don’t care okay I

Have an idea throwing mystery item on blue ice in 30 seconds and now I’m going to baat everyone over to the blue eyes I’ll make another Bridge as well it’s a good item trust me and I’m going to see if I can get people to start fighting on

The blue eye section oh my gosh that guy’s not in a good spot someone just fell over there bye oh someone just fell again 10 seconds I throw it oh my gosh that guy’s going to fall okay for the item I will throw iron chest plate and

Then iron leggings see it was worth it oh wait did the chest plate get knocked off whatever I’ll throw another one order got it wait he got two oh my gosh PVP is now off wait bro I’mma have everyone on the Bedrock oh all right these are the remaining

Boats there’s still a good amount and now I’m just going to go ahead and set this to snow block for some reason all right I’m not doing that what I will do is build an ice barrier create exit ways on every side I’m bard of the trees I

Don’t want them anymore all right everything is pretty much back to normal what they’re going to have to do is somehow avoid all of this lava along with that void right there all they have to do is make it to the blue ice I’ll add one more section right here perfect

Now that they know what to do good luck and they are off all right let’s see what strategies they go for all they have to do is make it to the blue ice don’t fall in the void don’t hit the lava like that and then once you do it

You’ll be chilling it’s very simple not hard at all oh oh oh that iy just fell this guy’s going for the corner route some people are already making it is this guy blocking them off no they’re not who’s in last right now oh someone fell it would be probably you and you

Just hit lava that is not good oh my gosh look at this pathway this is not safe right here that guy just fell oh no goodbye this guy changed his mind he’s going on a different route I respect the strategy this is probably smart GG at

This go Sky Fanboy 14 I believe in you oh my gosh that means the last one wait it was this guy it was you you were the last one but technically he made it because he wasn’t the last boat but he was it was this guy right here I will

Let you live I swear if that guy wins the event now not to have a winner it’s going to be all right we’re going to have everyone spread out again because we’re going for round two of PVP oh goodbye I’m going to give everyone one

Bow and two arrows and just say PVP is turn turning on and it’s on so let’s see if people use their bows they still have their Stone shovels you really want to be in this position I feel like being here isn’t smart I mean to each their

Own how’s there a guy in a boat down here what bro how is this nah get out of here rowing mystery item on blue ice in 30 seconds we’re going for round two the mystery item wait that guy’s leaving oh my gosh this guy’s getting attacked yo

Get out of there bro get out of there no oh my yes I will throw another iron chest plate right there and then a diamond chest plate right there yo that guy got a diamond chest plate I give everyone a normal apple and two more

Arrows oh that guy just got shot but I just realized this is a good location to be in so I’m going to ruin it for them I’m sorry there really are not too many boats remaining I’m going to make this section even more risky there we go and

I’m going to add an entire square with which is going to be straight up void in now there we go which means the only pathway they have is going to be pretty much a tiny corner right over here which I’m going to make it even worse there we

Go I am literally just going to do this across the arena just because I can all right PVP is off once again and what I’m going to have everyone do is just have everyone on blue ice and this is all the blue ice there is so everyone’s about to

Come together let’s see how this works out oh my gosh that is really not a good spot you want to be in this guy’s on the edge this guy’s blocking them here I’ll help you guys out there you go now everyone is on blue ice hey you’re not

On blue ice all right now you are good job and now all other ice is being replaced to Air Boom there we go this is our new Arena pretty uh dangerous some would say I’ll go ahead and attach all of this and they can just go on normal

Ice for now I am then going to create my very own ice course where they have to go all the way like this drop down over here circle around all the way just like this drop down again until finally they make one more massive drop right there

Until they make it right right here to the end which is the diamond block all right so how this is going to work is everyone will go on this pathway and their only goal is to make it to diamond block I will countdown your only goal is

To make it to diamond block 3 2 1 go so what I will do now is give them a pathway to go across they’re literally not doing the pathway I made I mean two of them are most of them aren’t but the last boat to make it to diamond block oh

My my gosh what was that wait you’re going the wrong way I mean I guess you could do this if you really wanted to yo I respect it I respect it oh my gosh that was so close I don’t know who it was but they did my course so I’m not

Eliminating them wait there’s actually one more guy I didn’t realize it but you were the last one I let you live last time but now now they are eliminated all right we are down to these players right here in a much smaller Arena so I’m just going to start creating holes right over

Here and pretty much everywhere that I can lava here oops lava there and I am going to add lava here perfect this is looking really good going to create one oh my gosh and now is a good time for PVP to turn on let’s give everyone a

Chain chest plate and chain boots and someone just died and PVP will turn on in 5 seconds all right here we go PVP is on let’s see what happens happens oh my gosh this guy’s being targeted this poor guy oh my gosh is he going to get away I

Think he’s good all right he’s chilling the Alex Squad is going really strong I don’t know how they’re still going oops more random holes y be careful there’s not a whole lot of room now some over here dude this is dangerous they’re really just going at it oh my gosh this

Guy got shot through the lava that’s actually really smart this guy is running for his life and he’s hit the lava is he good run oh faster any opportunity I have oh my gosh I’m taking it right here I’m taking it right now like what even is this Arena yo oh my

Gosho all right let’s give everyone three more arrows this has really come to a standstill here you know what I’m going to create an ice layer below them so that now if they fall they’re safe kind of but I’m adding a massive hole right there yo that guy just got died oh

Someone fell goodbye what’s going on over here all right I’m adding more massive holes you guys need to get out of my way everything is soon just going to become a one by one slowly but surely it will happen cutting all this ice anywhere I please yep I will spliff you

Off right here if you fall here GG you know what everyone can have five more arrows no one is doing anything the next kill is getting a mystery item who’s going to go for a kill now it could be anyone it could be B is it it going to

Be border it is actually border I called that wait no it was Carlos Carlos rods is getting a diamond chest plate this guy’s going for the arrow shots oh my gosh that was risky you know what I’m adding one more layer of blue ice that’s going to be a lot smaller just right

There all right it’s basically time for me to shrink the arena even more so I’m just going to basically keep going around like this and you might want to move oh you’re going to fall it’s going to happen now what okay the Alex is what

There’s no way look at my new Arena look at it look at it oh this guy’s getting hit this guy’s running for his life and he’s gone what how yo there’s no way you know what just for that you get to live how did that guy live everyone’s getting

10 arrows now next kill is getting a mystery item someone’s going to die all right I’m shrinking the arena more it is what it is at this point I don’t know how you haven’t fallen oops well there’s your new boat people will fall here yes that’s right you will fall now Alex what

Someone do something they’re all like AFK all right what if I gave everyone 20 arrows you have so many arrows now oh this guy just went on the normal ice what the heck you not want to use your arrows that’s what I’m saying use your arrows fall you must get to the next

Layer there’s only two boats on the top now oh this guy just got a kill which means oh wait oh your mystery item is going into the void with you and this guy just went to the next layer we still have just one guy over there I’m going

To give everyone a golden helmet and an iron shovel now oh this guy’s getting shot a lot I’d be careful if I were you okay I’m cutting this part of the arena and adding one Bridge which goes across so now they have that if they even want

To go down there this dude is legit so lucky he fell and then landed here and now you don’t have to do anything you just have to sit here peacefully and wait I just gave everyone 20 more arrows all right I’m dropping diamond boots right here in case anyone wants it I

Don’t know if anyone’s going to go for it oh oh he went for it but fell and now his boat landed here there’s no way I’m cutting this off more you guys can’t just chill here and be happy diamond boots again boom wait border just got a

Kill surely someone wants that no one wants that oh someone’s going someone’s going they got it they’re getting shot by everyone but they managed to get it oh wait no Carlos rods just died R oh that guy just fell goodbye sky Fanboy I think we’re almost down to the

Top 10 boats oh my gosh Flames hyper is taking so many hits right here and it’s kind of a mosh pit oh Mero is not in a good position here run not like that though oh my goodness I’m throwing netherite boots right here who’s going

To go for it no way they go for it right oh my gosh this is really close all right one Golden Apple for everyone and one iron chest plate for everyone oh someone fell and did not make it into the ice oh they’re going for the netherite boots and got it these guys

Are going away slow down oh my gosh dude they’re good oh they’re being shot at yo they’re on one boat now this cannot be good for them I can’t I can’t do anything about this if they die like that they die they’re literally sharing a boat now we’re down to the top five

Boats and I’m going to give it everyone a wooden axe now for their primary weapon which means oh wait they’re still using their shovels this is about to do a lot of damage oh my gosh they’re good what if I gave them snowballs I gave them snowballs but I don’t think it’s

Going to do much oh yo that guy just went H oh my gosh all right I’m about to throw diamond leggings right there whoever wants it can get it oh they kind of rushed that and got it oh my gosh I just threw diamond leggings again I

Thought these guys would get it but they’re just not are you serious they’re not okay they’re going for it they’re going for it I just gave everyone 30 arrows all right I’m making some renovations to the arena just like so oh my goodness all right that’s kind of

Scary but this is what we’ve got now these guys are being shot at by every angle wait did one of them die it’s just this one guy now and he’s actually doing pretty good avoiding all the hits oh oh goodbye and then there were four guess

What everything is being cut off oh my gosh look at this Arena look at these guys I would literally try and go on the blue ice if I were them oh well oh he’s doing it he’s doing it he made it onto the blue ice no way okay all right I

Respect it don’t get shot at now don’t die like this dude yo he’s getting Arrow shots in too don’t you want to go on this platform right here or this one or that one it doesn’t really matter everyone must go on blue eyes choose a platform oh my gosh okay they

Chose one that guy just died all right there’s your boat all right they all have a way to the main area now if they want oh they’re going to the main area and they just switch boats there’s only three boats now we’re down to the final three will anyone do anything anytime

Soon oh they’re getting shots in no way they’re actually getting hit a lot I made a couple more platforms on the bottom I doubt anyone’s going to go on it but I guess we’ll find out oh my gosh the Bo oh my gosh bro I’d leave yeah

Just dip oh my gosh y you’re going to fall in again no way this guy’s safe now oh okay he was safe and then he just ruined it for himself we’re down to the final two boats we have KR versus border and we have zifi all right we’re going

To have everyone go on normal ice there we go and everyone needs to be in their own boat all right here we go all right I’ve just went ahead and turned PVP off and what I’m going to do is create a track just like this which Loops all the

Way around to right over here the last boat to diamond block over here gets out on your mark get set go oh this guy got a late start but zifi has made up for it just don’t fall off the edge oh my gosh he’s zooming and zenify just fell which

Means we’re about to have a winner it’s going to be border or kredo and kredo just fell border has officially won the event border wins GG I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please like And subscribe and if you enjoyed this video I’m sure you like this one


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