JEFFY Cheated With a POPULAR FAN GIRL in Minecraft!

Wow Skye isn’t this such a romantic date this food is so delicious this is the worst picnic I’ve ever been on all you brought was cake and strawberries what are you cheap well I like cake and I like strawberries I’m trying to watch my figure no way am I touching that

Chocolate cake well I’ll have you know that chocolate cake is the best food in the world you’re a child more for me then Skye well are you five why are you acting like a child I’m not a child uhoh I got to poop my pants oh my God this is

Unbelievable you’re so disgusting la la la la la la la uh Jeffy what’s going on over here um nothing Daisy are you on a date with Skye no that’s what it looks like it doesn’t look like that we were just eating food at this table um you

Mean having a date at this picnic no this is not a a picnic and Daisy what are you even doing here in the first place well you told me you were playing fortnite so I went to go pick flowers what oh my goodness well I was playing

Fortnite but then I got hungry for food um Jeffy what is this loser doing here hey I’m not a loser Sky she is not a loser we already been through this she just is my friend and she likes to pick flowers picking flowers is for children um can you leave please my followers

Cannot see that I’m hanging out with you Skye can you stop making fun of Daisy she’s my friend well if you really like me then you’ll stop hanging out with her well if you really like me Jeffy then you’ll stop hanging out with her okay you guys need to stop arguing I like

Both of you guys um well you can only choose one so well how about this how about you guys fight for my love I’ll Fight for Your Love Jeffy I am not fighting for anything and I think you should just pick me because I have 20

Million followers on Tik Tok ooh that is kind of cool but Jeffy we play fortnite together H that’s kind of cool too well how about this behind me there are two of the exact houses and whoever decorates the inside of it the best I’ll go on another date with oh I love

Decorating houses Skye do you want to decorate the inside the house um couldn’t I just pay someone to do that what no you need to do it yourself that’s the whole point of the build battle you want me to do work um yes M that’s not really at my alley well I

Could decorate both houses Jeffy ooh that’s a good idea no way am I letting a loser decorate my house fine I’ll do it yes all right both of you are going to work on your own houses this one on the left is skies because it’s blue and this

One on the right is yours Daisy cuz it’s pink I love pink all right everyone go inside your house and start working she is such a child this is going to be so funny let’s see who makes the best interior and goes on another date with

Me all right let’s go into Sky house first and just see what the inside’s looking like empty wo there’s so much space to build awesome things in here all right let’s check the next floor wo there’s even more space on this floor and now let’s

Check the top floor oh Skye um what’s up Jeffy Sky what are you going to build in your house um well I make Tik toks and my favorite color is blue so I was thinking a blue content house wo that sounds super awesome wait a minute

Where’s my room going to be Skye um you think you’re going to get to live in my house no this is for me hey that’s me and Skye I need a room in here that’s the whole point of doing this um you can just live in the dogh house outside oh

My goodness well hopefully the dogs are nicer than you um there is no way you just said that to me leave my house right now oh whatever ever all right I’ll check on you soon Skye bye um bye-bye all right now it’s time to go into Daisy’s house and see what she’s

Going to build oh Daisy what’s up Jeffy what you doing Daisy um well I put down a whole bunch of armor so we could play dress up later what dress up um Daisy I don’t do dress up you don’t want to put on this cool armor okay the armor is

Kind of cool but if you’re going to make me look like a girl that I’m not doing dress up well Jeffy that’s why I added cool ones like there’s a yellow one and this yellow one and that yellow one and the orange one wow well Jeffy I’m trying

To build the best house for you wait for me you’re not building it for yourself no we’re supposed to hang out here together wow wait what is this room going to be um maybe a little kitchen wo wait what about this room up here I can

Make this your room wait my room yeah don’t you want a big room oh my goodness there’s going to be so much space if this is my room yeah it’ll be really really cool and then I can just make make my room appear wow it’s going to

Look so good when it’s all done I hope so all right Daisy well it looks like you have a lot of work to do so I’ll leave you at it okay bye Jeffy bye Daisy all right time to go back to Sky’s house and see if she made any progress

Skye where are you I’m upstairs what Skye it looks like you did nothing what have you been doing this whole time well I had to make like three Tik toks before I could start so what do you expect what Tik toks oh my goodness it’s going to take forever for you to

Build your house well if you think you know how to build a house then why don’t you help me well I can’t help you because that would be cheating against Daisy um well don’t tell her and then just do it yourself well I can’t lie to Daisy sky that just wouldn’t be right

Well you already lied to her about the picnic so what’s one more lie I guess well if I’m going to build something in this house then I want to build my own room um sure but it has to be blue okay blue oh my goodness well all right I’ll

Go down here and build it all right I’m going to make this whole second floor my bedroom all right I’m just going to use some of these blocks and just section off a room real quick maybe we go over here and then we go over here like this

Oh yeah this is going to look so good hopefully I’m not making my room too big because sky is going to get really angry at me okay this is looking good o maybe in here could be like a bathroom or something I’m not sure yet yet all right

Let’s just put some of these stripped logs in here where should the door be we’ll make it right there now we just got to add a door there we go that’s looking pretty good now we just got to add some extra detail like that all

Right I think we have a lot of room to work with now so let’s start by adding my bed but everything needs to be blue so I got to find a nice blue bed all right I think this bed will look perfect oh my goodness look at the detail in

This thing ooh it’s bouncy too all right this is looking pretty good all right let’s add these in the corners like this and now let’s just get some blue lamps oh yeah these look really good ooh I think some blue curtains will look good over the windows as well I’m

Just going to add them everywhere like this there we go what else blue can I add ooh I could add a blue sofa ooh and I could add a TV area all right let’s just add a little couch area over here o maybe I’ll do this and then put the TV

Right in the middle and now I’ll just add this going around ooh this is looking pretty good wait I think this will look better all right this is looking way better and I’m even going to change it to a darker couch I think dark blue is the color that we’re going for

There we go this looks pretty good ooh look at these lights they hang from the ceiling we should definitely add a couple of these maybe we add like two right there another one over here and then we could just connect it all with this light switch and we’ll put the

Light switch right here boom look at that they go on and off that looks amazing all right now over here I’m going to put a little bathroom oh God we got to cover up all this though let me just do this do that okay here we go

This looking better it’s a little tight but it’ll do so let’s get a toilet um ooh some toilet paper that’s always good to have handy okay this corner looks good now we’ll put this sink right in the middle all right now we need a mirror like that this looking really

Good is there room to add a bathtub technically I could add one right here so that’s what we’re going to do all right we need some water to fill it up all right now we need a light in here so I’m just going to steal this we can’t

Forget to add some towels and finally I’m just going to put some white carpet on the floor like that and just like that I think the bathroom is completed all right what other details can I add to this room ooh what about back here I put a bookcase all right this looks

Pretty good we’ll put some trap doors going around we also have all this space over here like what the is supposed to be in this corner ooh what if we just put a little table back here like this then we can get a plate and then I’m

Just going to stick some steaks in there ooh this looks really good in here ooh I like this simple ceiling light all right we’re just going to connect this up this looks amazing let’s also get some paintings to decorate the walls that looks good o maybe I could put some over

Here and now we just have to put stuff in these areas um I don’t even know ooh magic leaves look they’re blue oh I’m definitely going to add some blue leaves in this corner Skye is going to love that all right I’ll just do some of this right there maybe we’ll add some

More over here like this all right that looks pretty good maybe right here I’ll put a little table as well and then I can put something on it like some blue flowers We’ll add one of those flower pots and one of these with the blue flower and finally I think I’m going to

Add some blue carpet all right maybe some carpet there some carpet there o we still have this this corner to fill up with something well since it’s still kind of Christmas I can add a Christmas tree all right I’m only a little late all right just do some red carpet like

That and now I think my room is officially completed let’s go get Skye in here and see what she thinks oh Skye wow this is looking really good up here um of course it is well do you want to come downstairs and see what I did um

Yeah but it better be good oh Sky it’s about be the best room you’ve ever seen in your entire life all right follow me all right check it out um Jeffy why is there barely any blue in here wait what what are you talking about there’s blue everywhere look the bed’s blue the

Sofa’s blue there’s carpet that’s blue look there’s even leaves that are blue um I think every single block should have been blue so you did it wrong oh whatever ooh come in here look at this bathroom oh my gosh it is so small in here I think I’m going to suffocate and

Die are you trying to kill me Jeffy is that your goal what no I just want you to take a poop oh whatever girls do not poop and never say the word to me ever again wait what word poop um ew well Sky how about we go see the room that you

Were working on um yeah it’s much better all right we’s see about that wo you made the whole ceiling blue leaves this is actually kind of cool um yeah I know a thing or two about decorating wao is this a walking clock it over here yeah

Where do you think I’m supposed to put all of my expensive clothes oh my goodness and you have your own PC set up over here that’s where I edit all of my Tik toks oh my goodness this is so awesome Sky wait what’s up here all right let me just go up this

Ladder W um this is where I keep all of my blue armor you never know when you’re going to get robbed and I have to protect all of my precious jewelry yeah I guess that makes sense Skye wo this is diamond armor this looks so expensive um do not

Touch that it is expensive well I just wanted to make sure that the diamonds were real all right Sky excuse me you think that I would purchase fake diamond armor ew Sho Sho get out of my house oh okay I I it wasn’t saying that you were

The one that purchased it maybe you just got scammed or something are you calling me dumb no I’m not calling you dumb a all right whatever Skye I’m going to go see what Daisy’s up too see you later you’re going to smell like loser what am

I going to smell like loser oh my goodness what is wrong with her what the losers even smell like I think she’s a loser a loser smells like you hey I’m not a loser I’m a winner all right let’s go check in on Daisy’s house wo oh my goodness she added a whole

Kitchen area over here this looks so awesome wait Jeffy are you downstairs I hear your voice yeah I’m downstairs STS where are you I was upstairs working on the top floor wo this kitchen area is so awesome and there’s so much cake in here yeah this is my little bakery that I’ve

Been working on Wow wait what are you working on upstairs well I completed your room so come look at it what you completed a room for me oh my goodness gracious this is so awesome it’s so yellow this is exactly how I would want my room Daisy I know and look there’s

Even a little bouncy castle in here oh my goodness this is so cool and you have your own toilet so you can poop let’s go oh God I got to poop right now Daisy this is so cool wait um why is there two desks here with two different

TVs um well if you’re in bed and you want to watch TV you can have that one or if you want to sit here and play on the PS5 VI of this one wao let’s see what’s on the TV oh don’t like that channel don’t like that Channel don’t

Like that channel these channels suck Daisy well we don’t have Netflix yet oh well it’s still cool and you even put chocolate cake here so just in case I get hungry in the middle of the night I got a midnight snack yeah I put one in

The fridge too what I have fridges oh my goodness this is so cool wait Daisy what’s upstairs welcome look all right wao so I’m sectioning off this area and this is my room oh my goodness it’s so pink and I’m in another room over here

For your daddy what my daddy gets a room too yeah just in case he wants to come live with us oh my goodness that is so nice of you Daisy yeah and I’m working on another kitchen because I know your daddy gets really hungry yeah he’s super

Fat and he eats a lot of food yeah so this is what this room is going to be wait Daisy in your room is there a froggy chair up there yeah I thought it was cute I’m going to sit in it hey what are you doing down there hi Jeffy wow

These rooms look so so good wait how’s Sky rooms coming along I hope they’re not better than this I’m trying my hardest well Daisy about that I have something I wanted to tell you what is it Jeffy I decorated a room in Sky’s house wait what that’s cheating yeah I

Couldn’t hold it anymore it was like a big poop and I had to just let it out Jeffy that’s so not fair why are you helping her win well the thing is she wasn’t going to make a room for me so I decorated my own room in her house so

It’s not that bad Jeffy why do you even want to be friends with her it sounds like she doesn’t care about you Daisy that’s just what you see on the outside trust me she’s a really nice person when you get to know her whatever Jeffy but

Since you decorated a room in her house you have to decorate a room in mine what no I’m not decorating a room in here it’s only fair ah okay fine fine fine um I could decorate this room in here the second kitchen okay and you can make it

Whatever color you want let’s go it’s about to be the best kitchen you’ve ever seen in your damn life Daisy okay well I’m going to go decorate the outside all right Daisy H how can I make this kitchen look really awesome let’s see what kitchen stuff we have okay there’s

A bunch of different things I could build with oh my goodness all right let me just fill in all these blocks here on the bottom fill in that fill in that all right so we’re just going to put some counters here and the color of the

Kitchen is going to be orange all right let’s put a double sink on this side and then we’ll put the fridge in that corner o we got to get an oven let’s see what oven do we have ooh this looks pretty good all right we’ll put an oven there

With the little toppy thing that looks good all right now we’ll just put some quartz on top like this okay this is kind of looking like a kitchen we can’t forget to add a toaster and a blender add a toaster there a blender there o we

Can even add a forkin knife that looks so good ooh what if I add these cabinets up here that kind of looks fire all right I like that and then maybe we add two more there and then one more there all right now we’ll add like a little

Island thing in the middle now we got to get a bunch of plates H what foods can I add in here we need to have food in the kitchen that only makes sense and we’re going to put a bunch of desserts oh yeah that looks amazing all right now let’s

Just get some chocolate cakes in all the plates ooh now we got to get some seats that are going around the kitchen all right let’s Place some orange ones okay those look kind of ugly but they’re going to have to do cuz there’s no other

Ones so let’s just do that and that all right I think this is coming together you might need to fix the ceiling a little bit though cuz it kind of looks poopy all right let’s just put some stairs up here like this to make it all super smooth all right that looks pretty

Good ooh now we need a light coming down from top of the kitchen ooh look at these seats I think these seats look even better yes we’re definitely going with those seats ooh I have a really good idea all right so we’re going to use these walls to go down like this and

Then we’re going to put the lights up there oh oh my goodness that looks amazing I think the kitchen is now completed I don’t even know what else I can add to make it better it’s already the best kitchen in the world o we should make this room look better though

Ooh we can make a floor up here on top oh I’m definitely doing this all right let’s just fill all this in with a bunch of flooring like this all right this looks pretty good all right let’s fill all this in with some more stairs we

Need to make this look super good all right I think this room is looking a lot better I’ve been adding a bunch of detail and it’s coming out amazing but I need to make a way to go up here to this top section all right I think the best

Thing to do is add a ladder um I don’t know where to add the ladder though I guess I’ll just make a pillar going right down in the middle like this all right let’s put this ladder going up okay this is looking pretty good I guess

All right now we’ll just get some white carpet and put it going all the way around ooh this looks really good all right now let me just put some fences here and just like that I think this room is now completed hopefully Daisy likes it I think it came out amazing

Let’s go see what she’s been working on oh Daisy where are you I’m in the backyard what the backyard yeah oh my goodness what are you adding back here uh I made a bouncy castle and a pool wao this is actually kind of looking cool and I added some chairs for us and

A little place for for us to have a picnic what we’re going to have a picnic well we could and we can invite whoever we want to well that’s only if you win the decoration competition Jeffy I think I’m going to win well I think what you

Should do is add a wall around this whole area like a fence yeah but what if you made out of leaves ooh that would be so cool you just go like this and put a bunch of leaves going around the whole backyard oh my goodness this is going to

Look so amazing all right you just do something like this something like thish I think that’s a good size for a backyard what do you think Daisy I think so too and I could add some stuff to make it prettier all right well I’ll leave you doing this I’m going to go

Check in on Sky’s build and see what she’s been working on okay but I hope it’s terrible well we’ll have to see Daisy oh Skye what are you doing in here decorating my house obviously wo you made everything blue in here this is actually awesome is this a fish tank um

Yeah and I had the most exotic fish imported so do not kill them well at least I could look at them hey fishies um about that I don’t even want you looking at them because you’re way too much of a loser oh well whatever this kitchen came out so awesome I want

To see what you did in the upstairs all right let’s just what the heck oh my goodness you eded leaves everywhere why are you adding so many leaves Skye um I like the color of the leaves and they bring serenity wow that’s a big word did

You do anything inside my room all right good you didn’t um your room yeah my room this is my room um I don’t think I ever told you that that could be your room this is going to be transformed into a studio what a studio no this is

My room Skye I literally built everything in here you’re not allowed to touch it yeah and it looks kind of bad so I think I’m going to get rid of it all you’re a meanie weenie um did you just call me a meanie weenie um no I

Didn’t call you a Meenie weenie what am I 3 years old yeah that’s what I thought well did you do anything else to the top floor um no I think I’m just going to pay someone to do that maybe your poor friend Daisy over there well she has her

Own house she’s working on so you can’t pay her and it’s probably hideous well Sky why don’t you follow me and we can go check out the inside of Daisy’s house you want me to step into a loser’s house yes Sky we need to see whose house is better better come on follow

Me fine oh Daisy where are you I have someone special that wants to come inside your house um I’m bouncing on the bouncy castle in your room right now well come downstairs Sky’s here um why because she wants to see the inside of your house no I do not want to see the

Inside of your house but Jeffy made me come over here oh well I could just show it to you if you want fine but make it quick because I can’t smell loser for that long all right well since we’re on the first floor check out this kitchen

Daisy made it herself oh my God this kitchen looks so poor wait what how does it look poor um it’s literally made out of wood and brick this is like the cheapest stuff ever well I thought it was really cute well you know what Daisy I think it actually looks really nice

Thanks Jeffy wait you really think this looks nice Jeffy um yeah especially the cakes oh you’re so bored well guys let’s just go upstairs to jeffy’s room yay this is my favorite room in the entire house check it out oh my God it’s so yellow yeah yellow is my favorite

Color what is this the Beehive are we like buzzing around like a bunch of idiots now hey we’re not idiots and no this is not a beehive it’s just my favorite color so Daisy was nice enough to make everything yellow yeah Skye if you really cared about Jeff you’d know

That about him well there’s a reason why I like blue so much my name is Sky and the sky is blue so I’m blue well I like yellow because my shirt’s yellow and the color of my pea is yellow so ha that’s disgusting and why is there a toilet in

Your room oh that’s for when I got to take my poopies I just go on here I let one rip what is this a barnyard you should have more privacy well if you don’t like this room you could go see mine F come up here all right everyone follow Daisy wo

This room is so cool um this is so small you’re so poor well Sky not everyone could have a big room like you wait Daisy what’s that on the desk right there oh that’s my little plushy um you have a plushie what are you five well I

Have plushies I got a bunch of toys yeah I think it’s kind of cute the only thing cute about this room is that there’s a door wait what oh my goodness Jeffy I don’t like Skye at all she’s being really mean to me yeah I don’t know

What’s gotten into her she doesn’t like your house at all and I don’t know why well maybe she’ll like the kitchen you made ooh she’s definitely going to like it oh Skye oh looks like you already found my kitchen wait you made this kitchen Jeffy um no Daisy made it I

Didn’t make it Jeffy made it Daisy you made a room in her house well it was only fair because I made a room in your house well that room is just disgusting and I don’t even consider it a room and I’m destroying it well this kitchen was

So small so I barely did anything well this kitchen still looks like poop and why did you make it orange well I told him he can make it whatever color he wanted yeah I went eenie miny mo and orange was the color that I picked that’s disgusting is there anything else

You need to show me because it smells like loser in here ooh do you want to see my daddy’s room it’s right in here ew you want an old man to live here I am not going in there okay well I guess we’re not going to see that room well we

Could show her the backyard ooh good idea all right Skye follow me anything to get out of this loser’s house check this out sky there’s a bounty Castle W this is so much fun you guys are children get out of there right now come on Skye you know you want to join us

Absolutely not my 20 million Tik Tok followers could never catch me in there wait why you can make a video in here it can go viral you don’t even know my audience Jeffy a whatever ooh what about this super awesome pool I’m about to do a cannonball pools are so disgusting

People pee in there all of the time the only time I go to the pool is when I need to tan oh yeah I already peed in this pool five times Jeffy you peed in my pool um no it just slipped a couple times I’m just going to have to put more

Chlorine in it um I have a question is this water from Antarctica is there even a heater in this thing no it’s not from Antarctica and no I don’t have a heater in it it’s supposed to help cool you off yeah that was a dumb question Skye well

Only poor people don’t have heaters in their pool so I was just wondering well I think that is the tour for Daisy’s house so sky can we come over to your house and see what you’ve been working on um losers are not allowed in my house

So no oh come on Skye let us in um Jeffy you can come in but she cannot well it’s not fair you were allowed in her house oh it’s okay Jeffy you guys can go over there and have fun are you sure Daisy yeah it’s okay Jeffy I can just stay

Here by myself come on Jeffy what are we waiting for oh okay Skye I’ll be back soon Daisy bye Jeffy that was the worst house I’ve ever seen in my entire life don’t you agree Jeffy I mean it wasn’t that bad it was so horrible did you see

How small her room was it’s because she cared about me and gave me the biggest room yeah but she made a room for that old man ew hey that’s my daddy Skye yeah and he’s not allowed of my house he’s way too old oh well what do you want to

Do now Skye well since your room was so horrible I think we need to redo it what but I worked really hard in it well you should have worked harder all right well let’s go change it up then come on Skye all right Sky what do we want to do

Different in this room well I think we need to start by breaking everything wait everything everything oh my goodness no oh my gosh all right fine I guess we’re breaking everything break that break that oh I work so hard in this room this isn’t fair and it’s not

Christmas anymore so make sure you break that Christmas tree a fine I’ll break the dumb Christmas tree okay I think that’s everything did you forget about the tiny bathroom you built break that too oh my goodness I thought you were not going to mention this it’s so SM all

How do you expect anyone to go in there all right let me just break all this break all this all right there everything’s broken now what Skye well this is going to be my content room so I need a green screen a blue screen a computer and some extra lighting oh gosh

That sounds like a lot of work where do we start um it is a lot of work so you’re going to build it all and I’m going to sit here and critique you hey you’re not going to help me build it um no oh my gosh all right well let me get

Some green blocks I’ll get some blue blocks so let’s start by making a green screen um what are you doing I’m making sure you like what I’m building well hurry okay okay a what do you think of that green screen um why is it off center oh my goodness all right what

About that um it needs to be one block taller oh my gosh okay what about that is that perfect now for you Skye M I guess so what about the blue screen do I put it behind it no how how am I supposed to use it if it’s behind the

Green one all right what if I put a smaller one over here in this corner like this H off center oh gosh okay what about that too small Skye I don’t know what you want me to do you just need to make it right Jeffy hello well I don’t

Know how to make it right all right fine it’ll do for now well what should I add next um lighting obviously I need perfect angles oh gosh all right let’s see what lights we have all right well I’ll just start by adding lights along the ceiling like this and then I’ll put

A switch right there all right there’s some good lighting maybe I’ll put some of these lights on the wall like this um wrong take those off the wall right now but where am I supposed to put them nowhere the ones on the ceiling are fine

I guess I’ll just get rid of those Jeffy where’s the carpet my feet are going to get cold okay okay um what color carpet do you want why are you even asking that question blue obviously all right here you go ew what is that it looks like

There’s mold all over it okay okay I’ll get rid of it I just thought it would be cool it was like glitter or something I am not five I don’t like glitter okay what about this carpet is it better M it’ll be fine okay this is looking

Pretty good I think where do you expect me to record my videos at where’s my desk where’s my chair oh gosh oh gosh okay I’m going to get your chair and desk right now hold on you better hurry up we don’t have all day all right there’s the modern desk there’s that and

Let me get a computer hurry hello okay okay where should I put it you should probably put it over here all right I could do that let me just start placing this um no I don’t like it wait what okay I don’t like it all right where

Should I put it then Skye um maybe over here all right I could try it here I don’t like that either Skye just pick a place it doesn’t even matter it does matter it’s where I want it okay let’s try this wall then nope don’t like it

Skye are you raising your voice at me no I was whispering at you that’s what I thought now place it over here okay let me place you over here and boom don’t like that either there’s no way I’m not breaking it again Skye break it now

Don’t talk back to me oh my goodness okay now let’s try this corner wait what we already tried this corner though try it again okay I’ll just do something like this perfect but why is it not blue wait what oh my goodness you want everything blue I forgot all right let

Me just get a blue desk what are we waiting for hold on Sky hold on I’m going as quick as I can and boom there you go the chair okay okay okay I’m getting the chair um blue chair blue chair all right there you go why is it

That blue I’m sorry I’m sorry I meant to put that blue Perfect all right sky is there anything else we need to add to this room or is it finally completed the walls are looking a little B why is it not decorated I don’t know

What to put on the walls pictures of me obviously well I don’t have any pictures of you Skye well then get a camera okay I guess I could take some photos of you right now all right smile wait wait wait I am not in a good position what are you

Doing trying to make me look bad all right then get in a good position and then tell me when obviously I want to use the green screen all right well tell me when you’re ready I’m ready all right here we go three two one wait wait wait

Wait you’re way too close wait what um keep going back okay what about back here you’re too far oh my goodness Skye make up your mind a little bit to the left all right um a little bit to the right okay um Left Right Skye I’m just going back and

Forth well you’re not even sitting in front of me now what are you doing because you told me to go left and right all right I’m taking the photo here we go 3 2 1 got it take more okay okay all right get over here I’ll go over here

All right I have six photos do you want to see them um I think we need to go outside what I need pictures in the balcony hello all right come out here then all right Skye stay right there all right all right Sky look at that these

Look horrible have you ever used a camera before in your entire life well no it’s my first time what a loser well let’s go hang them up in and see what they look like all right there’s one right there there’s one right there o this one goes outside um okay now that

We’ve taken these photos it’s time for us to record a Tik Tok wait record a Tik Tok I can do that pick Jeffy do that well you’re going to be recording it and I’m going to be the star well Sky what are you going to record in this video a

Prank obviously they always go viral wait a prank who are you going to prank Skye your loser friend Daisy hey you can’t prank her and I’m definitely not recording that um are you a loser no well then you’ll prank the loser oh gosh all right fine I guess you could prank

Her but just don’t make it too harsh okay do not tell me what to do I’m sorry Jeffy just press record and follow me okay I’m recording all right Tik Tok and welcome back it’s me Sky your queen and today we’re going to be pranking the

Loser known as Daisy what we’re going to do is go pick all of her flowers tell her her food sucks and we’re going to make the toilet overflow wait um Skye I don’t know if this such a good idea that sounds really mean Jeffy why are you

Talking I’m filming a Tik Tok right now I’m sorry okay guys follow me oh no this is not good so I’m just going to remove all these flowers because only losers like flowers oh gosh Skye now that all the flowers are gone let’s go inside oh

God I hope Daisy’s not inside her ugly poor kitchen let’s just remove all of this gross food and leave a sign saying that it sucks wait a minute I like this food though you can’t waste food well you don’t need to eat it because you’re not poor oh my

Goodness okay I think you got all the food Skye now I just need to make a sign what a sign yeah she has to know her food sucks make sure you get a good zoom in on the sign okay your food stinks I got it and now let’s go upstairs and

Make the toilet overflow oh my goodness wait the only toilet in this house is in my room you’re not going to be living here anyways so let me do what I want all right let me just get this water and go crazy oh my goodness you’re ruining everything we’re not ruining anything

This house sucked in the first place all right well I think that’s enough pranks for one day can I end this stupid tickt now um let me do my outro bye Queens oh gosh Skye I can’t believe you did this you ruined Daisy’s house I didn’t ruin

Anything if anything we made it better well Jeffy I’m not seeing this loose house any longer so I’m going home well I’m going to stay here and wait for Daisy because I want to make sure she’s okay after she sees all these pranks that’s pathetic see you bye Skye oh gosh

Where’s Daisy at Daisy are you upstairs yeah wait Daisy where are you I’m in my room what are you crying in here no um I think you’re crying and you’re watching a sad movie something’s up Daisy Jeffy I watch that all the time no you don’t

Well if I’m being honest I’m just sad that you’ve been hanging out with Sky all the time and you’re cheating on me you cheater I’m not cheating on no one Daisy I was just helping her build her house all right yeah but you want to

Live with her and you guys went on the picnic and you never go on picnics with me well I don’t want to live with her wait really Jeffy yeah she made me destroy my entire room and did exactly what she wanted it was really annoying Jeffy that’s not nice why are you even

Friends with her well because she’s a popular girl so if I’m around her that means I’m popular Jeffy being popular isn’t everything yeah Daisy I think you’re right but I have something to show you follow me okay Skye wanted me to record a Tik Tok for her and the Tik

Tok was us pranking you Jeffy why did you guys do this you’re ruining my house well it was an accident okay this doesn’t look like an accident she made the toilet overflow well Jeffy did she do anything else bad to my house M come downstairs oh no she broke all your food

And said that your food sucks my food does not suck my food is so good yeah I thought it was pretty good too break this sign why is she so mean I don’t know oh and also she took all your flowers and broke them she did not yeah

She did I can’t believe she touched my flowers Jeffy we have to prank her back wait what prank her back yeah she broke my flowers no one touches my flowers oh gosh Daisy you’re getting really angry I am angry all right well I guess that’s

Only fair that we prank her back so what do you want to prank her with Daisy oh well let’s just set her house on fire wait what no we cannot set our house on fire what are you crazy daisy yes Jeffy she touched my flowers oh my goodness

All right fine but we’re not going to burn the whole house down maybe just like a wall you don’t have to burn her whole house down but I am oh my goodness Daisy you better relax no Jeffy she she touched my flowers and my cake yeah and

She’s really mean do it Daisy do it burn her house down let’s go and fire oh my goodness we’re adding so much fire keep going Daisy set it all off let’s go um what is that smell um what are you guys doing out here um nothing me and Daisy

We’re just pranking you this is not a prank you’re burning my whole house down this is what you give for touching my flowers this is way too far now I have nowhere to make content I have to leave what sky where are you going come back

Jeffy Let Her Go a but where is she going Jeffy she touched my flowers she broke all of the chocolate cake she’s not nice to us yeah I guess so oh my gosh her house is in Flames she deserved it yeah I guess she did well at least we

Have our house that we could live in let’s go make more chocolate hey good idea let’s go daisye well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure leave a like and hit subscribe right now

Today, Daisy has to compete in a HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE against Skye the POPULAR FAN GIRL! The winner gets to be with Jeffy! Will Daisy be able to BEAT Skye?!? Or will Daisy win and run away with Jeffy! Watch to find out!

#jeffy #minecraft #minecraftmod



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