ABSOLUTE DOMINATION! | Terraria 1.4.4 Melee Playthrough/Guide (Ep.14)

Hey hey welcome back to the Terraria Master Warrior playthrough I hope you folks had a very lovely Christmas or happy holidays or if you don’t celebrate anything then I hope you guys have had a lovely time nonetheless but yes we’re back and it’s time to grind this series

To completion my friends we only have a few bosses left we’ve got the dookie boy we have the Empress of light The Lunatic ctist and of course the almighty Moon Lord so the question is this what is the plan for today I’m hoping that RB to take down Duke fishon relatively easily

To the point where I might even be able to go for the Empress of light as well the good news is both of those bosses Do not drop weapons that we need for the creation of the Zenith sword later down the line so we don’t even necessarily

Have to grind out the bosses to get certain drops although with that said it would still be nice to try and get oh I don’t know maybe the flare on from duke fish run it’s been a long old time since I had a flare on in any of my Series so

Today might just be the day we change that and hey at the very least maybe some fish ROM wings as well eh that would be a nice thing to have so if you guys are excited for today’s upcoming action-packed episode then do be sure to head down beneath the video and spend a

Second to drop a like to support the series hit the Subscribe button don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content and if you do want to go one further with your support of course use SC python when ordering any of my Apex

Gaming PCs for 5% off or for a whopping 15% off if you decide to go for some Terraria merch instead from Terraria do shop so then the dookie boy we need to go ahead make ourselves a bunch of platforms over on the right hand side nonc corrup ified Crimson ified ocean

Non eval ocean basically and then yeah got some buff stations over there and that should just about be it so then there’s the bug net uh do we have the ability to perhaps make ourselves a lava net uh oh gri there’s a lot of stuff

Here uh yeah we do actually there it is hey all righty this mushroom biome looks as good as any so how’s about we get ourselves down there let’s get ourselves a bunch of truffle worms shall we got him that’s one I think I’m going to go

For five I usually go for five truffle worms so let’s just get this thing done shall we all righty we got five we’ve got six six truffle worms Oh a mimic come on how about a Titan glove ah so then on this stor night here I have

Finally got my Arena set up and well as you can see it’s a very very basic one we’ve got two sources of Life regen we’ve got the bast statue the sharpening station and as you can see in my Buffs area I have an ior flask currently on me absolutely beautiful so ladies and

Gentlemen should we just get straight on with this thing I think so let’s buff on up giving us 55 Health the equivalent to us having an all gold health bar and yeah let’s do this thing Snappers so doing damage love to see it I mean to be honest when it comes to the

Terrorblade it’s the range of it that staggers me most of all like seriously it’s kind of ridiculous and I kind of love it for that but yeah slowly dwindling down this guy’s Health 78,000 Health remember this is Master mode so we do have a tele a phase to be

Avoiding at some point later oh good grief right 505 health I mean to be honest this is actually kind of Easy Street needless to say though second or third phase that is where things are going to start getting a little bit more interesting a bit more tasty a bit more

Dicey we’re almost at half Health already very good oh I’m glad that he backed off there cuz otherwise we would have had ourselves pretty could have an interesting time to say the very least but here we are 45,000 Health still absolutely killing this guy oh my word I mean this isn’t even

Difficult but we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves eh it’s not impossible to think that we might still die so let’s just do our best not to get too far ahead of ourselves eh 29 28,000 Health got some giant twisters in the guy got

To be careful of that hey come on now 24,000 health I mean yeah what else can I say aside from holy crap we’re actually doing this job really really easily 16,004 teleportation phase my friends this is where things are going to start getting a bit interesting there we go

Second dive there’s one there’s two there’s three oh there’s one okay A little bit of health is probably in order here uh there’s going to be that’s three this one’s going to be one dash this next one’s going to be two dashes oh I actually just dashed into him there

Did you see that a that is some reaction times from your boy there like honestly I didn’t even break a sweat and I got the fish Ron Wings first time so future Duke fish runs are going to be even easier oh ooh the shrimpy Truffle though

You know what that might actually be a good idea cuz if we put that on yeah check it out check out my Mobility oh it’s beautiful though all right let’s keep it going shall we I’m not even going to stop we’re going to keep going

If I can get myself the flare on I’m going to be the happiest guy in the entire world so here we go oh my word though look at that Mobility oh that is so much better than the fish Ron Wings could this be the first ever time I’ve

Ever taking down a boss with this shrimpy truffle pet it’s possible I don’t think I use it very often at all like really I don’t it’s actually kind of Bonkers but holy crap I’m starting to see why people love this Mount the agility it gives so long as it’s raining of course holy

Crap yeah this is actually so easy it’s insultingly easy the teror blade is ridiculous throwing a party well there’s a boss fight going on I mean if that isn’t a confidence booster I don’t know what is even my NPCs have faith in me that I’m going to do this

Easily oh I do love this game I really really do and I love this Mount as well it’s so good I have been sleeping on it for so long haven’t I but still seriously I have it is so utterly ridiculously good but there’s just no words there’s no

Words for just how good this thing is 18,000 17 16 is about to go third phase any second now and there we are 13,000 Health still got ourselves some good stuffs going on uh that’ll be two dashes this time oh hello the up and down Mobility leaves something to be desired

I must admit but we’re still able to do this that will be a second Dash this time and this third one will be three once you remember the one two three rule that is it you literally don’t even need to worry just remember how to count to

Three basically that’s all you got to do what have we got razor blade typhoon don’t really care about it let’s just go for the next one shall we now I must admit as much as I am looking to try and get the flare on from this guy because I

Haven’t had it in a very very long time and I’d like to see if it still holds up today like it did way back in the day I’m not really really you know overly fuss if I don’t actually get it if I don’t get it then you know whatever and

Here we go teleportation phase which is where we switch back to our beautiful fish run wings for the superior up and down Mobility yeah I do like it I really do it’s such a good pair of wings it’s always been the best pair of pre Moon

Lord Wings in my opinion I mean come on just look at it it’s so good it’s so dumb how good it is another razor blade typhoon and that’s number four this time we got ourselves a bubble gun and ghost Stars outfit pretty good got him and it’s

Another bubble gun but this time we’ve got line for’s outfit again and ladies and gentlemen the final dookie boy ah all right it just wasn’t meant to be my friends it just wasn’t meant to be hey guys check it out the good news is it is not that far away

From Nighttime we might be able to get ourselves some Empress of light Prismatic lace Wings pretty easily actually uh I do believe that having a battle potion will affect the spawn rate of the Prismatic GL wings so I believe all we need to do is just sort of go at

It and just hope for the best maybe what we do is we just sort of hover around up here and we’re just waited out my concern is there is a crimson right there which might restrict the spawning spaces of the Prismatic lace wings but we’ll do what we can rather annoyingly

We’ve not had a single Prismatic lace Wing spawn in yet my Hope Was That by me hanging around here maybe they would start spawning to the left over here but they just sort of armed not one not a single one oh nearing me well that’s not very good now is it

We didn’t get a single Prismatic lace swinging this night right I have an idea but I’m not entirely sure I’ll be allowed to actually do it because the enchanted sunal has already had its usage if I was to Chuck this thing in the Shimmer here we are enchanted Moon

Dial right very good so we pop back to base uh we put this thing back down I’m not entirely sure if we’ll be all to use it though oh no we can’t okay excellent uh right let’s try again question mark this really isn’t happening hey my friends still not a single Prismatic

Lace Wing I’m going to have to do it aren’t I I’m going to have to make my own little custom hallowed farming area thingy well we got to do what we got to do hey my friends so let’s go ahead and see if we can make ourselves a little

Mini custom hallow thingy okay here we go we got ourselves a bunch of pearl stone blocks we could use those as a bit of a platform and then we could put ourselves like a layer of hallowed grass and trees above it in fact to be honest

I’m kind of tempted to make our little world spawn area here into the Hallow yeah it will be dangerous but I imagine it’ll also be pretty useful especially for farming purposes eh oh yeah I totally forgot I’ve actually got another Enchanted Sund di in fact I’ve got several other Enchanted Su dials meaning

We have a regular Sun Dial and a moon dial so then Pearl stone blocks I think what we also need to do is sort of Shield the biome so the hallo doesn’t like spread across the entire world so we’ve got mudstone bricks I don’t know

Why I’ve got so many of those but we have but yeah dirt blocks uh do we by any chance have access to hallowed seeds I mean considering where we are we should right we should have hallo seeds yeah there they are oh look at that I’ve even got fertilizer here so I could

Speed the process along a bit so here’s my plan the three layers beneath where I am now they are all going to be mudstone bricks because as far as I know they can’t be overcome with any evil or anything like that then on top of that we’ll have two layers of pearl stone

Stone blocks whatever you want to call them and then we’ll have ourselves a layer of dirt blocks which will be transformed into grass which will thus make this into a nice proper hallowed biion so yeah I got me planned and I’m very very excited to get this thing done

And dusted lowy I kind of hope this rain stays because if it does and we manag to get ourselves a bunch of Prismatic lace Wings maybe we might be able to use the fish One Mount once again maybe we’ll see how it does against the emess of

Light all right already this place has been transformed into a hall biome judged by the fact that the rain color has changed so yeah very good good but yeah we’re not done quite yet oh nice a blessed Apple ordinarily I’d have no issues putting it on but uh I quite like

My fishron Mount especially since it’s raining right now as well and now we start spreading the hallowed grass along and once that is done and dusted then we can start spreading in some trees lots and lots of trees there we go and then for some of them we can

Actually go ahead and force grow them instantly so maybe we start from the center and go outwards so for example like this yeah ha oh I love the existence of fertilizer in this game now love it love it love it love it look at that just

Like that we’ve got a hallowed Forest so with the hallowed biome done and dusted real quick I do want to go ahead and pick up all of the various buff stations on the right hand side of the world because I want to put them back at the

Center of the world here we are even went to the lengths of lighting this area up ha looking good my friends all right all we got to do is wait for night time to roll around we’ll activate our little battle potion here and yeah then

We hope that we get a whole bunch of Prismatic lace Rings all right activating battle potion now we play the waiting game how are there still no Prismatic lace s this is a proper Hall biome I must admit I’m very very confused I don’t know why I’m not getting Prismatic lace Wings

Spawn in on my world or in my custom made hallow here I’m at a total loss oh bleeding finally only one though there’s only one more thing I could think of doing and that is to put down some water candles to really really maximize spawn rates around here when you maximize the

Spawn rates of hostile enemies you indirectly also increase the spawn rate of Critters so yeah there we go midnight has passed and once again barely any Prismatic laser rings only the one all righty so check it out on the map here we have a s a nicely lit up hallowed area all trees

Are now grown I’ve got water candles over by this place as well so I mean if we don’t get ourselves a bunch of Prismatic lace Wings to spawn now then I simply don’t know what else I can do but potion water candles all the Buffs in

The world come on there’s no way we aren’t having Prismatic lace Wing spawn now surely all right we have ourselves three now we’ve got what just under 2 minutes to try and get ourselves maybe a couple more I mean ideally I’d like to take down the Empress of light first

Time rolling but you never know eh ah screw it all right three Prismatic lace wings that’s what we’re rolling with I can’t be bothered to do another night here honestly I don’t know what more I could do to make Prismatic lace Wings spawn in more often I’ve got just about

Everything possible to maximize spawn rates around here ladies and Gentlemen let’s go ahead and wait for a fresh new night to roll around again and then we’re going to get this show on the road all right A new night is approaching I’m going to go ahead and do a little bit of

Prep work here we’re going to disable the water candle so I don’t get no regular mobs getting in the way and yeah I’ve separated out the Prismatic lace wings so I don’t accidentally put multiple out yeah I don’t want to be doing that because I put a lot of Blood

Sweat and Tears into me getting those dang lace Wings in the first place I don’t want to freaking mess up and put down multiple at once you know so then buffing up and ladies and gentlemen Prismatic lacewing here she is oh Snapp snap Snappers 125,000 Health as new as darn

It uh we see what we can do here let’s see how she fares against the good old Terror blade eh I imagine it’s going to be an endurance fight and a half right what I’d like to do is get back to the arena but it ain’t happening is it nice

Little dashy Dash more stars I guess we’re just going to have to go back and for oh good grief there’s a freaking huge tree there isn’t there big fat yikes okay right let’s get ourselves back over to the arena shall we I mean okay come on this is going to take some doing

With a melee weapon I assure you but we’re not going to give up hope not just yet anyway come on can we do this 95,000 H it’s not impossible to think that we could do this but equally it might be quite the endurance fight as I was saying 87,000

Health good Lord more more projectiles even more projectiles oh God man there’s so much going on oh my word I could do with some more Health ideally we got 24 seconds until I heal ouch that my friends is a lot of time to try to stay alive

Ah I don’t know this is looking a bit ropey if I’m being honest with you my friends second phase needless to say is where things are going to get very very ropey but we’ll still try our best manag to a no come on second phase I mean that’s

Not nothing but equally I’m going into nrab here uh no this is a fair attempt If Ever I saw one a fair attempt If Ever I saw one if I had a flare on I might have enjoyed slightly better luck here but oh

No how am I alive how how am I alive I don’t know I genuinely couldn’t tell you how the hell I’m still alive but I’m probably not going to be for much longer if I’m honest with you 20 seconds until I heal how am I still alive this shouldn’t

Be possible with melee oh my gosh okay 10 seconds until I here I really wish those stupid lingering projectiles would do me the honors of buggering off I might endure better luck no no 29,000 Health sun phase 25,000 Health more lines how am I doing this oh my God seriously I don’t understand

19 what do we got now even more lines even more projectiles I’m so dead I’m so dead the sun phase I mean my friend if I manag to do this it is a complete fluke I assure you there is no skill involved here at all I’m telling you there’s just nothing I don’t

Know how I’m doing this come on we’re so close come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yo I’m telling you my friends that was a complete fluke there was no actual skill involved there whatsoever I have to attribute that success to my load out

And the fact that I’ve got over 100 defense that was just stupid and you know what I’m absolutely here for it so there we are we now have the ability to fly infinitely and as we saw in our forgotten playthrough finale Infinite Flight really is the way to go

Infinite Flight plus the fish run Wings it’s the way to go for Moon lord I can’t believe we managed to take down the Empress of light I knew it was going to be difficult but I I I just don’t know I don’t know how we managed to do that all

I do know is it’s time to wrap up today’s episode thank you folks so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode and of course you’re excited to see more do be sure to drop a like beneath the video I’d really appreciate it hit the Subscribe button

And don’t forget to ding that Bell of course if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now I mean come on you got to drop a like for that fluky emperess of light fight that was so dumb and I absolutely loved it

Thanks for watching my friends have a fantastic rest of your day and I’ll see you guys in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Warrior/Melee Playthrough – The Shrimpy Truffle is DEFINITELY something I’ve slept on for the longest time. Duke Fishron and the Empress of Light… EASY with the Terra Blade!
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This is Episode 14 of my Terraria Master Warrior Playthrough on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Hey everyone! Don't be alarmed if only the 360p quality option is showing! Got a bit down to the wire in terms of getting this episode out to you folks today so it's not fully processed in HD yet! Give it some time. Hope you enjoy the episode nonetheless… it's a good one, I assure ya! 😉😃

  2. Over the span of the last five days, I have watched every episode on your channel since The Forgotten Playthrough episode 11, which is 32 videos! Idk how but I didn’t get bored once watching your videos thank you for all the amazing content!

  3. hey Python i just wanted to say u gave me motivation to start my own series… Terraria Hardcore! Tysm.. everytime i see ur gameplay/series its so good 😀

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