Minecraft, But Any ILLUSION I Draw, Becomes REAL

We have done the greatest highs in all of history we’re secured the Diamond Bank and it was a piece of cake Ethan thinks he can get away with his crimes not on my watch you stinky Thief this is Ethan’s house and this is the door he’s gonna be walking through very soon but

When he does he’s gonna have the shock of his life because he’s gonna start here on the outside and then he’s going to end up back on the outside let’s go on into my base and get these things in the bag all right let’s run through it

Wait I’m at my yeah okay I’ll just go through my wait except every time he even tries to enter his face I’m gonna draw an illusion to stop him until he returns all the diamonds back why am I outside but I just ran into my bed wait Ing what is happening to my game bro look at this ball he’s like my house my Mouse how do I get inside I think Easton think we have an idea you know what they say you can’t go through it so you go under it that’s right we’re gonna make like a

Moment is he digging down why easy Eddie underground unless you try to escape my Illusions I can’t let that fly sorry Ethan all right let’s rip this out and we’re gonna put him inside a nice little box of Bedrock which will give us a little bit more time to come up with

Some Illusions okay that’s Ethan Mr stick figure red hopefully it’s understands what I’m saying guys please do not judge my daughter right I had an artist I’m a Minecraft Youtuber and this is bedrock I just want to be better safe than sorry to make sure I’m really far

Under nice and secure all right keep on going okay what what just happened why am I in a Bedrock box excuse me yeah uh Ethan do you like your new home it’s very cozy and now that we’ve got him there and we don’t have to worry about him getting

Into his base I think it’s time we confuse him a little bit you know crack his brain out with another illusion the walls that came in bro please just let me out all right I won’t do anything wrong okay no I probably will do many

Wrong things again but I need to get to my base double my diamonds away Michael I have a genius idea okay so let’s say this is like Ethan’s house we’ll put some grass here and Ethan’s house is just chilling here okay it’s really hard to draw like a small version of it the

Task since it’s like massive but it has like a black rip okay there’s Ethan house and it’s like mini inside the Bedrock room and then over down on the sides here guys we’re gonna draw Ethan’s house but Mega and we’ll make this seem like some sort of like glass illusion

And to do that okay we’re gonna do like put like a glass block around on this oh yeah I’ve got it okay so this is glass block right there containing this area and then we’ll put a glass walk around here so it’ll look like two of the same houses

They just appear behind me or were they here before and I didn’t notice them um okay I mean like wait yo that’s my base let’s go we secured the bay except it’s inside a glass block I mean this one’s kind of easy to wrap your head around okay it’s just a really

Big house I mean it kind of doesn’t make sense because he’s underground and his house doesn’t exist there so that’s a little bit confusing but this one it’s like how does this even exist this is a tiny little house shoved inside of a block whoa wait wait wait wait if we

Break this we can just go into my go into the flipping base there is nothing for you to go into there he said it’s all an illusion you dumb bum what was this glass over here was this like uh hey yo wait a minute that’s an actual

Tiny version of my face in the this thing’s some illusioned hooja but this is real this is a tiny base inside a glass okay dude no way no way we can just enter my base like this bang and oh my God I’m tiny I’m tiny now but we

Got the base wait what did he just go inside the illusion no that’s Ethan’s real face if he gets it it’s all over okay we’re gonna do an illusion that can both block the end entrance to his home and also distract him long enough for us

To build our actual illusion that I have in mind which is way more complicated and requires a lot more artistic skills what the coke is happening to my world why is this but where is the grass why is the ground Bedrock why is my base time I have so many questions I’m so

Confused and then something in the middle which you need to focus your eyes on okay that will hopefully work there and we’re about to escape thing it’s time to become rich yeah yo this is so cool guys if you stare at this screen for like I don’t know maybe

20 seconds and then look away it looks like everything is getting bigger and stretching it’s wild you gotta focus in on that center block and just stand stay there for like what 20 seconds and then look away everything just goes absolutely wild like the whole world is moving no no no

No no my IRL eyes are broken right now what is happening but I probably shouldn’t get distracted by my own Illusions even though they are pretty dope if I do say so myself it’s time for us to cut off Ethan’s only exit so we can’t escape just let me put my diamonds

Away man please come on man it’s not that hard so from this door we want him to go into this side of the hallway okay do we get arrows really hard there and then inside around when he goes through he’ll pop out on this end just here and then from

This side he will pop into this end which means it’ll just be a confusing Maze of infinity and we’ll call these the Halls you know what who cares about the Backroads we got the holes out of this town I don’t I don’t know what’s happening here I’ll make a new base I’ll

Find a new place I don’t know what’s got ah wait what where’s the door go huh check it out guys so from this side it looks like an infinite series of hallways no matter which direction you go from but uh from a different angle it just looks like Ethan’s an absolute idiot who’s

Running back and forth in circles I’m not crazy I’m not crazy this isn’t me this I’m not crazy I swear I am seeing this this is real what is happening no no no no no okay just run just run we can get out of here right we’ll just

Walk in the end I can see over there there’s like an end to it we’ll just run all the way to the end people who stay in rooms like this in real life they tend to go a little bit a little bit crazy in the head guys and so we’re

Gonna make Ethan think he’s also losing his mind by uh let’s just draw Ethan here now guys please do not judge my drawing again once again this this is Ethan all right his favorite color is red the stick figure is good enough okay wait even has muscles so maybe we’ll

Just Chuck on some giant muscles there and uh now one thing he isn’t going to have very soon is brain set so let’s just do a massive swirl above his brain there and what we’ll call this cracked his brain absolutely broken right now guys what it’s where I’m not going crazy what just

Happened my world just turned circular this is not Minecraft Minecraft is not circular oh yeah that’s definitely gonna keep it either busy at least just for a little bit and in the meantime I am going to work on my next Great Master pitch the Mona Lisa and as I said that I

Literally just absolutely destroyed that life look guys I never claim to be a painter and I never will be a good painter I we’re gonna make Ethan believe that he’s finally reached his base give him false hope only to steal that hope away because uh we’re putting his base inside

Of a painting that’s right this is like painting inside of a painting next level of Illusion think think um oh I’ve got it I’ve got it I think I’ve yeah yes I have a lava bucket and lucky for me this server has keep inventory on so surely this is gonna

Work please don’t be some sort of weird shimming lover I thought that was normal yes yes we’re getting out of here you know we’re just gonna draw Ethan here looking all confused on the side we can’t forget his big muscles wait he tried to swim in love oh

Oh I wasn’t supposed to do that he’s gonna respawn his base okay I have a plan I totally plan check this painting take this painting we’ve got to get out of here we’re just gonna go to some like random ass location um you know what uh you know what 69 haha funny

Number Victory ain’t nobody gonna cage this criminal we can now be we’re blowing this let me stand let’s respawn uh mathematic send it to this come on go go go okay we’re just gonna hide and cheer put down the easel Why didn’t it work I don’t know why it didn’t work put

Down the painting please okay it’s ready to go to respawn as soon as he does we’re gonna sign it okay make sure he doesn’t see us okay open that up please tell me I was just in time oh yes I won boom bro waving am I now we just gotta

Get back to my my base yes it’s my face yes yes finally we’ve made it all the nightmare is over we’re gonna try to walk into my painting bro guys I’m literally embarrassing Ethan in front of everyone watching this video right now can I go to my base please I mean I’m

Getting locked out like this is my face my face wait there is a book but it’s up there too no no what it’s a Payday yes no no no what I do what I do um uh I can check my chords yes yes all

Right we got it we got the quads I know where I am my base is in this direction I know for a fact all right come on come on come on yes yes luckily I’ve saved the cause of my base there’s my bridge oh no where is he right wait that’s

Where his base is oh oh no he’s heading back his feet out where he is no no no no no we cannot let that happen okay you know what we’re going to transport Ethan to a giant world or we can shrink him down honestly I don’t even know what to

Do at this point we’ll just draw it and see what happens and it’s gonna be like the top of a tree here oh lovely and then the trunk nice and then Ethan will just be this tiny little dot right there and uh yeah you know what we’re gonna

Shrink him down small boom Oh What just happened why am I tiny so that should have spawned him out where did he go guys we lose Ethan oh no this is bad I do I have enough blocks to get out wait wait wait wait one two three four this is huge I’m not making it out of

This this isn’t that hard we just got to track his last location how do we lose him what’s in my illusion wait what’s this what is that what the what this tree does not look normal it looks [Laughter] what there’s no way that say that he’s so small he’s so tired oh my gosh he’s literally an edge I’m literally just an ant what can an ant do but I’m a smart little ant I’ll figure a way out of here okay um surely we can like I don’t know can

We just like mine our way out he’s breaking yep let’s just go oh my God oh my God no no no what is happening wait wait oh he broke through his voice what the what he broke out he broke out he broke out okay we’ve got to stop him

From reaching his base wait we’ll go over the bridge he’ll go over the bridge we could just build illusions that go right into the oven I have a genius idea all right we’re just gonna get our diamonds back please all right okay so we’ve got like the bridge that Ethan’s walking over and

Then he’s gonna go through this wild like portal thing going on and the bridge will pop out the other side and except over here we’re gonna have a nice little village house yeah that’s right we’re gonna take him over to a village hi ho hi ho it’s back to my base like go

Boy ain’t no way boy where am I why am I why am I what this is the BR my bridge is cut off okay so now that he’s in a village we need to connect that to the next thing oh okay so there’s like the villagers have like paths or things like

That oh wait wait huge range huge rain okay so if we put the path in the sky hear me out and then there’s a hole inside the pub and then the sky holds the roof the sky okay I don’t know if that’s cleared up but so let’s just write Skye

And hopefully the thing I understand add that I recognize this Village there I think my base is off that way right yeah yes okay let’s just we just gotta go we gotta get out of here we go no what what just happened to the floor what just

Happened no no no and you know what from the sky into a composter oh yeah yeah okay we’re gonna be quick with this one because it’ll be falling through any second now uh Skye into a composter and then pop out in in the land or you know

What pop out in water okay there we go and then we’ll put a whole hole through that I don’t even know how to like describe this right now I’m gonna die I’m gonna die no what’s happening what’s up oh and you know what that water instead of making it you know slightly

Uh uh shallow we’re gonna make it super deep water I just got flung out why am I why is the water didn’t I just fall into like a two by two thing of water so we’ll have like the water that he’s currently in up the

Top here and then we want the Nether and I feel like the best way to draw the nether is like the red what else is in the nether uh you know what we can draw a ghast in Gray oh yeah genius genius genius genius genius okay and it’s got

Like little tentacles and then like okay it should be able to tell that that is the nether no no no this game is booked I don’t know what’s going on wait is that the flipping nether bro his entire reality’s gonna be shifting right now guys this is so good okay so what should

We connect the nether into nah bro I’m putting my foot down that’s enough hacks.jason enable for me bang There we go life is so much easier this way and then from the nether we’ll take him into the end wait no the end Island’s like kind of yellow here yeah okay well

That’s not quite right wait what’s this enablinghacks.jase bro bro so not only did Ethan still everyone’s down on the server he actually has the audacity to use hacks and I’m assuming he’s going to teleport straight into his base and now we’ve gone back to my base which is at three

Nine three 64 and then negative one seven one and bang and we are back we are at my base nothing broken yeah yes okay where’s this man’s at look at okay you must be so proud of yourself Ethan yeah you definitely got here legitimately but that’s fine all right

He’s gonna lead us straight to a secret chest room which I mean is not so secret now this is clearly it I gotta get up to my secret don’t figure out where my these are oh wow look Ethan you have such a lovely room yeah well this isn’t a chest room

We’re going into the real chest room and here are my chest full of um we can still stop him from stealing the diamonds yeah why don’t you walk through there Ethan and I’ll just set up my easel out here you know what you’re gonna be putting stuff in the chest and

I’m assuming all these chests have all of your diamonds Ethan so wouldn’t it be a shame if they all like just disappeared so let’s uh let’s just draw Ethan’s chest room here it is all right it’s looking very nice uh what I think I counted like five chests in there I

Think so and then we’re just gonna make them disappear one by one so let’s just deposit all the diamonds that I have stolen I mean um borrowed and ready the first lots of chess God but all that matters is I have the diamonds on the server and they will

Never ever find it wasn’t there a chest over here this is what happens when you cheat Ethan and second lot of Chess gone thank you um hello no no no why the chest is big no please anything about this not my loot no my loot no

No no no no no no no no no no yeah sorry Ethan no chest left for you and bye bye see you later don’t you dare take this from me this took me all day to get no this should teach you the lesson to never mess with my server again Ethan

Trapping Ethan by DRAWING Insane OPTICAL Realities in Minecraft! Will Ethan ESCAPE?!

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❤️ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem
📷 Instagram: https://direct.me/eystreem
🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


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