Best Terraria Ranger Loadout Guide 1.4.x! (Ranged Master Mode, Pre-Hardmode & Hardmode Progression)

Hey there people so today i’m bringing you another big one my complete terraria ranged or ranger loadout guide for 1.4 1.4.0 all the way to 1.4.3 and beyond this is the best class builds and class specific weapons armor and accessories for all stages of the game suitable for master mode expert mode and

Normal classic mode as well difficulty levels this will be organized around game progression and loadouts for the game’s bosses and events if you want to skip ahead i’ve set up chapters with timestamps in the description so you can get there and see what you want so for some general information the best

Modifier for most ranged weapons is unreal except for those with no knockback in which case it’s usually demonic and consumable throwing weapons can’t get modifiers so i will be covering again 1.4.0 up to 1.4.3 since they are current on different platforms for the time being most of this video will apply in either

Case and i’ll mention where things are different as of this recording pc is on 1.4.3 while mobile and console are now both on 1.4.0 and you switch people should be getting a very shortly as well um actually january 4th this is uh 2022 soon and uh anyway eventually all of the

Current platforms are expected to get the final 1.4.3 update so moving right along the early game so this is early pre-hard mode when you start the game the initial wood and ore based armor sets are not class specific so you want to try to get to at least silver or tungsten armor

It’s very optional whether to go to gold or platinum armor spelunker potions can be extremely helpful for getting the higher tier ores much faster the only ranger specific armor available from the beginning of the game is the fossil armor so if you’re doing a class specific playthrough or you want to

Specialize right away that’s the option you want to go to the fossil armor and it is a good set but it’s also very hard to obtain early on it requires 60 sturdy fossils from the underground desert which is a difficult area in the game at this point in the game on 1.4.1 onward

Fishing for oasis crates may be a safer way to get the sturdy fossils rather than fighting for them so to speak in the underground desert at the beginning of the game you can use simple ranged weapons like shurikens throwing knives javelins a blowpipe a snowball cannon or if you can get it the

Paintball gun throwing knives can also be upgraded to poison knives for a nice damage boost that’s actually a little known perhaps thing there and it’s quite useful it is possible to beat the first couple of bosses with even these weapons any of these ones mentioned although there are certainly better options

Other than that the general go-to is to craft the best bow that you can from the materials you have available ultimately you want likely a gold platinum or even better a demon or tendon bow depending on what you can get your hands on a good bow will be that much more

Effective with good arrows of course so wooden and fire arrows are okay but jester’s arrows and frostburn arrows are probably going to be the best for now you can also get guns pretty quickly if you’re willing to go into the corruption or crimson if if you’re ready to go

There the first shadow orb or crimson heart you break should drop a gun and some musket balls uh aka bullets once you have the first gun you um if you have an available house for an npc the arms dealer will move in and from the arms dealer you can buy the

Mini shark and some other helpful items so then the early bosses we’re talking king slime and the eye of cthulhu to prepare for those ideally you want to save up some life crystals quickly you can go from 180 health or less to as high as possible if you save a bunch of them

Use enough them as soon as you get them to get to 180 health but then you might want to start saving them until you’re ready for the eye of cthulhu fight and or the goblin army because the eye of cthulhu and the goblin army will begin to spawn naturally once you hit 200

Health so get yourself to 180 and you can go as high as 400 in pre-hard mode with just life crystals so basically you want to save um was it 10 11 i think to get you the rest of the way and uh i might be totally wrong on that

Number my brain’s not working right now but anyway you want to you want to save the rest to get you from 180 ideally as close or all the way to 400 before you start that particular boss fighting event it helps to add campfires heart lanterns bass statues garden gnomes and

Sunflowers around the area where you will be fighting these bosses or any bosses you can build a few levels of platforms optionally with some stairs to run up and down or you can just fight them on a long stretch of open ground make sure that you can easily run across a large area

If you’re going to do it on open ground just make sure it’s flat enough uh that you can or you know you can use a hammer actually to hammer out the terrain and get the angles right so that you can basically just run continually without bumping into anything and that’ll uh

Make it a lot easier in terms of loadout again silver or tungsten armor is sufficient for most people you can go higher or lower based on your skill level and your confidence again the only ranger specific armor at this point is the fossil armor a good

Bow remains the go-to option as far as weapons jester’s arrows are going to help you with the boss’s minions and be able to damage the bosses at the same time they’ll go right through that’s called piercing for better damage against the boss itself particularly in the eye of

Cthulhu’s second phase you might want to use frostburn arrows because that’s going to inflict what’s called a debuff frostburn to inflict some additional damage ongoing especially if you’re playing expert in master mode it’s going to charge you a lot very quickly and if you’ve got that frost burn affecting it that’s going to

Knock down its health even while you’re dodging most other early ranged and thrown weapons can also work well enough it is even possible to get a gun uh this early again by breaking your first shadow orb or crimson heart don’t break more than two of those uh until you’re ready to

Fight the next bosses the eater of worlds or the brain of cthulhu getting your first gun um again will also get you your arms dealer and and you can get some more stuff that way so in terms of accessories general movement accessories like hermes boots rocket boots a grappling hook a fast

Mount and so on uh double jump bottles fledgling wings even a frog leg will help for vertical dodging anything with a warning modifier anything at all that you might have that has warding or even armored can be equipped anyway if you’ve got empty slots for some extra defense

Or you can equip anything that has menacing or lucky or something like that for a damage boost the shark tooth necklace from blood moons decreases enemy defense so it’s a great option against buses in pre-hard mode on 1.4.3 onward if you can gather enough demonite or crimtane you can actually

Craft the magiluminescence which is an excellent accessory that gives you light when it’s dark and a big speed boost as well that’ll help you when you’re exploring underground it’ll help you at night and it also helps with boss fights because of the extra speed boost so again that’s 1.4.3

In terms of loot from these bosses again 1.4.3 onward if you didn’t already craft it um after you defeat the eye of cthulhu it’s going to drop some demonite or chrimtain and you can use that to craft that magiluminescence on all platforms so if you haven’t yet crafted

A demon or tendon bow again you’re gonna get that or from the i’ve cthulhu so that’s a good idea at that point the most useful item direct from these bosses is the expert or master mode only shield of cthulhu the slime mount from king slime is also quite useful and that’s on all

Difficulties so that slime mount from king slime is also useful against the eye of cthulhu you know the order of these bosses doesn’t really matter you don’t even have to fight king slime at all but if you do and if you get the slime out you can actually use that against the other

Cthulu quite effectively as well um you’ll probably fight a goblin army around the same time as the eye of cthulhu because again when you get to 200 health they’re going to start coming randomly they’ll spawn at some point after you’ve successfully defeated a goblin army um tip their jester’s arrows

After you’ve successfully defeated them you can find the goblin tinkerer you can buy rocket boots and the tinker’s workshop from the goblin tinkerer and then you can start combining accessories the tinkerer’s workshop will allow you to craft spectre boots amphibian boots combine bottles with balloons and so on so another little aside here

Food and potions food and potions can be very helpful particularly against bosses so use them if you’re struggling at any point with any bosses or events or whatever the well-fed buff is very important if you’re playing on expert and master mode for various reasons particularly speed and regeneration

There are now three levels of the well-fed buff so save the largest the major improvement food items for boss fights is my recommendation there even if you are playing in classic difficulty food is still going to help you and of course you should have health potions and you can use other potions to

Give you boosts also known as buffs so good potions include iron skin regeneration swiftness thorns endurance and rage or wrath if you are using bows then archery potions will boost both the damage and the velocity of your arrows i’m not going to go into potion recipes here i

Have a potions guide that you can check out and there’s a section in there on buff potions so do check that out if you want more details on potions so next up after that is the eater of worlds or the brain of cthulhu this depends um which evil is in your world

If you have a corruption world then you’ll get the eater of worlds if you have a crimson world you get the brain of cthulhu so you’ll probably want to take these bosses on next they are more or less required since the 1.4 update so um it’s required to get the materials

Necessary to craft a pickaxe that can then mine underworld materials which you’re going to need eventually so in terms of a loadout you can use a similar loadout to those earlier bosses with any upgrades you can manage whatever additional items and materials you might have got the slime mount also works well

Against the eater of worlds especially in expert and master mode because it will help you now get hit by the spit from the heater of worlds on those difficulty levels it doesn’t exist on classic in terms of weapons uh spiky balls actually from the goblin armory this is

The one place that they’re really useful if you lay them around your arena that can help a lot against both of these bosses but particularly against the eater of worlds you can actually throw spiky balls directly at it ideally i suggest at its face because

You don’t want to break it into too many pieces so if you throw them directly at the eater of worlds that’s going to do tons of damage and is actually a great way to defeat the eater of worlds that’s my recommendation spikey balls eater worlds

You can even throw them at uh the brain of cthulhu and its minions as well but otherwise uh for the first for or for the eater of worlds and for the first phase of the brain of cthulhu you want weapons that hit multiple targets spikey balls are one of those but

Otherwise the go-to again is a good bow with jesters or unholy arrows so the only exception to those arrows is the brain of cthulhu’s second phase for the second phase of the brain of cthulhu you want single target and debuff inflicting weapons those are going to be

Better for that second phase of that boss so frostburn arrows are the best arrows at this point against that boss and flaming arrows can also work either will inflict a debuff with some additional damage and also a noticeable effect that will help you to track which of the brains is real

Because in the second phase of the brain cthulhu fight it’s going to project these illusions that might be expert and master only i’m not can’t recall offhand but guns can also work against these bosses there are no piercing bullets available yet which limits uh guns a bit for you at this stage um

But again guns are going to be great in the brain of cthulhu second phase particularly the mini shark might be the most effective gun at this stage um it will help you to shoot down the eater of world spit yes you can shoot it down and the brain of cthulhu’s creeper minions

You want to keep those under control obviously so the mini shark rapid fire will help you to take those out quickly a blowpipe with poison darts or bone javelins can also work particularly against the brain of cthulu’s second face a flare gun can actually work fairly well against the eater of worlds

You can fire it sort of lengthwise along the worm and it will basically just pass right through the whole thing and damage the whole thing it’s very low damage but it lights it on fire and it passes all the way through so it’s actually a decent option um

It is still again also possible to beat these bosses with early throne or other weapons but those have lower damage so it’s going to be harder like against shurikens actually pierce they’ll go through many segments of the eater of worlds or go through the brain cthulhu’s

Minions but the damage is very low so you have to be careful with that if you want to rush it or something if you have the skill for it you can do that molotovs also work well against these bosses grenades can work if you’re careful and even a harpoon can work if

You use it well in terms of loot from these bosses again defeating either of these bosses will allow you to craft a stronger pickaxe which will allow you to mine hellstone and obsidian you can also craft various other gear with demonite or crimtane and the other materials they drop the pickaxe is the

Most important and that’s what you need the extra materials from these bosses for on crimson worlds after you’ve defeated the brain of cthulhu you have the option to craft crimson armor which is not class specific but it is a nice powerful set that actually you can use

All the way through the rest of pre-hard mode on expert or master mode each of these bosses also drops a powerful accessory which you should equip and you’re gonna probably use that much of the rest of the game um both of those accessories are nice uh the brain of cthulhu’s one has been

Upgraded and 1.4 so it’s useful now it’s actually very useful so keep that in mind as well so next up we’re going to talk about meteorites and underworld loot so after defeating either of those previously mentioned bosses you may have a meteorite land in your world they used to land

After you smashed the things one of the things but now they only meteorites only come after you defeat those bosses on 1.4 so the crash site of a meteor can be mined you’ll need a strong enough pickaxe you can craft a star cannon from a mini shark plus 20 meteorite bars and five

Fallen stars and the star cannon is the most arguably the most powerful weapon in pre-hard mode it’s a very very powerful weapon the only problem with it is that it uses fallen stars so you need to collect stars all the time to have ammo

And you’ll need to save up a lot of them if you want to use it let’s say for a boss fight other than that you can optionally make your way down to the underworld at this point and gather better materials you don’t really have to yet as a range player um but if

You’re lucky you might find some life force potions in pots in the underworld and you’ll want to save life force potions for boss fights those are really helpful uh hellstone bars require hellstone obsidian and a hellforge so hellstone you mine usually under the lava or around the lava in the underworld again you’re

Going to need that pickaxe that you crafted from the last bosses obsidian comes you can find obsidian anywhere the water meets lava and it will you can actually pour water onto lava or vice versa to create obsidian if you want to so you’re going to need some of that

And that also requires that pickaxe to mine and health forge you’re going to find just sitting around in the underworld mostly you might even find them in underworld chess for a ranged player though the main goal in the underworld would be to craft a molten fury bow which requires 15 hellstone bars

You can also craft hellfire arrows i don’t use them much but they’re they are good um so those require a hundred wooden arrows plus one hellstone bar to make 100 hellfire arrows you will want to craft a molten pickaxe you don’t need to do that right now you

Don’t need to do that right away but you will want to craft a molten pickaxe before you finish pre-hard mode before you defeat the wall of flesh that is so be careful not to knock any voodoo dolls into the lava from the voodoo demons that are carrying dolls in their

Feet when you’re in the underworld until you’re ready to fight the wall of flesh which we’re going to get to in a little bit where there’s a few that i would fight before that so um also while we’re at it here hard mode preparation i recommend that you start

Mining digging some strategically placed elevator shafts obviously you had to probably dig your way down to the underworld if you got there you’ll probably want to make a few of those shafts to isolate the evil biomes from the rest of your world separating the um evil biomes and other

Biomes from each other you don’t have to separate all your biomes but just the evil biomes when you get to hard mode after you defeat the wall of flesh will start to spread so to prevent that you separate them by digging a three block wide or three block tall gap around them

Replace any explosi exposed blocks that can or do grow grass personally i like to dig eventually shafts on either side of the snow and desert biomes and even one down the middle specifically because the corruption and the crimson and also the hallow that will come later tend to spread through those biomes particularly

Quickly once you do defeat the wall of flesh and get into hard mode um those spread particularly quickly through ice and sand so that’s why i like to you know section them up into a few sections so that they don’t spread through the whole thing too quickly and easily

So i like to do that before i defeat the walla flash but um and yeah you’ll need the you’ll need them vertically and horizontally if you want to do that i go either side and down the middle and then same thing top and bottom and across the middle

That’s what i like to do personally but that’s up to you how much that matters to you you don’t actually absolutely have to do that and there are ways to convert things back later but i find it much much easier if you do you can see in my

Little diagram there i put red lines where i definitely do that and purple lines where i would definitely consider digging essentially so you don’t have to dig them all all the way to the underworld but the ones that are closest to your base particularly i would dig those all the

Way in to the underworld because you want to protect your base area and arguably that’s all excessive you don’t actually have to stop the hallow particularly from spreading which halo only comes once you get into hard mode so you can argue that’s excessive but i find it easier than trying to save

Everything after hard mode starts because the game gets a lot harder in hard mode after you defeat the wall of flesh again the extent of all that also depends on whether you plan to keep your world and how fast you play if you rush through the whole game they’re not going

To spread as far but that’s just my advice so next up the queen bee so the queen bee is technically an optional fight uh but defeating her can be quite helpful it’s best to fight her in a large hive or other open area in the underground jungle

Since 1.4 queen bee can become enraged if she’s too far from the jungle which can and i’ve had it happen even on the jungle surface if even if you think oh i’ll fight her just up on the jungle surface make some platforms i’ve had her get enraged just because she wasn’t

Close enough to the jungle blocks on the ground so i like to do it in a large hive or another large open area in the underground jungle so in terms of loadout you can use again similar equipment to some of those earlier fights you definitely want as

Much life as possible for this bus so try to get to 400 any upgrades that you can get to other weapons and accessories plus of course potions will also help in crimson worlds the crimson armor again a nice uh non-class specific option uh demon tendon or molten fury bow will

Be the recommendations here with jesters or unholy or frostburn arrows any of those are work jester’s arrows are faster and help to kill the bees that she fires out but frostburn is going to do more damage because of that debuff guns such as the musket or the boomstick if you can find one

With meteor or silver or tungsten bullets any of those will do pretty well meteor can go through one thing so it might help to clear out uh the bees but silver and tungsten might be easier to come by and actually do slightly more damage um on impact so

Actually that might be a 1.4.1 onward thing but anyway um it’s a good idea to equip a bezel wire to avoid being poisoned by her attacks she will poison you so if you get a reservoir that’s going to prevent that biggest reason to fight the queen bee

As a ranger in terms of loot is to get the bee’s knees bow there’s only a chance for her to drop that and a lot of bosses there’s only a chance that they’ll drop certain things but uh so therefore you may need to fight the

Queen bee a few times if you want to get that bee’s knees bow but i do highly recommend it combined with wooden arrows the bee’s knees will get you through the rest of pre-hard mode because basically the bee’s knees you fire wooden arrows with it it converts them into bees and those

Bees are going to do tons of damage they’re really great against the bosses until you right up to the wall of flesh and until you defeat the walla flesh and get into hard mode being aids would be the other major reason to fight the queen b as these

Will be useful against other pre-hard mode bosses as well similar effect basically they’re grenades that shoot bees she also drops the bees wax which can be used to craft more benades and or you can use that to craft the hornet staff which is a minion so

Um even if you’re not a summoner you can have at least one minion uh and there are other ways to get a couple more even if you’re not a summoner so i’ll mention that here and there but it’s up to you whether you want to mix classes or be an absolute pure ranger

But you can craft the hornet staff you can also craft the imp staff from hellstone bars and that’ll give you another another little extra boost against the other bosses if you do get the honeycomb drop from the queen bee you can actually use that to upgrade a shark tooth necklace at the

Tinkerer’s workshop into a stinger necklace you can even stack both of those together the shark tooth necklace plus the stinger necklace they will stack which will reduce enemy defense even further which is great again against bosses stinger necklace is the better one of the two if you only have space for one

On expert and master mode she will always drop the hive pack which makes your bees even more powerful so if you’re using the bee’s knees if you’re using bean aids equip that hive pack and you’ll get stronger bees which will do that much more damage after defeating her if you have a valid

House available you can have the witch doctor arrive and move into your house the house and he sells the blow gun actually which can potentially be useful particularly if you craft some poison darts to go with it it’s not an amazing weapon but it’s an option now here’s something that’s on 1.4.3

Onward only i don’t know if they’ll ever do any more updates the 1.4.2 was supposed to be the last content and then they did 1.4.3 and introduced the deer clubs so the deerclops is definitely an optional boss but does drop some nice loot actually again in terms of loadout it’s actually

Possible to win this fight with fairly low tier year if you have the right strategy you can actually do this with earlier stuff before even queen b and some of those others potentially but i would recommend similar year as suggested against the queen b and the

B’s knees if you have it is going to be excellent in this fight so in terms of strategy my suggestion find a long flat stretch in or near the snow biome and build a stretch of platforms above it basically as high as you can jump put stairs on either end of the

Platforms so basically the strategy is to run back and forth along the top level of platforms try to get the dear clubs to follow you up the stairs when you switch directions at the end and it will and um that’s actually if you can get the deer claps up on the platforms

It’ll it’s going to make the fight a lot easier and you’ll see what i mean if you try it i already did a deer claps guide so you can check that out if you want all the details and to see how it works uh in terms of loot the most useful item

Uh from the deerclocks is arguably the eye bone which you might have seen at the beginning of the video actually summons the chester pet which is a mobile piggy bank it’s it’s a pet that’s like a monster chest thing and it follows you around and you can click on

It any time to open your piggy bank so that’s tremendously useful uh some other drops are fun or useful um the bone helm is kind of fun you might have seen me wearing that at the beginning too someone’s like claw hands that kill things so it’s great if you’re wandering around underground or

Something you know just exploring um the pumatic horn is the only ranged weapon that the ear claps drops which is actually reasonably powerful you can experiment with that if you want but moving along again skeletron skeletron can be fought sooner with earlier gear if you’re on classic difficulty but on expert or master

Skeletron is very tough so that’s why i’ve saved skeletron for this point ideally you want to get all of the gear mentioned previously before taking on skeletron if you’re on expert or master that does ideally include that bee’s knees with wooden arrows and the hive pack as well other powerful weapons again include

Bee’s knees the star cannon is great and if you’re very careful you can use grenades if you don’t have any of those higher tier guns and bows like the molten fury molotov cocktails things like that can work as well equip the best movement accessories that you have available and anything else

That will give you a bit of an edge the stinger necklace and or the shark tooth necklace will be very helpful if you got an ammo box from the traveling merchant always use that before a boss fight it’s going to save you tons of ammo on expert or master again you can use

The worm scarf from the eater of worlds if you’re in corruption or the brain of confusion from the brain of cthulhu respectively depending which type of evil you have those items again are great accessories in terms of loot after defeating skeletron he doesn’t really drop a whole lot but you can

Explore the dungeon once you’ve defeated him and then you can keep an eye out for some great dungeon loot like in the case of a ranger the handgun is something that you’re going to look out for because you can take a handgun and craft the phoenix blaster from a handgun and

10 hellstone bars and that’s a great gun don’t throw away any bones that you gather actually you normally you might think that bones are not helpful and technically you can throw them as a throwing weapon but you want to keep bones because once you gather enough as a ranged player you can

Craft the necro armor which is the other pre-hard mode ranged armor set and it’s much better and it’s gonna help you a lot so do craft that necro armor when you get enough bones if you get a nazar and or a cobalt shield hold on to those as well

You can use both of those towards crafting the ank shield later on in the game if you find an alchemy table and or a bewitching table basically those are little funky looking tables you’ll find in the dungeon that have little animations both of those can be very useful as well

Alchemy table will basically save you materials when you’re crafting potions the bewitching table if you don’t mind mixing classes uh you can right-click or secondary button on it to get a buff that will give you a second minion so you you can go from one minion

To two that way there’s also a summoning potion so you can get three minions potentially even if you’re not a summoner um even without any summoner specific equipment so that’ll give you a boost really at any point in the game just get the best minion you can use those things and you

Can get three of them you will also want to find a shadow key in the dungeon to unlock shadow chests in the underworld ranged players may want to search shadow chess in the underworld to try to get the hellwing bow especially if you do not have the bee’s knees you can look

For the hellwing bow and shadow chest and uh that is an excellent option arguably it’s you can argue which one is better they’re both great at this point on all 1.4 versions you also can gather the materials to craft the void vault and or the void bag

Which are useful as well basically an extra piggy bank but the void bag floats in the air like a money trough is or like chester you know you can use it anywhere um it doesn’t like just follow you though you have to summon it um you can then

Finish your preparations for hard mode around this point and head down to the underworld if you haven’t already because next up the wall of flesh so the wall of flesh is the boss of the underworld the last boss of what’s called pre-hard mode when you defeat the wall of flesh your world

Changes into hard mode so in terms of how to fight the wall of flesh much of the same gear that i recommended for skeletron but necro armor is definitely recommended that’s your your number one best set in pre-hard mode for a ranged player again the bee’s knees or the halloween

Bow either one of them with wooden arrows because the hellwing bow also converts wooden arrows into basically flaming bats so either of those bows is going to be excellent being nades and or the star cannon are also highly recommended particularly if you’re on expert or master mode the last

Part of the wall of flesh fight it will start moving faster and faster so you want to finish it off at the end quickly so i suggest being aids and star cannon save them up for that part um so the phoenix blaster again also another good addition excellent gun

Various other weapons can also work the terra spark boots are ideal for in terms of footwear and other for most other boss fights i recommend amphibian boots actually because of the vertical takeoff speed but terraspark boots allow you to run on top of lava and they give

You some immunity if you fall into the lava so that can actually save you a lot of time because your alternatives when fighting the wall of flesh are either to build an extremely long bridge which you want to be uh lava proof because you’ll have again expert and master mode you’ll have

Lava slimes dropping lava and messing up your bridge so uh you can either create a very long bridge to be able to run for a very long distance because it’s it’s basically a running fight the wall of flesh is just going to come at you and so either you need an extremely long

Bridge or the terra spark boots will allow you to just run on top of the lava now that can be a little bit of a problem because if you’re throwing bean aids if they go in the lava then they just disappear you’ll need to make sure that they hit something

So that they’ll actually explode and go after the wall but otherwise you can also equip equip an obsidian shield to protect you from fire blocks uh hellstone and hell bricks will otherwise light you on fire and that hurts so that can be useful too or you can use obsidian skin potions for longer

Lasting immunity and those are going to save you from all that stuff so obsidian skin potions are potentially very useful for this fight as well um if you don’t mind mixing again a bewitching table and a summoning potion can allow you up to three minions give

You a little bit of an edge if you have some minions attacking along with your weapons uh in terms of loot from the walla flesh the most important ranger-specific drop is the ranger emblem so if you don’t get the ranger emblem from the wall of flesh you might want to just fight it

Again and again until you do that’s called farming um the ranger emblem gives you an extra 15 ranged damage and eventually you’re gonna stack that with other accessories to really uh improve your damage output another nice item is the clockwork assault rifle from the wall of flesh

That’s an excellent gun for uh starting your hard mode journey and you will always get the pone hammer which you need if you want to spawn the new world or the new ores into your world um i do say if you want to we’ll talk about that in a sec

On expert or master mode you’ll also get the demon heart which you should definitely use right away it gives you one more accessory slot you can only use one but you will get one more accessory slot and that’s going to give you a nice edge of course as well

So then we get into hard mode after you defeat the wall of flesh you likely want to get the new oars so either you can use that pwn hammer to smash a few altars to basically spawn those oars into the underground of your world or alternatively you can go

Fishing actually and you can fish for crates and you can get ores that way if you don’t smash altars you can actually delay the spawning of the new bosses and the new events that come in hard mode and the other thing about smashing altars is there’s a small chance there’s

A one in three chance for each altar that you smash that it’s going to spawn on randomly an evil or hallow block somewhere in your world and uh that will create a spreading area of evil or hallow somewhere and you might not find it for a long time so that can end up

Messing your world up a bit but um fishing may be slower there used to be a trick where you could fish in pre-hard mode and open the crates and hard mode but they dealt with that problem so you can’t do that anymore if you want to do

The fishing route you’re gonna have to wait until after you’re in hard mode you could prepare fishing holes before you get into hard mode and then just go fishing at your fishing holes once you get there and you can put them in areas where uh enemies

Aren’t gonna attack you so much it’s an option but uh it’s gonna take a while if you if you’re just fishing for crates of course you can use crate potions and fishing potions and sonar potions and so on if you really want to get into fishing i made a fishing guide long ago

As well but if you do spawn the ores underground by smashing the altars just as in pre-hard mode spelunker potions are going to be very handy for finding or underground and another option this is your third option to avoid all of the ores completely you

Can if you’re up to it you can take on queen slime um it’s going to be tough if you don’t have hard mode armor but also you could you know get some basic upgrades and then take on queen slime is an option because if you farm queen

Slime you can get the crystal assassin armor and uh so unless you’re highly skilled you may not want to go this route you can you can mix and match a little bit but the crystal assassin armor is actually quite viable for a ranged player i would say of all the classes

Crystal assassin armor is probably best for range because it um does have reasonably good defense compared to other range sets at this stage in the game um it does have lower offensive boost compared to some of the others though so there’s there’s a bit of a trade-off there

And keep in mind again that your corruption and crimson and hallow will now be spreading and you probably want to control that you don’t necessarily have to but you probably do hallow you don’t need to worry about so much but it will spawn harder enemies so you might want to consider

Trying to keep some pristine forest shall we say and even underground as well the original areas are a lot easier than the hallow or the evil areas especially at this stage of the game if you do decide to work your way through the three new ore tiers

Be aware that you need to craft a mithril or aura calcum anvil for the higher tiers also known as a hard mode anvil you’ll need either 10 mithril or 12 oracalcum bars to craft your new anvil and then you’ll also eventually need to craft an adamantite or titanium forge

From 30 of either adamantite or titanium armor or plus a hellforge at your new mithril or a calcum anvil so you’ll need 30 of either adamantite or titanium or plus a healthwatch that you got from the underworld and then take those to your new anvil and you can craft the new forge

When you do get to the point of adamantite or titanium or tear you actually have a choice you can either craft the armor for whichever of those ores is in your world you always get one or the other with all the oars um the the different or tiers so you get

Either adamantite or titanium or you go fishing you can get both but you can also instead of crafting the adamantite or the titanium armor the the other option is to go for frost armor so adamantite armor requires 54 adamant type bars whereas titanium armor requires 59 titanium bars frost armor

Actually requires a little bit less ore but it requires farming something else so frost armor boosts both melee and ranged attacks which allows you to use weapons meant for both melee and ranged classes at the same time it has higher defense compared to the adamantite or titanium set

On 1.4.0 though it actually has lower damage output than those other sets on 1.4.1 onward it’s actually been buffed so that it’s stronger so 1.4.0 it inflicts frostburn with its attacks um which is the same as those frostburn arrows but you can do that and have other debuffs instead like cursed or icker

Arrows at the same time so that allows you to inflict multiple debuffs but on 1.4.1 onward they actually improved the debuff from the armor from frost burn it’s now become frost bite which is a stronger version much more powerful plus uh the frost armor got an extra 10

Damage boost so the frost armor on 1.4.1 onward becomes stronger than the adamantite or titanium set kind of across the board more or less so short version on 1.4.0 you might just want to go with adamantite or titanium armor unless you really want to do both

Ranged in melee in which case it’s still quite a quite a decent option but on 1.4.1 on onward if you don’t mind farming ice golems for frost cores which is no small feat but it is clearly a better option to go with frost armor if you’re willing to go to

The trouble of getting the frost cores it requires three frost cores from ice golems plus 46 adamantite or titanium bars add a mithril or a calcum anvil so in terms of weapons in early pre-hard mode or sorry early hard mode the craftable ore based repeaters are actually a good choice for an easy

Upgrade in early hard mode you can also get the ice bow the marrow the shadow flame bow and the daedalus storm bow all good options that are available early on in terms of guns again you can get that clockwork assault rifle from the wall of

Flesh you can even fight it again to get that if you want to or if you’re lucky from the traveling merchant you can get the gatling gator either of those will give you a nice start if you can craft an onyx blaster or obtain the hard sort of rare uzi either of those

Will be even better guns the onyx blaster or the uzi um the dart pistol and the dart rifle are actually quite both quite useful as well um on their own or you can craft special darts with either of those to inflict additional debuffs and switch weapons in terms of accessories at this point

Again you want to equip that ranger emblem and if you didn’t get it fight the wall of flesh some more because you probably are going to want it make sure to fight regular mimics when you see them to get the philosopher’s stone the cross necklace the star cloak

And so on you can combine the philosopher’s stone with a band of regeneration and that’s going to be great the charm of myths is the result and that’s a great item you can combine a cross necklace with a star cloak to get the star veil which combines the abilities

Of both so that’s great as well uh each of the biome mimics has a chance to drop one of the good weapons that i mentioned previously so fight those two they’re gonna be a lot harder uh you might need to gear up before you start fighting those

Watch out for skeleton archers in the cavern layer they’re kind of the bane of my existence but if you’re a ranger you wanna take them out because you’re looking for them to drop the magic quiver skeleton archers have a chance to drop the magic quiver excellent item boosts the damage and knockback of

Arrows plus it doubles the velocity of arrows and reduces your ammo usage as well so if you’re using any aero based weapons the rest of the game that magic quiver is a godsend once you have some wings you may want to swap out boots for a damage boosting or

Defensive accessory you should always reforge your accessories either you can go for menacing if you want to maximize your damage output or more likely you want to survive go for warding to increase your defense now armored will do there’s basically you get plus three or plus four uh for

Defense or you get plus three or plus four percent for uh menacing or uh for damage or for critical strike uh but yeah most of the time especially on expert and master mode you’re probably going to go for warding because defense matters but if you’re really good at dodging that kind of

Thing you can go for damage instead if you are in a crimson world you may want an acre based weapon or use icker ammunition i know some people say it i-core it’s actually correct either way for corruption-based worlds the cursed inferno was buffed in 1.4 and was buffed

Again in 1.4.1 so curse inferno stuff is also useful now as well it didn’t used to be so good so in terms of hard mode bosses queen slime queen slime is also very much an optional boss so it’s not really important for range players the main reason that you would fight queen slime

As a ranged player would be to get the wing slime mount the crystal assassin armor again is also a good option if you don’t want to gather the new oars or if you like got some of that stuff and you want an easier upgrade if you find boss fights easier

In terms of a loadout adamantite titanium or frost armor are the best available choices you can do it with less you can mix and match a bit if you want to get that crystal armor uh any hard mode bow or repeater is workable particularly the shadow flame

Or the deadlift storm bow will do particularly well in this fight holy arrows are generally going to be the best option except if you’re using the shadow flame bow um because that uh inflicts a debuff uh with uh i don’t know if it’s just wooden arrows offhand i forget

Or yeah anyway it inflicts shadow flame with the shadow flame bow uh likewise any post wall of flesh gun can do the job in this fight the onyx blaster or the uzi would be the best available at this point for guns the best bullets at this point will be crystal bullets they basically

Shatter and do lots of extra damage either the dart pistol or the dart rifle can work nicely as well against queen slime with either crystal or icker dart you can use either a fast mount on good terrain or a combination of wings and boots the best wings at this point are going

To be the fairy wings the fin wings the frozen wings or the harpy wings they’re all statistically equivalent amphibian boots again my go-to for most boss fights the amphibian boots will help boost your flight your vertical takeoff uh so despite the fact that lightning frostbark or terraspark boots

Are faster running along the ground i usually go with amphibian for the vertical dodging up to you the ranger emblem is more or less essential for the rest of well for certainly most of if not all of uh hard mode um gives you that solid boost to

Your damage output the magic quiver will be a huge help if you’re using aerobase weapons other good accessories include the cross necklace or the star veil the frozen turtle shell the band of regeneration or the charm of myths even better you could use the putrid scent

If you have an extra slot or even the shark tooth or stinger necklaces if you have slots available they’re still going to give you a little bit of a boost in expert our master mode definitely use the brain of confusion or the worm scarf the shield of cthulhu can also be very

Helpful for dash dodging don’t forget your food potions and the ammo box to give you other major boosts again in terms of loot from queen slime the main thing for a ranger the gelatinous pillion item which summons the wing slime mount it is actually a very useful mount when you’re fighting

The mechanical bosses who are next up so the mechanical bosses i’m just covering all three here much of the loadout will still be the same as for queen slime particularly for the first one that you fight the destroyer is immune to all debuffs so one thing there is that the frost armor

Won’t be quite as strong against the destroyer in particular weapons that pierce or are good at hitting multiple targets will be best against the destroyer whereas against skeleton skeletron prime and the twins which are the other mechanical bosses you should optimize for single target damage when you’re taking them on hard

Mode bows or repeaters with holy arrows or hard mode guns with crystal bullets will work against all three uh bosses the deadliest storm bow and the onyx blaster are particularly powerful options for all of them the dart pistol or the dart rifle again still work nicely the crystal or icker darts will work

Well against any of them curse darts are actually good against the destroyer in particular destroyer has a lot of segments so you want things that are going to hit lots of segments at once once you’ve defeated also the the probes um yeah you want to take those out as well

And uh things that pass through and damage both multiple segments probes all the same time great uh once you’ve defeated the destroyer you can craft and use the mega shark against the others it’s a great weapon that you only get after defeating the destroyer once you have 54 hallowed

Bars you also have the option of crafting the hallowed armor set which is excellent it has a holy protection set bonus which can be very help very powerful and helpful it basically the same effect used to be on the titanium armor on 1.4 it’s now on the hallowed armor

And basically it gives you a free hit every so often so that you don’t take as much damage so hello armor is a good option again if you are using arrow-based weapons the magic quiver significant edge otherwise accessories stay the same the ranger emblem the star veil

Charm of myths and so on the brain of confusion or the worm scarf as well as shield of cthulhu are still great and expert and master mode the gelatinous pillion wing slime mount is a good movement option and can save you accessory slots if you’re using

A mount like that you can swap in a couple more accessories and place your wings and boots otherwise in terms of strategy use high up platforms against the destroyer high enough that it can’t get you easily and you can basically shoot down on it for the most part um

Then i usually take on the destroyer first it’s up to you but i use that asphalt bridge against the other two bosses so what i do set up your platforms fight the destroyer and then replace the platforms with asphalt blocks and asphalt allows you to run very quickly so that becomes very useful

Helps you dodge those other bosses so just basically a big long asphalt bridge make sure to outfit your arena with buffs again like heart lanterns campfires bass statues gnomes all that kind of stuff in terms of loot from the mechanical bosses again the mega shark once you’ve defeated the destroyer is an excellent

Option um once you have enough hallowed bars if you have some left over or you’re not crafting the hallowed armor you can craft a hallowed repeater on 1.4.1 on onward you can also craft the super star shooter that involves hallowed bars on those versions um whereas on uh 1.4.0 after you’ve

Defeated all three mechanical bosses you’ll you might get the superstar shooter from the traveling merchant so it’s just different 1.4.0 you get that from the traveling merchant 1.4.1 onward you craft it after defeating any of the mechanical bosses uh the life fruit will begin to grow more quickly in

The underground jungle you’ll want to get those um sorry i think it’s after defeating one of them as well for the superstar shooter on 1.4.0 uh but yeah you want to gather life fruit in the underground jungle when you can start increasing your life you can get

From 400 to 500 using life roots after you’ve defeated all three mechanical bosses you can craft the avenger emblem which is basically an additional emblem um it gives plus 12 percent to all damage types whereas the ranger emblem is plus 15 to just range damage so if you’re only

Using range stuff the ranged around blooms can be better uh if you are mixing you can use the avenger emblem and and boost all of your damage or if you have an accessory slot free you can use both of them or if it’s better than what you got

You can use both of those emblems and stack and have extra damage on top of extra damage which is an excellent strategy uh again once you have 54 hallowed bars you can craft the hallowed armor um you will also need to craft a drax or a pickaxe axe from the souls of all

Three mechanical bosses plus hallowed bars the drax or pickaxe axe either one allows you to mine chlorophyte which means you can craft glorified armor this chlorophyte shot bow and so on glorified armor has higher defense than any of the early arm earlier armor sets only frost armor comes close it’s just

One point behind but with glorified armor the damage boosts are kind of middling they’re they’re similar to the highest tiers of armors you could get before that but the difference with glorified armor other than uh good defense is it adds a leaf crystal above your head which auto fires

And does good damage to enemies another sort of thing that’s helpful when you’re wandering around arguably you might want to save up your chlorophyte though because you will need it to make shrumite armor later which is the thing you’re you’re definitely going to need so if you have tons of

Chlorophyte you can craft glorified armor right away um if you’re having trouble getting enough of it just save it i would say to get your shrumite later you can also craft chlorophyte bullets which are excellent especially if your aim is bad chlorophyte bullets home in on your

Enemies and make your life easier after defeating any one of the mechanical bosses you can also fight tier 2 of the old one’s army the only new ranged weapon in tier 2 of the old one’s army is the phantom phoenix dropped by the ogre it’s a

Decent weapon can be good if it’s used well but that’s about that so plantera is the next boss after the mechanical bosses in terms of a loadout for plantera hallowed or chlorophyte or i would say i would say only if you’re on 1.4.1 onward the frost armor

Will also be one of the best options any of those three each has its own benefits depending whether you want offense and debuffs or defense or protection a good gun like the mega shark the uzi or the onyx blaster will be great against plantera you can use either crystal bullets for

Maximum damage or chlorophyte bullets for the homing abilities i would go with crystal if you can aim decently at all daedalus stormbow can only be used against plantera if you have a very large open underground arena because the arrows come from above and that’ll only

Work if you have a lot of space above you the chlorophyte shot bow is also a great option with holy or icker arrows so if you’re a bow user that’s probably going to be your go to the chlorophyte chapo don’t forget your magic quiver if you are using arrow-based weapons uh the

Dart pistol or dart rifle can still work well and you can use those with either icker or cursed darts particularly again you can also use the dart weapons as a way of like inflicting a debuff and then switch back to another weapon so you can inflict icker inflict cursed

Flames and then switch to another weapon that’s an option as well you can use them they’re good enough that you can use them as your your main as well um make sure to again collect as many life fruits as possible before this fight ideally get to 500 health

Accessories and boosts remain mostly the same as for the earlier bosses hopefully by now you’ve picked up some items that weren’t as easily available early on a bezoir or its derivatives ideally an onc shield will help against plantera again to prevent being poisoned as the other jungle boss she will also poison you

Make sure to use your ranger emblem and an avenger emblem can also help you will likely want wings and boots unless you’re using an alternate strategy like a minecart track or teleporters a large mostly open arena and ideally knock the background walls out that makes it uh that much better

Place to fight plantera because she will grab onto background walls so if you have a big open area and knock out the background walls that’s probably your best bet but there is a point where it’s going to be a problem too because if she’s she will also get enraged if you um

Don’t have enough jungle blocks nearby so make it big but but there’s a limit at the same time i don’t think background walls count for that though so don’t worry about that um in terms of loot from plantera the most important direct drop from plantera is the temple key to enter the jungle

Temple don’t lose that or you’ll have to fight her again she will always drop one of seven weapons the only ranged weapons are the venus magnum and the grenade launcher neither is super important but they do both have their uses or maybe you just want them

Um so don’t be too worried if you don’t get them unless you really want them and then you can fight her again the traveling merchant after defeating plantero will now also have the pulse bow potentially available for sale it’s random what he has but that’s when it starts becoming

Available the cyborg npc can also move into a house if you have a house available for him and he will sell you rockets for launchers like the grenade launcher and so on uh the most important thing for ranged players is to buy the autumn auto hammer

From the truffle the uh if you don’t have a truffle you’ll need to do a surface mushroom biome which is basically just a bunch of mud with um mushroom grass seeds planted in it so that it grows grass and you need a hundred blocks of grass and a house in

Or near uh for the truffle to move in and then he will sell you the auto hammer very very important for ranged players uh the auto hammer allows you to craft screw mite armor which you will then be using for the rest of the game all the way to moonlord

It can also uh the autohammer can also be used to upgrade rockets three and four into mini nukes on 1.4 so um yeah bigger bigger explosions basically uh at this point if you do have a jungle key you can use it to open the jungle chest in the dungeon the jungle chest

Contains the piranha gun which can be quite useful for various points of the rest of the game it’s also a good idea to farm bone leaves in the dungeon there’s basically a bunch of new stuff in the dungeon after you defeat plantero one of the enemies is bonely if you

Keep fighting and killing those eventually you get the tabi and the black belt and you can use those to craft the master ninja gear you combine both of those with tiger climbing gear which itself is a combination of shoe spikes and climbing claws all of that tinkerer’s workshop you’re gonna need

The tabby the black belt uh shoe spikes and climbing claws make the tire climbing gear to go with the tabby and black belt uh tabby black belt and tiger climbing gear equals master ninja gear and that’s tremendously important and useful for certain specific boss fights particularly the rest of the game but i

Definitely recommend getting it it also it allows you to quickly dodge but it also allows you to avoid some damage excellent item you can also get the sniper rifle and or the tactical shotgun and or the rocket launcher while you’re in the dungeon um if you happen to get a rifle scope

Definitely hold on to that for later as well you’re gonna want that so next up in terms of bosses the golomb so again against golem shrew mite armor is now the way to go from here on through the rest of the game uh just choose the the headpiece to match

Your weaponry it has three different headpieces each matching a different type of ranged weapon the piranha gun again still a good option against golem it used to be my go-to in earlier versions of the game it used to be able to pin down his arms but it doesn’t do that anymore piranha

Gun’s still good against golem though so that’s an option in terms of guns the mega shark the uzi or the venus magnum with crystal bullets are going to be best against the golem the tactical shotgun and or chlorophyte bullets can be used as well especially if your aim

Is bad go to your chlorophyte tactical shotgun fires a spread so you can either have a spread of crystal bullets or a spread of glorified bullets all hitting so that’s a good option the pulse bow with the highest damage available arrows is an option because of

The way it ricochets and has an ability to hit more than once so it will actually bounce around the chamber of the jungle temple and that way it’s more likely to actually hit the golem so pulse bows good that way chlorophyte shot bow works well with this fight either with holy or icarreros

And the nail gun actually which you can get from solar eclipses works as well again solar eclipses there are some new enemies after you’ve defeated plantera launchers can be used against the golem but only if you can avoid damaging yourself because the the launchers that you have at this point will damage you

So if you’re skilled or daring enough you can do that most accessories will remain the same swapping the master ninja gear if you got it again helps you with dodging and damage avoidance in terms of loot from the golem the golem has a chance to drop the

Eye of the golem which can be combined into the destroyer emblem so the eye of the golem plus an avenger emblem equals the destroyer emblem it gives you both ten percent damage boost and an eight percent critical strike boost on all damage types so that makes it better than the avenger

Emblem alone because it’s both damage and critical strike all in all it’s better the destroyer emblem can also be combined with that rifle scope i mentioned to make the sniper scope the sniper scope is better for ranged weapons it’s plus 10 to both damage and crit for ranged weapons

Only uh if you’re mixing things the destroyer emblem might still be better because it applies to all damage types i do recommend specializing but that’s just me maybe though if you’re using minions if you’ve got your three minions then the destroyer emblem could potentially still be better

The destroyer emblem and better yet the sniper scope are more powerful than early emblems um so you might want to swap those in place of your ranger and or another avenger emblem um you know calculate make your choices uh those are those are generally going to be more powerful though

The golem can also drop the sunstone which is used uh in combination with a bunch of other stuff to create one of the best remaining items in the game the celestial stone and then the celestial shell either of those actually will give you a plus 10 damage boost plus for defense

Boosts your health regeneration and more so basically the how that all works is the sun stone plus the moon stone can be combined at your tinkerer’s workshop uh into a celestial stone whereas a moon charm and a neptune shell can be combined into a moon shell and

Then you combine both those products the celestial stone plus the moon shell into the celestial shell all of that takes place at the tinkerer’s workshop golem can also drop the stinger which is a good weapon and counts uh as a launcher in terms of your shrewmite armor headpieces uh stinger’s a good

Option actually so next up we’re talking some events um the pumpkin moon and the frost moon we’re going to start with here both very much optional events for ranged players they can be done at any time after plantera or later and can be skipped entirely if you like

There are a few ranged weapon options available from the pumpkin moon but nothing that’s really necessary from the pumpkin moon there’s some stuff that can be useful but there are a couple of very good reasons for doing the frost moon as a range player specifically uh that would be to obtain

The chain gun and or the snowman cannon which are both great weapons at this stage of the game you can take these on before the golem but i would leave them for after when you’ve got those stronger accessories and so on um so in terms of loadout again true might armor

The stinger and the pulse bow can both be effective weapons particularly against the crowds that you’ll encounter in these events if you are using guns crystal bullets will generally be the better go-to option to clear enemies and bosses the chlorophyte shot bow should still generally be workable in these

Events although it may not be a super strong choice you can also wait a little longer until after you’ve fought duke fishron and then you can use the tsunami bow which is more powerful than the chlorophyte shot bow it’s a very powerful bow accessories will mostly stay the same

You might want to optimize your choices a little differently for damage output against these events because one of the things is to beat them as quickly as possible there’s a time issue definitely you want the celestial shell and or the destroyer emblem or the sniper scope if possible

A good arena built using traps from the jungle temple and a lava moat will help a lot boss drops are more frequent the more waves you complete in these events so try to make it to the later waves you’ll be more likely to get the weapons and other drops that you want

Using food and buff potions for damage boosts and defense is important to get these through these quickly so you’re going to want every advantage that you can get to get to the later waves as fast as possible to increase your likelihood of getting the drops again you can check out my potions guide

In the buff potions section for some options there in terms of uh pumpkin moon loot you’re looking for the steak launcher the candy corn rifle and the jack-o-lantern launcher those are all decent weapons and any of those could become useful for fighting the other event the frost moon

Although it’s not class specific if you’re on expert or master mode you can get the witches room mount which is very good as well in terms of the frost moon loot you’re looking for the chain gun and or the snowman cannon the chain gun is basically a much faster and more

Powerful mega shark whereas the snowman cannon is an excellent homing launcher and the other big bonus is other than homing it also doesn’t hurt you like the regular rocket launcher so the snowman cannon if you really like exploding stuff great option but there are other events too so next up

The martian madness so you again you can either do the martian madness before or after duke fish run i guess theoretically you could do it before the moon events although i wouldn’t so it all depends what you find easier at this point i would probably do it after those other two events hopefully

You have a nice arena set up martian madness is also a very optional event you can skip it completely if you like the main drops for range players are the xenopopper and the electrosphere launcher both of which are dropped by martian saucers in the martian madness event

Uh in terms of your loadout the weapon options are going to be very similar to the pumpkin and frost moons the stinger oregon with crystal bullets will mow down enemies quickly chlorophyte bullets might be better against the second phase of the saucers once you knock their weapons off other

Than the beam they’re going to move a lot faster and so that’s where chlorophyte bullets might come in handy the chlorophyte shot bow or better yet the tsunami from duke fishron remain the best bow options use them with holy arrows holy arrows are the most powerful some

Other arrows will be faster so that all depends as well again your magic quiver your archery potions are going to help with that speed but if it’s still not fast enough you can switch to icker or venom arrows particularly are going to be faster easier to aim the jack-o-lantern launcher can still

Can work in this event as well but the snowman cannon is going to be particularly helpful if you like launchers that snowman cannon homing in going to be great and area effect as well accessories again are mostly the same use the master ninja gear to help dodge

The saucer’s beam since the drops are mainly from the martian saucer you can either use a fast flying mount or an arena that’s well up above the ground to help avoid the other enemy spawns that are going to be mostly lower down near the ground and that’ll help you

Concentrate on the saucers the saucers are very difficult but it is time to or it is possible to time dodging under the beam when it stops so it might take you a while if you haven’t done it but uh you can kind of get the pattern of the when it’s shooting the

Beam and then it stops you can dodge underneath go the other direction when it uh before it starts the beam again it’s the beam the beam is the bane of your existence when you’re fighting the event and the saucers in particular but they’ve got some good loot so

In terms of loot the xeno popper is basically a shotgun with uh it shoots actually little bubbles with short little delay and then they fire bullets after that so it often works well with chlorophyte bullets because the homing effect of the chlorophyte bullets makes up for that little delay which makes it

Harder to aim if you can master aiming despite that delay then crystal bullets can make it extremely powerful they are still the more powerful option if you can manage the aim the other thing the electrosphere launcher produces area effect explosions that do not harm you basically you fire

It and it uh it blows up where your cursor is actually and creates this little field that just does constant damage to anything in that field so it can be very amazingly powerful against slow moving enemies and for holding back crowds that are coming at you but it might be harder against things

That are moving fast some of the other accessories and mounts can also be quite useful the brain scrambler item summons the scutlix mount which is a fast-moving ground base mount that fires lasers out of its eyes can be fun uh the cosmic car key summons the ufo melt which is a very good

Mount if you’re on classic that might be the fastest flying mount that you can get and also the anti-gravity hook is actually very useful um it’s my go-to for one thing i’m going to talk about in a sec so duke fishron you can technically fight duke fishron anytime after

Defeating the wall of flesh any time in hard mode but he is a very difficult boss so i would normally fight him around this stage of the game after golem maybe even after a couple of those events uh he’s also an optional boss so you don’t have to fight him but it can

Be a good idea the main reason to fight duke fisher on is to get the tsunami bow the fishron wings that he can drop are also quite nice so if you’re fighting him after plantera use your shroomite armor if you decide to try to take them on before plantera

Then hallowed armor can work because of that holy protection thing it’ll save you some damage the piranha gun if you’ve got it can latch on and keep damaging while you dodge his attacks so as long as you can hold your fire button down that’ll let you concentrate on your dodging a little more

The xeno popper or the chain gun with chlorophyte bullets will otherwise probably be best other guns can also work you can take them on with earlier guns the chlorophyte shot bow with icarus still does the job quite nicely as can the stinger the snowman cannon also an

Excellent option again he moves fast so homing things are helpful not absolutely necessary you can get more power some other ways but homing things will make your life easier if you have trouble aiming and or dodging and even the electrosphere launcher can work against duke fishron if you use it properly

You gotta aim those fields so the strategy against duke fishron is to build a long asphalt bridge just above the ocean’s surface and then use fast boots and wings again amphibian boots are definitely best because you need all the dodging you can get that vertical dodge speed is going to be very helpful

Be careful not to leave the ocean area because he will become enraged and you don’t like him when he’s angry so keep it in the ocean area that’s why i suggest just build a long asphalt bridge right above the ocean’s surface that’ll help you move quickly horizontally and

Just keep it in that area and don’t leave because you don’t want him angry you will definitely want the master ninja gear for its dodging and damage avoidance against duke fishron highly extremely highly recommended again on expert and master mode this is where i like to use the anti-gravity hook

Because on expert and master mode he has a third phase where he teleports behind you all the time and i find it very difficult to dodge so what i do is just latch the anti-gravity hot hook onto something and just rotate in circles and basically that’s good enough

Usually to dodge him pretty well just keep going in circles and shooting and hopefully that’ll keep you alive so in terms of loot from duke fishron the tsunami is the main reason to fight him for ranged players it’s a one in five chance that he will drop it it’s a

Very powerful bow that fires groups of five parallel arrows for each shot you take the fishron wings are the best available at this point in the game it’s only a 1 in 10 chance that he’ll drop the fishron wings though so you got to really want those

They are excellent so you may want to keep fighting them until you get them that’s up to you if you’re in export or master mode he will drop the shrimpy truffle in the treasure bag which summons the cute fish ron mount it is an excellent unlimited

Flight mount if it’s used in a water filled arena or during rain or dipped in liquid basically the cute fishron mount you have to keep it wet for it to be fast and if you do use that and if you can keep it wet one way or another either by

A giant water filled arena or having some little uh you can do bubbles or little pools you can use bubble blocks to trap liquids in the air and just pass through those or you can just you know dive down into a pool of water or you can just

Wait for rain and that’ll move very very quickly when it’s wet and that allows you to swap out your wings and boots again for two extra accessories so can be quite useful but next up the old ones army tier three uh it is still a very difficult event at this

Stage and it is a very much an optional event so you can postpone it or you can ignore it completely the number one drop that might be desirable as a ranger from tier three of the old ones army is the ariel bane which is another powerful bow

In terms of a loadout tier three only becomes available after you’ve defeated golems so you will definitely want to use your shrewmite armor for the earlier waves the stake launcher the pulse bow or the candy corn rifle can work well against crowds because they pierce they go through more than

One enemy so taking on all those enemies in the earlier waves that can work well it’s not going to work against the boss at the end the xeno popper is going to be the best gun and the chain gun is going to be the next best crystal bullets might be better

You may want to switch to chlorophyte bullets if you’re having trouble aiming especially against betsy she flies around quickly that’s that dragon up in the corner there that’s the boss at the end of wave seven she is very fast very strong um so you might want to switch to glorified

Bullets once you get to or as you’re getting to wave seven potentially the tsunami is also highly recommended you can use it with whole arrows to do maximum damage if you wait uh until you after you defeat the empress of light boss then the even tide is really

Excellent against uh crowds as well even tide is is very very good again it pierces we’ll talk about that the snowman cannon is also particularly effective actually throughout this event because it’s area effect and homing and the electrosphere launcher can also work uh as well uh certainly on the earlier

Waves if you can aim it well um you know get betsy to pass through your fields that can work too accessories will be uh very similar to other post golem fights the shiny stone from the golem didn’t even mention it is dropped from the golem this is one of the few places

That i would say uh it definitely comes in handy you can actually use that to heal between waves or even during waves basically you just need to equip it and stand still and it will rapidly heal you so shiny stone does have its uses but not when you’re you know dodging and

Running around and stuff uh obsidian skin potions can actually be very helpful for wave seven of tier three of the old ones army because betsy will light you on fire and obsidian skin potions will prevent that happening so keep that in mind if you need a little edge on that last wave

In terms of loot from tier three here for range players again the most important drop is the aerial bane bow it’s a one in four chance that betsy will drop it so you may need to fight through the whole event you know potentially four or more times

You can have better or worse luck than one in four you might get it the first time you might get at the 20th so it’s up to you how much you want to spend time on that but the aerial bane shoots arrows that split into five and fall downward it’s actually very

Powerful against crowds and bosses because it actually does like a lot of damage when those arrows are falling betsy’s wrath is another weapon that betsy can drop it’s a magic weapon but it can still be helpful to lower boss’s defense further it’s basically very similar to an icker effect but much

Stronger it lowers your enemies defense quite a lot so that’s another thing that you can have that in your hotbar switch to it really quickly inflict it on the boss and then switch to another weapon to do damage so if you don’t mind mixing classes it is a magic weapon up to you

But next up the empress of light the empress of light is a very difficult and completely optional boss the even tied bow is the only ranged weapon that she’s dropped and it’s not really necessary to have although it is certainly useful certainly certain situations on the other hand the expert and master

Mode only soaring insignia can be quite useful against moonlord she will always drop the soaring insignia when you defeat her on expert or master mode and that is very useful against the final boss moonlord so you don’t absolutely need it but if you want to

Have all the edges you can get you can take on the very hard boss to get the item to fight the other very hard boss up to you in terms of loadout again shrewmite armor is the best unless you want to fight her during the day in which case

It’s actually better to go all the way back to hallowed armor because that holy protection ability any of her attacks if you fight her during the day will kill you instantly if they damage you and that’s where holy protection can save you a hit here and there so you can survive again also

The master ninja gear it’s somewhat random that it can have the same effect brain of confusion can do that as well so all of those can can basically increase your chances of survival if you decide to take on the fight during the day which is something you only do if you want something

Specific we’ll get to that in a moment otherwise fight her at night be happy in terms of weapons the xeno popper with chlorophyte bullets is probably the best option because most of the time she moves very quickly a chain gun and various others can do the job as well

Crystal bullets are still more powerful if your aim can keep up with her and she does sometimes sort of stop not exactly stop but she slows right down and she does uh her little sundance thing and that’s a time to hit her with something a little more powerful

The tsunami with icker or venom arrows for accuracy or holy arrows for damage an aerial aerial bane can also work quite nicely against her snowman cannon again a great option because it does homing and serious damage the electrosphere launcher is very powerful uh when she’s doing that slow moving sundance so you can

Combine you can have a few different weapons and switch to certain ones at certain times so you can use you know for instance you could use your xenopopper with glorified bullets for the homing most of the time or the snowman cannon and then you can switch to something like the tsunami or

The electrosphere launcher when she does that slow moving thing to get in some extra damage up to you and again you can you know inflict debuffs like icker betsy’s wrath that stuff to give you another little edge as well you can optionally uh use those minions i talked about a while back

In terms of accessories though again should be mostly similar to the duke fishron fight it’s a similar sort of idea she moves fast you need to dodge so you will definitely want that master ninja gear ideally an asphalt bridge again is going to be very handy here

Fast wings such as the fishron or betsy’s wings and again amphibian boots for that vertical takeoff dodging effect the celestial shell the sniper scope and any of your emblems all continue to be important for damage output and so on as well if you kill a boss faster

Then they have less time to kill you but you’ll generally be better dodging on foot a fast flying mount does allow you to swap in more damage boosting accessories but you’ll find it harder to dodge even with the fastest mounts it might be kind of tough which is why probably you’re gonna want

Your um asphalt bridge and all of your dodging accessories uh but if you have like say cute fish ron and you can keep cute fish ron wet that might be workable and allow you a couple extra accessories in the place of those items so again don’t forget your ammo box food

Potions arena buffs all that stuff you’re gonna fight her generally in the hallow i think you have to you can also another strategy is to use a long looping minecart track with booster tracks and potentially bumpers um if you are on expert or master mode then you’ll definitely want the

Mechanical card if you’re going to try the minecart thing that’s what we did in our multiplayer series and it it wouldn’t say it worked perfectly but it worked we sort of mixed and matched some of us did the on foot some of us did the mine cart it’s up to you

If you are fighting her during the day reforge your accessories to menacing otherwise you’re probably going to go with warding if you’re fighting her like a normal person at night so in terms of loot and why you would fight her in the day we’ll get to that she drops the evantide bow which

Converts wooden arrows into five twilight lance projectiles so probably you want to use it with wooden arrows one of those twilight lances does double the base damage only that one is converted if you’re using other arrow types so if you use other arrow types you’ll stick at one twilight lance

Which does double the damage i believe as well still but only with wooden arrows you get five the lances and arrows are aimed at the location of your cursor which allows you to sort of choose between accuracy or spread the lances pierce through enemies which is why it’s particularly powerful

Against multiple targets and why you would use it for a couple of those events as mentioned previously the lances are actually not reflected by enemies that otherwise reflect projectiles and that’s why it’s also useful against one more event that’s coming up when you’re fighting the solar pillar during the lunar event

Having the eventide is very helpful to fight the selenians who otherwise reflect your projectiles and are a big pain so that’s one place where you might want and even need this she can also drop the empress wings which have a useful rapid ascent capability there’s a i think you hold up while

Flying up and you fly up even faster her expert or master mode item again the soaring insignia can also be used very well against moonlord how it works is the soaring insignia combined with wings you need wings and the soaring insignia and it basically takes those wings and enables unlimited flight

Which allows you to dodge much more easily so that’s one strategy when you get to moonlord is to have your wings and your soaring insignia and you can just fly constantly and that’s what it does in general if you can fight her while doing all damage only during the day you cannot do

Any damage at night so the strategy there is to summon her before dawn and then wait until dawn to start actually um damaging her fighting her shooting stuff at her um so that also requires massively boosted detach because she’s enraged during the day and anything she does will kill you

So if if you take her on during the day do all your damage during the day survive those instant kill attacks then and only then you can get one of the best summoner items in the game the terra prisma minion it’s going to be extremely difficult i’ve never done it i

Haven’t really even tried but the terra prisma is extremely powerful and it’s one of those very legendary terraria items it is a summoner item so if you’re against mixing classes you’re not going to want it anyway but if you want to go for it if you want

The glory or if you think that you’re going to need it then you can do that and that’s basically it for the empress of light so now we’re getting towards the end of the game and next up the lunatic cultist so the lunatic cultist when you defeat him kicks off

The end games event in terms of a loadout although homing weapons actually take a damage reduction penalty in this fight they’re still the best option a good gun like the xenobop xeno popper chain gun or even an earlier gun with chlorophyte bullets will cut him down pretty quickly so those chlorophyte

Bullets are going to home in on the real cultist and they’re going to damage him very well despite that damage reduction crystal bullets can still do it even faster if you can aim very well but the lunatic cultist travels extremely quickly so chlorophyte bullets are generally going to be the better and

Easier option for most people the snowman cannon for similar reasons is highly effective in this fight it takes out the lunatic cultist by homing in on him but it also is powerful enough to take out the phantom phantasm dragons very quickly as well so snowman cannon is an excellent option

If you want to use a bow the tsunami is still your best bet you don’t have homing options there but it is very powerful so if you can aim use your tsunami you can still take them out pretty well another option here actually is the piranha gun we’ll we’re going to bring

That back the piranha gun mostly avoids the issue of aiming so i don’t think it suffers that homing damage reduction because it’s not actually homing you’re launching it adam and then they’re just stuck to him right so the piranha gun avoids that aiming issue once you manage to latch the piranhas

Onto him and therefore can prevent actually his summons so he will summon like fake cultists and stuff if you launch the latch the piranhas onto him that will prevent him summoning them which is great um so that that makes that a useful option as well even though it’s damage otherwise is a little

Lower in general for this fight you’re going to want to prioritize dodging and movement and then next would be to prioritize damage boosting accessories again you can either go with fast boots and wings or you can use a mount for more damage accessories a relatively simple arena should do the job

You can use asphalt if you want but really even just some platforms maybe with some stairs will do the job you can just build that right above the dungeon you kick off the fight by um murdering the fanatic cultists that are worshiping at the dungeon entrance so you’re going to

Want to have an arena by the dungeon to take on the fight in terms of loot the lunatic cultist actually really doesn’t drop much at all but the one thing he does drop is extremely important the ancient manipulator put your ancient manipulator somewhere safe do not lose it do not accidentally

Throw it away or whatever it’s a crafting station which you will need for making end game gear and if you don’t have it you’re going to miss out on some of that which is going to make the final fight so to speak a little harder so hold on to your ancient manipulator

When you defeat the lunatic occultist but next up the celestial pillars aka the lunar event technically the lunar events i think are everything after you defeat the lunatic cultists but the focus immediately after is the celestial pillars and your loadout against the celestial pillars is uh ideally again that’s where

The eventide bow from the empress of light it’s one of the strongest options for the lunar event if you again use it with wooden arrows you’re going to get more of those lances that it fires and those are going to pierce through the enemies so you can damage multiple

Enemies at once and you can aim them and all that stuff so it’s a good option the tsunami with holy arrows is also still a good alternative if you don’t have the even tide and you want to use a bow or just in general the xeno popper with crystal bullets is

The most powerful gun uh in terms of aim though chlorophyte bullets will also work well again the xenopopper has that little firing delay situation and i always find it tough to aim because of that so i usually use it with glorified bullets up to you crystal bullets are

More powerful if you can aim the chain gun is your next best gun option you could probably use others but i used one of those if i could uh the snowman cannon again is very powerful for this event homing and high damage and splash damage takes out

Crowds pretty well the chain or sorry the electrosphere launcher can also clear crowds pretty nicely if you can aim those fields so to speak once you’ve defeated the vortex pillar you can craft and use the weapons from the fragments that you get from the vortex pillar on the rest

Of the pillars and the rest of the game really i would give the edge you have two weapons you can craft with your vortex fragment i would give the edge to the phantasm personally but the vortex beater is also an excellent weapon i guess maybe it depends whether you like bows or guns

Phantasm bow vortech speed or gun a little less emphasis is needed during the lunar event on movement speed you want more damage avoidance and damage boosting because you’re just gonna have a lot of different enemies coming at you and you can’t really dodge them all constantly that effectively they’re

They’re going to come at you you’re going to want to take them out and you’re going to want to just like kind of avoid being damaged by them with you know things like your um master ninja gear and all that kind of stuff that gives you a chance not to get damaged because

You’re gonna have a lot of a lot of them coming at you and um it’s better to just not get damaged let them you know go through you sometimes anyway arenas aren’t really needed for the pillars nor do you really have a chance to construct any the

Easiest strategy is just to stay near the edge of the pillar’s zone and you can pick off enemies that way and if you get hurt too much you just back out of the zone and the enemies will stop coming for a little bit so basically you just need to keep at it

Until you no longer see little red lasers shooting back when you defeat each of those enemies and alternatively now on 1.4 there’s actually a nice health bar for this there didn’t used to be you have to watch for the red lasers only but you can either watch the red lasers now when

You don’t see red lasers shooting back when you kill enemies that’s a sign or you can watch the health bar when the blue part of the health bar is gone then the shield should be down or when those red lasers stop being there being fired that indicates

That the shield is down and that means that you can go and attack the pillar itself because until you defeat enough enemies that pillar has a shield and you can’t destroy the pillar until that shield is down so destroy enemies destroy enemies destroy enemies until the shield’s down then go attack the pillar

In terms of attacking the pillar itself most of the weapons i just suggested should take those pillars down pretty quickly themselves especially the phantasm if you are willing to mix classes though a nimbus rod is remarkably powerful against the pillars themselves it’s a magic weapon that you might have kicking around

Basically you just spawn a couple clouds with the nimbus rod above the pillar once the shield is down and that’s going to take it out very quickly so in terms of um loot again well for rangers the important loot is from the vortex pillar so ideally you want to take on the

Vortex pillar first get the vortex fragment make your powerful weapons and that will help to carry you through the rest of the pillars the solar pillar is arguably the hardest so be prepared for that uh be careful to stay on the ground when you’re fighting the solar pillar because craltipedes

Will attack you those are the big worm things in this that fly around in the sky they will only attack you when you’re off the ground so stay on the ground but of course solar pillar their melee enemies you’re going to be attacked on the ground a lot at the same time so

You know mix and match a little uh when there’s a crawl toped try to get on the ground watch out for the seleniums as well again they are the ones that reflect many types of projectiles but they do not reflect the lances from the eventide bow so the eventide bow is particularly

Great against the solar pillar the nebula pillar can also be tough so use fast homing weapons when you’re fighting against the nebula pillar enemies because that way you can take those enemies out quickly before they get you they’re going to fly really fast they’re going to teleport around if you use like

Fast homing weapons you can take them out before they get a chance you may want to wait to finish off the last of the four pillars to allow you to make your preparations to fight the moonlord because the moon lord will automatically spawn shortly after defeating the final pillar whichever one

You can take the four on in any order but the idea is vortex pillar first and then save one of them uh to make your preparations for the moonlord when you’re ready take on that last pillar and then you’re going to be fighting the moonlord there’s a little

Delay in between as well but uh you know to let you basically do your basic recovery but you want to be prepared in terms of loot again vortex pillar drops vortex fragment so you can craft either the phantasm or the vortex beater from 18 vortex fragments at the ancient

Manipulator the phantasm is a very powerful bow that fires even more quickly as you hold the fire button down so when you start firing fires at a certain speed hold the fire button it fires faster and faster it is auto fire plus each hit that you land on an enemy

With the phantasm fires three additional phantasm bolt projectiles which do 30 percent of the damage of the original hit uh or the original um arrow that did the hitting phantasm bolts do not consume ammo and the bow itself has a 66 chance not to consume ammo so it’s very ammo efficient

As well as very powerful in terms of arrows the phantasm arrows do not pierce and it will not work well with most piercing arrows the phantasm bolts don’t pierce and it doesn’t work very well with piercing arrows because it’s so fast some of them may not land they may not hit if if

You’re using piercing arrows so for now you’re going to want to use holy arrows or icker arrows or maybe worst case venom arrows it does do very well with the post moonlord luminite arrows but you have to defeat the moonlord to get the luminite to get those so you know

You’re not there yet um so yeah for now holy eco icker or venom arrows with the phantasm the vortex beater is the other weapon that you can craft a gun it’s one of the most powerful guns in the game it adds homing rockets in addition to your gunfire the rockets

Fire almost every half second that you fire the gun so again auto fire just hold down fire but in this case instead of going faster it’s just every so often it fires one of these homing rockets as well those homing rockets do not damage you and uh again they do home in

The vortex beater also has a two-thirds chance not to consume ammo so both of these pretty ammo efficient and both of them are excellent options and generally are upgrades over most of the previous weapons so you’re going to want one or both and those are going to be your go-to’s uh

Probably against moonlord so speaking of moonlord your loadout for moonlord again shrewmite armor is the best available set until after you’ve defeated him so use your shroomite use the phantasm i would recommend particularly if you like bose though or if you if you prefer guns certainly

You can use the vortex speeder it is also very powerful holy arrows will do the most damage with the phantasm but um it will definitely be a lot better if you use the magic quiver and archery potions because the magic quiver and our archery potions both massively increase

The speed and damage of your arrows and holy arrows are kind of slow so ideally you want both of those you can also use the phantasm with icker or venom arrows for a faster base speed whether you have those other things or not those ones are going to be faster and

That will help you to aim more easily but not as much damage as the holy arrows the vortex beater on the other hand can do more damage with crystal bullets but after you’ve destroyed his eyes you may want to switch to chlorophyte bullets so that you can focus more on dodging

Because for each of moonlord’s eyes that you destroy you get um whether they phantasmalize i forget what they’re called anyway these other things that follow you around and try to kill you as well and so you’re going to be running away a lot more the more of the eyes you

Destroy he’s you’re going to have more stuff following you you’re going to need to dodge more and that’s where chlorophyte bullets are going to allow you to focus on dodging once you get that far along at least if not from the beginning if you’re not good at aiming you might want to use

Them the whole time have lots of bullets ready you’re going to need them if you’re using a bullet weapon and arrows if you’re using an arrow weapon have a lot of ammo anyway um other options if you want alternatives the aerial bane bow is going to be good as well the

Electrosphere launcher is still uh quite usable if you use it right and of course the snowman cannon again homing high damage also great option or if you’re just really dedicated to launchers uh electric sphere launcher and snowy canon um if you’re doing a launcher playthrough maybe i don’t know they’re good options anyway

Movement speed will be critical to avoid the moonlord’s powerful attacks defense won’t help you that much against the moonlord most of his attacks are powerful enough it’s not really going to matter that much how d how much defense you have you do have a choice of strategies though

One approach is the asphalt bridge with fast boots and wings in expert or master mode again you can also use the soaring insignia along with some wings to do unlimited flight and maybe that helps you avoid building a bridge in the first place or you can use a combination maybe you

Want that slot for a damage boosting thing just have your asphalt bridge and just just wings by themselves up to you another approach though is a fast flying mount again the cute fishron mount can be the best option if you can keep it wet it’s the fastest mount in the game

If you keep it wet one way is to create a huge underwater arena and use the celestial shell to avoid drowning it takes a long time to pour enough water to have a huge area to be able to dodge well enough but that’s up to you you can also just dip in and

Out you can again also use bubble blocks to trap puddles of liquids up in the air you can even trap little pools of honey for regeneration give you a little boost there while you’re getting your cute fishron speed going again the mount itself is faster when fully

Submerged but it is still quite fast if it’s dipped frequently enough there’s a little timer icon if you want to watch out for that waiting for rain is also an option although its timing and duration are hard to predict you never know how long the rain is going to last you never know

How long you’re going to have to wait for the rain so you can do that and that can save you a lot of other effort but it’s also less predictable if you don’t have or don’t want to use the cute fish run the witch’s broom is the next available or the next best

Mount on expert and master mode it’s the next fastest it can fly around can dodge very effectively all that stuff particularly 1.4.1 onward it was actually buffed slightly so that’s why it becomes the best on those versions on classic and normal the uh classic aka normal the ufo is the best

Mount you’re gonna be able to get uh it’s not as fast um on 1.4.1 onwards before that 1.4.0 they’re actually the same speed but the witches broom still has the advantage that it doesn’t despawn in water whereas the ufo does uh but that’s ufo’s gonna be your your best option on classic difficulty

In terms of a flying mount you can however even use the hexed branch mount if you um have a nice long bridge i believe that’s expert and master mode only though as well it’s a very very fast ground-based mount i’ve even done it long ago i did it with

The scuttlix mount but you’re gonna struggle with that a bit on the higher difficulties because it’s not quite as fast you can also use the winged slime as a little trick for downward dodging if you mount onto your wing slime with a quick mount button you’ll actually fall faster than you

Would normally and so you can use that as a quick downward dodge but that’s sort of more of an advanced tactic and that would be if you’re otherwise using wings and or boot other than movement though prioritize damage avoidance and damage boosting accessories the master ninja gear is basically essential

Especially if you’re on foot you’re really going to want that both for the dodging if you’re on foot you want it for the dodging as well but in both cases damage avoidance is helpful the star veil for similar reasons is useful because of the damage avoidance

And also when you get hit stars fall and damage the moonlord if you’re struggling and you don’t mind mixing classes adding a minion summon can help the stardust dragon is the obvious choice from the stardust fragments from the stardust pillar although it may be a bit limited in how

Powerful it is because of your limited minion capacity as a ranged player the start of cell staff is a good alternative as well unless you did that empress of light daytime fighting got the terra prisma in which case that’s going to be the best again you can use summoning potions and

The buff from the bewitching table to get a couple extra summons so you know unless you’re an absolute ranged purist that’s definitely going to give you an edge likewise betsy’s wrath magic weapon is going to be very useful for inflicting the debuff and lowering the moonlord’s defense moonlord has

Relatively high defense so lowering it is good betsy’s wrath and also icker useful for lowering that i believe you can use both at the same time and that’ll increase your damage against him you can also if you’re extremely lucky or you spent some incredible amount of

Time if you have the rod of discord you can use it which you can use basically to teleport from one side of his beam attack to the other that would be the use case for it if you have the rod of discourse discord that can be very helpful for dodging that beam

But don’t use it too much because then there’s that state that yeah eventually you’ll get damaged if you use it too frequently but it’s sort of a countdown anyway don’t forget your ammo box food and other buffs and potions you’re probably going to need them moonlord’s tough

You can even craft a few super healing potions before he spawns if you have some extra fragments from all four pillars super healing potions require fragments from all four pillars and uh if it’s your first time through you’re only gonna have those pillars after you defeat the last pillar just before he

Spawns and you have that little short period to try to craft some super healing potions but they will certainly help if you have the fragments in terms of the moonlord’s drops the sdmg and the celebration mark ii each have a one in nine chance to drop

When you defeat the moonlord the sdmg is arguably the strongest gun in the game with both high damage and a high rate of fire it’s not quite as fast at the chain gun but it has much higher damage celebration mark ii is also more accurate the celebration mark ii

Randomly fires one of seven different rocket types with a fireworks-like appearance yeah it is affected somewhat by what rocket type to use but not completely it won’t spawn liquids and dirt and stuff um but the damage and stuff anyway he will also drop uh various powerful weapons for other classes and a few

Other interesting items does celestial starboard is always dropped in his expert or master mode treasure bag it has the longest flight time fastest ascent and also has horizontal hovering as compared to other wings plus it has a cool rainbow trail the more you know um so celestial starboard is is certainly

Fun if you’re on those difficulties and there’s uh one very important thing that you can craft after you’ve defeated the moonlord as a ranged player you can craft the vortex armor that’s the final post end game because you’ve defeated the moonlord ranged armor set with the highest defense and the highest boost of

Any ranged armor set in the game it also has a toggleable stealth mode which gives you near invisibility so it actually slows your movement but greatly increases your damage so you can go into stealth do some extra damage but you’re not going to get away too quick if you’re noticed

It is crafted the vortex armor set is crafted from 36 luminite bars and 45 vortex fragments at the ancient manipulator so you’re actually going to need to defeat probably the pillars and the moonlord himself more than once to be able to craft the vortex armor and uh well

You’re done the game at that point but at least you get to look cool and uh if you’re still spending time i don’t know building or exploring or whatever then you’ll be very very powerful with your vortex armor so that’s it hope you liked the video thanks for

Watching please subscribe if you haven’t already and i’ll see you next time bye for now

The COMPLETE ranged/ranger loadout guide for Terraria 1.4 onward (made in 1.4.3, should still be good for 1.4.4)!

Including class builds/class setup – weapons, armor, accessories, equipment/items & buffs plus useful drops for all bosses & stages of the game and difficulty levels.

Full Classic/Normal, Expert & Master Mode, Pre-Hardmode and Hardmode progression!

Note that many of these loadouts are overkill – you don’t have to get and use absolutely everything I recommend in here, but if you need a boost, here’s all the info!

00:00 Introduction
00:38 General Information
01:31 Early Game (Early Pre-Hardmode)
03:47 Early Bosses (Eye of Cthulhu & King Slime) Loadouts
09:07 Food & Potions for Ranged Players
10:12 Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu
15:03 Underworld Loot
17:39 Hardmode Preparation
20:22 Queen Bee
24:34 Deerclops
26:44 Skeletron
30:39 Wall of Flesh
34:20 Early Hardmode
43:49 Queen Slime
46:49 Mechanical Bosses (Destroyer, Skeletron Prime & The Twins)
53:18 Plantera
59:05 Golem
1:03:09 Pumpkin Moon & Frost Moon
1:06:17 Martian Madness
1:10:16 Duke Fishron
1:14:20 Old One’s Army Tier 3
1:18:07 Empress of Light
1:26:06 Lunatic Cultist
1:29:11 Celestial Pillars/Lunar Events
1:37:49 Moon Lord

For detailed information, check out the Terraria Wiki:


  1. I got insanely lucky and got a full set of ancient shadow armor before i got full fossil armor. Pretty sure the crit buff from it applies on ranged weapons too so thats also an armor set you can use pretty early on.

  2. I like the video, you explain a lot. But I whould like some background gameplay. The whole video is just white and its kinda boring to look at. Yeah it helped me a lot and you taught a lot of tricks and explained it very good, but some background gameplay whould be very nice. Yeah its maybe a pain to record and it takes longer but I think it whould do a very good job with the video… Anyways thanks for the tips and info and I will try to play more ranger with my friends 🙂

  3. Farming the ice golems is actually pretty easy if you make a square of protection with a single square piece missing so that you can shoot the golem from either the side or above

  4. molotov cocktails are pretty good for early game too as they do decent damage and set enemies on fire and are cheep to make.

    I used them in a for the worthy master mode playthrough and they are pretty decent at crowd control and are probably a good grab for easier difficulties as they are a good crowd control early on when those types of items are hard to get.

  5. My first time trying to beat all bosses in terraria has taken over 250+ hours and the class i chose to do it as is ranger and im currently stuck at plantera i always get like halfway through nearly 2nd phase and then i die so i cant imagine how much I'll struggle with the 2nd phase

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