Minecraft Manhunt, But There’s Better Movement…

I invited booer Boblo and fans to hunt me down while I attempt to speedrun Minecraft but in this video I could do things like crawl wall run and even roll to avoid fall damage this was super fun so be sure to watch all the way until

The end to find out what happened and hey a lot of you that watch these videos aren’t actually subscribed so scroll down to see if you are and hey click the like button while you’re down there thank you and I hope you enjoy uh booer where are you setting out my controls

Bro okay well bobl is going that way f is looking at me menacing wait where’s bubble oh wait be on Bubble what the you guys are horrible Hunters no no wonder you always lose bro what is this we never lose we win every time n you always lose bro

N what you get opot yep of course like always yo booster nah he has an axe he has an axe with sharpness 10 yep sharpness 10 he’s chasing me you’re free to go I’m going to kill cows I’m killing cows than you guys you’re letting him Escape yeah bro how did I

Let him Escape he has a sharpness axe uh I didn’t see any sharpness particles sharpness particles on my ax no no like when you hit you know are there particles am I stupid yeah for sharpness yeah wait B you’ve been playing Minecraft for how long booster’s already sweating booster’s already sweating

Booster wait how did you get acquire Hardware what the hell that chest had a lot of had iron nuggets that’s understandable I guess what do you think fast uh three plus you know yeah it’s pretty about 12 guys what the are you guys always like this

Yep what’s up pretty much oh oh it’s been a while for you booer so I just lost okay so we just lost okay GG’s yeah good luck Bo nice oh I actually got me stop dude dude I was trolling it with flower it was it was actually working

Too well maybe I should learn to do it better huh perhaps sorry perhaps this is making me mad all right I see Bubba I’m going to double jump to him I’m on him wait double jump double jump wait how do you do it wait how do you wait double jump

He di no go off a block and you can jump bubble’s not even oh that’s Bubba wait I see him what he’s cheating yo why why oh yeah that’s one it’s your turn bub no no no no no no no he sound like Bob blue stop stop oh my

God oh how did I Miss luy I don’t have food how about you just leave me alone weather boy okay you’re lucky I don’t have food buddy yeah well I I do now I’m just scared that the yeah B’s just going to jump me right now yeah bble you’re not holding

Grudges are you oh I’m holding a gage what do you mean you didn’t even do damage to me you’re that bad at the game it’s crazy oh it’s dark in here no full bright is crazy y people play like this normally no Bubba’s going to come kill me oh hey stop

That you a shield he’s mad guys he’s mad he’s angry how does he have a shi me oh cuz you got acquired Hardware hello yeah but I would have I would have made shears okay okay chill out chill out no oh booster your wa let’s no bubble

Please bubble please this is not a matter against me bro what the booster do M why are you H I’m trying to kill booster for you bub oh I was boosting you with a CR thanks yo this guy’s actually sweating his ass off no no who

Does Bro think he is no why does he have so many blocks guys please I’m not even hunting this guy anymore I need food bro no please all right fine you live please guys leave me alone why does bro have Cobblestone and everything like why does

He have that please guys I love man hunts I love I was just joking I hate yo CL that guys said this video gets 5,000 likes he’ll return to manh he say if this video gets 100,000 likes I’ll return to man hunt yeah all right yeah

Well you guys know what to do y I found boot no please no please no pleas there’s bubo get him get bubo bro please oh oh bu get bubo please Hey what is happening just call this video Minecraft manhhung clowning wait clowning with the boys no longer worthy of my truce wait how did I take like okay I got destroyed yeah look at that b what are you going to do about that huh what you do about that like we sound like

Pennywise Bro you know who sounds like Penny oh my God oh my God oh that actually hurt is going to kill us he has op loot I don’t have op loot he he’s hacking for sure by the way just letting you guys know like little bo what the that’s so accurate D what

Okay but I found the stronghold why are you lying wait I just did SL SE and I I went to the stronghold what do you mean SL SE I’m not lying F why did you outline the lava pool entirely you’re not Herobrine dude what is that barge on

The ocean Herobrine let’s go let’s go kill him yeah let R’s loot pillage P pillage him loot I took his food’s he’s chasing me now he’s chasing me out no no wait did you take all of his iron that’s crazy I took five iron that’s enough for a shield so wait uh bubble

How do we slash fly in this game you don’t oh I’m trying to take all F’s gear back I already got it all no didn’t sorry mate glass bottle rotten flesh what’s this one torches glass bottle wasn’t mine yeah come back come back for another run come back for another run

Huh no I don’t know yeah come back for another run wait has bubble not gotten uh cover cover me and diamonds yet mm damn so I’m ahead of him let’s go you don’t have to cover me in Diamond he does have that does I do have that

What an enchance bro Bubba’s coming up on me yeah I know I can see that help I want my five iron back oh you might want to run ow are you stupid are you stupid yo free stuff bro who was this kind to why is he on my

Team yo M where did you go bro booer oh please kill please kill boost please kill boost relax bro so sweaty my fingers are slipping off my mouth bro you smell that bubble oh cler come back that’s fear come back from me come back W I don’t have a

Boat Bob’s behind you no he’s not he actually is look no to your left to your left to your left here here here here I’ll CR for you shut the up shut the up number one yapper of all time oh now you’re dead dumb ass oh no

Yes n guys you need to pick up the pace wa so who just died with h the it was he right yeah okay cheing I didn’t have anything bro I just had food well he has a lava pool so he’s going to go to the nether now just letting you know

Yeah okay let him go I should have covered the lava pool I’m stupid you are well you know what I don’t have though the one thing I never have flint and steel I have food actually this time yeah I gave him food yeah he gave him

Polite layer it was in the script you know like it said like give bubble food at yeah yeah yeah wait hold on on hold on hold on let me just take a wait do you need my POV by the way since it’s not the hold on I’m looking at the SCP

Oh you have yours printed out bro I just have mine own email lufer gives Bubba food by dying near lava pool okay yeah yeah that was right that was right we did it good what’s the next scene next scene next scene is bubo gets flint and

Goes to NE bubble bubble SL gives boost for uh God apples yeah oh I redacted that sorry D I need the updated copy F you bro why am I in the video like what is this uh okay okay went ooh I don’t like the spawn o bubbles dying To all those chests in this Bion suck this the bed at the portal let’s go get him can I can I have some iron guys we I don’t have an iron pickaxe I do have nine crafting tables though so Baka whose boost are you happen to right now where am

I Timothy Timothy Timothy shoy Timothy Timothy cinnamony sorry I just had a stroke please purple rainbow guy with no uh no actual thumbnail cap capability uh Mr Mr Jesus Mr Purple Jesus no thumbnail cap what do you mean I made you holy say again I made you you made me

Uh-huh yeah yeah buddy ping say you’re sorry but I’m hovering over the blog button right now say you’re sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry yeah that’s what I thought that’s what I thought I’m not what what did you say I said I’m sorry yeah that’s what I

Thought well this is a hard story to tell I bet hard far far ago I bet it’s hard there once was a little boy named what else is hard Boer had a special trait in him they gave him special powers powers unlike any other oh yeah

You see 3 days ago Boer had just woken up his mother was in front of him asking Boer why are you up I’m up because I’m up not because I’m tired the tiredness of my body got rid of my Howard can you get to the part where you make it clap with no

Hands he then decides to join the choir with no hesitation being the backup Clapper with this big ass sh [Laughter] sh dude he’s loving me you’re trying to get me out broa come here guys oh it’s over for dress guys all right let’s get going this way oh my God goodness gracious

Me yeah so all my stuff’s gone GG’s no my loot wow drop party at spawn everybody drop party at spawn drop party at spawn oh guys yeah I don’t know where bubble went dude this Compass ends at the end of a cave the is this it looks like he’s

This way oh he’s up how do he get up here though bro hello no I’m getting mad I’m actually getting angry no look oh hey fellas oh my god oh I just looked down and see a name oh am I he’s locked he’s lock in a jail cell careful careful careful booster

Dropped on he just lava me booster oh no I have my pickaxe ready oh my God I just got I’m low help he does a lot of damage I don’t know how don’t let booster die save him he’s what B why are you up I’m getting piglin he’s killing it

Fast got to go he’s down there stop boosting me I’m boosting you bro you’re me going to kill us what the the hell wait how did he just not take damage how did he do that he bar he rolled I think or something how did he Barrel Roll I don’t

Know whoa I just did it man just Spam space Oh it’s like it’s like the air CL come high place oh my God there’s a big onle ow I got stuck on the I’m actually washed okay oh my God I heard lava stop the lava VA now stop the lava stop floating blocks

You see this where yeah wait why are we getting distracted bro bubble just ran wait where did he go wait he went backwards I’m so confused he’s below he’s below yeah ow ow where’s bub conception actually I actually don’t know where he went I think he went home

Actually I don’t know where he went he’s like in US us he’s literally he’s in us is have you tried looking upo he’s right guys have you tried looking up yeah he’s up he’s up he’s up he’s up he’s up he’s stupid as hell how did we not know he

Was above us the whole time I don’t know I thought he was among us but he was above us he’s tring the up here the I’m do a barrel space space space oh wait no what it didn’t work it didn’t work either oh my God fany troll oh God I’m about to

Die I’m dead I’m going to nice dude wish don’t die oh my God the backup’s here how am I oh he shot me with an arrow that’s why I missed where is he oh he’s going to kill me where are you oh my God no oh I have that okay okay sweet

Please no we roll oh hey what I’m going to help you f stop spamming me stop spamming me I’m stuck in the nether where is he no he’s loing Us in don’t kill me oh kill him yeah oh he’s he’s in a him I just boxed him I

Just he’s in a hole he’s in a hole look yeah you’re not break I just got to leave you’re not breaking our bad buddy you’re not breaking our bad buddy okay that’s fine I won’t break it I just got to leave okay okay okay who’s a crafting

Table do you not see wood around us bro I wanted to save time dude this guy keeps punching me off I’m going to dude stop man I need to set my bed man dude I just never have to do anything cuz you guys always just fight each other dude

Let’s just bring our bed to the stronghold don’t die oh is about to kill me yeah he’s about to kill me bro stop stop I more horse bro by the way look look look when you’re like crouching there’s a shulker that appears he’s going in come on stop look there’s a shulker

Oh ding ding ding ding it’s been fun boys oh my God I tracked them I tracked them I tracked them yeah see his hole oh what where no but that’s probably not the hole into the portal just keep but thing here okay we’re going to go down and then I cover up the

Top oh my God I clutched so why okay I’m just going to get a free dragon kill in a second just kill me without a bed guys I found the stronghold guys oh I didn’t set a bed I’m one heart in the end guys I’m I’m low oh my God I’m going

One hard in the end guys please so I’m the only one the I need I need food I need something how did you guys fumble this so hard I went straight into the portal guys guys hold on let me just hit the dragon dragon is not even low bro what

Do you mean man you have a shield no so are you just in here now and you don’t have a bed set I do have a bed set who told you that I didn’t have a bed set you said that Bubba yeah hey it’s fine buba

Oh oh my bad he that’s awesome my bad my bad little G wish I had a water bucket I don’t want get it’s not over yet tell me why I’m trying to kill B oh I’m dead I’m are you dead Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat I don’t have a boat dude holy

I need the loot oh nice oh there go his water his water’s gone guys his water’s gone There’s Hope drop me drop me I have another lava bucket There’s Hope guys there’s hope there’s hope oh wait no I’m I’m good I’m good I’m chilling fence what are you bro it’s perching yo

Bubble oh my God don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die I’m not dying okay okay okay okay oh my God he’s trying to Jessica the thing oh his helmet broke oh huge he play back yeah I know he has a second one he always other armor I’m always the

Prepared man no no no no don’t boost me boost me like booster like juer okay stop talking what like juice me stop talking stop talking stop talking no oh he’s on him no way no way he’s just dead he’s just dead he’s just dead no way I didn’t hit him once so

He’s full health still but I mean I hit him as oh he just clutched okay I didn’t clutch that didn’t work and I’m going to just going I’m just dead I’m just dead yes the roll the roll didn’t work for some reason

Minecraft Manhunt, But There’s Better Movement…

In this video @Boosfer @Baablu and @Fantst try to hunt me down while I attempt to Speedrun Minecraft and beat the Ender Dragon! BUT, in this Minecraft Manhunt, I could do things like Wall Run, Mantle, Roll, and Crawl!

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#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #MinecraftChallenge #Manhunt #Bubbo


  1. can someone find the music playinng at 7:00 please? I heard it long ago but never could find it again while searching for epic fight musics. didn t expect to find it here but the description link is just a referal to a music store app no lists

  2. the roll failed because you didn't move forward when you landed.
    when the land and move forward the forward momentum makes you roll, the fact that the didn't move forward prevented you from rolling.

  3. This video was Meh at best. I love seeing boosfer but the twist was weak. And all your hunters were to busy hitting each other. Still watch all your content. But this was my least favorite video of yours.

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