If you want to know how to start in this game from creating your character to How to kill a dead [__] God with very extraterrestrial weapons. Stay and see how to have fun from start to finish

To start with today’s video I’m going to start with the idea of that you bought the game or that you have some idea of ​​wanting to play it But you are a complete idiot who doesn’t understand or didn’t understand anything about this

Game but since I’m a friend, maybe you already have some ideas or you already understand some things about the game, I’m not going to make you eat the entire video So if you are interested in a specific topic you can

See them in the description and at the moment they start just to clarify now we are going to start with the first topic we are going to start well but well from the but beginning creating

Our world and our character in terraria there are three difficulties, that of your character, that of the world and that which marks the first and second phase of your world. we are going to start by explaining the character’s

Time to create your your character is going to give you the possibility of choose your core which are the travel mode, the classic, the medium and the extreme, the travel mode is the creative mode or the calm mode that survival games have today so that you can build

Or see weapons and you can duplicate objects control the weather the speed of time the enemies the invulnerability And these characters do not let you enter another world that is not in

That same difficulty as in a moment well we are going to talk about the difficulty of the worlds if it is the first time that you play terraria I recommend you have one of these characters but this

Is not your main character only so that you can try weapons, armor or things that you need to experiment with in classic mode, these are the base characters of the game that are really the ones that are

Used the most to do the first time If you beat the game, I recommend using this character core since when you die it will only drop coins from your inventory and you will keep all

Your items that you have saved. Why do I tell you to use this character core? Why not use the medium core ? or the extreme core in terraria you are going to die a lot, but a lot, a lot so

In the following difficulties you will be dropping all your inventory and armor and in the extreme core well you will already deduce that that is the Hardcore mode of Terraria don’t mess with it yet those farts then create a character with the core in soft spoken. Now we see the difficulties of

Your world to begin with we have the travel mode which is the difficulty as we already saw of the same character where these worlds And these characters outside the game mode do not have an extra generation

To the world or something else to Add in the classic difficulty with this difficulty Terraria was planned because otherwise the game becomes very frustrating on higher difficulties if you still don’t understand the game and in expert mode and master mode they add a few ems a few

Boss phases and too much difficulty compared to the classic mode these gy difficulties are so badass that I’m not even going to talk about them in this video The last type of difficulty that exists in this game is unlocked by defeating the last boss of this first phase of the game but what

We are going to talk about in this video is going to be the entire first phase of the game So in the next video we are going to touch on that topic anyway if you have any questions in this this video I will

I’m going to be uploading a series showing The Terraria together with you on my secondary channel where I talk about everything there is to know from start to finish and with some extra recommendations that maybe I didn’t include

In this video And finally we’re going to talk about curses of your world where they give you a choice between two, which is corruption and crimson, between these two there is no better one, they are just different ways to

Play the game and they change the crafting a little, so for reasons of this video I am going to choose corruption since the crafting of this mother I know it with my eyes closed dude but

If you chose crimson in your world it will not change the progression of the game that much it only changes a few enemy accessories and only one boss so if you already know what difficulty it is [ __ ] and

The differences between them we are going to talk now about our world. At the beginning you will notice that This stupid mess is not what they had painted it in some videos or images that maybe

You had seen that in this game you really are alone except for the ria tilla who is over here, this guy is very important if you don’t want to be going to the wiki every 2 minutes So

Try to keep him alive, if you don’t succeed and at some point this geey will cool you down Don’t worry In a moment I’m going to explain to you what you can do if this happens to you the guide is

One of the most important nps in the game since we only have to place a material in the box when talking to him and he tells you all the ems that you can craft with this em in addition to telling you some

Tips or shortcuts When you talk to him try to take care of him but with this guide maybe you won’t depend so much of it well the joke is that you are already here and you are now wondering

What the hell should I do to spend your first night in the game because it is very easy the main thing I recommend to start your world is to walk gee and walk a lot and Search as fast

As you can for chests on the surface since the game rewards you a lot for exploring more than for mining. So be careful if you are one of these sick people who like to mine like [ __ ]

Don’t do it geey Now You have a few materials that you grabbed from the chests, you return to your spawn point and you hide really well, burying yourself or hiding with the guide, but

If what you would like would be to fight, what would make you stop the most at that moment would be a more cactus armor. or less, but if not, well, that’s also fine. You don’t have to fight on your first night of the game

And so you just survived your first night. You can do this thing of searching for chests on the surface part of the time until you explore most of them, so surely you already tried to craft one.

[ __ ] but you don’t get what you are using is a workbench that is made with wood in the game there are several [ __ ] workstations so you need these to craft certain things at

The beginning of the game the most important ones are going to be being the workbench, the oven and El Yunque, outside of those three we are not going to talk about the others yet since only with those you can craft

Weapons, armor ingots if you know all this gold fart and you already got a few materials from chests, weapons accessories a [ __ ] shark as the chaviza says we are going to talk about the npcs since these are an important part of the game but you need very specific farts

Guys for them to appear in your world So pay a lot of attention to this mother so that she moves a new one npc to your world or revive in case they die, they will need a house where

The requirements that the game asks of you for a construction to be recognized as a house are to have a total area within the structure of 30 blocks, but if not Do you understand a single [__] of what I said,

Make a rectangle six high and nine wide, changing the grass floor to wood, filling everything with a wooden wall, as you are seeing in the video, we put two torches, the creation table, a chair and a door and that’s it, you should have your house completely habitable in your world

Where they will begin to move from the guide if it has already died to some new npcs if you met the requirements. You just have to take into account that each npc is going to need a house

For him Then you’re going to have to either make a huge rectangular craft for your npcs or start filling your world with shoeboxes, wow, here’s your creativity for the construction of this thing where you can make beautiful and interesting things or pure mom in this guide we are going to focus on two

Npcs that are vital to advance in your game, which are The Bungling Goblin and the Arms Dealer The Bungling Goblin can come to your house when you beat the Goblin Invasion event you find him tied in the underground and the Arms Dealer appears when you have a firearm in

Your inventory which there are several ways to do it but the easiest way to do it is by exploding a shadow orb but if you want to know how to see my guide series that is uploaded on my secondary channel

Since I went on for a long time with this point, I am highlighting these two npcs so much in the guide because the goblin sells you interesting things for the advancement of your game and the arms dealer

It sells you what is the basis of our damage that the bullets are going to do this time. You may have already noticed that some weapons say ranged damage, Melee damage, Magic damage and summon damage. Well, you just realized that in this game There are classes where it is to be a

Melee, to be a shooter, to be a magician, to be a summoner, but for the purposes of this video and the truth is that we are not in such a difficult difficulty, we are going to go to The Powerful mixed class where we will use a lot

Of defense and a lot of attack. distance so if you already have all the gold that this guy asks you to buy the mini shark then do it at once but if not then nothing happens it is not so necessary

For this phase of the game we are going to leave it there and we will buy it later then my friend You already know everything you need to start talking about the bosses of the game to start with The bosses of Terraria,

There are two options: do only the bosses necessary to beat the game or you can fight against all the bosses of the game, whether they are optional or not. So if you want fight against all the bosses

In this first phase of the game I leave you the list of progression of bosses with possible armor that you can use with their weapons without accessories because really in this difficulty no matter what you use

The bosses are not that difficult but in this guide only We are going to focus on the bosses necessary to pass this little game, so our first boss in this video is the eye of your ass, a

Fairly simple boss in the game, much more so in this difficulty, what we are going to use to defeat it is tungsten armor or of silver a hook of any precious stone that you find that

With 15 of any of these stones we can make our hook a bow of gold or platinum and whatever in accessories that suits you take in my recommendation some boots that you found in the basement It is one of the best options and surely. When you are looking for the ses

For your armor you will have found a few crystal hearts that if you consume them they give you 20 permanent extra life, so by this point in the game you should already have around 200 of them. life more or less since if you have all the minimum requirements to face this

Little boss, I am going to tell you the three ways it can be summoned. The first is by creating its summoner, which with six lenses that these little eyes release, we go to one of the demonic altars. which is in

Your corruption and there we can craft the summoner. The second is to find it in one of these chests in the underground, which is the easiest way since if you were exploring you found several chests, you probably have three or four saved there and the last way is to He can

Summon you by accident when you have 200 maximum life, you have a small chance that at night, if you haven’t defeated him yet, he will summon you on his own, giving you a little warning when this

Can happen. So if this all happens to you, then Better for you, you don’t spend summons and when that message appears, just Get ready for the whore to fight with this mother, you just have to make a fighting platform like the tons of platforms that already exist on Google. In this

Case of the video, I didn’t make it because I There were plenty of fucking eggs just hit the eye, it doesn’t have very difficult attacks to dodge and before starting the fight it also has jester arrows

That are very easy to make and also very cheap. Look, you’ve defeated our eye in your ass, we’re going to notice that it drops us. a few [ __ ] well The important thing you are going to need is the mineral,

We are not going to use it now. Keep it in a little chest somewhere, nothing shy and with the same thing that we defeated the little eye we can defeat our next boss who is the devourer of worlds or in your case, if you have

Crimson in your world, touch the brain, for that matter they have the same difficulty now with the worm, I recommend that if at this point in the game you have not explored well in your world and you do not have good accessories and your armor is Good fart, do it now since maybe

The little eye is a little simple but the devourer is a little more complex if you are not well equipped in this period of time, surely you have already come across some events that are happening in your world, there are

Some peaceful ones that don’t affect your game much and there are those that can break your balls if you don’t You are also well equipped, which is the goblin invasion, the blood moon and the rain of slime.

Of these three, the most important is the goblin invasion, which, as we said, is vital to have the botched goblin, who is going to sell you the little table where we can combine certain accessories So

Taking into account that we are going against the devourer of worlds we are going to take the same equipment from the eye to the worm Maybe a little more life like a 260 300 life and here I do recommend using the

Specter boots and a bottled cloud For the double jump we are going to make our fighting platform on the same part of the surface of this biome, which is very important that it is there because

If we leave this biome this Boss will go to hell and once this is done there are two ways to summon this boss, the first is by exploiting three orbs located in the underground, obviously from this same

Biome, and the other is by crafting the summoner that is made. In this way, I recommend doing the orbs thing since every time we burst an orb, it gives us is going to drop something but the difficulty of

This is that you cannot break the blocks of this biome with only the pickaxe we need Yes or yes Bombs or dynamites that we buy from this good man and once we have located the

Zorvecs and explode them at the [ __ ] we go in [ __ ] crazy to the top and from there we fight with our favorite little worm, the important thing that it is going to give us is its scales that by combining them with

The ingot that it just gave us along with the ones with the eye we can craft the pickaxe nightmare that will let us look at all the blocks in our world, even those of corruption, and we will also be able to craft the Shadow armor, which will greatly improve our armor and

The joint bonus with it, but don’t get too used to it to it since we are going to change very quickly for what we are going to see below but it is important to craft it after having defeated

Our worm on that same night or the following night in our world there is going to be a very important mini event that A meteorite is going to fall anywhere in the

World and our mission is obviously going to be to go look for it and be able to mine it once we find it. Be careful, we are going to mine it since this mother will burn your paws if you don’t do it right

Or if you can get an accessory called the obsidian skull that precisely avoids that while we mine it, very tough enemies will appear but I recommend that you don’t even give them Ball since with the same pickaxe you can kill them yes Mines on the same side as them They are

And well, already getting a few of these minerals, what we are going to do with this mineral is going to be their complete armor and the gun that it gives us But you will tell me this mother is Magical damage

And I have no mana, no fart gey this mother is very broken precisely because of this since by having the complete meteorite armor you do not spend Mana with this weapon so that is why it is so important

To get it at the moment this meteorite falls in your world and when you have all this well controlled we already have the armor with complete meteorite Now we are going to talk about one of the most difficult biomes in the game, the [__] jungle, what interests us most are the

Chests, these green ones, since they can be combined with other accessories and well, it’s another stupid mess. But mainly We are going to go looking for a Hive Since that is where our next

Objective is going to be. It is obviously a queen bee. Let’s see how complicated this boss is. It really is the space there is when fighting it, but it is solved very easily by opening the entire honeycomb, making one

More area. big fight So if it gets complicated for you, just do that, the equipment that we must take for this fight Well in theory we have it, which is the meteorite armor and its gun and make about two or three platforms inside the honeycomb and with that well You should have it

All figured out by now. The queen bee has two ways to invoke her. The first is by breaking the larva that is inside the honeycombs that we can find generated naturally, but with care because this

Mother is very fragile, one breath and the [__] explodes and The other is by crafting a summoner of this queen bee. The curious thing here is that this boss does not need to be crafted in a demonic altar, you can do it

To do from the hand when fighting with her, it has a very very easy to understand pattern. The fourth attack she makes to you, you will understand it and you hit, you dodge, you attack, you fly, dude, and when we defeat her, what

We are going to be interested in about this queen bee is going to be Being the bee’s knees or the bee gun, obviously along with your grenades, is the most important thing to keep and now, if you didn’t get any of these two armit, I recommend you go look for another honeycomb since

These two weapons will help us. They are going to make the final boss a lot easier. Now I have a little reminder that in this game there are like 5000 objects. So you are going to find extra accessories or you are not going to

Find the same thing as me in the guide, so what you should try is to improvise with what that you already have because if I stop with all the possible objects that you can obtain in this [ __ ]

Little game we will never finish the video so trying to learn to build on your own in this game is precisely an essential part of this game It’s not that I’m skipping crafts or ems or anything, I’m already seeing the comments that I’m skipping a lot of things, it’s

Impossible to explain them all, so having said that, whatever you bring, let’s go to the skelet dungeon, you’ll find this dungeon in one of the two. coasts in your world where we are going to find this old man who at first glance looks very cricoso so there next to the dungeon

We are going to make a fighting platform to go against our next boss in this one I recommend you only use two platforms that make more and greed or if you want to do yourself a favor make like four more or less large platforms This will be useful until the end

Of the game so it is up to you to decide whether to make it bigger or not skeletron is already a simple boss because At this point in the game you are already very well equipped so just by flying and dodging

You shouldn’t have much problem with him since when you defeat this bag of bones he won’t give you anything or at least nothing important but he will give us the possibility I’m already going to go down to his dungeon

, if you don’t kill him yet and try to go down here, eh, I don’t know, dude, I dare you to try it. Now, what we are going to find in this dungeon is going to be four important things, two of which are going to be in

The golden chests and the other two that will be placed as decorations that we can remove with a pickaxe. So first we are going to talk about these two little tables that we are going to find in the dungeon,

One is the captivating table and the other is the alchemy table. You will find them anywhere in the dungeon so that is why you must have your eyes wide open and be attentive to everything that happens. The captivating table will only give us a snort by right clicking on it and it

Will let us have a summoner. extra and the alchemy table will help us save a few materials when making potions, this is too much since it allows us to make more potions for fewer resources and the other two objects that are found in golden chests are the muramasa

And the cobalt shield the cobalt shield is one of the most important accessories in this game since it does not prevent the enemies from recoiling. And if you have already realized that mobility is vital in bosses then we do use this item practically until the end. end of the game

And the muramasa itself is a weapon that is half the interesting thing about it is that if you put them together with other swords that we have been making as you have advanced in your world with the curse sword

The ivy sword that you got in the jungle and the next sword which is the one we are going to get next we are going to have the sword of the night which is the most broken melee weapon in this

First phase of the game Well now we are finally going to enter the final stretch of this video we are going to Go down to hell where we are going to find the last minerals that we need. To

Begin with, we barely touched hell. We are going to go for a few glows of fire that we are going to need to make the obsidian skin potion along with a few more blowjobs. since we have this potion Now we can go and mine this infernal stone to the bottom of the world

Dude that way you save a lot of mining time just by jumping into the lava when we have enough infernal stone we are going to craft almost everything we can do with it From the armor, the sword,

The pickaxe and one of these two weapons that we will see depending on how you want to face the final boss after we are well equipped. With this armor we make sure Go make

The sword of the night, as I told you. We only need this sword to be able to craft it. In one of your altars of the curse, we gather all the swords and craft it and we are going to leave it

Stored there since it is broken but there is easier ways to beat the next boss now we are going to start with the last boss of this first phase of the game So if you have not built something

Or you are missing some accessory event to find or life that you still do not have all, I recommend you do all this because by defeating this boss your world is going to change a lot but

We are going to talk about these changes later so once everything is done we are now going against The Wall of Flesh to start we will make a big bridge in hell, preferably straight since nature of this fight the entire combat you will be running since once we have the bridge

Done it does not have to be that big more or less this size it works let’s move on to the equipment that we are going to use as we already saw the cast armor is the best and As for accessories, the only vital thing is the

Specter or Lightning boots and the obsidian shield. Outside of that, whatever you equip in the accessories will not affect the fight as much and the weapons are going to be the good thing here depending on what

You want. The queen bee has released that is what we are going to use except the sword that works with the bee gun we are going to need to make the most of Mana and buy a few

Mana potions that we have in our small village But if you feel like collecting stars falls for all this you also have the bee knees bow we only buy the arrows from the merchant and

Just like that we have a very strong bow against this boss and the main thing is to use many many abz grenades with any of these two weapons and many grenades you are going to melt this boss

In like 10 seconds the way to summon the wall is by getting a voodu doll that is dropped by the imps of the same name you are going to be miles away since they have this doll hanging

From their legs once Since we have the doll, we are going to throw it into the lava and it will be summoned. The wall will always be generated on the opposite side where there is more space to run and in the

Fight you only have to put the bees up to the tail and with all the grenades arrows with the gun You are going to blow it up, it is very difficult to lose with this tactic so You are going to [ __ ] at the

[ __ ] sure and friend after having arrived here I can happily tell you that you have reached the half of the game and now you go home. So being able to see the new world in front of you, let’s see what are the main changes in your world after defeating

This wall, the first thing we can notice is the change of some enemies in which they will There are the base enemies that are only going to change a few things about their statistics. There are also improvements to the existing enemies, but if they are a different type of Mob, a little larger

And obviously there will be new enemies that if you continue using the same weapons. with little damage You are going to have a very bad time also new bosses with whom we are going to fight new ores that we will have

To unlock new npcs that are also going to come to our world events that did not appear in the preh hard Mode this difficulty is practically starting over The game with the amount of content, the most relevant thing that could be for you to start learning is that now

The type of damage matters and the accessories that you can have equipped. The most key thing in these accessories is that we are going to be able to get the wings and something that makes the real

Difference between the preh hard Mode and the hard Mode is the new biomes which are the ones we already know but improved which is the crimson or the improved corruption and the blessing which is the new biome in this difficulty So let’s continue explaining what this new biome is, it is distributed

In different combinations that can all be totally valid forest blessing which is the more typical blessing of the desert blessing of tundra apart, all of these have their own underground version, these six new types of biome that we can more or less take into account, each

One has its different enemies and the difficulty of going against them, we are not going to take from here many things since the most relevant thing you can get on the surface is in the biome of the blessing

With forest and the blessing of the subsoil there will be a few materials that will interest us a little more than being on the surface in the subsoil All the enemies are going to start dropping souls of light, which at a later point in the video we are going to talk about them.

In this biome we would also get crystals and a summoner of Queen Sly. I would recommend you explore much more of this biome on your own. There are too many interesting ems here but

In this Run or in this tutorial in the end this biome is not going to be so relevant So now let’s go where we left off in the last Gameplay seeing what are the first steps to follow after entering this difficulty being already from our house and analyzing which side

Our new bomas are and if our spawn is still in a favorable point in the case of this recording Yes it turned out well but if it happened to you that your house was badly located I would recommend that in your

The first step is to move your house to a more comfortable area. But well, we were lucky this time so we are going to worry directly about identifying where the curse of our world is. We are going to go directly there because what we are looking for this time are the demonic altars

These demonic altars now represent another role in our game before they only served as another creation table but in this difficulty if we equip the hammer that was dropped by The Wall of Flesh and we click on them they will be destroyed and thus giving us a new type of gold

In our world we must repeat this at least three times since this way we will unlock the three new hours of this difficulty. If after breaking these three altars you want to continue breaking

, you can do it, in fact it is much better since more gold is generated in our world. world for anything that we might need to craft something on that altar be careful not to break many altars also with a Madrazo since for every altar you destroy an

Enemy will be generated and if you fill that with enemies they will break your tail by slapping Now these new ingots can have two variants, you can get cobalt or palladium, mithril or orichalcum, adamantite or

Titanium, as I was naming them, they are their respective variants, one with the other, but it does not matter which of these you get, normally these variants do not have many changes between them other than in statistics and some effects regardless of how it turned out Now we are going to have to

Mine stones but compadre we are already on difficult difficulty we no longer need to waste time looking for four or 5 hours to search for just one type of gold and armor So don’t waste

Your time mining like that and now the time has come to use potions to mine Yes or yes normally the combination that I like to use when mining is the espol Lugo and shine mining potion since by doing this you will to reduce the mining time to only 40 minutes maximum,

Achieving all the hours that you propose. Another recommendation to these potions is to add a battle potion like this to avoid enemies even more. Now that you know how to do it, I’m going to start telling you. How much should you mine alone? We are going to mine the strictly

Necessary materials for you to continue in your game. We are going to start by looking for 45 calcium minerals to find this ore. More or less, we have to search at this point in the world or where

The subsoil begins. to be detected by the change in background with these 45 minerals we will be able to make 15 ingots of this same material to create the pickaxe and after making the

Cobalt pickaxe we will not need it anymore we are going to go directly now to look for this mithril Let’s go a little lower. From experience I can tell you that more or less half of the world has much

More mythril, but don’t get too frustrated, this mineral at this altitude is much easier to find. find that the same cobalt Unlike this one we are going to need 100 mithril minerals with that we will convert everything to ingots and we will make the mithril pickaxe and anvil which

Is the most important the mithril pickaxe we are going to need it Yes or yes for get our next ore and the anvil to craft anything since Hard Mode asks you to craft from this anvil in this difficulty you do not need to make better armor than the one you already have because

We are going to use all our time that we are using to mine to make ourselves everything that the lady blanket offers us this ore normally we are going to see it generated up to the height of the

Caves if sometimes it is a fart to find and Worse if your world came out titanium this is much worse to find because even with all this it is the mineral that we are going to look for the most with 246 minerals with those

Minerals the first thing we are going to do is the adamantite furnace, grabbing this furnace that we had and 30 minerals we created it, we placed it And that And now we do have this furnace we can start crafting the ingots of this mineral Starting with the armor of this ore, we need

54 ingots in total, the chest, the legs and the head. Don’t complicate things, we are not going to go into explaining all the classes, at least not in this difficulty, we are the one that matters the most. Defense, failing that

, is the helmet. Now, well armed, I recommend that you make a repeater of the mineral. Whichever you prefer, I would recommend adamantite. But it can also be made of mithril. To have at least one weapon, this difficulty is now that we already have this armor. Now if you need to

Improve those Random accessories that you carry for priority we need Yes or Yes to face normal mimics that are in the underground since anything that drops us is going to be very good in this Run we need three things of these mimics the first that We can use the

Philosopher’s stone that will give us more survival, reducing the time of illness. When taking a potion, it is necessary, but if you know how to dodge, it is not so vital. The other is the Cross necklace that increases our invulnerability time. when you get hit using this very well,

You don’t know how useful it is, no matter how silly the effect sounds, and the last accessory we need from this is a subscription to make terraria . you spent your life so if you are liking this video please leave a sub for them to

See How many watch my videos but don’t subscribe don’t be like that carnal you do pay me a sub no please well resuming with these accessories they can also be combined with other accessories making these are even better so I would half consider these two to be the basis of your buil a

Damage accessory for example the one that gave you the wall of flesh and your respective boots with Now we are going to start getting the wings at this point in the game thing I’m going to tell you how to do them in

A moment but it is very important to get these accessories first since when used properly we can use these accessories until the end of the game or at least at a very advanced point. So before

Moving on to the wings, don’t be desperate and get the heart of your build let’s get past that moment of the game that you got the above are you ready for your first wings of the game to get this

We must take into account that there are six types of souls in the game of which three are obtained from normal enemies and the other three by defeating mechanical bosses, we are going to talk about these first three, which are the ones we can get and the souls of light and night are

Dropped at the time of the game or not even in this Run but it has several interesting ems none that is a priority more than the keys with the souls of the blessing, those also

In a moment we will see what we are going to use them for, even so I recommend you check with the guide or in the wiki everything that can be crafted with these souls in case something interests you And we have the type

Of Soul that we finally need to get the wings in our game, which are the flight souls, they are somewhat difficult to get since these are not going to be dropped by one of the perhaps best-known minij bosses. Guerno this Flying dog is one of the most brutal minij bosses in the world.

The game only appears in the part of the sky biome. A good reference point is where these floating islands are generated. There we can put a few platforms and we must wait for it to spawn. It is not so difficult that it arrives with a few seconds, standing still, it should

Appear but If you are well salted, hand with a candle and a battle potion, the spaw should be resolved since we have it, it has simple patterns with which you jump around a few times, it dies and when it dies it can release around five a

10 flight souls and to craft any type of wings in the game we need Yes or yes 20 souls we should be able to defeat two to four gnomes since we have these souls we have two

Soups if you were lucky enough that when you were trying to guess that a burlap will release your giant burlap wing , you have already assembled it, my king, you already have your wings. Combining these 20 souls and this feather on

A mithril anvil will give you the harpy wings, but if you didn’t get this, don’t scream and better Let’s go to the blessing Here We are going to farm pixies as much as we can, these are going

To leave us their dust in about 10 or 20 minutes. You should already get the 100 angel dust. The fair ones that we use to craft Adaa’s wings and that way you would get more or less decent wings

. faster than you can and don’t worry if one or the other is better, both of these fly the same and once with the correct accessories and armor for this part of the game. Now

We are going to talk about beating the bosses just like in the video In this part of the game there are bosses that are mandatory to advance in the game and there are also bosses that are optional and whether

You win or you cannot beat the game due to things in this video alone. We are going to talk about the bosses that are necessary to finish the game. game but different builds will be appearing to you with options

To pass all the bosses of this little game. So once we see how the progression of bosses is going to be in this game and if you needed it, let’s go with the first little boss and our first little boss is going to

Be the all children’s favorite worm the destroyer of worlds to be able to defeat this little boss we are going to use the armor that took us so long to get made of adamantite a

Daedalus bow with some arrows of blessing The easiest and most broken combo that exists in this little game that In a moment I’m going to tell you how to get and accessories that I already told you about a while ago

But I think that the most vital ones here would have to be the wings and the Cruz necklace. If this little worm envelops you, you won’t be able to get out of there if you don’t have this necklace and well for the

Daedalus bow and the summoner you are going to have to get souls from your two new underground biomes for the worm summoner it is very easy to do we only need six night souls some things from

Corruption plus a little of iron and on this anvil you put them together and from there is your summoner all ranch let’s now move on to how to get the bow and these arrows that we are talking about this bow can be dropped

By a mimic of the blessing and here You will think that in itself it is a fart to find mimics Now one of the blessing you are going to be in charge of getting souls of light but souls like that until you get tired and we are going

To focus on crafting these little keys of the blessing by placing this key in a little wooden chest and only that in this chest is going to be a one of the coolest mechanics in the game is going to

Become a mimic of the blessing to this mimic because it already blows on him and he has to die and we are going to repeat This step with the keys in the chest Until I finally get the bow from you Daedalus, this bow

Makes a very good combination with the arrows of blessing precisely because of the way it shoots the arrows from the sky and the arrows of blessing make even more projectiles fall from the sky, causing you to kill whatever is in front of you and To make these dates, it is not

Very difficult, you just need to kill enemies of the blessing and once you have this, defeating the destroyer is not that difficult, we just have to make sure that he does not lock us in his body and preferably

We stay on top of him skiing. It’s worth a little, his waves are going to be the most dangerous thing in this fight because of the dps we’re doing to him. So try to finish them off as quickly as possible.

Possible but if you do it well before these waves could tickle you, we are going to beat him a few more times before going against another little boss since here we are going to focus on crafting the Holy armor since this way we will have one of the armors most broken in the

Game and that can be useful until the final boss. You will also wonder what to craft with these new souls that the destroyer left you. It is best that you focus on improving your mini shark to a mega shark, thus having a considerable improvement in your progress. and now the bars

That you have left Make a ladder sword that will be convenient for you then make it from now on So with these improvements to your armor and your weapon that are already somewhat considerable we are going against the

Mechanical bosses that we have left, first we are going to start with the twins with them obviously we already have the Sacred armor that we managed to be defeating and defeating the destroyer In addition to the megashark

And accessories Well, nothing in particular we can carry almost the same thing that we carried against the destroyer Although here if you were using the magic quiver well you no longer have It works for nothing and the wings

Too if by chance you got the steam punker buy the rocket pack as an upgrade if not then there isn’t much change either With the normal wings fine Now we are going against the memelito to be

Their summoner we are now going to need the souls of light, not many either, six are enough and little things about the eye, just past the eye, it has nothing special, it’s like defeating two kutulu eyes at

The same time, you fly, hit and dodge But the detail to highlight about this boss is that you go first against espasma simat or this little green one so you understand me Since he is the most annoying of these two because his intelligence is a little more aggressive so winning is not much

Easier this fight now against Skeletron Prime we are going to carry out the same thing that we carried against the twins in I honestly wouldn’t change anything else about the boil but I decided to beat the twins first

In this Tutorial since with their souls we can craft their summoners and the truth is that they provide a good deal of damage to this boss fight to summon skeletron. This is the curious thing. since

They couldn’t decide whether to do it with souls of light or night And they decided to make a combination so the summoner of skeleton Prime needs three and three to craft it and one or another bone So

It shouldn’t take you long to summon it the fight with He is not difficult at all, we can hit him both in the hands and in the head. But in this fight the only thing I could recommend is

That if you were not using the meteorite bullets you do it since you do a double hit and you make sure to hit him almost always one last spit in the head and now we have defeated the

Three mechanical bosses and something begins to happen in the jungle in our world after defeating the three mechanical bosses something very big will have happened and I would consider that the straight line

Has already begun here end of our game So here we are going to arm ourselves as best we can for that, the first thing we are going to do after defeating these three mechanical bosses is to create the pickaxe and improve

Some things that can be done Now yes with the three souls together of these bosses We are going to mine again but yes or yes in the jungle you already know it with the same combination of potions And that

We did a moment ago but this time contrary to what many think we could mine one or another Chlorophyte Ore is not there bad, this is the new ore that we can get but we are not going

To focus on chlorophyte, we are going to go straight to find golden hearts, these hearts are going to make our life grow from 400 to 500 maximum life, a tremendous buff to our quality of life but they are somewhat difficult to get more if you haven’t spent much time in your world. So

The most relevant thing about this search is also finding the plantera bulb and now seeing that we got everything we are going to wear the same sacred ingot armor now which is very heavy weapon effect the megashark Now with chlorophyte bullets as accessories you already know

The boots the emblem I hope you have already evolved it into an avenger and I recommend you take the talisman of myths now before fighting against plantera Remember that you must make a sand fight down there in the underground And yes or yes inside the jungle because if you leave the jungle

Try it and see What happens if you leave the jungle with inada squad the first phase of plantera shouldn’t give you problems it’s a bit slow it doesn’t attack much He doesn’t even do almost anything in the second one, maybe

The dangerous thing is his tentacles that he pulls out. So I recommend that you first Focus on these tentacles before worrying about anything else. Now, with the chlorophyte bullets, it should be more than a piece of cake, tap here and there. there and she falls exhausted and after finally defeating

Plantera we will have very interesting things in our world but the most important thing about her Drop is the key to the jungle dungeon which we will proceed to open once inside because we are going to enter In this new dungeon in the chests we are going to find sun tablets or

Tablet fragments for that matter we are going to look for these two there are also cells But save these for later This dungeon is a little more dangerous than the one in Skeletron since it has very

Very traps strong So the normal thing is that you die a few times before you can even reach the end or finish the game. Once we have obtained everything we can find in this dungeon, we return home and we will prepare and activate an event that is the solar eclipse

In This event there are quite a few things that can catch our attention, new enemies, good loot and a few minij bosses, but for now we are going to focus on one and only one thing: defeat as many

Polillons as possible until they release the broken hero sword, which It is what we need to improve our next weapon So a few taps here, others there or again and at the end of this event we look in our inventory for this weapon that is surely

Going to be there and I ask you here if you have continued improving the sword of the night and the excalibur Well, finally we will have the Terra sword, the best sword of the moment with which now we can

Go against the next boss that awaits us in the dungeon, the golem, the golem is already one of the bosses that does not It is difficult but you must equip yourself well if you want to leave Madrazo until the end

Of the game, which is what we are going to try. We are going to wear turtle armor. Good luck getting the shells of these weapons. Obviously we are going to wear the Terra sword. What

We just did and we are going to change the accessories a little, we are going to remove the talisman of myths and we are going to add a new accessory, which is the ninja equipment. After plantera, we can

Get a few accessories that are included. in the skeletron dungeon and since we are going to fight in a closed place, I would change the boots for the ank or obsidian shield, whichever one you have now to face the golem. I recommend putting two platforms in the area where the golem is located.

You don’t need much more of this one. The fight is one of the simplest in the game. In my opinion, as long as you do not step on the floor of this chamber and do not activate the traps in it, you will not need to do much

More than this. We give it two breaths and the golem transforms into its second phase. We give it another two and it explodes and well the vital thing that we are going to look for from the golem is the beetle horns that

Will allow us to make the armor with more defense in the game the beetle armor in this difficulty does not release many horns So I recommend you beat at least twice to the golem

Just in case to make this armor we need to put it together with the turtle armor so that is why it is vital to wear this turtle armor already made against this boss or it will take us

Much longer to go against the final boss So now yes My friend, we are ready for the last part, the final stretch of the game. We are going to start thinking about fighting the lunatic cultist.

But before that, I remind you that you can improve your equipment. The most vital thing in this last fight is going to be the wings. So I would recommend you. that you could get better ones like the Duke’s

If you want to fly very fast or if you want something easier to get but not as much flight time, the betsi rooms also work for you or if you simply have a lot of eggs to farm and you want to

Finish the game alone go with the steam punker who after killing the golem sells you some good aas or also if you have another option that if this Martian event has already been invoked you can get the Flying disk mount and thus change your accessories by removing the wings and boots for

Something more damaging or defensive in your game at this point in the game Now almost finished I guess you must have learned a little more to work with what you have on the fly or well I hope so

Now if you have chosen what you have chosen in your new rooms let’s go with the penultimate boss of the game the lunatic occultist with this man We are going to wear more or less what we already had with the golem.

Only here I remove the cobalt shield and add new boots that are the amphibious boots. For the rest, it would remain the same. Maybe I would recommend changing the Avenger emblem for a mechanical glove. out of there We don’t need anything else now to fight this boss it’s as easy

As how much patience you have if you play calmly and thinking this boss doesn’t get complicated anymore Beyond the golem we’re going to play as always hitting and dodging until he does this to you in This type

Of pattern, this is where you should calm down and stop hitting and pay attention to which of these cultists is the real one and you just need to hit them and that’s it, this type of attack will end, so

Dangerous that it can be, this is the strongest point. of the cultist since if at this time you attack one of his clones or you don’t attack at all, he will summon even more enemies, one or 12 extra seconds

Is not that much of a problem, but when this cultist summoned you three or five extra enemies, the matter is clear Eh So calmly, we finish defeating the cultist and the lunar event will automatically be invoked. By the way, this table that the cultist drops is important. So

Put him in his house. Here, four enormous Pillars will be invoked in our world that We must win by representing each one for each class that is in the game. My recommendation is that you go to the Pillar of the class that you have already chosen and as we face these Pillars

I will explain how to beat each one and what you should be aware of. take care So since we are mele class in this Run we are going to go First against the solar pillar, this Pillar considered by almost

Everyone as the most difficult pillar has very strong enemies, a lot of life and a lot of damage, plus it penalizes you and you are flying all the time now What does this worm have that in life you will be able to outwit if

You fly so Yes or yes you need to face this Pillar without flying or making it very low to destroy a Pillar first you need to defeat 200 enemies of the same Pillar as you defeat

Enemies the life bar is this It will go down, it is a shield and the moment this shield is already knocked down you can start to lower the life of the Pillar. When we defeat it, Pu will already

Leave us its fragments with these. Well, we go to the table that the cultist dropped for us and We are going to be able to craft new weapons for this case we will play the amer And well now with this new weapon we can

Go drink the next Pillars let’s go with the second Pillar which is the vortex where all the enemies are at a distance here I recommend you move everything time generally the enemies don’t have good aim so it shouldn’t give you many difficulties As long as the guy

With the shotgun doesn’t hit you tremendously, the next one is the nebula one this is the second most difficult all because of this octopus or I don’t know what they are that go straight to your head, they do a lot of damage.

So you shouldn’t trust yourself at any moment the situation in this Pillar turns around and the last Pillar that we are going to face is the stardust one, the truth is in this Pillar yes

I don’t have anything to recommend to you. It’s too easy, so just spending a few minutes in it. It should be a piece of cake. With this, its fragments will let you craft the stardust dragon, which at

That moment is the best summoner in the game. So I would recommend doing it. For the final boss we already defeated the last Pilar, what’s going on? Well, let’s let a minute pass and I can finally finally

Say this. We’re going against Moonlord, the final boss of the game, so good, Moonlord. Hey, we’re going to go with the beetle armor. Obviously, this doesn’t change. In weapons this depends a lot. If you want to go distance you need the vortex striker with some chlorophyte bullets and accessories because it will

Typical that we have been carrying but instead of the glove that I told you in the last boss, carry the sniper scope, this one I recommend to the guys who already more or less have an idea of

​​how to hit moonlord and well maybe play a little better but for those who are half armless go with the dawn as your main weapon and with the mechanical glove instead of the sniper scope

As that is the safest and it is almost impossible to lose with this buil And then now in the moonlord fight This is not going to be the same as the previous bosses here there is no fighting stadium since

The whole world is going to be your fighting stadium I recommend you escape and attack a single hand of Mord first so that it goes down as soon as possible but as long as If you see this little eye open,

Attack it since it is the first thing that should fall, also if while you are fighting the world ends, don’t worry, switch to the side and hand Focus, you won’t die from doing that now, once you managed to defeat him. his hands his eye and his heart is free Stay flying up

And down in a somewhat clear area try to do the maximum dps no matter how much damage you suffer Well, that’s why you have armor that’s so strong and good with it my little friend without anything else

What to say Well, you should finally go through Terraria like this, thus putting an end to this game and also to this guide. So thank you very much for watching me and well, you know, you owe me a sub

And a like for this great work that has been going on for who knows how long, so See you my people and I hope to see you in another of my videos Thank you very much and goodbye ah

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Desde que empecé a escribir esta guía originalmente debía ser así, sin partir entre el hardmode y el prehard, pero no media que tan difícil era esto
bueno pero ahora si puedo ver terminado este video, sintiéndola como mi tesis para graduarme en este juego jaja y dando paso al siguiente video que quiero presentarles, pero al final del año

Partes del video:

O.-Intro 00:00
1.- Dificultades del juego 00:43
2.- El guia (NPC) 04:35
3.- Tu primer noche 5:16
4.- Estaciones de trabajo 6:17
5.- Casas NPC’s 6:56
6.- Tipos daño (clases rpg) 8:50
7.- Ojo de cthulhu 9:49
8.- Eventos del juego 13:12
9.- Devoramundos 13:40
10.- Objetos del Devoramundos 14:48
11.- Meteorito 15:16
12.- Reina abeja 16:30
13.- Skeletron 19:00
14.- Mazmorra 20:00
15.- Piedra infernal 21:33
16.- Muralla de carne 22:42
17.- Cambios del hardmode y prehardmode 25:04
18.- La bendición 26:22
19.- Inicio del hardmode, los nuevos minerales y como minarlos 27:32
20.- Mejora tus accesorios 32:40
21.- Tipos de almas y consiguiendo tus primeras alas 34:26
22.- Explicación jefes obligatorios, jefes opcionales y builds 37:13
23.- El destructor de mundos, consiguiendo el arco dédalo 37:50
24.- Armadura bendita y crea el mega tiburón 40:12
25.- Gemelos 40:46
26.- Skeletron prime 41:58
27.- Clorofita y frutas de vida 43:14
28.- Plantera 44:08
29.- Eclipse para crear la espada Terra 45:17
30.- Gólem 46:41
31.- Antes de ir al evento final 48:18
32.- Sectario lunático 49:19
33.- Evento lunar 50:45
34.- Señor de la luna 52:54


  1. Desde que empecé a escribir esta guía originalmente debía ser así, sin partir entre el hardmode y el prehard, pero no media que tan difícil era esto

    bueno pero ahora si puedo ver terminado este video, sintiéndola como mi tesis para graduarme en este juego jaja y dando paso al siguiente video que quiero presentarles, pero al final del año ❤🐈

  2. Si, pero luego vi a la pequeña Tiffany y pensé: Niña blanca de 8 años, en un barrio negro, entre un montón de monstruos a esta hora de la noche, con libros de física cuántica?. Está a punto de hacer algo, hermano. Tiene como 8 años, esos libros son muy avanzados para ella, si me preguntarán yo diría que algo se trae…

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