One MIKEY Block vs One JJ Block Secure Base Build Challenge Minecraft (Maizen)

These are our friends Mikey and JJ and they have challenged me and my brother Milo to make a most secure one block Island in Minecraft but at the end we find out whose base is the most secure I’m here with miky and we’re very excited to build our secure base us and

Our friends are going to have 10 minutes to build the most secure base and hide something really cool inside it and at the end of the 10 minutes each team will try to break into the other’s secure base and find the items the team to do

So the quickest will win I’m so excited on this one block we’re going to create the most incredible base you’ve ever seen yeah I don’t think so me and JJ are going to totally destroy you guys we’ve got this in the bag all right Mikey

Let’s get started yeah come on JJ we can do this let’s start building in this direction I want to build super far away from Milo and Mikey over there we do not want them to have to see us and if we build super far away they won’t be be

Able to secretly steal our ideas oh I know exactly what we can make our base look like hey JJ just come here for a second I want to see what your head looks like all right okay I think I’ve got a good idea I say we make our base

Look exactly like a giant JJ head I think that’ll be absolutely perfect I think we need a whole bunch of white terra cotta and also some white concrete that’s pretty important we also need some gray terra cotta for the hair and some blue concrete for JJ’s eyes yeah I

Think that’s all the colors of JJ’s face although actually his hair is kind of like brown concrete so I say we do that instead perfect we now have all the blocks that we need to build JJ’s head I’ll start making your face over here if

You do the red of your back okay I’ll go 1 2 3 4 and then how many blocks to your eyes Okay 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 perfect let’s build three blocks up I’m so excited to beat Milo and Mikey in this challenge

Are you excited as well oh yeah I absolutely knew that you would be oh we’re going to totally destroy them I’m going to make your eyes really really tall this entire structure is going to look just like you and hey I think Mikey and Milo are doing the exact same thing

But you know what I’m sure they’re not Milo just made a mistake so they’re probably focused on something else right now I bet they’re definitely not doing the same thing as us that would be so embarrassing but look JJ I’ve basically already finished one of your eyes all

Right I’m going to continue making the rest of your face we need to build one 1 2 3 4 and then 1 2 3 four more let’s do your second pair of eyes all right the eyes are basically almost complete awesome now I can really start to see

The shape of your face forming okay we’ll just build down here and do four across like this all right I can actually start filling in the front of your face this is so exciting I wish I had an awesome massive base of my head H especially if it was concealing a super

Cool item from a competition all right I’m now up to building your hair I’m totally done with placing your skin wow there’s only a couple more blocks of building JJ’s hair that I have to do and then we’re finally done I wonder what we can even put outside the head because of

Course we need a huge platform that Milo and Mikey will have to view their head from they’re going to have to go inside the head eventually but I really want them to be able to look at the whole thing and see exactly what they’re dealing with wa this looks just like you

JJ wow I can’t believe we’ve made such a lifelike copy you must be pretty freaked out you basically become a giant I’m going to start working on a front I think this is a perfect block to use we’ll continue the grass like we’ve done all the way around the edge so that when

It reaches the front we can make a huge trap for them I’m thinking maybe a Minefield or something oh yeah a Minefield would be perfect I can’t wait to see them get blown up Milo always falls for them especially when they’re hidden underground where he can’t even

See them I’m actually going to work so hard on this Minefield that no matter how good Mikey and Milo’s head is will’ll be even better because I don’t think they have any explosives out the front of theirs all we have to do is place this final row of grass blocks and

Then we’ll actually be done with the foundation of our mine field and done I’ve now completed the grassy field time to start picking out what mines I want oh I know the best kind of mines a TNT mine we should also have iron blocks scattered around the front section this

Way when we place them down we can add iron pressure plates on top and they’ll to toally blend in now if we add TNT underneath and go up and try to activate it boom the TNT Falls but oh it falls into the void that’s kind of embarrassing I think rather than falling

Into the void we should activate the TNT and block it off by having each mine have its own individual explosion we’re able to blow up Milo and Mikey so many more times now every single time they even step on the wrong place they’ll get blown to bits this is going to really

Make them take ages to beat now one block base remember we’re speed running as long as we can make them take so long we’ll definitely win because me and JJ are kind of really awesome at the game that’s why Milo and Mikey die all the

Time we can have four TNTs in a row all together just like that that is perfect now let’s place a couple over here I’ll need to dig through the iron in order to get to them perfect this looks amazing now we’ll block this one off too JJ

You’re doing such a good job building you’re basically almost done the inside of your head wow good job we really are going to win this competition I can’t believe I got you on my team that is so lucky it’s almost kind of unfair that we’re together we’re so much better than

Milo and Mikey and I don’t think they’re going to do very well paired together we’re basically definitely going to win this thing I’m going to keep adding pressure plates to this super cool Minefield wow I cannot wait to see what happens to Milo and Mikey when they

Cross this thing they’re going to go boom all right finally we’re going to make the entrance to our awesome one block base now let’s Place some pressure plates here and some TNT underneath these are going to be impossible to avoid but that’s just part of the fun H

What else can we put inside oh I know JJ I just had the best idea we can make a mob maze with all of your favorite mobs inside we can even make it out of red concrete good idea I know red is your favorite color just like how orange is

Mine red and orange go so well together all right I think each part of the MB maze can be two blocks wide I want Milo and Mikey to walk right into the maze when they enter the building no dilly-dallying there not even going to be a waiting area it’s just going to go

Right into the craziest most bright red maze they have ever seen all right let’s keep building this maze all the way around I think we can even have it curl in here and distract them if they try and go down here it’s actually going to

Lead them into a dead end but not just a dead end an undead end there’s going to be a dispenser full of zombies down here all right I think maybe like this yeah this way if they even step close to it it’ll start spawning the zombies and we

Can even add a sign that says free diamonds I know Milo will absolutely love this all right perfect this tunnel at the end of the maze is going to loot back in on itself we also can add a bunch of dispensers going through it this way if they want to complete the

Maze they’re going to have to step on a lot of crazy angry mobs now I’ll make this part of the maze curve in as well all right this shape is really confusing I bet Milo and Mikey are going to get so confused walking along this thing this

Maze really does have so many twists and turns I bet it’s going to take them so long to complete this that they’re old men by the time they come out and we’re all really really young so I think that’ll be so long now I need to block

Off this whole section every part of the maze on the left hand side or the right hand side if I look this way is going to be so silly because they’re going to have to walk through it but every single exit that they try and take will lead

Them right to a dead end it’s going to really really annoy Milo and it’ll even annoy Mikey as well this will be really funny because me and JJ will get to see all of their hilarious reactions they are not going to take it very well at

All all right perfect oh I love this it’s so curvy and confusing that’s the best kind of maze to build if you want to prank somebody and we are definitely trying to prank Milo and Mikey now we just have to add a couple more twists

And turns here and it can even curve in here and perfect yep I’m loving this now let’s actually get started building the walls of this maze I think we need to make them all four blocks high but we can start by building them right here all right we’ll place all these blocks

Like this and wait I almost forgot them over this side before we build the walls up we need to fill this entire maze with a bunch of scary mobs not just zombies and creepers which are JJ’s favorite mobs but I think we can also do my favorite mobs the blazes yeah I really

Like them because they’re orange and that’s my favorite color first we’ll grab Creeper eggs and now we’ll grab Blaze oh yeah I think we can have creep creepers right over here each of these dispensers will spawn one creeper if we filled these dispensers full of Creeper eggs each creeper would be able to

Summon a new one and it would be a disaster especially if you’re trying to clean up now over here I think we should put a blaze perfect and actually now that I mention it I don’t think we should have so many zombie eggs in here otherwise a super zombie invasion could

Start and that would be pretty frustrating for them that is and I don’t want them to quit if we make it too impossible they’ll just leave and that is no fun Milo and Mikey can get really upset they throw so many Tantrums it can get kind of crazy all right perfect now

We’re going to block off this exit and fully solidify this wall I think we can even add a couple fake outs here yep oh I’m so excited for this they’re really not going to enjoy it hey JJ what’s up oh you want to build something orange

Yeah I totally should oh I didn’t pick up any of that orange concrete could you throw me another one thanks so much JJ we’re going to make this maze orange and red that’s a great idea H maybe these walls should be orange I think it’ll confuse them they might even think it’s

A clue like there’s cookies or something but actually it’s just going to be a total fake out they’re not going to get anything new from this part of the maze even though it’ll be awesome and orange before I build this massive orange thing I think we should go check on Milo and

Mikey I wonder what they’re building right now hey Milo what chip what are you making we can see your name tags inside your giant Mikey head we’re just doing some really cool stuff over here that you don’t get to know about what why don’t we get to know about it that’s

Not fair because you guys are totally going to get pranked when you come inside our base oh yeah well you’re going to get pranked as well I do not think you’re going to like the surprises we have in store for you what have you built over there oh something that

Starts with the letter M M like Milo uh yeah Milo sure we’ve built you no we built something else but I’m not going to tell you what it is fine then don’t talk to me I’m busy okay we’ll leave you come on JJ let’s get back to building

Our awesome one block secure base all right I think this super huge orange maze section will be awesome if we just make it tall like the rest of the maze yeah good job come on let’s build this one up I think we can add some other mobs to these dispensers and we also

Need some dispensers around the other side yeah I wonder what stuff we can put in them we’ve already got zombies creepers and Blazers H I bet there are some other awesome mobs like oh I know let’s get some pillages yeah I know Milo really doesn’t like them does Mikey like

Pillages what Mikey likes pillages H okay maybe I’ll get aokas I don’t think Mikey would like those really wait Mikey likes aokas oh gosh wait does Mikey like creepers though no okay Mikey hates creepers I can’t believe that your favorite mob is Mikey’s least favorite mob that is so crazy but it’s something

That is going to be absolutely perfect for our base let’s keep building up this red we’re basically almost done with the maze I wonder where the maze can lead to the maze itself is going to be a real big Challenge and I’m sure it’ll set them back but once they make it through

We need to make sure there’s something on the other side that will delay them for even longer once we finish this wall we can add the final few dispensers and totally terrify them and the wall is done perfect now let’s start adding a couple more dispensers I’m going to do

Oh I know another Blaze over here I think we should keep adding most signs around as well to try and trick them into opening the dispensers if they keep thinking that there’s only bad things inside they’ll never open them so this one can have free emeralds yeah perfect

I know Mikey will absolutely fall for that he loves emeralds so much this one can have free oh I know we can have free bird seeds that’s Milo’s favorite thing and does Mikey like cake JJ we could even add a cake sign yeah that’s awesome

I say we should add a cake sign right here free cake yeah Mikey’s definitely going to fall for this let’s add some more creeper spawn eggs in here all right now let’s Place more spiders in here and I’ll add the final pressure plates okay I think the maze is totally

Done this is so awesome I cannot wait to see them go through this hey JJ let’s go tell Milo that the clock is ticking the time will not last forever hey Milo Mikey what tip the time is running out we only have 7 minutes until we start

Going through each other’s bases yeah we wel feeling really good you don’t have to worry about us cuz we’re totally winning this I don’t think so wait when did you guys make this bridge on our side huh I didn’t make this bridge you probably did JJ did you make this bridge

No what Mary did you make this bridge no what something else must be happening if none of us made this bridge this could be a real bad sign there’s someone else messing with us I’m feeling real feel nervous now yeah this is weird it must be starting to happen because the time

Is getting closer until we fight I guess this bridge will tell us exactly when it’s time to take on each other’s bases oh my gosh well I guess the time really is ticking and we better get back to our Epic Base yeah let’s go JJ we better get

Back to our Epic Base too see you soon Milo and Mikey bye losers you’re the losers now that we finished this amazing maze it’s time to build the next section of our super awesome one block base I think I know exactly what we need to do

We should do a target practice Arena I think that’s the perfect idea H we’ve already done a bunch of red and we already have a bunch of orange as well I’m not sure what other colors we could use but oh yellow concrete that’s a great idea thanks so much JJ you always

Have really awesome ideas when it comes to this sort of stuff and hey I have great ideas too let’s build the floor out of white Terra cter let’s start building the floor out just like this and I think the walls can go all the way around the inside of your head this next

Target practice section needs to be huge it also needs to be really really long we need to make them hit the targets so if their aim is too good they’ll be able to do it way too easily amazing all right I’m going to start building up

These walls I want them to be even taller than the maze section although actually if I make them too tall they’ll be able to see over the Maze and it’ll give them hints to how to get through we don’t want that at all that would be

Terrible all right I guess we just have to make the walls the same height as the maze it’s a little embarrassing because I want to make this target practice section so big but there are sacrifices we have to make oh red Nether Bricks that’s a great idea putting these across

The entire maze wall is perfect this will really help block out their vision from seeing us great idea JJ you always have the best ideas all right if you keep making those red Nether Bricks I will keep keep making these yellow walls our teamwork is going to make this go so

Much faster this yellow wall is being built so fast I’m already more than halfway done all right I’ll keep making this floor I need to fill the entire thing with it otherwise all the arrows that they shoot for the target practice are going to get lost in the void that

Would be so embarrassing so I’m not going to let that happen to us don’t worry I know exactly what to do we’re going to fill this whole thing with floor so that every single Arrow can be caught until they shoot all the targets they literally won’t be able to get

Through and I’m done with the floor now it’s time to start filling this room with the most crazy things to make it so difficult for them to hit the target all right now for this section we need to actually grab some Target blocks just like this I’ll also clear some space in

My inventory so I can grab a bunch more blocks H I think oh I know we can even have trap Target blocks that fire evil arrows back at Mikey and Milo we can also have hay blocks like this and maybe a pumpkin I’m going to build this target

Block but it’s going to look pretty funny it’ll look just like a scarecrow let’s also grab a fence these dispensers will shoot arrows of instant damage right back at anyone who makes the mistake of shooting this target block the real Target is going to be all the

Way in the back and it’s going to be surrounded by diamond blocks let’s build the fence out a little bit I do not want them being able to jump over that would basically be cheating all right I reckon this is pretty good this way they’re

Going to have to go to a bunch of different sections to find the targets wait I just had a really good idea what if we get a redstone repeater and a bunch of redstone and we make it so that if they want to hit this target they’re

Going to have to go through a couple extra steps yeah that’s perfect protecting this target block is going to be a piston and another diamond block if they want to activate it they need to activate the Piston but there’s no way for them to do that right now so we’re

Going to put another Target block right next to this piston if they want to get it they’re going to need to come all the way to this side of the challenge shoot that Target block and then boom they’ll finally be able to hit the real one oh

This is going to be such a good challenge and all we have to do to reset it is just put the blocks back we can do this a couple more times it’s going to be diabolical we can put another piston right here and another Target block right here this one will block that

Other Target Block they’ll have no way of getting around it unless they’re a really good aim but I don’t think they are I do think we need to give them some ammo though so let’s make a chest right over here I think this section is perfect for it we’ll fill it with two

Bows One For Milo and one for Mikey let’s make it symmetrical and let’s fill the rest of this chest with a bunch of arrows H what else can we add as obstacles here do you have any ideas JJ oh grass that’s a great idea yeah I

Reckon we can use grass blocks and have patches of it yeah even toall grass as well this will make it really hard for them to see through wow that’s basically impossible I am really liking your style JJ let’s add some pointed dripstones this way if they shoot them they’ll even

Get spiked I say we really can make this thing pretty tall I don’t want it to be visible from The Maze so maybe we can disguise it somehow H oh I know we can make this part of it red this way it Blends in perfectly with the Maze and it

Even looks like another wall yep I’m really liking this let’s add the red all the way to the top perfect and then we can make the rest of the roof yellow wow it kind of looks like a McDonald’s that is so funny but Milo and Mikey are

Not in for a treat here they’re in for a real shock let’s place as much yellow concrete as our little hands can muster all right I’m placing it all the way to the end and hey the red and yellow concrete kind of reminds me of ketchup

And mustard oh I’ll help you place the rest of this roof before we stop placing the pointed dripstones perfect we’re almost done with building the roof of this section of our ultimate secure one block base now I’ll just play place these final two blocks and we can add

Some pointed dripstone right above them if they try and shoot these nothing will happen but we’re not going to get them to shoot these dripstones with arrows nope we’re going to make them shoot it with Trident all right so first we have to put an anvil and we have to enchant

The Trident with the enchantment perfect we’ll put one in here and one in there amazing now watch what happens if they use a loyalty Trident on one of these dripstones boom it’ll crash and land right on top of them perfect oh let’s think of a couple more things we can add

H oh I know we can even add some fake Target blocks over here these Target blocks will actually do absolutely nothing we have Target blocks that activate traps Target blocks that do nothing and Target blocks that form a really awesome puzzle H I still think we can make the puzzle more interesting

Let’s have another piston over here yeah this puzzle is just going to get more and more complicated all right perfect so they’re going to have to go all the way around here shoot through that tall grass to hit that Target Target block just like that then they’re going to

Have to come all the way around here avoiding the drip stones and shoot this target block right in the distance here wait I even missed that one finally they’re going to have to shoot the last Target block over here to unlock the grand finale they’re then going to have

To shoot through the grass just like this and boom once they hit that we’ll link it up to some Redstone which I’m actually going to do right now I say we use amazing observers yeah this will be way cooler I think if we do a bunch

Leading up like this and they can even zigzag through the roof that will look so cool we can do them through here and then all around here they can even go in a little pattern like this and they’ll lead right up to the final Zone let’s quickly make these observers into

Existence and boom all right now we can actually start putting the dripstones back I need to make sure that just in case the timer runs out quicker than we thought it’s ready to go for them to try and beat the challenge amazing all right now it’s time to start placing the rest

Of these observers let’s start going in a trail just like this all the way back from the end oh this is so much fun wow I’m really loving this and thanks for cleaning up my mess JJ I broke a couple more blocks than I probably should have

You make a really good cleanup person I guess I should have you around more often all right perfect these observers are almost complete now we just have to place the final two and boom let’s give it a test I’m going to put a firework inside this dispenser and if we hear a

Firework explode that means the target block was officially active AC at it I’ll reactivate this and boom okay I think it should be going through hopefully this works we just need to see if a firework comes out of that dispenser and wow it really works that’s

Perfect oh I’m so happy let’s put this back finally over here under the dispenser let’s Place some slabs and we’ll fill the dispenser with an amazing water bucket this way instead of fireworks once they activate the final Target Block they’ll actually get to swim up to the next level which is going

Going to be a pretty evil level for them to get through but that’s exactly the point we going to be as evil as possible come on JJ let’s make the next room wait why are you jumping oh no I’ve made it way too easy you’re right H what can I

Use to cover it up to make sure they don’t just cheat by jumping around maybe oh I know we can use red stained gloss we’ll place them just like this we’ve totally finished this glass now there’s no way they could possibly get through even if they jump on the chests yep

We’re so good at this thanks for pointing that out JJ I would not have noticed that on my own all right now up to the next level I have a really good idea as to what we can build first we’re going to need a whole bunch of mossy

Cobblestone here’s some for you to use as well okay I think we’re going to make it like this first we need some mossy cobblestone stairs around the dispenser this way when the water comes they can actually swim up otherwise they’d have to jump over a block in water which is

Not actually possible we’re not that mean although we are pretty devious we’ll add the mossy cobblestone here and we can even make it go up this is going to basically be a dungeon and yeah the red concrete walls are a great idea I think it really fits the theme of JJ

Perfect now we can also make this Corridor curve but this is just a boring planal carar at the moment we need to add something inside that will totally make it difficult for them to get through in the Lost room they were the ones shooting arrows to try and get

Through but now I think the arrows are going to become an obstacle for them because we’re going to have a bunch of evil skeletons shooting them as they try to get past that’s going to be so so funny perfect now let’s build it this way the final hallway to get past the

Skeleton room is going to be absolutely massive let’s get the skeleton spawn eggs so that they can actually start getting Milo and Mikey all right we’ll need to build concrete Chambers for the skeletons to be trapped in yep I think this is great and we’ll also need some

Mangrove trap doors we can now keep adding a bunch of them around if we place a skeleton right here it will be able to shoot Mike and Milo even if they go fully down the hallway Yep this skeleton will have a perfect Vantage Point let’s add a trapo a roof and we

Can spawn a skeleton inside let’s raise up the hallway though I don’t want them to accidentally fall through and yeah JJ that’s a great idea perfect I’ll also make this wall really really tall hey JJ what’s up oh wow cobwebs that’s a great idea we definitely need to use these to

Totally trap them I’ll make an entire row of them here I’ll leave one Gap though cuz Milo always gets stuck in cobwebs and over here we’ll Place more cobwebs although we can place these ones on this side they’re going to have to zigzag through them really quickly if

They want to dodge that skeleton once they reach the end they’re going to be met with another skeleton over here this one will be trapped in this wall now if I just add a trapo and spawn the skeleton inside oh yeah he’ll totally get them as they try to come through

Let’s extend the wall all the way up to the height that you made the first one you did a really good job picking the hype for it I’m so so glad you’re helping me all right this wall is almost complete I can finally start adding the final few skeletons to these rooms I’ll

Break this entire wall so we can fill the whole thing with skeletons oh this is so good wait if we place blocks we can only have four skeletons in this whole wall but if we place trap doors all along like this then we have eight different sections to spawn skeletons in

Or seven but you know what Seven’s a huge number this is incredible Wow Let’s do the exact same thing on the other side absolutely perfect this part is actually going to have falling lava this way when the skeletons shoot their arrows they won’t just be shooting normal arrows they’ll be shooting lava

Arrows just like this oh this is going to be so much fun to watch Perfect Look the lava is dripping down so quickly before we think of what amazing things we’re going to put as the next few rooms I think it’s time to go check on Milo

And Mikey to see how crazy they are now I bet they’re so lost and can’t think of anything to build Mikey Milo what have you built now none of your business hey I think it is our business we want to know so that we can make sure you’re

About to lose well I’m just really grumpy cuz me and Mony had an argument what what did you argue about Milo Mikey wanteded to use green but I wanted to use blue Milo why didn’t you just use both that’s what me and JJ did cuz we’re really smart using two colors is too

Confusing for my brain so we just went with green but now I’m a little bit mad well Milo I’m sure you can figure out somewhere to add blue like maybe water or something yeah we’ll think about it I guess but wait Milo oh gosh look the

Bridge it’s growing what the oh my gosh I didn’t even see that happen oh Milo it’s growing because we only have 4 minutes left on the timer to finish building our secure one block bases 4 minutes oh Mikey we got to stop arguing and get back to work yeah you guys

Definitely do and JJ let’s continue doing the awesome job we’ve been doing so far good luck Milo and Mikey you’re definitely going to need it yeah you’re going to need it boo you are not getting through this secure base even in your wildest dreams dreams come true sometimes Milo that’s exactly what’s

Going to happen for Us JJ let’s build the next part of our base it’s going to be so cool for the final room I say we should have a huge glass floor right over the already existing maze let’s build it using this awesome blast prooof glass I think this stuff is so strong

And it’ll really help separate the two rooms while you keep building the glass I’m going to change this concrete to make sure it goes all the way up to the top wow we’re placing this glass so fast we’ll basically be done really really soon we really are a Powerhouse team

Once this glass is done I’m going to start adding something to this room that Milo’s going to be pretty upset about we’re going to start adding crazy lasers wait what’s this for this concrete oh are you saying you want us to build the entire floor black so that it’s midnight

Dark oh that’s a great idea I’ll continue making this black concrete it’s going to look so cool and it means that when Milo and Mikey are in The Maze if they look up it’ll look just like the midnight sky they’re going to be so impressed but also pretty terrified all

Right we’re basically almost done already let’s keep building all the black concrete on the other side I want this to be super duper symmetrical and I don’t want to miss a single spot we’ll keep placing it all along like this look we didn’t miss a single thing now let’s

Place these final two glasses and wow good job finally we can start working on our awesome super laser room I also want to make it into a laser obstacle course that they really have to try their hardest to get over I think one like this would be absolutely hilarious see

If they want to jump over this laser they really need to try otherwise they’ll land right into it and that’ll be pretty bad for them next once they make it past this laser they’re going to have to go underneath the next one it’s going to be pretty challenging and it

Almost seems impossible until they realize they have to go through these trap doors they have to enter through this trapo and go all the way through the middle to the other side and boom hey I think I definitely need to make this final part black concrete though

You know what in fact I think we should make this whole wall black concrete I don’t want to give Mikey or Milo a single opportunity to make it past we can even have some lasers activated from this side I think we only need two because Mikey and Milo can’t jump two

Blocks high that’s just crazy but at the end they will have to activate the sticky piston trap let’s grab some Redstone and some Redstone repeaters too if they want to get through this thing they’re going to have to push these two Pistons to deactivate the lasers the

Only trick is the Pistons are going to be really close to the other lasers so they’re going to have to be really strategic perfect we actually only need one lever that’s pretty cool I think the entire roof can be made out of redstone blocks I think that would look so

Awesome and it even has a glowy effect it’ll blend in really well with the lasers and means that anywhere we want to place a single laser we can just pop it right on we don’t even have to do any Redstone because the lasers will be automatically powered finally we’re

Going to add some lasers coming down from the roof this way Mikey and Milo won’t be able to just fly through if they have elytra yeah I know we haven’t given that to them but they really like to cheat sometimes so we’ve got to make sure they can’t Perfect all right we

Just have to add a couple more lasers at the end here we can just spread them around I think that’ll be the most funny all right now once they get through the very end of this laser section they have to go up the final Corridor it’ll lead

Them right up to the next level because the next level is going to be one of my favorite challenges of all time it’s a little thing called squid game and this challenge is red light greenl now red light greenl actually has a bunch of sand but we don’t really want to use

Sand cuz it’ll just fall and be all yucky let’s use Sandstone I think they should spawn in this corner and have to go all the way around if they want to reach the end yeah this is perfect let’s grab this blue concrete and make the entire walls look like the red light

Greenlight sky from the actual squid game we can place it around the entire Edge so it feels like they’re actually outside I think we should even leave the sky totally open that way we don’t have to build clouds because they’ll already be there I think this is a super good

Plan oh J J that’s a great idea I think we should leave the final part above the skeleton pit for something even more dangerous but for now we should finish the squid game arena while you make that Sandstone JJ I’m going to quickly finish these walls because once I do we’re

Going to add something pretty awesome at the very end oh wait JJ you’re building this as well that’s great if you continue I can start working on the final Contraption all right we’ll place it like that and we need to make the contraption where Mikey and Milo can see

Otherwise it would be totally ruined let’s let’s build three blocks up just like this yep I think that’s perfect and we can even break this blue concrete because we don’t actually need it anymore it’s important that we have the space because we need to do something entirely different let’s grab a piston

But not just any piston we need a sticky piston and some slime blocks that’s pretty important we’ll also grab some lime concrete and some red concrete okay first in order to make this we need to make the green light so we’ll place it just like that then we need to add the

Red light which is what the red concrete is for for H okay I think the Piston needs to go right here we can place the concrete up just like this and on the final level we need to use obsidian for the floor because slime blocks cannot push obsidian that’s really important

For this Redstone Contraption to work and finally let’s put a lever over here the lever is really important because once we flick it it’ll go from a green light to a red light boom that’s perfect and we can turn it right back off again to make it green again we’ll need to

Link it up using Redstone perfect just like this the red will also need to go a little bit upwards this way it’ll be able to activate the sticky piston we’ll have on the wall let’s start making this one right now the lever is off so it

Needs to be a green light this means that when we build it we have to make sure that only green light is shown now when we flick it it goes from red light to Green Light perfectly right now it’s red and we can see on both and right now

It’s green and both of them are showing it that’s absolutely perfect wow JJ you’re doing an amazing job adding hay to the sides that is exactly what they have in the real squid games H I think we also need to add some clouds oh perfect wow look at that this is so cool

I’m loving how 3D these clouds are we make such a good building team let’s add a couple more we can even add one on this side oh this is so cool I’m really loving this and lastly let’s do some clouds at the final wall on the back

Just like this oh this is so cool I love this let’s add some concrete here wao perfect incredible job once they past the Finish Line they’ll have to go through this Corridor the corridor can even be made out of hay bales because it’s going to lead into the final room

I’m going to make the final room out of deep slate this is a really scary block because it’s so dark and creepy yeah it’s one of the coolest and creepiest blocks in the whole game I think oh JJ you think that’s a good idea too that is

Amazing I’ll place the iron blocks just like this around here perfect I know we can see the clouds but I think the squid game look is so perfect for this perfect and we can even make the iron block all the way around okay it’s a little bit

Tall so I’m just going to make it one block shorter incredible I’m so excited for this we can add Redstone inside the Vault perfect We’ll add the redstone blocks all the way around like this and we just have to place a couple more bits of iron this vault door looks so cool

Already We’ll add some iron bars up here that they’re going to have to mine they’re going to have to look through a room full of shulka boxes yeah I really think they’re going to struggle let’s just stop placing them all around everywhere I don’t even know what block

I’m going to place right now it just chooses for me and it is so cool let’s grab a crafting table to put in the very center of this room I think the crafting table can even be floating and hanging from a chain yeah that’ll look so cool

Now I’m going to try and find some items to put inside the chests I think let’s go to the junk tab or actually let’s grab some spider eyes some beetroot soup and some dried kelp I think we should also add an iron hoe which won’t help

Them and let’s add a stone shovel and maybe even a flint and steel in case they want to set things on fire I think a spy glass and wait a goat horn would be so funny let’s add a goat horn in this one actually we can add them in a

Couple I think that’ll be so silly now let’s add a spy glass in a couple of them yeah I cannot wait to see this and wait a second we can even add zombie eggs in some of them we can also add real sticks to this one because it’s not

Sticks that’ll be hard to find what’ll be hard for them to find is the ultimate block they’re looking for d diamonds we’re going to add diamonds into one of them maybe even the one with the spy glass okay we’ll also add diamonds into this white one over here only three of

These shulka boxes will have diamonds and they’re going to be some really difficult to find ones we’ll also add bird seas in with the sticks maybe he won’t realize what he’s meant to do so the bird seeds will distract him even more yeah that is perfect all right now

We just have to make the final ultimate room let’s complete the Vault on the other side so that it really does form a massive vault wall I think on this side we can have something totally nasty maybe like a room full of zombies that they actually have to fight through in

Order to win I bet we’re almost out of time on the clock before we have to go through it and the bridge growing between our bases is probably almost full by now so we really don’t have a lot of time left all right this is awesome now I’m going to start spawning

A bunch of zombies inside of this place I’ll also grab an item frame and a diamond block because the ultimate item that we are going to be hiding from Mikey and Milo will actually appear in this room oh no wait the zombies are dying from the Sun this is terrible we

Need to grab some glass but not just any glass we need to grab tinted glass this is what the ceiling is going to be made out of this will help prevent the zombies from burning in the Sun but still let Mikey and Milo see the sky all

Right amazing we’re almost done with it and boom we’ finished the concrete wall I’m going to spawn a bunch more zombies yeah perfect look how many there are they’re really going to have to get through these but uh okay I guess I can give them a chest with some materials

Inside to help first we’re going to need two diamond swords and I guess some golden carrots will definitely help as well as some enchanted golden apples yeah I think that’s probably all they’ll need although they might die so I’ll give them some replacement swords yeah

This is pretty cool all right but H I guess they are pretty bad at the game so let’s give them some netherite armor once they grab the materials from this chest they’re going to have to find the final item hidden at the end of our super secure one block base and finally

The item that they’ve been waiting for actually it looks kind of bad inside this item frame I think we should put it on the pedestal and I’ll even do them as solid uh-oh I don’t know how to make the arrow point in the way I want it to is

This the right one yeah it totally is perfect now the arrow is pointing to mining that block I think the timer is about to end so we should go and check if Mikey and Milo are ready for us to take on their base this is so exciting

They’re never going to get through our one block secure base all right Milo me and JJ are going to take on your base first Welcome to our secure base there is no way you’re getting through to the final prize yeah I think we definitely will me and JJ know exactly what we’re

Doing all right then have a go go inside chip all right JJ our timer starts now let’s run through wao this room has a couple drowned in it but there’s not that many Milo and Mikey you guys should have added more maybe that just a distraction it’s actually a parkour and

You have to get all the way up up the top um Milo if it is a distraction you just revealed the secret you’re not very good at this a dang it but both of you have to get through and you’ve left Mikey down the bottom wait a second why

Is he Climbing Up Wait Milo and Mikey you guys left Vines there you guys made two different ways to exit the parkour oh we were a little bit silly but there’s no way you’re getting through the find the button room find the button room I think we definitely will find the

Button come on JJ let’s press as many of these as we can yeah good luck bers you don’t have a chance I think we have a really good chance actually Milo wait what’s going to happen when we do find the button I’m not telling maybe it’ll open a passageway or something yeah I

Think it probably will H I wonder which of these buttons it could possibly be though ah you’re taking so long M what totally going to win this Milo is any one of these buttons the right button oh my gosh you actually actually got it good job wait wow I didn’t even hear

That door activate you guys are crazy and what is this would you rather oh Milo is this a would you rather yeah you got to get through me and JJ are so good at these I bet we’re totally going to pick the right answers would you rather

Be a spider or a wolf you have to choose one okay JJ let’s think about this I think everyone would rather be a wolf than a spider cuz spiders are tiny and gross and have eight legs all right I’m going to run through the

Wolf one in 3 2 1 that was the right answer we did it oh there’s more questions what yeah there’s more and more and more would you rather beat the ender dragon or be a millionaire okay I’ve beaten the Ender Dragon so many times and I’ve never been a millionaire

Before so I think this is definitely the right option if that’s what you choose yeah it’s what we choose come on JJ let’s go through ah oh no I’m falling into the the void that’s going to waste so much time I can’t believe you made that the wrong answer you’re so silly

Milo and it wasted so much time for us yeah but we’re playing Minecraft you can’t really be a millionaire in Minecraft but you sure can beat the Ender Dragon good point all right JJ let’s go through this one would you rather meet pomy or meet Mr best wait do

You mean Mr Beast Milo yeah but I didn’t really know how to spell his name Mr best that is not how you spell it at all hm I’ve never met Mr Beast before but I’ve met pomy so many times and she’s really really cool do you think we

Should choose meet pomy JJ no you want to meet Mr Beast okay let’s definitely meet Mr Beast go through I’ll follow you whoa wait we what there’s a slime block drop that almost got me that could have been really bad whoa what is this room

Hang on JJ wait I’ll get a better look at it I think this is a water parkour room what this is is insane are you saying we have to jump up this water yep and you’re never going to get it a no way JJ we’re going to win this let’s go

Through quickly wo we have to really swim but both of you have to make it and oh my gosh JJ biker caught in the water good job JJ luckily you guys missed a spot otherwise JJ would have been toast dang it you guys did that pretty well I

Had a really hard time when I tried doing this yeah my that’s cuz you’re bad at parkour even when you built it yourself but what’s in this room be careful in this room everyone there are some very crazy little things waiting for you that’s really scary all right JJ

We have to be really careful Mikey and Milo are watching us like Hawks so we have to do this properly but we have no idea what could be through here and there’s lots of Honey on the ground to waste your time wait I was sneaking why did I get honey confused with other

Things oh this is so embarrassing but where do we even go and uh-oh Milo there skeletons why did you do that yeah that’s right they’re going to get you I’m going to go really close to them to see if there’s anything we can find but

Wao they do so much damage H we need to find a way through this maze JJ that does not involve getting hit by skeletons there must be some exit somewhere around here me and Mikey thought about this really carefully I don’t think you got a chance M I think

Me and JJ definitely do we’re really really smart so we probably know exactly where to go but JJ what are you trying to say have you found something all right I’m going to try and come over to you and oh gosh luckily the skeletons

Did not get me but I have a really low Health one more hit and I’m totally toast wait JJ’s made it through all right I’m going to run and boom what why are there bombs now what did you guys do you have to try and find the lever in

This room that opens up the very cool treasure room oh my goodness ow Milo these bombs hurt quick quick JJ we have to look through as many chests as possible I’ll take the ones on the walls if you do the ones on the floor you’re

Not going to find them bers oh Milo you guys are so annoying why would you do this to us just because we’re really smart wait I found a lver what ha Milo you really thought you could take us come on JJ let’s get out of here you

Found it so quickly and now you get to open up the amazing prize yeah we totally do JJ’s still taking damage from the TNT but wo I got a cookie here that’s delicious and it’s Enchanted what’s it enchanted with ch it’s enchanted with deliciousness oh this is

So yummy thanks for making that the prize guys we beat your base so quick but now it’s time for you to beat our secure one block base dang it oh my gosh but I’m feeling pretty confident because Mikey and I were really good at doing stuff and we’re going to complete your

Base really really quickly we’ll see about about that you guys now have to beat our incredibly secure one block base and it’s even made like JJ’s head oh wow I can see that it’s pretty dumb and I know exactly how to get through all of this wait what am I standing on

Right now uh yeah I’d be careful Milo those are TNTs yeah defitely hurt oh my gosh wait I keep stepping on them yeah Milo you’re so silly it’s a mindfield you have to get through through the wall if you want to beat it Mikey what are we

Going to do I think we need to run in here yeah you do you guys have found step one of the maze wow this is very creepy this is a maze no worries Mikey and I are really really good at mazes yeah so are me and JJ except we’re good

At building them hey Mikey check it out we’re going to get some free diamonds and wait that doesn’t look like a diamond nope my Lord that’s a zombie this maze is full of mobs you should check every dispenser there just in case some of them have something useful hey

The zombies trying to hurt Mikey and Mikey even died this is not getting off to a good start yeah every time you die you have to start at the very beginning that’s going to waste so much of your time and make you guys take way longer

To beat our base than we took to beat yours dang it oh my gosh well hopefully this dispenser has something good end who that’s definitely not good that’s a blaze get away Blaze yeah you guys should definitely stick around and fight the mobs that’s a great use of your time

Chip you never gave us any weapons to fight the mobs this is totally unfair that’s cuz you’re meant to run away from them you silly goose but you said to get all the dispenses I’m confused you can just test the dispensers then you can run away Mikey oh no Mikey he just

Stepped on the creepy dispenser and totally blew up yeah Mikey try not to keep dying so many times this is kind of funny but I at least want to go to sleep by the end of today all right Mikey we got this no more touching dispenses

We’re going to jump over all this Riff Raff yeah good luck with that oh this is so exciting you guys found the dead end that’s okay we’re going to speedrun through this thing yeah good luck with that I don’t know if you can make it well we’re definitely going to make it

Cuz we are the Dream Team yeah I don’t think so you guys are more like the nightmare team three emeralds oh yeah I totally want some free emeralds but that doesn’t look like an all right let’s keep going nothing a little creep is can’t stop us from free cake yeah right

Buddy I don’t think that’s actually going to be free cake Mikey we better not trick of the thing what I can’t believe you didn’t fall for my free cake prank you guys are kind of good at this well wait a second this says free Bud

Seeds and well I can’t really give up a chance to get some free Bud seeds but wait Mikey’s saying no do you think this might be a trap Mikey oh my gosh why didn’t you press it and find out no I trust my friend Mikey Turtle we Turtle

Are getting out of here oh Milo you guys are getting too smart for this but this next section’s going to make you feel not so smart anymore wow we found a new place what’s this all about you need to shoot the target block at the very end

Surrounded by Diamond but it’s going to be a bit of a challenge for you to do that no way let’s get this stuff all right we got some bows a whole lot of arrows and a treent Mikey here’s one for you yeah good luck using those me and JJ

Designed this place really really well okay so pretty much we just have to shoot the targets yeah but some of the taret nugets do horrible things what did that one just do um I’m not seeing anything too crazy yeah those ones don’t actually do anything at all there to

Trick you and waste your time well I’m pretty good at shooting arrows sir I’m going to be fine but wao did Arrow just shoot back at me yeah some of the targets fight back what oh goodness gracious I’m not really liking the sound of this oh Milo you were close but look

You just shot that Target that revealed a Target block what the oh I’m totally going to shoot that one now oh look and it revealed the final Target block all right we totally got this Mikey let’s do it if you can aim for it that is wait I

Can barely see it oh wait I got a clear shot right through here maybe I can use my Trident h no you didn’t that trident did not hit wait you just hit it Mary I swear you did you guys did it look the water came down you beat this section of

The challenge I don’t see any water wait yes I do wow go up now guys the next section’s going to be even crazier than this what the hang on who are these guys I don’t like the look of them at all these are a skeleton friends good luck

Making it through this Corridor well guess who else is got a bow and arrow Boer I’m going to shoot these skeletons in the face oh hey that’s not fair those skeletons are my friends Mikey oh no you you guys are going to have to try harder

Than that if you want to make it through this place all right myy I think we should make a run for it tip to P these little spider webs oh good job guys you didn’t get caught in the cobwebs but there’s a lot more for you here ouch I’m

Burning off this is terrible oh what you made it through oh I guess now you have to face the wrath of my laser obstacle course yeah those skeletons are no mat for Milo and Mikey H I guess they aren’t but they’re all also fighting among themselves so hey you don’t have to kill

Them all yeah cuz that’re shouldn’t at me and I don’t like it oh my goodness okay I guess that’s fair game but you’re not going to have such an easy time with this Laser Maze Mikey we’re going to get through this together just follow my

Lead I’m a pro at this kind of stuff but ouch actually maybe I’m not such a pro you guys keep pushing each other into the lasers you’re going to have to work together if you want to get through this hey look I figured out a really my way

Mikey now we look like little fishies swimming around yeah you look like little fishies flopping Out of Water Hy on how are we going to get through this it makes no sense except hey Mikey you want to click that level ouch Mikey just pushed me through the lasers what Mikey

What’ you do I don’t really understand what’s happening here Mikey this one’s pretty tough and it does hurt a little bit but I promise you’ll survive if you jump through wow you did it good job Mikey yeah Mikey did it okay and we already hit that level which blocked

Their sler so we can run straight through yeah good luck with this next section guys it’s time for me and JJ to take our spots at the top of the red light green light Arena and currently the light is red what the oh my gosh I’ve never seen such a cool Arena Mikey

How are we going to do this well you guys can only move when the light is green so Mikey you’re going to want to stop moving right now me and JJ both have bows here’s my bow and now we’re going to shoot you guys down if you ever

Walk when the light is red but you’re going to be fine for the next few seconds because it’s a green light quick Mikey make a run for it red light okay you guys almost moved JJ I’m going to be really tricky I’m going to flick it once

To green and then really quickly flick it back to Red okay I’ll do it in 3 2 1 green light red light wait that tricked me oh goodness gracious yeah that really hot yeah you guys need to get a shot and hey Mikey I just saw you wiggle and the

Light is still red I now get to shoot you with this bow monkey stop it yeah you guys have to be way more careful otherwise me and JJ are going to take you down all right green light come on Mikey and red light I made it AC Cal

Line Mikey I’ll talk you through this don’t worry wait a second Milo I’m going to come inspect H okay you’re right on the line but okay I guess you’ve made it across you’re free to move now Milo as long as you don’t cross back over this

Line I won’t I’m just going to talk Mikey through this next part because I can tell he’s feeling pretty nervous yeah I guess he would I would too if I was about to lose all right I’m going to go super speed now Mikey you better be

Really careful all right it is now green light and red light oh no I slipped I forgot to click the red light but luckily Mikey’s still stuck behind yeah Mikey you got this look how close you are to the Finish Line you’ll be here in

Night time huh wait JJ I have a really good idea if you spam click this lever I can get a bunch of bow shots in while Mikey tries to run to the end all right let’s start it in 3 2 1 Mikey wait Mikey did it leave him

Alone okay okay I guess you made it to the end but there’s a lot more you guys have to get through now that you’re almost at the final room well I’m feeling pretty confident that we beat your time so far I can’t wait to be a

Winner monkey all right it’s time to see if you guys made it come on this next room is going to take you a while you have to find ingredients in one of these shulka boxes and use it to craft something to mine through the iron bars

Ingredients like for a pizza no Milo for a pickaxe wo Mikey do you know how to make a pickaxe oh well I don’t really know how either so I guess we’re just going to have to take it one step at a time oh gosh you guys are probably going

To make such silly ridiculous things if you don’t know how to make a pickaxe oh there’s so much trash in these chests I’m pretty sure I don’t need a horn or a creeper spawn egg wow look Mikey found a telescope but Mikey I don’t think you’re using that right you’re not putting it

Up to your eye you’re putting it up to your nose that’s so silly it looks like it’s sticking out of his nose yeah Mikey just chill out for a second will you we’re trying to make a pickaxe no pick out noise with a spy gloss oh check this

Out I found so many little bud seeds ew you threw them at me that’s disgusting I don’t want them they’ve been sitting in that suar box for ages they’re really old by now this is taking forever I haven’t even found any of the ingredients except wait I just found so

Many sticks oh yeah I definitely know sticks is one of the ingredients for a pickaxe okay that’s a good solve but there are still some more ingredients you definitely have to find Mikey Hey listen up we’re really trying to find some rocks not blowing the shoe horn hey

Mikey found a goat’s horn I put those in there because I knew it would annoy you guys hang on chip did you mess up I think I found a pickaxe Milo that’s not a pickaxe why don’t you try it on the iron bars and see if it works you’re

Probably lying to me I know this is a pickaxe but oh no it’s definitely not I’m annoyed now yeah I can imagine you would be come on you really got to try harder than this m yeah you even helping me right now no I think Mikey’s just distracting you with funny things like

Spy glasses and goat horns Mikey we don’t got time for this kind of stuff we got to really find stuff in wao Mikey I just found found so many diamonds wait you both found diamonds at the same time that’s so weird H I guess you made it

But you still have to craft the pickaxe yeah no worries I’m totally good at crafting a pickaxe look at this pickaxe coming up here we go uh Milo I really hate to let you know this but that’s not a pickaxe that’s a shovel and Mikey found the zombie spawn eggs Mikey do you

Think you might be able to try and craft a pickaxe really okay I’m going to throw these things to you and if you can trifle me that will be really good oh Mikey’s trying to make a pickaxe JJ this is terrible we can’t let them get through

Uh I guess we didn’t make it this way so it’s only fair and square wait Mikey’s just throwing stuff at wait look Mikey’s throwing them on the floor he’s throwing you junk as well as the items you need monkey you’re such a flop fine I’ll do

It myself but wao Mikey just really made one I’m so happy right now I knew you would be the best teammate ever now let’s get this treasure wo I can’t believe you’ve made it now you also have to use those iron bars as stairways um actually let me help that for you here

You go sorry I made that part a bit too difficult yeah goodness we’re not Geniuses I know that Milo don’t worry all right Mikey that’s really only enough for hang on you just parkour up yeah good job yeah but you’re going to have to do a lot more than parkour if

You want to beat this thing this is the final room with a dragon egg which is our secret item is being kept Mikey we got to get that dragon egg come on let’s gear up with all of this cool stuff in here and totally destroy these Bozo

Zombies yeah I don’t think that’s going to work oh I see you guys have found the netherite armor looking sharp Mikey yeah I’m looking sharp too right uh yeah sure Milo okay let’s get to it I got my diamond sword monkey have you eaten some apples oh he has he totally has amazing

Let’s get to it then hey zombies you want a piece of me wo this swarming you guys I don’t know how you’re going to do this well I’m feeling pretty fine with this netherite Armel and my golden apple I think I got a good chance wo wait this

Is actually getting kind of scary Mikey are you okay okay oh I think he is Milo but you really have to try and fight these zombies if you want to survive I don’t know if I’m going to make it honestly this is so bad you guys have

Been focusing on the adult zombies but the baby zombies are now chasing you they’re so evil and wao Mikey we did it now do you remember that pickaxe you had earlier yeah I still got it you have to mine that diamond block and then you get the prize you officially win Mikey let’s

Do it together 3 2 1 yeah we did it oh my goodness I can’t believe we actually got through it Mikey you and I were the best team you got the dragon egg but it’s not over yet Milo we still have to reveal how much time we took once that’s

Revealed we’ll figure out who really won well I’m not feeling too stressed me and Mikey definitely did it much faster than you guys did ours let’s find out it took me and JJ 5 minutes to get through your entire base that’s a pretty good score

Yeah I guess it’s okay H how long did it take you guys to get through our one oh my gosh it took you 45 minutes to get through me and JJ’s one block base what no no no that’s bad miky I think that means we lost the competition yeah it

Does and it means me and JJ won amazing job JJ we totally crushed it waa

Today Mikey and JJ go head to head with Chip and Milo in a Secure Base Build Challenge! Who will win?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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