Imagine not using this Terraria weapon…

So then I hope you’ve all had an absolutely fantastic Christmas because it’s time to review the third and final of our three christly fed weapons this one once again not only comes at an early hard aggression Point can also be a fantastically viable option for human Mages only leaving the question of which

One to go for and if I’m honest today we may have a serious competitor of course I’m talking about the Crystal Storm being a spell ter like the other weapons does change up its obtainability slightly however this is doesn’t necessarily mean it’s any harder to get

A hold of so today it’s all about its performance before we do jump into it though if you enjoy these weapon reviews don’t forget to drop like And subscribe as it truly helps out the channel Okie doie let’s see how you can actually get it as mentioned the Crystal Storm is in

Fact an early hard weapon meaning as soon as you defeated the Wall of Flesh you can go and progress towards this thing straight away first requiring you to head underground in your new hollowed biome once you’re there very simply we need to grab 20 Crystal chance to start

Which to be honest in a world that’s been up for a while is no problem but if your holler is completely new you may have to sleep in a bed to progress time a bit for them to start growing plentifully once you’ve got that don’t

Go anywhere cuz we also need 15 SS of light from the same biome now SS of light are one of those crafting materials I think everyone needs in early hard mode so well you could just farm for them organically and just casually get a n Banner as you do like

Last video I would create a proper layer Farm instead as you’ll probably be farming down here a lot in your whole playthrough right once you’ve got your 15 Souls all that’s left is a singular spell term which can be conveniently purchased by the wizard MPC which by this point you probably would have

Already bumped into underground with them appearing in your Cavern layer after entering hard mod okay once you’ve gathered everything head to a bookshelf and craft out a lovely old Crystal Storm book okay then let’s see how it FS shall we the Crystal Storm is an extremely classic Terraria weapon been introduced

In 1.1 its fast firing functionality changing since release now DPS wise things are off to a pretty good start with it sticking around the 200 mark from a range of distances on a single Target also as always with this weapon its wall of tiny crystals can bounce off

Walls allowing you to hit targets using tactical trajectories the only real negative of its use to keep in mind is is its mid-range but honestly in real scenarios isn’t much of an issue and compared to the likes of the other Crystal weapons on single Target it beats the V Shard and matches the

Crystal serpent but of course things are a little different against lines of enemies with the vsh dominating as pair and unfortunately the Crystal Storm not benefiting in any way due to its absence of piercing making even options like the cursed Flames its corruption alternative a much better option or is it because

There is actually one thing I think might make the Crystal Storm infinitely better against the real thing you see here while it’s time to kill on this large group of mummies isn’t anything spectacular it’s extreme fire combined with with its average knockback allows you to essentially stun lock enemies in

Place making them in some ways less of a threat than if you were to be using the gal serpent now yes this is still inferior to the vard in this scenario but you’ve got to remember that this thing will also do well against single Target meaning that if you want to take

Down a biomimic with this thing you’ll have a much easier time with it in practice taking one down so much quicker than the Asam mentioned vile Shard but you know this is just playing old enemies so what about bosses well against the very fitting boss the Queen

Slime the Crystal Storm is more than capable of taking it down with its range not really being much of an issue the only thing to really keep in mind is the amount of manone you go through this thing so just make sure you’re set up for this before the fight now at this

Point I kind of know what you’ve all been thinking it’s going to suck against the destroyer and you are kind of right you see with no piercing qualities the most you can do to this giant snaky boy is about 1,000 DPS which wild could be much worse it’s honestly just worth

Switching to another weapon like the vard to get the job done in a jiffy and you know while it may have let us down a little here against see bosses I actually found it a joy to use essentially just being a pointing click range weapon that deals similar DPS out

Of the shin flame knife with the right Mobility you should be easily be able to make it to planta with this thing and speaking of planta you can totally go for it if you want to use this weapon but unless you feel like giving yourself unnecessary challenge just grab

Something else at this point because as soon as you get a Golem you’re going to be dealing imped of damage anyway so what else can the Crystal Storm do for you well with its surprisingly good Crown controlling abilities thanks to its high knockback out but I found it to

Be an absolutely amazing weapon for events and invasions so I guess any real question is at this point do you go for this over the vad or Serpent and well with it having what I think is the easiest and most simple obtainability out the free it really depends on your

Current situation if you’ve already had a well established fishing infrastructure just go for the serpent but if you want to play it safe and you don’t need to destroy a cheese the Crystal Storm will do you Swell this has been suck with te and I’ll see you in the next one

Imagine not using this Terraria weapon… The Crystal Storm. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas everyone! Because today we’re back at it with the third and final of the crystal themed weapons in Terraria… Non other than the Crystal Storm Spell Tome. With it been in the game for so long, I’m sure a majority of you are very familiar with this weapon, however if not, what are you waiting for!? Even today in 1.4.5 it still packs a punch! Enjoy!

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  1. I’ve always used the Crystal Storm in my playthroughs ever since it was released in version 1.1 – I’ve always known how good it is, especially when combined with its corruption and/or crimson counterpart.

  2. Finally managed to be early on literally any video

    Edit: thanks for making videos on mage weapons. I'm having a hard time on an expert mage playthrough and these videos really help.

  3. Terraria players:it's Crystal storm.
    Me:that shredder.
    Edit: it's Christmas after looking at the other comments.
    Merry Christmas and a happy New year.

  4. If you work on its crit chance
    It can carry you till Duke fishron
    Or if your gud enough you cab Crystal rail the fish early
    + With spectre armore it's a beaste of a tome

  5. Never really used it after my first time crafting.)
    I got crystals from archdevils that time.)
    I prefer to grind for skyfracture after 1.3 and for flames before it.
    Or use knife.
    It is good , i just prefer to keep farming to the minimum.

  6. Honestly i belive the crystal storm is okay at best, relax crystal storm fans let me explain.
    Its accabilty does give it some points but then i remember pre-WoF weapons like the demon scythe, the flower of fire, the grey zapinator and space gun. Not to mention other early game hardmod weapons like the the laser rifle (if you're luck), poison staff, the crystal serpent, the vile shard, the sky fracture, the life drain, the frost staff and the BLOODY METEOR STAFF WHCH IS LEAGUES BETTER AND AS EASY TO MAKE. All of these weapons are pre-mechs and are much better then the crystal storm and not to mention its counterparts, the cursed flame book is a much better damage dealer and is even more effective in closed areas, and the golden shower is in a league of its own since its not playing the same game as the other tombs.

  7. Making a tunnel like arena that loops around in a square shape makes this weapon way better against the Plantera, since the bounce will make it always hit it no matter what.

  8. I found out the buffed magical dagger more effective, overall. For what I remember, and might be wrong, the fire rate is close between the two, but the spread and lack of range kill it for me.
    Still, we got to respect the entry versions of the razorpine. And the bounce makes it even better at exploration.

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