How To Install Mods For Terraria – Installing Mods on Terraria – Terraria Mods Tmodloader Mods 2022

Welcome back all you Terraria fans I decided that I wanted to follow up on this video because I’ve had a lot of questions and inquiries to kind of make it a little bit slower so I don’t rush through it um the previous video that I did was kind of just for fun

Um a few of my friends didn’t know how to install a t mod loader so I kind of just made a video for them on YouTube and they were like oh thank you but since then the videos hit almost uh around 5000 views so I’m kind of just

Decided that I wanted to actually redo this one a little bit slower and kind of explain it a little bit more uh in depth so what you need to do and if you want to install modded Terraria but before I get into that my name is all fun and games I

Stream every day on Twitch TV and I also make fun little videos here on YouTube and I also stream on YouTube as well I do play Terraria and a ton of survival games so you’re more than likely to join up with me if you like and uh play games

Join in and all that stuff um I love having anybody and whoever wants to just join up in the game with me I never ask for anything to join up just to hang out and have a fun time so if you ever want to play Terraria or any

Other game you’re more than welcome to that being said if you own Terraria that’s right if you own Terraria I’ve had a lot of people say well can I just download team unloader if I don’t own Terraria no this is a DLC or AK a part of Terraria

Meaning that you have to own Terraria in order to use team wild loader so T mod loader basically what it does is it loads up Terraria with a behind the scenes um program that allows for mods to be activated within Terraria similar to how stardew Valley does with Snappy which I

Will Showcase in another video as well basically what you do is when you’re finally ready and you download the mod you’re going to launch the mod as soon as you do so uh t-mod loader is going to boot up and you’re going to see a different loading screen than before

And it’s going to Showcase T mod loader so from here on out all you have to do is kind of follow from here so you if you decide that you know you go to boot it up and it doesn’t show t-modeloader at the top well you probably have to

Wait a little bit and kind of say okay you know what um am I loading the right one is it still loading Terraria and not t mod loader but as you can see I’ve loaded up T mod loader and before we do anything else let’s talk a little bit more so here we

Go updated mods Calamity mods all these things have all been updated so as you can see that it’s basically telling us that multiple of these mods have been now updated and I’ll tell you why it shows that message essentially when tmod loader launches it goes through all of

The mods that you’ve checked off which I’m going to show you how to do that and it auto updates them keep in mind when Terraria gets an update t-mod loaders generally take a little bit of time before it updates as well usually it’s pretty quick but sometimes it does take

Some time so for example if you are playing a mod on T mod loader for you know whether it be Calamity or whatever you decide to choose the game on AKA Terraria gets an update then now T mod loader follows through with that update because generally speaking both of them

Kind of work pretty much pretty quickly but the problem is that means that the mod that you are now using now has to update as well so for example Calamity is a large mod all right so when Calamity needs to get updated it sometimes can take a long time

Especially if Terraria is releasing a large update for example Terraria just released I a labor of love update and unfortunately uh when it when they did that a lot of people were like well good now I can’t even play my my mods I normally would on T mod loader because

Now they’re a little bit outdated but nonetheless I’m going to Showcase before we get too far into it I don’t want to get too complicated I just want to explain all that so let’s get into how to add mods so you can see how it says Calamity here that’s because it’s

Relaunched the actual mod that I’m already using so here we go so you can click on so let’s go back before we do anything here you’re going to see a bunch of options you can click on workshop and you’re going to see on manage mods and this is all the mods

That I currently have enabled so let’s go ahead and for the sake of the video I probably can go ahead and just disable this just because I don’t want you guys to be like a little bit confused um I’m gonna have to delete the mod but

Let’s see if I can just config it to to turn off I will for now just do disable all okay so now that I’ve disabled all my mods this is what you’re going to see when you load up T mod loader it’s going to look nice new it’s going to have

Similar music than uh that Terraria does essentially what you’re going to do you can click on workshop and you’re going to see where it says download mods when you click on here it’s going to take a few seconds it’s going to search through and it’s going to give you every

Mod that has ever existed for Terraria so for example if you’re like you know what I don’t want to wait for this and you want to go ahead and type in Calamity you can do so and then press enter and then it’ll search up Calamity now of course obviously you know there’s

Multiple different Calamity mods so you have to know what you’re searching for and what you’re looking for specifically uh you can type in you know chest if you want to make if you want to have a better chess mod you can type in anything and everything that you want to

So let’s go ahead back to my mod list that I have pre-downloaded and for example magic storage so if I wanted to find the magic storage mod which I already used quite often magic storage it’s gonna I’m gonna click on here it’s gonna tell me that this mod has been

Updated as of 20 days ago I’m going to click on it and I’m going to click install now as of right now I’m obviously not going to do that because the mod is already installed so you would see it downloaded with dependencies or download mod button and

Then once you do that the mod will automatically turn on and you would have the options to to turn it on or turn it off just like you’ve seen previously now when you’re it when you finally have the mod enabled it’s going to reset your Terraria and enabling the mod so just

Like I’m going to do here I’m going to walk through here we see boss checklist we see lights and shadows recipe browser magic stores Calamity mod music crowd control for Terraria Calamity mod and die gets installed as well and we go ahead and we install this now if you

Click on the the information thing usually it’ll tell us like some little behind the scenes information what version it is all that stuff and what it supports it this one says for 1.4 now generally speaking if you want a little bit more information you should be able to just click on I think

Here and then visit uh mod Steam Workshop page when you do this it’s going to actually load up the Steam Workshop and you can see the last time it got updated so for example on the Steam Workshop you can’t see what I’m looking at here but it’s going to tell

You the previous version updates and what they updated for example this one got updated for the labor love update and same thing with crowd control uh you can click on the same thing and it’s gonna if I click on that one it says this previous updated was October 25th it says um

And now it says uh currently added update for added localization support for currently for the changelog for the new update and so basically essentially it’s telling us that it’s ready to go for the current version of Terraria so it’s all ready to go all working 100 so

Once I’ve installed all these mods and check marked them off and I click back it’s going to then load all those mods all over again and it’s going to initialize them all together now sometimes two mods could obviously Collide and cause some some crashing so uh there’s some mods that like Calamity

That are very similar and because they share the same uh type of things where they kind of obviously give you uh different uh new bosses and stuff like that they might fight each other it might cause crashing so you have to make sure what mods you’re installing but yeah that is how you

Install mods on Terraria now obviously as you can see here I have quite a few mods I only really have this what is this seven mods so it’s not too too many but you could go out there install as many as you want and that’s how you get

Into work and then as soon as you launch your game they’re all going to be on there as long as you install them properly and as long as they support the current version of Terraria and you’re more than good to go if you have any questions down below feel free to ask

But yeah it’s pretty straightforward you can also download mod packs if you have or a way of importing them or downloading them that’s a little more complicated I’ll save that for another video but nonetheless you can go through and search for as many mods as you want

And like I said have a fun time you can also search directly on Steam if you want to search for the mods and then download them through the mod pack too but or sorry through the through the um the mod browser as well too but you know it’s entirely up to you

What mod you want to try but now you know how to do it on Terraria so have a fun time I hope this more in-depth video helped you walk you through individually on how to actually get to it and download the mod that you want and like

I said keep in mind some mods are good and updated some mods are outdated and if you want to know how that is well of course remember what I said before if you see this thing here and it says this mod has not been updated for eight

Months it’s probably a good idea to avoid that mod if you want to find a mod that’s more up to date and recently used and working look for a mod that has less time uh before it’s been previously updated so generally speaking when I look for mods and I see that it hasn’t

Been updated for one year unless I know for a fact it’s currently working I try to avoid that mod at all costs if I can so even the ones that are currently in my workshop sorry in my um currently managed I like to double check these

Every now and then to see if they’re updated for the most current version of Terraria so yeah I hope you enjoyed this video thanks again for watching and I’ll see you in the next one

How To Install Mods For Terraria – Installing Mods on Terraria – Terraria Mods Tmodloader Mods 2022


#Terraria​​Mods #TerrariaInstallMods #TmodloaderMods

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  1. I have terreria on xbox, I can play it on my pc via xbox app. Idk if it can be done with that can you clear that up, I know it probably just doesn't work, but if you know?

  2. When I click on install mod it says error unable to acces steam workshop, I'm connected to WiFi and I have steam open, how do I fix it?

  3. What mod do people use for “creative mode” like being able to access every item, I beat the game on console got a pc and I don’t know if I wanna do the same grind again, also just kinda wanna fuck around with mods like the Vergil mod and be able to use her weapon without having to find out how to get it

  4. First time seeing you. Thought "He did it faster on his previous video? Maybe I'll check that out.."
    – But before all that My names is plug and I plug and plug and plug
    "…Yeah. I'll just check the shorter thing"

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