Wither Storm VS The Most Secure Minecraft House

And our house is now complete it’s super powerful it can protect us from anything yeah but ohms look behind us what is that thing whoa what is what I think it looks super duper scary it kind of looks sort of like a Wither head right any regular Wither’s head that’s the Wither

Storm’s head wait what the Wither storm what the heck is that oh gosh this is scary and guys there’s iron bars right there should we check what’s inside um I think oh gosh I’m scared let’s do let’s do what the heck is that it’s a Wither but why is he spinning around

What is he doing oh he’s charging up charging up what are you talking about wait guys he has a command block in his stomach what does that mean I don’t know what that means what does it mean Roxy explain that means he’s gonna turn into the Wither storm oh my gosh the Wither

Storm isn’t the Wither storm like a billion blocks bigger bigger one bigger gosh guys we have to protect our house all we have is wood he could just literally look at it and explode it we can’t mess around today we have to use the most indestructible block ever made

Bedrock grab bedrock and replace the entire house right now this is gonna be bad I’ve never actually seen a Wither storm in person what about you guys I fought one once and he destroyed my entire city wait what what wither saw destroyed your entire city what do you

Mean he started off just like that guy but then he grew into a giant monster a giant monster guys why are you not freaking out this is terrible we’re gonna commit our house is gonna be blown up in a second though that’s why we gotta reinforce our building yeah you’re right

We have to reinforce it and boom it’s all made out of Bedrock awesome but wait guys we have a wooden door this thing is gonna get blasted get out of here we need a way more powerful door and we have a keypad door so let’s set it down

And let’s make the password unguessable four three two one boom we’re safe now guys he’s never gonna break in I guessed it boom what no oh my gosh Lily just guessed the password that was supposed to be unbreakable no um this password is super easy to guess

Oh gosh guys stop probably get in okay okay okay the door’s not gonna protect us but I know it will we’re gonna surround our base with some super mega powerful spikes everyone grab spikes and let’s start all the way out over here let’s put a layer down whoa these things

Are gonna hurt so badly meet you to the other side okay Roxy okay at any second and literally just one shot everything we have worked for him and we met a perfect awesome these are super duper strong let’s test it out on a pig no pigs what Lily this is not a

Time to talk about colors we have a Wither storm about to come and eat our cheeks we have to test it aloe and how come you made the spikes blue oh wow that’s because blue is my favorite color anyways let’s see is it powerful and yes

Yes really Lily are you serious I’m big to survive the spikes that means the Wither storm is gonna be able to get through it like it’s nothing we need something on the level of a Wither storm yeah you’re right a Wither storm is Mega ginormous so we need to get up to his

Level and I know exactly how we’re gonna make TNT cannon boosters to shoot us a million blocks of the air and then we’re gonna boom them out of the air with bows and arrows how do we do that follow my lead guys let’s go to the very center

Right over here where he’s gonna spot in from and grab some water some fences some dispensers then of course we’re gonna need so much TNT perfect now the first step is to make a 6×6 platform form added Bedrock just like that so I’ll be out guys make it six by six

Perfect we have it now completely filled up now we have to use our dispensers and put the first one over here facing this way and let’s put it all around just like this let’s put four on that side then over here on this side let’s put four like that perfect then over here

Let’s put one two three and four and then finally on this side let’s put one two excuse me Roxy three and then four boom now in the center break all of these blocks just like that perfect and now we have a bunch of room and starting

From the middle let’s place a bucket of water like that and a fence post perfect and now let’s fill it all up with water awesome now we have a swimming pool so once we stand in the middle the TNT is gonna activate from all sides and then

Boost us up a billion blocks up and we can beat that silly wither storm in the face how do we do the Redstone super easy just grab some Redstone and then put Redstone all on top of everything just like this and boom perfect it’s all

Connected now what we have to do is fill up every dispenser with TNT so help me out guys fill it up okay on it and boom they’re now all filled so um who wants to test it out first [Applause] ah Luke I’m sorry to tell you this but

You’re gonna be testing our TNT cannon that we don’t know if it works and it might blow you up first okay it’s no problem these things are awesome ooh awesome Luke wants to do it okay so let’s grab a lever and then let’s put the lever right over here and once

You’re ready Luke flick the lever and you’re gonna be sent off a billion blocks ready whenever three two one boom Oh gosh it activated oh gosh go Luke go Luke go Luke and whoa it worked and look Luke Luke shot an arrow awesome we’re gonna be able to

Take him out super easy great job Luke and guys let’s build four of these stations for all of us so we can shoot at him at the exact same time okay all right I’ll build mine over here at Roxy you’ll build yours here at Luke build yours right there ohms we’re all done

Awesome job guys we have four kids let’s do it all at the same time okay everyone stand in the middle and on three hit your levers okay one two oh three here and whoa So Much TNT three two one let’s go to the Moon hi guys and whoa we’re so

High up and then we can shoot him in the air and land back down that was awesome awesome booms what if we put Wings on wait a minute Luke you are a genius if we have wings on when we’re in the air we can fly around and shoot him even

More everyone grab some wings don’t forget the fireworks oh yeah because fireworks give you a boost when you have wings on check this out if I just had wings on normally from up here I could fly this much but since I have a rocket I could go up here jump off and glide

Forever oh my gosh he is going down let’s try this mechanism out with the wings are you guys ready stand in the middle and in three two one and we’re about to go off make sure to use your wings in the air see you later Lily bye and whoa I’m flying and wait

When we fly we can stay in the air for so much longer I could be shooting him right now and then I can fly back up then this is awesome sauce and then we can make a way safer Landing all the way at the bottom Boom coming in um Luke you just

Died oh my gosh that’s hilarious but our cannons are prepared but ohms where’s our armor oh gosh I didn’t even think about that we have no armor we’re naked and being naked is not a good combination against a Wither storm we need to get clothes on and we need to

Get in now and I know just where to put it follow me into the house guys we’re gonna make a secret Armory room whoa how do we do that first let’s make a little hole in the wall just like this and then back over here we have to make another

Room and this is going to be our secret room that no one can access except for us so build all around just like this make a couple of walls perfect and now we need to make a roof all the way up over here gonna enter we’re gonna use a very very

Secret way to enter that no one will know about it’s gonna be awesome and now that the walls are complete I can go inside and show you so we’re gonna need to grab a secret door and with a secret door when you place it down boom it

Looks like a normal block but you can actually open and close it whoa I’ve never seen a Bedrock door before I know right it is awesome and it’s still as powerful as Bedrock so we’re protected as well now guys grab your favorite armor we’re gonna make Auto armor stand

Shooters and of course I’m getting my favorite armor diamond armor with a full set of this bad boy and guys since we’re gonna be shooting at the Wither storm we’re gonna need a bow and a bunch of arrows so grab a million and I’m gonna grab a special type of Arrow this arrow

Is gonna have an effect to it so let’s see what’s a really bad effect I want to use on the Wither storm man Arrow of poison is awesome I’m using some poison arrows now grab some dispensers and we’re gonna need a pressure plate as well and boom now let’s build the armor

Dispensary and to do it first we need to place one dispenser facing this way then one facing this way then two going this way then two going this way now put the fence in the Middle with a pressure plate above it and once we stand in it

All of them activate and shoot it so now put your armor in each one of the dispensers just like that perfect and my bow and I have a really good idea since if we put the arrows in the dispensers it would only shoot one out at a time I

Know a way to make our bow have unlimited Arrows with only one all we have to do is grab and Anvil put it right down then grab an Infinity book and make our boath Infinity wall awesome in here guys I’ll give you guys each one

Here’s one for Roxy one for Lily and one for Luke now let’s put it into the dispenser add the last dispenser with our arrows awesome my Armory is complete what about you guys mine too I guess that is perfect now don’t forget to put the fence and the

Pressure plate now it’s officially ready to strike let’s go this wither storm is going down and speaking of him guys we have not checked up on him at all oh no he definitely evolved oh gosh oh gosh Luke what do these guys evolve into you

Do not want to know what I do not want to know now I want to know you can’t just say that I need to know what did he evolve into oh gosh I’m scared homes I think there’s something inside well I don’t think so it looks completely normal

Oh my gosh she already has his head completely formed oh gosh run back right now now is this guy is gonna be crazy and wait a minute if that’s just his head how big is he gonna be homes you have no idea how big he is what do you mean I

Have no idea how big he is how big is he give me an idea right now I’m nervous Luke I’m so nervous if he’s that big with just a head imagine how big he is with his whole body how big is his body Luke stop beating around the bush tell

Me right now how big is his body a hundred times bigger than his head oh my gosh that means he’s the same size as me it’s hopeless let’s just give up I’m going to cry in this corner over here you’re not big at all the lamp I am totally big butt what do

We do how do we fight something 100 times bigger than that I don’t think our bow and arrows are really gonna do anything we need a TNT cannon a TNT cannon but how would we reach him if he’s 100 times bigger that means he’s

Gonna be all the way up in the sky we don’t really need to aim that high we just need to aim for his heart his heart what do you mean his heart his heart is the command block oh the command block oh yeah the normal wither had it so that

Means the Wither storm is gonna have one too and if we break the command block we shut him down right exactly let’s aim for the command block all right guys we’re gonna make four TNT cannon Shooters so let’s build up and I’m gonna make the first one right over here and I

Think it should be about this High Luke would you say that this is the level where his command block is gonna be yep somewhere around there all right awesome now let’s make a little platform over here kind of like a giant diving board let’s build it just like this boom

Perfect and it’s pointing directly at that silly wither Storm’s face he is going down now we’re gonna have to build the actual Cannon and to build a cannon the first thing we need is some water so it doesn’t blow ourselves up then we’re gonna need some Redstone some Redstone

Repeaters a lever and of course a whole lot of TNT now let’s build the outlining out of dispensers so let’s set up four dispensers this way that on this side we have to set up for dispensers just like that facing inwards perfect now let’s set up a back and some water flowing all

The way down then over here we need to put some Bedrock like this that a dispenser up over here with another dispenser up over here then let’s grab a slap put it down like that and now we’re ready to attach the red zone so let’s attach Redstone all around it just like

This and go to the back over here then on each side add some Redstone repeaters at maximum delay now all we have to do is fill up each dispenser with TNT now let’s test it out if I add a lever and shoot it please work come on and

Whoa Luke is that literally like a perfect shot check that out it will shoot right down the middle and into his command block arms that’s exactly where his heart’s gonna be awesome and wait a minute I have a really good idea right now we’re only shooting at him with two

TNT blocks but what if there was a way to make it more how do we do that super easy all we have to do first is like turn this off because I don’t want to blow myself up and then we just need to add some more dispensers up on this side

And this is like either gonna blow us up or be Mega awesome this is crazy stuff I know Mega crazy off so all we have to do now is just activate all these back dispensers at the same time so let’s make a little staircase up like this

Bring it down over here and make you connect to the Redstone like this and I think I’m kind of having like a good system I’m not really sure though this might be right and let’s see will this work if I add some delay and then add

TNT in each dispenser let’s just do one try as a test I know the other side isn’t filled so if I flick the lever oh my gosh Luke stop a TNT just wanted oh that is crazy I filmed other side no way it works I know right that is insane now

All we have to do is add some Redstone to the second side and I think I could just like steal some Redstone from here so let me build over like this and oh gosh this is a little bit dirty but I think it will get the job done let’s put

Redstone up and over like that now let’s test it out let me flick the lever and oh my God so much TNT is about to be shot and wow that was amazing let me try that again oh my gosh it’s like a whole array

Of tea and tea I love it wait a minute you think we can add more boom do you really think this is smart I think it’s genius let’s add like two more layers up so that’s gonna be five on each side what is five plus five does anybody know

What that is it’s ten oh my gosh that would be insane and this design that we have right now is totally not gonna work we need an easier way to activate all five of these at once does anyone have any ideas because I have zero what if we

Just use command blocks command blocks wait a minute Luke you are literally a genius if I just use command blocks I can activate all of them at the same time do rjs Luke I love you you’re so smart so to do this is like Mega easy

All we have to do is make the Redstone go down over here then again add the repeaters but instead of activating the dispensers directly we’re gonna make it activate into a command block and to get a command block we have to type out a special command and boom I now have it

And I can place it right over here and the command we want is to make an entire row of redstone blocks to spawn in Behind These dispensers and to do that the first thing we have to do is place two dummy blocks over here then type out

The command just to get the coordinates and then boom throw it in now let’s just set it to spot in some redstone blocks and I think that’s really it let’s test this bad boy out so if I flick the lever oh my gosh it literally works it

Literally works all of them spawn in awesome do the same on the other side oh yeah really smart so first let me turn off the lever so we don’t have a giant explosion and instead of even putting it on this side I could just like add it right underneath over here like this

Then let’s fly up put two blocks and grab the man man I got it now we can fly down underneath to the command block and put it in to spot it a redstone block so when we flick the lever both sides activate now all we have to do is make them

Despot and that is Mega easy all we have to do is grab some blocks and Lead it this way then put a command block here and then another command block right over here with some repeaters in between them like that so they all activate in a

Chain then we’re gonna need to grab this command then copy it over here but replace it with Air instead of a redstone block then go underneath and grab the one underneath and move that command over here and replace it with air this is gonna be awesome I think

Let’s just like add a little bit of delay I think and this should be good now let’s test it out it should spawn in some blocks and make them disappear as well and in three two one test Please working it literally did it literally worked that means we’re gonna have ten

Blocks to be shot out awesome so let’s turn it off and now add all of the TNT and the dispensers help me out guys because there’s literally so many and we are now done awesome test number one of our Mega laser 10x TNT are you guys excited oh no this is gonna be

Crazy I know right three two one boom and oh oh my gosh oh my gosh and oh wow we literally have a laser cannon of TNT I love this so much check that out wow he is going down wait 10 more um Luke is that even

Possible can we add 10 more with the command blocks it should be simple enough all right let’s do it so right now we have five on each side so let’s make it six then seven then eight then nine then ten whoa this is literally a mega Kennedy’s gonna be destroyed in

Like what a hit and I think this is ten on each side totaling of 20 TNT now all we have to do is go over here into the command blocks and change some of the command block numbers so they reach a little bit higher T and do it to all of

Them so they stay the same and nothing really crazy happens and I think this should work so test number one is a go and wait oh no some of it like broke oh gosh it didn’t spot in the blocks over here we have to fix this up now let’s

Test it out if we hit the lever oh my gosh all of them so that means if we fill it up with TNT we’re gonna have a 10 X TNT get it on each side totaling of Lily what’s ten plus ten twenty twenty twenty TNT oh my

Gosh this wither storm guy is Gonna Get Wrecked fill up TNT in each dispenser this has gotta be awesome and are they all filled yeah they are all filled and ready are you guys ready for this insane test do it all right three two one and

Boom and oh my gosh that’s so much TNT oh my God oh my gosh it works and that’s literally a ray of TNT and guys I have an idea we can make it a never stop shooting Cannon an automatic cannon that would be crazy watch this guys so let’s go all the way

Down over here and deactivate it then we’re gonna need to make a little bit of a redstone clock first we’re gonna need to set some Redstone repeaters all around and make it have a lot of delay because we do not want it activating too fast and I’m literally gonna have to

Make the platform even bigger this should be a good size and this should be a good amount of repeaters I hope so I really do although if it’s not that we’re going to be in a big trouble because it’s gonna blow it up but now

Let’s add a redstone on each one of them and then all we have to do now is activate then deactivate it and boom check this out we have a redstone post that always goes around and I’m not sure if this is too quick it honestly seems

Like it but there’s only one way to find out let’s hook it up to the Canon and in three two one it’s not hooked up oh gosh oh gosh I’m nervous please work and oh and on a wall and it’s perfect take oh my gosh guys we literally have

An infinite TNT shooter automatically um this is insane and guys I literally have a genius idea we could hook all of our cannons up to it so all of our cannons always activate at the same time check this out Luke I think this is automatically gonna make your Canon work

Too and it does all we have to do is add TNT in it what are you serious yes at TNT and boom now they’re all filled so if we reconnect the Redstone yes oh my oh my early insane we have a never stopping TNT getting and wait a minute

If me and Luke’s work can we connect Lillian roxies let’s set this add some Redstone over here and then connect it like this and oh my gosh are you serious it works for lilies too this is crazy we have three cannons now and the last one

Is Roxy’s so let’s hook it up so let’s hook up the Redstone and this should work we should have all four cannons working at the same time oh my gosh this is literally insane we have so many TNT kit is happening automatically and what

We could do is we can make them all turn off with a switch of a button how do we do that um by just like breaking the Redstone like this and boom the cycle has stopped us up and to restart it all we have to do is turn off and on this

Lever the ohms how do we even get up here oh completely forgot these were supposed to be like for our ladders hmm need a way to instantly get up and wait a minute and the theme of command blocks we can make a command block elevator to get us

Out so first let’s go over here and let’s make ourselves a main platform to spawn in on and this should be pretty good perfect so we have really quick and easy access to the lever and now all we have to do is get the coordinates to teleport up here and the coordinates is

Negative 37 negative 47 and then 25 now let’s copy that over and go all the way down here and now let’s build a little elevator and we also have to make it out of Bedrock because I think the Wither storm can break just literally everything so let’s build a little

Elevator just like this perfect and make it go all around like that awesome then build a little roof on top over here boom perfect and whoops don’t forget the floor because we don’t want the floor breaking we don’t want to fall through and now let’s make the front wall like

That and boom perfect now all we have to do is add a command block underneath put in the TP command and make sure we do at a so it teleports everyone and now that should be good let’s grab a pressure plate so once we go inside the elevator

And boom we all get teleported up here whoa super cool I know right this is awesome but guys we might have a little problem what if all this TNT isn’t enough um so I honestly think it might not be what really all of this isn’t enough are

You serious in terms of TNT we’d need like a thousand pieces a thousand pieces even if all of our cannons are going at maximum blast we’re only shooting like 20. oh no how can we get a thousand hmm what if we make a self destruct button and blow everything up with one shot

Yeah that’s awesome but that’s gonna be a Backup backup plan yeah if everything else fails we will hit the in case of emergency button and blow everything up now follow me guys I’m gonna show you how to build it the first thing we’re gonna need is a bunch of redstone

Torches because we’re gonna have to make a redstone torch elevator all the way to the top and I mean like all the way to the top this is gonna be super duper shmooper high up like insanely high up because he’s big and we need to make it

Above his head and boom we’re Mega high up now we have to set a layer of TNT and you know what guys instead of using normal TNT let’s use super TNT check this thing out guys it’s like in the colors of a command block oh this must

Be perfect for the Wither storm yeah this should be Mega Power oh awesome you used these before yeah this is how I defeated the last wither storm I thought whoa awesome okay okay great let’s place a billion of them down and boom it’s now all filled with super mega TNT step

Number two we have to fill it up with a bunch of blocks on the top so guys help me out fill it up with a bunch of blocks and boom we finish it now for the last step we need a billion pieces of redstone and I don’t know why I’m

Placing this by hand we could just use a command let’s set the first side over here and then fly all the way over here and then on the second side literally just like type out some words and boom it’s all set awesome now guys use Redstone repeaters randomly so the

Redstone current reaches everywhere and perfect it’s now all filled with a bunch of repeaters now all we have to do is connect it to this Redstone and once we activate the torch all the way down here it’s gonna activate all those TNT and make it rain so let’s grab the in case

Of emergency button and wait no one hit that oh gosh oh gosh I cannot land I need to grab some glass and Surround it so the only time we could ever hit it is if we break this class and if we really need it okay

Um I have an idea what an idea what’s your idea do you know how the Wither Storm’s giant yeah he has like insanely giant what about it what if we become giant but come giant what is she talking about how can we pick up giant with this

Oh my gosh Lily you are huge how did you do that it’s called a strength device whoa this thing looks awesome and hmm how do I use it and whoa it worked I have a giant this is awesome we definitely have to use this and where can we store it has to be

Somewhere safe how about we store it in a hidden area over here let’s go back here and then break some blocks like this then grab a bunch of ghost blocks like that perfect so we can go in and out of it now we can make a little area

Here where we’re gonna store our shrink devices so no one will know where it is so let’s fill it all up like that with some ghost blocks perfect then let’s grab a password protected chest put it over here and the password is gonna be one two three four unguessable now let’s

Put four shrink devices in here so all of us can use it and perfect now all we need is a ladder to get out of here place them like this and boom we can now climb out homes we should be ready to fight now wait what are you serious

Ready to fight I’m a little bit nervous but I’m gonna trust you okay guys we’re ready to fight come on guys follow me we have to go to the Armory and get our armor so let’s open the Secret Door and boom I got my full set of armor and my

Electron yeah me too awesome let’s do this guys and wait before we go we have to make a quick stop follow me over here and let’s jump into the hole and with the password protected chest let’s put in the code and grab one of the personal shrinking devices and with this I could

Change my size and boom check me out I am giant nothing can defeat me I am the strongest person uh ever guys what the heck is that behind us it’s the weather storm look how big he is wait what is ginormous wow does he have any attacks he shoots

Fireballs wow wait he just destroyed one of our launchers oh no this is assistant wait a minute is he smart why is he only targeting our launchers Holmes he has three heads that’s three times the knowledge oh my gosh he’s destroying everything guys Elijah’s up use the rockets and

Attack him up close hey yeah and guys my arrow just did nothing oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay okay let me go all the way up here and guys I’m activating the kittens ah they’re all ago attacker they’re not doing what none of the Cannons are affecting serious and he’s

Shooting at the Cannons wait what no you just destroyed the cannon hey Mr weather storm please don’t do that oh my God stop it hey I’m gonna attack his head on oh my gosh Roxy’s flying him you got this you got this and Roxy are you doing any damage at all

Oh no he’s Invincible guys it’s not looking too good what do we do what do we do we need a plan and we literally used everything we had homes we still have the in case of emergency button and I think right now is an emergency quickly we gotta go for it follow me

Guys let’s go all around and let’s break the glass I can’t believe it we had to use it this fast he’s just super powerful but hey yeah and wait is it gonna work is it TNT coming down my my awesome and wait a minute guys he

Just died we did it the TNT worked let’s go we saved it down yeah and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on our next click right here bye

Today, a WITHER STORM HEAD was brought into Omz and Roxy’s neighborhood! And once it mutates into a Wither Storm , it’s going to go straight for their house to try and destroy it! Omz and Roxy will have to build security defenses around their house to prepare for the attack and defeat the Wither Storm! Will they beat the Wither Storm? Or will they fail to keep him out? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Cash and Nico!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandRoxy #OmzandLily


  1. 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😅😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😮😮😮😮😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😮😅

  2. Btw how do you really The wither storm there are two methods to defeat the wither storm 1 use the enchantment called the eraser command during the phase, call the weather storm, that’s actually what you guys saw at the start of the video 2 wait for it to use its 2cond life should appear and you can enter it to enter the wither storm dimension is literally its stomach find the command block, and then defeated with the command block sword.

  3. I rilie love you bet not like Cristel love you omz 😍😘☺️😚😙🤗🤭😻😽💌💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣️💔❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤💋👄👰🤰🤱👫🛌💏💑👨‍👩‍👦

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