How To Build A Modern Underwater Secret Base in Minecraft

My family is in big trouble because this huge volcano is about to erupt can me and my brother Milo build a secure underwater secret base to keep our family safe that volcano is about to erupt any second now Chip our fames are totally not safe you’re right Milo we

Have no time to waste let’s get building our secure underwater secret base let’s go we’ve got to get to the water’s edge Milo and find a good spot to make our base well here we are I think this is a great spot Milo let’s dig right down so

We can be in the water as quick as possible that’s a great idea if we build into the side of the Cliff face then we’ll totally be safe yeah exactly because so much of our defense will be done just by the stone in the walls exactly now we don’t even have to build

That much yeah but we can still build so many things to help protect us and our families from that giant volcano I’m feeling really nervous chip what if it blows up where we still building oh Milo we need to not let that happen and we can help stop that by building really

Really quickly so it doesn’t even have time to blow up well you know I’m a really slow builded ship yeah I do okay I think this is a good level of deepness for our hole now let’s see if we can find our way to the ocean and build a

Huge glass window there but the ocean is going to come into the hole look at that if we place glass right here at the center of the hall it’ll stop the water from coming in but wait wait a second chip I’m trapped outside let me in oh

Sorry Milo quick swim in that hole that I just broke for you oh I can’t I’m not a very good mermaid no you’re not you make a really good buddy though and a really good survival companion I know we can survive this thing together we got

To dig this out so there’s plenty of room for both of our families yeah and us as well we also want to make the window way bigger so we have a really nice view of the ocean hey you keep splashing water on me boo sorry Milo I

Promise I’m doing my best this window is going to be our only connection to the outside world while we’re surviving the volcano blast Maybe we can watch some fishies go past wait a second wo look wo there’s another underwater cave that’s good it means we have another view of

The water keep mining this out Milo we need the main room to be really really big because it’s going to be where both of our families come and meet every single day yeah just in case the volcano explodes randomly stupid volcano yeah exactly okay I think this is a good size

For our main room H now I’m going to start replacing the floor with a bunch of material so that we don’t have to live on Stone the whole time all right I’m going to keep digging out this little section while you get started great idea Milo I’m using Oak planks

Just like this because they’re a really nice floor block yeah I’m really really liking these Oak planks right about now thanks Milo me too H I think this wall is looking a little lopsided let me fix that he that’s what I was thinking thanks Smo I’m glad we’re on the same

Page with this all right now I’ll build like this and H I kind of want this glass window to be a circle I think I know what to do hey Milo stop that trust me I’ve got a really good design planned we’re going to mine out like this and

Continue it down I don’t know how to build circles I actually don’t even know what shape is a circle Milo well in a second you’ll know what’s a circle because this is one um really yes Milo I promise it is a circle now we need to

Really make the floor out of wood just like this okay I hope the volcano doesn’t burn up our floorboards oh that’s a good idea H we better build something in the roof to protect the floors from the volcano I’m going to block off the roof just like this using

Stone blocks we’ll have to get rid of it later though so our families can get through yeah otherwise they might be trapped up there while we’re trapped down here exactly I’m going to mine four blocks this way so that our main big living room can be just as big on both

Sides I’m really liking the view of this water right now I know me too oh it’s so beautiful you can see the kelp forests for Miles I don’t really like to eat kelp so I hope we don’t have to survive off that for very long oh you’re right

Milo we’ll need to build some really Advanced farms and Survival Systems to make sure we do not have to eat the disgusting kelp yuy I don’t really like eating fish either so let’s try and avoid that as well what but you’re a bir birdies love fish no I’m not the kind of

Bird that likes fish I’m the kind of bird that likes bird seeds silly yeah I know Milo I’ve had to watch you eat bird seeds every single day and you’re always so messy with them what the chip why are you putting bookshelves in the wall well

Milo we need something to read if we’re going to be stuck down here for ages but you don’t remember I don’t know how to read books yeah well maybe your wife and your kid might and my family definitely will this base has to be good enough for

Both of our families and us not just me and you Milo I’m going to put an enchanting table down so I can read the squiggly little lines what Milo I thought you were going to put it down so we can enchant things I don’t know how to enchant things that’s for weird nerds

Hey my entire family knows how to enchant things and we are not weird nerds are you sure about that when was the last time you looked in the mirror buddy well I’m not going to get to look in a mirror yet until we make a bathroom full of mirrors for everybody to

Remember what they look like I get really distracted when I see mirrors wait Milo you’re getting distracted now come on help me make this hallway so we can make more rooms hallway what where is it going to lead to this hallway is going to lead to every single room we

Need to survive like a kitchen a bathroom maybe even Some Farms do I get my awesome Epic Farm okay yes Milo you can get your very very own awesome Epic room at the very end yes all right this is a pretty good length for a hallway I think let’s start actually building in

The floor I’m going to make it out of wood planks as well we really need the same design across the whole house otherwise our feet would get cold on the stone yeah and I probably get confused and forget that we’re actually in a bunker or something exactly we’re in a

Bunker not just a cave that’s really important to remember so we don’t go crazy this base is looking so good chip I’m really liking it thanks Milo I’m really liking it too I’m adding in more bookshelves just because if we have to stay down here for a 100 days we need

Every single book ever so we don’t get bored yeah like Harry Potter I really like the Harry Potter book me too Milo I like them as well wo I can’t believe we’ve both read it now here is where I’m going to build the kitchen the kitchen

Oh yeah boy I like to cook some food do you mean bird seeds Milo that is food and it’s the the mostly most scrumches thing in the whole world yeah I guess if you’re a bird all right now it’s time to start making the floorboards I’m going

To get some concrete and I’m going to get black and white concrete as well just like a classic kitchen oh yeah this is going to look really good maybe I’ll get the white concrete and do the other parts yeah that is if I don’t beat you

To it I’m going so quick hey stop it oh no did I just mess it up champ Milo yes you did okay I’ll makes your mistake don’t worry we’re working on it together so I’m here to help okay well I guess that’s a good idea all right now let’s

Get some andesite blocks and startop making the walls of the kitchen just like this what this looks ugly chip I don’t want to use andesite what what would you use instead Mila jungle wood what jungle wood okay we can compromise inside the andesite you can add a bunch

Of jungle wood and I’ll even help you yeah jungle Wood’s my favorite block yeah it’s a pretty awesome block actually you’re right I like it because you can grow cocoa beans on it and that is what you use to make cookies we going to have cocoa beans in our house yes oh

Yes we definitely will because otherwise I’m not going to get to have my cookies and I get pretty cranky if I don’t have my cookies I do not want to see you without cookies we have to have the lifetime supply of cookies for chip yeah we better if there’s a single day where

I don’t have my cookies I’m going to go absolutely crazy all right now that we built the wall it’s time to start filling the kitchen with decorations decorations oh this is my favorite part we better get some benches in here and maybe a FLT yeah first I’m going to grab

Some Acacia cabinets and some warped cabinets they need to be blue and orange just like us we need to remember who we are Milo otherwise we’ll probably lose our minds I’m going to get a cooler cabinet and a little Grill I’m going to get sinks so that we can wash our hands

Wo good Grill Milo I’ll put a blue one right next to it so that we can both cook as much as we want I’m check it out we got a little cooler box I think these turtle eggs definitely ow to do the trick this way we can make omelets yum

That sounds pretty scrumptious to me and I have a really fun treat that I’m going to put there Milo if it’s bird seeds I’m going to go crazy it’s not bird seeds it’s cake what cake Milo you genius I can’t believe you thought of something so amazing yeah we’re going to be able

To NE on it for years I’m also going to get some lanterns to put on the ceiling this way our kitchen is going to be really bright and we’ll see everything we’re cooking these look super nice chip you’re like a designer yeah I basically am let’s also get some furnaces as well

This way we’ll be able to cook all of our delicious foods to keep ourselves from going hungry I can’t believe I forgot about the furnaces that’s like the main cooking tool yeah it definitely is wo I’m loving our kitchen so far but we need to to build some different rooms

As well now let’s dig out a hole to build a sitting room in this way all of our families can sit around a fireplace and chill wait what do you do in a sitting room well you sit Milo that’s the reason it’s called a sitting room that sounds boring what about a running

Room or a spinning room um I don’t know spinning rooms would make everybody dizzy and a Running Room would probably just Tire everybody out we need all the energy we can get to survive this volcano blast yeah but I’m going to go crazy down here if I don’t get my daily

Run around well we’re going to make the entire base into a big loop so you can run around as much as you want oh goodness gracious yeah goodness gracious because it’s going to be so good and so great okay now that I’ve cleared a

Really TT area for it I think I need to build the fireplace chimney going right up a chimney that’s how I going to stay warm in here of course exactly and it’s not from the lava the lava would be way too hot so the fire is the perfect

Amount of warmth in between normal temperature and lava okay we’ll do orange orange orange from my whole family and blue excuse me Milo we’ll do blue blue and blue for your whole family so we’re basically just going to be sitting in here yeah but we can also play games and

Charades and we can even play hide and seek I’m just going to fill in the ceiling I’m pretty confused about the sailing situation but I’m just going to go with it h I think we can do something better maybe if we add a ladder over here and turn the bottom block into

Planks we can actually make a second story to the sitting room a second story chip that’s genius thanks Milo now it’s not just a sitting room it’s a climbing room as well oh that’s exactly what I wanted climbing rooms are so much fun I have one in my house well you’re going

To have one in your new brand new underwater security bunker chip I miss my old house I know Milo I miss it too but your old house is right next to the volcano it’s going to get totally destroyed by all the fire this new house is the only way we can possibly survive

Well now I’m feeling really Lonesome well Milo it’s not going to be lonely because both our families are going to be down here with us I guess so but what about all of my cool toys that I have in my old house we can build so many

Awesome rooms that you won’t even want to go back to your old house this new house will be even more awesome I just hope that the base is strong enough to survive the volcano so we can enjoy it yeah that’s actually really true I guess all that really matters is that we get

Out of line yeah exactly and our families get out alive too I really hope they’re okay next to the volcano once this bunker is done they’re going to move in here with us they’re going to really love it my little baby Milo is going to have so much fun playing with

The books and stacking them up yeah they can build secret pillow forts with the books and I think my wife is really going to enjoy reading them all is she I didn’t know your wife could read of course my wife can read everyone in my family reads even the baby what how did

He know how to read but I don’t know how to read Milo I wouldn’t be saying that that’s a really embarrassing thing to mention really I didn’t know it was embarrassing to not read oh Milo you’re so silly all right now that we’ve done the sitting room I think it’s time we

Make a big dining room so we can all eat as a family together yeah I’m really liking this chip let’s definitely do the dining room I’m going to grab some Spruce planks and some deep slate this dining room is going to look so fancy Spruce pranks chip that toally crashes

With the rest of our aesthetic no Milo we need to make each room different because if we can’t leave the bunker we need different zones to go in so that our brains feel nice and refreshed I totally forgot that we’re not going to be able to leave this place now I’m

Freaking out really okay Milo if you don’t want to freak out tell me some things you want us to add to the dining room so that it feels just like home all right pretty much I want a big blue table and I want some cool chairs I want

Some candles on the table and lots of snacks for me all right Milo I have all the amazing ingredients to build this awesome awesome dining room I actually changed my mind I just want the whole place to be full of Bad Seeds oh okay I

Can do that Milo but you have to promise that you’re not going to complain to me ever again I won’t complain I’ll be super happy if there’s endless bird seeds just everywhere I even want a table built out of bird seeds a table built out of bird seeds Milo that’s not

Possible what I thought you said anything was possible yeah not that though that’s just crazy so you’re a liar Milo if not being crazy makes me a liar then yeah I guess I’m a liar hey are you calling me crazy poo yeah I am calling you crazy but what’s also crazy

Crazy is how awesome this big blue table looks well watch your back when this volcano explodes cuz it might be pushing you in there I think we’ll make the center of it Spruce oh that looks awesome and let’s just fill it with cake let’s also add orange candles on top of

The cake and I guess we can also add bird seeds because otherwise Milo is really going to throw a big tantrum let’s add some bird seeds on all these walls I wonder if there different flavors of bird seeds or if Milo just likes the one I’ll have to ask him

Sometime we’ll have all the time in the world to talk about bird SE while we’re stuck in this bunker together all right and these are the final seeds to add Milo why is there a donkey inside the sitting room I don’t know but I named

Him MIM MIM MIM MIM that’s a crazy name Milo they didn’t even name the donkey and Shrek that he’s going to be a friend down here okay I guess we can have an extra member of the family but I’m not cleaning up after him you found the donkey so he’s your responsibility all

Right hi M you’re going to be my best friend well the roof is done in the the dining room now it’s time to get started building bedrooms Milo yeah I think this is done and I’m pretty much loving all of these bed seats I think we need to

Make one but have it a big dormatory room for both of our families but where is mim MIM going to sleep well MIM MIM can sleep in the Farms that we’re going to build later hey MIM MIM get out of the kitchen Milo your donkey’s trying to

Eat the cake yeah he’s a lad to have some cake okay fine but if he does eat all the cake you have to replace it do you have something against me yes Milo he just came into our bunker and he smells really bad he’s going to eat all

Of our food rations well M told me you’re smelly so I don’t know one of you must be lying to me you’d believe a donkey over me Milo he didn’t betray me so yeah I do um where’s he gone he’s reading the books what you mean eating

The books hey donkey stay away from the bookshelves those were expensive it’s a really smart dokey and he’s studying for his diploma so leave him alone okay okay I won’t have to worry if I can get a good night’s sleep so that’s why this bedroom is really important okay

Bedrooms are really important because we need 8 hours of sleep exactly every single night that’s one of the most important things to having a happy and healthy life oh no Milo water is coming down from the ceiling wow we really did build right next to an underwater cave

Oh no I’m freaking out what we going to do don’t worry mil Lord the water is draining away because I blocked off the sauce thank goodness chip that got pretty crazy right there all right if you keep building the floor I’m going to get some concrete to build the walls

This design is going to be really interesting I can’t wait to see what you do with the place me too I think half of it needs to be light blue concrete and then the other half can definitely be orange concrete that way both of our families have an equal side of this

Bedroom to sleep in or it could just still be blue I don’t know Milo no then only your family would be able to sleep and it would not be fair on both of us what so your family can only sleep if there’s orange around them that’s pretty

Lame yeah well wouldn’t you not like it if the whole bunker was orange then would I’m like it but I’d be able to sleep still yeah my baby’s a lot more sensitive than that he has sleep apnea what sleep appne that’s a bit sad chip I know we’re dealing with it but hopefully

All this time in the bunker will help him Milo MIM MIM got inside the bedroom get him out get him out MIM MIM you’re not allowed in here ship said no Milo if you can’t control this donkey I think we might have to push him out into the

Water he’s not this donkey he’s M me and he’s part of this family now let’s get some colored beds like an orange one and a light blue one just to put inside this room obviously the blue ones need to go on this side yeah and we’re going to put

An extra one down for MIM what Milo actually you know what as long as MIM MIM is sleeping on your side I’m fine with that all right we struck a deal then that’s good yeah exactly now let’s get a bunch of chests so that we can each keep our personal belongings in

Here I have so many personal belongings I’m going to need a double chest thank you very much okay Milo but there’s no space thanks to your MIM MIM can just put it above silly okay um I guess that works all right now it’s time to start

Adding flower pots above the chest on my side I’m going to add a bunch of orange tulips just like these I actually don’t really want flowers because I get hay fever and so does M M okay fine I’m going to add some carpets right down the

Middle so we know where each room ends and won’t step in each other’s personal space yeah cuz if you come over to the blue side you’re toast okay and if MIM MIM comes over to the orange side he’s going to be toast as well don’t you touch him I’m also going to get

Paintings and place them on both of our walls I think one will be perfect here oh that spider one looks awesome and what will go good here oh I actually kind of want that fire one I hope you don’t mind oh but that one’s cool I’ll

Give you the water skull one yeah cuz it’s blue I’m sure it’ll really fit over on your side quickly MIM MIM get off his side MIM MIM hey stay out of my side you know what that’s it I’m going to build a fence around the whole thing so mimim

Can’t get in no GPS to be able to sleep in there yeah Milo I’ll let him in on your side but not on mine I’m building an acacia and warped fence just like this you can leave yours open to let MIM MIM in but I’m going to keep mine closed

So he can’t oh this is a really horrible situation did you break the painting I just made Milo um no I didn’t touch it okay perfect now the painting is all safe this bedroom looks kind of awesome I love how it splits down the middle yeah it’s really good good now we need

To make bathrooms that split down the middle exactly in the same way bathrooms I’m going to have so many BS yeah okay you better build a big one so MIM MIM can use it MIM MIM doesn’t like taking BS he actually doesn’t like water at all

Which is why he’s down here yeah my family loves taking baths they’re always so clean much cleaner than MIM MIM in your family don’t you talk about MIM like that just because we don’t take BS doesn’t mean we don’t take showers what okay I guess you can have showers on

Your side and I can have a bunch of awesome Baths on my side sounds good to me I’m going to make my bathroom out of orange wool and orange terracotta actually wait oh orange glaze terra cotta look how pretty this is I can even build it in a circle just like this and

You could put it through the whole place because it’s got both of our colors in it oh wow good idea Milo I really like that we’re making some awesome design choices together this is so fancy I know we’re going to have the fanciest bathroom that any bunker has ever seen

They’re not going to believe their eyes when they come and see this no they won’t all right I will add the same over this side so that your family can enjoy the luxuries of this beautiful tile as well I really like that we’re going to have some bright colors down here

Otherwise it would get really depressing I know I do not want my family to be growing up in a depressing bunker that would be sad I know they love orange and I know your family loves blue so this is perfect to make everybody happy and we

Can even look at it from our bedroom and admire how pretty it is exactly now I’m going to stop placing orange terra cotta just like this excuse me Mila hey want me finish my thing thank you very much but then Milo it won’t be symmetrical on

Both sides what let me get some light blue Terra Cotter so I can make it over here otherwise there’ll be books in the bathroom and they’ll get totally soggy and wet by books in the bathroom no thanks I don’t like reading books at the best of times yeah exactly that’s why

These walls are really important this way it lines up really nicely with our other bedrooms and we don’t have to read in the bathroom CH this is not below Milo it’s blue terracotta it can’t be the same blue as our bedrooms but it’s purple and it’s ugly no Milo this is

Called light blue terracotta you got to trust me it looks bad and I hate it okay if you want to change it to to light blue concrete you absolutely can no that’s too much effort I just know my family’s going to hate it down here hey Milo our families aren’t going to hate

It they’re going to love it oh I guess so well we are trying our hardest exactly that’s all they can expect from us I’m going to make the entire roof into that same beautiful tile pattern I think it’ll really keep everyone’s Spirits super high I think some toilets

Would be perfect for this bathroom I’m going to have three on my side one for every member of my family hey I want toilets as well okay you can have three but I need to build a wall in between them that’s not going to work why

There’s not enough room H okay maybe it can’t be a full wall but it’s just going to be really embarrassing going to the toilet yeah cuz they’re going to have to look at each other we’ll only be able to go to the bathroom one person at a time

Then what’s the point of having three toilets so everybody gets their own I don’t want to use a toilet after you’ve been on it that would be gross gross what the I’m very clean when I go to the toilet thank you very much excuse me

Milo it’s going to go all the way over here and now let me just fill it with water so you’ve done the botom now you got to make me a shower H okay I think I know exactly what to do let’s add a trip wire hook here and a lever here okay now

This lever when activated should turn on the shower even though it doesn’t work right now I think I know exactly how to make it first we need to put a dispenser in the ceiling just like this and once this lever turns on we can use Redstone

To link it up to the hollow wall right here in the ceiling then finally it’ll lead right over next to this dispenser now I just have to find some Redstone and a redstone repeater to link this whole thing up all right I super duper hope this works and boom now every

Single time somebody activates that lever it should dispense but we need to put some water inside so that it actually has somewhere to go we also need to add a quick little Loop of trap doors around so that the water doesn’t go over everywhere let’s put the water

Right in the middle and boom look the water actually activates and it destroys the trip wire whoopsy daisies but look MIM mim’s going for a swim now let’s turn it off now that we finished all these rooms let’s go check on our family and see if they’re okay family we’re

Back and what they’re not at the volcano anymore where could they have gone oh no I’m freaking out this is really bad what if the volcano monsters already took them Milo look they’re in here they’re in the pond oh oh it’s because it’s getting so hot out here that they needed

To cool off oh thank goodness you guys are safe that really scared me yeah but Milo they’re kind of right it is getting way hotter out here I think the volcano is about to erupt what the AR you we’re not prepared yet we need to get back to

Building right away over this side we’ve already built so many awesome things for our family to enjoy but over this side we need to build a bunch of farms to help us survive yeah because the real realityy of this situation is we’re not going to have lots of

Resources oh no I ran into the fireplace we need to make this hallway a little bit more to the left but look we’re already running into the water I think building this base underwater might have been a bad decision but chip how else are we going to stay protected from the

Lava you’re right Milo water is really cool and I think it’ll help us cool down from the ultra hot lava yeah that’s so so true the ocean is the safest place for us exactly all right I’m going to keep mining this way and this hallway needs to be a little more secure than

The other one the other one has a bunch of nice rooms like dining rooms and uhoh I’ve already hit the bathroom this hallway needs to be way more secure because it’s going to have a bunch of dangerous things like a mob farm and a tree farm where the kid could fall off

The branches do you really think having a mob farm down here is a good idea champ yeah Milo we need bones to make bone mealing things otherwise we’ll probably starve down here I do not want to stuff f is my number one priority after my family of course yeah me too my

Family is my number one priority and then I guess it’s food all right let’s keep adding andesite to this hallway it’s got to be shorter just in case any of the mobs that we’re farming break free and try to run down the hallway and chase us I’d be really angry if that

Happened yeah me too I’m also building it out of stone because Stone protects us from the heat pretty good A lot better than concrete or wood well isn’t Stone just DED up lava uh yeah it’s lava that’s cooled down but I think it works pretty well Stone melts a lot slower

Than wood burns so this should help protect us all right chip I’m really trusting you on this yeah I’m trusting myself on this one too all right let’s just add some more Stone up here and perfect why are you hiding down here next to the window I was just looking

For any bad guys out here Milo it’s not bad guys we have to worry about it’s getting bad Fried by the lava yeah but what if an Elder Guardian tries to have a staring competition with me Milo if there’s an Elder Guardian out here you won’t have to worry about it staring at

You because pretty soon it’s going to become a bunch of fish fingers when the lava Cooks It yummy I love fish fingers all right we need to build a way through this water so that we can make a proper Farm but look we’re in an underwater cave this is really good actually yeah

It’ll protect us but Milo we can’t let our baby drown in it my kid’s not very good at swimming yet well maybe we could cir it up with sponges yeah good idea but first let’s add a glass barrier so we don’t suak up the entire cave you

Were definitely right when you said that it’ll help us against the lava yep the lava is really nasty right let’s just add it here come on Milo get inside yeah but the water is really confusing me chip okay now let’s just grab some sponges so that we can soak this thing

Up just like this wow that like the treat yeah it definitely did all right now let’s just keep building it out like this and I have to get the blocks in the corner so it doesn’t look ridiculous and messy yck this gravel’s really annoying me I know it’s annoying me too Milo but

We have to focus on bigger more important things like getting this Farm done and keeping the water out of course oh this is a really bad situation I wish we didn’t have these underwater cave I know me neither Milo but they are and there’s something we have to deal with

If we want to survive the volcano explosion oh dang it here’s another one wait Milo I think this could actually be a good thing this is a natural underwater Pond and maybe we can even use it to go fish farming yeah we could go fishing in here all right that’s a

Great idea we just need to block off the cave from the surface so that none of the lava can get inside through here hey look chip come back to the glass hallway okay wait I’ll be there in 1 second Milo I just have to finish making this

Barrier all right and I am done now I’m going to come over to the glass way and see what you were doing F Milo you’re on the other side get back in here the pond leads around to the outside of the hallway wao this means that if we need

To do repairs on the glass hallway we can swim through here and have a really easy time fixing it from the outside in isn’t this so cool yeah but I’m just going to swim inside first I don’t want to be stuck out here yeah me either all

Right now that we’ve built this fish farm we need to make a tree farm just over here Tree Farm how does that even work don’t trees just grow in nature well Milo you can also grow them using saplings and if we have a dispenser which we definitely will we can

Automatically grow them to be really really quick oh yeah we’re going to have so many trees and weag going to build so many cool things with the wood yeah we definitely will all right I just need to clear out this area so the trees have enough space to actually grow in hey

Milo are you going for a swim I hear splashing yeah I’m actually starting to really love this water situation oh Milo we can’t go swimming right now there are more important things to focus on I’m adding wood around the corner of this tree farm so we know exactly where to

Put the trees yeah what if we forget and we put them in the fish pond that would be disastrous the tree would soak up all the water and it would totally kill all the fish oh man that would be so bad let’s make sure that doesn’t happen

Exactly oh no water started to fall in from the surface we’re really close to the edge of the water right now Milo I think we’re really pushing it yeah but we’re pushing it in the right direction now I’ve added glowstone to the ceiling so that the trees have a bunch of light

I’m also going to add some grass to the floor so that there’s a bunch of natural blocks for the trees to grow on nice thanks Milo I think it’s pretty nice too all right I’ll just keep making the trees like this and boom now let’s get a

Chest and fill it to the brim with saplings we need one of every single kind we can get Cherry saplings dark oak Acacia jungle even Birch and Spruce and of course we definitely need Oak all right I see the chest can go right over here perfect let’s just put the saplings

Inside and let’s just duplicate them so we have a bunch of ones we don’t want to run out that quickly MIM M’s going to love this area he better not not eat all the grass that would be really really annoying he won’t eat the grass he’s a

Good boy yeah I don’t know Milo all right now I’m going to add a dispenser where we are going to place the trees right in front of and it’s going to be full of bone meal this way when we place a sapling in front of it it’ll

Automatically bone me it so that it eventually grows into a tree what it’s this what is what oh that’s the wall that I made to keep out the lava from coming in the cave why did you use wood dum dum that’s to reinforce it the

Actual wall is made out of and’s eye wow okay you’re pretty smart for a little guy thanks Milo and hey you made the walls weird let me straighten these up a little I don’t know what to do oh I know Milo don’t worry but I do so I can

Definitely help show you now that the tree farm and the Fish Farm are done it’s time to get started building our mob farm Milo yeah we’re going to get these mobs and we’re going to farm them exactly all right let’s dig all of this section out in this way we need to make

Make sure we’re not going to run into any uh-oh that’s right water caves I’m getting really sick of digging I’m getting pretty sick of finding water as well H okay if we go in this direction it should help us avoid the water caves but chip you got to block this area ref

Do you want me to do it okay yeah you can Milo good job all right now I’m going to place some blocks here I don’t want us running into the water all right now if I keep breaking the roof like this eventually it should leave this way

And hey Milo the wood is still getting in yeah cuz you’re breaking more blocks buddy oh yeah sorry that’s my bad it is you’re bad and I don’t forgive you all right well you’re going to forgive me pretty soon because I’m going to keep building this awesome mob section out of

Mossy cobblestone and mossy bricks mossy cobblestone this is going to look crazy it’s going to look just like a regular monster spawner just look at this we’re doing so well already Milo once we make it to the end of this thing the mobs are going to be able to spawn I’m really

Proud of us so far thanks Milo I’m really proud of us too we’re doing such a good job building this thing in a way that will help us survive CH we got to keep this little window open even the mobs want to look at the ocean sometimes

Yeah and I guess they can but not for long because we’re totally going to take them out every time they try let’s just finish this wall and uh-oh I need to add some bricks underneath this I don’t want it looking messy and wait I broke a

Glass let me put that back gosh a chip you’re ruing everything I bu I’m getting crabby sorry Milo I thought you were getting birdie hey that’s not a funny joke sorry are only birdies allowed to say that yeah okay I won’t say it again but now we’ve reached the end of the

Tunnel and we can actually start building the huge mob farm let’s go let’s dig it out all this way we need to build four blocks in this direction and four blocks in that direction Yep this is perfect the mobs cannot spawn out inside the wall otherwise they’ll die

From Suffocation and it’ll be impossible to get their loot I don’t have a dog in my family but I’m sure my son will really really appreciate having lots of Bones to help grow the tree and get lots of materials so that he can eat all the

Apples and get big and strong my son is going to be even stronger than I am because my muscles aren’t very big but I’m sure one day they will be maybe we can build a gym inside this bunker so every day we can exercise and become a

Buff family my wife is one of the best mob Hunters out there I know Milo’s wife is pretty silly she once thought a zombie was a dog and tried to tame it using bones and cooked steak it did not go well but luckily she survived thanks

To the hospital we also have to make the roof of this mob spawner pretty tall otherwise the mobs will spawn in the ceiling and they could fall pretty far which might damage the floor all right now that we’ve done this it’s time to start filling this whole place in with

Mossy bricks and mossy cobblestone the floor needs to be Mossy bricks and the walls need to be Mossy Cobblestone because 99% of the spawners in Minecraft actually generate in strongholds and dungeons so we need to make this mob spawning room look exactly like them otherwise not as many mobs will spawn

Which will really make our Farms not work as well we need them to work super quick so that if the lava breaks in we have enough supplies to quickly repair them in an emergency okay the floor is looking really good and it’s coming along so quickly perfect now it’s time

To start on the mossy cobblestone walls the roof actually does not need to be made out of mossy cobblestone because in a real Minecraft dungeon the roof is made out of stone blocks and any andesite and granite that get mixed up in it we’re just making this look as

Realistic as possible okay perfect normally a dungeon has mossy cobblestone mixed in with Cobblestone but this dungeon is going to be so old and ancient and haunted that it’s only mossy cobblestone the Moss is spread to every single block in the dungeon I think that’s really important for letting the

Mobs know that this is exactly where they should be spawning not some regular the old normal dungeon hey Milo are you here to help yeah I was just thinking because this place looks so haunted the mobs are going to feel really at home exactly that’s been my design plan

That’s the reason I’m using a bunch of mossy cobblestone and no regular Cobblestone yuck I hate regular Cobblestone I know we get so much of it when we mine and it just fills up your inventory it is really annoying what get out of here Cobblestone um Milo I hear

Lava right now I think the volcano might be really getting close to erupting are you kidding me chip now I’m feeling really nervous we do not have a lot of time no we don’t Milo so I need to get some skeleton eggs and put them inside

The spawner I’m also going to get some skeleton dolls to make this mob spawner room feel even more haunted skeleton dolls that’s so creepy yeah there are skeletons all over the floor this will help stop other mobs from spawning and ruining the spawner room all right right perfect now only skeletons can spawn

This is making me feel really nervous I’m going to run and check on MIM M yeah I’m going to add a fence to the side of this mob spawner room this way none of the mobs will be able to escape look Milo there are already so many skeletons

I think we need to add some item frames on the wall and then fill them with netherite swords so that we can damage the mobs just like this okay the mob spawner is now complete Milo really can I see it yeah you can but while you do

That I’m going to add a bunch of signs warning our families to stay away stay out skeleton spawner chip this guy’s looking at me funny he wants to fight hey Milo stay back you can’t take them on with your Cobblestone when you want to fight the skeletons you need to use

One of the netherite swords from the wall God these guys are real bers I don’t like their energy yeah neither do I but Milo I can feel the energy of the volcano csing through the floor let’s go up and check on our families to make sure they’re safe look Milo lava is

Coming out of the volcano right now oh my gosh it’s going to blow really soon and look there’s smoke and fire at the top it’s getting really close to erupting oh chip what are we going to do we need to tell our families hey families we’re going to work really hard

To get this underwater secure base finished just stay safe take care of the kids I love you this is our final chance to make our base more secure and protect our families from the volcano Milo I’m really freaking out we do not have a lot

Of time no we don’t that’s why we need to make a freezer out of iron blocks and a bunch of packed ice just like this we need to keep all of our food fresh for a very long time the freezer will act as a

Secure place to go to if the rest of the base gets way too warm that’s so true we can come in here and get really tosty and then go for a little walk no Milo the freezer is going to be where we come to cool down from the volcano what I

Thought you cook things in freezers Milo is this why all your food is undercooked and raw oh no I just realized I guess that’s why I’ve been getting a lot of food poisoning lately oh this looks so chilly already I love it now I’m going to start adding iron doors and iron trap

Doors to make sure that the entire thing is sealed in all right you better put them down all right I will make sure you can get out here though Milo yeah I’ll add trap doors on the side thanks just in case I go lost but look there’s even

Some paded s I’m really freezing let’s shut the freezer off we don’t want it to be open yet but what we do want to be open is a classroom for our kids if they’re going to be down here for super duper long they need to learn Milo Junior already knows everything what are

They going to learn at school they’re going to learn how to play and how to make friends and how to survive in an underground bunker I guess that’s some pretty good lessons maybe I need to go to school yeah I think you definitely do especially the underground bunker class

I think you’d Drive everybody crazy otherwise and get the whole bunker shut down can MIM M come to school as well he’s the smartest donkey I know okay we can add a special donkey Department in the school just for MIM MIM that’s great I’m so excited to go back to school with

My little baby wao there’s water flowing into the classroom Milo we can’t let that happen the kids will drown when they’re trying to learn their ABCs yucky yucky get it out of here where they’re trying to learn their ABCs not their AB oceans all right I’m going to actually

Get started on making the classroom first I’m going to make a ring of barrels around the edge this is not actually to store anything in but it’s to make it look like there’s a bunch of wood on the floor above the barrels we’re going to add some white terra

Cotta see how this already looks like the inside of a school it does look like a school wow you’re pretty smart all right the wall is nearly complete Milo and the wall is done perfect now we can actually get started on the floor I think some spruce wood logs would be

Perfect all right spruce wood logs it is you’re a really good designer chip I didn’t know that about you thanks Milo I guess when you’re stuck in a bunker together to survive a volcano explosion you learn a thing or two about each other what did you learn about me well I

Learned that you really love donkeys and you really love your family you would do anything to protect them from the volcano I also learned that you really really really love bird seeds more than I even thought you did yeah bird seeds is something I can never step thinking

About what’s this going to be a grass wall no Milo this is the chalkboard so the teacher can teach them things wait but who’s going to be the teacher um I think we can take turns I do not want you teaching them and I don’t have time

To teach them I have to make sure I can build things in the bunker and protect everybody and wait a minute why am I cold cuz you’re mean what I mean hey Milo did you put pwed Snow on me yeah and you pretty much said that I didn’t know anything and that I’m

Bad at teaching every teacher has to have a really nice flower pot on the desk especially if it’s an art class I guess sir maybe we can paint the flower parts oh no what’s MIM MIM going to learn how to eat hay don’t be so mean and discriminatory to my friend sorry

MIM MIM I know you can do more than eat hay it’s just that um I haven’t really built a spot for MIM MIM can stand at the back and learn all about the things I think we can build the fun room in another level beneath everything else

Down in the gravel yeah exactly except it’s not going to be gravel once we’re done with the fun room let’s start clearing out a big area because we’re going to add so many awesome things inside here what are we going to put inside chip well we’re going to add some

Amazing fun things that every kid would absolutely love like a bouncy castle Yeah bouncy castle is a so how awesome I don’t think I’d mind being stuck down here forever if we have a bouncy castle exactly it’ll be for our kids and also for us and even our wives because I know

We like to get silly sometimes too all right I think this is a pretty good size for the fun room let’s just flatten out the walls so it’s not all messy on both sides he yeah you said it Milo H and I think the fun room can also have ice

Built into the ceiling just like this the ice can zigzag all around so that the coolness spreads to every single area of the room that way we can be very protected by the heat from the volcano yep and it can even go around in awesome patterns let’s replace all this dirt

With stone let’s make the entire floor out of slime blocks that way we can f everywhere except we’re going to be walking real slowly yeah we are but that’s okay because this room is not going to be that big and there will definitely be other options to the slime

Blocks like maybe an awesome parkour section the parkour can start here and then it’ll go up around like this and we can even have a couple really difficult jumps that you have to try so hard for I think the babies are going to struggle with this one and then we can have some

Easy ones just to give the babies a nice time after that super difficult one before and then we can have a really hard one again wo I didn’t even know if I can do this one wo I made that impossible let’s try it again boom it’s now fully possible then it’ll go around

Like this and then it can even zigzag back through here oh this is perfect then it leads right back to the start oh I’m loving this so far let’s get some carpets to add some pretty fun rainbow colors to the carpet wo this is so pretty already wow now let’s get purple

And pink the parkour can start as red right here and then it can go orange into yellow oh I’m so excited to see what this looks like when it’s fully done all right and then it can go purple here wow our kids are going to absolutely love this I’m not going to

Love it cuz I’m bad at parkour wo this is looking awesome now let’s add some awesome note blocks for the kids to play with I say we get some note blocks and then some emeralds and of course some buttons for them to actually push and play with them buttons I love buttons

Uh-oh I think I just heard a weird noise I don’t know if that was related to the volcano or not but it’s reminded me that we better keep building quick um I think we need to add a bunch of lanterns onto the roof let’s add some orange ones and

Some blue ones so that it’s just like us the blue ones are even really cold so it should help make the room a little cooler even with the volcano PR much like air conditioning exactly but wait Milo air conditioning that gives me a great idea but before I show you what

The great idea is I quickly need to get rid of this enchanting table because I need to make a ladder all the way up to the very top of our secure base entrance you’re going to break my enchanting table that I put there in the beginning that’s okay Milo because what I’m about

To do is really really important come on you got to help me reinforce the beginning with a bunch of blocks and I think we might even need iron for this iron that’s pretty crazy yeah it’s going to need to be pretty crazy Milo otherwise the lava will totally melt it

And iron is a very strong block so it should really hopefully help us against the lava are we doing it all the way down yeah we need to replace this whole thing with iron so that it becomes a giant metal protection device nice all right great this is looking awesome I’m

Feeling so much more protected already but we’re not done yet Milo there’s still a lot more we need to add let’s build the ladder up like this all the way to the top and I think it’s time we make a trapo activation thing to keep our families inside trapo activation

What does that look like we’re going to need a l and a bunch of redstone not red stone you know I can’t do red stone don’t worry Milo I’ll do it for you first we need to have a bunch of trap doors laid out just like this now we

Need to leave a right here that’ll help lead all the way around hey don’t turn it off sorry we need to be able to figure out if it can access every corner of this thing to make sure the whole thing can open and shut I’m sure it

Works look it just looks a bit silly yeah it does and there’s one left in the middle oh gosh you know what I think we’re going to have to sacrifice it and wait maybe the middle one can even be obsidian to give us some extra protection against the lava yeah lava

Hates obsidian we’re going to be so secure watch what happens when we activate this off and on again and then off okay perfect but wait I’ve just discovered something terrible what we can only activate it from the outside if we’re inside the base we have no way of

Turning it on and off how are we going to make it connect down there well we’re going to need to do some pretty interesting Redstone engineering and Link it all the way back down the tunnel it’s really important that we leave some spaces where three blocks exist that way

We can add Redstone repeaters to superpower the signal what do redstone repeaters do they make the signal back to full strength again otherwise the Redstone gets weaker and weaker over time okay now let’s add Redstone all the way up here and a repeater here this way

The signal goes back to full let’s also add another repeater here so that when it goes right up to the very top the Redstone is not weak at all okay now let’s go back down we’ll need to break the obsidian to get in this time but

Let’s place it right back like that and once we add a lever right here flicking it should activate a super awesome trapo oh yeah look at that Milo try flicking it on and off again yeah yeah it’s working now what you said earlier about airon gave me a really good idea well

The good idea was to install an air conditioning system around the whole base to blow Breezy cold air everywhere first we need to get a fan I think these blue ones are perfect let’s add a bunch more of these ceiling fans in this freezer room to soak up all of the

Energy they’re not spinning very fast but they they don’t have to because the fan on the side of the wall is going to really do the trick first we need to place a bunch of Terra Cotta just like this and finally we’ll Place one like

This all right look at that you can see the fan shape starting to form in the middle now if we place iron back on the sides and then some quart stairs just like this it looks like a real fan blowing super cold air does it connect

To the ones up there yeah it does Milo and it’s going to connect to a bunch more of these style fans all around our secure underwater base come on let’s go add a bunch more oh I think right here would be absolutely perfect we need to

Keep it cool exactly oh this is kind of complicated to build oh no I have to break the bookshelves in order to do this I’m so sorry all right we did it now let’s put everything back I don’t want to totally break everything let me

Go see if what I did to the fan actually worked or if it just looks silly okay no it works that’s perfect now let’s actually add in the court stairs like this and perfect we’ve got another one of these fans ready to cool down the

Base I think this can be the last fan it looks like it’s going to do a really good job cooling down the whole area yeah this whole thing is going to be cool as a cucumber and finally I think we can add some pwed snow around the

Base just to add some extra coolness just in case can I do it I’ll help you as well but you can be the main person in charge hey scaries I hope you like some paded snow for your afternoon yeah me too I think they will like it it’ll

Really help stop the from burning up if the lava ever gets inside here plus they probably like snor hey you lock me in with the skeletons you look like a skeleton no I don’t what I look really handsome yeah right yeah exactly and we can also add

Some in our sitting area because it’s where we’ll spend a lot of our time we’ll even add some on this top level perfect oh I’m really liking this what about in the bathroom yeah there can even be some in the bathtub but oh no the water’s too warm it just melts I put

Some up here it’s okay okay and we’ll put some in the toilets one of my toilets is totally covered in snow finally there’s one last thing we have to do and that is reinforce this outer glass wall it’s going to help us see in but it could also be our downfall so

Let’s add a bunch of iron blocks around it to make sure it does not break it looks like a submarine window it kind of does and I guess it is like a submarine for us it helps us see all the way into the water that’s going to surr around

Our base and I’m also just going to quickly push these stairs a little bit further back that way they don’t block any of our view into the ocean in our underwater secret base perfect oh this is awesome so far look how protected we are and we even have an amazing view

Into the ocean and we have really good hiding spots just in case we want to hide from the volcano yeah exactly good one Milo now I think it’s time to go get our families let’s go get them families I’m so so glad we managed to get you

Inside the bunker and safe from the volcano we’ve been spending so much time building this secure base so that you guys are safe we’re going to survive for a really long time and we’re going to have so much fun in here chip Junior okay guys I believe we can survive for

So long if we have to but wait what is it Milo little Milo junor forgot his daddy he can’t live without his Teddy we got to go get a chip really what Milo a teddy how important can that be look how sad he is we have to go save his Teddy

Come on wait will he be able to sleep with that is Teddy no he won’t be able to sleep he’ll be sad forever oh that’ll probably keep the entire thing awake that’ll be bad all right you know what let’s go up and out of this ladder I

Hope the eruption isn’t too bad I’m so scared to see what’s happening and wao wao Milo look at that eruption oh goodness gracious chip I don’t think we have a lot of time oh gosh hey Milo where did your son say he left his Teddy again he didn’t say but yeah these

Blocks are burning me oh Milo you got to be careful okay it’s not in your kitchen and what it’s not in your bedroom no I don’t think it’s in this house at all maybe he just left it in the village oh Milo do we have time to go to the

Village the lava is coming down pretty quickly oh chip we got to run quickly okay is it in this house I’m going to check under every single bed to make sure that the Teddy’s not hiding in there maybe it’s in the pig B no it’s

Not there we oh gosh oh gosh okay I don’t see it here um where could it be maybe it’s somewhere up the hill I’m going to go up this hill Milo because I don’t think the Lava will flow here if anything it’ll flow through the downway streets I bet one of these Villages

Stole it where is my baby’s Teddy what type of Teddy is it Milo it’s just a little teddy you know it when you see it um but is it like a teddy bear or a Teddy squid yeah it’s a teddy bear it’s a panda bear a panda bear okay so it’s

Black and white um wait oh no I thought I saw it but it was just a white sheep and a black sheep right next to each other I’m getting burned by these blocks it’s getting really hot out here oh I just found an egg on one of the magma

Blocks I think it was getting fried oh goodness wo this is terrible it really is getting hot I can feel the lava coming closer oh we have to find this Panda quick it’s not in this bed and I don’t see it anywhere else but wait look

Milo here it is next to the Village Bell we found it oh my gosh let’s take it quickly come on we have to quickly get back into our bunker ow I’m getting burned by all these magma blocks oh gosh look the explosion is getting even bigger come on chicken okay I’ve got the

Chicken’s egg just so that we can have animals in the bunker as well oh goodness oh goodness come on we’ve got to get down here Milo quick oh gosh I don’t think we have much time no Milo you died I can’t believe this I all alone with your families this is

Terrible you are like a brother to me you even were a brother to me chip open up I’m up here Milo you respawned quick get in before the lava gets so bad that you never respawn again and I’ve even got all your stuff I got your potatoes

And your seeds and even your egg and a bunch of beds just in case you need them I’m going to quickly give this plushy to your kid okay I’m so glad we’re safe that was so freaky here you go Milo Junior here is your Panda plushy so you

Can forever sleep in peace and you won’t keep everybody up all night crying wait chip can you hear that rumbling oh yes I can I can hear all the lava oh goodness but thank goodness we’re safe down here we made a really good base and we kept the family safe

Yeah look we can redo in the kitchen and MIM mim’s here too hey MIM MIM so safe this is amazing yeah we did a really good job making this secure underwater bunker for our families come on let’s go enjoy the views of the ocean everybody

Milo and Chip are in big trouble when a Volcano erupts right beside their village! Can they build an Underwater Secret Base to secure their families?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Milo is making me feel like my old house 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😔💔😔💔💔😔💔😔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😥😭😥😥😥😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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