Stardew Valley Episode 1 – The beginning of a new adventure

For dear Laura if you’re reading this you must be in dire need of a change the same thing happened to me long ago I’d lost sight of What mattered most in life real connections with other people in nature so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly

Belong I’ve enclosed the D to that place my pride and joy stardo Farm it’s located in stardew Valley on the southern coast it’s the perfect place to start your new life this was my most precious gift of all and now it’s yours I know you’ll honor the family name my

Dear good luck love Grandpa P.S if Louis is still alive say hi to the old guy from you will You hello you must be Laura I’m Robin the local Carpenter mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home he’s there right now tidying things up for your arrival the Farm’s right over here if if you follow Me this is stardew Farm what’s the matter sure it’s a bit overgrown but there’s some good soil underneath that mess with a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no Time and here we are your new Home ah the new farmer welcome I’m Lewis mayor of pelicant town you know everyone’s been asking about you it’s not every day that someone new moves in it’s quite a big deal so you’re moving into your grandfather’s old Cottage it’s a good house very Rustic rustic that’s one way to put it crusty might be a little more apt though rude don’t listen to her Laura she’s just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades H anyway you must be tired from your long journey you should get some

Rest tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself the town’s people would appreciate That oh I almost forgot if you have anything to sell just place it in this box here I’ll come by during the night to collect well good Luck h hi and welcome to stardew Valley so yes we are going to try this uh yeah it’s point and click it looks like how do I open you there we go I have played this game before it’s been a while though but we’re going to

Try to get back into this you received 15 part parsnip seeds Okay a little something to get us started that is great Journal getting started introductions it would be nice a nice gesture to introduce yourself around town some people might be anxious to meet the new farmer okay we will do that

And if you want to become a farmer you have to start with the basics use your hoe till the to till the soil then use a seed packet on the tilled soil to grow a crop water every day until the crop is ready for Harvest okay we’ll do that so how about

We weather report welcome to kv5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment and now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be clear and sunny all day oh that’s great oh I don’t want to move you right now fortune teller ah I sense that a new viewer has

Joined us a young lady from stardy Valley welcome welcome the spirits are very displeased today they will do their best to make your life difficult well I don’t want that okay living no I don’t want that no um yes uh I know they’re displeased I didn’t

Want to click on you living off the land welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another tip for y’all now listen up this one’s for all you green horns out there chop wood and search for wild Forge to earn some cash while waiting for your first

Harvest okay if that’s all it’s going to take uh let’s see so where’s where should we start uh nothing in the mailbox this is where we put our stuff to sell and we need to clean up some of this so how about we’ll start with cleaning up a little bit then what we’ll

Do is we’ll head into town and we’ll go and introduce ours but I want to just plant a little bit first um I think it’s you yeah just clean up some of this why not we don’t want to kill off our energy too fast though so we’re going to try

And use as little as possible to start this tree is going to grow so here we’ll pick that up yeah I see our energy is going down there we go get rid of the Stump this is a cute little game I like it so we’re going to use the hoe and we’ve got 15 seeds so we’ll try and get a little thing going here oh got something oh got clay no not there that’s okay it’ll it’ll be fine and now we need to plant these

Beautiful seeds so closer and then we have to water it okay there we go oh we’re full of water nice it’s a cute little game it’s got some really good music to it too but yes we have a big mess that we have to clean out here we get to it

Though okay so that is done we’re just going to go and fill this up there we go that is good and there now I I don’t want anything in my hands but I guess we have no choice we’re going to go and harvest anything that we see out here though is there anything

Else sometimes there’s stuff hiding behind no going to go see if we can meet anybody in town and get some introductions out of the way oh is that something no don’t look like it oh we got a message board here okay so we are the first and we’ve got L’s birthday on the

7th okay no go back in Vincent’s birthday birthday on the 10th the egg Festival Haley’s birthday Pam’s birthday Shane’s birthday the flower tents oh dear we have a lot of work ahead of Us oh let’s go and say hello to people well hello there I’m Gus chef and owner of the stardrop saloon okay that’s nice who are you ah mayor Lewis told me about you ah mayor Lewis told me you just arrived I’m Marney okay now I want to talk to

Him how do I talk to him I don’t want to can I just go back here and talk oh there we go hey it’s Miss Laura the new farmer I’m Pierre owner of the local General Store okay if you’re looking for seeds my shop is a place to go I’ll also

Buy produce from you for a good price nice can we go and talk to this person Oh we can oh that’s right I heard someone who was moving onto that Old Farm okay so we met Abigail there’s nobody up there oh I guess she wants to come this way I don’t know if there’s anybody else out there so here let’s head out keep doing some exploring see

What we can come out with oh somebody’s here hey you’re the new girl huh I think we’re going to get along great I’m Alex okay let’s go inside here it’s locked oh it only opens at noon okay we’ll let that do what it has to do see if there’s anybody else oh we

Got somebody here oh hello I’m Penny well hello Penny and you are hello it’s nice to meet you okay okay yeah just keep on walking cuz we want to check see if there’s anything hiding in here nothing is in there okay we’ll just keep searching oh the saloon open let’s go

And check it out see if there’s anybody in there to talk to need a hot meal no I’m I’m looking for new people ooh there’s an arcade uhoh I I probably shouldn’t have done this how do I get out H move uh-oh no okay that didn’t work so well

Yeah I need to get out of the game oh I’ve got one life left okay I’m terrible at this seriously yeah no I want to quit just yeah give me out of that can I play Pinball no what’s up here we’ve got nothing up here there’s nobody else in

Here no okay let’s keep on going we’ll just do more exploration check out this town and before nightfall what we’ll do is we will go and just uh what do you call it there uh nothing here to harvest oh I can’t get up there that’s why we’ll use up the last of our

Energy got the little play Park up Here this is a cute game I do like it though oh can I break you yes oh but I can’t get in because of all that here let’s clear it Up nice oh we got it’s locked okay we’ll come back to that eventually we will be allowed to go in there oh we got somebody over here we didn’t talk to them yet did We oh aren’t you the one who just moved in I’m Maru I’ve been looking forward to meeting you well I’ve been looking forward to meeting you Too see who else is here yes we could just walk into people’s houses oh who are are you greetings I’m Demetrius local scientist and father thanks for introducing yourself oh we met her already okay we can leave we’ll just keep exploring see where else we go oh you hey buddy a stranger hello

Okay nothing else here I’ll just keep on going nothing oh I can’t talk to you and I I know I can’t break this yeah okay we’re just keep on going eventually we will be allowed to go over there just keep exploring oh we got something

Here oh yeah that’s not going to get us far so we’ve been up oh here’s somebody have we talked to you yet oh I’m studying the local plants and animals from my home laboratory have you met my daughter Maru she’s interested to meet you y I already met her let’s keep exploring

We still have quite a bit of energy so this is good and we still have a lot of time left in the day so we might as well just get a bunch of exploring um oh well who are you hey kid the name’s Pam okay you are hey I’m Sam good to meet

You wow wonder how many many people we’ve met already 14 so we’ve met half the people in this town so who is left to meet yeah we’re just going to go up here I don’t know if we’re going to yeah we’re not going to get too far that’s about as far as we’re

Getting we’ll just keep on wandering around we’ve still got a little bit of time maybe we’ll go back to oh we got somebody I don’t know oh you why are you talking to me well sorry did he count yeah he count it uh I was trying to be

Nice yeah I’ll just keep on wandering around looking see what we find it’s locked open 9 to 4 okay but if we have to we’ll go back to the um Tavern the pub oh no I need to go back in hello there welcome to stardew Valley archaeological

Office uh this is embarrassing but the previous curator made off with the entire collection we don’t have any artifacts for display but I’m hoping to remedy that soon hey if you find any artifacts or minerals out there would you let me know okay there’s a book missing here

Oh okay well you know what eventually we’ll figure this out is there anybody over here there’s wow this place is huge we’ll eventually get through all of this it’s going to take time but I am up for the challenge now where else can we go

Um yeah we can’t go down that way we’re stuck let’s go check out the pub again see if there’s anybody there Pub Saloon oh oh that’s the mayor’s house who are you I can’t talk to you okay oh there’s people here who are you

I didn’t meet you yet I need to speak to you who here oh I can read it on your face you’re going to love it here in Pelican town if you’re ever looking for something to do in the evening stop by the saloon that’s where I work

Okay we met this I think this is Pam right yeah that’s Pam nothing like a sip all the good stuff to warm these old bones okay see what you I can’t talk to you and there’s nobody over there okay let’s go we’re going to go and do a little more

Work yeah it is starting to get dark out here so we still got a few more people that we’re going to have to go and check out but that’s quite okay I think we did pretty good so we’re up to what 16 now we’re up to

16 so what we’ll do is go up here now Pam is the bus driver and there’s nothing up here to harvest well I guess it’s time to go and spend our energy so that is what we’re going to do we’re going to clean up this area

Just a little bit more so we will start with guess we’ll start with you get this all cleaned up or as much of it as we can anyways go try to make our way through this now we are going to have to get ourselves some storage box going so we

Can put stuff in so we’re going to have to collect some wood for that and build one uh we don’t have an inventory that’s how full our inventory is so if I drop the clay on the ground and oh I picked it right back up that’s okay what we’ll do is back

In options collections crafting wood I need 50 wood okay we will take care of that so tree we’ll cut these we’ll pick them all up they’re just lying all over the ground anyways so why not and we have 24 this is just going to make it a little easier for us to walk

Around I will take the big tree down yeah it’s starting to get a little dark I need you to break so we are sitting at not enough yet come on just a couple more I need that storage box uh here yeah it’s going to start telling us to

Late okay we’ll take the small tree out okay we’re at 51 wood that means I can make some storage box for us um there we go okay you going to place here there we go so now we have some storage which is perfect so we could put all the flowers and everything

Into it so we don’t have to walk around with it anymore and we’ve got just our regular tools with us so we still have a little bit more energy to spend so we’re just going to use it we still don’t have to go to bed yet but we are going to have to

Soon that’s good yeah we don’t want to get caught being up and getting in trouble cuz it’s too late we’ll pass out that’s the last thing we need to do on our first day um I think this is working out perfect very good I think we did really

Well so what we’re going to do is we are going to call it there guy and on that note I wish you all a good afternoon good evening wherever you are and I’ll see you in the next episode take care

Setting out to start our new life at Stardew farms


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