Stardew Valley 100% Completion Run – Winter, Year 3, Week 1 (Ending)

Right here we go 3 2 one hello there my name is Hy P lover Ginger streamer professional hyper screamer and stud F extraordinaire welcome back to study Valley year three 100% tutorial run where we are in the final stages of getting Perfection chat hello there Sean

How you doing so chat and everyone on YouTube we’re going to finish this all right we need 1.2 million gold to beat this run right and we are that close to it so we’re going to start finish off fall but technically the week starts on Sunday whether it starts on Monday

Sunday doesn’t matter all right we’re going to finish up what we need to finish and then once we are done we just need 1.2 million gold now I’m thinking by the end yeah I said give me a hell yeah yeah baby I’m thinking by The End

By the end of the second week of winter we should beat this right so we basically got this week and next week and then I think we beat it if not we should be very close now I don’t think we’re going to make 1.2 mil uh we should

Cuz the wine should be ready to pick up now um once the wine is ready we’ll see how much we make if we make eight 800,000 gold which is kind of what I’m banking on we only need one set of crops again and then um we beaten the game and

Then I can actually say I will be one of the few people that I know of I know there’s probably a lot of people have beaten this in year two and that you could probably go do that if you want but I’ll be one of the first people in

South Africa that I know of that stream as much as I do that has beaten this game in three engame years so chat uh we’re so close so if you haven’t done done this please go share out the stream use the hashtag RPL versus Stu there you

Go that’ll be it RPL versus Stu we are so close to a dub here it’s not even funny how close we are to winning right now Chad I cannot even begin to describe you my excitement cuz we are 1.2 million away from winning this run oh we so

Close oh my God okay those are not ready yet so they should be ready by Monday or late this evening all right that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine it’s fine it’s fine not I’m not worried I’m not worried I’m not worried all right I’m not worried not worried I think we

Actually got this like if everything goes to plan and it’s going like it’s supposed to we will be fine we will legitimately actually be fine and then we’ll beat the Run come Barbie let’s go no come please no Come on Barbie let’s go party no no

Ooh uh we may have to sell the animals if I’m being 100% honest cuz I don’t particularly want to spend any more money right now hell there Rachel how you doing oh chat it’s so close like it’s so close everyone on YouTube if you’ve been following the series thank you so much

Uh I wasn’t good to you putting the series up but I’m going to be good in the next couple of days okay in the past and not the present okay because the is being recorded and the past is not here yet okay I okay I don’t know how to turn

Those words into coherent English sentences but just be bear with me here okay there’s a level of excitement there’s a level of there’s a level of excitement here that I simply cannot describe to everybody I can’t I cannot describe how excited I am to be this

Close to beating the run like we are we are literally so close to being the Run uh internet can you just come down thank you oh we’re so close we don’t even need to wait for winter anymore I was mainly waiting for winter so that we could get that rarecrow

Um but we don’t have to do that anymore try not to go too far below okay there we go nice woo okay so last couple of things we need to do is we’re going to continue going to the skull Cavern farming up resources to make sure that we get that

That little bit of extra income that comes the wines should be ready by evening so we should be okay because wine wine cakes Take 6 and 1/2 days to process fruit into wine right so depending on what time of day you do it Um check listen listen if we beat this okay I’m expecting proper celebrations in chat okay I’m expecting proper hardcore celebratory things happening okay oh I don’t think anyone I I I I don’t know I I don’t know if people realize this I’m so excited I’ve been streaming St Valley for the

Live we’re so close is the thing we’re like so close yeah dark we’re so close Chad like these are going to take 2 weeks to grow which is fine um I’m not worried if we beat up by mid mid um winter we should like if this batch

Of star fruit gives us what we need we we we’re Gucci that’s the thing we are Gucci oh Chad I’m so excited like the thing is I know we got two weeks but today’s stream we’re going until we don’t go no more okay so today I’m finishing it all right if you haven’t

Shed out the stream please do is going to help out a great deal but 1.2 million separates us from beating the game in three in-game years chat I I’m being honest with you right I didn’t think we were going to do it because everything was like this run has been cursed let’s

Be honest here if you’ve been following the series if you’ve been following the streams you will know that we have been cursed from the start and even on a cursed run and me making stupid mistakes I think we got this all right I do I absolutely believe that we got this all

Right so uh I’m just going to continue with my strategy making sure that everything we find we sell including Stone cuz every little bit of gold is going to help us on that path of Victory exactly exact you’re right oh Chad I actually can’t tell you

How excited I am cuz if I do this first of all there’s going to be tears all right just let everyone know run be ready for Tears today all right I’m just saying be ready for a good crying session because I’m going to cry my eyes out if we beat this

One cuz this is hard work right here okay I don’t care who says what this was hard this was not the oh damn wrecked in one shot um this was difficult this wasn’t an easy run and I think I could do it faster but I’m not I’m I’m never I will

Never in my life attempt a a year to Perfection never you you heard it from me right here as much as I love stud Valley I will not be doing a year two Perfection run I will not I would never be able to beat it never I would never

Be able to beat it it’s just not something that’s feasible not something that’s easy to do if you could do it congratulations freaking all the love to you and all the support to you but uh me uh-uh once I beat this it’s on to moded

Baby and that that’ll be the rest of s Valley I play up until haunted chocolate here comes out people better be ready on that clip button today yo oh Chad I’m I’m so excited like I really am and I know study is not for everyone

I know it right but for me for me this has been one of the biggest and best runs I’ve ever done in just about any game I’ve ever played you know DOTA to aside when you do like challenge runs you know I would I would love to do like

A DOTA A to Z hero challenge but there’s just some Heroes I can’t play there really is I would I would be shooting my teammates in the foot um so hard um and I would rather play with friends if I’m going to do that kind of challenge uh

Um but like there’s so many things that I want to do and and we are going to change up a couple of stuff so this is where this is where your feedback comes in like super handy right because I know for a fact and it’s going to sound like

Ego boosting but it’s not I can I can make any game work for me but I need to know if it works for you all you know I saw Apex season 12 is now out and it’s it’s Peak my curiosity just a little bit

So I don’t know if I want to jump onto the Apex train um the the new Yu-Gi-Oh game that I saw that’s like basically free to play that has also peaked my no wait hold on come here uh that has also piak my my my interest a little bit um

Okay we got to be careful here I’m playing stupid it’s because I’m over excited it’s because I’m over excited calm down focus on the objective at hand jeus eight floors see the thing is I do want to do like more RPG styles stuff we don’t we

We don’t have the uh the health to continue doing what we’re doing there I like doing the the RPG stuff it’s just I’m sitting at a point where I want to do other stuff as well the first only run oh Lord in heaven I didn’t even know how that would

Work ow and I need someone to help me like actually Mod Skyrim properly so that we’ have like different quests and different areas and that kind of thing cuz the base game is long but it ain’t that long then you’re just more side questing dungeon running and then Skyrim

Becomes very much the sort of samey game the entire time and to be honest with you I don’t want that I want to make sure that we can enjoy you know the togetherness of us you know uh let’s do some fashion I’m only going to do fishing

Because I have to but we no longer have to worry about this I’m so happy Chad it’s it’s coming it’s it’s it’s it’s a coming it’s a coming that’s for sure this uh this run Hail to the King Baby thank you thank you we’re so close I can feel it I can

Feel it if we can get to 9 million somehow we I look if we get 8 100,000 here we’ll be at 9.6 million I would like the special edition modded but like properly patchy so just get me on Discord with like all the mods

But I want to I want to make sure it’s like modded well so that um to do that cuz I use Vortex but Vortex doesn’t have all the big mods like like w Jack does like that whole Phoenix mod it looks amazing greetings there Squire Papa Bear doth how do thou be

I have decided also that every week I will bust out um the king the the py Lord himself um so that um you all can uh enjoy his majesty every so often and I think we should actually keep him for horror games I think every Friday when we do uh phasmophobia which

We will be doing from now on um I think honest ly we will bust out the king I’m so close like I’m so close give me a hell yeah I said give me a hell yeah yeah I have I’ve decided thank everybody than I’ve decided every Friday

We will be doing phasmophobia late at night so Friday you might have two streams so Friday morning morning I’ll do whatever I feel like and then Friday evening along with Peter because she’s always got hope for stud uh not stud um phasmophobia she’s always got hope

Phasmophobia um if we can get two more people that want to commit to it um and want to come play that would also be great Hey listen wine you need to like ferment like right now please I’ve undertaken the role of caretaker for my firstborn Mal Le she’s finally succumbed to the oh

No ah no listen listen Um Papa Bear may she do be blessed with good health and I need everyone in chat to send love to papa bear for their first born so that they get better but you see I think it’s also with like the the government now saying

Listen everyone must go back to school yeah you know I you’re you’re like asking for trouble is the thing is the thing wait there’s a booster stream going on N there was a boost am I going to try out Lost Art I you know what I think I want to I think

I want to uh Triple T I do let me just see here last ar oh it’s not on Steam that’s right not not on Steam not hey we’re almost done with the Boost chat we need 4,500 more points to boost the stream last AR free to play okay come a

Found replay 11 February hey I might just do that yeah South Africa is not available so I probably have to get it here but I saw it then the other day didn’t I lost r no wow why why does South Africa always have to get shafted like why why do we

Why do we get shed I out of more points Jack have we got a Bo I’m excited today can you tell can you tell I’m excited our currency is the main reason they just they just can’t handle the glory of South Africans on serers I’ve decided okay I can’t remember if I did

That on a Monday or a Sunday hey little treer thank you for the sub welcome to the pie okay well chat I was going to wait for the wine but we’re not going to wait we’ll start at winter with this okay Gucci how much did we make there not too much good 25,000 it’s okay

It’s all right it’s all right okay here we go now is the final season woo 8.8 million at the start of winter good look have lots of work to do have a good one friend thank you so much appreciate it all right I’m not even worried about the

Rest of the stuff I’m not I’m not worried we don’t have any more crops so that is going to mitigate our income just a little bit but it’s not too much there we go the stream has been boosted thank you all I appreciate it immensely all right uh wine you were

Supposed to be done ages ago why this is a problem I for I forgot when the wine was supposed to be up is it supposed to be today later today ooh we got to be careful here I I I used to have my things synced on the Sunday but now they’re

Not unless I did it on the Friday of the previous season which I think I did I think I did it on the Friday of the previous season we got to be careful here we we we cannot afford to lose this right at the end like this should be a one run

Game this should be a one run so don’t you do this to me don’t you do this to me uh like the internet is doing it to me that is Relay ah oh my goodness not like this please oh my Lord did all the real Die there we go that’s better sorry about that sorry about that sorry about that sorry about that praise the pie Lord okay here we go here we go here here we go I’m a little concerned now cuz I don’t know when I did my wine farm

Um I don’t know if I did it the Friday of the previous season or not I’m a little concerned I’m slightly concerned but it’s okay we can still do this but I kind of needed it to be at like 9 something Million by the end of this week oh I’m a little

Worried I’m a little little worried this is a problem that’s a big problem um this is also why you have that mod that tells you how long it takes for things to do so that you can kind of keep track of what you’re doing cuz I’ve completely forgotten I actually

I think I actually need to go check the VOD quickly so everyone just hold on for me I have my VOD here uh this one think it’s this one that’s the last time I did it oh that was chaos what I’m going to do is I’m going to sell this stack of ancient

FR that was 600,000 when did I do that wine also that community um feeling alen Friday yeah it’s Friday okay it’s Friday so we so we wait till Friday okay it’s Friday of this week I just needed to go verify on the on the VOD so that I don’t stress my little

Head off for the next uh wine session so it should be by the end of this week we’ll make about considering everything 700,000 so we should be at 9.5 million if we get what we need we should beat the game we should beat everything so the

Run is not done not close it’s close but not quite there yet everyone just o this will be a decent if I can make 8.9 Million by the end of the the the week we should be able to clear 9.6 million depending on depending on what we put in there so I’m

Hoping I’m hoping by all accounts everything is going to go SW I said give me a hell yeah and also we want enemies to spawn thank you thank you thank you H we want enemies to spawn the reason for that is enemies drop loot loot is good for

Selling selling is good for money money is good for penises and all that good stuff why am I being found and for what I’ll be right back I wish I could tell the call caller where to fly don’t you just hate it when you you answer and a damn

Machine a damn machine is telling you Hey listen and this is this is how the Terminators are going to last cuz we don’t we don’t take the time to listen to those boxs their feelings are going to get hurt we’re going to die terrible death horrible painful oh

Anyway how’s everyone doing it is Wednesday so it’s halfway towards the weekend what’s everyone doing this weekend if you got plans what’s everyone having for Christmas dinner even though Christmas is like a ridiculous amount but I don’t know why I ask why why do you have for Christmas dinner

Um so don’t ask me okay I really can’t speak English Today is the thing hey ex Cipher yes I am I am indeed South African I am South Africa’s Ginger Ginger streamer professional High pit screamer and Entertainer extraordinaire hello there how you doing you haven’t hit the follow button consider doing

That helps out a great deal and uh you too could be part of the pie of I think one one of these days doing okay Rush my parents got their water shut off I don’t I don’t even know how we survive as a country I electricity get shut off now

Our water um Centurion is flooded um poverty and and unemployment is it a is it a high time and yet we just take everything on the chin and say okay this is it it is what it is I I don’t I don’t get it I don’t get how we do this

Stuff but it is what it is I but I I hope that your parents get their water put on real soon um I’m joining someone from karaoke on Friday thank you EX cyer for the follow welcome to the pie oven where we bake and Rise together my phone no longer organizes my

Um my Outlook files and that to me is a problem because I do everything from this application I literally do everything from this app so I have to uninstall it reinstall it it’s so it’s so frustrating like it’s actually it’s deeply frustrating how annoying that is I have

Y ago all of the issues aside I miss it a lot South Africa you know a lot of people where’d you go ex Cipher listen Rachel the best thing before I get to to exra Cipher I swear I have undiagnosed ADHD because my thoughts are always all

Over the place um the thing for me is with karaoke right you just go for it okay you just go for it all you need to do is you go for it you just you you you ignore the rest of the world and you just you let it out okay

Cuz if you if you if you don’t then you’re going to sit there I don’t know if anyone has ever seen Sister Act that’s a that’s a good movie right there um where did you go to uh ex Cipher get out of here get out of here thank you it burns Daddy I

Mean just that I just want to quickly re my account because h Netherlands I’m so nervous well what are what are you carrying is the question are you going to do like a classic Sweet Caroline find find something that everybody can Koke to right you get the

Classics and this is for everyone in chat who wants to karaoke okay you find the classics all right you get Living Next Door to Alice because people only know the the vulgar version of that one all right so when you go Living Next Door to Alice and then everyone goes who

The [ __ ] is Alis okay then you’re fine all Leaf there you go you see you just you got to find something that everyone in the bar can karaoke right and then you’re fine nervousness for carrot drops at 50% per yab bomb yes look do you want to

Karaoke or do you want to uh take the night away ex ciper is the question you you clap a yab bomb you’ll be singing karaoke from outside the karaoke bar oh no that’s one of the listen I love leafling I do it’s such a good song but

It’s also a matter of if let’s say I play competitive and someone kills me okay or if I play competitive and I killed someone then I could just drop a little leaing like sorry n that’s what you get I always do like a virgin because

You can ham it up and it’s super silly like a virgin I I like to do things that that make um everybody jump in that’s kind of toxic Hey listen listen listen listen listen listen that’s the least toxic I can be Menan I don’t go around teabagging

People okay I don’t I I refuse to teabag people okay I sing lling for them okay it’s a lovely song I want people to forgive me for you know their lack of skill and if they kill me and they play it then I need to

Up my lack of skill you know that’s the least toxic you can be you want to be really toxic you teabag people that’s that’s toxicity right there okay why are these people phoning me like stop C calling me I’m not answering your your call you been hey there Meo I saw that you’re

Trying to get back into content creation I love it it’s good to see you so can I get a shout out for Meo please so yeah um other other karaoke songs you could do is Living on a Prayer by Bon Joi that’s a good one everyone loves Living on a Prayer and everyone

Can do it cuz they go oh we have way there wow sitting in the chair no wait hold on I those those aren’t the lyrics right oh we’re halfway there whoa little pubic hairs no wait that that’s even worse I I I’ll get it Chad help me out

Here what what what’s what’s what’s the song’s name it’s it’s it’s banana in my hair yes it’s Living on a Prayer ah you see I’ve I’ve been listening to it wrong I was like oh we’re halfway there W banana in my hair oh no got wrong again damn it

Ah this is why I’m not allowed to carry my father used to do an an an offer version of Living Next Door to Alice and I’ve applied some of the lyrics to When to when ke and I um um go on road trips so he goes

Um a what what does he say hold on um you see I’ve got the Africans version in my head but for 24 years I’ve been living next door to Alice and and my father turns around and says and I mean I was sitting there I was cackling my head

Off now for those that for those that uh didn’t understand that enough done uh it goes she didn’t even greet me and then she walked away with everything but obviously to rhyme with with Alice you know my father would have been great on Whose Line Is It Anyway I I actually

Think I would have been a fairly decent improv comedy act I I really I feel like I’ve missed my calling if they was the South African Whose Line Is It Anyway you bet your bottom five Rand I would be there okay just clapping it improv sou especially when it comes to song okay

You you give me an a song to karaoke karaoke on okay come on chat karaoke songs let’s let’s list them in chat Let’s Go karaoke songs what are some of the songs that you karaoke to I Would Walk 500 Miles come on chat let’s go and I would walk

F I’m in the mood for for a karaoke night I wish twitch doesn’t have dmca problems we would do karaoke night every night if we could Sweet Caroline that’s the only part people know of that song that’s the literally the only part what what come on Chad give me give me

Karaoke songs come on songs that that you know everyone sings along to they may not always know the lyrics but they they clap it and my heart will go on see I can’t do Selen on that that lady’s voice is unique beautiful um it’s the eye of the tiger

It’s the thrill of the fight I’m on the highway to hell yeah baby highway to the hell what’s the other one hey there uh Ki pigeon how you doing you’ve just come to uh yeah Thunder Truck is also a a lovely um uh karaoke song but everyone Only Knows thund

Truck that’s literally the only part of the lyrics that people know oh my gosh free Cheetos where thank you for the follow welcome to the pie oven where we bake and rice together I apologize for what you’ve come into but it’s too late now we are we are in karaoke song mode don’t

Die um what else what else Chad come on give me give me give me some others I I I know many of you sing in your shower SL bath okay you can’t fool me each and every single one of you at least once in your vehicle okay has sung a song that

You love yeah exactly I said give me a h hell yeah don’t die I only sing when I do the dishes you see but you sing so what song are you singing summer of 69 there you go that’s a good one a lot of people know it’s the summer of 69 oh

Deddy I mean no I hey there Teddy how you doing reach for the stars that’s a good one um It’s the final countdown that’s a good one too um what else come on you got to fight for your right to party ah now we’re getting into the

Karaoke part chat there we go now you’re bringing up some Nostalgia let’s go what about this one chat I’m a b girl in a Bobby World I got a little too much into that I I I I I got slight bit too much into that it’s deeply concerning Don’t Stop Believing Imagine Dragons have col some good ones too yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re right you right what else Chad come on there’s so many good karaoke songs out

Out there see Milo you don’t have to uh uh Rachel you don’t have to worry about a thing there’s so many different song options for you and everyone will get into it every single person every single person will get into that I saw people do the time

Warp what else what else no man listen listen uh Biggie oh my goodness big Dames I know it’s dhus okay but we’re talking good music here uh Cypher Ed Chiran does make good music you are right K pigon you are right it’s going to be my first time so I’m nervous

Listen Rachel if you can tell your friend just use either Sweet Caroline or Living Next Door to Alice you are sorted Biggie Biggie Dames chat D sayas I’m going to hey you can also go Echo from bro I felt my IQ drop into my shoes I swear to D up Boy he call me b he call me b oh my good are there actually any good like proper karaoke afrian songs that don’t make you want to vomit and hide under the table and know Cain is not one of them okay just have fun Rachel like like at

The end of the day no one is there to judge you everyone at a karaoke bar okay has had a little bit much to drink okay they are not going to pay attention there are no African songs that that are not cringe okay if you if you think about

It everyone knows Del right everyone knows Del Del but is that something that you’re going to stand there in karaoke no no no you you don’t you everyone knows it you don’t karaoke the national anthem everyone knows it yeah just cuz you know the national anthem doesn’t mean you karaoke the national anthem

No this is the easiest song ever a b c d e f g you could you could Ki the alphabet there you go or or if you if you want to one up people and and bring their child who’s back you go I love [Laughter]

You I never ever take me never ever Take Me karaoke I will I will literally sing the freaking Itsy Bitsy Spider climb up the water spout can’t do the alphabet alphabet’s easy you can do it I believe sorry chat I’m I’m listen Rachel you can see with with

What we’re saying we’re making a joke of it but that’s just the whole thing of karaoke karaoke is literally you go there and you have fun I have severe stage fight let me let me let me let me tell you this I would be good doing um

Doing karaoke right but the the thing about me is I have severe stage fight I really do I’ve got such B stage fight that when you put a microphone in my hand my my hand’s doing this I’m I’m not joking right so with even with the voice

Training that I’ve gotten to learn how to sing and control vocal cords and that kind of thing it’s still it’s still an experience for me right so you’re not alone if you say you’re afraid to karaoke if someone had to grab me and say listen we’re going karaoke I’m going to go uh

No okay there are songs like in karaoke but like if you if you’re going to take me and do it unexpectedly I it was like at work someone someone told me they they wanted to hear me sing um they wanted to hear me sing

Um what what was it all I want to do is make a love to you and they were like yeah come let’s go and I stood there like this is not going to happen Okay this is actually legit not going to happen you can’t put people on the spot like

That if you’ve had a couple of drinks in you then yeah it’s like you you you lose all inhibitions but remember I don’t drink alcohol very often if at all so to get myself hyped up I drink water and I I add the personality that I have on

Twitch to what I want want to do and then I then I clap it I I mean I did lady at our um year end function and people have come to expect that every year end function I do something people do that on the south coast all the time even at gigs

Right yeah but you see Teddy I Cape Town Cape Town is a different vibe than Jamesburg okay here here in Johannesburg if we don’t want to do it we’re just like [ __ ] off don’t you touch me I will stab you in your pinky toe okay the people in CET town are like yeah

Sure CL people in Cape Town are of a different vibe of of a different breed just Cape Town is not part of South Africa I I figure it out Cape Town is just is just not part of South not Cape Town should be its own place kind of like

Um uh lutu and Botswana and those kind of places it should just be its own Place cap Town cap Town people are not normal although no one’s really normal if you think about it we’re all weird and wonderful in our own way and that’s what makes us unique and beautiful

People I’m not fan that always go first if I’m not drunk I can’t sing but you see you see the the the thing is darkland is your gun ho right you want to go for it I find it’s always sometimes it’s the shiest people that have got the most amazing voices they do

It’s the shiest people that have got the most amazing voices so Rachel I’m I’m telling you now you’ll be surprised you you’ll be surprised at your ability to do that kind of thing just go in with like a clear mind say listen we’re going to do it we’re going to have fun have

Maybe one or two drinks and go for it and that goes for everyone in chat if you want a karaoke okay your phone Old Uncle RPL all right you say uncle py Lord Let’s Go sing the town’s ears off I’d be like okay cool what are we

Singing If you if you if you tell me ACDC I will be like yeah Highway to Hell Baby if you want to go something a little bit more Soulful we can do a bit of Michael Balton you know we can do a little bit of liono Richie be like um oh what’s that

Song My Endless Love that’s the one right how I want to hold you close in my arm I can’t resist your charm yeah Sweet Child of Mine is also great Sweet Child of Mine see see Chad it’s easy okay you can do it I need everyone in chat right now to

Give me a lyric of a song they like to sing come on Chad it’ll be like your karaoke okay type in one of the lyrics that you like to sing when you’re busy doing dishes or showering or you know other stuff I can’t say on Twitch because it’s family friendly not really

But you know what I mean um you know come on share and share a like Chad share and share a like do it do it I will I will be honest with you all here all right while while you’re busy typing I have recently rediscovered my love for Tina Turner’s music okay now

You may laugh at me it’s funny I agree okay it is funny um but I I was listening to to music at work the other day I was I was listening to music at work the other and I listened to Private Dancer right and you forget how good

Dina Turner actually is as a as a singer like that lady’s voice is so unique um excuse me no one asked you to touch me like that Mommy okay mind your own be these BS BB um and it was it was so good to hear that that kind of thing and then and

Then and then I listen to You’re simply the best okay that was that was weird okay but you know you came here for the ooh that’s going to sell for a lot of money um you came here for the weird this is what you signed up for okay

Oh man yeah Tina Turner has got fantastic music my goodness and I okay look I’m going to rag on today’s music because you know Boomer Vibe but today’s music I feel just doesn’t have that that soul that you know older music has I don’t know if

I’m alone in this and if I am um you know that that that is what it is but I feel like today’s music just doesn’t have that um I don’t know the the the same passion that people used to sing with I don’t know maybe it’s just me with my old Boomer

Vibes give a lot of respect to me I don’t know that one but I I recognize the the lyrics and and you know what song is living rentree in my head Chad let me let me explain to you what song is living rentree in my head and it’s all

My wife’s fault okay it’s all he’s fault every little bit of his fault okay and I know this is going to be disrespectful so please take this with a grain of salt but this song Eeny weeny teeny weeny shriveled little short dick man I was I

Don’t know why that why that song is stuck in my head but it is okay it’s it’s I feel ashamed I do I I I feel like I need to possibly seek therapy if you emotional Dage emotional Dage emotional Dage isn’t it an acute extra belly button it’s like that one that emotional

Damage one like for some odd reason it it it it enhances that that song of Pompei and I’m just like why are these things in my head also I don’t know if you all know the the the Tik tocker I think his name is Aaron but but that

Song also lives rree in my head he goes I just want a party with you you know it lives renfree in my head and I’m just like what has happened to me I used to have such a dignified taste in music and now it’s just like Eeny weeny geny weeny shrivel

I should not be allowed on the internet I should not I shouldn’t be allowed on the Internet anyway we’re supposed to be talk about stue Valley but the run is like basically over so now we’re just going to be on the just chat part of the thing okay ah there are there are so many songs that live rrey in my head lately all

Right and the the the last song that I’ve listened to okay it’s a gorgeous song but the title is so misleading I don’t know if anyone knows Michael Balton said I loved you but I lied when when it popped up on my on my feed on

YouTube I was like a squeeze how can you make a song like this and then I went to go listen to it right and I was like ah okay so you you just have a very leading title Mr Bolton all right I see you well played 10 out of 10 song

Title that I you have to actually go listen to the lyrics is the thing right because the song title oh my word if you if you’re a random person that has never listened to Michael Bolton’s music right and you suddenly get this title of said I loved you but I lied would you

Actually go and listen to that You’ be like no [ __ ] this guy what a dick screw this man royally over okay how dare you tell someone I love you but I lied okay jeez that that right there is emotional damage no one could tell me otherwise that right there that’s emotional damage

And unfortunately I know a couple of people who have done that to be so there you go you can also clap a bit of Disney you know you can you can do you can paint with all the colors of the wind clap clap some Disney there you go

Some Disney will also do good you do let it go you do some Phil Collins toand songs now we’re getting into it chat Pi clap a little bit of um what’s that song you’ll be in my heart no man Batman went like over 9,000 with that song let’s be real here okay

Full full colins went from zero to 100 with that song he did no one can argue with me no one can argue with me Phil Collins went 0 to 100 with that song right he just went like You’ve Got a Friend in Me There You Go Chad and Disney songs are actually

Good you know they are Let It Go Let It Go I want to throw up cuz I actually had to perform that I’m I’m pretty sure I can do it better now than I’ve ever done it before but I I’ve had to learn that song no come on other Disney

Songs Prince har yes it is he Al you know you could you can club that one too there you go CL a little Aladin Aladdin got good music what else oh man what am I doing what about what about uh Encanto that that one’s got pretty bowler music

Too you can go for that one ah I am a gracious all knowing Lord I swear West Life okay listen listen listen I’m about to upset a lot of people here but West life I have a distinct problem with with boy band okay I find that boy band music is just

So one toned and boring but that’s just me okay and if I upset people with my opinion I I apologize but boy band music is uh SP oh spice SKS oh my word tell me what you want what you really really want thank you for that Kelly by the way

Did you know that that was voted number one most annoying song of all time guess what number two was Barbie girl number three was crazy frog hey you could go buing he yeah go see you can ad Li you can do Scatman you can do Scatman too

There you go Scatman is also great for karaoke I’m a scat man skip I can’t SC Uptown Girl is a great one Uptown girl she’s been living in her up down world no rotten cheese hey you can do our house in the middle of the street our house defeat our

House Evan Essence is good evanesence is is great but the but the thing is about Evan Essence is can you hit the notes that that lady can hit hey another one by Billy Joel We Didn’t Start the Fire uh PJ boo thank you for the follow welcome to the

Fire it was always no welcome to the pie oven where we B and Rise together where you from had you been the stream what’s your favorite karaoke song There you go you remember want a diff a difficult song sing uh painted black y y okay look manian I listen we want to

Karaoke not um not die Bruce Springsteen is great that’s a good one back street back all right can do that one yeah you could you can also clap some Leon chuster Chad you can you can clap some NE CH Baba boie no don’t up any Leon and not Steve

Hman either either please oh good Lord in heaven oh we’re so close Country Road there you go rise how you doing is it rise or re which one hello there what else Chad come on there’s so much music out in the world you can you can you can Club you

Can you can a little bit of Whitney Houston you can you can go and we’ll always love you you you can do that withon what what’s what’s that on I want to dance with somebody oh you know do that do the head evera ABBA is good you can do Dancing Queen straight

Up hey sloy how you doing hello sloy listen chat if you have not checked out hello at sluy please do another wonderful study Valley streamer they are doing so good so please show them some love if I can get a shout out for hello it’s sloy we’re just welcome

To the pie oven first of all My Endless Love well apparently I wasn’t already following you it’s okay don’t worry twitch likes to do that kind we’re just discussing karaoke songs all I want to do is make a love to you I’m from the UK I’m recommended us

Should B of spice gos for karaoke look the only song people know spice gos okay I will I will bet you $500 here the only song that generally the universe knows is wannabe okay if you want to be my lover you got to get through my friends Mustang

S A No Mountain High Enough yes poison as well poison shut through the heart and you’re too BL Hey listen you know we haven’t spoken about yet okay and they just recently passed bless their bless their music meatloaf okay Meatloaf I Would Do Anything for Love come on

Man H meatloaf meatloaf made great music I think that’s one of the people that we can agree on meatloaf made Amazing Music rest your soul obviously rest your soul but that’s also good C okay okay listen I know I’m about to get Flack here for this but there are some good country

Western karaoke as well the Gambler come on come on Chad come on Total Eclipse of the Heart oh you took the words yeah Total Eclipse of the Heart I need a hero and speaking of bunny Tyler speaking of bunny Tyler I Need a Hero I’m only Out for a Hero to the end

Of the night working on to F yeah the Gambler oh listen see chat Spice Girls This I Swear you see that one I don’t know that’s one of the few Spice Girl songs that I don’t know because I’ve only ever heard one of be I haven’t and by the way Posh Spice was

Just there for a static purpose I don’t think Posh Spice actually was there to sing it was there aesthetic anyway being mean aside ah bonji Brian Adams r r Stewart say ah okay listen listen Chad here’s a great karaoke song okay just hold on for me I’ll find it now hold on for

Me hold on I’ll I’ll find it okay where’s my stuff Hey where’s my thing no wait there this is a great karaoke song you are never going to let you down never going to run around andert You what would you say if I the world ah thank you re appreciate oh rise thank you appreciate appreciate you being here hope you have a fantastic day who Let The Dogs Out Ah that’s a good one that’s a good one oh um it might not be a karaoke one

But like a good one for dancing is everybody dance now ouch my microphone arm just killed me okay ignore it don’t clip that guck the more ambitious the song okay so PJ boo what what would you say would be a more ambitious song ow I hurt my hand

What would you say would be more the most ambitious song you would want to sing if you’ve had a couple of drinks come on Chad what would be one of the most ambitious songs you would like to sing if you had had a couple of

Beverages in you I think for me my most um ambitious song would definitely be either Whitney Houston’s uh I will always love you or Michael Bolton’s how am I supposed to live without you Michael Balon oh good song Good song Kelly good song Good song Good song Good song you

Know how to make great music or who makes great music Still um let’s see country country western karaoke songs you can you can never go with a wrong with a classic Don Williams you can’t very difficult no sing Amanda light of my life [Laughter] Hatfield I’ve been noticing meat Love

Paradise by um Paradise by the Dashboard Light oh damn PJ yeah now we’re talking there we go some culture up here in chat okay I think honestly Chad if I if I had to sing like an African song usually dragging out some random guy to sing with me but that’s fine

That’s the thing you just drag up someone random to do a duet with with you it’s like you can do a duet of um come on Kelly help me out here some some duet songs Kelly and I should like do a do a duet like just once like as a

Collab Kelly and I just we we we we throw together what Sweet Caroline that would be easy Islands in the Stream there you go that’s a good duet song mhm mhm do I do it there you go come on Kelly you know you want to okay it’ll be the greatest collab of all time no one will ever see it coming no one will

Expect it all right you and me we make a music video as well all right Kelly and Nelly there you go ooh one that I haven’t heard of in in the ages that’s great for karaoke I’m a Survivor I ain’t going to give up I’m a surviv keep on Surviving there you go

That’s a good one you could also do Halo if you want to but that one’s a bit difficult that miss your Halo cuz you you you kind of need the backup singer to get like that second Halo in you know kind of need that that second

Karaoke bu just to be like Halo Halo Halo Halo Halo ow hey you can always do Michael Jackson Billy Jean is not my I love she’s just a Girl Jame is not son that’s that’s the extent of how I know that song you could you could also do a very slow like um drry song like everybody wants to rule the world you could do that one too man why am I not adding this to our wedding

List I’m I squish I’m getting all these karaoke songs but the other night you and I were sitting talking about karaoke music and we’re like huh what’s everyone’s going to do Jamie is not my son that that’s what he says isn’t that what’s the lyrics of the song oh Chad we

Hit 3,200 followers thank you hey all right hey let’s go for celebration let’s celebratory karaoke take it away Kelly celebrate good times come on okay um it’s it’s Billy Jean Right lyrics Let me let me see you do not have chat at your side chat is never with give me a hell

Yeah oh I said give me a hell yeah oh it says but the kid is not my son then I misheard the lyrics okay no I I I I thought the I thought the child had a name so I was like Jamie is not my son I thought that’s what he

Said listen listen listen okay before your laugh have each and every single one of you are guilty okay for misher in song lyrics okay I will guarantee you that you’ve misheard song lyrics all right I will 200% guarantee at one point or another you thought one set of lyrics

Were the other until you went to go and um and uh read it up okay this was one of those times I love how I’m being like judged here for my mishearing of song lyrics okay how dare you chat that’s mean I would never do that to you I would never ostracize

Okay I would I would I would never ostracize you okay for mishing Su you know what I’d ostracize you for Chad for for mist tasting a pie there you go okay that’s what I would ostracize you I would just judge you with extreme prejudice and severe judgment for mistas

A pie saying that a chicken and mushroom pie is a pepper steak pie okay I know it’s physically impos impossible but I will ostracize you getting PES wrong Five Nights at Freddy’s too man still gives me chills to this day I should probably do like a a playthrough

Of that just like okay here we go are playing for ff2 today yay we no no no no thank you five nights are fredd is of me we’re never going to be friends not now not ever not to the next season never okay never you heard it here first

Go see how island is doing okay so Rachel did we did we help you in your in your karaoke struggles I sincerely hope we did I really hope that we helped you in these karaoke struggles and if we didn’t that’s also okay I feel like we should do like a a

Karaoke contest in in South Africa huh we get like a whole bunch of karaoke people in South Africa together we go to a karaoke bar and the first one who wins I don’t [Laughter] know you got this Rachel can I can I get a hell yeah in chat for Rachel just

Because they gun ho okay me I probably would have said no I’m not going I’m not going you must be out of your gourd you must be out of your gourd your gourd is so out of it okay you have to be out of that gourd you must be you must your

Gourd it must be out give me a h i give me a h yeah I said give me a hell yeah it’s so close it’s so close Daddy it’s so close so so so yeah I I hope everyone is is good today I really do thank you all for joining me

I appreciate it like I said we’re going to go until we don’t go anymore we should win the Run we should the Run should be a done deal I’m hoping um we still have two weeks to wait for these to grow but they should grow in this

Next week so we’re not too far behind we’re going to finish up this we week wait for the next week we should get our next batch of money on Friday and then we’re done then we’re finished then I think we win the run I’m tempted to sell all my animals

Though they’re not making that much money time for bed not we can’t do much like the thing is we don’t have the health all right so now that I’ve effectively spoken about karaoke I feel like I want to you know sing a couple of lyrics from the song that I have written

That I’m never going to release because I’m a big giant chick I’m very afraid of of you know chat the thing is I went to go and get singing lessons I did right so the story is um be before ke uh I was previously engaged and then our engagement never

Went through um not and mine my my ex fiance but we were going to get married and I had taken singing lessons about 2 months before we had broken up and I said to myself well I’ve already started I may as well just follow through right

So I did I went and follow through and um then I needed to put these things to the test and then I realized once I got up on stage how unbelievably I afraid I am of the stage and I’m just sitting there going no I don’t want to do this anymore Daddy

Please is this a story about your ex no this is a story about me singing I don’t I don’t have many stories to tell about my ex because I just don’t I don’t want to go down that kind of path it’s just not it’s

Me but yeah um then I went to go get the sing lessons then I figured out I’ve got severe stage fight so I’ve been trying day in and day out to um your headset disconnected no worries um I tried to get like better at it and uh I inadvertently sang

To through no fault of my own um and she seemed to had like it now I’m not allowed to sing in the car whatsoever uh because she blushes uncontrollably so I am I have been told I am not allowed to carry in the car unless

Unless I sing it in a higher pitch up tone so you know like you know like how I just perform for you all okay that that is the alloud tone that I’m to carry n my squish so I have I i’ I’ve been told that um that I’m not allowed to karaoke

For her I am not allowed to woo her off her feet with my voice little does she know how well I Define the laws of physics you heard me D Fu what you mean soing for it I’ve been looking for it for like how long now just never just never call me out on it anyway so yeah um remember chat the wedding 25 February 2022 exclamation wedding if you want to be part of it consider that your invite so please um

If you can uh come come and attend the live stream of the wedding you know it’ll be fun to have everyone in chat um we’ll make a day of it we’ll get a boat we’ll pack lunch no wait hold on that’s a that’s a different thing um but yeah I’m

Looking forward to seeing you all in in the live stream even if you can’t make it the VOD will be up for your viewing pleasure um and yeah I’m let me just tell you all I’m super excited we we we off the guest list so the guest list is

Finalized there’s no more no more invites no more nothing so that’s done tonight we’re sending through the um uh the music list of what we want um so that’s being done we got all the batteries for the little lights we’re going to put up everywhere that was [ __ ] expensive who decided batteries needed

To be so expensive in life let’s let’s go find that particular post um then what else Um I’m brain fighting this is my wedding I’m supposed to know what’s going on um I need to go find my pants I got a shirt I’ve got a belt I got my shoes I got socks but lo and behold I don’t know where my pants

Are and no Keo didn’t do anything with the pain that’s what Jaa want okay animals all right back to study Valley I know everyone is going to go on lunch and working today the mayor rusted request to find his pants listen listen listen Okay no one must know no one must ever

Know no one could ever know otherwise how’s everyone doing in chat like how are you doing do you have any plans coming up for the weekend do you have any plans for today um I hope problems get sorted for you I just wish you all an absolutely

Wonderful time let me just tell you that I hope you all have an absolutely gorgeous time in life I really do and if you tell me I can’t tell you what to do that’s fair okay I I’m not your real dad but I know you call me no

I’m not I’m not I’m not about to do this I’m not about to open myself up to that kind of hurt I hate this layout I really do oh there’s the exit look how far we had to go to find the exit oh my good diead please thank you I’m going to sneeze

H Hot D am all right chat just got to keep up with the email make sure nothing bad is happen on my word you can fix it man Fu Do Us yes I hate when people do that please take responsibility to do this I will not that is not my job

I will not do that I I I hate when people delegate things that are their job unto me and that is not even remotely part of my job so no I will I’m I’m starting to take a stand with that kind I will not do that

Kind I’m all for helping and making sure but when you tell me please take responsibility for this no no comes a time and a place where you where you stand your ground and you say no there there’s just there’s no way there is no way there’s there’s no way there is no

Way yeah new overlay new overlay hello there m Pixy how you doing on everyone got A stop Vegeta what I can Su tities hello there W how you doing my birds are happy today and they’ve made me happy that’s good that is good I’m doing good man uh year three run is almost done year three run is almost done no I’m not sleeping I’m just I am

Uh remember I I still have a day job that I need to do so I do my day job while it’s done stream so I’m working two jobs simultaneously hey there fizzy how you doing yeah that that that full pie is glorious just just wait till you get the

R on the pie it’s it’s almost done like we’re at 8.9 million um by Friday our uh wine will be ready um yeah chat I do I work a a 6 to6 job and um while I do my six to6 job I do my other 62 what whatever time I feel like stopping

Job I love streaming chat and if if I can get to the point of full time one day I would love this to be my 6 to6 job but that’s far away and that can only happen if people subscribe if people support the stream that’s the

Only way it’s going to happen but we’re far away from that so so we take it as it comes we will work hard grind hard beat Stu Valley prove that we are gods among any gifters no gifted Subs Hey listen that is Henri’s Trade Mark line okay I don’t want to step on

Copyrighted stuff here don’t hit me who invited you to hit me no one that’s um I just want to try and get down as fast as possible so we actually get to the good resour so anyway how’s everyone in chap I’m at here 2 now in St early winter do

You have some tips for the desert mine lots of food and bombs I know but maybe I have some tips stairs make sure you have stairs I forgot Mom’s hit stupid heart um stairs make sure that you have at least like I would say a good 20 stairs

So if you have a lucky day also Lucky Day make sure that you’re either on luck day with the with the yellow uh pyramid over the fortune teller’s head or the um the um uh iridium star over her head those would be your best days to do the skull

Cavern run also make sure you got a Galaxy sword because other swords are just not going to be worth your time and effort to try and run this because this is difficult um food and bombs obviously but St extremely lucky day good weapon and you’re good to go other than that just

Make sure that you try and perfect how you swing because with pixels there there is a specific hit box that you got to hit right so if you swing a little bit early then they’re going to hit you if you swing up a little bit late they’re going to hit you thank you

Kintel appreciate it hoed stairs pretty sure I’ve used 50 plus for the first time I made it to the bottom of the desert cave now you don’t need to worry if you want to farm up resources for for this um I would honestly say make

Sure you go on a lucky day because more often than not the first couple of blocks you find will be your stairs so tip number one for this is um to find your your exit early if you don’t find it in the starting area so I would say a

Good like screen full if you don’t find your exit here opening up anything the likelihood is it has spawned somewhere in in the area right if you open up one of these and you exit appears early lucky day for you if it doesn’t it’s either spawned somewhere or you’ve come

On a very unbelievably bad day and the skull C’s just going to Bone you over trust me years of practice with this [ __ ] or hours of practice I wouldn’t say actually years yeah hey the Yoda how you doing you see like this this this right here if your exit is not anywhere near

Here it’s probably somewhere on the map or start you is just like hey where about to make your life difficult and also don’t be fooled you can go on a very lucky day and the game could still bone you over so taking my tips it helps

But at the same time uh they may not always yield results because Stu does have a very weird RNG engine where sometimes it just doesn’t want to give you what you need and then you’ll find that some of your run struggle I just want to see nothing

There I believe the exit should be down here and if not you’ll you’ll see what I mean by an unlucky day you see look at that no exit there it is you see so like that first try first first thing broken exit so it varies if

You find your exit early good take it don’t bother wasting time if you can Farm up serpents make sure before you come to the skull cabin as well a great item to get is called a burglaring right you get it from slaying the the 500 dust Sprites in the normal

Mines burglar rings are great for killing enemies because burglar ring um has a chance to grab the items from the enemies that you drop this includes Prismatic shards rabbit feed things you might need for your community center um things you might need to beat the game

With so burglar ring is a great uh item to get so if you can farm that up early Gucci you’ve done a good job Soldier I’m proud of you I’m good Mr Yoda how is everything going so yeah chat um I would like to one day make this full time I’ve discussed this

Extensively um so if you have not considered it or you have an Amazon Prime account you don’t use listen put it to good use okay you get cool emotes you get cool notifications uh uh you get to have a date oneon-one with me one day no I I can’t guarantee but it’s to

Drive the selling Point oh I don’t who okay also be mindful about these bats they are currently the enemy that hits the strongest in the game but as you can see look how much you get just from slaying that bat so iridium bats oh my good also so this level is kind of Ideal

When you’re doing the Monster Hunter um challenge because these these pepper rexes spawn very infrequently they do they spawn highly infrequently so it’s ideal to find this kind of level but also be mindful that they do actually hit hard um so try not to stand in their gobs

When you’re um trying to kill them because they do hurt okay they do hurt other than that your your your skull Cav trip will be fine they don’t make any more stronger enemies than what’s here hard mode skull Cavern on the other hand we don’t speak about that negativity all right we don’t

There’s no need to speak about that negativity in this chat or in this next lifetime a matter of okay In This Very lifetime we will not speak about the negativity of hard modes called C I don’t think anyone in this world wants to go hard modes called Kevin I

Would like this don’t mind oh I suck for you now I’m going to end you too there we go so how’s everyone doing chat talk to me oh this run is so close to a victory so close to a victory and yet I love that I can just drag the name down

Going to prepare my stuff to go to my friends ooh oh damn it okay that’s not what you want to also the it also depends what weapon you want to use um I like the the sword the the sword has got a good blocking ability and because um

Um you can do quite a heavy knockback with the um with the hammer uh or with the let me let me explain prop because you get a good knockback on the serpents the the swords blocking ability is actually really good so if you can like that you’ll see it blocks them back this

Gives you a chance to wham bam thank you man get wrecked I would also highly recommend getting enchantment I would I don’t play with enchantments because me I just haven’t had the time or the energy to decide do I want to randomly roll for an enchantment and ensure that

It’s hot garbage or do I want to go for you know just the standard skull cabin run Farm up resources until like 12:00 p.m. sell basically everything I find here and um just continue until we get to that beautiful sweet wine farm hold on I’ll read that

Now get out of here also napom ring oh napom ring is guard tier is it true that you pass out 2 p.m. in the night and you only lose money it is but I believe that’s going to be changed that um you lose items now too to get robbed um I

Don’t like passing out at 2 a.m. and you lose quite a bit of money it’s not it’s not worth knocking yourself out let me be honest with you here it isn’t people say yeah it’s it’s worth it and that kind of thing I respectfully and 100%

Disagree it is not worth the time and effort to get knocked out um you’re on the job h oh damn sir do tail I I I honestly find it a waste of time and resources if you intentionally get yourself knocked out if you’re early

On in the game you need money now if you go with the with the tree sapling route which you can the the the T the T ah T tree sapling route man that was difficult to say um then yeah then it’s not so bad like you make you make a lot

Of money using tea tree saplings but if you’re not going that route money is is precious okay and anyone who tells you it’s fine just knock yourself out I I would highly recommend you know never tried myself but so look it’s happened to me and it’s happened to Keo

A lot on our multiplayer stuff it really has where is just like hey I’m going to go past two and then she’s like oh no you know and to be honest with you we lose a lot of money look if you if you if you’re doing like

100% or or or skull Cav run right and you can get to floor 100 um but it’s going to it’s going to cost you cuz you have like no way back home in time then yeah maybe cuz then you have the achievement remember to beat this game

On completion you don’t have to beat the skull Cavern level 100 it’s just a challenge that’s all it is yeah you you you get a you get a permanent Health upgrade but let me be honest with you here it’s not that much better of an upgrade okay you get like maybe 50

Points more but it’s not that much better than if you had 100 Health okay as long as you have food and things to keep you alive you can you can Su you can sustain yourself like very very easily so in my personal opinion the skull Cavin wallet is a great challenge

You don’t have to beat this thing Flo 100 to make Perfection oh my goodness stuff graduated last year realize how um I don’t like doing what I studied and I’m looking for internships and online jobs Hey listen that happens K didn’t want to go study further cuz she didn’t

Know what she wanted to do and now she knows she wants to do design these things take time you could study for something and then you don’t want to do it look at me I’m being 100% honest with you here chat I studied for for my for

My it stuff I did I got my A+ M plus stuff and I realized I I don’t want to do I I don’t the moment the moment I started creating content I knew that’s what I wanted to do and not because everyone else was doing it it’s because

That’s what I wanted to do I know it’s 12 we got to go home um exclamation Hey the Equus now hello there it is people don’t tell you but it is technically retail it’s customer service and honestly speaking customer service is tough customer service is tough because everyone in my

Industry thinks they can do what I can do you can’t you cannot I don’t go to a finance person and tell them this is how you do it because I’m not qualified right I’m not I’m not remotely qualified but everybody thinks that they can do it okay everyone doesn’t matter how much

You argue with them they know better so then I’m like okay but then why’ you hire and if I tell people this is how it is and someone goes over my head and then tells other people you know no this is how it should be why do I want to continue being in

That kind of still playing the [ __ ] quest in the [ __ ] game yeah I am just not right now I’m finishing up this run we’re finishing this run this run it’s getting finished oh chat we’re almost at 9 million do you see that do you see how beautiful that is

Is yeah someone someone’s cousin kid can do better and to me I don’t I I don’t want that I don’t I really don’t I don’t have time for that I work hard at what I do right I’m qualified to do what I do but there’s no more love for what I do

This right here that I’m doing which I put so much emphasis on every single day of my existence this right here I can do because to me this is stimulating I’m learning something new every day about myself about the people around me I get to entertain people I get to make people

Laugh we we have a fun time over here together that is what I want I get to create stuff that people can enjoy I get to talk to people every single day of my existence that’s what I want right that is what I want and I don’t always get to do it because

I have a job I’m grateful for my job I think people need to understand I am grateful I have a job especially in this economy but if I if I was given the opportunity to do this fulltime guess what I would do it in a heartbeat while having 32 32 in-game day

Problems you know what you know what gers if someone paid me the same amount of money if not a little bit more to do this every single day right and they told me you have to go through you have to go through that that [ __ ] game with a

[ __ ] Quest 32 days every single day I would still do it I would wait 32 in-game days if I could do this fulltime every single day I would waigh 32 in-game days okay people need to understand I’m committed to this craft I am I committed

To this craft I’m committed to what I do I love what I do I want to do it every single day of my life I do so if I can do it I will is the thing even if it means I have to wait 32

In-game days for a [ __ ] game with a [ __ ] Quest that’s what I’ll do all right that’s why that’s why I’ve got these goals up chat that’s why I’m going to give you these goals this hot Bean Boozled thing it don’t play so if we can

If we can push for these 100 Subs I will go out today and go by Bean Boozled hot beans Chad you think I’m joking if we make 100 subs today I will I will 100% go out and go buy bean boozled hot bean and then eat it live on stream for you I

Will that’s my that’s my commitment to this CL okay don’t know how I’m going to survive the next morning but you know that’s a that that’s a different time for a different thing you know a different thing for a different oh my goodness which which yeah that

One uh poo paper in the freezer oh my goodness I I had those three time spicy noodles chat yesterday morning when I woke up cuz I had it two days ago um yesterday morning when I woke up my stomach was still on fire I was like wo

Boy I’m about to have a long hard day and then eventually you know nature follows this course so it it goes in hot it stays inside hot and uh just be honest with you here chat it was a was a tough time on the throne okay it

Was a real tough time on the throne like I had a real tough time on the thr yeah but it’s okay we survived I’m I’m still alive right that that that three time spicy noodle I conquered it okay I conquered it someone said I needed to

Try Satan’s um what was it it was Satan’s something and someone said I needed to try the the ghost chili chip I’m might I’m I’m like waiting for chat to sponsor me these things but there’s a there’s a ghost pepper chip and there’s a Carolina Reaper chiper there’s ghost pepper pops as well Like I’m afraid I’m afraid but chat’s never going to do it we’re we’re we’re okay with it okay we’re fine it’s never going to happen oh my sand I think who was it there was there was there was a streamer that grabed with the ghost pepper pops ooh

Nearly I don’t even want to know I I I I don’t even think I want to know what they win R come on ghosty boy death okay F oh you what’s the hottest thing you’ve ever eaten chat like the hottest thing you’ve ever eaten and know you can’t tell me

Your significant other okay my squish no bad squish that was not hot no it rockas doesn’t make proper hot food man Burger you’re a wimp no I I had the three time spicy noodles what did you do you’re a wuss nerd going to be divorce PS com I’m

Hungry I was on someone’s stream earlier I think it was watch Holly’s stream and they were talking about pizza I was like oh I would kill for a good cheesy pizza like a the bomb at a drinking party I I’ve had the bomb um on a spicy wings

Challenge I had 16 wings with the bomb sauce Chad 16 with that Bloody sauce and it has no flavor that you know what I don’t mind hot food right but I mind hot food that has no flavor to me if you if you’re going to give me hot food give me

Flavor right the bomb is just pure essence essence of death now imagine 60 knot wings and I didn’t put a little drop on I I put a healthy amount on um I I put a healthy amount on a plate and I took my wing and I I literally coated it with that stuff

Ask K I had a tub of ice cream next to me and that didn’t help hey there cythia how you doing Chad if you have not checked out Cynthia please do they are doing a similar run that I am doing I’m going to give them a shout got out here

Oh cythia we’re so close we’re so close to Victory you can see 8.9 million one week into winter we have a wine farm up and ready to go and then we’ve got another set of wine coming through we should be able to beat this before the end of

Winter I’m hoping I’ll be so sad if I don’t win this one so yeah chat that was the bomb so far is the hottest thing that I’ve had it has not it has not beaten um the uh uh the the three time spicy noodles did not beat the bomb but

I will say that that was that was hot the the noodles were they were they were pretty rough on the system baboom all right so I think if everything goes well check if everything goes well um oh I’m I’m so close like we we’re almost done with week one of winter

We have a a set of um we we have a set of wine coming through with a lot of star fruit it should be a good 7 800,000 which will put us at a comfortable like 9.5 9.7 million around there even with only ancient fruit wine I will be able

To beat this run so I think with the next two wine sets chat we will win this run and then I’m going to celebrate then I’m going to freaking scream and cry and and have Bloody that swear there will be so much celebration today so much celebration it’s not even going to be

Funny if only concerned AE Could See Me Now what’s my accent South African I am South African Cynthia that is my accent I can change it but then it would be deeply offensive to French people oh let do much we we see terrible the only reason I do that is

Because I don’t know if anyone has watch Food Wars um Africa knows from South Africa there you go I don’t have anyone has watch Food Wars in chat okay first of all if you haven’t you’re sleeping on a fantastic anime you are okay they they have this now look I I

Don’t always watch my my um my anime dubbed right because I find some dubs are just absolutely awful aside from like Yu-Gi-Oh Pokemon those kind of things um but food wars’s dubbed anime is amazing and I will explain to you why it’s amazing Chad okay first of all they

Have an unbelievably French voice actor in there I’m talking proper omelet D fromage levels of okay we cannot be be here anymore because these Dino boys hurt I’m leaving for my own safety I’m not I’m not about to boot this run in Jeopardy I’m

Not um it was so funny Chad it was so [Laughter] funny I’m Romanian and sometimes I do a thck E listen Cynthia I I try not to do accents um I don’t have many French viewers if anything which I’m I’m pretty fine with um yeah we we we we’ve we’ve got a a song that we like to sing here in South Africa it’s an old one it’s an old but gold yeah That I love that song Chad ah look here no I know you’re not spamming no worry ah chat look here M Oh Daddy oh listen K gon was amazing I never want to hear anyone else say anything all right that man was a god at singing all right he was a literal actual walking

God of music all right anyone who tells me otherwise is uncultured all right and I will fight [Laughter] you oh look at that no K coron like you know rest his soul I mean he was going to make money tonight I don’t think we’ll make 1 million

Um I forgot about the ah ooh okay these are slowly coming by here so I think we’ll wait nice nice nice nice there we are nice it’s like if you look at it like this menoni there there are some great anime dubs out there Naruto is not one

Of them they’re not not to is not good dubb you get good dubbed voice actors okay but you don’t get good um dubbed animes right so you get fantastic voice actors right but the the anime that they are in is not good if you look at something if you look at someone like

Chris Sabbat right if you look at someone like Chris Sabbat who voices uh Vegeta and voices um Al might right chat is Godly you look at someone like Sean sh who voices Goku right fantastic wonderful you look at someone like Dan Green who voices Yugi and ATM it’s so

Good it really is it’s it’s it’s such a good level of voice acting but the the anime that they are in is either poorly written or there’s just no vibe behind what they do right and it only took me years to figure out that the same voice

Actor for Brock voiced Kaiba and I was like what you want to run that by me again the same guy who voices Brock in Pokemon is the same guy who voices Kaiba you must be lying to me oh no it’s the same person it’s the same person I was like

NY yeah the cod’s on the laptop I really wish we had a better way of doing things honestly all right chat let’s see what our money is going to look like 900,000 oh my Lord we’re so close look at it I need 200,000 more I need I need 200,000 more and we win

Oh it was so close hey lucidus I’m good in you I’m on I’m on celebration Street chat we need 200,000 more actually 170,000 if I’m being I’m being 100% serious here let me go see if I sell the animals I know this is cruel okay I know it’s cruel but

Let’s see if I can make 200,000 right here praise the P Lord oh I’m happy okay sell the children sorry kids you’re gone I know I know I don’t want to sell the animals but if we can win the run right now they’ll go to good homes chat

They’ll go to good homes I Promise listen I love him okay I do I love him I do I love him okay I I I I love them okay Chad I love them but they will they will understand all right they will they will understand okay they will they will Understand they will they will understand okay they will understand all right they will understand listen in in the actual playthrough you don’t have to do this okay I’m doing this because I want to do this this my playthrough I’ve earned this okay I think I just killed

Something I was wasn’t supposed to kill I have earned this okay chat I have earned this Hey listen I love you guys you know this all right I love you dearly sincerely you know I love you okay I can always buy more animals again Chad you know I can okay oh

Yeah but if you close emotional emotional emotional emotional yeah oh my Lord she didn’t know oh my gosh that sounds he thank you I’m I’m on the verge of winning but way to make it morbid why I know I know okay Cynthia the problem is you see

Everything in my chest okay it’s gone I know I know lucidus listen lucidus lucidus listen listen okay I know it hurts okay I know it hurts it hurts but listen listen Okay as for the glory that we’re about to experience okay we need literally 41,000 gold okay

We need just 41,000 gold I can get everything again we’re so close we’re so close do I animation cancel I don’t I don’t animation cancel I probably should Pierre you suck you I to give me any [ __ ] thing it’s okay it’s okay it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s

Fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m going to go to the skull Cavern we’ve sold everything we can okay I did what I what I needed to do there all right we’ll go to the skull Cavern we’ll Farm up if we need to we will win the Run okay

Everyone we will win the run we’re that close okay it won’t be it won’t be the don’t go here don’t waste 500 gold okay we’ll win the run it’s okay everyone calm down I just need a good 35,000 all right then we’re done everyone just hold on to your hats okay

We’re so close I’m so close we’re actually going to do it someone be on that clip button someone be on that clip button like white on rice I play on controller for a while but then I got a PC so I started and I can’t go

Back H be ready chat cuz once I build that golden clock we may actually Beat It by the end of the first week of winter we may actually do it okay I’m I’m I’m gonna calm down cuz I’m not about to get eup foric all right but we are we are about to

Win I’m on phone it’s fine I know someone in chat is going to be ready on this on this clip all right someone is going to be ready oh chat I’m starting to get lightheaded because I know I know we’re about to win six plus months of working hard every every single day

Stressing about this run and it’s on the precipice of winning oh my word oh my sand oh my gosh oh my Lord in heaven oh oh chat it’s going to happen it’s going to happen I’m so excited I’m so excited like it is oh and post it in Discord chat if you

Aren’t on the Discord EX Mission Discord please this is going to be Tik Tock worthy hover worthy it’s going to be God dear worthy okay all the study Valley streamers that I have ever seen all right looked up to I can finally join part of the upper echelon of sty Valley

Godliness I can feel it watch that chat you hear a nerd somewhere all that hard work all that dedication all those tears of the suffering everything holy [ __ ] it’s so close Chad like it’s so close we literally need we literally only need a couple of thousand we need like 30k emotional emotional emotional

Emotional you’re not about to kill me you are not about to ruin this day for me sir okay you are not about to do that me why do I have to get this layout like out of all the layouts you give me this is the [ __ ] you give me hey hey hey come

Down here there we go what I can fly uh I know the habo I know C do I know um Barbie Let Go no God please no Barbie let’s go no no I know habo I know cidu I know blade um I I know there’s a lady

Man what’s her name sloy is there Cynthia Cynthia is also doing fantastically well Um to the King baby papa bear why are we spamming oh chck I will I will allow you free chaos if we win this okay will allow one free chaos today when we win and then I ask for 10 gifted Subs in celebration okay not really you don’t have to do

That but oh my Goodness you got this Cynthia as long as you get your as long as you get the the ginger Island as long as you get Ginger Island and as long as you get your starf fruit uh Farm going going up with your ancient Fruit Farm you’ll win you’ll win

100% I will 100% guarantee it I also thought we wouldn’t win but the star fruit and the ancient Fruit Farm wine they came in handy summer making all that money just make sure you get two big sheds and you farm up a lot a lot of um

Um Oak resin you farm up a lot of Oak resin you pump every little bit of iron and Copp into your um your um kegs and that’s all you do once you got two full ones of those starf fruit wine after that you are sorted once you get that first

Batch going to give me ancient tle summer Year too I’m not done yet I’m not done yet but I will hold on to that celebration chat paty I will hold on to that celebration once we hit the 10 mil and I built the clock then we will celebrate oh ch it’s so

Close aosa stud Valley run how oh boy oh we’re so close we’re so very close oh my sand we’re so close Chad I’m like slightly lightheaded I’m still trying to farm up as much as we can cuz if we can build that golden clock on Sunday we win we will have

Beaten it within the first week of winter it’s so much faster than I had expected so much faster oh my word was so close oh my good goooo we’re close 9,965 n79 that’s where we are oh my gosh what did I get here slime egg oo full

Energy tonic thank you those are nice that’s a pretty decent reward if I do say so myself ah no big boy get out of here I have transcended beyond your kind I am god tier at the moment okay I cannot be stopped I will not be

Stopped I’m even ready for this bring it on okay let me just let me not be cocky here because I can still get wrecked see that’s what happens when you get cocky ow don’t race pigs that kind of stuff I mean the the the problem is you’d never

You’d never be able to beat stard Valley is the thing cuz you actually have to raise pigs because you have to get truffles uh if you don’t ship truffles you don’t win the game so unfortunately you can’t do a full-on kosher study Valley run you can’t you actually you actually

Physically can’t you would have to go to the cart but she um she takes forever to give you what you need I mean it took us a year and a half of going to her every Friday every Sunday to get the last the last rro that was the only

Problem you can you can obviously you can you’re right lucidus you can but like it would be it would be more prudent to just use the the the pig we can do that I’m I’m up for some challenge runs but right now the biggest challenge run in the history of forever

For me at [Applause] least the the problem is is you find some handicaps rely either on the traveling card uh and in our case when we did the um 25% profit margin um one year uh Community Center run is that we couldn’t use the traveling cart whatsoever so I actually completed two

Challenge runs in one we completed beating the community center within one year and we completed it without having to use the traveling card because we just never had the money to get what we needed for the community center so I’m also very proud of that run is that we

Beat that with two handicaps on and I loved it it was stress Galore but we did it we fished like mad people Chad I can’t even begin to describe you but like I’m I’m actually shaking with excitement because I cannot believe like after 6 Plus months of doing this

Tutorial that we are about to beat this game in in in three in-game years I actually cannot begin to describe to you how happy I am with the results of this hard work because this has just been all hard work dedication refining as much as possible and I know

You can do it faster is actually possible to complete it without using in twos yes it is it is possible to do it um but like if you don’t want to be that kind of person Chad I’m you know what and to everyone who has been here from the

Start of the run right up until the end of the Run even in the middle of the run if you’ve been here supporting this just even just even being here saying hello that’s more than enough I cannot even begin to tell you thank you for all the

Support I can’t because it would take too long get away from me sir come on all of you I’ll open up the flood gates for you come on it’s King Ramsay’s and all his five children i n no no no no no I’m I’m going to be

Changing that one I’m I’m immune to SCP 173 object class ID oh chat that’s why I’m slaying out monsters that’s why I’m getting as much as I can here because if we get it it’s extra money if we can make it she was significantly impressed and [Laughter] jealous

[ __ ] I’m so happy like you don’t understand like I know we’re going to beat the run whether we beat it today or the next day we win is the thing we actually win the Run we win there is no stopping us right now you’re waiting for chaos I think everyone’s waiting for

Chaos W everyone on the YouTube series if you have been following this the way I have been you need to be celebrating as well when you watch the VOD obviously later in the past and not now but if you’re following this guide let me know how yours has gone because oh my gosh

Chad I am I cannot even begin to describe to you how happy I am that we will be etching ourselves in the history books of study Valley baby and I know it’s not the fastest run it will never be the fastest run right there there are just too many good

People like nabo or habo and um C and blade and people like that who you know refine their gameplay but for me for me as someone who did this as a casual like run for for the Casual study Valley player okay for me I’m so happy man I’m so happy like we

I oh come on Daddy bat give me give me all your goods all of it that’s not all your goods okay that’s fine that’s fine I’m getting light headed because I’m in pre- celebration mode uh the fastest you can make it is the last day of here to that is that is

The last day of year to that is the fastest you can make it but oh chat when that clip comes up when we win this clip it and post it everywhere that’s all I ask Chad post it on your socials posted on posted everywhere I’m so I’m hello there ninja

I’m going be back in 15 minutes giveaway um sinky merch I’ve got a merch giveaway going on but we need like 150 Subs to start that giveaway so beat haunted chocolate here on release uh week in 24 hours Oh Daddy now you’re now you’re asking for a challenge

That even I don’t think CI do would be able to do I’m not calling him out I can’t wait for for haunted chocolate here we H yeah the thing is if it’s not if it’s done live you you’re like you’re not hyper Focus you have a bet between you and poy I’m excited for that okay chat every self PR promo Discord ever you know it you know it chat oh will I make it will will I actually

Make it is the thing will I be will I have enough money to make it today h chat only clip it when we’re at the only clip it when we’re at the Perfection Mountain only clip it when we’re at the Perfection Mountain oh I can’t even I can’t even speak

Anymore there’s no more tutorial it’s just waiting now oh please please please please give me that 10 million give me that sweet 10 mil you know what I’m just going to grab this just for the extra little bit that it can give me oh man my my legs are shaking I’m sweating

I’m excited I’m so I’m so start clipping chat just clip go whatever do what you must put it all in the Discord I’ll make a compilation come on give it to me give it to me no how close am I 4,000 are you kidding me

No game why I so the animal I did everything you asked me for everything wait a minute it’s Sunday I don’t think I I don’t even think my my my ancient food has grown enough for me to be able to get some cash oh it’s so close it’s so close it’s so

Close okay I’ve got nothing going on there it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m the only one doing this to myself these will grow tomorrow I know that oh I actually should have sold my uh my ancient fruit now that I think about it but it’s okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine we can fish for this as well we can make that 4,000 by going to the ocean actually hold on we

Can make the 4,000 by going to the ocean Willie sells fish for a ridiculous amount of money he does he sells fish for a redonkulous amount of money we’ll go to Clint for the emeralds as well come on Ocean I thought you’d have more than this it’s okay we’ll we’ll we’ll fish some

Chad we’ll go to our old strategy remember what I said way back when we started this run if you ain’t farming you’re fishing all right can we do this Willie opens at eight so I’ll he opens actually at nine come on game oh we’re so close we’re so close

You know i’ I’ve seen people come and go in in these streams I’ve seen people come and do their thing in these streams and I appreciate it right but everyone who is here has made this extremely special for me I’m not even worried about the treasure chest I just want the

Fish I just want the fish right now that’s it I just want the fish I might actually cry chat like the thing is I’m I’m so excited and so happy that we’re going to beat this run no Treasures don’t don’t help us right now it’s more for the fish than anything if

I capture the fish at perfect then we then we get higher quality fish come on dude you got to finish up quick I got fish to sell to You Chad I might cry like the thing is I might just cry let me be honest with you here I might just straight up ball like a baby right now cuz I’m so excited and so ready to win this run I’m so ready prise the p no no no don’t don’t apologize for

Lurking Teddy I’ve said this before I wish people would stop doing that don’t apologize for lurking you are lifing chat just like one or two more just like one or two More yeah I know but I’m going to cry because I deserve this I’ve earned this ah you [ __ ] to the King baby don’t do that to me bite fish what are you [Applause] doing loers are the back FS of which they are we love loers we do lers are

Amazing chat so keep keep up that good luck come on I’m so close you’re not going to give me like 2,700 and 2,600 and 53 gold is that what you’re not going to do come on you dick oh so [Applause] close I’m so excited like I’m so excited

I’m going to beat Stu Valley in three ingame years are you kidding me I’m actually going to do it I’m actually going to accomplish what I’ve set out to do such a bit dude okay let me let me quickly go sell the other stuff and then we’ll come Back what Going I’m so close hey there in how you doing internet don’t you dare come on work with me here 1,01 gold are you kidding me is that all I need 1,01 gold 1,01 gold look at that number if I only ever go to 9 9, 999,999

But if you close you emotional B it emotional B it emotional emot you’re joking St you you’re Joking holy [ __ ] you have to be kidding me right look at that 9 million 900 and I swear start you if you start with a seaweed cck I will uninstall you oh my god exactly chat exactly give me that give me that treasure what you got for me that I can

Sell uh that doesn’t help me that doesn’t help me either oh we’re so close we’re so close we’re so close we’re so close we’re so close oh my Lord in heaven I just want like five fish chat I just want like five or six fish my love look how close we are 99,999

499 okay listen listen listen Willie Willie willfred will man 10 million baby it’s happening Come on Barbie let’s go party no God please no Come on Barbie let’s go party no no okay let me let me first B Let me let me first F the chat let me first B [Applause] that w w you Going otal otal otal emal Emotional emotional emotional emot I said give me a hell yeah calm down Chad hold on where’s the L I got to go I think I got to go see Qui quickly I don’t know if I first got to go up to where the Perfection thing is

So let’s go see first if the boulder disappeared oh okay up we go give me a hell yeah I said give me a hell yeah I did what you me do we have to sleep I think we have to sleep I think we have to sleep for it to

Disappear but I think we did it I think I think we’ve done it oh don’t you screw me over game Internet please just calm down uh infinite boy we are doing a what is going on with this now is that internet or is that now relay uh-uh this internet

Just check if there’s anything downloading not right now come on not not this way [ __ ] sakes man which one is this now this internet this is relay [ __ ] okay I’ll be back we’re back we’re back we’re back we’re back we’re back we’re back we’re back okay we’re back

And I’m already changing up the title chat because it is done okay let’s go check with with que first oh my Lord in heaven no no no thank you lucidus thank you so much for the support oh my Lord oh my love I this is this is how many

Months of hard work work internet troubles relay troubles stream troubles and I’m about to beat this game 100% hey hey I did it yes I’m done it’s finished what do I do it’s done I’m 100% what do you want from me do I need to sleep I’m not back Chad I’m going not

Back I’m going not back come on okay all right I I’m I’m guessing I’m guessing I have to sleep no no no lucidus thank you so much again I appreciate it thank you thank you thank you thank you do I have to sleep I think

I have to sleep now for the boulder to get removed that’s the only thing I can think of it’s 100% it’s done there’s nothing more to do what do I do do I have to sleep for the boulder to go away what do I do what do I

Do I’ve gotten to him the board says 100% the board says 100% if I go here it’s not here we’re going to have to sleep we’re going to have to sleep I think I think we got to sleep I think I think actually we got to

Sleep the boulder is not the boulder is still here okay let’s go sleep and see what happens chat but we did it the game says it’s 100% okay so that means we did it all right refresh cheat cuz I see there is a delay what the [ __ ] is going on today

Man bye-bye lucidus bye-bye oh my gosh oh my Lord oh my goodness okay we’re going to go sleep we’re going to go sleep I have 12 gold in my bank account but we just spent 10 million it’s okay it’s it’s gu gu guy oh okay sleep time sleepy time sleepy

Time I swear that’s relay come on relay just work with me just let me have this no witch buzz off that’s not Bab you’re not the cut scene I came [Laughter] for okay Yes yes yes A H we did Yes there’s grus is what yes We beat the game in three in-game years Baby yes oh Ben three in-game years baby first week of winter year three that is my record oh look at it chat look at It I have inserted into the animals praise the pie Lord of stardy Valley godhood Baby to the King Baby thank you everyone every single person who sat here with me and went with me through every little bit of Stu Valley pain anguish everything that we had gone through oh my Lord let me finish this let let this finish and then I will

Do hello I oh oh no I know those oh let’s first finish this first finish this chat let me end the recording and then we can go insane no don’t start yet stop don’t start yet don’t start yet Chad I said give me a hell [Applause] Yeah Hail to the King baby oh do I get a message from Grand peppy Hey Ah what you got for me is that it thank you everybody so much for watching hope you enjoyed the year three 100 % stard do Valley Challenge and we did it hope you have enjoyed the series if you have let me know if you beat this in

Three ingame years thank you so much for watching until the next series YouTube bye-bye

Welcome to the Stardew Valley 100% Completionist Challenge! Where we try and beat the game to COMPLETION in 3 INGAME YEARS! In this series, i give you play by play instructions on which crops to farm, what to build and in what order. I also guide you on safety in the Skull Cavern, what to look out for and what tips and tricks YOU need to beat this yourself!

Note though, you WILL find better guides out there, but this series is a play along series, to help YOU get there for the average Stardew Valley player!

As we start our Winter journey in year 2, we are now PRIMARLY focused on getting Starfruit Farming and Wine Farming/Artisans going! This will ensure we have all the money needed to purchase the Golden Clock!

If you enjoy the guide, do let me know what other challenged YOU would like me to guide you through! I am enjoying bringing this to you!

If you enjoy #stardewvalley and enjoy yourself a #challenge , consider hitting the #subscribe button for MORE Stardew Valley madness!

Catch each episode every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday at 8PM GMT +2 / 7PM UK time / 11AM American Time!

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