Minecraft, But Villager Upgrades Are Super…

It’s a village yes hey villager uh you’re a level one interesting what do you got to trade oh wheat seeds for dirt yeah and granite uh yeah these level one villagers kind of suck oh level eight what does a level eight villager trade oh wait this villager traits beacons enchanting table elytra

Oh my goodness shiny apple paws this is minecraft but you can upgrade villagers i’ve revamped villagers entirely so trading is going to be upgradable which means that the villager trades will improve over the course of this video will i be able to beat the game while upgrading villagers

To their maximum potential watch to find out also be sure to check if you’re subscribed and like the video because according to youtube statistics you most likely aren’t enjoyed the video and i hope you have a great day three two one let’s go let’s get the

Wood because wood is good and now let’s just go quickly make a pickaxe to get some stone all right now that i’ve made my stone tools we shall go and do walking moment because we want to go and find a village to actually like do stuff in this video

You know now our journey to find a village starts now what we found a village perfect and of course since there’s a village there are uh villagers over there hello villagers hello hello hello hello you have a job oh uh you’re also level one apparently

What i hope you read the title by the way because these villagers can be upgraded over the course of this video and as you can see all of these villagers just start with level one and the trades we get are uh yay dirt for bones and oak buttons yeah

Granite ew and clay balls these trades just kind of suck right now man but luckily there is a system for us to go and get these trades to be much better than they are right now let me show you how this will work okay but let me get

Some dirt first the reason why we need dirt is because we’re gonna have to use dirt to go and trade with the villagers so we’ll just do this real quick oh i have a stack of dirt now okay we could go and use the dirt to trade with

The lad the villager ladder hey villager let me just use my dirt to trade for some wii yeah what a deal this is very ironic but as you can see i traded with this villager like three different times and it says 3 out of 30 on the top and basically what

That indicates is that if you trade with each villager 30 times then you could level up the villager so if i traded 27 more times then this villager will be a level 2 villager so uh we’re gonna have to go and trade some more and since we’re gonna have to go

Trade some more we’re gonna have to get more dirt there’s gonna be a lot of moments today especially the dirt ones [Applause] oh i’ve mined over a stack of dirt holy crust this is a lot of dirt mm-hmm hello i have my dirt for you that you

Desperately want for some reason oh my goodness all right let’s go and trade i guess we could go and get i don’t know you know some some clay balls yeah so useful yeah maybe some gravel yeah yay granite so useful item yay okay we’re at 21 trades we’re almost there we’re

Almost there let’s get some cobble i guess we could hold this for later for some reason i guess yes oh gosh we’re at 28 trades now okay we can do bones all right i think we’ll do two more trades boom boom oh there you’re level two look at that

Very nice now that we’ve upgraded our villager let’s see what items this villager has for us level two oh uh it’s slightly better we got coal blast furnace glow ink sac i don’t know what we’re gonna use that for andesite and egg nice wait i just realized the

Trades are also not using dirt anymore it’s cobblestone okay so from what i’m understanding here is that every time we go and upgrade the villagers items we need to use to trade increases in quality and also the trades themselves which means that the more we go and upgrade these villagers the better the

Items nice looks like we need 30 cobblestone trades to go and upgrade this level to villager so uh let’s do it i i guess oh okay i’ve grinded the cobble we got some stacks what up level two villager oh okay i guess we could go and get some

Coal here and there maybe a blast furnace or two that’s good i guess we could go and get a bunch of eggs as well as we please oh that’s a lot of eggs okay we did 24 trades with the villager but i think we could do a little bit

More right about here boom level three thank you villager before we check the level three trades i’m happy to announce that these trades are slightly less useless because we get like coal and and blasphemy and we could use that to go and smelt if we need like

You know some iron underground i think we should probably get some iron armor before we progress you know i think that would be a good idea let’s just go down to a cave real quick let’s just establish a quick iron moment with the goods that we have from the trades all right

All right i smelted some iron from that cave i’ve kind of ran out of iron that’s why i’m not full iron yet but still still i have some armor and also our tools have been upgraded nice but yeah we actually used our upgrades for the first time because it was actually

Useful unlike uh level one i mean sure there was wheat seeds in level one but still i don’t wanna feel like a farmville player today anyways what’s level three oh it’s actually pretty good it’s starting to get really good now okay iron ingots links milk bucket shield cobweb book

Shears nice oh the materials are slightly more expensive with coal okay wait a minute didn’t level two have a coal trade can’t we just use the coal what if we just level this villager to level two and then just trade a bunch of coal wouldn’t that just work it seems

Like we’re starting a strategy we should probably try it first things first we’re gonna have to go and trade for dirt so let’s just go grind some more and then we’re gonna go and trade with this and also that oh oh the level two yay why was that so

Loud thank you villagers i i guess now we’re gonna have to go and get some cobble because that’s level two hello level two villager let me go trade the coal please yeah thank you thank you and i think we could go and trade with this villager

Using the coal that we traded from the other villager so we just do this it worked and now we’ve changed the meta we successfully traded coal that we never mind the only use to trade it’s like stocks but with with villagers and and dirt and coal yeah the villager

Economy is honestly one of a kind anyways it seems like we got two options we could either mine all of the materials that we need to trade or just keep trading until we could upgrade the villager strategy but honestly since coal’s really easy to find i mean it’s

So common let’s just do a cool moment oh the cold journey is done villager i’m back with coal a lot of coal i i’d like to upgrade thingies all right i’ll get your shield i’ll get some cobwebs for whatever reason i’ll get some shears why not maybe milk buckets some planks

Because i like wood and now some iron definitely ah level four i think are you level four now oh slightly better stuff nice okay before it was planks but now it’s just logs nice we got lava bucket that’s pretty cool jukebox bread very good we get food now and

Redstone dust this is slightly better i like it this is better than the wheat seeds and the bones that we had from earlier from the level one trades oh yeah also i have a lot of eggs and i don’t know what to do with it i think there’s one thing to do actually

Uh i just used all my eggs be free chickens be free i can’t tell if that was good for the economy now the level four trades are okay but trust me they’re gonna get much much better the maximum level is level 10. if we could get to the maximum level we’re gonna get

Some really really good items but we’re gonna have to work our way up to it and it’s gonna be a bit of a grind but it’s all gonna be worth it at the end oh yeah also uh we’re gonna need iron to trade now it was coal and now it’s iron oh boy

I think iron is fairly common i think it would be a good idea for us to just go and just iron moment it up in three two one where’s my level four level four level four level four hello i have iron that is raw i just

Realized i can’t i can’t trade it oops luckily i have my level two blast for an eye to go and smelt let me just do this real quick melt it up smelt it up and now we’re just gonna have to wait patiently yay also i’ve realized these villagers like going wherever they want

To and it’s really difficult for me to find them sometimes so honestly i might just have to put you in like a cage sorry maybe i’m gonna go and make a little like granite platform right there there you go and i’m gonna just lead them towards me mirror villager let’s go

Up here low villager and you’re trapped got em okay now we’ll know exactly where our villager is at very good hey hey what’s up villager yeah let’s just wait for the iron to just finish up real quick okay and we’re just gonna do some some trades all right if you’re worried

Right now villager no worries no worries because this will protect you from all zombies okay villager so there’s nothing to worry about all right yep that villager looks very happy in the granite cell all right we’re done look at this we got four stacks of iron ingots this

Is gonna be satisfying boom boom boom boom yeah but now we could use the iron to go and frayed uh i would like one jukebox please thank you a bunch of bread because i’m hungry and some wood because wood is good and a flint and steel for later and a bunch of

Redstone oh wow that was nice thank you for redstone thank you oh oh level five what’s the new trades for level five huh oh pick stop yes yes yes we can do the thing Okay done but there’s a lot of other stuff too like cake that’s so good a horse spawn egg okay upgraded food before it was bread but now it’s steak the better food nice copper ingots oh boy iron horse armor that’s implying something with the spawn egg i think and

Emeralds we’ve gone full circle now this is weird you know the funny thing is that emeralds are kind of useless in this you’ve been using so many different items that are just not emeralds at all for the villagers so uh i think emeralds are actually useless for this game but

It seems like we’re gonna have to use a bunch of redstone to trade which honestly isn’t that bad considering that you could get a lot of redstone just by mining one redstone ore so uh do we go underground i think the answer is yes moment i’m back with redstone also the redstone

Was really really easy to get by the way we got so much redstone in such little time all right let’s go and get some um things sure we could get a horse i’m down with some armor very nice i’m down for a lot of cake i’m okay with this all

Right and let’s just go and get a bunch of copper because i’m assuming we’re gonna need it for the next level um we’re at level six now oh okay that is good all right looks like these trades are now above average because we’re six out of ten in levels

Nice looks like we’re gonna need lapis for next one golden carrots saddle that’s actually gonna be really really good for the uh you know horse diamond pickaxe i actually kind of want that right now yoink arrows for later i will take some of this speed potion that’s actually really helpful

Speed two very good an obsidian i guess we’ll need obsidian maybe oh boy oh i’ve realized we’re gonna need more copper oh boy luckily we have a diamond pickaxe now so i think the better option is to just mine the copper if you didn’t know copper is pretty common let’s go get

Some copper right now copper oh okay all of my copper has been smelted i did all the copper moment and now we have a bunch of copper to go trade with level six villager let’s get some carrots yeah i think we’re literally good on food for the rest of the game nice we’ll

Get a bit more speed right here a little bit more obsidian as well why not we have a stack of obsidian i just realized what we could do with this obsidian let me just put some obsidian here real quick and we’re done will it work oh it works

This is what happens if you have a surplus of a obsidian i’m doing a great job at allocating my assets to very useful items like like this if we ever need to go to the nether we could use our giant portal oh yeah and also we

Need one more trade um let’s get lapis level seven it seems like we’re gonna have new items here oh yeah level seven oh wait that’s that’s bedrock bedrock trade along with enchanting bottles good power three bow fireworks and bill fires that’s really good for when we have to go to the

Nether and amethyst and luckily we have to use lapis which is actually also a pretty easy item to obtain considering that lapis drops a lot every time you mine one ore that’s gonna be really good for a pickaxe so i think we could go mine again

I am back hello hello hello anyways we should go and trade with level 7 villager here hello level seven i have a bunch of lapis also lapis was even easier to get than the redstone so we’re good all right let’s go and trade with you hello let’s get a power three bow

That’s actually insane let’s also get our anvil a bunch of bottles of enchanting i don’t mind getting this you know what screw it i’m gonna get bedrock bedrock nice you can get a few fire res as well just for another of course and we could just end it off with some amethyst oh

Level eight level eight oh boy we got more trades wait that’s an elytra oh i want the elijah so badly we could honestly get it right now lydra bang nice you got an elytra good traveling is gonna be so so nice it’s gonna be amazing oh we got a beacon

As well we get a beacon what beacon perfect oh there’s so much good stuff in this chest holy crap okay okay okay we’re gonna have to get amethyst oh that’s gonna be kind of difficult you know looking back redstone lapis etcetera that’s all easy to get but for

Amethyst it’s a little bit more rare um we might have to do the trading thing in order for us to get amethyst honestly i guess we could trade our way up to like level seven hopefully that won’t be too bad of a thingy because it seems like we

Have like a lot of each item you know so uh yeah this will take probably no time all right let’s just quickly gather some items real quick so we could go get another level seven villager why not let me just go make another platform here you know hello other villager come here

Come here villager enter oh we’re gonna have you as our second villager okay sir all right let’s go trade some of this wow that was loud all right let’s go and trade some iron we could go and get some books if we wanted to as well let’s get this

All right let’s go trade with our iron now and we’re gonna go and trade our redstone that is the sound of me trading multiple times at the same time and also upgrading it and now we get the lapis as well wow we could go get some fire rockets i

Forgot the fire rockets i think the fire rockets are great now we get more amethyst for ourselves yes thank you ouchie okay we got a bunch of amethyst easy peasy and now we trade we’re at 14 out of 30. oh boy we’re probably gonna have to grind more okay oh amethyst why

Do you have to be so difficult to obtain oh wait i hear sounds yes whoa thank you enderman for telling me where it’s at swords let’s get a short moment this is a new moment for us oh i got all the amethyst this literally took so long for me to find this little

Uh amethyst hole thing anyways we got our amethyst let’s just get out of here now hello i got the amethyst let’s go get some some tnt because we can definitely a lot of this a lot of iron because we can as well and of course gold nice oh

Diamonds is the next one yes this is gonna be really good we’re at level nine right now this is the second best level that we have for these trades and also there’s books what type of books though protection four yes loyalty three quick charge three that’s really good fortune

Three yes that’s so so good feather falling four and so touch i think the first thing that we should probably get is this fortune three very nice and protection for we could get a bunch of this protection very good oh that’s so so good that’s so so nice we could

Honestly get more gold from here too yes wait i realize there’s enchanted golden apples here oh yeah also let’s go trade with the other villager real quick okay since we have a surplus of amethyst let’s go and get like i don’t know extra of this and we could go and get more gold

Nice trades nice trades i think the smartest thing for us to do right now is to probably just add the fortune 3 on our pickaxe right now and now that we have fortune three i think it’s a very very smart idea for us to just go and just grind for a bunch of

Raw gold we could go and get so much gold so quickly thank you fortune thank you oh yeah and also we could get this wait a minute we could go and use all the items that we currently have to just make one of these an enchanting table nice

We use like three different levels of items to get this block should probably go and get our lapis real quick and let’s go and just enchant stuff right now because we have a lot of levels proceeds oh yeah we also have a bunch of books from the earlier trades this is

Actually nice looking slightly better yay wait i also realized we could use our beacon as well oh this is good okay okay okay i have a great idea what if we just go and mine straight down right now i’m gonna mine straight down all the way

Here yeah we’ll just go down to y11 right here okay now we’re gonna go and place our blocks of iron that we had from earlier bang and then the beacon and then i think this will work paste yes begun are we fast we’re fast slightly very slightly but we have paste that is

So good oh yes there are moments for us to use a beacon amazing now let’s just go and find some gold shall we oh gold oh oh we got four gold right there look at this gold yes oh my gosh we’re getting a good amount a very good amount right

There from one vein we got a 17 raw gold oh my gosh it’s stacking up good it’s stacking up real good now any more gold yes good oh there’s more gold up here very nice oh this is gonna make a very nice gold moment yes All right that was so satisfying oh my goodness fortune 3 is such a bop dude okay we have a lot of raw gold and we are gonna have to go and just melt this real quick and after we’re gonna have a lot of ingots for ourselves while we

Wait for the skull to go and smell i think it would be smart for us to go and actually upgrade this power three bow because the nice thing is that we actually have a lot of enchanting bottles and also cobwebs which means that we could go and make a lot of bows

And then enchant those bows and then combine those bows together to make power for you know i think we should probably do that so i think it’s a good idea to just go like and also we’re gonna have to go like and also bang bang bang and we’re just

Gonna keep getting some string real quick all right let’s go and make some bows real quick boom we got four bows nice let’s just go and put power on all these bows and now we’re gonna combine them boom and now boom power for easy peasy okay you know what

I’ll be honest with you i kind of want to make power five let’s do it oh we need two more levels dang it i mean there’s one way for us to go and get levels you know like this oh level 19. and uh we got a casualty sorry pink sheep

Anyways let’s go and get power five and bob boom power five the maximum power level nice this bow became super saiyan anyways i think our gold is ready oh it is it is quite ready we got about two and a half stacks of gold very very easy peasy

Lemon squeezy and now we could get a bunch of protection if we wanted to like so oh yeah and also diamonds nice i think it’s actually smarter for us to use the the cheaper trades because we get more trays out of it and since we needed a requirement to go and upgrade

Our level i think it’s smart for us to do this trade right here the one that cost three to get this oh i’m not gonna use any of this feather falling maybe except for one but if this what it takes to go and get level 10 then so be it level 10.

Oh this is it this is this is the maximum level what do we get i’m going to go and right click to see the trades in three two one but That’s right protection dead full armor set oh my goodness we got totem off and dying block of netherrite and also the sword the sword is insane firespec 10 knockback 10 and sharpness 10. this is gonna be my first purchase i’m gonna test this sword out what and even the horsepower this is a

Good sword oh i wish we had more diamonds i wish we had more diamonds okay we’re gonna do one last mining moment for the diamonds all right so then we can get fully ready i’m in moment three two one okay that didn’t take that much time

That did not take that much time we have a bit over a stack of diamonds by the way and we could go and trade it’s time this is going to be one of the most satisfying moments because we’ve grinded all the levels up to this moment the

Level 10 the maximum level and now we could go and trade for net the right armor and a lot of totems apparently let’s do this helmets chest plates leggings and boats yes get this old armor out of here we got full net right with protection honestly how’s the fall damage

Minimal that’s pretty good also we could go and splurge on the potums you know mr villager i think it’s time for us to uh call it a wrap you’re now free be free be free and now it’s time for us to go and make our loadout let’s configure this loadout to make this

Really really nice okay i’ve set it up i’ve upgraded my tools so now they’re all netherites and look at our loadout look at this look at these totems look at this armor look at the sword and the bow look at these potions and look at the the yellow

Carrot yeah with this loadout i am now the most overpowered person just by trading with dirt humble beginnings anyways i think it’s actually time for us to use our our gigantic portal now to enter the nether let’s do this here we go it’s time it’s time it’s time here we go

Here we go let’s find things oh my goodness also this this entrance sucks well then all right we’re gonna have to mine through this then the reason why we’re in the nether right now is because we need blaze rods and enterprise for us to go and make eyes of ender in order

For us to go and enter the stronghold to kill the dragon so let’s do this let’s explore the nether i hear noises oh wait that’s a good sign that’s a really good sign yes hello it’s a bastion oh perfect oh it’s the stables as well very interesting okay let’s go down here real

Quick there is going to be some gold somewhere here hold on let’s find it i know where to find the gold it’s right here it’s right here it’s going to be behind this wall yes piglets please come in piglets come on trade you guys come on come on come

On come on come on go go trade come on come on give me pearls oh yes five that is so good oh eight ooh overstock over stock overstock no that’s it oh the final one we got 20 pearls 20 pearls is good that is so nice i’m actually gonna use my

Electro now thank goodness all right electra mode go that’s the lighter out of here now here we go here we go the fortress was just right here yes it’s such a godly nether this nether is amazing this is one of the best nethers i’ve ever had where’s the blaze

Spawner now come on show me oh here’s something i hear it has to be like right here maybe come on where is it it sounds so close by sounds like it’s like right here or something what is this oh my god it’s a spawner it’s literally right here perfect hello

We’re getting our rods now we’re getting our rods we got seven rods good oh my gosh we got eight i’m leaving on a i’m actually leaving on eight boom we got 16 eyes of ender very nice okay let’s go and make our portal and then we go bang

Success that is success very good All right we’re here whatever this place is we’re in the middle of wherever but let’s just go find the direction that we have to go to okay over here all right let’s go throw it over here it’s really close oh this is gonna be such a close stronghold 100 oh it’s right here

I found the trunk easy peasy okay okay okay okay now we’re gonna mine straight down okay we just need a mine straight down and we’ll be in it we’re here oh it’s just right here okay go go go go fine all right there it is we’re ready

To go it’s time for us to do this i’m gonna go and throw one splash right here with speed now we go in three two one go let’s go here we go let’s do this let’s go elytra time getting all the crystals good let’s get the cage ones as well they’re a swoop

Force dang let’s go and get this dragon here we go i’m gonna try to kill this dragon without touching the the ground at all come here dragon let’s go oh it’s perching lower up go go go go go go go go slammer almost there i’m gonna electron slap you come

Here dragon you’re almost dead oh Was that what i’ve never slapped the dragon bad air like that before uh that was amazing goodbye armor you’ve done well today go take a rest now but it’s time for us to go and end the video thank you for watching that was really fun i i really

Enjoyed that that was really cool let me know if you want to see more upgrade stuff in the future but yeah bye

Minecraft, But Villager Upgrades Are Super…

Thanks for Watching! 😀 I appreciate all feedback and support :L!

Edited By @ExtremeBlitz

#MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge #Minecraft #TapL

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This is a Minecraft 1.16 challenge where I am beating Minecraft as fast as possible (Minecraft speedrun) to beat the game! However, the twist is that I can upgrade villagers. This is a “Minecraft, But” challenge, not beating minecraft but my friend tries to stop me AKA Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter AKA Minecraft Manhunt, Minecraft UHC, Minecraft PvP, nor Minecraft SMP. :L


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